Jac Doody - 2016 Portfolio

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jac doody


‘the international symposium of virtual allegories’


‘perpetual machinations of the nu primary’


{final thesis project}

{year 3 initial intervention}

‘other works’

{architectural and interdisciplinary explorations}


‘the international symposium of virtual allegories’ {final thesis project}

figure 01. {axonometric drawing___a0+} the culmination of a year long investigation into the disenfranchised district of lea hall outside of birmingham and it’s tensions with the bypassing hs2 line, the scheme consists of a socioeconomic district scale intervention into the region promoting the bitcoin as a new regional [and possibly global] currency. this is delivered through a network of mining towers linked to a central headquarters. a monolithic ‘temple’ aimed at becoming a landmark for the area grounds the scheme while promoting the digital process; the other designation is an internet addiction retreat for employees of the mining company and it’s addictive digital process. there are two architectural languages present; the temple forms a cold, monolithic mass compared to the retreat that is a much soft intervention materially. timber framing and shingle cladding are used in the retreat, aimed at using residential holistic therapies to rejuvenate residents; the architecture of the housing units change as one moves from digital to physical integration, from faceted to organic form. the pool that the scheme sits above is a balancing lake for the surrounding landscape, helping to drain the nearby country park in times of flood and creating an essential link with the surrounding park-scape. the final scheme viewed from the north as an axonometric projection. the difference in architectural typology and style is in direct response to the sub-urban context that it surrounds. the retreat itself bears resemblance to a small tight-knit community of people and built form, inspired by peter zumthor’s zinc mine museum, an interesting form of intervention-type architecture and the natural context it sits within.

figure 01+2. {a plan +section for the scheme___a4+a1+} _using a sketchbook collage as a driver for the project’s inception, I used this image as an inspiration for the project. taking place as three pieces that are interlinked by gantry walkways, it formed the basis for the architetural proposition, as set out in the section below.

figure 01+02. {signal mapping +initial idealogical model} created as a visceral response to parameters on site; this model is a grounding between site and context and current themes that I was exploring of verticality and meeting space. when read in conjunction with a speculative digital futures map, it begins to form an alternate image to the site’s otherwise mundane characteristics.

figure 01+2. {faรงade cladding module studies___1:1} while investigating material choices and surfaces that would be incorporated into faรงade of the retreat buildings I used these shingle tests to test different arrangements and thicknesses that would impact on the build up of the external envelope.

{juxtaposing hyperreality} _while based on an original renaissance tower, the construction will differ from the original, adding new details and views to be discovered. within the tower, a parametric form will effectively float away from the walls, housing the mining offices. the question is, what is simulation and what is simulacrum?

figure 01+02. {digital experiment + a plan for the temple___a2} _the temple, an ode to the great digital commerce being created in the district; evolved in form from this drawing but became a totem of digitalism. while the bitcoin mining was evolving, this would become a base of operations in the phsyical world for the company to expand their interests. I also completed a typology of churches with the plan being of particular interest, before pursuing the monolithic pyramid form, I researched an undulating sculptural forms that would excite the region’s architectural grain.


a contextual link to the project’s parkland border, the pumping station uses aquifers constructed in the babbs mill lake to drain the floodplane excess from the surrounding environment. this allows the parkland to be used all year round, reducing the impact flooding has on the local community and district.


the first stage of treatment that carries through the complete time an individual spends at the project, each housing unit occupies a growing corridor where the unit can be pushed and pulled along the length of it, changing sunlight conditions and creating either community or isolation within a single unit environment.


the corporation operates five housing units for residents to stay in while taking part in the voluntary programme. ranging from physical to digital in metaphorical form and function, the morphology changes from one to the next. in addition, the living conditions also morph from solitary isolation to a living frame where infilling is encouraged to develop a dynamic atmosphere.

figure 01. {scheme site plan___a1} _a final scheme site plan; the blue hatch to the north is the project floodplane of the existing country park. with the aqueducts removing excess water, this allows the parkland to be used all year round. the site itself being located in the corner of the parkland, the movement routes are retained allowing recreational users to still use the paths that are in place today.


the eatery is the communal dining and administration block for the scheme and thus is the largest in volume and floor space. the basement level is the communal kitchen where residents take turns to prepare meals with hearty vegetables grown on the corridors. the main level is a relaxation and dining room that allows all occupants to eat together, further the sense of community. above this is the administration zone, with cctv monitoring residents movements.


the final stage of treatment consists of a process of book digitising for the next generation. this exercise is aimed at bridging the gap between inherently physical and digital forms, making the books readable in the digital world. while interacting, if they are deemed to be completely unattached they can then leave the commune. only the final housing module is deemed advanced enough to be allowed to conduct this process.


within the intermediary stage of treatment, the residents attend the consortium. the de facto headquarters of the retreat that functions as a stage school. by performing modern adaptions of classical plays, residents interact with themselves, each other and the wider community by boosting charisma and interaction physically. other roles are open, such as stage management, set design and audio/visual effects. any resident from 02-04 needs to contribute to this stage of holistic treatment in their time at the retreat.


a bitcoin centre for the area, the stock exchange encourages free movement of the volatile cryptocurrency across borders as well as grounding it in the physical domain; providing stability for investors. the concrete shell hides banks of server-like offices that are hung from the shell itself, crucial to the workings of the masterplan, an underground tunnel network runs into lea hall providing quick access to the towers for workers.

figure 01. {short scheme section___a1} a short section through the scheme. this cut shows the interior spaces of the library and housing module no.3.

figure 01-12. {therapy unit plan set_1:100} compared to the residential units, the therapy spaces create a holistic approach to reconnecting with physical communities. from the library to the eatery, each has a specific role to play. the eatery serves as the central meeting place for residents as well as the retreat command centre for administration, while the library and the consortium house a bank of physical books as well as a performance space for residents at different levels of treatment.

figure 13-22. {residential unit plan set_1:100} detailing each housing unit individually, the residential units change in morphology and living conditions, from didactic conformity in the form of single living pods to maintain connection with the digital realm to a much more free I-beam network where hammocks and clandestine meeting spaces emerge from the unplanned architecture itself.

figure 01. {structural shadow plan_roof___a1} showing the arrangment of the scheme in an alternate light, this shadow plan highlights the paradox of architectural typologies within the scheme. the light wooden structures compared to the business temple that is a hard concrete monolith. the shadows created are intriguing in their arrangements.

figure 01. {long scheme section___a1} cut through the business ‘temple’ and the retreat modules, the range of different spaces imagined create a number of holistic responses to the issues of rehabilitation and economic reinvigoration.

figure 01. {graphic visual set____2_a2} view from inside the eatery, the main ‘common room’ for residents. as well as the administration for the project, residents take turns to cook in the kitchens with vegetables and fruit that they have preared themselves within the communal unit growing corridor..

figure 02. {graphic visual set____3_a2} the final housing module, featuring an undulating timber frame for a new free framework of living and working communally. after they have a finished a residents in unit 5, they are allowed to reintegrate back into physical society.

figure 01-03. {final idealogical model____1:200} my final model for the project; this cylindrical plate was mounted to a pallet for ease of transport and to create a statement piece. I aimed to create a playful built form that reflected the qualities of the project itself. looking closer into detail, the model is suggestive in it’s approach rather than literal. boats are projected into the air suggesting a boating lake as a new recreational use and the etched acrylic becomes a centre point of understanding how the space would be used.

figure 01+2. {technical resolution 02__a1} focusing on housing unit 3 for the technical resolution, I researched into a number of different environental options for the unit and the scheme as a whole. using various parameters I was able to construct a cohesive strategy relating to flooding, wind and noise levels for the surrounding community. each residential unit utilised a number of modern technologies to retain enegery and prevent wastage.

figure 01+02. {structural bay section + unit construction model_1:20} _investigating the structural and material realisation of the project’s housing unit 3; I used a timber frame as a base for the structural system and supported this with a network of steel I-beams that span the width of the structure forming reconfigurable levels that relate to the stages of rehabilitation. the model is a side section of the unit, cutting through the shingle outer skin, outer gantry and inner levels, held up by the I-beam constructs.

figure 01+2. {vignette diptych____a2} illustrating the project from eye level in my hand-drawn style, this was the first time I illustrated in perspective. it gives a feel to the whole project of warmth and inclusion from the residents as one traverses through the site.


‘perpetual machinations of the nu primary’ {year 3 initial intervention}

figure 01+02. {initial sketch + ground-level perspective___a2 + a4} set in lea hall, an outerlying suburb of birmingham, this networked intervention formed a precursor in both theory and architectural design to the final scheme. a bitcoin mining tower, this speculative outlook into the future of primary industry in the area was based on psychogeographic findings on internet usage, data networks and future hs2 scenarios in the area. while serving as a icon for the area visually, the kinetic physical mining would bring new jobs and commerce into the area, using bitcoin as the primary currency. by interacting in digital space, the kinetic force of users would be used as computational power to mine bitcoins for use in the area [while a speculative application of the current technology, the narrative played on the relationship of how this could be used in the industrially deprived area]. architecturally, an undulating form was used to represent the connection between physical and digital as well as becoming a landmark for the district. this ground level persepcctive shows the scheme in full.from the undulating form that houses the digital integration pods, this sits on a tripod structure that interacts with the community at ground level, creating a performance and meeting place in a district otherwise deprived of social interaction.


{overall scheme viewpor _a teenager considers her fu friends moving away to ďŹ nd on to her family home hopi enter the progressive world

figure 01+02. {idealogical sketch + model} an early iteration of the architectural propositing of the mine. the sketch is a developed version of the model. titled ‘the new telephone exchange’ the traditional pitched roof is remade above the ground, with wire transporting data through a experiential garden of information. the sketch started to apply this proposition into built form.

figure 01. {cross context section___a1+} a section cut through both the intervention and the surrounding context, it show’s the makeup of interior space as well as the relationship between groundplane and underground spaces.

{the state of lea hall } _with the bypassing of the district by hs2, lea hall has become a a destitute wasteland with the original housing stock becoming derelict. the scheme will act as a catalyst for the area’s regeneration.

{contextual relationship with surrounding landscape} _the intervention occupies a unique site within the district. with a busy traďŹƒc interesection surrounding it to the north, east and south, pedestrian access is bound to the west side.

{looking up at the structure from the cage} _a mechanic travels from energy plant to server room via the cage; contemplating what will happen when he next ventures into the cybersphere tethered over his head.

_the interior of the upper storey is open plan, encouraging diverse movement paths to examine the visual stimulators within the space. the glass fitting allows light into the space whereas the exposed aluminium skin on the interior side forges an airy space. the thick airlock-style doors leading to the isolation pods bring a robustness to the interior.

{first floor plan}

figure 01+02. {deck level plan + exploded axonometric ___a4 + a1} shown in axonometric projection, this drawing shows the different components or ‘kit of parts’ for the intervention, from a light weaving structure that wraps around a timber shell; it also highlights the server banks that sit over an artificial ravine that connects the scheme to a groundsource heat pump. the deck level plan illustrates the free open space that could be used for a variety of programmes and purposes all while giving a magnificent view across the city.

figure 01+02. {material resolution model+sketch} taking a section of the shell for an investigation into the technological resolution of the proposal; this was constructed at 1:20 scale. the grille raised flooring and milled frame brings a modern twist to an otherwise traditional building technique, with the aluminium weaved exterior pushing the boundaries of my own understanding of materials. the accompanying sketch was a rough construction section aimed at representing the form in two dimensions as well as the model.


‘other works’

{architectural and interdisciplinary explorations}

figure 01+2. {welcome to the trafford centre! ___a2} as part of my dissertation document I investigated the effect of jean baudrillard’s ‘simulacra and simulation’ on an unreal piece of architecture; the trafford centre. this melding of architectural styles led to a theory of non-place and hyper-realism. I tested this with a number of graphic exercises that brought to life a number of new situations of imagined tourism and how real places can be altered in a future digital travel agency.

figure 01 {sqwot beta_an introduction to swotstudio}


whilst in my second year at birmingham school of architecture, I took part in a collaborative project set up by previous alumni of the school open to all disciplines within the art and design faculty. working with members of the fashion, product, interior and jewellery design; we first designed a roving working unit with attached balloon canopy that was displayed within the atrium. we then set out a speculative proposal for a permanent working space within the atrium. this was a really useful and exciting project to get involved in with other students I had not previously worked with.


@Bham_SAS SocietyofStudentArchitects www.birmingham-sas.org

BSAS is the student society within Birmingham School of Architecture. Launching this year, BSAS aims to bring together undergrads, postgrads and staff, facilitating debate on architecture design and culture while encouraging social interaction between various groups of the school. We are student's here to support students in all that we do - this year we will be bringing you an engaging lecture series, tutorials and social events. Look out for more information soon.

Joe Morris Duggan Morris Architects



Joe Morris graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture graduating in 1996 and co-founded Duggan Morris Architects in 2004. As well as a visiting critique to many of the UK schools of Architecture, Joe has lectured widely on the work of the practice and is a regular member of a number of Design Review Panels across many of the London Planning Authorities including Southwark, Lewisham and Hackney. He has also served on many architectural awards juries, including the RIBA Awards and Manser Medal.


Kindly supported by:

@Bham_SAS www.birmingham-sas.org

figure 01+2 {welcome to bsas; the student society} while in my final year at university i was the vicepresident of bsas; the student architecture society. organising lectures, socials and other workshop events, the calendar went really well. we had lectures from the bartlett’s cj lim, joe morris from duggan morris and chris bryant from alma-nac. this following year has a number of prolific talkers to present to members of the school and the public. we also rebranded the society which I was in charge of.

2 car garage

‘rest’ wing

‘living’ wing

utility room/entrance


conservatory space

floor plan [house B]

South Elevation

Longitudinal Section

bedroom #1

Ludford House

family bathroom

bedroom #5

open plan living + kitchen space

Scheme- Design Development

House B

2 car garage

‘rest’ wing

‘living’ wing

utility room/entrance


conservatory space

spatial planning diagram

floor plan [house B]

South Elevation

Longitudinal Section

open plan living + kitchen space


visual- ludford house context

House B

Johnson Design Partnership figure 01+2 {johnson design partnership} while at university I did part time work for jdp in bridgnorth, giving me a valuable insight into a real working office and what being an architect entails. I worked on a number of different projects from housing extensions to hospital canopy design while completing my studies.

figure 01 {grimshaw architects} currently I am working on the northern line extension, and within this, nine elms station. working on a number of different packages. I’ve been involved in designing the external façade and developing details for the internal finishes of the station ticket hall and concourse. this is a sketch axonometric detail I did after one of the reviews examining the fixing’s within the ticket hall cladding, helping me understand and develop the concept further.

figure 01 {grimshaw architects} a render that was completed for an iterative process for ceiling options. I have started to use microstation and aecosim to compute designs created by hand for details and larger scale decisions.

figure 02 {grimshaw architects} a sketch for the sitch at platform level. this drawing was done during development of the final design, showing details at a micro level as well as co-ordinated planning with structural engineers and the final design of an important part in the make-up of the station which is seen very publicly.

tel_07885 207276 email_jac@stratacreative.co.uk

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