2014 Poultry Times from Double L Group, Ltd.

Page 1

Vol. 14

Proven and Tested Products that are a Small Investment but Prove to Have a Big Return on Investment

Are Attic Vents Important to Minimum Ventilation System Performance? 4 Do attic vents save fuel usage? 4 Is air quality distributed the same throughout the house?

4 Will my litter be drier? 4 Does the attic vent allow hot air

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into the attic?

4 Machine actuated or gravity? These questions are very common when discussing attic vents. During the cold weather season, attic vents are actually the ideal vent to use. As shown in thermal imaging to the right, the air temperature in the attic is 84° while the sidewall vent air temperature is 76.8°.


Knowing how much to ventilate during cold weather is crucial to a poultry producer’s bottom line. Ventilating too much can lead to drafty, dusty conditions and high heating costs. Ventilating too little can lead to high ammonia, moisture, and condensation in house.

Do Attic Vents Save Fuel Usage? Yes. By utilizing the warmer air in the attic, you are saving on energy costs by using free heat / energy from the attic to ventilate your poultry house. The primary objective in operating any air vent system is to bring more air in without causing excessive decreases in air temperature. Bringing in fresher air will produce better performing birds. By pulling warmer air out of the attic during the day, poultry producers are 100.6°

97.4° Infrared Thermal Image of Solar Heat in Attic



Thermal image of attic vent and sidewall air vent temperature difference taken November 2013 by the University of Georgia able to ventilate their houses 20% to 100% more without increasing heating costs. The higher daytime ventilation rates have significantly improved both house air and litter quality. Attic vents are typically located near the center of the house where your hottest air tends to accumulate. Attic vents generally throw cooler air farther than most sidewall vents which maximizes the throw and conditioning of the incoming air. Also note, warmer air entering through an attic vent doesn’t usually cool off the poultry house as quickly as cooler outside air entering through the house’s sidewall vent. Though attic vents can lead to lower heating costs, the primary objective of an attic system is to maximize fan runtime which will lead to improved air quality and litter conditions. The primary benefit of using attic vents is to

increase air exchange rates. The more air you can bring in without chilling the birds or

Continued on page 2

- In This Issue Importance of Attic Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 3 360° Airflow Attic Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5 Attic Airlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2-Way & 4-Way Attic Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TJP TopJet Wall Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 9 European Curved Vents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 - 11 Shutters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 - 13 18” and 20” Stir Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Red Rooster Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 19 Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Double L Group, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2 | Importance of Attic Vents up and dry out. Last but not least, during the daylight hours, drawing heated air out of the attic at a minimum reduces house cooling and sometimes leads to increased house temperatures causing more fans to operate. The combination of all these factors has been shown to increase the amount of air brought into a house by 20% or more compared to a house using side wall inlets. increasing the fuel usage, the better the reFour way vents break up fresh air

turn on investment. Higher ventilation rates lead to lower relative humidity both day and night and drier litter with lower ammonia.

Airflow awing heated air out of theAttic attic atVent a minimum reducesPattern house causing more fans to operate. The combination of all these nto a house by 20% or more compared to a house using side

into four smaller jets. Attic vents are basically for MINIMUM ventilation. It is very important that you do not put in more vents than specified. Too many vents will not operate as effectively when used with minimum ventilation fans. Install attic vents in both brooding and nonbrooding ends of the poultry house.

for an actuated vent to close, there is air that escapes into the attic. This hot air causes moisture / condensation to form in the attic which can lead to weakening of trusses, attic moisture damage, and deterioration of ceiling insulation.

Is Air Quality Distributed the same

Both counterweighted and machine actuated vents have similar advantages when it comes to improved air quality, drier litter, heating costs, etc. when properly installed and operated. But each system has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Figure 3. Air flow pattern from a small throughout the House? side wall inlet opening.

Figure 2. Air flow pattern from an attic inlet.

When open, attic vents allow clean fresh

As with any relatively new concept, there is often a fair amount of confusion as to how to best operate attic inlets. Though air into along the ceiling, it is impossible to come up with a single best way to operate attic inlets, the following are the a fewhouse simple rules to keep in mind mixing fresh air with the warm house when trying to get the most out of your attic inlet system. 1)


air. 360 Degree Attic Vents, like the GC1140, Smallopen Sidewall Inlet Airflow one or two. During Attic inlets should at most three inches...ideally cold weather, theso smaller air jet coming are designed all the four sides open the from an air inlet, the quicker the incoming air heats up, and the lower the probability that the incoming air will same amount, ensuring fresh air is disdecrease house temperature or cause a draft. Larger inlet openings can lead to drafty side walls and uneven house tributed uniformly throughout the house. temperatures.

Figure 3. Airshould flow pattern from aoperated small vents generally beattic at a lower static pressure than traditional side wall inlets. There are a number ItAttic is inlets important to use throughout Will my Litter be Drier? side wall inletfor opening. of reasons this. First, atticair inlets betterthus designed to throw the cool incoming air farther than most side wall the entire flock. Attic isare drier, utiliz-

inlets at a lower pressure. Second, an attic inlet is not fighting gravity. Side wall inlets have to throw the heavy cold

ing thetoair house’s attic air leads to better litter t of confusion as to how best operatewhereas attic inlets. Yes. of air incoming “uphill” withThough an attic inlet, gravity works with the air jetThe to get greater the air to thethe sidevolume wall. Last but quality. air out ofmind the instead c inlets, the following arethe aBy few simple rules to keep not least, airpulling entering through aninattic inletattic is already where we want it, namely near the peak of the ceiling where

moved through a house during the day of sidewalls, exhaust fans are able to hot the air generally collects. by attic vents, the more moisture you will bring in fresh air without cooling down the e or two. cold weather, the smaller air jet coming from house, resulting in bet3) During Because attic inlets do notthe generally require a high static pressure or aremove large opening, youthe can use fewer timer fans, house. The longer the fans operate, the up, and the lower the probability that the incoming air will and air quality. operating for a longer period of time, and still obtain proper air mixingter andlitter distribution. Operating fewerDaytime minimum humidity let openings can lead to drafty side walls and uneven house better the quality be. ventilation fansair over a longer will period of time leads to more stable house temperatures and air quality. For instance, levels in a house with attic vents can be it is generally better to operate two 36" fans on a timer for one minute out of five than5% four fans secondslower out of five. between and3020% than

in a

Though both cases weThere are bringing in the same of air, operating four 36" fans in a typical house results in Do notinside close attic vents theamount poultry pressure than traditional wall inlets. are a unless number sidewall vents. exchanging of the than warm inside with much Often, colder outside airhouse in just 30with seconds, which can cause aThe fairly combinad to throw the cool incoming farther most sideair wall house is 20% inairtunnel ventilation mode. tion higher rates change house temperature air quality. Operating only two 36"offans for oneventilation minute results in a muchand lower ghting gravity. drastic Side wall inlets in have to throw the heavyand cold producers make the mistake of closing attic exchange oftoair tendsLast to lead house environment. y works with theslower air jet to get the air thewhich side wall. but to a more stable, and consistent air humidity from attic vents results in and sidewall vents. This y where we wantvents it, namely nearswitching the peak of the to ceiling where increased litter drying and lower ammo4)

Dovery not close attic inlets unless the sudden house is in tunnel ventilation mode. There may be days, especially with older is problematic. The change levels. birds, that will require more than just a few minimum ventilation fans nia to maintain proper house temperature. Often in incoming air temperature may cause a

ic pressure or aproducers large opening, you use fewer timer fans, make thecan mistake of closing the attic inlets and switch to side wall inlets. This is problematic for a couple to First, cool off the more than oper air mixinghouse and distribution. Operating fewer minimum cooler thanDoes attic air, the the sudden change in incoming of reasons. since outside air isthe oftenwarmer 10 to 20oFair Attic Vent Allowair ore stable house temperatures and air quality. For instance, coming in through the attic vents, causing temperature may cause a house to oscillate between side wall inlets and attic inlets similar to what a house may do Hot Air into the Attic? or one minute out of five than four fans 30 seconds out of five. if switching to tunnel ventilation too low of an outside the exhaust fans to shutat off. If attic ventstemperature. Secondly, the cooler air coming in through nt of air, operating 36" fanswill in a tend typical results in off more than the warmer air coming in the attic inlets, causing exhaust sidefour wall inlets to house cool vents, the house used withwhich sidewall der outside airare in just 30 seconds, can cause a fairly house temfans to shut off. But, if the attic inlets are used with the side wall inlets, houseactuated temperaturesvents will tenddo. to run slightly vents Yes, Gravity perating only two 36" fans forusually one minuterun resultsslightly in a much higher, which peratures higher, which will tend to maximize exhaust fan runtime. don’t. During the 5-30 seconds it takes able, and consistent house tends toenvironment. maximize exhaust fan runtime.

ventilation mode. There may be days, especially with older is crucialOften to the success of entilation fans House to maintaintightness proper house temperature. nd switch to side wall inlets.vent This issystem. problematicThe for a couple an attic tighter the house, 0oF cooler than attic air, the sudden change in incoming air the air that will enter the attic e wall inlets and atticmore inlets similar to what a house maythrough do and aircoming that inwill enter through de temperature.vents Secondly, the less cooler air through an the warmer air in the attic causing exhaust producers thecoming cracks. Theinlets, more control side wall inlets, house temperatures will tend to run slightly have over air temperature, air quality, and me.



Counterweighted or gravity vents require no inlet machine or special controller. They are sold at a relatively low cost and need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Machine actuated vents are easy to close when attic vents are not in use. They are directly controlled by the house’s environmental controller and have higher initial cost. Machine actuated vents, or winched vents, must have a controller specifically designed to handle attic vent systems. Unfortunately machine actuated vents have more attic moisture damage and deterioration of ceiling insulation and weakening of trusses than gravity vents.

FREE Solar Heat for Heating Buildings N



energy usage, the more control you will have over your paycheck at the end of the growout. In order to control air temperature, air quality, and energy usage, it is crucial to control how much fresh air enters the house as well as how it enters the house. This means a house must be tight, because in a loose house it is very difficult to control anything. It is important to know how capacity of an attic vent is determined. A minimum attic vent capacity should be determined when opened approximately 3”, not 6” or 12”. Most manufacturers of attic vents publish a Bess Lab capacity on their vents. Ideally, we want smaller openings instead of fewer bigger openings. This is one advantage of the 360 degree attic vent.

Actuated or Gravity?

Olsen et al., 2012

Benefits of using attic vents include: • Thermal Energy Extraction • Better Feed Conversion • Reduced Heating Fuel Costs

• Captured Warmer Attic Air for Minimum Ventilation • Improved Litter Quality • Reduced Relative Humidity

Data and figures adapted from: 3. Olsen, J.W.W., J.D. Davis, J.L. Purswell, and B.D. Luck. 2012. Improving Commercial Broiler Attic Inlet Ventilation through CFD Analysis. ASABE Paper No. ILES12-1382. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.









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Importance of Attic Vents | 3






Gravity vs. Actuated Fully Insulated 360° Airflow Vents - No Inlet Freeze-up!

4 Closes instantly - quick response

with no air going back into the attic

4 Four point pivot heavy-duty, durable, reactive injection molding (RIM) construction allows easy operation and minimal maintenance

4 It takes 5 - 30 seconds for actuated vent to close - hot air rises at 300 ft/min, allowing warm air to escape back into attic while inlet slowly closes

4 Cable management of actuated vents

is critical - if cable stretches and inlet doesn’t close 100%, then air escapes. Can require constant adjustment.

4 Adjustable weight means

inlet can operate on different static pressures

4 Removeable bottom lid for easy cleaning of inlet

to close off with 4 Able hand winch or use actuator motor for secure closure

4 Larger bottom lid directs air along

ceiling instead of falling on animals

removeable bottom 4 Easy lid & quick attach straps

Wider lid directs air to sidewalls

for easy cleaning. No tools required! A clean inlet is critical to accurate counterweight performance

4 Larger bottom lid compared to

competition promotes a better air pattern that directs air along ceiling instead of falling on animals Wider lid directs air to sidewalls

Air drops to floor





Air drops to floor





To Correct Actuated Vent Issues use Attic Airlock 4 MUST on Actuated Vent The Attic Airlock prevents warm air from escaping back into attic in the 5 - 30 seconds it takes actuated vent to close

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973






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4 | 360° Vent Improvements

Redesigned 360° Airflow Vent for 2014! Improved Vent with Super Tough Structural Foam for Added Strength and Insulation Value



Cleaning of vent crucial to gravity vent’s accurate performance of counterweight

GC1140 360° Airflow Gravity Vent Easy to Clean! Easy to remove and reattach bottom lid with attachable straps no bolts or screws to take off

Easily Adjustable Counterweight

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56 55.0°F

360° Airflow GC1140 Vent Infrared

Radiused Corners for 360° Airflow with NO dead spots Air doesn’t hit square corners and deflect back into vent

Adjustable chain to minimize vent opening

Housing now made of Four Point Pivot Reactive Injection Molding (RIM) and heavy-duty PVC & stainless steel components


New Improved Seal for increased protection against air leakage






360° Airflow Vents | 5

360° Airflow Fully Insulated Vents

Increase Fuel Savings and Improve Air Distribution •

New 360 degree airflow heavy-duty, radiused corner design increases fuel savings, air distribution, and air mixing

Designed for cold climates - FULLY INSULATED housing prevents heat loss; no freeze-up

Tightest seal on market - no air leakage when attic air vent is closed

Larger bottom board than competition, directs air along ceiling no down draft

Drier litter conditions and less humidity

Removable lid for easy cleaning and installation


Air tight - no air leakage when air vent is closed

360° Airflow Fully Insulated Vents - GC1140 & AC3010 PART






GC1140 Gravity Vent

22.5” x 22.5” (571.5 x 571.5mm)

2,048 @ .15 SP

9 lbs. (4 kg.)


AC3010 Actuated Vent

22.5” x 22.5” (571.5 x 571.5mm)

2,518 @ .15 SP

8 lbs. (4 kg.)

* Double L recommends the use of the Attic Airlock above the AC3010 Actuated 360° Vent

GC1140 Vent with Machine Actuator Eliminates Air Leakage in Attic When fresh air is needed, the vent machine will release tension from the GC1140 ceiling vent. Once a static pressure of .06 is achieved, the ceiling vents will open, bringing fresh air into the room. When fans shut off, the vents will immediately close. The vent machine will then pull tension against the inlet, ensuring a tight seal and restricting hot air from entering the attic. View the GC1140 3D video simulation on Double L’s YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/doublelgroup

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

6 | Attic Airlock

Tremendous Fuel Savings and Increased Life of House

Attic Airlock on Actuated Vent Helps Vent Operate in EXTREME Cold Weather Conditions Double L’s new patent pending Attic Airlock is proving to be tremendously successful in trapping hot air before it enters the attic. The Attic Airlock is installed above each of the ceiling vents and has proven to eliminate significant heat loss when used with actuated vents. Because it takes a short period of time for the vents to close and with some not closing all the way, a lot of hot air can escape into the attic. The Double L Attic Airlock creates an air chamber between the room and the attic, reducing condensation in the attic and increasing the life of the building. It also minimizes the chance of the vents freezing up in extreme cold weather. The Attic Airlock will pay for itself in a reasonable amount of time with fuel savings, even heat, and better producing poultry.

Patent Pending

Attic Airlock

Insulation Stop

1 2

The Airlock Will Prevent 3 the Following 6 Building Issues: opens at a .02 static pressure






5 4 The Attic Airlock will minimize the following 5 building Heater issues:

The Airlock Will Prevent the Following 6 Building Issues:



Energy savings with lower fuel consumption

Creates air chamber between room and attic, thus reducing condensation in attic and increasing life of building

Prevents hot air from entering attic while inlet closes

Minimizes inlet freeze-up in extreme cold weather conditions

Attic Airlocks are currently being tested in poultry houses in cold climates






Attic Airlock


Insulation Stop Inlet


4 Heater Heater

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Roof Tin Rusting Truss Plate Damage Wet Insulation Hot Moist Air Escaping to Attic Inlet Freeze-up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Roof Tin Rusting Truss Plate Damage Wet Insulation Hot Moist Air Escaping to Attic Inlet Freeze-up


TJ4200 & JDP2600 | 7

PATENT NO. 6,475,078

Redesigned to improve shutoff and to open at a higher static pressure

TJ4200 TopJet 4-Way Gravity Vent

Better Air Mixing, Lower Fuel Costs, and Drier Litter NEW REDESIGN!


Counterbalance weighted louvers direct air along ceiling and hold air currents up longer while evenly mixing attic air with room air

Tempers air for more uniform house temperatures; less drafty conditions and chilling during brooding

Helps growers maintain higher ventilation rates during cold weather without sacrificing house temperatures or wasting fuel

More uniform house temperatures during minimum ventilation

Drier litter, lower fuel costs, and lower ammonia concentrations

Easy snap together assembly – no tools required

Able to shut-off when not in use MADE IN USA




TJ4200 Gravity Inlet

ROUGH OPENING 22.5” x 22.5” (571.5 x 571.5mm)



1,812 @ .125 SP

11 lbs. (5 kg.)

JDP2600 2-Way Fully Insulated Vents More Effective in Wider Houses With Less Colliding

JDP2600 Gravity

JDP2600 Actuated *

Gravity inlet can be locked shut when not needed




JDP2600 Inlet

ROUGH OPENING 28.5” x 24.5” (723.9 x 622.3mm)

Great for precise control of air movement - directs air along ceiling for proper air mixing

Constructed of single piece, fully insulated rotomolded housing with 1” thick fully insulated lids to minimize condensation, dripping, and inlet freeze-up

Frictionless styrofoam PVC covered lids on continuous PVC hinge swing down to allow clean attic air into main room - when lids closed, vent is fully sealed against air leakage and light

Withstands harsh environments & extreme cold weather conditions

CFM 2,600 @ .05 SP

APPROX. WEIGHT 13 lbs. (6 kg.)

* Double L recommends the use of the Attic Airlock above the JDP2600 Actuated Inlet Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

8 | TJP Gravity Vents

PATENT NO. 6,475,078

TJP TopJet Gravity Air Vents

Efficient Counterweight Vent with Minimal Expense 48””


TJP1255, TJP1265, TJP1275 TOPJET AIR VENTS TJP1255 Part 90740 TJP1265 Part 90741

TJP2655LT Part 90735 TJP2665LT Part 90738

TJP1255 opens at .055 SP TJP1265 opens at .065 SP TJP1275 opens at .075 SP

TJP2655LT opens at .055 SP TJP2665LT opens at .065 SP TJP2675LT opens at .075 SP

Framed Opening (one vent):

Framed Opening:

22” x 6.5” (558.8mm x 165.1mm)

48.5” x 9” (1,231.9mm x 228.6mm)

Framed Opening (two vents):

WD48 Wind Deflector

(for use with two TJP1255 Vents) Part 90715

Two TJP1255 Vents snapped together 46”


46” x 6.5” (1,168.4mm x 165.1mm)


Most efficient counterweight wall vent on market with minimal expense - used worldwide

Opens from the top, directing air to the center peak of house with no open ends or bottom leakage

Counterbalance design can be made with the different weights to open at different static pressures 0.55, 0.65, 0.75

Snap together design for side by side application

All durable PVC construction for long life - no corrosion or deterioration Lighter weighted TJP1255 Vents


Heavier weighted TJP1265 Vents

If minimum fans are on sidewall, the lighter weighted vents are on the opposite wall from fans (if there is not enough opening, place the remainder on the fan side)


TOP VIEW With Fans on Endwall of the house, both lighter and heavier vents will be evenly spaced on both sides of the house

8’ Sidewall







TJP Gravity Vents | 9

Preparing for Cold Weather Ventilation Minimum / transition ventilation is very important during cold weather to assure the welfare of the chicken and control of litter conditions. When the outside air begins to get cold and damp it is very important to keep the air off the floor and directed into the peak of the house where the air is warm and dry. The following are suggestions to prepare your house for cold weather: •

First, the house should be as air tight as possible.

Second, ensure the incoming air speed or vent air pressure is adequate to make the air move to the peak of the house.

Third, the direction the air enters the house must be clear of all possible restrictions up to the peak.

When repairing air leaks - start near the fans and the floor, working from end to end to keep the air off the floor. The air speed entering the house (vent pressure) must be based on how far you want the air to travel once it enters the house before it drops to the floor and is mixed with the warm air in the top of the house.

Robert Barnwell, a ventilation consultant, is checking for proper static pressure

Several things can contribute to low air speed (vent pressure) too many air leaks, not enough fan capacity, poor fan performance due to loose belts, and dirty blades &/or shutters. •

When counterbalanced (weighted) vents are used they should be sized to match the width of the house and fan capacity necessary to maintain the minimum oxygen demand of the chickens. When used for a combination of minimum and transition ventilation there should be two different counterbalanced (weighted) vents used with the transition vents weighted slightly heavier than the minimum vents. The vents must close when the fans go off.

The vents, fans, and fan shutters must be maintained and kept clean at all times to allow for proper operation and accuracy. There should always be an air deflector installed on the outside of the sidewall vents. The deflector will limit the influence of the wind on the side of the house on vent pressure and help with vent freeze-ups during extreme cold weather.

To control the litter condition in cold weather, the cold incoming air drafts must be kept off the floor and the house air temperature should be maintained above 55° F/13° C, (warmer will help), to allow for evaporation of the moisture in the air (humidity) and keep the birds comfortable and performing.











NORMAL ENVIRONMENT Cold air drops, resulting in poor performing chicks


AIR VENTS & PROPER AIR MIXING Tempers air throughout the house for better performing, healthy birds

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

10 | DirectAire Vents

“The Original European Curved Vents”

DirectAire European Curved Vents

Redesigned Tighter to Reduce Air Leakage and Light Newly igned Redes

ly New ned esig Red

DirectAire 4408 DirectAire 4108

DirectAire 4413 DirectAire 4113 PART






DirectAire 4413

44.5” x 13.5” (1,130.3 x 342.9 mm)

3,474 @ .1 SP

12 lbs. (5 kg.)


DirectAire 4113

41.5” x 13.5” (1,054.1 x 342.9 mm)

2,751 @ .1 SP

11 lbs. (5 kg.)


DirectAire 4408

44.5” x 8.75” (1,130.3 x 222.3 mm)

1,669 @ .1 SP

9 lbs. (4 kg.)


DirectAire 4108

41.5” x 8.75” (1,054.1 x 222.3 mm)

1,555 @ .1 SP

8 lbs. (4 kg.)


Aerodynamic, curved louver blade directs fresh air along ceiling to ceiling peak for effective air mixing and speeds air to the center of even wider houses

Delivers 70% more air (cfm) than conventional metal vents and reduces vents needed by almost half

Great for reducing or eliminating bird drafting and saving on heating costs; improves bird performance

Fully sealed against air leakage and light; rodent and corrosion resistant

During operation, airflow directed through vent’s opening rather than leaking out bottom and sides of vent

Easily snaps together for ease of installation and cheaper freight; easy to clean and adjust

Durable PVC construction with top seal, flexible hinge


Directs air along the ceiling towards center of poultry house




Effectively pulls warm air from the sidewall


DirectAire Vents | 11

Poor Sidewall Vent Performance

Proper Sidewall Vent Performance

Conventional Vents

DirectAire Vent - Recessed Design

Conventional Vents have a flat design that disperses air out the sides along the sidewall. Instead of shooting air to the center of building, the vent causes air to hit the ceiling and bounce down to the floor.

Conventional Galvanized Door

DirectAire Vents have a recessed design that effectvely pulls warm air from sidewalls 3 feet away and mixes warm air with fresh incoming air, directing mixed tempered air along ceiling to peak of house.

DirectAire Vent

Vent airflow studied at the University of Georgia Above thermal image shows side air leaks let cold air drop without mixing with the warm air in the house. The Bottom line is Poor Bird Performance.

DirectAire European Curved Vents maintain a 50% greater air velocity 20 feet from vent than conventional vents.


Wind deflector needs to be installed to protect the vent from direct sunlight

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

12 | PVC Shutter

PATENT NO. 6,449,903

Best PVC Shutters on Market

Energy Saving, Airtight Shutter with Best Value Replace your bent and/or broken shutters for improved fan efficiency and performance



Custom Built to Your Desired Size! MADE IN USA

Animal Room - Front View

Back View

PVC Shutter Features: • Ideal for new construction or as replacment shutters • Constructed of heavy-duty, non-corrosive PVC that can withstand even the harshest of environments • Patented design with different sizes available custom build to fit opening Formed (not welded) corners give PVC Fan Shutter extra strength and durability

Easy to clean or repair; our shutters will not crack or break under normal conditions




• Easy to install, low-maintenance, and easy to clean

Optional Connecting Bars eliminate shutter flutter and blade flying up - can add up to 8% more performance at .05 static pressure


Withstands heavy pressure washing


Shutter Comparison | 13

Aluminum Shutter has 54% More Air Leakage in BESS Lab Shutter Leakage Test

Aluminium Shutter vs.

IR_2616.jpg FLIR T640 image from 12/19/2013 8:42:40.525 AM

PVC Shutter

IR_2616.jpg FLIR T640 image from 12/19/2013 8:42:40.525 AM


Shutter Leakage Testing at Bess Labs

100.0째F 100



airflow (cfm)





Aluminum Shutter


PVC Shutter


200 171

Aluminum Shutter


PVC Shutter 65

0 0.02



0.125 0.15

Static Pressure (in H20) 0.05







0.125 0.15




Traditional Shutter is one of the biggest air leaks in poultry house


Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973



14 | 18” and 20” Stir Fan

A Must for Every Poultry House As a Low Cost Solution

DirectAire 18” and 20” Stir Fans Even Air Temperature and Lower Heating Costs



18” Stir Fan



20” Stir Fan






DirectAire 18” Fan

21” diameter x 7.25” (533.4 x 184.2 mm) 3,500 / 4,000

16 lbs. (7 kg.)


DirectAire 20” Fan

22.8” x 7.3” x 25” (580 x 185 x 635mm)

17 lbs. (8 kg.)


Reduces temperature stratification by mixing hot ceiling air with cold air on floor

Less heater cycle times - lower fuel costs

6 ft prewired cord and swivel / tilt mounting bracket

Widespread grill - better cleanability of fan

Great for old houses not tightly sealed; multidirectional; reduces cold spots in house

2-speed fan - high and low options

Proven performance - 42,000+ 18” fans sold

2-Year Warranty (0.001% Warranty Claims)

4,350 / 5,250

120 V / 60 HZ

1/5 HP sealed motor with steel ball bearings

Three Reasons Why Double L Fans Are Best in the Industry Extra Amps to Spare

We know that in the real world fans get dirty. Very dirty. That’s why we designed our fans to have a much higher maximum amp rating than the operating amp rating. This allows the fan to continue to operate perfectly when dirty instead of burning out the motor.

Excellent CCFM Per Watt (Circulating Cubic Feet per Minute)

Other Fans

Double L’s

We know how important energy efficiency is to your operation. That’s why our fans offer CCFM/Watt ratings of up to 26.41.

Sealed Motor

Life in a confinement building is harsh if you’re a fan motor. That’s why our fan motors are sealed to keep out environmental dust to allow our fans to keep running at their full potential.






Linear Actuator | 15

HA24 - 24” Stroke Linear Actuator with Adjustable Mounting Bracket






Linear Actuator


50 / 60HZ



1.0 AMP

24” / 610mm

19 lbs. (9 kg.)


High Limit Safety Switch

Totally enclosed - protected from oxidation

Smooth, quiet operation

Duty Cycle: Max 20%, 12 min / hr.

Mounting hardware included

Great for even harsh environments

Heavy-duty high precision sealed 10 kilohm feedback potentiometer

Max Speed: 5.3mm / sec.

Max Self-Locking: Approx. 772 lbs. / 350 kg.

Max Load: Approx. 772 lbs. / 350 kg.

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

16 | Red Rooster Flooring


Flooring Is Very Important to Bird’s Health Red Rooster MKII Overlapping Flooring (OL) and Non-Overlapping (NOL) Slat Flooring does not deteriorate and does not need to be replaced after each flock of birds like wood slats. Red Rooster NOL and OL Flooring is constructed of no break polypropylene, which is more durable and has more impact resistance than regular polypropylene.



Wood Floor vs. Red Rooster® Floor Slats shown under 20x magnification

Notice the extremely porous surface of the wood slats and the smooth nonporous surface of the Red Rooster® slat. These slats are shown under 20x magnification. Extremely porous wood slat

Smooth, nonporous Red Rooster®


50% open area permits excellent manure filtration with minimum build-up for a clean, sanitary environment

Neutral polypropylene does not absorb body heat from birds and improves production rates

Solid structure means stability - has been used with success under birds of all sizes

Easily installed on 2” x 4” or 2” x 6” wooden supports - flooring can be cut to specific sizes

Reinforced pre-molded screw holes allow for fast assembly of slats to frame

Smooth, non-porous surface is easy to clean and disinfect by carrying 4’ sections out of house for easy cleaning with pressure washer without having to disassemble flooring

Does not deteriorate and does not need to be replaced after every flock of birds like wooden slats

Non-corrosive and will not harbor bacteria, rot, rust, or absorb water like wooden slats

Red Rooster® poultry slat flooring is a world class flooring distributed worldwide by Double L and was patented in 1990. With over 30 years of proven global performance, Red Rooster Flooring is a very durable, cost effective, bacteria resistant, long lasting flooring that was designed to replace wood and wire slats in poultry houses.






Red Rooster Flooring | 17

Red Rooster NOL & OL Flooring 50% Open Area Permits Excellent Manure Filtration

Non-Overlapping (NOL) MKII Red Rooster Flooring

Overlapping (OL) MKII Red Rooster Flooring





NOL Red Rooster Flooring - White

24.4” x 48” x .5” (620.8 x 1,219.2 x 12.7mm)

8 lbs. (4 kg.)


NOL Red Rooster Flooring - Black

24.4” x 48” x .5” (620.8 x 1,219.2 x 12.7mm)

8 lbs. (4 kg.)


OL Red Rooster Flooring - White

23.9” x 48.6” x .5” (608.1 x 1,235.2 x 12.7mm)

8 lbs. (4 kg.)


OL Red Rooster Flooring - Black

23.9” x 48.6” x .5” (608.1 x 1,235.2 x 12.7mm)

8 lbs. (4 kg.)

Not as labor intensive to install or clean as competition


Slats provide a strong walking surface with minimal sag

Smooth, non-porous surface is easy to clean and disinfect by carrying 4’ sections out of house for easy cleaning with pressure washer without having to disassemble flooring

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

18 | Red Rooster Flooring

NOL Flooring Installation


Non-Overlapping Flooring Length Width Width Thickness

48” 24” 24.44” 23.25” .5”


Outside Edge to Outside Edge Outside Edge to Inside Edge Outside Edge to Outside Edge Distance center to center

Step 1

Step 22 Step

Step 3

Step 4

Non-Overlapping NOTE: • These measurements may vary slightly due to molding and cooling variances or raw material variances. • Warm air temperatures will cause expansion

Step 6

Step 5


Overlapping Flooring

MKII Red Rooster® OL Floor Installed in Philippines

Overlapping (OL) NOTE: • These measurements may vary slightly due to molding and cooling variances or raw material variances. • Warm air temperatures will cause expansion



Length Width Width Thickness



49 1/8” 23 9/16” 23 15/16” 23 11/16” .5”


Outside Edge to Outside Edge Outside Edge to Inside Edge Outside Edge to Outside Edge Distance center to center of screw holes


Flooring & Thermostat | 19

Classic Red Rooster Flooring Dimensions are Great for Ramp to Nesters


45% open area permits excellent manure filtration with minimum build-up

Easy to install and maintain; plastic construction is corrosion-resistant and non-bacteria harboring

Each piece butts up to the next piece and is screwed to the support system using #12 or #14 x 1/2” galvanized or stainless steel screws





Classic Red Rooster Flooring - White

18” x 32” (457.2 x 812.8 mm)

3 lbs. (1 kg.)


Classic Red Rooster Flooring - Black

18” x 32” (457.2 x 812.8 mm)

3 lbs. (1 kg.)

TH415 Single Stage Thermostat

Designed for Use in Even the Harshest Ag Environments •

Fast responding stainless steel sensor resists corrosion

Designed to provide precise control of heating, cooling, and ventilation systems; adjustable calibration dial

Designed to tolerate harsh environments, high humidity levels, and the most corrosive conditions

Water-resistant NEMA 4x enclosure resists moisture and gases found in corrosive ag buildings as well as airborne contaminants

Volts A.C. 50/60 HZ Full Load Amps (inductive) Lock Rotor Amps Full Load Amps (resistive) VA Pilot Duty (VA/Watts)

PART 50165

120V 12A 48A 16A 125

Adjustable Knob Allows for Easy Recalibration

240V 10A 36A 16A 125

DESCRIPTION TH415 Single Stage Mechanical Thermostat

TEMPERATURE RANGE 40° to 104° F (4° to 40° C)

Double L Group, Ltd. - High Quality Products and Services Since 1973

20 | Double L Group, Ltd.


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