3 minute read
Clergy Ethics — Retired Pastors
from 2022 Journal
iii. Course of Study, Advanced Course of Study and Kairos students will be eligible for an overall cap as determined by the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY. iv. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY.
A. Provisional members of the Dakotas Conference may be eligible to receive up to a Yearly Maximum as determined by the DAC Board of Ordained Ministry per year for up to six successive years for educational debt retirement. Eligibility continues after Elder’s/Deacon’s ordination. The following stipulations determine eligibility. i. All educational requirements for Elder’s/Deacon’s Orders have been completed. ii. The applicant must be in a full-time appointment within the bounds of the Dakotas Annual Conference; however, less-than-full-time appointments may receive grants on a pro rata basis. Appointments to attend school do not qualify. Debt-reduction grant will cease with any termination of relationship with the DAC, or appointment outside the bounds of the conference. iii. The applicant will supply evidence of educational debt related to ministerial education. iv. Debt-reduction grant is considered a forgivable loan and must be repaid or forgiven by service in the conference on a yearly basis. Yearly debt-reduction forgiveness (per the levels of aid stated below) will apply only after requirements for forgiveness or repayment have been satisfied for any outstanding seminary, COS, or Kairos forgivable loans. Exception to this policy may be approved by the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY. Application forms must be requested annually from the conference loan officer. Debt reduction grant decisions will be made by the Board of Ordained Ministry Ministerial Student Aid/Finance Group. v. Special situations of need may be appealed to the DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY.
A. The DAC BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY established the following levels of aid (2017): i. Yearly forgivable loan maximum $2,000 ii. Seminary Forgivable Loan Cap $6,000 iii. Course of Study Overall Cap $9,000 iv. Repayment Interest Rate 7% v. Yearly Minimum Payments $500 vi. Yearly Forgiveness $2,000 for Seminary and COS Loan/Grants vii. Yearly Debt Reduction $1,000 viii. Overall Debt Reduction $6,000
Dakotas Conference UMC—Office of Leadership Development 1331 W. University Ave, Box 460, Mitchell, SD 57301 (605) 990-7796 - dakumcom@dakotasumc.org
Clergy Ethics for Retired Pastors
in Relation to the Local Church and Appointed Pastors Adopted by Board of Ordained Ministry on March 14, 2006 Affirmed by the Executive Session on June 8, 2006 -Remember, the Retired Pastor is not the Appointed Pastor of this parish. -Let the Appointed Pastor know your desires as to leadership responsibilities within the church; but, except under exceptional circumstances, Retired Pastors should not accept official church structure offices...chairing boards or committees which rightly belong to the laity. Establish a covenant between the Appointed and Retired Pastors regarding those agreed upon responsibilities and share that covenant with the Staff Parish Relations Committee. -Priestly functions and associated counseling are the responsibility of the Appointed Pastor. In special circumstances Retired Pastors may assist or perform funerals, weddings and baptism at the invitation of the Appointed Pastor. -Retired Pastors shall not perform worship services within the bounds of a pastoral charge without permission of the appointed Pastor or District Superintendent. (¶341.4, The Book of Discipline) -If the Retired Pastor is a former pastor of the parish, do not pass on any negative opinions about persons or the church to the Appointed Pastor. When the Appointed Pastor asks for information, respond to those questions as fully as you wish. -If the Retired Pastor feels their Appointed Pastor is in error, talk to the pastor. If you do not receive an adequate response, talk to the District Superintendent. Never discuss these issues related to the Appointed Pastor with the laity. If you feel you cannot continue under that Appointed Pastor’s ministry, change churches. -Be tolerant of different styles of ministry and be tolerant of occasional mistakes and errors by the Appointed Pastor. -Encourage parishioners to talk to the Appointed Pastor in pastoral care situations. Tell the parishioner that you will support them as a Christian friend, but they should use the Appointed Pastor as pastor. In limited situations referral to the Retired Pastor by the Appointed Pastor may be appropriate. -When visiting in pastoral care situations, the Retired Pastor should make it clear that s/he is representing her/himself and not the church or pastor. It is appropriate to make hospital calls as a friend anytime. -Before making a hospital or nursing home visit that may be construed as a pastoral call, give the Appointed Pastor a chance to 187