s t r e e t l i f e
Chris Nugent returns to Doubtfire for his fourth solo exhibition, where he continues to explore the built and natural environment. is new collection looks to make sense of the harmony and chaos that exists in the city streets; the essential elements of street life.
“Having lived and studied in Edinburgh all my life, the city acts as a potent theme and I have revisited this subject many times. is new body of work reveals elements of nature, the city’s g reen spaces within its st reets, the distant urban spread, how we live and breathe.”
Chris Nugent ’ s approach to the built environment moves between realism and semi abstract montage as this facilitates a diverse range of media, mark making and challenge where one approach impacts the other.
He is pr imar il y drawn to high vantage points as these provide for him a cinematic panorama, offset against the elements of water and sky. He will revisit a painting over time, integrating layers of different media, tr ying to capture something of the energ y, complexity and truth of the city ’ s character as he sees it.
“I am inspired by st reet art and seek to integ rate elements of this technique into my urban work. Consequently, stencils and spray paint have become part of the visual language for the cityscapes.”
Chris Nugent is an award winning artist who lives and teaches art in Edinburgh. He graduated f rom Edinburgh College of Art in 1986, BA Hons (1st Class) in Drawing and Painting, PG dip, PGCE dip, Member SSA, VAS.
Meet the artist
Chris will be in the galler y on Saturday 29th October between 2pm and 4pm.
Works are for sale on receipt of this brochure.
NB All images are representative only for display and marketing purposes and are not to scale or size Exhibition content, with prices and dimensions of work, can be viewed at www.doubtfiregallery.com Further enquiries to art@doubtfiregallery com
images: front cover Edinburgh North from Calton Hill (detail), Mixed media
canvas, 105 x 75cm left Chris in his studio