M U S I C ‘Positivity’- this 10-lettered word embodies an immense power in itself that has got no counts, whether it be the power of happiness, love, determination or of perseverance. This list is perpetual for those who wear positivity as their crown and sit on the throne of success despite the prickly thorns that the world has adorned for everyone. However, those who get trapped into the whirlpool of negative emotions like hatred, jealousy, etc., have got no time to taste the adroitness of positivity. And it’s tragic to mark that people belonging to the former group are negligible as compared to the ones present in the latter, and this is why the ambience around us smells ‘negative’, vanquishing the fragrance of ‘positivity’. ‘Music’ is one of the wires directly connected to positivity. The only thing that you need to do is just click on your favourite playlist, increase the volume of your music, and sing your heart out giving yourself completely to the music world and a natural high.
Here’s some music to cheer you up
What Do I Know Ed Sheeran If you are a minimalist, ‘What Do I Know’ is just the song for you. This folk song with mediocre beats, plucks of guitar here and there, and the mellifluous harmonies of Ed Sheeran, is all about love and positivity. Ed Sheeran uses a very easy-going pattern in his song for anyone to sway with the beats and find themselves smiling at the very appealing lyrics he used in this folk music. Ed Sheeran uses the very basic idea to be happy with what you have. ‘You’ should be your first priority. Loving yourself is very imperative. And as we know how our Ed is, he makes sure that he conveys his thoughts in the song in an emanate manner. He says in his song that life is not about fitting in. It is all about love and positivity. He thinks love can change the world, and if we think about it, there is no ounce of doubt about that. The song is very ambient and is a must on your playlist when you are travelling through the country road.