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The Network Newsletter January 2011 International Business & Professional Network asbl (Established 1991)

e-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu website: http://www.the-network.lu

President's Letter Dear Networkers, As the pictures taken at our social event in December later in this Newsletter demonstrate those of you who couldn’t make it to the soirée missed one of the highlights of our networking year! More than 40 people braved the snow. With good food & drink and even better company the evening was a great success. Through the silent auction we raised the fabulous amount of €1,716, topped by the Network to €3,000 and donated to Femmes Développement. Our special thanks go to all the donors of the attractive items without whose contribution the silent auction could not have become such a triumph. Let’s hope that 2011 will be equally successful for all of us, collectively and individually! To this end, the programme sketched out for you starts with selfimprovement. Hoping to see lots of you on the 19th January! Anemone

Editor’s Notes Dear Networkers, A new year is time for a fresh start and what better way to begin than to consider your wardrobe and how you present yourself in the best possible light. To be successful you have to look the part - first impressions count, so all the research tells us. Could an image consultation be the answer? I decided to talk to professional image and fashion consultant Wendy Casey-Janes to understand exactly what she does and how she started her business. Fiona

Next meeting: 19 January 2011 at the Sofitel How to communicate successfully – Nathalie Dondelinger Successful working professionals communicate on a daily basis with a large number of people, among others: management, shareholders, employees, clients, prospects, press, opinion leaders, and many more. Each communication needs thoughtful understanding of your « vis-à-vis » and preparation in order to be professional and successful. Each and every one of us is surrounded every day by a multitude of communications, many of which we do not even notice. Thus it is important to communicate only when needed and to prepare the communication with care. Don’t communicate to communicate if you want to be noticed! About the speaker: Nathalie Dondelinger is Senior PR and Communication Consultant at Keep Contact. She has been working in communications and marketing for 12 years. She started her career at one of Luxembourg’s largest advertising agency before joining Havilland Bank as Head of Communication and PR. Nathalie studied communications and journalism at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and obtained a master in marketing from Solvay Business School. About Keep Contact: Keep Contact is an independent Luxembourgish PR company, founded in 2007 by Ludivine Plessy, a French Marketing and Communication manager. Keep Contact offers a strategic and operational approach in terms of press and public relations respecting precise communication objectives.

Social event on 15 December 2010 The evening began with a presentation of Luisella Moreschi – one of the founders of Femmes Développement about how it all began (www.femmesdeveloppements.org). Our donation of € 3,000 raised by the silent auction and topped up by the Network will benefit the women in a rural area of Ruanda. With the help of micro-credits widowed women will be given the opportunity to start their own business and support themselves and their children.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!! We would like to especially thank all the donators for our silent auction: • ARACity Radio and Lisa McLean for an advertising voucher • Bain Capital Luxembourg and Ruth Springham for two bottles of Champagne and six Champagne glasses • Béatrice Karpawitz-Godt for a set of scarf and gloves • Carré Rotonde for two fun bags with tickets for a show • Catherina von Proschek for a necklace and a pair of Swarovski earrings • Cat Club and Laurence Sauer for two food baskets • Chi-Chi’s for a dinner voucher for two • Fix a Frame for a set of photo frames • Au file dé Saisons for a hand-made doll • Generaltour for a week-end in Paris • Hotel Hilton for a brunch voucher of two • Maria Millington and Pascale Vanden Eynde for golf lessons • Marilena Romano for one of her paintings • Moduslink and Ben Heyerdahl for truffles from Oberweis • Passage Fitness First for a one month trial

• Philharmonie for several concert tickets • Pilates Center Luxembourg for a one month trial • Pizza Hut for a voucher of two dinners • Psyfamily and Elena Calimente for a sophrology voucher for child & adult • www.pommerose-lux.com and Nathalie Hissette for a paper flower decoration

• Sarah Jane Gunter for best-seller books • SMETS for a Dolce&Gabbana bag • Vin&Produits du Terroir for three food baskets • Viviane Bumb for a copy of her book, The Family Guide, 3rd edition • Yoake Luxembourg – the ultimate Spa - for a one hour massage session

An interview with Wendy Casey-Janes - Image Consultant How did Wendy start her business? Wendy originally worked as a Vice President of an American bank in Luxembourg but after a career break realised she didn’t want to return. The idea of becoming an image consultant came whilst clothes shopping before Christmas with a friend. Wendy located the perfect dress for her friend who received boundless compliments when she wore it at her husband’s office Christmas party. Both her sisters wanted to know where the dress came from as did several of the women attending the event. Wendy’s friend suggested she make a career of her ability to shop.

Wendy who admits to having a life-long passion for fashion decided to investigate the possibility. She studied image and fashion styling long distance with a college based in Dublin. The syllabus included guidance on how to structure your business and involved creating a visual portfolio of ideas and information. During her course she was already thinking about how to market herself. She approached several retail stores and was offered a job as an in-house image consultant. Wendy, however, wanted to work independently and set about applying for her business licence. On

the strength of her presentation, even before she had completed her course, she was granted her licence! So, when Wendy obtained her diploma with a distinction she was already providing a service for a whole range of different clients. She was also writing monthly articles on style for the 352 magazine. So, what services does Wendy offer? 

An in depth image consultation that covers every aspect of our appearance, from colours and clothing styles to glasses frames and make-up techniques. This is accompanied by a full set of reports on how to achieve that polished image.

Or a ”fast track” consultation that covers the core elements of colour and clothing shapes that enable clients to identify exactly what will and will not suit them.

As part of her service Wendy assists people to create outfits from clothes that they already have in their own wardrobes. Many of her clients, she tells me, already have wonderful clothes and just need one or two separates or accessories to create a whole new set of outfits. She also accompanies clients shopping for clothing to give them confidence in selecting items that will enhance their image. Often only one trip is required before a client is entirely confident in their own choices. Wendy can also guide clients on selecting prescription glasses frames that will suit the shape of their face. She produces a style board that can be taken along to the opticians to facilitate your choice. Wendy also produces sets of personalized design features that will flatter your body shape and that can be taken to a tailor if you’re wanting to purchase that bespoke suit. Wendy has co-written a training course for the recruitment agency Fast. The course, Front-Line Client Service covers dressing professionally for business and has been certified by the University of London. The course includes information on how to make that important first impression and what not to wear in the workplace. She has also worked as the client style advisor for Cartier in Luxembourg. What results does Wendy achieve? Wendy has received some lovely e-mails from clients mentioning how her service has changed their lives and how shopping is no longer a chore. It isn’t just clients that have appreciated her services, she has enjoyed praise from tailors, opticians and hairdressing salons. Want to know more? Wendy’s website is: http://imageandfashion.com Contact Wendy directly to book an appointment: Wendy Casey – tel: 312959

Email: wendy.casey@internet.lu Wendy often speaks publically on radio or at corporate events on how to improve your image. Make sure you let her know if you are interested and she will add your name to her list to contact when these events take place.

Upcoming Network Events 

19th January

How to communicate successfully – Nathalie Dondelinger

at the Kirchberg Sofitel, doors open 7.30pm 

16th February Luxembourg State pension Michael Doyle

23rd March AGM

27th April FFCEL (Fédération des femmes cheffes d’entreprises du Luxembourg) and the initiative « Women Ambassadors for Entrepreneurship »

19 th May Panel on professional qualifications

15 th June Social event

General Information Deadline for February 2011 Newsletter: 29th January 2011. Our contact details are listed here. To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website. If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here. For contact details of the current Network Team, click here. Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Network.

The Network Newsletter February 2011 International Business & Professional Network asbl (Established 1991)

e-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu website: http://www.the-network.lu

President's Letter Dear Networkers, The topic of this month’s meeting should be of interest to all of you who work in Luxembourg. It is all too easy to put of thinking about your pension rather than planning to ensure you will have sufficient funds. A good place to start is by understanding what you will be entitled to in terms of state pension. The 10 year mark seems to be an important threshold. Michael Doyle will give us the whole picture. Anemone

Editor’s Notes Dear Networkers, In this month’s letter we have the results of the questionnaire on your views about the Network and I talk to Dena who has started her own business running a Country Inn. Teresa, another member has organised a trip to New York to take part in a women’s marathon, so if you’re interested in joining her read on. Fiona

The February meeting: Luxembourg's State pension –Presentation by Michael Doyle The aim of the presentation is to explain the Luxembourg State Pension in laymans terms and will include the following;   

An explanation of the ’1 year rule’, the ’10 year rule’ and the ’40 year rule’ offer example calculations discuss the future for the Luxembourg State Pension

Time permitting Michael will also cover;   

Occupational Pension Schemes Individual Pension Schemes Tax Efficient Savings Vehicles

and explain the tax advantages offered by these. Michael Doyle is a Financial Planner. He has worked in a variety of roles in financial services over the past 13 years, from Business Development to Compliance, from offering Mortgage Advice to Independent Financial Advice and Estate Planning. He has been an International Financial Planner in Luxembourg for over 2 years and now works with The Spectrum IFA Group after being head-hunter to come and work in Luxembourg. The Spectrum IFA Group have offices across Europe including Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Portugal. They assist clients with all of their financial planning needs. Michael is a Member of the Board for The Scottish Association and the Founder of The Business Lunch in Luxembourg. For further information see www.michaeljdoyle.eu (TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L.) | 11 avenue Guillaume, L-1651, Luxembourg | Mob: +352 691 128 026 | Tel: +352 2744 9669 | Fax: +352 2643 2855

January Meeting in Review: How to Communicate Successfully Nathalie Dondelinger, a Senior PR and Communication Consultant at Keep Contact, was the presenter at the Network’s January meeting. She has been working in communications and marketing for 12 years. Currently, she is working at Keep Contact, which is an independent Luxembourgish PR company, founded in 2007 by Ludivine Plessy. Ms. Dondelinger discussed the necessary steps to communicate successfully whether in a work environment or in our personal relationships. We are surrounded by a multitude of communications on a daily basis. It is therefore essential that we learn to communicate in a successful manner. Judging by the large attendance at January’s meeting, the members of the Network agree that communication is an important aspect of our daily working lives. Ms. Dondelinger illustrated the essential aspects of good communication. Afterwards, participants were asked to perform an exercise illustrating these aspects.

New to the Network:

Welcome to Geeta Rajaraman

My name is Geeta Rajaraman, with a birthday fast approaching, reminding me of my fresh gray hairs. My parents are originally Indian, I grew up in the United States and have lived and visited many countries in my lifetime. I have a degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications, have worked in media for many years, predominantly Discovery Communications and Sony Entertainment. I began my relationship with Luxembourg when I did a road trip with my family to visit the site of the EU parliament. Little did I know I would end up living there. I was living in London, UK, where I met my now husband who lived in Luxembourg. Following an explosive and enjoyable courtship, we got married September last year and decided to make Luxembourg our home. As for my spare time, I consider myself an explorer. I'd like to think there are lots of things in life I haven't tried and my quest is to constantly learn new things.

Women in Business Dena Haggerty’s new Country Inn Business in the Eifel Dena has given up her career as a lawyer in Holland to open a country inn in Germany’s Eifel region. Whilst some people go through their whole careers in the same profession, others seem to thrive on change. Dena wanted a new challenge. Most of her work was office based and had become repetitive; she longed to do something completely different. Well, she has certainly had plenty of challenges on route to her setting up her business, most of which were not anticipated. Initially, Dena and her husband had planned to open a spa and fitness centre with a restaurant. They had already found and bought premises which they thought would be suitable for this purpose, they had a business plan and funding arranged through a bank. Then the financial crisis hit. The bank, decided their project was too risky in the changed financial climate and would no longer loan them the money. Dena was still working full-time as a lawyer partly working from home and going backwards and forwards to Holland whilst her husband was working as an airline pilot. They decided to revise their plans. The area in Germany in which their inn is situated is in an area popular with Dutch tourists. They realised that the market was

already saturated with traditional small basic hotels, but they thought that by renovating and upgrading they could offer something more upmarket with more spacious accommodation. They planned to offer romantic weekends with champagne on arrival and breakfast in bed. The market for German wines has changed and quality wines from the Mosel are now in demand and commanding premium prices, so Dena went on a course to learn about wine, so that they could offer wine tasting weekends with visits to local vineyards. Whilst making plans and renovating the house, Dena’s husband was made redundant. With the renovation project hardly started there were no funds to continue. I can only imagine what a difficult time this must have been. Fortunately, after a few months he was back in work and after four years the work on the inn was finally complete. It is no wonder that Dena tells me she looks around her with a smile on her face at the new décor, the wood floors and luxury en suites each with a shower, bath and double basin. Setting up the business was the easy part, she tells me, it was the managing of the renovations that was the challenge. I asked Dena what part did networking play in all this. Dena has recognised the importance of networks not just for marketing and sales side of her business, but also as a way of gathering information. A chance meeting with a baroness who runs a bed and breakfast near Trier at a coffee morning for English speakers proved to be a very fruitful source of information. However, contrary to what an architect told her that Germans don’t visit that part of Germany, she is receiving 5-6 enquires from Germans weekly via her adverts on the web. The location of her inn sounds idyllic with views over the countryside, romantic woodland walks, with ruined castles in abundance and two restaurants within walking distance. It is just the place to unwind after a stressful week at work. If you want more information, Dena’s website is: www.eifelcountryinn.com

Your Honest Opinion about the Network? The results of our survey. After the October and November events, we distributed a questionnaire, the intention being to find out what our members are actually thinking about the association’s activities and how we might improve them. 24 of you took the time to answer the questions. Among those who filled out the questionnaire 15 were Network members and 9 had come for the first time. Overall, the topic on divorce law (October) attracted more new people than the taxation topic (November). Does this allow us to deduct then that personal issues have a higher potential of interesting people than professional ones? I don’t think so. We should further investigate this. Moving to the topic of average length of membership, we see that it lies around 5 years. Quite good, considering that most people working in Luxembourg aren’t here

for good but often only for a couple of years. So the Network is thanks you for your loyalty! The best way for the Network to flourish is undeniably to produce a good program with challenging talks on a wide range of topics and to create an excellent atmosphere for networking. 64% among the respondents heard about the Network from a friend or a colleague, followed by our website and third - with quite a gap - by other associations or press. In other words, our best ambassadors are our existing satisfied members! The motivation for attending our events seems to vary but the majority said that it was the topic that mattered most, be it a topic of personal or professional interest. Second among the motivating factors ranked the opportunity to network and third reason given was generally broadening one’s horizon/ learning something new. Although we would have liked more responses to our questionnaire to make our survey more representative it seems that on the whole the Network is meeting your expectations. Only one person told us that she was not satisfied with our event but she failed to be specific and give us some suggestions for improvement. When asked about the Newsletter, only 14 confirmed that they actually read it regularly. This is a pity since, on this basis, those who don’t read it will also miss out on this article about the positive outcome of our questionnaire!! Anemone Thomas / Catherine Moisy

Invitation to a women-only 10 km race in New York on 8-12 June 2011. Experience New York in June with shopping, culture, restaurants and a women only race in Central Park. The NY mini 10K was the world´s first women-only race in 1972 and has ever since been thought of as the best of its kind. It is a race for everybody, Olympians as well as joggers, on the same course. The race has no time limit and therefore it is up to you if you want to run for a personal best, run for fun or walk the course. 2010 over 5000 women crossed the finishing line at Sheep Meadow in Central Park.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to a trip to a very exciting city and one of the world’s highest ranked female running races. New York has everything. The range of shopping, restaurants and night life is enormous and there is something for everybody. For sightseeing there are the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Wall Street, Ground Zero, Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan, the Brooklyn Bridge and much more. You can also find many world class museums and galleries in NY. Our hotel, Dream****, is conveniently located on W 55th street between Broadway and 7th Ave. From the hotel you have walking distance to Central Park and many sights of interest such as Times Square. Wednesday June 8: Flight from Findel, Luxembourg at 11:20, via Heathrow, to JFK, New York. Arrival in the afternoon local time. Private transfer to the hotel and checking in. Thursday June 9: Three hours sightseeing in English with a local guide. If you are interested tickets to a musical later that night can be arranged. Friday June 10: Time on your own. Perhaps more sightseeing or shopping: Bloomingdales, Schwartz, Nike tower… Saturday June 11: The New York mini 10K. At 8:00 the start signal sounds for an amazing female race. In the evening those who want meet up for dinner in a restaurant to celebrate our achievements before we do New York by night. Sunday June 12: Last shopping before leaving New York or maybe a visit to MOMA. The choice is yours. In the afternoon we get picked up at the hotel by our private transfer that takes us back to JFK for our returning flight. Monday June 13: Arrival at Findel, Luxembourg at 10:50. Price: 1585€ Included in the price:    

Flights return Luxembourg Findel – New York JFK, including all taxes. Private transfers JFK – the hotel. Part of a double-room (2 large beds), 4 nights at a four star hotel including 4 American breakfasts, taxes and porterage fee., see :www.dreamny.com 4 days of travel health insurance with DKV. www.dkv.lu

 

Sightseeing 3 hours with local guide (in English). A starting place in the New York mini 10K 2011.

For any questions or if you’d like to reserve your place please contact Teresa at: teresa.majus@home.se ; Mobile: 621-768116 Would you like to join? Please sign up by 1 March. Best regards, Teresa.

Dexia BIL Woman Business Manager of the year award This award launched by Dexia BIL aims to give recognition to women who head innovative projects in Luxembourg companies. Amal Choudry was this year’s winner. She set up her business, e Kenz, in the IT sector. For more information see http://www.dexia-bil.lu

Upcoming Network Events 

16th February Luxembourg State pension Michael Doyle at the Kirchberg Sofitel, doors open 7.30pm

23rd March AGM and Speed Networking Kirchberg Sofitel

General Information Deadline for March 2011 Newsletter: 29th February 2011. Our contact details are listed here. To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website. If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here. For contact details of the current Network Team, click here. Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Network.

The Network Newsletter March 2011 International Business & Professional Network asbl (Established 1991)

e-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu website: http://www.the-network.lu

President's Letter Dear Networkers, The two years as president of the Network seem to have passed very quickly; needless to say that I enjoyed every minute of it! I would like to thank “my” fantastic team for their continuous input and enthusiasm. I would also like to thank you – members of the Network- for your support – attending in such large numbers our meetings certainly has helped us in our work. You will vote for a new team on Wednesday at the AGM – with old and new faces – and I wish the new team good luck and many exciting new ideas.


Editor’s Notes Dear Networkers, This is my last Newsletter before I step down from the committee. It has been an interesting three years. I have interviewed all sorts of different people which has given me an insight into the different worlds that exist in Luxembourg. It is an experience that I would not have missed and that I can recommend to anyone considering joining the Committee.


23 March meeting: AGM and speed networking Speed Networking- Some tips For those of you who haven’t taken part in a speed networking event before, this is similar to date networking. Each long standing member introduces themselves to another member they don’t know, after about five minutes, when the President rings a bell everyone changes partners and the process is repeated. This gives everyone a unique opportunity to meet a lot of interesting women in a short time period. Here are a few tips to prepare for speed networking (courtesy of speednetworking.net): - know how to describe your business in a few clear statements; - know what you want from business networking; and - always follow up on contacts. Bring enough business cards!!

February Meeting in Review: Luxembourg Pension Scheme The speaker at the Network’s February meeting was Michael Doyle of The Spectrum IFA Group. Mr. Doyle gave the wellattended audience plenty of information about Luxembourg pensions and how they may need to change their planning for the future. He first dispelled many myths about the Luxembourg Pension Scheme. He then described the Luxembourg State Pension in detail. The most important aspects he discussed were: who contributes to the scheme; what is the qualifying period, and when can you take your pension. The so-called 10 year rule required additional attention as many foreigners residing in Luxembourg believe that they must contribute to the Luxembourg pension scheme for 10 years before having the right to a pension from Luxembourg. The 10 year rule actually refers to the contribution for 10 years within the EU and a few other countries with which Luxembourg has a tax agreement. It is therefore not actually necessary to reside in and contribute to the pension scheme in Luxembourg for 10 years. After dispelling our myths and misunderstandings about the pension scheme, Mr. Doyle did a few example calculations to give attendees an idea of the pension they can expect to receive. He also discussed some current trends with regard to the pension scheme. In particular, he indicated the problems with the sustainability of the

current pension scheme. In conclusion, he gave a few examples of how to deal with the shortfall of your pension scheme.

Women in Business An interview with Amal Choury – Managing partner of e-Kenz S.A. Since when have you been working and/or living in Luxembourg? I have worked in Luxembourg for 12 years. I can now proudly say that my origins are in Morocco, my passport is French, but my heart is definitely in Luxembourg. Where have you studied? I have studied at the University of Metz in France and graduated in information technologies. Why did you decide to launch your own company? Launching my own company was a personal project that I had in mind for a long time. After having developed an attractive career in Eurobéton Group, where I held the position of Chief Information Officer since 2003, I wanted to go further than that. I wanted to become an entrepreneur, being independent and realizing my own ideas. So, backed by my then-employer, I presented the business plan for e-Kenz to my partners, Delaware Consulting and LBO Investments S.A. (main shareholder of Eurobéton), from which I got all the support needed. The creation of the company was therefore based on stable foundations right from the beginning. e-Kenz being the spin-off of the IT department of Eurobéton, it goes without saying that Eurobéton became the first customer of e-Kenz, quickly followed by other companies. In 2010 we have crossed the threshold of 1,4 million € turnover and tripled our workforce. What services are you offering? e-Kenz is the first service provider for SAP solutions in the “Software as a Service” (SaaS) mode dedicated to small and medium sized enterprises (SME) operating in the Grand-Duchy and the Greater Region. Our solutions cover all aspects of software management, for which e-Kenz is the unique and sole contact, including consulting, implementation, maintenance and hosting services. Hence, SMEs may concentrate on their core business and, in addition, generate considerable cost savings. The step towards an integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) package is not obvious for many small and medium-sized companies. After all, budgets are tight and the IT infrastructure and team are often limited. To lower the threshold for the

implementation of a powerful ERP solution, e-Kenz offers a complete and flexible management solution: SAP’s Business All-in-One in Software as a Service mode (SaaS). SaaS is the abbreviation for Software as a Service, which represents the commercialization of a remote software solution accessible via a secured Internet connection and a standard Web navigator. SaaS is to be understood as a service offered to the customer. Rather than investing in a dedicated IT infrastructure, the user buys a global service including the software, hosting services, assistance, support, etc. e-Kenz offers complete solutions in SaaS mode based on a monthly rate by user depending on required services. e-Kenz takes care of:  The implementation phase  The required trainings and documentation  Hosting on e-Kenz servers  Continuous availability and software maintenance Flexible financing:  No project investment  Hosting subscription (licenses and maintenance) = fixed monthly amount (for 2, 3 or 4 years)  IT services based and invoiced on demand Why ?    

Powerful, integrated SAP software Low and transparent IT budget Implementation is 5 to 10 x faster go-live Free the resources for the core business of the customer

What are your motivations? Your drive? My motivation and my drive to succeed are fed by three basic ingredients: my team, our customers and our offer. Further I try to follow a simple motto: Whatever you do, do it with passion! Since the creation of e-Kenz, I had the chance to work with a competent and passionate team. We tripled our workforce since then and have not yet finished. This is our main challenge for the moment: recruiting the right people that share the same motivation and philosophy. Relying on innovative technology itself is not sufficient to carry out a project. You also need the people. That is why I put a lot of emphasis on the wellbeing of my employees, offering them a flexible and mobile schedule. Further, the satisfaction of our customers motivates a lot. Hearing positive feedback of our clients proves that we are doing a good job in helping them to develop their business, as well as to grow our own. Finally, we strongly believe in our project and our offer. And as already mentioned, the recognition of our customers fortifies this belief. How important is a network for the success of a company? Building a stable network around your company and yourself as a CEO is essential for the success of a company, especially here in Luxembourg. Word-of-mouth

decides on the success or failure of a company. Therefore you have to target your network very carefully. Personally, I am involved in several projects, especially related to ICT, here in Luxembourg, such as Eurocloud Luxembourg*, SAP User group*, Fedil-ICT*, and others. These memberships allow me to confirm my concept and to present it to decision makers of the Luxembourgish economy. Next to those business networks, I am also highly committed to social networks. Do awards have any impact on your business? I would say that indirectly winning an award certainly has an impact on one’s business, especially in terms of image and brand awareness. But this is secondary. As already mentioned, word-of-mouth related to the satisfaction of our customers definitely has the highest impact. Winning awards is certainly recognition of the work done that we are surely proud of, but I would rather consider it as a nice “accessory” to the company’s reputation. What are you the most proud of? Besides having realized this beautiful project with such a passionate team, supportive shareholders and customers recognizing our work, my actual pride is to be elected “business woman of the year” by Dexia in partnership with paperJam and Pricewaterhouse Coopers. This award recognizes all of my efforts to integrate the Luxembourgish society and especially finding my place as an entrepreneur in the Luxembourg economy. I am feeling honored for what I have built throughout my life.

Upcoming Network Events 

23rd March AGM and Speed Networking Kirchberg Sofitel doors open

19.30pm 

27th April “ Ambassadors for female entrepreneurship in Luxembourg” – Presentation of the aims and projects of the FFCEL (Federation of female company executives in Luxembourg) Speaker : Françoise Folmer, former President of the Fédération des Femmes Cheffes d’Entreprises du Luxembourg (FFCEL)

General Information th

Deadline for April 2011 Newsletter: 29 March 2011. Our contact details are listed here. To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website. If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here. For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Network.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

April 2011


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, A new committee was elected at the AGM in March. Some have remained on board, but we also have four new volunteers. In this month’s newsletter the two new VP’s will present themselves and what they want to achieve in their new role with the Network. With the new committee we will do our best to continue to realise the main goals for which the Network stands for: career, business and professional development. The two first events of this spring well frames these goals: - in April we will learn more about how the organisation FFCEL works to encourage female entrepreneurship and in May we will hear three different women who have achieved a professional qualification and how it has impacted their personal career development. I hope that we will also be able increase the interaction with all of our members, as the work the committee does is for its members! Looking forward to meeting you at an upcoming event, Josefin Johansson-Juup

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Spring Event Calendar April


27th April, 7:30pm Ambassadors for female entrepreneurship in Luxembourg – Presentation of the aims and projects of the FFCEL (Federation of female company executives in Luxembourg)

18th May, 7:30pm Conference about professional qualifications. Three different qualifications, three different speakers, three different experiences.

Speaker : Francoise Folmer,

Speaker(s): KerryJane Nichols, partener at Ernst &Young (Charted Accountants, ICAS), Elke Valila, experience from the World Bank, Washington (CFA), and Stephanie Kirkegaard , Head of Operations at Banque Invik (MBA, Sacred Heart Univeristy).

Associate Architect, Team 31, former president of FFCEL and Miriam Mascherin, Managing Partner, Elite Advisors, president of FFCEL.

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

22nd May, 11:00am Golf Introduction! With golf pro Alexander Born. Price: â‚Ź33 per person. Guests: Guests and family members are welcome!

June 17th June, 7:00pm Social Event! Bofferding Beer Tour. More information will be available on the website and your email.

RSVP: by May 15th to Hana.Kuhn@pt.lu and payment to the Network bank account.

Location: Golf & Country Club, Christnach

Location: Brassiere Bofferding, Bascharage

Introducing... Our New Committee Vice Presidents Cindi Wilson joins The Network committee with a broad range of experiences, having been in executive corporate management, consulting, designing a midlife reinvention and recently starting a new business. She came to Luxembourg in 1995 from the USA with General Motors (now Delphi) as Director of Quality and Customer Satisfaction for Europe and South America. Wanting experience in Asia, she later joined Philips Consumer Electronics as VP Global Supplier Quality and also lived in Singapore and The Netherlands. In 2007, she took 2 years off for a midlife reinvention, and seminars in personal development, writing, internet and marketing. As a selfproclaimed “travel fanatic”, she also travelling the globe for months at a time, and enjoyed adventures at 50 including bungee jumping, skydiving, zorbing, Nepal treks and India camel festivals - and then wrote 2 books about the experience! The personal development courses came in handy when she also found herself offered unlimited weeks free at a spa in New Zealand in exchange for rewriting their website and providing business development advice. But you can’t live at a spa forever … and she then returned to Luxembourg and began consulting on quality transformation and defect-free product development in the UK with a supplier to British defense. Recently, she also launched a new business, called Local First Page Rank, which helps local businesses get exposure and new clients online in the most cost effective manner. As a Network committee member, Cindi would like to help incorporate more interaction, participation and networking into the evening presentations. Fully appreciating the challenges of starting a business, she would also like to initiate a series to help the new entrepreneur – starting, stabilizing and growing – as well as marketing and personal development.

Hana Kuhn was born and raised in Luxembourg and studied hospitality at the LTHAH in Diekirch. At the beginning of her professional career, she turned her back to hospitality and worked in real estate and administration. Giving in to her passion to travel, she left Luxembourg in 2000 to work in Mallorca, Spain with Luxair Tours, the Luxembourgish tour operator. She returned to Luxembourg with Luxair (airline) and was involved in organising and coordinating city trips. Accompanying the groups to the myriad of European destinations was the most interesting part of her job. Her personal path led her back to Mallorca, where she worked at a five star golf resort & Spa, starting off in the reservations department, later becoming the assistant front office manager and finishing as a guest relations manager. After many years in Spain it was time to come home again where she joined the sales and marketing team at the Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg and Sofitel Luxembourg Europe, being in charge of coordinating and organising conferences, seminars and social events.

Since September 2010 she works, part time, in administration at the University of Luxembourg. She speaks 6 languages, loves cooking for friends and outdoors activities. Hana joined The Network as a member after her return from Spain as she wanted to meet new people. She liked the association for its team and what they stood for. She was approached by then president Anemone to join the committee and she accepted Considering, Hana has always being involved in organisation and creative thinking; she figured her input could be utilised to the benefit of the association. She wishes to broaden her horizon through The Network and its multi-cultural members, with stimulating conversations providing inputs to new learning.

March Meeting: AGM and Speed Networking in Review

On March 27th, 2011, we saw our members participate in our 20th AGM and elect the new committee for 2011. The voting was done by a system of proposer and seconder from the audience, rather than by ballot or show of hands. The new committee stands as follows: Role President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Membership Secretary General Secretary PR Media Coordinator Newsletter Editor Website Coordinator

Name Josefin Johansson-Juup Hana Kuhn Cindi Wilson Ioanna Konstantinidi Mariska Nijhuis L’Ami Martine Balland Catherine Moisy Geeta Rajaraman Cornelia Tudor

Many Thanks to the old committee and best wishes to the new one!

Another advantage of this system is that it ensured a relatively swift election leading to the “fun” bit of the evening – Speed Networking. New members and old enjoyed the rest of the evening getting to know each other or catching up, as the case might be, with each other.

Renewed... The Network Website One of the aims of the committee over the past few months has been to review the website and to consider how it might be improved and made more user-friendly. While you are looking at the website, please check that your member details are up to date. We use the membership details to help us plan events that are relevant to our members’ status.

General Information 

Deadline for May 2011 Newsletter: April 28th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know?

Women perform 66% of the world’s work, but receive only 11% of the world’s income, and own only 1% of the world’s land.

Women use 20,000 words a day while men only use 7,000.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

May 2011


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, One of the main goals for the Network is to promote career and personal development as well as to provide a networking platform for professional women. I think by doing a professional qualification, you not only learn the skills that the exams require, but it is also a process of personal development and it certainly opens doors to another form of professional cross boarder networking that is maybe more crucial to career development than the qualification itself. I hope this month’s seminar about professional qualifications will support you in your career and personal development – and most of all I hope to see you at the event for the important networking experience!

Josefin Johansson-Juup

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Spring and Summer Event Calendar May




22nd May, 11:00am

17th June, 7:00pm

13th July, 6:00pm

17th August, 6:00pm

Conference about professional qualifications. Three different qualifications, three different speakers, three different experiences.

Golf Introduction! With golf pro Alexander Born.

Social Event!

Discussions at this event could be of this nature: How are the qualifications perceived in Luxembourg? How can the qualifications each benefit to various professional directions during the studies and after having passed the qualification?

Price: EUR 33 + balls (a bucket of balls costs €1)

Price: EUR 25 for members, EUR 35 for non-members.

Guests: Guests and family members are welcome!

Program: There will be a guided tour of the brewery, followed by a beer tasting and a dinner including main course, dessert, coffee/tea, beer and water.

Afterwork drinks at Frenchie’s Bar

Afterwork drinks at Frenchie’s Bar

18th May, 7:30pm

Speaker(s): Kerry-Jane Nichols, partner at Ernst &Young (Chartered Accountants, ICAS), Elke Valila, experience from the World Bank, Washington (CFA), and Stephanie Kirkegaard , Head of Operations at Banque Invik (MBA, Sacred Heart Univeristy).

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Bofferding Beer Tasting, Tour & Dinner.

Deadline to register: May 15th

Deadline to register: June 10th

RSVP: Confirm to Hana Kuhn by email: Hana.Kuhn@pt.lu and payment of EUR 33 to be wired to The Network Bank account by May 15th.

RSVP: Confirm to Hana Kuhn by email: Hana.Kuhn@pt.lu and payment of EUR 25/35 to be wired to The Network Bank account by June 10th.

Location: Golf & Country Club Christnach, Am Lahr, L-7641 Christnach

Location: Brasserie Bofferding, 2 bd JF Kennedy, L-4930 Bascharage

Introducing... Our New Committee Secretary Martine Balland came to Luxembourg in 1995 from Paris following her husband and their little boy. She had to quit her job in Paris unexpectedly when her son took ill. Since she was always sportive, she decided to participate in lots of sporting activities and also went back to university to obtain a degree in International Public Law, European Public law and an urban development Certificate. More recently she has done a year’s training in Luxembourgish Law plus a Mediator Diploma. Upon reconsideration of her career, she decided to pursue a new life as a freelance journalist. She wrote on legal as well as socio-economic topics. Today, she mainly writes for Enterprises Magazine. She wishes to develop her writing skills for other news agents as well including French ones. Martine has held several positions being a freelance agent. Her positions include working as a civil servant for the French local government, being responsible for collecting and coordinating environments in formations (Paris City Hall), Urban environmental communicator and as Head of an administration department (Rueil-Malmaison). She also has been a Marketing Assistant for a Food & Agriculture Corporation (Paris) and has supervised a team in an international Hotel in MoroccoRabat. Martine was approached by Catherine Moisy (our own PR consultant) and Anemone (ex-President) to join The Network given her broad work experiences. She wishes to broaden her horizon through The Network and practice different languages.

April Meeting in Review: Ambassadors for female entrepreneurship in Luxembourg

On April 27th, 2011, two representatives from the FFCEL (Federation of Female Company Executives Luxembourg) addressed our meeting.

(Credit: MyMOSAIK.lu) L-R: Miriam Mascherin, Francoise Folmer

With an impressive turnout, Francoise Folmer (former President of FFCEL) and Miriam Mascherin (current President FFCEL) spoke about the past, present and future of their organisation and how it could assist some of the Network members.

Francoise Folmer is an associate architect with Team 31, besides her involvement with FFCEL. She showed the inception of the organisation by showing some sobering statistics about the lack of women in high executive and decision-making positions. Pointing out the obvious stereotypes and misconceptions about the ability of women to accede to upper management or entrepreneurial positions, she showed why the FFCEL was founded.

Started in 2004 with the support of two Luxembourgish organisations - the Ministry of Equality and the UEL, the employer's federation - and later with the additional support of the Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade, the Ministry of the Middle Classes and Tourism, the Chambre de Commerce and the Chambre des Metiers, the FFCEL has some impressive support from the government. This enviable relationship has made the role of the FFCEL even more valuable to women hoping to enter the world of business.

Miriam Mascherin, current FFCEL President and Managing Partner of Elite Advisors, took the podium and explained her experience on the bumpy road to entrepreneurship, saying that women are good workers but lack the third dimension – networking - elaborated by saying that women who network have the additional support and shared experiences to not only start them on their journey to being an independent business person, but helping them during this process by getting them much needed exposure. Miriam said “once they know you do business correctly, you get known!”

Using slogans to make her point, Miriam had the audience motivated! She also spoke about business mentoring and explained that it’s not only for start-ups. This process of assessment is just as good for established businesses. Business models should have yearly check-ups to be sure their still on track. And with business mentoring being supported by the government and free of charge, there should be no reason not to utilise this service. Finishing with a show of hands, it was obvious that the audience was perfectly in tune with the entrepreneurial subject – almost everyone there fostered hopes of being their own boss. The Network has again given their members and guests valuable information to help them with their professional aspirations.

Renewed... The Network Website One of the aims of the committee over the past few months has been to review the website and to consider how it might be improved and made more user-friendly. While you are looking at the website, please check that your member details are up to date. We use the membership details to help us plan events that are relevant to our members’ status.

General Information 

Deadline for June 2011 Newsletter: May 25th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know? 

In parts of Malaya, the women keep harems of men.

In 2007 the world’s richest self-made woman was Ms Zhang Yin, a Chinese paper recycling entrepreneur.

Urgent Classified Femme sérieuse et calme, cherche chambre meublée à Luxembourg en échange d’heures de travail : garde d’enfants, aide au devoir, dame de compagnie pour personnes âgées, cours de conversation (allemand, anglais, luxembourgeois, français….). Si vous avez une chambre temporairement disponible, contacter le 27 29 02 37, aux heures de bureau. Calm and serious lady, is in an urgent need for a furnished room. In return for the room, she is willing to offer her services, like babysitting, language conversation (German, Luxembourgish, English or French), help for homework etc. If you have an available room, please contact 27 29 02 37 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

June 2011


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Summer has arrived and soon the well earned and much longed for holidays as well. It is time to recharge the batteries in order to get back all the inspiration that the winter has eaten up! You can take advantage of the wonderful weather (hopefully) and network with our members at the Summer Afterwork Drinks at Frenchie’s. I wish you all a wonderful summer, Josefin Johansson-Juup

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Summer Event Calendar June




17th June, 6:00pm

13th July, 6:00pm

17th August, 6:00pm

21st September, 6:00pm

Afterwork drinks at Frenchie’s Bar

Afterwork drinks at Frenchie’s Bar


SAVE THE DATE The Network’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

May Meeting in Review: Professional qualifications – how are they appreciated in the Luxembourgish job market?

Three speakers, representing three different professional qualifications tried to answer questions about career development and how Luxembourg perceives their qualifications. The speakers on the panel were Kerry-Jane Nichols who represented the chartered accountants (ICAS), Elke Valila - a qualified chartered financial analyst (CFA) and Stephanie Kirkegaard who has an MBA from Sacred Heart University in Luxembourg. All three agree that their qualifications have had a positive impact on career development, whether it was the initial motive for deciding to begin studies or not. Elke goes so far as to say that the CFA was the reason that she landed a job at the World Bank in Washington where she moved over 10 years ago as a trailing spouse. Although Luxembourg as a job market is not known to take professional qualifications into consideration, all three ladies agreed that as competition for jobs increase in Luxembourg, qualifications will have a higher value going forward: -especially as a way to brand yourself and put your CV “on top of the pile”. Stephanie points out that a qualification is not just about the title you obtain in the end, but also about the personal development. You learn to juggle the work- study-life balance to its extreme. Seeing that she was able to do the MBA, while working full time has had a positive boost to her professional self-confidence!

May Meeting in Review: Golf Introduction On Sunday, May 22nd our members met at Christnach Golf Club for a golfing lesson. The weather held up and the ambience was friendly. Alexander, our golfing teacher welcomed us and introduced us to Golf. For those who may not know, Golf is a precision club and ball sport in which competing players attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course. The challenge is to employ the fewest strokes to hit a “hole-in-one”. A maximum of fourteen clubs are allowed in a player’s game, though we were given two clubs, a short club (called iron) and a putter, the one used to roll the ball across the green into the cup and the most enjoyable for beginners. We spent four hours on the green learning golf stroke mechanics: for instance a golfer does not "hit the ball" but that he swings the club, which then strikes the ball. The body and club are positioned parallel to the target line. The feet are commonly shoulder-width apart for middle irons and putters, narrower for short irons and wider for long irons. Our members discovered the sport was not as easy as it seemed. It was rather difficult to keep our body and mind under control while playing. Although time flew by and our members left tired, but happy.

Renewed... The Network Website One of the aims of the committee over the past few months has been to review the website and to consider how it might be improved and made more user-friendly. While you are looking at the website, please check that your member details are up to date. We use the membership details to help us plan events that are relevant to our members’ status.

General Information 

Deadline for September 2011 Newsletter: August 25th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know? 

The average number of items in a typical woman’s bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-­‐mail: getintouch@the-­‐network.lu Website: http://www.the-­‐network.lu

September 2011


President’s Message

The Network: 20 years

Dear Networkers, This year the Network is celebrating its 20 years. I think that is an achievement for any voluntary organisation, but I think that it also clearly proofs that there is a need for a networking platform like the Network. The Network is a women’s only club; so the question I often get is “do we really need a women’s only networking group”? I think women like men need all kinds of networks, but I think that a women’s only network will highlight issues that are especially important to women and that is what makes it important. The fact is that it is still more rare to have a woman in a high position in the company/organisation you work in, and hence I think it is good to be in an organisation like the Network where women that have an interest in juggling career and family can meet and share and motivate each other. Since this summer after having my daughter I especially understand what life for an ex-­‐pat far away from grandparents etc can mean. The work-­‐life balance is taking a new angle especially if both adults in the household have demanding careers. For this reason I am now stepping down from my presidency post with the Network, but I hope to be coming to the events in the future when I have a baby-­‐sitter! I am also happy to leave the committee in very good hands with Cindi Wilson who is taking over as president and who joined the committee as one of the Vice Presidents last spring. The other Vice President Hana Kuhn will stay on as Vice President. The agenda for the autumn is a very exciting one; the celebrations next week, “the female leadership through mentoring” in October, and in December we are organising the traditional Silent Auction to benefit a charity. This year’s charity will be Little Plus with the goal to support young girls education in Cambodia. The Network is very excited to work with the organisation as their goals are exactly aligned with the Network’s interests! I wish the Network another successful 20 years! Josefin Johansson-­‐Juup

The Autumn Event Calendar 2011

14th September 18:30

19th October 19:30

The Network Celebrates 20 Years with Gala Style Event

Female Development and Leadership through Mentoring

16th November 19:30

The Perception of Luxembourg abroad

Speakers : Special Speaker: Carole Tompers, guests Image and Fashion Speaker: Rita Knott Secretary General, Consultant Wendy Casey-­‐ has 26 years of Luxembourg for business Janes and experienced will speak about how banking experience. trainer Sue Pidgley will be Since 2005 Rita has Luxembourg is perceived the speakers for the abroad from a business been working as a evening. In addition to coach with a diploma perspective. Also, what advising her own clients, does the country to in Coaching and Wendy has worked with enforce its attractively as Supervision from the corporations including a business place, not only University of Applied Cartier and La Belle Etoile Sciences in Frankfurt. as a finance place and been a columnist on In Luxembourg she fashion advice in the 352 manages mentoring Luxembourg News programs especially magazine. Sue is a senior directed at women: manager for a company in www.mentoring.lu. Luxembourg and has experience in delivering At the conference Rita training courses to will speak about both financial services coaching and employees. mentoring and what it can do for female Spanish wines, ham and leadership. cheese will be served at the start of the event, and birthday cake and champagne will be enjoyed at the intermission. Club Haus Am Becheler Bereldange Location:

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

14th December 19:30

Christmas Dinner & Charity

The Charity for this year Silent Auction Christmas Dinner is the Luxembourg based organisation called Little Plus (http://www.littleplus. org/). The organisation supports young girls’ education in Cambodia. The organisation’s goals are in line with the interests of the Network and therefore we are very excited to be supporting Little Plus for the Charity of 2010!

Location: tbd.


The Network at 20: Here come the Girls! By Jess Bauldry published in www.wort.lu on September 8th 2011.

Take a bus through Luxembourg in rush-­‐hour and you may be struck by the number of women dressed in sharp suits, carting around briefcases. Generally speaking women in Luxembourg are no shrinking violets. They have established a dominant place in the Luxembourg workforce and it is heartening to know that a large proportion are far and away the main bread-­‐ winners in their households. But, such success-­‐ achieving board room roles and having a family, is not achieved alone. Many women attribute their success to having a strong network around them, something which is particularly crucial for new arrivals to Luxembourg. Cue Luxembourg's first ever women's only networking group: The Network. Something exclusively for women Founded in 1991 by like-­‐minded friends Larue Hall, Cynthia Brubacker, Mercedes Ponce, under the moniker “the Internet”, the group was a female-­‐only off-­‐shoot from the the American Businessmen's association, to which the founders' husbands belonged. The aim was to provide something exclusively for women to help them progress their careers and provide realistic female role-­‐models. The result was a “refreshing” break from the male-­‐dominated world in which many women are faced with. Network president Josefin Johansson-­‐Juup explained: “I decided to join the Network after having participated in one of their conferences. I thought it was very refreshing to hear about women's success stories in business since our business world of today is still very much dominated by men.”


Five founding principles The founding team established five clear principles aimed at promoting career and personal development for women in Luxembourg, providing a professional forum, offering information for career development, providing encouragement and creating an outlet for social, cultural, educational and philanthropic activities. Monthly meetings were set up at which female guest speakers could share their experiences. The group organised cultural trips, the all-­‐important networking events and later established an online platform whereby job vacancies within members' companies could be posted. Female employment levels in Luxembourg still lag behind the rest of Europe. The struggle continues 20 years later and, with a new name, The Network is still going strong, serving a crucial role for women looking to boost their careers and be inspired by other women's success stories. And, if anything, its role is just as crucial as it was 20 years ago. A 2006 study revealed that women's employment rates in Luxembourg actually fell since 1991, placing the Grand Duchy behind the average EU female employment rate with just 54.6% of the female population in work. Among the factors holding women back were a lack of training as well as childcare opportunities. Learning to do things better. Network vice president Cindi Wilson joined the club in 1995 when she was a company Director and later a Vice President. “ I've benefited from the presentations, which always provide learning, whether for personal development or business tips. It teaches you to do things better. But I also know people who were looking for a business service or a new employee and they've found the Network useful for that,” Cindi said, adding: “I think there's always been more opportunities for men to network. Women never really had an established organisation like this which allows them to do the same thing. The reason it's been sustainable for so long is because it's fulfilling that role.” Female role models Josefin supports this view, underlining the importance of reinforcing female role-­‐models in the businessworld to bring about change. She said: “I think it is good for women to see that there are many other women who succeed career wise while also running a family and as it is very rare at the single workplace/office I think that an organisation like the network gathers women with a career together and in that way serves as a role model for other women. I also think that women are not as good as men in business-­‐ networking and maybe a women-­‐only club can help women initiate networking.” 20th anniversary celebrations The Network's 20th anniversary gala takes place on September 14 at Club Haus Am Becheler in Bereldange. The evening includes a fun personal image workshop, with presentations by Image and Fashion Consultant Wendy Casey-­‐Janes and experienced trainer Sue Pidgley, plus Spanish wines and cheese, Champagne, birthday cake and a useful gift for each attendee. Tickets are 15 Euros for members and 25 Euros for non-­‐members. Doors open at 6.30pm.


After work drinks at Frenchie's Bar this summer By Martine Balland, General Secretary

On Wednesday, July 13th and August 17th our members met at Frenchie's Bar for a drink. As you probably know this is a sort of tradition in our Club meeting at this time of the year when most of the people are away on holidays. The idea is to keep contact with those who are still working in Luxembourg. I was one of them. What I can say is that every one has been an active participant in each conversation going around with or without the help of drinks...Just the pleasure to be everyone together and meet new people. Personally I met a very sympathetic Russian couple!

General Information •

Deadline for October 2011 Newsletter: October 7th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.


The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

October 2011


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Last month we celebrated the spirit that created and sustained the Network for 20 years. The fun never stopped as we enjoyed Spanish wines, cheese and ham, an interactive presentation by Image and Fashion Consultant Wendy Casey, posed for photos taken by the Luxembourg Wort and topped it off with champagne and cake! Wendy showed us how to maximize our assets, whether in a social or professional environment, and gain confidence in fashion selections to make a great first impression. In the end, we realized we are all the “right” body type, as long as we apply fashion tips designed for our body type and wear the colors most flattering to us. We especially enjoyed the critique of international women in politics to highlight some of the “do’s” and “don’ts.” The Network has provided a supporting role in Luxembourg in the development of women’s professional careers - and we will strive to continue to add value for our members as we look forward to the next 20 years! October Meeting – Leadership Development through Mentoring The October meeting promises to be just as interesting and informative, when Rita Knott talks about the importance of mentoring in leadership development. How often have you wished there was someone you could turn to for guidance in manoeuvring office politics, being more effective or making critical decisions? Mentoring can be beneficial not only for the person being mentored, but also for the mentor. Rita’s surveys indicate that 60% of those mentored found it helped them achieve professional tasks and challenges in a better way, and 65% of the mentors further improved their own leadership capabilities while mentoring. Mentoring can help you solve difficult situations, handle challenges and advance more rapidly. Why struggle, when you can benefit from the experience of successful people in leadership positions? Rita will present some mentoring programs that currently exist in Luxembourg, where companies sponsor participation. However, whether you avail of these programs, utilise a program that may already exist in your company, or create your own mentoring opportunity with someone you respect – you will come out ahead with mentoring. Looking forward to seeing you! Cindi Wilson Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Fall/Winter Event Calendar October



19th October, 7:30pm

16th November, 7:30pm

7th December, 7:30 pm

Female development in leadership through mentoring

Challenges and solutions for promoting Luxembourg abroad

Christmas dinner and Charity Auction

Speaker: Rita Knott Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speaker: Carole Tompers Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

More information to follow soon

20th Anniversary Celebration: The Network in the News

15 September 2011

The Network Celebrates 20 Years in Style In celebration of their 20 year anniversary, “The Network” International Business and Professional Network, celebrated yesterday evening with an interactive workshop on style, image and business dress. President Cindi Wilson welcomed the 50 attendees, explaining the origin of the club in 1991 was to create a network to help women progress their careers. For 20 years, The Network has attracted members by promoting career and personal development for women in Luxembourg, providing a professional networking forum, offering information for career development, providing encouragement and creating an outlet for social, cultural, educational and philanthropic activities. Monthly meeting topics are relevant whether women are in corporate positions, entrepreneurs with their own business or new to Luxembourg or rejoining work life. Members learn new techniques to improve, exchange ideas or business services and model, support and encourage each other to succeed. Cindi noted that the members were the group’s greatest asset, and consisted of very accomplished women. The key speaker for the evening was Luxembourg Image and Fashion Consultant, Wendy CaseyJanes. With a passion for clothing and fashion, Wendy provided an entertaining and informative evening. The first objective was defining body type! She noted that it doesn’t matter what body type you are as long as you know how to dress it, and mentioned famous celebrities who fit each one. With six to chose from, attendees then learned how to optimise their image with top tips on wardrobe dos and don’ts for each type. Wendy then spoke of the importance of colour, stating that the right cut and the right colour can make the simplest outfit look fantastic. Participants learned the colour palettes that best suited them, and Wendy assessed some articles participants had brought against their colouring.

The evening concluded with a “Dress for Success” segment on how to dress for business - whether in a very conservative organisation or manoeuvring the confusion of business casual. Armed with information and a more concerning eye, participants critiqued several photos of international women in politics to highlight the key points. Everyone emerged much more confident in their fashion selections to make a great first impression. In a very festive atmosphere, the group enjoyed Spanish wines, ham and cheese at the start of the event, and birthday cake and champagne at the intermission. Cindi made a toast to The Network, to continue to foster and support women’s achievements professionally, to the membership, the distinguished group of ladies who make it what it is and to 20 more years! The Network acts as a focal point to promote career and personal development for women of all nationalities within the Luxembourg community, and can be found at www.the-network.lu.

Thursday, 15 September 2011 | Luxembourg

The Network's 20th anniversary celebration Enhance your career through your wardrobe Body shape doesn't matter; it's what you wear that's important. That was the message party-goers took home at the 20th anniversary celebration of a businesswomen's group. Luxembourg's answer to Trinny and Susannah Wendy Casey had the 50 women who attended The Network party captivated with her workshop on how to dress to suit their body type and colouring. The image consultant invited party-goers to identify their body types, based on six different shapes, and then advised the women on how to hide flaws and accentuate assets by sharing her top tips. The result was a three-hour event which was as informative as it was entertaining. The session concluded with advice on what to wear in the workplace during which Wendy highlighted no-nos such as wearing heels higher than 7cms and donning more than seven items of jewellery. The Network was set up 20 years ago by a group of like-minded women, wishing to support one another in the field of business. The club welcomes women of all backgrounds and nationalities. The big event, which was held at the Club Haus Am Becheler in Bereldange, was accompanied with cake and Champagne.


General Information 

Deadline for November 2011 Newsletter: October 25th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know? 

that windshield wipers were invented by Mary Anderson in 1903?

The word “woman” is believed to have derived from the Middle English term wyfman, broken down simply as the wife (wyf) of man.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

November 2011


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, We learned the merits of Mentoring in Leadership Development at last month’s meeting, as Rita Knott passionately described the benefits for both the mentor and mentee. Armed with inspiration and several options, many members were ready to take action towards accelerating their careers. Whether you engage in these options, participate in your own company’s mentoring program or initiate one yourself with someone you respect, the value of the experience can be immeasurable. November Meeting This month, we are pleased to welcome Carole Tompers, Secretary General of “Luxembourg for Business” as our speaker. Every country is in competition to attract new business for economic growth and competitive advantage. And it is especially important in this current challenging economic environment. While Luxembourg is known for banking, the Grand Duchy also courts other sectors of the economy, as seen by the headquarters of large internet companies and the European Headquarters of several manufacturing operations. How is Luxembourg perceived abroad? What does Luxembourg do to attract new business? How does it engage with different economic sectors? How can this impact you or your business? Join us November 16th and learn all the answers! In the Christmas Spirit … Christmas is often the time when we reflect about our own circumstances and those of others. Many people and businesses choose to “give back” at this time for the benefit of those less fortunate. If this is you – we have the solution! We would be pleased if you chose to support our Charity Dinner and Silent Auction in December with a donation of a gift, product or service. Please contact any committee member for more information or to make a donation. See the article below on our chosen charity for this year, “Little Plus.” Your “little extra” could make a big difference to someone else. Looking forward to seeing you! Cindi Wilson

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Winter Event Calendar November


16th November, 7:30pm

7th December, 7:30 pm

Challenges and solutions for promoting Luxembourg abroad

Christmas dinner and Charity Auction at

Speaker: Carole Tompers Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Alongside the Christmas dinner at Cafetin de Buenos Aires, THE NETWORK organises a fundraising in favour of a particular recognised charity. The funds are raised through a silent auction where participants bid for the donated items. To name a few examples of earlier years’ donations there have been jewellery, vouchers for concerts or restaurants, as well as food and wine baskets.

Cafetin de Buenos Aires

December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to benefit Charity “Little Plus” Every December THE NETWORK organises a fundraising event in favour of a particular recognised charity. The funds are raised through a silent auction where participants bid for the donated items. To name a few examples of earlier years’ donations, there has been jewellery, vouchers for concerts or restaurants, bed and breakfast stays, business services and books as well as food and wine baskets. The beneficiary of this year’s fundraising will be “Little Plus,” a non-profit association under Luxembourg law launched in December 2010 to support the education of children in need around the world and their families. Inspired by the idea of offering children access to education, six friends in Luxembourg decided to launch their partnership to bring a “little extra” to schooling in the world. One of the first projects financed by Little Plus is the school “Happy Chandara” built by French association “Toutes à l’école” in Cambodia to develop high quality education for little girls and female teenagers in order to help them become educated women. This project includes one school and an internship and teaches 100 new students each year. Opened in December 2005, the “Happy Chandara” school now engages 500 girls and aims to welcome 1000 pupils after completion of the high school. In order to raise money to support this project, we collect donations for our silent auction. In turn, all donations will be publicised during the charity event on December, 7th and in our monthly newsletter. The December event has been an annual highlight for Network members. This year it will be held on December 7th at Cafetin de Buenos Aires, Argentinean restaurant. The event is limited to 45 participants, so see the website and register early to assure your spot! Enjoy a warm ambiance, good food and wine, great company, bidding fun – and the knowledge that your presence and participation has made a difference to others. A Little Plus representative will be there to present their organisation and express their thanks for your support.


General Information 

Deadline for November 2011 Newsletter: November 25th, 2011. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know? 

Men that are fat are happier than thin men. Fat women are not. Researchers in Boston studied 45,000 men and discovered that fat men are 42% less likely to commit suicide than men with no extra weight. The word “woman” is believed to have derived from the Middle English term wyfman, broken down simply as the wife (wyf) of man.

If men want a happier marriage, they should let the wife be the boss over household issues. A team of researchers at Iowa State University studied the relationship of 72 couples and found the following: Women, having stronger opinions regarding their home and family, tend to control household matters (housework, family times, family schedules, etc.). And husbands were the happiest if they did not disagree with these decisions regarding household matters. Husbands who had opinions about these issues were more likely to be involved in spousal arguments.

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