July 2020 BOGO - Offer 2

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Renewing Blend 5mL

Reassuring Blend 5mL

(S KU 31750004)

(S K U 317 1 0004 )

dōTERRA Peace ® Reassuring Blend of floral and mint essential oils is a positive reminder you don’t have to be perfect to find peace. Slow down, take a deep breath and reconnect with the composed, collected you. Everything turning out fine begins with believing it will—add a few drops of dōTERRA Peace ® Reassuring Blend to support you. •

Sweet, rich and minty aroma

Helps promote feelings of peace, reassurance and contentment

Diffuse r Bl e n d s : Per fectly Pea cef u l dōTERRA Peace

Pe a ce & Q ui et ®

dōTERRA Peace ®

dōTERRA Balance ®

Siberian Fir

Juniper Berry


After th e Sto rm dōTERRA Peace ® dōTERRA Forgive ®

Pe a ceful Mor n i n g dōTERRA Peace ® Wild Orange Grapefruit

Peace Out Purefume Roller Ball Blend What you will need: 5 drops Frankincense essential oil 3 drops dōTERRA Peace ® 3 drops Cedarwood essential oil dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: Add the drops to a 10mL Roller Bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you want to add a little ‘peace’ into your day. Sleepy Dreams Pillow Spray What you will need: 5 drops dōTERRA Peace ® 5 drops dōTERRA Forgive ® ¼ cup Witch Hazel ½ cup Distilled Water Funnel 200mL Amber Glass Spray Bottle Method: Using the funnel pour the witch hazel in a spray bottle, add 10 drops of essential oil and combine. Add the distilled water into the spray bottle and shake well. Spritz on pillows or bed linen prior to sleep.

When you are ready to move forward, dōTERRA Forgive ® Renewing Blend of tree and herb essential oils will help you discover the liberating action of forgiving, forgetting and moving on. Start each of your tomorrows with feelings of relief and contentment with dōTERRA Forgive ® Renewing Blend. •

Herbaceous, fresh and woody

Helps to feel grounded and content

dōTE RRA Forgi ve ® Renewi ng B lend 5m L uses i nclude: •

Diffuse when meditating to help promote calm emotions, creating a nurturing open environment.

Apply to pulse points and heart throughout the day to help feel grounded and content.

Have dōTERRA Forgive ® on hand throughout the day for when negative emotions arise from undesirable situations.

Let It Go Purefume Roller Ball Blend What you will need: 10 drops dōTERRA Forgive ® 10 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil 10mL Roller Bottle Method: Add the drops to a 10mL roller bottle, top with dōTERRA FCO and roll on when you need to let go of negative emotions and move forward with your day.

D i ffuser B lends: Rai nd ro ps & Rai nbows dōTERRA Forgive ®

C la ry S a g e

dōTERRA Balance ®


Citrus Bliss

dōTERRA Balance ®


dōTERRA Forgive ® Gro und e d & Co nte nt dōTERRA Forgive ® Douglas Fir Grapefruit

Pa g e 2 | B O G O F la s h

Em ot io n a l Relea s e

dōTERRA Peace ® Olive B ra n c h dōTERRA Forgive ® dōTERRA Elevation TM

dōT E R RA Au st ra li a & New Zea la n d | Pag e 3

©2 0 2 0 d ō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv ed. E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s te re d t rad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA H o l d i n g s , L LC . AU N Z B O GO es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2020 06072020.

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