1 minute read
100 One-Liners Part 2 | Michael Mavrik
from uKUNST Edition 012
by Nourishment
If the world were at peace tonight, how would you feel and what would you say? [CUT] They hated that I gave money to charity. They wanted me to give them the money so they could give some of it to charity. [CUT] Always remember. Things that are dead cannot eat themselves.
[CUT] Ever had the feeling of going nowhere and taking forever to get there? [CUT] Are you proud of what you should be ashamed of? [CUT] Does the cost of living rise for animals as well as humans on the same planet? Cut.
How do men who have made slaves of other men become human again? [CUT] Only preach what you have practised. [CUT] Britain in the 1950’s was a dangerous place to live if you were not white and pretending to be perfect. [CUT] I worked for money for years but received no lasting satisfaction. Working for free costs me a fortune, but I nd it more rewarding. [CUT] If Boris were the same age as me, all his sweets would be mine.
[CUT] There is no escape from life while you are breathing air.