Rune Factory Frontier - Official Strategy eGuide Sample

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The Official

Strategy Guide

Publisher Tim Lindquist

Author Thomas Wilde

Design/Layout Julie Miyamoto & Tim Lindquist


Tim Lindquist Special Thanks


A D o u b l e Ju m p G U i d e

Ken Berry, Doh Whang, XSEED staff-all, families-all.

“DoubleJump,” “DoubleJump Books” and the DoubleJump Books logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. DoubleJump Books is a division of DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. Game ©2009 Marvelous Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Entertainment USA, Inc. Guide © 2009 by DoubleJump Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from DoubleJump. All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective companies. Important: DoubleJump Books has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any additional information or support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Such questions should be directed to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved. Made n the USA

Table of Contents Introduction..........................................................................4 Dramatis Personae...............................................................6 Basics.................................................................................... 16 - Farming - The Passage of Time - Building - Taming Monsters - Rune Wonders Adventuring ...................................................................... 44 - Combat - Dungeon Crawling The Main Scenario: Saving Whale Island................... 56 - Events 1-5 - Green Ruins - Lava Ruins - Snow Ruins - Events 6-10 - Final Battle Heroine Scenarios............................................................. 86 Sub-Events.......................................................................... 96 - Festival Days - Other Scenarios Data....................................................................................112 - Character Schedules - Bestiary - Items Marriage............................................................................144

Time to Relax If you’ve been playing video games for a while, the sight of a constantly ticking clock onscreen may make you want to hurry. We’re accustomed to games where time is essentially frozen until we do something to move the story forward, or games where the clock is always counting down, where we’re judged on how fast we can complete the challenges at hand. There’s almost never a middle ground. Rune Factory: Frontier is neither. It’s a game that runs in cycles: spring to winter, day to night. You have all the time in the world to do anything you want, and almost any opportunity that you miss will be back in a year, or the year after that. A lot of people play RPGs like there’s somebody waiting at the end with a stopwatch, trying to cram as much as they can into every moment. That’s not the best way to play Frontier. In fact, we recommend that you don’t.

If there’s one rule the game abides by, it’s probably this: tomorrow is another day. If you can’t fit everything you want to do into today, try again tomorrow, and again the day after that. This isn’t a game you rush through, any more than you can rush a flower into growing. Just relax, take it easy, and let things unfold as they will. Welcome to Trampoli Village. Here’s your hoe.

Saving Whale Island

When Raguna first arrives in Trampoli, one of the first things he notices is Whale Island, which floats high above the village. Many local myths involve Whale Island, but no one’s actually been up there in a very long time. That’s about to change.

Starting the Main Scenario You can begin the main scenario as early as the second day of the game. The moment Mist hands you the Cheap Can, you can head off to Whale Island and start the adventure. If, at any stage, you miss a step in the main scenario’s development, such as visiting Whale Island but not touching the Monument of Truth, the story will stop dead at that point until you accomplish the next task in the chain. It doesn’t matter whether you do so the next day or the next year; the main scenario will effectively be on pause until you pick the thread back up. The journey to find out what’s wrong with Whale Island will take you straight through all four dungeons in the game, forcing you to fight many of the most dangerous monsters. It’s the hardest part by far, and only the most persistent adventurers will find their way to the end. Are you up to the challenge?

Dramatis Personae You You answer to Raguna (unless you opt to change that), but truthfully, that might not be your name. You’d lost absolutely everything you ever had, right down to your memories, until Mist found you. She gave you a reason to get up in the morning, and then she disappeared. She took your reason to go on with her, so naturally, the only thing to do was track her down. Your journey to find her leads you to the isolated village of Trampoli. The morning after you arrive, Mist finds you and once again, gives you a purpose. Before you know it, you’re living in an abandoned farmhouse just outside town, earning a living by the sweat of your brow. By the way, there’s an enchanted island floating high above the village, and it appears to be in trouble. You may want to do something about that…

How to Make Friends and Influence People You’re a stranger in Trampoli, so you’re starting from scratch. Everyone’s interested in meeting the new kid who took over at the abandoned farm, and a lot of these people have stories to tell or mysteries to solve. A big part of Rune Factory: Frontier is maintaining your relationships with the other characters. Trampoli is a reasonably friendly place, at least when you first arrive, so get to know everyone you can. To make friends with people, make sure to keep in touch. If you see them, talk to them; if they sell products, make sure to pick a few up now and again. (Nothing keeps a shopkeeper happy like good sales, after all.) Just being friendly on a regular basis will get you a long way. Your current status with each important character is tracked in your Relations screen. As you talk to each character, you’ll slowly gather points. This is important, as the higher a character’s Friendship is with you, the more likely you are to trigger any special scenarios that involve that character. If you want to see all that Rune Factory: Frontier has to offer, get out there and make some friends.

» Want to know what people really think of you? Check this screen.

Towards that end, if you’re looking to find a specific character at a specific point in time, we’ve included information as to where they usually hang out and when. Since the full details of a character’s schedule usually include spoilers of some kind, we’ve put a detailed schedule in the back of the book. Check pg. 112 if you want more information.

The Twelve Maidens There are twelve girls living in and around the village of Trampoli. Some of them have been here all their lives, while others are new arrivals. All of them are connected somehow to the Monument of Trust, which sits high overhead on Whale Island, whether they’re aware of it or not. One of the Twelve Maidens could be Raguna’s wife one day, if he plays his cards right. To attract the girl of Raguna’s dreams, you need to pay attention to each Maiden’s likes and dislikes, taking every opportunity to shower her with gifts and help her with any problems that she might have. With the Twelve Maidens, you can pursue Love at the same time you’re raising Friendship. Love points can be obtained by giving a character items she likes, such as her favorite foods, or by pursuing activities that she enjoys. Mist, for example, likes people who make a living through hard work, so the harder you work at cultivating your field, the more Love points you’ll get with Mist. The easiest way to get Love with most of the Maidens is through gifts, with the notable exception of Bianca. Each Maiden has a few favorite foods, flowers, or other items and giving those to her as gifts will increase both her Friendship and Love simultaneously. You can give as many gifts as you like over the course of a day, but only the first one will improve your relationship.

It takes roughly twenty-five successful gifts to raise a Maiden’s Love by one level. When a Maiden’s Love reaches 10, you’ve maxed out the score, and can start a series of events that ends in you proposing to her. While this does sound like a lot, there are many other ways to increase Love beyond simply showering a girl in gifts, and you’ll probably wind up using all of them. To find out what a given Maiden likes, pay attention to her. Many of the girls will give you some kind of hint, and a couple of them will just come right out and tell you what they want. If you give a Maiden something that isn’t one of her favorites, she tends to accept it anyway, which will improve your Friendship but not your Love. You can pursue multiple Maidens at once if you’re willing to put in the time to do so, but you can only marry one of them. Marriage is one of the only one-way, irreversible decisions you can make in Rune Factory: Frontier, so think it through before you put a ring on someone’s finger.

Mist Mist is your oldest friend, not that that’s saying a lot, and the reason you’re in Trampoli in the first place. She’s friendly, cheerful, and honestly, sort of weird. Her hobbies include raising flowers, cooking turnips, hanging out in your yard, thinking about turnips, watching you work, eating turnips, and turnip-related activities.

Meeting Mist

You’ll run into Mist almost immediately upon starting a new game. She lives in a house along the Beach Road, one screen east of your Homestead. On sunny days, she’ll often come over to hang out in your front yard; on rainy days, she often lets herself into your house.

What Mist Likes

Mist loves Emery Flowers and Turnips (but not Pickled Turnips) more than words can conveniently describe. Seriously, they’re all she eats, and may be all she thinks about. It’s creepy. As you till the soil in your field, Mist’s Love goes up. The first time you have 10, 50, 100, 200, and all 405 squares in the field tilled simultaneously, Mist’s Love increases, with correspondingly greater bumps for larger amounts of soil.

Basics Down Home on the Farm At the start of Rune Factory: Frontier, you’re handed a bag of seeds, a hoe, and a watering can, along with a fallow field that looks vaguely like a tornado hit it. Your job is to turn this abandoned house and overgrown field into a successful farm and a comfortable home, capable of supporting you and, maybe one day, a family. Everything you do revolves around the farm. It’s your main source of income and food, it’s where you start each day, and it’s where you craft new weapons and armor. Any realistic discussion of how to play Rune Factory: Frontier starts here.

Rune Points Raguna is in good shape, but he can’t work forever without rest. This is represented by his Rune Points, or RP, which are tracked by the blue bar underneath his current HP. Your RP are the only true limiting factor governing what you can and cannot accomplish over the course of a day. As such, you’ll spend a lot of the game watching them, restoring them, and spending them as efficiently as possible.

» This little bar dominates your life.

Using a tool, swinging a weapon, forging a tool, crafting an accessory, working in your lab, cooking food, or casting a spell will all use up a varying number of RP, determined by the item you’re using and the level of your skill in that particular area. The higher-level a skill is, the less RP you’ll consume by using tools that correspond to it. Note that you use up RP for performing the action, and not by getting a result; for example, if you swing the Hammer, you use up just as much RP for hitting nothing at all as you do for destroying a rock. Be careful and watch your aim. When Raguna runs out of RP, he’ll start burning HP instead. If you perform an action that costs more RP than you have remaining, you’ll go to zero RP and start burning HP thereafter. If you run out of HP, you’ll collapse where you stand, and wake up the next morning in the infirmary, usually at half RP and suffering from a Cold. While you’re sick, you use up RP at a vastly increased rate, so either pop a Cold Medicine or have Lara treat you.

» Did you work until you collapsed again? To restore RP, you have several options.

- Eat something. A hearty meal can get you back into shape. Raw crops generally won’t do the trick, either; you’ll need to cook something in your Kitchen before it’s satisfying enough to restore RP. You can also buy RP-restoring food from Erik or Rita, eat the fruit that drops off the Cornucopia Trees, or chew on some Black or White Grass.

return daily to water them, the seeds will eventually bear fruit. At that point, a Rune will appear, attracted by the plant life. Touching the Rune will consume it, instantly restoring between 100 to 150 of Raguna’s RP.

» One of your first priorities is to start growing Runes in dungeons. » A hearty meal will restore your strength. One particularly efficient option is to go fishing in the river that runs by your field, then cook up the fish in your kitchen, chow down, and go back to work. Fish like Chub, Char, and Red Salmon can be prepared for consumption in a basic kitchen, and all restore a respectable amount of RP upon use.

- Go to bed. If you’ve done all you want to do in a given day, go to Raguna’s house and use the bed to crash out for the night. If you go to bed before 11 PM or so, Raguna will wake up at 6 AM the next day with full HP and RP, ready for another day of farming and/or adventuring. If you go to bed any later than that, Raguna generally sleeps in until 8 or 9 AM, may not regenerate all of his RP, and may wake up with a Cold. If you stay up until 5 AM, Raguna will automatically retreat to his house to get what little sleep he can. He will wake up at 10 AM, at half HP and RP or higher, and there’s a high chance he’ll be sick.

- Touch a Rune. In dungeons, such as Whale Island, you’ll often find patches of tillable soil located near a handy source of water. If you clear away any weeds and debris, plant seeds in the soil, and

As long as all nine plants in a given crop are alive and bearing fruit, the Rune will regenerate on a daily basis, reappearing every morning. If there are other healthy crops in the same dungeon, one field’s Rune may run off to hang out with the others in another area, but it does reappear. However, if you harvest even one of the plants or if one of the crops withers, the Rune won’t come back. A preexisting Rune will continue to live in a patch of soil with an incomplete harvest, but it won’t reappear once it gets used. That said, a Rune just needs nine crops in order to regenerate, and they don’t have to be the same plant or in the same plot. Six Strawberry plants in one plot and three Cucumbers in the next one is enough to get a Rune going. Each dungeon maintains a consistent temperature year-round, which is favorable towards a certain breed of crops. The Grass Ruins will allow you to grow spring plants year-round, the Lava Ruins’ high temperature makes a great environment for summer plants, and the cold soil of the Snow Ruins is decent for autumn plants. Whale Island, inherently magical as it is, doesn’t have seasons, so you can plant anything there and it’ll eventually sprout. Once you open the Green Ruins, it’s a good idea to plant a crop of Turnips or something in the very first room. The Green Ruins’ entrance is just south of Mist’s house, so having a few Runes in its front hall is extremely convenient. Just stop by for a quick pick-me-up after your morning chores, then run off to adventure!


In order to upgrade your tools, you need raw materials, such as ore, that you simply can’t find in stores. In order to get those raw materials, you need to venture into areas that smart people generally don’t go to, because they’re infested with hostile monsters. At the same time, in order to solve the mystery of Whale Island, you’ll need to venture into its catacombs and ruins, which are, again, infested with hostile monsters. This is what the marketing boys refer to as “trending.” Sooner or later, you need to venture into hostile territory, and when you do, you’re going to have a fight on your hands. That’s what this chapter is about.

Weapons Equipping a weapon in Raguna’s hand raises his Attack stat by a set amount, dependent on the weapon. The slower the weapon is, the higher its Attack tends to be, and the more damage it does on a successful hit. There are six different weapons you can equip: one-handed swords, two-handed swords, spears, hammers, axes, and magic sticks. As with your farming tools, swinging a weapon consumes a variable number of RP, determined by the individual weapon and the level of your relevant skill. While you can wield many of your farming tools as weapons, particularly Hammers or Axes, they don’t do as much damage as actual weapons do, owing to a lower Attack stat.

or two. You may notice that intermediate to advanced tools have a Sp. Atk rating of 2 or higher, which is used to represent their power against inanimate objects. A Chopping Axe, for example, has a Sp. Atk of 1, and requires at least six Special Attacks before it’ll destroy a tree stump. Its big brother the Lumber Axe (Sp. Atk 2) takes the same stump out in three. Weaponry works off of Raguna’s Weapons skill, which increases as you swing an equipped weapon. It goes up faster if you’re actually hitting something, but you gain small amounts of weapon skill even if you’re swinging at thin air. Yes, you too can train to be a swordsman by attacking particularly vicious living room furniture! Sticks use Raguna’s Magic skill and Mag stat, as explained in depth below. It’s a good idea to keep your hand in with all kinds of weapons, because you’ll wind up using almost all of them at one point or another. For example, in the Lava Ruins, most enemies are vulnerable to water magic. There aren’t any recipes available at the time for an ice spear or two-handed sword. On the other hand, you can make the Ice Hammer and one-handed Aquasword. Conversely, if you want a weapon to attack creatures that are vulnerable to fire, such as most of the monsters in the Snow Ruins, you can easily make a two-handed Flame Sabre or Heat Axe, but there’s no hammer equivalent thereof.

One-Handed Sword

Ganesha sells Broadswords, Two-Handed Swords, and Spears when you first arrive in Trampoli, and gradually improves her selection as your level and Forging skill increase. By the beginning of year two, she should also offer Katanas, Battle Axes, and Battle Hammers for sale. Entry-level melee weapons – Broadswords, Two-Handed Swords, Katanas, Battle Hammers, Spears, and Battle Axes – do not offer the option of a Special Attack, the same way Cheap tools don’t. If you upgrade a weapon in your Forge even once, you unlock its ability to use a Special Attack. The form a Special Attack takes is dependent upon what type of weapon it is. As a general rule, a Special Attack uses up twice as many RP as a normal swing, give or take a point

» One-handed swords don’t hit hard, but they compensate with sheer volume.

Raguna swings a one-handed sword in a short arc in front of himself, which can hit multiple targets at once. You won’t do a lot of damage with each hit from a one-handed sword, especially against heavily-armored enemies like Scorpions, but you swing it very quickly. It’s a good weapon to use when you’re up against small, fast-moving, low-HP targets like Ants, or if you’re fighting an enemy that only gives you narrow windows in which to hit it, such as most bosses.

Two-handed swords are great for clearing out entire groups of enemies at once, especially when you’re moving through areas that you’ve outleveled in. Run in, stand next to a Monster Gate, and hit the Special Attack to destroy everything in the room at once.

Battle Axe

Be careful when using a one-handed sword. It’s so much faster than every other weapon in the game that it’s easy to mash the button, throwing out a bunch of slashes at empty air and burning a lot more RP than you needed to. Every enemy has a unique animation and sound that plays when they’re defeated; learn to watch for it, so you don’t waste follow-up swings on a monster that’s already dead. A one-handed sword’s Special Attack takes the form of two quick slashes that cover a complete circle around Raguna, each of which do roughly 75% the damage of a normal hit.

Two-Handed Sword » Axes are not subtle. Wielding an axe works a lot like wielding the tool of the same name, and a battle axe can also be used to destroy underbrush. The normal attack is a simple overhead chop; the Special Attack is a double-handed overhead slam that uses up a lot of RP, but delivers a lot of damage. The advantage to a battle axe is sheer power. Anything you hit with this, regardless of its individual Defense stat, is going to feel it. The attached drawback is lining the shot up; any enemy with any degree of mobility is hard to hit with a weapon this slow. » If you need to hit everything in a room - three times - accept no substitutes. A two-handed sword is a middle-of-the-road weapon. It uses up less RP than axes or hammers, but it isn’t as slow; it does more damage than a one-handed sword, but isn’t as fast. Several two-handed swords can inflict Fatigue status as a passive effect. Where a two-handed sword excels is in sheer coverage. A single swing will hit enemies in a wide frontal arc, whereas the Special Attack hits anything standing close by; with the proper timing, you can chain the Special Attack after two normal swings. At very close range, a two-handed sword’s Special Attack can hit up to 3x, inflicting serious damage.

It’s best used against slower opponents, or ones that have a very predictable attack pattern. An axe is great for dealing with slow-moving enemies like Mini Golems or Hammer Trolls, or for popping a Monster Gate with a single Special Attack.

War Hammer A lot of what we just said about battle axes also applies to hammers, which work in just about the same way. They bring the pain, but it can take some patience and luck to actually hit the enemy, although you can sometimes tag an enemy directly behind you as Raguna’s hands go back.

Whale Island Preparing for Adventure Before you try to clear the main scenario, you should do some preparation first. The scenario isn’t meant to be played straight through, as each new dungeon you find features dramatically more powerful monsters, as well as new traps and obstacles. You can see this in effect early on when you’re exploring Whale Island, as the Orcs you fight in the Cave Depths are much weaker than the Buffamoos and Silver Wolves running around on the Fin. Once you have an axe, hammer, and fishing pole, you can start exploring the Green Ruins by Mist’s house. The monsters on the first floor aren’t difficult to beat, especially since you’ll be leveling up rapidly the first time you enter, and you can mine the rock seams with the Cheap Hammer to find Iron. That, in turn, can be used in even a basic Forge to upgrade your tools.

egg and make yourself the best possible weapons and armor, it makes the game a lot easier in the long run. You can even clear the various Ruins well before you have to do so as part of the main storyline if you like, but for organization’s sake, we’re going to handle them only when it’s necessary to do so. In order to successfully complete the main scenario, you must meet all twelve Maidens at one point or another, and Candy and Cinnamon must live in Trampoli.

Event One: The Monument of Trust To visit Whale Island for the first time, fill your Cheap Can and go to the Church District. There’s a sparkling plant outside the Clock Tower, and watering it will turn it into a mighty beanstalk. Raguna, who’s read his share of fairy tales, will automatically climb it.

» A little Iron goes a long way. With a Chopping Axe, Tin Can, and Iron Hammer, you can clear most of the underbrush and rocks out of your field and begin planting in earnest. Once you have enough land to work with, it’s easy to make money, which allows you to purchase facilities from Lute. Being able to cook your own food, make better weapons and armor, and brew your own potions is invaluable in the short term, especially once you “outgrow” the very basic items and equipment available for sale in Trampoli. If you take the time at the start of the game to build up a nest

» Hey, a mysterious bean sprout in a land of magic. Cool.

This area, the Cave Entrance, is a fairly important place in the game, as it’s the only place you can talk directly to Whale Island itself. Following that conversation, examine the rock in the center of the field. Once you touch the Monument of Trust, you may notice that several of the Twelve Maidens, in unguarded moments, will all start humming the same tune: the Song of Trust. They’re much more likely to start humming it if their Love is 4 or higher, and if no one is standing nearby at the time.

Event Two: The First Dream Event Talk to Mist, who generally hangs out in either her front yard or yours, and she’ll tell you about a dream she recently had. Once she’s done so, the next time you go to bed at a decent hour, you’ll have a dream of your own.

Event Three: Iris Your goal at this point is to get to the other side of the Caverns in Whale Island. Pack a few Energy Drinks and get your hands on a weapon. If nothing else, buy a Broadsword from Ganesha.

Whale Island - Caverns/Fin Plants: Weeds, Bamboo Shoots, Orange Grass, Yellow Grass, Red Grass, Mushroom, Medicinal Herb Minerals: Scrap Iron, Iron Drops: Chocolate, Energy Drink, Antidote Herb, Aquamarine, Flour, Rice, Thin Stick, Wind Crystal, Copper Whale Island is an exception to most of the rules that govern climate. Any crop that you pay enough attention to will grow and thrive in Whale Island’s soil, so you can have spring, summer, and autumn crops planted right next to each other if you want and they’ll all bloom. Whale Island is also so high in the sky that it’s above the local cloud layer, so the weather’s always clear and sunny there. If it’s raining or snowing on Trampoli, it isn’t on Whale Island. The first cavern is occupied by Goblins and Ants, none of which are difficult, even at low levels; the Monster Holes they emerge from have roughly 80-120 HP. This is a good place to get a feel for how combat works in Rune Factory: Frontier, especially given how easy it is to find your way around. Any path you take in the Cave Depths leads either to a garden, some rock seams for mining, or the next map.

» Use a two-handed sword to take out multiple Goblins. When you first enter the next leg of the Caverns, you meet Melody for the first time, who asks for your help. Since you can’t actually leave without giving her a hand, you may as well pitch in. Use her Cheap Hammer to bust the rock formation on the wall open. With that accomplished, she goes back to Trampoli and you have a new Hammer, suitable for going back and breaking open those rock seams you just passed. Once you’re ready to explore the new cavern, you’ll quickly find the enemies are a lot more dangerous. Your initial encounter is with a pair of Slimes and an Orc Hunter, amidst a pair of purple puddles. If you touch the puddles, you get Poisoned, so work your way carefully between them to fight on open ground. Slimes have a unique attack pattern, which you’re going to see again later on. Usually, upon seeing Raguna, a Slime will disappear underground so that only its shadow is visible. It then rushes towards you and pops out of the ground in the shape of a spike, before returning to its normal shape and swatting you with a tendril. The latter attack has a chance of inflicting Poison status, which elevates Slimes from a mild annoyance to a possible threat. The best way to deal with Slimes, and with their more powerful cousins later in the game, is to run away until you have some open space to deal with. When they burrow after you, run away until they pop out of the ground, then turn around quickly and hit them. A one-handed sword works well against Slimes. The other enemies here, Orcs and Orc Archers, are mostly dangerous because they hit harder than anything you’ve seen so far, and because they show up in groups. It’s not hard to separate them and take them out one at a time, but until you have a few levels under your belt, you want to be very careful

Further Into Danger

Event Nine: Eleven Maidens, Twelve Flowers At this point, you can only wait for Kanno to hit a research breakthrough. There’s a special scene at this point if you go to the Damascus Forge during normal business hours, featuring an exchange between Ganesha and Marco. Five days after you gave Kanno the Grimoire of Time, go talk to him again to receive twelve Crystal Flower Seeds. Give them to each of the remaining Twelve Maidens, just as if you were giving a normal gift. Fortunately, we’re running a twofor-one special on Irises lately, so give the twelfth seed to Iris Noire.

Before this point, you were prevented from going any further east on B3F in the Snow Ruins by an icy ramp. By entering via the church’s graveyard and destroying the power cord east of Iris’s room, you defrost that ramp, allowing you to reach B4F. Leaving the dungeon via the rope on B3F puts you back in Trampoli, which resets the dungeon entirely. In order to use the defrosted ramp, you must either destroy the King Minotaur while it’s frozen, which takes a while, or teleport to B1F and come back down via the stairs.

From B4F on down, the Snow Ruins are practically a different dungeon altogether, with much more powerful enemies and traps. It’s a serious challenge, but it also has nothing to do with the fight to save Whale Island. If you’re interested in finishing the main scenario, keep reading.

» Iris Noire has moved in with Iris Blanche, and can grow a Crystal Flower Seed for you.

» Each of the Maidens are following their usual routine. Allow three days’ time for each Maiden to grow her flower, then go track them down. They’ll all be in their usual places. Each will give you a different Crystal Flower. Place all twelve Flowers on the altar on the first floor of the Clock Tower.

be. A Shine Blade or Force Element will work just fine. You should also bring several E Drinks and a fair bit of food.

BOSS: Magical Creature

» Yeah, geez, hurry up already! Following the subsequent scene, go to Mist’s house and check her front yard. You’ll receive the final Crystal Flower, which can be used on the Clock Tower altar to open a portal.


HP : 8,400 ATK : 190 DEF : 150 MAG : 190 LVL : 67

» You may have forgotten, but Mist mentioned this a while back.

Event Ten: The Era of Disconnect When you step into the Era of Disconnect, you’re on the Walkway of an alternate Clock Tower. All you can do is climb the ladder to the roof, where the final bosses are waiting for you. If you’re at or around level 65, you have a good shot at winning here. Good armor for the fight includes a Woolly Hat, Wristwatch or Gold Ring, and any of the various elemental resistance Capes. A good two-handed sword can come in handy here, although if it features an elemental attack, it’s not going to be as effective as it would otherwise

Elemental Affinity Fire : 15 Water : 15 Wind : 15 Earth : 15

If the Magical Creature stands still at any point in time, it’s a trap. Throughout the game, one of your most reliable tactics has been to bait an enemy into attacking you, then dodge and counter. Now, hilariously, the Magical Creature is doing exactly that to you. The most damaging attack he has is a short-range tail swipe that can hit in two separate directions, and he waits just long enough before using it that it’s almost irresistible. The trick is to wait until after he tail swipes, then run in and land a Special Attack, but the timing is very delicate.

Sub Events Festival Days Days marked on your calendar with a star are festivals. These major holidays represent the special occasions and holy days of Trampoli’s calendar, and while some people may not necessarily understand a given festival, they all tend to participate. On festivals, everyone in Trampoli tends to take the day off. Businesses usually won’t be open, with the exception of Candy’s various Runey-related services. Even Melody closes her bath house. A festival is an opportunity to play one of a variety of minigames, such as canoe races, the beach classic Melon Pinata, or treasure hunts. They’re more designed to entertain than anything else, making them a great break from your daily routine. For players who are working on their relationships, everyone in the game usually turns out for festivals, which makes it easy to turn in quests or give gifts. Participating in the contests can be worth Friendship or even Love points.

Spring 29: Foliage Festival The entire town turns out to either give flowers to those who they owe thanks to, or to talk at length about how they aren’t following that tradition. Either way, on this day, any flower is treated as if it’s a favored gift for terms of improving relationships. Even Bianca will accept a flower from you. If you get taken off-guard for this festival and don’t have any flowers on hand, Eunice, Stella, Ganesha, Rosetta, Rita, Lara, and Tabatha (if present) will give you Toy Herbs or Moondrops. (Melody, who seems unclear on the basic concept here, will give you Red Grass instead.) You can stealthily “re-gift” these if you need to.

Summer 1: Beach Opening Most of the village takes the day off and heads to the beach, to celebrate the first official day of summer. For the rest of the month, many villagers will head to the beach in the late morning or early afternoon, change into their trunks, and have fun in the sun.

Many of the girls hang out on the beach this afternoon, making it an efficient day for gift-giving en masse; just bring something for everyone and hand them all out. Lara, Uzuki, and Eunice are rarely in attendance, and Bianca and Tabatha only show up on your second year in town. Talk to Rosetta to play the melon pinata minigame. Rosetta and three other girls will shout directions to you, but one of them is the designated liar. Ignore her directions, follow the others’, and press A when prompted to smash the melon.

Know the Face of the enemy

If a festival involves a contest of any kind, your competition is randomly determined from a list that changes depending on the event. Erik and Danny are almost always in the rotation, and if Erik is one of the people you’re up against, watch out. He has a vicious competitive streak, and tends to rack up an astronomical, unbeatable score. He’s particularly good at the Boat Race. With the exception of Quiz Day, you may actually want to save before the contest and reset if Erik is in the running.

Victory results in a solid bump to the Love score of all four competitors. You may want to save before playing the game and restart until you get the girls you’re interested in, as this is a good way to boost rep with otherwise-difficult girls like Bianca or Selphy.

Data Character Schedules Mist Exceptions


After the First Year

After Marriage

-Hot Spr: Before the bathhouse opens, Mist spends the time in her house. -Summer months: Mist spends the following times at the beach. Wed/Thurs: 12pm - 5:59pm (Only for the first year) Hol: 9am - 2:59pm -Festival days: Mist spends her time on Beach Roadfrom 9am - 5:59pm. When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm Mon Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Tues Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Wed Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Thurs Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Fri Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Hol Mist’s Chur Bch Rd RainWD Mist’s Inn Hom RainHol Mist’s Inn Hom When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm Mon Mist’s Bch Rd Bsn Dist Tues Mist’s Bch Rd Ch. D Wed Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Thurs Mist’s Bch Rd Hs Fri Mist’s Bch Rd Bsn Dist Hol Mist’s Chur Bch Rd RainWD Mist’s Inn Hom RainHol Mist’s Inn Hom When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm Mon Hom Bch Rd Hs Tues Hom Bch Rd Hs Wed Hom Bch Rd Hs Thurs Hom Bch Rd Hs Fri Hom Bch Rd Hs Hol Hom Chur Bch Rd RainWD Hom Inn Hom RainHol Hom Inn Hom


3pm Hs Hs








Rosetta Excep- -Before Rosetta moves in with Mist, Rosetta only comes to town from 5pm - 5:59pm only. tions -Summer months: Rosetta spends the following times at the beach. Tues/Fri: 6am - 8:59am Hol: 9am - 4:59pm -Festival days: Rosetta spends her time on Beach Road from 9am - 5:59pm. While When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm Living Mon Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist with Tues Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist Mist Wed Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist Thurs Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist Fri Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist Hol Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist RainWD Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist RainHol Mist’s Chur Bch Rd Sq Bsn Dist After When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm GroMon Mat Chur Mat cery Tues Mat Chur Mat Store Wed Mat Chur Mat “Mat” Thurs Mat Chur Mat is Opened Fri Mat Chur Mat Hol Mat Sq RainWD Mat Chur Mat RainHol Mat Mist’s After When 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm MarMon Hom Mat riage Tues Hom Mat Wed Hom Mat Thurs Hom Mat Fri Hom Mat Hol Hom Sq RainWD Hom Mat RainHol Mat Mist’s


5pm Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs 5pm Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs 5pm Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs

6pm Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s 6pm Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s 6pm Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Hom

6pm Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd Bch Rd 6pm Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat 6pm Hom Hom Hom Hom Hom Hom Hom Hom













7pm 8pm Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s 7pm 8pm

Each character, with the obvious exception of Raguna unless you’re a boring person, maintains a specific schedule. While it can change due to scenario events, the season, or the weather, every character usually sticks to a daily routine.

9pm Spr Spr Spr Spr Spr

10pm 11pm 12am 1am Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s







9pm Spr Spr Spr Spr Spr

10pm 11pm 12am 1am Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s Mist’s







9pm Spr Spr Spr Spr Spr

10pm 11pm 12am 1am Hom Hom Hom Hom Hom







9pm 10pm 11pm 12am 1am





9pm Spr Spr Spr Spr Spr

10pm 11pm 12am 1am Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Spr Mat Mat





9pm 10pm 11pm 12am 1am





Spr 7pm


Data Bestiary

The world of Rune Factory Frontier is full of monsters for you to defeat, befriend, avoid, trick, get shot at by, and sometimes run screaming away from. This section is a rough breakdown from our agents in the field, who’ve taken extensive notes about the monsters they’ve encountered. Use it to inform yourself before you head into the dungeons.

Brush: The number of times a monster must be “hit” with the Pet Brush before being considered “tamed.” A newly tamed monster will go to live in your Barn if there’s room for it to do so.

level. Don’t pick on monsters more than four levels higher than you. Elemental Affinity: The monster’s elemental resistance and attack power, if any. A monster with a high Affinity takes less damage from an elemental attack that uses that source, inflicts more damage to an opponent with an opposite Affinity, and has at least one attack that employs the element it has an Affinity for. Wind beats Earth, Fire beats Water, and vice versa.

Farm Help/Get with Harvester: Many tamed, happy monsters are willing to perform basic farm chores for you, which they’ll do once a day. Other monsters won’t work, but you can use the Harvester on them once every three days to receive a single unit of the listed item (listed in italics). If this section is blank, the monster serves no purpose but combat.

Location: The specific dungeon(s) and floor(s) on which the enemy can be found. This enemy sticks expressly to that habitat.

Enemy HP/ATK/DEF/MAG: Stats if encountered in the “wild.”

Drops: The items a monster can drop upon its defeat. A monster will only drop one item when beaten, and the listed percentage chance indicates the chance of a specific drop. The monster can, of course, drop nothing at all.

Friend HP/ATK/DEF/MAG: Stats after after being tamed. Level: The monster’s experience level, which indicates the amount of experience it’s worth when defeated and its relative challenge

Normal Monsters Name



4 Description Location Drops

Arch Daemon Description Location Drops Autumn

Location Drops Beetle

Location Drops Big Muck

Location Drops Blackbird

Location Drops Blood Panther Description Location Drops









































Evil. His power is incomparable to that of Daemons. Snow Ruins: B6F Solid Point (Lv10: 20%), Hard Horn (Lv10: 10%), Demon Blood (Lv10: 10%) Seeds Type 3




A self-conscious plant that blooms in autumn. Although it is strong, it is often reluctant to fight. Snow Ruins: B1F Root (Lv 10: 20%), Magic Powder (Lv 10: 20%) Rocks











































A mid-sized monster with a large horn that symbolizes its power. Whale Island: Tail Tree Hard Horn (Lv6: 20%), Insect Jaw (Lv5: 10%), Insect Hide (Lv10: 10%) Grass/Jewel



A huge mushroom. When it gets surprised it expels spores, causing us to be surprised, too. Green Ruins: B2F Mushroom (Lv1: 20%), Root (Lv2: 10%), Magic Powder (Lv2: 10%) 7




Insect Jaw (Lv 1: 20%), Insect Hide (Lv 1: 20%)





Whale Island: Cave Surface, The Green Ruins: B1F. Lava Ruins: B1F



Crop Harvest


A restless fellow that can never seem to keep its mouth shut. Has a peculiar mark on its body.



Farm Help or Get with Harvester






With large wings and feet, it swoops down from the sky and snatches its prey in a flash. Whale Island: Floating Chamber Bird Feather (Lv10: 25%), Sharp Talon (Lv10: 10%), Wind Crystal (Lv1: 5%) 7

Crop Harvest





A bloodthirsty monster that sucks the blood out of its prey. Uses its fangs for its kills. Whale Island: Tower of Glory, Snow Ruins: B4F Magic Talon (Lv3: 10%), Fair Hide (Lv7: 10%), Sharp Fang (Lv10: 10%), Sharp Talon (Lv10: 10%)











Ice Snake (2nd Time)












Snow Ruins: B7F

305 Location

Lava Hornet

Lava Hornet (2nd Time) Location Lava Hornet (After Ending) Location Lava Panther

Lava Panther (2nd Time) Location Lava Panther (After Ending) Location Lava Slime


Lava Slime (2nd Time)



Location Lava Troll

Lava Troll (2nd Time)


Lava Troll (After Ending) Location Magical Creature


Magical Unit A

Magical Unit B

Magical Unit C


Magical Unit D

Mimic Slime

Mimic Slime (2nd Time) Location Mimic Slime (After Ending) Location Samurai 2

Tapir Location






















Snow Ruins: B3F 253


Snow Ruins: B3F 160


Lava Ruins: B6F 8,000



Lava Ruins: B6F 12,000



Lava Ruins: B6F 219


Era of Disconnect 140


Rune Archives (Selphy Event 3-4) 180

Rune Archives (Selphy Event 3-4)























































































Gold (Lv1:100%), Flour (Lv10:100%), Cooking Oil (Lv10:100%), Chocolate (Lv10:100%), Curry Powder (Lv10:100%), Ruby (Lv1:70%), Red Core (Lv4:50%), Red Core (Lv10:50%), Fire Crystal (Lv1:30%) 191



Gold (Lv1:100%), Flour (Lv10:100%), Cooking Oil (Lv10:100%), Rice (Lv10:100%), Curry Powder (Lv10:100%), Red Core (Lv4:90%), Ruby (Lv1:70%), Fire Crystal (Lv1:30%), Red Core (Lv10:10%) 430



Gold (Lv1:100%), Red Core (Lv10:100%), Flour (Lv10:100%), Cooking Oil (Lv10:100%), Chocolate (Lv10:100%), Curry Powder (Lv10:100%), Ruby (Lv1:70%), Fire Crystal (Lv1:30%) 240









































Snow Ruins: B3F

500 Location





Snow Ruins: B3F


Tapir Buffamoo


Era of Disconnect

544 Location





Lava Ruins: B6F

4,000 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F

3,000 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F


280 Drops

Lava Ruins: B6F

3,000 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F

3,000 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F

3,000 Location



Lava Ruins: B6F

8,400 Location





Lava Ruins: B6F

1,000 Location





Lava Ruins: B6F

500 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F


Lava Slime (After Ending)


Platinum (Lv1:100%), Formuade (Lv1:100%), Rice (Lv10:100%), Flour (Lv10:100%), Garlic (Lv10:100%), Ice Snake Tongue (Lv8:50%), Ice Snake Tongue (Lv10:50%), Earth Crystal (Lv1:40%), Diamond (Lv1:15%), Ruby (Lv1:15%), Emerald (Lv1:15%), Sapphire (Lv1:15%) 224


Lava Ruins: B6F

200 Location


Lava Ruins: B6F

250 Location


Snow Ruins: B3F 200





















Drops 10 Drops


Data Items

Weapons and tools are almost the same thing. Many tools can be used as weapons, including things that really ought not to be lethal like the Watering Can, and many weapons can be employed in the same capacity as similar tools. A war hammer can smash a rock; a battle axe can cut down a stump; and, in a pinch, you can smack a monster with a hoe. As such, they use and provide similar stats, which we’re listing here.

Name: The item’s name.

[ status] Attack: Raguna’s attacks with this weapon have the listed percentage chance to inflict the listed debuff on an opponent.

Buy: If Ganesha sells it, this is how much you should expect to pay.

[ status] Resistance: Raguna is effectively immune to the listed status ailment while he has this accessory equipped.

Sell: If you drop the item into your shipping box, this is the base price that Rosetta will give you for the item at level 1. Note that you only receive 20% of a weapon or accessory’s “retail value,” as opposed to a full 50% for crops.

lemental Attack: Raguna enjoys an across-the-board elemental affinity E bonus, giving his attacks additional damage from all four potential elemental sources.

Skill: Raguna’s relevant skill must have reached this level in order to equip the weapon or tool.

lemental Defense: Like Elemental Attack, but more defensively-oriented. E All elementally-aligned attacks do less damage while Raguna is rocking some Elemental Defense.

RP: How many Rune Points are consumed by swinging the weapon or tool. SA: This determines the level of the weapon or tool’s Special Attack. At zero, Special Attacks simply are not available while the weapon is equipped; at one or higher, they can be used as you see fit. The higher this number, the more effective the Special Attack is. Tools require fewer hits to destroy debris or cover a wider area, while weapons do more damage or hit a larger zone of effect. Atk: Equipping weapons increases Raguna’s ATK stat. This covers how much this specific weapon increases it by.

Recipe: The relevant crafting profession, the level of the recipe, and the ingredients required to create the weapon. Raguna can try to make an item if its recipe is no more than twenty levels above his current skill level, though it’ll be difficult and expertly crafting the item is not an option. S everal weapons have two separate recipes listed in Raguna’s cookbook. Typically, one is a simpler recipe that utilizes an item that drops from defeating one of the dungeon bosses, while the other uses more items that are usually easier to come by. The end result is the same, but one may be more convenient than the other. In these cases, the recipe is listed with the optional components enclosed in parentheses and separated by an OR, to indicate you can use one or the other. For example:

DEF: Equipping accessories increases Raguna’s DEF stat. This covers how much this specific item increases it by. MAG: Equipping accessories increases Raguna’s MAG stat. This covers how much this specific item increases it by. Special/Effect: A catch-all category detailing any passive bonuses or traits it may have, ranging from stat bonuses to the ability to inflict status attacks. To run it down:

o make a Tomahawk, you may use a Battle Axe, a Bird Feather, and a Wind T Crystal, or you may substitute a Giant Cockscomb for the latter two items. In this case, the item’s Recipe is listed as:

[ stat] +X: While Raguna has the weapon equipped, the relevant stat is increased by X. [ elemental] Resistance: Raguna’s elemental resistance in that category is increased by the listed number, causing him to take less damage from enemy attacks that utilize that element.


Forge 27; Battle Axe, (Bird Feather, Wind Crystal) OR (Giant Cockscomb) And you thought algebra was useless. Cookbook: Which of Selphy’s cookbooks contains the recipe in question. Description: The item’s in-game description.







Atk Special/Effect











Seal Attack 100%

Forge 37; Battle Axe, Silver, Warrior Medal, Knife Piece

Axe Fan Weekly

A holy axe decorated with patterns gilt in gold. Used for ceremonies, but can be used as a weapon.

Battle Axe








Forge 9; Iron, Sharp Talon

Let’s Make Weapons!

An axe made for battle. You can cleave through anything with this.

Cheap Axe










An old axe. It’s old so it can’t cut through tree stumps.

Chopping Axe








Forge 5; Cheap Axe, Iron

Farm Companion

Upgraded axe made for farm work. Can be used to cut through tree stumps.

Crescent Axe







Paralysis Attack 30%, HP Absorption

Forge 46; Great Axe, Silver, Glittering Edge, Moondrop

Axe Fan Weekly

A single-edged axe that looks like a crescent moon. Thus the name.

Demon’s Axe






166 Seal Attack 100%, Poison Attack 100%

Forge 60; Alldale, Gold, Demon Blood, Magic Talon, Toxin

Axe Fan Weekly

An axe with an interesting design. Its demonic origins will strike fear into the enemy.

Double Edge






196 Paralysis Attack 60%

Forge 80; Crescent Axe x2, Platinum, Magic Talon, Fair Hide, Little Crystal

Axe Fan Weekly

A well balanced dual-edged axe. The durability, ease of use, and name value make it a great buy.







226 Seal Attack 100%

Forge 91; Demon’s Axe, Platinum, Magic Talon, Glittering Edge, Sharp Fang, Little Crystal

Axe Fan Weekly

An axe with a scary past. Strikes fear in all who see it and warps the character of the wielder.

Flame Axe






120 Fire Attack +10

Forge 55; Heat Axe, (Silver, Fire Crystal, Ruby) OR (Red Core)

Axe Fan Weekly

An axe endowed with fire magic. The blade glows red with heat and each swing causes a hot wind.

Great Axe







Paralysis Attack 30%

Forge 15; Battle Axe, Copper

Let’s Make Weapons!

An upgraded battle axe. The blade is modified and its much heavier, too.

Heat Axe







Fire Attack +5, Fire Resistance +5

Forge 21; Battle Axe, Fire Crystal

Let’s Make Weapons!

An axe with a flaming edge. It is also known as the feather of the phoenix, a symbol of rebirth.

Heat Hawk






143 Fire Attack +5, Wind Resistance +5

Forge 70; Tomahawk, Heat Axe, Gold, Magic Talon, Glittering Edge

Axe Fan Weekly

An axe known as Fire Storm. A powerful weapon imbued with the powers of both fire and wind.

Lumber Axe







Forge 25; Chopping Axe, Silver, Thin Stick, Sharp Talon

Farm Companion

Upgraded axe made for farm work. The axe of choice for the serious lumberjack.

Miracle Axe






192 -

Forge 65; Mountain Axe, Platinum, Root, Noel Grass, Magic Talon, Little Crystal

Farm Master

The perfect axe for farm work. It’s really sharp so it can be used as a weapon, too.

Mountain Axe








Forge 45; Lumber Axe, Gold, Ruby, Glittering Edge, Thick Stick

Farm Master

Upgraded axe made for farm work. Even Paul B. gives the thumbs up to this axe.








Wind Attack +5, Wind Resistance +5

Forge 27; Battle Axe, (Bird Feather, Wind Crystal) OR (Giant Cockscomb)

Let’s Make Weapons!

A dual-edged axe that is easy to use. The decorations on its sides ruffle with the power of the wind.


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