Feb BOGO Flash 2020 - Round 2 Offer 1

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essential oil 10mL

essential oil 15mL

( SK U 60 20 94 5 5 )

Helichrysum is a member of the daisy/sunflower family and has been used throughout the Mediterranean since the Middle Ages. This delicate flower is often referred to as the Everlasting or Immortal Flower. •

A n e a rt hy, h e r ba ce o u s f ra gra n ce w i t h a f lora l un d e rto n e

Ide a l wh e n you wa nt to o pe n t h e h e a r t and mi n d to n ew ex pe r i e n ce s a n d pra c t i ce s

Incorp orate i nto d a i ly sk i n c a re ro u t i n e to he lp e n h a n ce t h e a ppe a ra n ce of sk i n

Try u s in g dōTER RA Tou ch™ He l ich rys u m duri ng or b efore :

(S KU 30430004)

The Vetiver herb has been used around the world for its soothing, protective, and uplifting properties since as early as the 12th century. Vetiver essential oil is an integral part of Ayurvedic massage. •

Deep and woody aroma

Soothing, protective, and uplifting

Grounding scent and ideal for relaxation

Sourced in Haiti through our Co-Impact Sourcing Program

D i ffuser B lends: The convenient roller application means that you can add Helichrysum to your daily skin care routine and use it throughout the day as required. dōTERRA To u c h™ He l i c hr ys u m u se s i nc l u d e s: •

En joy t h e e a rthy, gro u n d i n g a ro ma a s yo u ap p ly i t i n con j u n c t i o n w i t h yo u r mo i st u r iser.

Try us i n g i t on yo u r pu l se po i nt s fo r a c a lm i n g f ra g ran ce a s yo u s t u d y o r wo r k o n c re at i ve p roje c t .

Ma s s a g e i nto th e te mpl e s a n d t h e ba c k of the n e c k for a so ot h i n g se n sat i o n .

Co o l Bre eze Vetiver Lem on L aven d er Clary Sage

B ath Soak Ingredients: 3 drops Vetiver essential oil 2 drops Lavender essential oil 2 drops Geranium essential oil 2 teaspoons Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: Combine the essential oils in the Fractionated Coconut Oil. Pour the mixture under running water in a bath to allow for better dispersion of the blend in the water. Massage Blend Ingredients: 2 drops Vetiver essential oil 1 drop Marjoram essential oil 1 drop Frankincense essential oil 1 drop Rosemary essential oil 2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil

D re amy Vetiver Lavender

Method: In a shallow bowl, blend the oils together and then use in a relaxing massage.

Ylan g Ylan g

Pa g e 4 | B O G O F l a s h

dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 5

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