Laurel Leaf essential oil 5mL ( S KU 6 0 210 64 1 )
Native to the Mediterranean, laurel leaves are a symbol of victory in Greek mythology. Laurel Leaf essential oil promotes a courageous and confident environment. It supports feelings of concentration, focus, clarity and is great to have on hand as you accomplish the little victories you strive for each day.
Laurel Leaf uses include: •
Add a few drops to vinegar or your DIY surface cleaning recipe to help refresh your home
Dilute in a carrier oil and use as part of a soothing massage, perfect after a hard work out
Place a few drops in your morning shower for an invigorating start to your day
BUG REPELLENT ROOM SPRAY What you need: • 5 drops Laurel Leaf essential oil • 10 drops Citronella essential oil • 10 drops Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil • 5 drops Spearmint essential oil • 5 drops Lavender essential oil • 1 tsp Witch Hazel • 120mL bottle Method: 1. In a 120mL bottle add the essential oils and Witch Hazel. Top with boiled water that has been cooled. 2. Shake well before each use. Good to repel most creepy crawlies
Diffuse r Bl e n d s : Breathe Ou t
Fore st Esc a p e
Laurel Leaf
Laurel Leaf
Douglas Fir
Reach Up Peppermint Wild Orange Laurel Leaf
Reinv igorate Laurel Leaf Pink Pepper Green Mandarin
Caraway essential oil 5mL (S KU 6 0 212 7 2 1 )
Caraway essential oil comes from the caraway plant, a member of the carrot family and a cousin to dill, fennel, anise, and cumin. The caraway plant grows in grasslands and cultivated fields native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Caraway uses include: •
Add one drop to your toothbrush when brushing teeth with toothpaste to help maintain a clean mouth
Support a soothing abdominal massage by including Caraway essential oil for a gentle aroma
Diffuse three to four drops for a sweet, calming aroma perfect before or during a meal
Combine one drop of each of Caraway and Lavender essential oils to a tablespoon of dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and add to a warm bath for a uniquely relaxing aroma
RELAXING EVENING FACIAL CLEANSER BLEND What you will need: • 100 mL glass bottle • 1 drop of Roman Chamomile essential oil • 2 drops Caraway essential oil • 3 drops Geranium essential oil • 3 drops of Lavender essential oil • dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Method: 1. Add all essentials oils in into the glass bottle then top up with with dōTERRA FCO. 2. Shake well before each use. 3. To use this cleansing oil, apply as you would your normal cleanser. 4. Remove it from your face using a warm, wet cloth or cotton wool pads. Bl e n ds we l l w ith :
D iffuse r Bl e n d s :
Douglas Fir
Ginger Wild Orange Peppermint
15 mL
Mentha spicata
Caraway ®
Citrus Bliss
C om e F ly W i t h Me 15 mL
Citrus bergamia
Great Ou td o o rs
©2 0 2 0 dō T E R R A. Al l ri g h ts re s e rv e d . E xcep t a s in dicated, a l l words with a tra dema rk o r re gi s t e re d t rad e m ark sy m b o l are tra dema rks or reg is tered tra dema rks of dōTE RRA Ho l d i ng s, L LC . AU N Z B O G O es s en tia l oil u s a g e tip s 2020 10112020.