Door Wedding 2023

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Your Door County Wedding Journey Begins Here 2023
PhotobyVictoriaDanielle Photography
Historic Lodge celebrating 100+ Years! The first day of the rest of your life needs a setting worthy of the story you are about to embark on. The Lodge at Leathem Smith is a historic resort with a storied past set on the waterfront of beautiful Sturgeon Bay, WI. The Lodge at Leatham Smith will provide a fairytale experience any season of the year. • Up to 600 Guests • Custom Menu & Bar with no Minimum • Indoor And Outdoor Setup • Waterfront Views • The Lodge Offers Full Amenities: Lodging, Ceremony and Reception 920-743-5555 Voted Door County’s #1 Wedding Venue
Exquisite Prices
Custom Designs Unique Settings
Photography by Caplan Studios Dress by Tie the Knot
Event Planners DOOR C O UNTY Celebrating 25 years of event planning in Door County! Enjoy your wedding weekend and allow us to take care of your details. Local, experienced, respected and consistent planners. Serving couples who want our expertise in bringing their vision to life in a stress-free manner.

Landmark Landmark

v a r i e t y o f v e n u e s o n - s i t e c a t e r i n g l o c a l r e s o u r c e s w e d d i n g p a c k a g e s

s c a n f o r y o u r F R E E w e d d i n g c o n s u l t a t i o n !

D r i v e 5 4 2 0 9 e s o r t . c o m G r o u p S a l e s @ T h e L a n d m a r k R e s o r t c o m 9 2 0 . 8 6 8 . 5 1 6 7
© L i s h M a r i e P h o t o g r a p h y
new fall in love at the


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Door Wedding 8142 Hwy 57, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 920.839.2120

Door Wedding 2023

7,500 copies

Door Wedding, celebrating the couples and the nuptials of Door County, is published annually by Door County Living and Peninsula Publishing & Distribution, Inc., 8142 Hwy 57, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202.

To order a subscription, visit or mail a check for $30 to Door Wedding/Door County Living, 8142 Hwy 57, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 to receive the six annual publications.

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Note from the Editor

Wedding planning is hard.

But yes, it’s a lot of fun, too. It taps your creative juices, reconnects you with family and friends, and forces you to think about what’s most important to you. And it may be the last chance to throw a big party focused on you and your partner without seeming like a narcissist.

It’s still hard to bring all the moving parts together, but with this guide, we set out to make that a little bit easier. You’ll find a full guide to vendors who service Door County weddings: From florists to porta-johns, from transportation to chairs, it’s all here.

You’ll also find helpful tips from real Door County brides, grooms and the area’s most experienced wedding planners. And you’ll find examples of weddings of all kinds – a micro-wedding in a park, a celebrity wedding at a family home, a local wedding on the shore of the family boat business.

But we want to give you more than a guide with pretty pictures (though there are lots of them!). From one end of the peninsula to the other, Door County has some of the finest – and most dedicated – wedding pros in the industry. In these pages, you’ll find some of the stories of those who toil behind the scenes to make it look like there was no toil at all.

Here’s hoping that you’ll find solutions, direction and inspiration for the Door County wedding of your dreams.

Happy planning!

The Editors,

Door Wedding

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husband & wife team photographing door county weddings since 2009 @themccartneys |

Door County Weddings

The Long Weekend Wedding

Caroline + Jonathan 13

The Wedding Planner’s Wedding

Shannon + Elliot 19

Saying “I do” to Changing Tradition

Erica + Alex 25

Second Chances and Scaled-back Planning

Jade + Kyle 31

A Micro Celebration in Peninsula State Park

Carly + Alec 34

Warmth Meets Elevated Elegance

Lexie + Derrick 39

The “Mayor’s” Door County Wedding

Gabrielle + AJ 43

A Staycation Wedding Celebration

Kara + Sam 49

A Celebration of Fun and Family

Adam + George 52

Vendor Guide 56


The Welcome Party 64

Your Wedding, Your Way 68

Crafting a Cake 72

The People Behind the Wedding

The planner, florist and bartender 77


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inside 13 43 31


T he n ewest dest ina tion wedd in g fo r New Yo rk ers loo kin g to esc a pe the ci ty is so m ewhe re you would pr ob a bly never guess : the mi dwest. This unta pped ge m is hi dde n at the very tip of a pe nin sul a ca lled Doo r Cou n ty th at rea ches f ar out in to L ak e Mi ch ig an . In a li ttle tow n ca lled Si ste r Ba y, No r the rn Ha us is Wi sco ns in ’s best k ept sec r et. You ’ ll w in d a lo ng a few qu ain t roa ds befo re th is m ode rn an d be a ut i fully in dust ria l ve nue pops up alm ost out of n owhe re. Bui lt in a 30 -acre fi eld of hi gh g ra ss, wi ldflowe r s, an d fo r est , No r the rn Ha us is an yth in g but i ts m odest su rr ou nd in gs. You ’ ll be welco m ed by a g ran d yet u na ssu min g two sto ry f arm house ; the pe r fect bl ank sl a te fo r a ll of you r dre am wedd in g vi sions to co me to li fe. The sp a ce, co m plete wi th a 3 5-foot ce il in g event r oo m, a full b ar , ca te rin g ki tche n, lu xury su i te , pr ep qu ar te r s, an d a dd itio na l outdoo r ce remony fo r est r et rea t, c an hold up to 22 5 guest s du rin g an y se a so n of the ye ar . T he lu xury su i te an d prep qu ar te rs ar e p ri va te sp a ces r ese rv ed fo r the couple an d the ir

a cco mp an y in g p ar ti es. Wi th a full ba th r oo m, an d yes, even a showe r, f iv e mak eup cou n te rs co m plete wi th mirr ors an d outlets , a ch am pagne an d coffee b ar , an d lou n ge ch air s in th e lu xury su i te, an d a lou n ge ar ea, fl at sc r ee n TV, wet b ar , an d mini f ri dge in the p r ep qu ar te rs, you ’ ll feel ri ght a t ho me.

T he u nma tched an d ex cept io na l se rvi ce of No r the rn Ha us is fueled by the h ar dwo rkin g an d loy al people of Doo r Cou n ty an d in cr ed i ble Pr efe rr ed Ven do r te am , wh i ch sp an from the loc al pe nin sul a ar e a, to Ch ica go , Mi lw auk ee, an d beyo nd to ca te r to you r e ver y n eed

Fo r the wedd in g of a li fet im e, th is ven ue mi ght be the one th in g th at gets us New Yo rk ers to f ina lly touch dow n in th e flyove r st a tes .

Ka the rin e Leo nar d Br oo k ly n , N Y

NO RTH E R N HA US , S I S T E R BA Y W I Pa id Listi ng


W he n we got enga ged , the m ost im po rt an t p ar t of ou r wedd in g pl annin g was, of cou r se, f in d in g the ri ght ven ue. We w an te d so m ewhe re lu xu ri ous an d m ode rn, wh i le w arm an d invi t in g. We loved the i de a of be in g marri ed am ong na tu r e, but w an te d an in doo r sp a ce to a ccou nt fo r fick le Mi dwest we a the r. In sho r t, so m ewhe re to be the pe r fect backdr op fo r one of th e m ost im po rt an t d a ys of ou r l i ves .

W he n we fou nd No r the rn Ha us, it was as if so m eo ne had des ign ed it j ust fo r us. T uc k ed away in nor the rn Doo r Cou n ty , Wi sco ns in , it’s f ar en ough from the ci ty to feel l ik e a dest ina tion, but close en ough to be co n ve ni ent fo r ou r f ami ly an d guests

T he d riv e up too k us th r ough che rr y an d a pple or ch ar ds, the n qui et fo r ested roa ds th at ope n ed to the No r the rn Ha us venue i tself ; a be a ut i ful wh i te b arn in a fi eld dotted wi th wi ldflowe rs.

We we re imm ed ia tely in lo ve wi th the loc ation. No r the rn Ha us has see min gly unl imi ted photo oppo r tu ni ti es onsi te , from th e l ar ge, li ght-f i lled in doo r sp a ce to the wooded fo r est r et reat .W e

kn ew imm ed ia tely we w an ted to be marri ed the r e, in the qui et , g ra ssy cle arin g su rr ou n ded by the fo r est an d ou r lo v ed o n es

Fo r ou r r ecept ion, we chose the l ar ge G am br el R oo m fo r d inn er an d d an c in g. T he wh i te wa lls an d ta ll ce il in gs we re th e pe r fect hi gh-e nd backdr op fo r ou r deco r, an d ou r guests lo ved the co ver ed po r ch fo r a qui et pl a ce to e nj oy coc kt ai ls an d ch at.

Ou r f ri en ds ar e st i ll tal kin g a bout the menu we chose with No r the rn Ha us ’ ex clus iv e ca te rin g p ar tner s, an d the custo m, h an d- c ra fted coc kt ai ls se r ved wi th sig na tu re Mi dweste rn ch arm

I am so ha ppy we fou nd No r the rn Ha us. From the i de al loc ation to the fl a wless se rvi ce, every det ai l was a ccou n ted fo r an d h an dled wi th kin dn ess an d w arm th. I’ ll be r eco mm end in g th is ven ue to a ll my f ri en ds, if on ly to spe nd a few more wo n de r fu l eve nin gs a t No r the rn Ha us

Pa id Listi ng
Floral: Ebb and Flow Flowers , Linen: BBJ La Tavola , Catering: Crave Cusine Door County Molly McG aa n Ch ica go , IL Photographer: Cassie Ro s ch

Caroline + Jonathan

Long weekend wedding

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Planning Pointer


Wedding Planner: Door County Event Planners

Ceremony/Reception Venue: Marina Park

Officiant: Sean Dunne (cousin of the bride, who married in Door County more than 20 years ago)

Catering: Alexander's

Cake/Dessert: Blackbird Bakery

Music/DJ: Platinum

Photographer: The McCartneys

Videographer: Joel Peregrine from Wedding Films

Hair/Makeup: Kari Pudlo and team

Florist: Flora Flower Shop

Tent Rental or Additional Décor: Event Essentials

Rehearsal Dinner Venue/Catering: Boathouse on the Bay

Transportation: Door County Trolley

Bartenders/Bar Service: Door County Event Planners

Set your nonnegotiables, then pick one or two "wow-factor" items within your budget.
“For us that was the band and fireworks. We then scaled everything else to fit [the rest of the budget].”
14 door wedding |
— Caroline and Jonathan

My mom first came up to Door County to celebrate graduating college, and she’s been up here every year since,” said Chicago-based Caroline, whose family has spent summers at their Gills Rock cabin for more than 40 years.

“It’s my favorite place in the world,” she continued.

So naturally, after the couple’s engagement in November 2020, their thoughts instantly turned to planning a grand celebration with friends and family in the place they loved most.

“I wanted something outdoors in Door County by the lake, and Jonathan wanted a big, fun celebration,” Caroline recalled. “We quickly settled on Door County and were on the same page of keeping everything as hyper-local as possible.”

Born out of necessity during the pandemic, hyper-local weddings – those that use vendors and venues within a small geographical area – seem to have found a permanent home in the wedding industry, and especially here in Door County.

To kick it all off, they held a rehearsal dinner on Thursday at Boathouse on the Bay in Sister Bay, followed by a cocktail cruise on the Norra Dörr on Friday evening. The day after the wedding, everyone gathered again at Stabbur for Bloody Marys.

The welcome bags introduced guests to more of the couple’s favorite Door County places, courtesy of Uncle Tom’s candy bark, Renard’s Cheddar cheese and Up North and Door County Trolley Red Beer from One Barrel Brewing Company.

“It was a lot of details, but at the end, it felt so personal,” Caroline said.

And, like any fairy tale wedding would, this magical day ended with the couple riding off into the sunset – by boat, of course.

“We had champagne and cruised around the bay while watching the perfect Door County sunset,” Caroline said. “It was better than I could have imagined.

" door wedding | 15
Natural Elegance. CREATE MEMORABLE MOMENTS Our Waterfront Bay Lawn is the perfect setting for your unforgettable wedding day at the historic Alpine Resort. We specialize in providing an elegant venue and exceptional services for you and your guests. Our beautiful outdoor, full wood floor tent, includes tables, chairs, full place settings and glassware. We provide catering and full bar services as well as on-site lodging for your guests in our 29 newly renovated cottages. Make your own history together at the Alpine. | 920.868.3000 7715 Alpine Road, Egg Harbor, WI 54209 Please contact for more information and to schedule a tour. i

Shannon + Elliot

The wedding planner’s wedding

"Door County holds magic. It is a special place to bring together all the people that you love. Just be aware – you won’t get as many “no” RSVPs as you think!"
door wedding | 19
— Shannon + Elliot

As a wedding and events planner, Shannon, of Shannon Mead Events, is no stranger to the to-do lists and decision making that come with planning a wedding, and she certainly knows the importance of booking Door County venues and vendors well in advance.

So she had to laugh at herself when she found herself planning her own wedding last year in just six months.

Shannon and her husband, Elliot Thieme, were engaged in December of 2021. With the arrival of the new year, Shannon was soon knee deep in planning her clients’ weddings and gave only occasional thought to her own in between emails and phone calls.

Setting a date is crucial to getting the ball rolling, but as many couples can attest, it’s easily delayed. But then, as plans for family members to visit during the Fourth of July weekend came into play, Saturday, July 9, started to look like a date that fit the necessary criteria of availability of both family and a

venue, the Shoreline Restaurant, which Shanon's family owns.

"We have the venue, so if we’re going to make it happen, this is when to do it. If we put a week’s worth of energy into it, we can make this happen six months out.” With limited floor space, the couple skipped having a live band, opting instead for a guitar duo set up outdoors. And, because their guest list grew from 50 to 170, fullservice catering was swapped for heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks, with strategically placed tables that allowed people to eat, sit or mingle.

By letting the venue guide some key decisions and devoting the budget to the most important items on their list, Shannon and Elliot had room to splurge on a top wish-list item.

“Something I really wanted – and almost didn’t marry Elliot for – was fireworks,” Shannon said, and then laughed. “But he came around and got them the week before. He had some friends light them off from the dock, and it was awesome.”

Looking back, fast-tracking the planning timeline helped the

couple to home in on the items that were most important to them and, in return, eliminated the decision fatigue that can plague so many couples during the planning process. Most notably, the couple opted to skip having a wedding party.

“Mainly because of the timeline we were giving people, we didn’t want to have people stress out,” Shannon said. “Plus, we both have a dog, so we made them part of our wedding party along with our nieces, who are 9 and 11. We got them flower crowns, so even though we didn’t have flower girls, it was a way of including them.”

The result was an intimate, relaxed, family-oriented occasion that this wedding planner wouldn’t change in the least. Her advice for couples who are approaching the planning process or in the thick of it, whether their timeline is six months or 16 months: “Be nice to the people around you,” she said. “They’re the ones standing up with you and, at the end of the night, helping you clean up.”

20 door wedding |


Ceremony/Reception Venue: The Shoreline Restaurant

Catering (heavy hors d’oeuvres): Alexander’s

Cake/Dessert: The Cupcake Guru

Music/DJ: Nick Hoover and Jessica Holland

Photographer: Melissa Alderton Photography

Hair/Makeup: Blush Bridal Team

Florist: Blossoms Flower House

Rehearsal Dinner Venue/Catering: The Sugar Shack

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A Modern, Nordic Hotel Bringing People and Seasons Together For inquiries, please call 844-944-0354

Photography: @livandremember

Photography: @livandremember

Makeup: @doorcountymakeupartist Location: @thedorrhotel

Makeup: @doorcountymakeupartist Location: @thedorrhotel

Erica + Alex

door wedding | 25
Saying “I do” to changing Tradition

Erica surprised her groom by releasing butterflies at the end of the ceremony. “A few people knew ahead of time, but Alex and most of our guests were really surprised,” she said.

Planning Pointer

“Don’t be afraid to shop around when it comes to vendors. Some vendors have longestablished businesses in the area, but a lot of new ones are popping up who deserve equal consideration. We found our perfect mix after contacting several different vendors, and we are extremely happy with how our vendors worked with us to make our nontraditional wedding authentic to us.”

26 door wedding |
— Erica

There’s no denying that the coronavirus pandemic shook things up in the wedding industry. Most notably, the rise of the micro-wedding – with its scaled-back or even nonexistent wedding party – blurred the line between the beginning and end of the wedding “season” or even the typical wedding day of the week.

Take the nuptials of Erica and Alex, for example, who settled on hosting an all-in-one micro destination wedding: an intimate celebration with their closest friends and family members that would double as a chance to spend quality time with each other.

To make the most of their time in Door County, the couple chose to say “I do” on a Wednesday: Sept. 21, 2022.

“We picked a Wednesday wedding because we wanted to maximize the time our guests got to spend in Door County since 99% of our guests were flying from out of state,” Erica said.

With 26 guests on the list, Twelve Eleven Wine + Provisions in Sister Bay set the scene for the intimate affair, and Thyme Restaurant provided the food.

“The most important component to our wedding was the food,” Erica said. “As Southerners, the best way for us to show hospitality to family, friends or strangers is to share a thoughtful, home-cooked meal.

“I spent money where it mattered: the experience for us and our guests to make it that memorable, once-in-a-lifetime event,” Erica said. “For us, things like a wedding cake, or special shoes, or a band/DJ didn’t make the cut; instead, we used those funds to upgrade other aspects.”

Other traditional parts of a wedding that did not make the cut included saying their vows during the ceremony (they held a private vows ceremony instead) and a wedding party “because we felt like each of our 26 guests were part of the whole event,” Erica said. “Any of our guests were quick to jump in to help where needed, and we didn’t feel like we were missing anything by not having a wedding party.”

Looking back on their day, the couple feels their midweek, micro destination wedding brought together everything they hoped their nontraditional celebration would.


Ceremony/Reception Venue: Twelve Eleven Wine Bar + Provisions

Catering: Thyme Catering

Cake/Dessert: Pies from Sweetie Pies

Photographer: Tandem Photography of Door County

Florist: OneEighty Petals

Rehearsal Dinner Venue/Catering: LURE

Bartenders/Bar Service: Twelve Eleven Wine Bar + Provisions

door wedding | 27 920.606.3197 W E D D I N G P L A N N I N G + C O O R D I N A T O R S

You may be surrounded by stunning lake views or in an enchanting ballroom, but you only see each other. Your friends and family may be cheering you on, but you only feel each other. A delectable meal, lakeside room and private beach may be waiting for you, but right now, all you know is each other. Focus on what matters most and we’ll handle everything else. Plan your


Jade + Kyle

Second chances and scaled-back planning

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Wedding Planner: Shannon Mead

Ceremony Venue: Garden Gables

Reception Venue: The English Inn

Bartenders/Bar Service: The English Inn

Cake/Dessert: Sugar Cakes

Photographer: Broadside Visuals

Hair/Makeup: Clipper’s Mate Salon

Florist: Folklore Flowers*

Rehearsal Dinner Venue: Husby’s Food & Spirits

Lodging: Ephraim Motel

32 door wedding |

Jade and Kyle’s first getaway together was to Door County to celebrate Jade’s birthday.

“We only spent two days there, but we made so many memories, like tent camping in Peninsula State Park, mini-golfing in Egg Harbor, enjoying breakfast at Julie’s Cafe and shopping around Fish Creek,” Jade recalled.

They ended up booking a venue in Green Bay instead, but fate, it seemed, had other plans.

The groom-to-be had tested positive for COVID-19 and then found out that he also had a rare autoimmune disorder that worsened his symptoms. Five months out from their wedding, doctors gave the grim news that Kyle may not make it, and if he did, he likely would not be able to walk down the aisle by their June wedding date.

“So I canceled the wedding in Green Bay and looked into options for elopements,” Jade said. Kyle came off the ventilator two days later.

“We began talking about our options. Our hearts had always been with Garden Gables [in Door County] and knew it would be our fairy-tale wedding,” Jade said, “so I reached out about our options and was so unbelievably lucky to connect with [wedding planner] Shannon Mead, who was able to help us plan our micro wedding.”

Despite scaling back many aspects of their wedding, Jade and Kyle still maintained some traditions –such as saving the first look for the ceremony, having Jade’s father escort her down the aisle, and the first dance – and even created a new one they hope future generations will continue.

“After our rehearsal dinner at Husby’s, our families went out to Sister Bay Bowl, which is right across the street, and bowled the night away,” Jade recalled. “There was laughter, drinks, food. It wasn’t something you’d normally see done, but we absolutely loved it. Our families were able to connect even more, and it was something fun to forget our nerves for a while.”

Planning Pointer

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"We highly recommend hiring a wedding planner to help. Our wedding planner was a huge help in recommending vendors for the rehearsal and day of."
— Jade + Kyle

Carly + Alec

A micro celebration for 10 in Peninsula State Park

34 door wedding |

For Carly, the easiest decision in planning her Sept. 8, 2022, wedding was to scratch all the plans she and her fiancé, Alec, had made to that point and start over from scratch.

“We were six months into planning what was going to be a 75 – to 100-person wedding celebration when I emailed our wedding planner to tell her I had made a reservation for 10 people at Wickman House and booked the shelter at Weborg Point [in Peninsula State Park],” she recalled. “It was the easiest decision we made, to shout the proverbial ‘Enough!’ and start over with the basics.”

The only decision the couple didn’t waver on was the location of the celebration.

When Carly and Alec started dating, their first trip together was a camping trip to Peninsula State Park.

By scaling back their original plans, Carly and Alec both felt they were able to devote more attention to, and infuse more meaning into, their wedding – and add a few personal details that would not have been feasible with a larger group.

“Truthfully, our wedding was so small that our wedding party was the entire wedding,” Carly said of the guest list that included their parents and siblings, their officiant (Carly’s best friend), their witness (Alec’s best friend), and their niece as the flower girl.

“To be honest, we couldn’t pull off anything larger, and a microwedding/‘elopement with guests’ ended up being perfect for us,” Carly said. “A common practice in being in nature is to ‘leave only footsteps and take only pictures.’ I think that theme carries over to how we planned our wedding as well: a moment that celebrated the place we love while supporting, and not abusing, what it has to offer. [There’s] no better foundation for marriage than to take care of each other and the people and places you love.”

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CUSTOM CATERING FOR SPECIAL OCCASSIONS Using the freshest, locally sourced ingredients to create a culinary experience you and your guests will be sure to remember 10339 Hwy 57, Sister Bay | 920.421.5112 RESTAURANT + CATERING RESTAURANT + CATERING Reservations available for our open-air Hoop House in Sister Bay.

Planning Pointer


Wedding Planner: Shannon Mead

Ceremony Venue: Weborg Point at Peninsula State Park

Reception Venue: Wickman House

Catering/Dinner Vendors: Cultured Bread (ceremony) and Wickman House (reception)

Cake/Dessert: Blackbird Bakery

Music/DJ: Ben Larsen (ceremony)

Photographer: XOMe Studio

Hair/Makeup: Blush Bridal

Florist: Flora Flower Shop

Rehearsal Dinner Venue/Catering: Casey’s BBQ

Transportation: Wisco Wheeler

Wedding Signage/Invitation Design/Calligraphy: Good Many

Bartenders/Bar Service: Wickman House

door wedding | 37
Know what you want to spend, and give yourself a healthy cushion to go over because everything is more expensive than you expect.”
F L G R B . C O M F L Y G R B . C O M N O N S T O P R O U T E S & N O N S T O P R O U T E S & C O N N E C T I O N S A N Y W H E R E C O N N E C T I O N S A N Y W H E R E
explore more more

Lexie + Derrick

Warmth meets elevated elegance

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Planning Pointer

"If there is any advice that we could give anybody who is wanting to have a wedding up in Door County, it is this: Lodging is time sensitive. It is best to get that out of the way as quickly as you can and try to book or block out as many rooms as you can. We had our guest list set in stone pretty early in our planning process, so we were able to notify everyone and block the correct amount of rooms.”

40 door wedding |

Bride Lexie can’t remember a summer that didn’t involve her family gathering in Door County.

“Door County has become not only a tradition, but a magical place that has been passed down and will continue to be passed down for generations to come,” she said.

After a two-year engagement – which also began in Door County – the couple said “I do” at Northern Haus in Sister Bay on July 22, 2022, with a celebration the couple described as “elegant, sophisticated, classic and romantic.”

To pull off that look, the couple stuck to a black-and-white color scheme, which was a striking complement to the crisp, white walls and clean lines of the Northern Haus venue. Their wedding party of 14 – seven on each side – dressed in all-black attire.

But despite the sleek and elevated aesthetics, Lexie and Derrick’s wedding day still radiated warmth and a deep love of family. Choosing a family-style catered dinner – with many small plates passed around each table – was one way they incorporated a more casual and intimate feel to an otherwise upscale occasion.

“Every guest could try a little bit of every dish Crave Cuisine masterfully created,” Lexie said. “Our guests truly enjoyed the different types of food we selected for the overall dining experience.”

But of all the moments of the day, one stands out above them all.

“One thing that Derrick and I did was pause during our reception and just soak it all in,” Lexie said. “That was a moment I’ll never forget because we saw everything that we had been planning, how it came to life and how magical everything was.”


Wedding Planner: Door County Event Planners

Ceremony/Reception Venue: Northern Haus

Officiant: Brian Harms (family member)

Catering: Crave Cuisine

Cake/Dessert: Crave Cuisine

Music/DJ: Sound by Design

Photographer: Liv and Remember

Videographer: Hello Darling Films

Hair/Makeup: Bridal Beauty Team

Florist: Flora Flower Shop

Additional Décor: Relics Rentals (candles)

Bartenders/Bar Service: Northern Haus

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Gabrielle + AJ

The “mayor’s” Door County wedding

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When you carry the title of “mayor” of Door County, there’s a bit of an expectation that your summer nuptials will be hosted somewhere along the peninsula. But no title was needed to persuade Green Bay Packers running back AJ Dillon or his fiancée, Gabrielle Toonen, that Door County was the perfect location for their June 25, 2022, wedding.

Within two weeks of knowing AJ, Gabrielle couldn’t wait to bring him to Door County, where her family had vacationed for most of her life. And she wasn’t the only thing AJ fell head over heels for at first sight. The beauty, the quiet, the fun townie bars, a never-ending list of activities – and AJ’s favorite, the garlic Parmesan wings at the AC Tap –all meant that “AJ instantly fell in love with the county,” Gabrielle said.

“I really wanted to get married at my parents’ house,” Gabrielle said. “I have so many memories, including spending summers living there, introducing AJ to my family there, having it become one of our favorite spots, and getting engaged there. I was so excited for our guests to see where we are always hanging out.”

For the reception, Gabrielle and AJ selected the Beach Club at Horseshoe Bay Golf Club, where Gabrielle is a

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member. The vision was a glamorous, outdoor ballroom under a clear-topped tent, where a mix of local and outside vendors helped to bring the couple’s plans to life.

“We really wanted to support local businesses and keep our Door County wedding mostly Door County,” Gabrielle said. “Local vendors are amazing and so easy to work with. It kept it efficient

having everything near our venue, and it made the Door County wedding feel even more Door County, versus if we were to have used everything out of Green Bay.”

Although Gabrielle and AJ followed a lot of the usual “traditions,” such as saving the first look for the ceremony and keeping all the traditional dances and speeches, they did opt for a sweetheart table at the reception versus a larger

head table with their wedding party, which included eight bridesmaids and eight groomsmen.

“We loved sitting at our sweetheart table during dinner at our reception,” Gabrielle recalled. “It was one of the few times we were alone together. We looked around, soaked it in, and watched all of our guests mingle and enjoy conversations and toasts.”


Wedding Planner: Door County Event Planners

Ceremony Venue: Toonen Family Residence

Officiant: Jeremy Schwab

Reception Venue: Horseshoe Bay Beach Club

Catering/Dinner Vendor: Horseshoe Bay Beach Club

Cake/Dessert: FlourGirl Patissier

Music/DJ: Dynasty Band

Photographer: Lance Nicoll

Videographer: Vaughter Films

Hair/Makeup: Sara Miller

Florist: Blossoms Flower House

Tent Rental/Additional Décor: Blue Peak Tents, Ruby Rental, Design Event Essentials

Rehearsal Dinner Venue/Catering: Toonen Residence and Three Three Five, The Traveling Chef, Christopher Mangless

Transportation: Door County Trolley

Wedding Signage/Invitation Design/Calligraphy: Victoria Danielle

Bartenders/Bar Service: Horseshoe Bay Beach Club

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buy tickets online before they’re gone Upcoming Events Sturgeon Bay Shipyard Tour | May 6 Door County Lighthouse Spring Festival | June 9-11 Door County Beer Festival | June 17 Door County Wine Fest | June 24 Fishstock Concert Series | Begins July 2 Door County Lighthouse Fall Festival | September 29-October 1
Contact us for 2023/2024 availability w w w . s t o n e s t h r o w w i n e r y . c o m | s p e c i a l e v e n t s @ s t o n e s t h r o w w i n e r y . c o m | 9 2 0 . 8 3 9 . 9 6 6 0 Where Door County charm meets Italian-inspired beauty! L o c a t e d o n 1 0 s p r a w l i n g a c r e s , o u r a w a r d - w i n n i n g g r o u n d s a n d v e n u e s a r e s u i t a b l e f o r e v e n t s o f 1 0 t o 2 0 0 g u e s t s .
48 door wedding | Located 3 miles south of Egg Harbor 920-868-9141 Beach Club Bookings Available Accommodating party sizes up to 70 persons for inside events, and up to 350 outside, at our private bay front facility. OPEN YEAR ROUND (920) 868-3528 | 3970 Main Street On the hill in Fish Creek
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Kara + Sam A staycation wedding celebration


Wedding Planner: Shannon Mead

Ceremony/Reception Venue: Yacht Works

Officiant: Rolf Johnson

Catering/Dinner Vendor: Biebel’s Catering

Cake/Dessert: Colleen’s Heritage Bakery and Biebel’s Catering

Music/DJ: Jeremy Peil

Photographer: Victoria Danielle Photography

Videographer: Casey Nelson

Hair: Ingrid Reinhardt

Florist: Blossoms Flower House

Venue: Yacht Works

Caterer: Biebel’s Catering

Bartenders/Bar Service: Doug and Jodi Bensyl, Loren Bensyl

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Sam and I were both born and raised in Sister Bay,” Kara said. “We grew up in this gorgeous place that most people vacation to, went to school here, worked from age 14 on. We wouldn’t have imagined celebrating our special day anywhere but the place where we were raised and love as our forever home!”

They also knew they wanted a big wedding hosted as close to the water as possible. With Sam’s family owning Yacht Works in Sister Bay, the couple was able to turn the business into an outof-the-ordinary venue.

The ceremony was on the lawn right on the water, and one of the boat-storage

Planning Pointer

buildings was transformed into a reception space for their 316 guests.

“It turned out better than we could have ever imagined,” Kara said.

Planning a large wedding may seem like a daunting task, but identifying and sticking to a vision helped to streamline the planning process for this couple.

“It helped that we got the planning process started a year before the wedding to book with all of the vendors that we wanted,” Kara said.

“The place, the enjoyment for our guests, and our photographer were the three most important elements of our

wedding,” Kara said. “We found it very important to ensure that the wedding was an enjoyable time for everybody.”

It would be easy to let the specialness of where you live blend into the background, but this couple didn’t take for granted the gift of having a Door County wedding.

“It’s a beautiful place with such an amazing group of local vendors who are hardworking and dedicated to making your day special,” Kara said. “The views are amazing; the places for your guests to stay are amazing; and it’s the experience of a lifetime.”

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“Due to growing up in the community, we were familiar with the incredible vendors in the Door County area. If you do not live in Door County and are looking for vendors, just ask the locals!”
— Kara + Sam

Adam + George

A celebration of fun and family

Adam and George like to joke that they met the oldfashioned way: “At a bar in Chicago on St. Patrick’s Day” in 2014, they said.

But after their engagement in August 2021, Chicago couldn’t hold a candle to hosting their wedding celebration in Baileys Harbor at George’s family’s beachfront home, which George’s great-grandfather built in 1962. Door County has become synonymous with family for the couple.

In addition to their love for the area, the couple also shared a similar vision for how they wanted their wedding to look and feel.

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GOD BRYLLUPSDAG! (Happy Wedding Day!)

Björklunden Vid Sjon (Birch Forest by the Water) was named by Winnifred Boynton who designed and crafted the 12th-century Norwegian-style stave church on the property. This historic site, featuring extensive shoreline and pristine forest, is stewarded by Lawrence University for the enjoyment and fulfillment of all who visit. The chapel and grounds offer a premiere Door County venue for weddings, baptisms, or family services.

Learn more at

Boynton Chapel tours are offered mid-June through August: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1-4 p.m. ($5)

Please share your Björklunden wedding experience at #Bjorklunden and #Bjorklundenwedding

54 door wedding | Elegantly decorated rooms & suites with fireplace & kitchenette Continental-Plus Breakfast Fireside pub bar Sunny & private outdoor pool 200-acre estate with trails leading into Fish Creek Spa Packages & massage therapy available 920-868-3524 DOOR C O UN T Y WI S C O N S I N Book by Appointment 9126 HWY. 42 at The Settlement Cour tyard Inn 920.868.9200 Massage Therapy Organics Sauna
Photo courtesy of Luke Collins Photography

“We wanted to incorporate the outdoors, serve our guests great food and cocktails, and have plenty of space to dance,” they said.

And they found the opportunity to have all of that and more upon entering the venue space at Woodwalk Gallery in Egg Harbor.

With a guest list of 90, the couple felt they were able to find a balance between inviting as many family members and friends as possible and still having the event feel intimate and highlight the five key words they used to guide the overall wedding experience: joyful, charming, bright, fun and gay.

But at the core of this day was a celebration of love: love for each other, love of family and love of Door County.

“Door County is one of the most beautiful and charming places in the Midwest, if not the country,” the couple said. “We were so happy with how welcoming people were, how collaborative vendors were, and how helpful everyone was. The whole weekend was truly magical.”


Ceremony/Reception Venue: Woodwalk Gallery

Officiant: Jaclyn Bacon (friend of the grooms)

Catering/Dinner Vendor: Rye Restaurant

Cake/Dessert: Rye Restaurant

Photographer: Tandem Photography of Door County

Florist: Flora Flower Shop

Tent Rental/Additional Décor: Celebrations

Welcome Dinner Venue/Catering:

Door County Brewing Co. (venue)

Door County Creamery (catering)

Transportation: Kobussen Buses

Wedding Signage/Invitation Design/Calligraphy: Bergamot Studios

Bartenders/Bar Service:

Fresh Coast Cocktails by Pink Door Events

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Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

This guide is intended to be a reliable resource for couples and families planning a Door County wedding. Although we limited the guide to focus on seven main vendor categories, we attempted to make it as inclusive as possible. Each category includes a comprehensive listing of wedding professionals currently operating and located in Door County. The listings with expanded descriptions are for advertisers appearing in the pages of this publication. You can refer to the Index of Advertisers on page 78 to find each advertisement.

To find a directory of Door County businesses, visit


Alexander’s of Door County (920) 868-3532

Biebel’s Catering & Rental (920) 468-6828

Catering by Culinaria (920) 854-8029

Chives Door County (920) 619-5112

CHOP (920) 854-2700

Crave Cuisine (312) 925-2395

Crave Cuisine is a boutique catering company located in Sturgeon Bay, WI. Lori, creator & owner, and the amazing head chef Ollen, will work with you to produce a menu that reflects your personal style and vision for your wedding or special event. We specialize in producing imaginative-seasonal culinary experiences alongside professional and fun service. Crave Cuisine can provide you with food for your prewedding nibbles to your late night snacks.

Door County Private on site Services (920) 495-8135

Door County Private Chef on site Services

Breakfast, brunch, lunch, teatime, private dinners, formal sit down, buffet, hors D'oeuvres, food displays. 30 years plus experience, unlimited services SEPT – May. Specializing in christmas, new years, and winter weddings.

Fresh Personal Chefs of Door County (920) 621-2290

Door County’s premier professional chef

service. Offering local and fresh foods prepared in your home kitchen. More than 35 years of combined culinary experience. Specializing in dinners and events for 50 guests or fewer, resort and condo cooking. Our chefs help with menu planning, do all food shopping, prepare and serve your meal on-site, and do all kitchen cleanup to make your life easier!

Renard’s Cheese (920) 825-7272

Nothing says love better than cheese! Renard’s Cheese has been passionately handcrafting cheese for three generations, since 1961. Renard’s features an extensive catering menu with delicious foods and charcuterie boards from our Melt Bistro. We also feature hand crafted artisan cheeses, custom gift boxes and a vast array of local Door County products.

Savor BBQ Co. (Food Truck) (920) 365-2748

Scaturo’s Baking Co. & Cafe (920) 746-8727

Thyme Restaurant & Catering

Creating custom farm-to-table-based menus, Thyme Restaurant & Catering is Door County’s premier caterer for destination weddings and family gatherings. We use only the freshest locally sourced ingredients in all our dishes. Working with only the best planners and event sites, we can help create an unforgettable event and dining experience for you and your guests. Our highly trained staff will help set up your event, serve your guests and clean up after so all you need to do is enjoy every minute of your special day. Seating for 150 in the open-air Hoop House at our new location in Sister Bay. Now taking reservations.

Ceremony and Reception


About Thyme Farm (920) 606-4382

Alpine Resort (920) 868-3000

The 100+ year legacy lives on at the Alpine Resort — a scenic drive from Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago. The Alpine provides an escape to enjoy the best golf and resort in Wisconsin. Our Waterfront Bay Lawn is a timeless and romantic backdrop for your wedding day, rehearsal dinner, reunion, or special event. We specialize in weekend retreats with lodging to accommodate all of your guests. Our beautiful outdoor, full wood floor tent, includes tables, chairs, full place settings and glassware. We also provide catering and full bar services for you and your guests. The Alpine has everything and more for the unforgettable wedding day you deserve.

Beachfront Inn (920) 839-2345

Björklunden (920) 839-2216

Bjorklunden, Lawrence University's northern campus in Baileys Harbor, is a picturesque setting for a wedding, baptism, or family service. Nestled on the shore of Lake Michigan, the small, wooden Boynton Chapel was handcrafted by Winifred and Donald Boynton between 1939 and 1947 in the styles of a late12th-century Norwegian stave church. It features intricate, hand-carved woodwork and frescoes; a peaceful setting among rustling trees, and a magnificent view of Lake Michigan.

Boathouse by the Bay (920) 854-3223

Boathouse on the Bay in Sister Bay features one of the most fantastic dining views in Door County. With indoor seating featuring floor-toceiling windows, an outdoor dining patio, and the Fly Bridge Bar and dining area, you can’t miss the beautiful panorama of the marina and the fantastic sunsets. We’re the perfect setting for bridal showers, rehearsal dinners or small weddings.

Bridal Chapel of Door County (920) 432-8022

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Donald and Carol Kress Pavilion (920) 868-3334

Completed in 2018, the Donald and Carol Kress Pavilion is home to the Egg Harbor Library. The pavilion welcomes to-be-weds with sweeping views of bay sunsets and surrounding orchards with a second-floor wrap-around porch and Great Hall space with ample natural light. Situated downtown in the charming Village of Egg Harbor, the building provides a modern venue with a variety of options to suit any wedding style.

Door County Brewing Co. Taproom (920) 239-8181

Kick off the celebrations with a meet up here at Door County Brewing Co.. Friends, family and beer are the perfect way to get the party started. Inquire about group offerings.

Door County Maritime Museum (920) 743-5958

Door County Peach Barn, LLC

Host your special event at the Peach Barn. Situated on 1.5 acres of beautifully landscaped property with two pergolas, a fire pit, relaxed seating and a new indoor taproom. We offer outdoor and indoor accommodations for small or large gatherings to fit your needs. Now accepting reservations for 2023 & 2024.

Door Country Event Venue (920) 256-1635

Drömhus Celebration Venue (608) 333-4553

Ellison Bay Community Center (920) 854-2934

Fernwood Gardens Ballroom at Mr. G’s (920) 559-0338

Fernwood Ballroom is built on tradition of outstanding service, incredible food and beautiful wedding receptions. Whether you are planning an intimate wedding for 100 or an old fashioned setting for 350 guests, we have the perfect space. Our experienced staff will ensure that everything from customizing the perfect menu to deliveringthe bestdinner is seamless. We will work with you to make sure your day is everything you expect it to be.

FIRESIDE Chef Inspired Events


Event food doesn't have to be boring. Chef Blake Schar has over 20+ years experience creating custom events with flavors from all over the world. Let us give you more than you expect. Meet with us to design a creative menu for your event. We offer full service catering on and off site. Off site catering available in Northern Door. We also have a beautiful, versatile, private event space in the heart of downtown Egg Harbor. Family reunion, baby shower, welcome party, rehearsal, reception, or brunch. Set up a consultation with Chef Blake to design your menu and let us wow your guests. Professional staff. Private homes as well, inside or out.

Garden Gables (920) 246-5195

Door Artisan Cheese (920) 868-1333

Gordon Lodge (920) 839-2331

As Door County’s premier wedding venue, Gordon Lodge offers award-winning service alongside unforgettable lakeside scenery. Our 130 acres combine tranquility and picture-perfect views with accommodations and activities for you and your loved ones. Located on North Bay, the property features several spaces big and small for your wedding, rehearsal, and lodging needs. The bay makes for a picturesque backdrop, and our grand ballroom features floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the water so that you and your guests won’t miss the spectacular sunsets. Up to 300 friends and family members can join in on celebrating at this beautiful, historic property.

Harbor Fish Market & Grille (920) 839-9999

Hillside Inn of Ephraim (920) 854-7666

Horseshoe Bay Golf Club and Resort (920) 839-1114

Hosting your event at the Beach Club at Horseshoe Bay Golf Club, offers you access to a private bay shore setting at a stress-free full-service facility. The Beach Club can accommodate events up to 350 persons or down to the most of intimate get-togethers. Whatever your desire, we can help make your event just what you were dreaming of. Contact Horseshoe

Bay Golf Club today to check availability at 920-868-9141 or visit our website at www. for more information.

Landmark Resort (920) 868-3205

Nestled in the natural beauty of Door County, the Landmark Resort is the perfect location to celebrate your special day with breathtaking views overlooking the bay. With various indoor and outdoor venues, it’s the perfect year-round location to create memories that will linger long after returning home. Whether you’re local or traveling from out of state, our wedding specialists can help take the stress out of wedding planning and make a seamless, fun experience for you and your planner. With our extensive knowledge of on-property logistics, local connections and event-planning skills, your Door County wedding will be personalized to your taste!

Log Den (920) 868-3888

The Log Den in Egg Harbor has been known for its amazing food and stunning architecture, and it now offers a new location for holding a beautiful outdoor ceremony. This meticulously detailed, 10,000-square-foot restaurant and lounge were designed and built by the Lautenbach family, locals of Egg Harbor for five generations. With seating for more than 300 people, we welcome your special wedding for what is sure to be a one-of-a-kind Door County experience. If you’re interested in planning your wedding with us, please contact Kim Bell, our professional event planner.

Maxwelton Braes Lodge (920) 839-2321

Northern Haus (920) 401-1044

Nestled within a stunning, 30-acre property in Sister Bay, Northern Haus is a serene escape for events both grand and intimate. The natural beauty and charming luxury of Northern Haus is an ideal backdrop for unions of every kind, and our expert staff will work alongside you to create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. Our brand-new venue blends luxury with modern-day farmhouse, featuring soaring ceilings and chandeliers. The more intimate Forest Retreat is a secluded outdoor setting for ceremonies and cocktails. Northern Haus operates on an Exclusive Catering List and offers all booked clients a Preferred Vendor List to simplify planning, as well as multiple complimentary amenities and services. When searching for the perfect place to start your life together, look no further than Northern Haus. Book your 2023 and 2024 wedding date today. “Inquire” on our website today for more information.

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Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

One Barrel Brewing

Host your Welcome event at One Barrel! Enjoy our gorgeous Taproom or head outdoors to a spacious, multi-tiered Beer Garden. NEW: Private backyard patio available for rental! Informal gatherings are also allowed (no reservation required – but please EMAIL in advance.) Wine, handmade cider, an expansive craft beer list PLUS “Pizza Bros” food onsite. A true Wisco experience your guests won’t forget. Casual. Friendly. Fun. Penguin sightings guaranteed. Contact olivia@onebarrelbrewing. com for more information.

Rowleys Bay Resort (800) 999-2466

Sail Door County (920) 495-7245

Sawyer Farms Wedding & Event Venue (920) 421-0190

Stone Harbor Resort & Conference Center (920) 448-1986

Your wedding day may be in December or May. You may be dreaming big or small, afternoon or evening, traditional or decidedly not. Whatever you decide, the staff at Stone Harbor Resort will help you make your dream a reality. And although the perfect wedding means different things to different people, one thing is the same: Your special day will be filled with joy! The “happily ever after” kind of joy that lasts a lifetime. Destination weddings are the hottest thing these days! Let us help you plan your rehearsal dinner, wedding ceremony, reception and even your honeymoon if you’d like!

Stone’s Throw Winery (920) 839-9660

Door County’s only ultra-premium, all-grape winery. Featuring fine wines made here from fresh California grapes. Tours, tastings, Italian tapas from our VinoVino wine bar, bocce ball and fun! We are a spectacular setting for your wedding or special event. Please join us. Open daily, 10 am – 5 pm.

Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club

(920) 743-6934

Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club is the premier location for your wedding ceremony and reception! Our waterfront clubhouse offers indoor dining for up to 170 guests with more room on the lawn. Everything is prepared and presented by our highly skilled and courteous staff. With a 270-degree view of the water, your guests can relax, chat, play games or watch the

boats sail by. If you are not currently a member of the SBYC, our gift to you is a one-year membership to the club with all the privileges. Let us help make the start of this new chapter of your lives a beautiful one.

The Dörr Hotel

(844) 944-0354

Inspired by the Scandinavian history of Door County, we’ve created a year-round Nordic hotel experience in the heart of SIster Bay. By melding modern style with local heritage, we are the gateway that brings people and seasons together. In other words, we are The Dörr.

The Fiddler’s Farm (920) 559-3460

The Grain Loft Event Venue (920) 487-8300

The Lodge at Leathem Smith (920) 743-5555

The Lodge at Leathem Smith is celebrating 100 years in 2022. The Lodge is a historic waterfront lodge in the heart of Sturgeon Bay, it is the perfect backdrop for your special day. Our wedding specialists will assist in coordinating the details for your dream wedding. Our executive chef can prepare any choice of menu based on personal preference, religious observations or dietary restrictions. The Lodge at Leatham Smith is a full service resort offering lodging, ceremony locations and receptions. We offer indoor and outdoor options with waterfront views. We look forward to hosting your special day.

twelve eleven wine + provisions (920) 559-2969

Wickman House

(920) 854-3305

Woodwalk Gallery & Events

(920) 629-4877


Blossoms Flower House (920) 853-4288

Design Door County (920) 839-5393

Doors Fleurs & Orchard (920) 883-5188

Flora Special Occasion Flowers (920) 854-9760

Folklore Flowers (920) 492-0987

Maas Floral & Greenhouses (920) 743-6518

OneEighty Petals (920) 724-1180

Robbens Nest Farm (920) 746-7713

The Artroom Flowers (414) 559-8857

Growing up in Wisconsin, I was always a lover of nature, gardening and flowers.

I have many years experience in the floral industry and am now creating from my studio in Fish Creek. Flowers have wonderful shapes, colors, textures and smells that provide me with inspiration on how they can be arranged. Whatever the occasion, I am happy to design something unique for you!


Annie Parish Photography

Art of Exposure Photography (920) 559-1254

Door County is home to wedding and portrait photographer Tammy Wickman-Lutze. Celebrating 19 years in business, she has photographed more than 400 beautiful weddings at the peninsula’s finest venues, private homes and beyond. Tammy’s style documents the story of your day,capturing pure authentic and candid moments of emotion, love and joy, creating photos to cherish a lifetime. She takes time to connect with you from the start, offering guidance along the way so you can relax and be completely yourself in front of the camera. Tammy’s friendly and easy-going personality allows you to enjoy every beautiful detail of your day.

Artemis Photography (920) 559-3117

Soirsce Moriarty of Artemis Photography consistently captures love, adventure and connection through the art of visual storytelling. A classically trained painter with more than 13 years of wedding photography experience, Soirsce blends candid moments, interaction-based posing and classic portraiture for a poignant and timeless effect. Deeply dedicated to her craft, Soirsce sets her sights on evoking real emotion in every image.

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Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

Chris Miller Photography (920) 883-9581

CRG Photography (920) 495-9732

Dan Eggert Photography & Drone Services (920) 915-8931

Endresson Photography (920) 421-4730

Grace Lennon Photography

Heidi Hodges Photography (920) 495-0629

Heidi Hodges Photography offers vivid, documentary-style photography for weddings, family events and more. Heidi uses her photojournalism background to find honest moments of emotion and connection and combines them with modern posing. Heidi has worked with and been mentored by the best in the industry, including photographers from L.A. and New York. Above all, Heidi strives to make the day fun and relaxed for everyone.

Hello Darling Films

Jason Mann Photography (920) 246-8106

Joel Peregrine of Wedding Films

Kasey and Ben Photography LLC (920) 495-1216

xoMe Studio

Leah McFarlane Photography LLC (920) 255-5381

Liv and Remember

Luke Collins Photography (920) 473-0647


Luke Collins Photography is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Sturgeon Bay who serves Door County and all of Wisconsin. He offers engagement sessions, elopements and full-day wedding packages, along with a variety of product options, including digital images,

prints, photo books and premium albums. Luke’s specialty is capturing the moments of your wedding day that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

Melissa Alderton Photography (920) 428-0161

Photos by Matt Inc. (920) 743-9667

Shellie Kappelman (920) 905-3802

Suzi Hass

(920) 421-1379

Tandem Photography of Door County (920) 493-1622

At Tandem, we believe photography and videography are better together; we’re the only Door County team offering both, and combining the two simplifies the process, creates a unified vision, and even saves you a little money. We love to keep things fun and relaxed, ask you silly questions, and make you forget about the camera altogether. Do you think an unrestrained belly laugh makes a great photograph? Do you want a wedding film that gives you goosebumps in the best of ways? If so, Tandem is the team for you! Check out our website to start the conversation.

The McCartneys Photography

(715) 551-9185

Kelsy and Butch McCartney, a husband-andwife team, are recognized for the genuine energy they bring to a wedding through their work. Full-time for over 14 years, they have photographed 250+ weddings together and especially love capturing those in Door County – where Butch grew up. :) The McCartneys’ work is best described as timeless, romantic and luminous, thanks in large part to their momentdriven approach. Beyond stunning and joyful imagery, the McCartneys pride themselves on providing the highest-quality experience to their couples!

Tina M. Gohr Photography

(920) 784-9850

Vaughter Films

Victoria Danielle (920) 595-1024

Victoria Danielle is a photographer, letterer and designer based in Door County. She focuses

on capturing the real moments, the fun and joy, the laughter, and above all, the love during every shoot. When you look back on your pictures, you will see that Victoria has captured the precious moments that you will remember and cherish forever. She offers a wide variety of photography packages tailored to suit each person’s needs and budget. Additional services such as announcement/invitation design and wedding signage are also available.

Salon/Spa/Makeup Artists

Aspire Salon (920) 634-7971

Blush Bridal Team

Bridal Beauty Team (847) 401-7765

Bridgeview Hair Design (920) 743-5240

Britta Salon LLC (920) 421-4247

Clipper’s Mate (920) 743-4492

Creations Hair Designs (920) 854-9866

Details Hair Innovations (920) 868-1588

Door County Wedding Stylists by Kari Pudlo (920) 818-1313

Invidia Salon (920) 818-0352

Located in historic downtown Sturgeon Bay, we are an Aveda concept salon providing services for men, women and children. Our experienced, Aveda certified stylists will have you looking and feeling your best with the latest trends in cut and color. We use all-natural Aveda products and offer extensive bridal services including airbrushed make-up and more. Contact us today to discuss how we can contribute to your special day.

Lavender Spa (920) 868-9200

“Live well, laugh easily and feed your soul.” Each intuitive massage includes a consultation of your needs and problem areas with your massage therapist. Each therapist brings to the table a set of modalities they’ve learned and can draw from their experience to provide the greatest therapeutic effect. A resting period is advised after

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Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

the massage, along with drinking water while you absorb the effects and bring your mind back to the present.

Saguaro Day Spa (920) 743-5380

Making memories to last a lifetime! Personalized & customized spa services in a southwest-inspired sanctuary offers private & couple’s treatment options for the ultimate relaxation experience. Our two cozy lounges, each with a unique fireplace, and our expansive, yet private backyard provide the perfect venue for your group! Please visit our website at to view a complete menu of our services or call 920-7435380 for additional information & to make your bridal party arrangements!

Sheer Style Plus (920) 743-4700

Spa at Sacred Grounds (920) 854-4733

Spa Verde (920) 868-1597

Sunseekers by Rosie (920) 333-8158

Tangled Hair Nail and Tanning (920) 854-1011

The Cut Hut

(920) 743-8406

Utopian Skin • Medical Aesthetics (920)737-1820

Door County’s first Medical Aesthetics Spa is here for you. Schedule your appointment and allow our certified and trained team to pamper you and your bridal party leading up to your big day! We offer a menu of services such as: Skinwave Hydra Facial, Lash Services, IV Hydration & B12 Boost Shot, Face and Body Waxing and Clinical Facials.

Tent Rentals

Celebrations Party & Event

(920) 661-9125

Elite Rentals

(920) 412-8454

Event Essentials

(800) 220-4991

Ruby Rental (920) 497-8309

Shore to Shore Rental LLC

(920) 743-3288


Babler Bus Service (920) 856-6675

Door County’s full-service motorcoach charter and tour company. Featuring deluxe coaches seating up to 56 passengers each. Make the day safe and enjoyable for you and your wedding party, or your entire guest list, and leave the driving to us!

Door County Courier

(920) 559-0339

Specializing in Guest Transportation to and from the Venue and Reception, Safe rides, and Airport Transportation. Get the guests to the venue in time and back to their resort safely. Call to find out more!

Door County Trolley Inc.

(920) 868-1100

Door County Trolley is perfect for your wedding day. Trolleys are the unique and quaint way for your wedding party or guests to arrive at your celebration. Trolleys are heated and enclosed for year-round use. Available for bachelorette parties, wedding-day festivities and pictures. The interior of the trolleys are decorated in white lace bows for this grand occasion. Also new for 2022 is the grand dining car: great for family get-togethers! Trolleys are available for year-round use.

Green Bay Austin Straubel Airport (920) 498-4800

Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport serves Door County and Northeast Wisconsin with nine nonstop routes and connections to anywhere on American, Delta, Frontier, Sun Country and United airlines. Our six rental car companies, taxi/ride share, and Door County Courier are all ready to take your guests on the scenic 50-minute trip to Sturgeon Bay. GRB is proud to provide an easy and gracious experience to all travelers and are excited to be a part of your big day.

Grizzly Air Tours of Door County (920) 493-7315

See beautiful Door County from the air, majestic lighthouse beacons, sunken treasure ships and peaceful church steeples. We offer a variety of tour packages or we can custom design a tour that suits your needs. Scenic air tours and

aerial photo sessions are available year round. We welcome all occasions; birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and if you just want to see Door County from the air! We depart from the airport in Sturgeon Bay, for all of our tour packages, check us out on our website.

Kobussen Bus (920) 818-0785

Wisco Wheeler (920) 215-1885

Wedding Planners/ Coordinators

Alliey + Co


Alliey+Co provides wedding planning + coordination assistance throughout Door County and all of Wisconsin. The team of experienced planners works with you to create your timeless + sophisticated vision with impeccable details. Let Alliey+Co work alongside you to create your dream wedding with low stress + a fun working environment.

Door County Event Planners (920) 839-1114

Celebrating more than 20 years of assisting couples in planning their Door County wedding. From small events and gatherings to spectacular destination weddings, Door County Event Planners can help you plan your event and execute it to perfection. Your wedding is a special event that uniquely reflects you and your story as a couple. Door County Event Planners appreciate your vision of the perfect wedding and will provide the framework and support to see that vision come to life. Our consultants present options and recommendations so you can make ideal choices. We skillfully guide the process while allowing you to make the decisions.

Pink Door Events & Fresh Coast Cocktails (920) 421-1278

Shannon Mead Events (920) 889-6456

At Shannon Mead Events, my goal is to become a voice of reason and source of guidance while planning and designing a beautiful wedding that is a complete reflection of you. I want you to focus on the most important part of your day, saying your I Do's and Yes to forever, as you leave the timelines, logistics, and day-of details to our wedding team.

60 door wedding | Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

Door County Wedding Advertisers


FlourGirl Patissier (920) 421-0649

Elegant. Simple. Delicious ... has been the motto since I started FlourGirl Patissier in 2009. Baking from scratch, attention to detail, and loving what we do are the key ingredients to success. Whether it’s a tiered wedding cake or a dozen cupcakes, every item is made with love. You’ll see and taste the difference. Visit our website for more information.

Tadych’s Econo Foods & Marketplace (920) 743-8896

Our custom cakes are baked fresh for the best flavor and texture along with our decadent buttercream icing that melts in your mouth. Whether you have a cake design in mind or you need ideas, our award winning cake decorators are ready to dazzle you with exceptional service and quality. We can also provide fresh baked goods, custom deli platters and floral for private events, parties, and more. We deliver to ALL of Door County!

Seaquist Orchards Farm Market (920) 854-4199, ext.108

Seaquist Orchards Farm Market is your one stop for desserts, favors, gifts and more. We grow and process our own Montmorency cherries and a wide variety of apples to make our own jams, jellies and all manner of delicious products. And we can customize the labels for both bakery and canned items for truly unique, personalized gifts. Call us today to plan your special occasion.

Community Associations

Baileys Harbor Community Association (920) 839.2366

Baileys Harbor is the perfect setting for your special day. Our venues range from a rolling golf course, views of Lake Michigan, a beautiful barn, a hip Brewery and everything in between. Many of our various accommodations offer room blocks to ease travel for guests. We have a setting for your wedding vibe any time of the year.


Trilliant Diamonds & Jewelry

(920) 264-0839

Bringing a bit of the Caribbean to Wisconsin’s own paradise! With experience in fine jewelry, Manish will be sure to make your visit a memorable one. Exquisite knowledge in diamonds and colored stones, with personalized designs and unique settings. Tanzanite, larimar, ammolite and rainbow topaz. Gift ideas in everyone’s price range!


Ashbrooke Suites

(877) 868-3113

The Ashbrooke Hotel is an oasis of comfort and luxury. We are one of the few hotels that caters to couples and adults exclusively, making us the perfect destination for honeymoon nights and romantic getaways. Whatever the occasion, we’d love to help you customize your trip to make it as enjoyable and affordable as possible. Visit our website to browse our vacation packages and start planning your stay with us.

Settlement Inn

(920) 868-3524

Escape to an inn featuring all the luxury in accommodations you could want, situated in a serene, rich natural setting. Settlement Inn and Lavender Spa offers the coziness of a fireplace lounge with continental breakfast and on-site pub, alongside four miles of trails featuring beautiful views of Fish Creek and the waters of Green Bay, and connecting to Peninsula State Park.


Music Masters Entertainment DJs

(920) 495-9400

Locally and owned in Door County since 2003. We can help plan a most memorable reception for your guests with our experience, easy online planning and state of the art equipment. We provide music, photo booth services for anniversaries, prom events and of course weddings!


Cornucopia Kitchen Shop (920) 743-0231

We love to do registries! Cornucopia is a specialty kitchen shop that our customers tell us is their favorite stop in Door County. We offer an extensive variety of top-of-thelinegadgets, cookware, cutlery, glassware, barware and linens. Options include Le Creuset, Wüsthof, Riedel, Mariposa, Simon Pearce, Polish Pottery, Casafina, Vietri, Chilewich and many others. You have to visit to believe us! We research to find the best of what you are looking for: Shop local at Cornucopia, 3rd Avenue in Sturgeon Bay!

O’Meara’s Irish House (920) 868-3528

Whether you shop with us on-line or in person in beautiful Door County, WI, you’ll find that we stock the best that Ireland has to offer. Take a look at our gorgeous Aran wool sweaters, stunning Irish jewelry and a full range of Irish giftware. We offer beautiful gifts for weddings and bridal showers. Stop by our Fish Creek location, or give us a ring at (920) 868-3528. We are happy to help you find just the thing.


Jamie Allen-Dream Vacations (920) 559-3525

Jamie Allen Dream Vacations is a full service travel agency that will help you plan a vacation perfectly tailored to your desires. Whether you're dreaming of a relaxing escape, a romantic honeymoon or an anniversary trip, your experience will be completely hassle-free and tailored to your wants and needs. We are Vacation Specialists, and are here to handle every detail. Expect a personalized level of service from your initial contact with us. Travel can be arranged for All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico & Caribbean, Hawaii, Europe & many more locations. Contact us today to start planning. Let's turn your dreams into reality!

door wedding | 61 Guide to Door County Wedding Vendors

Index of Advertisers

Advertiser Page Alliey + Co. 28, 29 Alpine Resort 16, 17 Art of Exposure 76 Artemis Photography 71 Ashbrooke Suites 67 Babler Bus 71 Baileys Harbor Community Association 71 Bjorklunden 54 Boathouse on the Bay 75 Cornucopia 81 Crave Cuisine 76 Door County Brewing Co. Taproom 76 Door County Courier 71 Door County Event Planners 4 Door County Peach Barn, LLC 75 Door County Private Chef 74 Door County Trolley 66 Dorr Hotel Holdings, LLC 22, 23 Tadych's Marketplace Foods 80 Fireside Restaurant 81 FlourGirl Patissier 74 Fresh Personal Chefs 70 Gordon Lodge & Top Deck 30 Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport 38 Grizzly Scenic Air Tours 70 Heidi Hodges Photography 67 Horseshoe Bay Golf Club 48 Invidia Salon 74 Jamie Allen Dream Vacations 74 Landmark Resort 5 Lavender Spa - Settlement Courtyard Inn 54 Lodge at Leathem Smith 2 Log Den Restaurant 67 Luke Collins Photography, LLC 18 Mr. G's Logan Creek Grille 75 Music Masters 67 Northern Haus 10, 11, back cover O'Meara's Irish House 48 One Barrel Brewing 66 Renard's Cheese 6 Saguaro Day Spa 75 Seaquist Orchards 81 Shannon Mead Events 70 Stone Harbor Resort & Restaurant 83 Stone's Throw Winery 47 Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club 76 Tandem Photography 24 The Artroom Flowers 80 The McCartneys Photography 8 Thyme Restaurant and Catering 36 Trilliant Diamonds & Jewlery 3 Utopian Skin 70 Victoria Danielle 42 Village of Egg Harbor Donald & Carol Kress Pavilion 12 62 door wedding | Weekly deep dives into the biggest news of the week Interviews with local movers, shakers, and characters The latest on what to do, where to go, and who to see Planning
Door County Wedding? Discover the people and stories that make this place special on


May 6, 2023 Fish Creek

Door County Half Marathon & Nicolet Bay 5K

A run in Peninsula State Park

June 24 Baileys Harbor

Door County Wine Fest Sip and savor Door County wines

June 17 Baileys Harbor

Door County Beer Festival

Good beer, good food, good music

June 17 Baileys Harbor

Peninsula Century Spring Classic

Ride the backroads of Door County

Sept. 16 Sister Bay

Peninsula Century Fall Challenge Ride Northern Door County

Sept. 23 Baileys Harbor

Hey Hey 5K

Starts and finishes at the Door County Brewing Company

Nov. 25 Egg Harbor

One Barrel Fun Run

Catch the penguin

Feb. 10, 2024 Sister Bay

Door County Pond Hockey

The battle for the Stanley thermos

REGISTER TODAY SUPPORTING SPONSORS Julie’s Park Cafe & Motel | Hayden Water Co. | Birchwood Lodge | GFL Environmental | Flanigan Distributing | On Deck Clothing | Nicolet National Bank The Cordon Family Foundation MAY 6, 2023
4 6 5 3 1 2 11 FINISH CLOSED COURSE RUN. All in Peninsula State Park

The Welcome Party

64 door wedding |

Gone are the days when planning a wedding meant planning for just a one-day event. This is especially true when planning a destination wedding, and particularly if some of your guests have never been to the area.

Welcome parties offer a special opportunity to spend some quality time with your guests – we all know how hectic and time crunched the actual wedding day can be – and they can set the tone for the weekend and give your guests a glimpse of your wedding style and personality.

Ready to plan your wedding welcome party? Here are a few expert tips and tricks.

Set the Guest List

The guest list for the actual wedding can provide enough headaches, so don’t sweat the details over this one. For destination weddings where everyone has to travel, extending the invitation to the entire group is a thoughtful gesture and a great way to introduce your guests to the area. Local couples, on the other hand, may choose to limit the welcome-party guest list to the out-of-towners exclusively as a way to show off your hometown.

Keep It Simple, or Add Activities

Capping the event’s activities to just cocktails or a beachside cookout is a simpler, streamlined approach, but if you’re looking to kick up the “wow factor” a notch or two by showcasing the area, consider adding locale-specific activities. A boat tour, wine-tasting adventure, trolley ride or memorable outdoor excursion all provide an interactive way to make memories with your guests.

Be Prepared x 2

One of the obvious challenges of welcome parties is the need to plan for two events. That means paying attention to double the details, possible scenarios and contingency plans, which could involve several venues, vendors and, for outdoor events, even multiple weather forecasts.

“The forecast was looking a little chilly at night for our welcome party, so we ordered some festive shawls, created some blanket displays and brought out the heaters,” Meg said of the welcome party that she and her fiancé, Leo, held before their wedding.

| 65
A fiesta for Meg + Leo
A unique and quaint way to have your wedding party and guests arrive in style on your Big Day! (920)868-1100 | 66 door wedding |
WWW.HEIDIHODGES.COM PO BOX 184 | STURGEON BAY, WI 54235 920. 495.0629 | HEIDI@HEIDIHODGES.COM WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS & PROPOSALS FAMILY & SENIOR PORTRAITS SPORTS & MORE Planning the Most Memorable Receptions Throughout Door County Since 2003! SERVICES WE PROVIDE • Dinner & Cocktail Music • Ceremony Music • Photo Booth Call: 920-495-9400 Email: or go to: for pricing and to book online! We also do Anniversary, Holiday Parties and Prom Events! Catering to adults, The Ashbrooke creates an elegant retreat for couples looking for a uniquely different Door County vacation. The Ashbrooke features a distinctive variety of one and two room suites for your luxury, privacy and enjoyment. JUST FOR THE TWO OF YOU 7942 Egg Harbor Road ♦ Egg Harbor, WI 54209 877.868.3113 door wedding | 67 NORTHWOODS WEDDINGS 6626 HWY 42 • Egg Harbor, WI (920)868-3888 • • Rehearsal Dinners • Outdoor Ceremonies • Small Intimate Weddings • Receptions up to 350 guests

Your Wedding, Your Way

Creative ways to personalize your nuptials

Of course your wedding is already personalized because, well, it’s all about you as a couple. But if you want to add a little extra customization, consider these clever ways to put a creative spin on your special day.

A Signature Send-off

Tossing rice wins the prize for the most traditional send-off (though many have moved away from this practice in favor of options that are friendlier to our feathered friends), and in recent years, sparklers have been a popular choice with which to bid adieu to the happy couple.

But if being showered in grain (or birdseed) or causing a spark isn’t your

preferred way to make an exit, consider the latest trend for saying “ta-ta”: streamer send-offs.

Streamer cannons are festive and interactive, and they make for plenty of fun photo opportunities as seen here on Carly and Alec’s wedding day. Tinsel adds sparkle to the occasion, but streamer cannons can spout a variety of colors, too. Choose white for a sleek, mod look, or tie in your wedding colors.

For eco-conscious couples, dried-flower confetti offers a colorful, possibly aromatic – and biodegradable – option. Bride Victoria asked flower farm and floral-design studio OneEighty Petals in Fish Creek to create dried-flower confetti cones featuring a custom mix of coordinating colors. When guests

showered the newlyweds with petals and good wishes, they created a truly magical, storybook ending to their woodland ceremony in Boynton Chapel at Björklunden.

Chalk Art

As newlyweds Claire and Wade were planning their Labor Day weekend 2022 nuptials, in a creative, playful and inviting way. They hired friend and multimedia artist Jordan Bergman Rushton to create whimsical, colorful chalk art along the driveway of Claire’s grandparents’ Egg Harbor home.

“We loved the idea that our guests would step off the Door County Trolley, walk up the cedar-lined driveway and be greeted

68 door wedding |
Photo by xoME Studio

by chalk art before making their way to the ceremony,” Claire said.

The imagery drew inspiration from the couple’s flowers as well as animals that were significant to the family.

“My grandpa Bill Bilgen, who designed the house, passed away in 2018, and we wanted to include him in the day,” Claire said. “The eagle has been a symbol of my grandpa for as long as I can remember. The eagle was of personal importance to him, too, as a veteran of WWII fighting for freedom.”

Custom Arbor

With guests traveling to Door County from all over the world, Raina and Sebas knew they wanted their wedding day to

both highlight the strong familial ties that Door County holds for Raina and celebrate Sebas’ Spanish roots.

“We wanted an elegant, backyard wedding in a beautiful, meaningful location, attended by friends and family from all over the world,” Raina said.

The couple chose to wed in the backyard of Raina’s family’s summer home in Ephraim – the same backyard where her parents had married some 30 years earlier.

To celebrate the occasion, Raina’s father, Andy, built two custom driftwood arbors – one for the ceremony, and one that guests passed through on their way to the backyard – from pieces of wood he’d collected during family boat outings and hikes.

Adding even more meaning to the custom pieces, the ceremony arbor was decorated in willow branches and fresh flowers that Raina and her father had cut together the day before the wedding at flower farm OneEighty Petals in Fish Creek.

In addition to the arbors, Andy created a sign that showed where and which direction the globe-trotting wedding guests had traveled from and how many miles they had traveled.

“It provided an unusual focal point and conversation starter as people from as far away as Madrid and Medellín found each other and started talking,” Raina said. “[The sign and arbors] were personal touches that were unique and very memorable.”

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Photo by Artemis Photography Photos by Leah McFarlane Photography
www.shannonmeadevents com DOOR COUNTY’S PREMIER PERSONALCHEFS Local and fresh food prepared in your kitchen GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE OVER 25 YEARS OF CULINARY EXPERIENCE Specializing in dinners and events for 50 guests or fewer + Intimate rehearsal dinners + Heavy hors d’oeuvres + light bu ets + Couples dinners | 920.621.6391 | OVER 25 YEARS OF CULINARY EXPERIENCE Pamper you… AND YOUR BRIDAL PARTY Select a service or bundle 3 @ 15% OFF Skinwave Hydra Facial Lash Services: Tinting, Lifts & Extensions IV Hydration & B12 Boost Shot Face and Body Waxing Clinical Facials Book your Services Today! Utopian Skin | 430 Jefferson St Sturgeon Bay | 920.737.1820 70 door wedding | We depart from Cherryland Airport in Sturgeon Bay, for more details on all of our tours, go to: or call: 920-493-7315 to Book Your Tour Today! Love at “First Flight” with Grizzly Scenic Air Tours, Door County Style! Locally Owned & Operated *Proposals *Private Weddings *Anniversaries *Birthdays Gift Certificates!
Transportation Solutions for YOUR Door County Wedding! (920)559-0339/ Say I Do In Baileys Harbor, WI Say I Do In Baileys Harbor, WI Make Your Day Safe & Enjoyable! Door County’s full service Motorcoach charter & tour co. Featuring deluxe coaches seating up to 56 passengers each. Leave The Driving To Us! 920.856.6675 door wedding | 71

Crafting a Cake

Wedding cakes are no longer simply a part of tradition or a sweet ending to a wedding meal. They’ve become just as much of a couple’s creative expression – and an opportunity for artistic flair – as the flowers, the décor, the dress, the food and drink choices, and all the other details that come together to create the overall look and feel of this special day.

But it’s not just about looks. Couples want their wedding cake to taste good, too. Here, two local cake artists discuss their process and how they help couples to have the cake of their dreams – and eat it, too.

Taste and Type

Kimberly Jensen, baker and owner of Pink Bakery in Egg Harbor, said that vanilla with raspberry compote and almond buttercream is the number-one flavor request she receives. Since she

started making wedding cakes in 2007, she’s seen trends come and go, but many couples stick to tradition.

FlourGirl Patissier baker and owner Sarah DeNamur, whose studio kitchen is in Jacksonport, offers a blend of recurring favorites such as vanilla, chocolate stout, and red velvet, as well as seasonal specialties such as peppermint and pumpkin spice. But she changes it up as she sees trends changing.

DeNamur said the benefits of serving small cakes rather than one large one – or incorporating multiple types of desserts (for example, a small cake to cut, plus an assortment of cupcakes or mini pies, tortes and cheesecakes) – is that there will likely be something to please everyone.


Although cake flavors vary, decorations have remained a bit more traditional: White reigns supreme, and, Jensen said, many cakes right now are classic and modern with rosettes or fresh flowers.

Putting lights under the cake’s frosting was big, and frosting that looked like birch bark popped up for a while, but recently DeNamur has observed a switch to simpler, more traditional cakes. She creates a lot of this variety: white cakes on which she places flowers when she delivers them on the wedding day. Small bits – or large bursts – of color come through the flowers or an ombre that’s still mostly white, and gold is a popular accent.

72 door wedding |
Photo by Artemis Photography

Neither baker works with pedestals or bridges on their cakes, but cakes with flowers around the back and base are also big right now, DeNamur said.

Among the largest trendsetters are the British royals. When Kate Middleton and Prince William married, their traditional cake – or elements of it – showed up everywhere, DeNamur said. Their cake featured lots of classic white, cream and gold, with flowers and clean, simple piping: a common refrain for wedding-cake decoration since their 2011 wedding.

The same thing happened when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry married in 2018, and DeNamur said that she and other baking friends are still getting requests for cakes that echo theirs. She’s been asked to replicate that cake maker’s signature look – purposely unfinished and uneven frosting – dozens of times, and the large, fresh flowers that dominated that relatively small royal

cake are on nearly every cake DeNamur creates.

“Now this is what everybody wants: super rustic, all about flavors,” she said. “If a celebrity is doing something and you see their cake, that will trend.”

The Art of the Cake

Both bakers said they often work with couples who have photos or Pinterest boards full of cake ideas, which can be great. But cake designers have their own areas of expertise, and they pointed out that one baker cannot necessarily reproduce everything that other cake artists have created.

DeNamur compared it to different kinds of artists. Painters, potters and carvers all use different techniques and tools to create their work. Asking a cake baker who works in buttercream to make a sugar flower would be like asking one

of those artists to switch to a different medium.

But they do like trying out new cake designs. Jensen created a Mario Bros.–themed cake, for example, that turned out great. DeNamur hesitated at first to try palette-knife color swipes on cakes – you can’t remove red from white frosting – but she now has experience with multiple variations.

Jensen and DeNamur agree that regardless of trends or the wishes of family members and friends, wedding cakes are ultimately about the couples themselves and what they want. And Door County, DeNamur said, is a special place that doesn’t necessarily follow the rest of the nation.

“Most people come here because they want to be simple; they want it to be natural,” she said. “Door County is very much its own little world, and it’s always been that way.”

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Photo by Melissa Alderton Photography Photo by The McCartneys ◆ 920 495 8135 Door County Private on site Services Small Weddings ◆ Catered Events Personal Chef Private Homes ◆ Airbnb ◆ Historic Sites Taste of Door ◆ WI Farm to Table Menus ◆ Gluten Free Menus DCPC Made Breads, Desserts, Cakes photo by Kasey and Ben Photography Special Event Hair & Makeup Including Airbrush Makeup 144 N. 3rd Ave., Sturgeon Bay (920) 818-0352 * 74 door wedding | Elegant. Simple. Delicious. Wedding & Any-Occasion Cakes Cupcakes & Desserts Jacksonport, Door County WI
10716 N. Bay Shore Dr. * Sister Bay BOATHOUSE ON THE BAY DOOR COUNTY WISCONSIN H H H The perfect location, with one of the best views in Door County! 920-854-3223 • * Small Weddings * Rehearsal Dinners * Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties * Private Parties on the Rooftop A Special Place for Your Special Event Indoor & Outdoor Accommodations For Large or Small Gatherings • 3899 Old Highway Rd. • Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 • 920.743.5380 • Making Your Memories Magical Open Year Round Saguaro Day Spa Wellness Center of Door County door wedding | 75 MRGSLOGANCREEKGRILLE.COM Seating for up to 350 Outdoor Ceremony Space Heather Cook Elliot Photography Contact Mary at 920.559.0338 for details. Mr. G’s e s t 1973 Jacksonport

Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club

Crave Cuisine Customized catering to fit your taste Events from 20-300 guests Premier waterfront location for your rehearsal dinner, wedding reception, ceremony, etc. Exceptional cuisine created just for you. Indoor seating up to 170 guests. 600 Nautical Drive • Sturgeon Bay, WI (920) 743.6934 • Art of Exposure
76 door wedding | Contact us for party or group information | (920) 239-8181 Friends • Family Memories • Beer The best place to meet up and get the celebration started!

The People Who Bring a Wedding to Life

The Planner

A wedding planner’s primary purpose may be to plan your wedding, but this amazing individual will wear many hats by the time the lights go off at the end of your big day.

With everything a planner must keep track of, it’s no surprise that Carrie Baldwin-Smith, owner of Door County Event Planners, has her time line paced out down to the minute. She said stuffiness has never been her style, but keeping as much as possible “predictable” helps her to better manage the unpredictable, such as making last-minute adjustments and judgment calls.

Baldwin-Smith said that how she approaches planning an event and the responsibilities that go with it change depending on the venue. At this wedding at a private home on the water north of Sister Bay, for example, she and her team took in everything – from the tents that went up four days before the wedding to the electrical wiring for the lights in the trees.

Which aspects she handles differ from wedding to wedding, but with 20 years of experience, she’s knowledgeable about all of them. The caterers needed a fan, for example; the ushers’ boutonnieres were placed too low on their suit jackets; the standing tables looked better with the green garland the florist supplied rather than the original navy sashes.

There is usually just one planner at a wedding, but for this one, BaldwinSmith brought in Chandra Johnson

as well. This was partly because Johnson, unusually, didn’t have a wedding that Saturday, and a large home wedding (there were 200 guests in attendance) requires every hand they can get.

“I had my kids out here at 9 am helping us set up the chairs,” BaldwinSmith said.

Some venues have the tables, chairs and perhaps the linens or other equipment they need on-site. At a private property, however, they must carry all of it in – plus the tents, bars, food equipment and even the bathrooms.

Precision becomes a crucial element of the job, making the necessity of Baldwin-Smith’s to-the-minute schedule more apparent. Besides keeping a list of everything that must go off without a hitch, she said, she can also distribute it to everyone who’s a part of the wedding to keep them all on the same page.

“It’s a lot for one person to keep track of,” Johnson said.

“Coordinator” or “facilitator” might be a better word for what BaldwinSmith, Johnson and other wedding planners do. Besides the vendors, they also start working with couples anywhere from nine to 16 months beforehand, Baldwin-Smith

said, giving them options, trying to help them make decisions, painting a mental picture for the couple and communicating the couple’s wishes to vendors.

Baldwin-Smith said one wedding can produce more than 250 emails, but her care for the couples and their families is evident.

At that large home wedding, the band and guests had petered out by 11:30 pm, but she and her team stayed until 1 am to clean up the garbage, linens and other stray items. This line of work makes for long days: They’re at the venue five to six hours before the guests arrive and may stay until 1 or 2 am. They log anywhere from five to 12 miles of steps on the day of an event.

Yet, even with such precise planning, weddings can be unpredictable. A breaker might flip in the catering tent; the liquor might not show up; or those tent sides the couple didn’t want might need to be found at the last minute as wind, rain or cold unexpectedly moves in.

Whatever comes their way, wedding planners must handle it. The secret to maintaining their sanity on a day that’s so important to all involved?

“You gotta have humor at a wedding,” Baldwin-Smith said.

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The Florist

When Helene Anderson pulls up to a wedding at Northern Haus on a July afternoon, the back of her blue minivan is brimming with flower arrangements – but they represent only half of the flowers for the day. The rest are back at her store, Flora Flower Shop in Sister Bay. With the temperature and the conditions, she and her husband, Mike, needed to create the arrangements earlier that day instead of more in advance.

“It’s the worst weather for flowers,” Anderson says. “Hot and windy.”

Anderson pointed out small – to my untrained eye – blemishes on the flowers. With accuracy honed from her nearly three decades of experience, she picks dying, dead or simply imperfectlooking leaves, petals and buds from the arrangements.

When she sets one arrangement on the bar, she sighs before expertly plucking a small, white petal off a flower.

“This is what happens when it’s hot outside and you leave your flowers out.” She holds it out to me, and I barely register the tiny, black splotch before she throws it away. “Bugs.”

Florists’ detailed-oriented eyes are perfect for catching these sorts of little things and making minuscule adjustments that make an arrangement just a smidge better. Throughout the afternoon, Anderson uses her experience to adjust seemingly minor details.

She adds calla lilies to the arrangements just by eyeing the stem length and slotting them in; she moves the 100-plus candles at the wedding around to make the heights work best along the aisle and on the tables; she coordinates with the photographers to get photos of the boutonnieres before the ceremony.

When Mike and Helene zip-tied four large flower boxes on the arch behind the bride and groom, the water started draining rapidly from the sides. With about two hours to go before the ceremony, the flowers would have had enough water to remain fresh, but the drainage made puddles at the end of the aisle. Anderson quickly grabbed some towels.

She takes the groomsmen’s boutonnieres to the bridal suite so they can see them, pins them on the men herself and keeps watch for the grandparents who are intended to wear boutonnieres.

Then the couple makes a quick trip home to grab a bite and load the van once more.

In less than an hour, they return with the back of the van full again – with nearly a dozen giant, round centerpieces.

Though the final floral arrangements for both the ceremony and the reception are what the bridal couple and guests see, and what the photographs capture for the future, Anderson deals with more than just flowers. Her work begins months before the event with emails and phone calls and consultations as she helps couples to finetune their vision. And when the big day finally arrives, she’s involved throughout the setup and takedown.

If you’re in the floral business, you’ve likely been on the receiving end of wellintentioned comments about how much fun it must be to “play” with flowers all day. “Play” probably isn’t the word Anderson would use to describe her handiwork – and observing the work she puts into the process, it's clear that the beauty of the flowers validates the worth of wedding florals.

But even during the stressful moments and throughout the long hours, there is also joy in seeing how much happiness those blooms add to the ceremony and reception.

“At the end of the day,” Anderson says, “you just want the day to go well.”

78 door wedding |

The Bartender

They’re usually dressed in black, situated behind a bar with 10-person lines, and moving their hands quickly, methodically and expertly as they mix, shake and pour. The wedding bartenders of Door County don many hats over the course of an evening – mixologist, travel guide, local sage and even, occasionally, therapist – but the end game is the same: Keep the glasses full and the good times flowing.

Justin Burress, Adrian Murre and Matt Stone are veterans of both the wedding bartending scene and the service industry. They all have other jobs throughout the year or during the off-season, but they still work anywhere from six to 20 weddings per year.

Alex Cole, the bar manager at Horseshoe Bay Golf Club in Egg Harbor, said that depending on the size, a reception can call for one to six bartenders.

“Generally, our rule of thumb is one bartender for every 50 guests,” she said, but it depends on the particular crowd. One wedding last summer, for example, required six bartenders for 200 thirsty guests.

One thing that can help to streamline a mixologist’s job is serving a batched specialty drink: “It makes it easier on the bartender to serve a big crowd quickly,” Stone said. But more than that, it can add a personal touch that represents the bridal couple or symbolizes Door County. Cherry mules and cherry margaritas are always a hit in that way, of course.

The main difference that every bartender said separates wedding bartending from mixing and serving drinks in other settings is the atmosphere. Most of the time, Cole and Stone said, everyone at a wedding is happy.

“You never have to break up a fight at a wedding, which is really nice,” said Murre, a veteran of the county’s restaurant circuit who has seen it all from behind the bar, and now in his role as an emergency responder as well. “And if, for some reason, somebody slips through the cracks and does get overserved, the groomsmen generally handle it.”

“It’s a party,” Burress said. “Everyone’s just there to have a good time. "

And it’s often the best part of the couple’s planning process as well.

“The bride and groom are always excited to plan the bar,” Cole said. “This is the fun aspect that they know – regardless of what they pick – all of their guests are gonna have fun because of the bar.”

door wedding | 79
Photo by Tandem Photography Photo by Liv and Remember
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