BREEZE Winter 2020

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Robert M. Sherman, District Captain East his has been a challenging year. The D7 Bridge has met those challenges with crea vity, strategic thinking and development of a solid plan to deal with an unprecedented global health crisis. These challenges have affected our morale and desire to fulfill our mission and leadership responsibili es. CDR Briggs and BOSN Browne have provided direcon, support, and guidance to the en re Execu ve Commi ee (EXCOM) and members this year. I want to thank them both for their uncondi onal dedica on to the D7 membership. It is a privilege and honor to have these professionals as our D7 “gold side” leaders. I am so humbled and proud to have worked with such professionals that make up the EXCOM Board members. Deputy Na onal Commodore (e) Gary Barth has led our district through these challenging mes with poise, composure and a sense of humor. District Commodore (e) Pat McMenamin has worked relessly with the D7 Opera ons Training Officer to reinstate our surface patrols throughout the district and establish new and effec ve protocols for operaons. She also brought our Risk Management/ Team Coordina on Training back to life through virtual classes and seminars. This has been in addi on to her du es as District Chief of Staff in 2020. Illustration created by Dottie Riley



I cannot say enough about my fellow District Captains John Holmes and Tom Bamford. They provided me with priceless mentorship, and I have benefited from their advice and counsel. Their leadership has made me a be er Auxiliarist.

stepped up to provide guidance and direc on to their respec ve Flo lla Commanders during the COVID health pandemic. I want to thank them all for their perseverance and pa ence in establishing effec ve communica ons. I would like to thank Chris Haarer, DCDR 5, for his two years of service. He has provided excellent leadership with a calm demeanor. Jeff Barnes, DCDR 3, had a “bap sm by fire” in his first year as Division Commander dealing with new challenges and endeavors. Mark Barros, DCDR 6, was instrumental in providing guidance and direc on dealing with difficult flo lla issues. Claude Bullock, DCDR 13, completed his first year and has improved training and communica ons in the Florida Keys. Juan (Hache) Vazquez, DCDR 1, held a leadership training weekend before the COVID crisis and had to deal with a shutdown of Sector San Juan since. Doug Armstrong, DCDR 16, has brought his division back to life, ac vely recrui ng new members, and now the future is bright for our members in the Virgin Islands. We are now in the elec on season and I look forward to working with the new EXCOM members and D7-East leadership next year. I am confident that we will follow our tradi on of excellence. We are guided by the Coast Guard’s core values of honor, respect and devo on to duty. We will always be “ONE TEAM, ONE MISSION” in our pursuit to maintain excellence and proficiency in comple ng our chosen tasks. Ω

All the D7-East Division Commanders (DCDR) have 14


Issue 2 2020

Newsletter for District 7 USCG Auxiliary

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