Valasai Times: 03-Nov-2018

Page 1

Next publication 17th Nov 2018 z Fortnightly newspaper

(1st & 3rd Saturday)

Volume: 16, Issue: 21



z 15k prints per publication z Free circulation in Valasaravakkam z To Upload News:

8 Pages

z Nov 3, 2018


For Advertisement

Dengue Awareness


91766 58545


For Editorial 98405 73043

Respect the sentiments of Sabarimala...

Good Shepherd Matriculation School, Valasaravakkam got officially upgraded to Higher Secondary School. Correspondent Mr. & Mrs.Rex Paul being congratulated by Alwarthirungar Merchants' Association President 'Shilpa' S.Ravichandran and his team Jaishankar, Mohamed Sajjad, Muthupandian, Johnson, S.T.Selvan, on 1st November 2018.

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Nov 3, 2018

Line : First 150 letters at Rs. 200/- Re. 1/- per letter thereafter. Box: 4 (w) x 3 (h) cm at Rs.300/- (Rs.75/- per cm in height thereafter). Maximum Width: 4 cm. Maximum Height: 30 cm. Publication: 1st & 3rd Saturday. Ad Deadline: Friday, 2 pm. Advertisement will be collected at your doorstep before Friday, 2 pm. No Collection Charge within Valasaravakkam. For collection contact : 91766 58545 Badminton, Foot Ball, Roller 10. PACKERS Skating, Valasai - 9092856286 AJJAY PACK Local min. 4200/-------------------------------------& All Over India Car Carrier LENA LADIES HOSTEL - Safety, 6. ENTERTAINMENT 7 3 5 8 1 7 0 3 9 9 NALAM INDIA Specialist in Homely food, Nominal Charges, -------------------------------------Migraine, Skin problems, Sinus, 6.1 MUSIC & DANCE Homely Atmosphere, Free Wifi GENUINE PACKERS household Facility, 24 hrs water - 90949 Piles, High / Low BP, etc., Nrithyashree Natyalaya - shift local / all India 98404 05622 9 2 8 3 1 7 9 0 7 3 25093 -------------------------------------- 9 0 2 5 1 2 8 8 8 1 / 9 0 8 0 1 7 4 3 2 8 2. ARTS & CRAFTS Anbalaya Accupunture Maiyam, -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Kalanikethan, Valasai - GOOD LOOK Packers House DHAKSHIN ARTS - Drawing Velan Nagar, Valasaravakkam. 9 8 4 1 3 1 2 6 7 7 Shifting Local & All India 4860 Without drugs, all decease curing classes, Terracotta, Aari work, -------------------------------------- 6507, 87545 06507. Fabric painting, Hand embroidery, & consulting. M.Karaneswari Kalamandher, SVS Nagar M.D. (Acu), Cell: 91500 90158 Jute work - 94452 83339 9 7 1 0 5 8 2 4 0 0 11. PEST CONTROL -------------------------------------- 4.2 Homoeopathy -------------------------------------- 43YRS EXP Transcend Termite K A L A I M A G A L Kiravani, AT Nagar - Control Free Inspection - 2493 KALAIKOODAM - Drawing, 9 3 8 2 1 3 1 9 7 6 6 5 6 9 / 9 8 4 0 2 9 8 7 0 8 Painting, Soft toys making, -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Jewellery making - 90925 03667 Vasudevan Natyalaya, NETLON SAINTGOBIN SS Door Thulasilakshmi - 9884399901 type SV Trading Authorised Dealer 3. ASTROLOGY -------------------------------------- - 9 9 4 0 3 8 6 7 1 5 Sailom 9940628808 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAINTGOBAIN SS Meshdoor Sundaram Master's Dance School Window Maindoor & Balcony - 9677008444 AHL - 96772 14586


5. COACHING 5.1 Dance

Kuchipudi, Siva Sai Narthanalaya, A.T. Nagar - 9884129213 -------------------------------------Violin, Vocal, Keyboard, Guitar, Bharathanatiyam, Kala Nikethan - 9841312677, 9043046264 -------------------------------------Western, DSODS, Dinesh Studio of Dance, Kesavarthini 9841587787

5.2 Music Keyboard Classes Taken, 3B’s SONATA MUSIC ACADEMY, Trinity College of Music London, Grade exam for Theory & Practical. Cell: 94983 04329, 73580 29629.

Publishing monthly twice (1st & 3rd Saturday)

Publisher & Editor T. Sivagami Associate Editor P. Rajendran


We Undertake Design and Construction of Independent Homes, Apartments & Commercial Buildings, KSD PROJECTS, Annanagar, Chennai, Ct: 72999 60451, 044 - 4353 8106

13.2 Rental - House

5.3 Meditation

Designer G. Murugan Circulation-in-charge Lakshmi Narayanan Dhayazhini Admn. Office

Email : Website :

For Advertisement 91766 58545

14.1 Electronics

12. PHARMACY 12.1 Homoeo

13. REAL ESTATE 13.1 Construction

Keyboard Classes Taken, 3B’s SONATA MUSIC ACADEMY, Trinity College of Music London, Grade exam for Theory & Practical. Cell: 94983 04329, 73580 29629.

5.4 Sports Valasai Tennis Academy, R.K.Nagar9884318702 -------------------------------------Breakin Billiards & Snooker, Valasai 9884404404 -------------------------------------Smash Bounce, Valasai 9 8 4 0 9 9 3 3 3 4 -------------------------------------P.V.S Badminton Academy 9 4 4 4 9 4 4 8 9 4


Valasaravakkam. Sales Girls & Tailor. Contact: Sylph Boutique, 8 6 6 7 2 9 7 4 0 2 . Mashan Homeo Pharmacy, 23765952 -------------------------------------- Saligramam -------------------------------------Kughan Homoeo Pharmacy, A.T.Nagar 23772076 -------------------------------------Hannemann Homeo Pharmacy, Karambakkam, Porur - 2476 9089 -------------------------------------Venkateswara Homoeopathic College, Poonamalle High Rd, Porur-2476 0638

Reporter R. Ram Arjun

No. 5, 9th Cross Street, SVS Nagar, Valasaravakkam, Chennai - 600 087. Cell : 98405 73043



8. LIBRARY Srimathi Lending Library - All kinds of books. Kesavarthini, 90031 51281

9. OLDAGE HOMES ADAIKATHAL MUDHIYOR ILLAM, Palaniappa Nagar, Valasaravakkam - 24862435 / 2486 1100

Wanted Delivery Boys for Catering Company at Alwarthirunagar. Food and Accomodation Free...! Free! Contact :

9445819019, 9841751812, 9941111865


Nov 3, 2018

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Free Two-Day Training on Pranahuti Aided Meditation

SAI CALL DRIVERS ‘.40 È‚ƒD \]©¨‚Ω_ ¶Õm kÚk>VÔ ºÔVs_ WÏ kV˛Ô^ ÿ√V[™D √ÈD, Ô™Ô´VÎ ÿ>ˆ s›>™Ï. gÈB› ]Ú©√ˬz √c>s ÿƒFB sÚDA√kÏÔ^, ]º™i, 9884913909, 98849 43292 ®[≈ ÿƒ_º√E ®ıË_ ÿ>V¶ÏA ÿÔV^·°D. HDFC BANK LTD Name: Dinesh Kumar Shanmugam. Account No: 00531610021164; IFSC Code: HDFC0000053

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24 Hours Service Any time... Any Place...


97908 50375

A free two-day training programme on Pranahuti Aided Meditation will be conducted by Institute of Sri Ramchandra Consciousness at Valasaravakkam, Chennai. Course will be held on 17-November-2018 (Saturday) and 18-November-2018 (Sunday) between 9:00AM – 6:00PM. Venue: No:42, Rajagopalan Street, Valasaravakkam, Chennai – 87. The key topics scheduled to be covered in the training programme include Goal of Human Life, Way of Living, Meditation Practices, Concentration and Control of Mind, Pranahuti and Stages of Spiritual Progress. The programme includes 4 practical sessions of Meditation. Institute will conduct the programme in English at free of cost. Only 15 people between the age group of 18 and 58 will be allowed to participate. For registration please contact Ph: 9940090838, 9282215682


Nov 3, 2018

Sevarathna Award

Dengue Awareness Rally among students held at Velammal Velammal Main school, Mugappair campus, Middle school students organized an awareness rally on the negative impacts of Dengue. Considering the rise in the number of victims due to dengue and help create a Dengue Free Chennai, Velammal initiated Dengue Awareness Rally. As a part

of this initiative, Students raised slogans and carried placards on the topic. A few students were dressed up as Yamadharma Raja and Mosquitoes in the rally. The school had also taken measures to educate the students on the preventive measures to FIGHT DENGUE through

various activities and video shows. A Dengue eradication pledge was taken by the students to carry out anti – larval operation to keep the environment clean and safe. Students and staff members emphasized to spread the message to neighbours and assist them to eliminate mosquitoes.

G.Thangaraj, a teacher from chennai school, Royapettah & district coordinator of National Green Corps (NGC) movement, an initiative of ministry of environment, forest & climate change was honoured with Sevarathna Award in the annual conference of

chennai District Exnora. M r. S . K i r u b a k a r a n , Justice, Madras Highcourt lauded the services of Mr.Thangaraj who conducted several environmental awareness programs for teachers, students and general public. He has planted around 750 saplings in schools and

colleges. He also coordinated several public sectors through their CSR initiative. Dr.Durairaj IFS, principal chief conservator of forests, Mr. M.B.Nirmal, founder Exnora explained the role of public to get involved with civic body...

Vigilance Awareness Day at Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya

Diwali Fire Safety Demonstration held at Velammal Velammal Main School, Mogappair campus in association with Tamilnadu Fire and rescue services department, J. J. Nagar, jointly organized Fire safety awareness program pertaining to Do’s and Don’ts to be followed while bursting crackers. A live demonstration was carried out with the intention to create awareness on the safety measures to be followed in order to avoid fire accidents and other disasters. The students witnessed the demonstration with more curiosity and enthusiasm on 2nd November, 2018 in the school premises.

Chennai's based Bharat Kala Samarpan which has been initiated to foster Indian arts and culture, since its inception been focusing on promoting young talents. During its 1st anniversary celebrated on 28th October at Narada Gana Sabha, the chief guest violin mastereo Sangita Kalanidhi Dr M Chandrasekaran addressed the young artists and asked them to focus on hard work and constant practice to achieve great success. He also distributed prizes to the winners in categories - Trinity compositions and Tamil compositions. The award winners from all the categories were given stage time to perform and regale the audience with their power over singing.

Dr.S.Pandian, President, Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya Samithi in his presidential address said that everyone should change to eradicate this evil and everyone should think that they should be first to change and set as an example. He added that Smt. Indira Gandhi, during her Prime Ministership, formed a committee under the Chairmanship of Shri.Ashok Mehta . He travelled all over India and submitted a report stating that corruption persists because of the people who are giving and not because of the people who accepts it. He concluded stating that he is of the same opinion and advised stop giving, to remove this cancer short of evil. The Chief Guest Sri. Sudhakar Babu, Dy.General Manages, Vigilence (Southern Region) , M/ s.Bharat Petroelum

Corporation Ltd., in his address said that India is in the 80th place. He said that it is the responsibility of all, particularly people involved in Gandhian institutions to show the way. He stated that in India it is said the in Kerala corruption is less because of literacy in the state. He advised as Gandhiji said to promote literacy and vocational training to improve socio economic conditions of the people, which will enable them to lead a dignified life and come out of this problem. Present day Technology will help to reduce corruption. He requested to avail the technology. He mentioned that simply doing ones duty with dedication and transparency will help to remove this evil from the society. He said Bharat Petroleum Corpn., Ltd., ensures quality and quantity to its customers. There is no

comprise on this issue. Sri.Sudhakar Babu, distributed prizes to the winners of the essay writing on the topic of eradicating Untouchability. Students of the Vidyalaya Mr.Prasanth, Mr.B.Yogaraj, Mr.V.Deva, Ms.Kalaivani, Ms.M.Nandhini and Mr.R.Rakesh spoke on the occasion. Students expressed that it is universal and omnipotent. Each one should take a vow to eradicate this problem. Ms. Nandhini said one should be educated even with begging. But now the education itself has become commercial. Corruption is an act that that involves against morals. Mr.P.Maruthi,Secretary, Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya Samithi welcomed the gathering and Thiru. Arun Kandikonda, Dy. Manager,(Sales) M/s.Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.


Nov 3, 2018

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Education should beso revolutionized as to answer the wants of the poorest villager, instead of answering those of an - Mahatma Gandhi imperial exploiter.

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Nov 3, 2018

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bjëÎ mÂfç¤jš z kd¡Fé¥ò¤ Âw‹ mÂfç¤jš z clyséš beho¤J ÏU¥gtU¡F Âl«, RWRW¥ò, Åça« më¡F« z clè‹ Ah®nkh‹ msÎfis njitahd mséš guhkç¡F« m§fk®¤jdh clè‹ m§f§fŸ ÛJ«, cW¥òfŸ ÛJ« KGikahd MSik cUth¡F«. cl‰ jirfŸ, Ïu¤j RH‰Á, vY«ò mik¥ò, eu«ò k©ly« k‰W« mo¥gil r¡Â mik¥Ã‰F c殥 ó£L»wJ. gy‹fŸ : z KJF¤j©L, vY«ò k‰W« jirfis tèik ah¡F»wJ z clè‹ taij¡ Fiw¤J, cliy nyrhfΫ éLjiyailªj cz® nthL« it¤ÂU¡F« nahfh[dh - clš V‰f¡Toa Mæu¡ fz¡fhd Mrd§fëš, 84 Mrd§fŸ k£L« jh‹ 'nahfh[dh' v‹W tH§f¥gL»wJ. Ïit cliyÍ« kdijÍ« xU caça rh¤Âa¤Â‰F Ma¤jkh¡f tšyJ. gy‹fŸ : z eh£g£l nehŒfëš ÏUªJ éL jiy; zcliy °ÂukhfΫ, rkãiyahf Ϋ it¡»wJ; z clè‹ Mnuh¡»a« nk« gl¢ brŒJ, clè‹ taJ mÂfç¥gij Fiw¡»wJ eho õ&¤Â, kªÂu ¡çah, ój õ&¤Â braš KiwfŸ - k‰w gy‹ fnshL, e« cliy cUth¡f ga‹g£oU¡F« mªj 5 mo¥gil _y¥ bghU£fis, gŠr ój§fis R¤Âfç¡»wJ. gy‹fŸ : ze« clš, kd, cz®Î, r¡Â ãiyfis, bjëthfΫ rkãiyæY« it¤ÂU¡F«; z clš, kd, r¡Â ãiyæ‹ braš Âwid mÂfç¡F«.

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Nov 3, 2018

Respect the sentiments and traditions of Sabarimala temple The historic Supreme Court judgement allowed women between 10 and 50 years of age to pray in Sabarimala temple hearing the case filed by Young Indian Lawyers Association in 2014, quoting Article 32 of the constituition against violation of their fundamental rights to enter inside the Sabarimala temple. S. Ganapathy The Apex Court earlier allowed Muslim women of all age groups 7358768630 to enter the mosque in Mumbai and restored equality. In the same manner, the 4 judges of the Apex Court delivered the judgement allowing women between 10 and 50 age while another one Judge dissented that the values, customs and traditions must be honoured in allowing women and the age old traditions of the temple must be secured. She also opined that the court should not interfere in the age old religious practices of the temple circumventing the traditions. Sabarimala temple is a unique temple in Kerala that demands its devotees transcending all the barriers of caste, creed and even religion and symbolising to wear the black attire and not allowing women in the age groups of 10 to 50 years while other Ayyappa temples in the country allow all women also. This religious practices, values, sentiments and traditions were followed strictly with mandated rituals and women devotees were also honouring the age old tradition fo the temple so far. Lord Ayyappa is a strict celebate and do not want women and millions of devotees including women believe Him. The reality for the barrier for women of mensurating age was due to the gender factors and thick environmental forests surrounded by wild animals and arduous trekking route etc. The women if allowed may face difficulties and arduous trecking in the route to the temple. The Save Sabarimala compaign by right wing groups of devotees, majority of women members backed by potitical parties like BJP, Congress and Shiv Sena protested against the judgement and demanded that women aged 10 to 50 years should not be allowed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Thousands of devotees including women devotees vehemently protested over a week over the sensitive issue. The demonstration turned violent and some journalists were attacked in the melee. The district collector clamped Section 144 to restore normalcy in Pamba. In the meantime, Shylaja Vijayan, President of National Ayyappa Devotees Association and others filed a Review Petition in the Supreme Court seeking to reinstate the bar on entry of women aged 10 to 50 years. They said that the order affects their religious freedom stifling of their fundamental rights and the entry of women may disturb their peace of mind. There is also practice prevailing in Kerala that men are not allowed to participate in the rituals done by women at the temple and some temples in the north also follow this type of rituals. The question may arise that it may disturb the present peaceful atmosphere. The age old customs, religious pracitices, values and rituals must be respected and millions of followers have implicit faith in religious practices. No law can equate this. Hence it is imperative that the sensitive issue must be solved and settled once for ever in a peaceful manner rather than taking legal entanglements, social disturbance and violence which is not the right answer.

Pancha Brahmopanishad The Upanishad is part and parcel of Krishna Yajur Veda. Maharishi Pippalathar asked Maheshwara, Lord Shiva which is the origin of this universe? Maheshwara replied that Sathya Jatham, Agoram, Vamadevam, thathpurusham and Isanum etc and all these five concepts appear like Parabrahmn. Sathya Jatham: The creation of the universe, Sun, Lakshmi, Brahmn, Rig Veda, Agni, Saptha Swarangal, Yellow colour and Kriya Shakti etc each blesses everybody who worship them with steadfast faith. Agoram: The principle of water, Jala thathwam, Moon, Gouri, Yajur Veda, Vishnu, Dakshinagni each wards off all sins, dissolves all bad elements, give perennial wealth.

Vamadevam It gives utmost intellect, Gnanam. It is a concept of Agni. The sunlight which has the power of illumination of crore suns, Sama Vedam eight music, good voice, intellect, gnana shakti, white blended with black gives thorough knowledge, rule the three worlds blesses with all prosperity and goodness etc. Thath Purusham manifest itself in the atmosphere, Vayu Mandalam and five agnis. It protects all the power of mantras. It is the total cause for the creation, protection, dissolution in the creation structure. That which surpasses all the three states is called Thuriam which is otherwise called as Para Brahmn. Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, Easanum causes Buddhi, intellect and

drives out Parathathwam. It cannot be seen with naked eye It is beautified in the form of Omkara. It is beyond peace, Shanthi and sound. It is the form of Parabrahmn. It is the cause for evolution like creation, protection, dissolution and Anugraham.It shines lustrous. Even devas can not see or realise the great Mahadeva. It does not appear in any form before the eye. The Brahma Karyam is functioning in five rupas, forms. The great mahagnanis always concentrates and meditates in Atma, Consciousness which is called as Soham. That I am. Ultimately the Maha gnanis in totality become a Brahmn thus enjoying the infinite bliss, Amrit. - S. Ganapathy

Six inaccessible one-day records even for King Kohli


ing Kohli became the fastest to reach the milestone of 10,000 runs in One-Day Internationals. It took Kohli only 205 innings to reach 10,000 runs while Sachin took 259 innings to reach the milestone. Kohli reached this milestone in the second ODI against West Indies at Visakhapatnam. For comparison purpose, Sachin had not even crossed 8000 runs at the end of his 205th oneday innings. The third quickest too was an Indian, Sourav Ganguly, in 263 innings. The surprise on the list was M.S. Dhoni who was the sixth quickest in 273 innings; remarkable achievement for a wicketkeeper who bats lower down the order. Kohli took just 11 innings to move from 9000 runs to 10,000 runs. In the process, Kohli completed 1000 runs in 2018 in both ODIs and Test matches. Kohli joined the elite company of four India players who have more than 10,000 runs, Sachin Tendulkar(18,426), Sourav Ganguly(11,363), Rahul Dravid(10,899) and M.S. Dhoni (10,125). Kohli has established himself as the best No 3 ODI batsman in the world in terms of average. Kohli has scored a total of 31 centuries at No 3. After completing his 37th century at Visakhapatnam, Kohli went on to score his 38th ODI century in the very next match at Pune, though it was for a losing cause. By scoring 3 back-toback hundreds in the first three ODIs against the West Indies, Kohli became the only Indian batsmen to achieve that rare feet. Kohli’s 3 consecutive hundreds produced three different results for his team. In the fourth ODI at Mumbai, everyone expected Kohli to equal Sangakkara’s record of 4 consecutive hundreds. But to the disappointment of whole of India, Kohli failed for the first time in the series. These are not just numbers to look at and shower words of praise but are a mark of consistency and intensity. As we celebrate the mighty achievement of King Kohli, let us have a look at some of the ODI records which are beyond Kohli’s reach. This is only to show that Kohli is unique in his own respect as a batsman and is after all human. 1. Rohit Sharma’s record of 3 double hundreds in ODIs : Kohli must be pleased that some of those invincible records are held by his own countrymen. One such record is Rohit Sharma’s record of 3 double hundreds in ODIs. Rohit Sharma has

C. Namasivayam @ 94440 06343

scored 209 against Australia in 2013, 264 against Sri Lanka in 2014 and 208 not against Sri Lanka in 2017. Compared to the above performances of Rohit Sharma, Kohli’s three best scores in ODI were 183, 160 not out and 157 not out. Factors in favor of Rohit Sharma : * As an opener, Rohit Sharma gets to play more number of balls. * Compared to Kohli, Hitman scores most of his runs in sixes. Kohli is more classy and waits for the opportunity to go over the top. * While Kohli tries to anchor the innings, Rohit Sharma goes for the big hit from the word go. It is highly unlikely that Kohli would be scoring three double centuries in one-day internationals. 2 Rohit Sharma’s oneday highest score of 264 : Rohit Sharma holds the record for the highest individual score in an ODI when he scored 264 runs against Sri Lanka in 2014. Rohit Sharma’s 264 came off 173 balls with 33 fours and 9 sixes. This is one record which can stand the test of time. It will be difficult for any batsman to break this record, leave alone for Kohli. 3 . AB de Villiers’ s record for the fastest oneday century off 31 balls : AB de Villiers set the world record for the fastest oneday hundred off just 31 balls against the hapless West Indies. AB scored that fastest hundred coming into bat late in the innings. De Villiers came into bat in the 39th over of the innings and smacked 149 runs off just 44 balls with the help of 9 fours and 16 sixes. It was an astonishing innings from AB. Kohli cannot match AB de Villiers in scoring the fastest one-day hundred as he is not a 360 degrees batsman like AB de Villiers. Kohli oozes class and is shy of playing the reverse sweep and the Dilscoop. But Kohli

might surpass AB’s record for the fastest 50 in the oneday which came in the same innings, off 16 balls. 4. Sachin Tendulkar’s record for most number of ODI fifties : Sachin Tendulkar holds the record for most number of ODI fifties – 96. Kohli at present stands at 48. With Kohli’s conversion rate and his penchant to go for centuries, Kohli could end up scoring more centuries than Sachin but Sachin’s record for most number of ODI fifties will be hard to beat. 5 . Most number of sixes in a one-day innings : Rohit Sharma, AB de Villiers, and Chris Gayle have all hit a maximum of 16 sixes in a one-day knock. While Rohit achieved the feat in his innings of 209 against Australia, AB managed it in his innings of 149 runs against the West Indies. Gayle achieved the feat in his innings of 215 against Zimbabwe. Kohli is not a power hitter like a Gayle, Rohit or de Villiers and their record will stand for the time being. 6. Kumar Sangakkara’s record of 4 consecutive hundreds in ODIs : Kumar Sangakkara is the only batsman in the world who has scored 4 consecutive hundreds in ODIs. Kohli very nearly achieved that feet when he scored 3 consecutive hundreds in the first 3 matches against West Indies. But he failed in Mumbai and thus deprived of this record. Now it will be very difficult for Kohli to start all over again to reach 4 consecutive hundreds. Hence this record will elude him. To sum up, Virat Kohli is a class player who is a match winner in his own right. But at the same time he is not a power hitter like a Gayle or a Rohit Sharma. He believes in just caressing the ball rather than giving it a big whack. He is pleasing to the eyes and a champion par excellence. Kohli is the jewel in India’s crown.

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Nov 3, 2018

Postal Day Celebration by Healthy Kids


he Healthy Kids, a known preschool along with Valasaravakkam Post Office organised a wonderful session for the kids to create awareness on postal system, on 26th Oct 2018 (Friday). This program was led by Mr.Senthil Cholan (Founder - Healthy Kids) who always creates new steps for the kids to climb high. From the postal dept, the post master Mr. D Natarajan Who spoke about the present postal system and values. Moreover, he briefly shared a note about the ongoing postal saving schemes to the parents. Every kid from healthy kids family,

thoroughly enjoyed the session and made a special ending by posting their own hand designed diwali greetings post cards in the post box for their parents as a sign of love in this festive season.

Owned and Published by T.Sivagami M.A., from Plot No.2/4, Muthumariyamman Koil Street, 1st Floor, Janaki Nagar Annexe, Valasaravakkam, Ch-87 and Printed by her at Yogiram Surathkumar Prints No. 12, Gajapathy St., Ice House, Chennai - 5. Editor T.Sivagami M.A., Admin Office : No.5, 9th Street, SVS Nagar, Valasaravakkam, Chennai - 600 087. Cell : 98405 73043

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