uKunst 23: Special Edition >Rue De Coronation

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Save The Bling! 05:23
Trafalgar Square Cost of Leaving


WE are uKUNST. WE are alternative. WE are creative. WE are independent. WE will produce. WE will disseminate. We have no masters. We are legion. uKUNST.


uKUNST: All Is Arti ce.

Creative actions and productions to challenge apathetic human acceptance of religious delusions, bankrupt conventions, colonial and capitalist ideologies and plain lack of reason.

(uKUNST Manifesto April 1, 1917).


uKUNST develops, produces and distributes interdisciplinary arts-led creative works. uKUNST is an independent creative studio and producer delivering both in-house and external (client) products ranging from audio, visual, performance and digital arts through to literature, animation, music, print and events. By Any Media Necessary © RFM 1995.


uKUNST mags are now available at the Book & Record Bar (West Norwood) & Sound Vinyl (Crystal Palace). See pages 18 & 20 for details.

We still haven’t produced the uKUNST T-Shirt or the even more longly-awaited uKUNST Audio Magazine.

Thanks for your continued interest, support and cash.

2 | uKUNST Manifesto


Front | Coronation Strasse | Fuxus Kunst

2 | uKUNST Manifesto

3 | Contents | Navigation & Contributors

4 | Rue de Coronation | The Editor

5 | Long Live The King | Anonymous Artist

6 | Fix It: Flat Version 2 | Simon Poulter

7 | Rumination (2022) | Evita Ziemele

8 | Britannia Waves The Rules | Sonskrif Media 2023

9 | Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 01 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

10 | The Shite Land | T. S. Idiot

11 | You’re Behind You! | David Hoyle

12 | Succession 23 | BWP Barbrook-Wells Production

13 | MCD Teef DPS 2023 | Mike Chavez-Dawson

14 | FFRUK Wear The Crown All Dayer | FFRUK

15 | Coronation | Michael Johnson

16 | Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 02 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

17 | What You Saying King? | Michael Mavrik

18 | Stockist uKUNST | Book & Record Bar

19 | H Is For His Royal Heinous’s Horseshit (Not Waving But Drowning) | Richard Lees

20 | Stockist uKUNST | Sound Vinyl

21 | Untitled | Jim Forrest

22 | No King Love Here | Christopher Chalkley

23 | Don’t Lick The Frog He’s A Right Wing Charlie Eat The Toadstool Instead | EclecticNic

24 | Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 03 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

25 | Shithead Of State | Sean Azzopardi

26 | YCNYD Your Country Needs Your Data | Fuxus Kunst

27 | Publisher Page | Publication Info

Back | >TEEF< 2023 | Michael Barnes-Wynters

The Ghost Of
Wreath | 3

Coronation Street

Subjective lovers of freedom, humanity and sanity it is with some incredulity that we stand slack-jawed at world events occurring since our last issue. The last few months, despite our delusion that things could only get better, have not only gotten worse but plummeted into an abyss of despair. But here, to placate the masses, is the coronation, costing millions and garnished with a public bank holiday!

Welcome to this special edition for the coronation of King Charles The Third or as they might say in Eire, Charles Der Turd. The theme for this issue, following global meltdown, arti cial intelligence, war, energy crises, gender uidity and continued political bankruptcy is Rue de Coronation or Coronation Street but as ever we present various expressions including musings on human evolution or despair at the blind worship of the aristocracy and those in power. Not my king is heard from the sidelines. He’s not relevant anymore, he’s not diverse and he’s got millions! But with new protest laws rushed through parliament in April 2023 a zero tolerance to protests con rms a police state. Attending the London circus on 6 May 2023 will be an alleged 30,000 police including armed o cers poised like malevolent gargoyles on the adjacent rooftops. Maybe pigs can y after all! And just to make sure mass facial recognition will be deployed to scan the identities of masses before burning their asses.

There continues a naive belief that we, the people, are powerless to a ect any real change to our monarchistic regime. Indeed, unlike the old days, our observation, disenfranchisement and humiliation by the state and those in power seems hard to challenge and remove. However, around the world there are, and have always been, examples of those not only willing to question but to confront those threatening their human, political, democratic, social and economic rights. Consider the vexed French who, outraged by the recent delaying of their (rather generous) state pension arrangements, took to the barricades. European monarchies also point to the di erence or perhaps indi erence between Blighty and the Continent in generally preferring a slimmed down monarchy and younger politicians across the state and constitution. But don’t expect a Harrow March just yet. If we want change we will need to ght for it and it doesn’t seem that we on this Fair Isle have the wits, strength or stomach for a ght to equalise the discrepancies inherent in an archaic and corrupt ruling class. So one supposes we will just have to suck it up, again.

It is the right and habitual bent of uKUNST to lampoon or ridicule those in positions of privilege and power. This is done to challenge the apathy, disengagement and disinterest exhibited by the common folk in their lot. However what we seek is the realisation of not only what is being done to ourselves but also the twisted and criminal activities carried out by those in power in our names. Surely the people give a shit about their historic collective legacy. Or are we just another generation perverted by position, power and money at the expense of our consciousness? In presenting our works we employ art as a weapon of alternative engagement with the future of humanity and a balm for those of independent persuasion. As ever, please yourselves.

The political shenanigans and genocides continue to grow and spread across the globe. Is it conceivable that there are more countries at war than at peace? It does seem so often. And here, in the UK, there is another war in progress. A war against the people and their few remaining rights executed by the very people enriching themselves from the public purse and their nefarious position as the privileged. This means that certain individuals and institutions cannot be challenged and probably cannot have legal action taken against them. Further, the regulatory system in the UK is so generous and sympathetic to those it regulates that they should just book a room together. Oh, they probably do.

As we enter the reign of Charlemagne perhaps it really is time to dismantle and re-imagine the world that we all virtually live in. Let’s create a harmonious world with education, opportunity, health and wealth for everyone and the mandatory defenestration of those gatekeepers blocking reform, lobbying for the CBI or being caught with their elitist (no o ence to the couchon) snouts and trotters in the public trough. As we recover from the national and media hysteria and bunting street parties it occurs it really is time for the abolition of the royal familia. Welcome to this deliberately unpatriotic and bemused special edition. uKUNST

Special thanks to all the contributors and our supporters for their continued interest in our art movement. Enjoy

4 | Editor | Rue de Coronation
Der Herausgeber May MMXXIII
Long Live The King | Anonymous Artist | 5
6 | Simon Poulter | Fix It: Flat Version 2
Rumination (2022) | Evita Ziemele | 7
8 | Sonskrif Media 2023 | Britannia Waves The Rules
Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 01 | Michael Barnes-Wynters | 9

Available from your uKUNST Stockist (see pages 18 & 20)

10 | T. S. Idiot | The Shite Land
| 11
Behind You! | David Hoyle
12 | BWP Barbrook-Wells Production | Succession 23
MCD Teef DPS 2023
| 13
| Mike Chavez-Dawson

Punky Post Punk Electronic Dub Wave Party



Rooz Studios,35 Corsham Street, London, England, N1 6DR

SEGS (Ruts & Ruts DC) DJ Set & Solo Set | TARA REZ




RONEY FM (K3 Media) & TBA

Get ready to wear the crown and rule the dance floor! The FFRUK parties are back and we’re throwing a coronation special check-in all dayer party that you won’t want to miss. Join us on Saturday, 6th May at 3:00pm at ROOZ STUDIOS for a day filled with live music, DJs, poets and a chill-out room to relax in. With two rooms and wonderful people this is the ultimate party to let loose and have some fun. Don’t miss out on the return of the FFRUKnights.

Get your tickets now!

The coronation of a British monarch is a ceremony steeped in arcane tradition, and here at uKUNST we thought it might be helpful to detail and explain some of the more obscure elements.

The monarch is crowned sitting on The Stone of Destiny. This is a block of sandstone blessed by the arch wizard Sauron. This stone was stolen by the Picts from the land of Mordor before the Roman conquest. All British kings and Queens since Arthur have been crowned whilst sitting on this stone. It is traditionally warmed over a re of Mistletoe branches, to ease any discomfort from royal piles.

At the head of the procession into Westminster Abbey, the Archbishop of Canterbury will hold a sacred fragment of the True Cross, a gift from the Pope. There were two fragments, but one was returned when it was noticed it was made of chipboard.

Princess Anne will hold the Gold Stick in Waiting position. At various points during the ceremony the Princess will wave the jewel encrusted, golden stick in front of Charles, to remind him of his wealth – particularly if he can see a preponderance of poor people in front of him.

An even more prestigious position is the holder of the Pointed Golden Stick position. This is used to poke any undesirable relatives and keep them at bay during the ceremony.

The Anointing of the King. This fabulous oil is pressed from the fruit of the olive trees Noah rescued from the deluge and sailed to the land of Shinar. The olives are crushed under the bare feet of monks from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and then scented with essence of rhubarb, kumquat, mackerel and cabbage. This oil is own in vacuum-sealed casks to Luton airport, where the Grand Paraclete of Dunstable blesses them. This is the most holy and secretive part of the ceremony, performed in private. The prospective monarch sits in a jacuzzi full of this sacred oil, while the oil is poured over his head from the Holy Silver Ladle of Antioch, with any left over used to fry chips, which are distributed to the poor of the parish.

Groom of the King’s Stool. Not the position that some of you lthy minded perverts might think, (that is actually the Arse Attendant Pursuivant) but this is a rare honour granted to a poor peasant family to have one of their children kneel in front of the king, so he can put his feet up on them.

Coronation | Michael Johnson | 15
16 | Michael Barnes-Wynters | Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 02

King, when the hazards of life direct from your fallen church and government ourish, what happens within a substitute of reality placed in the faces of the public?

Does the reality you accept, create an illusion to capture the attention into believing something that is not?

Do the laws you sustain, serve to isolate the individual from their equality and human dignity?

Do the administrative controls over the population change people from what they are, into something people would never have chosen for themselves?

After help from your fallen government, what happens when people are left with no way to protect the self as a person?

Do you feel an increase within your non-existent power, when the rights of people have been stripped away and replaced, by a shadow and a copy of freedom of thought and expression?

When multiple controls are used to keep the self a prisoner inside the self, will stress, depression, and anxiety become the norm?

Do you believe you share an unrealistic optimism, or real pessimism about the skills of your pseudo-religious politicians?

With you seated on the throne, are you far more likely to perform unsafe acts of emotional and psychological violence?

King, do you know you have a spiritual responsibility to take care of your own health, and the safety of everyone on the planet?

Where is your moral responsibility to help create a positive and safe environment?   Whom do you report to for the promotion of highly damaging toxic information through the media?

Do you implement equality, inclusion, and diversity from the throne onto the Great British Public of many Immigrants?

King, how much do you believe people can take, before they take no more?

My face isn’t naturally blue.

I’m holding my breath as I wait for your answer.


What You Saying King? | Michael Mavrik | 17
18 | uKUNST Stockist | BARB
H Is For His Royal Heinous’s Horseshit (Not Waving But Drowning) | Richard Lees | 19
20 | uKUNST Stockist | Sound Vinyl Sound Vinyl Located in the heart of Crystal Palace we buy and sell good quality records. Check it out! 58 Church Road, Crystal Palace, London SE19 2EZ tel 07984 272851 instagram @sound.vinyl
Untitled | Jim Forrest | 21
22 | Christopher Chalkley | No King Love Here
Don’t Lick The Frog He’s A Right Wing Charlie Eat The Toadstool Instead | EclecticNic | 23
24 | Michael Barnes-Wynters | Windows Of Hate (Hull 2023) 03
Shithead Of State | Sean Azzopardi | 25

YCNYD Your Country Needs Your Data

Record you race. Record your face. Signature, And preference. Where data goes. Well no one knows. Or asks just, Out of deference.

Step forward now. And take the vow.


Don’t ask Mater, Don’t ask Pater.

Why your country. Needs your data.

They often sigh. As they reply.

You’re the lowest Common denominator.

To accept all, With no choices. And when it’s done. Then every one. Is recognised, By voices. Repeat Chorus

26 | Fuxus Kunst | YCNYD Your Country Needs Your Data

First published in 2023

United Kingdom

The European Union

Printed in England

Original Design by K3 Media

Photographs by RFM, K3 Media & The Artists

All rights reserved © 2005-2023

uKUNST Magazine

© uKUNST & The Contributors

Published in 2023 by uKUNST, Londinium, Imperial Britain

The right of uKUNST, K3 Media and the various contributors to be identi ed as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the copyright, designs and patents act 1988.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without either the prior permission in writing of the relevant contributors, publishers or a license, permitting restricted copying.

The content and views in this publication are not necessarily those of uKUNST whether they elicit a smile or not. Any complaints should be directed to your Member of Parliament who is paid to listen to your discontent.

Price £5/ $5/ €5

Proceeds from this publication will contribute towards further uKUNST provocations and productions.

If you enjoy it then please pay for it.

Designed by K3 Media & Kargan Media

Publisher Info | 27

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