Introducing Team North Team North encompasses Divisions 2, 4, 10, 12, 14 and 17. Our volunteers serving as force mul pliers act in every capacity authorized by the Commandant and assist in a few other areas that make team north unique. Our area of responsibility spreads over three geographic areas which include Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. We are proud to assist the boa ng public on inland lakes, offshore and on the Intracoastal Waterway in each of these states. The list of support missions our members are involved in covers a broad spectrum of cri cally important missions that would be difficult to complete without our dedicated United States Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers.
By John Holmes, District Captain-North
Dave Fuller and Nan Ellen Fuller, members of Flo lla 22 Marie a, gear up for Naonal Safe Boa ng Week 2020 in front of their home in Acworth, Georgia. Stay-athome orders do not prevent them from hanging a promo onal banner and wearing life jackets to broadcast the Auxiliary’s boa ng safety message. Dave Fuller serves as the Deputy Director of the Public Educa on Directorate and Nan Ellen as Deputy Director of the Recrea onal Boa ng Safety Directorate at Auxiliary na onal level. Auxiliary photo submi ed by Nan Ellen Fuller
The North area of responsibility falls under both Sector Jacksonville and Sector Charleston and includes six Division Commanders, two Auxiliary Sector Coordinators and almost 1,400 members, or about 30 percent of the en re District 7 membership. The team is involved in everything from helo opera ons to rocket launches and repairing and maintaining mechanical equipment at various sta ons. Our members annually support all missions as authorized by the Commandant and provide some unique Auxiliary support staff that includes doctors, den sts, EMTs and a orneys. The current situa on, as disturbing as it is, may be an opportunity for comple ng online training or other advanced training that is op onal.
Revenue Cu ers, to the Lighthouse Service, to the Reserve in WWll and then to the Auxiliary is imbedded in our culture and our desire to serve. It is this history of service and dedica on that will allow us to prevail and con nue well into the future once this health crisis is resolved. We are a family and we are here for each other. The Division Commanders in team north are true leaders and I am honored to serve them as their District Captain. Ω
The Auxiliary has played a vital role in this na on’s history and our survival. The evolu on from the BREEZE
Issue 1 2020
Newsletter for District 7 USCG Auxiliary