My booklet part 2

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Architecture 101 My BOOKLET (Part 2) Part 2: From Place to Space Anne-Sophie Gauvin Stefano Mirti

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Offered by Abadir Accademy of Design and Fine Arts and Iversity

Architecture 101 is an introduction to space and architecture through 101 exercises. A six-month journey divided into 3 courses “online” on iversity (part 1, part 2 and part 3), one final exhibition / graduation party. If you are still alive after all of this daunting process, there will be a one-week workshop “offline”, where we will go one step beyond.

In SHORT Architecture 101 is an introduction to space and architecture through 101 exercises. A sixmonth journey divided into 3 courses “online” on iversity (part 1, part 2 and part 3), one final exhibition / graduation party. If you are still alive after all of this daunting process, there will be a oneweek workshop “offline”, where we will go one step beyond.

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 1:

History of Place / History of Space

34/1O1 #WeAllShineOn

What will I do today? You will spend some time looking for moving images of Stonehenge. Imagine you go there for a trip and need to take one picture. This is a special trip. You go there with your smartphone or tablet. Find the appropriate video and take a screenshot of the appropriate view.

We all shine on, like the Moon and the stars and the Sun. John Lennon

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 1:

History of Place / History of Space

35/1O1 #NothingIsBuilt What will I do today? Today, you will refer to this “Operation Stonehenge What Lies Beneath� video. Then, if you like the theme as much as we do, take a look to this article (and to its pictures): What lies beneath Stonehenge. Impressive concepts and visuals. Today, the task is to choose an image (from the video or from the images in the linked article) and to add an existing diagram to it. The diagram should refer to the sun and / or stars.

Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone. Jorge Luis Borges /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 1:

History of Place / History of Space

36/1O1 #NoCowOnTheIce

What will I do today? A three dimensional model of Stonehenge. On Monday, you took a screenshot and added a little man (or woman). Yesterday, you added a diagram to an image. Today, we are getting a little bit more ambitious. We would like you to make a conceptual (physical) model of Stonehenge and share a picture of it. Try to grasp the spirit of the place.

Det 채r ingen ko p책 isen. (There is no cow on the ice.) Swedish idiom

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 1:

History of Place / History of Space

37/1O1 #YouGetUp What will I do today? On Monday, a screenshot and a little man. Thuesday, a picture and a diagram. Yesterday, a conceptual model. Today, we get a little bit more ambitious and we go out. Now, it is time to get outside. It can be in a park, or out in the nature. Find a place. Make sure that this “place” you’ve found is one without any direct human intervention (no benches, little houses, huts, bridges, etc.etc.). Only natural elements. Trees, bushes, the land... Take a picture of it. Add an existing diagram to your picture to express why this specific location looked as a “place” to you.

You get up early in the morning and you work all day.That’s the only secret. Philip Glass

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 1:

History of Place / History of Space

38/1O1 #ThereIsNothing

What will I do today? Go back to the “place” you discovered yesterday and define it as “your place” using little or big (if you are ambitious) stones. You found a place in nature. Now, enhance its “placeness” using stones. Now, eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour, right? Ian Malcolm /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 2:


39/1O1 #ThePrimaryFactor What will I do today? We have a special “place�. This place is called Zabriskie Point. Go there. Open up your Google Images, find visual references, go there with your mind. Now, choose (carefully) a way to reproduce yourself. It can be a cut-out of a picture of yourself. It can be an icon or a pictogram. Now, place your person into the desert. Choose the proportions (the scale of your figure in comparison with the earth and sky). Express your idea. Make sure we can understand your idea.

The primary factor is proportions. Arne Jacobsen /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 2:


40/1O1 #TheSimplestWay

What will I do today? Another very special “place�. Imagine yourself as a prehistoric person, living peacefully in the Death Valley, way before Las Vegas and L.A. Then, one day, some aliens or UFO arrive to your little hut and through a big beam of green light, you suddenly find yourself flying all the way to Peru. The simplest way to achieve simplicity You get to see works made by some is through thoughtful reduction. colleagues of yours living thousand miles John Maeda /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 2:


41/1O1 #TheEggHas What will I do today? Nazca, Lascaux, check out also some of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s works. Basquiat was working in New York City as if he were a prehistoric artist in Nazca or Lascaux. Use an empty space and explain us about your “place”. As you’ve seen in “California inspires me” you can work with collage, drawings and/or mixed techniques. Basquiat was writing and drawing. What about you? We want to see a contemporary graffiti on rocks, in which you show us your place. The place in where you and your dear ones live.

The egg has a perfect shape, even if it’s laid from the ass. Bruno Munari /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 2:


42/1O1 #ItIsNotHow

It is not how old you are but how you are old. Jules Renard What will I do today? Choose a part of your body. We would suggest to work on your hand, but feel free to get more ambitious (working on your belly, legs or - with the help of some friends - your back). Now. There is your body. But it is not your body anymore: it’s a natural landscape. Are you there?

Get an ink pen. Now, transform the natural landscape into a place. Mark it. Add signs to it. Shall we draw a line? Mark the position of a simple hut? Your body as a natural landscape. It looks easy, but it is actually extremely complex. Be careful.

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 2:


43/1O1 #ThereIsNoExcellent What will I do today? Now, using Google Satellite and/or Google Earth, you take us to the place of your choice. Then, using Bazaart app (or any other app allowing your to make a transparent overlapping of two different images) you will overlay the landscape with an image of your body.

There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. Francis Bacon /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 3:

Taking measurements

44/1O1 #ThereIsNoNeed What will I do today? Get on your phone or tablet. Choose a labyrinth / maze game. There are several of them. Android, iPhone, Anyways, explore some games and find your own labyrinth / maze. Play and get lost. Once you become slightly knowledgeable of this labyrinth of yours, take a picture (screenshot) of it. Then, using some collage app, add a “measuring” element to it (you can choose a ruler or anything else you want), to give us some dimensional information. Add it in a cool way… :-) Basically, you use the added element to provide us information related to measures.

There is no need to build a labyrinth when the entire universe is one. Jorge Luis Borges

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 3:

Taking measurements

45/1O1 #AdversityIs What will I do today? You will spend some You will go to some kind of maze / labyrinth generator on-line. There are several. Find the one of your choice. Here below a very simple one. You will go to some kind of maze / labyrinth generator on-line. There are several. Find the one of your choice. Here below a very simple one. You will go to some kind of maze / labyrinth generator on-line. There are several. Find the one of your choice. Here below a very simple one.

Adversity is the first path to truth. Lord Byron /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 3:

Taking measurements

46/1O1 #OurLifeIs

What will I do today? Today, the challenge is to lay out a Cretan maze for an ant. Draw your Cretan maze. Then, add an ant (or several ants) somewhere (in order to give us an understanding in terms of measure of the whole thing). Finally, add your measuring tool to the whole.

Our life is full of empty space. Umberto Eco

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 3:

Taking measurements

47/1O1 #NotAllThose What will I do today? You will spend some time looking for moving images of Stonehenge. Imagine you go there for a trip and need to take one picture. This is a special trip. You go there with your smartphone or tablet. Find the appropriate video and take a screenshot of the appropriate view. Then, add your measuring tool or info and there you go!

Not all those who wander are lost. J. R. R. Tolkien /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 3:

Taking measurements

48/1O1 #IllPaintYou

What will I do today? Today, you will work on exteriors. Find a special place in your city. One that can be “felt” as a labyrinth. Once you find it, take a picture. Now, we want to see some kind of map-diagram to help us “fall” into your labyrinth. A scale, measuring tool and there we go! :-)

I’ll paint you moments of gold, I’ll spin you Valentine evenings... David Bowie

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 4: Conceptual Models

49/1O1 #TheValueOf What will I do today? Get under your blankets / sheets (in your bed). Take a picture of this special place you are at. Convey the idea that it is some kind of incredible prehistoric cave. Suggestion: the tricky bit of today’s task is to work with lights. How to get an appropriate lighting? Not easy at all. Make your tests.

The value of an idea lies in the using of it. Thomas A. Edison /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 4: Conceptual Models

50/1O1 #BeholdHuman

Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads... Plato What will I do today? You will spend some time looking Again, get under your bed sheets. Take a picture of this special place you are at to convey the idea that we are in some kind of incredible prehistoric cave.

Now, you will add a second element: cave painting on the surface of your cave. Remember that you are a prehistoric lad or lass! You can paint directly on the sheet, or add them in post-production (via the app of your choice). The cave painting should represent the relationship between the sun, the moon and your cave.

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 4: Conceptual Models

51/1O1 #MaybeThe What will I do today? Once again, get in the bed, under your sheets. Take a picture of this special place you are at to convey the idea that you are in some kind of incredible prehistoric cave. Today, you will add people. How? What kind of people? This is up to you. If you are an extremely ambitious student, you will add these people (cut-outs?) directly inside the real physical cave. If you have some commonsense, you will add

Maybe the only thing each of us can see is our own shadow. Chuck Palahniuk /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 4: Conceptual Models

52/1O1 #YabbaDabba

What will I do today? Today we get fancy. You will make a conceptual model of your cave. To be precise, you will make a conceptual model of a “cross section” of your cave. Once you’re done, add a person or two in post-production. Yabba dabba doo”. Fred Flintstone /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 4: Conceptual Models

53/1O1 #WhoWouldBelieve What will I do today? Yesterday, you made a conceptual model of your cave using cheese. Today, you will use paper (not cardboard). Paper. Thin and white. Fold, cut, crumple, glue‌ Do whatever you want as long as you get a cool result. Add the information we need to know about using a diagram. If you wish, you may also add people (we would suggest you to do so).

Who would believe that so small a space could contain the image of all the universe? Leonardo da Vinci /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 5: Papercut Models

54/1O1 #ThroughSpace What will I do today? Today, you will make your own papercut characters. And that we liked it very much. Are you with us? Great. Choose the “real” character you will work on. Take pictures. Naked, dressed, whatever you feel like. Then, work on the original image with some collage app you like. Then, find a way to connect your phone to a printer (eventually via a laptop / desktop) and print your characters. Make a family of them. Let’s say a couple. Modern Lovers (today, we fell once more into Bowie and it seems we can’t get out of it). When you print them, make sure these paperpeople are scaled 1 to 100 Through space the universe swallows me up like an atom. Blaise Pascal /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 5: Papercut Models



What will I do today? Today you will make your set of papercraft things. Yesterday, you started with your characters. Now, we need to make things to surround them. Things you need to make for our two lovers (for the time being, they live in an abstract universe). A wall (to separate them). A wall with a window (to separate them, but also give them the possibility to see each other). A wall with a door (to enable them to get in and get out). A tree (to give them a meeting place).

Before I make a mistake, I don’t make that mistake. Johan Cruyff /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 5: Papercut Models

56/1O1 #AllTheRivers

What will I do today? You have your people (two lovers). You have some basic elements (walls and trees). Now, stage them into a spatial scene inside an abstract world (a kitchen table? the floor in your room?). All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full. King Solomon /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 5: Papercut Models

57/1O1 #WhatsThatScreaming What will I do today? You have your two lovers, you have your basic elements (walls and trees). Now, find some grass, some natural setting (soil, earth,asphalt, clay...) and dive into the real!

What’s that screaming? A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming... Barbarella /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 5: Papercut Models

58/1O1 #IfItHadBeen

What will I do today? You will set up your paper scene into a digital world. You choose the world. It can be one of those great apps you experimented in the first part of the course. It can be a screenshot from a video game. It can be whatever you want as long as it is “clearly� digital. One thing: stay simple.

If it had been possible to build the Tower of Babel without climbing it, it would have been permitted. Franz Kafka

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 6: Building (digital) space

59/1O1 #MarbleIsNot What will I do today? Choose one of the above linked apps and build a wall. Once you have built your wall, open up a window. Then, open up a second window. Take a screenshot of your work, add one (or more) people to give us an idea of the scale and there you are.

Marble is not alike in all countries. Vitruvius

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 6: Building (digital) space

60/1O1 #RetainYour

What will I do today? You have to build a base. A flat base. A flat surface between the earth and the sky. By now you should have chosen the app / program you like best. Again, once you have finished your digital work, add people and other useful things for us to understand your intentions

Retain your memories but detourn them so that they correspond with your era. Asger Jorn

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 6: Building (digital) space

61/1O1 #IWouldRather What will I do today? Enter your building app and build 16 columns. Aligned, with the same distance between each other. Then, prepare a squared base and build 16 columns following a 4 x 4 grid Now, once again, add your little people, collage, this and that and there you are with your final image. Mix digital and analog. Overlaps, hybrids, short-circuits. Mix them up and there you are. But... Watch out! Make sure your various references are shaken, not stirred!

I would rather have a cup of tea than sex. Boy George /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 6: Building (digital) space

62/1O1 #TheEgoIs

What will I do today? A base, some columns and a roof. You understand where we are now? Almost. Not yet. This will be tomorrow. We are almost there‌ Base + columns + roof. Add your people and things. Make sure the sky looks fine

The ego is not master in its own house. Sigmund Freud

/My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

Week 6: Building (digital) space

63/1O1 #ToGatherHoney What will I do today? You learned to build a wall. You learned to build a base. Then, a colonnade. Finally, a roof... Today, we ask you to use these elements (you don’t have to use them all) and to build your little hut. A protected space for you to rest. Be simple, be lean and show us your space. Once again, if you feel like it, you can add some other things via collage and overlays.

If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive. Dale Carnegie /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

thank you for this very special journey KISS KISS/ HUG HUG

Email: /My Architecture 1o1 Booklet (Part 2)/

Dora Chater

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