1988 03 The Computer Paper

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b No. Narch 1







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THE Comanfl PAPER British Columbizfs Computer Information Source



CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Wendy Woods. Kerl Maize. Dann Blankenhom, Masayulci Miyazawa, Keizo Yamalnoto. Gram Buckler, Steve Gold and Peter Vckinis. CONTRIBUTTNG WRWERS Bmce R. Wright, Zoey Brown, Mary Jane Devine. Garden Fielcl, Dave Allen. Gordon Simmonds


ART CONSULANT John Howes, Mormlight Gmphics

TYPESETWNG Glaeier Pmss COVER DESIGN 8: ARTWORK: Belh Crescmt Haw i: was dann: Pfmzograph was scanned with an Abman scannen the innige was then brought inro Quark

Xpress ana Macintosh 5E. The ‚grey scale was mnipulatea’ und the outpul was dann an an Linatronic 300. ADVERTISING

ADVEKFISING MANAGER Allen Calderwood U500‘

ixrsrnmunonr DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Syed Yalonda

PRmTING p n m m a Valley Weh Graphics SUBSCRIPHONS: The Compuler Papcr is published momhly. If ydu would like The Computer Paper mailed directly to your home, please send _a cheque for S14 to 3350 Valley Drive, Vancouver B.C.‚ V6L 2K2. This will oover mailing and handling for l2 issucs. This isVolume 1, No.2, March 1988 The Computer Paper, Brltlsh Columblds Computer Information Souroe is published by Canada Computer Paper- Inc. 3350 Valley Drive, Vancouver B.C. V61. 2x2. Phone (604) 733-5596.

AllrightsmsmmRcprUductioninwholeorinpanwithom the pcrmission of Publisher is striclly prollibited. Unsoliciited material is gratefully accepted, but we can't bc responsible f0!‘ retuming i1 unless i1 is aocompanied by a stamped self-addrcsscd envelope. CIRCULATION: 30,000

Second Class Posrage Appllcarion Pending Printed in Canada.

March 1988

Lerler from “the Editor

Thanks I'm the responses, our reader's survey is Stil] being rabulated, but fmm the rau: ofrcsponsc, wcseem L0have hil ona mach needed publication. Our advertisers lellusyou nie giving Lhem a good rcsponse a5 well. We appreciate i: when you mention where you saw their ads. ‘flüs belps us msoll ads‚and xhemnreadswcselhthemorecoverageurecan provide of the local scene. This month wclake a look al the rapidly growing field of Desktop Publishing. We man off with the lalesl rage in the field: DesktopPresenIafions. I: is nosurprise um

the lechnology is being channeled inlo Support for presentaLions. Tbc real slick presentatiorls these days are actually mcorporating computers lmo the presemafions via spccial auatchments toprojectors which allow the dem mbe “live”. But I will leave the rcsl ol‘ the slory 1o Bruoe Wright. I met Daken Arie! awhile ago amVancouverElectrorüc Publishing Associaüon (VEPA) meeting. When it came lime u:prepare this months issue, 1thougm who heuer l0 lay the foundations man Dekan with his depth of backgrourld and clear explanations. Another old fricnd Zocy Brown gives the perspective onthe stale ofthe an, vs exüfing technology. DeshopPublishing hascreatedagreatncedfortramülg asitputsmany people imobothnew teclmology (Computers) and new ideas (design). Mary I an: Devine gives sonne perspectivesonme need for mmingandme needs ofpeople m . Ancl what pnbllcafion onDTP can help but get inlo the debate of which program l5best? Gordon Field of Mostly Mac in Surrey gives his vcrsion of “who is the faires! DTP‘ ptogram of all” Dave Allen fmm PaNorAmA‚ the local Amiga user group. a militant and regular Amiga user, bumnholed us about the Amigzrs new formt! capabilities. So woseid wo would give him some real esmne for lüs views. Sounds like an intcrcsfing program definitely an-interesting machirle. Gordon Field gives m a perspecüve an the Shareware Alternative with a look a:a powerful argd inexpensive ward pmcessing program: PC-WRHE. Oneoftheberxeilmmbelungingm IhcVEPAisthatLlIey occasionally sponsoranopenholmihismonm wegman invitationmSUEC. Afastmuvingoourpanyinampidly * gruwing ama. Dur calendaris biggerand bemrthisissue. Ifyourassociaüon or company has a listing. let uslmow, we will try to fit it in. Ifyou auend orle of tbese courses or meetings please tell the peoplc nmnirxg the event where you saw the listing for theil- course. Arld yes. wedm get more man am: classifieds (bis month. Rcmember the classified ads am FREEfor individuals. Let ushelp you scll your products and

Contents DeEaItments NEWSBYTES CD-ROM ..............................................4 Canadian Newsbytes ............................4 Desktop Publishing ..............................6

General .................................................6 Local Area Networks ...........................6 Macintosh .............................................6 MicroChips ...........................................4 The Stock Marlcet ...............................‚.7

os/z ......................................................8

PC .........................................................s Unix ....................-............................ 19

Computer Calendar ..................16 Classified Ads .............................. 19


Features Desktop Presentations

from Computer k) Overhead Projector ..............‚.9 ‘n



Tbe rcadcr survcy isback, ina new and improved form. lt is in aneasily photocopiable size, has lhc address right on i: and includcs lwo new questions, one of which tells ms where you picked i: up, and the olhcr which leaves more room für your comments. “Ihankstoallofyou who sennhcm in, i: i5great geujng the kind of supporfive fecdback Lhat we did. If you want t0 getan our mailing lisl, bc sure lo fill it in and send il along and we will send you future issues. Hope you enjoy the issue. Kinan Singh Khalsa


Interview with Daken Ariel

an inlmduclim wDesktop Publishing .................l0

DTP vs Traditional Typesetting which is heuer? .....................................................l1

Training in Desktop Publishing why train? ............................................................l2

The Battle of the Page



QuarklO and Pagemake: 3.0

The Shareware Shelf:

PC-WRJIE ........................................................„l7

DTP on the Amiga

PROFESSIONAL PAGE brings ncw lalenls 1o

. 15

a lalentcd machine

Sytec Pushes DTP t0 the Limit

Hi-lech Silk Screeninz "v


The Computer Paper: March 1988 o 3




CHICAGO (NB) —Jack Dreiss ofArtlntrAndersen 8LCo.. the EigEightaooounting firm.mys iflsacompetitive advantagewgiveaudltorsasmckofmlebooksonCD-ROM

drivcs inside laptop PCs. Hospital emergeltcy rootns are swimhmg tn CD—ROMs to get Micromcdcx. Mead Data Ceuualfls polson comml datahase, on CD. Ken Shnin’s Geovisiun Inc. is malting money selling U.S. Geological stuveyMapsasaüwcocatledwindowsontlneworld.“ Lotus Dcvclopment is making mote money man anyone repackagingdamottcorporationsfnrhnnlaergbrokersmnd investnrs. Meanwhile,inJapan thete’s amounting CDaudio player glut which couldmm into aCD-ROM drivc prioe war aimed at Hitachi, which owns the U.S. marloet throngn its OEM,Amdck. htlicmsoffs 3rd annual CD-ROM oonference in Seatfle Mamh 1-3 is called "The Industry Emergcs.” Look for

hypertext development kits. Microsoft's multimedla dictionary anCD-ROM. plus the usual mftofdatahase owners and Software publishers. If something cmcrgcs as a "standard” user interfaoe, CD-ROM will exceed its 400% projected growtl: rate for 1988. CONTACT: Jack Dreiss, ARTHUR ANDERSEN 8cCO.‚ (3l2)580-0669 OPTICAI. STORAGE I-IAMPERED BY LACK 0F STANDARDS, WEAK SOFTWARE ATLANTA (NB) maonts are tbc coming tlting for stoting masses ofinformation. Asingledlsltyon can hold in your hand can cnntain up 10 275.000 pages. er 550 megabytesmfinformation. Evena huge online datahase can fit on a single CD-ROM. And, since die CD-ROM drlveis similar tn the CD audio player. it can be matte cheaply; Antdlek’: l-Iitachi-made drive costs just S700. People have been pre-



and hard drivesasthestotagemedimnofchoice. Why haven't they? One reason noted by Ken Sbain ot' Genvision. producets of the GeoDisc CD-ROM witlt mappingdatafromactoss theU.S.‚ is thatdevelopers nnderestimatedhowlongitwotfldtaketoorgatfizedtedataonuffiß ROMso itcontldberetrievedeasily. OmerCD-ROMdevclomnote thateachprodttceriseontingttpwitlt thoiroivn seamh software, soflippittg from one CD-ROM to another ismorelikegoingfiomlemtingWortlStartoWordPetfect


A. tltiid wealtness noted by infonnation breiter Roh Amon of Aaron- Smith Asaociates, Alleine, is in the seamh Software put onto the CD-ROMs by tbeir dei-elopets. He says it's crippled. “You can only search b5’ ltey words. It's not free-text seatvching,” as you'd find online. "It's only searchablc 111c way a printed finde: would be.” The real prohlem is in to the hardware, h: adds. “CD-ROM players have aeoess tirnes of ahout a ltalf-secnitd, while magnetic mediameasureacocmtimesin millionthsofasecond. soll's hardtogetthetypenfsearclting yotfldgeton DialogorLexis will: the same datahase on CD-ROM. As a rennt, the flexibility is much rcduced.” 'I‘he futute may have to waiL CONTACI‘: KenShain, GEOVISION (404)448-8224; Roh Aaron, AARON-SMITH ASSOCIATES (404) 688-6024

MICROCHIPS CHIP BREAKTHROUGHS FROM IBM, GB AND JAPANESE SAN FRANCISCO (NB) Several impressive new milestones have been reached in 111e semiconductor world, accorfling to news coming from the International Solid Stare Clncuit Confemncc. IBM says i! has perfected the technology required to create the world's fastcst DRAM chip. IBM’s version reuieves a bit of information in just 20 hillionms of a second tlmcc Limes fester than culrent DRAMS. General Electric annouttced a 32-bit chip with a vcry


And [mm Texas lnstrurnents and Rocltwell International came yet another sign that gallium arsenide may soon replacc cnnventional silicon in wafers. The two [inns "340; Fan.Malz-ofiffäfilfim’

(Sonnh: azMlqvfiest:

2 9 0 m 1 :

Mcsovud eine}; 449m (M999).;jsgqnr ;ßuclderiäß3mä i: ;aoo};ästovo sotdxuto ‘und Poioiyoa; '



4 -'I'heCompt|te:Papcz-March1988




showedehipsbasedonthisnewmaterinlwbichisclaimedto said in a recent repott entitled THE SOFTWARE OPPORbe oooler and rastet than silieon. TUNITY: A CANADIAN PERSPECTIVE. “Wo camtot Buttbehiggestnewscatnefrotn tltelapanese. NECpne- afimlwdothesameinsoftwxefthereportcontends. The sentedapnperclaimiitg the wouitPs fastestonekilobitRAM docntnentsets forth Sörooommendations mtderthelteadchip hmad onsuperconductittg mnterial. For speed. check ings of public attihtde, maflteüng, financifls. business and outtltis access time- one bitin 570 trillionthsofaseoond. tecltnloal expertise, reseatth and clevelopment. intellectual Matsushita. I-Iitaehi, and Toshiba also unveiled DRAMs property, international trade and govet-runent procurement which each hold l6 megabiu; nf infnrmatiort. Don’t expect policies. Among die motesignificantrecommendations, the

toseettmn arounmhowever. unrilatleast 1991 or 1992. CHIP SHORTAGE PLAGUES VALLEY SAN FRANCISCO (NB) While Clllp makers from atound the wnrld wem in San Francisco trading ncws ontbc next gcncration of Chips. Silicott Valley was complaining that lt couldn't get enough of thc cutrent one’s. In sltort stipplyare25ol{and 1 rnegahitchips which fonhemostpan areimported from Japan. lapanese firms claim the short fall is due to conversion o1’ production lines from 256K t o l megabit chip ptoductinn. Mcanwhile, the sudden shortage haspushedupthepfioefrotn lass thanSZforaZSGK DRAM last yea: t0 ovcr S3 today. In a related story. Apple Computer has rcportcdly appointed a task force to look inw whether the firm should malte its own semioonducnors. ‘Iltetaslcforceis also charged with pinpointing future suppliers of custom chips called ASICS. The taslt force is expcctcd t0 rcport its findings a: the end of March. IHOTOROLA UNVEILS Irsmsc CHIPS CI-IICAGO (N8) Motorola isfacingrenl competition for its new RISC chip scfics. designed for engineering WorkstaLions. The Sun SPARC Chip is causing a lnt of excixcntent. Last week Motorola fired back hy putting out the specifications on its RISC chip set. Look for a 3—chip set which can rtm at l7 MIPS (million insmictions per second). handling uptoflllvflminpamllelprocessntgnemninproccssorhas bnth an intngcr and flnating polnt unit. the Erst time both have appeared on the same slitne of silicon. 111c two eache chips, one for data and one for instmcfions, result in a parallel flow of dm. called a Harvard-style amliitecttne. Motorola said ING.‘ 200 onmpanies are re-‚riewing its RISC chip sei-iss. and early samples are alraady being evaluated.

‘Ihcnamcofthenewchipaudfimherdetailswerenot released, bat all will be unveiled farmcrly during tlle second quarlcr. CONTACT: MOTOROLA, (3 l2)39'.'- 5000 STARTS VOLUME PRODUCTION0F 4M

EOSHIBA RAM Toshibaisexpectedto leada4M DRAMproductionrace. ‘Iheoompanywillstattvolmne tionofits4megabit



-Supports fxee-trade negotiations with the U.S. and the government t0 launch similarinitiativeswith other countries, -wants more generous incentives for private-Sonor current



research and developmeitt, -calls fora high-profilescieitzificprojecttogetthecanadlm public mcrc intcrcsted in scienoe and technology. beiieves science education in Canarlaneeds lmprovetnent, and wants programs t0 incrcasc die maflteting skills und n:solnoes of ihe software indusuy. CONTACT: THE YORK TECl-INOLOGY ä-XSSOCIATlON‚ Suite 132. 7305 Woodhine Ave.‚ Marltham, 0m. L312 4V7. (416) 886-1987 WATT AND SEE AITUUDE PLAGUES TORONTO COMPUTER MALL TORONTO (NR) Scvcral companies am intcresled in spacein'l‘ocronto’s Computermall.buLth:y'rea1l walting for others t0 move in First. Sofar. only one company occupies the malt.completed last spring in the west end ofToronto. Office Equipmcnt Ltd. uses its spacc Ihm asa demonsuadon facility. Alainsuttotnptesidentofcompuwhlalls Ltd.‚ said that while hehas seveml committnents from companies he did not name, mcst want to see more of the building's space occupied before lhey move in themselves. Although things have gone slowly, Sutton seid, “I have n0 doublin mymind thatlhemisamarket Toronlois abig ’




markmtltetteedforitisthere.” Headrnirstltatmefallnres of some sirnilar pläojects in the U.S. have made potential tenanls man’, hesilant. but wys the Dallas Infomart has proven that the Computer mall idea can work. In thc mcantimc. Computer Mails is runnlng Seminars in die conferencecetttretltatmakesuppanofimbtfildingandcarrying

on consultiitg worlt. CONTACT: COMPUTER MALLS

LTD.‚ (416) 675-6500 SOFTWARE 88:Nnrwonmomnnamvnas TORONTO (NB) About 225 delcgatcs wen: at the Metro Tomnto Convention Centre last week for Software 88, a sympmimnsptmmedby thefederal DepanmentofCom-

theestdofttnisyear. Fnrthatplnposefloshihawillmodify mutimiomandtheoimfiobfinisflvnrmm mumcationa. ‘Ihenlüeofdteoonfeteneefnrmostwas part Oftlte IMDRAM farilitiesto4M DRAM prodnction ‚probablfbestsummedupbyadeleganenvertteamtallcingon lines. a early on Ihr:oonferetioeä ftrst day. "It’sgood,“ INTEL WILL CUT PRICE 0F 80386 MPU: INTEL hepay phone said, “I've made one good contact alteady." Delegates JAPAhPS FRESIDENT wer-e welcomed by the faden] and ptovincia] ministers TOKYO (NB) Intel will cut the pfice of its 80386 MPU responsible for the oonferenoe, both of wltom said nioe by 20% by the end of this year. aocnrding tn Intel Japan‘s things about the software imlustry and nothing much else. presidcnt, whoproclaimedthenewrsata business meetingon Other sessions dealt with basics of telecommmücations, Februar)! l7. The price cut will be applied t0 its ZOMHZ marketing, expurt strategies and similar topics. 80386 Version. Thepresidentsnystltispficecm willbemade whcn chip production is intrreased at lts Albuqnaque plant PAY UP FASTER 0N TAX CREDTTS, HIGH-TECH . . in New Mexioo. Willi Iltis price cut‚ Intelexpocts to boost FIRMS TELL OTTAWA the sales ofits 80386 three Limes higher lhan sales in 1987. OTTAWA (N13) Canadian firmsthat qualify for research and devolopmcnt tax crcdits wait as long as two and half JAPAN REaDY T0 ENTER lüM-DRAM ERA yearsto get the money. That's one ot‘1h:findings of a survcy TOKYO (MB) ‘Ihree Japanese chip makers including by the Chnadian Advanced Technology Association Matsushita. Tosniba, and Hitachi. havc devclopod a 1o (CATA). CATA mys Lhc dclay is unaceeptable, and it's megabit dynamic random acoess memoty chip. These next maldng lifedifilcultforCanadianhiglt-techcompanies. The generation Chips will be shown at the International Solid association wants the payments made tastet, and it says die Statt: Circuit Conference (ISSCC) in San Francisco on Feb. has “overreacted” to scandals surrotmding the 17. According t0 industry sources. Matsushita and Toshiba govcmment Scientific Research Tax Credit program in which Otlawa have applied auench method, while Hitachihas used a Stack out sums for research umwas never done. method l0 develop these brealctltrough Chips. I-Iowcvcr,thcy paidThc lauge SRTC program cost Ouawa about C335 hillion in are not tlte first makers to have developed a I6M DRAM. foregone tax revenues. About 65 companies are still being Japan's teleoom giant NTT im nlready dcvclopcd the same investigated in connection vom the program, which was capacily chip, and introdnced it at last year's ISSCC. closcd down in 198S. Scvcn charges of fraud have been laid. Sinoe dtat debocle. the governmcnt has chcckcd out companies verycarefully beforepaying outtaxcrediu. CATA says Ouawzfs caulion is desuoying the tax breaks’ incentive ASSOCIATION SEEKS MEASURES T0 STRENGTHEN SOFTWARE INDUSTRY effect, and says the govemment must find a way In pmcms MARKHAM,Ont. (N13)—Canadiangovcrmnant,business claims fester. and edueatinnal institutions should he wondng tngethcr to ONTARIO T0 SELL 3 TECHNOLOGY CENTRES su-engthen this country's softwarc industry. So says the TORONIO (NB) Threeofthe Province ofontnticrs five York Technolngy Association, a group representing hightechnology centres will be sold to (he private sector, prolach companies in the Toronlo suburb that is horne toabout vided buyers can be found. Rick Winston. a spokcsman for halfof Canada's computer indusny. (IBM Canada, Apple tht: provincial Ministry of Industry,Trade and Technology, Caflada. Cotnmodore Business Machines and AT&T Can- told NEWSBYTES CANADA the eentrcs were neuer inada are all hased in Mai-klamm) tcndcd tobc gnvcnunent-run forevet. He said the Centre for Canadamissed theboatinoomputcr hmdwaIeJheYTA hficroelectronics in Otlawa,thcCentre forAutomotiveParts


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The Computer Paper 3350 Valley Drive Vancotlver, B.C. V61. ZKZ


- -

The Computer Papa: March 1988 5


in SLCamarines and thc Cenlre for Advanced Mannfacnning with facilitics in Cambridge und Peterborough will be pnt m [h8 block. Winston would not oommem an whether any private-

saclorbuymareinmrestedinflteoennesmoneofwhichum aprofit. Hawever. hesaidhis minisn-y “expecxs they can bc profitable." H: said the Mixiisny ol‘ Indnstry, ‘man and Technology plans moontinne operating its Ccntre for Resümee Indnsn-y Technologyinsudbmy. while lhecennefcr Farm Mankin-

cryandI-‘oodProcessingTechnoloymChatham willbe mrnedovertotheprovincialhlhiisnyofAgriculuneand

Fond. INFOMART ONLINE; Tomnlo on-linc daxabase opera-



U.S. daily and weekly newspapers. NCR CANADA PRESIDENT BOOSTS manTRADE WATERLOQOM. (Nm-Nckcamdaud.“fully sup-


pomandhasavitalmteresthmccreationofaninmnmimm markntplacebascdonopenmarkersuriihombordcralmiffs oromermsnicfiona"aoourdingto1)onaldJ.Albexs.presi— ' ' dmt'ofNCR'sCanadIan' subsndnry‘‚basediltwssissauz‘a. 0m.

Speaking t0 an innemalional group of eoonomics and

oommeroc stndenls inwalerloo, Albersbacked the idea of


afree-LradeagreaneaubenveenCanadaandilmU.S.—an idoawhichhasattrwtedsupponfrommebusmesscommunilyinCanadancar-hysmicalopposiflmfiml asizeable panofihellanndimpopnlaüomandvimmllynoanenfionm the U.S. “Setting asid: fears about socinl or political dominafiDn„IIEl'e81iSSlIOiShOW5h0lJldC-fll3(fim firmsdnbnsincss t0 wmpcte effectively in du: U.S. and around the world,”

Alberssnuäfiecüvecompctitionisantaixflywlmwe must be sensitive l0. and omiLinunIly strive for.” Albois joim IBM Cannda Presidmt John ‘Ihompsoit

nndheathofsevemlhigh-mchindnstryassociafionshaem h3 snpponfortbeagreement. CONTACI‘: NCRCANADA 0m. LSN IE2, LTD.‚ 686S Canon-y A m , (416) 8269H!)

‘THEVANCOUVERTECHNOLOGY MARKE!‘ LE'l‘TERwill fioldmflesstlwbusincscmbercstnncmredsoon. Publishcr David Roberts 101d THE FINANCIAL POST recenfly his IO-montll-old newslettu lias faiied t0 anmcl enouglisubscribmlobeviablc. Hcsaidsubomibuswillgnt " back 80 per oent of imdolivered subscriplion costs.

DESKTOP PUBLISHING BRODERBUND, San Rafael. Ca., says it has sold its 0m: nlillionth copy ofTim Print Shop. Originally introducod in 1984, Ihn pmgram quickly became a favorite and has remainod on Sensors Hotlisi for 185 wccks. DTP HELPS CREATE NSTANT BOOK 0N CALGARY DLYMPICS CALGARY (NB) Ifyou think Ihose downhill skiers and

bobslcddcrsaxefasgyouotighttoseethewritmmdediwxs at Min-ray Love Productions. One wrilm’ and 70photographers wondng for die Vancouvex-bosed publisher covered the progress of the Olympia Torch acmss Canada. Along wilh a lcam of editors and anisls back in Vancouvex. they're producing a 224-page book enfitlelffsharethe Flame,” t0 belaunchcdon Februnry 25. Whatmakeslltispomible isdeshoppnblishingusing IBMPsrz Computers ancl Pagemaker softwam. plus an IBM PCConvenible onthc mad. And plenty ofooffee.nodoubt. CONTACT: MURRAY LOVE PRODUCTIONS. (604)


COREL RELEASES DTI’ TOOLS OTTAWA (NB) -—— Corel Systzms C0111. a makcr ofdesktop publislüng soflware. has inlroduoed two new text manipulminn programs fm M5-DOS oomputers. Corel Headlineletsnsmadideleteormodifytemlinesandgraphic figtnes, and provides an assortment of seinen pauems. üulputisinPostscrijnfmmaxatldcarlheimporwdinto Vemuna Publishe: or PagcMaku. Corel Nevrfont allows creation of hollow, shadowed. shadcd. skcwed, anglod n: stretched vetsions ofsmndard PostScript fonts. Each of 111e two packnges will soll for C5250. CONTACI‘: COREL SYSTEMS CORP.‚ 1600 ülrling Ave.‚ sme 190. 011mm, 0m. KlZ 7M4‚ (613) 728-8200



—British Columbia now uns ilS own

6 ofluCompitnPqacx-Muchlßü

monthly publicalion for thc consumcr PC market. ’I'HE COMPUTER PAPER,a monthly tnbloid. will bedislributed free. Bnclcers cxpect aninitial circulation of ahout 30.000. Publishc-‚rKixlansüiglnKhalsasnys mepaperwilldcalwith Canadinn poynoll pmgrams. locally produced oompatibles. the Western Canada Software indusny and information on local bulletin board syswms. Its Editorial conlent also




includcs ponions of NEWSBYIES. Distribution will be thmugh oomputcr storcs, newsstands. bookslorcs. and by mail m Computer-wund businesses and individuals. the publishers said. PETER ‘IUKYO (NB) Is apersotial computer display hmmfulan our eyes? I1could be yes. BntTokyo-based Software hause Copushaschallmgedthisomtceptby turningthchardwm frommeaihnmtmmecummordermmalceapemorml oomputeratooltoimproveuseflseyesight. thecompanyhas developed imiquc eyesight unlning Software called Metaknn. ‘Ihesoftwaredisplayseyctraining ringsonlhcscrem wliilslhcfiiafinnfkeepswatclfingfllflnfiom lhedislnnoe usingaspeciallongcableemmectedto thekeyboard. Copushasapplied ibeoryoftrainingoyesight. staringal smrsaxiddistamlandscapes. Copus isplannmgwcxponflie


CUPERIWO. Ca. (NB) —-Apple has madc official ils

choioeofancw screenroutinenndmewinnerisAndy Henzfelcrs enhancemealts 1o QuickDraw QuickcrDmw. ‘Iliesoftwaxeis expectodto be niclucledin coming vnrsions of tbe Mncinmsh and will not bc an exclusive Apple property. I-Icrtzfeld says he's also liccnsing i: t0 Radius Corp.‚ among Others. Quickerniawismpposcdlobcfluufimes

faswrataddressixigtlneacrwmlharxiisfmebenr. Incaseyou

boardsyslenlsacrossthecotmtry wbexemtdywingivelt away free. APPLE’S UNVEILS UNIX OFERATING SYSTEM CUPERTlNQCa. (Nm-Applecomputcrhmnilroduoed


UniFonnn convenfinn, an inmmafionnl fomm for tbe Unix commimityflhenewA/Uxopenfing systemisexpoctcdm

bethcboostApplecomputerneodeotopxopelitinmfedei-al buyingclrclosUNfliisthemostwidelyusodopuafing systeminWashixlgtonatIdApplehasboentrfingtopene-

lmlzlhe lucrafive federal manwtfowovctayear. NUXcm-tbeptmhasedinstalledonansomegabyte softwareinflwfuture. Ifyocibelieveigbuyaxidnyusingtho harddiskinaoompleteMacmtoshllemeulblefot 58.600 m software. The schwere is priced a:24,800 yen er 3190.80. 310.745, dcpmding on options. Or ein-mm Macintosh II And i1: extended cable oosls about 10.000 yen or 576.90. ownuscmpurchasetbeopexaflngsystem withanupgiade "handle"oonsisting ofm 80megabyte hitu-nal or exwmal FLOPPY DISKS FOR ‘THE BLIND COLDRADO SPRINGS, Co. (NB) Fou- the firsl timc. a AppleCompmerhatddiskinsmlledwithMJxmidPml‚ manufactm-er ofdisk pnckaging matrrials has nddressed fne and4megabytesofRAM nmwiunm slightlyiesslhan

ncedsoftheblindoompuxmxset. BmwnDiscJnassocialion witn Dr. DennTmtlcailhc University ofNmhemColaudo.


And forme firsnime, Applehas tfiexedaonmpehensivestxppoltpmgiam. Boy thchardwamandyougetfiee blindpcrsontoreeflmeoonmtsofthepackngemdthe mamial and softwme npdatns. Buy an enhanccd snppnrt descriptionofthcdisksixißmille. ‘lbcspecialpacknsesof conunclforßßßayezrandgetaocessmamfl-fmemlüm Braille diskeuos also come nritli a labol Kit will: which diroct t0 lhe UNIX gums a1 Apple. additional Braille labels can be ueatcd. NEXT APPLE INTRODUCFION: CD-ROM CONTACT: Lowell Beil. BROWN DISC, 303-593-1015 CUPERTlNQCa. (NBfl-Appleiswidclyexpectedminn-odnce iLs longwwaitedCD-ROM (oompnct disk naad only memouy) (irive an March 4 a1 xhe. next Microsoft CD-ROM LANS BOOMING ACROSS THE LAND confcrence in Seanle. Speculalioa has it [hat lhe devicc will Dollar salcs 01' cost about 31,500. Apple wil! become the sooond major PLYMOUTH INAEETING. Pa. (NB)



comnnmicationdcviocsgrewhyßpflomtandunilsalesby 2A peroent for September-Novelrlber 1987. according In lMSAnmicaJheMSblafionalCompumRetailReponon saksmcompmermmilersshowsununelynpidgmflhin netwndtdevicesmpflpexoauindoflmandlfliperzanin unilsalcsnverthcsamepefiodin 1936.Modem S8165 imrgxasad l8 peroent in dollars and 36 percent in unils (modem puices really have becn Falling). Othcr dcviccs grew 15 perccnt in mostly micro-lo-mainframc gear dollars bm feIl 33 peroent in volmne, says IMS America. NOVELL SYSTEMS, Orem, UT. is beginning mmgrcl ever getting inm thc business of selling hard disks. A morganization mmounced recently oould be die first stcp toward Solling the forma: Santa Clara Systems, says “Infoworld.” CMQ OFFERS ELECTRONIC QUOTE SYSTEM


FOR LANS TORONTO (NB) CMQ Communicafions Im. llas intraduced MarkelLANnasyswm maLaflowsPCsonalocal-area ncmork t0 sharc one connection lo CMQ’s AutoQuotc slock-maikct dal3 scrvioe. AutoQuow protvides dynamically updated quotations onmore than 7S.000 investmcnts onall major North Amcrican cxchangcs. BlarkeILAN will work wilh commeminl local-mn netwoxts, including Ethernet und IBMTokm Ring. LAN Services Inc. of 11m systcm was dcvclopcd mm New York, a network Vander. It is to be available in June. according to CMQ. Live access In dann offemd by Teleme Inc.ofNew York, which owns CMQ, will beavailable inthe thircl quaner. CONTACT: Robert J. Bartololta. CMQ COMMUNICXITONS INC.. 5S ‘fange SL, Suite 1102, Toronto. 0m. MSE 114 (416) 365-7171

MACINTOSH NEWS APPLE LAPTOP SCREEN CHOSEN CUPERTINQCa. (NB)-Apple hassclecgedatocbnology callod "activc matxix” LCD for its coming Macintosh laptopnaooordingtoMACWEEKmagnzine. Appleissaidto bereadylaomder lflßflflofthescreenseachmonthfrom Osaka. Japan-hasst! Hooiderl Eloctronics. Starting in July. Aclivc malrix tochnology. currenlly found in samt handheldlapmme tclevisionsemhmanntlsistorateachpbtelon screen nistead of the convmtionnl method nf connccting

compulcrcompmiymixluoduceitsownbland-nameCßROM dfiVGBIUVidGdÜlalAßti, mcfnrstfiimtooffernCDROM drivc. kecps its promise of shippixlg Ihn drive lhis montlLFelxuary. Noadvanccwordonwhalpmgrmnswill



atmnsanbtimeu-tlasdfivefsinnoducfloninseaule. VIRUS ATTACKS MAC; l-IARMLESS "FDRNOW”

SAN FRANCISCO.Ca. (NB) —Betwoan February 6 and 8, 50111240 or so pcoplc downloaden a file from GEnie and

Compuserve descfibed as a discmsion of miannotmcad Apple products. W113! ihey gut was an unannoiuncod intrudcnntheirsystm für: andllxefirsihiown “virus” attack onaMacimosh whichmadehrmlincsmumdthcworld.


Macinmsh magazme, was clesigncd to hide in a Macintosh systomfilemitilMarch Zatwhichtimeitwouldemergeand

displayamemageofpeaoe. ‘Ihenitwouldelaseilself. But its appamnily benign purpose wasnotknown uniilaflermro days of invesügations by lbe CompuSenre user gmup stafi who feamd the program. titled NEWAPPSTK, would deSlmy System files and dem. Tbey now repon tho program is “harmless” but the powntial for dam destructiun was clear. BRAZIL KILLSITS OWN MAC CLONE CUPERTINO. Ca. (NB) Apple Computer is celebranng avictotymirsbanletobeatbacktheolflyknmmcloneofflie Macintosh. The govemmetit of Bmzil has rcjectodan applimiim by Sao Paolo. Bmzil-based Unilron to rnarket a. MacintoshSlzliclonein BmziLon thegrounds thalitisnot Original enough l0 reoeive govermnem approvaL 111e Sudden conocm lzy the Brazilian govcmmcnl for lhe issue of originality comcs in lighl cf lhc Reagan Administration new tariffs against Brazilian imports du: to die Bmzifs cavalier attimde toward intemalional copyright law.

ASl-ITON-TATE BUYS ANN ARBOR SOFTWORKS TORRANCEßn. (NB) —In a surpfise rnove.Asiaten-Tau:

hosmovcdinmtheMacintoshntarkuinabigwaywifliüw purchase of Ann Arbor Softworks am! ils Macintosh softwm nicluding FullWrim Piofessional, a ward processor with buill-ixi desktop publishing fnamrcs. 8nd thc FullPainl. graphics package. Ashmn-Taw also tmveilcd two einer new productsbom oftheweddingßull Impact (S395), a spreadeachpixelvinwimstoatmnsisior. ‘mcendresuliis saidm sheex with Word rcpon gencraior. sind some be fasten ooolnr- Iunning, and highet in oonnnst man cm"- deslmop publishixlg featnres. lt will be avajlablc an July 31.


dBase Mac RunTune, S795. allows programmers to distribute dBße applicafions wimom buying the full pmgram. Atmen-Taufe purchase of Ann Amor Softworlrs, in rhe maktng fot monrhs aecording m murecs. could have been worth anestimated S30 million dollars although n0 priee for the takeover was disclosed. WORDPERFECT PROMISED BY MARCH 21 OREM. Ulah (NB) People who bought buggy beta versions of WordPHfect a1 the MacWorldExpoprobably wolftseetherealming mfil some timeinMarclnaecordjng mrhe company. WortlPerfect charged buyers S99 for a beta copy of the WordPerfect Word processoratthe failgthars one founh flmexpectcdretail price 011395. In facuhis isalso Ihn thinl MacWorld Expo in which the produet has been promised. Same 1,500 have snapped up rhe 017er and arc panicipaling in thc clcbugging prooess. Comments about bugs are being sem to WordPerfect via the phone and electmnic mniL Mcanwhilc, wordPcrfect is also planning l0 up its prieed l0 dealers five peroent by March 21, 111e date dealers say theywe been promised Lhe first shipments ofWoJdI-‘exfect APPLE KICKS OFF BUSINESS FORUMS '



"husinessfomms” in five cilics lhismonlh. Apple says moretlnan loßoflpeopleareexpected toancndthesessiensmTorontmOuawmEchnontomMonuealand Vaneouver. ‘Ilnebusiness fmums will combine semhmsmproductesxpmandasofiware showcase fcauning third-pany business software for the Macintosh. Reglsuation for alle fomms is free. Public sessions am in Torontdon Februnry 16, Ottawa Febnmry 19, Montreal Februar): 22 and 23. Edmonton February 25 und 26. and Vancouver Februnry 29 & Malen 1. CONTACI‘: APPLE. 1-800-387-9683. ext. 50 APPLE CANADA ING, Markham. Onn. is pleased that the Federal Coun of Canafla has found several oompanies and individuals in Vancouver guilly o1‘ contcmpt of court {er defying againstsellingApple 11clones. O.S. Micro Systems Inc..Comtex Micro Systemslnc. and individualsassociatedwith the twocomparüespleaded guiltytothechalges. APPLE S E E 30% GROWTH IN ’88, POSSIBLE LAPTOP, NEW II IN ’89 CUPERTINO. Ca. (NB) Apple Computer Chairman John Sculley 101d shareholders um App1e’s revenues should grow 30%lhis year- up9%ovcr I987's growlh figures ——a1 the fimfs almnal shareholdus meeürlg. Seid Seulley, “We amon 0m‘way mbecoming the 5S billinn eompany thalwe hopc t0 bcby 1990.”111c unood was clearly upbealas shareholdels also appreved the appoinunmt of astronam Sally Ricle mApple's board o1‘ dixecmrs. Sculley wld Ehe auwd 1988 will be the Wal‘ Ofoommmliwtions. “just a: 1987 can be clmrncterizexl am111e year of x11: CPUS.” Hesaid Apple will immducc a hosl o1’ eommunicaclonspwoducrstolinkMacmmsheswifll am oompulers, aprediction whichisalready mauifeswd wilh Applet inuoducfion of new ptogramnzing tools for Ivlaeintosh netwmt access (S66 nexl sinne).

ACCOUNTING MASTER PAYBOLL Des: Payrell Manager, This paymll Software has been deeigned for people who an tno busy t0 leam a compliented eofiware program that was dsveloped with large tione in mind.

Accounting Mantel‘ Payroll o er: tha easieet, least expansive solution available today. The program was developed a3 a eomprshensive aasy to use Canadirl payroll that werke with ßlOCPAC" General Indger, o: ASCII flJes. Soeasy in fact, transferring your payroll informafion 1e’ansimple as a menu selection Accounting Muster i3 eosimple that yeu nmy never uso the manual. ‘Pull Down"menus deeeribe all the functions and on liue namens an nlwnye available to answer your questions. Accounting Muster runs an IBM PC, XT, ATand compatiblss. Itraqxxires MSDOSZI erlaterandaminjmum of 384K.

"Powerful Sofiware Made Simple" Accounting Muster Inc. 2441 Beta Avenue Bumaby, B.C. V50 5N 1 (B04)


hasepememeetingwimualystmsculleymenfioned tlmthewouldliketoseea smallerJower-prieed Macintosh II, bm gnvenodateformchaprodnct. I-Iispublic relations

ofläcershmrdemudupflwambisuiwwmingabwa-mdMaeinmshnwülnmappear until 1989. T0 Sculley, “low end" means a complene Nhc II system for 56,000 insteacl et‘ 87.000 1o310,000.

Apple isxrmlkirxg aboumnnors ofalaptop thatcouldbemmdueed esearly esMarch. SeveralsomeesatMacWaldExpompmseeingamoexywlapwpMacinwshmmhoks sjmilar m 112B Tosmbe 'I‘31OO and a high rcsolution. ncw lechnology sereen. APPLE INTROS SOFTWARE T0 HELP MACS NETWORK Ca. (NB) New wols for progtmuners are aimed a1 blasling away any CUPERTINO. ' remmmn‘ghnmus‘ belweentheMamnmm" andIheIBMIl-orld. Applecempulerhmixxtroduced Macworkstafiotl. sofiware which allows Macintosh feanlres, auch a: pull-down menus, iconx and wrindows, t0 be a mxiveasal interface for allComputers ana network. Also intmduced was a producz called MacAPPC, mother m01 In connecl Mm with IBMs. Apple’s Sculley hascalled 1988‚“Iheyearofoommunica1i0ns."indicatingtbeseareonly the tipoftheicebergofpuodunm Applewillinn-oduceforeomznunicaflorls and networking this



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HEWLETT PACKARIPSSHINING FISCAL QUARTER PALO ALTO, Ca. (NB) Hewlett Packard continues to sum Wall Su-eet with incn-‚dxbly good eamixlgs. In its last fmancial stalement. tbcfirm claims t0 have seen profitjump 54% to S179 million.compared t0 Lhis Lime last year. Sales amounted 1o82.2 billion. HP’s chief executivesaysordetsare 11112696 compmedto 1987 mdatetheflxigbestforany quanexin history." Analystsarefondofusingmasa lhemtotneterforflnegeneralhealthofme mdusu-ynConeequetItly mislatestreportpromptedoxxetoproclaim "Lbeindumy eotnputer 1s m good shqze." COMPAQ‚Houswn‚cIeditswtaildeaJerswlfl1getflngitovetmeSl.2biflion salesnlarhand armounced improvunenrs teils Salespaq dualer suppm wog-am. New perts und Yellow Pages adpxogratnsmemong tbebigenhaneeenenrs. UNISYS CORP. ofBlue Bcll.Pa..cxpcc|s double-digit gmwm inprofits thisyear, aceouflmg t0 Chat-man W. Michael Blumenthal. Blumenthal told analysts hc cxpecls revenue of between S15 hüllen andSl7 billion by lbeearly 1990s.lastyeaxymeoompanyeanmds578 millien (53.13 per share) on59.7 billion in sales. BCE INC.‚ Montreal-lauer: patent of Bell Canada, Northem Teleeom and semal ome: oompanies, has acqxired nearly 600.000 shares of Memotec Data Inc., also of Montreal, giving itßfilpueemofhleulotec inall. klemmen in tumowns Teleglobecmladawvltich pmvldes ovmeas satellile eommnmicatimxs. LINEAR TECHNOLOGY ING,an innegaraled cireuit manufacuner based in Burlington, OnL, madeaprufitofßl? millionin theyearendedDec. 31, upfiomCSlJ million in Ihe previms yean’. Revcnues lose. too- {mm 0812.4 million wC8112 million. COMPUTER INNOVATIONS DISTRIBUTION INC., Bmmpmn. OIm-based opemtm of all Camdian Computerbild ‘Tramhises, madz 033.1 million in the40 weeks enden Jan. 2.upfium (32.1 million inIhe Sslweelmayearearlier. Revenucclimbed 1003211million

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enden Dec. 31, up from (352.1 million tlte before. Revenues rose to C5232 mil- year lion Front CSl4.6 milliorl. MEMOTEC DATA INC.‚ Montreal, ltas got nearly all Ihr: eornmon shares and more than half ihe prefetred shares of Torontobased servioe bureau Polyoom SystemsLld. tmder its purchase offer. Polycom will beootne a Mcmotcc suhsidiary. LOTUS posrs RECORD PROFITS, ENHANCES M Ä N U S C R I P T CAMBRIIDGE, Mass. (NB) Bouyed by continuing streng salcs o! its l-2—3 spreadsheet. Lotus Development Corp. has reponed record sales ancl camings for the fourtlt quarter and forthe 1987. Sales in thc quanerjmnped4l poroentloS l 15.6million to 581.8 million in 1986. Profils 5' oompared for the quntter wcre S229 million (50 oents ; per share). compared to 515.6 rnillion (35 oems per share) last ycar. For tlte year ended Deoember 31, Lotus posted net income of S72 million (31.58 per share) on sales of 5395.6 million,comparcd to 1986 figuresof 348.3 million in carnings (51.03 per share) onsales of 5282.9 million. Lolus said 1-2-3 fies sei successive rocords in each of tlte last tltnee quarters of 1987. Analysis laclieve 10m5sold a million copies oftbe venerable 2 and endumble spreadsbeet during 1937. Lolus has also upgmded Manuscript, its ltiglt-end ward processing pmgram. to the pcint that the progmm ftmctions as a mid-level deslrtop publishing program. Manuscript 2.0 Supports a greater number ol‘ graphic formaler, including ‚DXF (AutoCad l




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User Groups Librarlies Government Agencies

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r .

2.0 Software Developer's Kit. The 0512 Programmefs Toolkit is similar l0 Ihre version pur. out by Microsoft one year ago. But iostead of a 53,000 price tag. this tool kit canies a S350 pnee. ‘The: was for the few of tltem," says Steve Balmer, Microsoft} vioe pesident for sys— tems software, referring to the prioey versiorn. "Iltis is fotr everybody."




Compaq bcgan ship. ping ils veision of Microsoffs 08H for its 80286 attd 80386-bascd machines. at a flashy New York press confemnce. The folks from die ranch said their Version is fttlly contpaliblc vritlt IBM’s 08/2, wltich First shipped last October. As usual when comparing itstel! t0 IBM.Compatfs people said tltecir stufi’ is fester. “As expected. MS 08/2 delivers better performance on Compaq 80236 and 80386-based personal computers tltan similarly oonftgured IBM PS/2 products running IBM 08/2 becausc ol’ the higher system performance of our personal Computers.” seid Compaq president Rod Canion. Canion added the ncxt vcrsion of MS05/2 will include a Version oftltePtuentation 01213881. still tmreleawd by IBM, andCompaqOS/Zusaswfllbeableto upgmde to it fora small foc. CONTACT: Joff Stives, COMPAQ (713)370-0670

03l: DEVELOPMENT ADVANCES WITHOUT PRESENTATTON MANAGER MARIETTA, GA (NB) ZSoft last week attdVersaCadLPCPairttbruslLandTIElias launched meOS/Z Version nf itsPublishcrsfl weil as the several graphic files version 1.0 Painthiuslt produot. Resident Matt Zoohhandled. The new versiert of mattustrript niann admits Ehe new product is not, by also includes macros, downloadable foms, itselr‘, a reason to move to 08/2, but hopcs mathfunctions, enden integmtcd thcsatirus. Cfller products will malte the switch look Available in Manch. Manuscript Will be like a good move by Comdex this spring. S495. Users of 1.0 cnn upgmde for S75. "Within l2 months there will be a lot of Contact l-SOO-‘IRADEUP. applicatiorts,” he ptedlcwd t0 NEWSBYCOMMODORE RINGS UP STRONG 't'ES. “Actually, it was quite zasy.” ltt-‚added aboui tlte eonversion process. “It's nol QUARTER, SHOWS UP1NBUSINBS




Commodore International oontinued its streng financial COIllEbflCli, witlt seoond quarter eamings of 520.7 million (65 cents per sharc) on 5455.6 milliori in sales, versus

profitsofslömilliortüflocntspershardon salcs nt‘ 5446.8 million. Also, Commodore?» Amiga and Arniga m00 are

beginning to sttow ttp in retail outlets catcring to businesses, indicalingtltat the powerful Amigtue. may be able to malte the same leap to tlte btuioess world that Apple bes tccently acoomplished. Several Washington-ama storcs. including Standard Business Systems, a long-timc computer retailer, has suned giving Ihre Commodore products floor space and customers have


capable the Antiga is. reports Standard. Commodore Chamnan Irvittg Gould said 0te Amiga “is being establislted solidly and cumently reptmcnts-lvopezcentofwtalreve»


OS/2 MICROSOFT RELEASES 08/2 PRODUCTS REDMOND, Wa. (NB) ‘Ihexe are now five new languages, dubbed tltc "fust generation," for IBM’s OSIZ, and two new development ldts fmm Ivlimmoft. In (in's major update. Italienisch says the Iangttagcs and utilities released will allow programmers towrite forbotlt the new genemtionof lBMs sind MS-DOS applications. The products include the C Optimizing Compiler Version 5.1, BASIC Compiler 6.0, Macro Assembler Version 5.1, FORTRAN Optiniizing Compiler 4.1. Pascal Compiler 4.0, 05/2 Progtamrnefis Toolkit and Windows



d0. llke mttltimsldng, in mintl, it is als}?

But using the IBM Presentafion Mattager, dtte ottt later tltis year, tlte oonversion process woulrl be more difficult. The 03/2. version of Publishefls Palnthntslt will cost 3x285.

CONTACT: Mark Zachntann, 2.90171‘. (404)428-(I)08 QUADRAM, Noucross, is prepnrod tochallcngc tltc lvficro Channel patents held by Computer Automation, lrvine, CA. which

IBM lioeused. Costs of aclmowledging thc patent, firstgiven in 1973, are 8300.000 to starr anrl 52.50 per megabyte for all boards sold. OSIZ F Ü R NEC PC8801

TOKYO(N'B)—NEChasstartedsei1iJtgan applicatitm program developmcntkit inOS! 2 frx NEC's hast-setting personal computer tbe PC9801. Insidcrs say more tltan 100

sets were solrl to software bouses. The price of Iltis kit is 99,000 yert or S762. NEC is

platmingtoreleasc tltcenduservasionof 05:2 for thePC-9801 in June. The prioc is expected tobearound60,000yenorS462. Meattwltile, Fujitsu will also ship its own versiert ofOS/Z for its computers Iltis summer. Tbe-cOmpmyllßextendedOS/Zinils own way, making it oompatible with various levels o! Fujitsu’s oomputers, fmm msinfrnrtm to PCs. CONTACT:NEC.1—4-28Nfita‚hfinao-ku‚

Tolcyo 108 E TU, INTEL? P312 CLONE CHIPS 0N THE WAY SANTACLAIUgCa. (NB)—Inlel Corpo-

tation eatecufives briefed several hundred employees onplans to introduce aPS/l chip set und VGA Chip which amfuily compnt-

ible will] IBM’s ncw products retxrttly, acThe oording to PC V0355; weeltly says Intel will announce tlte cltip scls in the second Quartal‘ attd pmbably will not begin manufactming lhem unül late 1988orearly 1989. Intel is in apartieulsrly oozy Situation with IBM as it alrcady suppiies a majority o1’ thc microprocemors and telated parts used in IBM machines. Until reoently, IBM also owncd 20% of thc

company's Stock. 'I‘lte micro industry with PS/Z cloncs in the wings ltas beert oowering from IBM’s legal muscle» should thcy introduce PS/‘Z-compatible products. IBM ltas publicly declared its intcnliort to pttrsue all who dato to man across its Micro Channcl Architecttne. But Intels ‘entry into tlte arena may provide the clonc-malcers with new confidence since IBM. dependent oo lntel’s Chips, is unlikcly to suo its partner. An Intel spokeswoman woulcl not oonfirm ordeny the report but industry insiders teil NEWSBYTES the story is most lilcely true.

MICROSOFT PREDICTS 0812 ‘WILL TAKE 3 YEARS T0 BLOOM, CI-IARTS MICRO SALES REDMOND‚Wa. (Mm-Wim would bein abetterpositionmtrackmicrosalesthmttltc firm which has a monopoly on their operating Systems. ltaving soldone to virtually all PC manufacturers? ‘Iltafsright, Microsoft. And the company im finally broken its silencc er. thc subject b)’ saying that PC sales grew 30% last year und will grow anotber 26% this ycar l0 8.2 million units wmldvtide. As for ils 05B opaating System, Microsoft predicts 55% of all lBMs or compatibles sold in 198S will be modcls capable of ntnning 05H applicatiotts. Bul.it willbe 1990 or 1991 before tlte majoriry of users are actuztlly ntnning OSIZ applications.


OLD FRIEND GETS FACELIFT: DBASE IV TORRANCE, Ca. (NB)—Aahton-Tatei138 introtltieeti3 Version of its dBASE Software whioh hasrtnew "lookartd feel” along will: sonne tnaior Organ transplants. dBASE IV

issaidtobcfaslcrattd simplertoulsethanits

predecessor, can be used in a network, antl can run on both MS-DOS machines tlte 0S] 2 operating System. Ashton-Tatc mys it’s put all Ihr. bclls and whistles into Iltis new Version —butatleastone ofthem blcw the lid o0‘ the ptesentatiott The program re portedly crasited during the press confercnco. But Aslnon-Tate promises all die

bugswill beeradicatndbyllmtitnedBASE IV goeson sale-thislttly. Tito product will carry’ a whopping S795 pfice lag. S100 more than dBASE III Plus. Butcnrrent ownms ofa dBASE product canupgradeatasubstantial discount. IBM MAKES PROMISES 1N BOCA BOCA ROTAN. FL (NB) IBM executives offered sotne glasnost. (openness) in a Boca Roten pmss hriefing on tlte PSI2 line last weelt, two weelts after unvciling tlteir version of peresuoilca (restrucntring). Promiss wen: rnade on futtne introduetions. Among them: "35 inclt hard disks carrying I00

_ megabytes ofdata: ‘S.25 inchharddiskswitltup to500

‘Azincltharddrivewhlch eouldhold 50-60 0168910333. duc next year: M 5.25 inctt optical am: dritte, again for sometitne next year. No promises wer-e madc on an IBM CD-ROM instead-the oompany demonstratedan IBM system with 4 Sony CD-ROM drittes stnmg together.

‘I-Iiglt-resolution graphics (its 8Sl4A card) built right into the motherboord.


Presenfofions Desktop Fast 0nd slick- from to overhead Computer






challengedforlongsonowwefindflnehfs-Doswofld nmhingnoeaalflishtheüsystemsmbeingidwlforflxeofliw


Wemdcshnppreaeutationsisabouzmeanageasflze nextdeslnopnmheuvixhfispplcdullmgingwhathnsbeen upmfilnowanMS-Dosexclmive.

Manyoflhetaskscbmbydakflwpubfishfingmnotfu publicatimblnfumeinbusinesspresenmionawhatwe willseeinthenearfuuneisarapidriseintheabflifimof softwmepackagestohandletbemfiquenecdsofmebusiness Prosenter. I FII fit I1



Mtmsoflähwufiäfiaflowsyoqfiorqfidfyassoflnbb and omanüeaDeskrqpPrasermbn

Whatisbesfluphesenmion? Gettingyourpointswomcallsfmdeafingwflhflnese



Cunmunicafionofhaowledge Gpeakusnxppm

comrolofmenmess Befmewheuyouwantodmmmyoftheahovtzyouhad choseeinhuiofarmitoutudevelopyomabilizymcxaaw great graphic prmatatimxs


with die m01: in yonr desk.


fionon-yourownnhatlookslünyouhadflaegraphicscbgwanmentdmwimommfingoveraflyomfimeflrhismayseem likealuxuryymmaynotixrlmedimelyneeihnwailunfil yougetamsmeofwhmilcandotokeepanaudienceawake.


mostpeoplmmmdhodsofreducingflwsuemofthismk willfindreadyaccepmmcin Iheoffioe.

Withthistypeofsymmymcanüuegxalcyouridcas wimindxlsuydaxasuppmodbygraphimdnangingmewmposidmforeachmufimoemmethodofmserxmfionsuchas ovcrheadsaslideaalongwithhmdoutsfilheadditionof newaooesstryr hardwareallovrsyonmevmnmctheoom-





Whenyodre shoppirlg foracom System, wed0the opping f0!‘ you. connfluo anhand 77m

Iirur Hautnah’ Cmlrr.

The process: How do w: get it done? Mast be quick. Mast hawe handouts!



1754-1055 Demunutr „D, Vancmuw V11’ 11.3

Theseare two mingsmmuwavaagebmmesspresmm

will niemand. Quickbecauseenoughtimeismrclyaflotted. and lhcanendeesofrhepresenmxion willretainmorefivom the presenration with printed materials t0 jog memories lauer. orexplain the cletails.

Theusersnccdaneasywaytomanewhmtheym looking forin materials, and i: isthis aspect ofpresenmfion gmphics thax Ihe software companies amaddressing. It is nowpossibletocrcawa veryaoceptable textbasedprcsen-

stops mecungs.


youhzildthcptusenlafimubecausewhatyousaywfllbe aflecwdbyhowyuucansayinlfyouaregivirxgapucwltaüunwith Bfimmshdnsthenym shoulddecidedmtmthe um:Iimehtxildingyotrlookandfcclßometimes content hasmbelnodifiedmfnthemediummntifyou find thal happeningwoofnenpvxhapslhemedimnslmuldbere-

Ialion in under 30 tninimes. ‘Ihenewrstznglctobeworkedwim softwareisüne ability totake yourffles andsend Lhem toa Service fou" slide processing or touch-up. All of these developmcnls amdesigned to male: i: easy enaugh mjuslify using even for imprompm meclings while having (h:power l0 handle du: imporxant, pull 01.11 n11 the




What is avnllahle? Thc ncw producxs umam coming l0 your Computer dealer will include software designed t0 quickly generam gmphicsaxld 12min dweformats flmyou will need ifyoume going t0 produce slides o: overheads.

‘Ihehatdwareplatformsaxedesignedmcombine gtaphjc powuwirhtextmmzipulatiomUp until thisyearifyou wanwd CDIOIIT in yourhnages you vxcrc beurroflwith MSDOS bmed sysmnabut wir]: Iheaddition ofthe Macintosh myoubenefizfrmnüncmmpefiuomlheaflvamesinflw Macamnainregardsnooolomouxpnuqualityasweflmease ofusemealsprcsentcrshavencvexhad itsogood. Theaooessorydevincsmchasprirxtersarldfilmrecorders are dropphag in prima nrirhouz sncrif-‚cing quality, to a point whexa in-house purchase is a reasonabln optinn. ‘Ihereality ofihis mw is matamanagercan producc ovuhead u-anspmencies, slides or handout matzrials, 3o through 1h: incvitahle rwisions. 9nd gar. exaclly what i5 neededinamauaofdays. whereitusedtobemeastxredin weekaflmttypeofcontrolisnecessary ‘unodayk business climate, ancl irs fime has come. Why du you needDesktop Presentatians? Simply put. whcn you give a presentafioxl you need t0 havc coutrol,prefembly wixh flexflaility. Anything Ihmwvcs timeisvaluabletomostpeoplemndcvmbettcrwhcnit comes aJong with mvingmoney. Desktop prcscntation im‘: a magic cum for all thc pmblems involved in rar-ranging a prcscnlation. but puvs you in control of a Situation umcan

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The Compuier Poper Inierview:

Doken Ariel

Dciken Ariel is Presidenf of Coosi Compuiers o Voncouver compony specicilizing in Desktop Publlshlng hordwcre 0nd sofiware. He iolks here about The boslcs of Desktop Publishing and how h‘can benefli your business. l

Interview by Kirlcn Slngh Khalsa „x


.„ .\__.





i4, . „


How mProfitfmm Desktop Pubtishing Desktop Publishing 4h: hattest buzz ward in thc Computer industry. Wim is i: und kow can weprofit by i1? What is Desktop Publüihing? Desktop Publishing (DTP) is thc natura! evolution beyond word-processing. You rnight call it an emerging standardinthehighqualityprepamtion ofthewritten ward anacomputcr. The advanoed softwaue progzams that allows this mptesenis thc merging of severat disciplines: typography, page layout dcsign, copy t-diting and publishing slcills (when the documcnt is to be reproduoed by a traditional typesctter). 'I‘he trends in typesetting. printing and publishing demonsnate thepowcrof anideminthiscauetheuseof low coet micms in busittesses to pmduce as much of their own publicafions in-house. thereby bypassing die traditional consultants and servicc bureaus. At thc same time, this approach has created new entn-‚prenemial Not only are thc skills needed to use DTPopportunities. successfiilly complex, Ihey detive from different disciplines. The}: demand both creative and technical proficiency. Many businesses am tuming to smaIl DTP servicc companics tocutcosts inpublications Wilhfllllhaving rnaster DTPin-house. Toponicipate suocessfitlly in this emerging profession,

How do you evaluate loser printers? Thc two camps in lasst printer are those with pagc dcscription lunguagcs and those wilhout. As the only page descripüon Ianguage that is prevalent a1 present is PostScript, the camps can be differcntiated asPostScript lasers and nun-Postscript laser printers. The differences amdramaticandthe oostofhaving thePosLsci-ipt languagc canalso be dramaiic.

Postscript Lasers are tlie Standard in DTP. The rcason why this is so is quite obvious whcn you compare tlteir capabilitiesto thc fixod fontLasersliki-‚thel-lPLaserjotPlus. A Postscript laserptintcr will print any fontsize ofthethirty five resident in thc laser printefs memory because the font isactually scaled from mafliematical coordinates. The fixed font loser printers require a specific bit mappcd image of a font wbedownloaden toprint it. Mth tbeir severe memory limitalions only so many fixcd fonts can beresident ut orte time. So for oomplete flexibility PostScript lasers am the premium choioe und cxpetise. Wthatcvcr your printer you will be requircd tomaintain

a workingknowlodgeofyom laserprinterrogetme mostout ofi t Operating expenses can vary widely a5 wen. Some of rhe low cost printers arc notorious fm their expense in them.

nmning What about Monitors? [argescreenmonitcrs have also bccome essential t0 thc serious DTPuser.Theabilitytoviow thc wholepageora two page spread has beoome increasingly imponant for productivity and speed. ‘melaserviewandmsüeniusarecousid-


What am thc advantages ol‘ Desktop Publishing? ‘Ilu-‚y are many: cost savings, quality coturol, impmved control, flexibilixy and time savings. The savings can be mcasmedinsavingeithatlmmhasslcorexpemc. The

beziefitsarethatqualitycan beimprovediftlteuseris

properly trainod and has the aptitude for layout.

D’I‘P is also mising thc standanis for business commuIt i3mpiclly becoming the expectod minimutn in all manncr of publications. Newslencrs. price liste,reports. which wen: once acceptable in type-written fonnatare now expectedtohave theaddedünap” ofthatDl? providcs lilce: proportionately spaced letters, near quality typc and aneasy integration of graphias and typeset logos. What ukills are needed? ‘The. user should havc basic Computer skills. Word pmoessing isstillusuclfor textpreparation, but noformaning isdonein thc wordpmcessor. Ifone hadabasic word processor under their belt thcy would havc a good start on DTP. Graphics/Page layout skills will be The levcl of this skill will vary according to die rcquired. Ventura program. Publishcr has style shectsin thc softwarc soas t0 malte pagc layout easier. Being familiar with tenninology in the ptinting indusu-y wiu also hclp. When somoone asks about kerning pnirs und loading, you won't be too distrcssed. What B thc hardmre und software involved in DTP


The key ingrodients in DTP is thc publishing software. thc microcmnputer hardware to mn Ihis software und thc printers used as various output devices. ‘lhernajorcampshavebeendivided into thc Macintosh hardwarcfsofiware and thc IBM (and cotnpanblcs) harclware/soflware. Businesses will tend t0 migrate towards thc. IBM approach due to the familiarity and available equipmcnt. Services ccmres have boen using both hardwam environments soes to bettcr servicc thcir ctienrs nccds. Whetherone chooses to operate on"thc Mac orthe IBM Systems, laser printersarefliekey aspectinDTP. These vor)’ widcly as t0 their capability and price. 10 v The CompunerrPaper- Mut-eh 1988



eractzhebesti-i thcirclasslalways recoutntendthatyoustay awayfrominterlacedmonitorsao thcyincrnasoflteeycsuain witlt their flicken What about Image Scanners? Scanners vary widely in print: and perfomiance. One thing is certain. Continuous-tone images such as photo graphsatc notpublicationqualitym300X 300dots. Lineart. such a5 Cartoon drawings, arc acceptable through. I recommend to my Clients that they consider several important scanning vsoftware aspects: File eonverxiun capabilities bctween the diffcrcnt graphic formal; and file compression techniques. The pmlifcration of graphic Software has creamd multiple file formats. Eachmfcouroe. ible with each othcr. D'I'P is thc great being inoompata5 it ties man: all together through it's import integraler options. But it is useful to be able to conven in thc scanning Software asweil. You also wanttocomprcss someoftbesc filesastheycangetvery bis in sizc.

Why is DTP revolutionizlng the typesettitig industry? Typesetting has becn a weil guardcd technology; not through secret incantations but through ootuse and complex techniqm. A ty-pesetter rcquirod yeors o1’ apprenticeship to faihom tne ftner Operation and mastety ol‘ a particular typesctter. Because nach company hada monetary incentive to maintain (heit- equipment as an isolated system every typesetter wasadifferentltettlc of fislt. Now that Postscript is evolving as a Standard in D'I‘P, wc foresee that this pressure fmm below, as it wer-e, will begin to malte this industry a little morc coherenL Why i5PostScript socritical? Postscript. a page description language. is a means by which whatcomes outofttie laserprintoris exactly thc same aswhatcnmes outof thc typcsettertjexccpt for the quality of rcoolution of coursc). In etTcct it i5 aprogram that is dcvice indcpendent. ‘fhc program allows both a lasst printerand a tniesettcr to intetpret thc signals from the Computer in exactly tbesamemanner. ‘Ihisisthekeytoflfhasitaflmvs everythiug but thc final. typesctting to temain in-house,

whether you are a small manufacturer putting a pricing catalogue togetber or a major publisher about to print another book or manual. Who is using DTP? DTP is being used by virtually everyone. The ters are using it to maintain business volumes and typesctt0 keep their largeraccounts who are shifting into DTP. Designers areusingittokcepcosts ofproductionlow und toforgelongterm relationships with Iheirclients. Publishers ot‘ newslctIm. newspapers and magazincs are beginning 1o take advantagc of it. And ofcoru-se businesses. both large und srnall, are adopting it for it's cost savings, improved control 9nd fast ttn-n-around times in producing maauals. newslettersmetc. 111e oommon mread is that Iltis new tcchnique along with

technical advames in typesetting is

generating mideniable

advantagesforrhoocinthehusiness ofproducmgthc written Word.


cotrage indusny companies dm: am popping up. Mnny of ourclients woflc at Ironiewith theirDlPequipnent spezializing in a D'I‘P niche with a few ltey Clients. Others am developing burgeon‘ g Service bureau activities by offering laser printing Services tor busittesses. The Quick Print companies are moving into D'I‘P asa mcans ofadding glamour to their rcproduction Services by providing a complete design Lauge corpmxtions are gctting heavily into DTP for forms, in-hotise puhlications, technical docuntentation and

Wehavehadintercst freut financial institurions, oonsultants aiui fit-ms. Recently onc of our salesmen spoite atacnounting thc CGA oonvetiüon on DTP applications. Where are thc jobs kein:created? All over. Wethinlc DTP will bea Standard resumeitem in thc fumre. Night courses are geuing very popular. What are thc oosts of production in DTP? 111e costs of production in DTP come from several avenues. These include thc cost the hardware, software und printcr, thc costs ofofacquiring the DTP equipinsuring ment and tue service cmtract requirod to protect thc, hat-d-

ware investment from brcakdown. thc costs of involved inestablishinga tevcl ofproflciermy in uaining DTP, and thc actual costs associated wiih thc method using ol‘ produc-



If thc final Output is aocepmble at 300 by 300 dots per incl:(dpi) then thc costs o1‘production include die laserpnper 2nd thc incremcntal costs of thc toner. If thc final output needs to be above this rcsolution thc costs of and die managcmcnt time associated with typesctting dcaling with the typesetter should be factored into thc final cost. It isaccopted that thc DTP solution is than thc traditional unlcss you are doing only casualcheapei‘ wotk. Evcn i1‘ this wereihecasc. DTPshouldbc thc DTP Service bureaus. Tbey are takenadvantageofvia very cost-etfectivc. The Vancouver Electronic Püblisbers Association is publishing a guide t0 DTP Services in Vancouver. It should be out in thc spring. Any last advioe to thc DTP newcomer? Buy fmm a lmowledgeable vonder! You can't overvalne telcphone support when you needtoktiow some aspect '

WC Have the Selection. .


Ivp ese11i ng


i l;g;


publishinggoioeuläbtronxc‘ poblishiing (as i1is cälledj is herc slaynß Now dilcmmais whmwuscclectlfionic typeseningmxdwhen zustay tradifional typeThe deflniüon ofelecn-onic typesotgjng employcd bete 1s:usmga personal wmputer 1 undpagc layoutsoftmxe tomanipulate textandgrapiuics. Traditional ty-pescttingrefbexbjs (‚o dedicated photo typcscningsystem used-for most high resoluüon typcoulput. _ . .1 Bclow is a very approxinuate cost esümatcd for a basic unit inbom envimnmenns; 1o; demonsuale Lhcooslofproduction andthe initial cäpiml ouflay o1‘purchasing asyslem. A "list ths “was” am! fcons” of eachmethod of typcsqüng is also -p'rovided maid inmaking-a decieion ‘on buying wpesenmg from eimc:Lcchnology.‘Rememboring in mese Ivism. that namuonnl typewxing i3also making‘ rapidadvapces imo merealms o! DTRMany socalled ftradizional ‘Psyswms (am! ‘for axhat matter ’uäditional äIypesencrs) jnow cmploy WYSIWIG_(Wha1 YouSee. Is ‘Whai You_ Get)'disp1ays„can inlm-{ace with Computer ;






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feahlrem 111e} dccisicuä t0ufilize or buy "adesktop publishing a cradniona! syslemiSypeu Specificzmd depmds groafl)’ 9.9 the docomänt 1o beprqduced. publislfing i5able Iooffetmore flcxibility. spced. 3nd instanzrolflowing of {e211should (hexe b: changcsor delgfions. sinne everyming is_ sctgenflisplayed; .Howcver‚'rhe ß Procductiion Printicrlmg, an äompletzie pese ng. opy ng,SFcmfes o1’ youp i: ng, Egfisignfiamyotäg, also offen: increased "resolufion;mal" i; anintegral’part ofthe ng mma mg, levol Dlstrlbutlom- For fast efflclent servlce’, call..... documcnL ‘Ihr. ofqxperienceofthc using eime:systemcanoften bethe decidirlg; fncmp _Onc— fast. lady onan old jVaritype pluototypcsetter blasfing away a1 loüssrords‘ ;— minuteion a machinemhapshctnas worked onfo; yäars. can aooxetimcag be prefexable L0_ i. ;


ßincxPÖÜßnced hing!!! roch wizägd running all _th_e Iatest,goftwaxe. - . _ _ ‘Iheodecision muss dcsktop poblishingono chooscjtxaditional Printing methodsyromainso with oonsumerflmisxdilemmä opminuq und! both the ouqjut ability und sofiwmNca- I! pabilifics f0: desktop pubhshing rgnchesmc finc quality Ofpholovtjrpesqfing agglgwgr tobt.’ . T715 595L“? Fßdecide may „tolake youg specifig:job. I0 both a i} a_desktop publishcr, and get’ aliquote, 0: i! you "plan ' glo purchase a system‚i1a1);_r‚o II reprcsenmuvesof bomohndezptsrendotsgto see which bes’: mccts'yonnggmag__ 333;’ ß



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compuwruaincristoempatltizeuiththcfrusuafimof thcstudmltandtoretnoveany obstatzles which stand in theway offullconnolovcrthewclntology. Wben peoplegiveupunfiusflafiomslxmldweblameflie

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wewill needeven largernumbersoftrainersarxdrelrahrexs andthatmerewill Lhereforebeagreatdemmtdfortheinterpersonal skills. and tbe skiJls associated with the visual. graphic and dramatlc ans. Nothing could be especially in tbe mpidly expandlng area of dcsktop publishing Wim m:currem uend toward mmmafion, particularly with mgaxds t0 the newest. technologies suchasdesktoppublishing. thisenomrousdemand fortrainingisbeing felt. Modaern technology i3 in constant flux and busin will forever be adjmtirxg to this rapid ran: of changn. Trainingfromprofessionalspmvidemebmisforafastemdjusunentpefiodmsweper leammg curve, and mote efficient use of coslly equipmem and statt‘time.


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haldware have oflenbeen confronlod with technophobia. Now Computer litcrate individuals are expefiencing a new Kind of fear - and with reason. An entimely new set of skills musl be acquired in addition tomastering today's sophisticated page layout Software. Theta amfew experienoes more fmsxmfing man havlng a soemingly magical anay ofcontputedzed design tools before you and yet disoovefing you blew it when the ptintout enterges from um laser prinlcl‘. ‘Ihn scnsibilitics rcquircd In bc agooddmigncrare not ycl availablc for sale in your ncighbortlood oomputer shop. In desktop publishilag. both informationand imagination am

to onepf our TRAINED REPRESENTATIVES about your Computer requirements.

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cnmial. What can an instnmu‘ (b wlmn 0 m :of fixes: componenls is in shon supply? Alargepartofthesolufionlicshthemethodofinsmmtionemployed. Incvuyteaching simaliomthemnsliesontlncinstnlctoflodccide upon thedireclion thauhc smdentwill wie... Creative Aspecu Itispossihle In show SOIDCGIIC lnw toembrace thecteative aszpecls oflhecomputerwhcn

mmpusonseesflmtyasamolmnotasmmmsfionotpmomalmafifitymdmtagmaLion? In tbe aus: of deskmp publishing. i3 it man: constnxctive in mmpeopl: on1o lypography andpagelayoutorthonoveltyofpufldownmenusandthcjoy ofhierarclücaldisk storagc smmunes? Again a good inslructor will bc ablc 1o quickly gauge lhc abililics and interestsofanindividualandtailortheinsnucfionaocordingly. Forsomcsmdentsmplayfifl

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apprmchmmingapatficulmapplimfimmmemmpuwrwiflprofidethebestinoenfiww reallygetmflcageoutofmetechnology; mmotaseofatypmflnrgmoiesfimalmgraphficdesignubmfixtgmuseamficrommpurermpcrfmmdmhflppublishingtasksminsmwwrmusttailwflwteachingmaflowfine smdenttobecomecomfmmblewimmemfnmflianechnologymlfile illnstmtingmedifferencebclwocn ümoldmdnewsystemsßmphasisneednotbeplacodwonflßdcsignaspwß ofD'I'P. In Lhecase ofastndcntalready comfonahlc with thccquipmcnt, bul wcak indcsign. cmphasis must be planen up an the elemenls of page layout and typographic oonventinms. The Massage Mashall McLuhan tnld uswarme medium is Ihemessage." Indepmdmtof imcommt, a documcnt i3im likely In be rund and takcn sa-iously if it is poorly presmtzd. T0 assist individualsin producing docmnenrsfimareamactive and wcll dcsigned. lherc an: numerous bookswhich focus onthe design aspects ofthe new technology. ‘mere are also a nnmber of magazincs focuming an this burgeming fteld. Two ofthe best of mesearePublish! andPersonaIPublisfnhg. They appmach the field from n: perspective ofpooplc with nobackground in typograplty and design but wbo are working with the ncw D'I'P Systems. As with any other oomplcx systcm, a solid foundation is n-‚qtzimd for an effective leaming prooess. 113e most difficult case for the inslructor of any modern page layout program is the individunl who is unable Lograsp cvcn word prooessing due t0 a lass than solid command of the written Ianguage. witnoutan ability tomanipulate spokenmtdwfittm1anguagc.asmdcnt has no fmmework upon which to build einher oomputcr or graphic desigxt skills. The True Value o! Instruction What is the nur: value of professiona] Computer inslruction? Can business and industry d0 without it? Clwly if they had t0, mey oould. Most softwaxe today cnmes with a tutorial (some hattet man others), a manua] and a variety of on-line scmen help utilities. But obviously that's not enough. Wall: into any oomputer book store and you oan so: Icn different supplemenmry volumcs ontbc popular Software packages. Why? Because the manual orten does not address the nwls of the new user. Onc of thc most important tasks facixtg the profeasional inslruclor is to help thc Student overcome bottlenecks and mget pasl common stumblmg blocks. Particularly if them is an impomnt job to turn out onthe new Software, a new user could spend weeks worlcing around a oemjn problcm; lhc profcssional inslructor hasbeen through the samt:expcrlcnceandcanprovidetlwsolution lnstamly. Thjs smoollfing process is a crucial cnmpommt of any oomputer instrucüon. Finnlly. thepmfessional computcr inslmctionvnriil permit the usor toavoid working vaith cannod mtorials and tbedummy files favored by sofiwaxe publishing houscs and geton with dlroct applicaüon of the softwaxe to tlw actual work. Also, people tend to Ieam much morc qurckly if mey amwmlmg with someming familiar, somclhing “real” that they can get a handle on. In business, timc is moncy. An investment in Computer insu-uction permirs a business t0 acceleraw Ihre leaming curve, thus mising the. productivity m m : and allowing thc firm In get on with Lhe activitics that generaw thc protits Lhat are in; mison d'en.

Majy Jono

isqiPresldent Vof

msDesktopvPoblishing Troinlng penhe.


The Bofile of ‘rhe Page ConTinues: Xpress 2.0 0nd Pogemoker 3.0


Okay, so this i; just another piece on the battlc o! thc pagc layoulprogmmmes. wcll twoofthcm anyway. There is

however some validity in continued pursuit of which is Ihr: bcst page layout application to purchase, as thc industry of desktop prnductions rnultipües exponentiell): cvery ycar. And with this bursting of business comes the obvious nccd for cnhancentcnts tools. if you will through which those just enteting the compentive fray can attempt to gajr lhal ncocssary edge. Owncrs of the oode. which eakes fmm the mortal cirtuiny of their underlings. clasp Iheir palrns logeflter.rubbing luslily at the profits they will malte. “But‚" you ask. “D0 wereally needall tbme feannes?l”0fcoursc

we d0! Both Quark, Ins. and Aldus Cocrporaüon have announced major irmovationsinrclcmcs planncd for shipmcnt in March 1988. Atlthough final product is somewbat scarce on which t0 lest tbesc new fcatttres out fuslhand. much has

alreadybeenwrttteztabouteachJ-Iereisasummaryofflre newestfeatures and enhancements of both Xpress‘ 2.0 frorn Quark. and Aldus‘ PageMnker 3.0. Each have added somc major revisions, 3nd rectified some of their pasl shortoom‚

Aldus PageMaker 3.0

Slated for telease sometime Iltis quarter PagcMaket’ 3.0 offen; automatic pouring of texl ovcr multiple pages ancllor colnmns, automatic .3 wrapping ol‘ tcxt around graphics, stylc shcet “ formatfing (ocr importing fmm Word 3.0l), spot colour overlays and an impmved, morc convcnient user interfaoe. (Finally. an alphabetically arrange, pullnown fnntmenu!) And iflhafs nolenoughjtoffers magic resizing senings for mamhjng bit-ntap and TTFF imagcs to different Output device resolutlons, the ability to export text files to mrd trrocessing programmes. Bolh lhc MS-DOS and Mac versions come with 20 page tetnplates and can adjust the gr-ay scale images stand in 'I'IFF images allowing limited image editing vaithout flteneedforayetanoflterprogrmnnte. In addition t0 its already inlmertt ability l0 import and

expnn a variety of text and gmphics ftles thmugh thc nse of frlters. PageMaker 3.0 allows lhe user t0 add custorn import 2nd export fillßIS (‘mm lhird-pany vcndors. PageMaker 3.0 requires one megabyte ot‘ RAM find a hard drivc. Though thc applioation itself should easily fit orr asingle dislnexpecttoflndsix tofiftcen dlsksin thc box, t

dcpettdingonwhetheryowrebuyingforalflacintoshorlldsDOS mnchine. Expecl Ihr:retailprint: to be highcr eswcll.by_ at least S100 in Canada. Colour i3 introduoed in PageMaker 3.0 with spvot colours, colour scrnens, coloured text supporwd in three modes: CYMK (Cyan Magenta, Ycllow und Blank. All the colours necessary t0 reproduce any other colour), RGB (Rad. Green and Bluc).and HLS (Huesnüghlness and Saturations). Colours canbe mixedtoform acolour slylc youcan Khanapply toapageand print to malte negatives orplates for ench of the nnmed oolours. PageMalaer 3.0 Supports two types of automatic lcading: proportional (character asoendcr t0 Gesendet’) with control over designafing the pervcentage of font for desired leading, and top-of caps t0 top-ofcaps leadtng. Lauerspacing can be adjustcd globally, with speciftable minimum and maximums. Although Aldus has added many new features. theprogamma still does not conrain all rhe fcamres found in currcnl. oompeting programmes. but then Aldus does not claim t0 be a gmphics editing m01, ora word proccssor. but more ana m1 for assetnbling all the necessary elentenrs of the finished page Before rushing out and buying PageMaker over in; rivals.considerthatyou willalsoneeda ward proccssor(for lang «iocument lcxt input), a: least Weigh the cost am useful features of these two programmcs against the other offerings.


for dcsklop publishing. Die-hard Aldus Pagemaker‘ users became sobocause in the beglnning there was only Pagemaker, and Aldus {las lricd t0 see t0 it that they stzly in the forefrontofthe marketplact-„andadmirably 503mm:new kid an Ihre block just grcw up. With thc intmduction of Xpress 2.0, a number nf previous shortcomings have been addrcssed. A5anavid user of Xpress I had only onc major cumplaint: An inability to cut copy and paste between pages and/orbemeen documcnls. This hasbocn addressed in 2.0. As Xpress uses the the patent-Chile! box system, selecfing abox includes a1] (h:child boxcs in that parcnt, which can then bemoveclt0 the clipboard. Previously they oould only be deleted. With its innoduction.Quark xpress oftbrs technology whichwaspreviously nvailnble only inmulti-milliondollar systcms. Brcaklltroughs in colour enhancement, display. contrast control, separation ability, scanning and printing. Xpress has always supported spot colour for text, but now an infinitc varicly o1‘ oolours. bolh RGB and CYMK can be defined and applied to chnracters. lines. fmmes und box backgrounds. Or blank and white, o? gray TIFF pistures. and pictures imported frorr. MacPaint. A eolour can “also bc selected t0 matnh specific a value in the PANATONE colotu’ System, or In mix thcir own, custom oolours. PMS, 0L‘ PANATONE MATCHING (For theSYSTEM is a slandard. colour chart/rrumbering system widely used in the pfinfingfpubüshing indusuy.) Perhaps Xpress 2.0'3 most uniquc ncw fcature i5 ils ability I0 import Fall-nahm "IIFF images fmm colour Scanners such as-th: BARNEYSCAM and allow the user to define contmst cunrcs fnr huc-saturation-brightnms in both RGB (Red Green, Blue) and CYMK (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Blank). Colour sltading i5also possible fnr each ofthncolours. from 040096. in 1%increments. X1165: 2.0 Supports colour prima-s utilizing the QMS/blitsubishi G650 tltermnl tramfer print engine Borrowing from Pagemaker. Quark has aclopted geekingfitgmy linc rcprcscnlalion of textatsntallersizes) to increase operational speeds. Additionally, prinring speeds hav: been enhnnccd particularily whcrt using higlrresolution oumut devioes. Unlikt: PagcMaker. Xpress has powerful ward processing capabllities, eliminafing thc need for a large-rlocument. text enny application. Anaspect ofany ward proces-

soristheabilitytnfind/changeaspectsofflredocument artd Xpress 2,0 isrto snangerto mese funcfions. Search for nny combination orten andfortext attributes within astory. (ie. font. size. er style). Once found, tcxt strings may be changcd to annther- cornbination of text attributes. Quark Xpress 2.0 is cnmpalible with the Macintosh Plus. SE and I! and Supports a wlde variety of third-party text formats including: Macwritc, hdicroooft Word 1.05, 3.0. & 3.01, WnteNow ancl rvficrosoft Werks. Numurotts gmphics formats such as TlFF, EPSF, PICT, and bit-map filcs from mm1scannersare supported in addilion t0 a large number of application including: Adobe illustmwr.Insel‘FX.Cricket Draw, Cxicket Graph. MacDraw. SuperPamt. Canvas. Mac 3D. Ivflni-CAD,Pro 3D. MacPaint. FuJIPainL and Colonr Mac IIPICI‘ PredictedtobeavailablcinMarch l988.Xpressissure t0 redefine the MacintnsWs position in thc publishing markets. All in all. each of tlte programmes dcscfibed above evenintltcir currentversions baveswngthsand wealmesses over the otlter. It's liloely they always will, aftcr all. isn‘t it the nature of competition to soll ones ideas as djfferent? Considcr carefully which will bethe best for you, parficularily if you havc either no er little experience with page layout programmes. Thc biggest diservice you could do

yomsclfistochooseaproductbnsedonwhatnflmrpeople, er even a salcsmarl. (er reviewer) thinks ‘ts hest. Pick a

ptoject. preferably of n smallcr natura, and get yourself dnwn toa dealewra do-it-yomselfservioe nennt:and TRY ‘IHEM BOTH OUTI

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SiIIOBiI-iinßtpfifln. Cluarklncfsxpresshashadmany of PageMakq 3.0's newest feamres in addition l0 its own unique feannes, and has kept anadmirnblc pace against its giantcompetitottTo rnany ofusitis THE layotrtprogramme



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DTP for ‘rhe Amigd

Sylec Pushes DTP ‘ro iTs Limils

PROFESSIONAL PAGE of hfissiuga. Ontario has mccnüy rclcasnd PROFESSIONAL PAGE a S500 desktop publishing prorapidgowtlusotbenmfirmyoupushonenfmose gramwhichhmncmcslhcpowerofPostscript mLheAmiga. futmistic switcbes on your ncw hn-tnch masler, lhink ofKcn Inllllcl uns’ . I . at SYTEXI, and (h0 “Cinderolla of printing am” silk

Hi-Tech Silk Screening “man you haar the term "silk m a n printing” mually thc picmrn of Day-Glo colored T-shins is the Erst t0 oome t0 mind. T-shmsareafarcryfiom tbchightochproducts which au: produced by Ihr. 100a! silk Samen priming com-


G0ld_ Disk





n - a - n

a":: 5

Access t0 Postscript

faced with existingmstsaiplcompafible printcr, inclufiing meApple Laserwxiner l0 produce 300 dots per incl: (dpi) '55 rcsolmion and the Linouonic 300 t0 produce 2400 dpi * j_ rcsolmion. I: docs not howevcr, cmrently suppon my d0:






b. ‚Jg:


"Iheprogram oomes equipped with4 bit-mappod screcn fonts.Tuncs.HclvcticrafiouficrandSymbol. [manhowever






.5; ‚1.




localonmpcsitorflheclosestplaoefumannfacnnetxtoget sünilar proclucu developed is Califmnia mnmfling l0 Kerl

Krugfßclnasbooomeahotareaforelecumicsinmepas: few years." snys Km.Same onhcir large customnrs include MobileData and Nficroül. The Payofl‘ T110 deshop publishhlg System which thcy purchnsod. althougb still n01 ideal, 1135 helped them t0 manage thcir

ROMof um 13361’prinlers. 11x2 pmgram docs nol however dlsplaywharthesewilllooklikeonscreenGoldDiskis foruaüesizcrangeoffmnsisfromlpointto l27points.

This compares favombly mPagemaker, howevnr i: is exmedwbybolhRendySetG04witha255p0intrangeand

f; Quarkxprcswilhafimpoirumngelermrscmzbekemod 1/1000!’anem spaceboth manuallyorautomaficallynune 7 m spacing i3 101/1000 ofa point. Text Abilifiü and Graphics Handling

PROFESSIONAL PAGE will also impon filos from

i?most major Amign wund proccssors well as ASCII text files. ‘fhe also fentune man run-mound of both 3s


progmm square and intgular shaped graphics. Graphics hnndling seem l0 be astrong poinzofboth the fl n t ä d h3: ii : Amiga and this pmgram. T110 Amiga employs a Standard graphics forma: (EFF) which m05: graphics packages suppon.PROFESSIGNAL PAGEallows thc uscr t0 importandthis populazityof appgeacnjtoswiwhesis onlhe fiseaße-‘r: manipulale IFFfiles. Colour images can be brought in eimer muss il is silent. _ n s u a l l ympmvide 2560141096 colorsJhen croppedorscaled tofittheposilion. snme feedback Lemma-las toll)": qmm":eifnns; Wim a separate color sepamfion module, images can be 'l‘hiscanaithabeinzi_lo.fqrnl ofmeleqrofirficallygenantedi. separated imo 4 oolor prinüng platcs. "becpfl o: hy’ „pläcßing ;a:}small „ Scraen flicken" PROFESSIONAL PAGE sufiers a problem common t0 dome man) mengenlprane..TheAdomejgi\_res>a=t_aofile' I_ a a l i f t t l eclicklliktäzhbäclijlfläfnclal f a number of Amiga programs. Theproglam runs in a hi-res modc and m such i1 man produce a noliccablc and qujtc iäfwhefl scrcen flicken This flicker can be rcduoed by '--t rankmt l'on! 5supi7iärejr30h: man ‘rage ‘neu? meine} -? — T. annoying the screen colors 0r wilh cxtemal screcns which adjnsting in sell tbe S25 range. Isitwwth Altbongh one program does n01 malte adesklop pub2.. if _. ‘ lishirlg oornpuwr, PROFESSIONAL PAGE does bring the gf .5 ;; powcr ofPoslscriptand a breadlh offeauncs l0 thc Amiga owner. I: is doubtful whemer rhe sedoxxs deslctop publisher would pmchase an Amiga a1 this point solely for its DTP _ fmlurcs. however ii it is t0 b: used in conjmction with anothcr of thc Amiga’s suengtlus such asmusic orDesktop Video, then i: may be wenn considering. (Mm:packages with Postscriptare schecluled forrelease in menear future including 0m:callcd Publishing Partner ProfessionaL) 111e Commodore Anxiga afrer allprovides acolour System wixh oomplctc multi-tasking 3nd IBM-PC compalibility for * mughly hnlflhc pries ofa 0010m Mac. '

'| '

enllybcsolvcdinhlanthwhm lhecompanyplanslorelease d0: matfix prima’ drivers. ‘fhe pmgram employs (h: now familiar menu-mOusc-poinl-and-click interfaoc Seen an manystnülarproductsfiorPcandMacprogmmsAtextbox appmacl: a3 in Xgxess or Rcndyfie: G0 is employed by the are available for program. Hve levels of viewing of the page. Fonts

withbtxtlthcretailaandApplcmCahformaflxcpmblem wasdistbovemdtohc with thc lasen-prima: whichis nordaslgned for such precisionirhe remileroffetedw replace the f systenn wilh anothaof their choice, butaftersomereseaxch, E5T itwala dezennined Ihatnothingclseinlhcsamcpficcmngc i_ _ " willdothcjob eiIhenBackalSYTECJbearfistswim ajob g? 1o d0 have leacmed t0 live with this shortconting and now muimely adjust for the disauparlcies. H. ‚ Ren! Soon Now ‘m: Kenia anxiolzsly awaiüng mexereaeeorme Macintosh Version of VersaCAD‚ a lügt: 0nd CAD program duc out "RealSaanNaw". Wilh thalhc hopcsmpairaplotlcr which “filmt!” P

whcrewednfifiylonnchundmcdthommdswitchcsfltis well wou-th the effon n0devolop someshingunique.” hesays. B.C. Hot Area for flactronics Becauseöftheirspeclahzafion,’ sYIEclmveullyone



mmeequipnexufrunthcirrctailnrflhcyhadhemasmmd thatmeequiprnmtwufldmeetdnehwocificafionsformlerancunwhichbecausenffllcexaclingnalurcofflaeirprodlncts canbeassmallasl/loilllofminch. Unfotmmatelyxflw

pasttwnyears.Hcdncsnügctmmhfrccümthcscdaysmis evenings amweeloendsare ofter: spontan design worlc with LhcncwMacILHciswemllpleasedvrühdJecomputer, enjoyhlg irs relatively y wer intcrface. Ken Krug spcnl. the early 70’s in England smdying graphic arrsand typography. Helooks for-ward t0 getfing a oopy of Fontographer t0 beahnmaeammmtmxsrmsflncscuenxswonjobs


i“i1man-i: printers for proofing. This shortcommg will appar-

handlhcyhavebeenoveralldisqvpohtedwiflaflnlackof j procisioninthecmzentaopofülPeqnfipmeru. DTPOvex-snld Acoordjngtolienlimmhefelttheyludbemoversold

Custom Fonts Ken KrughasbemAnDirecwrwilhSYTEC forme



SYTECsAnDiIeCmnWaSaquBIifiedyeSandnmOnÜhe j’

mrhe scmenthmgoesmme prinnenpresmnably nünimizing discreparlcies. Tbe desktop publishing sei up has howevcr, giyerl SYTEC considcrahly man: flcxibility in wnrking wilh lypc. Logosarlddoslgr: wortmsetat4009l: Iheirfmalsizemnd then photogrnphically reduoed mmke me Original 300 dols per inch (dpi) resolution up t0 1200 dpi.

I I ’*



Lual ndopfion of Display PostScript which is predicted for man)! Macintoshprogramsffhis sexlds Ihr.samt:informatior.

v " :





I - a


lhatgrowllLlnlulywßlüleyacquircdaMacinloshdeskwp puhljslning syswm xohelp them in meirdmign anrl layoutof thesecomplexcircnnmwhenashedifmeyfeltmishad helpedintlnegrowflxpwessnheanswerfrunäenifirug. ‘g

development which may help his predicameant is lhe even-



mchindustry. Printedcircnizswixchesmthnseneaxlitfle . switches on everything from micro wave ovens t0 stereos. “iül°-ä7c'*i‘s4’ which coamibunepanorme fumristic feel mmoaemeppn- ‚ ances. Rapid Grau-u: sYTEcstaltndby Simm Bmomlnllmnofhisbasc- '_ x-l‘! man: aboutsyeacrsagoJtasgrow-rlmpidlynoazoperson 23;: companyaervingcurslrmexsfiomallovuwcsrmncmnda. 1: ‘meyhsveutllixedstareoftheanneclmologytonelpsustain :.,





Applelasawriterwhichtheypmtfiasedcanvaryasmuch aslflöofaninchmlhcwidlhdinmnsinn. Kcnclaimstbe horizontalrepresentafionisumnllyfaniyacunarmbmflre widthlsoftcnofi’. 'I‘he company sperrt a few InOflIhS after (h0 iniüal










0010244 t"4r'flwCompuurPaper- 51110111988:


CompuTer Colendor AC


DOPPLEJTCS TRAINING CENTRE 101 W. 5th. Vanconvccr 875-0261. Redford Accounting full dny. Wed Mar 9 S159 ACCPAC full day 000134.. Wed Mar 16 S159 PRECEPT‘ COMPUTER SKILLS LEARNING CENTRE 73S Clsrk Dr. 155-3198

ACCPAC: Accounts Recelvablc 8: Payable 3 sessicns. Mar 11318/10115117122124. 7-9 PM. S275 Intoductiom w ACCPAC 3 scssions. Mar 14121128. 7-9 PM. 255-3198 S130 Intuductbn to Accounting will: Redford 3 Wcdncsdays. 7-9 PMWed Mar 16 S130 Mlcrocompoher Accounting wlth Bedford 4 sessiocns. Mar 8:30-12:30 PM S275

PRIMA TRAINING CENTRB 207-3900 E 113mg;Buxnaby. 294-4567 ACCPAC: Order Enlry/Inventory Control 3 weekx. 1-5 PM. WcdMar 16 S150 ‘TK1.MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Homl Gemgia. ‘fimothy Sum 876-7117. 9-12 AM Newvlevrs Accounting Tue Mar 15 Free VANCOUVER COMMUNUY COLLEGE. LANGARA 875-8200 Rocm A216 Accounting Uslng Redford 7-l0 PM. 5 wccks. Tue Mar 29 S150


ADVANTAGE COMPUTERS 4324 Kingswsy, Bumnby 4303113 (P1010 Bericht) ca.11 für Merch Schcdule cmMscixuosh Database wmscs COMPUTER STATION 2130 Bmmrd St. Vuncouvcr. Pol Austin 732-8621 S175 IntI-omdBaSeIII-o-‚IDayThuMarIO. Intcrmedlate dBasae III Plus Wcd Mar 16 S175 Intro mdBasc III Plus Thu Mar 31 S175 DÜFFLEWS TRAINING CENTRE 10l W. 5th. Vmcouver 875-0261 dBasellI-v 1Duymurse.TucMar8


FIAT-A.BONNER & ASSOCIATES 310-1112 W Pendct St. Vanoouvet. 684-1022 dBASE III+ l Day comseWe-d Mar 23


1350-1140W Pendel’ St Sue Thema]! 732-1211 Inn-oductiou 0odBnse 111+ 9-5 PM. 5:11’ Mar 5



PRECEPT COMPUTER LEARNING CENTRE 735 Clsrk Dr, Vnncuuvu, 35-3198 Uslng tlBASE III +: Module One 2 %ions. Mar 3-4. 8:30 12:30 PM. Uslog dBASE III e: Module Two 2 scs-sions. Mar 14-15. 8:30 12:30 PM PRHMIA TRAINING CENTRE 207-3900 E Hastings. Bmnsby. 294-45457 Database Uslng Cllpper



1-5 PM3wccknThuMar17


How mDesign a Rehtional Database 7-10 PM. 2 wcekx Man Mar 21 UBC 222-523



S150 S75

S195 puwr Lab. Old Bookslorc Ellccflve Database Design 3 days. Mar 16-1894 PM, Kanada Renaissancc 110161. Brian Mullen. SS75 Database Systems for tlle PC: Micmcompumr Lah. 01d Bookstoxe UBC. 9:304 PMSa: Mar 26 S95 VANCOUVER COMMUNTTY COLLEGE. LANGARA

875-3200 dltase 1111111+ 94:30 PM-Sa!Mar 19 S85 wlth dBase IIIIdBaSe 111+ 94:30 PM. uns seasion. Sa: Mar 26 S85 VANOOUVER SOFTWARE CENTRE 300-1190 Meiville St. Shirlcy Friesen-Mao! 699-9800 Introductlon t0 dBASE III-o9-5 PM Fri Mach 4, rqaesß Mm’ 18 S180 dBASE III-i- Intermedlale 9-5 PM Fri Merck 11, 209cm Mu- 25 5180


n11for March Schema}: on Macintosh DTP oourscs BEHNSEN GRAPHIC SUPPLIFS - 1016 Richards St, Vmcomrer. 681-7351 Liglntspeed Colour Layout on tue Mac II Sa: Mar 12. 1130-1 PM Frexe MIITICAIJ (Mac) Sat Mar l9. 1130-1 PM Free DESKTOP PUBLISHWG TRAINING CENTRE



16 Thc Computer Eapez Mach 1988


Bands-an Intro to Vcnmra Mar 22 ä 23 Ovcrview o! Pagemnkcr Thur: Mar 3 Overvlew o! Spelibindcr Ihr:Mar I0 Overvlew o! Ventura ManMar 14 Overview o! Pagemaker Thur: Max 24 Advnnced Vunturn Fr1 Mm: 11

Advnnced Ventura ManMar 28 DOPPLER TRAINING CENTRE 101 W. 51h. Vanccuver 875-0251 Venlurn Tue Mar l8 J7. 22 Psgemskcr Thu Mar 24 f; 25 FIALA. BONNER & ASSOCIATES 810-1112 W Pendel’ St. Vmcouva’, 684-1022

Ventura ManMar 7 PRBCEPT COMPUTER LEARNTING CENTRE 735 Clark Dr. Vancouver. 255-3198 DTP Using Ventun Mar 7-8, 15:30 PM. Introductlon to Desktop Pnhlishlng Mar 17-18. 9-12nocn

S149 5495 5495 5495 S495 S99 S99 S99 599 S189 S189 S350 H50

S250 S190


DTP Wlth Pagemkcr Mdr 211221-550 PM S190 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Downtown 687-4255 Dailtlup Puhllshlng Tools: Allemxfive Approsches 171T: Tue Her 22 S160 UBC 222-5222 _ DTP: Pagemaker an the Mac km 121. Conzputcr Scienoc S185 Bldg 9:304 PM. Mar 12.131911: Intro to Desktop Pubilshlng 2 sessions McKay Training Ccnn-e. Luirndn Bieackley. Marcil 12. 9:304 PM 8c Mar 19. 9-5 PM S VANCOUVER ELBCTRONIC PUBLISHJNG ASSOC. BC Club. 750 Pacific Bivcl 5.. Vmcouver. 731-5887 General Meeting: THE OFFICE PUBLISHER & Free Computer Publlcatlons ‚Man. M0:7 Mac Pagemakcr S16 Nelson Reust 683-2341 Wed Max 9 Frec Baslc Postscript 7-10 PM. 986-0454. Georg l-Ioevel. _ Thursday Max 10. Inlermedlatl Pnslscrlpt 986-0454. Georg Hoavel, Duzrsday Mar 21. Anatmny cf Type Seminar McKxy Technicallnainfle. 7-10 PM. Man March 28 S50 _ An Intrnducfinn In Dnsklflp Publlshing BC Club 7-10 PMTue Mar 29 S35 PngeLayoutSemlnar BCClub7PM.'I'h:o ' 34-3451. ManMwch 14. S50 VANCOUVER COMMUNUY CÜLLEGE LAN ARA Room A210. 875-8200 _ Dnskmp Publhhlng Pagemaker 7-10 PM., 5 wceks, Wall Mar 30 S150 VANCÜUVER DESKTOP PUBLISHING CENTRE 11d 1150 Homu.’ 51631-9161 Slcvc Oshtmln. Rocdy Cheen Ventura Junlm‘ Level full da31 Tue: Mar I5 S159 Ventara Junior Level 7-10 PMMar 7 A‘; 9 S159 Veutura Senior Level full dey Tun- Mnr 29 S159 S69 Desktop Design Cilnlcs ThmMar 17 S69 Desktop Design Cllnla ManMar 28 p

dBasc 111+: Inmmedlate 73:30 PM. 4 Wcds in MsrchWcdMar 9 UBC Miwocom-

430-3113 (Panlo Bes-wie)

400 n90 Melvilie 51., 669-9800. Man! Jane- Dame 1mm in Desktop Publlshln:Mai‘ 7 Bands-an Iniro in Ventnra Mar 1 d’; 2 HIIldS-Oll Inlrn In PngemnlurMar I5 .1 16 Bands-an Intro Spellhlnder Mm- 17 x218



592-1281 exf453 Knowleclge-Basod Syshms ‚ 3 evcnfweek for l1 Wachs. lnn-o mlmowledge based symms. Application of utificinl inlclligmcc. MmMaar I4 VANCOUVER OOMMUNTTY COLLEGE, LANGARA A210. 875-8200 Introduction to Expcrt Systems 7-10 PM. 5 wach. ManMar 28 5150

GENERAL Amiga User Group Mcctlng PaNarAmgslmret Cca-mnmlty Asaociation (Frust: J1. 51:1) Deve Allen 270-11364. General Meeting Wed’ Mar- 9 Workshop: ‘I'm Mar 1 Programmen Wad Mai‘ 23. BCIT 7:30 PM Apple Buslncss Forum Apple Canada. WesfinBayshwc. 9-5 PM. 1600-3878683 e11. 50, March 1 in; Apple I1 User Group Meeting BC Apple Society. Buznaby Rugby Club. Kiyo Mnsude 437-9935 General Meeting CD-ROM Conferencc: The Indmn-y Emerges Microsofi (2015) 882-8080 Shuidm Hotel 8kWenän Hotel. Semlc WA. u m ) :1-3 595a Us Computer Swap Meer Computer F11:- Associatiorl. 51mm Coxmnurfity Assoc. (Frascr & 51m) call for tables Dave Allen —

270-0364. Sei, Apr 30 Compnherland Show Compumrlmrd. Hyam Regency. displays by Computerland snppliers. 687-5545 Matt-h 2. 3 n}. 4. Wed Mar 2 S10 Frce Trade 8: Hl-Tcch CATA. l-iyan Regency Hotel, Keim electrnnics compmle: 8L McPlmerson 684-1522 Oltnwa. ' es. Wad Mar 2 accolmling Kaypro User Groupf Portable Computer Club HughTeylor

253-4949 ‚ Mac User Group Meeting BCApple Socicty. WCB Building, 6951 Wcsuninslcr Hwy (Klyo Mcsuda) 437-9935. General Meeting election of officers Wed Mar 23 Malnlnnd Mac Meeting 7:30 PM Wed Mar 9 11111115 Kwmrlen Collage. Surrey, 1.4: Robcrisor: 437-9935 Maple Rldge Computer User Groll]; 467-2647 MR. St. Free Sccondsry Schon] 7:30PM.Tue:Mar8

Polm Sunday 5m Mar 27 St. Patrick's Day Tim Mar 17 Surrey Mlcrocompoter User Group 526-6221 Tandy 1000+ Computer Club Len Boscoe 574-7438 Vancoover APL User Group 298-3081 Anmew SEIT)’ Vnncouver PC Users Group, Topic: Laptop Computm H.R. MacMillm Planctniun 438-6009. S201ycar mcmbership. 7:30 PM77m Mar 10 Wust Coast Computer Soclety 255-4485 Dave Wien:


300-1190 Mclvillc SL. Shirlcy Fxicsm-Nicol 699-9300 . Introducdon to FRAMEWORK I1 9-5 m ManMar I-mmpursM-r 19 .123 51m FRAMEWORK |1 lntermedilte 9-5 PM MonMar 7.repuus Msr 21 51m



Mm- Janc Woods 275-2829. Local Ans Network User Group ManMaar 7 DATA PROCESSING MANAG BHENT‘ ASSOC. Sunley Psrk Pavillon. Helen Runen 435-3272 LANs in Ofßce Automation. 511m5 a:4:30 PM. Speakcr: Ian Rced VPCosngmnech.Tech Standards. Dinner 6:30 PMJue Maß’ S30 UBC222-5222 LocHAncaNeoIorBanOVH-view IOAM- 1 PM.Room





lfl-TECH PRESS Discuvay Park. 3700 Gilrnor: .131, Bmnsby. 10mm:Woodwlrd 430-3533 OpenIngsnOMceInIheUSGPM Thur Mar 10 S10 PREJCEPT COMPUTER LEARNING CENTRE 735 C1311: Dr. Vnnoouva’. 755-3198 Introduction 0o Programming In “C” 4 evcnings Mar 29131. Apr 5/7. 7-9 PM. S140 PRIMA TRAINING CENTRE 207-3900 E Hastings. Bumaby. 294-4567

Axlvanccd Turbo Pascal 4 weeks. 7-10 PM. MonMar 7



4 weeks. 7-10 PM. Tue Mar 8 Advnnceel Turbo C 4 wenn, 7-10 PM Wcd Mar 9 SFU Dowmown 549 Howc St. Vanwuva’ 681-4987 Legal Conslderations lor Marketing Schwan

14:30 PM. Tue Mar 8




UBC 222-5222 lntodoctlon to BASIC 6 ‘Thesdays. 7-11) PM. Microoomputer 14b. Old Rockstars. Instructors: Davc Rzpchuk ä Andrew Banes. Tue Mar 1 S185 Inslde the Maclnmsh A Technlcal Perspectlve 4 Wednesdays. 7-9 PM. Rm460. Computer Scicnne Bldg. UBC WMMar 2 S85 Advanced C Prtgrnmmlng Mar 12-19-26. Rm C65. Woodwnd Bldg. UBC. Alm Billard S350 VANCOUVER COMMUNTIY COLIEGE ‚ LANGARA 875-8200 BASIC Programming for BeginnenI1





ADVANTAGE COMPUTERS 4324 Kingsway. Bm-naby

430-3113 (Paolo Bmoia)

cail for Schcdule an Macintosh spreadsheet courses

UOMPLFIER STATION 213-0 Burma St. Varmover. Put Ausfin 732-8621 Advauoed mm5 1-2-3Thu Mar 3 FutTr-acknom 1-2-3 WedMarD M0 Fast Trick Lohn 1-2-3 Wed Mar 175x18

FastTrac-kLnnnl-I-G wedMar28dz29

S175 S325

5325. 3325

DOPPLER TRAINING CENTRE 10l W. 5th. Vanoouvcr 875-0261. um 113 mal 1 Tut Mar 15 S159 Lohn 123 Level 1 Tue Mar 29 S159 Jxusdgnxsmaytnka fixstday sepmtely forS175) FIALA.BONNER 0. ASSOCIATES 810-1112 W Pendcr St. Vmoouvex. 684-1022 Lotuslflhvtl 177mnMar3 175 1001512314111 1WdMar9 175 Lotus 123 Level 1 Man Mar 2! 175 - 175 Lotos 123 Level lThursMar 31 botus 123 Level 2 Tue: Mar 15 175 [ a u s123 Lava! 2 Fri Mar 25 175 PBSC TRAINDJG CENTRE 1350-1140 W Penda- St. Suc ‘Pluelfall 732-1211 Intm t0 luotus 1-2-3 9-5 PM,Tim Mar3 S165 lntsrmedlate Laus 9-5 PMFriMar 4 S165 Advmced Lotos 9-5 PMFri M 0 4 S165 PRECEFI‘ COMPUTER LEARNIIJG CENTRE 735 Clark Dr. 255-3198 Eleclronk: Spreadsheets (Lotos 1-2-3) 2 scssions. 1-5 PM, Mar 14-15. 8140 Advnnced Spreadshaet Skuls 2 sessions. 1-5 PM.Mar 28-29 S140 PRHHA ‘IRAJNING CENTRE 207-3900 E Hastings. 294-4567 Lutus 1-2-3 Mncro Programming 2 scssions, 7- 10 PM, Man Mar 7 S75 Lotos 123Management & Grlphs 2 sassions. 1-5 PM. Fri Mar „l8 S75 UBC 222-5222 Lotos l-2-3 laarning w im the Spreadshect Tool. Locaüonmä, 7-10 PM.Tue Mar 1 S195 Advanoed 14mm l-Z-J lmprovlng Your Prooucfivity wlth Meeres. 2 days. Mar 24-25. 9-4 PM, hficracoarxpum Lab. 01d Bochum: UBC 5150 VANCOUVER COMMUNTTY COLLEGE. LANGARA A210 875-8200 um; um 1-2-3 7-10 PM. 5 wuchs, Du: Maß‘! 3150 VANCOUVER SOFTWARE CENTER 300-1190 Melville SL, Sluirlcy Fxicscn-Nionl 699-9800 Lotus-Intnrluedhte 9-5 PMTim Mar 3 51m laotus-Inlermedlata 9-5 PMTim Mal 3I 3180 Intro mLotos 1-2-3 9-5 PMThu Mar 17 8180


VANCDUVER DESKTOP PUBUSHING CENTRE Ltd 1150 Holm: St 681-9161, Stephan Osbomc. Rocdy Gxccn Managlng a Modnm 104.230771W:Mar 31 SIE UBC 23-5222 Data Communicnfiuns: A User's Gulde. 10-2 PM. Room

20l. Wcsbmokmdg. UBC ‚Satflrlarll



CGA ASSOCLRHON 0F BC Wcstin Bnyshor: H013]. Sue fluelfall 732-1211 0812 und How to Improve Your Mkrocomputer 9-5 PM Thu Mar 3 S150 COMPUTER STATION 2130 Burma S1. Vancotzver. Pax AusLin 732-8621 Intru to Mlcros ü DOS ‚ 1 Day oouxse.. Maming portion on DOS, cm be tahensepmlcly for S95. Tag Mar 8 & Tue Mar 22 5160 DOPPLER TRAINING CENTRE 101 W.5th, Vancouver 875-0261 Intro 1o hlicros & DOS 1 Day ooursc. Run: every Monday Ihm April. ManMar 7 S138 FIALän. BONNER 8:. ASSOCZIATES 810-1112 W Pendc: S1. Vmoouver. 684-1022 Introduction to Computers Fri Mar 18 S175 Introductlon to Computers Sa! Mar 1 517S FOLKSTONE DESIGNS Dowmown locuion 986-8060 Making the Most o! Your Macintosh 172 day, filc mmagemcnt Wed Mar 2 S



PBSC TRAINING CDITRE. 1350-1140 W Pender St." 9-5 PM, Sue Threlfall 732-1211 D.O.S.Sa: Mar 5 S165 PRECEVI‘ COMPUTER LEARNING CENTRE 735 Clark Dr, Yanoouvet. 255-3198

1mm to Computlng: IBM PC 8: Compaflblos 2 days Mm"34, 1-5 PH.



Harnesslng the Power o! MS-DOS Module 1 Getfing Staned Mar 17-18, 1-5 PM 5.140 Harnesslng the Power o! MS-DOS Module 2 Buch File, 2 scssiouu Mar 28-29, 8:30-12:30 PM 5140 PRIMA TRAINING CENTRE

207-3900 E. Haslings, Vancouver. 294-4567 Uslng PC DOS 4 wks. 7-10 PM. Wed Mar 9


Bauch File Progrnmmlng 1 daydil-dPM-Satflar l2 S75 Mmaglng Yoor Hard Disk Effecllvely ldzyfi-dPhLSaxüar 19 57s Udng Memory Radiant Utllities 1 day. 94PMSa1Mar-26 S75 VANCOUVER SOFTWARE CENTRE 300-1190 Melvillo St. Shirley Frium-Nicol 699-9800 DOS (Zirkulation 9-5 PM Tue Mar 8. S100 DOS Orknhlflun 9-5 PM Tue Max 23 S180 VANCOUVER DESKTOP PUBUSHNG CENTRE Ltd 1150 Homer St 681-9161, Stephan Csbame. Iloe-jy Groen Introductlom to MSDOS Mar 7 i 9 5119 Introducflon to MSDÜS Mar 14 lt 16 5119 Introductbn 1o MSDOS Mar 21 &23 S119 Tokio; Command o! MSDOS Mar ‚H S69 Taklng Colnlnand of MSDOS Mar 30 S69 Taldng Commnnd o1’ MSDOS Mar 28 S69 S129 SuperCIIIIIBIIIE umomce pc Mar 12 Under the Hoodflroubleshootlng the Hardware 10-450 PMMa- 28 5129



Shareware-Palme Domain-User-Supponed?


peopleare unsure-‚ortexldtocoofilse them. PublicDomainsoftwmisnotcopywritedbyitsauthors who seek no forma] rights m" royalties. The works can be used wimfowmnoresoictionsflflaistypeofsofiwmcanbe foundon Ihc many buflotin boardsaroumd thc oountry am! in Software inneres: gmup librafics like PC-Blue and PC-SIG.

Shaxcwan: and User-Suppou-ted softwarc may oontain copywfited programs.These aulhorsareutilizülgadiffemnl approach 1o marketing thoir softwaxe. To eliminate cosfly mmketing, pmmotion am! packaging, you prumlnse Lhc software direcuy fmm tbe amhor, at a Emotion ofLho cost of commcrcial software. putüng the savings in your packe-t. You are enoouraged to purchase this type ofsoftware from lflararies, like PC- SIG, for the cost of dislribufing tho disk. Most disks contain the cntire software program. but tbere ama few -which am dcmo-only or havc limited or resuicted capabili lies. Users are encouraged mcxamine the


2130 Bmrird SI. Vanoouvcr. Put Anilin 732-8621 Word Prncasslng. WordPerfc-ct. MS-Word. MulriMale or DisphyWI-im4, 1mm or Advmwed. 1 da} comsc. Rcpem Max l6 ä 31. WcdMar 2 5175 DOPPLER TRAINING CENTRE 101 W. 5th. Vanoouvu. 375-0261 MS-Word Lava] 1.Thu Mar 3 5159 Word Perfect Level l. Thu Mar 10 . S159 Word Perfect Level 2. Fn’Mar 11 5159 Mulllmltn Tue Maar 22 S159 HALA, BONNER 6LASSXIATES 810-1112 W Pendant St. Vmoouver. 634-1022 Mnltlmttc Advantge 11v. 1 Tue Mut 1 S175 Mulflmm Advantage Lev. 1 TauMax 8 5175 Muldmm Adwnnrage Lev. 1 Thu Mar24 5175 Word Level l Wald Mar 2 5175 Word Lava] 1 Man Hd!‘ 14 3175 Word [ABTEI 1 TIM Mar 29 S175 wocrdPerfect Level 1 Fri Mar 4 3175 WordPerfect Level l Wen’ Mar I0 5175 WordPeIfect Incl 1 Tue Mm- 22 S175 WordPu-fact Level 3 77m Mcr I0 5175 ‘ WordPcrbct Lava] 3 Wed Mm’ 30 5175 Dbphywflh 4 u m l 1 Fri-Mm- 11 5175 Displaywrne 3 Lmr 1 ManMar 2a 5115 Wordstnr 2000 Level l Thu Mar I7 3175 FOLKSTÜNE DESIGNS 986-8060 Word 0o the nrlacintosh: Short Docnments inslructor: Lind: Bleakloy. Downtown locafimn. S PRECEPT COMPUTER LEARNIING CENTRE 735 Clark Dr. Vmcouvu. 255-3198 Word PufectModnhlMa 10-11 l-SPM || 3140 lntroducflon i) MICROSOFT Word Mar 10-11‘. 1-5 P191. S140 Advluced IVHCROSOFT Word 1-5 I'M, Mar 24-25 S140 PRIMA TRAINING CENTRE 207-3900 E Ratings. Bmnaby. 294-4567 Uslng Wardhrrcct 7-10 PM 4 Tues.. Tue Mar 8 S150 "ANCOUVER SOFTWARE CENTRE‘. 300-1190 Melville St. Shirley Friesen-Niool 699-9000 Intmducflon to Multlmate Advnnhge II 9-5 PM ‘Tue Marcid ‚ S130 9-5 PM Tue Marchß. S180 9-5 PM Tue March 29 S180 Introductlon 1o Word Perfect 9-5 PMWad March 2. S180

softwaretoseeifitfitsflreirindividualneedsmrtopassiton mfricnds. If 01c program fulfills your requircmenls, you are-


9-5 PMWsd Mach I6, 5180 9-5 PMWad Merck 30 S130 Introdnnction to Microsoft Word 4 9-5 PM ThwsMarch 3. 518l) 9-5 PM Thurs Mars}: 17. 5180 9-5 PM Tue: Merck 22 S180 9-5 PM Tinas March 31 S180 Multimnle Advantage I1 Intermedinm 9-5 PM Sa: Marchs S180 9-5 PM Tue: Mars}: 8 5180 9-5 PM Tue: March 22 S180 MS- Word Level 2 Fri Mard S159 Microsoft Word 4 9-5 PMThurs March I0 5180 Microsoft Word 4 9-5 PMThurs March 24 5150 Word Perfect Inlennedlate 9-5 PM SmMarch I2. S180 9-5 PM Wed Moral: 23. S180 UBC 222-5722 MS-Wunl Advnneed Word Procemhng; Micmoompruta Lub, 01d Bookstorc 7-9:30 PM. 4 ‘Ihwsduys in Mach. Thu Mar m . 5130

asked mregister wilh tbc soflware auulor. Rcgislralionentails payinga fee tothe author. Inmtum. most authors provide full documentatioo, wchnical assistancc. and updatcs as mey develop. Thc authors usually encoumge your sugge-stions to belp improve m:progam. 111e Shareware and Uscr-Supporled conceprs grew from a nccd 1o provide heller, low-cost softwarc l0 the public. User-Supponed soflware orten povidos the public will) innovaüvc. creativc. and unique soflwnre max would otherwise not be availablc on thc coanmercial market.


Share The Benefits! PC-WRITE Version 2.71 PC-Wrile iss a User-Suppomd word procesaor from Quicksofi lnc of Scamc, WA. It was dcveloped by Bob Wallsee wilh the novico md experiexmed user in mind. 111e. novicewillfzndPC-Wrimcommandseasytoleomwhilcthc cxpcricnced unser willfmdmost oflhc fcaunm fotmdin softwm oosfing hundrcds of dollars. PC-Wfiue comes cocnplen: wixh 45 help screons for the beginne: mward prooessing. 001er features inclodc instant 50,000 word spell checker, mmparagraph reformat, docirnal Iabs, foonnotes. endnooes. headexs, auto pagc numboring. soarch and replme (with wildcards). block move-copydelemautomatic indcx and tableofconrcnls, left-right poge Layouts.mail merge. DOS 511611, aod macros. PC-Wrilc also comains split-screen capabilitics mcdit two filos and screen

clip m: from 0111er mfiwam. PC-Writo Supports 350 printcrs. LaserJet T“ and PostScript T“, or you can customizc the print filc yomsclf. PCWrite in addition Io ins own commands. Suppofls Wordslar T" commands aod files, as well asdot commands for cusmm lay-out and printing. Registered usexs of PC-Writereccivc a 350 page bound user's manual, two free updalcs. one year of technicnl suppomandomer benefits. Version 3.0 iscxpecte-d 131er this year, and promiscs l0 be even more enhanced. Registration for PC-Writo costs S89 US



Gordonuslnunondsls the qwner offfitfiw-Com"; o SLIrreV ‚mm1 speclallzlnc 1h Shareware 8: _— suppofledsofiware. He;Cdn bei _ '







MARCH 1988 Sun Mon’ Tue Wed




2 9 16 23 3o

3 10 17

4 H 18 25

5 12


13 2U 27


1 8 15

7 "|4 21



29 3


24 31



.2 'T11eCon|pu1uPIpa-M|rch1988- l7




The Wsual Approach to Accounting

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Award winning accounting Software o Easy to use lntegratod noadditional moduias In buy Real tlrno books am always currnnt. v





Corporate Presentations

‘An S0286-basod P312 model in the 51300-2300 prict: rang: within the year. By the 0nd of 1989, the entlre Psfi linc will bc built around the Intel 80386 processor. ‘PC-DOS 3.4 shippmg during the firstltalf ot‘ this m 324m Version of 05/2 shipping nexl year. ycar. Nlainly. the annourwements confirm details of repom in last weclrs NEWSBYTES EUROPE. Same of Peter Vckinis‘ exclusives arc still cxclusive. however, most notably thc now PS/‘Z portable which Will compete with tbc Tosltiba 3100. CONTACI‘: Pam Evans.IBM (400238-3643

Tlnvllid Anraten u:Amtmann;


Coniinuod from Page 8

O'I'I‘AWA (N13) Cognos Inc. has announced a significant deal in imoriginal Software mmketand a move into a new orte. Cognos announoed availability ofPowerhouseJts application deveiopmcnt tnol. forlhe IBM Personal Computer AT and oompafible micros. The move, which '12 d been promised some months ago. puts Cognos in the PC software business focr the first time. ‘Jersions of Powerhouse already exist for minicomputcrs from Hcwlelt- Packard Co.‚ DigitalEquipment Corp. 3nd Data General Corp. Cognos also amounced a two-ycar agrocmcnt giving Hewlett- Packard an internal Iioense for tltc useofPowerhouse. 'I-'hatmeansl-IP—forwltose hardwarePuwcrhousc was originaliy developod will b_e able t0 use tbe developmcnl tool internally in an}? of its divisions. The agreemem also oovexs related Cognos software products: PowerPlaxt, Graphics, Architect and The Expert. Cognos will also provide technical Support to IIP, which already nses

Cognos producls. CONTACI‘: Pierre Viau. COGNOS ING, 3755 Rtverside Dr., Ottawa, 0m. KIG 324, (613) 738-1440 LIVING VIDEOTEXT. Mountain View. Ca.‚ is expected to introduce a oompetjtor to Lotus‘ Agentin for tlte PC nexl monlh.aocording l0 a publislled report. The product called GrandView is said to have feannes not found in Agenda and will sei] for S100 Iess S299. SHAREWARE GOES UPMARKETWITHITS OWN MAGAZINEAMD A CD-ROM SUNNYVALELCA (NB)—'I11ePC-SIG Libmry in Sunnyvalc hasoneofthe worlcfslargest collectimts ot‘ Shareware. programs you can use now ancl pay for lnter. PC-WRITE, thc pmgrarn used anNEWSBYTES SOUTH. is ancxample of Shareware. I can malte copies for friends easily and lcgally. Ifthey likc it they send in money for the manual nnd Support. Now shareware users (wlto own IBM PCs orcompatiblcs) havc a regular plane to(um.asPC-SIG has begun publishing "Shareware Magazine.” The magazine feann-es capsulc rcvicws. columnsandbrearhless feantrcs abouthow neat shateware is.NEWSBYIESSOUII-I nalked reoently w(Ziluck Botsford of PC-SIG, who mtes that the group is mainly a distrlbution servioe. Chuck ispublishillgthe gnoup’s wbole libmry ona slngle CD-ROM, for about. S300. You can also get aprinted index and arty individualtnogmnts frum the iibraw onfloppydisks or fluough dealers. CONTACI‘: Chucl: Botsford, PC-SIG, (409730-9291 MAPINFO DEBUTS PC MAPPING PROGRAM ‘IROY, N.Y. (NR) Maplnfo, a new progmm fmm Maplnfo Corp.‚_ will analyzc informatiou in existing darabases and visually display the results in a vafiety ofmap formam. Tim S750prog1am allows userstoloadindarafrom tncloeyboardordirocfly fmm dBaseIII ftles. Ilteprogrmnwilltlten localeadatapointatany streetaddtessonthemapmcarch forpoints wimhspecifiodbmnfiarieawindowflmdaumfltemwuauddetflmmefilehfimflem longimdcofanypoimonmemapfilhesoftwarenm onPCsandclatesandreqtfires 640 KofRAMandahardrfisk. Itwillrunwith HaculesmunocluomonaphimcrEGAeolm gntphics. Digitized rnaps are sold sepamely from belwocn S95 and S2000. CONTACT: Maplnfo Corp.. 200 Bmadway, Tmy N.Y., 12180. l-SOO-FAST-MÄP (In N.Y., Call 518274-8673). OGIVAR 1NJOINT VENTURE WITH JAPANESE FIRM MONTREAL (NB) Ogivar Tcchnologies has signed a joint-venmre agreement with AI Elecuunics Corp. of Japan for the producrion ofa line of laptop computers. A] Eloctronics, which was alrcady supplying plasma scroen technology for Ogivafs System IV laptop, gcts the right t0 build the System IV for thc Asian marlcet. Jaime Benchilnol.president of Ogivar. sairlme two companics plan mintroducethroe more laptop models over the next tluceorftmr years. AI Electronics will sell thcsc in Asia whilc Ogivar sells tbcm in therest of the world, hc said. Ogivar introdttcod Ihr: System W a! the Comdex Show in Las Vegas in November und is ctn-rently slupping i1. AI Elecnronics is now setting up its plant to manufacttre the laptop for the Asien markeL Bcnchimol said. CONTAC1‘: Ogivar Technologies, 7200 Transcanadiennc, Montreal. Que. H4T 1A3‚ (514) 737-3340 MAJOR RESTRUCTURING NEW YORK (NB) —_— Facing Wall Street pressure to show results Erom his leadcrship, lntenxational Businws Machines Corp. Chainnan John Akcrs has tmveiicd a major managemennslutffling. Akers’ intent is to decenualize decision-making authotity in IBM, which man)’ analysrs feel has been suffcring from business arteries clogged by bureaucracy. Alters’ move came a week after Big Blue announoed that, but for wme spocial iterns, IBM’s 1987eamings would have doclinc for lhe third straight year. Akers seid the changcs an: “as signi ficant asany we've ever had"and the most imporlanl since Tom Waisen Jr. succeeded hislatefatberasIBM ctiicrin 1956. ‘Phi: restructuriatg establisttes five “highly indcpcndcnt systcms and technology busincsscs," accra-ding toIBM, along withanew organimtion, IBMUniIcdStatcsxesponsible fornllus. busittess. Tlte new businesses and IBMU.S.will have full day-to- day operational authority. IBM Senior Vice President Teny Lautenbach is the new geilem managt: of IBM U.S. Ammg lhose five independent "businesses" is IBM Personal Systems, responsible for personal Systems, displays, most printcrs, typewriters, totales, deskrop publishing, consumamSystems. and related opemfing sysaems. NEW IBM KEYPAD TALKS T0 THE BLIND NEW YORK (NB) IBM has develupeda kcypad that that allows blind users to bear text onm:PS}!personal Computer. ltis the firsrentry in IBM's lndcpendence Sones of products designed to handicappcd oompuler user's. The IBM P512 Screen Readcr packagß, a:S600, consxsts of anadaptive keypad, softwarc, documentation, and suppon and worlcs on single compute: or in nctworks. A tcxt-to-voice Synthesizer is also nccessaw for Screen Render to l


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18 TheComputer Papa: Murch 1988




wart. IBM says Scroen Reader- would incrcase independmceofthevistmllyhandicappedallowingthemm perform the mmeftutetionswithacomputerasotlteruserslbe productwillbeavailableittMarclnaooordingtnBig Blue. IBM says ittested theprogmm withmorethatflovisually impairecl IBM emplnyees across the country. BULL SELLS JAPANESE LAPTOP COMPUTER TDKYO (NB) Yokohama-besaß personal Computer makerSortecltassimedanOEM-supply conttaet for laptop oomputcrswimBullinFmee. IntheagrwnenLSortecwill supply Bull with im IBM Pc/Armmpanple Iaptop computer. tbeStIap. Then. Bull will marketthe oomputerunder the brand namc ofLauachc in Europa. 10.000 units. which amountstoadealworthslsfl million. areexpectedtobe sold the lirst ycar. Currently, the Snap is sold in the U.S. marltet by Atlantabased DataView, recciving thc OEM supply ot‘ the procluct from Sorten. The Snap hasan NEC's V20 micmprocessing unil.and a FDD rr a HDD.

UNIX SUN NIICROSYSTEMS,Mountain View.Ca.has narnecl Wllliam Randolph Hearst III. publisher of THE EXAMINER. m im board of directors. l-learst. a well-known Computer enthusiast, says he’s pleascd and honored to be cbosen and has a “healthy regard" Ior Sun Microsyslcms. SUN NIICROSYSTENIS alsojilted Apple within tltelastsix months, according to the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMmER. ‘lhepaperquotesmiablesouroesassayingthatAppleCED John Sculley offenedtobuy Sun using somcofAppleH;S500 Buttheofferwasrefnsemsaysttte


and few of its lcey anployees care for Apple Computer. I-IEWIEPI‘ PACKARD CLAIMS HIGHESI‘ PERFORBIING WORKSTATION PALO ALTU.Ca. (N8) ——HewlettPackard has introdttoed

anadd-omcirmfitboardwhichmabesml-IPKDOMOM 825SRX Workstation the higbest petfortning in themmiwl. according t0 the oompany. The CPU upgrade triples the speed ofthe Workstation to 2.0 MZFLOPS fmm 1.0 million floatingpnirttoperaflonspersecond. ‘Iltatspeedissaidtobe 759l: fasten‘ man oompcting wtxkstatiorts from Sun and SiliconGmplIics. HPsaystheMIPS (mlllionsofinmuctions per second) rating for its upgraded Systems has inereasedftotneriglttm 14 (or 14titnestltepetformanceof the Digital VAX 11/780.) The upgradn oosts 510.000. ATARI T0 ENTER WORKSTATION MARKE!‘ <


63030-hased Unix Workstations at W881 Germany's Hanover Fair compuner show in March, says Atari CEO Sam Tramiel in a published report. Details are sketchy (some of them ynwvercadinomünopcanreports) butifsclearAtari planttolow-balltlteprloemutlermgamaholdintbe

wnrkxlation market.

InorhuAtari newstltefu-nthassttcceededin getting ooun

injuncfionsagainstsixsingaporeftrmsaccttsedofdealing in pimerloopiesofmafigames. Authoritiesseizcdmoretltan Sfilflüwotfltofpfiratedgameswlfichmponedlyarrivcd in Sittgawre via Taiwan.


IBM BOARDS THE UNIX EXPRESS RYE BROOK. N.Y. (N3) International Business Ma-

chinesCorpJsmakingapitchfortheUNlXoperating a growing bandwagon that now includes system. Apple Computer, Microsoft. and Sun Nlicrosystents. WilliamLowe.IBNPspersonal oomputerchief. told reportersat the UniFonnUNIX conferenoe inDallas that “IBM pledges tn achieve a lcackrsltip role in the high-performance UNIX Workstation world." Tlle vehicle for IBNPs venunrc into UNIXistlteIBMPCRTJltereduoedinsmtcüotuetPCtltat

announeemettts fmm the low cm1, including. perhaps, a

oouple of models filling in the holes in the PS1? line am! maybe someupgradesof80286 machinesto theS0386 pmcessor. X WINDOWS WINS BACIUNG CAL/IBRIDGE. Mass. (N3) A deren major Computer oornpanies an: ponying up 8150.000 each 1oSupport development of Massachusetts Institute cf Technologrs X Windows es a standard for multiple displays on Computer screens. MIT hast been developing X Windows forthrnc ycars. A Standard will malte it easierto write Software that will nm on a variety of machlnes, X Windnws dcveloper Robert Scheifler says. Joining the x Windows consorfimn an: IBM. Digital Equipment Corp., AT&T‚ Hewlett-Packard. Apple. Sony. Apollo. Calcomp. Sequent Computer Systems, Sun Microsystems. Tektrmix. and Xerox. SUN INTRODUCES DESKTOP SUPERCOMPIITER MOUBITAINVIEW. Ca. (NB)—Atapacked news eonfierence. Sun llrlicrosystems has unveiled what i1Calls the first Supercomputer to fit ona desklop. the Sun 4/1l0 Workstation. Based onSun's SPARC reduced instruction set architocture. the 518.900 workstation delivers seven timcs the speedof a DEC Vax ‘lU780orsevcn milliontaloulations per seconcL lt uses Sun’s own operating systems. C. FOR‘IRAN. and Pascal but will also malte use of the coming version of Unix being designed by Sun und ATSLT. The workstation has 8 megabytes ofmain memory and a monochrome monitnr. While Showing this prioelperformanoe breakthrough. Sun alsoannounoeditismisingtttepriceofoneofits workstalions.The Sun-SIÖO Workstation is up 31.000 to 38.900 clue man inereaseincompmientcosmmtd specificallynninCreme in the cost of orte megnbit oomputer memoty Chips. Cmtmenfing an the SIJIUÄT&T alliame which has raised hackles througbout the Unix world, Sun executive EdZander defended the project. saying. "Wc bclicvc wecan offen’ analternative t0 the closed. txnprietary Systems ofDEC und IBM." l-Iecalledfnrhisdetractmstomllyatoundinsttpport of the joint clevelopment effott. SUN MICROSYSTEMS T0 INTRODUCEDESKTOP SUPERCOMPUPER MOUNIAIN VIEW. Ca. (N3) Sun Microsysmms is expected to uuveilalow-oost supetcomputerthis weck. capable ofprooessing information a t a n i l c of4 to 7 million inslructions per seeond. The deslttop marltine. expected to be priced betwcen 310.000 and 815.000. is based onSun's SPARC, or reduoed insnncfion chip set. TOSHIBA UNVEILS UNIX PORTABLECOMPUTER TOKYO (N13) A Tnsltiba spokesntan says the company has developed a Unix-based desktop portable Computer the ‘P8200. lt has an 80386 MPU. a 4M memory (IZM at maximum), a 100b’! I-IDD (PDOM at maxirnum) and a 3.5inch FDD. ‘Tlte T8200 will be shown at the Uniforum conference inDallasfirex.onFebrunry 8. Itwillbereleased in August. Thepricehasnotbeenannounoedyet. Meanwhile. Tosltibn ltas tkveloped a Unix program for its Tslüolaptopuomputer. Iheprogarnsupponsamultiuser featnre connecting upm4 lerminals. The pmgram will also beshownattlteUnifomm nextweek. Itsreleasedate willbe

Classified Ads HARDWARE EGA for PC XT, AT works exoellent only S150 0.3.0 Keith 521-6124

20 Meg Jasrnine Hard Drive SCSI for a Mac. runs fast and well. Call I-Iari at 731-7499

AppIeIIE System with 128K. 80columncarcLdisk drive. Apple III monitor. printer canl. assorted Software. all manuals, 3900 0.B.O. David 734-8687 IBM PC XT compatlble, runs 24% faster man turbos. 30 meg drive. l Iloppy. keyboard. monitor. bus. Software.

32.000 0.B.O.Andy 683-0864 Mac Plus; 20 meg Hard Drive, Imagewriter printer S3500 Iame 734-3995

Data Entry Person. Gmtluate of Comml Data Institute.

cxp. with AOCPAC. Lotos. dBase. aeelts permetlarlt employntent. Shad 939-3I40 alter 6 pm.

ERVI ‘ Manual written. Software & hardware looking ior pmjects. Also on-sorcen ttttorials with Bricklin Demo


pcrogram. Ron Kifltby m. 684471120


MINDLINK maäofäflflf.m...

m May.

CONTACT: Toshiba America. lnc. Information Systems Division.9740 Irvine Boulevard, Irvine.CA9271s. U.S.A. '


IBMannotumedtivoymagoBynextyeanLowesaii IBM AlX-fanüly workstatiorts (AIX is Big Blue’sdialcct of

Uhlfxfiwillhavemrxethanfottrtitnestheperformanceand memory cf today’s RTPC.” Atthe same time, IBM announoedthattlteNatiotial Bureau of Standards in Gaitltersburg. M41, will develop conformance tests for UNIX-based Software. Tlte tests will mensmehnwwell conformtopropoeedUNHstan-

dardsdevelopedbythemstimteofElecuicalandElecnonics Engineers. Developmutt work will be done on a PC RT running [Blws AIX.

AlsoonflmIBMftonLtherearepersistentnmmrsinthe indusnytltatIBMmayltavesontenewPSnhardwareready

frrdisplayto thepublic soon. BigBlueisalteadyscheduled tnunveilsontenewOS softwareforitsmainfxames. But somewlnfollowtheoompanyarealsoexpecfingsome 019 l


A 1 4





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20 IThcCmIrpuMPapQ-Mardt 1988

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