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Clergy Continuing Education Policies

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Pension Policies

Pension Policies

Four (4) weeks, including four Sundays, for a total of 28 days. Parishes may choose to grant more than four weeks considering years of service in ministry, family needs, or other variables. All such agreements shall be agreed to in writing between the pastor and pastor/staff parish relations committee. Clergy with a less than a full-time appointment shall be granted at least the number of vacation as follows:

Quarter Time appointed clergy shall receive one (1) week including four Sundays for a total of 10 days.

Half Time appointed clergy shall receive two (2) weeks including four Sundays for a total of 16 days.

Three-quarter Time appointed clergy shall receive three (3) weeks including four Sundays for a total of 22 days.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education is a vital and important part of leadership development for Spirit-led missional leaders. Continuing Education time is not to be confused with vacation. Vacation is for rest and recharging. Continuing Education is for professional and spiritual development. Each Charge will grant its appointed clergy (full or part-time) two weeks, including one Sunday, for a total of 11 days for the purpose of continuing education and professional improvement during each appointment year. The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for the continuing education Sunday.

Annual Conference

All clergy are expected to attend all sessions of the Annual Conference. The Sunday immediately after Annual Conference is a travel/rest day and is not vacation or continuing education time. The Charge will pay the travel, registration and per diem expense for its clergy and lay members attending Annual Conference. The Charge will pay for the pulpit supply for Conference Sunday.

Connectional Responsibilities

Clergy, as members of the Annual Conference will have connectional responsibilities (e.g. meetings of the Annual, Jurisdictional or General Conference Boards and agencies, Conference Camps, etc.). Time spent on these responsibilities will not be counted as vacation time or continuing education. Clergy will inform the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee of time needed for these responsibilities.

Weekly Days Off

Clergy are expected to take holidays and at least one day off each week. Up to five days of “compensation time” may be accumulated to be taken at another time, not to include a Sunday. Clergy will inform the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee when “compensation time” is taken.

Additional Time Away

Any additional time for personal reasons or for educational purposes will be negotiated with the Clergy, the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee, in consultation with the District Superintendent. It is recommended a written agreement be developed and signed for purpose of clarity and understanding. The vacation and time off policy applies to the Conference leadership clergy as well as the clergy serving local church charges.

Clergy Continuing Education Policies

Amended 1996 The Board of Ordained Ministry of the Dakotas Annual Conference makes available $600.00 per quadrennium for each: Elder or Deacon member of the conference in full connection, Probationary member of the conference, Diaconal minister who is a member of conference, and Licensed Local Pastor who has completed the Conference Course of Study. Each clergy person is required to complete eight Continuing Education credits each quadrennium or two credits per year. One CEU/CSU shall be the equivalent of: -Twenty hours of supervised reading/reflection in a knowledge-competency area agreed upon by pastor and PPR. (No more than one CEU/CSU can be given by this route in one year.) -Ten contact hours under qualified leadership. (An hour spent with an instructor or a course, workshop, or seminar.) The term CSU stands for Conference Standard Unit, which may be used in lieu of Continuing Education Units (CEU). CEUs often require that a fee be paid to a college or university. CSUs do not. CSUs reflect study time, but might not reflect formal credits outside our conference.


Determine and select the desired event. Each clergy person is to think through her/his needs and desires concerning continuing education and consult with the local church PPRC concerning observed needs. Out of that reflection choose what best fits the needs for this period of time. Use the CE Grant application form describing the event and listing number of CEUs available. Include a copy of the brochure or material describing the event and send it to the continuing education officer of the BOM. The request will then be processed by the continuing education officer. If there are questions, the CE officer will clarify them before processing the request. When completed, the request will be sent on for payment to the clergy person.

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