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The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

January 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Happy 2012! I hope you had happy and relaxing holidays - and are back in the spirit to create another great year! “Thank You” for a successful Charity Dinner and Silent Auction! I first want to express a very heartfelt “Thank You” for a well-attended charity dinner with wonderful ambiance. A substantial donation was generated from generous donators and gracious bidders. The Network will publish the final amount in February. The donation will benefit “Little Plus,” a nonprofit association under Luxembourg law that supports the education of children in need around the world and their families. We were nearly in tears as Little Plus president Nathalie Saluzzi narrated a video showing the need, and the efforts, of the organisation. We were pleased and touched to be able to support their good work. A New Year for Networking – Join us in 2012 January is membership renewal time! We have an exciting roster of speakers and events planned for 2012 and hope that you will join us for another year of networking, friendship and career development topics. Goals, Vision Boards, Victory Journals – and Mastermind Groups This is the time that we think about the opportunity a New Year provides; whether it relates to career, fitness, relationships, new skills, travel, adventure or other goals. Studies have shown that people are more successful if they: 1. Write down their Goals 2. Visualise Them 3. Share them with others I have been part of a “self-created” Mastermind Group for more than 10 years. We started with 6 women of different nationalities, strengths and careers and became a close-knit group that shared dreams and inspiration with each other. We were a group that knew, supported and challenged each other to achieve what we might not dare independently.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Over time, meetings changed and members changed, but we still maintain a yearly tradition: We meet every January and spend an evening creating a “Vision Board or Treasure Map” for what we want in the New Year. We bring our scissors, magazines, photos, quotes, stickers, markers and anything else that helps us create the masterpiece we want for our lives. In addition to having an enjoyable evening, (and good wine) we also have formulated what we want, visualized it in a creative way that we can look at daily and shared it with the others. Therefore, well on our way to starting the year with a clear objective in mind! One of the other things we added was “Looking back on our Successes” over the past year. Sometimes in our day-to-day lives, we lose sight of all the accomplishments we’ve achieved. We should be acknowledging and congratulating ourselves, because by doing so we build confidence and remind ourselves we are actually better than we often give ourselves credit. Rather than trying to remember all of them at the end of a year, motivational coach Rich Schefren advises to keep a “Victory Journal” throughout the year, and list, as often as they occur:

  

Any time you have done something well Any time you have done something for the first time Any time you have stepped outside your comfort zone

They could have to do with education, career, family, hobbies, sports, learning new things – or anything. Listing out successes so that you can quickly review them from time to time is extremely powerful as concrete reminders of what we're truly capable of doing. Looking back, looking forward... and doing it with a supportive group … lends itself to a very timely topic for our first meeting in 2012 - Mastermind Groups. Please join us for an insightful evening on how to use a Mastermind Group to progress your goals. I wish each of you a very happy, well-networked and prosperous 2012! Looking forward to seeing you! Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar January



18th January, 7:30 pm

15th February, 7:30 pm

21st March, 7:30 pm

John Maxwell Mastermind Groups

Information Security: Professional and Personal

AGM & Speed-Networking

Speaker: Jill Saville Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speaker: Frédéric Girard Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speaker: Cindi Wilson/Martine Balland Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

December Event: Little Plus News Update

From the Little Plus website: www.LittlePlus.org

Today, “The Network”, a Luxembourg business women’s networking and mentoring organisation, has organised its traditional Christmas event. Nathalie Saluzzi had the opportunity to explain our association to the 35 members present. While enjoying good food and war ambiance, an auction was organised, thanks to generous donators that had provided numerous of items. All the money raised from the auction will go to our project. Thanks again to the Network for organising this evening and for the support to Little Plus! Would you like to have more information on the Network, please have a look to their website www.thenetwork.lu.


  

Membership runs from January to January The fees for 2012 are €35. Please send a virement, clearly indicating with your name to the bank account below: Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network

Lena Nygren

The club is a great way to meet women from different nationalities and make new contacts.

Don’t forget to pay for your bidding wins from the Charity Dinner and Silent Auction if you haven’t already done so. We want to finalise our donation as soon as possible for Little Plus.

We’re looking for a few good women! The Network Committee has openings for 2 positions: Membership Secretary and Treasurer We’ll be selecting two new Committee Members! If you would like to join us, please let any Committee member know. We’d be pleased to meet with you. Training begins immediately with the current Committee member and responsibilities are assumed after the AGM in March2012.

Wanted: Your input on Information Security Our February speaker has some questions for you! 1) What does “Information Security” mean to you? 2) Is it something that worries you? 3) Do you have any questions you’d like addressed? Please go to our Facebook Page at the link below, and offer your thoughts and comments. (Get all the latest information by joining us on Facebook).

General Information 

Deadline for February 2012 Newsletter: January 25th, 2012. Our contact details are listed here.

To advertise on the Network website, or in the newsletter, please check the details on the website.

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

Did You Know? Hedy Lamarr was a famous movie actress in the 1930's. She also held a patent on technology which is the foundation for today's advanced wireless networks. Lamarr's had an idea for frequency hopping: switching from frequency to frequency in split-second intervals. Lamarr's idea, combined with a friend's idea of a device allowing the frequency to be synchronized, created technology that was never used as intended in World War II, but it created the foundation for today's wireless communications and has been used in the control of many U.S. intercontinental missiles.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

February 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, We’ve had to brave some pretty cold weather lately! Brrr ... Perhaps an evening of networking with warm-hearted women is just what we need. As it is February ... let’s talk about affairs of the heart.

Leadership with Passion Last month, Jill Saville spoke to us about a passionate Leadership expert, John Maxwell. Jill invited us to join a 7 week John Maxwell Mastermind Group, featuring the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Known for his heart-centered leadership, John Maxwell is a not only the author of more than 50 books, but also the originator of a multitude of quotes. Two of my favourites are:  “People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”  “A great leader’s courage to fulfil his vision comes from PASSION, not position.” This will touch your heart … In February, we will start the meeting with the presentation of 3000 Euros to “Little Plus,” a nonprofit association under Luxembourg law that supports the education of children in need around the world and their families. Little Plus President Natalie Saluzzi will be present to accept the donation on behalf of their organisation. Thanks again to all the donators (listed further in the Newsletter) and all the bidders who made this contribution possible. The Secret to Great Relationships February celebrates love. But whether it’s the love of your life, your children or any close relationship, Deepak Chopra says the secret rests in the “Three A’s”  Attention  Appreciation  Affection Attention means listening without judgement, being totally present, having empathy and trying to see things from our partner’s perspective. It means we’re not in a hurry to give advice and react; not in a hurry to interrupt. Appreciation is noticing and acknowledging the good things in them, and not taking them for granted. Affection is genuine, authentic caring. Why not give it a try? Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Safeguarding your Security Don’t take your Sweetie for granted … and also don’t take your Information Security for granted! In February, we are pleased to have Frédéric Girard, Information Security Project Leader, from Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (CRP) join us to speak about your personal and professional information security. Often, we give little thought to what information we share, assuming we are protected … but are we really safe? Bring the questions you always wanted to ask, but didn’t know who to address them to, because this is your opportunity to find out! Looking forward to seeing you! Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar February



15th February, 7:30 pm

21st March, 7:30 pm

18th April, 7:30 pm

Information Security: Professional and Personal

AGM & Speed-Networking

Work without stress - mission (im)possible?

Speaker: FrĂŠdĂŠric Girard Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speaker: Cindi Wilson/Martine Balland Location: Sofitel Kirchberg


January Event Update

As Jill Saville took stage, there were a lot of curious members keen to find out what the event was exactly about. Jill started by introducing herself and the John Maxwell Mastermind Group. Jill Saville, has more than 30 years' experience creating, developing and leading teams in the UK. She qualified as an ICF coach in January 2008 and became a founding member of the global John Maxwell team in 2011. John Maxwell is a leadership expert, speaker, coach and author who founded the John Maxwell Team, a group of people trained to coach, speak and train using his materials.

Jill explained more on what it takes to be a Leader. Leadership is not just about other people, but also the ability to lead yourself. If you want someone to follow you, there are 3 laws that you must follow: 1. The Law of the lid. Your leadership is like a lid or a ceiling on your organisation. Your success can only be as big as your leadership ability. 2. The Law of Influence. Leadership is simply about influencing people. Nothing more, nothing less. The true test of a leader is to ask him to create positive change in an organisation. If you cannot create change, you cannot lead. Being a leader is not about being first, or being an entrepreneur, or being the most knowledgeable, or being a manager. Being a leader is not just holding a leadership position. (“It’s not the position that makes a leader, but the leader who makes a position.”) Positional leadership especially does not work in volunteer organisations. The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the other person to participate. “He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.” 3. The Law of Process. Leadership is learned over time. And it can be learned. People skills, emotional strength, vision, momentum, and timing are all areas that can and should be learned. Leaders are always learners. As the event came to a close, the audience was definitely intrigued and was keen to know more about joining or participating in a Mastermind group. You can read more about Jill here: http://www.dintrar.com/dintrar-blog.html


“Thank You” to all our Charity Donors!! Thanks to all our donors for their generous contribution to our Charity Silent Auction. It was greatly appreciated! Accor Luxembourg Alexander Born Au fil des Saisons Bain Capital Brinks Carré Rotondes Catherine Violet Cindi Wilson CoachDynamix Dena Haggerty Happy Snack Isabelle Schroeder La Librairie Française Lena Galimente Mariana Florea Marilena Romano Mäx Art Nathalie Saluzzi Parfumerie Milady Pierres et Perles Smets SmooJo Teresa Majus The Art of Good Taste Vicente & Fils Welt Buttéck Wendy Casey Wolford

  

Membership runs from January to January The fees for 2012 are €35. Please send a virement, clearly indicating with your name to the bank account below: Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network

Lena Nygren

The club is a great way to meet women from different nationalities and make new contacts.

General Information 

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

For contact details of the current Network Team, click here.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

March 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Spring is just around the corner ... in fact, the day before our next Network meeting. Come celebrate with us with a glass of champagne and speed-networking! AGM, Speed- Networking & Champagne Yes, it’s time for the AGM! The time of year when you are presented with a summary of what happened last year, the state of our funds, and the plans and direction for this year, followed by Committee elections. We promise it will be short, and maybe even entertaining! Then we will immediately get down to the real business - meeting other fantastic women, getting business ideas, making connections and perhaps new friends. Champagne, juice and water will be on hand to keep your throat in form with all that networking! Changed our Passwords Last month, after Frédéric Girard’s fascinating presentation on Information Security, we all became a lot more aware of how to protect ourselves – and immediately changed our passwords! If you would like a copy of Frédéric’s presentation, email getintouch@the-network.lu and ask for a copy. Publicity!! The Network Featured in RTL.lu … At February’s meeting, from our December Charity Silent Auction proceeds, we presented 3000 Euros to “Little Plus,” a non-profit association under Luxembourg law that supports the education of children in need. RTL featured our story at: http://news.rtl.lu/finanzen/si_hu_gespent/204763.html . And Delano We were also featured in the March print issue of Delano, pages 50-51, under the Networking section. The two page spread highlighted how the Network was formed, who we serve and the goals of the organisation. Check it out! Our own paperartzi will be snapping some shots at the March AGM- Speed Networking event. Maybe you’ll be staring in our next Newsletter. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Cindi Wilson Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Event Calendar March



21st March, 7:30 pm

18th April, 7:30 pm

16th May, 7:30 pm

AGM & Speed-Networking

Work without stress - mission (im)possible?

Women in science and technical careers

STRESS is without any doubt part of our day-to-day life and everybody agrees that it affects our health, productivity and well-being. STRESS is commonly associated with illnesses like high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, lower immune response and many others.

Speaker: Cindi Wilson Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speaker: Mariana Florea Location: Sofitel Kirchberg


February Event Update

The Network President, Cindi Wilson, kicked off the February event with a presentation of €3000,00 cheque to “Little Plus”, our Charity chosen 2011 (See below). This was followed by the introduction of our February Speaker, Frédéric Girard. Frédéric has had 10 years experience in Security Consulting. He currently is employed with Tudor and also a member of CLUb de la Sécurité de l'Information Luxembourg (CLUSIL). Frédéric explained about the amount of personal and private information is stored within the tools we think we know. He explained briefly about “Information Security” and the key terms associated with it: 1. Risks: Likelihood an event occurs and causes losses. It is asset that cannot be lost. Risk is a functional combination of these ->  Threat includes piracy, damage, loss of data  Vulnerability is unprotected date  Impact is loss of money, time, and confidentiality.  Asset includes personal, public files, address books, internet identities, chats on social networks. 2. Support for Information Security: These are our Home computers, Tablets, USB Keys, Smartphones etc. We use all these without thinking about the impact. 3. Security: You have to identify your assets the losses associated with it, leading to impact. Ideal mitigation aims to decrease these and create a more secure environment. It is better to understand that zero risk does not exist. We have to accept and manage residual risks. The audience was given some exercises to test their knowledge about the tools they are using. We learnt more about our Computers, Hard Drives and risks associated with them. He accepted questions that included clarification on “Cloud Computing”. He provided a link to http://www.bee-secure.lu/ that explains more about Children of Technology.

The Network in News

Ce mercredi 15 février, Virginie et moi avons été accueillies très chaleureusement par Cindy Wilson et les membres de l’association The Network pour recevoir officiellement un chèque d’un montant de 3,000 euros récolté lors de leur gala de charité organisé le 7 décembre 2011 au restaurant le CAFETIN de BUENOS AIRES.

Ce fut un moment inoubliable et émouvant de recevoir ce don qui permettra à nos petites protégées de l’école Happy Chandara de poursuivre leur rêve d’apprendre . J’adresse mes plus vifs remerciements à Cindy et à tous les membres de The Network au nom de Little Plus et Toutes à l’école. Nathalie SALUZZI Présidente de Little Plus Translation: On Wednesday, Feb. 15, Virginia and I were greeted warmly by Cindy Wilson and members of the association “The Network”. We officially received a check for an amount of 3.000 euros raised at their fundraising gala held on 7 December 2011 restaurant at Cafetin BUENOS AIRES. It was a memorable and moving to receive this gift which will allow our small protected Happy Chandara school to pursue their dream of learning. I extend my warmest thanks to Cindi and all members of The Network on behalf of Little Plus and all at school. Nathalie Saluzzi President of Little Plus


  

Membership runs from January to January The fees for 2012 are €35. Please send a virement, clearly indicating with your name to the bank account below: Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network

Lena Nygren

The club is a great way to meet women from different nationalities and make new contacts.

General Information 

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

April 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM! We finished the “business” in 25 minutes flat – and proceeded to the fun of networking over coup de champagne. We wish a warm welcome to our many new members and thank you for your kind words about our 2012 initiatives.

New Committee Members Welcome also to our two new Committee members: Marette O’Rourke as Treasurer and Tina Pedersen as Membership Secretary. They both are already actively involved! See their profiles next month to learn more about them. And a fond farewell “thank you” to leaving Committee members Ioanna Konstantinidi, who recently married, and Mariska Nijhuis L’Ami, who is moving to Singapore, as they embark on exciting new adventures. Combating Stress This month, Certified Coach Mariana Florea will speak about Stress, and in particular: Work without Stress - Mission (im)Possible? Yep, it’s a part of all our lives, and stress levels are shown to be highest for people aged 25-34. The word stress has French Latin origins first used in the 1920’s and 1930’s to describe the body's response to stressors, and since then we’ve all had a word to describe it. But you also nearly need to be a French philosopher to understand it. In 1926, future Nobel Peace Prize nominee Hans Selye, described stress as something that “…in addition to being itself, was also the cause of itself, and the result of itself." Hmmm ... think about that one! Unmanaged stress can have a very negative effect on us. It has been shown to impact our immune system causing increased susceptibility to disease, affect memory, create sleep disturbances, affect our relationships with moodiness or depression, accelerate aging and even cause higher levels of fat. Yikes! Want to find out your own stress level (on a scale from 0-40)? Take the 10 question stress test here: http://femmensante-soinsetbien-etre.blogspot.com/2012/03/quel-est-votre-niveau-destress.html

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Unfortunately, our jobs can be a big source of stress! A 1991 study found that one-quarter of employees viewed their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives (and we all know work has become more demanding since then). Evidence suggests that stress is the major cause of turnover in organizations, and contributes to absenteeism, poor performance, low productivity and injury. A variety of factors contribute to workplace stress, such as: poor match between job demands and capabilities, high workload, isolation, long hours worked, toxic (or bullying) work environments, lack of autonomy, difficult relationships among co-workers and management, harassment and lack of opportunities to advance. Moreover, workplace stress is greater for women! In 2010, the Kenexa Research Institute released a global survey of almost 30,000 workers which showed that females suffered more workplace stress than their male counterparts. According to the survey: 1.

Women's stress levels were 10% higher for those in supervisory positions.


Women had 8% higher stress in service and production jobs than men.


Women in middle and upper management had 6% higher stress levels than men in the same position.

Prevention – So what can be done? In an article in American Psychologist in 1990, some of the points provided on “How to Change the Organization to Prevent Job Stress” included:          

Ensure that the workload is in line with workers' capabilities and resources. Design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation, and opportunities for workers to use their skills. Clearly define workers' roles and responsibilities. Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions and actions affecting their jobs. Improve communications-reduce uncertainty about career development and future employment prospects. Provide opportunities for social interaction among workers. Establish work schedules that are compatible with demands and responsibilities outside the job. Combat workplace discrimination (based on race, gender, national origin, religion or language). Use an objective outsider (consultant) to suggest a fresh approach to persistent problems. Introduce a participative leadership style to involve as many subordinates as possible to resolve stress-producing problems.

It has also been shown that telecommuting (performing tasks elsewhere using electronic media to interact with others inside and outside the organization), and working from home are beneficial to reducing stress. Aha! Take that one to your boss to reduce your commute. Finally, in general, the best ways to combat stress are to take time to relax, exercise, laugh, sleep well, manage expectations and goals, learn to say “no” and ask for help, accept situations that cannot be controlled, practice gratitude and appreciation, find meaning in life and activities – and strengthen social ties. Yes - Networking CAN reduce your stress levels!! Join us in April for this fascinating and relevant topic – and reduce your stress at the same time! Happy Easter We hope everyone enjoyed happy holidays with friends and family! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Cindi Wilson

Happiness Tip!

Tired of letting those occasional bad days ruin your

evenings? If so, try out this little trick . . . It will instantly change your mood and increase your level of happiness. Take out a pen and paper and write down 10 things you that are thankful for. If you have trouble coming up with 10, think smaller.(even something as simple as how comfortable your bed is) Try out this tip and you won't only improve your stress level, you'll be more likely to enjoy your evening at home with friends or family.

Event Calendar April


18th April, 7:30 pm

16th May, 7:30 pm

Work without stress - mission (im)possible?

Women in science and technical careers

STRESS is without any doubt part of our day-today life and everybody agrees that it affects our health, productivity and well-being. STRESS is commonly associated with illnesses like high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, lower immune response and many others. This workshop gives you a clear explanation of the STRESS MECHANISM, what are the main sources of stress; how our body reacts to it and gives you a few simple ideas to better cope with stress. Mariana Florea is an ACC - Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation and an Aware Parenting Instructor.

We will have a panel of 4 women in top technical careers each present and answer questions regarding: 1.) What they do in their profession, 2.) Why they chose a technical field to enter, 3.) What training they received to get to their present positions, 4.) Any advantages or disadvantages, (opportunities, experiences working in male dominated fields, family balance), and 5.) Advice to others thinking of entering a technical profession.

As a Coach Mariana supporting busy professionals, working on automatic pilot and forgetting the global picture of their job and of course of their life. As an Aware Parenting Instructor she is helping parents raise happy kids with ease, by teaching them how to give kids roots and wings. Mariana’s philosophy is that no matter where you are in life, if you want to do more, to become more, then yes YOU can! No one has to be limited by their past, every day brings a new beginning, new opportunities

Speaker: Mariana Florea Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Speakers: Cassandra Ellis, Engineer / Group Manager of Quality for Rotarex Luxembourg Lisa Tang Xu, Engineer / Commercial & Business Manager for Good Year Luxembourg Tanya Schelling, Physics Researcher / Professor at University of Luxembourg Dr. Anna-Leena Asikainen, Senior Researcher / Innovation Economics and Service Valuation Unit-Centre Henri Tudor Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

March AGM Pictures

General Information 

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.


To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

May 2012


President’s Message Dear Networkers, We welcome Lynette Stoltzfus, who assumes the Website Coordinator position. With her marketing and website management experience, she will be an asset, especially as we design a new, modern website. We also want to thank Cornelia Tudor for all her contributions as the previous Website Coordinator. Profiles of the all the Committee Members will be in the May and June newsletters. Woman in a Man’s World Don’t miss our May meeting; we will be introducing four dynamic women who are working in Science and Technical careers. This panel of amazing women will tell their stories about what they do, how they got there, and their experiences working in male dominated professions. It makes me remember... My freshman year in an Engineering and Technical Business University was the year of the BIG influx of women. That meant the ratio was 1 woman for every 5 men. (There weren’t many of us, but we enjoyed the attention!) Yes, we could light a Bunsen burner for our chemistry experiment, construct a package to drop an egg from a tower without breakage, write Fortran programs, calculate differential equations, run a lathe and even design cars in modelling clay. After University, I have to admit, my first job as a supervisor on the manufacturing floor, was the last job I had considered doing. And it came about because a male colleague told me I couldn’t do it. I’ll always remember that moment. . . We were having an elegant dinner with wine at a nice restaurant (I thought he was kind of cute), discussing our different job offers, when suddenly smoke filled the air and firemen in helmets and full yellow fire gear entered the dining room. Apparently, the kitchen had caught on fire, which we completely missed in our heated discussion. As we were evacuated, my last words were, “I can’t do it? I’ll show you!” (I didn’t think he was so cute anymore, either.) His insult became a challenge. And one of the best decisions I ever made. Being on the shop floor wasn’t always easy. As one of only three women supervisors in a facility of 8000 people, I would have employees come to my area “just to see what one looked like!” I’d have to call my fellow supervisors and ask if they knew where their employees were. Of course, there were also advantages. As a woman, I could get the tow motor drivers to attend to whatever I needed prior to the male supervisors, and even the hard-core union officials had a soft spot. What was hard to accept was that there really were no women mentors. In fact, they were the ones who most tried to sabotage me. Women of the generation before me had fought so hard to get where they were, they weren’t very accepting of any other female competition. Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

And attitudes of the men I dated weren’t very modern either. Men expected me to move for their careers (even if they were a couple levels below my position), but wouldn’t even consider the other way around. I simply found that attitude ... unacceptable. Working in a male dominated profession (automotive), the high male/low female ratio I experienced during university grew even greater as I advanced through management. The only woman presenter at a conference ... the only woman winner of an award ... the only woman on Staff. Soon, you become so used to being a woman in minority or alone, that you fail to even notice anymore. Yes, we “women of a certain age,” had to be stealth-hearted pioneers in male-dominated Technical careers, walking that fine line of being feminine - while being heard. It’s a good thing times have changed!! … Or have they …??  Today, in Western countries, more women than men are attending and graduating university … but are they going into technical fields?  There still is pay inequality for the same jobs.  There still is a glass ceiling, with few women at the top in the corporate world.  Women still bear the burden of balancing home with career, usually without support.  Women still have to prove “they can do it.” The good news is:  Women ARE proving they are good in technical fields.  Women are often better managers and supervisors. (Because they listen and relate better to people)  Women manage multiple tasks (and staffs) better.  Women now are more supportive and mentoring to each other.  Women are starting their own Tech firms to combat corporate barriers.  Women are getting better at their own networking for career opportunities.  There are HR regulations about diversity and harassment in the work place.  And even male/female relationships are more equal with sharing of responsibilities. This month, we look forward to listening to four women who have succeeded in Science and Technical careers. It will be an engaging evening as they discuss: 1) 2) 3) 4)

What they do in their profession, Why they chose to enter a Technical field, What training they received to get to their present positions, Advantages and disadvantages they have faced (opportunities, experiences working in male dominated fields, family balance), and their 5) Advice to other women thinking of entering a Technical profession.

Remember that the word "impossible" is really "I'm possible." Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar Registration starts at 7:30, Meeting starts at 8:00. Networking in the lounge afterwards! May


16th May, 7:30 pm

13th June, 7:30 pm

Women in Science and Technical careers

Tour of European Investment Bank (EIB) Art Collection & Dinner

We will have a panel of 4 women in top technical careers each present and answer questions regarding:

A truly European art collection, it comprises over 580 works of art - encompassing paintings, photographs, works on paper, sculptures, installations and site-specific commissions.

1.) What they do in their profession, 2.) Why they chose a technical field to enter, 3.) What training they received to get to their present positions, 4.) Any advantages or disadvantages, (opportunities, experiences working in male dominated fields, family balance), and 5.) Advice to others thinking of entering a technical profession. Speakers: Cassandra Ellis, Engineer / Group Manager of Quality for Rotarex Luxembourg

The collection spans work created over more than half a century (from 1958 right up until today). The EIB has tended to acquire art from emerging or newly established artists; some of whom have since become widely recognised. The tour will commence following a champagne welcome, and while viewing the art collection, the group will also have the opportunity to appreciate the new EIB building, an innovative and luminous ecobuilding that provides an ideal showcase for these works.

Lisa Tang Xu, Engineer / Commercial & Business Manager for Good Year Luxembourg

Non-members are welcome to join the tour for 15 Euros. Pre-registration is required for both members and non-members. Event registration information is at

Tanya Schelling, Physics Researcher / Professor at University of Luxembourg


Dr. Anna-Leena Asikainen, Senior Researcher / Innovation Economics and Service Valuation Unit-Centre Henri Tudor

An optional dinner will follow the tour to continue the networking!

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Location: Sofitel Kirchberg

Attention Please! - Plan Early for the June Meeting We have a fabulous activity for our June meeting! Following a champagne welcome, we will be touring the extensive EIB art collection while touring the EIB facility, then enjoying a dinner at a venue nearby. An advance reservation and viremont is required by 4 June to secure your spot and for EIB security. Check it out and reserve your place at this “not to be missed� event!

The Network Committee 2012 – In the Spotlight Cindi Wilson assumed the Presidency of The Network last September, after six months as Vice President. She has a broad range of experiences, having been in executive corporate management, consulting, designing a mid-life reinvention and starting her own business. In 1995, she came to Luxembourg from the USA with General Motors (now Delphi) as Director of Quality and Customer Satisfaction for Europe and South America. Wanting experience in Asia, she later joined Philips Consumer Electronics as VP Global Supplier Quality and also lived in Singapore and The Netherlands. In 2007, she took 2 years off for a midlife reinvention, and seminars in personal development, presentation skills, writing, internet marketing and branding. As a self-proclaimed "Life Passionista" and travel fanatic, she also travelled the globe for months at a time, and joked about taking a "Gap Year at age 50", enjoying adventures including bungee jumping, skydiving, zorbing, Nepal treks and India camel festivals - and then wrote 2 books about the experience! The personal development courses came in handy when she also found herself offered unlimited weeks free at a spa in New Zealand in exchange for rewriting their website and providing business development advice. But you can’t live at a spa forever ‌ and she then returned to Luxembourg and formed her own consulting business. Today she provides management consulting on quality transformation, product development and supplier management in major corporations within Europe. She is passionate about diagnosing what needs improved, engaging the stakeholders and then designing and implementing the solution for turnaround results. Cindi loves the open, welcoming and supportive environment of the Network and values the varied cultures, experiences and talents of the membership. She wants to make the Network even more vibrant for its next 20 years by modernising the website and providing greater interaction, networking and training opportunities for the members. When not working or traveling, she enjoys wine-tasting and bouncing on her trampoline - but not at the same time!

Hana Kuhn, Vice President, was born and raised in Luxembourg and studied hospitality at the LTHAH in Diekirch. At the beginning of her professional career, she turned her back to hospitality and worked in real estate and administration. Giving in to her passion to travel, she left Luxembourg in 2000 to work in Mallorca, Spain with Luxair Tours, the Luxembourgish tour operator. She returned to Luxembourg with Luxair (airline) and was involved in organising and coordinating city trips. Accompanying the groups to the myriad of European destinations was the most interesting part of her job. Her personal path led her back to Mallorca, where she worked at a five star golf resort & Spa, starting off in the reservations department, later becoming the assistant front office manager and finishing as a guest relations manager. After many years in Spain, it was time to come home again where she joined the sales and marketing team at the Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg and Sofitel Luxembourg Europe, being in charge of coordinating and organising conferences, seminars and social events. Since September 2010 she works, part time, in administration at the University of Luxembourg. She speaks 6 languages, loves cooking for friends and outdoor activities. Hana joined The Network as a member after her return from Spain as she wanted to meet new people. She liked the association for its team and what they stood for. Having always been involved in organisation and creative thinking; she figured her input could be utilised to the benefit of the association. She wishes to broaden her horizon through The Network and its multi-cultural members, with stimulating conversations providing inputs to new learning.

Tina Pedersen, our Membership Secretary, was born and raised in Denmark and moved to Luxembourg many, many, many years ago. She started her career in Luxembourg as an au-pair, which was quickly followed by a job in one of the many Banks in Luxembourg. She has been happy working for the fabulous Institution called European Investment Bank for the last 20 years. Recently, her job at the EIB has taken a new adventurous turn, providing an opportunity to continue her quest for a better Europe at the newly created EIB Institute. Being creative is Tina’s way of finding inner peace in a demanding day. She likes to think her paintings should be on view in the Louvre, her journals at the National library and her clothes she makes herself on Project Runway, but then she wakes up from her daydreaming and rushes to her next appointment. All those creative projects are still on her bucket list. Tina is also an avid traveller and has a passion for all things health and healing. She approaches life with a positive outlook and a contagious sense of humour. She has trained in NLP, coaching, various healing models and done the inspirational Firewalk with motivational icon Tony Robbins. She also decided to travel new paths in her spare time, and connecting with other fabulous women at the Network seemed to be the perfect journey. She is nuts for electronic gadgets and loves all Apple products, the kindle and her new alarm clock ‌.. which wakes her up in time to create a bright and wonderful future.

Marette O'Rourke, Treasurer, was born in Ireland, lived in Australia, worked in France and then moved to Luxembourg. After her business studies in Economics, Law & French, Marette decided to come to Luxembourg for one year. And she is still here, more than 25 years later!!! She discovered that Luxembourg is very like Ireland - small, very easy to get to know people, incredibly green and it rains a lot. On moving to Luxembourg, Marette found her dream job and is working for a non-profit-making Bank, financing projects in Europe and third world countries which take into account social well-being, protection of the environment and sustainable development. Creating a life-work balance is one of the items on top of her everyday to-do-list, especially since she is a wife and also a mother to two wonderful, beautiful teenager daughters. Due to her deep seated passion for all aspects of health and healing, she ran the Health & Healing Group of Luxembourg successfully for 3 years before handing it over to another member. She has since trained and is qualified as a Louise L. Hay Teacher, Reiki Master, EMF Balancing Technique Accredited Practitioner. She is now looking into ways to devise a holistic health solution in order to enhance the well being and longevity for family & friends. Marette believes in the ripple effect, "If you do one good deed (daily), it could lead to a sequence of events that are totally unexpected and life transforming, touching more lives than you ever thought possible." Having been invited to join the Network Committee, Marette considers this an opportunity to offer her services to this excellent Female Association which creates an outlet for social, cultural, educational and philanthropic activities. She is looking forward to meeting the members, learning from the speakers, making new friends and having lots of fun!

April Event in Pictures

Mariana Florea presented on the topic:

Work without Stress-Mission (Im)possible?

The Network at Radio Ara

The 30 minute interview can be listened to at: (http://podcast.ara.lu/?p=1472)

General Information 

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.


To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

Congratulations to Fiona Koefoed-Jespersen! Fiona became our 100th member on our Facebook page. She won a stylish Network fold-up purse holder.

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-mail: getintouch@the-network.lu Website: http://www.the-network.lu

June 2012


President’s Message Dear Networkers, We want to thank Geeta Rajaraman for all her contributions as the current Newsletter Editor, and hope to continue to tap her expertise for future website and social media developments. In September, Lynette Stoltzfus will assume the Newsletter Editor responsibilities as part of her Website Coordination. Of note, the last three Committee Member Profiles are featured in this newsletter. Let’s Talk Money! Since we are visiting the EIB this month, it seemed appropriate to talk about money – and negotiation. MaryEllen Tribby, a business owner and internet business coach for women entrepreneurs states that women often lack crucial negotiation skills. She says: “In fact, studies show that by neglecting to negotiate their starting salary for a first job, women sacrifice over three quarters of a million dollars in earnings by the end of their careers. (USA statistic) But that's not all. Additional research reveals that men are four times more likely to ask for higher pay than women with the exact same qualifications. Unfortunately this trend continues with women who start their own business. Their lack of negotiation skills... or discomfort with negotiation... or refusal to negotiate comes into play when finding office space, hiring employees, dealing with vendors, working with partners, creating joint ventures, and more. For some reason women simply don't ask. They don't ask for raises and promotions. They don't ask for recognition for the good work they have done. They don't even ask for help at home with household duties and childcare.” Wow – is it any reason there’s a gap between pay for same jobs between sexes if we fail to ask? Maybe we need to do something about this! MaryEllen states that principles that apply to marketing also apply to negotiations. The ability to negotiate successfully in today's turbulent business climate can make the difference between success and failure.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

She offers these 7 techniques to make game-changing negotiations: 1) Determine your desired outcome before you start your negotiation. It is critical to understand what you want before you ever set foot in a negotiation. That way, you'll know when to push forward and when to stop. Knowing your bottom line prevents you from taking advantage of the other person... and it also prevents you from agreeing to terms that are unacceptable to you.

2) Know your audience. This is by far the most important principle in marketing and in negotiating. Do your homework. Find out as much as possible about the person sitting across the table. Find out about other deals he has made. Understand if he is a handshake kind of person or a long contract kind of person and prepare yourself accordingly.

3) Understand your worth. The biggest mistake I see employees and entrepreneurs make is not understanding what they really bring to the table. Make sure your accomplishments are ingrained in your head. But also make sure that they are accurate and consistent.

4) Listen, listen, and listen some more. Most of the time we are so busy making sure that people hear what we have to say that we forget to listen. But the best negotiators are detectives. They ask probing questions and then stop talking. The other negotiator will tell you everything you need to know - all you have to do is listen. Many conflicts can be resolved easily if we learn how to listen. You can become an effective listener by allowing the other person to do most of the talking. Follow the 80/20 Rule: listen 80 percent of the time and talk only 20 percent of the time.

5) Lead with optimism. Aim high and expect the best outcome. Successful negotiators are optimists. If you expect more, you'll get more. A proven strategy for achieving higher results is opening with an extreme position. Sellers should ask for more than they expect to receive, and buyers should offer less than they are prepared to pay. People who aim higher do better. Your optimism will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Conversely, if you have low expectations, you will probably wind up with a less satisfying outcome.

6) Never threaten and don't get emotionally involved. One big mistake many amateur negotiators make is to become too emotionally attached to winning. They shout, threaten, and demand to get their way. This is all counter-productive. Most deals are only possible if both people feel they're getting something out of it. If the person across the table feels attacked, or doesn't like you, they probably won't back down. Most people hate bullies, and will be more willing to walk away from a transaction if it involves one. Be calm, patient, and friendly, even if the other person starts losing their cool. Make sure you leave any pride or ego at the door.

7) Never walk away feeling you "pulled one over" on someone else. Many people try to drain every last drop of blood from a negotiation. This is a mistake. If the other person feels they've been cheated, it can come back to bite you. They may not fulfil their part of the deal. They may refuse to deal with you in the future, or spread the word to others you might want to negotiate with. Negotiations should leave both parties feeling satisfied with the outcome. Be willing to give up things that don't really matter to you in order to create a feeling of goodwill. For example, if you are re-negotiating your office rent downwards, try to offer to sign a longer lease. That way, the landlord knows his property will have tenants for a longer time, and you get a cheaper rent.

In fact, “I will teach you to be rich” guru Ramit Sethi, has an excellent video on exactly how to prepare for and achieve a pay raise for good performance. Check out his video on “How to get a raise – including the exact words to use,” at the link below.

http://privatelist.findyourdreamjob.com/how-to-get-a-raise-including-the-exact-words-to-use/ There, you have it – how to master negotiation. Now plan your strategy to ask for a raise! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson

We wish everyone a wonderful summer & very happy holidays! We won’t have a meeting or newsletter in July and August, but do join us for after-work “Summer drinks” at Frenchies in Luxembourg City. You will receive a Newsletter in late August, with details of our 19 September Wine tasting and Speed Networking event. Pre-registration and payment will be required. But before that – enjoy a summer golf lesson at Christnach on Sunday 10 June at 11:00 AM.

Event Calendar

Special Event ! 10th June, 11:00 am Golf Lessons & Networking - Christnach Golf Course Registrations for our Annual Golf Event are now open ! Approximate schedule on June 10th: Place : Start : Duration : Program : Rate : Register:

Golf and Country Club Christnach (detailed directions will follow in a separate confirmation e-mail nearer to the date) 11am Up to 4 hours (depending on group size) Practice of the swing, pitching, putting, demonstration on the course by the Pro, use of practice area 25 EUR per person + 8 EUR per person range fees, Family and/or friends are welcome Via e-mail to Hana Kuhn (hana.kuhn@me.com) 1) Please state the number of persons and your cell phone number 2) Full prepayment by June 3rd required. Kindly note that registrations are only valid after prepayment on the Network’s bank account : -

Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network

Alexander Born will be our Pro again. Everyone enjoyed his instruction last year. Alexander was born on 29.04.1980 in Kiel/Germany. He is a fully qualified Golf Professional, Member PGA of Germany and board member PGA of Luxembourg, certified TPI Golf Instructor, certified MTW Golf Professional. He has been playing Golf since 1993, and has been a Pro since 2003. Top 100 German Titleist Order of Merit since 2009. Alexander speaks German, English and Luxembourgish and his interests are guitar music and‌.Golf !

We look forward to spending a fun afternoon with you !


July & August

13th June, 7:30 pm

6:30 pm

Tour of European Investment Bank (EIB) Art Collection & Dinner

Join us for Summer Drinks on the Terrace!

A truly European art collection, it comprises over 580 works of art encompassing paintings, photographs, works on paper, sculptures, installations and site-specific commissions.

18th July & 22nd August

The collection spans work created over more than half a century (from 1958 right up until today). The EIB has tended to acquire art from emerging or newly established artists; some of whom have since become widely recognised. The tour will commence following a champagne welcome, and while viewing the art collection, the group will also have the opportunity to appreciate the new EIB building, an innovative and luminous ecobuilding that provides an ideal showcase for these works. Non-members are welcome to join the tour for 15 Euros. Pre-registration is required by 4 June for both members and non-members. Event registration information is at

http://www.thenetwork.lu/Calendar.php?mode=event&id=183. Location: EIB Kirchberg

An optional dinner will follow the tour to continue the networking! Please see the website under “Event” to get the full details on the 2 menu choices, and details on registration. Details for the Dinner (at 19:30 - 20:00) Where: Porta Nova 14 Avenue de la Faïencerie L-1510 Luxembourg Price: EUR 37 for members, EUR 37 for guests. Parking: at the Glacis Deadline to register: Monday, June 4th Location: Porta Nova Restaurant

Location: Frenchies – Luxembourg City

Attention Please! - Plan Early for the June Meeting We have a fabulous activity for our June meeting! Following a champagne welcome, we will be touring the extensive EIB art collection while touring the EIB facility, then enjoying an optional dinner at Porta Nova. An advance reservation and viremont is required by 4 June to secure your spot for both events. Check it out and reserve your place at this “not to be missed” event!

The Network Committee 2012 – In the Spotlight Catherine Moisy, our PR Media Coordinator, arrived in Luxembourg in

August 2009, following her husband in expatriation. Previously, Catherine was the Communication Manager for 5 years for Ipsos (Research Company) in Paris,France. Before that she held various positions in communication, mainly in service firms such as real estate, car rental and retail. In Luxembourg, she became an independent journalist, writing for French speaking newspapers and web sites: Entreprises Magazine, Made in Luxe, Femmes Magazine, Telecom Luxembourg web site, Femmes et patrimoine blog. She joined The Network in summer 2010 after having interviewed Anemone Thomas (previous president of The Network) for an article about expatriation for Entreprises Magazine. She discovered the possibility to meet women across the whole world, after having been focused on French networks only. Catherine is also in the committee of Luxembourg Accueil, an association which proposes a range of activities for new comers. In addition, she sings in the international choir of the European School. In a word, she likes multiculturalism in Luxembourg and hopes to improve dramatically her English level. Last, but not least, she is a mother of two teenage boys aged 15 and 13.


Lynette Stoltzfus has just joined the Network Committee as Web

Coordinator and will also be the Newsletter Editor. She brings to the role over 15 years of marketing and communications experience including developing web strategy and managing content. She joined the Network because she found many interesting, like-minded, professional women from all over the globe that really supported each other in finding their work-life balance in Luxembourg. Lynette has been in Luxembourg for almost four years and has also worked in Germany and the United States in financial and high tech services in various leadership roles. She has an MBA in international business and marketing from New York University’s Stern School of Business. She enjoys learning other languages and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Spanish and German. She is originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania where she even learned Pennsylvania German due to her Amish neighbors. She is interested in multicultural communications and management and finds Luxembourg to be the perfect place for hands-on experience in these areas. Lynette is an avid fan of the Living Foods Lifestyle and a firm believer in the mind-body connection. She enjoys yoga, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi.

May Event in Pictures Our Speakers on the topic: Women in Science & Technical Careers Dr. Anna-Leena Asikainen, Sr. Researcher/ Innovation Economics and Service Valuation Unit-Centre Henri Tudor Cassandra Ellis, Engineer / Group Manager of Quality for Rotarex in Luxembourg Lisa Tang Xu, Engineer / Commercial & Business Manager for Good Year Luxembourg Tanja Schilling, Physics Researcher / Professor at University of Luxembourg

General Information 

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.


To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-­‐mail: getintouch@the-­‐network.lu Website: http://www.the-­‐network.lu

September 2012


President’s Message Dear Networkers, I hope you had a wonderful summer holiday! It took a while for the warmth of the sun to arrive, but once it did, it was a scorcher. There were plenty of concerts, activities and events to enjoy over the summer in Luxembourg (as well as our own “Summer Drinks”). I spent six weeks consulting in China in July and August, so I missed nearly everything – but I can’t wait to get back for the Schueberfouer! Are You Making a Change? The summer is often a time for change. It’s when university starts and people embark on new studies to create new opportunities. It’s when careers change and transfers occur. And sometimes it’s when people relax on a beach, take stock of their lives and just decide to do something different. 3 Lessons on Changing Course I recently saw some advice from Changing Course career coach Valerie Young, the founder and “Dreamer in Residence” at ChangingCourse.com with three tips if you have decided to make a career change. She’s been helping people transition to work that they love for 17 years and knows that starting a new career, business or company can be a challenging venture at first. Her tips are: 1. It's good enough right now! So many people seeking to change course want to make sure they get everything -- their web site, their logo, their business card -- just right. As a consequence they never launch. You need to start where you are with what you have. Your first anything will never be as great as your future everything. As success coach Mike Litman says, "You don't have to get it right. You just have to get it going." 2. Don't let the turkeys get you down. There will always be people or situations that intentionally, or unintentionally, distract you from your goals. Don't let them. No matter what or who gets in your way, press on despite the distractions. 3. Allow yourself to be where you are ... then keep going. Don’t be ashamed if you are not as far along your career path or an entrepreneurial path when you first start. It takes courage to start and time for a learning curve when you change to a new career, or transition from having a boss to being your own boss. Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Stay the course, stay in the mainstream and keep contact with your support group. If you retreat and hide out because of shame, you will miss many more opportunities. More importantly, as the Hindu yogi Kripalvananda once said, "Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart." There's no shame in going slow or hitting a road bump or for that matter, in taking a break altogether. The only shame is in giving up on yourself and your dreams.

Whether you are making a change or not, being part of a group like The Network can help you stay focused, supported and encouraged toward your goals and passions. And what better way than at our wine and networking event in September!

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar

Special Wine & Networking Event ! 19th September, 19:30 We invite you to join our Wine tasting & Networking evening on 19 September at 19.30. The venue will be announced one week prior to the event and will be held in Luxembourg City. The event is open to members at 25 EUR and non-members at 35 EUR. To reserve your place at this event: 1) Make the payment to Bank: Banque de Luxembourg IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL Beneficiary: The Network Comments: Your Name – Wine Tasting event 2) Send an email to getintouch@the-network.lu confirming your payment and registration (Your Name – Wine Tasting event) 3) Once we have received the payment we will send an email back to you 4) Deadline for this event is September 11th, 2012. No reservations will be accepted after this date. ** No refunds will be provided after 12 September 2012 due to catering confirmations. *** A sampling of wine and cheeses will be provided by noted cheesemaker, Pierre Avon, of La Cave à fromages. Pierre Avon was also the former cheesemaker at Kaempff-Kohler.

Attention Please! - Plan Early for the September Meeting An advance reservation and viremont is required by 11 September to secure your spot.



17th October, 7:30 pm Sofitel Kirchberg

14th November, 7:30 pm Sofitel Kirchberg

Work & Life Balance

Promotion & Marketing Techniques for your Business

Note: Doors open at 7:30pm, and Meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Previous Event - June Event The Art Exhibition at the EIB We closed the year with a fabulous tour of the art collection at the EIB, and a dinner at Porta Nova. Thanks again to Tina Pedersen for arranging such a nice event.

The Network Committee 2012 – In the Spotlight Martine Balland , General Secretary, came to Luxembourg in 1995 from Paris following her husband. As a result, she had then to quit her job in Paris. Unexpectedly her son took ill. Since she was always athletic and couldn’t pursue a full-time position under these circumstances, she decided to participate in many sports activities. She also went back to university to obtain a degree in European Public Law to complete her previous education (Master degree in international law and a Towns Planning Certificate). More recently, she completed a year’s training in Luxembourgish Law and obtained a Mediator Diploma. Upon reassessing her career, she decided to pursue a new life as a freelance journalist. Over the past few years, she has covered legal as well as socio-economic topics. Today, she mainly writes for the Enterprises magazine. She wishes to develop her writing skills for other news agencies including the French agencies. Martine has held several positions, which include working as a civil servant for the French local government, and collecting and coordinating environmental information (Paris City Hall). She has also worked in urban environmental Communications and held the positions of the Head of Administration (Rueil-Malmaison City Hall), as a Marketing Assistant for a Food & Agriculture Corporation (Paris), and as a supervisor of a team in an international Hotel in Rabat (Morocco). Given her work experiences, she wishes to broaden her horizon through The Network and to practice


General Information •

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-­‐mail: getintouch@the-­‐network.lu Website: http://www.the-­‐network.lu

October 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, Health, happiness, family and a financially secure future -- we want it all. Achieving "balance" has become a goal of enormous proportions. Is it even possible? Maybe you have a hectic job, maybe you work long hours, maybe you travel, maybe you are married, maybe you have children, maybe you have aging parents you need to care for - and maybe (or probably!) you even have a combination of several of these items. Work-Life Balance Getting time to get daily things done, much less get any time for you can often be a nearly overwhelming challenge. Perhaps you feel that achieving a work-life balance would require a miracle worker in your life! Then, coming to our October meeting is just what you need to get control over your hectic life. The presentation is especially for the working mom, including support you can get from the Luxembourg government. Join us for insights and hints that prove the combination of both family life AND a fulfilling professional career are possible.

"I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles." – Zig Ziglar In the meantime for both busy working women and working moms … try to incorporate some of these points: 1. Get Organised With all you have to do – a calendar and “to do” list are essential. Well organised means making sure you make all those appointments, are prepared for your work, have the house and garden under control, remember your friends’ birthdays, are ready for “date night” and still have the cupcakes made for the kids’ outing.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

Put all the critical dates and items on the calendar. Plan actions in advance that are necessary to complete. Take big projects and break them down into smaller steps. Each time you complete a step, cross it off your "to do" list. Not only will you accomplish the task, that visual verification will make you feel the achievement. Make sure you put time for you on that list (reading, exercise, hair appointment, massage, tea with a friend …). 2. Get Help Don’t try to do it all yourself. Superwomen become super tired! If you are working, consider getting a housekeeper to help with cleaning. Have groceries delivered. Order online. Make an agreement with your husband and your children what responsibilities they will have. It’s a team effort. Not only will they be more self-sufficient, they should understand how they should contribute to the household, as part of your team, and will be more appreciative of what you do for them. Don’t forget to celebrate good performance to reinforce the behaviour. 3. Don’t be so Critical People who come to my home soon after I have returned from a trip often find a suitcase sitting in the foyer, I have yet to unpack. When I go to friends’ houses with children, I find the jigsaw puzzle in progress and toys on the floor. Entrepreneur friends have computers and printers on the dining room table as they crunch for an important project. Friends with hobbies have fabric or crafts or paintings in the living room. We are simply living our lives. Don’t let little things be of huge significance. Don’t apologise. Don’t judge. 4. Enjoy the Moment Often, we love the very things that cause the stress and time challenge in our lives. You have passion for that hectic job, enjoy the travel, love your spouse and adore your children. Take some moments, even while you are trying to get things done, just to experience being with these special people, appreciating the fine work you did on that unexpected presentation or the insight you gained from that last trip. Appreciation, gratitude and not taking life for granted make it all the sweeter. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar October


17th October, 7:30 pm Sofitel Kirchberg

14th November, 7:30 pm Sofitel Kirchberg

Work & Life Balance - Speaker Klaus Elgas

Promotion & Marketing Techniques For Your Business – Optimising Your Budget

Panel presentation concerns the challenges that working women face on a daily basis. The aim is to provide insights and advice that prove the combination of both family life AND a fulfilling professional career is possible.

Times keep changing but perceptions about marketing continue to persist. In times of economical crisis, every euro must be spent wisely. In business matters, marketing is often the first area that is reviewed for reduction. This leaves us wondering how to reduce overall communication costs, but still get our message out to the right audience. Even when times shine bright, the same question is asked by small companies or growing start-ups. The challenge is clear: marketing is expensive and ROI is rarely known beforehand. During this presentation, we will try to shake this paradigm. Marketing is vital, and especially when times are tough, it should be considered with even more importance. Marketing and communication must be handled with consistency but this does not entail spending a lot of money. Asking the right questions will help you to invest in the right strategy, and keeping track of that strategy will help you increase your measurable ROI. During this dynamic panel presentation, we will have an expert, Daniel Eischen, address the topics of business strategy, marketing planning, media landscape, digital media, networking, direct media, metrics and analytics. We will also have two successful business owners, Anne Canel and Dorothy Germaine, share their marketing strategy, what went right, what went wrong and tips they'd use if they had to do it all over again.

Note: Doors open at 7:30pm, and Meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Previous Event - September Event Networking and Wine Tasting We made the close of summer more enjoyable by experiencing some fabulous wine, cheese and specialty sausages. Pierre Avon from La Cave a Fromages, spoiled us with an incredible selection of cheeses and some perfectly matched wines. Everyone enjoyed the event as well the networking and catching up.

Announcements – Looking for Your Input! We are now in full-swing for the fall and planning our activities for next year. We would like to give you the chance to give your suggestions on the following: -

Suggestions for charities to which the proceeds should be given from the Charity Dinner and Silent Auction in December


Suggestions for topics for our meetings for next year

Please submit all your suggestions by 14 October to The Network E-mail: getintouch@the-­‐network.lu

Logo Competition Set your imagination free and design a new logo for the Network. At the Network event in February 2012, it was announced by our President that we were going to revamp the Network website and at the same time update the logo. We would like to open up a competition “Design a new logo for The Network” to our members. The parameters of the competition are unlimited and only restricted by the imagination of the contender - design, colour choices, fonts, symbols, etc. -- anything goes. Please submit your proposal(s) to getintouch@the-­‐network.lu no later than 31 October 2012. The award for the winning logo is a FREE Honorary membership for life.

General Information •

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

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November 2012


President’s Message Dear Networkers, This month we focus on Marketing! But to get you started, I wanted to give you three great resources to help you describe your business, connect with people and evaluate your marketing strategy. 1. Elevator Pitch When you are asked “What do you do?” Do you have a fast, engaging response that makes the other person want to know more? If not, you might want to brush up on the infamous “elevator pitch.” Author Bob Bly lays out a 3-step formula that consists of: a. b. c.

Ask a question beginning with the words "Do you know?" that identifies the pain or need that your product or service addresses. Describe your service, beginning with the words "What I do" or "What we do." Explain why your service is valuable by describing the benefits it delivers, beginning with the words "So that."

Whether you are selling your business services, explaining your project at work, networking or meeting your neighbour, this technique will make it more interesting. To see an example in action, go to: http://www.viddler.com/v/f4a88d19 2. How to Connect with Anyone How to approach people you meet with ease, develop relationships and inspire people is critical to personal and business success. Career coach Scott Dinsmore highlights the 31 Habits of the World’s Best Connectors, here: http://liveyourlegend.net/the-31-habits-of-the-worlds-best-connectors/ 3. Marketing Readiness Checklist Marketing strategist Anne Melnyk created this detailed 100 question assessment covering 10 marketing elements from Vision and Value to Branding and Strategy. It’s a great tool to evaluate your marketing readiness or as a foundation thought starter. Check it out here: http://www.winningteleseries.com/documents/MarketingSmartsAssessment&CheatSheet.pdf Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.!

Event Calendar November


14th November, 7:30 pm Sofitel Kirchberg

12th November, 7:00 pm Venue: Doubletree Dommeldange

Promotion & Marketing Techniques For Your Business – Optimising Your Budget Times keep changing but perceptions about Marketing continue to persist. In times of economic crisis, every euro must be spent wisely. In business matters, marketing is often the first area that is reviewed for reduction. This leaves us wondering how to reduce overall communication costs, but still get our message out to the right audience. Even when times shine bright, the same question is asked by small companies or growing start-ups. The challenge is clear: marketing is expensive and ROI is rarely known beforehand.

December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction Charity Selected: Ile Aux Clowns Venue: Double Tree by Hilton Dommeldange 19th floor – Panorama Room

56!7(#!8#9&!:&"1%&";!<(=#>?'(.";!<!5@AA;!<(=#>?'(." 7:00 pm: Welcome Drink 7:30 pm: Introduction & Charity Presentation 7:50 pm: Dinner & Silent Auction Cost: 45 EUR Members / 55 EUR Non-members See Website for menu and sign-up information

During this presentation, we will try to shake this paradigm. Marketing is vital, and especially when times are tough, it should be considered with even more importance. Marketing and communication must be handled with consistency but this does not entail spending a lot of money. Asking the right questions will help you to invest in the right strategy, and keeping track of that strategy will help you increase your measurable ROI. During this dynamic panel presentation, we will have an expert, Daniel Eischen, address the topics of business strategy, marketing planning, media landscape, digital media, networking, direct media, metrics and analytics. We will also have two successful business owners, Anne Canel and Dorothy Germaine, share their marketing strategy, what went right, what went wrong and tips they'd use if they had to do it all over again.

Note: Doors open at 7:30pm, and Meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Previous Event - October Event Work & Life Balance

In October, our speaker Klaus Elgas presented several helpful organisations and tips to address the challenges that working women with children face on a daily basis. His insights and advice provided support so that the combination of both family life AND a fulfilling professional career are possible.

December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to benefit Charity “Ile Aux Clowns” Come to the Dinner and Bid at the Auction Every December THE NETWORK organises a fundraising event in favour of a particular recognised charity. The funds are raised through a silent auction where participants bid for the donated items. To name a few examples of earlier years’ donations, there has been jewellery, vouchers for concerts or restaurants, bed and breakfast stays, business services and books as well as food and wine baskets. The beneficiary of this year’s fundraising will be “Ile aux Clowns,” which launched in Luxembourg in 2005. Ile aux Clowns has a team of 11 specially selected and trained Clowns in Luxembourg. Visiting in pairs, they combine art, professionalism and compassion to serve the well-being of children, adolescents and the elderly, as well as their parents and caregivers. They don’t perform a standard routine, but rather improvise at each meeting to create fun, smiles and a privileged moment away from illness. Like a breath of fresh air, they bring joy and laughter into difficult lives, establishing a special relationship that is long remembered and appreciated. In order to raise money to support their extraordinary efforts, we collect donations for our silent auction, and all money generated from the bids goes to the charity. In addition to the money raised at the event, THE NETWORK also adds a sizeable monetary donation for the final check presentation. The December event has been an annual highlight for Network members. This year it will be held on December 12th at the Double Tree by Hilton in Dommeldange, on the 19th floor Panorama Room with a fabulous view. The event is limited to 48 participants, so see the website and register early to assure your spot! Enjoy a warm ambiance, good food and wine, great company, bidding fun – and the knowledge that your presence and participation has made a difference to others. An Ïle aux Clowns representative will be there to present their organisation and express their thanks for your support.

Looking for Donations for the Silent Auction Christmas is often the time when we reflect about our own circumstances and those of others. Many people and businesses choose to “give back” at this time for the benefit of those less fortunate. If this is you – we have the solution! We would be pleased if you chose to support our Charity Dinner and Silent Auction with a donation of a gift, product or service. All donators will be publicised during the charity event on December 12th and afterwards in our monthly newsletter. Please see a Committee member if you have something to donate or send a message to getintouch@the-network.lu.

Announcements Logo Creation Competition Extended until November 30th Along with our new website, The Network is also looking for a new logo. You are invited to submit your design proposal to getintouch@the-network.lu until November 30th. The winner will receive free Network membership for life!

Renew Your Membership Now at the 2012 Price and save 5 EUR for 2013 After many years, The Network membership dues will rise slightly (5 EUR) in 2013 to 40 EUR. Even so, we will still be among the lowest priced women’s professional or social membership organization in Luxembourg. But you can beat the price increase! If you renew your membership before December 31 2012, you can pay at the 2012 rate of 35 EUR. Just send a viremont to the account below and mention “2013 Membership Dues -- your name” in the comments. Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network We have an exciting roster of speakers and events planned for 2013 and hope that you will join us for another year of networking, friendship and career development topics.

General Information •

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

Join us on Facebook for all the latest information!

The Network News

International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)

E-­‐mail: getintouch@the-­‐network.lu Website: http://www.the-­‐network.lu

December 2012


President’s Message

Dear Networkers, It’s nearly the holidays! It can be magical, but it can also be hectic. In addition to finishing the end of year at work, you also have decorating, socializing, shopping, coordinating with family and many other things you are trying to do simultaneously. Here’s some tips on staying: Happy and Healthy for the Holidays! Emotions & Health The HeartMath organization has reported that how you feel has a great impact on your hormones which then impact your immune system. • •

Just 5 minutes of feeling of anger = can suppress immune system for up to 6 hours While 5 minutes of feeling of love = can strengthen immune system for up to 6 hours

So if you want to help your immune system keep you well this winter, stay on the positive side! Don’t Wait for Happiness If you live your life waiting for happiness, thinking, ”I’ll be happy when … I lose 10 kilos, I get a promotion, I move into another house, I meet my dream guy (or whatever your item is)” … then you deprive yourself of happiness today. It is within your power to be happy right now. Don’t wait for it – create it. Keep Positive People around You – and Look for the Fun I loved a post I read on Facebook. A woman wrote … When my husband asked me how my day went I said “Good, I got a lot done.” He responded with, “No, how much fun did you have?” Now when he asks I make sure to tell him everything fun I did or whatever made me feel good, not what I got done. Isn’t that brilliant! What a great perspective. Forgiveness Marci Shimoff (author of “Happy for No Reason”) reports that the #1 fast-track to happiness is forgiveness – of others or ourselves. If you don’t want to face someone directly, you can always try Oh’o no pono pono – the Hawaiian Huna Tradition method, by yourself.

Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.

You simply think of the other person, and silently direct these words to them in your mind. People have reported remarkable results for reconciliation! •

I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you

Gratitude Don’t forget to stop and think about all the things that are right and wonderful in your life and that you are grateful for, it instantly adds perspective to whatever is worrying you. Giving I am so happy with our choice of Ile aux Clowns as the beneficiary of the charity this year. Years ago I was a hospital clown in the USA and loved the experience. Yes, I had the red curly wig, red nose, rainbow stripped trousers, a yellow t-shirt with red sequin hearts … topped off with huge yellow glasses and an enormous red smile eternally plastered on my white painted face, and could even make a balloon animal or two. I can appreciate how hard it can be to be funny when someone is in pain in front of you. It takes courage to make that connection, and make them forget and laugh … even if only for an instant. I hope many members will join us at the Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to help support their good work. Thanks also to the many donors who have made it possible for us to have so many wonderful items to bid upon! Attend to your Own Happiness - Chinese Proverb Women are always looking to support others’ happiness, and often neglect time for their own enjoyment and happiness. It is not selfish to attend to your own happiness! Our emotions are contagious, and we catch the emotions of those around us. You constantly influence the people around you with your own happiness or unhappiness. Sharing your happiness with others can have a far-reaching impact greater than you ever imagined, as stated in this Chinese proverb:

When there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. When there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. When there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

For this holiday season – be happy – and create some peace in the world! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,

Cindi Wilson

Event Calendar December

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12th December, 7:00 pm Venue: Doubletree Dommeldange

23rd January, 7:00 pm Venue: Sofitel Kirchberg

December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction

Defining Your Living Legacy for 2013

Charity Selected: Ile Aux Clowns Venue: Hilton Doubletree Dommeldange 19th floor – Panorama Room 7:00 pm: Welcome Drink 7:30 pm: Welcome Comments & Charity Presentation 8:00 pm: Dinner & Silent Auction Cost: 45 EUR Members / 55 EUR Non-members See Website for menu and sign-up information Registration required by 3 December 2012

Brandi Karlstedt will present "Defining your Living Legacy" a relevant topic in today's dynamic fast paced world. Brandi will immerse you in a quest to reflect where you are now, what you want your legacy to be, and even more importantly, how to take action. It's the perfect time to decide and direct your life starting in 2013! Brandi, Executive Coach with CoachDynamix, will inspire you with techniques to make this session experiential. The workshop will prompt reflection and share tools to assist in your goal definition to create your own life plan. Once you know what you want, creating a Vision Board is a great way to keep it in front of you! Following Brandi will be a review of how to create a Vision Board, and some examples of completed boards.

Note: ***STARTING IN JANUARY – NEW TIMING:*** Doors open at 7:00pm, and Meeting starts at 7:30pm.

Previous Event - November Event Promotion & Marketing Techniques for Your Business In November, our speaker Daniel Eischen presented a powerful session on Marketing Strategy, and offered lots of experience, thought-provoking ideas and helpful suggestions. He was followed by Chris Marcilla (replacing Anne Canel from AAA Fashion), and Dorothy Germaine of Spa Anywhere. They both shared their marketing trials and tribulations in starting their businesses and provided great input on do’s and don’ts getting started.

December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to benefit Charity “Ile Aux Clowns” Come to the Dinner and Bid at the Auction Every December THE NETWORK organises a fundraising event in favour of a particular recognised charity. The funds are raised through a silent auction where participants bid for the donated items. To name a few examples of earlier years’ donations, there has been jewellery, vouchers for concerts or restaurants, bed and breakfast stays, business services and books as well as food and wine baskets. The beneficiary of this year’s fundraising will be “Ile aux Clowns,” which launched in Luxembourg in 2005. Ile aux Clowns has a team of 11 specially selected and trained Clowns in Luxembourg. Visiting in pairs, they combine art, professionalism and compassion to serve the well-being of children, adolescents and the elderly, as well as their parents and caregivers. They don’t perform a standard routine, but rather improvise at each meeting to create fun, smiles and a privileged moment away from illness. Like a breath of fresh air, they bring joy and laughter into difficult lives, establishing a special relationship that is long remembered and appreciated. In order to raise money to support their extraordinary efforts, we collect donations for our silent auction, and all money generated from the bids goes to the charity. In addition to the money raised at the event, THE NETWORK also adds a sizeable monetary donation for the final check presentation. The December event has been an annual highlight for Network members. This year it will be held on December 12th at the Hilton Doubletree in Dommeldange, on the 19th floor Panorama Room with a fabulous view. The event is limited to 48 participants, so see the website and register early to assure your spot! (Register fast – the deadline is 3 December 2012!) Enjoy a warm ambiance, good food and wine, great company, bidding fun – and the knowledge that your presence and participation has made a difference to others. An Ïle aux Clowns representative will be there to present their organisation and express their thanks for your support. Looking for Donations for the Silent Auction Christmas is often the time when we reflect about our own circumstances and those of others. Many people and businesses choose to “give back” at this time for the benefit of those less fortunate. If this is you – we have the solution! We would be pleased if you chose to support our Charity Dinner and Silent Auction with a donation of a gift, product or service. All donators will be publicised during the charity event on December 12th and afterwards in our monthly newsletter. Please see a Committee member if you have something to donate or send a message to getintouch@the-network.lu.

Network Testimonial Network Testimonial "I love being part of The Network! On my first visit, I was welcomed and people made sure that I was not sat alone and so I had a great first impression, which I must say has lasted. The choice of monthly talks really tries to interest the diverse audience so there is a lot of variety and everyone feels able to ask questions. People are authentic and this is the main reason this group thrives when others fade away; leadership at its best!" Jill Saville Professional Coach and John Maxwell Leadership Trainer

2013 – Dates & Topics We had 41 topics proposed for Network meetings in 2013! Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. It was great and we really appreciate it. We spent hours discussing them and narrowing them down to the most relevant, most interesting and most helpful topics. We combined some to create some powerful panel topics, and will have a mix of both internal and external experts as speakers. Be sure to join us in 2013 – it is going to be extraordinary!

Dates & Topics for 2013 Jan 23:

Defining Your Living Legacy for 2013

Feb 20:

Women’s Health, Nutrition & Wellness

Mar 20:

AGM & Champagne + New Website Launch

Apr 17:

Brand YOU! Personal Branding

May 22:

Creativity & Creating your Dream Business

Jun 16:

Golf Lessons (Optional Social Event)

Jun 19:

Insiders Tour of the Abbaye Neumunster & Dinner

Jul 17:

Summer Drinks (Optional Social Event)

Sep 25:

Training for Success & Life-long Learning

Oct 23:

Wine & Cheese Tasting & Speed-Networking

Nov 20:

Women & Money: The Female Investor

Dec 11:

Christmas Charity Dinner & Silent Auction

Membership Renewal Renew Your Membership Now at the 2012 Price and save 5 EUR for 2013 After many years, The Network membership dues will rise slightly (5 EUR) in 2013 to 40 EUR. Even so, we will still be among the lowest priced women’s professional or social membership organization in Luxembourg. But you can beat the price increase! If you renew your membership before December 31 2012, you can pay at the 2012 rate of 35 EUR. Just send a viremont to the account below and mention 2013 “Membership Dues and your name” in the comments. Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network We have an exciting roster of speakers and events planned for 2013 and hope that you will join us for another year of networking, friendship and career development topics.

General Information •

If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.

To Contact the current Network Team, please email: getintouch@the-network.lu

Join us on Facebook for all the latest information!

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