Food Fetish
Grounded in the traditional magic of the Uttarakhand hills, Garhwali food has high nutritional value and earthy tastes, that have largely remained unexplored. Megha Jhunjhunwala, Chef and Founder of Hearth & I, sheds new light on 4 age-old Garhwali recipes, that have been lovingly honed and passed on by the strong women of the Garhwal region. Words: Megha Jhunjhunwala Image: Aditi Sharma Design Studio
My love for Uttarakhand, especially the Garhwal region is still a mystery to me. Much before I visited the area, I had GUHDPV DERXW ZDONLQJ WKH VSUDZOLQJ PHDGRZ DQG KLOOV RI WKLV KHDYHQO\ DERGH )URP , VSHQW DOPRVW ¿YH \HDUV OLYLQJ DQG H[SORULQJ WKHVH UHJLRQV GLVFRYHULQJ WKH XQLTXH \HW VWUDLJKWIRUZDUG ÀDYRXUV LFRQLF WR WKLV UHJLRQ /XFNLO\ P\ WHDFKHUV DORQJ WKH ZD\ ZHUH VWURQJ EHDXWLIXO *DUKZDOL ZRPHQ ZKR KDSSLO\ WRLOHG LQ WKH ¿HOGV DQG IRUHVWV EULQJLQJ EDFN ZRRG DQG vegetation to cook their family the most nutritious and delicious meals. These inspiring women are the master chefs and secret-keepers of this spectacular cuisine.
The Ideal Home and Garden September 2020 |