la ricerca dell'anima Baritone (Tyler Duncan?) Flute Tara Helen O’Connor Oboe/English James Austin Smith Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Piano Pedja Muzijevic String Quartet SLSQ 4 programmable, mechanical music boxes Projections and shadow puppets PART I Prelude
Quale nervi della mano so quelle che accostano e discostano li diti della mano? Quale nervo è cagione del moto del l’occhio a fare che ‘l moro dell’un occhio tiri l’altro? Del chiudere le ciglia, dello alzare le ciglia, dello abbassare le ciglia, dello chiudere li ochi, del aprire li ochi, dello alzare le narici, del aprire le labra co deti serrati, dello apputare, del ridere, del maravigliarsi. A discriuere il principio dell’omo quàdo elli si cavsa nella matrice, a perché uno putto nò uive d’otto mesi. Che cosa è starnuto Che cose è sbadiglio, mal-maestro, spasimo, paralitico, tremito di freddo, sudore, stachezza, fame, sonno, sete, lussuria.
What nerves of the hand are those which close and part the fingers? Which nerve causes the motion of the eye so that the motion of one eye moves the other? Of frowning the brows, of raising the brows, of closing the eyes, of opening the eyes, of raising the nostrils, of opening the lips, with the teeth shut, of pouting with the lips, of smiling, of astonishment. Describe the beginning of man when it is caused in the womb and why an eight month old does not survive. What is sneezing, What is yawning, Falling sickness, spasms, paralysis, shivering with cold, sweating, fatigue, hunger, sleepiness, thirst, lust.
The order of the book
Voglio far miraculi… Questa opera si deve principare alla Cociettione dell’omo, e devi descrivere im modo della matrice e come il putto l’abbita... Che cosa lo spigna fori del corpo della madre… Poi discrivi l’omo cresciuto e la femina a sue misure… …com’egli e coposto di uene, nerui, muscoli e ossa… di poi Quattro universali casi delli omini, cioe Letitia con e uari atti di ridere, e figura la cagio del riso, piato in vari modi colla sua cogione, Cotentione co vari movimeti d’uccisione, fughe, paure, , ferocita, ardimeti, mieidi,, e tutte core apparteneti a simil casi. Di poi figura une fatica co tirare, spiegniere portare, fermare, sostenere, e simili cose. Di poi discrivi attitudini e movimento. Di poi prospettiva per l’oitio e effetti dell’ochio dell’udito – dirai di musicha.
I wish to work miracles… This work must begin with the conception of man and describe the womb and how the fetus lives in it. What it is that forces it out of the body of the mother… Then I will describe the fully grown man and woman, with their proportions… …how they are composed of veins, tendons, muscles, and bones… Then in four drawings represent four universal conditions of man. Mirth, with various acts of laughter, and describe the cause of laughter. Weeping… Contention, with various acts of killing, flight, fear, ferocity, boldness, murder. Then represent labor, with pulling, thrusting, carrying, stopping, supporting… Further I would describe attitudes and movements. Then perspective, concerning the functions and effects of the eye, and of hearing – here I will speak of music.
3. Hesitation Le lagrime vengono dal creo e no dal ceruello INTERLUDE musical hands 2
Tears come from the heart and not from the brain
How The Nerves Sometimes Act Of Themselves Without Any Commands From The Other Functions Of The Soul. (shivering - bass clarinet)
This is most plainly seen; for you will see palsied and shivering persons move, and their trembling limbs, as their head and hands, quake without leave from their soul and their soul with all its power cannot prevent their members from trembling. … (maybe continue…) …The idea or imagination is the helm and guiding-rein of the senses, because the thing conceived of moves the sense. Pre-imagining, is imagining the things that are to be. Post-imagining, is imagining the things that are past.
Questo chiaramète apparisce, inperochè tu verdrai movere ai paraletici e treddolosi e assiderati le loro tremàti mebra come testa e mani sanza licèza dell anima, La qualle anima cò tutte sue forze nò potrà vietari a essi membro che no tremino
Notes to self (1) (scherzo, pizz+trem – contrabass?) Coltelli, penna da rigare, stivaletti, scarpe e calze, Gramatica di Lorenzo di Medici, Riga, coltello sottiilssimo, ochiali, Libro di Maso Catenuzza di Michelangelo Impara la multiplication delle radici da maestro Luca Calcetti!
Knives, a pen for ruling, boots, shoes and socks, Grammar by Lorenzo de Medici – a ruler, a very sharp knife, spectacles, Tomasso’s book, Michelangelo’s little chain, learn the multiplication of roots from Maestro Luca. Socks!
Interlude musical hands 3
PART III 6. - Dreaming Andranno li omini e non si moveranno, parleranno con Men will walk about without moving, they will talk to chi non si trova, sentirano chi non parla.... people who are not there, and listen to people who are not speaking.... 7. Viso fantastic Giovannina, viso fantastico, In the hospital, lying next to Caterina, young Giovana sta asca Chaterina all’ospedale – with a fantastic face.
A Jest Fu dimàdato un pittore perché, facciedo lui de figure si belle che erà cose morte, per che causa esso avesse fatti i figlioli si brutti. Allora il pittore rispose che le pitture le fecie dì di, e i figlioli di notte.
It was asked of a painter why, since he made such beautiful figures, which were but dead things, his children were so ugly; to which the painter replied that he made his pictures by day, and his children by night.
9 . Notes to self - 2 Carrucole, 'chiodi, corda, mercurio, stela, lunedi.
Pulleys, nails, rope, mercury, cloth Monday… Concave mirrors, philosophy of Aristotle, the books of Avicenna …Vitruvius, Bohemian knives. Go every Saturday to the hot bath where you will see naked men.
Spechi cocavi, filosofiad’Aristotile, librid’Avicenna, Vetruvio, coltelli di Boemia Va ogni sabato alla stufa e vedrai delli nudi.
10. The soul L’anima pare risedere nella parte juditiale e la parte juditiale pare essere nel loco dove concorrono tutti i sesi il quale è detto senso comune.
The soul seems to reside in the judgement, and the judgement seems to sit at the point where all the senses converge. This is called the Common Sense. (omit – and is not allpervading throughout the body as many would have thought. Rather it is entirely in one part…)
11 POSTLUDE: The Last Supper and La Festa del Paradiso – (Hands 4) 12 CODA: The infinite unknown La natura è piena d infinite ragioni che nò furò mai in isperiètia
Nature is full of infinite reasons yet to be experienced.