doTERRA eBook Round 2 Offer 1-3

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Yoga Collection

three 5mL blends ( SK U 3 1 620 0 0 4 )

Our Yoga Collection is made up of three 5mL blends designed specifically to support effective yoga/meditation practice. •

dōTERRA Affirm™ to help promote feelings of self-acceptance, trust and fluidity. Before starting the day, apply dōTERRA Affirm™ over your heart, wrists, and the back of your neck to help promote feelings of self-acceptance and fluidity.

Seated Meditation, Seated Twist, and Bhu Mudra

dōTERRA Anchor™ to help promote feelings of completeness, calmness and courage. When faced with challenges or big decisions, apply two to three drops of dōTERRA Anchor™ on your heart to help encourage a steady foundational sense on how to move forward.


Warrior II, Triangle, and Gate pose.

dōTERRA Ascend™; to help promote feelings of happiness, clarity and courage. Apply several drops to diffusing jewellery to remind you of your goals throughout the day.

Pa g e 2 | B O G O F l a s h

Standing arms high, standing side stretch and Half Moon


blend for women 5mL ( SK U 3 1 0 8 0 0 0 4 )

Whisper ® Blend for Women has been specially blended to provide an inviting aroma with a distinct scent that intrigues the senses of both the wearer and those passing by. •

Provides a warming, musky aroma

Entices and intrigues the senses

Create a beautiful, unique, and personal fragrance

W ildly Wh is pe r D iffuse r Bl e n d

Wood l a nd W hi sp e rs D i f f u se r B le nd

W h is p e r ®

Wh i sp e r ®

W il d O ran g e

C i t r u s B l i ss ® Siberian Fir

Moonlight Move s D iffuse r Bl e n d W h is p e r ® S a n d a lwood

Swe et Hi nt s D i f f u se r B le nd Wh i sp e r ® Eu c a lyptu s

DA I LY R O UTI NE: AM: After a shower, apply Whisper ® Blend for Women essential oil blend to your wrists to create a unique and beautiful scent that accentuates your body’s chemistry. Once it is applied, it will mingle with your individual scent for a unique and personal fragrance.* Indulge your skin while experiencing the powerful floral aroma of Whisper ® Blend for Women. Combine one to two drops with dōTERRA Hand and Body Lotion for a silky, soft skin aromatic experience*. PM: Continue to experience the aroma by adding the scent to your clothes. Simply dispense one to two drops of Whisper ® Blend for Women in the palm of your hand and rub it on clothing, scarves, and coats. Evening: For an ideal evening aroma, place three to four drops of Whisper ® Blend for Women into the diffuser of your choice and diffuse at night. This blend has a warming aroma, enticing and intriguing the senses. *Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

C a ssi a

d ōTERRA Austra lia & New Zea l an d | Pa ge 3


essential oil 15mL ( SK U 3 1 620 0 0 4 )

Wintergreen is derived from the leaves of a creeping shrub found in coniferous areas, commonly found in remote areas of the Himalayan foothills. •

Refreshing, uplifting aroma to help enliven the senses

Sweet, minty, refreshing aroma

Great as part of a warming, soothing massage especially after exercise

Wintergreen is part of the dōTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing Program

O ce an Bre eze Dif f u s e r Bl e n d Wintergreen W i l d Ora nge Ginger

Wintergreen Bergamot Cedarwood


Citru s L if t Dif f u s e r Bl e n d

Su n ris e En e rgy Dif f u s e r Bl e nd





Grapefruit Lemon

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A l p in e Su mmer Dif f u s e r Bl e nd

Douglas Fir Wintergreen


grounding blend 15mL ( SK U 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 )

Warm woody aromas of dōTERRA Balance ® Grounding blend, help create a sense of calm and relaxation. Spruce, one of the oils in dōTERRA Balance ® was used by Native Americans. •

Airy, fresh, sweet, warm woody aroma

Aroma evokes feelings of tranquility and balance

Ideal for a sense of calmness

Refresh D iffuse r Bl e n d

C a l m a nd L i f t D i f f u se r B le nd

Balance ®

Balance ®

P urif y ®


Experience the enriching benefits of dōTERRA Balance during an AromaTouch® Hand Technique, by either applying it to your own hands or having someone else perform the hand massage.

AromaTouch® Hand Technique steps: •

Apply a light, even coating of your selected oil to the entire palm of the recipient's hand (about one to three drops).

Use both hands to grip one of the recipient's hands on either side with the dorsum (back) of the facing upwards and thumbs on top.

Use your thumbs to stretch the tissue of the hand moving from the inside out, and from the wrist to the base of the fingers.


Restful S l u mbe r D iffuse r Bl e n d

G et U p & G o D i f f u se r B le nd

Balance ®

Balance ®

Lavender Peace ®

Passion ®

Easy Air ®

Citrus Bliss ® d ōTERRA Austra lia & New Zea l an d | Pa ge 5

Green Mandarin essential oil 15mL ( SK U 60 20 8 0 0 3 )

Green Mandarin essential oil is distilled from the unripened fruit of the mandarin tree. •

Refreshing aroma

Citrus, fruity, slightly sweet and floral

Evergre e n Diffuse r Bl e n d

Joy Joy Joy D i f f u se r B le nd

Green Mandarin Sibe ria n Fir Pink Pe p p er

Wake U p Diffuse r Bl e n d Green Mandarin Wil d O ran g e Spea rm int

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Green Mandarin Lime Hawaiian Sandalwood

G l e ef u l B l e nd D i f f u se r B le nd Green Mandarin Lavender Peace Bergamot

Gre e n Man darin Parfait ( 4 s er ves ) •

5 0 0 g Va ni l l a C oconut Yoghur t

4 drops Green Ma nda r i n es s ent i a l oil

5 0 0 g Gra nol a

Ber r i es of c hoi ce to s er ve

Meth od: 1.

Mix yo g h u r t a n d es s ent ia l o il to g et h er u nt il co m b in ed .


L ayer in t h e fo l l owin g o rd er - yo g h u r t , g ran ola, b er r ies , yo g h u r t .


To p wit h f res h b er r ies to s er ve.

Pink Pepper

essential oil 5mL ( SK U 60 20 8 0 0 2)

Pink Pepper essential oil is distilled from the fruit of the pink peppercorn tree, and the tree was used by the Incans for traditional practices. •

Spicy, fruity, slightly woody aroma

Promotes a calming atmosphere when diffused

Diffuses well with Green Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit and Bergamot essential oils

Citru s Sp ice Dif f u s e r Bl e n d

Swe et Romance Dif f u s e r Bl e nd

Pink Pepper Gra pefr ui t Roma n C ha momi l e

Su mme r Bre eze Dif f u s e r Bl e n d

Pink Pepper Green Mandarin Coriander

Dre am Big Dif f u s e r Bl e nd

Pink Pepper

Pink Pepper

Berga mot

Fenne l

Ar bor vi t a e

Ma r j oram

Gera ni um

Sa nda lwood

d ōTERRA Austra lia & New Zea l an d | Pa ge 7

©2 0 1 9 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s t e re d trad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i n g s , L LC . AU N Z B OGO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2 0 1 9 2 2 1 1 1 9 .

Pa g e 8 | B O G O F la s h

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