The Network News
International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)
E-‐mail: getintouch@the-‐ Website: http://www.the-‐
January 2013
President’s Message
Dear Networkers, Happy 2013! This is your year … and to help you get started right, our first meeting is about deciding what you want in life – and how you are going to get there. It will be experiential, so make sure you bring paper and pens as you work through exercises, to set the course for this year and years to come. Creating a Life of No Regrets I saw two interesting articles before the holidays, both in regards to what people regret when they don’t take control of their lives. The first article stated observations revealed by the dying to an Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, who cared for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. As the same themes surfaced again and again, she documented these statements in a book called “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.” They were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
wish wish wish wish wish
I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me I hadn’t worked so hard I’d had the courage to express my feelings I had stayed in touch with my friends that I had let myself be happier (Happiness is a choice)
It is good food for thought, as we look into the future for our own living legacy. At the same time, I saw a survey of 2000 people by the British Heart Foundation on their “Top Ten Regrets.” They were: 1. Not travelling more 2. Losing touch with pals 3. Not exercising enough 4. Not saving more money 5. Taking up smoking 6. Being lazy at school 7. Choice of career 8. Wasting years with the wrong partner 9. Eating unhealthily 10. Not asking more about our grandparents’ lives before they died Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.
In the study, they cited that on average, we spend 19 minutes per day – or more than 2 hours a week – thinking about things we could have done differently. More than 33% blamed lack of cash for preventing them from fulfilling their dreams, while 25% thought loved ones held them back. But 32% admitted that the blame lay with their own lack of courage. Three Questions Perhaps the most basic, yet most meaningful assessment is the three questions that motivation and performance trainer Brendon Burchard asks in his book “The Charge.” They are: 1. Did I live? 2. Did I love? 3. Did I matter? Whether it is a lack of courage or simply the lack of thinking about what you want or planning how to achieve it, our January meeting will help you take stock and get started. Take a step to transform your life, and be more engaged, congruent with your desires and fulfilled. Ensure fewer regrets – join us and plan your life legacy now! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting,
Cindi Wilson
Event Calendar January
23rd January, 7:00 pm Venue: Sofitel Kirchberg
20th February, 7:00 pm Venue: Sofitel Kirchberg
Defining Your Living Legacy for 2013
Women’s Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Brandi Karlstedt will present "Defining your Living Legacy" - a relevant topic in today's dynamic fast paced world! Brandi will immerse you in a quest to reflect where you are now, what you want your legacy to be, and even more importantly, how to take action. It's the perfect time to decide and direct your life starting in 2013! Brandi, Executive Coach with CoachDynamix, will inspire you with techniques to make this session experiential. The workshop will prompt reflection and share tools to assist in your goal definition to create your own life plan. Once you know what you want, creating a Vision Board is a great way to keep it in front of you! Following Brandi will be a review of how to create a Vision Board, and some examples of completed boards.
A distinguished panel of health care practitioners will discuss health issues relevant to women. Elisabeth Møllgaard Mindfulness: - To increase your feeling of being present and comfortable in your own life - To ease stress, anxiety & depression (using different techniques such as meditation, body scans, gratitude, yoga, exercise, dedicated time for yourself, the importance of retreats and away-days) Tessa Montague - Nutrition, Wellness and Preventive Care - Food and its effects, herbal remedies and improved nutrition for increased energy and reduced stress - Combating women's health issues such as under active thyroid, headaches, insomnia, weight loss, bloating and sugar cravings Dr. Susie Tunstall-Pedoe How to manage your own healthcare: - When you need to see a doctor - Which screenings you need and when - Common women's health issues
Note: ***STARTING IN JANUARY – NEW TIMING*** Doors open at 7:00pm, and Meeting starts at 7:30pm.
Network Testimonial Network Testimonial "I love being part of The Network! On my first visit, I was welcomed and people made sure that I was not sat alone and so I had a great first impression, which I must say has lasted. The choice of monthly talks really tries to interest the diverse audience so there is a lot of variety and everyone feels able to ask questions. People are authentic and this is the main reason this group thrives when others fade away; leadership at its best!" Jill Saville Professional Coach and John Maxwell Leadership Trainer
Previous Event - December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction to benefit Charity “Ile Aux Clowns” 3000 Euros Raised for Charity Every December THE NETWORK organises a fundraising event in favour of a particular recognised charity. The beneficiary of this year’s fundraising was “Ile aux Clowns,” which launched in Luxembourg in 2005. Held at the Hilton Doubletree, in the 19th floor Panorama Room, participants shared a warm ambiance, good food and wine, great company and bidding fun – as well as the knowledge that their presence and participation made a difference to others. Ile aux Clowns General Manager of Archipel, Mr. Alexander Hippert, was also present to explain their organisation in a slide show and express their thanks for our support. Ile aux Clowns has a team of 11 specially selected and trained Clowns in Luxembourg. Visiting in pairs, they combine art, professionalism and compassion to serve the well-being of children, adolescents and the elderly, as well as their parents and caregivers. They bring joy and laughter into difficult lives, establishing a special relationship that is long remembered and appreciated. Donations from the silent auction, along with a monetary donation from THE NETWORK raised 3000 EUR for the charity. The final check presentation will be held at our 20 February meeting. The Charity Donors We especially want to thank all of our donors, whose generosity was much appreciated: Amapura Shop, At Your Door (Catharina von Prochek), Beauty Elite Luxembourg, Blandine Lepany, Cactus Bereldange, Carré Rotonde, Casino 2000 Mondorf, Catherine Violet, Chacha des Mousseaux, Chez Zang Bereldange, Cindi Wilson, Coach Dynamix (Brandi Karlstedt), Corinne Prévot, Create and Connect (Miranda van den Heuvel), Deadia (Alexandra Vanheule), Dintrar (Jill Saville), Double Tree by Hilton, Edition 9 (Alexandra Kerckhof), Eifel Country Inn (Dena Haggerty), Eleonora Pasti, Francis Sonnetti, Grand Optical, Image & Fashion (Wendy Casey-Janes), Jirina Castorena-Sanchez, La Cave a Fromages (Pierre Avon), Laura Ashley Shop Luxembourg, Le Place d'Armes, Marette O'Rourke, Nathalie Saluzzi, Natural Health Solutions (Tessa Montague), Planet Parfum Junglinster, Second Degree, Sofitel Luxembourg, Spa Anywhere (Dorothy Germaine),T Style (Tekla Skowronski), Tandoori Restaurant Beggen, The Art of Good Taste (Janice Allgrove), Valérie Polge, Véronique Stamm, Wendy Winn … and to The Network Committee and Marette O’Rourke, event coordinator.
New Network Logo Winner! Congratulations to Marette O’Rourke who submitted the winning entry for the Logo contest. 15 logo submissions were on display at the December Charity Dinner, and attendees were each allowed to vote 3 times. The winning entry is shown below. Marette won the prize of free Network membership for life! (potentially saving her more than 1600 EUR). Congratulations also to Alexandra Kerckhof for second place, who receives 3 years free Network membership.
2013 – Dates & Topics We had 41 topics proposed for Network meetings in 2013! Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. It was great and we really appreciate it. We spent hours discussing them and narrowing them down to the most relevant, most interesting and most helpful topics. We combined some to create some powerful panel topics, and will have a mix of both internal and external experts as speakers. Be sure to join us in 2013 – it is going to be extraordinary!
Dates & Topics for 2013 Jan 23:
Defining Your Living Legacy for 2013
Feb 20:
Women’s Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Mar 20:
AGM & Champagne + New Website Launch
Apr 17:
Brand YOU! Personal Branding
May 22:
Creativity & Creating your Dream Business
Jun 16:
Golf Lessons (Optional Social Event)
Jun 19:
Insiders Tour of the Abbaye Neumunster & Dinner
Jul 17:
Summer Drinks (Optional Social Event)
Sep 25:
Training for Success & Life-long Learning
Oct 23:
Wine & Cheese Tasting & Speed-Networking
Nov 20:
Women & Money: The Female Investor
Dec 11:
Membership Renewal The Network membership costs 40 EUR. Just send a viremont to the account below and mention “2013 Membership Dues and your name” in the comments. Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network We have an exciting roster of speakers and events planned for 2013 and hope that you will join us for another year of networking, friendship and career development topics.
DELANO Special ** Free ** Subscription Offer for Network Members Dear Networkers, Happy New Year, and here's an after-Christmas gift! We have been offered a special subscription opportunity for all of our members by Delano. Please see the offer and instructions below to participate. _______________________________________________________________________ Delano is delighted to offer all "The Network" members the opportunity to benefit from a free oneyear subscription to DELANO (8 issues with summer break.) Simply send your local post address* to: by 31 January 2013.
There won’t be any obligation to subscribe to Delano afterwards. But of course, you would be welcome to continue." *** Please note, as Delano is a print magazine, you must provide a post mailing address. ________________________________________________________ Note: To make your correspondence easy, you could cut and paste this message: To: Subject: Delano One Year Subscription offer Dear Delano, I would like to take advantage of the one year free subscription (2013) to Delano magazine that was extended to "The Network" members by Luciana Restivo. Thank you! Your name Your post address
General Information •
If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.
To Contact the current Network Team, please email:
Join us on Facebook for all the latest information!
The Network News
International Business & Professional Network A.S.B.L (Established 1991)
E-‐mail: getintouch@the-‐ Website: http://www.the-‐
February 2013
President’s Message
Dear Networkers, This month we focus on Women’s Health, Nutrition and Wellness! As that topic is a passion for some other members of the Committee, this month I turn the editorial over to them. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting! Cindi Wilson Health, Nutrition and Wellness Your health & longevity in your hands………. Have you ever thought of how long you want to live? When you consider this question, what thoughts come to mind or what images/pictures do you see? Apparently, whatever your thoughts are about aging, you will be drawn unconsciously in that direction. If this is the case, when would it be a good time to make a conscious decision about LIVING LONGER & HEALTHIER THAN EVER BEFORE? Jane Fonda, an Oscar-winning actor, a prominent activist and a fitness specialist, is now 77 years young, looking fabulous & healthy. During a presentation she mentioned that statistics show we are now have the opportunity to live 34 years longer than our great-grandparents. She went on to say that scientists have discovered that we can create new neuro-pathways in our brains, which help us to redesign a whole new way of living for our health and well being. By changing any routine (or habit or thought) a new neuro-pathway is formed and becomes the norm within days. With such amazing powers within our brains to change our lives for the better, maybe now is a good time to reflect and ask ourselves the following two questions: 1. 2.
What would it take to have better health than the previous generation? How can we re-design our own health, regardless of the health of our parents or grandparents?
In 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported there were 51,376 centenarians in Japan. Eighty-seven percent were women! It only takes one generation to create a cultural shift in longevity by example alone. Passico once said: “It takes a long time to become young!” So, how young do you want to become as you grow up? ******************************************************************************** Due to this special evening on Women’s Health, the Network will have four books to give away to members about the life & times of one centenarian. *****************************************************************************
Disclaimer: The comments and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Network.
Event Calendar February
20th February, 7:00 pm Venue: Sofitel Kirchberg
20th March, 7:00 pm Venue: Sofitel Kirchberg
Women’s Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Champagne Networking
A distinguished panel of health care practitioners will discuss health issues relevant to women.
We’ll have a quick AGM to let you know what happened in 2012, what’s planned in 2013 and status of accounts.
Elisabeth Møllgaard Mindfulness: - To increase your feeling of being present and comfortable in your own life - To ease stress, anxiety & depression (using different techniques such as meditation, body scans, gratitude, yoga, exercise, dedicated time for yourself, the importance of retreats and away-days)
We’ll also introduce our new website! Then it’s champagne and networking, to get to know your fellow members better.
Tessa Montague - Nutrition, Wellness and Preventive Care - Food and its effects, herbal remedies and improved nutrition for increased energy and reduced stress - Combating women's health issues such as under active thyroid, headaches, insomnia, weight loss, bloating and sugar cravings Dr. Susie Tunstall-Pedoe How to manage your own healthcare: - When you need to see a doctor - Which screenings you need and when - Common women's health issues
Doors open at 7:00pm, and Meeting starts at 7:30pm.
Network Testimonial Network Testimonial "I love being part of The Network! On my first visit, I was welcomed and people made sure that I was not sat alone and so I had a great first impression, which I must say has lasted. The choice of monthly talks really tries to interest the diverse audience so there is a lot of variety and everyone feels able to ask questions. People are authentic and this is the main reason this group thrives when others fade away; leadership at its best!" Jill Saville Professional Coach and John Maxwell Leadership Trainer
Photos from January 2013 Meeting
Presentation of 3000 EUR Check to “Ile Aux Clowns” - February Meeting 3000 Euros Raised for Charity THE NETWORK December Charity Dinner and Silent Auction raised 3000 EUR for this year’s beneficiary “Ile aux Clowns.” Mr. Alexander Hippert, Ile aux Clowns General Manager of the Archipel, will be present to accept the presentation of the big check at the start of our 20 February meeting.
New Network Logo Winner! Congratulations to Marette O’Rourke who submitted the winning entry for the Logo contest. 15 logo submissions were on display at the December Charity Dinner, and attendees were each allowed to vote 3 times. The winning entry is shown below. Marette won the prize of free Network membership for life! (potentially saving her more than 1600 EUR). Congratulations also to Alexandra Kerckhof for second place, who receives 3 years free Network membership. Both winners received a plaque with their award at our January 2013 meeting.
2013 – Dates & Topics We had 41 topics proposed for Network meetings in 2013! Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. It was great and we really appreciate it. We spent hours discussing them and narrowing them down to the most relevant, most interesting and most helpful topics. We combined some to create some powerful panel topics, and will have a mix of both internal and external experts as speakers. Be sure to join us in 2013 – it is going to be extraordinary!
Dates & Topics for 2013 Jan 23:
Defining Your Living Legacy for 2013
Feb 20:
Women’s Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Mar 20:
AGM & Champagne + New Website Launch
Apr 17:
Brand YOU! Personal Branding
May 22:
Creativity & Creating your Dream Business
Jun 16:
Golf Lessons (Optional Social Event)
Jun 19:
Insiders Tour of the Abbaye Neumunster & Dinner
Jul 17:
Summer Drinks (Optional Social Event)
Sep 25:
Training for Success & Life-long Learning
Oct 23:
Wine & Cheese Tasting & Speed-Networking
Nov 20:
Women & Money: The Female Investor
Dec 11:
Membership Renewal The Network membership costs 40 EUR. Just send a viremont to the account below and mention “2013 Membership Dues and your name” in the comments. Bank: Banque de Luxembourg Swift/BIC Code: BLUXLULL IBAN: LU58 0080 5333 3500 1003 Beneficiary: The Network We have an exciting roster of speakers and events planned for 2013 and hope that you will join us for another year of networking, friendship and career development topics.
General Information •
If you would like to recommend the Network to a colleague or friend, details are published here.
To Contact the current Network Team, please email:
Join us on Facebook for all the latest information!