adjustment and will be around 5%. The committee approved proposed changes to the Personnel Policy Manuel to reflect our practice of requiring sexual harassment prevention training. Discussion was held on the policy for phone reimbursement for staff working from home who may be using their personal cell phones for conference business. Dave Stucke is looking into alternatives such as a Zoom phone. Jeff and Rebecca reported it has been a challenge to stay connected with staff now that very few work from the office. Rebecca and Jeff are working at having regular meetings where their staff are all together in person. We remain focused on communication and keeping our staff aligned as we move forward. Submitted by Barry Whipkey, chair, Human Resources Committee
4.9.4 Board of Pensions Pensions Board of Pensions of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, Inc. and South Dakota Annual Conference United Methodist Board of Pensions, Inc. The Dakotas Conference Board of Pensions (Board or BOP) administers the pension, healthcare, and other benefit programs available to clergy and lay employees of United Methodist institutions (local churches, annual conference, and other UM related entities). The purpose of the Board is to wisely provide pension and health care benefits for its clergy, lay employees, and their families so that they can more freely equip the local church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. (See Para. 639.1 in the 2016 Book of Discipline). Major accomplishments over the last year include: (1) began Wespath HealthFlex Exchange for the addition of three-quarter time clergy with the option to opt out for full-time and three-quarter time clergy if qualifying; (2) continuation of Medicare Part B premium grants for surviving spouses as those rates continue to increase each year; (3) continuation of premium grants for eligible retired clergy (Pre-65 and 65+) to assist with premiums in active and retiree health insurance; (4) continuation of medical grants to eligible clergy for large out-of-pocket medical expenses; (5) continuation of parental leave grants to churches to cover lay supply expenses while pastor or spouse is on maternity leave; (6) continuation of no apportionment dollars; (7) Active Health Fund for future funding of health insurance in the midst of denominational uncertainty; (8) gave discretionary rebates to churches and discretionary bonuses to clergy and lay staff for those participating in pension and health. Funds were set aside for HealthFlex Direct Bill transition grants for churches with three-quarter time clergy on health insurance beginning in 2022. Clergy Medical Leave: Clergy members Dayne Zachrison and Robert Duemig were approved to continue medical leave and to receive Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits for the conference year of July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. Clergy members Howard Baird and Kevin Kloster were approved to continue medical leave for the conference year of July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. The Pre-82 (Past Service) Annuity Rate: The Board recommended that the 2023 Past Service Annuity Rate (effective 1/1/2023) be set at $792 for each year of pre-82 service in the Dakotas Conference. This is a 2.86% increase over 2022. Discretionary Bonus Policy: In the event the Dakotas Board of Pensions has overfundedness, the Board may approve a discretionary bonus to be paid directly to clergy and/or lay staff. UPDATES ON THE HEALTHFLEX PROGRAM: HealthFlex is offered to Annual Conferences through Wespath. This plan is specifically designed for active and younger than age 65 retired United Methodist clergy and lay employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is the health insurance carrier which administers the plan and processes claims. The HealthFlex insurance plan has strict guidelines regarding payment of premiums. Beginning in 2022, HealthFlex coverage includes three-quarter time active clergy. All of the same options and premium credits will be available to these clergy as available to full-time clergy. The option for both three-quarter time and full-time clergy to opt out was added as long as they qualify for one of the five opt-out reasons. Please check with the conference benefits officer for clarification on the optout reasons. The chart below shows the actual cost for each category of participant enrolled in the 2023 HealthFlex Exchange: ACTIVES Single 2 Party Family H3000 Plan $8,700 $16,536 $22,632 H2000 Plan $9,984 $18,960 $25,956 H1500 Plan $11,016 $20,928 $28,632 C3000 Plan $9,852 $18,708 $25,584 C2000 Plan $11,316 $21,492 $29,400 B1000 Plan $11,784 $22,392 $30,636 Default plan C3000 Plan