Little King's Story: The Official Strategy Guide sample

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The OďŹƒcial

Strategy Guide

Publisher Tim Lindquist


Thomas Wilde

Design/Layout John McKechnie & Tim Lindquist


Tim Lindquist Special Thanks


A DoubleJ ump G Uide

Ken Berry, Mike Engler, XSEED staff-all, families-all.

“DoubleJump,” “DoubleJump Books” and the DoubleJump Books logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. DoubleJump Books is a division of DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. Game ©2009 Marvelous Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games. Guide © 2009 by DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from DoubleJump. All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective companies. Important: DoubleJump Books has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any additional information or support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Such questions should be directed to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved. Made n the USA

Cast of Characters...............................................................4 Gameplay Basics ..................................................................8 Walkthrough ..................................................................... 18 - The First Five Days ...................................................... 18 - Continued Expansion ................................................ 19 - Down With The Onii King ...................................... 21 - Building Up Your Army ............................................. 22 - The Sunflower Plains .................................................. 25 - The Rise and Fall of the Party Kingdom ................ 26 - King Pinball .................................................................. 27 - Borderlands ................................................................... 28 - King Omelet’s Quiz Show ......................................... 30 - TV Dinnah’s All-Star Spectacular ........................... 32 - The Killer Beard of Long Sauvage ........................... 33 - Island of the Random ................................................. 36 - Building the Flying Machine .................................... 37 - Up and Away................................................................. 40 Sidequests ........................................................................... 44 - Wonder Spots ............................................................... 44 - Jewel Book ..................................................................... 45 - Martel’s Records ........................................................... 45 - Shizuka’s Animals ........................................................ 46 - Kokomo’s Tunes ........................................................... 47 - Gourmet Book ............................................................. 48 - Monster Book ............................................................... 49 - Animal Races ............................................................... 53 Collectibles ........................................................................ 54 - Art Pieces ....................................................................... 54 - Weapons & Armor ...................................................... 59


Little King’s Story is a series of contradictions. It’s a kids’ game, meant to challenge adults; it begins in a carefree, nonsensical world and rapidly expands into a monstrous deathtrap. You are arguably the villain, bent on world conquest for no real reason, targeting drunkards, fools, and eccentrics. It begins as an easy, seemingly inconsequential game, with simple, cartoony graphics. By the time you’ve conquered your first rival kingdom, it reveals its true colors. LIttle King’s Story is actually one of the most genuinely difficult games to come out this year, and will test your timing, skill, strategic capabilities, and problem-solving abilities. As you explore Little King’s Story, expect the unexpected. Just when you think you’ve got this game’s number, it changes all the rules on you. Before you crack the seal, be ready for a serious challenge

Cast You After an adventure in the woods, accompanied by your friends and mentor, you found yourself the new owner of a magical crown. Empowered with a mystical ability to persuade people to do as you wish, you are now the unquestioned King of Alpoko. ver a Of course, that’s a mixed blessing. Alpoko’s about the size of a postage stamp, and you rule over kingdom of slackers, wastrels, and assorted barnyard animals. e next That’s all going to change, though. You have a plan, and you have a cause. You will become the ruler of this world, or you will die in the attempt... or really, a whole lot of other people will.

Howser For thirty-five years, Howser, a.k.a. the Bull Knight, has searched the kingdom for the one who’s destined to be the true ruler of the land. That’s you. Now that he’s found the king he’s waited all his life to serve, Howser is a little too old to actually fight on your behalf. Instead, he serves you as an advisor, giving you direction and insight. Most of the time, he’s a kindly, doddering old man who does his best for the kingdom, but sometimes, he goes all insane megalomaniac on you...

Liam The quasi-hardworking Anything Minister of Alpoko, Liam appointed himself to this makeshift position upon your rise to power. He can provide you with useful information concerning job classes and basic gameplay, and oversees your Treasure Room.

Verde When you became King, Verde became your Records Minister. She actually does seem to do a good job, although the closer you get to your Princesses, the more annoyed and angry Verde gets. Maybe she has a thing for you... or maybe she has a thing against you.

Mr. M From the moment you first set foot in Alpoko, Mr. M is your constant companion. As the kingdom grows, you will find yourself unable to escape him; he disappears and rematerializes as he sees fit, providing your trip through your kingdom with a constant and inescapable soundtrack. He has appointed himself as Alpoko’s official naked troubadour, and you know, I bet you didn’t even know you needed one of those.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide Li


Kampbell of the Sect of Soup For a guy who worships pasta, Kampbell is all about the fire and brimstone. You’d better hope God forgives you for your trespasses, because Kampbell sure won’t. When was the last time you were in church, anyway? Shape up, kid, or God will be very upset with you. Ramen.

Pancho P Ma Maybe he’s a cow that thinks he’s a horse, or maybe Howser is the one who’s confused. Either way, Pancho serves the kingdom of Alpoko as mount, messenger, and occasionally, town crier. He may actually be smarter se than roughly half the people in the kingdom. tha

Skinny Ray It’s one thing to run around screaming that the sky is falling. It’s quite another to do so when you know that it’s factually accurate. As an astronomer, Skinny Ray is committed to harshing your conquest-induced mellow by pointing out that Alpoko’s earthquake problem is getting steadily worse, and that something must be done. Are you the one who’ll do it?

Ginger Kyde Ginger calls himself an imbecile, and who are we to argue? As the hardworking curator of his eponymous art gallery, Ginger’s contrived to lose all one hundred of the irreplaceable masterpieces that he’s supposed to be showing off. If only some random adventurer could give him a hand.

Princess Apricot A After being jammed into a vase for a hundred years by the Onii King, Apricot’s looking to live a little. She’s not very world-wise or tough, but she’s always wanted to travel and see the world. After her rescue, Apricot is very interested in living vicariously through you and your worldwide campaign.

Princess Bouquet A intellectual from a land of drunken slobs, Bouquet couldn’t have been more out An of place in the Kingdom of the Jolly if she’d been on fire. She cannot talk without breaking things down algebraically, and is one of the foremost scholars of the kingdom. One of Bouquet’s major fields of study is UMA, and wouldn’t you know it, but you’re sort of an expert on the subject.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


The Basics Starting from Scratch

Choosing Your Difficulty

Your castle is a delapidated shack in the back end of nowhere. Your throne is a high-backed wooden chair, built by peasants. The royal treasury contains three dustbunnies and a hastily-written I.O.U. from Liam. You have twelve subjects and none of them have jobs. About all you have going for you is a magical crown that gives you amazing powers of persuasion, but you have remarkably few people around to persuade. You’ve got a lot of work to do if you want to be the king of the world. You begin Little King’s Story without much of anything, and must build your isolated plot of farmland into the new seat of worldwide power. Doing so is a matter of taking things one slow step at a time.

Sitting On Your Throne You have four difficulties to choose from in Little King’s Story, only two of which are available when you first start. The differences between them are not readily obvious, so let’s break them down quickly. Easy: All enemies and bosses have half the standard amount of Life. Certain UMA will respawn if they’re defeated, but not until the next day. Normal: The “standard” difficulty, and the one this guide is written for. Defeated UMA respawn in four hours, or roughly fifteen minutes in real time. Hard: UMA respawn as they do in Normal. All enemies and bosses have 150% the Life they did in Normal mode. Tyrant: If you can beat this mode, you’re some kind of robot. In addition to the enemies’ advanced health and the respawn timer, the King and all his citizens are now old men with one Life each. One hit from anything at any time, and you’re dead. Nice knowing you.

It all begins here. Every gameplay session of Little King’s Story begins and ends in your throne room. From your royal seat, you can cash in treasures, give orders for city construction, issue commands to the populace, and most importantly, save your game. Your “castle” also contains your bedroom, where you can opt to rest for the night. Resting automatically advances the game’s clock to the next morning, restoring full Life to the King and all wounded citizens. It does not save your game.

The only way to save your game is to take a seat on your throne and call Verde, who’ll take care of the records for you. While you’re sitting down, you can also call Howser, to check your mail or issue orders; Liam, for tutorial information; or Verde, to look at a demographic map of the kingdom’s populace. Later in the game, Verde also keeps a record of all the in-game movies you’ve seen so far, in case you want to relive past glories.

Rest to heal all injuries and advance the clock to the next day.

Little King’s Story - The Official ciiall Strategy Guid Gu G Guide uid ide


As your kingdom grows, there’s a chance as you take a seat that Howser may bring you a visitor. It’s usually worth hearing what these guys have to say, as they may sell you upgrades, tip you off about secrets you’ve unlocked, or at least amuse you for a few seconds. On the other hand, Howser has been known to treat a cow like it’s a distinguished guest.

The Kingdom Plan

You receive hints about the location of Guardians via your Suggestion Box (see below). Adding new territory to the kingdom allows you to build more houses for your citizens to live in and make new training facilities so your citizens can take up new careers. Even better, a new territory in the kingdom often holds new secrets all its own, such as collectibles or treasures. You should take advantage of every opportunity you have to take on a Guardian, as it’s necessary to successfully complete the game.


“I have some suggestions, my King.” Howser has a few ideas on the drawing board about what should be done to improve Alpoko. If you decide to put his ideas into practice, call him while seated on your throne and pick the Kingdom Plan option. The proposals in the Kingdom Plan relate to building new structures, developing new territories, modifying Alpoko’s society, and powering up your troops. There are no bad options in it, although it may not be immediately obvious how they benefit you. It’s a good idea to fill out the options in the Kingdom Plan as soon as it’s expedient to do so, focusing first on building facilities that can train citizens to do new jobs.

Expanding Alpoko Kingdom

Not much to look at, is it? The nine zones closest to Alpoko’s Castle Town district are, at the beginning of the game, ruled by UMA (Unidentified Mysterious Animals). Entering these areas is taking your life in your hands, as even if you win your battles, the monsters will respawn eventually. Fortunately, even monsters have kings. Each of the nine zones near Alpoko are ruled by ancient and powerful monsters called Guardians. If you can find and defeat the Guardians, their territory becomes yours. UMA will no longer spawn in that area, and the zone becomes a new holding within the kingdom.

Sell it all. Everything must go. In order to do most of what you want to do, you’re going to need a lot of cold, hard cash. Managing your money successfully is a big part of LIttle King’s Story; it allows you to expand your kingdom, get more citizens, create better units, and more. Fortunately, it’s not hard to come by. You’ll find a variety of objects throughout the game, and most of them are worth something to someone. If you destroy an object, such as an urn or hedge, or kill an UMA, they often drop an unidentified item. This ranges from commonly-encountered items like Sweets or Junk to Bags of Coins or Gold Bars. These items, which are referred to in-game as Spoils, are only useful in terms of the raw cash they’re worth, and are automatically traded in for currency the next time you sit on your throne. You can carry up to fifty Spoils at once, which are tracked in your Inventory menu; once you have fifty, you cannot pick up anything new until you’ve gone and sold what you have. In the event that you want to g grind for cash, there are a few different ways y to do so. One is to accept quests, as detailed below; simple kill quests often appear in your Suggestion Box. Go somewhere, beat up an UMA, and collect loot. While the most common drops in Little King’s Story are only worth anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 Bol, that kind of thing still adds up quickly. In the middle of the game, if you need a little fast cash, it’s worth going to the Red Turnip Forest

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


Walkthrough The First Five Days Day One What we’ll be laughingly referring to as Alpoko’s “community” currently consists of twelve Carefree Adults, three cows, and no money. Your first mission is to somehow come up with 100,000 Bol to fund some home improvements, which means treasure hunting.

extremely lucrative; any Good Timber that drops may change into valuable White Lumber, er, which goes for a cool 140,000 a pop. When you return to Howser, opt to build d the Guard Hut. Once it’s constructed, make e sure to destroy the bush behind it, on the east ast side of town; that bush was hiding a hole that contains a Gold Bar. After that, it’s naptime.

Head out into town and hit the B button to recruit five Carefree Adults. Since they don’t have tools, you cannot widen any of the cracks you find throughout the area. All you can do is dig up the preexisting holes. Check just to the northwest of your throne room and against your kingdom’s southwest border to find two Gold Coins. If you venture into the eastern woods, you won’t be able to get very far, but there’s a smoldering crack in the ground. Send your Adults out to kick over the nearby bushes, then excavate the hole to find a Bag of Coins. When you return to the throne room, you’ll find that these three treasures add up to exactly 100,000 Bol. Have Howser build a Farmhouse, allowing you to train your Adults into Hardworking Farmers. The only way to expand your kingdom is to dig up more and greater treasures.

Day Three Your new goal is to come up with 1,200,000 Bol, so you can build a Town Square. Depending on how much cash you came up with yesterday, you may be close to it already. Train and recruit a few Soldiers. They can hack down the fallen logs faster than Farmers can, and are better-equipped to deal with any UMA you find. Once you’ve cleared the path, you can dig up the giant turnips east of your kingdom; while this usually gets you into a fight with Turnipheads, it also results in the acquisition of valuable Turnips and Good Turnips. If there’s one thing Alpoko has, it’s subterreanean stashes of wealth.

Day Two Turn five Adults into Farmers, then open the crack northeast of your throne room to find a Gold Bar. That’s enough to meet your budgetary requirement all by itself, but you can set your sights a bit higher than that. If you return to the smoldering crack from before, you can now break it open to find a Hot Spring, which is used to instantly heal up your minions. The Farmers can also destroy fallen logs, turning them into treasures like Good Timber and allowing you to further explore the forest. Once you get beyond this point, though, you start running the risk of running into UMA; just doing something as simple as excavating the giant turnips in the clearing past the spring can get you into a fight with a trio of Turnipheads. You’re better off hanging back for now, although chopping up the logs is both safe and

Turnipheads are dangerous to Farmers, but not to Soldiers.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


If you travel east along the river away from your kingdom, you can find Overthere Beach, where treasures often wash up on shore. Head west, and you’ll find an old, overgrown graveyard patrolled by Escargoos; they drop some decent stuff, but more importantly, there’s a crack in the forest floor that’s only accessible via the graveyard’s west end. Dig there to get another Gold Bar. Between defeating monsters, chopping up logs, digging up turnips, and the treasure in the graveyard, you shouldn’t have any trouble accumulating all the money you need. Return to Howser and give the order to build the Town Square.

Your reward for defeating Cow Bones is a Gold Bar.

Day Five As it turns out, Cow Bones was the local area’s Guardian. With a couple of exceptions, the area surrounding your kingdom is now free of monsters. Your citizens react by throwing a party: the Cow Festival. Festival days are going to be a common reaction to your major victories for most of the rest of the game. On a festival day, your citizens are partying down in the town square; they cannot be recruited. You can explore your kingdom as you see fit, but sitting on your throne or leaving the city limits will result in Howser asking you if you want to end the festival. If you do, and there’s not much else you can do, the game automatically skips to the next day. When you’re done with the Cow Festival, opt to end it.

This game thoroughly rewards exploration.

Day Four You can now check your Suggestion Box by talking to Howser. Check it every so often for some laughs, as well as tips concerning rare monsters. When you wake up on Day Four, you have three letters to read. Two are inconsequential, but the third, Graveyard Rumor, relates to the graveyard southwest of the castle. Recruit five Grunts, then return there to fight your first real boss, Cow Bones.

Welcome to your town. You came to party down.

Continued Expansion

BOSS: Cow Bones Cow Bones will charge you periodically. If it makes contact, you and your men go flying. If it doesn’t, it hits the graveyard fence hard enough to knock its own head off. While the head’s bouncing wildly around the graveyard, send in your Grunts to pummel its vulnerable body, but make sure to dodge the head if it starts coming your way. When the head finds its way back to Cow Bones’s body, pull your men back, as Cow Bones often goes for a high-damage body splash immediately afterward. Simply stay out of its way until it misses another charge, then rinse and repeat.

On the morning of Day Six, you’re more or less on your own. The informal “tutorial” is now over. Your next goal is to defeat the Onii across the river from your kingdom, allowing you to colonize their land. Check your Suggestion Box to find the Giant Frog Rumor quest. The Kingdom Plan now has several new options, including a Carpenter Hut, four different Houses, and Power Up: Guard Badge x3. The latter is worth getting immediately, and you need the Carpenter Hut in order to progress further into the game. When you leave the castle, you meet Kampbell, who’s set up shop in the graveyard. It may be tempting to ignore his request, as he is a jerk. You can do so for as long as you like, too, without any real risk of God smiting you. On the other hand, building his church is important, as it allows you to get a very useful piece of equipment and a new job class, and it costs almost nothing. You’re better off building it.

Bait the charge, then attack while Cow Bones is stunned.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


Sidequests Kingdom Plan Again, this ties into the last two. Purchasing at least fifty buildings from the Kingdom Plan should be enough for three stars. Assuming you buy every single plan a merchant offers you, there are seventy-five options in the Kingdom Plan by game’s end.

Shizuka’s Animals

Jobs Found There are a total of twenty jobs in Little King’s Story, including three you have to unlock. You only need to find one of the latter jobs in order to three-star this category.

Steps Taken This is another gimme. The moment we rescue Martel, we tend to have about 125,000 steps on record, and that’s enough for three stars.

UMA Beaten Defeat a thousand UMA to three-star this category. This seems like a lot, but Martel apparently counts cannon-fodder UMA like the Onii Bride’s mini-Oniis, TV Dinnah’s army, and the Mush Geezer’s micro-shrooms. You should be at or near this number by the time you receive the Record Book.

Arms Found Dig up at least eighteen weapon treasures in order to three-star this category.

You may have gotten the idea that Shizuka’s not quite all there, but she has a soft spot. Aliens have kidnapped all of her animal friends from throughout the kingdom, but as the aliens are not terribly bright or good pilots, they have also crashed their flying saucers. If you track down the aliens’ crash sites and send your Royal Guard to pummel their ships, the aliens will admit defeat and return their animal captives.

Armor Found Dig up at least eighteen armor treasures in order to three-star this category. Collecting Art Pieces is almost enough by itself, since Ginger likes to hand you three pieces of armor at a time.

Secret! After successfully three-starring every other category in the Record Book, Martel sends you a letter telling you there’s one record left for you to break. This is, simply, the number of times Martel has kissed you, which is one of the random conversation options that may come up when you talk to her.

Pucker up, buttercup. Keep chatting with Martel until she’s kissed you twenty times to break the final record. Enjoy the ensuing cutscene.

If you’re extremely observant, many of the kidnapped animals can be found before their abductions, frolicking about the area where you’ll later find their crash sites. This isn’t a reliable method of discovering crash sites, but if you happen to notice a discordantly adorable animal of some kind, check there later on and you may find a crash site.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


Monster Book

#7: Arsonist Onii

Princess Bouquet wants your help with pursuing her hobby, which involves tracking down and identifying UMA. Since Bouquet isn’t exactly a combatant, and since you tend to pick fights with UMA an awful lot of the time, she’d like you to take her Monster Book with you. You automatically identify a new monster by approaching it, attacking it, or getting attacked by it. Apparently, you’ve been waiting your whole life for somebody to ask you to keep a journal, because any monsters you’ve encountered before you free Bouquet will automatically be entered into the Monster Book.

Life 20 Description: An adolescent pyromaniac Onii. You have to defeat a few of these to get through the Skull Plains and Bony Tunnel. Wait until it’s done breathing fire, then send in the troops.

#8: Onii Hopper Life 20 Description: Onii that really likes to jump. There’s not much to separate the Onii Hopper from the standard-issue Onii except its higher Life total.

#9: Dragon Hopper

#1: Onii Life 8 Description: Cute and annoying; likes to throw pots. These guys are all over the game like a rash. They put their heads down and charge like bulls, but with such low Life, they’re not hard to take out. In later encounters, expect to run into them in larger numbers.

#2: Oniion Ring Life 12 Description: An Onii good at hooping. These show up relatively frequently throughout the game, and often appear while you’re digging up treasures. Oniion Rings cannot be engaged in melee combat if they’re orbiting something, such as a hole or another UMA; they’ll simply knock over any would-be attacker. Destroy whatever they’re spinning around first.

#3: Lotus Root Onii Life 30 Description: Likes to shoot acorns at random people. Two Lotus Root Onii are initially guarding the Bony Tunnel, and several are camping the Screw-loose Isles. Their projectiles are fast-moving and deadly, and Hunters cannot shoot them down. Eliminate them quickly whenever possible.

#4: Onii Man Life 40 Description: Leader of other disreputable Onii. Send in one Soldier to bait the Onii Man’s club swing, then attack with a few more right after he finishes that. Rinse and repeat.

#5: Pickle Pot Onii Life 16 Description: Gives new meaning to “hot pot.” You’ll run into a few of these as you’re exploring the Skull Plains for the first time. They’re standard-issue sniper Onii, and Hunters can shoot them down easily.

#6: ??? Pot Onii Life 10 Description: It summons UMA from its pot. As you’re initially trying to build the Bony Tunnel Jump Cannon, this is one of the enemies that’ll try to stop you. Its low Life makes it a speed bump.

Life 30 Description: A fierce Onii riding a dragon leg. You can’t accuse Onii of wasting any part of a dragon, can you? Isolate and eliminate a Dragon Hopper quickly. It’s a fairly standard-issue enemy, and loves to try to rush you down.

#10: Onii Cavalry Life 10 Description: Onii that rides a bamboo horse. By the time you encounter the Onii Cavalry, on the Skull Plains, it shouldn’t be a big threat.

#11: Worker Onii (Dragon) Life 120 Description: Onii lugging around a dragon’s head. The big threat these Worker Onii pose is that they can breathe fire using the dragon’s head, inflicting damage and Burn status to any citizens caught in the area. It also has high enough Life that you can’t simply overbear it. Send in the troops, wait for it to start attacking, then hit B for a recall and wear it down.

#12: Worker Onii (Cow) Life 40 Description: Oniis moo-ving heavy cows. You don’t have to take these guys too seriously, which is good, because they’re going to try to hit you with a cow.

#13: Worker Onii (Tail) Life 40 Description: Onii transporting a dragon’s tail. if they attack on their own, the Worker Onii will simply use the dragon’s tail like a battering ram, which is easy to avoid if surprisingly long-ranged. If they’re counterattacking, then things get dangerous; the Onii will repel your citizens by swinging the tail in a roundhouse arc, punting any citizens struck off the map unless they have Paperweights equipped. You need to be very cautious to avoid that.

#14: Onii Ball Life 10 Description: A mysterious “katamari” of Onii. Onii Balls look like the factory model until they attack, when they start rolling at you. The dangerous part is if they roll over a citizen, but if you attack carefully and watch their momentum, you can dispatch them easily by waiting until they’re almost standing still.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


Collectibles Ginger Kyde’s Art Gallery The day after you’ve defeated the Onii King, you’ll meet a troubled art dealer named Ginger Kyde. Ginger has lost one hundred of his finest paintings, and has no idea where they could be. They’ve wound up scattered throughout the world, and he asks for your help. He promptly runs off and sets up his art gallery in one of the clearings east of Castle Town.

#1: “Evil Dragoon Cat” by Sephie Melton When you bring Ginger 50 Art Pieces or more, a quest called Ginger’s Collection shows up in your Suggestion Box. Go talk to Ginger, and he’ll tell you about how the Evil Dragoon Cat has disappeared from its painting.

After speaking with Ginger, you can now find Art Pieces all over the world. Many are out in plain sight, while others have appeared in zones you’ve already visited.

You’ll be transported to a forest clearing where you must dispatch all the paper monsters around you within one minute. There are three monsters standing alone in the middle of the clearing, and two more large groups that work like dominoes; hit one monster in the latter groups, and they all fall down. You must hit all the monsters quickly enough that they’re all on the ground at once within the time limit. It’s not difficult.

An Art Piece is always marked with this icon of Ginger’s face.

For a paper tiger, that thing is mean.

As an incentive, Ginger rewards you with equipment every time you meet one of his goals. To turn Art Pieces in to Ginger, go to his art gallery and press A while standing in front of his tent. Talking to Ginger himself won’t do you any good.

Ginger rewards you with this Art Piece and a Video Game, worth 2,100,000 Bol, in exchange for beating the Evil Dragoon Cat.

You also have the option to hang any Art Pieces you particularly like up in your castle. Simply walk up to a picture frame on the wall and press A to choose a painting you like.

Dig underneath a radish on the water in Glamour Town. It’s the only radish to survive the transition from the Red Turnip Forest, so it’s pretty easy to spot.

#2: “Amariya” by Hector Salinas Jr.

Here are the rewards for turning in Art Pieces ieces for Ginger.

#3: “Amani-tan” by KL

# of Art Pieces: Rewards ards

Send someone to collect taxes in the Yellow-Roof House, across the street from the Carpenter Hut in the Farmland District.

5: Toy Sword, Toy Spear, Toy Bow

#4: “Bruno” by Andrew Wiley

10: Furry Kilt

20: Health Undies

There’s a vaguely hidden passageway on the south side of the Melon Patch that’s really easy to miss, and this Art Piece is at the end. It’s guarded by a Yvonne.

25: Hand Cooler x2

#5: “Achbar” by Brittany Mora

40: Pancho Poncho

Once you’ve gotten your second upgrade, turning your house into an actual castle, this Art Piece shows up in your dungeon. The stairs down to the dungeon are by the chapel on the first floor.

15: Sterile Undies x3

55: Hand Warmer x3 70: Legendary Dress

#6: “Big Red” by Madeleine Rabil

85: Paperweight x3

After you recruit an Eggan, take him back to the Worrywart Labyrinth. Dispatch the Concodore that’s sitting near the Labyrinth’s end and destroy the egg behind him, then dig up the Art Piece.

100: Legendary Armor

Art Piece Locations If you’ve played the European or Japanese versions of this game, you’ll find an entirely different set of paintings. The locations are the same, but the paintings themselves are different.

Little King’s Story - The Official Strategy Guide


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