Cmflfln zu’ P/Ä u
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ABUNDANCE: Dbase Power at a Shareware Price?
Hypercard Local Minitels
Computer Job Futures INFOSAVE'S Backup Service
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NEWSB YTES o Computer Events Calendar -.
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3'ThBCOnlpuWtPaperJmu 1988
m“ "‘fl ä fi l fi h ‘ :‘ ‘
1. 5
V01 N0. Itme 1988
Dambases areour theme this issue. ‘Ihebig issuas onthe national sonne are aboutwhatwillhappmro 711e new DhnseIV. SQL and issues of muIti-umdatabasas. On a man: local Ievel.w: uke a look
CONTRIBIJTING EDITORS Wendy Woods. Km Main. Darm Blmkcrxhcm Masayuki Miyxuawa. Keim Yumamolo. Grau: Buckler. 5mm Gold 3nd Pater Vekinis. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Mike Wolfe. Peter Turner. Gnrdon Sürflncmdn, Dave Allm, Burg Shell, hgrid Harris DESIGN ART DIRECTOR: Rosunary Andus, Dranond Phillips
GRAPHICS: Job Futures Cham by Business Pictums 3cWocrds
ART CONSULTANT: John Howes.Moonlight Studio
TYPESEUWG:Glaciar P1233 COVER DESIGNfi ARTWORK: Remunhhgdonein Langer‘: Image Studio by Nclscn Rucst of Resolution: min; a Mac SE. Layout by Resclutiom. Keyboard Graphit: by Dcsmcnd Plfillips. Photograph b)! Kirtan Singh KltaJsa.
DISTRIBUTION: A11Citi Hyer Distribunors PRINTTNG
fur S14 to 32105 West 13th Avenue. Vancouver B.C. VGK 2V6 Telephone (4 l 6 ) 733-5595. This will covn-mxiling andharldling Im’ 12issues in Carwda. Annexion subsczipfiolas please send S25. TTüs i5 Volume l. N05. Im):
a: Cmaadian Mind Ptoducts undtheir shamware daubase lmguaga: Abundmme. An intzrnsfing prodnct from Ihe imcraning min-Ad cf dzveloper Roedy Grem. Check amthe. min]:for man. Hyparwddzvelopmentdoesno: 56cm n: hnvcgonmflzesazne responsalocallymatizhashzdintheUßffl/ewuubokixxgfur smxplu of locally developed. mmzrlercial ‘ s t x h In litfl: Ivail.T11: omprodurc: w: hadsemadvenisedmlhefiiblcgcb anol-ilmcxvicc respomcfrom Ihr:Lelphoxw oompmw. Ifanyron:hmwsofamy Stacks plane Ietus know. We d0 however have in our midst author Barry Shell who hm verirren rwo books an Hypprcard: Concisa Guidz m Hypefl‘31k" and "Rurming HypuCardwir}: HyperT11k". Barry has beenwclllnanwn inthaMachmshmmmmitysinpehewonMicrosoft‘: ExcelMacro compezition a.couple of years 250. Her: h: givcs u: an ovcrvicw of Hypcrcard’: polcntiul. W: talkod Eric Vene: a1 CONNEJCT about the intcresüng potcrllialofMirlitcllypc installatimufür spocifxcbvsiness sohtions.
‘Ihcideawouldbeto sctupon-Iim datfibasswifltamore ‘um fiiendly" from und. providad by Ihn telenex stylc graphics. Raxher thanfacirxg mendlcsssetoflinmbylinechnxactusinonesizeof smallty-pe. musst: gatsm see graphics mddiffermltypefacu. This produa offers a very aus:effective answer for Garmin applicafions. Eric und bis permnr Plfilip Pradal of Pixdel Information Systems hnve some very worknble ideas offen: businesses. NFOSAVE a Vaneouvex company offen analnemntive nodo-ityomselfback-up. Thnyconteixxutddoitfioryouforafeanisfiees you from data losswonies. Idcalfor thetmsmcss wilh large amounu of Valuablc dann. They snore the bask-ups pfßite in die man of fire. thcfiorofimdamage. Amme: groatsmricaeoxiapmymenmgeuut
ofthe growhlg local oomprutm- indusrry. Dur 01d ps1. Div: Allen i: back with umthn bmsl of Amiga
fervotnzThemmloveshismnchim. andhzlcrvcs thislomllydevelopeddatabasccafledDynaBasc. Appuegtlyheisnotthemlyone whnlovcsthcAnfigmCixedrmcNcwsbynessecfion fordnrailson Ihn: salcs xrowxh o!’ the Amiga. PataITmnarfIomOpficaI Snoragesysmm mmagedtomakaitin '
jxstmfimenrimanirfinrsfingperxpecfiveonthedambueasksam. Peter's expertise is in both dntabases und in CD-ROM applicatiom. Heviews Asksamfiomflxispcxspoctivcarxdducznsillocomeup shnn for his pluposes.
Ingrid Harris givcs u: an articlc this Ihn: on the subject of Ergonumicsawotdthaxhasbemnfimsedalmostasoftexxas Natura". Sh: applics her rhorough approach to an axamination of Ihc und discussion wir]: some local expexts on the copic. Mike Wolfe i5 back With anothar installmm of Ihn cominuing saga of Ihn LAN. Gerd Simmonds Iooks a: a powafixl mm-eware database called File Expmss. Same üun-esfirxg new poducu cum: Icmss nur dcsk lhis timc. Sa: 1h: New Producu uction for W: cunthuw mgrow. My Ihmks againhoDalnmfl Philips ftom McKay Irlsfimlcfvrhis graphic wiznrcüy in sptucing up the 100k of Ihc papcr. ‘Thcrcspmscwe gctfrom you. ourreadcrs makesdmlonghoms
The Compuza‘ Papa, Brifish Columbits Coanpnner Information ofpmductionworm whilo. Wehavepast ourbreakevenpointearlier Saure: i: published by: Canada Computer Papa: Inc. 0 A11 righrs tbmwchadprojected, so wewill definitalybaknepirxg m:himmteserved. Reproductiorx inwhole er in psrl:wirhom rhepermimaion of fion flowinz myou. Teil our adverfisers whm you ssw 1mm. Uflfil nur issm... Lhe Publisher is srricdyprohibiled. Umoliciu-dmataialisgraxefully uooepted. but we can't be respon-sible for retummg i: nnlzss i: 1s acoampmied by a sumped self-addrcssod cnvclopc.
CIRCULATTON: 30,000 Second Clnss Postage Registration Number 7718 Prlnnd in Canada.
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Canad: Cnmputar Paper Inc.
32:05 West 13th Avenue Vancouver B.C. VGK 2V6 Phon: Number: (604) 733-5596
Departments 6 Newsbytes Atari
Chips Commodore Desktop Publishing & Graphics General Japan
Local Arca Nctworks
Macintosh PC News (Comdcx Report) OS/Z-PSIZ The Stock Market Telecommunications Unix Virus Watch
20 Computer Calendar 23 ClassificdAds Features
12 CMPuäbundanoe Database l3 CONNECI‘: A Local Mjxlitel? 14 Hypercard Software Revolution I5 INFOSAVE: Back-up Service l5 Amiga Database: Dynabasc 22 Ergonomics and Productivity Columns
16 Local Arca Ncmorks 17 The Shareware Shelf: File Exprcss l9 The Service Sector l8 Ncw Products 23 The Bookseners’ Bestsellers Comlng Up in The Computer Paper: July Vertical Market Software Ccpy d: Ad Deadline: Jung 20
August Networks Cupy ä: Ad Dcadlinc: Iuly 22 September Education 8LTraining Copy & Ad Deadlme: August 22
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andammhneadad baust. Publicdomainsofiware
-Ä Portable Ä T Computer 3620-244 Street
D0 you naad spsce 1o taach your next oompufler oowso? Call us, wo hava a weil aquvpad fadlity With
Phon: o: write todny for fxee information kit.
I5) What would you llkc l o s e : more ofln
the paper?
16} ‘Type ol’ Computer s: Operatlng System: Henne Cumputar : Hanne Operatlng System: Werk Computer : Wnrk operattn g System:
Name: 'I'it1e: Business Name : Address: Portal Code: MauTo: The Computer Paper 3205 W. 13th Ave. 1mm Vancouver, B.C. VGK 2V6 OtIer9oodtiIJuIy31J988
L---_---..__-_ L 4-TheComputerPnpaJune1983
Gomputar screen aolours amprotty’, buthnwdoyougatthemoutonpaper? At Business Picturos 8. Words wohave tho portect solution. a uniqua oombination “desktop publlshing‘ and Colour. Dur Mac SEs and Mac IIprovide tha 311mm. and our Canon Laser Colour Copier finishes tho 10b with coIour. Or, bring us your floppy dlsks (Mac or MSDOS}. blank and whlte oroolour originals and we’ll take ftfrom thore. Finally a way to add colour to your postars. handouts, and ovorgaslgop oa s.
T0 seo for yoursetl call Bruce Wright or Mavls Procter at 686-5468 and we'll visit
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u.div-Ein: o1sah consunag Gmup Im.)
aus? Ä
Deut’ TCP A5 wc n: planning 0o move fiom San Dicgo back t0 Vmoouver. I asknd my danghter( a.Vancmvcr rcsidcnl) t0 mail m: any Computer Imdor busimss pcriodicals Ihn 3h: could find up thalaway. T0 my deligh: back cum: x “Computer p3pflflnm pupabsmprisingly sophislicntcdcspc» ciully omnsixluing i1‘: youth. From (im band obsetvation cf a San Dicgo fies pupcr. Lhc "Byte Bayer". now calted “Computcrüge”. I would 111m c0 infmmyom readers und ndverdsers cf um impact rhat alocalpaper canhave. Retailovexttxe oounwrpricas in San Diego.zival nntionwidemal! orderdiseomupurioeasmresmalxivcgoodsewice are- metuioxtui. Stare; that givc poor Service. alrhough not mentioned dimcfly soon becozne knownbyinfeterwe. Companioswiflxhmwledgeable personnel soon becomc soughl arte: as suppliars and congtltanrs. Software thal 1sproduoed Iocally t0 fillalocalneedmaybegivenafonxm
mzy b: discussed 3nd pmgrams pnblished, m: glossymagazincshxvcmuchfoottighnspace prcntimn for 11'115 satt ol’ informative. mnafinl. I: wouldbevuycasytowritcrcanu (orstnouldlsay disks) on 11m advaxnagw 11m a Iocalpapcrlnmguzinecan bring 00 muten. BBS booomeknown. nach tot it’: own area of meinst. Questimts an mctmiqtm can b: aauwured. üps am! solufinns In problems an b: made public. Used equipunmu
D 6) hattking ä fm. D8)aocomnittg
Whztbestdescflbesyourofllce? DBrandI D2)l.oca1 Ü3)Hoad —— i !
5% F/
HEIPrasi I
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Aästflhnts‘ Mama»n:Assmann"
lnfosave__Amiga Database: I ABK 51m CD-ROM | Cmldim Mind Products (Abundmoe)____ I ÜI-Iowmanyoflmrpeuplereaflyouroopy
| I I |
Call for Registration
ä f fi g
j,„ „
June 23 and 24
1) Rate 11a arflcles yon read on a scnle o! 1 lnpoor ew s lnsgältlefgood, New Produots CDNNECT-Minitel Hypcrcaxd
l5 77/5115 Qy
I/Akmmxz; 5 0 m m , 56555504155’?
I Just fiII inthis questionalre and send i1 I into us. We will maiI a copy o1the paper 1o | you and you won't have to miss an issue.
l I
m Vmcouveraftatmabsuneofeigluyeamwe mvayhtemsmdtnseewbalhasbappenedmthe
Computer 51m: comparui n0 lhu01’ San Diego. I:
man:11m Ihre Iremmy mm": oontpumcomsas
ofietodalBCfTalnngthmnallünesclnools combhted herefifhntslaould xmke f0: vezy emiting grawth in the usa of personal «mmputers. Ihope matmcmfindanichchvanoouvu‘;
cnmpuxing aommmiqr. The biggest thrfll in my busimsslifn. icmixtcrodnosomnpaniosandiztdividualsmtheadvmnge: ofeompaatittg. Warming mindividnaldisoovzrfltcpowflofmbusimss spread sheet. 1nd. 1h: um:of ward pbcesxing i5 Swing a mnstmctim estimawx 108113 doublehisdnilgroutptttafinjuxtafewhom imtructionb anotheroncoflhndaflyplcasuxes rhntmakss itnII wonh while. I digress. asm-e sign of my advancüng ynus. fltepurpose of Lhis lauer
istomootn-ageyauasacompaaterpersonm sttppott youx papcr. und.In suppon th: busincsscs
thaladvnfiscinmyouwillbeumzedatfltc chungc 111a: will cum: nbout in Vmcouver a: a. directresult, within an muingly shun üme. Sincerely. Ton}! Aldtidge. Hankyonfaryow‘‚lindwordzqstppon. k ä m e
marouradwziszrsmsonneqtlw banpaoplsra da11wiähinthz City.Kupupyoursupportfortlzfln undlzflthnnflhatyoumnfiziradinThsCnmf3!!!‘ Papa". I! ging: man a secursfxcling filmt rfxeir aduertb-Eng doflar: are working und Ihm Ihr) buy more ads, andwe am cova" mare areas. Ultbnurelyyou, 38m1:readarget 1h:bnrwfiL-KSK Dem‘ Computcr Papa’, We read und enjoy youx publication. one 001rection lmwever. In yoruz last issuc. yovu suggested t0 a readar that the Vanmuver Public Library lacks cmrantperiodicalsinflreconmpaxmsreas. [nfact w: carry ova’50 compmcrrelamd publications in 111c domttown bnnch. Your aversightmny b: du: 1olhcfact Ihuttbcy u: notinopmcixctflaticmwilh rltcorltermaguzfitw.butnumberequcstcd. Kindly infonn your readcts of this rcsomce. Rcference Section Vaxwouvcu’ Public Libmry
Westand corrected. Deut Computer Papst I love your publicatimx. but when an: you going t0 d0 a compnhatsiva BBS list? Signal Anxiws 0o Teleoomnnuzicata Deauinfioux
50m. sann. i: Esin tke works. For Knox already doingsomerdeconmmnicatingmmmtber 4'085’: in 1h: inctmda d 61117841! BHS [in ü’: Ihzirfitz smüoru. Ckeckotdsooncdtlzßßf:liste-div:0W’
chwäiedsacfiom Ä
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The Computer Papet June 1988 -5
Ä Computer zuitfiout
a service contract i5 [ikgz a persan wfio i5 pmne ta lieartfaifure uIit/iout a zfoctor’. Staxistics suggest Im: 1 in 10 oomptnlexs willsuffcrmusivcdmloua-dnmg: to Ihe oomponenrs. Many of diese oontpum
failuros can b: provonu-‚d Ihrough 10min:
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yomovlmhomeorofiiccJc-‚lcphoncsuppoxt 1cm. ismcludnisothuifyoudohavea help is nevcr fa: awny. Bcslof all. . 0 3 3 . 05er: their Su-vice Contraa s; a great low 006ml 8.60118:adnylfmlvcxlicnlpnymnm cm b: und:monzhly. cpmtuly or yearly. 111.: invcslmml yuu hnvc in compulor htrdware nnddam lsworfll protoctmg. Call loday for a frcc eslimal: of your Electronlcs 526-2871
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Hundreds of Max: Public Domain and Shareware files t0 choose from.
‘Eh: Danqmstresearch firm am: clianrs a bul-
> 3 1 :
E. I I
softwaxe tifles with a total valuc of man: Ihm (310300. Commodoresaynwhm aschooIbon-d Ihre: to 50 Amiga 500 oomputers. Connobuys letinaboutTHOk-CDandlatorhad to senduutoul dme will 5:11 the board a complue Projec: Softa seoond bullain saying. in efiect. "never rnind." wan: : of51 libnry for CSZSOO. WiIhIh: u» w wav». u» In 100 Amign 5005. the hbrary will oosICSLSOO. Atari Makes Fortune 500 LBt >m . andabordthal buys morethm loomnchixm will 5oousrsUNNYvAIacs„(NB)_nmi get the softwure library fxoe. Th: ncw pxogram repons a 63%drop in.camings (er its nlostreceln Clip Shortage Pushes Up Prioes oomplemmrs cornrnodordsTln-u ForTwophn, quarurmdpoinrsmfuIgeraxiIsrecenfly-ac- MqUNTANVIl-IW‚CL(NB)—Su|-Ihvücrosys— I0 axmovmoe ptice hikes man inwhichpnlbliolyfinldodscljoohgctmlcfxc: i1: I11: lass. i: die Inzest ’ quirod Fodaalod Group smms. for DRAM chips. Sun 500 for eveay two Ihey buy. (416) 499chnges Atariforthafhsltilzmhasrankodasoncufüm add-on manory producu ‘gäga 50D largm ‘ons. making s1o:#484baserl snyfi II on1987sal . 'balmo:sh::t5lmwsAnfiis W391i D50%. Anexnarnegabitofmeuwryfor makingmoneyinitscomputerdivisionaxidrcvc- aSiIII4-200mnqnur‚forinsmm:‚isnowS7S0 man n’: 5169.2 nfillion oompuod In 565.1 this froilfi563. "Weweheldoffaslong aswereasonaa n ofSun. New Graphit: Standard Promoted time last year. biykusfrepors Greg m Cmnputuhikod In ald-unmcnmry ldt fim’ SAN RAFAEL. Ca. (NB) Pixnrhaspublisltod New Atari Software at Comdex mintnfiooprwosll whichitpronxiseswillmak: ATLANTAOiB)—Auriis:l:arlyrnakingmomy flmfiflby-{Oflsoarlifllbfismorflhzwysellaslified "photoroalism a.stmidaxd capabulity" on dcshop pmnbyfitnncoolmformhigher wlth ins 51‘ computer. dospite a distinct laok of cln cosmfindflacwastmfltoveryet. ‘Ihcnunor computax. It's called Rendzxivlmanditdefim n inm-eszfxomdiemainsoean Iradapress. Someof rni hasitmatDRAMchipprioeswillrisemnother moflmdology for 3-0 mndcling xysmrns to mach llJfi sofmare available for (h:ST has a kludgy visual amibtxtes u:geometric dato insuch a way a5 July. by 305l» repmation. but man}! packagas cosl undu S100. Miaosoft Exclted About 586 tosimulal:mamial.tzxnre.mfleofivity.andgioss. UnlikotheAnfignfiolnthzAtn-lfolkxhadsom: Whilcmoszofusarewondeflngwlmtlmlnml Pkarwmuflwindustry In adoptth: modmology. um stufl’ noshow a: Comdcx. andifsoffnoagoodsmrt. l9firms.ixiomding On: new Ami ST pro shownlnemwas Soäöchipmmmnaßillüata andhisassoci- Amoduk. Sum Microsyxlmns. Nfifl‘, MIPS, usandOaks. CA. For amqamlicrosoftmmrogmmfions ahead, Work- Apollo. Prima. and WordUp Eton: Neoccpt. Wal: Disney. harvo enrlorsed ingmiflzInIdCou-ponttndcsignofzhefllfißö fonnxl S80. you gorpage Isyouzfaanxres RadaMan udhnvecornminadmusfilg Ih: inmi flwevmalxeadynnfishedmuwork inhighcnddesktop publishirxgpackngcs. tconlzs on toldnconfa-enc: inTorunln mfacze in their producrs. Norm. however, diese wirlusßfiprogrmncalladlöntz. Withwlliohyou M: tlm486‚"G|l:x “und we're alxaady starting our wotk on Ihr: inlrodlmfion m mnouno: spocific ixoducts 19. ani fonts for u: Wllill Amis: Apple Ihegflfi." Gnu: slidoad: of da: nnxt two gerun- based on RmderMm “Just es Postscript fuelnd Ihn . cmscgnvcrt fiomofIntalcltips—dn486and586—wfl1 dcxlclop publishing, th: 3-D mono- descripdon w i l l f u o l r.'‚:.';.'.M.'.I:.'.’.:I.L'.'.'.I.LI@IDäRMacstmsmmm mughly Izipl: theperfqrrnmc: of impredocossor. intexfaoe H: saidhis teamisvezy eorcited aboutrhe586. One Tom Form", dhoclor of advanced leclnnology a: Whole Earth HyperCard? Pixar. 11m spocificafion for (h:RenderMm interof ü: will b: "multiple dispatch" BRODERBUND. San Rafaol.Ca.‚ willmatter.Ihc Ihn cupnbililics l0 axeaata more Ihanone instruction a: Eao: i: available now frorn Pinr und may b: gbility CD-ROM Version of “Th: Whol: Esnh Caulog" a fiznz. obrained Eros of Charge by oontaaixlg rhe comfot the Macintosh. Callod Thc Eloclrmfic Whol: pany. Pixar i3 hrgely ovmed by Apple oo-foimder also said {hat MS-DOS will Io oontinue Gans Ea-Ihcazalog. rheprogrmn will berelcasedm Ihe ouqellüsfiforthznentwo rofouryeus,andlhax Sneve Jobs. OONTAC1‘: PIXAR.4l5ß58—8100 fall. Dosigrwdlobeusoduriflxl-lypcrCardflncdisk hfiqosoflplmsyearlyexfimmmnrslofiicolder PC Pagpmaker 3.0 Shl s Seanle. Wt. i5 ship— .does m: hava anannotmced prioe. opduing xynnm. including a mmu-md- ioon ping vcrsion 3.0 of PaggMakcr for thc PC. Thc Maxor Sooops Tandy :ErasableCD-ROM ' sltflsünflarloWindowsaxdOS/Ts Prosa:-Lotion new varsion includes suppon for longdocummts. SAN JOSE. Ca. (N3) Maxtor shnuld beat Manager. cnhanood graphic capabilitios. 3nd uszr inmfac: Tmdy Cmporuion In marlm with Ihe first 6msimprovammls. including built-in templalcs. In Caus: More Problems Shortage ableopticaldiskdrivctlfissqalmlbcr. ThcSZSOO Chip SAN JOSE. Ca. (NB) "I'll: shortnge of RAM Laser Friendly CuIs Price Tahin‘ I drive, scheduled m be sold rommpumr TORONTU (NB) Laser Friendly Inc. 1m cm manufacrurars and resellers. not end-usezs, will chipswillcanscaslowdownmmemfirecom3nd will pctsist Ibxough 1988. says Ihn: prlc: of its deslnoppublishing Software packpurer indusrry man 1 gigabytn ofdanaon nach removable 52.5" Dauquest. nmuketresurch finn. Shornges of age. ‘Thn-‚Ofiioehblishet.fmmCSLSQS 00435695. dishmdispromisodtohzvemaccusfimeof und 1 mcgabit dynamic rundum v o m Th: oompnny says Lhat halving the pricoof The 256K only 30 Ihousandths of a second. ‘That's Ihre: chjps will finnlly aus: b5: rnid—1989. Office Publiulm malte: i: th: lowutppicod fullmornory Iimcs fasrumm exisling optical clisk drives. Tht. wxxdmg l0 Manny Fanandcz. jxtsmlmt und fnanlrtxl desktop publishixxg Software availabla for spcodmbimnodby cmployulg ahghtwcightdnv: CEO of Dataquest. hat unfil Ihm. Ihe shonage MS-DÜS cmnputas. “Th: nzwly rtduocd lind. alsomakes meTahiLidfiveoompetifive wirh "could hav: I. on 1h:growth of refleots our awamiess Ihat the avezage cusnomer significmtimpnct Ihglrxxss I i l n g o f mdaykhlrddrivos. Ehe ‘Computer industry in th: 00min; year. may cmly utiliz: cormin pcufiom of I h : mftwn: A slowexr. smallgr vasion ofthis drive. called tllß Datnquest‘: Fmdings m: much mner thm thosc qepending on their specific_publishing uppliwFiji I, will also b: zvnilable. 'I'h: 3.5“ drive‘: by the Sentioonducwr lndustry Associa- tlcm.” Garden Scholield. darector of salcs 5nd aocessspeedhnsbem olockedatlüflafillisoc- (i011,- whjch sxys worldwid: Chip 511:: will gmw marlcoting. saidülaprapared : . " W i fl 1 onds. Eachdiskslora lößmogabylae: ofinformaonly 3.9 poroalt in 1989. a sharp contrast with Eh: ulislpriccofi/ÖSFS. w: aremuchrmar: atlmclivolo den. T1113 tmitwill b: at lass than 51.000. 30.1% ‘es worldng Wirh limitocl growmaxpochod In b: 5 c m this year. Th: new nur: 9nd Maxtorhas ahudymfllcilsmflrkixlthcinmlsuy SIA forecast lnims (hat a droaded “r-eco-s-s-i-o- UTP budgcls." Thc Offis: Publlsher "u: uvailablo eonvmdonal by selling magnaticdxives. Analysis ‚rfimaybeheadodomwxyaftzrthenewyearsuns, in Canada outlcrs and arcgurlxallyinrprtssui withlhisncwestdfiv: und. at least wher: the sexnioondmrm industry is oon- from LB. dnnugh CompurerLand 0m.CONIn:., Cornwall. Marketing itsteclmology andbelieve ifMaxtotcandelivcr on cemod. TACI’: LASERFRIHWDLYNC (419291-3736 ixspiomiscs. thefirmmay getafullyeafsjump on - wmwwww competinors‘ pnoducts. v vrwwwwvn rmüTandy Fihs an CD-ROM Announcement A ' a Color Protection for VDT Workers Separation System FÜRT WORT“. TX (N3) — T m d y Corp. cum: HAUPPAUGEN.Y.(NB)—T'I1:SuffolkCou-Iuy TÜuisNTO Commodore Businoss Ma(N3) infotharshcrlticismrhawoekoflfipillfi as Ltd. showad a color separation system legislamrehas passod alavaabclicvodlobe thefirst xcpcncrs urdmalyxt: lcmwclitnxislodthopress chjngs hinaus. mprotnciworlzersinprivatebusiand public 31m1: iIs erasable Compaot Disc (CD) rmmmgonusmrugaflmpczsonaloomptxrzral rmesseswhosmrcatviduoscmuualldayxflxe m: '88 sbow hat 17-19. ComMay Comgraph wclmulogyflfl-IOR-CD.Anflug Ihr:Aprilll 3m:- modor: snys Ih: Professionll Color modul: of im ordinmoctakcs effoctinNovembexrarldoovm all menrs thar didn't hold up m sozufiny: Protgssionai Page deslclop pxblishixig sofrwax: i5 businesses will: ZOormmcVDTs. andcmplnyocs Jfmdysaiditdzvelopodnrlzwflmiquemchnnl- th: whoworkmorathmzfihoumperwoakinfiontof fimtfull-feannedprogmntocrenomdoutput ogymitsonmatitsSantaClaralamhfuxt Ihn scrcxm. Th: law requires a IS-nxinut: brcik “Bminass W081i" raported May 9. am! Tandy type und phomgmphy es blnck und wlnn: half- alterthxcehorursofworhhalsosotsstaxzdandsfcr film or mnes. mreaned. mochanically separaten‘! oonfirmdthattheoompury lioemedmostofim lighrixlgmd.for chairs. arldmmdamstlualm-Iployneclrmobgjv from 096ml Data Ins, awell-htown fom-lcolor proooss scpuaümu. empuyüflpuocnlofthcoostofey: cxaum 3nd Making Money for Commodore (byannlysu) stnn-upinßoavmon. OR which also 13.655.112:bill won approval hy a 13-2 matgin. Pa. sohdnlu of CHESIER. (NB)—W1th iIs nochnology t0. flmßng othas. N.V. llowing a Ilirco-hompublic huring. Abusinus iIs Anfiga oompula. Commodw: Inlomalional organizatiocn. th: 1.0112 Island Association. oprclcascs said in mw -Tmdy prcss tochnology Lnshowodamirdquaxmrptofitofßmfllionas poscd Ih: meuure, arguing t h n the oos: would involved puuing ‘pifi’ on a CD. In fast. Ihe ODI campcrshuflonsalesofflmmiflionfiartb: maketltcmuncoxrlpclitiv: withbusizmsscs locnted Iechmlogy Tandy i: using mnkcs und ernses thirdquaner last year. Commodore hada S1mil- olsewhere. IndSl70millionirI lionpmfit (3 ccnuspershare) “hmpfonflmeCD suIfaoe-ncrucinl whi:h obscuxed I11: ODI oomioction for a Iime. sales. kvlng Gould. Connmodcre chairman und IBM Donates Million Dollar Computer Ca. lose Staus University Jrarfiy innplied inits band-cum Ihmins leclmol- chiel" exccutivc oificer. said. “W:u":pleuodwizh SANIOSE. (NB)—San the of Ihe streng performmxce Amigaprodxict 1in6. ogy was ready In loav: da: 11b, bul press spekuman Ed Ingo quickly admimed under questioning whjdx accouxucd for appmxhnalzlyfi purem:of it's 18-24months fromcommucializanonffllafs revexme in tlle curreul quamr. Cotmnodonfs line a Iifetinle in Iltis business." aocording I0 malysrs of PC-compafibleoompurcrs alsoexpa-im-Ioedgood imenriewad by NEWSBYTES. growth in the qumcr." -Ta.ndy mmpctod n S500 lisl.prio: for its e r n - Hardware 8: Software Deals For Schools ablecDplayer. a pxioe similarto Ihm ofmagnertic TORONTO (N3) Commodore Bmincss MIhnddisksgndwizhin d1: Budgets ofhomeusers. chines Ltd. has armourloed Schwan. a In fnct. nversion ofthe paoduct for use will: PCs newmmtefilgprognmflnnwiflgivoCmndim would have l0 b: pricecl n 81.200. because fing: sdmolsovalualion copios ofAmigasofiwamat75 morhoonocfion i: noodod.(CD-ROM drives luv: Io Amionnoodntho loflpnromtofflistjrioo. ' th: samo poblom.) 1 m m ] Educltion Organinfim of Jfandyhuyctmlioalsofincbasicäaudio Ohm-in (ECOO) ooniereno: in Tamtam, Projet-J: lochnology [ m m Sony und Philips. You can't Schwur: eontaitis mm dm 100 edumtional
N Ewsnnyrnrs‘?
mit: a CD anydnmg wimoutthis sundud tech-
Top Quallty Proiesslonal
I‘: 4,’?
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REGULAR AT SYSTEM (6110 M H z ) Norton SI = 11.3
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m°“"°"‘" " m d ‘gh Mehl m 5 2 with LED Iight, Reset/Turbo switch
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Over 35,000 Computer Items Sold
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STREET VANCOUVER vsv 3P7 o 872-1668
New Headache for Canada's Chartered Banks
äixhglgfoppies ‚ u m S2650 53350 5379s 1 MB 2o MB nzoo
Spells Relief for Canadian Business
Eääkääflräfiäfiäfläfiääüfi in
sind businesses. Now business owners can oomplele thcir own payroll hause, 3nd save a bundlc on bank charges and interest. To make mauers heuer (or worsc for the banks), less work is involvcd in using Accounting Master t0 oomplcte a paymll, man in filling out fonns for
the bank.
The company's money can eam interest for lhe company nor the bank. Again, providing big savings for the small to medium sized business particularly if a [arge overdrafi is involved. Accounting Masten" m6.. of Suite 163-2619 Alma St, Vmcouver has introduccd thc definitive payroll program for the IBM and compatible Computers. This casy to use program does it all for you. T4‘s‚ employee separarion reports, joumals. cheques, pay adviccs, and delailcd job costing am just some of the repons it handlea lt even exports directly t0 ACCPAC“ general ledger, but saves the complcx sct up time ofLen associatcd wilh ACCPACs own paymll program. Unül now payroll Software for personal Computers has bccn cithcr too simple to handle more than lhe most sxraight forward situations, or 100 big and expansive to set up. Accounting Mastcr promises to be the bes: solution possible, it is casy to leam and inexperxsive l0 buy and maintairm. The manual documcmation does an exccllent job of bringing the user quickly up 1o apeed on cvcryflfing needed 1o run a paymll. You probably will never need it, but it is nioe 1o know that free Support is always just a phonc call away.
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HP lasmju+ isamgimmd uademarl: ufliewlel! Packard
386 Performance a! a 286 Price! CEX 286 IBM AT COMPATIBLE * 80286-10 CPU Running at 8 or 12 Mhz, 0 or 1 wain Stätte. ‘AWARDROM BIOS Ver. 3.03 W/built-in Setup. 640K RAM "One 1.2 MBMamory. floppy Ilisk Drive. "'Hercules compatible gaphics Card W/printar pnrt. "'ATEnhanced Kayhnard. (Kaytmnics K101) * Real 15m2 Clock With battery backup. * AT case with keyboard lock, power I turbo/ diac Iight. r 1s 13m: hard/floppy am: Controller card. ‘ 8 Expantion alots. 8 bits/ 6 16 ‘ 200 Watts OSA/UL(2approved power bits) supply. " Datafhain (AMDEK)V2421! Monitor W/filt & swivel base. ' 40 Megabyte hard disk drive. (SEAGATEAOnns).
WASHINGTON (N8) ‘Ph:OLEcc ofTuclutology Msessmenl. a congmssional research arm. sxy‘: the presidmz‘: “sunegic tiefem: initiativc." duhbed “Star Wars." by the press. would fail the firsl—mdolfly——timeitwascalledon.'l‘he reagon? T114: oomputcr Software necessaxy uotargezsall thz innoming missilu isn't anywhere in sighL Thc targeting und wntrol Software. said UTA. cannot “b: produced in m: foreseeable fixrinc." Thc 900- pagc OTA rcport 1ms not been officially releued, but a copy ofpans of i: leaked U: lhc WASPÜTGTON POST. The Pentagon was filfiyousatme leakandgave thcÜTAsLaEfascvcm wnguc- laslfing. a lfighly-plaoed 0T A official who requested anonymity mld NEWSBYTES.
82,350 One Year Parts und Labour Warranty
Vnneouvor 050e 1041 West Brondway, Van, 13.0. VGH IE2 ‘(SO-Ü 733-1535 Bichmond Oflioe #104200 N0. 3 Rand, Richmond. 3.0. V60 2x2 0 (6040276-9683 8-'l'hcCom|anuPapczJm|c1988
Stär Wars Unworkable: lacks Schwan-e
Add up to 1024K memory (512118011s) ........................5199 3.5" lificrofloppy disk drive 720K ........ Serial/ Parallel Port Card ...............................................S95 80287-10 Math Co-processor .......................................S459 MSDOS 8: GW BASIC v3.03 ......'...............................„S125
thanfiomanyothntschooHnmeBayAma. (Ilow abcut. one for BCHW-ed) Patkard Gives Away 52Billion Dollars LOS ALTOS. Ca. (NB) David Packard. who 21mg with Willizm Hewlett began Hewlett.Packudv49 years ago. may b: rich an's ranked a5 rha founh waalthie-stmm in Americflblnhfsno slonch when i: ccmes t0 shafing bis fiches with flmgain nend. Buthis latestgifthas msheads of evqlthemostliball arm-fing. Pnckardhudccidcd w give away S2 billiocn cf his estimated 52.87 billionwuhhlo rhePIckzrd Fomdninn. morgflnizalion he set up with bis late wife [Ami]:t0 disfiibur: fand: mchzrinblc 61.1.1563. Packard lold mefNEW YORK TIMES. "We decided early an Ihi: was whx: w: wanled und. woxkzd 25 yczs L0 gettothepomtwhcre we cando lt." Mmhoffltegrmls arecxpocmdmgo Locauscs which help children. S40 million cf thn money M11help build. n new children's hnspizll a: StanforflUnivcrsity. Schock rhtougltwtrhe San Francisco Bay Anm will reoeive gratnrs. so will science und cngineering studmrs who need funding for rasgarch. Additionally, mnney haut beenurmarked [uns program Lhut hclps pmveru manage pragnancy and one marprovidns Eamily planning servioe: t0 "Ihird World cotmtxica. Pruriously. rhe Packard Fmmdarion im given awgy In esfimaled 310 mühen ayear. Thc Monterey Bay Aquarium. a public educazional and research facility, was m: built with Packard Foundation money but wiLh a personal gmm fmm Packard t0 his daughxu Julia. who now huds the insfimte.
OiErMJOßOOEx wJapawsBigShow e rheme of this year's 66th TOKYO (NB) Business Show was "The IntelligentOffice Mm": Effoclivc antiComfortubleWorking Spaoe"International Trada Fair Crrounds. Hanmi. Takyo an M1 l8. Oval" 400,000 visiwrs wen: cxpccwd. b0 domestic und foreigxtl. during Ihed-day exhibifion. Some295 cnmpmies displayedtheh" 11m3: pmducts and occupied 29.600 squnre meters of the largw: scale in rhe show‘: floot spaue
flxagiftispanofmorxgoingcfiortbylBMlo minus San 1036s budding pin-stxipers at Lhe has akaady acaflnic level. The corporaxion donamdequipnmualdorw slafimanba t0 San Just 8ms where man graduating anginears mpullzdlyeradupixxSiliconVaflcyoonlputaä
has just reocived e.S1million domfion of compuUeraquipmantfromIBM. 11133081mnmfiaane Computer, Workstations, und Software. will bc used bvy the school’: engineerirxg depamnem to
Thz buggcst crowds wen: amacted t0 lBM's a:hibit where the 0512 operafing systcm was being promolcd. "IBM 08/2 "Theater" showed Ihn davelopznent undfeamres ofl h: Personal System/SS Modcl 5550511" Mode! 5570-1 and OS/Z Ex-
wnded Version. Oheervers remarked thal 1h: depth of developmmt informaüun was mlusttal forIBM. IBM‘: New Products Corner was floodod with ils 32bit MPU-based Personal Sysrsna/SS Model ESSO-Sri‘. xnd Model 5570-T. IBM‘: laplop
Trads and lndustry (MIT!) has just mdorsed a projact m develop a fifth gmerafion cumputcr. MITI will hxvest aboul 30 bfllion yen (S 240 Inillion) from 1989 through 1992 for I11: projoct und Ihc Institut: for Ncw Gcru-rution Ccunputer Technology (ICOT) will develop ihn prototype machim. The syrstmn will b: capable of parallel pruccsxixlg cfdala 811d will ocmcct a staggering 1.000 (zentral procassirlg units (CPU). l: is expecledthnsuchamachincwillbcablc Loprocess a whopplug 500 times more dala than ptasent lnrgenscale gmanl purpoxe oomputcrs. even claims this fifth generntion mnchine will be the fim mundmtmid und infer humm voioe andsuchaprutotype willbccompletcinthree
Memwhiln. IVHTI will pruvid: Erze anccss t0 all
copyrigltlsandliomoes aoquiredirxtitedevqlopman: of this machine m compmies a1 hoxm: und ahmad. Lhis way. lvflTI aims t0 aequire international participafim in this pmject. CONTACI‘: Instimt: fort New Gerlzratim CompuxerTeclnnologyulvlimKokusaißldgflä. 14-3 Min, Mjzum-mrokyn 10s Computer Speaks and Reads Japanesv TUKYO (NB) Tokyo-based hnvy elsctric machinery msmufiacmrer Meidnnsha has denreloped x rcvomfionary- new wund synthesis systml thatreads Japanesedocmtmtsvrritnenby computnrs am]wcrrdpmcessnrs. Flfllhfll‘. 1h: technology is said (o bccapable ofiruerprcting themeaning sind sonnen of a sramnznt. mereby adjtnsling infloctinn. T111; soLuLd synflwsis systan consists of Japanaselmguageprocossorandsoimdgmerazor. ‘Ihn.- System is proccsscd a: follows: ‘Ehe Iapanese lmguageprocassorconverrs disk-basadrextdocuman: intn somdcode. the soundgenzatorprocesses the oode lnro voice-like sound. using microprocasors. Finally, 1h: sysnam reads thc sound thmugh speakers. Meanwhile. its makars say m: sysmm am be xdaptcd 2o other lmguages, sinne thcplmncntcaorbasicurfirsofhtmmspeechare similm- for most lmguages. and sin-nply hava mb: rearrlngad f0! 0|: System l0 worlc. CÜNTACT: Meidensha. 2-2-1 Otemachi. (Zhiyoda-ku. Tokyo
Canadian Business Confused h: LANs
TORONTD (N13) Personal compumrs are used in nutly 90 pcromtoflargc Canadim businesses. ‘lüpercent ofmedhm-sized ones am! only ahout dflperoaruofsmall hasinesscs, aomrdixzgloa receru study by Inbemational Data Corrp. Cmada. lDCalsofmulcLinasmaxalcsmvcyJhatbtlsinasses am ccunfusad about local- ama nemrorkx.
Conflictingvmdorclainuaxxdthcabscnccofcleflr srmmnds am rhe big problems, lDC said. lDC found 01a: man: Ihm m14: lhixd cf businesses surveyed could not identify rhe vzndor um113d sup-
plied Ihßll.‘nelwork inlerface cards. Among those thathtew whosecards theyhad. IBM amd Novell wer: Ihe most pupular verldors. In thz personal eomputirxz survey. the researchers found tha: the IBM PC-XT was rnorewidclyusad thmiü smaller midlarga siblings. the PC and PC-AT. Mute man 40 per cm: of Ing: 51:23 smveyead am ulready usirgPfiümaclfines. andfewer lhanone fifthof ndi-‚d m lDC‘: the large crganizafions um survcy war: using IBM-compafiblcPCs. In5mal]:organiznriom. Ihe PSIZ was slightly lass populzr und cotnpatibles m a n so. CONTACT: ILNTERNATIÜNAL DATA OORP. CANADA. 7 King St. E... Tomnm. 0N MSC IAZ. (416) 369-0033
New Novell Hardware Novell formt! im major OREM. UT (NB) amotmcemmts lost. in the hubbuband theborodomflllmoorrxparxynwlnich boughx. anumber of haadwne firms in ab: last few yeuxs und got indigestion. mmounced a new AT-type tcrminal wir}: n built-ia: Elhunez ndaptcr, uhmg
Will: adisklcss Workstation. Also addcd wer: a fila sarver based an m:S0386 chip with a 155 mcgabyu: capacity und a powcr supply Llmt cm handle evanbiggadtivaaASCSl hard diskconn-ollafor Computer. LhePS/SS Model5535. was axhibited a1 th: P512 was also armounccd. and Lhe oompany ins «Laptop Plan. demonsu-zting (hat it cm um. annomxzd iIs Advanced Nexwam. Version 2.1l Iqiamsc ward pruccssing softwnre Ichimro and will ship May 27. Support f0: 0512 will be availbotus l-2-3. ablc in rhe fourth qumer. Memwhile NEC was exhibiting und demonstrat- NETLINE, Provo. UT, inrmdnced anctwvdixzg ing irs defacm srarxdnrd Jnpmese PCs, Lhe PCwhinhuses power 151m called Link. With 93m und Ihc 90-8800 scrics. Japan's PC giant System inmysetofPCsinahuildingcmnowbclixüpd productdispluys as weil. Lluough a sozial portpluggod into a wall ourler. played hast to Ihird duascdcngineaingwork- PrioasmSS-fioflpu-PC. mdilships inIunc. Sonyexhibitzdir: stafion (h:NEWS. oomxpying m05:ofirs fionspaoc. ‘Ihcncwly-creanedNEWS 180053505 hat: two 68030 MPUs. MS Challrs Up First Wln Against Apple 5th Generation Computer Due in 3 Yen-s SAN 103B. Ca. (N3) Miaosofl has becn TÜKYO (N3) Thc Ministry of httemational gramhd araques: noseparate m:sui: filed against
Ihn other lhenomrions “look und feel" dispuie. Microsoft anomeys clainx (hat die licensirxg dispute. in which Apple h1; charged Microsoft wirh goingbeyondlhebounds of a 1985 agroearxcnt to use copyrighned elememx of the Macintoshdisplay, is rhe key LoIhccmfin: cusc. und if sclfletl in Microsoft's favor. the andre suit is setfldflious. disuictjudgehearing thecasehas praiicred a trial on the lioenxing issuc oould 0 0 m 6 a: early a5 Gelaber. 111eseoond halfnf rhe mit, whether Nfierosofl3nd HewlenPackardmtviolafingAppldsvisual Copyrighrs. nmy notreaeharrial stageumil 1214:1989. u: hat, say Lhosc oluocto rhe mse, andthenonly ifrhe lioensirxg disputo i5 seuled in Apple‘: favor. ‘rVhile Microsoft armmeys und spolresmen applaudodthejudge's ruling.anApple spokeswomm merely agmedwith it. saying thatifitwrill move the Gase fnnvard, “(hat i5exacrly whar. we an: Iooking for."
one n
un-nouta quu-terof arnillion software packages each month; eventually cme millicm packzges 1 month will b: produeed. aooording t0 oompany arional rhis manrh, offroezs. Set In beoome the new plant. justnonh o Bolhcll. will üfitinlly
canploy some 170 people.
“I'm pretty 300d a1 mulLiplioalion. but I neverlookatmestockpticesoldxmükrmw what mzmba‘ to muhiply by.”—BillGutes. Miaosofl chxriman am! world's youngest when askedhisem-renmetworth 11. 1ToronLo was ooniflmce. "Ihesrm will burn ourirflümillionyems.
soLotusmayhave rofirfishirs l—2—3release
in die dark.” —Marty Winston, Winston a. wirr-mm PR
'‚i211‘;C‘3?J';t!?l‘:.‘:?1*. tvrr.
YARC System. “mutmd 01kg. Ca... is shippirlg
board whielz dranmically increasm the processing speed of a Macintosh H. The McCRAY bcxrd. 54.295. enables Ihr: Max: l11onm a1 a whoppixig 50 MHz 3nd t0 procrrs 17 million inxmrcfions per seeond. 1
autoCad for the Mac II SAUSAIITO, Ca. (N3) In a move viewead a5 plzrcizlg Ehe Macintosh whocre no Mac hat. gone before, Autodesk h1: unlounood a Version of its highly suooessful Computer aided design prognm for the Macintosh II.
Expccled to win fiiends for the Macintosh in previously closecl MS-DOS und UNIX mginecrirlg eircles. Ihn: progmm. called AutoCAD Release 10. provides 3-1)wir: fi-ame commretion und surface modcllirrg functions. md will exchange file: winh MS-DOS 1nd UNIX maehines also rurming AntoCAD. Enginuzsnrddmfisrzienhaveoverwhehningly chosen die Aunodßk CAD package over the years. bringing irtc anumbuoneposition for sales offlfiswpeofsoftware. ‘Thesoftwmispricedar 53000 1nd is expecledtobe availablcby lhis i811.
Hyperbole o!’ the Week
‚. ä
betwocnmeirenvironnxents mddmoomperition’; Whowillwinmedesktopsofflielwoflmthe Software Horizont.oonferenoe Monday moming. an whoee desk
the oomensus was i:
you're allein; about. 5501er Dyson of REL 1.0. a nowsletmr. Garden Euhanks of Symmmec. 1 soft.ware zirka, Enzo Torresi of BusinessLami. a 5mm chain. and David Wagmm of Soflsel. 1 dislribumr. all sgrocd Ihn!unong oxiginects Unix
should lead while in rhe offioe. 0S!)shotrld wir: 011L
Tlle Name o! the Game at Comdex i: fmd-
ing nifiy new produels which will 3er your stete andyouraismmers aparrfrommecomperirion.
Hfismeaxttspendinglnomswalkingnfilesof aislcs. wcighing yourselfdown withlireranne ln earlyrermnsomofflieniftieslideascomes from Taiwan. spocifically from DiamondFlowerlnxunational (DFI). Boom 2738 in the Wert Hall. It's
ahmdheldswrmercalledüiei-lmxdyscarmorwith alt-inchwidascm-hud. meaning youemrunil down 1 mwxpmer eolumn und input tme stories inwyom PC. Ithastwo modesandoomegvrim ms5199 Hain DPE (desklop publishing ediwr) . arm-v.sofrware paclwge. All yours for S500 Mail. Looms Ominons for Clone Makers The Bestseller althis year's Comdex Show i5 1 NEW YORK (N3) IBM suys irs wnms compa- düo-page mme cxued “Opcrafing System?! Apnies topayuponpastmyaltyfeesbeforeitwill plieafionGuidHb-einggivenawayarmeIBM ernte: intn new Iieensing ageanmts for PS-Z booth. In i1. 301.111 find Iumdreds cf programs eompafiblcs. Azxnording to oompmy spoksman which worin with 03H. Same am being demonMichael Smrks. Big Bin: mzy also push for reno- su-axed in a massive boorh will: IBM‘: und aeLive myalty paymenxs even if the Clone malte-r Microsoft's nnme in Lire Weist Hall. A5 a pieoe of has n0 plane for PS-Zclones. IBM warm paymems dis-infonnafion. this i5 one of zhe bes: pieoes cf cf one percent of salos on oompumr sokl rhrough work eine: Richard Nirrorfs 18-111mm: gap durrby dueendoftheyear. ing Watergaxe. lastApril Landfull Afterthar, says B ominously. pricesoouldfise. Why? For staners, euch seetionhasils owncorver. "Tobe oomistent." says Starts. “we are not gering nur: apagefflnontheräsablarxkpagebehindit. monaorimnnewpnantliomsingagrocnrontsvbrim ‘Iharpageootmrs. moflheneachprogxmninflre oompanies rhntrefirseaoreoogrfizemeirfiafifiry In bookgotsitsownpagcxrflndvexy few ofrhese IBM formeuseofIBMpatmbmdreirexisüng {mogxmnsareinstoresnowguflrebookreadily products." Umfiectod am Tmdy 1nd Compaq, admitxOflhc8progrnznsnotedinrhe"deskrop withIBM puhlishinfseefionfiorinsrmegmvmfllbeuvailwhich have a-ors- liomsing WhcIhL-rthcfucltlmt IBMhmrrtdamiedüreclmze 1bIeun1il1989.Ün.lytwo willbedonebythomd makersforpaymmrsüathepurwiflundcrcruthe ofthisqrmner. inlurv. Andmmydevelopcrxlflre euren: Imrmpt wvollem. i5mwclear, aooording In loser Systems 1nd Manhattan Graphit: (m tako oompumerlaw spacialisfsfflfisaneoorrldbehmdal { w o from die Same deslnop publishing seetimr) to man," one lawyer rold NEWSBYTES. don't know whar hardware you'll nwd on your PS1? l0 run man. New DOS Due for June SANFRANCISCO(Nm-Ifindustxypnmdilsare Stil]. IBM people arte hmding au: these boolrs omnct. IBM will relcasc Version 3.4 of DOS an wirh straighr faees. 1nd quoting from dicm an Iune2—aDOS withamorevisnflmnerfaceflrm though tbey wem Holy Wrir. When you srop m its predecesscrs. andwhiohhasirxoorpormedex- minkahmtir, rhismybednemosthrunomtßpan tendcd memory support. In addirion. hzrd disk cf the wholc Comdex soene. volm-nes rnay now contain up Lo512 megnbyies of Shareholders Defmt South Africa Bali dm. Innemafional EmiRICHMOND, Vs. (N3) News of a new DOS has caused evenmore confu- nessMachinesCorp. shareholders h1ve rejoeted a sion in smarte! already confused aboultlubme- stoekholda’ proposal that Would have led Ihr. fits of IBM's newesr operafing system. OSIZ. oompany m stop rolling irs products in Soulh Jeffrey Tutor. odilor of "Sommer." oomrnems Afiicaeslong u tl-zamation‘: apanheid policyis IhaI“DOS 3.4 sende minmufingsignalto (h: incffoctThe SoumAfricapn-oposal gor lass ihm n1arkeqilnce du: w: ruspocl could dramatically lopuomr ormezzoommm shms vonod. ShareUntilnow.thelack holder: also rejnwlod proposals thar would have affect Lbe mansition to ofmtentionno DOS ErornbothIBMmdMicrosofi forced Ihnmmpany mdisclose experimcnls omihas encorngedmmttlsdsto Iegard i! 3s adead- dueredwirhanimalxundtodenyhealmixisuarlce endmlf DOS oontinnes mevolve, we errpoet Gurt users 1nd developas will inueasingly think of DOS und 05H. a5 parallel mviromnmm." Microsoft Expands to Gigantic New Plant COMPAQ, Housrorl, und analysts i: gained BOTHELL, W1. (NR) Microsoft hxs finnfly mutet ahnte during rhe firsr quaner 1nd oulsold oonsoljdatead ißprodlmrionmddisnibuüonopem- EM‘: PS2’). machbar. vrith die Micro Charme} fionsüumeplarunfltobeflmsizßoffiVeside-by- ZS-lffheyalso claimedfiflfi; ofLheI-‘orume 10W side football frelds. ‘The S14 millionplmt is Set ‘b0 has Compaq on drei: apprcwed vendor um. 1nd wann-au“...
Ij-Iere Are Ei ht Reasons t0 Choose the KAYPRO 286. Non-Obsolete Design. llpdates simply snap into Hlaoe. With 05/2 compafibilitr -
.u . ö a x ' > : & - & - :
Iiigh Speed, 40 MB Hai-d
With a 38 millisooond aooess time.
3. ‘Ehe Complete Office
Ippquality monitor, 101-_ 1 1.
31,11.? ‘
Show Overview by Dann Blankmhom THENEJCTBPJTIE fortheheans andfingm of user's will be berween EM‘:03/2 sind oom IBM’:Unistopcrßfing Systems.It will bea fxiandly halrle—both hardwue gimLs are buildirlg links
"Mm-e people h1ve writlm pograms in i-iyperCerd timnin my othor language." Apple Fellow Alm Kay. spnking In aWash. 11181011. D.C. gaflxering
Kaypro Introduces the Better Power Machine.
keyboard, 5
expansion slots, and 1 MBof RAM.
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Call KAYPRO for the dealer nearest you:
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KAYPRO CANADA CORPORATION #4-7100 River Road‚ Richmond B.C. V6X 1x5 ' |
2 2 7. 2 7 2 .L ? 3 1 3 3 1 ’
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C O M P U T E R S H 1 9 F u t u r e ‘ ; H u H r In
jTxademarkaz KAYPRO 286, Kzypm Cm-poration: 03/2. EGA. IBM. Inc: Hercules. Hexe-nie: Computer Teclmology; Wotdsmr. MailMwge. MicmPro Int'l; Speedsuwr, Storage Dimensions. l
T11: Computer Pope: June 1988 *9
u:pursuejoint vczmm in thcmobilc mdio busincss. THE GLOBE
26% ofoomputerdzala slnwedaswryboardsmvcyshowingithmi Mamas.
ANDMAlLreport-s. andBCE. wülwirladrawfrombiddirxgforMDL leaving the field d e r for n buyout by Motorola. Computer Innovations Distribution Inc. Brannpnon. 011L, repormcl a Csöfi-million profit in tha year emiod April 2, up {zum C539 million the previous yur. Revenue climbed n0 C9063 nfillion fmm 05255.6 nfillion.
IBM Rund Show Promohes PSIZ-OSIZ
Authorized Service Centre
Atari STMemory Upgradcs Cables & Accessories
Fast? .
INTERNATIONAL n ' a . 4733 E Hastings SL‚ Bumaby B.C. 291-2261 7cm 3 , “ , 7m "MP600
ö w,
„mmamm m 5
SANFRANCISCO (Nm-IfLhmis any doubtthat Lhc PSIIlinc is m:mag: moeassful product inuoduction in the hiswry of the tat ‚oonsidEIhisqmomIhmZmiIIionmmhjnes, half of thcm und: IBM‘s neu- Mzqro Charme! Arciutecnxrc. hzve anIBM. Still. l0 combat beenshippedoverthslastynar. ' the prevalgnoe of Thomases, IBM i: Ihrowirlg a IS-city mediaevcxuhostedhy irs ownBifl Lyozls. general manage: oflIBM Personal System und othnr IBM lwninaries. The (wen!i: designod Lodispd m n m und unswc: quaüons about Ihr. naw lim. 2 A: th: San Francisco shmving, IBM promisod I h n a book will b: mleased a: Comdex dcscribüm sonne 300 applicafions now being wrilzan in 05/7. Microsoft's Rain-m" funher dispelled nnnor: t h n
Workwillrcachfxwnooaslbuooaslby thccndofthisycur. VHluNet carrias both voice and damconummjcafions using avarinry of links pmviü-‚d by wrmnon cmicrx. I: currcnfly cqrmecu; Monlzcal with Toromo und three otherOmafio cities: Mississauga. Hanfilnon and London. By September, CSG says more will be links to Halifu cn the estcoast. mVancouver on the west. und tootmwa. Winnipeg. Calgary md Edmonmn. CONTACT: CANADA SYSTEMS GROUP. 393 Urdversity Ave.. Tommo. 0m.MSG 2H9. (416) 979-3900
.. Beucanadlmmmmhflbflmmdflwmml .. fiMTHb°‘°I"’°‘“°‘h‘P““’““- mmmwmwfflfg’, Osßbemgdzvelopedhyhficxosofi.’isrightonvackdespitemesuir. . .. :
“ ‚
—-—again. 111eCanadianRndio-te1cvisionmndTe1umammnicazions
«q '
toldit t ducexamxf dismwccafls phoxlccompan fnom Ontario mänebezc anaverage of Mfipcromt. Ratuforcafls um: Unitedsmcswrillfallaboul 103 parcmnandcaflswiflxinßefltenimywiflbeabcutlfipercenr
m“ 8° Pubhc “m 35 0.2l.‘ computeF Ausm‘ mm4“ “mm5 Im“a‘ 53959 Pmhm-
(wmTLJgg-rä )
m! .0 am “i3; G. 955-. m 5“j‚_‘p‚'‚“‚“°‘°’m’g“"?C’“°'„fiflgM°‚f“ „ w “ 00mm’ in dwuvüw‘ „was“; w ELEG
„„„....„....„„.„„.„..‚„...„..„ „r:..„„„...‚m„„
TRONIC BUSINESS magazme. S_un's gales sparst! 474.4 ovcr thc past fwc was. lhg-‘misamc seid. whxlc 10m:zrcw 3691 Wmm‘M“ m’ Pmfi- n!‘Nflkmß0'113’ “P917 Wbmfily h3“ 51m5- OÜWS m m‘ m? 5V‘: AST Rflwch °f 17W“- Clhfi (3495 Srwmh)? 5031583R0)“ Umh (1353 931W‘)? M9051’ 5319"“ 01" BGWW-Ofio Ü"- (154-1 1381“!!!)-
S1,. DEMO. BC. VAL 2B?
Microcomputer Equipmenl SALES n SUPPORT SEIMCE
a Accessones
(604) 943-3331
Job Futures: An Occupational Outlook to 1995
‚JW '
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‘Q3735 572-; '
Computer Schaue-grau: gut IIIora iolls
Tha ptniected gmwti Sei} in ßnmputer-Belated 1ms is imptoving sllghtly In_|t nnthing Iike in 7ll‘s
Compute! S-coance
compuwr m m “ otcuatjng
Awrago rar all Fielus 11ml! Lwnl
Vcuvcouvors m m 9 , mosi
“Oonotnlc U:uP-io-ddo
computortrchhg toclly. “ W 9 0 5 ”Ö ° W W ° W ‘Wahn-
c"°‘°“'°"°' W
x "n"xmar."*x:.::.:t:.::;;:::‚::.;7.;;
34mg}: ‘°
- 7 "
chincs Corpmui Digital Corp.. lhc world's two Iargest eompurar compmies. sevm major oompulcrmahershave latmched n rcbellion agninst Americm Telephone & Telegrnph‘: rot-cm initiative norevimliu rhe Unix operating systcm. Calling themselvcs d1: Opm Softwan Fonndafioaa. und dedicating S90 million Bedford Announoes Pubflc Oflering Redford Software Ltd. lus filed a ovet die next three yeazs t0 Ehe cause. IBM.DEC.Hewlett-Packard BURNABY, B.C. (NR) prospocms f0: a public stach offcring wilh sucuxiücs rcgulalols in Co.‚ Apollo Computer. Siemens AG md NixdorfComputer AG of IhraoCanadimprovimes. ‘Ilwoffuing isunderwrittmbythe West Germmy. and France‘: Groupe Bull havc jcinod togechu’ In Monvnal socurilies fixm cf Lgvekque Bunt-im. und ab: prospeactus build rheir own flavor of Unix. one umwould notbe undu- ATazT has beenfiledinßritishColumbiaOnlario andNovaScotin. Kristin connol. Keyeaßedfmtfsdirectorofmrkafing. saidthesizeandprioeofthe ATJLT recemly Laumhed a straregic aniame with Sun hficzrosysoffering hnvc notyctbeezldclmntirlod. Procoeds willbe uscd L0 tams. Xerox, md Motorola for dzvelopmaent of a new Unix. comfinmce new product. developmatt. In fiscal 1987. Redford nmed pletewimagnphicalinrcrfmronmonanew gmerafioncf CSISZLOOO an revermns of €51.98 mfllion. In rhe fxrst nine monrhs xeduood insmmümsctchipmISÜownpumLMcoxdingtosev-xal 0:13,31 1933(u, 1 m m ,31) ugoompugymmgcusspoopofi; indusuy sources, tha: action really troublod H-P und Apollo, who on revenues of 68.3.5 million. g Ehe m“ 010:?” mtheäctällfiaäfim -““°aägneusqmcecgfiufiän . ? ° °. ““fm ‚° BCEmletMomrolaBuyh-{DI A T “ U” “i” b‘ IBM 5 "°"‘°“ U“AD‘“ M a ß win m! MD! Dm humane: Inc. of Mobile Montreal. buy Rialunond. B.C. BCE and Motorola 1110.. Schaumburg. 111.. agread
Tue UNIX gebemon
NEW YORK (NB) —Lsd by gianrs International Business Ma-
Sun, Lotos Sales Soar
snrvice huren-u, nys ‘u; VaILINe: high-speed conxmunicarimus net-
developmentofapplicafiomfiorüsßhadbeencutzniledduem Appl: Computer‘: lawsuit ova- the"look 3nd feal“ of the new IBM operating System. “I see- nu Software developer in any way. shape. or { a m chacnge their plans one im: s aresult of the Apple lawsuil." seid Balmcx. A: f0: PrcsenlnfimManager. the visual interface für
or Sorvicu Gonsulhfion. 93s Wem sthAvenue
V52 1E5
TELECOMMUNICATIONS Hi-Speed Voicamata Network Cnast tn Coast TORONPO (N13) — Cannda Systems Group Ltd. Toronto-based
'°""“-E_‘_ Tha proportion of ßomplter sqience gratis to nther '
studies has nruwn. hut it ptoiected flal until 1995
. '
whare m:johs wen: in Gemüter-Beladen nccupatlnns In1981
sman dass m;
m“ 941-5996-
For more lnfonnation Call:
Cnmmmrr," cnueqn 42Yeam
[-1 ‘(um ‘unnei-gran
unmrsny "1mmrs unmrsm;
'12 Yws‘;
688-2992 THE COMPUTER PLACE 860 Burrad Staat Vancouval’, B.C. V62 1x9
10 The Computar Papa Jan: 1988
CHans b)’ Busizzess: Picrures d’: Words
Source: Job Futuresgäm Uccugational (Öutlook In 1995 Enrpirßjrrncn! äfiinzigurärinu Cunuda 59.95
ATkTreactodsoomfnllylothznzwUnixchxllang: Rabat Kamm’. mw chairmm ol’ ATEI": datasysncmsgloagsaidfimisnew grouphasm trackreoordweqtmsfionlhojxocesswhmby several cnmpefitors most of whom have only developedclosedsysluns-axenow gairlg to davelop an open system." Kamm impIiudUIaLIBMand ECmnouuDymnzrmedin opqmcss. but mrataxdhng realUnix.Ihus kccping lhcn’ own, non- compnible, openting sysaqns
alive. “Wemaymtseemmdpmodmmoutofthis groupixlmy liferimefuidGardonBfidga. ATJcT Via-e pcesidcnt. national salcs, who spent 22 years u Big Eine. befocrejolrfirlg ATazT. The ncw fomxdafiun hopes m man: additional mnmbers. Wim a 525.000 emry fee focr profilmfifls Cflflpmies. ancl 85.000 focr non-pmofirs. But 011e major playur won't b: joinirlg. Fmdericlc Wang cf Wang laboramcries issuod a.staunen: afwr thc amouncemnn. snying: "We regamd (bis developmen: a5 nothhg man: than an argmncnl. amungvcndm, whichwillonlysuvetoeonfizse blasimssandgovemnmucustmnmuwellas mftwm developcxs all over Ihnworld.The polnizedposrmirlg ofthcscoonxpmiescmunot helpthe rcalhaafiwaythmwasbeim Inadc wwardsopmnass incrperlfing sysluns Standards. As such. lhis ü a great pity and a disregard of cusmmcr’: real
Sßfilflsthedis-flnayinthermxksofthcvmdor oomlmmity. Boston annmey Feuer Man; says he willrry mouganiuumltionalcoalifionofbusirless mm1. mgive nur: gram- clom in 111e dgvelopmem 0d.’ new programs and standards. Mm: alrcadyiswmsel foragmupofDaIa General Corp. ums. oounsel for Ehe Washington-band Infoma-
LionInchzsn-yfilasociafiomandclminnanofflw New England Computer Law Forum. ‘Thue isno voice now for thc users." Marx seid. ‘Traue an someycaxsofchaosahcudmfilthisixsmofn sundard openxing sysmms is senled. It's timc x11: usets should b: Lmitcd.“ Sun Micrmystems Mountain Vicw. Ca.‚ will sell nurly 900,000 nlures about 2.5% of the oommonshmcs- lDATÄETinLheIaJeSIdnaIm
getcozywizhthcmvmrorofuNDi andpannerin
the operafins systmfs ncxt incunation The slock purclusc i3 expectcd 1o cost AT&T sonne 340.6 million.
WASHINGTON (N8) —ApplcMacimo:hmmpunn: a: Ihn Exwlrmmmxal Promcrion Agmcy are recovering followixig nvinlamck, acocrdhg m “Govemmuu Computer News." EPA techniciuxsxmdVirusllx. afi-ee Applepmgrarmto diagnoge and vaacinaw 1h: oumpulas. Appl: i: pmmotmg "nie cornpuring,” Ihn digital equivalaut of“safe sex," as Ihn ultima: answer u:virus
amckxllfismemwbacldngnzpdamfileawfite pmtecüxlg mutet disks. andnotcompufing will: snmigeprogrmns. Pqrhaps wo can call thosc littlc wrine-protect labs “compumndmns?” InIhememfinln. congressional computer investi-
xflmsaythgvixusfltaxirlfoaedMacsinflm Heuss of Represenmfivcs was thc "samt!"Virus.
"' Gompulfietlond
Theysaymaxlhnvinrsmayhflemigzfledwfllc Hause Information System mrnputcrs from compumsatNASANASAJnnunpickcdmthe Virus a:the lahmen Spann FliglnCanm in HausDon.
Whtte govmnnmr. oumputers bacam: in-
fectnd by EDS compurars. PC Virus Cure From Fonndatimware
ATLANTA (N13) 0m of the biggest wonics Schwan: usas hlve mday are oompuaer viruses. ‘Iheseareevillinleprogrmuwhichhiflehxbiggu programs und samfingly witlmut watniilg cm trush your maching. Most am folmd in publicdominpackagasdowrfloadedfiombtlflethboaxds. Butallcastunc. which issuad a messagc ofpeace m Macintosh ums in April, was uocidcmally inlo a.commcrcinl n-aining prograrrl. lgjadcd all, il’ you wanx m be sure you're wunpufixxg safely. h a t ’ : a solufion. It's called Vaccixla. It's apmgrann by FomdarionWareofClnL-‚velnnd.Ohio. Mark Hosmxx. Ihc company's direcmrofsofitwm dzvelopment. says i: aunomafically chccks auch pxogramixlyommachirle forviruses andrepons back to you. A srmll memory-rcsidcln prognm which comes Wim Vaoclne can chack nach pro-
gramyouusabeforeyouusciLAJtlifyouhavea bis ofiice where worlmrs Im;m play computer gmasoncompnnylimaflxisgxogramcmfoil memtoo. Sinne itwotrtletyourmnapxogramix hnsnüchcckcd. youjmtuse iton all thcoffice PCs andhidamnkuydisk. Mmuworlceruieswslip agame floppy imc his disl: drin. they'll find they cmWrmiLThe amwillslüpmlulyandremfl for S189. CONTACT: FOUNDATTONWARE. 216-93257717
Apple Releases Antiviral Program AT&T Personnel Problems Ca. (N3) Apple CUPERTTNO, NEWYORK GNTm-Withmedenhofchninnm released a pogzamwlfichis Lhe silioonequivalmt Iamns Olson 3nd thndncisionbyVithorio Cassoni l0 dcsm AT&T Im’ Ing. C. Olivetti ä Cm. Ihc telzphane 31m}: reeling und meadixg doubt
aboutwhsmerumllavaybeablemnmimshaky cmzptmr bllslnßä! mund. On Lop of Cassuni‘: remm In Olivetti, where hc will be mmaglng diroclor. ATäzT und lhc Ilalian oomputc: manufacnzrer am squabbling. AT&T owns abig 111ml:of Olivetti. Cassoni was Ihr: archiwct of AT8cT’s strategy of nm-ning the Unix operafing sysmm intn the- Software glux: Ihm would link many diffcrcnt systems and push ATJcT into suocess in computm. ATGcT has replaced Cassoni. 45. with Reben Kamen a: chiefof Eh:du:Systems group.Kavner has been AT&T’s chief financinl offwe: und the du:sysmmjobwill givchim achmcemcmhis tauchen oompmy Kavnasayshe ' warum slidaawayfmm andtoward Software. Kamm will pmbably takc Cassunfs placa on Ihn board o1’ workstation malte: Sun Miuosysmrns, a kzy compmy in ATsETs Unix gaanlnrxt. «x-
. ..' ' . ‚mmwmm .. '
Newspaper Struck With “Brain” Virus PROVIJJENCE, R1. (NB) Reportats u the
"Providern Iomnal- Bulletin” newspaper gol a frlghmnmgmssagexstheywaremhgthm cumputcts: “Welcome l0 111c DungcouL Bcwmof
this VIRUS. Conuc: u: fot vaocinafion." Com< pulcr cxpcn: a1 Lhc pupcr locazcd 5nd killod (h:
virus beim i: got onm rhe Atex minioompurzr systznlmedinthenzwsoomorthemainfmneirx the busirless ofiice. Im: n01 before the Virus destroyed und damaged scores of PC dislcs. 111e IKWSPHPW seid Lhc virus was (h:“bnin” Strahl. creaxedbyrwo hmmers whonmacomputnrsmre
mLahorc. Pulcislamüncofflncbrolhux.
as Amjad, mldthepnpermmhewmmmnpogram m Incl: his BOfIWHIO. fcaing Ihm. pwplc was piralirxg i1. Abrainvizxls racanrly was discovered u; Bowie 8 m : Collage in Mnrylmd, whcre i:
dastroyed fivc studcnfs disks. Thc ncwspaperk
cxpertsaruftsznchow longlhgvtus wuatlhc
pxperorhowitgotinmtlmsystetnaflmvinxscm lay dotmam for lang periods.
pmsmoe cf a aomputer virus in a System but will not mdicale i1. 'I'he program i: dßsigncd m specificallydctcctflwscoms virus which rccmtly infected Macimoshes in Ccmgrm 3nd various fcdcral dcpaxunmls. 111c prugram i: (h: Erst respons: zuwha: Apple ezxpeacts will be a major assault an Ihr: pmblml ofplogxuns wilh a hiddrm agenda. Anorher response is a naw Spread Ihn Wmd campaigxl. drcsigxtod m alert usus t0 "safc compufing pracniness” that will prevem imspread cf compuner vinues. Meanwhile Apple is said to be acrively imrestigating thesourceofthescamsvhxshtnhasno suspects yer.
Virus in USHouse cf Representativä}. ‚Liafii
WASHINGTON (NB) A Virus Lhal. causcs prima pmbIems and difficulty in aocessmg 0ertxin Ipplications h3!lütthe Madruoxh Computers in lhe U.S. Hause of Represenmfives. Bob Harris. dixectnr of Eh: Haus: infomution sysmms offioe. mld NEWSBYTES lhathe believes lhe Virus has m: yet spread very fu- nnong 1h: appmxirrmely ZSOMwslnuseinIheI-Iouse. N0 Virus was found the populafion cf 7.500 PCs also in ihn
Hause of Repxesennaüves.
"We amcontacting users and worldng with them wshowLl-Lcmhow toidcnlify Lhcvirughow mget ridofit. andhowtosarüfiza Lhnir systams.“ l-larris
saidl-Iarrissaidhehascnlledirxexperlx fromme National Aeronaulics and Span: Administrafiml. which has faced a major problem cf vital infecrion ofMacaNASA invesfigalors amuyingto findthe saures of rhe virus and Harris said h: expecrs m: agency willalso rrytoidmfify Ihesomceofthe Hause Macvh-zxs. " w :haveno idza whm i! cama Erom." Hart-i: Lold NEWSBYIES.
‚ üvifi-‘r’ MlMldymHanleon. Dougccwyl: mchaolapbslmor
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EPA Macs onthe MendAfter Vlral Attack TheCwnwwrPapcrImw 1988 -11
Differem orientaüon
‘a ri Pi
Urban‘: companymtnahas minterestiaag otigin. Rocdyexplairxs.
bought Stock in a mythical oompany called (Jocnsoildaned Moose PasrumThs rannte appcaledtomeandlmld Daphne. my baby sister. {hat someduy I wuuld have my own company, 8nd I would Call il
Consolidatedhioose Fasane.
Ijokingly suggested thmlwouldxft have m du myzhing excapt m: paopla who accidmlally madc fun of us. and live off thosa proceeds.
Icomefiomaclosehülfamilyofsevmmlhcfmxfilyfeut gafluzingxmeywauldaflfwhmareyougoütgtogettlfisCMPm theroad. RoccflWeallwmmwnrktl-lmnoo.“ Byte Magazin: ulmdrnc m cb Ihemficle (an Abundanoe). This
ismtquinethcuuthbutltsomcpofiatamnvexsafionwmr mmerhing like (bis. “Whaxb your company's 111mg?" "I dankbare
acmnpmlynbutmhaveagxemndoonxpwxy-wesomgfimacafl omselves CMP.” "A pratend oompnny?"“Yes. uh. what I m a n i5. i1is m! immporanedßmwhatdo du: 1stats CMP stand fofl" Bylc Esavery struight-lacod magazhagTheywerenotgoixag nodisgrace
glossypageslhadwdüznkquicklyfGulguaha-Cmaflimeral: gakMinderermnProdtwb".“CmniimlvlineProdllm?—doyou soll mining equipnuu?" “N0 Mild. a5 in brain.” "Oh." Lang silenee. Even dm was tooflaky for man.“ A DIFFERENT SEI‘ 0F CORPORATE GOALS
purposmAocomdingloGweemflhgpm-poseofaoompmyism providc suviocs m momnmm-ütymfimprovideafimplwcfor peopleaoworkltisnoltohelpmepuson. meownet. aequire ouuageouswealmsomcpeoplefindllfisidnmbvflsivqwbked
mdevenoommmfisßomgualislqsccmhdznevflychafilyonlhe plmathasarncoxdskeepingsystunmlcutasgooduflmonesm pluvidc."
laxgerthantwelvepeoplmßmamaaciesareflxcworldkyems: fim-kiHmau-ndmnewastcmlfthncompmwshouldbeoomemo sunussful. it mm: amoeba-lilm split in two. Everyonc in Ihr: cum-
some ofthisstuffuut myou.“ “Nah thafs Ion weird. It would be much wart to leam a wholc ncw .
ThcccntrenmbyCanadimMimPmducIaoffets annmberof
compulurrclaled services priznaxfly mrpgisnered chaxiücs. Somcof the servious m: provided by a nzicrooonxpum in the charity’: own
omce and others am providedby micropompfllets in CMFsofiioe. The most importanl Services w: am: donation umhin: and irmome 12x. rcocipls. pre-authofiufl chaqtlixlg (taking regulm‘ manfl-lly {donations direcfly out of 1h: dnmr‘: banl: aocount). monlhly remindars t0 the donors, mailvlabels. mvelopu md fotrm leiten, vohmreet participation tracking. pick lisl: u: tlrget m i l ingxwmdprocesshlg, elecuunicmail-trorldwidqaocomfirxgmxd slafisüss, 2nd finally, newsletßt prspagation and typcscnirxg. CMP clicnts include anumbu ofnofi-profit sociefies: Th: Hunger Pnojeot in Indio.und Auslnlia, m: Marlitoba Alfllaima society, m: Friends cf Sclfimplucnics. 151m 5 m m " ; zum m Cohxmbia Centre. The EnvixonntmlalLaw Associadan and m:BC Civil Liberties Association. Profit oriäued busincsscs nummern includr: HcrbalLife. Okanagan Helicoflels.Wal: Disncy andcvax NASA which uscd pm cf Abundmoe i: Saturn projecrs. Roedy. . '
potantialbuyexsifthcy mwarofiaqed. Henmxeqldownborh
RockwellandllxRandCorpomionbccanseofmis. Concludes CMP's foundn’ RoodyCkeu-l. “I donäthirlltlhave
evarworkedhardczmmldoumy presentjob. Ioermiiflyhave naver made this lilflc moncy. Howev: I love m}? wart. I love oaming Iowork. I wouldn't Iradpmy jöbfvranyorlcclsofx.“ . ABUNDANCE Ablmdune i: avetyhigh level 12.113135:im wfithlg non-pmfiL chmixy Otttusixlcss Ipplicafions.A public domairmbundance compilethnsbemwfinmthatgmflarumdnforlfls-XfibasedlmalünesnamdympIBMPC xrxndATfllndoompafibles.
weighinginatova7mcgabytesforflnefixllprogaminclndhg diskbased lnnmgAhümmcelool3lihoafmnfidahletashhltilhasilsbenefilsuämcfidixlg toißauthorkoedy Green, Abundanoe has nerve: issued ajfaulty slalcmcnt, receipc, depcsit slip, or pre-andlorized cheque. i; has m m : lost kcying, m" nlloweditsdatabasembecontemoonfistmtormmlpminm Abundanoe systunhu bomirluse in a viarieryofchatitahle organizaflmlsarldbusinlessessixloclkugustl9fißNobugshaveevarbem
sljghflymallowfonhefacttilatsomepeoplcputinmmhomgmu mcthcoryisthnunpqmgmemshcansisjwashnpoxmtu wxifiixg Lheirmer-mostinmruptlavelmachhecode.”
thatconmßulc t0 apcaccfulmlean, wobgicallybalmoedhcalfixy.
andwcllfedwurflfiuphaskismseefingflnegreawstgooddone wheteülemismostnmdThzmmpmlyco-opemteswifiloflaersw transferkmwledzesudmotlmfimwuflcpluescmbesuup. Inprmdoe. Roedysaysqnnatnriflehninmpusonlaxgely becemeIhaveanavasimmmonqJwuumdoevq-ymmgfree. mentrymfigmoutlanerhowlcmpayflxchilhlfeelguiltyevuy fimelaocaptmoneyfimnanymmwhmlwasliukmyhfiomdfiflnd
im: m: "Don't rabemoneyfiam ‚strangers!Dm’: ich:monzyfivm I mm1: rhese commands am still subcomciuusly
your fi-imdr!”
fintctioning.” “W: hure mcerltly movedw largcrquarmwsixzdneshowrown of Supurioroffioc Mainz:xupply samt. Sosome ofus now lmvevery fancy oompunn lau-mmTo dummer. w: an mmimre modelsl stillhidc outinmairlassbndcmomwid: myfmnfliarfibureboard fixmimre.”
verylittle ofthcworkwcmdowcgetpaidforflhmuenow five ofus workingrmmddxeclockwelmvcakngwaifinglisgandvery often have mtumdownncwbusizxcss”. WHAT DOES CM? D0?
CMFsmainbtxsinessiswfifingcusmmAbundanmprogrmus im’ chariliu. Lhoughtlteydocommutialworkaswell-fordoctozs and bookpublishntThcyalsowtonoousuJulppeoplefixnudfinos. vrrite public domain softwaxu. and magazin: aniclgs. Accordmg In
Roedy. "Wegetrequeslsahnostdaily Inwritepogams oroansull oommncially. F01’ example n feW days ago Bcll Noxthcm Resaarch
wamadmmoomnbmkno0mariofioracuuplcofwnksmhelp Ihem 3st rheir Btrieve applicutions flying. Ncarly aiwayx I hzve n: nn-n thuenaquests down forlackofrinnefllhisdrivcs LhcmnuLs. Theywmryouallzlaemoralhearsmfies thatoonxputergqrogramr
marsemmotfimwmbfllissemflwxfidicubmwifmwcue beafingmuuoffnridisfidcs.”
"llalkurilhomnoonxiflmam who oomplnin abaullmwdifficult
itismgetcumwxsmdlsayflcflnümdflrgthnnlcmfldfflm lzoThccmnputuPaperlmnwss
Abundmce was dcsigmd Erom scrard: M!!! dm idna volunneers little unining would use iL II; halbem haned by wauching vohmteers use it. Features includc: exdnsive prompting. an oops key. Ehe Upanowkcyicls yuurunlhcpzogrmbackwaxdinme
moorroctarxaarlierkeying man
keyswofithesamcwaytlmydoinmcwordpocusonelabmm en-cn- checlcing und ease of use. Given most voluxxtcas cm beoerne productiva withhl fifceen nfinutes. Spccd i5 armthzr cf Abwärme‘: itcan keepupwiflzthcfastwltyrpfisuandme
prodwcnzw lists wirhoux aprogrannnet‘: halp. A: the same time. tlmy m: mcnu. drivm. so nn lmowledge of Boolean algebcra is meded nousc this powcrfizl fcamre. Abundaaaoc i: relational so i: cenualizes all data. clumgcs und be min-ad anly man. EASE 0F USE: PROGRAMME}! LEVEL
or n sccund gcncrationone s as Cobol. Fortran o: Basic. Abundamx Es(lcsigned. m incorporaxe. new [gandware virithout mwriring the source codc. For exarnpla a mouse. voice recngnilioxx. voiceprompting. lasezpxmungcmallbeaddedas the oostofthis teclumlogy drops.
mastaed itsusc, heis free museitforhisowncommflcial grojeds. Ablmdaxccixpresmfly abouttlfleeyearsahcadofanyshnilir pmdwl an lhe market- Junior volmmeer progrmmlm can mpidly yxoducc rcsulu wiLh compmble professional polish und spocd to diese produced by scascned systems analysrs.
DESIGN GOALS 0F ABUNDANCE Abmndmce was w-rirmn originell}! f0: urcgistcred chaxily callnd (h:Hunger Pmject m lflup track of donalimls. u; roccipls. fund mising pmjccts und Volumens. The voluntects who um du: sysum:
mwring dam. There i: ahigh mm-ovm‘ofvolmtmars. "Ihmwas only one volunwar programmcx. Roedy Green. The Hunger Pmjx:was doubling in size ytarly. Laie: Ahmdaxlcc was usod t0 writeMedics a physician billing system that wazned a grocn xoccpcioznist cvery Lima s1»: was abouz In violam one the govcrmrxmr. bureaucracy‘: myxiad billing rulcs. Green say this backgrom-ld Ied m formulating four goals. In his woxds:“’l"op prioritybeing User Friendliness fortheunsophisficaned usenmxtbeingTasc Pxogrammingsoloonfldfinxdtilnemwfiuall mznoeded code. xhemxtbcing m:Elimination o1’ Hardware Damils from rhe Applicafinn so m: could upgrade hardware withnm impact onomapplicariormandfinaflyBlindingSpetdbecauaelamahacher und expeaiumod users don't warum be hold upwith tym prompts."
Abmadancchasanumbcroftmiqucfeauxes: Abundanceprogranucmnmforwardsaandbackwmfls intime; whilcentcring o:
odilingdataorprogtamsalflolkswrimwordprooessingwmnmfis wotk; Abundnre programs am hava bugs in them und still Work; Abundmacehasfipfinüfivatypesegfiazaafimeasllflmmbas.
telephoncmmnbm. ueacodes, Fund: sutnamlesandanromaficafly
oonversitms. fozmatfing. band: clnockx. lppmpriam m euh qtpa.
IT'S A BIT LIKE... Almndance barraws fesatcn-es from orhcr lracnguaga anrlprvgramnfing syslmu: Funk, Assembler, Multiplan. Smalltalk. D8356 II.
Basic. Abundance is a stricl supcxsct of Laboratm-y Microsysmns Ford: 83 Standard32 bitForthPlusflIlms Abumlanoc cmdoamrtlniugyou cm d0 in Form.
codccanbc wrinmirufllssunblet‘ forspaad. Abundmceitselfis mns nbout 10(im:fasnetr man Basic.
a variable is recalculabad. Butmlih:Mulfiplm. Abundance l e ß yau
laytlzescrefllomhtmywayyouwiah. Ablmdarlcetalms d1: Multiplanconcept of Window’: with sa-olling regions of dann 3nd extends i1 m III: fully gamma! cmcept of scaffolds. Scaffolds allow. forrexmnple, multiple001mm:ofdata of intumixod ly-putoaummafically scroll. Scaffolds allow arlycuvablclaycul’.
ofdanAbnmdameaannmaficallyscroilsmkeepfixedalayoum worlcing o: in view.
Lila: Smalltalk. Abundance manages im own virtnal nwznoxy. Fron) theprogrmxmcrflapoint ofview, d'une. ism disrincfion buwam RAMmddisc. Hcjuslplcmldstlanevmjrdfingis alwaysmmmory. Abundaxlce looks all: th: details ofrefreshmg dm disc oupies of AccordingmGreelLAbtnxdmpercpiesmtsabrtakttroughh cermin. variables fzom. timc t0 fimc. computar mchnology. He says oomputnfz experts am cxcitcd and Lika Dbase l1. Aburldance lcrs you wenn multiple Blree Indexes w leam i: easie: attract aboutil, making enge:{o capable. depcndable. compuxer-lmowledgeahle voluntaars in future. A program- toyomdaxasotlmtyoucanfubddatabymnlmorbydalc. orby mcr‘:job can be made eaier hecause neu’: feamezs can be added t0 accom: number. Unlike Dbase l1. there are m:limiß on field sizes. nmnbers, indexes nrfilas. Abundancebmuch quickcrtlnmDbase H. Ehe ptognun man: rapidly. . because i1 intufaces t0 the vety efficiml Btricve Btree AbundumcistclsmIfapogmwerewfiueninPöcalor Ixrgely COBOL i: wuuld bc im timcs langer. Becaxlse many irrelevant: packagc mdOm-Techsorr. UnIikzDbase l1. Abundmaoa is anopen dntails amhandled invisibly by Ihr; compilcr. i: is much easier xo syslczn; You cm tinkcr wizh rhc innards ol‘ Abuxfiance I0 add new tmdcrsrand how the program Werks. Addjng nLw Icaturcs i: easier feamres. Unlikc DBasc II. Abundmoe uns sramard DOS files, which are aasier t0 interface inlo othcr propams. simply hecaam Ihm is lass wziting. und less oodr: to dcbug. Like can mpidly dnbug your programs without having abmadxrlce is also highly modular. N0routine is lange: Ihm l5 lincs. All roufinas um only rhe 5mal: for working stqmge. Thfs m reoompile your whole systcm. Unlflc: Basic. Abmndum i: comnmkzx i: very easy m change die p-ogfamwmout wohyirxg about piled forspeeclofexecufion. but itissodcsigrwddzaxoounpilafion is I sidc cffecLs. veryquicharldyauumallydonotnoedhoreoompfleallofyflm" _ FonhBS. Fanhistileflßtfomm pzograrn. Unlik: Basic, Almmarwe program cm be laxger man gbundaaaceiäwritlcnmstmdard 640K. Alnnldaxwe 3 0 5 m m ammuch mora mrsa rhan Basic, much geileration eompuur: lanzuage. Byte Magazine. thc leading mine- easinr m raad. 3nd much man: sfiucluxud. Abimdulm i: suitad für oomputcrjoumaLnowofxmhurfinlesonFordnNoodmlan' 'guage is so honored. Gnu: a.programma" has ustnd the flexibillty andpawer of dnlmguagmhc will only muicrdmcssrcunnmaüxird gmcnuion languag: auch a5 C, Algol-GB} Pascal. Modula. o1 Ada. '
F “ ?
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a page a: a fime.
We Cmndians did-n‘: 3c: it righz ihn: 1in1timc. According t0 Eric Vcttot. foundixlg paxtnct in CONNECT. th: rcason Ihn Canadian Teletax System. Videotcx failed previously was becmse although the graphics wer: belief, they wer: wo slow. ‘Ihis man: inannvmimt wniis mth: tmzxs.
System. transmissimis ammade
35 M FRENCH USERS CAN‘T BEWRONG 111c Frcnch Mirfiltfl System on Ihre othex band 1ms enjoyed 011011110115 sticcess becmlse. wixh a lower Level cf gaapific supporr, i: i: insta- und cheaper. onsting ustully aroundSE a month. ( o :
POTENTIAL BUYERS Some of lhe specific solutinns whidt CONlhcMc-dical NECPiscmrcntly bidding an Services Plan Elcctrunic Claint Submission, a buym group for Ehe restaurant industry in Vanoouver. a hole! reaervaxions natwork und z iocal SchoolBoud. CONNECPis Iblctoprcscxuava-y cost cffcctivc solutim becuuse of lower hardwm costs as weil a5 eonsidnrable savings in u-nining timefotusexs.Afotu'1ineservarsystemcmbe implemenxcd for nhout 31900 pßl’ iinc. This includesthcbcaxdsiztllwATJhemuhiplcxorto
(sind bcyond). Which mcans ypur oomputcr syswms can grow with you. Now. and in the futum. Made in the U.S.A. Factury-lcvel suppm in
which allows much more flaxibility in what 1s presexmd. Graphics. a van-ist}: of typefact-s und various emphuis poimx cm all be transmittcd l0 thc uscr, making für a.much mm: fricndly intu-
-Vancouver IBM compatibility fasten-y
raicd by Univcrsity cvalualion rcport Complcw Systems under S1500 or lease-to-own.
Iltctcmtixml andamuimmnofslfi/hottxofwoess timalnaddition. thecostofequiptnnturmnl is masked from rhe user, being billi-‚d right den; with the telcphmt: chaxgcs in ihcir monthly Statemettmwhatbcgm es s.nmthiodof decreasixig the cosl o1" printing tclepintte directories. hns blassomed inm a national pastime for die 3.5 million plususeisinFranca. ‘Iheycmlookupyzimne handle thcplwnciixxcsmidfltcsofiwamTemfimtmbexs, gar "Yeilow pagos” type infomufim nalsscll für SfiüfleachandthcoostofllteATis pur- alsoseperatmzxfomlixwsystentcanhmdleupm complete with sivetfisittg, do hom: chaze goods fmm a widc vuricty tun-liste vendots 192 mminute calls in an eight hour day. aomplete with illusu-afims of thcptoduci. gel 1h: NON STANDARD MODEM ANOBSTACLE lan-‚stnaws. aocess nixlincschedules and pexhaps One hurdle for theoompany Luovcxcottw i: du: bes! of thx: all, havc mal Limc- clectroxtic "chat” non-smidard modern which Ihn Minitcl systcm sessions with othcr httcxwlnd purlics. cummflyusemThcboardswhichgointofllesetver AT GOIIIFIJIH umtntnfly use V23 Standard moCOTTAGE INDUSTRY SERVERS 0m:Spin off fimm thacixcccssfttl Miniwl systmt duns. This Senat iransmissioms from du sarver n: has bomngmwfltixttltwuyixtloculserversysteflts 1200 band, Ihn strenge permit‘: ruding xpeed, which am: acocssibie fmm the Minitel System. utditreceivestypedfeedback fromthzterminxlat Any um: with an AT. a multiplen): and a few only 75 band. du: rare a:which manpeaple type. phone lines. can set up their own seiner sysmm, ‘fitixdifiers withthcstantlard INObaudOIM-OO süniliartoaNorth AmeficmBBS. Theseservers band umxmisximis boLh ways common t0 most encompass a wide spoctmm of producrs und san- Nonh Amcricm modcms. CONNECI‘ reoently icas ranging fimn n wholesala posfing bis priocs numagod to get their Systcfll wozking with stanandweeklyqxeciaistohisdisuibuwxmlobtxsi- daxdmodents onasirxglelim systemandmeyfeel nasses 0er orgmizaflmu uutounciltg nweting no- they will have a working mlution In multiple lincs tices and informnfion for their membexs. This is vm-ysoan. 111i; willopentxpmmymorcdoorsfor thcendoftimmnrketflricvexxotandonmpnty Kimm becaust: itwillntcmthucxisfitzg base ofPCs willbcablctncmnwctwifltflwsmexsyfleflt. hope to address in the Canadim max-km. using sumdztrdmodeznsflrmthismodam issuois ‚ ovaoome, the software alreaady oxists In allaw most popular machimes includiiag die IBM and eompatiblestMacintoslt. AtarimdCoi-nmodoteto emulnmeMinitelterminahLQhuexcifingfennzres i g of the System include an ability t0 stand FAX
NON-OBSOLESCENCE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED w°5‘°°“5‘ 9 m m ” 1915 Lonsdale Nonh Vamcouver. B.C.
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5 messagas.
The Canadian ocnlmt in CONNECT pmducls includcbofltlacalsoftwaredevclopatantmtdhmdwar: maxmfactute. CONNECT plans mhave the boards und nmltiplexows assmtbled locally by . r Epic Data. CONNECT-ABLE FUTURE 111eMinital system in Frmc:with over 3.5 milm | h» Nwmäi-MM-mawvatwvx-ooooxoxo-xoxc-xwoac-L-L-HIJ t-ßßfß. . .-:-’-'n.-: lianusmisatestamemtoümcaseofmcoffltc It also mcms lhatncw Software will couThe compancnzs ofa typical Minitel sysrem sysu-‚m. tinu: In bc dcvelopod [er ihn.- tcmtinals. 111c CHALLENGES AN!) OPPORTUNITIES Miniicl tcrminals arcmutlc by imiusüy giantPhilBocause Canadalacksthesupponstrucmre um ips so huflwm: scrvice is uman issuc. Multilog. Mixtitel enjoys mEurope. CONNECI‘ faces more thc 4th GL developzimu Ianguage which is the ofanuphill bauleinselling theirsolution. ‘Pheydo bock und of CONNECT's sofrware solufion is a however have some very streng pcimx going in stmng oomender in the European datahase matter their favour, a n : of I11: man imponmi. { m a n is and show signs of growm in Nonh Ametica as ccsLfluMüümlta-mmalscmmtaflincumdafor weil. All Ihm factors combined with Ihn uns: S600. This makzs them v c t y mmpctiüve With efiecüvmass cf 1h: systnm and Lhe promixe nf other solutions which Ire oflnt doubli: Ihn! pfioe compatihility m Hell's Alu systnm, mggaxt (hat foratermhtaLAnomexappealiitgfactot-offlie CONNECT h5: a Strang futmc. systcmismcnnmmofthcucrintcrfimwiflt
I.B.M. XT/AT Compatibles
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iraditional PC band cummuttications Systems
informnfim i5sem OVOI thie phone linn-by-litte in oniedtnmctßrsizemtdtypefaoß. Wimflmlvlixaiml
Authorized dealer ior:
Complete Systems . under S1500 or lease to own.
-Rnted "Best Buy‘ by Consumefls Guide
- Microsoft
...................................(List S649) ..........................„S189 Professional Write 2.0 ..............„(List S249) ..........................„S169 Bediord Accounting ...................„(List S249)............................s169 Knowledgeman/z ........................„(List S869) ..........................„S399 Word Periect 5.0 ........................„(now in stock) ....................„S369 Limiied quamities subject io avaiiabiiity w. Supercaic 4
EMICRO Software ComputersCENTRE
2273 Kingsway (at Nanaimo) Vancouver 8 . 6 . V5N 2T6 o Lncal: 430-1256 Out of Town: 1
1h: Compulu’ Papa 111m: 1988 '13
HyperCard: TheNext Software Revolution Begins
pliundoronsflfllsyomdamnoolargcqrmaxgmfinflmafl Prosmnsseemmyxnarlonsmyouflfyouanswcrcdycsm
mghlbctheanswer. ORIGEIS
Sinneitwasmummwdinflmffllofwfitflypflardhnsbem dnsolrceofnmchmlkJhenmncflypuCndisbasadonflmmmaphor o1’ a supe: sophisücalcd [xoylmmahle guck o! electmnic
DAIDS nahm 555mm:
O w s nunnnonnvaunn
imdex cards. "Ihe ‘T-Iypcr” pur. i: hurmwed fmm Tod Nelsoxfs concaptoffliypdfaxt” H55 idea was l0 havc afirce flowiaug associa-
fivedauhaaethuallowadindividlmlstobmowsc thxoughtnxmal infozmafimwithmulfmedflmwassocialcnnycomcptorfmtwith all}?Olhetidcaorfaclatthemmhofakeyorclickofthgmousg;
HypuCMddoesaIIthismdmoI-e. INTELLIGENT INFORMATION _ InHypucnrdprogranzs you acmally give “inzelligcncefio rhoin-
fonnationitselflflfisis whalrcallyseul-lypaCudapmfiomomez
in contpumrimd infotmafion manngenncnt. HavixlgI convmrional dambase full of informaxionan givc you aIot ofpower. Imaginc how lhatpower would bemagnified iftha in-
fomtation. irsclf.had"h1owlodge"of whatitwas, orcouldcarxyptogrmnswiduht itselfthalguvc ilmcxemganing. Forexanple. a gmup
01' flumbers repesentülg n wmpuw’: amlual 3311:3 figums uould conzainmecapability (o display thcmselva a5 agmphatlhaclickof the momre Button. Or an individual’: m m : in a dalabas: would b:
Allthi: ispossibleiltl-iyperCm-d. Oncedara is imbuedwilhsuchirltclligctxccjlwill alwaysremainusocixmdwith lhedan. evenifdxe damis moved to mothcr fxlc. Thi: i: Lhc essenc: ofHyvprCm-d’: objectoriexued progzzunnüng: Lhc proyam stays varith the dann. APPLE ‘S WIILARD HypuCard hns been rhe petproject of Apple's softwarc ‘wimd, Billmkinsmformelmrhraayeurslnfacteva sinoehccorupldod umQmckdraw gnphic molbox upon which tbe Macintosh user
imufaczisbaseimdmxhirlnoncofflßofiginalprogrmns bundbdwiflx melvhc. Billmdasrnall teamofpoganmmshnve bmn working on Lhis softwarc "piöce de resismnce." Appleisbtmdmgflypaurdfreewithevaymw Macimoshsold. (Cm-remMacovu-nascmobminaoopyfor anonzinalfaoofsflflo
lJsJTlusiruplerusm for lhis isthmHypctCnrdu-nakes ilensy In cusmmize a-nd pmgam the sophisficamd Macintosh gnphin: muixilnfme. Wifl: HyperClrdyon cmcxmtmnhzymxworkilugmfiImmun]. In suil your ‚own pL-rsonal slylc. A usu": und: cm b: smodmorcapnuprialzly udhcorshccmbcoomplmcly inaflated fxom Ihr: wwkings ofthc disk. opurating systzm. BEFORE HYPERCARD MAC TOUGH T0 PROGRAM Until 1h: mtroducfion ofl-lypercarfl, even xhebestpmgxanunm would. complairxthatil was haxd t0 wxin: Software forflnMacJWcw cunccpls likc um:lovps. windows. 901'011 bm. ptzll-cbwn Ing-uns, andsystcanreäouxoes wercdiflimfltto leamzmdhmdw organize in progxam ende. With Ihe advenl of HypemCard. Ehe messy purt of programming thnMacinmoshismndetramparentnothepxogranuner. Now anyone who 1ms dabbled in BASIC or writhen a few oomplex sprmdsheet formales can pmogram fmcy windows and spezial bunons an meMac withease. Issing HypaCard. Tobesumflypszcardisnotaprogrmnmingpmaceaflmatwfll mnuevajroneknendsfilnitgocsnlongwaymmuxthefimflmflm-
a Hamflhn an m: sind:
TI— Immun u a r u n q u q t h Älllflflflfllüflflfifllm Immun. m a n nubfihlbnudrhqun.
Fron: theseriousmthefi-imbumldcvayfilvginbafivccn. Hyperccrdkasspnkddatofnavalprogramming idazs. Hypezcurdhzsfomothcr Lyyesofobjecmlhmmfivumon" msources in Pascal, C, or nuchinc Ianguaga. Aheady. there an: objecß which cm b: clickod will: th: mnusds screen poinrer commmdsintlnepublicdounamrhucmeasilybeaddedwyowcopy causing anymmxberofactimw t9 bgpefiotmdflxereare"card" i: possibl: m acoess mfonnation an s, dozen of ’ in thnt objecm which srejust likn indem they can b: sorted." brandsoflasuvidßodisksmndCD ROMdeviceLHyperCIrdis fildfinmdandcvcnprugnrmned; isalmrheßfiigmm dßignadmfixxdarxypfieoeofiznformaximinafimcgxbyrzfileh objem.’ which can mdcrlic a gzoup cards. providing Ihcm wirh man: nwo seoonds. ‘Du's mnans you can gut high qualily vidoo common alemmrs. Finally lhvnxc i: Ihn: "stach" which i5 a goup of imagcsonaTV undsmaosoxmds EmmaCDpIayeIiuseoouds. cards wnn m: variorus backgrotfiuds, bauen: und am; Lahm Hypuürdisapmoduumuisduignedforflxanaarfimn whenchis mgelher. Amckissin1pIya“stnckofcmfls”andis malpgous toa lcvcl of informanion mmngemem ancl reuieval Will be Immunancmvencional disk ffle. plaae in most hcuseholds. EVERYBODYG HYPERTALKING HyperCard allows rhe User t0 jump t0 my 0th:mftwnre amüsaAI every lcvel in (bis "hiaaxchf of objects progrnms cm be fion or docmmnt an am; disk oonmctcd myour Macintosh mmwrlnen in a lmguage called "Hypcrfalk." Butpmgranls in Hyper- puner. 111i; abiliry is available a: any rime fzom within my HypnCard nezftexactly lilce convcnfiovnnl mmputer programxTln-y an: Card stack. Once you do dxis. HyperCard reoords m:path back to so called "object-oriznmd" programs becanse Ihey must b: brokm Lhis appliaziorl. 1111188 of sonne rhe application is moved. into 1in1: segmmxs umget atrached m Ihn irldividml objects Lhal HYPER-LINGUIST nmkc up 1h: HypetCard envirornmänr. Instead ofhavmg one big HypexCardhasbeendcsignodLobc uscdarflprogrmmedhmy pubgram lhathas 1 beginning, middlc andenfi. ybumnstdivide the language (hat usas standaxd roman clmactczs such u Freud: or job hmommy smallliuktukscalledfscriptsfhchofflu fivebasic Swedish. Any HyperCard Stack developed in ( m : lmguagc um bc HypetCard objocu cm have an optional script associamd with i1’. easily umslawd I0 any other language if Ihn proper Imulalim giving itacertain amoum offmlctionfütyorfimansfflnasescfipß resowoe i5 present. onlyaxacuteuponreceiptofamqssagcflmtcnsnhunwszm Considezing Hypercard‘: anrrent 5st of abilities. it 1sintezmsfing nnming. Hmce in the lingo of HypetTalk. smipls an: caJJed “mes- tonotethaxBill Alkhßuncoatsidcrshisworkonlymckwmfilerxinn sagc handlcrs." T111’: i5 because all Ihn HypaCaxd objects are 2.0 is dnc for releasa larar in 1988. Apple i5apparmfly wcrking an A: m:same tirne the versions 3.0 mddl).These advanced ediüons ofHypaCard will be oonstmlfly scmling und mceiving all the objects will-n massages. presumably fastar. easiecr In use und mm aivancod man Lodafs systcm itsclfcontinuously
bombudj '
MESSAGES Youcznemeworkixugprogrmuin axdbyixuaocpfixzgrlfis ' myriad of message's with message Scripts located in the various objects. Asyouwxsemthisxeqtzires anew wayofthinking if you am familiar with convmtioajal pmgranuning techniques. Howevex-‚ifyoumnot aprogrxrmnenitmme ounnbeamuchmorc
FIgnnLMmaguInHypcrCudaIpmdfiom low lnelobjcm dem: through du objcct hiermit} um?du;ran:t0 HypcrCard i320’. Sornzwlleu011mg III: I m ;thgy und; b: handled by a Script {hat i: waitingforjnst noch a aussage.
n’! \-—
Baumann L M I
3-‘. Card Level
GRAPHICS, SOUND AND OUTPUT Although l-lyparcard graphics Iadts 300 dpi outpm quality becamm i: uns bit mapped ü m n d ofobjecx oriented graphics. i: does lookgeaz an (h:Mac sagen. HypaCard cm also dalive: digitizod sound like thatfomdonCDreocfidinpHIhL-sc sounds canbc Synchrülfizüd wir]: (h: graphics, toqäesulting in inneresting animtion cffccls. HypaCuvd has a umben- of othe: builI-ixx feamres. Hypczcud cm dial a phone nmnbuby smdmg the smndmd touch nonesouzthespeakcronthnsidoofmewlac.Ifyouholdyom teIephonehmdsetuptotheMaxfs spaakenxthenmnber willbedialad
Figur-e LHypcrCanfsMjxna-ccombhcdon cards in Iaycrsa: ffthcy wer: an anzapfen: quamupüd m mpofon: Munter. m1rcquirenncnxs of du: was: mqiority of oomputerr users. HypczCurd kaltes the idea of spureadslteets and extends it. Just as f0: you. It also wodzs with amodern. euch individualoellofa spreadsheacanberhouglu ofs adisrhmt REACIHNG OUT 0F HYPERCARD oomputafiormlobjeathathas nfonnuh. formal. resnlt. amlmfarHypexcardä abilifies minwrac:withany softwareormrdwm in armes madm- onllg, so HyperCmfl i5 man: up ofsimilar compan- thc Genauer’: cnvinmmcxuucbwdflfisisducto thnfact {hat ficnal objecrs. 111e difluencc i5 Ihm Hyperrcarcfs “objects” am hnilr ianm m:HypmTalk lmguag:i: quclnfique fnrexmdizag in:m: muchmorevaxiad andpdwatfialfllm aczllannsprendsheu. Halde: ofcommmds mdfin-Lctions thruugh (‚hcaeafimofcuslmncxbanul
l4'TheCompumarPaperJmn 1988
lmalusaofflypercaxdisonflnexisaauäsaoonsultannlhave muoducedssveralbufimsseswflypezcardümlawfimmnwusas HyperCard ID impor: lange man filme cf cour: transcriprs over the mlephmmlinmvbdthamodenmThm ntmeclickofaqaecial human. u r y und all occuncnccs of a. spocifiod piecc of i n : an: fomnd. cxuactod. undnssembled im areportshnwing whcn:Llwy appeared in the transcztipt. A real nur:cansulfing firm mTm-race i5 crming a suck for a large client maxorgmuizes informarinnabou: htmdreds afpropmies all ( w e r Lhe world. Th: informafinn i: presented in a. fite-{rmn associaüvemarmer. so thazdigitiznedmxps cm beclickndto slmw lerinlplmtogaphsorsiteplms mdhxildingscmbecficknd l0 Show floor plms. mainuzlmoc suhodulcs. financing cictails. rcsale value, taxmcxoluFinally anotlwrvunouvcrfnmis mw usingHyperCaxd In kncp tmckof cuslomus. productpricizxg und all üwoicing. Systems such a5 thesa am easy t0 Setup and mainmin undhave flüdfi flexibility m change and axpand with Ihn needs of Ihn Gaumen)’.
HYPER-mEAS Aithough i: is difficult m dcscribe HyperCard In mmnonc vabtlly, inmy expcricnce whenzvc: abusiness pcrmnhas 5a! inEront of das Macintosh und Iried HypezCard f0: just a few nünums. the reactionisalwaysme Same: ideas abouthowitoouldbeusedmulmfi ihn offioe hnmediately sprins forth with grau excitcanem. Urflike most dazabase programs umhava mystarious concepls such a: records, fields and files, there i5nothing immafimly baffling abom HyperCard. lnsmad of confixcing new um": with man: conccpls undrules, HypuCardstimulalu people mthink ofncw und cxciling wxystousatheircomptxtemmthesme Limmfmthcmore advenmmus sophisticated usu, HypetCard offen; n real challcxlgc und opcns up a wholc ncw world of objoct ozimled progmmning to cxplorc.
Macintosh Rentals
u m ;
Dyliaßase for tlme Amiga
5275 5550/Mo.
Lease to Own
Expandable A}.„ oäMICRO. Hard Drives MASS for the Mac, A.
INFOSAVE‘: Sinne!Rasenhak
Dirastzr recovery hin-lang bsmavailableaxthe
micras incraasesandconupondbigly m:valuz cf
campany has broagh: xhis zypa af dal4 backup savic: t0 m:personal canzpmcr markct. INFOSAVESMECZML, ( 12i, 810 WBroadway 875-
a.szrvice which addrmuIhn:und:bypravidfng a relarivety inexgaauive, szcure man:ddeaüng with personal compuxar dazu bnck-up. W: talksd wKIhINFÜSA V8": Vice-PraidaInShodRosamxk
racemty. TCP: Whn i: DIFOSAVE servioe?
ROSENHEK: IINEFOSAVE service is a beck-up sei-via: for pcrsoxlal wmputers dusignod l0 trinke sm-e mit your dem is safe. secure 8: rwovcrable whcn you nur)it. Mnny PC uscrs are m: awam. cusimply mfuse l0 admi: t0 thcmselves. thatthe hat! diskixxflxztrmooxfldfliiäwifinoutevmnrnncncnt’: advancenoliceukpowctsmgamaocidentalbump. rheft m-even a ürc cm leave you ‘uns’ oouxputet dann. IfyouuscyourPC forsetiom work, thenyou MUST backit up inpxmvenfiomof Lha:evez pending camstmphc. Othuwise.yourjun ukingfor trouble. TCP: What rype of compmy nüghtneed lhß services cf INFOSAVE? ROSENHEK: Just about my business who Ins an IBM PC er compaüble with haxddrive undis Ming m:mnchinc [er business. ward processixlz. CAD! CAM. pmgramnning etc. Infact. any serious PC user whcsehaxddrive contains upwuds of IONIB cf data. woLLld. bczwfit.monßmiky a: wcll as finm passend-mild, through Ihn um: of 1NFÜSAVE scnice. TCP: You menrioned PC calasuophe. How oftm
asedarum D1‚i.Rat...
Handy und Steven McCiain danbasc wog-an: for thg a, flax i5 file DynaBase Amiga mies of Computers. I: is an interesfing productfarBC. Amiguusersmotoifly becmueitis locnlly dcvcloped. but also bccmxe itdocs ihejob well und in u straightforward marmcr. Ifust camemcouuciwiihflieauflim of DynaBase at the locnl man youp. Daryl Hegyi gave n demonstrafion cf I. "beta" vcxsion of DynaBue. The ptogram was weil roccived ‘au: noeded mmy improvcmmts. I hlve remzinod Mausrad in their ptogress as Dyrmßm becomcs mm4: und mm: powqfifl. V m i m 2.0 is just around the meiner. I have waiched Ihn: product grow m besann: m: of Ihßthoslmßlfld lools onmycomputer. Iuse Dynnhase inmy Business mhmidlcall my mliling lists. climxs 3nd cnquiries. lt gets much of 1h: “bull-wu-k"doncsnmomiy inour opeminnmthal wccmconaanuaznonhavixig FUNwixhour MflGsVs. Configurrhg Dynnbasc roquizes an understand-
OR Trade-up to Mac // from
ROSENHEK: Our somvcs indicate thal PC entn-
uophe is actually quit: oommon. One local wfiux racmtiy mted thal h: hnd had (‘nur crxshcs inhis
lifsoneinanairplmteoneinacarmzdtwowithhis hard disk. A major B.C. corporafion represcruative
claims Ihalinthepastyear, with appmximamly 300 PC’: in use company widc, bctwoen 20 8L30 mashincs expefienced Menge problems reqtxiring that the hard drive bc xc- iormnned 9nd in: dm reswred. 111m‘; almost 10% of their PCs! In a receut compmer publicatiun imerview. 1h: theftol‘ a personal oompulcr wonh about 54.000 was bcing discussad. “without baclmp. da13. recovery would have (alten Ihre: unomhs a: aGOSIOfSIOOJJOOÜUw datawas wor|h25 times thevalueof Lhehudware!“ h-nsmmc will only pay for Ihn: replwcmmt of 5:01:11 01' bmkm Computer ltardwarc. INFOSAVE ensums lhat your valuable Computer dann i5 regulaxly backed-up. sacurely smod und ptompfly recuvcmble. Calwlate your own odds if you den’: have a proper buk-up plan. Can you afiord to Luke Ihm Chance? TCP: How does INFOSAVE sa-vicc work? ROSENHEK: Typically. an INFOSAVE techni-
arrmge graphically unserem. Th:biggcsl complaint against flwctmml vctsinm i: LhemmuaLAs withmnny smzll scftwuecounpanics, insufficient resomws huve been allocmd L0 explaining how th: pmgxum works l0 nun-pn‚Thecnuxuuvcrsionoffliemmuflicavcs much m b: dusixed. Ihavebem min-ad. itis being rcwrittm with a more fllser" oricmcd approach. Thc Antigtfs mulliuskixqg cupabilitics are weil cxploited by DynaBase. It i5pussible mcal] upLhe opcnling system commmds alluwixig oompletc flcxibility inushigthemnigauilwusmeant hohe used. This inlegnfiun with all other weil nrrinen AMlüAprcrgrunsisixrxpmtarulonw. Inaddidmi, pull down menusmakcflteptogrameasy musefot DOVICB H555.
ptudctumined time l0 perform n tun back-up of your hsrd d:ive(s) I0 magnetic upu. After verificaIion. this tape is removed from your offioe for zwinge off-site in an envimnnmtally oonrrolled
mcdia vault. TCP: What abom belwcm buck ups? ROSENHEK: INFOSAVEICIViOC also incluades a daily back-up kit designui In kccp your back-ups uplodalc. AJlyouhavexndnismlcrE-TFOSAVE m.Lhc DOS prompt and follow simple ixuumxctioras. A11 ncocssnry supplies m: pmvidod. TCP: How much docs INFOSAVE service eost? ROSENHEK: 111cm is a ans-im: inslallation fee of betwann 52.50 1nd S310. Momhly sarvice fees Start a: S25 f0: oncc-a-momh senice of a 20MB PC. It's really a. 500d den! eonsidnring ihm. INFOSAVE sc-‚rvicc inciudes eqtxipmcnt wage. mag
Afraid of buying a hard drive that might be too small für future requiremenis? Start with what you can afford and add more skorage when yotflm ready. Miss me 51095 P2E20 S795 M355 3055 51395 P2530 5395 Mass 4061i S1495 P2E4O 51095 Mass 506i 51695 P2E50 S1195 Maas 8521i äCALL P2P. 85 SCALL
DeskTop Publ-ishing and 0 FuH 1 Ysar Warranty CAD/CAM systems O soDay Monay Bank Guamntea our specialty! ‚SLJÄGEQSIEEEFEEQEYYEEE....-. " " " 13520 - 78th Ave.‚ Surrey, B.C. V3W 316
daubas: scripus. Seveml exmiplß srepmvidcdh: rheDemos scclicn ofthe disk. including spinne book.11mm: lnvautory. book undmusic camlpgtne. Somc one familiar «mm dalabascs from umher sysnem. will have notrouhle adapting Linse deines inLo fliei: own specificnceds. ‘Thisptooess will get cvcn easier in K113 npcammg vcxsiott wherein fieid specificmions andrepcndcsignscaxtbemaflß und
does this acmnlly happm?
I havc looked alamlmberofother ooxmncrcial dazabuc pIUgIflmS for the AMIGA. Supa-base is pcrhups thc bes: lmow-n ofthes: bul.falls shon ofits pmmise because of a.conxidezably lfigher puice. lt also hus ihn drawback cf beäng copy-protectaed. I would never 0 1 m n softwaxc program thal had In have a doLngle (a copy pxolwtim hazdware bosed kcy system) hanging off ihr: side cf my oomputer. Olhecr database progmms ate eithet far wo expansive for my pocketbook o: {i115 nnly somn of my
‘ yi ’
Laser Printing l
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MacStation Rentals from S15/ hr.
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Complete Productlon Services Design, Layout, Printing, Typesettlng, copylng, Foldln, Binding, and Distribution.. . . . . .. . . ——— 1 rßur free MacStalion Rental with this advertisment. Subject to MacStation n u n
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Mac Ietter quality
with a Daisywheel or typewriter
*98? MAC DAISY LINK“ Cablo Optional 529.95
DynIBuc i: available focr both 1h: ANHGA and IBM oompaliblc compum-s. "I11: new Version in schoduled l0 be avaihhle in about 2 mmuhs. Currcnfly Ihe grice now i: S39. Thc ncw prioe will go upbutissfillprojeczedwbclussflnmßfl. Forme pries und with Ihn kann: and flexibility. Dyna-
base delivers.
A prinier driver that supports any Daisywheel rinter or typewriter with any Macintosh computer. Letterqualny results. Can be used with a laser primer. (Text only in Qume or Diablo emulation}. Foreign letter character and sheet Ieeders supported. Plus much more. Call for rnore infomlation.
KT“ continues to be the preferred tool for dot matrix prlnters lape. umeon Iheroad, umcinycmoffleeä adaily bmk-upkit all for one low momhly fec! Whmyou cunsider your eost in unploycc Linie. diskertes. pick-upfdelivexy and vaull Stange fws. l0 d0 111e equivulcnt jcb yourself would 005L abom. twioe a5 much a9 NFOSAVE sewice. TCP: Where can nur rudern obtain morc information about INFOSAVE scxvice? ROSENl-IEK: Your readars can call our office a: 875-1552. Wc will be happy t0 providc a fxoc analysis cf (bei: PC back-up sind storage meds. supplying Ihem wilh pricing und avajlable pick-up daysltirnes fm- their m i t .
PSuiie ‘D’ 2800 Douglas Roed. Bumaby. 3.0., V50 5B? For Inquiries: (604) 291-9121 Macintosh is a trademark Iicensed to Apple Computer. lnc. 111e PRINT-LINK 8-MAC DAlSY LlNK are trademancs of GDT sottworks lnc. ‘i5’
T11: Canputer Papa:- Jime 1988 -15
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Computer Education
Hands on Irtstruclion. State of the arl IBM PC-XT Compatlble Computers. A range of tlmes 8-dates to fit your busy schedule. A cuniwlum featuring every-
thing from general oomputer akills, t0 desktop publishing.
The courses offered are a oo-operative venture between Vanoouvor Comnunity Collage and Precept Corrptlter Skllls Leaming
Centre. (See the ‘Computer Calendar" section of this paper for detalls af upoomlng ooursos)
Preoept Computer Skills Learnlng Centre Inc.
73s man: Drlvo
Vanoouvor, 5.0.
Information: 255-3198 Registration: 875-8200
Irying In Iurn your {mm oomplicamd
manuals? Don't waalcmymumtimc will: Ihr: manual or lang wach in a classroom. The Video Professor
tapasmaqxxidcnnd usy aoftwam laaming system desigand m muhyoump-by-stzpazyomownpaoemrdin IhLp-ivacy ofyomownlnomeoroffioo. Theo:
videoupesmaocwugemmairfirxgandvemy professimally dem. 1'115)’ u: nnilüle n: n nunnberofhvelsfxom begilmztoexputAnd bcstofall lhcy n: vcxy afloadnlnlc. IBM APPLE Lohn 123 Applnworks WordParfect Word Prooosslng dBaao Il-r hat: MSWord Database: Wordstnr D03 VIDEOS Pagemakor 3109.95 For more wormafion call:
Masako Holdings Ltd
(604) 275-1565
Dealer Inqzdries Welcome. 16-TheCompuwrPapulum1988
UNDER TEE H001) WHAT MARK NOVELL G0? In du: last arliclc. w: lookod a: vzrious mezhods of physically wixing Workstations togzthzr to form a LAN. Regardless of (h:
wpoloy.itisclcuthatlhcfilcsuverhasnlotmdofiflfisnwnfluwe will 100k a1 tlu: NOVEIL opaating system. und examinc how Workstation roqucsls gut suviccd quickly und aoctnmly. SERVER FUNCTIONS Fmm im inczptinn, Nova}! has snessed hlgh performanca. mliabilixy, andexpmdabiliry a: Ihm: fundamental goals n0 b: mal: by a mkocptrackofsuchdivmethingx Nelwork Operating Syxnnm (N06). Novelrs soluriam callcd Netbudgetsaniblllfnßbiblingraplfics. llcctionxpcrsmmclrccords, warz, i: upeciflpn-ponNOS specificallydesignedand optimiznd for Lhc distributnd gxucasirxg LAN environmmt. General purpose lag‘ 5165. much more. Kur nmnmg an a; m: a, xonm in avariely information maybereuieved usixlslanywordorwnxbmn’‘onof opcralingsystmmliksfinrUNIxxredesigxxcd of mvironmenlx. Inclcmmm b: aplimized. wordsasnkoyvaluc. ‘ In thc scnrcz. all wcrkstafiunrcqugsts far diskreads orr ‘In-ins, WhyWe WereLookingAt plinn: spoolixlg. mtwcrk aoccss. und unter services must b: antisBecmaeofourdamhase wvereoentlyhadflwonviable fiod Scrvc: opmlfions, caflod opcmr. mdependmtly „sigma:cf cvaluating wer two 691m data bftscfoflwm poch- Erom auch other. in a “Inne guy”proccsses. cnvimmnmu whereby a pmccss 189-8. inchidirxgasxsan. for a_CD- ‘OM applncanon. T0 gam a which i5 n0: busy. o: waiüng (im a. disk or priruer Operation In wemokawmega- complcte) will rclinquish cuntml of m:seh'n L0 nimmer pmpupflxpecuveofthßcherlts process ‚acaesseditwirhavtswvmone Whichhas Wolf: In d0. bytcmbnxofthcmmdaxabasa Ofüwseprucwsw. 111c mosl. crifical in 1.1.1111: offlzcfewfilll-ßnreuievalpxod "thatdidnotrequireexteznsive of petfonnnnoe Eshow tbe disk inpuL/oumut (U0) ruqucsts am damis sezrvioed. hrputfltsxfilg” ' figldadoxu-exnrm man-nenne i2. azisix noteonrain irfiexesmhvamdlisnLTlfisvv-asm" wforarflanuwehad DISK DRIVE OPTTMIZATION AnATsystunnnmmgDClS uflMhz. 0 wai: smascould perform "nLuke: adiskdxive dusmd. nevcrufiäiaxksarrflbcafmc mmmalswvu cm: so um. o w: annvetageofSQÜOOEmIL-tmlions duzing m 1 a Sinne SINGLE max! o: wxite und withmininlal uümt fLfll-tcxl mtricval o! au: pafonn physical opemtion. sutptise wcghad dsabaminarelativelyshunfinmpflmnprovedmbeeasyw reqlaest may require several disk opermions‚ lnmdzcds ofthomnnds oombinadwixhmextensive of insn-ucfions am wasted while D05 perfornns any disk U0. implunmtatflmewelldesignsed unfair-sensitive help facllitymade sinlplerome. Clearly, by mducmg the number of U0 nperations. or doing other i w e r ] : while the disk drive is busy. perfommca would b: improved. ML901: will managotooolds. and oommmds. Rental Novclluscsmmytcchnfiquu Lomduoethemnnberofdisk aocesses. " informalicmisswxodnritlfinnfileas ulddoccnmtmwhere DIRECTORIES AND FAT TABLES adoanneunmayoonmhmynunxberflinkedmcordsmdcanflzus Anydanaccessmvolvesmfqmmtodhacwfiesandfilemloca' beofmylaxgmmlünitmflze fionTables (FAT) which acreloaded imo the server memory (RAM) afileisthoavailablediskspaoe. when (h:server isstanad. This i: called caching. Neuware always Adanbmesysmnmvithanmm
flcxihleandistzsedmnddsnmuxre 'tlminfomw:imLFieldsm mfaxtolhcoopynlkAMwhnlmquiredlnaddifimdhumfium variahlelmgthnndmxybelocatotl hereindiflcranreoords. spocinlly ordcroflhashod), und FAT tablns fm very large files may ofwordavixmalfieldaor be indexed to {umher opunuze" searchmg‘. Fgldmxyconfisxofmy '
Hypertalstylelnfornnflonllfial Infamationmaybeaooessodbyl’
bolswirhinntecordmdocumamw uexnppmmiasissonadwtplt '
andpxoxinxityseaxches tefonnalfingofrheselecmed lxizltedmpons.
informafimforeimumem hldditionoftenmedorcomplefmqnmmmaybestoradasa ‘
DATA CACHING Neuware servardisks stur: hfmnuficm in 4.096 (dK) Charme: biochcallcdüoctors". Thisistbemiiünunnnnmberofchiractm xcadmwriltauxbyadisklßopetafion Thuaevenifaworkstalim requatauealof lOohymNatware will read4K. l-Iowevcr.the-flvK swwrisstwedhtRAll/l. filenextroqucstfxomtl-ncwvzksmfion will likelybemlmhotelhnhmfingthcphysicaldiskaccess. Tbisiscalled dacracaclfing. Whnnawfimrequest mfiVfemNetwaxcsimply wxitca lho chmaed hfonnafiminmirsdamcachnRAMarmandinunodiatelyizxfomxs
rhewadcsufionmarthewrimrequesthas bencncompletaedfifha wortnatiswordsofgronpsofwordsmgylucscxummaybcusod: Las sutim ein-in on nrithm: dalxy. 3nd Neuware physically wrilns Ihn abanisforaxaqtaosnorlmacfiv
‘anatherasßanfiltzotito pnagram.
l Q
chungodwchcbufiux hier, when Ihe sexverisnotbuxy.
ELEVATOR SEEIGNG Daracachingsmras au-mnendousnumberofdiskopemfionsbut
fimnscuidcsoftwireisamtilmergimndulefnrczufingpersun- isnotmemdofztnswry. MmNemaredoesneedm acoessthe
versionofAntganisllso alizndlcttcxsmdxcponmil availableasisurcad-onlyvcuionf thoscwislfingmdimünca databasewimfixfl-tcxxretricvulc "ty. u Indzexlng
miscmtoofianeamwnmüigT-rx’ indcxingfrflizyisxvnilable.
itisresnictedtnonlymm mytimenshgnlyfiddufi
indexodscadnabocmscthzmcudsixzscxnwdxwfingfiumth: fixstrooormwcdonothnwtlznmxflaaoftnncsthcsenchvflue l oocurswimhthcfik. ‘Ihnmmualdsacmneamxinn with _ pzozmntis quiwgoodwifl:
ofeffiuuthlsbommndcmptovidecniflentdoflmmnfiunpzficu' laxlyforllnnoviocuscnThisis sursifivehclpfncxhty” Not Quite Ready For GROM
f 2
diskfixre-arraxtgesflxemdcfoffllesectflrsitnfiedsmfeador write sothnthcdiskhzaclmovunentwfllbeinasweepingfuhiomfiom oxmedgcofthzdisktcthgothenrnher thmthrashingllloverflhis tnchniqmiscaflodEcvamrSa-‚king. undmlonlyixznpzuvcsper-
formanembutmuy cxnmdtlwlifc ofthcdiskdzivc. DATA INTEGRITY
Thereisnopniminopmfizingpmformanoeifyoucarfimmflm damNetwmranxü-esthataflserverdfisksminifiaflypluflrmxgh
mexhnufivefonnnandtutp-ocedurcßflüllflthedfixkis instxlledontlßnet. Rn-lzrgedisks, dfisprooessmzy ukesevanl dzys (I8 opposed mDOS forma: which would Luke many mirxmes). Diskdrivc: which fail «cannot bc usod. In addifiml. auch tim: Nctwnl: wrilcs a scchm’, it inxmcdiatcly madsilbackaxldvcrificstlmlhcdnawuwfinmommcflyAfafluze onareadaftexwriuaclwckwfllherepomed Wlwnthe diskclrivaisirxiniallysetxzpfmNetware. aportionmaybasetasidz es a"h.ot fix" a u . Ifnrud aftet writa falls. Neuware Will locken: Ihzbadsoctonundmecnzofthe free"hotfix"secnns inilxplacc. ‘This occuzx unomndcally. assming nhigherdegee ofdamimegily.
FAULT TOLERANCE Read afnct write' andhnt fx donothelp iffizemrire disk drive falls. ' Netware can unnmuzc’ this zisk by allcwing duplicate “nüxrored” disk dfives. each duplicafing the data. If one disk falls. Nerware
AsfixH-tcxtteuiovalsofiwaqaxkfijnrxisoutainlynvaycapaflc packageoffexingmcasy waytoaoccjslarxctcxtfilmwc foundil simplycontmuesushgmeoflnerunlüdlefafleddiskisrepahed. simplenoimplaznmxandltcdan wezeeasytomnhmixz. Data minoring occurs tinuugh Netware. the applicafion programs However, like any data mamgemuu fcwane the applioafion must neod no modification. A: an addad bonus. Nerv/m allows "spli:
mmy fiekkmdthefullblowndanbubwouldhxvebcentolzfgnfnr mnlfiamßmifyomdanbascixnntqnünlhnbigomsfidumflm
seekfonmirroreddrives-areadmqnestisdirectedto Ihgdrive whos: read H683. i: physicnlly closesl. m (h:desimd satter. finlhcr
Amlhuopfinn wilhmitxmcdüivcs allow: Ihcdiskcmltrollu’ {CONTI UES 0N NEXT PAGE}
:.--.--*w sHzxltähäfxREfiFiE 1E l
SI-IAREWARE SOURCES Wlmtecmaperson acqmrexqxtodam andautborizedsl-IAREWARE pmgzams? ‘Ihm am rnmy soumes of SHAREWARE available in rhe Grauer Vancouver a m ; including rhe Public Iibraxies. Some oomputer starres 05er fi t : Software with the pmchasaofaconmm. Remembea-Ihis "frec" softwaxe needs tobe
"raapmvantagexgrrzjhe ‚Napf Publlshing Tebhnofpgy
You aminvimd into m:worldpf
Open Systems Interconnecnon (OSI) & Data Communication Standards Pick um courses mmeel yuur needs.
Anofllarpitfall mwarchomfurwhmyou aoquire Software fiom a SHAREWARE vandm, is m:agc atme Software being 901d, Somäciealers‘ of SHAREWARE am sellixxg old PC-BLUE c:- PCSIG liharius. Ünlyaufllorizaeddealarsformesegoupshxveüneupm-dmvusimsofmssofiwareavaflablg Whyresmm ntwo-year 01d vcrsion cf PCI-FILE‘. + er PC-WRIIE u: s 2 : if i1 is ‘whux you
Pmchase your s h m w m fmm "Iuthcrrized. rcpumble“ vendors.
andywauwinümSlmREWAREpmogmnscoruplcw. fnlfillingarxd fascmaflng. Quasfinnyomvmcbraboulupdatcd vetsiocns. redmical suppon. axudaxkmseahisvmdoflsauflnfizationfrosn theaompmy
he i5 acquifirxg his SHAREWARE fiom. If you purchase ‘cheap’ software. you mzy find you gct ‘chcap’ sexvice. FILE EXPRESS In my last oolunm I discusscd danhase managen, specifically PC-FHE III +. Onn cf Ehe main requiremmls of good danbue program, I stand. i5 in: eue ofuse. FILE EXPRESS by EJCPRESSWARE cf Raimund.Waslüxxgton was Wrimen by DavidM. Berdan. arldnsilyfillfills thisxcquixuncntOfallfltedambnsepzogam on th: markct. FILE EJÜRESS i5 pmbably the easiast t0 133m. and im QO-I-pagemanualondisketnisomof thebast urrinm mmuals awajlable for a dnrabase program (300 paga marmal wirh regisu-nden). Armer FILE EXPRESS has been updatnd by thc author. EXPRESSWARE usually releasu Lhe previous Version. L0SHAREWARE. This mcouragn uns mxcgislcrwitl:EXPRESSWARE.t0 rcceive the most cuncnt vasion. I: also means Ihmtrial users of the program an’: always onc vasion behind. "Hals nends m hmdicap EXPRESSWARE, asmost um suppofled software in du SHAREWARE libraxies an: current versions. ‘I11:can-ranfly relusedVersion cf FILE EXPRESSmay nothave the advancaed feanm-‚s available in PC-FILE +. but Ihose people who regixmr with (purchasc 5mm) EXPRESSWARE diecfly. may have 5 0 m g pleasant smpriscs
yomhzrddishifitismareüxansOpucmlfullorismoldudfl rnillisecond tirivg installing a. largu’. faste: drive (o! additional dxive) cm help a Ion a: far lass oosr.
NarxtmnnmlflllookaxwhauLANcmdoforyomhtuxruof secmity, sharing printcxs. oomccxhxg t0 othet LANE.minrs. mainfmnw.Thetxitwiflbeczysralballtime-whaxismefimnefm
In VENTURA PUBLISHER Junior a Senior Levels: Learn the secrets of Desktop Publishing with professional book
DURAHON DATES COURSE Inne 20 OSI Referenoc Model (l Day ) June 21 (1 Day) Networldng Issues J unc 22. 23 OSI Protocols (2 Days) {XJK28X29X2iHDLC. Bisync. 85C etc.) June 24 ISDN Tcchnology [1 Day) X25 & Rclated Pmlocals (2 Days) Juno 27, 28
Or anend one of our Design Clinics for Ventura Users: weWill solve your design and formattlng problems on the spot.
WORKSTATION RENTALS: Use our Iow-cost Desktop Workstations to complete your own publishing projedts. FTOTBSSIOHBI Advisors on hand.
A FULL PUBLISHING SERVICE: Let our Publishing Professionals take your book, magazine. newslener or report from concept to iinished product palnlessly and Inexpfensively.
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NAME: Titlc: Organimtion:
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Poslal Code: City: Data: Slgxmmre: Phonc: Mail regisrration am’ cheque payabfe t0 Baltek Engl"neering Services Lzd. 306 E 50th Ave. Vancouver IA8 F orMars Information Call: 321-2267
entxy. Versiontli}? aIlows for l6 millicm recordspardambuefilc. 3,000 chaxacmrs perrecbrd, 120 fields perreoord. 250 clmacuzspcr field, l4 digitnumuic aocuxacy. andcansononupto 10fie1ds. You canalso Iddcrdzlcl: ficlds in anexistingdambasellhasmost. if n0: all, Lhc fcalun: availablc l0 any 300d dntnbase managen but mm1, importunlly. it 1smt cumbezsonta f0laam orruee.
Professigggl Training
awaixing them. If you aoquke a SHAREWARE VEBIOXI of FILE EXPRESS. reaneznbcr umyou pxubably am not usinz the most cmnnt relzase. The newest updale is Version 4.07 FILE EXPRESSispopmnbecuue ofiLs key commmds. and hclpful menns. I1does not have a “wach” or “ass-isz" mode. buz Ihn: clcax. 0und3: manual makes up fort this shortconfizlg. 111cfmction lncys cm1also b0 ‘jxrograxumed’fm‘ da13
LANS CONTINUED FHOM PHEVIOUS PAGE boardm b: duplicalnd. Bach drive is anachod L0im own bmtrollcr board, so abcmfifailm’: will affectmflyoncdrivanfis iscallod "Duplexixlg".Splitsocks andduplcxed anurollets effeclivelydouble theran: atwhichdalacmbcmadfrmnthedisk. Yettobemnotmcad. bur. in Lhx: wurks alNuvclL 1sthe ability t0 duplicate Servers. When this is a reality, U N I ; will be much closa‘ to assurul mn-smp Operation. TRANSACTION TRACKING A risk still um: du: dar; may besann: corruprnd bCCIIJSD a Workstation failed durmg a crltical updnz. Puttixxg an münbnnlpüble powa- supply cmyour 3 c m : will m! hclp if Ehe power falls whm aworkstafionis halfwxy through alongpcsüxlgrmLNetwanfs Tiansxctian Traclcing Systcm can bc 101d l0 moniwr updazs t0 cfilical filcs. Asctup updalcs, callod afiransmiotfare guamnnbad by Nclwaxc u:cifllcr ALL occur. o:NONE will oocur. tlms eliminating rlv: risk of dal2 filo: oormpfim through panial updams. TUNING IT UP Novell’: 13m5: release of Neuware V2.1}. providcs Natura: instand: will: 10|: cf smisücs t0 hclp in flne tuning the network paformarme. A quick. rcvicw of this monflfs article reveals a gmeralthcznc Jlighu-rpcrfomnmce needsmoreRAMaxtdafasm drive, in that Order. ‘Ihm: azcnumyreasonswhy aLANwmbogdowml-xmifyou suspect thnt the server is ovetloaded. don't msh am und buy an 30386 system irw-illprobably help,hutpemapsnotasmuchas you thought. and i: iscostly. Substanfial perfonmnc: impmvunmts m: possible by sinlply adding man RAM In your savcr. so thal Nerware am eliminn: even m a n diskIfO cpaations. Also 100k at
These ooumes an: advanced Level oourses and a streng backgxotmd in rhe Data Communications arca is mquired. COST: IDay: S250 zDays: S375
We Buy, S611, Rent, Consign 59: ÄLease New 6: Used Computers, FAX, Printers and i
Desktop Publishing, Accounting, Database Courses Training Room Rental Packaged Office Space
Comc in and chcck our our constantly changing invcntory and our 10W priccs.
vANcoUvEn SOFIWARE CENTER 4th Floor, 1190 Melville Street Vancouver, B.C.‚ VGE 3W1
Telephone: 669-9800
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522-4641 FAX 524-5744
‘The Computa Papa: June 1988 -17
Join the Trend lGive your Business
achescaimedbylmxglnuxsswxingatwnqxzrn moniwrmTlwslnp-onappranuprovidesastimu-
‘o DATA 8088-2
lumning an4.77 and BMhz Smail rooa Print Gase 640|‘: Ram nn ßoard 1 560K hoppy Driw: Färaliel Prlnter Port
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(‘Jods/Calunmr/(hmesPort Bncnanced 101 ney Rl‘ ligyboard Hono Orapniu Monitor (‘am um: colour Emulation on TTL Monlmr
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hnadtopovidesoothingmassagemtmsenrenmif yuuuexufferfilgfioancomputcrindtmdcyc 51min. checkthis ncw product out. 549.95 Whiw Hawk Products POBox 6744 VanBC VSW 3T9. (604) 327-6602 Duale: inquifies valoomc.
Northwest Hlgh Tech 1988- A Gulde to the Computer Influstry of the Pacifll: Northwast
seminar and find out why Newviews has capiurad 22% cf tha Canadian 1 markoi in a litile more than two yoars. Wadnosdzy, Jum 15th or Thuraday, July 213l 9-12 am a: ihn Hohl Gourgia Admlsslon Is FFIEE Call lor mgisirallon: 876-7117
Roland PR-Iolz Prin r undCabic ........................_ 295.00 1200 Band Hlyts Cprrrpadbic Modem... 130.00 .. „. Sarg:Prohcctor Powu B:
H5 D 0 5 iwilh System} b i n 360B noppy Drive
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Takc advantagc uiyour staiT going on hoiidays to d0 a PREVEHTATIIE MMNTEHAHCI t0 your Computer System
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ä" Desktop Publishing Consulting Services t0 Business -:- Pruduction
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System recommendations, System set-up, Telephone Sup port and more...
ONE source for DTP Accessories:
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1s The Computer Papa Inne 1988
HyperTalk Script Writing
Ü Design your own buiions
GITips on heuer repon generation Ü Using extemal resmxrccs 9a.m.—
reomtlypublishndanewbookdimirwhidcs B o c tionson who'shiring. who's cxpmdizng, plmsnnd
pnjecfinnsfar 1988 mdhnwnogetlistedonflw Vnmouver Stock Exdxmgm. 111i: usnflfl Eule book includes excerpß 5mm die Comm rqamt on lheBC schwere industry. nach asectionm
sellixlgsoflwuc Ihroughthairmovnfivemdapgmcntly lucntive channel of shmwan. Available diroclly from 1h: publishez’ Resolution Business Prass 8211-153111 Ave N5.ÜC-QOI Bcllcvuc,WA USA 98007 or fln-ough local bookstoms. 814.95 Thc dixeotory of aboul 400 companies i: 11m xvailnhle in ASCII fomm on disk oompiete will: dem and thnär expamion plans fur 849.95. A
Slntlslics Camda’: INS Census Database for Im: PC.T11: Consmaive Govenunexlrs docision todo ihcCcnsusmacostreoovay basishas npennd the doortomw products PCBIHUS.Forthc Erst Iimc, a.oompmhczlsivc dambas: from a Population Cersus ofCanada is available for use on a PCÜITI: syslem puis Cenxux dananthe dcsk-mp of die merke: mseaxcher. PCensus allows you in cxiract dcznogrnphic dann for z gaagzrnphjmlly defmed arca. mywheza in Canada. Thcsysunnistypicallynsedbyrhcmarku rasender far analysisofsixe locations and Lmding nreas. Pirviously. u: w e n : lhi: type of da1: would have been prohibifively slow orexpansive. Now wilh a.few kcy stmkcx, anzugehen-naive comparisoiß of arnas are available. The systcm i: sünplc cnough Ihm a small rcuiler. foa-example. e
Ü Dcfim: cuslomiscd funclions Ü Sccrcts of Softing and finding
Inne 1B
nndBrlilshCohmbIa.(l85pnges)by1otmSpikn and Kuren Stmdwick. Rcsolulimfliusüaus Press
E n i e r p r i s e s
lating mmsageinmldarotmdflw cyesflhedeveispe: cixims Ilm Ihn poducx was Geeignet! with amniant relnxafion leclmiqucs in mind. Tim unit cmahobewnmorphcadotidifletauarcasofthe
The award winning aocountlng softwaro thal Esaasy l0 uso. lt i5 integrated. which moens thare am noadditional modulos io buy. Bast o! all iti9 : real iime so that your books are al. ways Gummi.
‘ Gnma and saa NawVisws a1 a free
ics (‘am Mm ( ‘ n i m m Emulation
lt SMVCJ Monitor ( ‘ a m
es w: Malte Service
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Serial Communlcatlons Ports mmBann): ßaclwp Enhanced RTStyle inihrd Fioccssing Keyboard
lmnnl a! 4.7 and 1o Hhz A1Sntylc Gas: Loch and inciicnor Ijghts 540K RAM an Board 1 360K Honig Driw: Parallel Printrr Port Saiai Port
Clodi Caicndar Hono Hlgh RC5.
mfim Parallel Printcr Port
Scrial Port 84
DPS KT 5053-2
80236-2 Fiunning a! GHH: and 10Min
640K Memury 8 Expansion Slots in a 511d: Ofl Cne 1 Ploppy Drin.-
mmr e n n e ?AT 286
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Ü Date and time funclions EICrcaiing macms
EICall fonnatfing trieb D Linking worin shecls Ei Printing documems for impact 111112.4 9 a.m.—4 p.m Cost 3150
Includes disk of Gras: Stacks/Demo Wqtksheets,
vTnnght by aulhcr of Concise Guido t0 HyperTalk ‚ and prizc winning
MaCroWJ-iter dndividual Macinmshes supplied. vMoncy back guaxarltee. -Location: The Byte Shop, Burmrd and Sixfll
Softshell ‘ß
4692 Quebec SL, Vmoouvcr. B.C. VSV 3Ml
nugju da quick oomparisons ot" 4 o: 5 possible
Sights. Gulfeclings cannowbcniimulimdmflm bank managen. T11: da13. availabl: clmcmly i3 cnly 1h: 2-A Database whiph comains characteristics an populuion, dwellings, hounchoids and Ehe family. In zhe fnll. tlm2-B Database will be available. This includcsmnrescacio-eomionficdan. Teuadsuesses Ihn: i! is m! possible to identify individuals [zum any of this dann. PCensus is mt cheap und i1i3copy poleciad. Tlu-‚program sells im 5250. Stars onBC only m: S785 mdmmeorless forothcr provinoes dcpmding onzhair 51m AllofCanadacmbclwdfor Lhc paulu-y sumoffiösihmdam isalso amemnry bog. 11m B.C.'s dem is ubout 2 mcgabrytcs. The cumpany also supplies m:nppropriaw maps a: a nominal cost. A: ihm: priccs, Tcu-nd‘: custamers include tha lilcas of MacDonalcYs resmumnts und VanCity. Fammalaly for 5mal! bnsinzssas. plans mmderwaymbavetheptozrmn madc available lhruugh lh: BC Hain-prima. Cenm in Vancouvcx and Business InformationCenters throughout Ihr:
gnvhaoc. etradC
a: 14-45 g —@ä95
i Appiicafionsudcuxxbercadmd g Vunmiver V66 213 (604)
PUBLIC DOMAIN AND SHAREWARE SOFTWARE Tred of expansive software ando a 1in1:job? Ar: you anew PC User? Nood softwm on 35"diskenu? WCE Computer World has Ihn: largest oonmpilnfion of Public Donmixl am! Shareware disks in the Iowerr Mainlmd wifliova 1500PC Compnfible Diskx. 100 CP/M Disks andcwnrm Atari STDisks. Comirlgsoon: Amiga. m0mArariS'T:ndMaci.nt0shdisks.Wecarry softwu: fmcvayom fiomthonovicetoflnowtpetimoeduser. Ifwcdon‘thaven particular pmgram, wo will get i1. Pficas statt fimn 54.95 to 36.95 for pa" disk witlx a Smcharge of 51.00 für 35"disb. (Charge: an copyhg Eh: sofiwme only) WCE Computer World, 13485 Klug George Boy, Surrey, BC V31‘ 2T8 (604) 58-1600 WANTED: Software nuthors ‘U’ ‚V317 wir]: programs In be disnibuwd under Shareware or m be pubIished a5 a oonuncrcial package. DATA TRANSFER: Noed data transferred Emm one formen t0 unthea-‚cnllmanddcscribeyum
Fusttherewas Loms Ißandthmflzcxe was dBASEIH-anlfyouhavc tried them boLh wsolvc your dntabase problams mdyou amstillnot gering whnx you wem... try the new ADVANCED REVEIATTON m handle anof your dann basc requiremznqADVANCED REVELATION is a 1'011ftumionrolatiotul du:hat: 8cxppficaricns development sysmm um. allows dcsigncts m dwelop saphisücatod sysmms t0 dclivcr thr: "goods". yot simple elmugh n:alJow normal-uniCalusearstor &i:rca.l.ctlmirownreporlsnldßfixzncwdam fields. Pmaec ystems speoialirm in developing dambose systems
i-n Lkw: ncw ADVANCED REVELATTON. Systems rang: fiom sinftpln nun: & nichts: 1151s t0 full mamfacmfing systems for 5mal] mnnuflcturers. ADVANCED REVEIATION nms cm stand alono IBM XT/ATs a;
Didyouknowtharyouxoompuludauiswonhuploß timestho original oost cf youx haxflware? T11: back-up undoff-sire snorage of
youroontpuzmdataismimumuMUSTbouddtessodwiminyow organization if your m: m mrvive m unforseext disaster. Do you
know when auch a disastn will suikn? IPIFOSAVET“ auch-esse; yourpemonaloonnputerback-up und storage noeds. INFOSAVET“ providns aworry-frec, quick msdnod ofbadcing up m:hard drivoß) in your Pa-sonal Coznputetß) onaregtflarly schodulod basis, mini-
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todious ycl. csscntial lask. Dein; apuoperjob ofbacking-txp your personal compuusrs i5 usuaIly an expansive 8Ltimc-consmning job. A: INFOSAVEW Service LtcL. wo care about the imcgxily 8csecurity ofyour valuable oompmu dnn. Im’! i1Lima you did m, before izis loo Im? Call us for a FREE malysis. INFOSAVET" 121-810 W BroadwqyVancmxverV5Z-1C9 „((504) 875-1552
wen a5 oqlnztworks. For a solution l0 your dem bgse problems letus da III: niny gxmy programming wog}: 8cyou can still man». new repons 1Efields as you need Iheam an your own. Call Tod Archihnld a: Parser: Systems
SOFTWARE FOR BUSINESS Whal programs are available in SHAREWARE thar cm hclp a busixxcss? How about 100 form Iemns (PC-SIG #388) you can use wir]: your ward pmcssor? Try PzojectMarmget-raent (PC-SIG #423) using aritical path mcttnod fior cash flow. costreporns, Gmnchmts, &:jxeoedence netwurlß.Theta an database programs, sprcadshecxs. a mmplatns rndy wnm forr Lotos. Small invcntmy progmms. mailing list pmgxams. G:531e: i5 a traclcmg progmns. 111c FRONT OFFICE (PC-SIG #691699) cmtrol system for prqspocüng,salos mmngmnenr, salcs ordntrpro-canalysis. PAYROLL CANADA (scs #155455) essing. s; vrill hmdle aoomplcto payroll fair 250 employccs. MICRO-RETAILER (SCS #126.151-152) i: a poinL-of-sale program f0! footwaxc o: apparel reuilcrs. Man};moreavailable. Pfiocs statt at 571l) per disk. WAAHEDuKuthors wantod t0 disrribuxe mit
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HORIZON SYSTEMS was bomfxomthnideafitatoompum annsultarion&suppnnne.ednotmquirc buflcfimncingtoaoquira The mnjor obstacl: facing Bob Chishohn in 1984Whlle oompumrizixag his mm Business was ihn highoost ofooxisnflmm. Aftarextauivc
knowlczigc h: 1ms acquired. Hormon Systems aim is n) make availublc to irs clients an affordable systzm of suppon firom the docision u: oompumiu rhrough softwlro selecrion. m setup 8L tmmirxg of staff. They hzv: bem installing. tcaching a:stimmingBedfordAcootmting soflwaxcforovcrlyeas. Bobhas also d:veloped asystem of customiwd _ mamls Which allow: climzs t0 skip the sn-‚ep leaming curvc of DOS. 111i: mzkes du:bachlps
Computer Scham-e
for es Imle as S88 per month. Your Massage will be seen by 30,000 people Interestod in computers.
antun-um. Hormon Systems cm1 also assist you: small business withoflxerptogams hcluding Lotus 123, dBase III Plus & wen! processixxg packages. Horlzou Systems l1028-83A
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#3034 661 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1V1 Fax (e04) 736-6431 Telephone (604) 736-3741 ' ACCPAC and Novefl are regisiered trademarks o! Compuier Associates lmemational Inc. and Novell Inc. 171e Computer PapcrIL|ne1988 '19
ACCESS CENTRE 290 - 145 Clmdwiclt. Nord: Van 984-4671 Bedford Accounting Iutt 4/11 3180 BARKEL BUSSCHOOL 211 - 3030 Lincoln AvcCoqu-illun Computerlzed Accounting phorne 464-8717 COMPUTERLAND (V 1035 W Pettder Vancouver; B = 214 Rd Burnaby; R = 123-4940 N0. 3 Rd Richmond)
45321611513 ACCPAC GL Iun 6.28 V
5130 5130
Bedfordfäevetnittgslmtlö. 23B
COMPUTER EMPIRE TRAINING 4162 Main 872-1668 New Views Acoountln Call fot dntes S145 COMPUTER PLACE XGOEBumIrd St, 688-2992 ACCPAC Inne 13 5179 DOPPLEIPS TRAINWG CENTRB 101 W. 5th 875-0261 Redford Accounting fuJ1da)’. Im: 14 517S ACCPAC full dxy comse... 3159 McKAY 2151311111111 SLVmc. 736-7221 Call for statt dates
Computerhed Bookkeephtg Course 12Weelcs
PBSC TRAINNG CENTRE 1350-1140 W. Pender 689-7272
ACCFAC General mager. Im: 2 ACCPAC NR, All’. Iun 28 Redford Accounting. Iun 20
S175 S175 S175
PERSONAL COMPUTER TRAINING INSTITUTE 200-247 Abbot St Downtown 682-5448 12hout cotnscs ACCPAC or Redford Accounting CALL S150 PITMAN BUS. COLLEGE 1490W.Broedwny 738-7848 Coctnptttct Accounting Call fior m i t dnms PRECEFI‘ CODIIPUTER CENTER 735 Clurk D1’. 55-3198 ACCPAC Module 1 Iun 16/17. Iuly 4516H S140 ACCPAC Module 2 Iun 20121/231524 S275 Bedford Accounting Im 6fl/9n0 5275 PRIMA TBCH 207-3900 E Hastings. Bumaby. 294-4567 ACCPAC AJR Im: 5 S150 Newviews Accounting Inne 23& 24 S545 TXL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Hotel Georgia 876-7117 Newflews 9-12AM Iune 15orIuly 14 Free VANOOUVER COMMUNTIY COLLEGE 875-2803 ACCPAC G/L 51,50 VAN. SOFTWARE CTRE 300-1190 Melvillc 669-9300 Bedfoni Itnt 1.Iun 20 S180
ACCESS CENTRE lxxnsdale Quay 984-4671 dBase III + Statt mytintc. computt: based ulining-selfpaced mtorinls (average 20 hr5. no max.) S140 C0 (V = 1035 W Pender Vancouver; B = 214 4501 Norflt R11Bllrnaby; R 13-4940 No. 3 Rd Rlchmond) 683-6152
dBn-u 111+ lnterlnedlalt. Iun 17 B COMPUTER PLACE 860 Butmtd S1. 688-2992 Inlro elBue 111+ Jutta 29 Iutermed. 6385|: 111+ Iunc 30 COMPUTER STATION 2130 Bmrard 51732-8521 ‚
5180 S180 5179 5179
Intermedlate dBase 111+. Jun 5 817S DOPPLEIFS TRAINING CENTREIOI W. 5th 875-0261 dBase III + In!!!) 1 Day comso. S175 FIALA- BÜNNER 810-1112 W PC3631’ 684-1022 dBmie 111+ 1 Im 22 5175 MICROAGE 3609 W 16th AVe. Vanoouve: Q1010‘ t l B m ü I l I d - P l r t l l m 16 5175 dBnseIlI-t-PIIHHIMZQ 3175 PCTI PERSONAL COMPUTER TRAINING INSTTTUTE 200-247 Abbol St Dovrntown 682-5448 l2 hour ootnso: R e fl Plus Jim: 25 5150 PBSC TRAINWG CENTRE 1350-1140 W.Pmdcr 689-7272
dBaae III +. 11m 1113/30 dBIse III + 2.Im 8 dBase III + 3.Iun24
PUMAN BUS. COLLEGE1490 W. Broadwny 738-7848
5175 S175 3175
dBuse III-1- Call for stur: d m : PRECBPT LEARNWG CENTER 735 Clatk Dr. 255-3198 dBase III-t- Module 1 Iun 13/14 S140
PRIMRTECH 207-3900 E Hastings. Bwnaby. 294-4567. Database Usl Clipper 11m 30 4 wlcs S150 S150 Uslng dBase + Iun 19 VANCOUVER COMMUNTIY COLLEGE 875-8200 Intro to dBase 111+ Iunß 5140 Intermed. dBase 111+ Iun 5 S140 S140 Uslng dBase 111+ Module I Iun 13/14 S140 Uslng dBüe 111+ Module II Iun 20.21 5150 Uslng dBase Im 19/26 Database Uslng Clipper Iun 3001:1 7/14/21 8150 VANSOFIWARE CENTRE 300-1190 Melville 669-9800 Introducdon 0odBASE III-t- Iun 16.27 S180 DBASE 111+ Intermed. Itm 6.15.25 S180
1%EEH%MWfl%%Eßflfl%%fi (See also the Macintosh S-oclim Eo: Mac U1?) BENNDORF VERSTER 380 W 1211:1 Aue Van 872-8882.
DTP: Canon Express Call tot detaiis.
OOASTWAY SYSTEMS TECHNODOGY 989 West 8th Avc Vancouver 736-5039 (spinne ca.11 t0 resave) Ventum vs. Pagemaker Ilme 71112162123 S10 Intensive Venturn 650-10 pm Nun: 13.20.27 (limit 3) 375 DESKTOP PUBLISHING TRADIWG CENTRE 400-1190 Melvillc 81.. 681-29351211] for June Schednle Ventura, Pagemaker am! SpellblndeaDOPPIER TRAINING ( T R E 101 W. 51h. Van. 875-0261 Ventura Im: 168: 17 5375 . Pagemaker Iun 23 8c24 S375 FIALA. BONNER 8: ASSOCIATES Van. 684-1022 = Ventnra Iun 5 5150 McKAY TECHNICAL LNSITHITE 2151 Bmrmd St. Vanc. 736‘ 7221 Call f0! 66ml]: Publlshl Ans 12weelts Duktop Graphlc MICROAGE G CTRE 3609 W 16th 222-1010 Pagemaker 5175 PBSCTRAINING CTRE 1350-1140 W. Peuder 689-7272 PC Pagemaker (ca.11for daraus) 3175
InWottODIIPIunZTRS 2sesxions
D’I'P:VentunJtm2.6 2S685.Il1n20-29 4sess.
S130 S190 5190 S150
DTP W111: Pagemalter Iun 13.114 2 sess Using Ventura Im 13-IuIy 4 VANCOIIVER DESKTOP PIIBLISIIJNG CENTRE Ltd 1150Homer St 681-9161 Steve Osboroe. Roedy Green Ventura Junior Level S159 Ventura Senior Level S159 Desktop Design Cllnlts S69 ‚i Venturn Pubtlsher -Call fer Datcs VAN. SOFTWARE CFRE Melville St. 669-9800 300-1190 Intro t0 PageMaker Im14l15 ; Advanoed PageMalter Iun W301 S180 Intro mVenturn Im: 617. 22m 5.350 '
fifififiwfifiüüflfißüäfifififi APPLE ZOO Displaying all tyrpesof Apple oomputets. gutes. educafionalsoflwnqpelfingmofwlfidalm 25. Simon Prager Univ. Rm. ßrlPX-8620. Call Bert fot dctails. DOUGLAS COLLEGE COMPUTER WEEKS Inne 6-18 lntm und edvanood couno: Info 520-5479 Region: 520-5472 MICROAGE 3609 Was: 16th Ave. Vanc. 222- 1010 Autocad Im:2.4 Intermed. Autocad Jun
S175 S175 S175 PRODUCT PROFILE for Profcfional Hi-Tech Electronics ‘Trade Show Inne 819 PNE 10-6 Exposition and Seminars (416) 624-8100 '‚ Vnnmuver Enterprlee Forum Diioovety 111mm. EXPO S111! 430-3533 Tuns. Iun 14 512.00 pu- pcrson Soft-Set Technologie! Lhi. Buffet 550-7200 pm in Thema Mezzmitte. Forum 7:00 pm Vanoouvcr School Bunt-d 736-7241 (3-64 Junior Word Prooessing S65 L (3-64 und Word Processing 565 C464 Computer Awatcncss S65 C-64 Problem Solvittg Computitxg S65 C44 Writittg Using Word Pro-sonnig und UTP S65 C-64 Intro n0 Spreadsheet and Data Base Applications S65 C-64 Creative Computittg S65 C-64 Computer Grapbics 8: Animation Pmgramnthtg S65 S65 Apple: Publish a Book an the Word Processor S65 Apple: Thc Word Procossot 8cMysloty Wriling
13.15 Cnsoomlzhg Autncnd Itm 6.7
äNfiä%@H@®%@FHMMfl% DRAKE PROD. CTRE Suite 100 A1111 Mclville 669-8789 S175 Symphony Spreadsheet & Graph Iun 27 S175 Symphony Database Iun ß PBSC TRAINING CFRE 1350-1140 W. Pendant St 689-7272 Framework I Iun 24 S175 517S Symphony I Jim 14 S175 Symphony II Im: 10 PERSONAL COMPUTER TRAINING INSTITUTE 200-247 Abbot S1Van 682-5448 Call fot schndule i S150 Symphony Framework l] 5150 VAN. SOFTWARE CTRE 300-1190 Melville 669-9800 Introduction 0o Frameworlt II Iuu 1.14.30 51W Frameworlt. II Intermedlate Im; 8.21 5180 I
PRECEFI‘ LEARNIINTG CENTREJBS Clazk Dr255-3198 Uslng Ventur: Itm 2.13, Im: 2011224127129 5190 Intro In Desktop Publlshlng Jun 27/28 S130 Pagemaker Iun 13/14 S190 PRINIA TEJCH 207 - 3900 E. Hwtiuzs St. Buntaby 294-4567 DTP using Ventura J uly 4 F 5150 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Downlovm 687-4255 DTP: Advanced Workshop ln Ventura lun 10 S160 DTP Alternative A proacbesfhtn 4 S160 VANCOUVER E omc PUBLISI-{ING ASSOC BC Club. 750 Pacme Blvd 5., Vaneouver, 731-5887 General Meeting am M I-‘ree ,7m Mac Pngemalter SIG Nelson Reust 683-1599 2nd Wed of momh Itme: 7-9 pxn. Free ncomputerland. 1035 W. Feinde: VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE 875-8200
DRAKE PRODLTRE Suin: 100 111l Melville 669-8789 Novell System Manager Course 2 day Im: 2 8L3 S415
ümmmmmäßflüwmflmwwmw ADVANTAGE COMPUTERS Suite 1760 505 Bmflfd SL635MACS AM.8:30 -12:00 a m ; EM. 1:00 -4:30 pm. Intro 0o MacJun 7.16.24 Intermed Mac Iun 13,27. Intto mPngeMaker Iun 9.27
580 S80 S30
Intermed PageMaker Iun 2.20.30 S150 Intro 1o Microsoft Works Jun 13 S80 Intro w Microsoft Word Iun 9.16.24 5.80 Internet! Microsoft Word Iun 3.15.21 5150 lntrotoMicros-oft Excel Iun 17. 580 Intro to Hypercam Inne 1,29 S80 Macintosh Networklng Jun 22 S150 COMPUTERLAND (‘V = 1035 W Pmder Vanoouver; B = 214-4501 NtmhRd Burnahy; R = 1254940 N03 Rd Rlchmond) 683-6152 Intro Pagemalter Im: 1 V.Iun 20 V S180 Macintosh Pxgenuker lntermJtm 16 V 51W Exoel Intro (Mac) Iun l4 V.Im. 23 V 5180 Exoel Interm-(Mac) 11m 7 V 5180 Macumosh Basic S1011: Im: 8 ‘V, Iun 23 V S180 Intro Word (MAC) 11.11115 V, 29 V 15180 Interm Word (MAC) Iun 10V.20 V S180 FOLKSTONE DESIGN lNC. Box 4d. Grmthamflr» Landing. B.C. VON 1x0 986-8060 o: 886-4502 (Cannes hold Downmwn Vati) Microsoft Exoel Basic: July 9 517S Aldns Pagemelter Basis: Iun 25 S175
bfleroeon Eitel.
SOFTSHEIL 4692 Quebec Staat. Vatw. 876-5790 Hnveflaflt Scripts Im: 18. Byte S Exeel Tips Itme4 9:00 4:00Bylo lwp
a.» v m m n a w w a - w - ‚ w v x
wutv wf-o-«w-vu-w w wwww u! w I . ' . ' . \ '
« n t a v fi v n v a v v u fi ;
2014.20. .-. .-.-a.v.-.—.a.-.—.-.-.—a.-.-.
n. « m . m-rammwwvwwum ren-m-«mnumnn-n-‚u.
COMPUTER PLACE 860 3mm! St. 688-2992
Introducflon to 0512 June 2
-.-.vm ‚ u m . . .
mmmWR@0R“7Mmfi%%%% .
„ . 0 .
w_ l
ECU" Full Tmte 432-8419. Pan Tunu: 434-1610 Assembler! ( E M Mainframe) 6 Wks Iuly 5 5167 Assemblerfl (IBM Ivhinframe} 6 wks Iuly 6 3.167 Assembler [IBM PC) I 6 wks Tumlflutts Jul)‘ 5 5167 Basic (IBM PC) 1 6 wb MottfWcd Iuly 6 S167 Bade I 6 wks Tuuffhtxrs July 5 S139 Cobol-Level I 6 Wks Monfwed Iuly G S139 Cobol-Level II 6 wlts Tuaffhms Iuly 5 5139 PMCIIGWKS MonfWeti Julyö 5167 PUI. Level I 6 wks Tutu/Iltis: Iuly S S139 COMPUCOLLEGE Vancouver 682-6600. Burnaby 435 2424. Richmottd 273-0373. Call für Starting dates. 480 hours m11time diploma ooutses: Compuoer Programming 8: Systems Analysis lulcrocomputer Electronic Technology DOPPLER 101 W 5th Ave. 875-0212 dBasae III + Intro Iun 2. Iuly ‘7 6175 PRINIA TECH 207-3900 E Has s.Bmnaby. 294-4567 Adv. Turbo Pascal 4 Wlt: 730m4 S150 Pro1 4 Wlts 7-10 PM 5150 Adv. urbo C 4 W15: 7-10 PM
ACCESS CENTREbonsdale Quay (N. Van Salat: Etmame) 984-4671. Star: myfitne, computer basecl u-aining-self pactfi
mtürills Basic Sldlls (aventge 12 hr5) 5125 5140 WordPerfeeg Msword, Displnywrlte, Mulflmnte S140 Spreadsheets: ltotus 123 (Avcragc 20 houxs) Dahhme: dBase III-tS140 BCIT PullTinte Registration 432-8419. Pan Tinte: 434-1610 Russinnen Appuutiom (Lotos) 6 wks July 5 S167 COMPUCOLLEGB Vattcouvc: 682-6600. Bumuhy 435-2424. Riehmcnd 273-0373. Call for statting dates. 480 houn full time diplomn c o t r s e : Mlcrocomputer Business applicatiouts COMPUTER PIACE 860 Burrard. 688-2992 lntro Lotus 123 Inne 8 S179 Intermed. Lotus lß Inne 17.21 S179 Advanced 1.01115 123 Itme 22 S179 COMPUTERLAND (V = 1035 W Pende: Vanoouver: B 214 4501 Notth Rd Burnnhy; R 123-49401110. 3 Rd
Rlchmond) 683-6152
lmus 123Intro 11m7 V. Itm l5 B. I1m20V. I1m30R [ a m 123 Intern Im 10 V.Iun22 l1 Lohnt 173 AdvJtm B R COMPUTER 511110112130 Burrard St 732-8621 Advanced 19m5 123 Fast Trad: Loru-t 123 Jim 9I10. 20f21July 5/6 lntro m 141m5 123.
5180 S180 5180 3175 11B S175
5175 Intermediate Lotus 123. DOPPLER 101 W. 5th. Vmoouvex 875-0261. S175 Lotus 123Intro Im 7 DRAKE PROD. CTRE Suim 100 111l Mclvülc 669-3789 517S Intro Lntus 123 1 day oounc Im 7.20.29 8175 Lotus 123 Advnncal l day 11m 6.28 FIALA. BONNER 810-1112 W Pendel’ Vznmuvcr. 684-1022. 1,01m: 1B Level l Im 3/20/30
5175 Lotus 123 Level 2 Im 14.04 IHICROAGE 3609 W 16th Ave. Vunmuvc: 222-1010 3175 Lotos 123 Part 111m 13. 14 S175 1401115 123 P l f t 1111m 21 S175 Lohn 125 Advanced Im 30 PBSC TRAINING CENTRE 1350-1140 W. Pcndcr 689-7272 S175 Lotus 123Iu-n3, 20 S175 Lotus 123 level 2. Jun 15 S175 [ a u s 123 Advanred Minus Im 22 S175 Lotos for Execuflves Iun 11 S175 Supercalc 4, Level 1 Iun 21 S175 supemlc 4, Ievel 2 Iun 30 817S Symphony Level 1 ‚l'on 14 S175 Symphony Level 2 Iun 10 PERSONALCOMPIIIER TRAINING INSTITUTE MIO-M? Abbot S1. Van. 682-5448 12haut 0 0 m m S150 Lotos 123II 5150 Lohls l1!Manne PTIMANBUS. COLLEBE 1490 W. Bmadway 738-7848
PRECEPI‘ 121111110110 CENTER 735 Claxt Dr. ßS-3198 314l 1.01115 123 Im! 27728 S140 Advanced 1.011s 123(Meeres) July 718 PRIMATECII 207-3911) E Hastings. 294-4567 8105 Lolns Malern: Im 4 8105 nt & Graph;Iuly 9. Loms 8180 Lotus 12.‘! Advuced Wed. Im 1/8 SIMONFRASER UNIVERSITY Conmifing Hd. 31-4565 S125 MSWoM I01‘ PC's. 11m 11 CDLLEGE 875-8200 VANCOUVER {aus l23spreuhheets& Graphslmßslls S140 Spreaflaiaael: (Lohn 123) Iun27728 S150 UsingLotus 123Iun 14-Iu1y 5 S140 lnbotoLotuslzßsmtirxgIml/‘ll/m S140 Intermedlate Laus Starting Jun 12721 VAN. SOFTWARE CTRE 300-1190 Melvillc 669-9300 Intro mLoms 123 Iun 14 10m5Intermed. Iun 10. 22 PBSC ‘IRAIIÄTNG CENTRE 1350-1140 W. Pendn’ 81689-7272 5175 Crosstalk (ca.11für suufixxg dates)
VANCOUVER DESKTOPPUBUSIIING GENRE Ltd 1150 Homer St 681-9161. Snephcn Osbmne. Roedy Grau: 8129 Venturn Publhher Call fnr um a..
Amlg: User Group Meefings (PaNorAmn). Sunset Coxmmmity Cczme(404 E. 51s! a1 Fraser) Dave Allen 270-0064. General Meeting:2nd Wod cmh monlh 7:30 pm Programmen: 41h Wed each momh 7:30 pm Apple l1 User Gronp Meeting BC Amle Socicty. Bmmby Rugby Club. Iüyo Mnsuda 437-9935 Apple 111SIG Monthly Kiyo Masuda 437-9935 Bauer Valley Commodore Club Moots fxstflres every month a:Mannes: Scheel hbrary. C811John Vink 367-6426 RJ13. Uni: User's Group man: 4 timrs a year. Call Gang: Pajaa-i 975-7555. 2545 Quoms Avc. Wust Van V71! 2Y9. Clipper Developers Amolcaüon 1st Mon SFU 873-0747 Commodore Club 1st Tue: Smscl. Comm Canlre 738-3311 DPMA 324-5511 Video "[113 Slcfs Ehe Limit (Part 2) Prof. Development Iun 21. 5:45 pm. Spomorvd by VCC Kaypro User Group.‘ Vanconver Portable Computer Cm:3rd hionday a: Kaypm in Richmond (CPN)278-5776 Mac User Gmup Meeung BC Apple Soclety, WCB Buildixlg. 6951 Westminster Hwy (K130 Masuda) 437-9935. Malnland Mac Iun 8 7:00 PM Rm115 Kwantlen Collage. Surrcy. 574-3813. Run Haidcnger 11m 9 Copy Session Maple Rldge Com uter User Gruup 467-2647 MR. Sr. Fron Socorndaxy Schon‘. 230 PM. NEC APC Users Group Bl-monrl-nly Lee 980-5815 Norm Amen-Icon Amstrad User’s Group. For newslennr, memberslfip ap ‘cation und S. A. S.15. m: 65-13830 740| Aue, Suney 173W 7 PHONE: 433-5121 Helen Izvassenr Novell Neuware Users Peter Whixclaw 669-8789 monthly Port Coqultlam Computer Users Group 1st und 3rd Tuesday Pooo Rec Centne 2100 Wilson Ave 942-4286 Tandy 1000+ Club Len Boscoc 574-5419 Thc New Apple Mllance May Chow 435-7609 last Sanlrdly of usc. month in Kilsilano Nei T1Computer Club Phme Keim 1112614739 cmComm. Cenlre Linns Traue (Rlclmond Atari Club) Lme Riclunond. 272-5789 Ist 8L2nd Mrmdny 7230-930 Vancouvar Netwxre User's Gmup Los Lebbrant 2753829. Maul: 1st Mm of Ihn monlh. Vancouver PC Users Group Planntaium 438-6009. Sfllfyenr membership. 7:30 pm ZndTIuns
Vantarl 34-3046 00m Meridian. PI. Coquilam B.C. Iudy Heraus 873-1941 HsfinpCmmn. Ctr 3096 E Hastings. (266 Wed :Iun8. Iuly 13. Aug IOJSD-loßopun) XLIXE & ST Wang System Usu- Asaodatbn 736-8841 5.3.1227 J1’.Doimn
99UsersGrmpMccls cvayThmsday 7—3.Dp.m. scannen Rcc Genua. Bmnaby. Call Ran nszz-zssa m m “ Gamcs. Zndlhmsfieaqalädfiusflumizlsmflm Copying Pmg.
ACCESS CENTRE mnnsdaleouay 984-4671
Bmcoperalingskflls Stntmytiumcompuxterbased HainS125 hzg-self pure-d nmorials (avmgclz lang m max.) BCIT P1111Tina: Ragjmdmm-MLQ.Paul. Time: 434-1510
Compufingfortheflm1d4wlcshlaruhml3 Computers In Bushs 6 wkxTursfIhus Iuly 5 Computer Systems-hin] öwks MmflWed JuIy6 Computer sysnms-Iun-o 116 wk: Iuly 5 bflcrucumputer syslaemsIöluwksMonlFfi 11m6
Pcflaocomputersysflamsllälwlzxhfimfizilulyd» Data
DanProcuaingGCHwkIunGJHnZD COIlr1P (V=l035WPen&1-Vanmuver;
S139 S139 S139
S399 S139 S167
B=21445D1Nord1RdBurnnby;R=I23-4940N0.3Rd 5
IIiromMlernahm9V 170SIun2V.6R‚l4B‚22B‚27V
S160 IntomMkros&DOS.1Dayhm8.22.30 DRAKE PRODJITRE Suite 1W-l11lMelvi1ls669-8789 31.25 Allbaylnnomo 0081m 1.5.1727 812S Advancad DOS Iun 10,21, DOPPIER 101W. 5th. Vanoouxver 875-0261 S175 InHOGMkImJcDOSEVayMmIEvmLÜHuSqJt FIALA.BONNER 810-1112 W Pendel- St; 684-1022 S175 Intro-ducllon to Computers Iun 18 3
MICROAGE 3609 W 16thAve. Vancouver 222-1010
IntroeoPCs/DOS Im 1.20
S175 3175 Advanced DOS Im 24 CENTRE 1350-1140W.Pendel’ 689-7272 PBSC 8175 nun to Mlcros 11m9 S175 DOS. Iun 6. 17. Z3 5175 Advanced DOS. Iun 16 '
PC111. 200-247 Abbaus: Vn.682-5448 Ilhauroonmas solhnn 1mm In IBM-PC und
PTIMAN BUSEOLLEGEopulnr 1490 W. Broadway 738-7848
Intmdncflon in Bushs:Software
Orleutnfion MS-DOS
PRECEFPLEIARNINGCENTREBS Chi-ihr E6198 S120 MS-DOS/PC-DOS Iun 719/1405 S140 Inlro toIBM PC-XT S; Compatlblns Jln 677 PRIMA CENTRE 207-3900 E. Hastings. Yamamzvu. 294-4567. S150 Iutro t0 DOS D08 Advnnoed. Iunc 6 S180 VANCmNE-ZR COMMUNUY COLLEGE 875-8200 Inn-o to Computers Starts Iun GIIOIISIIGBO 5130 S120 Ihn-o t0 IBM PC-XT Iun 6.17 2 5351m‘?! MS-DOSIPC-DOS Getfing Startet! Iun7l9fl4l16 S115 MS-DOS/PC-DOS/Hard Dlsks Jun 11 ' PC-DOS Im: 1-22 S150 V UVER SCHOOLBOARD 736-7241 Iutm IBM PC Iuly 5.13 VAN. SOFTWARE CENTRE 31H]. 190Bkhme 569-9800 DOS Orlenutlon Iun 1,1032 S180 '
VANCOUVER DESKTOP PUBLISHINGCENTRE Ltd 1150 Hanne: St. 681-9161. Stephan Osbmne. Roady Grau: Iunvodocuon MSDOS Call fof d u :
Talking Command o! M5006 Talking Cmnmand o! MSDOS SuperChzrging the Offlne PC Under the Hoodfrroubleshooflng
S119 569 869 5119
ACCESS CENTRE Qaay 984-4671 Word Perfect, MS Word, Dkplaywrlta, Mnltlmalz Star: anytime, oompuu: band training-self paced tutouials 3140 (uverage 20 hr5. no max.) BARKEL BUS. SCHOOL 211 3030 Co-quiflam 464-8717 Word phono for dass]; Processg (V = ICGS W Pcnder Yaneouver; B = 214 450111101111 Rd Burnaby; R = 13-4940 N6. 3 Rd Rlchmond)
DIsplayWrlte IV Intro Iun 13 R.Im: 2s‘n DlsphyWrlte Intern. Iun 22 V
MSWoIdIutrohmIS/IGILZBHSB Msworatnumhmapmnmu _ MS Word Advanoed Iun 16V 1411111111111! 1|1|11) Im! 9 R, I1 V Mammut: Intern Im 17V Mlllflllute Advanced Im: 17R.
WordPeafacthünhm7f8B.Z3n4\/.29ß0\7 WordPefcct Intern Iun3 V. 14 11 ‘_ WordPerfect Advanud Iun 8 R.27 B
31a) 51H)
S325 5325 S180
51H S180
925 S180
COMPIITER PLACE 860 Burnrd St. 688-2992 S179 Intm MSWord Inne 3 5179 Intermediate MS Word Inne l0 5179 lntroWordPerfect Iunc 14. 27 S179 Internen. WordPerfect Inne 7. 24 COIJPUTER STAflON 2130 Bmrard St. Vanoouvez. Pat Austin 7328621 C111fnr am: datcs. Word Prooessllng. Womdhrnct, MS-Wou-d, MuIflMau: or DlsphyWdte 4.Inlro or Advancui S175 Im: 14. 23.29 1 dly muue. Ü P L E R 101 W. 5th, Vmcouvn’, 875-0261
WmfiPerfect Inn-oducuonJm 22
S175 S175 5175 Mlaoann Word Introductlom.Jun 15 S175 Mlcrosoft Word Advanced Im 21 S175 Mnlflmnte Advanlage II Intro 11m 1.Iuly 6 S175 DisplayWrite IV Inxroducflon Jun 8 5175 DBplayWrlte IV Advanoed. Iun 29 FIALA.BONNER 810-1112 W Pender St. Vanouuver. 684-1022 S175 Multlmnte Advantage L.1Im:1.7.23 5175 Word L . l Im:2.13.28 S175 WordPu-fect 1.1Iun 15 S175 WordPcrfect L3 Im:9.29 S175 Dlsphywrlte 4 L.1 Iune 10.17.27 3175 Wordstar 2900 L.1 Inne 16 DRAKE PRODCENTRE Suite 100 - 1111Melville 669-8789 S175 MultiMame-lnuoductlon Jun 13.30 S175 MuIflMxte-lntermedim I un 7.22 ' S175 wordPerfect-Inuodnctlon Im 5175 WordPerfecl-Illtcrmßdinte Iun l5. 3175 nlspuywrne d-lntrodlncflon Iun 2. 5175 layWrlte tt-Inlermodhte Im 6. S175 MS-Word-Introducflon Jun 13. 5175 MS-WoIfi-Intermedlalae Im 15 MICROAGE 3609 W 16th A96. Vsmouver 222-1010 S175 Dlsphywrlte 4 Part I 3175 DlsphyWrlte 4 Part n 5175 MS Word Part I S175 Ms Word Part II S175 Word Perfect Part I S175 Word Perfect Part l1 PBSC TRAINING CENTRE 1350-1140 W. Pcnder St 689-7272 S175 DlsplayWrlte 4. Im 3 3175 DisplayWrite 4 level 2. hm 21 S175 Microsoft Word. km2. 16 5175 Microsoft Word level 1. 11m 10. 20 3175 Mlaunfl Word 187d 3.. Iun 27 5175 Multlmate Advanfigl II. Jun s 3115 Mullimale Advanmge n level 2. Iun 22 5175 Mnlttmate Advantag II level 3, Iu-n 29 S175 Samu Word IV, Iun 14 S175 Sauna Word IV level 3, Iun 17 S175 Warmer-fett, Jun 1, 15 5175 WotflPerfect level 2. Im: I3. 28 5175 WordPeI-fect Ievel3. Im 23 PERSONAL COMPUTER TRAINING 1145171072 200-247 AbbotSt Van. 682-5448 1211cm courses S150 Multi-Mute Advantage 11 S150 MS Word 4.0 S150 WoruPerfect-fla Tumor IV BUS. COLLEGE 1490W. Broadway 738-7843. Word Prooessmg Concepts & Theofies; Appllcatlom; WordPerfect Advanred 11m 28
Producflnn; Advxnued
PRECEPI‘ LEARNWG CENTRE 735 Clark Dr 255-3198 WordPerfect Module 1 Im 2.8. Iun 37'333.13!) Wanlperfect Module 2 Im 9/10 MSWOHI Iun 65/13/15. Ion 17f17 MSWord Advanced Im 23.174 PRIMA TECH 207-3900 E Hastings, Blmuby. 294-4567. Ualng WurdPeflect 2 wuchs Iun I7 VANCOUVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE 875-8200 Intro mWordPerlect Jun 7. 18 Wordperfecl L 1 Im 213.33.11: 21723/23130 '
5140 5140 5140 S140
S140 S140 S140 woraperrec: L n Im 9/10 5150 Wnrdperfect Im 17124 S140 Intro. to MSWord Iun 6I8f13I15. Iun 16/17 VAN. SOFTWARE CENTRE 300-1190 Melvill: 51669-9900 S130 Intro Multimale Im 2.13. 28 S180 Mullimate Inhermadhte Iun 9. 20 S180 Intro WordPerfect Iun 3.15. 25 S180 WordPerfect-lntcrmed Iun l0. 22 S180 IntroMSWord-tlm 17.29 S180 MS Word 4 [um-meinte Iun 7.24
Egonomics: Whiere Has All the Increased Productivity Gone? The advmt of Oflioc Aummafiomhas btoughl wixh i! Ihcmduction anal wen the elimfinafion cf nahe-h of the joint md musclc movunmtrequired for omphysical lnakhand well-being. Jobs lihe filing, documem handüng. oopy layout. paste up, dmfiing. copy umsfa. wen mail and meetings can now b: doue frorn one stafic position-seaxed in fmnt of ycnr computar. Vendorspronronxag me"efiiciency”md"fimesavings"ofoffice auwmniun Luke 1in1:mnce oflhe facuhn: Ehe slackhas been rakm while mmy mmagers up by a risc in “an premises wunder whm Lhe “niemand pznducfivitjf" Ihey wer:expecfirlg Will matcrializc.Along with d1: flC!thnzoua" Standards forpttsenraziom. customcr-zclatod docunlenLs au! simple nffice memns have dramatically incrcuod, ezrlployeu 3nd; meis- miam: am demmdirag tcgula: Limc scgmexm away fmrn the ‘Pdiscmnfofls of the VDT", the vetry opposite rcsult cf whax wc wuuH expect fmm 1 mol umwas Sold us t0 malte our jobs “caaiu”. Onm this sccnx: appca: man}! self-procllnned “ergonomjcs expens” and “ergonomics engimers“. who providc mecticine-show 5316. mms-pmduoed 61.1163 f0! VDT-"rclatod i113. Stil], Ihn: elusive prodmtiviry increase escapes am‘ Wmkplancs. How oflen xecmfly have you mlephoned o: called on a business associatc only In 1ms: that "lwshß has ‘slipped away‘ fromm/im dcsk in: amomem " lthasbeenestüuated thaton avezagc 15-20mixluzcspu-homare spenthy opmtors "%dingaround"o1’ othetwise“not wotkjng" in. an lnempt l0 gct relief from Ehe "disaonlfotß cf the VDT environman". Phyxicimu wam u: In wen: rp langer man four 110m3 a: a slrelch a: n VDT tccmfins]. With lhi: lind of dm abomndirlg, “producfivity" seems t0 beevcr man lila: thc pzovcrbial potofgold a: Ehe und of Ihn rainbow. . I3 ERGONOMICS a Myth? Same managen use rhe facuhaflqtgomnfics" has beeome ovu uscd, almostlo thepoint of meaninglepmass. asmexwse t0 ignore thc job-mlalod hcallh problems umda in fact plague mmiml operalors. Am! somc cmployee: fesl dm somehow it i3 “their problem"; i.e..Lherc i9sonwflüng wrmig wir]: them because they are suffeüng while othars seem insensitibe m any work enviromnml Ihey are placed in. Robert! Lockhart. Principal of Lockhmt Risk MmagemexuofVancouvex. poinrs outthax thedegree ofdiscomfion. fltigue mdtensionvaries fromparrsonxo perstm andjobnojob. How den i: being prooessed, whezher Ihnjob irlvolves dam emry from hard onpy er rafieving da13. from Ehe" compzm. age and eyesight varimions. height am! wcighl differences, und phyxical disabilifis amemnnng fllemmy factors Ihalaflecteach individuflsresponseto a wart enviromncnl. . Sirxce "discomfon" i5 the reaeon ‘ven 5o: “onpremiscs absenneeis-m". aswellasfarunionnndmnp yeedemmds forbreaksfinm VUT wmk. i: seems olwinus d-mnaeflnus lookfmme soumesoftha
Hcvferrf „voursexflf From thc- cffc-c-rsF4r€€|'].'.'e'}.'i'()_y"' r’L L! „I teie-crrcnnun: pcuf."us:'o.v .‚ Resuns in 7 days or money back! Phone Henry Dorst: 266-0420
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limized.for exunple. in keyingalphmmnetic comblnations most of the fimc is spcnt teading samt: docummrs and Iookhg a: the keyboaxd. Eycstmirx nüght result from m:operators tilting m:
monilor t0 avoid reflected gllre. to an angle which rasults in image disbonion xmd subsequent. if mcunsciom, difficnlty in reading Lhe lmage. Some Operators assumc mcomfonable pmnzres In try to avoid glare. Eyeslraht can rcsull fxom uying t0 mmpensaze for the dislorfion of the image ctmsed by a diny mcsh filter. Windows wimout currains should never b: dixcctly in fxom cf or behind Ihn operator. andovexhead lights shouldbc adjustcd L0avnidreflecliun. Plncing copyholdar and VDT onthe smmplmw a: wcll a: havixxg Ihr‘: copy and VDT a: a pIUpeI focal distanm: cuuld roduoc cycstain problems. Approprlate Technology I: i5 common for businesses t0 hire Designers for lhcir VDT areas a5 well as rhe rast of mehr 051cc. oflm cmes whn have m: experimce in ergonomics and VDT-relatcd problcms. und whose specinlty i: aesmetics not operanor comfon. Robert Lnckhmoonside13 dm a proper approach to an etgonomic Workplgcc involves a tun: effort. Ergonomies is an innerdisciplinary scienoe involving bivmflchlflics. Psychology. enginnexing. and other specialries. Inckhmfeels maxnonnepcrsonmowsenouglzmcarxyom afull Evaluation of all potential areas of Stress, T0 aaddrees nhe basic biomcchmical ooncems Imckhm plane; streng enqnhasis an "usy
Tku camputer aparatar u’ leamng forward x0 reach distanl bayboard. Her keybaurd hcigh: ä reiaphone positionforce her rauben’ shouldsr: und correqaondbxg tartflan Photo: Robert Mekka)": adjmabiIiLyTAdjmabEIiIy because each persnn‘: physiology und needs an: diffcwnt, und Lhc ways in which onc pcrson intnacrs wir}: themachizxedifiers fxom amrhcfs. Ftmfinn-c fimisdesimgdmbe adaptablenoanmnbetofdiffetentpeoplfisnwdsas weil zLstoa nurnher of diffarent posnnes rhrouglnut the day m allow easy mcwetnem is m03: desirable. Ganges cf position ‚Ire nf plirnlry importmcc if wc routincly sit in a.m m " : or lese Stau’: poxiticrn f0: more man about two hours a day. Ütlncrwisc. bry mainmining muselves in unoomfortable positions we im: liknly t0 suffer fiom smh physical problems es bankwhes. headnches. und nach: and shoulderpaixt, which m m " aperiad cf time am become dcbilitaxing. Training is also imporunt. Sufi” should be fmniliar with the
Pruperseafiaagismeessenfialnndbasicsmfirlgpoflltfora comfonable office erlvirunmmt, 15m aheighI-adjustable chair is n01 Ihc total solulimL Mmynnn-adjustabledesks force shonapenple In raise their chaixs. causing puessure unde: the Erontof Ihn: thigh whcn mupamcofümcquipmemandsoftwremdslmuldbeslmwnhuw they sit ‘nach. This forces them m S51 forward. away fnom the mdealwimthenanualphysicalsüessesofworkinzinfixisnew omheothecrhandmustlower nassem?backsuppon. Tallarpersons, enviromnmt. Included should be Haiming in on-the-job exetcisas D0 their chxirs m avoid slauching. Thisurniscs their knu-s abovc Ihn relieve built-up muscle nension. Rcgular changes in sirdng posilinn level of their bunocks, causmg all theifir weighl In ms: cmthe und: of should be promomd. 1h: 5:81, rulting in disonmfon 3nd UlrickaWann-meiner, a Was: Vancouvu Ergonomisl, Prineipal Lhcir Cannes wer: to chairs, howeva, Pzopuly adjusting mmy of her own Sysmns Canada Inc., andco-aumcr of a nccdloxaisc lhcirarmsloakeybcudfllatisfllmtoohighcreafirlg soon-Io be compmy, Ergo book entitled, Office Ergonomics: Humanitpubliskned tmsiunin Lha: muscles across Ehe ISOpOfÜIE shnuldmuld thebase du Oflice (Southwcstan). sharcs the cpinion Lhlt a tcmn of Iheneck. aoondiüon which quzicklytemxlts inpain andsubsequm ing i: mcesswy anal stresses 1h: importmce cf heving an Ippmach "pain-avoidance bdmviors". Du: bodies an: dcsignud for maue- cxgommist an dwign tcmns. m: cnly tot oflioc mvixcmnents brut ment; au: joints an: lubricated md kcpt in good worlcing erde: by also in fmnimc dcsign itself. movenmnr. Stress and fatigtle mult fimn working for prolonged altemaüves already existin worksmions. from modularunits Mmy petiods in one stntic positim. n0 matter how comfonable. How with height adjusnable sectiom. t0 oompact mobile mfits. some. much worse the side-effects then when uncomfonable posifioms lcayboaxd and workspace areas. To regain more must b: mainuinad for lang pzfiodd. In Emope stach things as having pull-out such products a5 monixm ums. CPU floor 5und5 1nd workspase heighL-adjustable dasks and worktablas have bazn oonunon sinne various types of oopyholdus am rudily available. Space-saving lang before the advmx ot‘ Computers; and. in fact. am widäprend cf even stand: camhen. cm clear m:
regardless of whether die ernployee Iypes, wrixu, or uses 1 VUT terminal a: hislher job. Robert Lpckhm poims au: the crifical imponance of proper body aligxuncnt. Problems will rcsull. frmn. posiliuns Ihm. causc impropu? aligmntmt. such es ufwn 0mm’ whcn oonxputcrs an used an surfaccs with no 1c;mom er b)’ twiaüng rcmllhg from awkwud shnringofequipznmt. Continunl forced movemmusuchastbazofthe neckinmoving fromCkTtohnrdoopymdalsoünptoperneckangle can cause suain and tension in thegshoulder and noch muscles resulling in mmacle spasms md hzadaehes. Many sources agree um improper head angle 1nd m0 much IIp-arId-dnwn and side-m-xide heul mnvement cmse man cf Ihe headnches often Lhnught In be cauedby Lhc vUTitsclfffixcsc Iypcs ofdiscomfmts cmcauscomcr dtCICEJCS in produblivity auch a: m m 8 5nd wcrsighls a: weil a: faliguc. 50m4: pcopl: du managt l0 acmally work a! theirjobs ‘Nimm: sufferingfrombackachesacndomerpäblztthey arelikelyoperafing
a: ornly 40 t0
60 ‘ab capacity.
Alflxough ithus oftunbcmsaid E1151rhcVDTisthesourccoftlte eyestrain. in many jobs actual eye comact with Ehe termiml i5 Very
andpmmu: workspace print: more “VDT cluner". One an:Ihn i5 often ignored is print:mise. Laser. inlc-jet, und thetmal prinlzxx are quiet alternative prinLer choices o: um: cm muffle the noise of daisywheel. manix. und other noisy Iypcs with aecustical print): covcrs. Standards for prima oovcrs.howevcr. am lacking, as is a cleur mdcmmdkxg cf Ihc aooustix: principles Ihn: bring about noise reducfim The logical oonclusion is {hat the cost of an ergonomicilly designed workplacex including appmpdate fumiwre. should b: planned for and oonsida-ed a: the oumet as pm of thr. cost of offioc nmomnion, budgered for 1nd umLaken I8 an aflenhought. In other wurde, the Hunum Hardware. am! the Human Software an: cvczy bit u important a3 Lhc machinc haxdware und Lhc machixlc scfwure.
ELECTRONIC BULLETW BOARDS (BBS) FANTASYPARADEEBBS263-2682 3W1200. Yotmg people nimm. WONDERWÜRID 937-7542 300 Baud. SUNSET BLVD.298-3530. EMPLOYNIENT WANTED PROGRAMME!sechs crzxplqment. Bndzgrocmd in finmcial und aooounting. 4th 6.1.. Database. Alm Basic und Cobol. 736-4686. TECHNICAL WEITER AVAIIABLE For ahnt o: 11mg term purojant. Extcrlsivc wriling background. inclucl: oomputer mmmal. rechnical wrifing, ad cupy. speeclnes. mediz etc. 738-0147. ENTHUSIASHC SELF STARTER.expuimeed in magazine rzoductimi. using Mac pmg-mns: Express. Pagmmkcr (micros). Sack:employznmt with large oompany. 731-6275. MÜTIVATED LADY sechs full time posifion PCLWP‘:daI-azuy/oommznzicafiom. Gen.
Laser’sEdge Yaur Desktop Pubiishing Centre Specialists in DATABASE dBueIlI-n- Hmdbook 2nd Edition dnmnnmaaaßasy ABC‘: of dass: III+
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