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The New Variance | Editorial
from uKUNST Edition 012
by Nourishment
The theme for this issue is Les Variance Nouveau or The New Variance, a critical view and musing upon alternatives and deviances to the prevailing human condition both locally and globally. What makes the powerful and privileged so obsessed with road mapping our existences at every turn whilst obscuring and concealing the true nature and purpose of their policies and legislation? One might muse upon how variance to the world order might result in transformations in human rights, education, medicine, the arts, sustainability, commerce and military barbarism. How does the new variance manifest itself or its’ elves? Our pre-colonial, post-Brexit observations include the corrupt, greedy, grasping claw of old Etonians in the ever-degrading pit of green swill that is the corporate-state defrauding of the public purse. During the recent pandemic and its associated pre-occupations our increasingly stunningly incomprehensible public (bar) stewards have again, under the old smoke screen ploy, had time and resources to roll out a startling number of new bills, policies and legislative edicts. Unlike government inquiries, these fascistic acts have one common trait. They all purport to act for the people whilst attacking, undermining and subjugating long-held human and citizens’ rights. Are we all asleep? We previously warned of the real aims, objectives and consequences of Brexitmania. Now here we are in Never Ever Land with the small C conservative bent of all Britons dripping into liquid fascism and the red brick upside your head thrown by a Tory rather than a socialist. Behind the scenes of this right wing regime the long-denied privatisation of the NHS, the unchallenged despotic Crime Bill breezes through parliament with ease, the cessation of the Universal Discredit Covid bonus, the (now run its course) Furlong arrangement and the new pre-crime of seditious hesitancy. Meanwhile in the creative industries the story is ever static. The national institutions, both human and architectural, continue to soak up the public investment meant to enfranchise a wider society. Acting in the middle an army of arti cial research centres, advisors and agencies do their lucrative best to divert the public funding from those it claims to support and progress. For the vast majority the old levelling is thus perennially downwards, never upwards. After the recent National Mockery Review obscure culture minister Baroness Diana Barran (with her supposed background in venture capitalism but with no artistic or cultural experience) concluded that there were no changes to the National Mockery needed. During the un-lively debate in the House of Gourds the only dissent came from an earnest bishop making a heartfelt plea for reconsideration of the decision to cease lottery funding to places of worship. Hatt Mancock’s long-awaited release from (ministerial) service and pressure comes as an unexpected but welcome treat for those who recall the abject indi erence and failure his tenure as Vulture Secretary contributed to the national arts and culture scenes. Some may wish him better fortune as he grasps at his next lucrative employment perk. As we leap into the new normality of freedom Savage Jagged, the newly sworn in Minister for Health & Vulture Capitalism, indicated that the death of one thousand or so minor UKplc shareholders is an inevitable yet tolerable cost for the return to relative economic normality. He may yet rue such complacency as he infects his fellow succubae in government. And across a green and peasant land the population is sent potty with the NHS Covid App pinging and pinging and pinging… Some may feel that a punishment of biblical proportions is upon the human race what with oods, res, contagion and Australasian rodent plagues! Or is it just mankind royally fucking the planet and galaxy up with its blind, rampant unfettered exploitation of its perverse dreams and delusions? So nally friends of the evolution we end this sad episode in human devolution with the continued mantra of BoJo’s great world-meat-beating union jack-o . Dog slave the green with the fascist ice cream! Welcome to this lovingly produced, creative, pro-variance, hilarity-starved and bemused edition. uKUNST Enjoy Der Herausgeber July MMXXI