COVID-19: Tips for how to take advantage of our time at home. COVID-19 social distancing means no mee ngs, no Vessel Examina ons, Public Affairs events, Public Educa on classes, Safety Patrols, or other ac vi es in which we rou nely engage. The goal now is to keep our members involved and engaged.
The ‘silver lining,’ if we dare call it that during something as dreadful as this frightening pandemic, is that now our members have me to pursue the training we delayed un l we “got around to it.”
This may not be the “round tuit” we hoped for, but it is never-the-less, the one we got! While nothing will ever turn the nega ve of this pandemic into a posi ve, we can at least u lize this me to complete a course we started but never finished or earn a new skill or qualifica on. It will keep us involved and engaged and increase our value to the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary when this ‘thing’ is over. Ω U.S.C.G. AUXILIARY DISTRICT 7 ONLINE TRAINING Roll your mouse over the icons on the document image or on the links below for more informa on about classes. Addi onal online training courses will soon be available for all members of District 7 Auxiliary.
Click, Login and Learn! WEBSITE LINKS: AUXLMS: h ps:// NTC: h p:// WEBSITE LINKS:
FEMA: h ps://
AUXLMS: NTC: FEMA: Auxiliary Training Directorate: content.php?unit=t-dept BQC: LEADERSHIP: php?unit=AUX60 ONLINE CLASSROOM: moodle/
Auxiliary Training Directorate: h p://wow. BQC: h p:// php?unit=T-DEPT&category=basic-qualificaon LEADERSHIP: h p:// ONLINE CLASSROOM: h p://classroom2.
Issue Isssuee 1 20 2020 020 0
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