another time, another place

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D O U B T F I R E c o n t e m p o r a r y a r t e d i n b u r g h 2 1 S e p t e m b e r t o 2 2 O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 A L A N J A M E S M c L E O D a n o t h e r t i m e a n o t h e r p l a c e


Alan will be in the galler y on S aturday 24th S eptember between 2pm and 4pm.

NB All images are representative only for display and marketing purposes and are not to scale or size Exhibition content, with prices and dimensions of work, can be viewed at Further enquiries to art@doubtfiregallery com

In this, his third solo exhibition at Doubtfire, Alan has produced another visually rich collection, tracing the spiritual and ancient past

Works are for sale on receipt of this brochure.

Alan says: “My inspiration comes from diverse sources, including ageing inter iors, w eathered sur faces, direct responses to music and a backg round in textile design. ”

He has created multi layered, highly textural surfaces as the primar y driver for his work, of ten collaging different papers together to produce mainl y abstract pieces that invite the vie wer ’ s own inter pretation. Much of his work br ings to mind half remembered or imagined far flung loc ations, ancient ar tefacts and decorative schemes.

Using water based paint on paper, layers are built up. e surface is then scraped and washed to reveal the colours hidden beneath. e use of fabric, monoprinting and linoprinting, as well as the addition of gold and silver leaf, enrich the textural and decorative effect. ese techniques have created a body of work that revels in harmoniuos colour and absorbing textural details.

Alan James McL eod was bor n in Falkirk, bef ore mo ving to Edinburgh. He graduated f rom Edinburgh College of Art in 1990 with a BA (Hons) in Applied Design, winning a design award for furnishing textiles f rom the RSA. His ear ly career was spent working with producers such as Monkwell, Warner Fabrics, John L e wis, Habitat, Z offany and S anderson Fabr ics. He is currentl y based in Worthing, S ussex.

images: front cover Moon of the seas, Gouache on paper lain on board, 72 x 76cm left Alan in his studio

Re visiting moments Unt ra velling jour ne ys

Meet the ar tist

images: above A memory revealed, Gouache on paper, 35 x 24cm right Beneath, Gouache and metal leaf on paper laid on canvas, 122 x 132

images: above The swift Amber River, Gouche and metal leaf on paper and printed silk, 120 x 50cm

images: above Living fabric, Gouache and metal leaf on paper laid on board, 80 x 146cm right Another time, another place, Gouache on paper, 82 x 82cm

images: left All for snow (detail), Gouache on paper laid on board, 122 x 86cm above The artist’s garden

D O U B T F I R E c o n t e m p o r a r y a r t 28 North West Circus Place, Edinburgh EH3 6TP Tel 07902 307147 email art@doubtfiregallery com www doubtfiregallery com Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 12 – 4pm Where possible, we are happy to make an appointment outwith these hours. Please email: Gardens of Nineveh, Gouache and metal leaf on paper laid on board, 83 x 73cm

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