music by Ted Hearne libretto by Mark Doten
1 [EXPLOSIVE HAZARD] 2 Oh The Shark 3 [Trust Logs] 4 s/as boy/as a boy 5 [A young boy released several pigeons] 6 Julian in a Nutshell 7 [CRIMINAL EVENT] 8 Interlude: Don’t want to be a part 9 Complex Keys 10 [Smoke when bird nears] 11 [The marine that engaged] 12 [We called for illumination at 1630] 13 I encrypt as much as I can
Samia Mounts the 2014 production of The Source at BAM,directed by Daniel Fish with design by Jim Findlay. Photo by Paula Court.
These songs are a patchwork, the words of various American primary-source texts, mostly dating from 2005–2010. The US military documents known as the ‘Iraq War Logs’ and ‘Afghan War Diary’ form a central part. These classified communications, leaked from the Dept. of Defense by Pfc Chelsea Manning (then Bradley Manning), were released in 2010 by WikiLeaks and their media partners. Manning, then 22 years old and stationed in Iraq, was reported to the authorities by the famed former hacker Adrian Lamo and arrested in May 2010. Manning had sought out Lamo online, drawn by his reputation as a hacker, his public support of WikiLeaks, and possibly his sexual orientation (Manning was aware that Lamo is bisexual and worked for greater LGBT rights in the 90’s.) The two engaged in a far-ranging online chat, during which Manning spoke of the leaks, as well as her feelings about herself, her gender identity, life in the Army, US foreign policy, secrecy, and her hopes that her actions would lead to “worldwide discussion, debates and reforms.” Excerpts of these chats, published by, are set to music in this piece as well. Other sources include tweets from Lamo defending his decision to turn in Manning, an array of questions that journalists posed to Julian Assange in 2010, and selections of interviews, radio, social media and popular music, drawn from mostly the same time period as the leaks. — In August 2013, Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years’ imprisonment on numerous counts of espionage, theft and computer fraud, as well as several military infractions. Following her sentencing, she made public her transgender status and requested the treatments necessary for her gender transition.
vocalists Ted Hearne Mellissa Hughes Samia Mounts Isaiah Robinson Jonathan Woody
THE SOURCE libretto by Mark Doten
musicians Courtney Orlando, violin Anne Lanzilotti, viola Leah Coloff, cello Taylor Levine, electric guitar Greg Chudzik, electric bass Ron Wiltrout, drums Nathan Koci, keyboards/music director
Improvised Explosive Device Explosion Report:
The interactive use of auto-tune in The Source was developed by Philip White and Ted Hearne in their work as the vocal/electronics duo R WE WHO R WE.
An IED detonation was reported by C co 1-327 INF to Task force SPARTAN, in the Salah Ad Din Province, Ad Dawr, vicinity. 38S LD 8930 1490. 1st Platoon/Aco/1st STB was traveling north on Route Shark when an IED detonated on their convoy.
production produced by Nick Tipp, with Jesse Lewis and Ted Hearne recorded by Jesse Lewis at Avatar Studios (Manhattan) and Systems Two Studios (Brooklyn) Jesse Lewis, editing, recording engineer Philip White, live vocal processing engineer Kyle Pyke, engineering assistant Nick Tipp, mixing Ryder Bach, mix assistant Carl Saff, mastering Seth Gadsden, art Laura Grey, graphic design
Zero Injured / Zero Damage 1STB in the vicinity of Route Shark. December 21, 2007
Oh, the shark
Oh, the shark
(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) Improvised Explosive Device Found / Cleared Zero Injured / Zero Damage Classification: Secret November 7, 2005 At 1348C, 224 Enemy ATTACHED TO 4-14 discovered an IED on Route Bridle, 16km W of Rawah, North of the Shark-Fin.
Oh, the shark
(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) Improvised Explosive Device Explosion Report Baghdad Police Ops: 2 Civilians Killed in Action / 3 Civilians Wounded in Action Classification: Secret August 10, 2008 The explosion occurred when a car was passing in front of the Central Bank of Iraq. 2 Local Nationals killed and 2 Local Nationals wounded. All were employees of the bank. Checkpoint in the Bab Al Sharke Area.
(EXPLOSIVE HAZARD) Improvised Explosive Device Explosion Report
Oh The Shark
Oh the shark You keep the world at bay Oh the shark keep the world Oh the shark has Oh yeah, we back! keep the world Fresh kid T Oh yeah, we back! Oh the shark has You rediscover the web. I’m napping. My guest tonight, a very funny comedian and actor, known from Knocked Up, Superbad Oh the shark has You keep the world at bay
1 CF Wounded in Action
November 22, 2008
The casualty has a suspected broken left foot, with no feeling. They are going to require Air Evacuation. smoke when bird nears Tiger Shark 57 has been pushed to support.
I know what it’s like to be twenty-two, scared and in shackles too. I’ve been there. I hope none of you ever have to make a choice like this.
Iraq War Logs and Afghanistan War Logs Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht, “Mack the Knife” as recorded by Clay Aiken on Tried and True (released 06.01.10)
My first kiss with Roberto on the wire was unlike any other kiss I’ve ever had
And I’ll be strong enough to try
You can’t come back down and land before you shoot.
SAWYER: What’s the answer we most want? HAWKING: I want to know why the universe exists... Can’t stop, now I know who I am Oh the shark has
I don’t pay for the meter, I remember I was— be strong enough to There’s still plenty of time remaining. (De-fense!) I outed Brad Manning as an alleged leaker out of duty. I would never—and have never— out an ordinary decent criminal. There’s a difference.
HAWKING: ...and how insignificant and accidental human life is in it...
Manning-Lamo Chat Logs Twitter feed from Adrian Lamo (06.01.10 – 06.08.10) Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht, “Mack the Knife” as recorded by Clay Aiken on Tried and True (released 06.01.10) Chiddy Bang, “Opposite of Adults” (single released 02.21.10) Dixie Chicks, “Easy Silence” (from Playlist, released 06.01.10) “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” Episode 15071 (airdate: 06.03.10) Christina Aguilera, (from Bionic, released 06.04.10) “The Bachelorette” Season 6, Episode 3 (airdate: 06.07.10) “The 2010 NBA Finals” Game 2 (06.06.10) “ABC News” Diane Sawyer interviews Steven Hawking (airdate: 06.07.10)
Mellissa Hughes in the 2014 production of The Source at BAM,directed by Daniel Fish with design by Jim Findlay. Photo by Paula Court.
Hackers confide in me all the time. I’d go to prison before I’d betray their trust. I didn’t get Manning arrested. He got himself arrested.
[Trust Logs]
PRESIDENT MUSHARRAF MEETS WITH COMMANDER USCENTCOM: (Source: AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD 01570, 10 April 07) New US Central Command Commander, Admiral William J. Fallon, met March 31 with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. They discussed Musharraf’s participation at the recent Arab League Summit. (disappointing), Musharraf’s interest in engaging on Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts (as a go-between), his efforts to construct an alliance of moderate Muslim states (slow going), the situation in Iraq (Sunnis need to be given more), continuing concerns about Iran (too unpredictable), and the status of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and a plea for better understanding of Pakistan’s perspective (can’t trust President Karzai). *** (FRIENDLY ACTION) Cache Found/Cleared Report Artillery: RC North TF Warrior North S2 Classification: Secret Zero Injured/Damaged December 23, 2009
as well as eyes and ears access in Basra The source gained the information through a trusted associate. Iraq War Logs and Afghanistan War Logs
s/as boy/as a boy
dont wish to be a part of it at least not now im not ready s/as boy/as a boy i wouldn’t mind going to prison for the rest of my life if it wasn’t for the possibility of having pictures of me… plastered all over the world press… as boy… s/as boy/as a boy
the girls call
In the vicinity of Amam Khurd, Sar-e Pol: Sar-e Pol police found a cache of 66 100 milimeter artillery rounds buried in the Amam Khurd neighborhood of Sar-e Pol City. According to the police, the rounds were dumped there by the Russians. They will be turned over to Halo Trust for destruction.
the CPU is not made for this motherboard
s/as boy/as a boy
The source has peripheral access to the Iraqi Islamic party and the Islamic Al-Minar group,
im just kind of drifting now…
s/as boy/as a boy im not ready
s/as boy/as a boy im not ready
s/as boy/as a boy I’m just kind of drifting now… Manning-Lamo Chat Logs Liz Phair, “Girls! Girls! Girls!” (Exile in Guyville, 1993)
[A young boy released several pigeons]
A young boy released several pigeons Pigeons are a likely signaling device. Later during movement, USSF noticed two other possible signaling devices. The first was a separate teenage boy with a mirror, and then in another village a white and red kite was being flown. Iraq War Logs
Julian in a Nutshell
What do you … Are you a … Are there any … You’ve said many times … Are you saying … When you see … Do you fear … Julian in a … nutshell … Are you a journalist?
What do you want … Are there any instances … You’ve said many … Are you saying in particular … You’ve said many times, ‘smear campaign.’ Do you feel any state—any government—has a right to any secrets at all? Are you saying undue influence on the women… or is it undue influence on the prosecutor? When you see references to yourself as anarchic, an anarchist … Do you fear that you will end up in an American jail? is that an accurate description of what you are? [an] undue influence on the women?... I was in the courtroom all these times, and there was talk of forcibly spreading her legs … Are you concerned about your safety? Holding her down so she couldn’t move… Julian in a nutshell what is wikileaks? Are you a journalist? What do you want to achieve with the release of the video? When you see references to yourself as anarchic, an anarchist, is that an accurate description of what you are? Do you fear that you will end up in an American jail? Would you call yourself a free market proponent? Are there any instances [in] diplomacy or global affairs in which you see secrecy as necessary and as an asset? Does that mean you have private sector-focused leaks in the works? Well, that’s a very strong charge. Are you concerned about your safety? And what they’re saying is very strong. Megaleaks? Do you think that large portions of — whether it’s the American media or the international media — have abandoned you …
From the 2014 production of The Source at BAM,directed by Daniel Fish with design by Jim Findlay. Photo by Paula Court.
Do you think it’s anyone leading the campaign against you or is it an opaque group? Abandoned you and not come to your defense when people in government call you a high tech terrorist? Us? China? I’m not arguing … How do your leaks … Can you give me some examples? I’m not arguing you’re a hacker now. How do your leaks fit into that? Your leak really … Megaleaks? Really substantially changed the world? Us? China? Can you give me some examples? How do your leaks fit into that? Do you think it’s anyone leading the campaign against you Would you say you’re practicing civil disobedience against breaking the law or is it an opaque group? in order to expose greater law-breaking? Julian in a nutshell … What do you … Are you a … Are there any … You’ve said many times … Are you saying … When you see … Do you fear … Julian in a … nutshell … Are you a journalist? What do you want?
Interviews with Julian Assange (04.05.10 – 12.22.10) The Alyona Show (04.05.10) Cenk Uyngur, “The Young Turks” (12.22.10) Richard Stengel, Time Magazine (12.01.10),8599,2034040,00.html#ixzz1Gcb9TBO0 Jim Sciutto, ABC News (12.17.10) David Frost, Frost Over the World (Al Jazeera) (12.22.10) The Larry King Show, CNN (10.26.10) Al Jazeera English (10.22.10) Andy Greenberg, Forbes Magazine (11.29.10) TED talk (07.16.2010)
Criminal Event: Murder Report In the vicinity of Amin Afandi Sirhan (Route Al Taji): 1 Civilian Killed in Action August 1, 2006 1 UNKNOWN FEMALE, (APPROXIMATELY 25 YEARS OLD), WAS FOUND IN AL HUSSAYNIYIA AREA CLOSE TO AN ICE FACTORY. SHE WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD AND SHOWED SIGNS OF TORTURE. THE BODY WAS TAKEN TO JUSTICE MEDICAL. *** Criminal Event: Murder Report In the vicinity of Baghdad: 2 Civilians Killed in Action May 31, 2007
Where: 38SMB 44470 78800 / M840 Street: Unknown House: Unknown Religious Sect of Victim: Unknown Sect of Neighborhood the Body was found in : Unknown Victim shows signs of torture: 1x hands bound 1X BODY IS SKELETON APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD WITH BLUNT OBJECT SKULL HAS A LARGE HOLE IN IT AND A LARGE FRACTURE AND HANDS BOUND WITH CLOTH OTHER BODY IS JUST A PILE OF BONES Iraq War Logs
Interlude: Don’t want to be a part
i encrypt as much as i can not a single person noticed i zerofilled the original i don’t want to be a part i watched that video cold not a single person noticed i zerofilled the original i don’t want to be a part Manning-Lamo Chat Logs
Complex Keys
Back to life, back to reality…. DoS CIA DOD NSA OSINT copy/pastes false flag PR games open source Title 10 satellite internet Rijndael variants this is what i do for friends OGA sent links LAMP servers sql T W i n k “pink hat” Reykjavik theres substantial lag i think
living such an opaque life I’ve learned my lessons in tightropes. its about securing the keys, using complex keys… how safe you keep your private keys MD-DOS .mil squints >shiver< SIPR now pretty reckless at this point xanga squints creep me out anarchy in CSV theres substantial lag i think switches towers DES trigger happy rednecks
OGA sent links LAMP servers sql T W i n k “pink hat” Reykjavik theres substantial lag i think brute force SCI airstrike Gharani days to break too many chinks theres substantial lag i think
living such an opaque life I’ve learned my lessons in tightropes. its about securing the keys, using complex keys … how safe you keep your private keys Manning-Lamo Chat Logs
Big Boi, “Shutterbugg” (released 6.20.10)
[Smoke when bird nears]
smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears
smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears They say, they say, they say they say smoke when bird nears smoke when bird nears smoke smoke when bird nears smoke smoke when bird nears They say, they say, they say, they say smoke I, tears I smoke when bird nears tears I, tears I cannot hide smoke tears smoke when bird nears I, tears I cannot hide tears smoke when bird nears tears I cannot hide tears smoke smoke when bird nears something here inside cannot be denied Afghanistan War Logs
Jerome Kern and Otto Harbach, “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes” as recorded by Dinah Washington (1955)
[The marine that engaged]
The marine that engaged from Post 7 was unable to determine the occupants of the vehicle due to the reflection of the sun coming off the windshield. smoke
Iraq War Logs
[We called for illumination at 1630]
Illumination For illumination called for illumination We called for illumination We called for illumination at 1630 Illumination For illumination called for illumination We called for illumination We called for illumination at 1630 Illumination For illumination called for illumination We called for illumination We called for illumination at 1630 1st platoon departed the base at 1600. We called for illumination at 1630. Burst illumination was at 1658. Afghanistan War Logs
I encrypt as much as I can
I encrypt as much as I can I was short still am Very intelligent could read at three
Very effeminate Glued to a computer screen MSDOS/Windows 3.1 timeframe I played SimCity obsessively The original I zerofilled the original I barely exist I’m an army intelligence analyst I was reduced in rank today I’m not a violent person I punched a colleague in the face I’m not brave I’m weak I care I’m not brave I’m weak I’m in more potential heat than you ever were I keep track of everything I watch the whole thing unfold I don’t give specifics unless I have them in front of me I’m an awkward patient I don’t like dogma I was awestruck I’m a DC guy I’m here I’m a ghost I’m godless I’m a mess I’m armed
I’m crazy like that I know the feeling. I know I do. I don’t like this person that people see I behave and look like a male, but it’s not me (CRIMINAL EVENT) but it’s not me MURDER REPORT but it’s not me 1 Civilian Killed in Action but it’s not me January 27, 2009 but it’s not me August 30, 2006 A displaced local national from Little Abu Sayda was removed from his home by the IPs and taken to the palm groves near Abu Gharma and murdered. but it’s not me (CRIMINAL EVENT) but it’s not me The IPs detained the family. but it’s not me NO DAMAGE but it’s not me 1 Civilian Killed in Action Actions have no direct Coalition Forces involvement, therefore do not expect Western media attention. MURDER OF SECURITY GUARD OFF-DUTY In the vicinity of Basrah but it’s not me (CRIMINAL EVENT) MURDER REPORT January 14, 2007
Unfortunately we have been informed by his colleagues involved in the search (Mohammad Qassim and his family) that they have found Jawad in the Basra City Mortuary. but it’s not me Religious sect of victim: SUNNI Did Victim show signs of torture: UNKNOWN 141130 TF TOC Received a tip from a trusted source
We cannot 100% verify this information however from all calls received from trusted employees this indeed seems to be the case
Situation clearly outlines significant problems with the area IP and the populaces ability and/or willingness to trust them.
and I have no-one I trust—
There was one moment I guess I was a bit lonely so I opened up the computer and just…. talked. Manning-Lamo Chat Logs Iraq War Logs Beyoncé, interview in the documentary I AM… World Tour (released 12.26.2010)
The Source was premiered at the 2014 Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), in a production by Beth Morrison Projects. Daniel Fish, director/co-video design Jim Findlay, scenic and video design The Source was commissioned by Beth Morrison Projects and Judy and Allen Freedman, with additional commissioning support from Justus and Helen Schlichting. This album was commissioned by Raulee Marcus and Stephen Block. Additional support for the project came from NewMusicUSA, the MAP Fund, and Kevin Simmons and High Concept Laboratories. Thank you. Much love to Janina and Calder Morrison, Nathan Koci, Philip White and the entire crew of musicians who participated in this project, along with Clarice Hearne and Ted Hearne the Sr., Catherine Lord and Fred Morrison, Anthony Morrison, Chris Rountree and to Alex Papachistrou and Anne Detjen. Daniel Fish, Jim Findlay, Chris Kuhl, Terese Wadden, Garth MacAlevy, Noah Weber, Jecca Barry, Ron Wiltrout, Anne Lanzilotti, Ashley Tata, Jason Kaiser and Beth Morrison all helped shape this work creatively— thank you. To those who leant additional financial support: Judah Adashi, Timo Andres, Darcy James Argue, Matt Bell, Seth Brodsky and Jude Stewart, Isaac Butler, Anthony Cheung and Lu Wang, Chris Cerrone, Miki Cloud, June Coloff, Jacob Cooper, Shane Courville, Alexander Dewar, Luke Gullickson, Joanna Hearne, Sam Hendel, Cynthia Hogue, Robert Honstein, Ralph Ingersoll, Lavena Johnson, Molly Joyce, Dylan Landis, Anne Lanzilotti, Louise Lanzilotti, Salvatore Lanzilotti, Jazimina MacNeil, James Moore, Donald Nally, Andrew Norman, Alan Pierson, David Skidmore, Owen Weaver, Alex Weiser, LJ White, Alan Ziegler—thank you.
Composer, performer and bandleader TED HEARNE draws on a wide breadth of influences ranging across music’s full terrain, to create intense, personal and multidimensional works. Hearne’s Katrina Ballads, a modern-day oratorio with a primary source libretto, was awarded the 2009 Gaudeamus Prize in composition and was named one of the best classical albums of 2010 by Time Out Chicago and The Washington Post. Recent projects include commissions from the Los Angeles Philharmonic and San Francisco Symphony, Roomful of Teeth, eighth blackbird and Yarn/Wire, performances with his vocal-electronic duo R WE WHO R WE (with Philip White) and Wet Ink Ensemble, and collaborations with writer-filmmaker Dee Rees and soul music icon Erykah Badu. Librettist MARK DOTEN’s first novel, The Infernal, was published in 2015 by Graywolf Press. He has an MFA in creative writing from Columbia University and is a recipient of fellowships from Columbia and The MacDowell Colony. He is an editor at Soho Press, and co-hosts a humorous literary podcast, The Consolation Prize, with author Adam Wilson. His writing has appeared in Conjunctions, Guernica, The Believer, and New York magazine.