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IN THIS ISSUE 85 A Blackgeny for the gabbing crowd 99 Nokiareleases next-gen Communicator
6 From the Editor 8 Why HP wanted Compaq 8 Letters
34 Flat, bright... and getting affordable
TCPLob checks out I 7-inch-pius TFT monitors 12 What's New
34 Pavilions move to Pentium 4
86 TechXNY Report: Bluefish lightens your load
34 Nortonsuites a good upgrade forOS X users
86 Seagate announces first Serial ATA drive
56 Wish you were here: tools for remote support
94 Telus Mobility launches national 1X network 94 MSN.castudieslanguage ofkeyboard generation
70 Blendedthreats latest menace
Viruswriters,hackers teem up to createsecurity heodoches
98 HP ready to launch 50 new products
70 Office Suite Training: Making inroads with Access queries
98 Amazon.casparkscriticism from Canadian booksefi ers
70 Mr. Forklift wins business makeover
98 Driv to 3G gives new meaning to mobile technology
82 QuickTips: Vector objects in PaintShop Pro
100 TechXNY Report:Panasonic unveils new DVD line 106 ComputexReport:What' s here is coming everywhere
74 Taking a tablet PC for a spin
108 ComputexReport:Motherboards are easy
74 Areyou fresh? TaUong to fish and other RD IF adventures
109 Japaneseteams triumph in RoboCup
AppleNews: Office update indudes smoother text
110 PCExpo Report: Innovation still apparent at smaller show
September 2002 Coverslmy: nsepng acaner in lr tab Test lnkjet md laser prinlms /Id Deadline ... . . . . . . . . . . .Tueo July30 Oistribution begins ... . . . . . Wedo Aug. 14
October 2002 Cmnr suey: draykia tools lab TmhCan edivily ad&en mrds ad Oeadline... . . . . . . . . . . .Tue., Aug. 27 Oistrlbutlon begins .. . . . , .Wedo Sept tl
November 2002 Cmnr stoneE/genamks lab TesbWbeless adOemlline .......,.....Tue.,Sept 24 Oistrlbutlon begins... . . . . . . Wedo Oct 9
14 Gadgets to watch: Timex sports lines feature-filled
Taking GPRSfor a test drive
90 10 anti-scam and anti-spam Web sites
14 Slim, trim Toshiba e310 impresses
90 Weavingyour own Web site:IE CSS extensions Part 8
32 Ciie sets new standard for Palm devices
48 SonyMD offers alternative to MP3 102 Career Profile: Manager gets mice to market
52 CD recorder puts end to 'mystery' discs
104 Book review: Solid Mac 05 X guide goes beyond basics
52 Now serving: 75 CDs
104 Book review: Friendliest 05 X book ain't little
54 Palm: the original groovy gadget 64 Backpack Bantam burner gains USB 2.0 64 Is that a GameBoy in your Palm? 66 Treo nicely integrates PDA, phone 68 Orange PCCard adds USB 2.0 84 Online and on the move: dual-mode digicams fit the bill 85 Here comes the sun: a solar charger for your stuff
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Tokyo tech he pilgrimage to Electric Town was less than I had W a nticipated, but more than I «ould have ever imagined. Less because I had often heard that in japan, and particularly in t he Akihabara district of Tokyo (aka E(e«tri«Town), I would see technol's ogy products for sale that would not I be found in North America for at leasta couple ofyears. There were some examples of that fabled one-stepahead technology. For example, CRT-based monitors are virtually nonexistent. TFT monitors are the norm, and the latest versions are wide-screen models that also serve as TV sets. PCs themselves seem to be morphing into Internet-centric home entertainment centres. Broadband content development seems at least ageneration ahead of North America, and in one store I saw a wall of about 20 monitors displaying examples of streaming services. Another example of leading technology is cellular service. While North America is taking baby steps with 2.5G cellular service, 3G has been available in Tokyo since October (although I' ve been told that consumer uptake has been disappointing). And text-chal and short messaging over wireless phones has reached a high art in Tokyo. But to a large extent, globalization appears to have been a big equalizer. Multinationals develop for a world market, which means that the various reg(ons get new produ«ts at roughly the same time. So. the latest MiniDisc recorders, MP3 players, digital cameras, and personal computer equipment I saw there were pretty much the same as what you'd flnd in Canadian retail
population into a single metropolitan area, things happen that would not otherwise be possible. The Akihabara district is one result. Store after multilevel store is flfled with nothing but computers and computer-related peripherals and accessories. ScoresoF magazines are devoted to some aspect of personal computing (including one called, roughly translated, "PCs for Housewives" with a circulation of 80,000). Do-ityourself computer stores have huge inventories —I counted several dozen motherboard cartons in one store, stacked on shelves like dry goods in a grocery store. Across town, for several blocks around the Shinjuku subway station, is a second me««aFor digital te«hnology products. Thisarea haslong been known asa retailcentreforphotography, with many camera shops concentrated there. They' vegone into digital in a big way, and I found multi-floor stores with digital cameras on one floor, 35-mm on another, medium and large format camerason another,ft(m, paper,and other developer chemicals on yet another, etc. Some of these stores have branched into other digital products too. for example handheld computers and MP3 players. And one department store I walked into also had a large part of one floor devoted to personal computers and accessories. I came awayFrom the experience not feeling at all digitally deprived. In terms of selection of products, we have it pretty good here; pricing is also not too different, although it can vary substantially, depending on the product in question. And ironically. the Handspring Treo I had with me caused a bit of stir among a couple of adagency folks Ishowed itto.They'd neverseen the device before —imagine that.
C u
Store after multi-level store is filled with nothin gbutcomputersandcomputerrelated peripherals andaccessories. There were some differences in produ«t oflerings, but this mainly reflects the Asian market's different taste for products. An example of this is the large numbers of flyweight (about I kg) notebooks available for purchase. Historically. this category has been more popular in Asia than in North America. There are also differences in brand visibility, but again this seems to be due to regional market variations. Sony is a«ase in point. It has just a minor part of the PC market here, but is the leading brand in lapan, with a 33 per«ent market share, according to the Iapanese computer trade publication, Business Coul puler News. All this is not to say that it is a market that's largely the
same—au contraire. I mentioned that my visit to Electric Town was also more than I could have imag-
Enjoy the issue! David Tanaka, Editor
ined, and that was due to the sheer scale of retail activi-
ty. When you pack the equivalent of most of Canada's
Ciim uterPAPER •
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g AUGUST2002 THE «OMPUISR PN IIR K SDINON yyaywadattaa otdahtam
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Why HP wanted Compaq Fiorina says customers are in control of industry ow
th a t
Compaq has officially been acquired by Hewlett-Packard, it's worth taking a
few minutes to
look at where this deal came (remand what it really means to us, the humble computer users. From a historical perspective. the deal marks the end of an era in which anything seemed possible. Compaq was born during the initial personal computer boom back in I982, At that time, I was lucky enough to meet the people involved in founding the company (financier and longtime chairman Ben Rosen, co-founder and former chief executive oAicer Rod Canion, and co-founder Bill Murtlo) and there was no indication back then that this venture would turn into anything like a $30 billion company. They had a good idea for an IBM-compatible computer that could be transported from place to place. That idea took hold in the absence of anything as innovative coming from IBM itself. And that's where the current merger
with HP comes in. Compaq was born
out of a desire to innovate — but not too
radically. Canion and Rosen always talked about "innovation around standards," which was really another form of Microsoft co-iounder Bill Gates's muchvaunted "embrace and extend" idea (wherein MicrosoR would embrace new standards, thmi extend them by optimizing those standards for Windows and
Microsoft Office).
Canion andRosenalways talkedabout "innovation around standards," which was
really another formof Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates 'smuch-vaunted "embraceand extend" idea. Enter HP chief executive officer. Carly Fiorina. who has used innovation as her rallying cry and touchstone since she succeeded John Young ashead of HP. At first blush, the notion of acquiring Compaq, removing duplication and blending product lines doesn't seemvery innovative. It's a classic strategy that sometimes works—and has often failed. Ager all, who remembers Unisys these days (born of the Sperry and Burroughs merger), or Borland (which sank to
CPUappears to be the 1 GHzveodon of the Viu C3 processor — u very value-oriented processorthat'sgoodforoff(ice uppgcutlons I'm in the market for a bu dget-priced, und fnzemet surfing, bu? not the best choiceifyou wont to do 38 gaming, you good-performing can see uur initial report on the C3 c omputer. I'v e archived on our ryeb site: wwwcanadacoms' noticedthat some of putes.calli. your advertisers are Since that original review,the cache has selling what appears been changed to 128K8 Leve/-1 und 64K8 to be a good bundle Lave( -2, which increases oveml( perfonnwith a VIA 1 Giga Pro ance ub11,but you' re still going to want to processor (Pcchips 783). What is a VIA consider other options if you intend Lo Giga Pro? I haven't seen or read anything move heavily into mu(tfmediu applications. about this. Can you shed some light on
Nore info on VIA please
this value-priced computer (processor)? Mark Cheung SeanCrznuthersrupfft51 The "1 Giga Pro"
MulSmbdianotebooksquery In The Computer Papers June Lab Report, you evaluated many mobile multimedia
notebookcomputers and I am seriously
8 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPUTERPAPER ac EDIT ION wwwmnidsiampaiesmm
near-death following its acquisition of Ashton-Tate)? That appears to be missing the point, however. At the Accenture Global Convergence Forum in Monte Carlo in April, only weeks prior to Anal approval o(' the merger, Fiorina spoke passionately about her reasons for pursuing this deal and they sounded more innovative than you might think. She started by referencing the House of Grimaldi, the ruling family of the Principality of Monaco (of which Prince Rainer is the head of state). It has maintained control of the tiny Mediterranean country for something like 1,000 years, amidst a great deal ol' change and turmoil throughout the rest of Europe. Fiorina said that the computer industry's House of Grimaldi resides in its customers. She suggested that, despite appearancesto the contrary,customers havereally always been in charge of the industry's destiny. The problem hasbeen that the computer industry hasn't always recognized that fact. "We are not driving the tech agenda, you and your customers are driving it," she told an audience full of chief and senior executives from some of the world's largest IT, telecommunications, and media companies. "There is a shift in vision and point of view: it is now
interested in this product. Your analysis is good, but something is missingin the specs:you neversaid how much videoRAM each had, and I think that's quite important. You did not mention the Sony GRX-590.' The main difference between it and the 570 you included is that the S?0 comes witha 1.6 GHz processorand the 590 uses a 1.7 GNzprocessor and includes wireless
Ethernet. Rene Larocque
your vision and not ours. In this industry, you are the centre. It is a tectonic
shift and a vital shift." Fiorina talked about how this perceptional shift had a lot to do with why she pursuedthis merger so aggressively and the questions she had to ask within HP as a result. These are questions that resonate within the PC industry as a whole: the days of double-digit growth are gone. "What does the future hold for tech companies tuned to 40 to 60 percent growth rates? Where will growth come from as companies come to grips with this? What type of tech company do we want to be?" she askesk Fiorina also credits the computer industry with helping to create a more global economy, and speculated as to whether the industry was now structured in a way that it could serve the needs of what it helped meate. "The age of globalization has «ome from this democratization of technology and that is why bold moves are necessary." she concluded. "People will seek out the companies that deliver what they need, companies that will narrow their focus and specialize. We knew we could lead the trend or be swallowed up by it, and bymerging we become a leader."UJ
GHzus opposed to 1.6 GHz) andbuilt-in wireless Ethernet.
Somenotebookssupport dual monitors I enjoyed the article on dual monitors in the 3uly issue. One opti on that you didn't mention, is that some laptops with ATI gmphics processors on board also indude the ability to extend the desktop on to an external monitor (as well as the ability to duplicate the desktop on the external
Sean Cunurhers rup(fear Iye didn't mentionthe VAlo GRK-590 because the model doesn't appear un Sony's Canadian Web site, which means uvm(ubili(y here is
So,ifyou use a laptop with an external display, you may already have eveiything you need for multi-monitor desktop com-
doubtful. The main differenceuppeors to
be, us you note, Lhe processor speed (1.7
GlenC. Taylor
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csxmoR Aw
Windowsdatabases and Quickgooks Pro
s s.
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solution. It allows FileMaker Pro (versions 4.0through 5.5)users to exchange financial data between FileMaker Pro for
• .
2002 for Windows.
The company says the Filegooks Link plug-in supports three main modes of
operation: posting, modifying, and querying data elements in Quickgooks. Users can post invoices, journal entries. credit
memos,cheques, and every othertype of
CorrdDBAWGraphhu Suite 11dehsds Corel Corp. ( says the latest incarnation of it s CorelDraw Graphics Suite will be hitting retail shelves around thetime thisissue of TCP hits the streets. The CorelDraw Gmphics Suite 11 —which
includes tools for graphic design, page layout,photo editing. and vector animation— was designed for Windows XP and buil tforMac 05 X,according to the company. The suite includes CorelDraw 11, PhotoPaint 11 and Corel R.A.V.E. 2— aN of which have new toolsand ease-of-use features. In addition to the three main appli cations,the suite hasa a nge ofsupporting utilities, including: ScanSoft OmniPage SE; Bitstream Font Navigator rs (Windows only); Font Reserve (Mac 05 X
only); Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6. 3 ( Windows o nly); CorelTrace 11; and CorelCapture 11
(Windowsonly). The full suite has a suggested retail price of U5$529 or U5$2rs9 to upgrade
(see the Corel site for upgradeeligibility). — TCPStaff
ToolintegmlesQu(chBoohs, NeMaher Happy Software Inc. (www filebookslink.corn) has created Filegooks Link, which it claims i s t h e o nl y c omprehensive FileHaker Pro-to-Quickgooks integration 11 AUGUST 2002 THE coMPUTERPAPER ec Eoliion
transaction directly to QuickBooks viathe plug-in. Users can modify customer address information directly in Filemaker and see those results in Quickgooks. In addition, the application is able to query Quickgooks and send that information directly to FileMaker, allowing users to extractcustomer hsts, account balances, payment histories, payroll numbers, and other signiTTcant data from a QuickBooks system foruse in FileMaker. The Filegooks Link plug-in kit includes the Filegooks plug-in for FileMaker; technical documentation in PDF format; an unlocked Fileuaker Pro sample file showingthe most common uses;and a sample Quickgooks company file for testing. A limited demo version of the plug-in can be downloadedfree ofcharge for evaluation. Licensing for unlimited use at one site for one Quickgooks company is U5$299, but at press time, the plug-in is available at an introductory price of U5$199.
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ed colour to add animated logos, talking heads, or any QuickTime supported movie.
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EZeScreen requires Mac 05 X and iMovie 2.1.1or greater.It costs U5539 and can be purchased and downloaded through the eZedia Web site. — TCPStaff
Logitechaimsnew camera at noiehoohs
Webcams,but its base allows it to sit on the edge of a laptop screen and can be folded up for easy storage. It has a 30inch USB cable and cantiltand rotate 360 degrees. I t s h ips w it h L ogitech's QuickCam software, which enables video instant messaging; emailing photo and video messages; video caNs over the Internet using Microsoft NetMeeting; personalvideo broadcasting via Spottife;and picture and video organization in an inte-
grated gallery. The QuickCam farNotebook has a suggestedlist price ofU5$59.95. — TCPStaff
Tooladdshluooeeen eleds lo IMovie
transparency andfade levelsofanyselect-
' I'
Hot onthe heels ofeZeMatte 1.0,EZedia Inc. (www.eredia.corn)has released a second plug-in for Apple's iMovie 2. The new plug-in, eZeScreen 1.0, adds professional blue-screen and green-screen video effects, allowing users to position one iMovie clip over another and adjust the
Palm05 5 ships PalmSource Inc. ( has started shipping the final version of Palm
Periphera l maker , Log itech 05 5 to licensees and developers. (, has released a new According to Paimgource, the release will QuickCam designed especially for note- bring Palm 05 to a new generation of books. mobile devices through powerful ARMThe digital video and stiN camera has compliant processors. Licensees can now the golf-ball shape of Logitech's other
Conrinneri on page 24
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Gadgets to watch Timex packs sportslines with functions By SeanCarsttthers
est wrinkles it has added to standard
cm deep,and weighing in at 75 g. By cnmparison, my metal-encased Swiss Army watch (the heaviest watch I' veever owned) is nnly 50 g. In nther words, it' s nntawatch forcasual wear. It is designed to be a companion For those who love the outdoors: the compass makessure you don't get lost in the woods, the altimeter tells you how high
time keeping.
up you are, and the barometer warns oF
eah,so the headline is a bad pun, but check out these new Timex watches—they' re great little gadgets. The almost 100-year-old company is known for a number of innovations in watchmaking. Here are a few of the lat-
Times Helix WRKS From:TimexCorp., wwwtImexcom Btimatedpuce;5260 While digital watches are known for being jam-packed with Features, ho w m a ny ?1 watches do you know of' that include not only a timer, alarm, and ch ronngraph with a 50-lap memory, but also a digital compass, thermometer, barometer, and altimeter? As you'd expect from that lead-in, Timex's new Helix WRKS performs all ofthose functions,and asyou may also have deduced from that group of features. it's bigger than your typical wristwatch, with a face about 5 cm across, 1.3
impending storms. You ran easily switch between modes by spinning the oversized crown on the side of the watch, and you can lock into one mode with the Rick oF the Inck switch, protected at the bottom of the face near the strap. The Helix WRKS uses Indiglo igumination, so you can see its face when it' s dark As well, thermometer, barometer, and altimeter readings can be displayed in either metric or imperial units. It' s also water resistant, though you should resist the urge to pressthe buttons while the watch is underwater —doing so will break the watertight seal. The expected caveats apply here: the specialized functions of the watch won't work well indoors, and the digital cnmpass may not be accurate indoors, especially if there are electrical or magnetic sources of interference in the vicinity.
e •
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yimexHelix Digital Compass From.IimexCorp„www.timexcnm Btimattd pn<e:5120 Timex also ofFers amore basi«version of the Helix for those who just want to avnid geuing lost. The Digital Compass model is more compact and features att adjustable outdoorfriendly cloth strap. I t i n cludes a chronograph, timer, alarm, a nd , of course, a built-in
I .
From Tnshiba , www tot I .Ea Btimated price:5649
I .
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I '
' • •
I '
I .
9 • AUGUST2002 THE GOMPUIER RSRER K EIXTKN wwwmnwtammtxaasmm
Continued on page30
From:TimexCorp., wwwtimex.corn Bamatedprice:5560 (504ap),5400()00(ap) If you' re a runner training For longer distances (say, a marathon), you' ll know that it's harder to keep your pace the
TimesSpeed+ DistanceSystem
~4 ' I
' I
I •
digital compass—just press the heading button and it shows you your heading in degrees. A spinning direction dial on the top of the watch allows you to reorient ynurself easily. As with other compasses, the accuracy won't be good around electrical or magnetic sources, so it's best used outdoors away from wiring and computer equipment. About the only complaint we really have —and it's a small one —is with the fairly bold gridlines on the watchface, which can make it a bit mnre di(I)cult to read the display. If you do a lot of biking in strange locales, the Digital Compasswill certainly keep you headed in the right direc-
Despite these issues (and its large size), the Helix WRKS is a great companion if you' re hiuing the wilderness. (Special note: Whoever wrote the manual for this watch should either be given an award or a reprimand for the humomus conunents throughout, such as the warning "Do not eat watch.")
I •
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U nksys HPro 200 Phoneline Router 10 M
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$50 LmksymUSB200HA Phonelme tOM USB $98 $128 L inkays PCM200HA Phonslme 10M PCMCiA $9 8 $36 0 Samsung7508 / 753DFIT ...,.......................$208/245 Unksys pcMI00HI phoneline 10/100 pcMDIA $118 Sxmxung 955DF ' SOONF lir' .... .. . .......... 53ae/5)a Unkxys Cable/DSL Router 1 Port SI05 tf) (LM MSIJfglLLa)f(ugft AausGepwce4 TI46N 12dM DOR Owf TV.....$520 Ssmsung 1100PF /1200NF. ..$75W1118 Surecom 5 Port 10MHub $35 L l nkeys Cable/DSL Router I6I Port $ 11W 218 ATITV.W ondw/ USB. .. . . . .$98/128 Sony E24WG220ll / G220$ I 7 ......... ,$41 8/46W508 D.Lmk DSS5+ sPort livi 00 Smich $78 S MC Cawe/DSLRoulw I Port /8 Por t SIZ W228 ATi Radoon 7560 Atvttvwondw 6QI DDIt . 5 26 0 Sony G410R / GI20S 19' ....... ................. 56184i38 D Lmk DSSB+8 Pun 10/100 Swrich $98 US RoboacsCaldeeSL Router 4 Rwl $108 ATI Radeon 8500 Aauvwender 64/ 128M .. $38WITS SonyE540/G520P IF520 .................. .$99W1241/2498 D.Uftk DSS164 '16Port 10/100 Switch $208 ( DEM) ATIXperi 2000 Pro 32M ..... . . . . . . . . .$45 Viewsoni c(T Eye .27 IE70F .25......................$238/268 D.Link DES.1024R 24 Pwl 1W100Smtc h $378 I f tfLf l uig f)EB~ (n ( DEM)ATinadeon700064MDH/TV ... . . . . . 5 66 Vfewsonkty"E75F .25 IPF77 .25.................,..$288/510 3ComHomeWirslsss Getaway $288 (DEM) ATI Radeon 7500 64 / 128M DDR/TV $1N/138 Vlewsonfc tÃE90.23/G90F.25..................,.$36W448 3Com AirConnew 11MbpsPCI / PCMCIA $3 18/198 (OEM)ATI Radeen 8500LE 64/I 28M DDR/IV SIN/235 Vmwsonic tty PF79025/P95F 25............... $53W608 Wmdtmd 2000 Swvw 5 I 10 Clmn u $12 28/1618 3Com Wirslsss Nmioolh Canous $188 MSI Genxce3 Tt200 128MDDRVIVO ..$21$ windows 20N Advanced server 25 cseni s $52 9 8 D .Unk OwL900 AP 11MAccess Poet w/Bndge $238 MSI Gepwcel MX420 64MBSD/IV .. . . . . . . . .$118 MS Small Ihmneal SWVer2000 5 Clienl a $20 4 8• D .Lira DI.713P Aooeee POinl *3 POrt ROutar $260 MSI GeForce4MX44064MB DDR/TV .........SI38 MS BackOflice Server 2000 5Giants M SIGeFOrCe4Ti4400 DDR VIVD ............$378 NEC 15501/ Ih $5555 l D Unk DWL52011MbpsVarelesa PCI $155 5565 MSIGeporce4Tilsos 126M DDRVIVD . . . .$ 520 $1798 D Unk DWL65011MbpsWireless PCMCI A $135 NEC 1550M/(550X )W ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $668/768 MS Exchange2060 Senor 5 Clients DAmkDWL120 wmdess USB $135 NEC 1700V/172QI+ 17" ... . . . . . . . . . . ..Ssewfom ) NEC 18505 /1850X 16Dl/nk DCF450WWireless Compsa Rash Cant $1N .. $1266/151$ NEC 1920NX 19' ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .$1748 BackUPSCS350 I CS500/650M $138/198/250 D.UraDWL905 AP+ 2x11M PCMCIA SSN Acer 4300VI 1240UT..... . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . $88/198 ' NEC 2010X217I 2'110 21 ..... . . . . . . . . . $2241/5298 BackUPSPm350 I 500/650 $1 88/22IV40S D.Unk DWL920AP+2xUSB Adapter $515 f Canon N670U I N1240U . . . . . . . . . . . . .$135/229 Snmxung 1519 ' 1518 . .. . . . . . 559 8/ri66 BackUPS Pro 1000I 1400 $555//1 8 Linkxvx Byf'1V11SIY/ireirtt AP 4 Purl Router $245 , Canon D660V/D1230U. .. . . . , . . . . . . . $198/388 S anwung 151MP15'I 171MP 17 , . . .$106W1728 SmanVPSS(NZO iSV620/SUAtooo $32WISSITN UnksysWwpt 1Wlndass PO Card SQS i Canon FB1210U I D2Q0UF.... . . . . . . . . . $218/468 Ssmsung 1718 / 171B .. .$968f1118 1500/ SU2200 $968/1368 LlrAsys WPC11Nnisfess PC55CU Epaon 1250U / Photo .. . , . . . . . . . . . $145/190 S amsung 170T 17 I 181T ttp .. . . . . . . .$1298/1528 SmsnUPSSU $128 Llnksys WUSB11Wlralaas USB Epson 1650 /1650 Photo. .. . . . . , . . . . . . .$266/298 Samsung210T 21 / 240T 24 ... . . . . . . . .$4298/73N $130 i Epson1680AHIPro ... ... . . . . . . . . . .$1268/1598 Sony MS6118"I MS81 tfy.... . . . . . . . . ..S(198/1598 UnksysWCFll (MQIess Compost Rash Card $1N EpermGT10000t/ 3000Ot .... . . . . . . . . .$1 728/6198 Vfowsontc 15" VEI55/ VG150 . . . . . . . . . . 5848/528 1 lyl 00 BaseTCable 10' I 15'/ 25" $8/1W12 SMC2632WWirelsca PCMCIA $128 HP1006/220$/44W USB ...... . . . . . Nwtewtm Vfewconm1WVP150M I VXSN .. . . . . . . . . ,$828/778 10/100 BaseTCaus 50'I 75'/100' $178 $2W25/30 SMC 2642WWtmless Compact Rash Card HP4470/5470/5490VSB ... . . . . . . $2IW428/538 VmwsonmVE170 / VG 171 17 . . . . . . . $103W1238 11VI00 BaseT Debat Mk per 6I per 1000 II $ . 15/12S SMC 2655WWrndess AP 524S HP TQOI 7450/7490 USB . . . . . . . $668/918/1218 Vmwluno VGI91 I VX900 19' ..$2028/1548 Cnmnng Tool RJ45/BNC $25/30 SMC 2662WWirslels USB Adapter $130 HP Pleio Smart S20..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$648 ViewsonnVP201M20 I VP230M ZV ... . . .$2468/5388 Multi NetworkCaus Tester $75 SMC 7004AWBR AP+3 porlRouler $248 NEC 19 FE950+ IFE990IFP955..............$l78/4a/S78 NEC 22'FEI250r I FP1355 ...........................$988/1088
Awt OepsreesyileN12$MODRWVTV .....$520 AnusGeFwosl SB(4406QI Dna/lu .. . . . . . . $1N Asus GaFome4TI44W 12$MDDRWl/TV.....$3$$
. .
. .
. .
Microsoft Server
LCD Panel
APC Power Protection
Network Cable I Accessories
More Information • As prices resow 2.5Q cash discount and are subtsct to change wnhotn pdor notice •
are th e ptopwty ol lhmr spective owners.
wwwcanadacomputct rom THE COMPUTERPAPER BC EDITION AUGUST 2002 as
WH Continuedfrdtupage /2 choose from a full range of processors, starting with the ARM 7 CPU and scaling to the highest -perhrmance ARM chips from In tel, M o torola a nd T e xas Instruments. New features in Palm Os 5 indude an enhanced user interface, according to Palmsource.Icons and fonts have been enhanced to support high-resolution displays and to provide greater readability. In addition, the user interface can now be personalized with colour themes. Other new features in Palm Os 5 indude: strong data-encryption services and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) services for more secure email, Web browsing and online transactions; higher-fidelity sound and support for high-density screens; and support of 802.11b for connections to wireless Local Area Networks.
With the introduction of the newest version. Palmsource has followed the lead of Apple and Microsoft and also introduced the Palmsource Compatibility Program, which allowsdevelopers to qualify their software for Palm Os 5 and receive permission to use the Palm Powered Compatible logo. According to Palmsource, this logo assures customers that the software runswell on current 68K products and future ARM-compliant products. Devices utilizing the new operating system are expected this falL
Phibps designs tiny optical drive for portable devices
11 i (t'bb
I Eehhili ps (
demonstrateda fufi y functional miniature optical disc drive that can store up to 1 GD of dataon a single-sided, 3-cm diameter optical disc —a size compatible with portable devices like digital cameras, cell phones, and PDAs. The company says the small form factoris possible because of recent advances in blue laser technology, —rcp staff and its own innovations in optical storage media and miniaturi zed 3 prater topsholweoffice '0MUSZ-haves' opto-mechanics. The dream of the paperless office is still a Creating a drive to fit into small portable devices required miniturizing all of the myth, according to research by HP elements, Philips said. To that end, Philips developed the world's smallest objective ( rn). In a recent telephone survey lens for blue laser recording, which allowed it to reduce the height of the optical conducte d by International disc drive to 7.5 mm from the 12.5 mm or more typical in current drives. Communications Research in the U.S., Other key deveiopments in shrinking the size of the drive include using a plastic print ers topped the bst of home offi ce lens instead of glass and creating an ultra-thin version of the actuator that posi tools consumers "can't live without" (43 tions and focuses the laser beam onto the optical disc, according to Philips. percent) —outranking additional phone The resulting fully functional prototype drive is just 5.6x3.4x0.75 cm. The demon lines (19 percent), fax machines (10 perstrator setup, with the driving electronics currently still on a separate board, suc cent) and electronic calendars (8 percessfully played back MP3 data from a 3-cm diameter optical disc, Philips said. cent). Conti«uedon page 26 .
CRYSTALCOMPUTERLTD 4 5 5 1 A K t n ausw a y , B u r n a b y . B C V B H 2 A 7 Tel ( ( 6 0 4 ) 4 3 6 - 4 5 5 1 Fa x : (6 0 4 ) 4 3 6 - 4 0 0 0 e m a i l ( I n t o ( N / c r y s e a l e o m p .b c .c a w e b ( h e ep (/ / w w w . e r y s ea l c o m p .b e .e a
Sto/'B H e c t lo lucan- F r l / 1 0 a m - 6 /3 0 P m Sa t / 1 0 a m - 5 / 3 0 P m Sun . H o l i d a y s / B y / a p p o in t m e n t
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Msnbamd,1205C(5 ausemdm'(au(id Mmnbemd 12ldelm ~ mm(MMsee Mlnude I ~( u mnsrbIDMMM 12MNDn. onbmud IOA
i amt Mod em,uu, nm, Sm/SlobnmMm
10' nm Ilaw. Itx cDIDM 10' AIX220W.020 CDIDM Atx Ioaw,I2I con(e
Oolteyb. Wnoemmae. KDSIP/Sommn0INN/ ISZDF 5220/220/24$ EPSN 12$0/150PHO TO 5141/15 Oeamb. ee(muu(e, 100Wlnmnm ttemm IPAT/1$'ADUL SAIK/9430 N Ql/ 32/39/4$ Yierdoni(PP90/HE(FEISO+/NE(ISS OVQ5/3SO/$49 EPSO M14SOI IISSPNOTO S2$$/3/iS •100W weeINI0 faW /Ot PFANNokanoS/VokanoINobano I Q nS/22/30 Yiewnai(9$1$0/VOISI Sd9$P20 HP22MKI 34RK /44MKUSS SIIS/143/210 • rw» lltlm fa te/Wt a Mtmmt f es t tb(NI.II lTAINmobiu(odi/ALU MRld(/(PU( SIS/IS/(IH amtdd(B MIN I.I0 Sa w/att a ' a Iswta fe te/wd M I VIA f aw/ t w tbfmmw ASUS ATV333WAI AIVZIIUGDt 71 5104/IZD/5 (REA T IV E P O S b l 2 S Smt Q9 • sum Ifdtw mIem+/I Iw+ fow ls(5 FDO/INZIP/501IP 514/N15 GIG ASIDZ/001 IOII twi$ 515/110/(dl $0LIVESI/lu estd 05B (SMW mtat/Imeefemsat Aud(S y S o m e( 5 49/IN/IIS d iry o e m / SIN/pmi20/40/5 55/Usn$0 IHIELASU5P4055/P4533 WAWL earns Sbumeatmefmt/Slt 5225/170 ATI R a d e o n 4 3 2 M/r e d u a l db p l o y32 M 5 1 29/15 SNI/pmiN/120/140G S189/28$/4M ASUSP4024/i U PIT-E iwsMIB S230f!79 ATIRadmm72N/ISSS/8500 SIN/5S/389 7200/pm :20I 5/40 5110/12$/IIS MSISS OPRO2LE /MSIIMSPR02LE 519$n9$ ATlllWR adeon7$NAIMDDRw/musie/SSSNV 524$/SN 725/pm;5/lepenSMGSD( 517WNIN KSP4VMNIP4$$l 511S/ISO TNIZ-SZ M/GFZN2003ZNIV S49/d9 LGldaOVD, LGDVKORW(ONSO QS/8?/IÃ KOHPS P4-IADTEER INTEl-POWER 7Q/010/707 59$nosnN GF2 NI4M QM / Gf2 NIHM MM lv 549/79 Monbam((205IC 133 ~ DN ( MWi LG 243I LG33( 59S/IIS ES 87$$3UKISIA 59$/110 MsiGMT3200128M/GFIN420/GFIN45 5210/I 19/143 ls/2 32M. PCI lewd, ndl stnw(2m 22MAst ZIP 50MEXIUSS/IOSMDNUSO 5210/140 10.1NNK/100lSETNUS ISX Medem,2od/ PCIMmnd,ennModm/I :S/SP SIZ/520/50 GF4$844NP/GF4N40/GF4T N2N $ 144/19$/25 1t mn 2mw, ss(c mm.200020mpmIMD 10 IN BA SEI HUO:UNINS SP/SP 570/90 GF4 Yid45/GIIIMIN SM/$5 ta AIX30W, lan CBDM WM 90Uyb/MS Internetlsybl flitebetb 59/2d/20 IP-ROH IQi UHKSBI DUNK/l5R 515/120/113 INW/INW/MU4702//il Q/153W41 OoSmb„umuenume, LISited(ubeelmwmpdllnSilmbDp timl SIZNZ SBW SbwmdmIneelm A533/ATPS /AVSZN/QS/SN 540/ 9$/I(UIF/dd tfrEI.B LaSite(bomS es/LISit«b(o/dies Optical Q S/IS IMIS/lmu • weeIM/10 5 nrn/IJS Bw /000 tb M Ssee Llttfd 500 MSInteSimoumP(2/MSOpbml/ bui(mmne 525/30/S (ANON SZN/$300/520 5$0nisnN Ho(tonanmiinu ZNZaem/Win/is pro 10 52$/ 30 10 INS I • fmt/SN Imlaf felt t bll/ I f fmt/000 EPS ON(N/(N S12$/23$ Winlolpro102/ P(onynbseISS 0 0/ Id 05 m i itt lsdtvtfssr flat/sa ssntlst 5120/49 IEIZZE IPK(.133iddn20/54/$12 52$/32/3$/37/5/140 18NNK 15/133/143 Ndf 500n5n$9nsl Smplyauounnn0proSS SiIom+/I Me+Snit/SB IS(We/I IW+faw/Stt IZDRIM M/54-Rtuun2800$/54DDR Q9/13$//N LBNAR K53/ZSW3 Sirindsn$$ fmmpade2002/IUim (ppro/albm/1 dm 5239/47$5139 /2N SSSM eatlleftm/ltt VN-l6PN EEIE AoplaPDSdlrSV/AlpenPOPLM 522/38 Hpl2N/HPINO 57$/34$ WIN98S M(dlbomdwmlawil, Iildml, wunwl, 4/I, uleeili eii EIWIHIIPlmme/Ipp m S13 0/140/230 USRPO.SW.VORE/HWVOICE QIINS AmrIZ4WT/4300/EPSOM12% IBM nol IS.FDD200/aaamnmmD. 02XCNOM 5177/92/IFS N MX 200W,OoSayb. Wheonnme. Isd. 100W OEN OIFOAI/NK19' 9GF/ K SIN /2SS/35 Iiwu//nn eud w. Mm mlemr mxermbs bee ssvmt bv sco( smtm 18 Auoust2002 THE COMPUTER ult(R K
EDITION ru(w/Ansu(umputen(om
0 en ' You<" Eyes anct '
i fference
design and ATi's industry-leading graphics is very hard ro beat.
p Q Pg& M W e
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6 Valuable': Hardware Gameslitside @if
'- ppR.
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< NEW 8
N O T A BLE w formance without compromising battery
Viewsonic says Ultragrite makes these
Viewgrmicintroducestiibegrite displays
life, according toToshiba.
displays ideal for professionals who require high-endperformancewhenworking on graphic or Web design, video or photo editing, desktop publishing, or gamingapplications, for example. The newmonitors includethe fogowing specs:
The e740 Pocket PC hasexpansion slots for both Compactnash II and Secure
Digital (SD) format cardsand plug-ins. It Continuedfrom page24
Colour printing is also becoming a mainstay according to the researchers who found that 94 percent of printer owners surveyed said they use printers for a
vari ety of creative projects.In particuhr, 58 percent of thosepolled said they print colour photographsfrom email or digital
weighsin at 185 g. It runs Microsoft Pocket PC2002, which comeswith Pocket versions of Outlook, Internet Explorer,
Word, Excel, and WindowsMedia Player
ToyfmyrashnmnagesNfocbash offering Mac 05 X users an alternative for
wireless lAN technology. The device is powered by Intel' s 400 MHz PXA250
processor, which promisesincreased per-
1024x768 5789 1024x768 5849 Sarraawtwtaeralta
Mireth Technology ( is
e740 PocketPC.which it saysis Canada's first handheld with integmted 802.11b
P75f+ 174n.0.25mm 1,792 xl 5369 VE!10 15
includemakinggreeting cards,invitabons orannouncements (72 percent), artsand crafts projects (53 percent), and CDand DVDlabels andcovers (23 percent). —TCPStaff
Toshibaof Canada Information Systems Group( has introduced the
re ' le Max.res. Puce'
P951+ 19in. 025027 mm 1920tl,440 5539
cameras. Other creative printer uses
Toshiia Pecket K familygoesudrefess
Modd Size
8.0. The Toshiba e740 Pocket PC has a suggested list price of $949.
Both LCD modelsinclude integrated speakers . The VX500+ also comes with a
handling trash. TofheTrash! provides a place toput thosefiles not readyfor dele-
provide enhanced viewing capabilities,
microphone and analogue and digital inputs. Standardwith all four displaysis a lock opfi on to prevent accidental changes to
including up to three times brighter
personalized monitor settings. The moni-
imagesthan current displays.
tors are backed by a limited, three-year warranty onparts. labour, and backlight. —TC PStaff
ViewSonic Corp. (wwwview has added four new displays to its line of
tion yet, allowing users to specify how
monitorsthat,according to the company,
long to keep each one. Files can be retrieved if they' re needed before the expiry date, when they' re automatically deleted. ToTheTrash! for Mac 05 X costs U5$19.95 and can be ordered from
Two CRT displays, the P95f+ and the P75f+,and two LCD monitors,the VE510+ and the VX500+, feature Ultragrite tech-
Mireth's Web site, or downloaded (free demo included ) from —TCPSto/f
Sn sardoNes one4uuoatmckup
nology. It allowsusersto increase screen bri ghtness up to three times higherthan normal ,with thetouch ofa button.
SanDisk Corp. (wwwsandiskcom) has introContinued on page28
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I d P=Vr d~ d
Hot Summer Savin's time to make a deal! i Eisz Oc g
El!$3 ', ~ LCD
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WindowsME 14.1 w TF TDisplay
AMD 1.1GHz, 196MB 20GB HDD, 56Ir, 10/100 NIC DVD and MS WinMEI Paotorr neierarahed
I10MB, 10GS, AGP Video, Slx CD NIC, Sound, Keyboard 0 Mmne ll" Monitor edda$I99
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Intel Pentium 4 l.bGHz System
14.1w TFT Display AMD Athlon 1.2GHz, 256MB 20GB HDD, 56II, 10/100 NIC
DVD and CDRW Drivel
6T' 1$0MB, 40GS,31M GeForce V/deo, S1xCD NIC, Sound, Keyboard S Mouse I le Monitor odds$/99
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DE 004 ddxsrt
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Tower Case IO , 300Wa» Pd/AMD OSS on front!
39 "--. Iwlg,'".-.. g5 S139.". NW Iwgg N ESS (omim i l imn i
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AS4 m
NI55 ":"" NN99
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• 99 • 03
mhe l e moo ooover
d ew ~ l
mum scanningresolution of 1,200x4,800 dpi, 48-bit internal colour, and FiashBack Bi-directional Autoscan Technology.
Most slim-bne scanners use CIS (con-
tact image sensors), but Visioneer says CCOsonsors produce better image quality and moreaccurate scanned documents. Continuedfr<mr page26 AllOneTouch scanners come with five duced its first c ombination buttons pre-configured to scan at the software/memory card for Palm Os optimalsettings for common tasks. The devices. The 32 MB Secure Digital (SD) fivebuttons on the OneTouch 7100 USB card comes pre-loaded with Blue Nomad's arescan, copy,OCR, email.and custom. Backupguddy VFSsoftware. The scanner «omes bundled with The new software/memory card will Arcsoft PhotoImpression 3.0 and allow Palm Os devices with an SD slot to Scansoft's PaperPort Deluxe 7.0. It also easil y backup,store,and encrypt data on features Scan Manager Pro, an advanced theSD card with the touch ofone button. The 32 MBSDExpansion Cardhasa su9- TWAIN driver with tools normally found gested price of US549.99. only in high-end image editing applica—TCPStaff tions, according to Visioneer. Minimum system requirements for the Visi oneerrehasosslinhtine8$8 scanner OneTouch 7100 USBare a Pentium or Visioneer (wwwvisioneercom) has introequivalent processor. running Windows duced the first scanner in its new Slimline 98,2000, Me,orXP,with 64 MB RAM (128 seri es, the OneTouch 7100 USB colour MB for Windows XP), 200 MB available flatbed.At 43x28x6.5 cm (17x11.9x2.6 harddisk space, a CD-ROM drive, colour in.), the 7100 is 33 percent smaller than monitor ,and USB port.Ithasa suggested previous models, according to Visoneer. retai l pri ce ofUS599.99. The new model uses CCD (couple —TCPStaff charged device) sensors and has a maxi- Emailsalestndata-fortress.corn Toll Free1.866A63.DATA Tel604.484. 2088 F-6 04.484'.8086
Sasic Managed SerVer
1 29
Wsbsthts byWsbstyzsr FTP byPrsFTP DNS byBmd Ptssk Sever Admintslratsr 2.5
has opened a prototype home to testtechnologies that react to its ccupants' wishes and moods. The research facility is a real house, located in Eindhoven, Netherlands, ft((ed with state-of-the-art technology that will be tested by normal people in nn everydayenvironment, says Philips. The company says HomeLab is not like traditional product testing facilities; it's a live-in home linked through iddencameras, microphones, and oneay mirrors to observation rooms, flowing researchers to observe the occupants around the clock. The lab includes a range oftechnology prototypes Philips classifies as f'ambient intelligent," which are sensitive, p ersonalized, adaptive, a nd responsive.Among them: home entertainmentsystems that respond to voice commands or create digi tai fantasy environments for virtual reality games; biofeedbacktechnology embedded into household objects such as a bathroom mirror; and an interactive user interface that consolidates muitiple devices into a single system for managing activities Such as voicemail, watching video, or listening to music. Mostof the connections in HomeLab are wireless, with systems controlled by handheld devices and large-area fl atpanel displays. Philips says traditional testing has relied upon volunteers testing new products for a limited time, often only a matter of hours. With Hometab, "residents'" staybetween 24 hours and two months, dependingon the research being conduct ed. "To achieve a world in which Ambient Intelligence is pervasive, we need to teach technology to react to humans rather than forcing humans to 'program' technology,"> said Erkki Liikanen, a commissioner with the European Union, which has invested i HomeLab.
• •
M Logitechctnscord on Opgcal Tracinnan
Setup lnaludeer RsdHalUhux7xcshfi gvrsdmlh Wsb Ssnricssby Apache Mail byQmml
WsbmszbyImp DstsbsssbymrSQL
hilips (www.research.phdips.corn)
lmsslh tUSD)'
Mmsdwmre lnaludeer Intel Chimes t.o GHzCPU 255 MbRAM.40 GBHDD Plssk Managementlxtsrlscs
Philips HomeLab opens its doors
Ssrure specsfor rmvsmsnd ottwr nstwsrk gear SeismicZohs 4rhlsd ahdmouxtsd racks ossn rsduhdshl UPS Rwssdhorns for sk-Ikw sxd csbts ~ t Suteaf-thus ncansts conhhttsdshwahmsht Fir esxpprsssmh,slsnh,shdwdsomshri sri hg MuIhp ' leis y su sffscilrlysscvrity Networkopsmloxs chairs fsr mohemng Full ysscvm easyaccessforcvusmw pusannsl Nslwtxk s upport smvkss
Firswsl snd advancedsscsulr Avlsmstsd backups FSly managedssnms 'Plus SggUSDssfsp zhsrgss, OAC,taxes extra "Ns arn r-fsrwsrdpssxltlsd. 2$ AUGUST2002 THEcoMpUTER pApER ec zonloN vwvwrxnadsr srxpvtmmm
(www.logitech.corn) has cut the cord on its optical trackbail periphemL The Cordless Optical TrackMan uses Logitech's optical Marble technology and transmitscursorcommands to a PC via 27
MHzcordless digital radio technology that does not require a line of sight. The TrackMan has forward and back buttons,scrollwheeL and drag-lock button. Userscan also customize the button com-
mands. Following the release of wireless keyboards an d mice, L ogitech
It' s powered by AA batteriesand comes Cantirruedon page36
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ape 1850su phoe pwlsdmnscanner Qmt.dd lena TanscanMekwYSvpL Rewed smruta 0INAN •
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Cadgus Inwatch Corrfifsmedfrom pagela
Jf~rffja j f j I j a f f I > = j'~rj' ~ntj~jIV~rfj~
longer you run. To make sure you' regiving your all and running at the proper pace, you can either hire a trainer to watch you during your entire run, or you can pick up Timex's Speed + Distance System. While it doesn't have the personal touch of a trainer, the two-piece Speed + Distance System is a pretty nice substitute. It includes what looks like a standard digital wristwatch and a reasonably small GPS module that you strap to your arm or clip to your belt. The GPS module connects to the wristwatch via radio signals. Using data it obtains from GPS satellites, it measures how far you' ve travelled, current, average. and maxim um speed, pace,and more. You can sct up alarms by time or distance. It's also a full-featured watch, so includes a chronograph, timer, and alarm. We were initially skeptical about thc system, but it seemed to work just line. Before using it for the first time, you have to let it sit for about four to five minutes to get the proper satellite orientation, but as Iong as you stay within about 160 km ( l00 miles) of your first calibration, subsequent "boot-ups" should take less than a minute. After that, you turn the monitor on and stan running. It uses the signals from the saiellites to figure out your speed and how far you' vegone. There is sometimes a smalllag when you change pace or
• •
'tg,~la w ful!If I • mirI- '
ste Jrjarur Jsagur JIQIIIulll
direction, but it generally corrects itself
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fairly quickly. As you'd expect, the biggest problems with the unit are related to the GPS
module. Though the arm strap keeps the module securely attached, the whole setup doesadd 175 g to your arm, which may be a problem if you' re trying to run light. (If you strap it incorrectly it can also make your arm throb a bit.) Also, because GPS units always need a fairly clear view of the sky, you won't be able to use it indoors, and may have problems using it in urban areas with a number of tall buildings.
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30 atucdfsr Xi'
nt tCOuftrfta stspfx DCtntrtou ~c
a nsdacnnrputescmn
The Spml t Distance Systemcomes in two models: the 50-lap version for 3560. and the I 00-lap version for a cool 3400. Not cheap. but a lot lessexpensive than a full-time trainer. 0
Sa/es &S s cise Ceeirs ~p
ism ipp p
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weewceee m/ecompuleecom THE coMPUTER I%PER Bc EDITIQN NIGUcr 2002
Clie sets new standard for Palm devices o , yiiu want t o b u y a PD A b ut
you' re not sure which way you want to ro. The Pocket PC world features a lot of wonderful multimedia devices, but the Palm universe is well established and has the operating system you want. Well, the new Clie may help you decide. Sony's entry into the world ot' the Palm-based PDA was interesting but not ground-breaking: li rs t-generation devices were very stylish and competent, but variations on a common design theme. The newesi model. however, is almost enough to make your jaw drop: it' s exceptionally thin, has an amazing 320x480-pixel colour screen, plays MP3 f iles ( which c a n b e s t ored o n MemoryStick moduleru since the Clie includes a MemoryStick slot), and even has a built-in l00 000-pixel CMOS camera. It's also a Clie with a twist — a twist
~g gqlA
From:SonyCanada,www.sonysa Estimated price 5999
,md swivd screen that is, which transforms it into a handheld unike any other on the market.
The Clio is actually a clamshell design that opens up to reveal the screen on one side, and a QWERTY-style keyboard on the other. in addition to the usual Palm
buuons. The screen portio n isonaswivel that allows it to rotate through l80 degrees, so that when you close the clamshell, the screen can be facing out with
the keyboard hidden awal'. Whatever program is displayed i
on t h e s c r een then reo r i ents
itself for your new configuration ( a n eat trick made neater by the fact that the areas normally stenciled onto the plastic screenforGraffitidata entry are actually displayed in high-res by the TFT
• a ' a •
I ' •
0 •
screen itself). The Clid comes preloaded with a ton ol software. including an audio player, camera capture software. a paint program for editing images, gMovie software, and image management and display software. Hardware-wise, the bundle also ships with a USB sync cradle and h eadphones with a remote control. 0 — Sean
' •
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AY2C AVX-I 0" w/250W PS2KD. Spnabnn . M « a so aad pad
I35 /220
Intel C eleron 1.18hx .... $570
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Ail listed prices ltziisct 3%cash discouhl), quauliliss snd specificst'Dnsare suhjsct to changewilhouiuofice.
MS 'Wiadows XP-norns/XP-P ~
«as Intel® Dual Xeoam I.gghz $2500 I «m Intel® Dual Xeon@ 1.8gbz $315D wm Intel® Dual Xeoali 2.0ghz $2580 «ns intel@ Duel Xeon+ 2.0gbz $324D am Intef19 Dual Xconm 2.2ghz $2730 Intel41Duel Xeou@ 2.2gbz $349D «m Intel ® Duds Xeono 2,4ghz $3830 «m Intel® Dual Xeon~ 2Agbz $4590 MS %lads»s zemPro . . .. ... ~ 15 '.SIS Vi'inde»s 20mPro Senor — -Sl me hmtciadows sip-homo/XP-Pra 8135122a
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mm THE COMPI/IIR /Vista SC Etnizn/ AuGUST 20033$
Hands On L ab T es t • H a r d w a r e
E v a l u a t i o n s • S o f t w a r e Jrt C D - R O M R e v i e w s
Flat, bright... getting affordable TCP Lab checks out 17-inch-plus TFT monitors By DaveChappefle
hesedays, you can buy a 15-inch
flat-panel monitor for about $500. But if you' re looking for something a little bigger, read on. For this Test Lab, we asked manufacturers For 17- and 18-inch analogue flat panels in the $1300 price range. We received a few that were doser to $1,000, and evaluated them separately, since such a large price difference puts them into a diflerent category for most consumers. OF the advantages analogue LCDs have over CRTs, one of our favourites is the "Auto" bunon. When pressed, the image automati«afly centres on the screen. Most users will applaud this "one-touch" time-saving feature. It sure beats the oflen frustrating process of scrolling through on-screen display (OSD) controls trying to get a flat, straight, distortion-free image to appear
As video signals begin and end digitally, digital LCDs don't require controls. It's the digital-to-analogue-to-digital conversion process that inflicts the distortion controls are designed to correct. The other benefits of flat panels over CRTs are that they draw less power, operatecooler,and generate less radiation. And LCDs are easier to look at, so your eyes won't get tired as they can when staring intently at a CRT for an extended period. On the down side: 17- and 19-inch tlat-panel monitors are still two to four times the price of CRTs; a slower refresh rate of 60 Hz will discourage serious colour matching software is included with some pricier models, tlat-panel still can't be fine-tuned as well as high-end CRTs. Because flat panels are, well, flat, wall — mounting them on a wall is a realContinued on page38
Pavilions move to Pentium 4
The system is pretty well set up for multimedia with a set of built-in Polk Audio speakers and CD player controls on the edge of the notebook, allowing you to play audio (CD or MP3) when the notebook itself is oft The DVD component is very good, and playback is smooth. While the 3D performance won't win any awards, it's certainly competent, and capable of handling everyday tasks and movie playback The SD slot is a nice touch for those with SDcompatible devices (digital cameras, MP3 players, handhelds, and more). The notebook comes with a nice software bundle, which includes a number of Microsoft titles (Works 6.0, Microsoft Money 2002, and more), Quicken Finanrial Centre, MusicMatch Jukebox,
Se AUGUST2002 THE coMPUTERPAPER ac EDITIQN wwwcanadacompoIac.corn
By Iasln Sletneas orto n SystemWorks 2.0 is the first complete suite of Norton products designed with 05 X in mind, but in our opinion it doesn't quite live up to previous versions.
garners and graphics pros; and while
on a curved tube.
n the June issue, we looked at multimedia-savvy notebook computers, including Hew l ett-Packard's Pavilion ZT1170 modeL HP's update to this model, the ZT1175, incorporates a 1.4 GHz mobile Pentium 4 processor. Like the previous model, the ZT1175 has a high-quality 15-inch TFT screen, Windows XP Home, a 30 GB hard drive and a DVD/CD-RW combo drive. It also features a lot of connectivity options, including Ethernet, a 56Kbps modem, one FireWire and two USB ports. It only has one PC Card slot onboard, but it features a slot for Multimedia Card/Secure Digital cards. This particular model comes with 256 MB of memory, 16 MB of whi«h is set aside for use with the S3 graphics processor.
Norton suites a good upgrade for OS X users
From Hewlett-Pack ardCanada, Estimatedprice:52,899 WinDVD movie playba«k software, Lernout and Hauspie's Truvoice speech engine, and a few games. While the Pavilion ZT1175 doesn' t really break any new ground, it's a very nice update to an already impressive produ«t line. — Sean Canurhers
FromSymantec, w'wwsymaaieccom Estimatedprice:5199 (550maiina upgraderebate) Earlier versions of SystemWorks included Norton Utilities 6.0, Antivirus 7.0, as weU as Retrospect Express 4.0 and Spring Cleaning. SystemWorks 2.0 includes Norton Utilities 7.0, Antivirus 8.0, Disk Warrior Recovery Edition, Aladdin Spring Geaning,and Retrospect Express 5.0.The problem is that the new versions of Utilities and Antivirus are only available for use in Mac 05 X. So, if you are stiU using Mac 05 9, you'll have to use the older versions, which are included on the CD. Ifyou aren't an 05 X user,this means you gain no new functionality,but it gets worse. In order to run the 05 X versionsof Utifl ifl ies and Antivirus they need to be installed on your hard drive, they can't be
run from the CD.So ifyou have a serious problem that requires booting from the CD, you are back to the old versions
again. On our test systems, Norton Utilities could only fix very minor problems in 05 Continued on page46
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«N E W 8 NO T A BLE > is a tri-mode CDMA phone, that operates on 1,900 MHz, $00 MHz, and analogue cellular networks. It runs Palm 05 4.1 and has the complete functionality of a Pahn organizer. It has 16 MB of on-board memory. The phone can HotSync data with a desktop PC via a USB, infrared, or serial connection. The device measures approximately 10xex3 cm (4x2.43x1.17 in.) and weighs approximateiy 186 g (6.6 oz.). A standard lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery provides upto 3.5hoursoftalk time and up to 160 hours of standby time in digital mode. The Kyocera 7135 smartphone is expectedto ship by the end of the year.
WH Continuedfrotn page28 with a limited five-year warranty. Also inctuded are MouseWare and WebWheel softwareforsmarterInternet browsing. The TrackMan is compatible with Windows 95, 9$, Me, NT 4.0. 2000, or XF (and 3. I/DOS for basic functionality), and Mac OS $.6 to got. An available FS/2 or USB port, CD-ROM drive, and Internet connection (to use WebWheet) are also required. It has suggested list price of US$69.95.
Kyocer a had no details on which earners wouldsupport the smartphone, but said they would include those that support CDMA IX networks. In Canada, Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility operate such networks.
Kyocesadebutsnew smarlphone Kyocera Wireless Corp. ( has unveiled a new version of its Palm 05-based smartphone, the 7135. Unlike its original QCP 6035 smartphone, the new model features a smali, lightweight clamshell design and uses CDMA technology,which has a top data transfer speed of 153Kbps. The Kyocera 7135 has
a 65,000-colour high-resolution screen, an MMC/SD compati ble expansion slot, and an onboard MP3 player. The 7135 incorporates a speakerphone, voice-activated dialing, silent vibrating alert, two-way SMS text messaging, Eudoraemail, and three modes of Web access (HTML, Web Clipping, and WAP). It
Orade, Yahoo!Store shenglhenEes Net Ledger Inc. (!edger.corn) has announced the enhanced integration of its Oracle SmaBBusiness Suite and Yahoo! Store (s!oreyahoocom), an online retail hosting service.
8 tet
Moe bendnsme uoenmdsl ~ Fuji Famptx Feat $$3$ Fu j i FinsP!x 8$02 St,taut anmewsbsas $37 4 Olympus Bdo DSTO CammPostShatl A3$ F uji FkePSI 2$00 S t 38
$74 8 $55 $
Ot ymtxm CN!20 ! $/ !apus E-100RB
Conan Ststshahtl S330
$85 $
Soa y ybatShtSDBC P3!
Ep son PhotoPC31$02
$86 $
Ssny ybetShte DSC475
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Sanmtn9708/753DF/ 950NSSBDF $2t4/2381294/$78 SanyE240e!20)T/G220NG410R $4051445/4881595
,n 38 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPUTER PAPER BC EDITION»»w«sosdscomput«0«0»0
Gc TMzcc! zaM yiyp
14OOKV P4-1. 7 nOtebOOk $Z 055»
Smtmcau 3%amhtSStauc
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CanonS200/8300/S520/S750 $8!P /$97*1$184127 EpstmCBOICBDICBDNI C1520 $ 1 24/21814781658 O O OttuuetkZ22/Z33/Z35/Z55 $80/ $S2/104/194 HP DeokJet845c1920c1940c /980c $1381 17412441295 LaSerPrinter Est!ther HL123$HL1 440/1450 $ 314 /4451 534
0)ddatu14iI 14n114e114ox $79N1,12N484/584 Sameuny ML121$1250/1440 $288 / 3381 348 'I/eprte/so/bretmecH pttsssussutfsukr issueswisxstt noses
«z64 83IRNp4-!.46 notebook $ 2 ! ! 1»
. cor n
C o m p u t e r Printe
Canon LBP178$1780)t/)C4000 $8S5/9281 1AI28 HP LaeerJet100$120$1200n $3841594 /888
Ph59$107f I 1078/1099/10!8$ $ 2$9/2S4/34413$4
$2, 0$5' $3,$55'
$184 1189/338
AcerilAOt I FF553/AL-702 $52514981938 Samsung151SI 1518/171S $5781808/ 938 Mamhandandmce medaleyahttgeonter ysebsSe
$2.! 11'
hasrhspits 1400XVP4.1.7/12$btl200/DVDIS Video!14TFTNP P !40$KCP41,7/12$$tj30$DVDCDRW/14TFYNFP
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McAfee Security (www.mcafeesecuriiy.corn) has introduced a pair of security products for smaB and medium size businesses: McAfee Active Nrus Defense (AVD) and Active VirusScan Small Business Editions. The new security applications include the advanced management and reporting capabilities of McA fee eP olicy Continued on page 5tt
Acerhspie 832XCiPc1.81258$tt20$!7VDCDRW!EEEI3$4/14TFT/XPP $2,8$0'
w e t. s i t e - w w se c
m o r e
Mchfeefocuseson small bizsecurity
/mae bandnorm sndmodels onme wsbsitej AosrAspire630VXPl-141258kt/20GOVOIEEEIS!M/14TFT/XP P
$308 $725 $1,1$9
ConanPowsrBtm 830 C umn ~ 82! O
HP ankrSmstt 31$ HP PhaktSmett 716 Nmh k O!K32!5 $2$$ Nads k DX3600 $3m
case Qv.z9$0Ux 85s5
The integration will allow Grade Small Business Suite users to simplify their business processes by streamlining order futHBment, credit card processing, inventorymanagement, and reporting, through Yahoo! Store. According to Net Ledger, Yahoo! Store has enabled more than 19,000merchants and smailbusinessesto establish an online presence and sell products and services online. The tighter integration means merchantswillnow be able to move between the two applications without signing on and off, uulize bi-directional data exchange, and have the option of automatingthe credit card payment upon completion of order futROment within the Oracle Small BusinessSuite.
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etr. •
Flat, bttgltt geDing affordable
quality monitor to an inferior display Continuedfrom page 34 adapter defeats the purpose. During our tests we noted improvements in visual istic alternative. Most manufacturers quality when certain models were conoffer optional wall-mounting hardware nected to the newer GeForce3 adapter. with their flat panels. In tight areas like This was evident not only during the crowded home ollices and student bedObstacle Course. but also in text readrooms, the space saving alone can be abiTity and image contrast with word enough to justify the extra cost. processing, spreadsheet, and email applications. 1tte tmgag Most LCD manuFacturers now offer We' ve tested both analogue- and dualthree-year warranties. Previously, the input models because digital video «ards backlight was oFten only guaranteed For aren't as popular as analogue versions one year. (yet). Some of our test samples have While several flat-paoel display manuboth digital and analogue inputs. On facturers are represented, only three these models the «Ieanflness of digital actually tackle the complex and costly signals was quickly obvious. task of making the LCDs: NEC, LG, and We ran each through DisplayMate Samsung. Technologies' (ww w.displaymate.corn) Tilt and swivel speciflcations were Obstacle Course several times. This test supplied by manufacturers. puts monitors through a level of stress that practically nobody would put a Apple Studio Display monitor under in real-world conditions. From:Apple Canada, It tests how well a monitor handles video Size: 17inches signals sent from a video display adapter. Input digital Initial tests were performed on an Warranty:I-year(complete) Athlon 1200 running Windows XP, with Price:51349 256 MB DDRRAM, a Gigabyte GA-7DX motherboard, GeForce3 display adapter with 64 MB RAM, set to 1.280xl,024 resolution at 60 Hz. Unless otherwise noted, the same analogue and digital monitor cables were used ea«h time. To see how well they handled difFerent signals, we also connected each monitor to an old Pentium III system with an ATI Rage 128 adapter, running Windows 98. If you' re going to spend the extra dollars on a flat-panel monitor, you should have a quality video card. Connecting a If you have a Mac, this is the monitor
you' ll want. The modern, dear plastic design we flrst saw with Apple's Cube has replaced the Tupperware-like design of the company's older flat panels—one of which took home our Editor's Choice award two years ago. On the back of this model are two USB ports, ostensibly for delivering power to Apple Pro speakers. Tilt is accomplished by positioningthe springloaded support on the back, which will fold flat. There are no OSD controls other than Brightness (digital signals shouldn' t require any adjustment). The Apple digital video connector differs from PC digital connectors, so we were forced to use a digital adapter. Made for PowerBook and G4 users who want to connect a second VGA monitor or projector. the adapter is digital onlywe were unable to test this monitor on an analogue «ard. If you want to attach the Studio Display to any non-Apple system, you'U need this 530 adapter. I t measures 12.5x12.5x3.7 «m and requires power and a USB port. P erformance, even t hrough a n adapter, was admirable.
inside the back so flat that we wondered
if they'd forgotten to send a base when
Continued ou page40
CorneaSystemsMpyga From:ComesSystems,wwwcnmeasTstems.corn Size 17 inches
Input Analogue Tilt -2 degrees.+90 degrees warranty: 3years («nmplete) Price:USS540 (first-year advanceswapavailable) The base of this display folds up and
XP HOO+ Enter Online
IBM 1750 SB From: IBMCanada, Size:17inches Input Analogue/digital Tilt: 4 degrees,+41degrees Swivel: -230degrees, +90depees Warranty: 3years (complete) Price:51,449 Known for their quality, IBM components also have a reputation for costing a little more. Initially, we weren't going to include this display because of its price,
we opened the box. The OSD control s are centered under the display and clearly labeled. On«e invoked, they are simple to understand andcan be easily manipulated. A 3.5-cm black bezel surrounds the display. Like several oF the analogue-only models, a signtTTcant amount of noise was apparent during full-resolution tests. Changing video cards offered little diiference in performance. Cornea gives buyers the opportunity to swap their monitor for a better one by just paying the difference during the flrst year after purchase.
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wwwcanadacomputec.corn THE COMPUTERPAPER K EomON AUGUST 20O2
Pht, hoght geISngaRsrdehle Continuedfrom page 38
initially intuitive, but an experienced user could figure them out after some experimenting. Reading the manual eliminated guesswork We Found some noise and interference evident in the bandwidth test at full resolution. Most users would probably never notice, though. When connected to the ATI Rage 12$, text appeared slighdy grainy. This was improved by fiddling with the controls via the OSD. IF you' re used to quality (read: expensive) full-size speakers, the small builtins will sound somewhat tinny. Stifi, you can enjoy listening to CDs or Internet radio without the bulk and expense of a separatespeakersystem. If,when mixing music, the results sound good on these speakers, they will sound spectacular on everyth ing else. A 17-inch LCD with speakers costing under 3 I,OOOseems like a lot of monitor for the money.
Connecting digitally improved test results noticeably over those achieved via analogue.
KDSRADFC From:KDSCanada, www.kdstonedaza Size: ly inches Input Analogue Tilt -5 degrees,+20 degrees Warranty: 3years, I year (backlight) Esbmatecjstreet price: 5969
but that price dropped recently so the T750 fit nicely into our roundup. The display tilt hinge is at the bottom, allowing it to fold almost flat. Swiveling is accomplished via a circular platform in the base. While the bezel is large, at 4 cm, the black finish doesn't compete with the display for the user's eyes. OSD controls form little "waves" on the bottom-right corner. A very thorough six-language user guide, driver diskette. and all necessary cables came with our unit.
This model is an easy-to-assemble, twopiece unit, with blue side panels that hide the built-in speakers —allowing users to save even more desktop space. OSD controls are on the right, out of sight, yet easy to reach. Controls weren' t
KDS RADB From:KDSCanada, Size: l9 inches Input Dcghal/anekcgue Tilt -5 degrees,+45 degrees
i NTERTEC H teL(so4)872-7337 fax:(SO4j872-2524
Oer '13th Yeerl!
The largest model we looked at, the RAD9 has a viewing area equal to that of a 2I -inch CRT. It arrived in the box fidly assembled, with a manual and all cables, including digital and analogue connectors. It swivels and tfits from the base. The controls are hard to miss, planted squarely in the middle, just under the display. They are easy to adjust, with a menu, and plus and minus. In addition to the usual inputs, the RAD9 olfers two Connnued onpage 42
Fasl lnhl P4 Slshna
Dahe ShmgapSlslsm
Lwuhd P4 gcAIDS SP Slshnea
Prialsm, CDISSg, Agegmsiee
Inlet P41.66lh 512K Casks 40G Hm-133 72mbtw Ihbak 25$meg DDRAem PC133 I.dqmgfloppDeice 52x CDROM Sevage4 32meg CashedAGP AC9730 Scend, 160w Sykre Wm 98 Keybaonk NeNouee Emrinon 17" SVGANomtoe
AMD XPI600,Cooljeq Fen 40G 7200epmHdiak 25$meg SDHAMPC133 1.44mg Fhippy Driee 52x CDRDN Built-m 3D GanphiceCan! AC97 30 Seund, StenmSylue Win 98 ~ , Ne N ouee Enaiman 17" SVGANoaiiae 10 "I Qomb/o Network Gud
• Windenx XP Hamswith Mcanal • foehn N6 iOR-133 72mhpm Hdiek • 25$meg DDRHem, 1$" Soow Toom Gun • Nicnueli hiernei Keyboenl Optical Noose • USB VE AFA-133Ikbak Cmdwl • 10/I oomb'e PCINetwmk Coul • NSI GeFmce-4NX420 64meg, Bwi 3D Vlii P4PAkn' F4 / NSI HI3 w/Raid he AMOXP • Liteon 4bi'12x/46xCDAWBwnee ' Phibpe toyT 17" flat SmmmNanitw •AltecLnnemg AVSDO Syeekeeew/Subwoelee • Bm1t-m AC973D Smmd less thm Najeeaneel Buaer Cewsamgu
So COll Diju 32x Camposh .. $2$ NS Opbcal NaueePS 2 ee USB$2$ LoguachOpticalNonce .. $1$,SO Epmm SiyhmC40 1440x720 .$76 Canon 5300 2400x1200... $11$ HP645C Color Inkjet ... . . $13$ HPlneeejet 1000 Ioppm .. 33$8 Toshbe 16x DVD-RQNOaiw ..878 Lnoon dox'I yxqox CDHW . 8109 LG OVO-CQAW CoioboDri w 812$ Lebiec 302 Headphone d Mic $2$ Stylish Headphonew/Nic . $34.$$ SB hepice 2.1 2x Sphe w/Sub$69 SB lnepiee4,1 4x Spine w'Sub 3$$ SB Inspire 5.1 Sumnmd Speakers wS ~ . . . $ 1 3$ AFC Boettery Backups S50VA$128
ia Imhho NemN mw
tj$7$ Nemine al the IhmoeBannexe cecum
Swivel: 9Odegrees Wananty: 3years, I yeei (baddight) fstmuted streetprice: 51,599
AND Ramey's Slslems lnlel P4 SBslams 408 Hdhk, 256megODII Hom 52x CB-RQN, 3DSmmd NIC GeFenu4 NX420 64mey Scummy75IS 24 17"Nwho Wm 98 ileyboenl NeNause Fleppy Dnae,Caaljeq Fen Wmdowe XPwith Manual 16" 300w TowerCase Speokem w/Sebanxdw MSIHI3 lobe 333 Bund
Athlw tgomo tj114$ Athtw Eoomo tj124$
40GHdbdc256mey Oml Hem 52x CD-RQPLID Smmd Sewge4 32mey CachedAGP Dnnumg 7505 24 17" Nmebe Win 98 Keyhwd, NeNouse Happy Drive, Nanwrk Gud Windows XPwith Manual 16" 300w Tower Cosa 160w Spwkow
pq i.GG Ha
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Sgggmh Rsaans: • Nnxtw GQG7200rpw Ndjek...... . . . . $HI
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• NEC KO 1550 15" flat Buml ....... %$$ • Sememe 955DF19" Hai Swoon..... $178 • ~ 4606 4megDDRitGP ......$$8 • Geywwd 42jm Igemeg OOR. ... $1$$ • logitech Wehmm3000 Pm w/Nic ... $12$ • Upguuh io Samal Bleehe Amggy...... 38$
4317 gkumsv Sl. Vsacsmm, S.C. IISS 4$4 Non-Fri 10:30 am - 600 yma Sel 1000 am -4%I ym
$8 AUGUST zoot net COMPUTERanptu KBxnou aaewcaaadacompaieccom
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l n e l Te r m i n a t o r P C
I nte l P 4 W o r k s t a t i o n I ntel P 4 P o w e r S t a t i o n
Intel celemn I. I GHz processor
Inlet Pentium 4 - 1.6A S478 (512K) ECS P4 UATA100 S47S board 256MB SDRAM PC-133 mentary I A4MB floppy dnve 20GS DATA-100 5400rPm On-boanl 3D graphics acceleralor
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Asus TUSI-M ATA100 Socket 370
256MB SDRAM PC-133 memory IA4MO nappy driv e 20GB DATA-IOO 5400/p
On4oard 3D graphics accelerator On-board 3D sound 52X CD-ROMdrive
16OWSM~ PCspeakem
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1.44MB floppy drive 40GB DATA-133 7200rom AT I Xpmt 2000 Pro AG P 32MB OEM
litle/riel keiiboa/d / scrog I//ouse
10/100 Ethernet adapter
A M D S t a r t e r Sy s t e m
A lbion X P Pe rf o r m e r
AMD Duron 1.3GHz processor Shuule MK20 Scmket A motherimard
AMD Athlon xp.l ego+ processor
256MB SDRAM PC-133 memo/y
1.44MB floppy drive 20GB DATA-133 5400rpm hard dmie
Onrixmni 3D graphics accelerator Onrima/d 3D Sound 52X CD. ROMdnve
160WStereo PC speakem
17 ATX lewer cess w/ 300W
Inte rnet keyboard /scrog mouse 10/100 Ethernet
AMD Albion XP-1900+ Processor Gigabyle 7VRX+ ATA133 USB 2.0 256MB DDR PC2100memo/7 1.44MB floppy drive 60GB DATA-133 7200rpm GeForce4 MX440 64MB ODR TVAyut On-bluud 3D sound
1.44MB floppy drive On.basal 3D sound 52X CD. ROM dmie 160W Stereo PC speakers 17 ATx lower case w/ 300w Windows keyboanl/ scrog mouse
52X CD-ROM dmie
AllecLansing AVS300 speakem 17" ATX tower case w/ 300W
Lfteriyn 32x12x40 CDIIW...- $8 5
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i W C 52X / 56X internal IDE CDROM drive.....,..-....,.....zsrlc
Compacl Flash 61/128/256MS.......................A3/74/Ilo
sonyszx oiiomal IDE ctoncm erivo.........................zs 24/vson mouse p82 or 058.. ~/ Pion eer ISXOVORCM diiiie"..'.."8'3/47iae
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Memory Blowout ! t 20GB auoo/7200... .......$SSrtOg 128MB SDRAM PC-I 33.......$38 40GB 540477200............3$2/98
= m" -
256MB SDRAM PC-133.......$68 60GB 5400//200.... & 126/129 512M 6 SDRAM PC-133.....$129 80GB 5400//200........$136/I 39 128MB DDR PC-2100...........$39 120GB 5400/72M.... ..$225/229 256M 8 DDR PC-2100...........$80 160GB 5400......... . .......AOIKI 128MB Rambus SOOMHz...$73 255MB Rambus 800MHz.$130
F 4 IOpen
~ 120 II.
On.board 3D sound Pioneer16X DVD-ROM drive Ause Lansing AVS500 speaker~ 16" ATX ease w/ 300W & USB Logitechkeyboard & op5cal mouse 10/100 Egiemel
Samsung753DF 17".20dpnatscraenmonito/....................................$240 KDS VS-190 t 9"aydp 1600x1200 SVGA monitor...............................$310 Samsung 965DF 19".24dp 1600x1200 flat-screen monitor.............$373 NEC 1550V 15 LCD paneL.................................................................$629 Intel Play Me 2 Webcam USB retml box w/ software.............................$23 Mustek 1200CU color flat-bed scanner 600x1200dpi............................$59 CanonBJC 2130 color ink)et printer......................................................$70 canon 3200 color inkjet printe (after rebate)..........................................$79 upgrade to AOpen Cordless internet keyboard / mouse.......................$39 upgradeto Logitech Cord)ass Freedom Optical bund(8.....................$110 MAX MP3/CD player (iimited quangges)...................................................$65
L G 32XIOX40 CDIIW Lit»on 40x12x4$CDRW...-.$$5 LG 40x12x40 CDROc-. $115 Pleirior 40x12x40 CDRW....-.ntgg Liteon 4$x12x48CDIZW. $125 LG12XCDWN/6XDVD pana4onlc 34x10s40.-.........-$95 aoxlo Ez-co creator 5lk. ..slo Plaster 24xl ox40 USS 2.IL....S279 Vsmaha 24x10x40 CDRW..-....SI 5$ Sony 24x10x40 CDRW...... .AOS
Intel Penlium 4 - 2.0A S478 (512K) Asus P4T 533MHz USS 2.0 256MB Rambus PCMO mammy 1.44MB nappy dmie 60GB UATA133 7200/pm GeForce411420064M DDR DVI
4 M D 4 th l o n X - G a m e r
40GB DATA-133 7200rPm GeForce2 MX 400 64MB accelerator
g mmDmS I G 24x10xsg CDRW...—.— Sfo
Intel Penhum 4 - I .SA (512K) S47S MSI 6547 P4 Ultra 333 S478 bomd 256MS DDR PC-2100 memory I AAMB noppy drive 40GB UATA133 7200/pm GeForce4 MX44084MB DDR Onrimsrd 3D sound 52X CD-ROM dmre
180W Stereo PC speaker 18 ATX ease w/300W Logltech ksyboa/d & apl/car mouse
$61 9
ECS K7SSA UATA-100 Socket A board 256MB DDR PC-2100 memory
10/100 Ethernet
P 4 l l l t l m a t e X - G a m e r P 4 D re a m M a o h ln e
Aopen 1%160 PCI
Acpen 56x cD-RoMcuve...........AO t — ne S thmmt SrlaPW
Aopen 16X OVD.ROMdove..........63 ~
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»port ~ IOI08 ewxeh
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17" NEC A578/AS76FIFEyco+ SVGA............ 21%247/geo aamsvngMLI210(eooev)/ML125ouzccolii ..288/336 IT Ssmsung75OS/753DF//OCNF ...............~ iy VmwsmVc Eyopraysp/0757/ppyya .243/278885OSO IT Sony ~ .24AG SNCIW.............Azc/480 NSIOP/NS7OWNIzazl/0/38cu.„ss/I 2»215/378 Ir losm/mimeo/us ~ s v G Alecoxtzoo .....-..... 318 Canon E pson IZSWISOVP2448.... ............. .....185/Zmyaog Iir Viewoonic Esse/G90F/PF780.2................37%435I499 .
Ig' samovng ~ /scon e............t..818I375/Rm Boisrid Cards Loolocn consozs Movoeimm Optical........................8o 15'sony 0410R/G4zos .24dp sal screen...........575/Ms e motive Enomul pcl / ~ pcl Is a . ......zy/zs Icioocil wheel iiiouoo / optical whoa/ roovoe... samsung Iiaop+ 21 / IzcoNF zz ..........,.......7zs/Ioso oressvo 68 Live Live vo/ue 5 \ / Avisgy oaM.....AW!ly Mvvoeo/I inieamovoe opoooi / Explorer .............Az/os vmwonrvazzo 21'zs / p2soF zrzsep.............775/sss ss Aociia Mp3 / xo a mor / ploilnvm......lssilss/26s Lco Nac Issov-17ccv-Islog Ioozo o imioussosliylzlo speakws Ilaw/zsow/scow w/ sucwooter.......wro/84 LCDamnsvng 1518/171 W1817/IMT.....syssnc/146S/I gas Aliec Lansing Av5285/Av3308/Avasco...........24/45/85 Lcovlewsonm la vE15cM/valse, . „, sssisls Asecl.anung Ayps/ATFA sm poue... ..........„„ ,es/Iay ssx vgo pcl fmi Acpmissx v so software / hanhrare fax moses....zi/oo LCO Vlevmonlc17"VE7OO /VG7oc..................ees/ress Vsmaha V8744101/ MS201/ Mlc...................32/5IV63
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AsusTuvlx/I'uv4x w/ ooilo mro .................Nz/Izo Avuo R/size / Tuslz w/ aude sz/e............lzg/Iss
SNSOGO UATAIOO Socerpm. ........................, ...12IVI 36 Asus A75333 /A7V284E / ATV333 mom o...Isa/ITZ/177 120/ISOOO UATAI33 54gcrPm..........................2M/36C AsvsP48/ P46533/ p48533 srro rooa........ I swiss/zzo ZO/4CGS UATAI33 721»rPm................................l aa/I CO EC8 XTSSA/ K7SEM286 o/IAN soum 4 83
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Oatnk bwL.soopcl wmiewi oesrork adeplei.. .......\ vs tRdeo Damk OV/LAOOPCMCIA Wooleso nelwo» adapter....123 Deva Ol-71zp uaekmsIlubpo imlera amass pair/L..268 Unksys I/O/8.pmi caakvpsL Nosier.... .etvlc8/Ios sMO4-port coals/DSL Rooter w/pont owver................ \Is
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Logsech Deluxe/In/amer keytmard..... ............,2»25 Lopiech coil»iso Fiooeolii / Navoaior / pio. Io/ss/117 Mv Naivral Elite / Internal keyboard OEM.............38/27 MoInternal pro / Naivroi pro keyboard...,,..............45/es
)/ 8388 soiooi zmvmmo Imm....-85/Iso Epeon phmo 820loxvt280 ..........................Ioulcaws
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HP 6560/ 5%228 MSI GeFonm • 114480/4680 128MO DDR ........35$/45C Lovirisrk zzz/232lz43/253......................77/84/120/I zs TNT2 Mel 32MS PCI /TN72 M84 32MB AGP........izuzs Leans ra x78/ xe3 imve funmm ooioooo).............185/2zg nvlei e GeForce 3 MX 2OO 32M8/slMa.................aa/sc
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wwwrenodzmmpulelmm IHE coMPUTER Rtpfn 66 EDinoN AUGUSf 7002 $1
< HANDS O N w By the time you read this the L1810B will be in stores, with the same warranty. With a standard 2.3-cm silver bezel and lacking the height adjustment, pivot, and sv dvel of the premium L1800PK version, estimated street price is expected to be $1.499. Both models come in ivory and
Fhl,bright gomng atrordabln Continuedfrom page 40 preset colour settings, one biased towards the blue spectrum, and the other towards green. These presets snow tcwrs to calibrate the screen based on what they think looks correct. For such a large monitor, surprisingly little visual noise was apparent at full resolution on analogue, and none when connected digitally. Nor was there much difference in the images obtained from both the ATI and GeForce3 cards.
gg)Finnan L1800PK From: LGCanada, Size: 18.1inches Inputs: Digital/analogue Tilt -5 degrees,+30 degrees Swivel. 90degrees Extras:Pivot, adjustableheight Warranty: 3year (complete) Estimatedstreet price:51,599 This model sits on a wing-shaped base that can be includes an 8-cm height adjustment. Users can also change between landscape and portrait modes, making this display a good choice for multimedia professionals. It also has three USB ports in the rear of the base. A
black. LG is one of three manufacturers of LCDs; it's possible other models we tested contained LG panels.
SamsungSyncmastor 181T From:SamsungCanada, Size: 18.1inches Inputs:Analogue/digital Tilt: -5 degrees,+30 degrees Swivel: 355degrees Extras:Pivot, adjustableheight Warranty: 3years (complete) Estimatedstreet price: 51,599
NK MulgsyncLCEIIOSDE From.NECCanada, www,necca I.g-cm bezel surrounds the display. Another plus is the absence of any transformer in the middle of the power cord. A traditional PC power cord plugs into a traditional PC power cord input on the display. A 50Hz 220-volt supply cord was included. Pivot Pro and driver software are on CD, as is the Quick User's Guide. OSD controls are in the centre bottom, and are labeled and easy to decipher. The L1800PK sailed through the DisplayMate Obstacle Course digitally, but encountered severe noise at full resolution when hooked to the ATI analogue adapter.
Size: 18.1 inches
Inputs: Dualanalogue Tilt: -5 degrees,+30 degrees Swwet 270degrees Warranty: 3years (complete) Estimatedstreet puce: SU49
The latest 18-inch model kom Samsung has an attractive 1.8 cm, silver border. Tiny (2x18 mm), yet functional display adjustment buttons are on the bottom
centreof the paneL The compact black base adjusts4 cm vertically, and the display tilts forward and back The Samsung driver's maximum resolution is 1,280x1,024 at 60 Hz, but the
owerful Windows 2000eeb-hostin plansfrom only $34.95 amonth llo entra charge for in-depth technical support, hand-holding, and frtendttj people with a strong 7.
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Our model was beige (NEC company literature calls it white) but this unit is also available in black. The OSD controls are 7-mm buttons on the front bottom of the display that are easy to manipulate. The entire base swivels on a circular pad mounted on the bottom. While input is
analogue only, there are two of them. Test performance on the GeForce3 was excellent for an analogue-only monitor. However, on the ATI Rage we witnessed a lot of noise at full resolution â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which won't be an issue for most users. NEC includes a software bonus for those concerned about shrunken desktop icons when video resolution is at the highest setting. P ortrait D i splays LiquidView lets users scale icon size without affecting display resolution. While this unit doesn't have a pivoting base, Pivot software is included, probably for wall mounting. Also included are standard power (no bu)ky transformer) and video cables, and print and CD versions of the manual. NEC Mitsubishi is one of three manufacturers of LCDs; it's possible other models we tested contained NEC panels.
18IT seemed to enjoy the testing process. Without the drivers, we cranked up the resolution to 1,600xl,200. The results were a little stretched, though, like watching old movies on TV, where the characters appear taller and thinner. The manual and software CD includes Natural Color for calibrating hues and shades. While the bulky transformer is noticeably absent, the power cord is a three-opening type, similar to those seen on other appliances. Samsung is one of three manufactwers of LCDs; it's possible other models we tested contained Samsung panels.
TlX 9174 From: TIXCanada, www.uxca Size: 17inches Input Analogue Tilt -5 degrees,+15degrees Warranty: 3years (complete)
Estimatedstreet price: 51,039 TTX has been marketing monitors in Canada since 1985. Our 9174 version was beige with a large (6 ÂŤm) bezel. This model is also ofFered in black as a standard desktop monitor, and in open Continued on page44
P[( 33thht hg
.-.-, NOLAN ~®
17,$ ) 7
i '8,
o- 7
MHz fu zzy Logi c
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A printer that c keep up with you. E210 Laser~12 ppryt$299.00 ~
frame versions for use in kiosks. Resistive and capacitive touch screen versions are also available.
A user's guide and cables accompanied our sample. Five 13-mm buttons on the front bottom right are the OSD controls. Testing revealed some visual noise at full resolution, particularly on the older ATI adapter. We lowered the brightness and played with the contrast to get readable text on the ATI system. On the GeForce3 this noise dissipated as brightnesswas increased.
ViawsenicVX800 From:Vfewsonic, www.wewsoniccom Size:18.1inches inputs:Analogue/digital Tfk 45 degrees Warranty: 3year (complete) Price:USS929
-/ Ag of the robust features of an office laser printer now come with a stay-ath ome price! Built for value and reliability, the F210 mono laser has a straight JLT]EU~ through paper path which means virtually jam-free printing on a wide variety
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Our unit arrived with analogue, digital, and audio cables. The power cable is three-conductor type, with the transformer in the middle. A power cable for use in SOHz 220-volt countrieswas also induded, aswas a Quick Start Guide and software. A 4-cm silver bezel surrounds the display, with OSD controls measuring2x7 mm at the bottom centre. Built-in
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Continuedorr page50
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Ngttgn suites agoodupgrade for OSX Continuedfrom page 34 X before it told us to restart from the CD, although Norton Antivirus 8.0 did work well running in OS X. The included Retrospect Express 5.0 worked well in 05 X and was a welcome addition to the suite, but the Disk Warrior Recovery Edition was not very useful (probably wise as the fug version Disk Warrior is Norton's competition). We also noted instability in OS X with systemson which we installed the System Works suite. Symptoms ranged from Kernel Panics (the 05 X equivalent Blue Screen of Death)to not waking from sleep. In aN cases, removing the Symantec kernel extensi ons resolved the problems, but then we could not run Norton Utilities from the hard drive. We had no problem with Antivirus on any of our Mac test systems. The real problem with this suite is not that the productsare bad, just that they don't offer much for owners of previous versions. The SystemWorks 2.0 suite retails for $199 (there's a $50 rebate forowners of previous versions). However, considering
you will end up running the old version of Norton Utilities much of the time, it seems it would be betterto purchase just the Antivirus 8.0 upgrade, which is US$39.95, then add on, an upgrade to Retrospect Express 5.0 from Dantz (www.da nlz.corn)for US$19.95. This would allow you to run backups and Antivirus in 05 X,and when you need to do disk maintenance,justuse yourdis«of the previous version to run Norton Utilities 6.0. Hopefugy,Symantec ( wili improve the stability problems in Norton Utilities and give us a way to run the05 X appsfrom the CO in thenextversion.Unti l then,itseems there isno compegingreason forSystemWorks 1.0 users to upgrade. Upgrades to Norton Utilities 7.0 are U5$49.95,but ifyou already own version 6.0,we recommend hanging on to it and waiting until Norton UtiTities 8.0.
Norton lnismel Security 2.0 NortonInternet Security 2.0, much like it's sibling SystemWorks, is the first versionofthe package to be designed exclusively for 0 5 X . A nd, much l i ke SystemWorks there seems little reason to • • •
.;! Internet Security
Froin: Symsnrec,www.symanteccom Estimatedprice: SI59 (55Omail-in upgrade rebate) upgrade unless you are an 05 X user. The dis«does include a version of Internet Security 1.0 for users of 05 8 and 9, which might be useful if you are looking for the previous version but have found it's out of print. Internet Security 2.0 includes several pieces of software that are n o rmally s old s eparately: Antivirus 8.0, Personal Firewau 2.0, Norton Privacy Control. and Aladdin iClean. Antivirus 8.0 works welt, but as men-
T ela I 8 0 4 ) 3 2 3 -8 8 8 8 I 8 0 4 ) 3 2 3 -8 8 1 8 P eat I 8 0 4 ) 3 2 3 - 1 1 8 7 ~g m e lt s I n f o .3 1 b e o t sn o t o g y . o o s n 5 3DT Vinrona DFIVB. Vancnuvan BC. VS P 3 V S
nection with multiple machines. Hardware routers have fallen in price recentiy, with very good models available for less than $150, and as an added bonus they don' t take up CPU time or RAM on your computer. Personal Firewau worked well in our tests,butit'sworth noting thatOS X does Continuedon page62
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tionedin the SystemWorks review,you can only run it with 05 X. OS 8 or 9 users will be running Anuvirus 7.0 (the version you can run from the induded bootable CD). Norton Personal Firewag is a simple-touse software firewaN that protects users of cable or DSL from external attack over theInternet. If you connect via modem, it' s not as usefulbecause you get a new IP every time you dial up. As well, because you' re not connected around the dock, you' re system is less vulnerable to hacking. Personal Firewag is ideagy suited for one-computerhouseholdssince itdoesn't providethe NAT or DHCP functions hardware firewags provide. If you do have multiple machines in your home, a hardware firewag is a good investment since it will
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Geferm2 UX40C SCM
sso / Tss site /slee
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$1st Tiui
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i so/$0 Western Dumf i 2e/40/cc
ises $47$ ' $23$ iaso 517$ $27$
Fix/inc 150$
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SonyMst ft
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5aK Modem CVD Rom
5're Canon slee (neerReuse $55 canon ssoo is/t Rebate) sloe
xiiisikE21 e La un slee Le sam su no ML.f 4$0
Uso: t.aGA sso
T.OGA $120
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sls $25
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$31$ j Avdieeiesi AV512 $33$ $33$
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pn 1.GGA 512K cpu
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$57$ UsnU fsobiis Rack sl3S $lse Nsadphms + Mic.
Ightdd CBtn hmf/mtO tmcsm Mcrechone sto sxwb Rsm2$ axs Blank CCR 50 pcs32X $2C Wsb tnfnal Csin 250MB 2ip Dnve 250MBZiplksk
$25 Ssnuuncl.ce Rcppr str psnsscnic 1.44 Floppy sfs ~
Acpsn ACN3251oftsc Dxnk5NTX ttrteo Clink530TX ILvtso 5MC1 24eTX la/leo Bsso Ascwnd fe/foo ssso j,Linksrs ep Router SMC 4P Rosier $1$5G BMC SPRouter
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sns, $590 SemBURD 1515 t O24xyae@75Hz 02$7dci svr Warranty
t)$ $00 0 m m THE coMPUITR PAPER gcEDfft oh AUGUsT7002 67
Sony MD offers alternative to MP3 ferred; the audio is encoded on the MD like any other recording. The upshot is still the same, though: rather than waiting over an hour to transfer Massive Attack's Me~nine. I can get it done in
pression technology improved, or maybe we just got used to hearing compressed audio by way of a little something called MP3. Either way, the result is that the MiniDisc audio format has been quietly gaining in popularity, as it combines the best aspects of CDs (durability, random access) and MP3 players (rewritability, selective track deletion, small player, and media size) while adding a few of its own (track split/combination functions, permanent track reordering). Best of all, the media is stunningly cheap: a blank 80minute MD can be had for as little as $3, compared to $55 for the 64 MB SmartMedia card required to hold a little over an hour's worth of decent audio in many solid state MP3 players. MD recorders only suffered from one long-standing problem: while you could record from any audio source using an optical cable or a standard audio connecxion, you had to do so in real-time. That was just so, well, analogue. Sony's solution is Net MD, a method whereby audio is downloaded from a PC to a disc through a USB cable. Unlike an MP3 player, the actual file isn't trans-
By Etllfu TtngtSgnd t was 10 y ears ago that S ony launched the 7 cm magneto-optical MiniDisc (MD) format in Japan. In 1994, there were three brand-new MD products on the North American market: a portable music player/recorder, the MD Electronic Book, and the small MD Data removable media drive, all of which sold For around $800 each.
• •
,From:Sony, Requireirents: Windows98/2000/Me/XP Street price:5329 Much as I liked the idea of e-books,I thought the MD unit had too small a screen, and I didn't like the ATRAC 531 compressed audio on the MiniDisc recorder/player. My thought was that if any of these products would survive, it would be the MD Data drive, on«e the
price went dowm However, neither the MD Data drive or the MD e-book survived the year. But a curious thing happened with the MiniDisc as an audio format: the com-
37 minutes. That's not as fast as transfer-
ring to an MP3 player —thank the MD's slower write speed and the need to convert to ATRAC first — but it's definitely an improvement.
Recording in one of the two available MiniDisc long-play (MDLP) modes drops the total convert/record time down to just under 11 minutes, though some audio quality is sacrificed. Sorry, let me back up a litic here: MDs can be recorded in one of three speeds: standard play (SP) and two longplay modes. LP2 and LP4 (not all MD players recognize the LP modes; trying to play an LP track on a non-MDLP unit just gives you silence). SP, LP2, and LP4 are 132Kbps, 105Kbps, and 66Kbps respectively, though those values aren' t really analogous to MP3 as they use a different algorithm. The part i cular Mini D isc player/recorder model that I received
was the MD Walkman MS-ZI, Sony's first sports modeL Naturally, it has the usual sports-Walkman waterproof coverings and anti-skip protection. But in terms of audio transfer functions, there' s no difference between the MS-Zt and the other MiniDisc players that use Net MD or MDLP. (Other models include the MZN707 at $399 and MZNI at $599.) The Sony models use two pieces of bundled software for audio transfer: OpenMG Jukebox 2.2 and Net MD Continued Gnpage 88
• •
Start Bid $1 - Save up to 70AI om Retail
b mm ran u n ntnmaa • D
Man em 31
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AT( eadem MOOEX(t »IM Vtem
AIPha IT" ATX Cmc 3(XIW lntcmct Kcyboa»L Stvu(l M(mm
$468. 0 0
4(HM Idx DVD Audtounboard Alm L z n AVS300 ~ Alpha (7 Case(»/fmni USE I
LogimchOpt(ca) Mouse
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Mi 2/stO>utrn/rw( /JW/ ctntu M»ndmkr vyd vgirr 5 vt n sia//at/mt s e e 11 1 1 41e is urm tl i see » e a se i/»ow»//sw»o c e ans»a 5/9 5 (2
111 1 1 1 11 ts I tw»n»
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HARD DRIVE R Storage Drive
IBM 40/Stumu(AG(7200/pnti 98/(35/139/239 htamun54(nrpm120/4WI 0/l(J/G 87/9$/219/37»
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*I»t KX7-l33/KX7-1(3Rmd for XP
15 9/18(
Jox AccrsanQ/44s Mit. umi
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Intr( P4(53!FSBilzsD4/Jsm Intel Pl(I SJOE/ I O ('clcmn I I/l.snl tn
Asi/S P4053(/P4$53'I for Ps
225/te il
ASUS P4T533 w/Laa (tc P4 ASUS A7933»AIS333 for XP
52x Sony/LCJAi u»n CORW with Ssut»a». A»pm 24x lux4062»lgs48 4(con 32x12s4W40xl2x4(t
Meit»K72Wipmt (V60/HDG
sesgalc Bsnscuds1720(hpmt 2w40G USB Hush drive 64M/(2(t/256M
9 3 /Ios
69 / LIS/2 5
Controller Cards
AMO Du/on 95WI I/I WI 3G
ATA I(XI IOE RAID Csnk Tckrsm/Pmmisc4S(I 19 ATA I J) IOE Canl. Prom»a 69 ATA(tt IOF.RAIDCanlsikcnlmsgc SS ATA(3'i IDE RAID Cant Pmnuw 13't Fncwnc. A77/Aver/Dlsnk/fckrsm 75 /&9/6%4( S CSI Adapt»r TWRsni 395U/395Lt w Js/ 7 6
I t»i t is» t'rti . (mwmr A MD Du/on I.W I I /I %1:IG AMD TB 95WI I/1.33/I a3 XP Imttultt(t(t/IWKI
I 9/I'9
PCI 1/50 Adaptor Vcr(. I/Vcr L0
VIDEO Card HDSDeface( MX440 MMB IV Hopot Gsfc/ts4 MX428/440/a e
AopsnGefom4 IH200 VIVO AsusV7101 2(/I 0
(29 99/( 29/(89 275 135
Asus 98460Gefaces 12060 Paapcktm 55%599 Aft Aget wmkn Rsdson7500MhXOEM ) 259 Afl M.m wander Radeon(Km (28MIRstsi 8
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42 AJS (oh(sit Rxdmntou(114M SDR Dual bc»4 at
79 ATI (OEM)Rsdconlego MM DDII Dual, OVI All(OEM) Rsdscn7500 (28M DDRDnm DVI 7 25 Fess GF2 MX40064h76(M TV 56(68 Fess GFH 6(M DDR fv Mkci(OSXI40 8% 709 isaaskDf 4 li(200/SRHY4600 259/425/525 MSI Osf ace3 II200 128MODRVIVO 208 MSI Gsface464MMxcso.fviMX48(hv(HO 123/159 Msi Defame0 429%4400(Jm 28%375 PCI:Aft Xpenl28 IRWIN12 32M 73%5
WebCam R TV Adapter Logmuh Qu»LC»m Express Cress • WOE>m Pls»
ATI TV Wonder PCV(/SB oauon TV Tuner »uti mn ac PCI/USB
FAX/MODEMS 56K FsxM»Jcm Accr SSK I ssnodtm SV/PLM Hanhvac FssModcm. Estcmal I xshl skm AOpcnthxnl»mt
IH 21/36 $9/79
XP Ill(IO/1900GWKI/2((lo
( 8$ / 6(9/999
uon 15 uv/It/9/(19 Oam I/99/(09
165 D ( 5/265/315 OO/ 79/Ho/ (U5 85/ I ( N /109(139
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NETWORKING Esmnctcard: magcgoco4nk538
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vaans tagrachskate MH~
Cordsmlsfkaanl8 Mama ~ caetss Haik%a( 6Haute logaac(M 5
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LogitmWMS In(cunt Keyboard
Upural ScrollMuusc
MSI GF4 774XXI 128M Video Max(or 60G(7200iHanl dnvc Panssonic Fluppy Dnvc Snny 16x DVD SB Mvc 5.1 Sound Cad Altec Lanang A VS%)0 speaker
I'muvunic FiuppyDrive
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MSI6s47E Max 0 ~
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Power WerksStatton
/2 /IMB 51/R»m -> 2)OMB JV/Om
111 11 1 \ 1 • / worn » s
XP System
5%53 15/75
CD-ROM 'i59
L'CS L455M/LJSSMG for P4 93/109 PC'S PSSTMT fi» Pt w/video, amia. Isn 9( Ep • HKJAMKIA>RAID for XP 139/(95 I'igsn)tc HIR$3»HIPX/HIFXP l 29/ ( 7$/229 C»gshytc 7VTXE+/IVTXH+/7VRX (29/149/(38 Gigspro mth CPU. »Jm. »»»k lm. »»Jcm 1(5 m» « t t to stx/1 1 tsvs/ » I owe» 89 MS( KT3 Ultra/KT( Ultm-ARU 126/185 MSI SiS645DX Msx E (ar P4 139 shutth AVI I(ET fur Pt / swho I(9 Situ(dc MV4sks for P4 w/ i dio. sudm. LAN 9 8 VIA P4PA/P4PB fm F»nuum IV 139/169
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Inkjet Printers CB11» S200
ho(J» tmmmt
Canoe S300 He/urn LO»t»i i Fp»m C40/C6WCMI 67/119/225 los mark 223rd 35/FA5 Xtt in» tm»sm 49/89/125
Idkser Priate Ts Sam ung ML12$u/HIL l450
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6%83 Itt/9S
LG 24x lox40/12x loxso
Piss(or 40xl2x4(VYamshs 24xlth4(t
OVO/CDRW Ctmho LG 4 l2(ls
O VD iox LCJfu~ / 5
1 9 9/L19 99
Inmost Jwoaalm»
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5$/55 59
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15/IH 48 96/ ( 3 7(((7
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CASKS/Power Supply 4" euoksizcs»m tvr p3 0 p4 Bcigcishck ATX T»wcr (5" 2(OW/17"umW
sa r is
30/32 ATXTowci for Ps 17" /19"Gc" /27" 33/69/9%(99 ATXTo»cr f»r P4 17" wi(mm USB 38 Alummum Cmc IT'/I 8" (0$/169
ith USB. Flicwirc, sudiu psmups ex(rot 19" Ra:kmnunt Cw» 4U (PS curst 169 Power Supply (ur Pt; 25%)ODW 3(H15 1»v a Supply (ot P4.30%40%4$0W 36/7 5(99 Fawmm PS JOIP.VE(36SP-VF(FMAI 52 /7$
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9/1 29 N Dmans rackATA(33 I htagfan 17(25 KVMInltgggsa Snitch BmVsways 69f735 Push.tacanSubrhOm(snabhs) 2/4 ways 59/n CORRM(50pc)/CDRW(lepc) 22/(5 DVD.R(gpc)/28JNsk 36/I • 9 CPD Fan:OP56131C/CaaU 73$/l09
Rea wwwcsnsdscomputostom THE COMPUTERPAPER K EDITION AUGUST2002
dd 5 4 5 665 4 5 4 6 45 6 5 55 55 55 5 54 6 64 $ 6 55 55 5 5455 5 55 5 556 6 5 6 646 5 $655
fhth bright gattmgathnstabta
5 554$666$6 $ $ 6 5 5 6414555S6$4$166$6 4 5 46 5 56 5 5 5 6 4 6 $ 6 4 6 6 6
Continued from page dd speakers emitted a short beep tone when controls were pressed. Even at full volume. the speakers weren't very loud; probably a good thing when working in close proximity to folks with diferent listening tastes. A mute button at the far left of the OSD controls is handy when the telephone
5 555 5 4 $ $ d $ 6 6 6 45 5 5 5 5 55 55555646$446 5 5 56 6 $ 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 $ 6 $ $ 6 $ 5 5 544 66 64 5 55 55564464515 5 55 5 55 5 555 56 66 6$ 5 55 55 5 55 5 6 6 6 4 4 5 5 555 6 $ 6 $ 6 6 5 5 5 55 6 6 $ 4 5 $ 5 5 5 555 4 6 6 4 5 5 5 555 5 55 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 555 5 554 6 $ 5 5 5 5555 14 $5 5 6 5 555 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 64 5 $ 664 5 5 55 5 5 555 55 55 555661566$$ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 6 4 5 5 5 S5 5 6 6 $ $ 6 6 6 1 5 5555 64 5 55 5 55 55566 1 6$ 66$ 5 5 56 $ 555 5 55 5544 64 46 645 5 55 6 5 55 5555 44 $4 $$ 46 5555 5 5 5 5 5555 64 44 64 $ 5 5
Every time the unit came on, either on initial startup or from standby, it autoadjusted the display. This is a nice feature, unless you' re in a hwry. A small amount of visual noise at full resolution all but disappeared when connected digitally.
Editor' s
55566d4$6$$ 5 566$6656$ $ 55666646 56$6 5 56 $ 6 6 6 6 5 S 4 6 5 5 566664$5 5 56 6 5 55 5 56 6 6 $ 6 6 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 5555d$$46$6$ $ 5 5 5 56 $6 $66$d64465 5 5 5 5644
55 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 55 55 5555 55
6$ 4
friendly Feb h O Sting from 5$646$ 5 ' 56$55
5 5556 4 5 5554 5
55 55
5 555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 555 5 555 5 555 5 555 5 555
5 5 55 5 55 555 5 5 55 5 55 55 5 5 5 5 555 55 5 55 5 555 5 5 555 5 55 5
55 555 5
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We' re giving the Editor's Choice award to these two entries: both are 18-inch displays that gave excellent performance in testing. Pivot and swnrelaregreatadded features. We also are awarding two honourable mentions: at the same price point as the winners, the 19-inch KDS RAD9 serves up an extra inch of quality viewing space, but without a pivot feature. And we can' t overlook the 17-inch KDS RAD7c, which includes speakers for under $1,000. Q
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socKB470(E u)1505 Ple266Ills cHIPSET.300R,scw.AGP,us01 ATA-iso
5155 $2DS $66
50CKB 478 (Pl) ECSP65TMTSts 630ETCHIPEET; 2DIMM, 3KI, AQP SOCKET470 (P4) Ks P«BMS t845 CHIPSET,30IMM, 3PCI, AGP,ATA-100 5140 50CKB 470 (Pll GIGABYIEGA ll OXiS45 CHIPSEI. 3DIMM. 5PCI, AGPA11100 $122 50CKET470 IP41 GIGASYTEGA.SI RXtlhs CHIPSBi 30DR, SPCI, AGP.ATA-100 5143 SDCKEI 478 6'll Mu M3.6545 050 PR05 CHIPSB; «IIMM 4PCI AGP 5 195 50CKET41S IPl) Msl MS-636S.010 t649 BRPIB; 3DDR.SPCI. AQP.ATA-133 $175 50CKET470 (Pl) Msi 6563984130 Sls ULTIM CHiPSET;30DII, 5PCI AQP ATA-13 3 5135 50CKB 410 (Pl) 5HIIIRE MSSW 5 5 690 BRf5B; TODR,3PCI, AGP 5175 50CKET410 (Pll 5HUTRE AV41 10AP«066 CHIPSB. 20DR, SPCI.AGPATI • IN BSO 50CKETA(AMO)1BITKGTRMOAM0161 OIIPSET 40IMM,6PCI,AGP $145 50CKET 1 (AMD) ASUSA75133 3 5 145 CHIPSB, 30DR 5PCi,AQP 5175 SINNEDA )AMO)1605 ATVTSS-EVIA i(T266A CHIPsfu 3DDR.SKI, AGP, AFA-foo 5N¹ EDCKET*(AMO)GISAGYTEGA.TOK AuutetCHIPEET:3DDR,SKI 1GP $122 50CKB A (AMO)MSI KI3 ULTIM VIAKI3 33 CHIFB ETI3D DR5PCI, AGP 5113 50IXB 1 (AMO) Msl Ms-6390 VIAKM2$6 CHIPEET, EOIMN, 3PCI,AGP,ATA.133 5130
0 It N K
17' NEC
IF 5AIMUNG 7505 $2'lf
I1' 5AMSUHG '155DF $302
11' SQHY
AMD AIHLDNXP 50CKB 44 2 5978 AMD ATHIONIIP22NREIAIL SQX 5360 NIELI'4 2.4NIU 533Mt'1 $ $99 Mfu ITHIDNKP 210D RBMLSDX B 9 5 HIEL94 2.3NHt 533MI 4 $37D AMD AMION XP2CCO RfIAIL 801 5248 NELPl 2.4GHI «¹MHt $5«t AMD IMION XP IWN XBAILBQX 5268 NIEL P42.2GHI «¹MHt $359 AND IITHIONKPINORFIAILBOX 51N RIELI'4 2.0QHt 40DMHt 5288 IM DIONDNXP 17DDRf)AIL BOX 5145 HIE( IHLXWHt «XNlit 5166 AMD HIUNDERGIIID Kt 50CKB 6211 HIK P4 L6GHt H¹MHI AMD B I • 2seMHT/MOMH1 5135(5tsl NBL P4 I 1611 tuutlt 521O AMD Kt I 3 EESMHt 5us WEL P4 1.6GHT4N¹ht 5205 AMD Kt 1.1 20DMHT 51D5 NIELCELERQH SOCKET• 70 AM0 DURONSOCKEI 1 «TELCELEROH1 auut i281 CACHE 5170 1MD 0010« 1.30th OEVI 595 RIEL CELERON1.7GH1 128k CACHt $135 AMBDURON1.2GFHOEM $75 AMGOURONUQNT Oful $66 Alul OUROHI.OGltt OEM $63
19' HEC 1CCIBYHC9D l316
LCD 15' HK
950P t3¹
LCD 17' 5AMSUNG 1715
$265 IBM «1007200RPM2MB 5445 IBM 6008 7200RPM2MO $940 IGM 6DGB720NPM 2MO
$106 $121 $1 • I
59¹BQI siaoltios WAGATE200072000PM2MB 5105 MAKIOR 90GG54007720NFM st 2¹5130 5EAGATE«60 12000PM 2MG 5108 MAXIOR BDGO 5«XVTWOXPM 5151)5155 SEAGATE6068 7100RPM TMG $136 MAXIOR 110GS54NIIZKNPM 5230/CALL MAGITE 0060 7200RPM2MG 5 160 MAKWK 1«IGS eoÃ/72«IIIPM $310/CALL WISIE60 DIGITAL20GG77000PM 2MS 5103 WE51ERNDIGITAL «60 '120NFM T MS 511 4 WE5IERNDIGNAL 60GB 720NPM tul 5110 WBIERN DIGNAL 0060 T2NRPM 2(9MS SIWI)$113 Wfsl¹ul DNNAL tllGG 720NPM 211MG 5233/$265 WF51EIINDIGITAI 'toGB TTNRPM 2(8ul 1273)5326
05CPS 5199
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565 ST9
SM $76
399 $ 1 71 SITT $16 551
tls 555
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t235 500
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$49 Bl $39 $42 $41
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Il' 5¹luu HB
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HIEL 945DCKET 411 HIEL 742xsstu 533MHt
ADPENGETOXCfl MXI60 DIM B DDR $166 ANAIW RADEDN7500 64MB ODRAGP $259 AOIQNGEFORCB T7410D128MBBDR5260 AN AIW IMDEON8foot¹ 64MS DDRAGP5389 Asus MAGICGEFORCE2 MX200 32MG $70 AN RADEDH7500 DIMG 30AAGP 599 luus QEFOA CEl Ti4200 1 HIMG $ 3 1 5 l s RAOEOH 7500 DIM GDDRAGP $175 HSI QEFO RCE4 MX4706IMB $106 ANRADEQH0500126MGOORAGP 5279 ¹51 GENHtCE4MX440.1 64MG 5140 ATI RADEOR05006 I ESMG Doft ASP $225 17 WEWSOHIC 161 GEButCE4MXffo-VIP 8NHB $190 E70 MslGEFIMCE4644N-160 120MG 5360 RCE4 T4800-VIO 120MG $4$5 $235 Mst GEFO
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wttwfen odscom ptses corn THE CQ MFLITERPAPER BcE(x)tc)N AUGUET2002 H
CD recorder puts end to 'mystery' discs
' vaiiii
, From:yamaha CanadaMusic, wwwyamabaca/Fy'
in capac)ty is variable, and depends on how much of the disc surface you use for graphics. Generally, you would put your graphics on the outer portion of the CD, leaving the inner rings for data. Another minor detraction is that the image is only visible from the lower surface —the one you don't normally seeso users have to flip it over to see the graphics. The image shows up best on Azo-coated (dark blue) discs. The effect is less visible on cyanin (light blue. light green. or light yellow) discs.and afi but invisible on gold-coloured discs.
Paces;5229(internaO. 5349(external USB2.0), 5599(external US82/FireWire)
Drive feafttres
Iy Oavid Tanaka f you' re tired of using felt-tipped markers or those hard-to-print sticky labels to ID your custom CDs, check out Yamaha's latest CD-RW recorder, the CRW-F l. It has a utility called DiscTCa2
(tattoo. get it?) that etches text an d
images directly on the reflective mylar layer of a CD-R, creating a permanent record resembling a holographic image. i
Yamaha saysDisc TCa2 will allow companies to brand —and individuals to monogram —CDs by etching custom text and graphics directly onto the disc. The technology hasam ore mundane but practical use too, namely permanently recording a description of the disc's contents on its surface.
The cost of m o nogramming is reduced disc capacity. Any space Disc TCa2usesfor graphics and text is not be available for data, so the actual reduction 8
While the Disc TCa2 feature may be the splashiest aspect of this new product, the hardware also represents the latest in Yamaha technology. The rewriteable function has a rated speed of 24X, which Yamaha claims is 50 percent faster than the competition. The platter motor spins at 8,700 rpm. To dampen the vibrations that may be created by CD blankswhich, becausethey are mass produced, are not perfemly balanced— the recording assembly sits on a separate sub-platform that is isolated from the drive chas-
sis by dampers. The drive supports the Mt. Rainer CD-RW specification, originally proposed by Compaq, Microsoft, Philips, and Sony. The aim of Mt. Ranier is to make rewritable CDs as easy to use as floppies by providing support at the operating system level. Presently, a CDRW must first be formatted to a VDF format using a separate application. Given Yamaha's prominence in music, it stands to reason that it would apply some of that expertise to audio recording, and in fact the CRW-Fl includes what Yamaha calls Advanced Audio Master Quality Recording. To increase the capacity of a CD, recorders typically increase the density of the pits they burn onto the CD's recording surface by making them smaller and closer together. However,the read heads of some cheaper CD playback devices aren't precise enough to discriminate the finer pattern,
so can't play the CD, or exhibit playback errors (which is why a given CD may work in one playback device but not another). The Advanced Audio Master Quality Recording technology maxes out the bum areas,in effectmaking a bigger target that even cheapo playback devices would be able to discriminate. The net effect is a CD with slightly lower record capacity, but usability across a wider range of playback deviceswithout errors. To help reduce coaster production, the new drive comes with an 8 MS buffer and Safefiurn, which Yamaha sayseliminates buffer under-run errors. The CRW-Fl ships with a full version of Ahead Nero software for PCs (a favourite at TCP) and Adaptec Toast for Mac. The internal model will be available in late August. and the external models in September.D
.-,; Now serving: 75 Ds
age unit, fills in the database record, opens the corre ct tray, then prompts you to insert the CD. In the manual • s% method, you choose the tray and fi U in v• the database fields yourself. There is a check-out procedure, and any discyou've removed from the stor'hookedit up to a PC and loaded the CD age unit shows up in italicized type in library software, its usefulness in a the master CD list. Included with the number of situations became clearer. check-outsystem isa lending menu, so Like many others who have discovyou can keep track of your favourite ered the convenience of CD recording, musicCDs— you type in the name of the over the past couple of years, I' ve borrower and can assign a due date. CDs burned a few dozen CDsworth of phoon loan show up in blue type in the tos and data, which are haphazardly master list. labelled an d e qually h aphazardly When you return a disc to the cabistored. I could see how this unit could net, the software asksyou ifit matches helpme keep bettertrack of these. the database record,malong sure you re . I The CDOrganizer softwareis a dataputtingback the correct CD in the tray. baseaPPlication that offersa manualor Fmm kDS USA wwwkdscanads<4 This, of course, is the device's ultimate , automaticmethod of cataioguing CDs. Pike SI89 ~' weakness:the trays are just a passive With the automatic method, you put a informati ort and fi le structure, assigns storage system because the software CD in your computer's CD-ROM drive. hen the KDS PC Controlled CD Organizer arrived, we didn' t I I kno w quite what to make of it. A 75-CO sto rage unit is aiways usefuL buthaving each tray motorized seemed a fi ttle over the top. However, once we
complete job ofreading allofthecontent on the CD, which it shows in a Windows Explorer-style split window. It shows detailri ght down to the fi le leveL (You might even be tempted to double-cl ick on the file name to open it, but that would be futile since it is justa listing, not a shortcut to the file. Now, if i n t h e next revision, the
organizer software would prompt you to put the appropri ate CD in the CO drive — something image-cataloguing
programs already do — it would up the useful ness ofthe system considerably.g At $169, it seems pricey, but never theless the KDSCOO ' rganizer is turning '
The sofw tare reads the disc's header ~ st to the nextavai(ab)a tray at thestn~ r a s no way of verifying that the data
82 AUGUSTZ002 IHECOMPtntRPAPEa BCEOlnON wwwcanadacampuies.corn
base record matches the CD. Ifyou mis. file a CD, it won't catch the error. All it can dois prompt you beforehand. In auto mode,the software does a
out to be a useful gadget— even with
its limitations. y
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CW AMO Athkm XP2NO+ 256FSB N/D AcusA77333 NI333 3DOA AGPho NA133 lied w 'Samd NwasryGsnmicPC2700 512MS DOA
CW Intel P-4 2 OAGNx4NFEB P4 5 IRK S478 Xonhwoodltswil Saa N/8 Hsl 65665 8456 Nax 5478 533158 ZODAUSSR.Ow. Smnd gloppyPanmone 1.44 NB Ibgh Dsnety Neamr GenericPCZIN 256MS DDR Ihnl Ih Nmtor D740X-6L SOG 720$pm nappyRuesoau 1.44NB ngh Density CO-IIWSonyZdxl Ox40 lnt RIDEw/SW Nsr4 DrMedur D740X-6L ZOG 72Nrpm SOD Samsung IGX Int RIDE OEM OVD Dssamsang IGX Int SIDE OEN ndm Nsl G4MX440-7Geoece464MB TAdm NQ 64MX440.T6866I Garenn4 Casehaa h AluminmnPCN llrmm MX44664MBOal w,Tnbsamm FaaGensnc Nmm Chases Fan S Eg hhd ie w/SOOWNXSSee nateaehD-Link OFE-530tXS PCI I or 100 Nslemh OdiakSWOIom Rai PO 10'Na SpeahsrNec Lansing ATFd3 pcswrstari 5peahmAopen NS-610 3 pcsw/Sbw KslhumdMS Interest Keybasnl PS/2OEN Ksllaanl MS hssmetKsybemdPS2 OEM Meansloetoch28 ~ Oplc al NenesMS 28 Nbaslnrnm Opiied
CW AMD AgdanXPITNt 1.46th N/O Mumsnu K13 lam w A SVD NonaryCeneic PC21N 256MS DDR noisyPanaemc 1.44 MB IbghBeauty Nard Ih WDCAVIAR 5068 7200rpm CO-DW Sony24XIOX40 Int 6IDE w/SW ND aey MNDNIEZI ba SEw'o SW TidesNS GsRmsZMX4N 64MI SS AGP w tsdm on s Die SW CaseEglobsl 8008K 18' wr300W Fsasenwh OommChases Faa nebemhSmarilink 10/100 Shsrnsi PCI Spsaho SD-FXZ500W w/Subwoaler KnbumdNS unmet Ksybswd PsrgOEM NannaIagmchopialnhd USB
$~ 212
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3.2SHH WICart tyln cate I'4 roe/br laaw power empty
Side wnvdava Neon Sgtd
AMD Duron100Dr 1200/1300 OEN.OSS/86/112 Medor ROGB 5400/7200rpm ........ON /114 AND XP1600+il 46I/tyooe/I 476I OEN0136/148 Ne dor 4NB 2MB 54Nr 7200rpm ...OID2/112 baalCannon I26 I Bari .Olio Madar 6068 2MB 5400:7200rpm. .. $143/tee tout Poanum 4 I 66 1.86 Ai512Ki IBoxi N IR/175 N a der 8068 2HS 7200rPm ... . . . 016$ W O 20 40GB 720hpm . . . . . .... SIIS/125 W o INN ZMB 7200rpm...... . . . . . . .0268 NX 17" 300W/18" 300W ....... . . . . . S48/Sl WO 120G82M872ahpm ..... . . . . . .. . 0318 NX 16"300W P4:20" 420W Sack ... 054/ISO W O 120GB 6NS 7200rpm...... . . . . . . . . 0340 N aueiaam ZtyCasen Wedeaa550WEoeearN2$ Eadnl IT kydnmbc3$N P4 lvhw Sock mmON/6$ lbdt Lds Genanuum3. ,.... . ... 060 NoaeKongNahjoap bn Windows OEM .......020 AGCIT' 27 7ELR 1280xtoR4 .... . . . . . . 0165 icraeult Right Simulator 2002 Pndsssioaal.066 . Samsuag17"750S 27 1260xl024 ....O'R82.66 Nenapely Casue VsgasReturn...... " "... S17 Samsuag17"7530F 20 1280a1024 ......0142 Ibmy Ponar ead Ihe Seceurs Swae 046 Samaue ie 550e.26 1600xtRN ....... 0328 mmaanteo LordmackthorabRsvnags 0 3e .
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$72O MFC6800 Multifunction Lager Rat bad MFC
Compact Flesh 64M/ 128N/ 256N .. 040/77/161 PC2100256 ' 512NB DDA ..... . . . . . .066/126 PC270025S 512MB Dolt ..........065/16$ P CI33 256NB ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ........ N V
Abit Sdun/AopenGsFmce2MX200 32NB .070/71 AopenGeFmce2 MX400 64MS .......... 068 An li adeoa 7000 SDR 64MB OEM ......, 06 2 NI AD-i a WonderRsdeon7500 64MB IDet 0278 HSI64NK440 7 64MB iegst I ......... 0182 NslGFMK460-vt DDR 64MB i68631 .......0178 Nst GFII4400 VID DDR128MB 18871I .... 0363 NEIGTII200 ho VT12$ 128MB ODII ..... 0116 NSI HxuN i6826i 64NB SDRwn....,.. ..086 Nis GeFwce2 MX200 32N H6432M ... OSI'Sl
Acer 56K vgoPCIModes. .. . . . . . . . . . . .fi18 3tom3CS05CX-TKNN 10'100 PCINIC .....063 D-bak538TX PQ 'Smarda& 10'100 NIC SID/15 0-tmk Sos+8 Fet svnich ....... . . . . . . . . . 06$ L mksys SEFSA 4 Port liower.... . . . . . . . . ,0118 •
Arm 52a'56xrSsmemg 52x COROM 042/4$/42 14. Sememe Toshas IsxoVD .. Ses/78/85/70 Lri32xlox40 CDRW . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 082 •
S BLimi 5.1 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '053 Alioc lanengNPE 8 .. .. . . . . . . . . 066 ABer lmeeg 2100' 4100..... . . .. . $1 26/178
Is eubiea ta a icbiiiii. Fleece aeter us iw the laieei prices. We reserve the right io corrsd typogrsphnel errors.
wuwccrrcdccom prxcv corn THECOMPUTERRIPER GCEDITION AUGUST2002
Palm: the original groovy gadget ough Palm pretty much started the handheld category, and has dominated itever since, it has had some harder times lately: part of its enormous )market share has been eroded away by the PocketPC devices, as well as by other Palm-based handhelds made by companiesUke Handspring and Sony. With the intr oduction of two new Palm devices 'ncorporating a colour screen, Palm hopes o turn things around. Both the m130 and m515 units are based on previous designs in Palm's m series: the m130 adds a colour screen to
Oo i o 4
From Palminc, www.palm.corn Esbmaiedprices; 5649(m515), 5449(m T30)
the m125,as weg as updating the operat-
ing system from Palm OS 4.0 to 4.1. The m515 is an updated version of the thinner m500, adding a colour screen and updat'ng the OS to 4.1,but also bumping the internalmemory up from 8 MB to 16 MB. The new devices ship with a 65,536colour TFT screen, with a built-in backJUght in for better visibility. They also both come with built-in infrared ports and aLithium Ion battery that recharges
whenyou drop the handheld into the USB synchronization cradle. Both come w it h a Mu l tiMedia Card/Secure Digital expansion slot, allowing you to store data or run additional applications —there is a fairly extensive line of plug-and-play applications available on MMC/SD for the Palm, including a
games pack, e-books, dictionary/thesaurus, travel appbcations (road atlases, travel books), and translation software. The expansion slot can also be used for hardware,such as Palm's own Bluetooth card (US$129). The two devices differ in a few key ways.The most notabie is size,with the m130 checkingin at 12x7.9x2.3cm and 153 g,and the m515 at a more compact 11.4x7.9x1.3cm and 139 g. As stated above,the m515 has double the onboard memory of the m130, but it also comes with an upgradable flash ROM, allowing you to update the OS down the road.And while both have protective screen covers, the m130's flipsup and the m515's opens up like a book. Both come with a software bundle that includes:AvantGo Web Channel Manager, DatayizDocuments to Go,MGI PhotoSuite Mobile, and Palm Reader (for e-books). Out of the box. both are compatible with bothPC (Windows 98, 2000,Me, and XP) and Macintosh (OS 8.6 through 9.x).
Palm also offers a fullrange of accessories for the new handhelds, including a portable keyboard ($159), which folds up into a hardshell container only slightly biggerthan a Palm device.The company also offers a number of SD cards with appli cations pre-loaded, such as the games bundle ($50), one of the Travel Cards series ($60 each, including RandMcNall ey'satlas),oneofthe e-book seri es of cards ($50 to $60 each), the Language Translator card (English, French, Italian, German,and Spanish, aU for$60),the 8 MB Memory Backup card ($60) or the 16 MB Expansion card ($80). There's also a Bluetooth card, currently available from Palm's U.S. Web site for US$130, which aUows communication with the outside world through several Bluetooth-compati ble phones, and which comes with a driver for use with the HP Desk3et 955c printer.
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$6 AUGUsr 2002 THE coMpUTER NpER ac ETRRQN wwwrarwdammpuwsmm
Intel Pentium 4 1000asuxSystem
ECSP4SSADX333 AGPMotherboard 236MB Double Data Ram 40GB 7200rpm Hard Drive ATIRadeOn7000 DvslVideo,64MB TVoui
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Samsung 17"753DFFlat Monitor .20(H)
17" ATXTower Casew/300W P/5 Integrated IO/100Network 24xlox40 Int, CD-Rewriter
160WAmplified Speakers $ 999 PCI 3DStereo Sound opuoniiuokxokv$6KIALVokeModsm+$19
Intel Pentium 4 1900MHx System Asus P4S333 MWLAGPMotherboard 236MB Double Data Ram Maxtor 60GBUTA1337200rpm H.O.
nvidi aGeForce2MX400Video,64MB Samsung 17"733DFRat Monitor .20(H)
17" ATX300W Tower Case 24xlgx40 Int. CD-Rewriler LG I6X DVDDrive
10/100Network interface 30 PCIStereo Sound/ 160WSpeakers Windows98Keyboard/A428Mouse Opusnsi N orton Antiviiius 1002 + Q 9 Microsoft wirelessKeyboard a Mouse +$69 Canan $280 COIOrPrinter Iikc vckdci +$49
Intel P-4 1000MHB
Deluxe System AsusP4S333DDRAGPMotherboard
256MB Double Data Ram Maxtor 60GBUTA1337200rpm H.D. HerCuleS3DPraphet eIOXT 64MBvv/TV-D Samsung17" 733DFRat Monitor 20(H)
SyStemPpvs)ll • AMD Duron 850MHzCPU dey99 • ECS KTVTA3AGPM/8 • 256MB PC2100DDR 5828 • 24xlox40 Int. CDROMDrive sskvvmfvxv • 16x DVDDrive, 144MB FDD • 40GB UTA1337200rpm Hard Drive • nVidia TNT2AGPVideo, 32MB
• Samsung17"730SSVGAMonitor, 24(H) • WindowsKeyboard • 17" TowerCasew/P/S (9114) ~~ • 3D PCISound / 160W Spkis
MOnitOr Samsung17' 730$.20mm(HI S(99 Samsung I7 733OFlimmPB $233 Samsung rr' 708IFT2smmss Q4$ Samsung 19 9308.2lmm(H)$295 SamsungI9" 955 DF22svsdB Q73 SamsungIS" ISISLCDglvii SSSS S amsung u mS L( O $98 S NEC17"AS78, .17mm Q89 N EC19 AS95F, lsmm $3 3$ NK 21 ASLZO , llmm(HI $719 NEc FE 708+/ FE738+ S269/333 N EC IS" ISSBV LC D $36 9 N K Ir i728MLCD $9 3 9
Panasonic1.44MBFloppy Drive 24xiox40CD-Rewriter 16X Int DVD Drive
• A-4 28utton Mouse
>'6Scanner $1$99 BENQ 4MSBU $77
Pairs of 160WSpeakers Integrated 3DStereo Sound
17" ATX300W Tower Case Windows 98 Keyboard, A42-8 Mouse Canon 3200 Color Printer 36KInt Voice Fax Modem
Intel P4 1400MIIz
Top Performer
Asus P48 533DDRAGP Motherboard 512MB K2100DDR/Panasonic 1.44 FDD Maxtor 80GBUTA1337200rpm H.D. MSIGeporce4MX44064MSDDRw/IV sut 107-keyWin KB/2-Button Wheel Mouse AOpen 24xlox40 Int. CD-Rewriter 17" ATX300W Tower Case
LG 16XDVDDrive $1 799 SoundBlaster Stereo Sound Altec LansingAVS300 Subwfer Spkrs Samsung17"733Rat Monitor 20(H) Opusnsr Lsgi(schCardlsssFreedom Keyboard 8 Optical Mouse +Q09
3090-8888 Odlin Crescent,Richmond S.C.VBX 3ZB
Eicos 678U/ 1248U HP 1200C/4470C HP $478 / 3490
Epics I230U / Photo Epics isss Photo
Siss/22$ $99/2is $429/343 Siss/(93 QOS
Printer Bnshvi HL 1238Lxisi Brother HL1448D X
Q22 $433
A • •-
s •'
Intel Pentium 4 170 MHz SystemO~c. ) •
• ECSP4IBMSi843, 5478 Motherboard • 236MB PC133SORAM • Panasonic 1.44MB FDD
• Acer 52xCDROMDrive
• Maxtor 40G UTA I33 7200rpm HD •ATIRage128 ProAGP Video,32M B
• Samsung17"753DFFlat Monitor.20(H) • 3D PCISound Card, 160WSpeakers • 17" ATXTower Casew/300W P/S • 104-key Windows Keyboard • A-4 2-Button Mouse • 10/100 Network Interface
• Mcihsvbssnis • Fax(Modem •VGA Cmds ' Hsuslilg S Osis Systems
Aopon Nonnyl)/ Spoolelsz 15" lCDMonitor .... . . . . . S529 52X CDROMDrive ... . . . . .S59 10/100Ethernet Card..... . 417 56KInt Voice/FaxM odem ..S25 16X Int DVD Drive .... . . . .562 24x' Iox40 CDRW w/lestlink .Sys
Ha r d Drive , BadtupStorage M xxloi 28GS7288rpm SI8 2 M ax(or 40GB7280ipm $1 89 M xxlsi 68GB7100ip m SI3 5 M axloi 88GB7288ipm SI3 9 WD 48GB7208ip m SI I5 W D68/BSG87280ipm $139 /139 WD IOS/128GS7280ipm Qss/275 INsxici Um 2.8 48GSExL $193 MsxkvUSB 1.0 ilsGB Ect $423 Mixlci i(39440GBEx i QSS Msxioi ii394 60GBExl. $43$
0 Mothe*nard Ass Pxr SQvvuss 2034vtssdsslss
Aopcs 24xlsx48 coiiw S75 Aopvs 32xisx48CD-RW S 89 LG 24xisx48CO-RW Q9 LG 32xisx48CD.R W $89 Psnsssnic 24xlsx40CD4W $69 Plex(sr 40xi2x48CD-RW $273 MSI 32x(2x48CD-R W $89 M SI 48xi2X48 CD4( w SIS S CDRMedia SSpa. $23 ZIP Drive IBSMInt IDE $73 Z IP Drive 238M1st IDE SI 3 8 ZIPDrive 188MBExlvmxl USB SISS ZIP Drive 138MBExL Psisicl $199 ZIP Drive238MSExLUSS $239 ZIP DiSkiss/2MMB $ 16/23
Ass Pe3336vvussstmxcdv$273 KS K7SSA
W INodetn 36K Kl Vsicv/FsxV9 0 $12 Aevi 36KV98 Kl IsL Voice/Fax S23 Aevi 36K ISAV99 $63 Aevi 36KEXF.Vsicv/Fsx 59 7 USR$6KV98Isi. Kl (Wis) 539 U SR 36KV90 Ext fax SI6 3
O' Multimedia
B rother HL14$8Lsie i $54 5 Bislhvi Ht 1478N laser $ 7 4$ B vcdvvv HL ISSSlaser $8 4 5 $39 Siolhii HL 2460Lscsc $ 1469 Aevi 32XCDROM(hiv e Brother HL1468Ncivic SI 6 IS Cmskvs 52XCDROM Ddsc $49 Bio(hei MFC 4888 Lmsv $31$ LG /Aopsn ISX DVD Drive $62/63 Pioneer I6x DvDDriv e $73 BccxhcvMFC6888 Lsccv $663 Canon BK $288/ $388 SSS'/l23' $8 CcmpxVMsSoundCard SW $27 canon Brc $529/$7$0 $195/285 $8 (28PCIScvsd Car d CanonBIC$820/ $900 $469/533 SoundBlxilci Uvv Value 3.1 $49 Epvcs C40U $69 SoundStvxnv Avdigr MP3+ $89 Epics C68/ Cs s $1 29/123 SmmdatvslvcAvdgy PI46sum$28$ si9 HP 843/ 918CVR SI 32/I65 HccccdvvMuse03 ) HP 1228CX I $379 HccccdcvFcilixiims 8 (DEMI $33 HP Laivijvi 1080/1228 $363/769 Axxc LansingAvs 388vv/shvvf S49 SSS4 point w/Sbvvi $69 HP tsWjs( 2288, I9ppm SII23 Akcx AVS Pair ci 128WSpeakers SI2
Network Ascvsd 10/IOSNIC Diisk IS/ISSNIC SCDM 3(993 Is(el 10/ISONK
SIS $21
Video Card ATIRsdvoc7688,64MSDDR $82 All Radssn7580(E,64MBDDRSI82 AO Rsdvos8$88tf.64MB DDR $235 7S88. 64MSS263
• Mssiicvs • C0420MIDVD/CD.NW • Miss 0 Keyboards • Nsbvsckbvg NIC S Hub • Speakers & Sound Cards
' •
MSI 656151574$ Ultra Motherboard 2$6MS Klloo DDR 40GR7200rpm Hard Drive
Ihvodisprsphet400OXTVideoiduaw/Ivcxd Panasonic1.44ua Floppy Drive 1074eyWinsK/8.A42 Suuon Nlouse Samsung 17 755DFRat Monitor.20(H) 11" ATXTower Casew/300W P/5
24xtox40 InternalCD-Rewri ter
ISX fntemal DVD Drive SD POStereo Sound gysgs 160WAmplified Stereo Speakers NM,MW,
rnsaCanon3100 Color Printer •
' i l
ASUSA7V333 AGPMotherboard 156MSK2700 Double Data RAM Maxtor 60GATAISS72081pm Hard Drive MSI Gsyorc84 MX440Video, Siua w/faut Panasonic 1.44INSRoppy Drive Samsung 11 153DFRat Monitor .20(H) 17" ATXTower Case w/300W P/5 14xtox40 Int CD-Revviaer 3O PCIStereo Sound
$1 199
Arl All.kvvvsdvcSSOSOV, 44MB $383
ISXtrrt. DVDDrive
MSIGcrcvcxsTviusk Ilmu pox QIS
Windows 98 Keyboard
A42 BuuonMouse
SDPicphci 4889Xi vv/IV 64MB$87
IBDWAmplified Stereo Speakers
SD Prophet Rl
'" ' $599
U r ade S eciai AMD Duron 9SOMH2CPU • 128MS SDRAM
QDI Q7LAGPMogvsrhcard
Built-in video Suih-inSound 17" AIXTowerCase
vvvvvv.cvcvvdvccmpvtvv.corn THECOMPUTER PAPER BC EDITION AUGUST 2002 ss
Wish you were here Tools to help you provide support remotely By EmruTownsend top me if you' ve heard something along this line over the phone before: "Ihave to reformat thisdocument so that it has a red frilly border. I'm using PowerGizmo 3.0. Could you tell me how?" Telephone support staff and consultants are no doubt nodding in recognition, as are those of you who've had to help out friends and family with little to go on but a mental picture and faith in the other person's communication skills. The best thing would be to go over there and demonstrate the procedure in person. (That's why smart IT support stafi' wear sneakers.) But that isn't always an option, leading to interesting exchanges like this one: "OK, down near the left corner there' s an icon that looks like a wrench. Click
on it."
"The toolbar disappeared."
"You clicked the screwdriver! I said the wrench!" "OK, I' ll click the wrench now." "tVait, you have to bring the toolbar bacl' firs..." "Hey, where did my work go?" Unless you have a f ondness for Tylenol, you can see why remote control sofiware is so attractive. Symantec's pcAnywhere and Laplink's LapLink Gold are the latest iterations of old standbys in PC fde transfer and remote control; th e r elative newcomers are
M icrosoft's Remote Desktop a n d Remote Assistance (both are part of the
Windows XP operating system) and Expertcity's Web-based GoToMyPC. AB of these do essentiafiy the same thing: they let you see and navigate another person's desktop directly on your computer — instead of hiking down to a different part of the building or trying to explain a complicated task over the phone. The look and fee) of the remote-control procedure, and even the terminology, is generally the same. The computer being controlled is called the host and the controlling computer is the client or, logically enough, the remote computer. The remote user sees the host desktop either in fullscreen or as a resizable window. Mouse movements and keyboard activity are passed to the host computer, Suaucusi2002 THE COMPuttn PAPER ac EDITION
though special key combinations like Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Tab, and anything involving the Windows keys has to be handled s pe«iaffy. F o r in stance, pcAnywhere asks if you want the keystrokes to go to the local or host computer, while GoToMyPC blocks them outright. but provides a menu option to activate the host's Task Manager. Otherwise, it's like being in front oF the computer yourself. ( However, t he remote user's control isn't necessarily absolute. By default, the person on the host computer can still do whatever they want, which can lead to some amusing onscreen antics if the two aren'1 careful.) AB of these programs also include the ability to chat between the two compui-
The devil is Iu Bte detuBs The biggest differences between these applications lie mostly in setup, Flexibility. and o ther i ncluded functions. LapLink and pcAnywhere are the two programs with t h e m ost features, including file transfer, voice chat, shared clipboards, the ability to reboot the host computer, and a plethora of connection options (modem, direct cable, networl', and Internet). They work the same way: run the program on the host computer, then run the program on the remote computer to connect.
identical in practical terms (even in its flaws: although you can customize the bit depth of the host desktop image to speed up screen updates, the image isn' t antialiased —making some of the text hard to read if the window isn't fullscreen). PcAnywhere's biggest advantage is its pricing scheme for one-time jobs: a 30-day licence can be had For peanuts (and fufiy refundable peanuts, at thatif you later decide to upgrade to the full package,you get the 30-day licence fee back). If you' re iust looking for remote control and don't need the other bells and whistles, you might consider Windows XP's Remote Desktop. Although it's free (it's part of XP Professional, though the remote computer only needs Terminal Services installed, available in any postWindows 95 Microsoft operating system), there is a price to pay: setup requires you to be familiar with setting up Web services. If you' re not, the convoluted online help makes you long for the old days of tree-killing paper manuals.
Return to the simple life R emote Assistance setup, part o f Windows XP (Home or Professional) is the exact opposite oF Remote Desktop's infuriating complexity. In fact, Remote Assistance was easily the simplest and quickest of the programs to get up and
Bothprograms also have security features such as encryption, customizable fi le-sharing rights, and keyboard and mouse locking. LapLink, the Methuselah of the group (it started life 13 years ago
running. Both parties set up a chat in iiVindows Messenger; the person on the
as a DOS file-transfer utility), comes out
acceptance and confi rmation from the
on top by induding a synchronizing utility, printer redirection, and the ability to con nect to or I'rom a computer that isn't running LapLink. LapLink has a pretty good balance between features and ease of setup. Although configuration «an be a little tedious, the various options are very straightforward. The manual is clearly written and diagrammed, though it doesn't teB you how to turn off the omnipresent online help (the big question mark on the toolbar kills the auto-
host, the remote user controls host.
matic popups). In comparison, pcAnywhere lags a little in features and ease of setup — there are just a few more hoops to jump through, and the manual isn't quite as user-friendly — but is otherwise almost
host computer chooses the Ask for Remote Assistance option, which sends an invitation to the remote user; upon
That's it. For quick and dirty connections it's hard to beat. The host desktop appears in a window (which, curiously, is anamorphic — if you resize it to a long, thin rectangle the desktop image is stretched like tafly) with a chat window on the left side. But again, there's a price to pay. Some things are too simplified: during a surprise disconnection Remote Assistance informed me that I should contact the person on the other end for more information. The trouble was, the person on the other end got the same message. Neither of us got any clue as to what happened. I also couldn't find any-
From. Lap tink, www laplink.curn
For. Windows95/9(yNT 4/200(yMe/N' Street price: 5l99 (up tu threecomputers}
From:SymantecCanada, For: Windows 95/9B/NT4/2000/Me/XP Btimatedstreet price: 5)49 (host only); 5249(host and remote); 529(30day kence) I
From:Espertdty,www.gotomypccnm For. W indows 95/98/NT4/2000/Me/KP Personalplan (l hnsl PC)Iee: 519,95/mo., 05514.95/mo. (paidannually). Corpor atepbnlee(perPC):524.95/mo., SI895/mo. (IO-19PCs) I
From: Mioosoh,wwwmiuosnltcom/windows Price:Induded with WindowsXP more satisfying to use, was GoToMyPC, a SVeb-based program. Afier signing up for an individual or corporate account, you download 4 small installer to the h ost computer, which puts a t i ny GoTohtyPC icon in your system tray. A remote user mn then log in to your account from any computer via the gotomypc.corn Web site, download a small application ( Windows, Mac, UNIX, and Linux remote users are afi welcome), and after providing the password they can take control of the host. GoToMyPC is very well thought out; I never once had to consult the PDF documentation. Better still, it doesn't sacrifice capability for i t s simplicity. It includes many of LapLink's Features, such as file transfer (though not as sophisticated), printer redirection, clipboard sharing, and lockout functions. Expertcity also uses AES 12$-bit encryption for afi data passing between its computers, and SSL encryption for its Web site. Another nice touch: the image of the host desktop is antialiased so well, my Microsoft Word screen was perfectly legible at 37 percent of its original size.
Ttmchoice is yours G enerally speaking, th e w orld o f remote-access software is consistent enough that you know what to expect, yet diverse enough that you «an make your choice based on which extra features suit your needs. One caveat: if possible, I would recommend testing these programs out on your systems. 2
thing to reassure me of Remote Assistance's security. Marginally less easy to instaB, but far
EmruTownsend (emruCopoboxcom) basedthe
sampledialogueat thebeginning ontrue events.
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w NEW 8 N O T A B L E w The new LifeBooks have a three-year limited warranty. The Lifegook 8-2610 has a suggested list price of S3,889,and $2,649forthe Lifenook P-1110. —TCPStaff
ketingstaffto manage large Web sites— a task that previously required the skills of
graphic designers and programmers.
Canrinuedfraui page36 Orchestr ator,which isused by some ofthe world's largest businesses, according to McAfee.The programs target companies withup to 250 employees. Active VirusScan Small Business EdiTion includes VirusScan for desktop protection, Netghield for file sewer protection, and ePolicy Orchestrator for advanced antiviruspohcy enforcement. The Active Virus Defense Small Business Edition is more comprehensive. In addition to VirusScan, Netghield, and ePolicy Orchestrator. it includes Groupghield for email servers and WebShield for Internet gateway protection. Pridng was not available at press time. — TCPStaff
Speedgiteessescontentmanagement North Vancouver, B.C.-based eBusiness Appbcati ons has launched a new service that it says will allow non-technical mar-
The service, Speedgite (, was developed to provide a more efflcient system of developing and maintaining corporat e Web sites. It automates many manual, behind-the-scenes processes, allowing non-technical staff to easily updatetext,add pages and insert images on corpor ate Web sites, says eBusiness
Applications. Targeted industries include: graphic design,high tech, and the outdoor and sportin g goods industri es.Companies can contacteBusiness Applications (604-9659267or a demo of the software. — TCPStaff
fuiflsuupgsudestouch~ p ortables Fuji tsu Canada (wwwtulirsu.ot/)has upgraded two of its touch-screen ultra-portable lines: the Lifegook 8 Series and the LifeBook P1000. The newest models in the 8 Series are powered by an 800 MHz Pentium III processor -M, which runs faster, cooler, and extends battery life. They have a 10.4-i nch XGA TFT touch-screen display
Coral previewsTablet PCapplication
withanti-refl ective coabng, and measure 25x21.5x4 cm (9.92x8.5x1.26 in.) and weigh 1.35 kg (3 lb.) with the installed lithium ion battery. The latest Lifenook P1000 is powered by a 733 MHz Crusoe TM5800 processor withLongRun power management. Models in this line measure 23x15.75x3.4 cm (9.1x6.2x1.36 in.) and weigh under 1 kg (2.2 lb.). They have an 8.9-inch wide-format XGA TFTtouch-screen display with anti-reflective coating. Both Lifegooks are single-spindle designs,butcome with an externalfl oppy drive (an optional CD-ROMdrive is available). Each has a built-in modem and choice of either integrated WiFi-compliant wirel ess LAN or 10/100 Base-Tx Ethernet connecti vity. Users have a choice of Windows XP Pro or 2000 Pro.
Corel Corp. (www.core).corn)demo'd a prototype fora new application it has deveioped for systems running Microsoft's Tablet PC platform, at TechXNY in June. Accordingto Corel,the software,caged Project Coiigo, is designed for workers in an enterprise setting who do most of their tasksaway from theirdesktops. In combination with a TabletPC device, the sofbvare will allow them to transform sketches into precise graphical images with annotations from multiple users, via a coliaborative woriiflow.The software can be navigated with pen-based interactions, or via mouse and keyboard. — TCPStoff
Appleaoluiresgmagic nmsic tools In early July, Apple (wwwappiecom) announced its acquisition of Emagic, a developerofprofessionalcomputer-based Continued anpage 92
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Maxlor 45% IDE Hard Drive 1OIIh/D4685
10/100 Ethernet LAN (0/8) AC'97 Sound Card (0/8) PS2 Keyboard 8 Mouse
240W Amplified Speakers
17 ATX 300W Tower Case (wl USB)
Panasonic 1.44 Floppy Drive Integrated Video (up lo 64MB) Max(or 4883 IDE Hard Drive 16xIM)4638
UP/ h e i
PS2 Keyboard 6 Mouse 240W Powered Speakers
call 105/109 139/159
32XCDV(aear Chfsmn4MX420648%wl lvrxri
10/100 Ethernet LAN (0/8)
On-Board Sound 0 PS2 Keyboard 5 Mouse 240W Power Speakers 17" ATX 300W CSA Approved Case
Aoe/ Acenhew 701 17
Samsung Syncmeste/7506 17 Samsung Sy/emeste/ 9508 19 Ssmsung1515 15" LCD NEC 1550V 15' LCD
199 229 319 579 585
PRINTHI semsung ML-I 210 Less/ pnhte/
125 210
MSI KT3 Ua/a KT333(w/ Aucho) MS/ KT3 ARU U/I/s 333 IDOR. USB 2 0)
129 105
169 199
MS I KT7PROZ V/AKT266 (OOR. w/ Aude) MSI 65476 (6/S545DX. DDR. 533FSB.w/ /bxbo)
129 155
LG24xCostw w/ SW Opbw/de Coutw 32xwl NERO SW(boxed) LG 16x DVD 4TOM
Snwlrnk 10/leg Ethernet PCI LAN Molmots V.90 56K Madam
(wl Tvuxd; Muls-Manitm Disp/ay) ATI Radean 7500LE 64MBOOR(wl Tvux/I) A7/ Radean 8500LE 120MB DDR
(wlTVux/6 tunas/IM Diseur) MSIBma G4MX440 64MBOOR(Vtvo:Dual VGA} MSI 8867 GNIX460 64MB OOR(VIVO:Duel VGA)
189 279 99 159 109 225 135
CPD (Processora) AMD Du/on 12/1.3 G (/elail) AMO XP (00/2000GI00 (ndail) Intel Cel 1231.3 FPGA2 Intel P4 1.6/1.8/2.0/22/2.4 (512K)
Q ®
MONITORS 35/69/1 49 45/65/159
NARD DRR}E8 STORAGE Moxie/40 G85400nxnl 7200/pm Maxlo/00 GB 7200 /pm /00 GB 7200 ipm
Max(or48857200tarn Hard Drive
17' ATX 300W CSA Approved Case
MEMHIV 128/256/512 MB PC133SDR 120/Zsr/5(2 MaPC2100 DOR 256/512 Ma PC2700
Asus P48533 i645G 533 FSB Mboard 258(}B FC2100OORW) Panasonic 1.44 Floppy Drive
GA-81LMT4 DDR266 i645GL 400FSB MB
C g(g
PS2 Keyboard & Mouse
105/I 19
I 69/250/309 115/125 219/259/280/359/599
SIRIND CARD 30 su/06y 0/ Fpx ph //Err/ Spears/0/IP/+ /p /ein
38 labs Eaixx /w/0///38./whar /YpxhhmEhIpxxd/
82 AUGUsT 2002 THE coMPUIERPAPER Bc EDGIDN wwwcnsdsccmputesmm
EZON/CS USB Webcam XP Campabb/e Log/techIhip/iel Hatband
Deice smart xp Internet Keybapd Akec Lannng AVS300W Miaasae Windows XPHome/P/a/sssional No/lon 2002
29 35 47
include a built-in software firewall as part of the UNIX underpinnings. There are also freeware/shareware utilities available on Version Tracker (www.v ersiontracker.corn/ macosy /)that allow you to setup and configure the built-in firewall, and it works just as well as Personal FirewalL We did have one issue with Personal FirewalL the default configuydeon prevented us from reading Web discussion boards running on the vBulletin server software. For some reason it filtered out aR the textin the posts,leaving only the date and the subject line. However, it is possible to correct this by changing some of the settings in the program. The user interface is very friendly and should be no problem for novices to learn quickly. The other piece of software included in the suite is Norton Privacy ControL which can be set up to alert you when any important information is being transmittedto the Internet fiom your computer. You input any information you want itto took for —such as credit card numbers or phone numbers —and it then scans all outgoingdata and alerts you ifany ofthe entri es you have made are found in the outgoing packets. Norton Privacy Control is a new feature,so there is no OS 8 or9 version. While we had no technical problems with the Internet Security suite we feel thatfor many people the best solution is a combination of Norton Antivirus 8.0 and either a hardware router or the built-in OS X fir ewalL The Internet Securi ty 2.0 is $159Canadian (upgmdes are $50 less.via mail-in rebate). Sinceyou must purchase a copy ofthe program for ea«h computer in your house, ifyou have two or more machines on a high-speed connection. a hardware router is actuaUy cheaper.Also,ifyou own previous versions of Antivirus, the upgrade to 8.0 is only US$39.95. The full version of Antivirus is $1 19. 0
Express yourself Sendyonr opinions, ideas, rants, and saves to
lettgrs .
00. Bush Ava.
$189 S amunne 763DF 17 920mm{N) Flat Monbtor $ 2 4 9 32X 8 0mtn SOFDO Blank CD $26 Maxtor 40/60/80G 7200rPm ATA133 $ 1 0 0 /130/190 LG 32x10x40 /LNeon 40x12x48 CDRW $89/$106 LG/Lyteon 16X DVD ROM $62 Snreeom PCMCSA 10M Ethernet $39 SMFerSSns 600x1200dPI 48hlt Scanner $70 18/100 PCI Networbt Card $14 GF2 MX400 64MB / M X 400 64M TV $69/$79
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no I~
32bdAudiol 10/100NIC 52XCOROMpt s $7 BVGAMon 17 300wATXTower Case
Ae pen MD230323/ 6 peeiatuz
Wmdows Ke I 28 Mouse / 1SOW Speskar
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Aaao XP 100OU CPU
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ECS L455MG au in one MB 250MB PC2100 OOR
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ZSNI PC2124 OOR 4CG r2(Kkp AT A133 IWUDw
I 4lus ncppyww Gclec92 Wt4W Seu V»w Ced 30 34»» . I wisp (etc
On board AC97 Sound 52XCOROM, KB,Mouse. Speakers
Ii Auc pccnc 3csw Tww caNt g
17 P4 2OOW' A7X rows'r Cas
P4 Catena! $»OIW
Il p u k~ s pc c kwk. Hecate kwo xptcwecwcmmwtcw w(N!wcfrI Nits
24• son . volvaeim s s s w43afsss
Nkke i~ Ka Vkmww PS/2 WWN kmw
lcop M wwac swe ASIDxmlssoessOIIvss 4
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NSI S5474 533FSO ScckUN74 ~ 2S4H PC2144 OOR • UG 72ekp ATA133 Hwl Dw GN 2 HX l cp sal V»W Ce(f
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I Wu Fewy C 52x coRGH
AC97 Sound. 10/100 NIC
wwmw mwwf Ks
52X CO-ROM.KB,Mouse,Speakers 17 300W ATX Power Supply
p4 1.7!lzwl.afLooHU svso/750/77WFSS
t hese l.'IMNOM» 0
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AII Cuatomtzed Systems em Available Pleaue Call for best solueon
Is that a GameBoy in your Palmp he idea behind software emulation is not new. Getting one computer to act like another has been common practice since the days of the IBM "plug compatible" Amdahl main-
frame systems of the early 1970s.
What is new is that emulators are becoming commonplace on handheld computers. It is now possible to emulate the operation of handheld games systems such as the Nintendo Game Boy or the Saga Game Gear on a Pocket PC or Palm-based handheld. In addition, you can play classic games written For the home computers of yesteryear with Apple u and Commodore 64 emulators written for handhelds. These emulators are designed to let you to take full advantage of the sound, colour and processing power of the latest handheld systems to play classic games. They are available from a wide variety of Web sites and come with cheeky names such as GnuBoy (which emulatesthe Gamegoy on a Pocket PC) or ComeBack 64. Emulators were given a rare oflicial boost late last year with the news that Synovial Inc's Virtual Game Gear software (which allows a Pocket PC to emu-
late a Saga Game Gear) would be bundled with the Compaq iPaq along with three classic Saga games. Unlike most emulators, this one is actually blessed by the company that is the target of the emulation. Synovial has a partnership with Sega and sells other Sega Game Gear titles for iPaq users from its Web site for $15 to $20 per three-game set.
Emulators were given a rare
official boost late last year withthe news that Synovial Inc's Virtual Game Gear software would be bundled with
theCompaq iPaq along with threeclassicSega games. This emulator works well, is relatively stable and provides iPaq users with three highly entertaining classic games. It' s hard to say, however, whether or not those games will prove attractive enough to get users to actually spend money
downloading further emulated games. Most emulators, however, have no such oflicial relationship with the products they are emulating and still exist in the more buccaneering "Wild West" parts of the Web. They tend to either be I
• •
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freeware or shareware —and can be prone to crashing or freezing up. They fall into two categories: those built by real aficionados of classic videogame and home computer systems (such as the Atari 2600, Commodore 64 or Apple II emulators) and those that exist solely to let people rip off games from existing current handheld games systems (such as the Nintendo GameBoy and GameBoy Advance emulators). If you just want to be able to play some of the old games you enjoyed in your youth, then the first breed of emulator will appeal to you — and you should have no problem finding sofiware, as a good deal of older sofiware is now in the public domain. There are lots ofcard games,chessgames,strategy and adventure games available on the Web that were originally written for the tems that Commodore 64 or Apple II, sys are technologically stone-aged compared to the power you find in the average handheld system of today. So when you run these games using an emulator on your handheld, they tend to perform weU and do not put any real strain on the resourcesofthe system. The latter category of emulator, however, is more resource intensive and of
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Ob I' oo 0 greater moral questionability. While you can find these emulators all over the Web. if you want to find copies of current GameBoy titles for use with them you will typically have to look for them on file and swapping services such as Morpheus. And you can be quite sure that these titles are not in the public domain and use of these downloaded copies does represent piracy. For most users, use of an emulator on the handheld computer is likely to be a bit of fun, and maybe a way to relive fond memories of all the games played on their first home computer. 0
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From:Microsolutions, Estimatedretail price:5399
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04 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPUTERTAPER ECEDIDON vam caoad acompol aa corn
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INSTR 1HI+ 84NfEfEPENf 44SI KTBSBW)na AND Main Board -266MB PC2706 DDR333 M -RVtD)A DeForced MX440 64MB + TVO -Panasonic 144MBFloppy Drive 4)ndum/d 47A133 Controller m ASGB ATA1 33 720DRP&6&lard Drive -16X DvthROM wf 4BX Cod)Did
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aMo XP1gQOP IWI KTSS«Duenna SlainScanl 512uspcwlooimkss
t/vsxk GrFOrcc4TI42ml tsue ODR
Rawwmu lndlB Rcppyarha
$6ISI I I 5I ' cure«sus/som mn
J m imm 4hemnlacsrscuuuccem
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CaChe 44 Fcchss mm'resvaa 6 6800 7200RPN HD .Ioywmnoyaccmswiwms 649X32XIOCDRW
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+ 5555m
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mm THECOMFU)tsFasts K 'EDIROH AUCU51 2002 05
Treo nicely integrates PDA, phone noting that it wasn't even the first to do so (previously, we have looked at Kyocera's SmartPhone series, which accomplished the same feat), but the remarkable thing about the Treo is its size and functionality. It is a fully-functional ceg phone/PDA that is as small as the smallest Visor or Palm units, and not a lot bigger than a cellular phone (something that couldn't be said for the bulky SmartPhone). In fact, the Treo even squeezes in a BlackBerry-like keyboard, so you don't have to learn Graffiti to make the Treo work. The Treo is a dual-band GSM/GPRS phone,operating on the 900 MHz and 1,900 MHz bands in North America (The Asian and European versions use 1.800 MHz instead of 1,900 MHz, which means if you' re traveling abroad, you wiU only be able to use the North American version on the lower-quality 900 MHz band.) Your identity is stored on a little SIM card, accessible through a little door on the back of the device— theadvantage of
By Stats Catmfftnrx ince it introduced the first Visor handheld, Handspring has been Palm's major competitor in the Palm-based handheld space, and has snatched up a fair portion of the market just on innovation: Handspring introduced the Springboard slot for hardware/soltware expansion, causing Palm to counter with Multimedia Card/Secure Digital expansion slots.
• Esl imatedpri ce:5850fesswithsennceplan) Handspring also introduced valueoriented models of the Visor, fordng Palm to introduce its own low-priced version. The Visor was also Mac-friendly right out of the box, and Palm had to do a bit of catch-up there, too. Now, Handspring has incorporated a cellular phone component into its new Palm-based device, the Treo. It's worth
4'egg/ Q-ink cartridges coming /././ For EpsON StylusC60~
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this card. which is required by the GSM/GPRS protocol, is that when you upgrade your cellular phone, you just move the card, instead of having to reprogram everything. So, how does it work? YVefi, the tiny keyboard is fairly easy to pick up if you have nimble thumbs, much like the BlackBerry (though it should be noted that this one has a slightly different layout for the non-alphabetic characters). The Treo defaults to phone mode. but you can get it into PDA mode fairly quickly using a control sequence on the keyboard, or by assigning one of the programmable keys. It also has a stylus, which you can use as you would with any other Palm. We received our Treo I' iom Rogers AT8rT Wireless, Handspring's exclusive serbrice partner in Canada At present, Handspring hasn't completed the software that allows the Treo to take full advantage of the Rogers GPRS network, which means the Treo does not yet have full Web functionality. What it does have is SMS massaging already built in, allowing you to exchange short emails with other subscribers or email addresses in the outside world. The key letter in SMS (short massaging servi«e) is that first S. Longer messages may be truncated or lost. Until full POP3 email is available for the Treo, it' s a good stopgap solution, though —and will reinForce the value of concision. Our biggest problem with the Treo is the battery life. Even though this model
$8 4 .99/en Bald~ nPSON SiaroaCorer II I IIS r 020 r 1000
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EPRO lyl INC (Vancouver) Tet: (00rt) 204-0888 Fax: (604) 214-0820 ¹ 233 - 13080 Camtao Rat(ra No.n Rd.) Rionmond, BC Wetx wwwxnink.corn a<nein stXBeprom.corn
88 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPUTERRIPER ac Hzllon wooaarodaromrnaaamm
radio component sucks ba«k battery power like any other cell phone, so you' ll want to make swe you recharge it when you' re not using it. It will be interesting to see how the battery life is affected when the colow-screen version debuts later this year (although we were told that because it employs a more efficient screen technology, battery life on the colour model will be as good if not better). As an organizer, the Treo acts like pretty much any other Palm PDA. It has 16 MB of onboard memory, uses Palm OS 3.5.2H, and comes with all the typical onboard software that version of the OS uses:phone book, memo pad,calculator, etc. The Treo can synchronize with your computer via the included USB
. ' Q / taarenNraw g nrror I-Nt~ < rrzr co sa QNariaCeeeer %8-Nra HOng
g~ r
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cable, and it's compatible. with both PC
(Windows 98, Me,and XP) and Mac (OS 8.5 and later) right out of the box.
As a phone, the Treo works just fine. It's a bit w ider than most cellular phones, but not so large that it becomes difficult to hold. You can dial using the small keys on the keyboard or using the on-screen dial pad, which features larger numbers. You can also set up a contact list and place calls by scrolling through your contact list with the jog dial on the side of the phone. If you'd prefer to leave the cover dosed while you talk, a handsfree headset is included in the box. It also has a speakerphone option. The bottom line: if you treat it as a cell phone and keep it charged at all times, the Treo is an excellent cell phone/PDA combination — and you won't have to carry both! Handspring has already announced a colourversion, the Treo 270, as wellas the Treo 90, which is based on Treo design but without the phone portion.Cl
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4 1.4
Add MS OEice XP SBE +$265
Ug 8~ a~ MOBSyylg gU~ • SIE<mm3ooauzahco ~
p45533(p4 53318bion) $163 P4<BMS<P4 xdr UA) $75 I 4T533/C/L(533<xboucuuLonpxVMM2(P4 ddr odr> 599 G LSI .&' II EASf $888' 4<..ALP'4 WWL) $119 We cony 8 cn 7 f 8 »no of ODI M/8! AT7MO»(KT333 AT7M ( KT333 I/A/R/U)$259 A / R/UI KX7333/R(KT333 >$159/179 IT7mox(P4 L/A/R/U) 5259
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Ag X
Logkoch/I/IS Opikol whoof mouse
w indowx xp p o +$239.
AM X )8004 729
ACT 17" 300W lower w/2nd fon 1 800 /1900/21004..$<179/$12<9/$<299 ECS K785A 8<8100 Molhorboord A CT 1 8' 375W unmrwr2nd fon PC2100 256Mb DDRAM GA TVRXP raid Uss2.0 818133 M/8 Foroo Gelorwril MX400 64Mb AGP PC2700 256Mb DDR RAM Moxior 40Gb 7200 818133 HD MS< GF4 MX440 64Mb AGP wov oui Ponooonir. 1.44Mb soppy dmr o Ma r <or IOG 7200/pm 818133 H.D Aopon52X CDROM dnvo Ponoconrc • 44 Mb soppy drive On board 3D stereo oound 16X DVDROM dnvn AMR 56K v.90 fox/modom Sound B>oxiorAudigy w ih firovnro Integrated 10/100m nolwork co/d PC I 56K v.90 (ox modem 3D stereo vpookoro wsh oub or 10/100m noiwwk card Windows PS2 keyboard Asoc Lonoin9 4 opookoro w/oub P82 wheel mouse Log koch/MSInfo rnof koyboo rd
Msx i or 20G 5400 sls lac a H
IOP)IORS.W/ndows ME+$149 ;windows 2000 pro+$23g; w irrdows xp home +$139, A@(864SFree Sian UP Rdaer C s bie'S hmh lnlemetsennCe I, Free InStalwticnra)IP!</8/42)
A78333(Si5745DDR)$109 P4XB.SA(P4X266Acho'I$109 I
AM 0uron 1100 499
ponoxonw 1.44Mb floppy drivo pxnoxoruc 1.44Mb soppy dnvo 16X DVDROM dnvo 52X CDROM drivo C-Modw 6 Channeloudm ch p Imcr Iniogroiod AC97 xknoo sound PCI 56K v 90 fox/modom AMR 56K v.gc fox/modom or 10/100M noiwork cord fniogroiodlo/100M no<work cord Akoc Lonolng 4 cpoukwo w/cub 3D Stereo speakers Logxoch/MS Inlomol K/8 WrndowxpS2 keyboard Logxoch/MS Ophcolwheel mouse PS2 wheel mouse
AC97 uloroo sound On boofd 10/'100 no<work co/d 3D opookwx with xubwoofor Aopon Windows PS2 koyboord PS2 wheel mouse
PS2 whool rrlouxo
Moxior 80G 7200 ou»133 HD
52X CDROMdnvo
Wlndowo PS2 koyboord
o r 2.0(NWR2.26G..$1199/1298 or 1. 2/1.3G..$525/$548 ACT 18' ATX 300W w/2nd (on ACT 17" ATX 300W w/2nd fon Aouc P48533 P4 moinbowd E CS AM D 818100 Molhorboord 762/00 OIRSSS256Mb DDRAM PC1 33 128Mb SORAM MSI GF4 MX440 64M AGP w/Iv ourIniogroiod 3D AGP
ACT 17" ATX 300W lower
23D Sio/Oo op8ok8»8
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•Sank' • 004tgM/gyg/CW8!ll
• Mica & Keyboanb ' Ns SsafdngNIC & tf<E) • SpsIkers 8 $0886 Cslds
AQnenNonthlv Sneefals:
A open 32X12xdSCDRW $ 8 5 AOPen 40X12X48CDRW $99 AopenGF4 MX440 64M $125 AopenGF4 TI4200 128M vivo$269 Aopen 10/100m NIC $13
Aopen 56K PCI fax/modem $25 Aopen 56K tSA fax/modem $69 Aopen 10M 8 port hub $39 AOPen 10/100 SWitch 5/BP $49/69 Aopen HBOOA tower w/300w $109
•• I • I •• 4 • •6 • • •• I • I• • • • • •• • • • 6 • • •I • •• • • • • • •• • \ • ww w ~
cx com THEcoMPUTER Ru>ER sc EDITI QN AUGUsT 2002 67
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fax : 6 0 4 7 31-1273
eneric Comp u te' r".e.'
• • mcn -cvt Stree- 89iaa cun Sl:ea - Scion
Intel Celeron 1.2GHz
Intel P4 1 . 7GHz
Pentium fil ATX Motherboard 128MB PC133 SDRAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 40GB EIDE Hard Drive gteet 52X CDROM Drive peek AGP 3D Video 0/8 PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/100 Base NIC 17" ATX Tower Case PS/2Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse
PCChips M025 ATX Motnerimard 256MB PC2100 DDR RAM 1A4MB Floppy Drive 40GB EIDE Hard Drive Beget t 52X CD-ROM Drive >Aue~ AGP 3D Video 0/8 PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/100 Base NIC 17 ATX Tower Case PS/2 Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse Power Ampleed Speakers
Power Amplified Speakers
M830SIS735 Motherboard 256MB PC2100 DDR RAM 1.44MB FIOPPy Drive g e i l et
40GB EIDEHard Drive g
52X CD-ROM Drive nIfidia TNT2 32MB Video Card PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/1 00 Base NIC 17 ATX Tower Case PS/2 Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse Pmver Amplified Speakers
Asus P46533 Motherboard 256MB PC2100 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 60GB i7200rpm) Hard Drive 32X1 OX40 CD-Rewnter nVium GF4 MX440 64MB V/C PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/100 Base NIC 17 Front USB ATX Tower Case PS/2 Internet Keyboard PS/2 Wheel Mouse Power Speakers w/Subwooler
AMD Athlon XP2000+
INS Windows XP Home /Pru arne
MSI KT3 Ultra Motherboard 256MB PC2100 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 60GB (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52X CD-ROM Drive n)rrdia GF2 MX400 64MB VIC PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/1 00 Base NIC 17 ATX Tower Case PS/2 Keyboard & Wheel Mouse Power Amplified Speakers
—$169 $109 ATI Rcdccn 7500 64MB D/H AMD Asus A7S333 SIS745 — $269 AMID Acus A7V333 KT333 USB 2.0 — $179 A TI AIW Rsdccn 7500 64MB Ahtn Asvs Azv333 nvvr tcvsrr usezc russ $219 ATI Rcdccu 8509LE 128MB u Tv — — -- $3oc $409 AMD PCCkipv M810 Video. Audio /I Lcn - $89 ATI AIW Rcdccn 85OODV64MB AMD ECS K7S5A I rCCSevrionvrsvatvv 589 A TI AIW Rcdvcn 85OODV I SMB — - $5 1 9 AMD Gigabyrc GA-7vRx KT333 Us82.0- $129 ATI Dv wonder Fircwirc Adapter ————- $65 AMD Gigcbyic GA-7VRXP Raid US82.0- $159 MSI Gcfcrcc2 MX400 64MB DDR — — — $99 $125 MSI GF3 Ti200 128MB DDR w/VIVO -- $209 AMD MSI KT3 Ultra KT333 AMD MSI KT3 ARU Raid USB 2,0 — - $169 MSI Gcrcrcc4 h1X440 64MB wirv — — $129 $169 MSI GCFCrCC4 MX440 64MS Oua v V/VO $159 P4 Asuc P4S533 SIS645DX P4 Acus P48533 i845E 533FSB US82.0 — $219 MSI GcFcrcc4 MX460 64MB w/VIVO — $159 P4 AcusP48533-EL Raid.US82.0. IEEE — $279 MSI Gcfcrcc4Ti4260 128MB w'V!VO — $279 P4 PCChipv M925 Viden. SOund ik Lan — $99 MSI GCFCrCC4Ti4480 128MB v ViVO — $375 $115 MSI GcFcrcca Ti4600 128MB w/VIVO — $489 P4 MSI 645 Ultra SIS645 $70 Ps MSI i845E htcx 533FSB USB2.0 — $ 139 nvidic GcFcrcc2 MX400 64MB P4 MSI6398E htax-LR Raid,US82.0,Lcn $199 $99/105 4008 54eunim 7200rpm -$125 ' 145 17" LG 700$ .27dp $195 6OGB/8008 7200rpm$249 IT' NEC AS75F .25dp Flst— $229 120GS 7200rpm- $33 17"NEC FE700+ .25dp 1280xl02 4 S25 9 I pcv efiCDR 700MB—$0.40 17" NEC FE75ev .2549 1600xl 200 — $ 3 3 9 Blank CDR 70OMB — $13 16 19" NEC AS95F .25dp Flat1600xl200 — $345 IOOMB ' 25OMB ZipDisk 19" NEC FE950v .2549 Fici 1792xl 344 — $449 17" Samsung 753DF .25dp Flat I 8081024 $35 530 19 Samiung 955DF 254P Fbi 1600x 1200 $369 LG, L. cOn 16 IDE DVD ROM $65 15" NEC 155OV SlimLCD $569 Pioneer Isv IDE DVD ROM $75 - -$1039 LG24810840lncCDRW IT' NEC 1720 LCD $69 - $89 LG / LiicOn 32xl fix40 Ini. CD-RW Epvcn C4OU / C60 Color Printer — — $65/ 129 LG 12xgx32 CD-RW St gx DVD Combo —$109 $109 Epvcn 1250 / 1250Pkoie Scanner — $145 / 189 LitcOn 40xl 2x48 CD-RW - $179v 60 Bi-Direct / IEEE Printer Cable — $ 4 / 10 Plcxtcr 40xlox4OA CD-RW $5 / Io Liicnn 48x12v48 CD-RW $129 66 USB Cable ' 150 Est A scfccv lvsvu iv cevil lsiccvcl
88 AUGUST 2002 ME COMPUTERmnsn K SORION wwwccrvrdaccmpuicsccm
adds USB 2.0 • wners of all but the latest in portable computers will not have a USB 2.0-compatibte port on their achines.That was the case when I was reviewing the Triple Play CD-RW drive on l)ny Sony VAIO notebook. Luckily,Ihad an opportunity to test Orange Micro's USB 2.0 Cardgus adapter, so I could get an
ideaofhow quickl y the CD burner copied datausing the new, fasterUSB spec.
picv 4 scvuu wv victim vl chulsv w/v Ilvivc
Intel P4 2.OGHz
MSI 645 Ultra Motherboard 256MB PC2100 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 40GB l7200rpm) Hard Drive 52X CDROM Drive nVidia GF2 MX400 64MBVIC PCI 30 Stereo Sound 0/8 10/1008ase NIC 17" ATX Tower Case PS/2Internet Keyboard PS/2 Wheel Mouse Power Amplilied Speakem
AMD Athlon XP1000+ AMD Athlon XP1000+ PC Chips M841 Motherboard 256MB PC2'100 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 40GB EIDE Hard Drive 52X CD-ROM Drive AGP 3D Video 0/8 PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 10/1 00 Base NIC 17 ATX Tower Case PS/2Keyboard & Wheel Mouse Power Amplifie Speakers
Intel P4 1 . 8GHz
Orange PC'tard
$145/$245 MS Glace XP SBE / Pro/cue
$239/ $489 udn~seheuefi taaeds?BIZ All stelellls smile With:
I rear Osfls snu 2 years lslmur warranty
ecial LoBiteeh
Coulisse Freedom $
Optical Keyboard & Mouse
$27/47 SB PCI 128 .r Live! DE 5.1 — $97 SB Amligy FucvvircSB Audig/ MP3 5.1 ' X41amcrs.l (Bcx) -$139 $269 se Avmgy plcimwu 5.1 IRcicili SB Audigr Platinum EX 5.1 I Retail) — $ 339 Crcauvc Inspire 53005.1 Speakers — — $129 creative Inspire 5700 Digital 5.1 Speakers $369 A liceLansing AVS300 w/Subwccrcr — — — $45 AliceLansing AVS500 w/Subwcc/cr — $65 $79 Alice Lansing ATP3 wiSubwcc/cr Altcc Lansing 2109 w/Subwccfcr — - —5119
from: OrangeMxio Inc„wwworangemicro.congt Suppons: Windows 98/Me/2000,MacOSX Price:USS79 The CardBusadapter is a Type II PC Card that sports four USB 2.0 connectors. Physical installation is as easy as sliding it into your PCCard slot, but getting it up and running proved more probiematic. Though itcomes with a CD quick start guide to installing drivers from the disc,
there are, in fact, no drivers on the disd Actual driver installation is from Orange Micro's Web site. This was discovered fol-' lowingmuch searching and head scratchiilg. •
$18 Crccuvc 56K Win Modem Acpcn 56K FcrvDam Modem $23 D-Link 53OTX PCI 10/100NIC $18 $35 Acpcn 8 Port Hub 108csc $85 D-Link 8 Pon Switch 10/IOOMbps $119 SMC Router 4 Port—$UN USR 8000v Router 4 Port — $5/10/15 RI-45 Cable 10 i 25/500
$15 1.44 Mh Floppy Drive Lcgiiccb QuickCcm Express USB — $49 $8/29 Vlm98 MS InicrnciKeyboard MS Optical Wkccl Mouse IRctail) $25 Lcgiicch Cordless Freedom KB/MS — — $75 Logitcch Cordless Freedom Pro Combo — $119 L cgiicch Freedom Optical Combo — $11 9 25OW I3OOW PowerSupply - $23 /30 $65 Encrmax 350W Dual Fan17" ATX Tower Case 250W$35 17" ATX From USB P4 300W S45
Ac cfccviv Inurn. ~
rvv c vcvisvv ci Ihvv fvvcvcvm cvlmv
i Once set up, however, the adapter worked as it should. One problem we encountered, though, is that it was not lhot swappable" as touted. A utility that ostensibly allows the removal and insertionofthe adapterwithout re-booting'did not work forus.Every attempt to remove the card froze the computer. New drivers, which are posted regularly on the company's Web site, will hopefully resolve this. . Unhappy too is the fact that the Orange gticro USB 2.0 CardBus requires its own AC adapter — although the potential power draw from four USB 2.o devices may make thata necessity.
'AMD Value' Duron 1.1G/12G I 1.3G ~ 449 l 459 /479 ECSK7SEM ATAISSAGPIXMB LG52XCOROM (lib DVD4Qg)
fsmstMAGPOSaaepsxSot lu lNHIC IAcgy3DSand 08 TuasmiPS2WindowsKeybesm TuswmiWheelMane 4Spsskws
XP Special '
LG52XCDROM(lgx Oi/D 4Qgi IN QNrpmATA1N Iurd Dwe 1?NBPC?1NNRRANI FOD Sm ges?gvdw 4b AGPShi tfftNHIC/ACSISsndGB TswmnWmkmsPS?Kefbosm Tnnwi WheelMane 4Spsskw
X P 'ISOO/1900 / 2 0 0 0 — 5799 I 0 4 5 / 8 7 5 MSIKT3Ultra KT333ATA133 AGP4X LG 52XCOROM IIslueFOO 25NB PD?IN ODRAIAN Ha/lor NG7286rpmATA133 HDD
1NWSeskws /30 Reel0/S ttrf Nuetusme gRead y/aOSL
iaaf Spe&r /30Swxd 0/6 WmhusKeybowda(Seel blanc
56KVSSFexModematg/300NIC SEWSpwker4Subww/er / Souod
P4 - 1.6G I 1.8G / 2.0G — 6 649 / 6 6 5 I 7 2 9 Penbwn4ATAlgg AGPIX ODRN LG52XCDROM(3?xCORW4$lg)
25NBPrn?laugnaau antupp t?$3?NAGpsx
1NW Sfushn/30 RmdDB WrdwsKe/txad 4W/wl Sane
lr TowerlP43NWPonerRap
101NHsbeksu CwltsaguM lr Twwape?IIWPcwel Sn/6/I
P4 Pro
P 4 - 1 .6 G / 1 .8 G / 2 . 8 G — NS 9 9 9 / 1 0 3 5 / 1 0 7 9
MSI65e7ES/SSISDXATA133533FSB 52XCOROM(OVOACORW Combo+$55) LG 52XCDROM /1AIHSFOD 43G7248rpmHDD/1.44MFOD 2% NBPG21N DORGAN 2$NS PC.2188DORA(AN NestorNIG7230rtw ATAIM HDD ATIRsdwnTSNNl 0th N4(IT Geface?NNS NS AGPIX tNW Spwkw/3DSoundGB SSKV.HI FaxIadsm er 181N MC 10/lul NICa 55KFMModem SNWSpasera ubnosler/Soual Wnkvn KeybssfdaWkeelMouse lntemelKeytxmd4Wheel Mnuse
Gushy/ eelRXPATA133 USB2.0 MS LG 52XCOROM(40x CDRW+$65) 236MSPC21osODAIAM /1AAM FDD 8SG7288rpm HDDf 10/108 NIC08 GelorceeSO(440 6QIS DDRTV4UT Creekve2400Speekel+ Subwuofer CieabvePCI-12$ SoundMlegraled MulbmediaIntemel KeybowdPS2 LogilechOplical MouseUSB8 PS2 17"Tower4 P4-30OWPower Supply
3374 1 aaao SD R
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uaa OrivoScm 7122M /2ueceI 512M
saloa5420D/saon l saooo
Duron 1.1Chz ECS Ky SEM v ideo / Lan / s 1 7" AT X T o w e r 25OW Power omssoliauo eolahau oilh aralnll ontn
C D R D M A oO ln a ILG I S o 7 5 2X ~ 3$ 7 5 4 0 I 5 3 0 4 5 4 0 Pt 7o 4 0 * 4 2 «4 0 C D RW — 522$ CDRW A o o 4 L G l Ln I MS 1
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vvnwcsnafamm/xxcscon THE coMPUTER PAPER ac EDITIQN AUGUsT 2002 60
Com puter PAPER S ol u t i o n s f o r S m a l l B u s i n e s s •
C o n n e c ti n g Ho m e 8 W o r k
Blended threats latest menace 'Oe ~
Virus vrriters and hackers team up to target sensitive data
cew oeeecelwae wlemel
By TomVhoefis
i fyfor
lended security threats are not entirely new to security watchers. Attacking a system from multiple fronts in a variety of ways is a tried and true tactic of experienced hackers and crackers. However, some of the latest blended security threats have a more sinister twist —the addition of malirious code. Anson Lee, product manager for Norton Internet Security with Symantec Corp. (w ww in S a nta Monica, Calif. says this malirious code is designed to quietly compromise a system, allowing someone to inflict more extensive damage later on or to steal valuable information without detection.
Nr. Forklift wins business makeover uringthe pastfew months, you may haveseen a posterin thismagazine advertising a s m all b usiness makeover competit ion, sponsored by Microsoft Canada andTheComputer Paper. We' re happy to announce the winner:Mr. ForkuftofConcord,Ont.Overthe nextfew months, we will be filing reports on the
ti on
progress of the makeover. i
Il Dial 1 llllemel eeet
o eeuewa
"The old virus und worm methodology caused downtime," Lee says. "But in terms of blended threats, we are seeing the worlds of the hacker and the virus writer coming together. They are creating viruses that can do a lot more than
your traditional viruses." In fact, some of the most dangerous and malicious codes starting to appear as part of these blended threats effectively cover their tracks. This is important to Continued onpage 72
Making inroads with Access queries he sole purpose of entering data into a database should be to someday get it out again. If you don' t expect to e xtract data, there's really no point in taking the time to put it i n. H owever, all t o o often the process of getting data out is Crornab queriescan allow you to easily parfum comharder than putting it in. plicated analysis of your data This month we' ll look at more advanced queries for getting informa- to Access, previous columns in this series, which ar e available online tion from an Access database. We' re (wwwCanudaComputes tom), will get you up assuming that you have some basic and running. Check out "First steps with Access skills and that you can create a Access," "Relations) databases" and. in table and enter data into it. If you' re new
70 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPUTER RTPER BC EOITION wwwcaoadacompulal.COm
particular, "Access data retrieval."
To follow the steps in this article, you'll need Access 97, 2000 or 2002.
We' re using Access 2002 bul you will get similar results using earlier versions of Access,although you may find some menu options and other choices are difierent.
Adam Columbus,owner of the 17-person operation, says he was surprised to hear Mr. Forklift was chosen, and looks forwardto the server hardware and software, which is part of the prize package. "I wasAankly tired of being my own network administrator," says Columbus, whoadds that hiscompany istoo smallto havea dedicated network person on staff. As a consequence, he says he has spent "whole days at a time" troubleshooting and maintaining his peer-to-peer LAN. And this is precisely where Microsoft thinks its Windows 2000 Small Business Server package will be able to help, says ScottJackson, Microsoft Canada's product manager for Small Business Server. "The smallbusiness owner wears many hats, "Jackson says,adding that reduring IT administration is one of the strengths of Small Business Server. "There are lots of administrative tasks structured through simple, wizard-driven screens." Mr Fork lift's peer-to-peer LAN consists of seven PCs— fi ve running Windows XP and two running Windows 98.The LAN is connectedto the Internetvia DSL router. The prize package includesserver hardware,plusthe SmaflBusinessServerpackage.Included in the package is Windows 2000 SmallBusiness Server, Exchange
Before youbegin
Server, Internet security and firewall
To follow the tutorial you will need some sample data. I' ll again use the data from the "First steps with Access" columnit's a simple table but has sufficient detail tn create a range of queries. If you already have this file, add the last Yer/No field to it (this is new). If you don't have it, take a minute to create a table called
applications, SQLServer, plus the services of aMicrosoft Certified Partner to assess and then installthe system.
Continued on page 72
"If I could just reduce my problems, that' swhat I really want," saysColumbus. Mr. Forklift is a private company that sells, rents, and services forkiifts. The
company operates primarily in Southern Ontario.
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ATX250W 15'/ IT/IP....,.....,........$87/Zo/45 ATX24"samerI ATZccw 15' Case......575/34 IaeavchCpvcsl CordshhXs 3Mouse... $1Zc LueccchCmdhhhXsylxmu 6 Mouse..........$80 Ms / Lucehc h cphusrwheelMuuxa.....szo/zz Losshchcaches I FxsrMouse.........„.Anvtc MeohoaIxihmalus+ Mamacombo.........$58 AOpanWin9eXOaWheel Mouse................$28 Ih.wincase...........Pla call arv'mrour wabhilv
Blendedthreats latest rttanace
Conri nuedfroni page 70
Because blended security threats can attack on multiple fronts and use malicious code, experts recommend that companiestakea number of approaches to tackling the problem. An antivirus program alone is no longer sufficient protection; it's now just a small part of an overall security plan that also includes an effective firewafi.
those looking to steal sensitive corporate information without tipping off anyone to exactly what they are doing. A malicious bit of code can be buried in what looks an email virus. By the time the email virus is shut down, the malicious code has planted itself in the system and started to send out the fdes and information that were the real target of the attack
"The folks that are out there creating these kinds of malicious codes are getting more sophisticated and that is manifesting itself in new kinds of code that can morph themselves each time they replicate or viruses that can have a different signature each time a copy is made," addsJamesTeel, director of security business management with 3Com (www3com.«om) in Salt Lake Gty, Utah. "We recently saw an email from a hackerwho guaranteed to write a virus thatwould have a unique and changing signature that would be non-detectable to most antivirus programs," he says. Ken Nishidera, product manager for IP se«uiity services with ATgiT Canada in Thornhill, Ont., says that one of the more disturbing things he has seen is how some of this code actively searches out other systems and servers undetected until it is too late. According to Nishidera, the early NIMBDA and Code Red virus attacks showed some of thesecharacteristics, "of being able to do such things as embed-
ding worms onto systems and «ode into Web servers and shared files that allowed other systems to become compromised."
But more i m portant than these two
components, according to security experts, is an intrusion dete«tion system that looks for operations or programs behaving in uncharacteristic ways. Some malicious code tries to remove speci6c kinds of files from a system or to activate speci6c programs so that an outside party can «onnect to a network. An efFective intrusion protection system along with a 6rewall will alert someone when it detects programs being activated without authorization and 6les being transferred to outside systems, or attempts to let an unauthorized outside system connect to a network In February, 3Com released its embedded lirewall solution that works with its IO/l 00 Secure network interface cards (NICs). Teel says the advantage of an embedded solution is that it bypasses one of the biggest problems with security: the operating system. Hackers and virus writers have proven systems that some of the latest are fified with security holes that they can exploit a number of ways, including using malicious code. An embedded hardware-based solution is lesslikely to be compromised by a hacker and therefore more secure
ope rating
because it does not rely on the operating system. In the future, Teel expects embedded firewalls will be a standard feature of systems and devices. "The best means of protection is to push security policy enForcement out from the network and onto individual systems, like desktop and mobile devices," Tell says.
Symante«also has remedy for OS security vulnerabiTities. Its Fir«we)l/VPN appliance secures both inbound and outbound traffic, induding Web, email, and FTP programs. It covers aff of the security baser without being overly complex, making it especially welcome in small offices and businesses where the security and technical expertise is often minimaL Et
Mahag bttthadswith Aerate queries Continuedfrom page70
every employee a IO per«ent pay increase. you'd want to know how much that would be. To create a query to make this calculation, click the Queries option in the Objects list and choose Create Query in Design View. In the Show Table dialogue, choose the Employee table. click Add, then click Close. You' ll create the query using the grid displayed in the Select Query dialogue. Add the FirstName and LastName 6elds and the Salary field to the grid. In the next empty column type:
Employee, with this structure and this data (don't worry about induding the rule lines, they are used here for purposes of clarity only): Fieklname: EmpNumber number Fidd name: FirstNsme Field type: tera Field name: Field type: Field name: Depsrlmeut Fiekl type: text Field name: Ssbiy Fidd ttpe: number Fidd name: Shareholder Field tfpe: Yes/No
Psy Iaaesse:[Sslsiyj ' O.t In the column to its right, type:
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Orestesthat de malh Often you' ll need a query that doesmath for you. For example, if you were to give
Run the query to check the result. You should see each employee's current salary, their proposed increase and the new salary they' ll be receiving. Notice that the text you typed before the colon becomes the column heading in the query window. You may notice that the numbers for Conrinued onpage 76
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Nct$/-ctooo $338 ~ -o~ooo$388 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
VIA C3 I.OG CPU VIA EM7187 M/B • • IZBM PC133 SDRAM Integrated Video card Maxtor 206 5400 Hard drive Mitsumi 54X CDROM 1.44 Panasonic floppy drive 17" 300W ATX Case integrated Sound card thdaum PS/2 Enhanced keyboard m0 71oouo PS/2 wheel mouse 56K Voice FAX Modem integrated 10/100 Network card 240W 3D Speakers •
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Intel Pentium 4 256K 1.6/1.7/1.$/1.9G $213/225/270/27$ Intel Pentium 4 512K 1.6/ 1.8/2.0G... . . . . $21 5/259/298 2.212.40.. . . . . . . . . . . . $39$I649 ARGI XP Retail box with fan 1700/1800/1900... .$155/169/208 2000/2100 .. . . . . . . . . . $250/370
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FÃfa1/Not. $544
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P4 I 6 CPU Retad box VIA P4MA UL 533FSB M/B 128M PC2100 DDR RAM integrated AGP 4X Video card Maxtor 40G 7200 Hard drive Mitsumi 54X CDROM 1.44 Panasonic FDD, 17 "ATX 300W Case Integrated sound PS/2 Enhanced keyboard PS/2 wheel mouse Integrated 10/100 Network card 240W 3D speakers 4 USB ports
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sfls I Maxtor 406 TRGG RPM ...,,.. . st DR, Prince 48X 80min 50pcsCD 18.5 Printer
Sound Card
Epsnn Stylus C42/ C60 ... . .$74/128 Ahit KX7-333 AMD . . . . . . . . $ 1 58 Epsnn Stylus C80 . . . . . . . . . . $229 Abit BD7IWA AMD ... . . . . . .$ 138 Epsnn Stylus Photo 785EPX ...$299 Abit BL7 I BD70 5476 . . . $ 129/194 Lexmnrk Ixtjct 212/233/255$84/94/198 Asus A7N266-C-WA AMD . . . . $159 Lexmark X83 Print/ Scsnl Copy $245 Asus A7N266-VM-WA AMD ...$124 Lcxmarh E210Laser Optra .. . $284 Asus A7N266-WA AMD .. . . . . $209 samsuog ML- t ttol mso Lascr$298/448 AsusA75333-WA AMD... . . . . $ 109 Memory [Life time wnrrnotl Asus A7V266-C-WA AMD . . . . $126 Monitor DDR266 I ZBI256/512M $38/58/132 Asus P48-WA 5478 . . . . . . . . . $159 Hansol 720E 17" .24. . . . . . . . . $198 Asus P4B266-WA S478.. . . . . . $209 Hnnsol 17" .20 Flat.. . . . . . . . . $218 RAMBUSltnltsnisltM $69/135/354 SDRAM133 ttnltsn/512M$38/65/124 Asus P4B533 S476 .. . . . . . . . . $228 Hansol 19" .20 DynaFlst.. . . . . $368 Asus P4$533-VM-L/B S478 . . .$114 Philips 107T 17" ... . . . . . . . . . $238 HardDrive Asus P4S333-WA 5476 .. . . . . . $154 NEE A570/ A575F 17. ..$218/244 Maxtor 20G snco .. . . . . . . . . $95 Asus P4S533-WA-WL S476.. . . $168 NEC ASBO/ AS95F 19"... . $338/378 40G snool1200 ..$103/102 Asus P4T-E-WA S478 ... . . . . . $228 Philips 107T 11 Flat . . . . . . . . $238 60G snoo/rtoo ..$129/132 Asus P4T533-C-L S476 .. . . . . . $263 Samsung 955DF 19 .20 .. . . . . $379 BOG moo/moo ..$155/152 Asus TUA266-WOA S370 .. . . . . $88 VicwSonic E70.27 17 . . . . . . . $233 GignbytcGABVTXE S370 ......$98 Viewgonic E7OF35 17"... . . , . $244 120/1600 snoo ..$234/369 WD Z OG snoolrtoo...Stot/113 Gignbytc GA7VKML AMD . . . . $104 Sony G220R 17" .24 .. . . . . . . . $444 40G sum/moo ..$112/126 Gigabytc GA7VIXEP AMD ... .$115 LCD 60G 7700 . . . . . . . . . $ 166 Gigabytc GABIDMLC 5476 . . . . $112 Acer AL501 15 "I AL702 17" $528/898 Gigabyte GABIDX S478 . . . . . . $129 BOG sum/rtoo ..$169/179 NEC LCD 155OV 15 . . . . . . . . . $ 568 MSI MS 16450/ 1645E S476 $178/266 120G snoo.... .. . . . $255 NEC LCD 1700V 17" .. . . . . . . . $943 MSI MSKTI Ulna 333 AMD... . . $ 128 MSI MSI KT3-ARU 333 AMD ..$174 Samsung 17IS 17" .. . . . . . . . . $928 Camera Viewpnncl VE170. 17" LCD ...$1099 Logit cch Quickcnm wch .......$89 Scanner philips 170828 17" Ultrnslim ..$988 Creati ve Labs Wchcaml plus .$41/78 AccrSZW 4300UI 53OOU...$76/124
Video Card
Aurcal vortex SQ1500 ... . , . . a1 8 Creative SB PG 128/ Live! 5.1 $28/54 Creat ive SB audigy MP3+ .......$139
Anus V7100Prounfnrccs MXnnu 44M$118 Asus V6440 128M lV In/Out ... .$378 MSIGeForccd MX460 64M/TV .. $1 58 AbitT200 G2 Mx200 32M/Tv ...'$69 Modem USR 56K v.90 PCI . . . . . . . . . . . $34 Abit T400 G2 MX400 64M/TV.. . .$$5 USR 56K v.90 Pfl Hardware . . . $86 Abit G4 MX440 64MflV .. . . . .$ 138 AOpea 56K v.92 PCI . . . . . . . . . $22 Abit G4 Ti4400 128Mflv . . . . . .$ 355 ATIRadeon 7000 64M DualDisplay$69 ATI Radeon 7500 AGP 64MB ... $139 ROM Drive ASUS 32X 12X40X CD-RW .. . . .$99 All Rndcnn 1506 sa in wnndcrwlxunntn $25$ LG IZXBX32X/ BX DVD Combo $108 ATI Ruhnn 65BBDVsa u wonder Runur $385 LG IdxloxdnxCD-RW ........$77 AllRadcon 8500IE 64M.......$229 LG 32xlox40x CD-RW ... . . . . . $94 AllTV Wonder VE PCINTSC ........$69 Liteon 32x12x40x CO-RW retail .$90 Speaker LiteOn 40x12x48x CD-RW . . . . $104 Ssmsuog 32x Iox40x CD-RW .. .$92 Alter Lansing ACS21W ZPCs... . .$34 AltecLansing ATP3W 3PCs .....$88 Asusl LGI Sony iax DVD .$75/64/73 Altec Lansing AVS300/AVS500 $48/68 SamsungI LiteOn 16x OVD . $65/65
ASUS/ Sony 52x CDROM... . . . .$42 LG/UteOn/Samsung 52x COROM .$39
Keyboard h Motme Logitech Cordless Freedom .. . . . . $79 Lngitcch Cordless iTnnch Freedom $104
ptetworkinS DLinh 5 PORT Hub IO Base ...$49 DLinh 5 PORT Switch 100 Base $68 DLink wireless PCI card uusns$128 DLinh wireless PC card nwurs $118 Realtek 10/100 LAN card . . . . $ 14
Logitccb Cordless Freedom Optical$134 Microsoft Wireless Combo . . . . . . $ 84 Microsoh Internet PS/2 Keyboard .$25 Lngitech Internet PS/2 Keyboard .$28 FUJITSU PS/2 Keyboard . . . . . . . $ 18 Lngitech optical PS/2/USB . . . . $ 28
~K Pisoo $585 ~w i v oo $668 % cwpoooo$868 ~ - xposoo $1148 %~Woo$1%59 • • • • • • • • • •
AMD XP1800 Retail box • P4 1.7 CPU Retail box ECS K7S5A Mainboard • MSI 6547 Mainboard 256M PC2100 DDR RAM • 256M DDR RAM Geforce2 MX400 64M Video • Gef o rce2 MX400 64M video Maxtor 40G 7200 Hard drive • Max t or 40G 7200 Hard drive 1.44 Panasonic floppy dri e • Son y 5 2X CDROM Sony 52X CDROM . , • 1.44 Panasonic floppy drive 18"ATX300W Case • 18 A TX 300W Case front USB Integrated sound card • integrated 10/100 Network card PS/2 Enhanced keybaord • Integ rated sound card .
• PS/2 wheel mouse • IntegratedinllnoNetworkcard • 240W 3D speakers • Front USB ports • ox nn I
• PS/2 Enhanced keyboard • PS/2 wheel mouse • 240W 3D speakers .
• 6 USB ports
nn nn ns nnnw nnd pnwnn nwodw Ann w wntn
P4 2.0 512K CPU Retail box VIA P4PA 533FSB mainboard 256M DDR RAM • ATI Radeon7000 BnslBisslny64M/TV • Maxtor 40G 7200 Hard drive Sony 16X DVD ROM • I.44 Panasonic floppy drive • Powmax 18" ATX 350W Case • Integrated sound card Logitech Internet keyboard • Logitech optical wheel mouse
Integrated 10/100 Network card 1000W 3pcs 2.1 Subwoofer USB 2.0 ready
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• • • • • •
AMD XP2100 Retail box ASUS A7V333-RAID 512M PC2100 DDR RAM MSI G4 MX460 64M video in/out Maxtor BOG 7200 Hard drive LG 12XBX32X/BX CDRW Et DUD
• P4 2.2G 512K CPU Retail box • Asus P4B 533 FSB Mainboard • 512M DDR RAM • MSI G4 MX460 64M video in/out • Maxtor BOG 7200 Hard drive • Lite-On 40X12X48X CDRW
n I 44 Panasonic floppy drive
• 1.44 Panasonic floppy drive
• 18" ATX 350W Case • Integrated 6 channel audio
• Powmax 18" ATX 350W Case • Integrated 5.1 audio • Logitech Internet keyboard
• Logitech Internet keyboard • • • •
Logttech opncal mouse D-Link 530+IO/IOOnetwork IOOOW 3pcs 2.1 Subwoofer USB 2.0 ready
w nf l nn wn dwoun< • n s nnnn & nwnnwu nw nnnww f ~ w
• Logitech optical mouse • D-Link 530+IO/100 network • 1000W 3pcs 2.1 subwoofer • USB 2.0 ready
• sw ~ M k f ly poyapM
sr ntunu
Platform News M acintosh •
Linux •
Wi ndows •
P al m •
Emerging Tr e n ds
Taking a tablet PC for a spin Acer first out with Microsoft Tablet PC-based device
TaNng to fishand other RFID adventures
o you think you know what the Tablet PC is all about? No doubt you' veheard about Microsoft's new product platform, whi«h on 6rst glance looks like a device designed solely for entering handwriting that your «omputer can recognize and turn into text.
Q Ceof Wheelwright
from:A«ETCorp., wwws«er«om Estinutedprice:55,500 While it does do that, it also does a lot more. The Tablet PC is actually a whole new way of working with your computer. I know that sounds corny and very overblown, but it's really the only way to describe this ground-breaking new design. To start with, the designers of the Tablet PC software platform worked with a variety ofhardware manufacturers to come up with designs that would
rellect the diversity of what the Tablet PC version of the Windows XP operating system could help them create. Taiwanese computer manufacturer
Acer, for example, decided that a "pure" Tablet PC was probably too radical an approach For the average user. So it designed a hybrid sub-notebook (which it says will probably sefi for only a few hundred dollars more than an ordinary notebook) that «ould either act as astandard sub-notebook, or a Tablet PC. The TravelMate 100 allows you to swivel the s«teen 180 degrees (facing outward relative to the keyboard) so you
can clip it to the front of the keyboard and use it as a tablet device. Swivel the screen around again and you have a standard sub-notebook computer. This a design a that Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates has been championing for several years. He has shown various implementations of the Tablet PC design at major events, such as his annual Comdex Continued on pageP6
Office update includes smoother text icroso ft
a«) has updated the OS X version of Officeimac w i th the 6rst service pack The update daims to contain more than 1,000 bug fixes for the suite of four programs, as well as improved performance, and stability.
Are you fresh>
The one feature we've been waiting for —Palm sync with Entourage v.Xhas still not been implemented in this update, but Microsoft has announced plans to ship Palm conduits for Entourage on July 15, just as this issue of TCP hitsthe streets. The update offers a huge number of improvement, both suite-wide and for individual programs. The suite-wide improvements include Quartz text smoothing in all Office:mac apps (for users of OS 10.15 or higher), FileMaker
ya AUGUsT2002 TNE coMPUTER PAPER ac EUITlou www«aaada«ampalaa«om
Server integration, ODBC support, and Button face customization, which allows the user to control the look of the toolbar buttons in Word, Excel. and PowerPoint. The Quartz text smoothing feature allows for much better text rendering using the more sophisti«ated Quartz graphics layer that was previously reserved for C ocoa applications. Oflicelmac v.X is a carbon application, which means it used the older method of Continued on page 80
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France —Technology consulting company Ac«enture (www.a««enture.«om) has developed some innovative uses for a technology based on Radio Frequency ldenti6cation (RF ID) that allows credit card-sized cards to store and transmit information about anyitem to which they are attached. At a press briefing from its research facility here earlier this year, the company talked about applications that range from a fish in a supermarket that can "smell itself" to in-store checkout systems that can offer huge improvements in efficiency. RF ID cards are battery-operated and can contain memory and even sensors. In the case of the "smart fish," the sensor wi1l record and store information about the temperature and chemical composition of the fish at regular intervals. This information can then be transmitted by the RF ID card to an RF ID card reader, allowing buyers to easily determine whether or not the fish has ever risen above a c ertain temperature (or spawned a culture of unhealthy chemicals) after it was caught. The sametechnology can also be used to improve ef6ciency at supermarket checkouts, as the readers can simultaneously read many RF ID tags —meaning that an entire bag of goods can be scanned, itemized, and totaled by passing it in front of the scanner rather than scanning each item separately. RF ID tags also have potential industrial applications. Researchers at the Sophia Antipolis facility talked about how these tags might be used on train tracksto m easure the amount of heat generated by the friction between the Continued on PageP6
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ma lenl hmaey 2
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1 40 5 N55
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You can now add the two items you added to the previous query to see what the salary figures will be when the pay rise is given:
llf N tltftf RN
H el I R R
fl.f5 Rkaw I
apf l asEy ftf5 U tkN acorn»aca»er ae
Run your query to see the total, average and maximum of the salaries being paid to all the employees. As before, you can use calculations in this type of query too, so you can calculate the total, average, and maximum of the new salaries (after the pay increase). To do this, change the Fields for all three columns to read: Total Salaries:[Sslaiy[ ' 13 AverageSalary: [SR(sir[ ' 1.1 Maximum Ss(8()ti [Sslaiy] ' u
You can format the results to show currency symbols if you wish.
Duplica([ug aquery To save creating a new query each time, duplicate an existing query that is close to what you want. To do this, click the Queries option in the Objects list and right-click the Query you want to copy. Choose Copy, dick in a blank area just below the list of existing queries, rightclick, then choose Paste. A small dialogue will appear into which you can type the name of the new (duplicate) query. Now open this query and make the desired alterations.
ON)er useful calculalieu querim
NewSalary: [SR)air[ * i.i Set each of these to read Sum in the Totals row. Run your query again and total proposed increase and the total new salaries for each department. As you did for the previous query, you can format the results if you wish. There are other calculations you can make, too: calculating the average salary of all employees, for example. Start with a new Query in Design View using the Employee table. This time, add the Salary field to each of the first three columns and choose View, then Totals. In the first column's Total row, choose Sum, in the second choose Avg, and in the last choose Max. Now, click in front of the Salary fie[d
a I5 tsfo
mcaecEawo Rcl
IoafaRIMIM sale lbcleAWRnaya InnfaRHNFfacaef
Total Salaries:Salary AverageSalary: Ssls(y MaximumSalary: Salary
you' ll see the total current salaries, the
RN Inlm Mfa feats lkl5 fWa!ba
ft 4 I I4 R I
R e s e l l e r I n c@t i r e s W e l c o r x n e! ! ! ' I 76 AUGUST 2002 THE cOMPUlnnpAFEn ac En(i (ON WIIMCDHDdeccmpfg05(om
UM, fl95
fs 14yecdcefSeD mybateda R m m 7 49 Nycs claf lie see onm b y n HoeDales Enw I 0 Wpsl comm Haec Ao R IIM dsefsfDomlaey 2
salaries of all employees in these depart-
lt !5 tt IS IEfl 7215 It I5 N15 RN RN RM
Run the query and you' ll get a list of the three departments and th e t otal
name in each column in turn and alter the field to read:
WW W I W R A n e . W D 4I41
21N will aaaey ee ay N 95 INmetsaeadea y ICN naelsec sane coa Rll
14 N RN tc N NI S
Totals I'ow.
PayIncrease:[Sa(E(y] * 0.1
173 00
ILIO HamNeoIHU M.40 mdnI Hkl 31.N 41.54 ceatNstaw mwenw RM
Uo - DNI sacmem'I kwmse2520 25.M IHUasFam 1454 WpefEosag WNCnN I
a a
se wh SSMD ceconanw 39.95keel ce 70cea pba anea M Hly Iow oeecoc~ st .9 4 smnlecs44 aab saama I2M ks s Ueonlc Iaayfnom Rpooan Ndo Case Smayt Fee/Isl Ipc5 Sa Way.Iag Imgkl 2 2004 NeRtan'anal • ke Wee RSSnlet
44,9 5 51.1S I NIL 0.5 0 IH IH.2MR.
M5 nen NMada M20 N ane Iads W yeaSeem nkfy cemw M5 1st 'lyccen - opnmemIXUs24w ineka Sa Aedt e m2atl Idiot R Me (ICIMcw
lt H
lone Dolt I
lant IhtlIao SAe ff Hm fa w Dfde tel a» le f I4IW Cat l O ll fbb I Rdf H5e t cnnmmimye l ! tRN f kmhmfmA Rde j
falfe cb»AAIWftta F d la t d s N NH Wmeamcsnna Re Iseaf w f eaa • Iapw «w Dawsalnlpcsfnce I H o . I tf t ie aseeemelE opec fcf f cD mt fwf we e ww 2IN HSenwlffyne.eW5IR NN Ma t f o f l l a ntat aces ween Nmmlcdcnfe fan RttfNIO 71 ~ Cotf f oci IIIN Io lac N once»co m l l lem temmpDA lo
Cam SS I • .W NH Moon lndew 00.50 IH-3mm. mdetCEysnse ye4N Ms cenNalngnl smeEAe2 ekal tfbsm kONSnl Smefalet SR2 IS MUklSmealet 1ss Ao I N NM SNIhpensk m
5N W a» Am»IA»eflnfsa Mfa
You can also get more general information from your database. For example, if the salaries must be taken into account in department budgets, you' ll want to total the salaries for employees in each department. To create this query, create a new Query i n D esign View using t he Employee table. Add Department as the first field in the grid, then add Salary as the second field. Choose View then Totals to display the Totals row in the grid and leave the Department setting as Group By. In the Salary column, select Sum from the dropdown list in the
Use expressionslike iif tc aestg queries that make csi(nisaonsbased cn field content
Not all fields are numeric, but there' s no reason they can't be used as the basis for calculations. For example. Yes/No fields can also display and calculate information. For example, consider the situation in whicheach employee isto receivea 6200 Continued gn pgge78
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i DVDm?Se nt t COrPOrate Pufthajf arderSWelCOme. P)iCejubjett tD Change3/i)hout PfiDE
notice.All Pri<fj a)eCaShDiSC Ounted,30'YOeXtrafar OtherPaymentS. All PraduC t nameS, I
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trademarkS , andregiStered t)Sdd/SS)tj are PTOPertie) Dftheir r SPSC)iVSDEEDS)$. wwwihnedecompulascom THE COMPUTERRKPER K EDT)10N AUGUST 2002 l l
bonus ifthey area shareholder.To make this calculation, select Create a Query in Design View and usethe Employee table. Add the FirstName, LastName, and Shareholder fields (for reference purposes only) to the query grid. In the next empty column type this in the 6eld area:
the resulting summary by department. You can also use fields like Yes/No to make tests, then make calculations on another 6eld based on the result of the test. Here's an example that gives a 10 percent salary increase to non-shareholders and a 15 percent increase to shareholders. Type this into a new 6eld in a query:
Paynse:01([Shaieholder[,[Salaiy[ ' D5, [Salary] '
Ugaklnginrnadswith Accesss]nertes Continuedfrompuge76
Run the query and seethat only shareholders will have $200 appearing in this field. The expression you' ve used is "Ilf" — the equivalent of Excel's "If" function. Here, Itf tests the value of Shareholder: if it is True/Yes the first value in the remainder of the expression is used ($200), if it is False/No, then the second value is used ($0). So the syntax of the expression is: BF(test,valueif true,valueif false) You can use a similar process to the one we' ve been using to calculate the total of the bonus by department or for the entire business. For the department totals, remove the first three fields from this last query leaving only the cal«ulation itself. Replace these lields with the Department field. (To remove fields &om the Query grid, in Design View, click the column to remove and click the Cut
bu t ton.) En sure th a t
Department field appears to the left of the calculated field (do this by selecting it and dragging it into position). Now display the Totals line and set the Departmentto Group By and thecalculated iield to Sum. Run the query to see
Other options include using Ilf to test a field that doesn't store Yes/No information but, instead, contains text or numbers. For example, create a query with the FirstName and LastName iields and this one:
A Crosstab query allows you to analyze data in a table. Use it if, for example, you want to assess whether being a share-
holder gives you a higher salary than non-shareholders, and whether that changes by department. For this, the Crosstab you'U create will display the departments down the left and the shareholder status (Yes/No) acrossthe top. The average salary for groups of employees will appear at the intersection of each column and row. For example, at the intersection of the Yes column and the Accounts row you'll seethe average salary for aU employees who are both shareholders and work in Accounts. In the column to the right will be theaverage salary forthoseemployees who are not shareholders and who work
Payrise:Ul([Sslaiy] >35000,[Salary] ' 1.15, [Saiaiy]
in Accounts.
s 1.1)
Compare these figures to answer the question "Are shareholders in the Accounts department paid more on average than non-shareholders?" Here's how to create the Crosstab query to make this analysis. Begin by clicking the Query button in the Objects list, then choose Create Query By Using Wizard. Click the New button and, &om the New Query dialogue, choose the Crosstab Query Wizard option. Click OK, in the Crosstab Query Wizard dialogue,choose Employees as the source table, and click Next. When prompted for the 6eld you want to use for the row headings, choose Department (this will
This shows the result of giving a 15 percent increase to people who earn more than $35,000 and a 10 percent increase to those who earn $35,000 or less. To enter an expression into a iield in your Query more easily, open the Expression builder dialogue so you can see your expression in a larger area. This is particularly helpful when you' re writing a long query. To do this, click in the field, then on the Build button on the toolbar. This opens the Expression Builder dialogue and displays your current expression. The Expression Builder has a built-in Help f'unction for tinding useful information when you' re building expressions.
field and dick Next. Finally, choose Salary as the 6eld for the calculations and choose Avg f'rom the Functions list. Disable the Yes, include row sumscheckbox, and click Next. Choose View The Query, click Finish, and the Crosstab query results will appear on the screen. The column headed "-I" is the Shareholder column and that headed up with "0" contains the non-shareholder information. You can improve the look of these headings by clicking Return To Design view. rightclicking an empty cell (in an empty column) of t h e grid and choosing Proper ties. In the Column headings area type:
Using a Onsstab
Yes,No Run tbe query again and the headings will be a more self explanatory. i3 HelenBradleyspecializes in writinghandsmntutoi als.Hercolumnsappear regularlyin a numberof publicationsinAustralia, the U,K andtheU.S. ContactHelenat
om plterPggE ' 8 Buying adigital camera? Check out TCPsarduves, at anadaComputes.c orn,for articles on image-catalogue software and printing digital images.
ensure the Department names appear
down the left of the results table). Click Next to continue and, when
prompted for the field to use for the «olumn headings, choose the Shareholder
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I Audigi Plenum.................. 274 ATI 6(M I) I) N all-in-wi»der 7566/850() I) V... 249/369 Linksys Router 4/Npon ....................125/269 ATI Redevn6(ht SDRAM 7600l7509 ..............69'89 Souvdglasier Lwe 5 I Awhgi MF3i/Xgamer 1 44 10'ltlOM 3COhl 3C90(X/Intel ...... . Sl 44 l4nw SpeakersBssc Cvauoll . ......... ... 8, IS All 64M l)()R TSOO 85(tn.............................119'Zoo (2(i'369 3COM 4 port Router «l printer server .... 119 LeadickG4 TtA200 fi44OTi4600 ........ 99.(89 SOO C reanve Theatcri I 5300'5700 . . 3COM 5«itch 3CI6730 3C16TOI . . I38(198 . . 65 Mstrox (i456 Dual l6 3 M GISO ..... (o v )29 (39 Yamaha h(S Oti«'sub«voter( Cable Assembly (Si3WSOA ............. 9/(2/I9 TV Tuner /I ('apiure Card w/Rcmotc Castro(I ..... 89 Alice Lancing ACS! I«AVS30(l/AVSSOO..... 2544ibt USB I(UB 4 POn/4 Pvn/7 POn ........ 19/39/69 WEB Lotpicch/Zcca ... ..49/79 Aver MS-NIO Subwvvfer IOONW Remote ciniroll. 59 printers ((jg Scanners 580» Speakers «'Suhwvvfer. .......................... 29 Monitors HP S4(C 92OC 94OC99((C $135 '179 238 449 Keyboards dt Mice SVGA I' T' Slmmilp" 25mm. ..........., SISS 295 LG 17" ETOOB FlatShort Tube......................238 hluliimedis lniernet Keyboard «/Wrist pad.... $9 Lexmark222(235'245'ZSS .....84'194'144 188 Canon S520iSSOO............................229i474 LG 19" Ftatrvn FTOOB I=VOOB 995FT. 269 355 43(t Fupisu KB 8725/4725 ...................,............... IX(49 Canon $200«($3OI/SSOO'($20*) .......64'l98' Sony G22ORIG22OS/Gs it(It ............ 447/492/588 Anech 520DPI Mouse 2 8/Wliccl Net .............., 5/N Sany ESOO'G520'FSOO.. ................999/I ISN/2449 Cordless Keyboard 0 Mouse Lvgitcch iMS. (IW95 Epson C4OUX 1440 dpi ............................... 74 ......,.......134/228'675 NEC AS76 AS75F AS9(t "AS95F ..218/214'3 I 5'354 Log iicch Cordless opucal intcmei K BA Mouse . I 29 EpsonCbfliCSO 1286 ...... NEC FE799 IFE959 'AS I25F(22").... 268'474 899 Lvgucch Optical Wheel Mouse ......................... 25 Epson Photo 890 ........................................ 385 29 HP Laser 1090/1200/229OD ....... 354578/1098 NEC LCI> t550Vil7OOV INSOE....... 569(945 I I98 Logiiech Sctol(MuuscMan 4 Bunon............. Samsung Flat Tube 753DF 955DF ............ 238 378 Lvgitech Mouse 2B «heel mover .....................7 (2 Brother HLI230/1440(1650..........315/44%809 C D ; R O M 8 L C D W r ! t e l . Samsung Laser l210/1250.................... 299/349 Samsung 19" VSOB/9OONI' ..........................295iS I8 Samsung I.CD IS" ISIS/17" 17 IS .......... 56(t/1018 52X Acer/CrcatihelSbx Accr.................... $42/49(47 HPScanner 4100l4470,......,.........,... 148l249 M SI CD-Rewmer 40xl2x48 Retail box ........... 9 9 ViewSonic 870fiE906'Giouf(PF790..258'378 448/SO(t 43OOU/124OUT...........................,.. 79/199 ViewSomc LCD VE I 55/VE I TO........ 668 IOO9 LG CD-Rewriter 32x IOx40 49x 16x40.......... 99~ I (4 Acer ffet(utfcrr Vieu So«re (ig(OiGS(t I 6 922OF........ ((4(tl I I 78i I 0 I s Accr CD-Rewnter 24xlOx40,49x12x48...... 79 ION anonB(«2 B(«22 PhotoKn>Value Pack,...... 59 19 L(i 12x8x32CD-RW /I 8x DVD Combo kn ..... I I4 Epmn Ink Jet Paper (photo qualiiyi .............15 M ~ < w W n ~ %r a ....,.........7vi99 Brother Tuner TN-2001 IL/TN-3001 IL,., 39/35 zcs szsrs I Ix stooi st IM8 np(t/cthkw 6 nvnlt s tr'TFT 24xlnx46CD-RW Paamo«ic/Suny,. lssg/LANI//vr tire turrrrp ritno zollv vaiilab» .52olv plex(or 24xtox40'4oxlzxso.........................t99/235 Tidrivz' ATir it 8»rwf vs 3<muatTi. I(P4 ps I tozsnizsbst ook sxovl) vtt««mac sr stoic..t (T(9 lbX DVD-ROM Sony/Artcc(Kiti .................. 75 62 hv«wi ea Jflisvarruz v vv uriah(e 8(S Asza Pt.t Ti' aozSSMO Onr.'14.1" TTTSs OVO Sbk pioneer(6x DVD-ROM TraylSlot ............... TS89 XI/ bsx J pnro /irflrrr .(H r«b r(v «u«i> Lhu /trr F w n(«rxp~ Usnt olv vvt tabs 5 (59 r Opsvas o( oker csmkmsuvaaol CPUJitcmomHsrd dnvc. catt En. Liteon USB2.0 CD-RW 24xlOx49 ........... 269 Vvv Il»vr v«/. Fr i /a vllvsr vrr rah/sr i iv kpioncer DVR-AO4...... 695/538 Aver. Fulass.Tvskiks, IBM, HF. Compaq Nsieavvks ......... Call DVD-Writer HFSOOt llvllz Iillvvi Ilail r IBM 2.5" Harddrive 10/20/39/4OG .....149/169/229/279 DVD-Writer panasonic LF-D31t .............,....,.... 539 .(/I.l rrw uvrrmr J«vulvv«rdis/eras 144ria SDRAM 64/128/256M .................. $49/69(139 Blank CD Writablc/Rewrinblc ................... 9.49(2.9 ' kn«rr befores/up/vaz Blank DVD Wriiable Rewntable................... 19'29 T kbidnu c ivr At( Z/ tv d 22 PC-133 SI)RAM 128 256'512M ......... $45 75 149 DDR bbMHN I It 256 512M................ 48(89 179 DDR31(MH2256l512M.,.,,,.,,..........,.... '/9199 RAMOUS i(O(IMllz 64'I ZW256M,.,.,...,, 49'98'189 Compact Flssh3Z'6( 12lt it6M ....... 39i54 89 169 USB RAM Disk 64 128'tb .. . ......... 82 I38" 9 Compact Flash 4( Sman Media Card Rmder..... 59
. .
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AMD Duron 950/I. I 1.2 1.3(i ... 65 79'89'109 K7 Athlon-950 1.3 1.4G.................. 89r I 15/139 K7-X P 1600/1700i I l(OO+............... 119/I 39/159 XP 1900/2000'2100+ .................... 189/229/289 Pnl boxI.OG/1.11G-A/1.2G.A ... 269'189/219 CL Retail 900 I. I i 1.2(1.3G ... 119109i I 19/129 Pennumd Celeron Renal box I 7/I .IG...159il 89 Pent ium4 Retail box 1.6/ 1.7i I, SG..,2191229/259 Pentium4 Retail box 1.9/2.0G................ 279/309 Pcntmm4 Retail box 2.2/2.4G.................379/589
(iVC V 9056kPC'IVoice Fax Sf«dern ......$24 PCI 56k Voice Diamond Supra....................34 Accr 56K Voice VV(t PCI1SA .....,......... 24/64 USR PCI 56k VV(t tlardwarc Modem ........ 84 USR 56k V90 PCI Wm Modecm .............. 34 USR 56k V90 kxicmal Retail Bvx ............ 159
Zip Drivers
Ztp Disk IOOM/25()M .......................... 13/24 L'X. LS(20 USB Super Drive iDisk .......199r 13 lomega 2G Jar Diver SCSI .... ...,........ 499 lomcga ZG/ar Disk 2G Tape ............. (25>25 .
Cases4 Misc.
460» Power supply (AMD ccrtif ledi.........59 Puwcr supply AT(ATXi390«. ....,....,. 25/32/39 USB Pon Controller/4 pon USB2,0 ...... $35/59 I8/25" ATX Tower Case 36nu PS ..........34ibz IK' P4 Case 3nov PSl:SB front ..........48iSO I44M Floppy Dove Panasonic..............I7 Removeable hard dnve rack ATA IOOw'fan.. 29 Hurd drive Cooling fsn kit............................. 19 Secondary Case Coiling Fan/Slow Fan.... 12/19 AMD Ballbearing CPU Fsn .......... I Sr 19/25/35 pnatcr Cable Bi«itrecuvnat ........................ 5 Microphone /I Headphoneset ....................... 12 FS/2 Mouse it Keyboard Adaptvr .................. S Switch Box for 2/4 printers...................... 29/39 Switch Box for 2/4 Computers................. 29/39 4 pon KVM Switch ..................................... (19 LPT2 Printer CardiEnhaucctkPCI..... 17:25/39 PowcrMax UPS 6(QVA wiSmsn «VAWaa.... I 29 Coral Wordper ect xi(trow 8/9.........39/99/199 Norton Anti-virus 2002................................ 29 Lotus Smanguite Mdtennium .. ...........,...... 19
U p g r a d e S p ec i a l
(Free installation) M'787 MD+ IG pro CPU+3D vidco+3D sound +10/I OOMb LAN +S6k Fax modem ...... $179 VIA PLEO IMB. +C600Mhz+3D AGP Video+ +3D SoundCard ................,.................... $149
wwwcsuadsmmpwescvm lHI cON(FUIERn(FIR gc EDIT ION AUGUsT2002 29
c P L A T F 0 R Isi NEWS w
Otttce ttpttste indwtes ssttoolher text Continuedj' rom page 74 text smoothing found in OS 9. The OS 10.1.5 upgrade is the first version to allow Quartz text smoothing in afi apps. An updated version of Internet Explorer (5.2) is now available that takes advantage o f
t h i s f e ature. T h e I n t ernet
Explorer update is not included in this service release, however. Other improvements to aB apps include improved stability for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, including bug fixes to the project gallery feature and Visual Basic. Improvements to the specifi«programs are as fofiows: • Word is more stable when working with large documents or creating large tables. Performance has improved in the areas of scrolling long documents, printing, and working with complex border art. The custom dictionary no longer gives a "dictionaryfull"mes sage ifyou tryto add new words. • Excel has fixed a very major bug we mentioned in our product review in the June issue of TCP, namely Excel 98 incompatibility. Excel X can now save a fite that will work when opened in Excel 98. As weB, Excel 98 fiies can now be opened in Excel X without corrupting them. Performance when working w it h c harts has been improved by as much as four times. • PowerPoint has improved performancewhen caching large or complex pictures during screen updates. With t he Quartz smoothing on i n O S 10.1.5, transparency efFects are much faster in slideshows, the time to prepare the next slide is also shorter, and transparent objects will a nimate properly d uring a p r esentation. Faxing kern PowerPoint now works as it should. Entourage has had improvements to its database engine. The maximum mail database has been increased from 2 GB to 4 GB and Entourage can now rebuild some damaged fiies that it previously could do nothing wittc It now uses the hard drive and network less, which improves performance and battery life on laptops. IMAP has been improved so users can now synchronise IMAP folders as they switch between online and offiine modes. The Entourage Database Daemon is more stable running in the back80 AUCUst 2002 nis COMPUTE RRIPER ac ttxnon
ground, and Entourage is more stable when working olfiine. There are many more improvements to be found in the suite and the update makes a noticeable difference when installed on a G3 or G4 system. We noticed the improved performance right away, and the stabiTity fixes are most welcome. Sincetheservdcereleaseisfree to users of the regular or education version of the suite, it is a must-have upgrade. Note, however. that with the Service Release I, Microsoft has cracked down on pirated copies, so many pirated serial numbers are invalidated by the update. So if you are running an illegal version ofOffice:mac v.X, thereisa good chance that after the update you wiB not be able to run any of the programs. However,
MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, and a 17inch CRT display, afi for $1,699. The eMac feat ures afithe usual Mac ports, induding two FireWire and two USB ports, a 5 6 Kbps modern, 10/100 Ethernet, and an AirPort slot. The combo-drive version is not available in Canada at this time, which is a shame becausea lotofhome usersin the eMac target audience would probably appreciate the ability to watch DVDs on their computer. In terms of performance, the eMac is comparable to the 700 MHz LCD iMac: same CPU, bus speed, and 32 MB n Vidia GeForce2mx graphics card as the $2,249 iMac, but for $550 less. So if you want a new G4 Mac for yow home and don'tcareaboutthe LCD screen,the eMac is worth a look.
now that the suite is faster and more sta-
ltlac OSIo.u update avafiable
ble, it might be a good time to go pick up an upgrade. If you' re a Palm user, you' ll have another OS X alternative to Palm Desktop (alter July 15, that is).
Possibly the last update to OS 10.1 before 10.2 debuts, this release consists mostly of updated digital camera and CD burner drivers with a couple of notable exceptions. The first noticeable improvement is the abiTity oF non-Cocoa apps to use the Quartz graphics layer for text smoothing. Previously, many popular Carbon apps like Internet Explorer, AppleWorks, Oflice:mac X, and Netscape were forced to use the inferior Carbon graphics libraries, but the OS 10.1.5 update opens up the Quartz layer to any program that wants to use it. However, programs will not automatically adopt the new Quartz smoothing, they must be updated.
EMacNowavaitzbte tn mteryone
CPIItgtglade tor Cube, Gg tnwerx
Internet Explorer and O ffice X h ave
Af'ter releasing the eMac in May and restricting sales to the education market,
Apple was flooded with calls and email from people wondering when they would be able to buy one for use at home. Well, it only took a few weeks for Apple to see the possibility of a consumer eMac,which it announced in June. The major difi'erence between the educational eMac and the consumer versionis price:US$999 for a basic educational eMac and US$1,099 for non-education purchases. Another difFerence is that the eMac comes in two configurations for education: CD-RW or a CDRW/DVD combo drive. The non-education model is only available with a CDRW drive at this time. The eMac model available in Canada includes a 700 MHz G4 processor, 128 wwwcanadacomoUwccom
should be improved, scrolling should be faster, and large QuickTime movies can be played with fewer dropped frames on these machines. Macs that use the Rage Pro chipset include tray-loading iMacs and the original 333 MHz and 400 MHz PowerBook G3s. The slot-loading iMac and FireWire PowerBook G3s already had hardware acceleration as they use the newer Rage 128 chipset. The 10.1.5 update is available in the System Prefer ences panel in OS X or from Apple's Web site. Since Apple has not announced pridng for 10.2 yet, this may be the last fee upgrade for OS X, so if you' re using 10.1, you should grab it for sure.
been updated already,otherapps should be updated in the near future. There is a freeware hadi called Silk available that enables Quartz smoothing in afi applications. It's available on or directly from The other improvement in OS 10.1.5 is significantly faster iDisk a~as, especiafiy for DSL or cable Internet users. If you are using a modem to access your iDisk, you won't notice a change. However, i f y o u h ave high-speed Internet access, the iDisk will both mount Faster and allow you to access files more quickly than in previous versions of OS X. There is one final piece of good news for owners of older G3 Macs with ATI Rage Pro graphics cards: OS 10.1.5 i ntroduces support f o r 2D an d QuickTime hardware acceleration. This means performance of the Aqua GUI
No one thought it could be done. but Powerlogix ( has designed a CPU upgrade that fits in both standard and miniature G4 Cubes. This marks the first time any company has released an upgrade for the Cube, and the first time an upgrade over 550 MHz has been available for the G4 towers. The new Powerlogix upgrades are avai lable in 800 MHz and IGHz configurations, and are compatible with a wide range of machines. There will be two versi ons ofthenew boards: one forMacs with a 100 MHz system bus and another for Macs with a 133 MHz bus speed. The G4 Cube and original "Sawtooth" G4 towers are 100 MHz machines, the new "Quicksilver" G4 towers are 133 MHz machines. The complete list of supported models are (original speed i n b r ackets): Sawtooth AGP G4 (350 to 500 MHz), G4 Cube (450 to 500 MHz), Digital Audio G4 (533 to 733MHz), and Quicksigver G4 (800 MHz to 1 GHz). The 800 MHz board lists for US$599 and the I GHz model is US$799. AB upgrades include 256Kbpsof on-chip Level-2 cache and I M B of backside Level-3 cache.That'snot asgood asthe 2 MB Level-3 cache in the Quicksilver G4s, but it's better than the complete lack of Level-3 cache in the G4 iMac and 800 MHz G4 Tower. For more information, visit the Powerlogix Web site, o r O t her W orld C omputing (eshop.nacsales.coin, one of t h e f irst authorized distributors of the new cards.
Upgradesfor Pismo' Pewergnok Cg Powerlogix and the newly resurrected Newer Technologies (www.nenertethcom) have both announced upgrades for the
c PLATFORM N E WS P very popular but p reviously nonupgradeab)e " Pismo" s e ries of PowerBook G3 Macs. These models, also known as FireW)re Powergook G3, were the last G3s released be)ore the Titanium Poweraook was introduced in )anuary 2001. They were sold in two configurations only: 400 MHz and 500 MHz. Both models included 14.)-inch screens and DVD p)ayback with 8 MB Rage 128 videocards,which means they are fully supported in OS X for DVD playback and video acceleration, making them very popular in the used market. However, since Apple chose to include
proprietary ROM chips on the processor card,the Pismo line has never been u pgradeab)e until n ow. Both t h e Powerlogix and the Newer Tech cards are G4 CPU upgrades running at 500 M Hz with I M B Leva)-2 cache. They use the low power G4 7410 chip, the same chip used in early PowerBook G4 Titanium machines. The difference between a 500 MHz G3 and a 500 MHz G4 will not be noticeable for OS 9 users, but for those running 05 X, the G4 chip will significantly the OS and thc GUI in parlicu)ar, mak-
spee dup
ing it a worthwhile upgrade for those who use OS X on their Power Books and
wantto squeeze a few more yearsoutof them before moving t o a n ewer machine. Both upgrades require that you send
470 4(
upgrade —turnaround time should be less than a week (five business days). The procedure involves removing the G3 chip from the existing processor card, then soldering on a G d chip. The Poweraooks are tested fully before being
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IMAOA X4SOO -AMDXP 1800CPU -SIS0735ChipsalMaiabwad -256MBDDRSDRAM 408 7200/pmHard Drive -32XIOX40CDRWw/Software -1 44 RoppyDave Gd(otcez MX40064MBVideo Sounds)as(0(Uva5.1 OEM -Inlegyalad10/100NIC .IMADA18' Casew/ 3NW PS 47/52 Keyboard8 Wheel Mouse -Tsvaari dGX680 Spaakws$!OW
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.1.44 RoppyDriva -Itdagrdud 6404PCI Sound -Integrated64hs 4X AGPVideo .Ihlagtalad 10/100NIC .IMADA18' Casew/ 300WPS .34(htDeskManager (Keybbafd4 Moose+ Speakws)
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'Wah Ioiot CPU & Fso
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.AMDDada 1.0GHzCPU .Skne730SChipsbl Mamboaid -1 28MBSDRAM .20G 5400ipm Hwd Dri ve
iustin Siemensisa MacIT specuiist basedin
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tion. 0
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y our PowerBook i n t o p e rform t h e
The NewerTe«h upgrade is available e xclusively fr o m Oth e r Wo r l d Computing (wwwma(saiescom) at this time. h retails for U5$299, including shipping. The Power)ogix upgrade is available from various distributors and it retails for U5$329, although it is priced at US$299, including shipping, until the end of )u)y as an introductory promo-
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0 •
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ECSK75A 266 FSB Motherlmrri 266ISS 2DDR, 2SDR.5 PCI,IAGP 40 OGBATAI00 HD/ I gn 00 IAH 256MB DDRI ACSI Sound
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Multi mediaStereoSpeakers
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Ltdelygl2gask~ • Gigabyte 7VKML• ATA133• • AGP Video• AC97 Sound • • LAN• 12$MBDDRMemory •
Duron 990/ 1.$1 $.2I 1.30 9210 I 230 I 240 I 250 CvlvrvxI.t/12/13G w/G/gaby/v NB $109/I 99/210 fvxtlvm-ul /.13 I tlo w/6/gvbytv MN...5210/201 AMD Dvrox 950/1000 w/Mo ... . . . . . .5150/160 AMD Durvx I.l /12 I 136 w/M/8...5180/185/198 AMD thuxrivrb/iri 558MHtwuso.... . . . . . . .gtys AMDRmxriub/rri I AGHZwm/8 ... . . . . . . . .5103 AMD XPtsmv I INO+ ll66) w/IWB ....5205/234
• Microstar6360 KLE133 M/8 • • AGP Video• AC97 Sound• • lAN • 120MBPC133 SDRAM •
Intel Celelon 1.1 I 52 I 1.30 92291239 I 249 WD ZO r N/So/SO neorpm ..SIOTNZONNnaS WD 100/tzo»ZeSE Tleoqm ..... Slsgnssnl 9 wD zor 40I 60I 80Suxxpm ..5tes/tes/14s/169 Mvxtvr 20/40/6l / St Mvxtm20 I40 /60 54Nem ..... . . . 509/100/135 Muxw80/ tlo/ IN5400ipx .....SIS5/239/375 IBM 40/60/80 1140/pm .. . . . . . . 5109/132/145
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AimAIV266.C/A7V333 .... . . . . . . . ..Stzy/tag
Atxt AIV33 3m xid /Afu-166 iMAIXI ....$21S/127 Aoptnsocket310Ax340/atep i$15....5105/125 Aopvx Socket310AX48X...... . . . . . . . . . . .5129
SoundCardPCIAopvx AW840 I 850 G ll ..S20/39 Sound slxnw Extvxiq / PCI I 18 ...... . . . , .115/17 Svvxdslvctvr l.lvvValueS.t / Uvv Audigy....545/99 Creative Inspire2.1 /4.1 I S.l .. . . . . . . 556/80/135 Altvc lansingcN-210/zzl /lm ... . . .54s/65/115 lvgittch Z-340 w/SvtvmmN .... . . . . . . . . . . .SN
AoptxlackttAAK17pmA 133/AK773335tZLVISS Aoptn Socket418AX48533 ...... . . . . . . . . .5149 Gigvbytv 6VEML/ 6VDIE5-310...... . . . . . 593/95 G/gthytv IVXRDDRI IZX-E SDRSvckttA ....$115/30 6/gvbytv 7V XRP /7VKML DDRlvckttA ...516S/10S MSI Kfs UltraKT 333 /ARU KT333,,, .., .SQS/I 70 MSIM6368L 5370IM N 6547P4 54 78....592/t15 M 5l Kn66 Pml.A KT266A...... . . . . . . . ...Slog Sovo Socket310/ SvckvtA ISocket1.....,, , ,Csg
AOC15'I ty'274P I tg'zsrip ..., .5110/tgsn09 AOCIT Tf/Sxbotmanatzsrip .......5219/345 fhilipt 107TFlat/105527dp/1010 Flat 5239/59/395
Atvt Slx I Crest/vt 52x,. . . . . . /. . . . . . . .542/44 Aopvx 52xI 56x ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..542/44 LG tlxsxllxCDRW+ sxDVD-ROM Combo ...5'llo CNWLGuullx40/32xlox40 ...... .. Atls/92 CDRWuttvn 40xl2x48/32xl2x40...... At tiugg CNWAOptx32xtlx40IZ4xtlh40 .. . . . . .$99/15 CDRW Vvmvhv 14xl Oxuy flui/or uul lx48 SIS9/21 S Dt/Dutum 16x/LGlsx ....... . . . . . . . . .559/64 DVDSexylsx / Hoxvvr 16x .... . . . . . . . .572/75
NEC17' ASIO I ASISFI IE750+.....5119/255/359 Samwre tf 750S/153DF ..... . . . . ..5210/245 Samumgl9'9500/SSSDF ..........550890 Samsung19' 500NFI 1IOOP+.... . . . .$370/7$9
LG /Pt/igpt / Ssmtuxg15 LCD.....5575/579/5$5 LG IPht/pt / Samsung11' LCD ..51019/1059/I 029 Dvytvk 17'.27dp I Dxvwvv t7 .15rip ...5195/210 56K Vle PCIWinI atm ModemR/ivr ..... . .$22/33 USR56Kixt, Vgo VoiceWin/ tutrimm......535/79 Aoptx 56k FM56FLMI FMS/FSMKI .... . 535/20 Sxwtaxk 5634KV Hvnlwvrv,56K,Ki, Retail .. $55 v Qvvv vvv
N valve mmALKI3%tvv vvvvc vxRlmvvv 6 uvvvvkv Al Vvx vv vvrvvru vvmvvx d vuvvvv vvvtÃvvm
02 AUGUST 2002 THE COMPI/IER PAPERBC EDITION vvmv.canadacomputes.crim
6/gsbyleGA-8SIMLPA Mogurboxnl 533FSB,ATAl 33, 6-USB 40.0GBATAI 00 HD 256MBDDRMemory Patton/c I A4MBHappy Mulumvriia Spvxkvn IntegratedSound 52x CDROMI Integra ted3DVideo 107-kvyKeytmmri, PS/2Wheel Mouse to/t00 lAN/18 ATXTower Case P< 1.7 / tliens 5679 /699 P%1.9I 20GIN $73 S/019 P-4 226nz $1049 Celemn 1.7 I 1.0GHZ SS79/619
• hrihtrbowris Noxnurs • Fax/Nvritm • DRONSRRRXCDZIW •VGA Csrev m c v Gusybovnlv Housinga Nvhmririn gNIC 0 Hub Nuu spumus • apealms6 BsuneCan/0
Aol2en ljfonthly djliecielsf CDRW 92x12x48 .. . . . . . . . . $89 CDRW 40x12x48... . . . . . . . $$0$ 17 Monitor A708... . . . . . . $209
MS810 1000W wigubwoofor . $49 M odem PM-50-SV.... . . . . $ 2 4 AW8404channelPCI Sound Card $$9 ATI Rvgv-1183ZMB,AGP ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .545 ATI ltvritox 700064MB SDIVDDRAMtvx/ut .$6S/03
an Rub ISNu/asf sen DDRIVIHIVI $99/I ZS
Atl Rxrivox 8500 ll 64 / 128MBDDRlvm 51 07/239 ATI TVWvxritr OSBI Kt .... . . . . . . . . . . .5129/55 xuiri /vTxl2 3ZMB PCI ....................565 nvidivGvFvicvl MXZN 32MBSDR...... . . . . SS9 xuiri/x Gvfmcvl MX4N64MSSDRV/0 Kt ...5120 rtuid/4Gv/ural MXHN stug SDRI NA/vt ..565/72 Mst Gt/vicv3 nl00 Pro 118MBDDRDT .....5195 Mll Gefmcv4 MX440-T64MB DDRTI/-Ovt ...5145 Matrox6550DDR31MAGP .... . . . . . . . . . .51SS Atvt V7100Pro MX40064MAGP , Pure ... .....5115 atvt VBl10 MagicGefwcvt MX41064MSSD ..5141 Atut Vst 10 64MDDRGvfvrcv4 MX440 ..... .5165 Aim V NN.ID tlsMB DDR ....., . . . . . . . . .54N Atvt V8460118MBDDRul/rv - TD I Dlx ..SMS/595
Acmlcvn43N /5000/5300 Sraxiur ..579/'los/123 Ca/mieux N640Ptx/H610u/N12NU $105/129/225 HP656CI 3410VIxkiet Printer .... . . . . . .599/1 39 HP3820V/960C ixkivt Printer .... . . . . .5169/299 HP IN0/ I 100/ 2200 lsrvrjtt Printer5369/6N/1049 Hf Scaxitt 210K I 4400CI 4478C...5119/149/219 Epum 1150/ t250P/1650/1650P5143/tgp/275/295 Svmumglaser Ml-I 210I 1250...... . ..5299/359 BrorimrHl 1230I 14N I 1450lxmr ..5329/Ngass CanonS-ZN I 300 / 520 fr/xtvr ... . .$99/119/19S EptoxC60I CSOIPSZOPrixtw......5127/229/149
intel Ethvrexprvn / 3Com90KX 1 all N Kl .556/55 04/xk/Survcvm10/IN Nvtwwk Card ....52tvlS D.uxk tot00 Dttktsp switchDss5/8pant .Sfoog Httwmk Cable lu451N 15/25/ SN100 It .....Call 5.pvrt 100T-HubI tso.sw/tch ....... . . . . .SZW46 K ltvulBCvrri ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . S l t Rmxtr 5-fun Uxktyt/3 corn ....... ...5115/119
Vector objects in PaintShop Pro Underglending veders • I'hotos are bitmap files made up of a series of coloured pixels, but vector images are made up of shapes. The resulting files are much smaller and can be scaled up or down without showing jagged edges. Typically, many clip art images are created as vector images and are commonly in WMF format.
Creef sng vedor objedg • Create vector objects in Paintghop Pro 7.0 by selecting the Create as Vector option when using toolssuch as the Text, Draw, or Preset shapestooL Ifyou don't have a vector layerselected when you do this, a new vector layer will be created and the object automatically placed on it. SeiedingVedOr Objed$ • When a VeCtOr layer is selected, you' ll find the Object Selectortool (at the foot of the Tool Palette) is enabled. Click this then click on any Vector object to select it. The selected object will appear with a border around it and sizing handles. The central barand handle can be used to rotate the object.Placing the mouse pointeron the movehandle letsyou to move the object. Riigitvdidt opbons • When the Object Selection tool is enabled, you' ll find most of the vector features in PSPare available by right-dicking on an object. From this shortcut menu, choose Properties to alter the object's line and fiU colours and style. ChooseNode Edit to display the shape's nodes.You can edit these to reshape the object.
Dlitable typev Using vectors, you can add editabl e type to an image. Click the Text tooL click where the textshould appear, then select the Vector option. Type the
textin the dialogue and click OK. Move the text into position and size it appropriately. At anytime in the future you can edit the text by selecting it with the ObjectSelector, then choosing Edit Text from the Object Selector's Tool options dialogueto open the TextEntry dialogue.
Cyenhng teXt Sn a Curve • To create text along a Freehand shape, draw the shape using the Freehand line tool as a vector shape.Select the Text tooland hold the mouseover the edge of the shape until it turns into a letter A over a semicirde. CUckto selectthe curve, type your text, enable the Floating option, and click OK. The text will appear along the line you drew. Right-dick the Floating Selection in the layers palette and choose Promote To Layer. If you wish, remove the line you used to align the text.
Changing the Wny teXt loohs • You can use vector text to alter the shape of text objects , for example, to oeate an oversized first letter or to pull text into differentshapes or alignments. Choose the Text tool, click in the editing area, and typeyourtext.Choose the Vectoropeon and click OK. Select the text using the Object Selector, right-click it, and choose Convert Text To Curves, As Character Shapes.You can now use the Object Selector to select each letter in turn and move it to a new position. Use the Node Editoption on the right-dick menu to alter its shape and the Properties option to change is line and/or filL
Revamping clip ak images • Using PaintShopPro 7.0,you can open dip art WMF files or access Nip art images by copying them from your dip art tool and pasting them into Paintghop Pro. Display theLayerPalette to see the objectsin the image. Using the Select Object tool, click on an image to select it, then you can recolor the pieces to change the look of the image. You can also remove pieces you don't want by deleting some of the objectsthat make up the image. You can
add new objects, as well. When you're done,simply save the image in WMF format and it will retain aR the benefits of
being a vector image.
Unit 150-11180 Bridgeport Road, Richmond, B .C. V6 X
can' t be converted to a vectorlayer. —Helen Bradley
Tel: (604) 279
e g wwwlegeegcemg egeree
• Monday-Saturday 10:30 smahse pm Sunday 12:00neesmiae pm • price ssllhleci Ie ca&fige wnhslnnonce • • Not responsible rer Iypeursphicsi erron • Au hr sndend Irsdemsrks ers propsny ofrsspecuve msnufscturem • i
g. g Mottleytuyant
Intel Cshren1.2GHzCPU PCChips PISATX Motherboard 120MB PC133SDRAM
AMD Duron 1.0GNzCPU PCChlps M010AMDMotherboanl 120MB PC133SDRAM
1A4MBFloppy Drive
1A4MBFloppy Drive 40GBEIDEHard Drive
PCI3D Stereo Sound 0/B
10/100BaseNIC PS/2Keyboard 8WheelMouse 17"ATXTowerCasaw/PowerSupply PowerAmplinedSpeakem •
(w i
AGPSVGA0/8 PCI 30StereoSound0/B 1N100BaseNIC PS/2Keyboanl8WheelMouse 17 ATXTowerCasew/Power Supply PowerAmpgnedSpeakers I
i I I
AMD XP.10004 CPU
PCChlPsM025Molherboard 256MBDDRRAM 1A4MBFloppy Drive 40GBEIDEHard Drive 52XEIDECD.ROM
Video Cant
A TI Rodeos AIW 8500DV 64MB/128MB , $ 405 / $ 5 1 5 ATI DV Wonder FireWire Adepisr .. .............. 8 65 MSI GF3Ti 128MB DDR w/VIVO 8 205 MSI GF4 MX420 64MB DDR w/TV 4 IO9 MSI GF4 MX440 64MB DDR w/TV .......... $125 M SI GF4 MX460 64MB DDR w/VIVO ..... .. 8 IS9 MSI GF47i4400 128MB DDR w/ VIVO ...... $3 60 MSI GF4Ti4600 128MB DDR w/ VIVO ...... $490 svidie GF2 MX400 64MB .. $65
15 NE C 1550V Slim LCD 1024*768 .... .................8 569
17' NEC 1720 LCD 1280'1024 ............ $1039 17' NEC FE700+ .25dp AG 1280' 1024 $255 17 NEC FE750+ .25dp 1600 1200 ...... $3 35 19 Samsung 955DF .25dp Flat 1600' I 2 00 ...........$ 3 5 9 19 NEC FE950+ .25dp Flat 1792'1344 $ 4 59
1A4MBFloppy Drive 40GB(7200rpm)EIDEHard Driv 24x10x40EIDECDRW nVldlaGF2MX400w/64MBVideo Cant PCI 3DStereo Sound0/B
PCI 3DStereo Sound0/B 10/100 BaseNIC PS/2Keyboard
AMD Asus A79333 K7333 USB2 ........... ................ 8 I 85 AMD Acus A7V333-Rsid USB2 I E E E . ... .. .$ 225 AMD MSI KT3 Ultra KT333 $1 25 .....$185 AMD MSI KT3 Unrs-ARU Raid USB2.0 .. AMD Gigshyre GA-7VRXP Raid USB2.0 . $1 65 Asus F4S533 . 8 165 Asus P48533 8 229 MSI 645 Ultra SIS645 8 IO9 MSI 845 Unrs-AR i845D ATA133 Raid .. ..$ 149 MSI 845 Uiirs-ARU i845D USB2.0 ATAI 33 R@ie ....$ 189
ci v i i~ g - gsW Ir
Intel P4 Celeron 1.7GHzCPU
10/100 Base NIC
PowerAMPIified Speakem
PS/2 Wheel Mouse
CD/DVD/CDR W D nt/es
SGTrec 'v Bake 11
vf stoep PS/2Keyboard
PS/2WheelMouse 10"ATXTower Casew/PowerSupply
v ver I'
Intel PIV.1.8GHzCPU MSI645Ultra Moths*sard
AMO XP-20004 CPU
256MBDDRRAM 1A4MB Floppy Drive
Lcgiieeh Quick Csm Express .................. Cordless PS/2 Wheel Mouse Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Creative 56K inierssi Modem RJ45 Network Cshlc 10/20/ 50 fi Microphone .
1A4MBFloppy Drive 00GBl7200rpm)SIDEHard Drive
Intel PIV-2.0GHzCPU
e • S
$22 $25 $17
$3/ 5/ 10 ..$ 3
1.44MB Floppy Dnve ............................. ..............8 I 4 40GB 15400rpml $95 40/60GB 17200rpm) .............................. 8 105 / $ 1 2 9 80/120GB 17200rpml 8 145 / $ 2 3 5
Speakeye er Audio Adaptor
24x10x40 EIDECDAIW 32x10x40 EIDECD.RW nvidia GF2 NX400w/64SIB Video Card NSIGFI MX420 64NB Video Card PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/8 PCI 3D Stereo Sound 0/B Best great S 10/100 BassNIC 10I100Base NIC tue p' PS/2 Internet Keyboard — Cte I I I P S/2lntemstKeyboard -, xl a r r l PS/2Wheel Mouse P$2 Wheel Mouse 10" ATXTower Case wIPower Supply 10" ATXTower Case w/Power Supply Power Amplilied Speakem Power Amplified Speakers •
.........8 48
NSI KT3UbmMonrerboard
40GBl7200rpm) EIDEHard Drive
......$ 60 $60 5 75 $85 ...$ 109
LG 16x EIDE DVD-ROM ........................... I.iieOs 16x SIDE DVD-ROM Sony 24xiox40 EIDE CD-RW LG 32xiox40 BIDE CD-RW LG 12xax32 CD-RW IS gx DVD
10"ATXTower Casew/PowerSupply PowerAmpliSedSpeaker I
Convertingvector layers to raster layers • It is possible to convert a vector layer into a raster layer—this wiil happen automatica liy if you save an image that has vector objects in a raster format, such as BHP, GIF, or JPEG. To change a vector layer into a raster layer, select the layer you want to alter in the Layers Palette, right-click and choose Convert To Raster Layer .You should note,however,thatyou can't do this in reverse—a raster layer
1T 2 I6I" I279-8757
S B PCI 128 / L w e l DE 5 I SB I.ive! Audigy FireWire SB Audigy Platinum 5. 1 Cresiwe Icpire 5300 5. 1 speakers Aiiec Lansing AV8300 w/ Suhwscfer ........
Aiiec Lansing ATF3 w/Suhwcs<er ... . . ...... Anec Lansing 2100 w/Suhwecfer ..
8 27 / 8 4 7 .......... 5 9 7 5275 8I29 $45 $85 5 119
Sottm/are . ...$ 1 4 0
Wicdcws Xp Home .................................. Windows XF Prsfessisnsl •
....$ 239
• •
LG 700S 17w Monitor ........g 188 EpsonC40UX Color Printer g 65
NEC AS75F 17w Monitor . ...$219 1 7 w ATXTower Case .............g 2e
1.44MBFloppy Drive 60GB(7200rpm)EIDEHard Drive 32x1Ox40 EIDE CD.RW MSIGF4 MX420 64MB Video Card
PCI 3DStereoSound0/B 10N00Basemc PS/2Internet Keyboard — tssv ri PS/2Whee lMouse 10"ATXTower Casew/PowerSupply PowerAmpliSedSpeakers
Samsung 753DF 1ys MDneoy g229 100pcB 700hgB CDR ..............g 30 NEC ASe5F 19wMonitor ....$339 PS/2 Multimedia Keyboard ....g 8
LG 52x CD-ROM .................g 35 PS/2 Keyboard........................g 5 LG 243t103I40 CD-RW ...........g 70 PS I2 WheelMouse ................g 3
40GB ATA100Hard Orive ....g 95 160 Watt Speaker ...................g 5 I
wwwcsvxhcompvtm,c ern THE COMFUIEX PAFte 8C EDITION AUGUST 2002 BS
the balll n linednd'bn the move: dual-mode dig(cams fit close as 10 cm) with a spin of your fin
s gadgets go, digital cameras are certainly one of the most fun. One of the newest trends in digital photographyis the bvo-in-one camera.These can be used as a s tandalone one megapixel digital camera, or can be hooked directly to the PC and used as a streaming video camera for use with video at or network meeting applications. Thereare a few of these devices out ,there, from a number of different companies.Here are two that we've had a chance to look at recently. Creative's PC-Cam 600 is the updated rsionof the PC-Cam 300. Thisone doublesthe onboard memory from 8 MB to 16 MB, addsmotion capture,and bumps up theimage sizeto 1.3 megapixelsusing an XGA-sized CCD (1024x/68). The camera features a few shooting modes, including st((l, timer, movie (352x288), five-shot burst, and a straight voice-record mode .fortaking audio memos. Ithas a built-in flash with a setting for red-eye reduction. It's powered by four AAA batteries, and
gers. Though it doesn't have a built-in Rash, it does have several shooting modes, including timer, movie (320x240) and a five-shot burst mode. The camera comes with a hand strap and a protective carrying case. It's powered by four AAA batteries, and features 8 MB of onboard
memory. From.CreativeTechnology, www.creative.rom Estimatedprice: 5200
From.Guilemol Corp., Eskma)edprice: 5)50 • .-
camerasof this type,%here's no window on the back for reviewing your images, so you' ll have to wait until you get back home tosee what you've shot. 'When connected to the PC, it uses a USB 1.1 connection for streaming video or transf erring pictures back to the computer. Movie capture resolution is slightly higher when connected to the PC, at
to the PC, it doesn't have a lot of Rexibility in terms of positioning. Other than that, it's a nice little device
with a lot of functionality, and certainly worthyof Creative's good name. Itcomes with a 90-day hardware warranty. The Dua(Pix from Hercules has a number of attractive features.The camera uses a 640x480 CCD sensor, but uses interpolation to bump up still images to 1024x768 resolution. The front of the DualPix has a manual focus control, allowing you to choosebetween far-off and dose-u as
640x480. It comes with a base that tilts
forward/backward, but only very slightly — this is probably the camera's weak d direct(
AC97 3D Sound (0/8) 10/190 NIC (0/9)
$339 18 25OW Tower Case Amn $9K M d
PS/2 Win98 Keyboard PS/2 3D Wheel Mouse 189W Speaker •
Duron 1.1SH2 CPU SCS LTVMM Molherboard 128MB PC2188 DDR2$8 28GATA198Hard Driva Sony 1.44M8 Floppy Drive up lo $4M 6 AGP 3DVideo io/8) ' AC97 3DSound (0/8) I el I 08HIC (0/8)
7 Fh — Sean CarrutherS
.-:,...'..'."'"-.':;I':.".." Co m p u t e r --'-
'VIA CS TGigaPro CPU(O/8) PCChips SM-7187CLMR Moins/board 1288$9 PC133 SDRAM 28G ATA188 Hard Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive 3D Graphic Video (0/S)
Backatthe PC,the camera slides r 'nto a stand that can be tilted backward/fori, ward, and spun through 360 degree/ (There's also an adhesive strip you can use to fasten the stand to your desktopI or to the top of a monitor, if you want tG keepitin one place.)The camera hooks t your PC using a USB 1.1 connection which is used for both streaming vide ' and digital stiR picture transfer. Though it's not the most cutting-edg of the dual-mode cameras, the Due(Fix is a nice little bundle. at a slightly more attractive price point. It comes with an even more attractive three-year warranty.
• I I
T el:(604)592-5388 •
AMD XP 1600+ CPU
AMD XP 1800+ CPU
10/100 NIC (0/8) g
MSI KT3 Ultra KT333 Mothsrbesrd ' Gigsbyte 7VRX Motherboard USB2.0 256MBPC2100 DDR266 2 56INBPC2700 DDR333 Dus l e io 40G ATA1337200rPm Hard Drive 6 0GS ATA133 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1A4MB F)oppy Drive iGeforce2 MX400 64)SB Geiorce4MX440 04MB DDR AC97 3D Sound (0/8) AC973D Sound (0/8) 10)100 NIC 10/100 Ethernet NIC 16X DVD • ep i 16X DVD 16 300W Tower Case 3 2X10X40 CD.RW $ Win Mutimedis Keyboard 18 300W Tower Case Log)techOpucsl Wheel Mouse L og)tach InternetKeyboard 3D Speakers system w/Subwoofer Log)tach Opgicai Wheel Mouse Creative INSPIRE2400 S peskers w/Sub roan$87$
XPlraavl 18$9v
I 069
$$2G 74$9 XP Iev/W29$90 usta
$7$ $/$799/$$$9~
AMD XP 2100+ CPU
l A MD XP 2000+ CPU
ECS KT S5A 266 Motherboard 256ISB PC2100 DDR266 40G ATA1 33 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1A4MB Floppy Drive Nvidis TNT2 M64 32MB AC97 3D Sound (0/8) 52X CD-ROM 18 300W Tower Case PS/2 Win98 Keyboard PS/2 3Dwheel Mouse 180W Speaker
ASUS A7V333 Motherboard USB2.0 512MB PC2700 DDR333 BOGS ATA1 33 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Geforcsd T/4400 120MB DDR VIVO SS Audigy 5.1 Sound Card w/Firsw)re D-Link 10/100 Ethernet NIC
$ 16 89
18" 300W Tower Case MS OiecsKeyboard PS2/USB MS OpVeel Whee) Mouse PS2/USB Cmstivs INSPIRE2400 Speakers w/Sub XP 2298+
82x co-HDM ls 259WTowe/Case PS/2Win98Keyboard PS/23D Wheel Mouse 180W Speaker Du/On 1. 2G/1. 3G PldOO+ )788+
Ilntel P4 2.0GHZ CPU$12K Intel P4 1.6GHz CPU$12KIntel P4 1.8GHZ CPU$12K
MSI 6533GL SIS650 3425/$439 2565)S PC2100 DDR266 • 8$ 479 40GB ATA1 33 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1.44MB Roppy Drive 3D Graphic 4X AGP (0/8) i teasln9 P/ogrdnl Avdndble How) AC97 3D Sound (0/8)
10/100 NIC (0/8) g
52X CD-ROM Mos/o/28G $4$9/pm ................... $7$ 18' P4 300W Tower Case Mav/o/48G 7288/pm ..................$)9$ Mes/ordsG 7289rpm .................. $129 PS/2 Win98 Keyboard Mav/oiaas 7288/pm .................. $149 PS/2 3D Wheel Mouse DVDI'CDRW: 180W Speaker
IHG/d Drive/
MSI 6547C SiS645DX Motherboard ASUS P4S533 Motherboard 256MB PC2100 DDR266 256MB PC2700 DDR333 40G ATA133 7200rPm Hard Drive 6 0 GS ATA133 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1.44MS Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MS Floppy Dm/e Geforce2 MX400 64MB GeforcedMX440 64MB DDR AC97 3D Sound (0/8) Ac97 3O Sound (0/B) 10/100N)C(O/8) dbdb d bdb 10 / 100E(hems)NIC(O/8)
+spu &
1 6x OVO
$$ $59
18" P4 300W Tower Case 32XTDX40CD4(W Win Mug media Keyboard ~18 300WTowercsas Log)techOpgcai Wheel Mouse iLogitsch Internet Keyboard 3D speakers system w/Subwooferl Logitech optical Wheel Igouse Creative INSPIRE2400 Speakers w/Sub $$89 $127$G'l478 I P4 2.28/24G
U/eon 14X DVD .............................$$'7 Sony I dX DVD ............................... $4$ Cde/an 1.$G $$$/$799 Ps 2.08/228/2.4G Penesonlc 24XI OX40 ....................I/ 9 Pe 14GG.8G ls 32X18X48 ................................ $8$ A6 sdveriissd prices reflect 314s cash discount
uleon 48xl sx4$ ........................ 4188
80 AUGUsT 2002 THE coMPUTER PAPER Bc EDITIQN wwwcanadacompu/escom
Intel 2.26GHZ CPU 533 slzx ASUS P4T 533 C Motherboard USB2.0 256MB RAINBUS 000MHS BOGS ATA1 33 7200rpm Hard Drive Sony 1.44MBFloppy Drive Geforcs4 TI4400 120MB DDR VIVO SS Audigy 5.1 Sound Card w/Firewire D-Link 10/100 Ethernet NIC
40X12X48CD-RW $
17 99
18" 300W Tower Case MS ONce Keyboard PS2/USS MS Optical Wheel Mouse PS2/USB Creative INSPIRE2400 Speakem w/Sub .P42.4G/2.$3G $33MHs
AB Systems come wilh 1 year parts snd 3 years labour hardware wananiy.
Here comes the sun A solar charger for your stuff electrical outlet. All you have io do is connect it to your device with one of the
few months ago, I went on a business trip, which was fantastic by
eight supplied adapter plugs, open the clamshell and aim the solar panels
I I accounts, except fo r t w o things:i I had to wake up at 5 a.m. to
toward the sun.
catch my flight out (I'm really not a morning person. I, and I had to deal with the added weight and awkwardness of toting rechargers to the batteries in my laptop, MiniDisc recorder, MP3 player, cell phone, and Handspring Visor.
up a tent in the woods anytime soon,
From.Brunton, www.brunton.corn Suggestedreail price: 5145 In my long-held tradition of not learningthings until it's too late, I found out about the Brunton SolarPort 2.2
during my return trip — I kid you notwhen I picked up the in-flight magazine to occupy myself when the laptop's battery gave out. If you' re an outdoorsy person, you've probably heard of Brunton. It makes gadgets for, well, outdoorsy people. Thesedays thatmeans GPS receiversand tiny FM radios, as well as standbvs like compasses. portable stoves, and binoculars. And of course the SolarPort. The SolarPort's staled raison-d' etre is
Even if you' re not planning on setting you can see the benefits. If you spend a lot of time on the road, the SolarPortran reduce your dependence on lindingan outlet (or deriding what to plug into your car's cigarette lighter first) to recharge or useone of the many portable gadgets that are becoming increasingly exsentiaL And skin cancer notwithstanding, how can you get more entqronmentally I'riendly than the sun? I like the design of the SolarPort, which is light but reasonably sturdy. The size is right, too. XVhen closed it's about the dimensions of a VHS cassette and only a little heavier. lust about everything you need to adjust it to your particular device is along the hinge: a switch to select between 6 volts and l2 volts,
and male and female mini connectors. Unfortunately, you'Uhave to carry the various adapter plugs (one of whichis a car cigarette lighter-style adapter) and suction cups (for window mounting) in a separate amtainer; I wouldn't have
to supply power to electronic gadgets
minded sacrificing a little extra volume on the SolarPort to make it self-con-
when vou'remiles awav from the nearest
A BlackB rry
h ere are some who'd say t he BlackBerry was perfect as i t w as:
mobile email, a pocket organizer withcontact list,a calendar, memo pad, nmw and more.What more could you want? Well, apparently voice capability was in tc i .'t'.. demand,because Research In Notion has released a new version of the device that featuresa headset jack,allowing you to make and receive phone calls from your BlackBerry. • The advantage of this is obvious:you can leave your cellphone at home. The BlackBeny5810 has a belt clip and hol,ster similar to the one found on the old Blackgerty Enterprise Edition, but with an w I openend,allowingyou to usethe buttons From RIMsnd Rogm AT(IT,wwwblackberry net onthe side. (The new holster also spins in Estimatedprice: 5749 place so you can angle it properly, which
Speaking of adapter plugs, I was surprised to find that none of them fit in my Toshiba Satellite Pro. My collection of similar adapter plugs from Radio Shack had a few sizes that the SolarPort didn' t, but my poor laptop remained out of luck. However, the included plugs supported every other device I own that uses an AC adapter or a car's cigarette lighter, and it's entirely possible that another trip to Radio Shack will solve the problem. The SolarPort provides 2.2 Watts of electricity, which seems to slow recharg-
ing somewhat (my MiniDisc player, for instance, uses a 7 Watt recharger). If that's an issue, you can easily connect multiple SolarPorts through the binge connectors. That's not much of a benefit if. like me, you' re trying to cut down on carry-on luggage;but if you' re planning to recharge your laptop as you drive from,say, Montreal to Toronto, it might be worth the expense. 2 EmruTownsend (emm@pobox.corn) prefers to rechargehimself with Jolt Colaand chocolate Mt(Ms.
th e gabbi g crow is a really nice new feature.)
thetop row, sequentially,as with a stan
The Blackbeny 5810 connects to the outside world using a GSN/GPRS network,
dard QWERTY keyboard, which mean
which means your carrier choices will be limited, but the range should be slightly better t han t h e data-only BlackBerry,
which used the Nobitex network. As with other GPRS devices, this one requires a SIN card to store your identity. This one inserts inside a little plastic tray at the bottom ofthe device, near the interface (rendering it incompatible with the older sync cradles, due to a slightly different interface —this one uses its own USB cra-
dle). Of course. there are a couple of downsides. The first is that the keyboard isn' t really set up properly to handle phone c alls: the number ad is s readout r
you' ll have to relearn how to diaL (There' also the problem of the missing asterisk butthat's another issue altogether.) Far more important, if you' re already BlackBerry user, is that your battery lif will plummet once you switch to thi modeL because servicing a full cellula phone connection takes a lot more juice thanbasic radio pager commumcahons. If y ou' re willing t o p l ace you Btackgerty in the charger every night though,it shouldn't be an issue.The cet( phone component is certainty competent and the al(-in-one design means you' ll have oneless device to cart around.
—Sean Count)ter THECOMPUTER PAPER ac EDITION Auousr2002 SS
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Bluefish lightens your load NEWYORK—Ever wondered how a little blue fish could lighten your load? Wefi,that question was answered the second TechXNY attendees walked in the door of the Jacob Javits Convention Centre. Facing them was a small blue fish sitting atop a blinking blue light. The fish waspainted onto a 17x17 cm metal box owned by Bluefish Wireiess Inc. (www.biuei, which f eatured an infrared sensor/transmitter designed to communicatewith any Palm-based handheld running Palm OS 3.1 or above. Users pointed their handheld at the sensor, approved the file transfer and installation, and an electronic copy of the TechXNY program guide was tmnsfened to their PDA. Sure beats lugging around a kilogram or more of paper, doesn't it? Anyonewho has spent time at a trade show collecting literature knows how heavyafithose pieces of paper can get, and the Bluefish technology is one way
around this problem. The metal box (known asa BluefishAccessPoint)can be mounted in a booth, or in a public area, and runs offbatteries,so it doesn't need to be placed within reach ofa power sup-
ply. The implementati on at Javits.Center was a perfectexample of what the technologycan offer.before we even entered the show fi oor, there were a number of signboards set up with instructions, in large type, on how to download the TechXNY program, complete with a full exhibitors list, a schedule of keynotes and specialevents, and the option to download additional information. From there it was easy to look up an exhibitor's location with a couple of taps on thescreen of the Palm. At Bluefish's booth, users could download more information, induding a guide on how its technology works. The potentia l of this technology is great for offering location-based services: allowing users to hold up their handheld
to a localized Bluefi sh Access Point instead of going booth to booth collecting paper press kits. The information stored on the box can be updatedvia a wired Ethernet connection or a wireless link receiving updates from a Bluefish server. The wireless configurations currently available include a long-range 900 MHz connection and a shorter-range 802.11b WiFi connection. In areas where setting up a Bluefish server is impossible or impractical, the boxescan be setupto receive updatesvia a paging network. In this regard, the Bluefi sh Access Points are technology agnostic. A Bluefish server can control more than 100 remote Bluefish Access Points. The Bluefish Access Points can also be setup to do other tasks that can, theoretically, be set up over an infiared connection, su«h as synchronization or email retrieval/sending.
In a company where employees are
yow Cut ourpalmHandh Here
alwayson the go, this type technology would mean employees could send an email from their Palm without having to syncit with theirdesktop PC. As datatransfers are expected to take 20 secondsor less once a connection is establ ished, you would be able to get back to your work (or your coffee break) fairly quickly. CJ
Seagate announces first Serial ATA drive Pius higher-density platters for increasedhard drive capacity
gggi gggllliM BISTIB
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ust over a y ear ago. Seagate (www.seagare.rom) announced a breakthrough in data density for its hard disk drives, allowing up to 20 GB per side for each platter inside the drive. Now the companyhas bumped that capacity up to 30 GB per side, or 60 GB per platter, meaning a standard two-platter Seagate drive will now have a capacity of 120 GB. Seagate's new Barracuda ATA V drive will feature platters with this higher density, spinning at 7,200 rpm. The first generationof the new dri ves willconnect to the PC with the ATA/100 interface. As withthe lastgeneration ofthe Bawacuda, this drive will feature Seagate's noisedamping technology, placing the drive's acoustic level below the threshold of the human ear. As technology in the rest of the PC world gets better, that interface will becomethe biggestbottleneckinsideyour
of both processors and memory. While Maxtorhasintroduced thatATA/133 interface,Seagate has been holding out for Serial ATA, and has now announced plans for the first such drive, which will hit the market some time this falL The Ultra ATA interface is a paraliel interface to the PC, typically offering a transferspeed of 100 MBps to and from the PC (Maxtor's ATA/133 line runs at 133 MBps).As you'd guess from the monikec Serial ATA is a serial Interface to the PC, which will use new snap-in, hot-pluggable connectors to the motherboard. The first generation of the Serial ATA spec runs at 150 Mgps,already fasterthan any ofthe Ultra ATA drives currently on the market, and the interface has a theoreticalspeed of up to 600 Mgps down the road.
desktop computer— the interface has
and host cards supporting Serial ATAare
remained standard for much of the past two years despite increases in the speed
readyto hitthe mariret. —Sean Carruthers
The Banacuda V line wiU be Seagate's frstto feature Seri i alATA technology, and will ship later in 2002 as motherboards
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Appen 40x12x48x USB2 0 CDRW............... 215 HP1000/1200 LsserPrinter...............385/579 Dvp tgx LG/ Litepn I Sony............. 59/59 / 6 9 AcerScan 4300UI 5000UI 5300U 72 I 99/113 20G 46G 6 0 G 8 0 G 100G 120G DVD 16X Pioneer Tray/SloL.................. 69/75 Epson scanner 1250U/ Photo............139 I 189 7 200rpm 99 1 0 5 1 2 5 15 S 299 DVD RW Pioneer 04 A box / 104 bpk.....509 /499 Epson Scanner 1 650U I Photo............269/295 Notebook HDD 10 I 20 I 30G.......129/159/209 agmin Recordable CD 50pcs Spindle............... 19 Refill kit for Canon. E son. HP Lexmark..... call
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ECS KTSEM 2OIMMWMdeo LANAC97 8 9 Mic rophone / Headset Mls+Vol Control... 6 / 1 2 LCD 15 Samsung 1518 silver . 589 K7MBwnndeoAC97ModemLAN2DIMM.. 95 iCDRW I DVD LCD 18 NEC 1700V/1 850E......... 949/1 209 QD ROM I Asus P48266-C i845D 2DDR . . . ............. 155 LCD 17 Impression 7LS silver ................ 819 Asus P46533VML i845G PPP Lsn.............. 179 Aaua 52X I LG 52X CDROM ...... ............. 42 I 35 --" 0 PRINTER I SCANNER Asus P4S533 SIS645DX DDR Lsn..............169 pe 56 Acus p47 F. 8478 I850 4 Rambus............." "2ig LG 32XIOX40 Bum PrOOfWIEZCD CreatOr...., 89 canon Bzc-8200 color printer,..................... 95 GigabyteSIEXP i845E 3DPR333 w/ARUL ai9 L G 24xlgx40 Burn Proof w/ EZCO Creator..... 75 Epson C40 I C60/ C80 Pnnler.....69/125/2 25 Gigabyle 8IHXP i850E 4RIMMw/ARUL..... 259 LG 12xax32x CDRW + 8x DVD..................... 105 Epson Photo 820 Printer................ ............. 145 ECS P455A2OIMM+2DDR w/AudioLAN 109 Lriepn40xtaxm) CDRW w/NERO................. 99 HP 845c/ 9 40c Color Pnnter..............139235 I P4 MBwNldeo AC97 Modem LAN 2DIMM 119 Litepn 48x12x48 CDRW w/NERO... .,......... 129 Brother HL1230 Laser Pnnter...................... 325 99 Lkepn 24XIOX40X USB Eldemal CDRW...... 189 Lexmark E210 Laser Printer........................ 289 P3 Tualalin wMdeo AC97 LAN....... "
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a respectable I I X or so. Although people used to MP3 players might balk at the less than speedy transfer times, it seems a smaflprice to pay for the flexibility aflorded to MiniDisc recorders —not the least of which is the ability to easily record from analogue devices or, in many cases, a microphone (the MZ-SI being an exception, not having a mic input). And it's hard to argue with the price and availability of blank media (you can flnd MDs in many music and electronic stores). MP3 isn't going anywhere, but by getting a little closer to it Sony has probably made the MiniDisc format a few new friends.E2
s tbs t a a s l
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Simple Burner I.O. (Both use the GraceNote CDDB music database for album i nformation.) A s i t s n ame implies, Net MD Simple Burner is the easiest to use it digitally extracts tracks from a CD and direcdy copies them to the MiniDisc recorder, though only in LP2 or LP4. OpenMG Jukebox is a full-fledged music organization and playback program that recognizes audio in MP3, Windows Media, WAV, CD-Audio, and OpenMG formats. (I'm sure you' re not in the least surprised that OpenMG is a Sony development.)OpenMG Jukebox uses a acheck-in/check-outa system that allows you to «opy (check out) the same track onto three separate MDs. Before you can copy a track a fourth time, you have to remove it by using the software to check it back in. (You could delete the track using the recorder's own edit functions, but then the software wouldn' t register it as being checked in.) It's during check-out that music is actually recorded, and this is where Sony gets its speed ratings for transfer. SP is supposed to be rated at 4X (four times faster than real-time), LP2 at 16X, and LP4 at 32X. However, the first time you transfer a song, it has to be converted to ATRAC, which adds a considerable amount ofoverhead.Subsequent transfers use the cached data, and transfer speeds then approach the actual rating. As I mentioned earlier, my flrst LP2 copy of the 63-minute Mezzanine took almost 11 minutes; the second time around it
Emiu Townsend'sMioiDiscrecorder lookslike somethingOut01a Japanese animation video. Despite hisbest eiioris, it doesOot tom into 4 giata robot
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logiteck OPbcsl w/WheelPs/2 Mouse EH
attention to a site's privacy policies and legal terms, and only do business with organizations that seem reputable. A listed businessaddress is important when ordering online. Flags should go up if the site lists a P.O box as its address.
Agpen KpertZNO Mo46Psii Viibo w/iZM Asus6ZX Bgf CD-ROM $0 IZBFGsoumifsni w/gsa'c Iteieo Speshn Fujitsu 8729 las-KeyKcylmsid ps/z
would be advised to deal with Canadian companies whenever possible. Dealing with online businesses outside your countrjjs borders, your rights may be difficult to enforce, and legal recourse may prove more trouble than it's worth.
Protectyoursensieve iniormaeon Safeshopp( advises online shoppers to ensure thata Web site issecure before submitting any sensitive information over the Internet.Many sites use SSL encryption to protect data in transit. Order
pagesthat use the prefix https:// are using SSL encryption. — ConodUCompufes.corn
logiteck Opticsi w/Wheel PS/2 Hour OHI
IRIIRRI alpha for ANO/Intel (PAL6035)547 Cooler MasterfovAMD/Intel 51 5 (OP6 SHII) Cooler Nester for AND/Intel 5 15 (075-6H51) 6lobslmn for AHDProcessor 543
lakUet Refui far Ceum/Epson/HF
ruimu0729 Igc.xsy KeykosnlPS/2 MmmeR Inlelb-Moue Opbcsl w/WheelPs/I
yg )sagsrjrjgfaf(jk~
25IHBDOR 3.060 Psnssoni c Irisma nappyOnve
muiwimpmockncsmcerilM8 NROH6pIvo $0 Inie ValueS.I w/Altec lsnsin9 ¹$.2S IPkn Asss 32XIOI CD-ROMDrive Tisyiosd
Fujibus729 lot-Key Keybosnlps/2 Micesoit lntelii-MouseOptical w/Wheel Ps/2
I I •
Trained snd tested
to provide snpenor NetWare N
$A S yg
CanonN670U 6S¹1200ilplISS
5 1 45
KpsoalisrsUbs 125SI IESke40mpl INK 145 HP scan(et440K NatSed1200dpl408it 5145 Hy Scan )et 54SN sterne'c $279
Vhhnm SS mael ~
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ibfEp I/idndt Cards¹us WtmpmGereee NNH emg NS SLZS Aan VSBSSR Gefone4 NMIO 64MR ON 5170 ¹us VSAN/ID SAN42N 328NI SN AGPUI $335
Ns mndons2000 server w/5 cuenls.. 51359 Hstm Ngleem 6450Ouwmnlw/IZH ON 5139
3COm g'gggpteOI¹a Networking Partner
We support and service: • Novell NetWsrev mndowsForWoikgvoups • LANtestic Windows NT•
NS WindowsNae esfesslensl OEN ... 5220 IS erhsngeSenexw/5 Cueds ..... $1225 iinrd Jhiv e ~ ~ Novell NelwsmV5.0 w/5 Clients..... $1490 Nmilev ROAIGS7200vpe 106 5109 3 corn985CIX la/10007 Kl Cant..... . 565 Nader MAIGS 7200vym10 2 512S Amv 10 Sess t 5-Pmt Hub... . . . . . . . . $32 $142 hbd DUves Mo10/laagr FG cmd.... sgo Master 60.060 7200vpmNIE $155 3Com850 Elbcmet Intevece 3C19250.... 189 Nssbr 00.060 I Sxnpm IOE 3 tea IWCmaevwt le/tern Suite 3I I4 nsA5279 Wastes Digital Ultm IDE CeU Unhys Coals/I5L Rostev«/4 Pwls OH5041. $139 Ulna/ Hiss-2 WideECB Uml Ohk C all LlnhysCoue/Dst Routes r/I Hxl • SNSRII. 3115 3bm nenwconneeAolt nedsn Ml3cFIII I 5319 ap 1791 beenu Mint Ievver«/I litr. pock5220 32/64/ 120MO PC100 $DRAN tdgple CaU liiicomneslpoit Ie/too 5IK carbo ¹NcIA t521 asasnetx te/\Ie VIK Vile Coml» PQICIA 5465 64/ 12S/ 2¹NR PC1$3BSI¹4 ISIPIH Call DOR SAH 266-NHx / Sambus PCSOS Call •
3CON/ISR 568 X28.90 rnL fex/lkna PG 555
ATI Radeon7500 64MBDN AGP4X W4ut $135 Sl Sese 85SI N AabvghndeEHSSN 543ll Mm¹Qhr Gefima4NXAC OSNS SXI Relm $15S Osc¹lmm SmallBusinessstnnv w/5 CAL$1950 huecee SadmmS5SSE 12SSI ON IhaaE$195 •
(No I'/S)
Ca ll
AOpmSl XyeQHS He tvyno NN AEFA X 5$5
(FOPM) IhemsRMHVelmnourn SS SZT,S (DU0462-7) Thennsitelie Super 0th for ANO 530 (DU0462-3) Lian Lt AlumlumPC-50 Case 519II
unnsdem 44001200c24mdyl 48wt U58 51fi5
AOI Mid-towei 16" CIA w/33OWP4 P/I Msxtoi 40.968 Ultisi33 HN 72mipm HD
SobslWln for AMD/Intel CPU 535
Globslwin for AMD87 CPU 532
Sy ISS inmje (U5$Oaly,lNS.kgpwa)5379 H P 1200 leserjet (SNS, 15pym) 56 1 0 HF 220SI Letetjat (SNS, tapPM) $1267 Leaaadt E210 lnserJet hinlev
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= M~if) bll I'tledal ~ IPAC) jfgago
gpss Nylts so NMs720dpllzmntmiM 514S EpamHyhtuHZSNbrmdpieynsUH/M $2dS NP 045COeskjet Cele 5145 N I' Sask)et 920CIS Color Ink)e t $16 5 NP oeskjet 99KSE PhotoRet III $43 9
AsusIZK N i Cg-RDM Dnve Iisylssd
AsusP48333,147S,ia45EAIK,6PG/IAGP30DR Support Ultra DMA/100 snd noppyCsnbolier
Hnitoi zo.dGOUltra Hof 72aavpmHo
Color PC 2002 6/Iji(8 ~4 0 X320 TFT
$5 5 9
sstaeiaB TDDNF17" 0.25 lewx12M 5$70 Samsung MONT 19" 0.25 15¹hlZM $$SS s aey E2¹l 17 Multbma $7$ ~ 552I Veiwsenlc VE15015 LCD Pent l 564 0 VlessaakEIat 17 IL2512¹ ¹ 1024 $2M WewsoalcG$773 17" 0.21 lzwh1024 5410 Vlemanlc PFT75 17" 0.25 1600alZOO 5480 Vlensonlc PF790 19 0.25 ISS¹1100 5675
38 IDWIImmiCsdw/Ssc Insby Srsrm IPbs
256MB MIIAMPCZIOORAM fxp. to Z.OM Psnxsoni c 1.44MS floppy Dnve AIX Mid.tower l6" GA w/lear Power SupplY
H K FE950v 19 MIILTI-BTNC0.25
Stit KR-TA l33 Hotbeibosid
E nvision 17 SVGANonitov 0.2S $22 9 Emluoa BISE 19"axs 1¹wnl2M $ 3 39 NK 15508 16' LGI Festal $590 H ECFETM+ 17' NUGI-SYNC OXS $ 2 99
Acne sw.le 1st. Fm vveke(FG) S pmgKSGtsr C.inane FG S
Support llltis OMA/133, 4xpgRSlots Zxl6550 IWWSerial I Psngel Fart 5 4» Usa
Keepdetailed racer(h of transactions
on sitesnot on Canadian soil, Canadians
ZsoxgKI33 saaeefxp. Io Zaeg
p xnsmnic lxms s Moppil pnve
ASD XP-1900/ 3000/ 3100 (Ncaa asx)
ping. org) suggests consumers pay close
While the bulk of online shopping is done
Zxl6330 wliT seria I peisllel putt 64xUss
Msxtoi 40.9GSUltiel33 FIDE 72apipm HO
Common senseis stillthe bestway avoid trouble. (wwwshfeshop.
Where passible. huyCanadiaa
reu(SII 33( (.I) / ( ZenZ (K PGA) gra/ ddenpaEKO ~
Arx Hktmm to GAm w/Ixm ¹mv rup xy
SB120PGsound Cordw/Sssic Speaker
leglh(nate vendors have nothing to hide
As with transactions taking place in physical stores, it is important that consumers keep good records of their transactions. Usually, a print out of an order confirmation will suffice, though if there is a page listing the merchanrs location and phone numbers, as well as the site's legal terms and other relevant information, consumers are advised to print that out too, just in case. If there is a problem with your order, be sure to keep records of any corr espondence with the company.
C II 05/
' I
Agpen 5BI COSON .... . . . . . . . . . . 540 Asus 52X UIECo-ROM.... . . . . . . . . . 543 agpen32xuh40s 102CD.ISI (Just Link) $149 Asus31ulaxolh IOE CD.RW .... . . . $120
plsdov40u12s4ecBDEcMw (sumnmt) $139
NatebaekNeemy (fmnpsa/Is vfesbom ) ceu lEse Qmpart HmhMcnsvy32@RSHS $S5/159
AcesTmemate 223X Notebook 51610 Intel Celsron 1.13GHx, IZBMSIDRAM. ZO.OGS Hard Siive. Ic.l TfT Bnplsy,24 CD-ROM, sSK VSOliodem snd MIN dows XPHome
AcusL8400CENotebook 52200
Intel hnuumul L13Gsc. ZISMSSgaan. 3O.OG B Hard Oiive, 14.1' IFI Display. BXOVD-RDH, IOK V.99 Modem. SICsnd MSIb ndows XP Pro
TOK4lhil2x40» BN CD RW(Sum Pnml) $239 Fujitsu Lifegook 555020 53130 HPNSIDIX Sorim ZAIV41 Uaim/Il Cones$669 Intel nmuun Iu SOIHnc,236MS5DRAM, 3I.IGB Pinnace16x 080-RON ... . . . . . . . . 5129 H.o., I3.3 AcbveMatin color oispby ovD/caaail ApCSttvge-Attest p-Ssv 51S ComboDrive. 56K Nsdem, IAS. Windows2SO Pie asus IEX DVO-RONIDE Ortve ... . . . 5105 IbnDlsk Xnmsbh Rsck(ASGI/100) 52S ISNThinkPed7238 (26475XU) 54MO soundSlmtsr 120 FG/ Lhe 5.1 Value 535/55 Inuri mnlivm HI LI36nc. 126HS INM, 4BGSH.O. PromiseATA133 PG ContmtlevCont 559 Altec Lansing / GNTspeskepl.... . . . . CaU 14. I'Acbve Nsbix Color Bisplsy, 24xCD-NM, PromiseATA 133 Raid Kl con.Cant$149 TemsheMsgnetl csUy$hieldedspesRevs.Call 5IKModem snd LAH.Windows 98
asstnasaHours:MonFri900600$3tll gesgorsaparkinqataearm m e me s umvnmmwmwmunm mumm~
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CsnenAZODlgual Cense Ceca $¹I Olgltsl Ceamve
l ogitechRulckcamWeb- US S N aeml u C 04ml Clmsheu NP3 Nomad 1uhebos660 Silver / Slue
511 2 $1 10 $ 3 90
$909 Fltjl HnePis ANI 2.IMP BsSOIlal Zoom5340 NF Plmtoseart C612 Olgltal Cuesta $375 HP Photo$mevtCyls Digital Ceeem $699 lhdak OX3500 2.2NP 3x DigitalZmna $320 KodakDX37M 3.3NP 3n Oiglteltoom $399 brtel Packet FcCense EM n 400 5 1 03
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wwwcanori ecnmpulescom THE coMpUTER pApER Bc EolrloN AUGUsT2001 na
ee Connected I n t e r n e t T r e n d s • W i r e d & Wi r e l e s s • O n l i n e Se r v i c e s • W o r k 8 P l a y o n t h e We b
Taking GPRS for a test drive (ISP). It operates by diremly connecting
By GeofWheelwright
to its digital GPRS network and elimi-
or anyone who hasever considered wireless email, Web browsing, or corporate network accesswhile on the move, the letters G, P, R, and S will takeon new signihcan«e. GPRS (general packet radio service), is, roughly speaking, the data communications portion of the GSM digital cellular system, and it's now available from a couple of different providers in Canada: Microcell (Fido) and Rogers AT(kT Wireless. I tested GPRS using the Microcell service, available either as a data-only service by using a PC card from Novatel or Sierra Wireless (or any other manufacturer of GPRS cards) or as avoice and data service available on a GPRSenabledmobile phone. Tbe combined service test included the use of a $500 Motorola P280 GSM/GPRS phone (which also included a headset for listening to FM radio). It
~ GPRS sertdcg'. )rom:Microceli, Monthlyrate:550(flat-rate specialuntil August)
P200 GSM/GPRSphone Fmm:Motorola, Price:5500
Wireless K Merlin G100card From:Novatel, www.novatefwireless.corn Prices:5525
work using a cable that ran between the
The nice thing about this configuration was that it didn't require separate
phone and the computer.
dialing into an Internet service provider
allowed me to connect to the GPRS net-
nates the Inss of performance typically associated with dialing into an ISP over a mobile phone. Setup was quite easy using the software provided by Motorola. Within a few minutes oF unpacking the phone, I was wirelessly connected to the Internet. I should say at this point that wireless was, of course, a relative notion, as this solution did require a cable to run between the ntobile phone and the laptop. Butuserscan also use the fastinfrared connection accessory to establish the GPRS link. This means that even when connecting to the Internet using a mobilephone and a notebook computer. the link is still completely wireless. In either case, the GPRS connection works and ofiers speedsaround 56 Kbps (thesame kind of performance normally available from a dialup modem hooked up to your desktop computer). According to Microcell, it is possible to attain data transfer speeds of up to Confiimed on page95
IE CSS extensions: Part 8 By Keilh Srheny'R-Roberts n the past several articles, we' ve looked at some of the new Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties that Microsoft has added to recent versions of Internet Explorer. This month, we conclude the series (for now) by looking at two very different sets of properties that control aspects of the user interface and provide greater control over background positioning of images.
Theaccelerator property The acceleratorproperty is a browser-specific extension available within Internet
Explorer that allows Web authors to turn
off the underlines under "accelerated" items. An accelerator is the keyboard shortcut that activates a particular feature —for example, in Word, ALT + F activates the File menu. The word "File" in this case has an underlined letter "F'l showing the user that this is the key that, combined with holding the ALT key, will activate the feature. The accelerator property allows the Web author to turn this featureon oroff. Accordingly, the accelerator property has two values: trueand false. For reasons that should be obvious. it makes the most sense to combine this with the underline HTML element (though keep
gn AUGUsT2002 THE coMPUTER PAPER ac EDITIQN wwwcaoadacompuiai corn
in mind that this is a deprecated element). It must also be used in conjunction with the label HTML tag in order to tell the browser that the underlined element is selectable. The following example code shows how this property could be effectively used within a sample form: cidodypehtml public "-//W3C//DTDXHTMI 1.0 Transitional//FN" "http//"> <html> <head> <tale>accelerator PropertyFxampfec/title> estyfe> Continued on page 9l
10 anti-scam and anti-spam Web sites By Neith Sdtengig-Roberts 'red of all the messages offering ways tomake money, save money, lose weight, get a diploma, and get ripped off, all with only a mouse-click? Thesesitesoffera few ways to lightback, fendoff, and poke fun at scammers and spammers. • InternetScemgusterst If you suspect you're the target of some Internetbasedscam, make sure you check this site first. It's an award-winning site
devoted to exposing Internet-based frauds and seams of all sorts. Scam Check Station lists the most popular seamsofthe moment, and how you can preventyoumelf from getting taken. wwwscam bustets.erg/ • Nigeria-The 419 Coalition Web site: A typical "419" email goes like this: a stranger asks for your help in accessing a bank account holding millions of dollars, promising you a signihcant cut for providing some funds to open up the account.What started out as a faxbased scam has grown exponentially withthe advent of spam emaiL It's calle d 419 Fraud, afterthe a section of the criminal code of Nigeria, where most ofthese seams originate. This page sayswhat you should and shouldn'tdo ifyou receive such an emaiL • Work From Home, U nwelcome
Herbalife Signs: Spamisn't just electronic. If you live in a bit dty, chances are you've seen signs telling you how you can make lots of money working from home orhow you can lose dangerous amountsof weight in a week. If you' ve ever wondered where they come from, visit this site. It details the network distribution scam and the herbal remedy firm behind it. cockeyed.deadtrout.corn/workfromhorna/workfromhome.html Continued oii page 91
Ia anlfiecamand anfi~m Web silas
• Urban Legends Reference Pages: Ever get an email from a well-meaning friend who ispassing along a message con-
Conrimiedfinn / page 90 •
cc n •
dedicated to fighting the spread of viruses. While intended primarily for people associated with the university, the site contains general information, anti-virus software, and lists of current viruses and email virus hoaxes (often designedto make you delete necessary files on your computer).
taining information on "the worst virus ever" or asking you to sign an online
petition fo r something that sounds
/ /
/ /
• BetterBusiness Bureau: This Web site for this organization —which is dedi-
catedto fairness in the marketplacehas plenty ofinformation and news to help you protect yourself from being scammed. Find out whether a particular company or charity is legitimate, learn ways to protect yourself from identity theft, or file a complaint. www.bbb.orfi/
IE CSSextensinns: past B Continuedfrom page90 u {accelerator: true) body (iont-size:large; font-family: Aria(, Helvelica, silnsserif)
c/slyle> </head> <body> Whenyou hil the ALTkey, underlines will appear
undemealhihe "f under FirstName andthe "L" under "LastName." Cp> <ul> dbfining ALT+Fsimultaneously will movefocus automatically io the First Name input text
field.c/{i> cfrvfiisingALT+Lsimultaneously will move focus automatically to lhe lastNameinput texl field.c/li> c'tul>
</P> <{onnaction="fi oes-nowhere.php metier''post name=erewhon'> 4ibe{ ii)='f oemen>listName: Qbbebcinput type=texl" accesskef= i" name= {name size="10" madengih="15 /> <bbd id=1name~ c / i cnst Name: cfi abetcc{nputiype="taxi" accesskey= I* name="{name" size= 15 maxlength="25 />
fshy? If so, take a look at this site, i hosted by the San Fernando Valley Folklore Society, which lists a number of Internet virus hoaxes and fake petitions. This site covers urban legends in general, which makes for interesting and sometimes amusing reading. wwwsnopes.conV • Diet Fraud: There are many people looking for a short cut to losingweight. Unfortunately, there are also many scam artists who prey on them, by selling fraudulent diet products. This site covers"all the news not fi t to eat,c including diet f rauds, government actions and lawsuits surrounding the weight loss industry, and cautionary news on the latest herbalsupplements, "slimming patches," and more. www.dleiiraud.corn • Virus Bustersi Sponsored by IT staff at the University of Michigan, this site is When you load this code in Internet Explorer 5.5 and greater, you will notice that when you hit the ALT + L key, the cursor appears in the "Last Name" text
field. The accelerator properly appears to be a relatively harmless enhancement, as it is unlikely to interfere with functionality when the page is viewed in other browsers (while the sample code does not work on other browsers, neither does it appear to cause any problems). However, unless you tell the user about this feature, it is unlikely that a user will find it (ihey would have io accidentally hit the ALT key to discover it otherwise).
Badtgtatm bpesi5on-xand -V p opeffies In order to provide Web authors with greater control over where exactly back-
ground images can begin tiling themselves as a background, Microsoft introduced two new, browser-specific background properties with the release oF version 5.5 of Internet Explorer: backiround-posifi f on-x and background-posiiion-y. Both properties are used in conjunction with the background-image property, and are used to set the position where the background image begins to start tiling. Note that this does not mean that you can setexactly where the background-
cc fg n n •
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• FightSpam on the Internet: Tired of getting virtual heaps of junk email in yourinbox? If so, go to this site for tipson reducing the amount of spam emails you receive. It indudes detailed information on how you can set up blocking programs, traring the source of spam, and even the latest news on the legalfront in the fight against spam. spam.abusenel/ • Spam FAD:It may not look pretty, but the Spam FAO contains a lot of informationabout the origins ofspam, how and why you get spam, common types of spam and hoaxes. filteri ng systems, and more.The site also hasa thorough listing of l i nks and other online resources. dd(digitatneV-sandal{/spamfaqhrml • The Spam Lettenn ThisWeb site spoofs and parodies replies to spammers. It shows howsurprisingly unsophisticated the majority ofspammers seem to beas the many clueless responses to the spoofing reply emails seen here would
suggest. www.thespamletters.corn/ • image is io start tiling within an element
on a Web page; instead, they position the background image relative io itself — so a setting of 0,0 does not refer io the iopleftmost portion of the background element, but the top-leftmost position oF the image itself. Bothbackfi ioundSxrsifi on-xand backgroundposiiion-I can take percentage and specific lengthmeasures.A value of 50 percent means that the background image should start tiling at exactly half oF its vertical (or h orizontal) dimension. W hen a lengthmeeswe — such as pixels — is used, Internet Explorer begins tiling the background image at the point specified. The following code example shows how these values can be applied using the backfirounrkposilion-x property: <!doctypehtml public e//WIC//DTD HTML4.0 Transitional//EN"> <hant> <{ille>backfiround-posilion-xExample 1</fille> cs{y)e> div.fixed-lenglh (backfiround-image:url(tesiimage.jpg); barkgroundsxrsrlion-x: 0px; height: l40 px;width: 400px; font: largeAriel, Helvelica, sans-seri; mlor. navy) div.percentage(backgroundqmage:url(les{image.jpg); background9osifion-x:504(/; height 140 pawidlh: 400 pr, font large Arial, Hehielica,
sans-serif; color. navy) dlv.negativevalue (backfiround-image:url(teslimafie.jpg); background-pmikon-x: -l00 px;height: l40 px;width: 400px; font: largeArial, Helveiica, sans-serif; color. navy) mde (iont: largeArial, Helvelica, sans-serif; color: navy; background<olor, white) c/head> <body> cdn dass= fixedqength">This image is positioned
usin g<codevbackgraund4xrsifi on-x:0 pixelsc/code>(so it appearsasit would normally be filed).</div>
Op> c'divdam= percentage >Thisimage isposifioned usin g<codevbackground-posi fion-x 504{/c/code>.c/div>
OP> <div dass=negativevalue">Thisimage is positioned usingccode4ackground-position-x: 100 pix elsc/codec.c' /div>
Ojx' ~ d y> ~ t As this example shows, it is alsopossiContinued on page95
ccnwcn/cdcc omputec.<om THE COMPUTER PAPER BC Eomon AUGUST 2002 BI
WH Cnnri rrrrerffrom page 38 musicproduction software. The company, based in Hamburg, Germany, is best known for Logic, which is used by more than200,000 musiriansaround the world, according to an Apple press release. Emagic will operate as a wholly owned divi sion of Apple. And, though Emagic currently develops software for both Mac and Windows platform, Apple says Windows-based product offerings will be disconfi nued atthe end of September. — TCPStaff
GIucosemonitnr integrntmgwilh POAs In Jun e , The rasense I nc . (wwwtherasense.corn) received approval from t h e U .S . F ood a n d D r ug Administration to begin marketing a new toolfordiabetes management: a glucose monitoring system that is integrated into a Handspring Visor PDA. The Freestyle Tracker is an expansion module that slides into the Springboard slotof any Visor. After putting a dot of blood on a test strip, the strip slides into the FreeStyle Tracker and analyses the blood, giving a readout on the POA screen.
Therasense says the tool not only allows patients to test their glucose levels, they can graph and chart the results over time. review carbohydrate food lists
to track their food intake, and create reminders about testing or dietary choic-
Parhelia-512 graphics accelerators debut atrox Graphics Inc. (www.mairox.corn) has unveiled the first line of graphicsboards based on its Parhelia-512 GPU. The company says new features in the Parhelia inciude a full 256-bit DDR memory interface, partial compatibility with Microsoft DirectX 9.0, and advanced multi-display computing capabilities. The 2D and 3D multi-display functionality makes these adaptors ideal for desktop publishing, Web design, software development, digital photography, video editing, and gaming, according to Matrox. The Parhelia adaptors are full-height ATX boards with two DVI-I connectors integrated on the bracket, which allows for a wide variety of display outputs. The boards come bundled with three cables/adaptors: a DVI-I to dual HO-15 cable;a DVI-Ito HD-15 adaptor; and an HD-15 to 5-video and composite cable. The Matrox Parhelia graphics boards will initially be available with 128 MB of DDRRAM. The retail packagedversion has an estimated price of US$399 and are expected to be available in July. Matrox says 64 MB and 256 MB versions vri(i be available by falL — TCPStaff
es.The system also gives doctors a more accurat e time-stamped progression ofthe patient's glucose levels. Therasense does dis tribute diabetes managementproductsin this country,but there was no information at press time on when it plans to distribute the FreeStyle
Tracker in Canada. —TCPStaff Creo releasesSia Degreesbfal version V ancouver, B .C.-based Creo In c . ( has released a free 30-day evaluation version of its Six Degrees software. The email-driven productivity tool automatically connects and displays related messagesand files, allowing users to quickly navigate through projects, according to Creo. The developer says Six Degrees updates in real time, and does not make users change the way they work or store their files.
Canadians travel more vy)t POAs than partners, stu y n s 'fty-five percent of Canadians travel with their handheld computer more often
than their partner, according to the results of survey on PDAetiquette release in June.
The survey— conducted by Toshiba Information Systems Group ( coincide with the launch of its Pocket PC line in Canada —offers insight into hands held habits. Habits revealed in the survey: • 71 percent use their handheld computers while fiying in Canadian skies; • 60 percenthave used theirhandheld computers on the golfcourse;
• I v g
The software underwent external beta tests in both freelance and corporate environments, and in a range of industries and educational environments. Six Degrees operates on Mac Os X (with Microsoft Entourage X) and Windows 2000 and XP (with Microsoft Outlook).
51 perc ent use theirhandheld computers whileschmoozing at social engage ment; 19percent have used theirhandheld computers to impressa prospective date; When asked aboutthe mostinteresting place they have used theirhandheld corn puters , 11 percent listed the beach whil e an equalnumber considered the wash, room to be the most interesting place to have used handheld computers.
MediaProfile and Toshiba Canada ISG surveyed 415 Canadians through emailacross Canadaand at various locations in downtown Toronto,Ont. in April2002. —TCPSta
oxoxsw -
Improveyour swingwith GPS IGolf Technologies ( has released a new application for use with a PDA/GPS device, which it claims wig significantly improve a golfer's skill level and playing ability. The software. igolfgps, gives golfers accurate distance measurements— from the golfers baN to the front, centre. or back of the green— from any location on a course. The software supports the Magellan GPS receiver and Palm OS-based PDAs from Palm, Sony, and Handspring.
The iGolfgps interface inlcudes a scoreThe full version will ship in July and will be available for an introductory price of US$99. — TCPStaff
AdobeshipsInCopy 2.0 Adobe Systems Inc. (www.adobe.corn) has announced the release InCopy 2.0, copyediting software that is integrated with the company's professional layout application, Ingesign. The sof tware for writers, editors, and copyfitters at magazines and newspapers isdesigned to help manage and streamline the editorial process. InCopy 2.0 includes support for XML, enhanced editingtools such as dynamic spellcheck, a buil t-in thesaurus,fast text substitution
card for up to four players. The company says the combination is an affordable alternative to golf cartmountedGPS products. A rel ease from iGolf says its software "can provide accurate distances on any golf course throughout the world." However, courses do h ave t o be mapped/surveyedfirst to work with the system. The California-based company will be adding course information to its Web sitedatabase,which users can download. Ifa favourite course is not in the database,users can map itthemselves with the system in less than 90 minutes, according to iGolf. — TCPStaff
and table creation, and an improved interface for working on multiple views of a storysimultaneously. Because InCopy and InDesign share the same XML struc-
ture,stories created in InCopy can be imported directly into Ingesign.
ng AUGURxaox THECQMpuTERpApER KEDITIQN wwwrxnadacomputesmm
InCopy is available through the Adobe's system integrator channeL Pricing is based on individual installations.
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wwwcanadacompmescom ME COMPO(ERPAPER BC EDITION AUGUST2002
e NEW 8
M SN.castudies keyboard generation By AndrewMoore-Crispln t's not the death of the English language, but rather the birth of a new form of communication, at least in the opinion of and Neil Randall, a professor with the English department at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ont. What started as a way for geeks to communicate online using acronyms and emoticonshas become an accepted language for the "keyboard generation," with abbreviated phrases like IMHO (in my humble opinion) and the more familiar LOL (laughing out loud) creeping into everyday communication according to Lingo Online, a study by and Randall. The keyboard generation moniker isn't confined only to the younger generation though, "anyone using a computer on a day-to-day basisseems to be incorporating some kind of online language, and hence is a part of this demographic,
says Donna Hindson, a marketing manager with The study asked 1,000 Canadians betweenthe ages of 16 and 54 how they communicate online and offline, and if the English language is being forgotten in favour of an abbreviated writing style, which Randall says is an unprecedented hybridization of writing and speech. The Lingo study suggests that online language has gained more acceptance with the wide adoption of messaging programs like M icrosoft's Instant Messengerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which was used by 81 percent of the study's respondents. When sending instant messages, time is of the essence to maintain conversation fiow, so online language is being adopted out of necessity, Randall says. "Language has to adapt to suit culture," and this is just the latest evolution, he says. Randaa notes that several of the acronyms are now listed in reputable dictionaries. The online language is, for the most
part, a creation of younger generations, and Randaa says hewas surprised by the fact that its use hasspread across all age groups. Despite this, a generation gap is apparent.
"Anyoneusinga computer on a day-to-day basisseemsto be incorporatingsome kind of online language,"andhence is a part of thisdemographic. The survey asked people to give the meaning behind some of the more common abbreviations found in online messages. and while 86 percent of respondents aged 16 to 19 correctly answered that LOL stands for laughing out loud, that number fell to 60 percent among respondents aged 20 to 34, and further to 28 percent of those 35 or older. The numbers fall across all age groups for some ofthemore obscure references.
The survey also found discrepancies between age groups with the way respondents choose to communicate online. Of those 20 years or older, 100 percent said they use email when online, but use of instant messaging seems to be confinal mostly to younger people. Of people aged 35 and older, only 31 percent said they used instant messaging while online, compared to 86 percent of those age 16 to 19. While online language can be seen as the next evolution, Randall says it won' t replace typical spoken or w ritten English, and that the keyboard generation still understands the value of "traditional" English. The Lingo Online study supports this observation, as computer users seem to see email as a more formal mode of communication, and data suggests that users are much lesslikely to use abbreviations when corresponding via email. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Telus Mobility launches national 1X network By Meganlohnsluu
eius Mobility has started rolling
also CDMA-based, while Rogers AT&T and Microcell's Fido are GPRS-based networks.
out what it is ca)ting Canada"s
Initially, the Telus Mobility 1X service
first "national" 1X wireless net-
is available in Halifax, Qugbec City, M ontr4al, O ttawa, T oronto a n d Southern Ont ario, Win nipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, and Victoria. Telus Mobility says it plans to extend its reach in Canada and into the U.S. (through a roaming agreement with Verizon)by theend ofthe year. To make use of IX, Telus Mobility introduced two hardware solutions: the Velocity Wireless kit, which bundles a Sierra WirelessAirCard 555 network PC Card with Internet services (such as email and Web space); and the LG TM520 phone. The PC Card can be used with a Windows laptop or a PDA (with a
work At a pressconference in Vancouver to announce the new service on june 3, Telus Mobility"s B.C. vice-president Neil Cusati also introduced the Velocity Wireless PC Card solution and a new IX
phone. Cusati said the new service offers speeds of 40 to 60 Kbps under typical conditions, and up to 144Kbps under ideal conditions. Eventually, this CDMA-based network could transfer data at rates of up to 2 Mbps, he said. Existing cellular networks have a maximum speed of about 14.4Kbps, making next-generation services such as IX the first over which wireless multimedia Internet access is truly practicaL Other Canadian wireless network providers include Bell Mobility, which is
PC Card adapter). The phone can also beused with a laptop or PDA to access online data wirelessly, but requires a connection kit. The LG TM-520 is $249 without a service contract (the price drops
98 suousr2002 MECOMpUlratapsa acsomou wwwrsnadacompuies.corn
depending on length of service contract). The IX monthly service fee starts at $30 for 5 MB and up to $100 for unlimited usage. (Because CDMA is packetbased, users are charged based on amount of data transferred rather than air time.) For pricing on the Velocity Wireless kit, contact one of Telus Mobility's Data Solution Channel Partners.
Corporate clients with a mobile workforcearea key market forthe IX service, and to rmch it Telus Mobility has partnered with enterprise software developer Citrix and Hewlett-Packard Canada In addition to developing services and all-in-one mobile solutions, Telus Mobility says thesehigh-profile alliances provide additional channels for marketing its service. See "Wireless world slowly emerging" in the May issue ofThe Computer Paper foran overview of wirelessservices and devices in Canada. CI
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IE CSSexkensienc perl 0
400 px;font large Aiial, Helvetica, sans.serif; color:
Continuedfvo»rpage 91
ble to set a negative value to backgroundposi!ion-x(and bsckgrountppositiony). In this case, the negative value tegs the browser to start tiling the image beginning 100 pixels "in" to the left side of the image. Both background-posiuon-xand backgroundpositionqalso have specific named values aswell: background-position-xcan take on le!t, centerandright; background9osition.ycan take top. centerand bottom. These values behave slightly differently than the percentage and length values—in that they do not refer to a coordinate within the image, but how the background image is initiaBy positioned within a Web element containing the background image. So a value of right tells the browser to put the Brat background image on the right-hand side, and begin tiling leftward and down from there. A value of bottom tells the browser to put the initial background image at the bottom of the element to tile up from there. The following code example shows how the three values for backgroundposition-xcan be used:
divcenter (backgioundrimage:url(tes!-image.jpg); background-position-x:center; height !40 px; width: 400px; font largeAriel, Helvetica, sans~if;
color:navy) divright (background-image:url(!estrimagejpg); bsckgmund9osition-x: right; height 140px;width: 400 px;font: largeArial, Helvetica,sanswerif; color: navy) mde (font: largeArial, Helvetica,sans-serif; color. navy; background-color: white)
</style> </head> <body> <div dass="left>)his imageis positioned using <code>ba ckground-posiri on-icleg</code> (the default setting).</div>
<p> <div dass="center>This imageis posi!!oned using <code >b ition-x: center</code>.</div>
ackg round-pos
</p> <div dass="right">Thisimageis posirioned using <code>bac kground-position-x:ri ghtqrcode><'/div>
<!doctypehtml public "-//NBq/DTDHTML4.0 Transitional//EN"> <htmb <heaib <ri gnri nikground-position-xExampl e 2Be!Lcenter andright values)</title> <style> divleft (background-image:uil(test-imagejpg); background-position-x:left; height: !40 pn width:
</body> </html>
TeldngGPRSfor 0 Ical drive
Conrinued from page 90 I15Kbps using its compression software.
I did see this in demonstration,and even saw streaming video using that configuration, but I was unable to repeat that
experience on my own notebook The quality of this connection varies tremendously depending on the quality of the overall cellular signal. In places where weak cegular signals made mobile phone calls difficult, the GPRS data connection was also poor. In places where I could make very clear and highly audible voice calls, the GPRS signal was also strong and stable. This means that GPRS is only a solution For thosewho live in areas where the underlying PCS provider already offers good service. But I guess that'skind of
There's one other little trick you have to know about if you intend to use these properties —ensure that you are using the proper<!doctype>statement. When usingbackground9osition-xor background-position-ymake sure you do not use
Clur second setup was for data service
only, using a wireless PC Card modem plugged into a notebook or handheld computer to access GPRS. Using the $525 Novatel Wireless PC Merlin GIOO card, I was also able to establish a good connection to the Internet at average speeds of around 56Kbps. The PC card option offered several advantages. For one thing, I coulduse it in both my notebook computer and my Compaq iPaq handheld computer.The drivers and the modem connections softwareinstalled easily and I was able to get up and runningquickly. I found that the GPRS card was particularly good for doing wirelessemail. I did Bnd, however, that it tended to be rather slow when I wanted to use it for Web browsing. This was particularly
IE CSSextensions This list shows aff of the Internet Explorer CSSextensions, listing them in the order in which they first appeared in various releases of the browser: InternetExplorer4.0: filter (while first introducedin this version,manynewvalues were tackedonto this property
layout-grid-mode layout-grid-type line.break auergow.x
in hterversionsof Internet
scr olbar-face<ufor
right rubyalign rubyoveihang
scr oll bar-highlight<alar
InternetExplorer5.0: accelerator behavior border<ollapie bottom direction ime-mode
scrollbsr-sno w<alar scrollbar4asecolor Krollbar<farkshadow<olor
ruby-posiuon table.layout
textautospace text-jusfriy word-break
IntemnExplorer 5.5:
layout-grid layout-grid-char layout-grid-line
background-position-x background-posilion~ In out-ilow
thestandard XHTML <Idodype>declaration —these properties wiB only work when the document is set as atransitional or frameset HTML 4.0 document
(Le<fdouype html public -//NBC//DTDHTML 40 Transitional//EN">or <!doctype html public//NBC//DTDHTML4.0 Framese(//EN">). If <tdoctype> is set to a strict HTML 4.0 or XHTML 1.0, it will "turn off" when viewed under Internet Explorer 6.0, as it has the ability to processthe contents of a Web page in accordance to the <!doctype> setting.
Olher InternetExplosnrexlensions While this concludes our look at the
true on the iPaq, which I suppose was not doing as good a job of caching the Web pages as my Hewlett-Packard Pavilion notebook. One piece of advice I would offer anyone considering the use of GPRS astheir primary method of mobile Internet connection would be to set your email software to leave attachments over a certain
size on the server. I was caught out a couple of times when people sent large attachments. On a 56Kbpsconnection, they can considerably slow downloading of your email. It' s best to wai( until you have a DSL or cable connection before downloading large attachments. I have to say that the roaming coverage Microceg offered its GPRS service was excellent and I suspect this will be the key to its successwith GPRS. I used
scrollbaruhadow<olot taxi-autospsce text-jus!ily text-kashids-space text-underiine.posi!ion wordmiiap wrigng-mode zoom
InternetExplorer6.0: min-height text<wergow
extensions to CSSavailable in recent versions of Internet Explorer, there are certainly more available. For a full list of CSS values (standard CSS properties and extensions added to the browser) go to: url=/workshop/author/css/reference/css ref entry. asp. C!
NextTime:Mozila extensionsto CSS. Keith Schengili-Robertswelcomesany comments, sugges!ions,orHTML tipsyoumayhave.Youcan email Keith at: robeitsk@rogers.corn. Hisbook on CSSpublished by Prentice Hall, CareCSSOSBN:0. 134834564), is available in bookstores.
it in Vancouver, Toronto, Orlando, and
Seattle. Within the next six months, users will also beable to roam on GPRS networks throughout Europe, Australia, and many other countries. That' s because GPRS is based on GSM standards. Microceg currently has an "introductory offer"fl at-fee price of $50 per month (which includes U.S. roaming) for one year, available only to those who sign up before Aug. 31, 2002. For that fee, theseearly adopters will get unlimited usage. Alter that, customers will pay for the service on a "per byte" basis (i.e., the more data you receive and transmit, the more you pay). So if you want to sample wireless email and Web browsing, you may want to think about getting started now. 0
www.txnadacumpuies.corn THECOMPUTER PAPER sc EDITI ON AUGUST2002 ng
Takinga tabletPC ontfora spin Continuedfrom page 74 keynote for some time now. One of the key design goals of the Tablet PC was usable handwriting recognition — in other words, it had to be highly accurate. But, handwriting could not be the only method of input. Thus, in practice on the Acer unit, you can type with a keyboard, do handwriting recognition on the screen, use voice recognition, or simply write on the screen and leave the information as ink These choices are designed to aflow users to decide how they want to use the Tablet PC at any given time.
On theACer unit,you Can tyPe With a keybOard,do handWriting reCOgnitiOn On
the screen, usevoice recognition, or simply write on the SCreenand leaVe the information aS ink, The approach to handwriting recognition is particularly interesting. Microsoft recognized that previous attempts to introduce technology similar to the TabletPC— such asthe many pen-based computers of the early 1990s —largely failed due to poor handwriting recognition. The most memorable of these was Apple's Newton device, the failure of which was viciously lampooned in a series of Doonesbury cartoons that had the hapless device mangling everything that was entered into it. By throwing an army of smart people at the problem of handwriting recogni-
Ollica npdala indndassmoother hxt Continuedfrom page 74 train and the track That information can then be used to calculate metal fatigue and predict track failure. In a factory setting, RF ID tags can give very precise information about goods that move out of the warehouse. When combined with global positioning system (GPS) devices, these tags can store and transmit information about
tion, Microsoft has come up with technology that appears to be highly accurate. Not only will it recognize handwriting that is written in a small space between lines, but it is also designed to recognize handwriting that is sideways, or even written in a circle. Probably the cleverest element of the Tablet PC though, is that it recognizes the value of leaving information as ink. Included with the Tablet PC is an application called JournaL Microsoft Journal allows you to write on a screen that resembles a simple lined pad of paper, with the difference being that you have almost an unlimited number of pages on your pad. You can write notes on this pad to your heart's content and when you' re finished, you can then turn those notes into editable text or take the diagrams or pictures you have drawn and quickly turn them into high quality drawings that could be used in presentations or business documents. These journals can also be indexed based on the recognized text underlying the handwriting. This means you have a whole new way of quickly being able to find handwritten notes. And as I said earlier, the Tablet PC is not just about handwriting. It is also designed for voice recognition data entry. This entire artide was dictated to the TravelMate 100 Tablet PC using a headset and the Windows XP Tablet PC built-in voice recognition sohware. Voice recognition is a natural fit for
the Tablet PC berause there's nothing m ore natural t han w anting t o w a lk
around a little as you formulate your thoughts. It's not very easy to do that
where they are at afl times —which could be useful in transporting high-end vehicles or expensive equipment, for exam-
ple. Yet another application comes from the health care sector, where some patients require constant monitoring. Enter the Digital Angel: an RF ID tag attached to medical sensors that would
continuously report the vital signs and location of a patient, while allowing that
r. i
IC I';L:.t
r DJJJ' as AUGUsT2002 THE coMpUTERpApER ac snmoN wwwcanadammputescom
when writing or typing. But with voice recognition, you can pace up and down your oflice or cubicle and entrust your best thoughts (o the care and safety of your Tablet PC. Of course, there wifl be times when you want to use a keyboard and a mouse. I tried, for example, to put together a few PowerPoint presentations using the Tablet PC and pen. It was &ustrating and fiddly. So I j ust flipped the screen around, plugged in a mouse and keyboard, and finished the job very quickly. I guess what will really make or break the Tablet PC is the extent to which software developers create applications that really leverage the uniqueness of this platform. At the Tablet PC reviewers' workshop in Seattle, Wash., in June, Cord showed off an amazing drawing application that really made the most of the fact that you could draw directly on the screen with a vast array of very powerfuldrawing toolsand a pressure sensitive digital pen. Pressure sensitivity means that when you hold the pen for a longer time in a particular spot it will releasemore on-screen "ink,"mimicking the operation of a standard baflpoint pen. Other areas of innovation for the Tablet PC are likely to come from the fact that the design supports built-in wireless communications capabilities. The Acer model I tested included builtin support for 802. I I wireless networks, providing me with full access to the Internet and my home network (where I
applications and ag its content wherever you are. As a result, I have taken to reading the morning paper on my Tablet PC, by having it propped up on the breakfast table and scrolling through ag the news of the day as it comes in live through my wireless connection. The Tablet PC also makes a fantasti~ platform for reading electronic books. The Tablet PC software ships with the Microsoft Reader utility, so I could carry a number of books with me as I traveled around, without the added weight of physical books. More importantly, it was much morelike the experience of reading a book then I'd typically get using my notebookcomputer. Nobody really knows where the Tablet PC will end up being most usefid. At the reviewers' workshop, Bill Gates spent a few minutes with us talking about how he uses the Tablet PC. He told m e that i t h as actually replaced his PDA because he no longer needs both a notebook computer and a PDA. The Tablet PC offers ag the advantages of both. except that it is a little big to put in your pocket. Several other analysts suggested a future in which PDA functions that don't make sense to use on a Tablet PC would migrate down to cell phones, while the remaining PDA functions would reside in the Tablet PC. The only thing I know for sure is that Microsoft is going have a fight on its
have an IBM w ireless access point installed). This wireless support means you have the full power of the Internet, afl its
hands when it comes time to reclaim the
patient more privacy and independence.
already in use for some military applications and have been reportedly used in Afghanistan to detect and report motion in combat areas. Looking further out, Accenture suggests that these tags could sit in a field to report on acidity of soil, can be woven into expensive materials to report on their current state (combined with stress sensors in the propeller of a plane, turbine, or submarine, for example). Researchers at the French facility also said RP ID tags could be built into money, allowing authorities to more easily trace cash and detect whether or not it is counterfeit. 0
RFIDtagscouldgetsmall enOugh to be taken aS a
"sensor pill" that would report back onconditions inside apatient'sbody. Researchers also report that these RP ID tags could get smafl enough to be taken as a "sensor pill" that, after swallowed, would report back on conditions
inside a patient's body. Crude versions of RP ID tags are
Tablet PC I have been reviewing. I can' t remember what I' ve had as much fun reviewing a new product. I3
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wwwcsnsdammputaimm THE COMPUTERPAPER BC EDITION AUGUST 2002 ey
w NEW 8 N O T A B L E e
HP ready to launch 50 new products ailing it the biggest rollout of «onsumer products in Hewlett-Packard's history, representatives from HP CanadaLtd.announced the company will be introduring more than 50 printing and imaging products over the next six months. They got the ball rolling at a June 25 event at HP Canada headquarters in Mississauga, Ont. by unveiling three new pri nters and two fi atbed scanners. Among thenew printers announced is the Oeskjet 5550, which uses r,800 dots per inch (dpi) print heads; Photoret IV (the next generation of HP's imagesmoothing technology) and a six-colour ink system. The printer also uses a newly deveioped ink and paper combination, which will give an estimated image permanenceof80 years.Lookfora review of this printer next issue.
Ralph McNeil , head of HP Canada's Imaging and Printing Group, said there are a number of consumer and small business trends driving the digital market, inciudingthe factthatpeople want access to images like personal digitai photos everywhere they happen to be, and they want to do more things in less time. From a business perspective, NcNeil said companies big and small are shifting to a digital workflow. Among the technology trends driving the digital imaging marketare the huge uptake in Internet use,and the fact that digital imaging products such as cameras and scanners are gettingbetterand cheaper while becoming easier to use. McNeil said HP has strengths in this area, including its number-one position in terms of worldwide market share in photo
A second wave of four digital cameras and one photo printer was announced July15. Now at the top of HP's digital camera line is the Photosmart 720, a 3.3megapixelmodeL The camera has adopted Securelhgital cards for removable memory, which are still not common on digital
camerasbut have the advantage ofbeing
printers and scanners. The Scanjet 3570c is one of two new scanners HP has announced. It off ers 1,200 dpi scanning resolution and 48-bit coiour depth. It comes with a transparency adapterforscanning 35 mm slidesand negatives. The 3500c is similar, but withoutthe transparency adapter.
smaller than other popular memory «ard formats— they are about halfthesize ofa SmartMediacard. The camera also has a feature called InstantShare, which allows the user to email images directly from the cameraonce it is docked to an Internetconnect device like a personal computer. HP has scheduled other printer and scannerproducts to be announced in late July and throughout August and September. —Dovid Ionoka sparks criticism from Canadian booksellers By AstdrewMoore-CzIMrin harp criticism came from some
C anadian bo oksellers aft e r Amazon.corn announced its long expectedentrance into the Canadian marketplace with the launch in late June. IndigoBooks and Musicchiefexecutive offi cer Heather Reisman and Todd Anderson ofthe Canadian Booksellers Association blasted the online retailer's plans, saying its foray into the Canadian market violates federal ownership laws. Amazon.cor n founder and chief executiveofficer,JeffBezos,maintainsthatthe move toa Canadian site using Canadian distribution and prices is a good one for
publishers, authors, and consumers alike, and adheres to Canadian law. " will n o t o n l y s erve Canadians. but will also export Canadian products all over the world, increasing the visibility and reach of Canadian writers and artists," representative saidafterthe announcement. Indigo currently has about 70 percent of the Canadian market share, though there is no word on how that is divided betweenonline and in-store sales. Either way, Indigo likely has the most to lose from'sdebut. will use Canadian distribution channels, but has no employees in Canada, a technicality that may allow them to skirt Canadian ownership rules
like the Investment Canada Act. The act statesthat any non-Canadian starting a businessventure in Canada must submit to areview by the federalgovernment to determine the potential benefits for Canada. Amazon.casaid in a release that the company is exempt from the Investment Canada Act, as it does not require approvalofcompanies thathave no locations or employees in Canada, and has neither. The release went on to say Reisman's call for government intervention is a "smokescr een to protect her own vested interests." Orderscoming wiO be packaged in a Mississauga Ont. ware-
Does yourWeb host give you PNP4,Python, Perl5, SSI, CGL SSHaccess, MyBOLdafabcsse, Bnslm™dashboarcL Web sfailsfics, FTP,IBe manager, Bbreopfic connecffon, Web-mall. trngmffed emcsllboxes. aliases, auto- spon e, vac n m ag i n , 0 seluis fee,24xy strfsport ua e, 9 % e nd l O,Pomores rzcewveryyear
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SB AUGUsT2002 nrzcoupurzepApER Bc EDITIQN wwwcznadacompulesmm
Canadais Amazon.corn's biggest export country ,so the move to a Canadian site is a natural, says. Amazon.casaysthe new site boasts1.5 mill ion books,COs,videos,and OVOs,and has editorial content in both French and English. —
$ 7 79/ $819 $8 1 9 / $839 $ 9 1 5/ $985
rex ovo, rorreo~
All systemsIncludes
56Kmodem,3D audio, AGpvideo, Tv~ I Keyboard, Mouse. Speakers. Far. $1 lie
ze srtr RAM. 2008 Ho, szx CD. 1A4 FD. lo/IN newark, S6K modem, sn audio, Gcearce4ee64mn Vie<a, Tower Case, Keyboard, Mouse.Speskws. 17" Mwmrw l27mm dor pitch)
AMD Atblon XP I 600/ l 800 Intel Celeron I. I/ I.3 GHz Intel Pentium-4 1.7/ 2.2 CJFiz
rsyBSZ80 RSZ I O,
cowpttAr pcea~S14W
something that further enrages critics. According to a report from Internet research company IOC, 75 percent of online consumers originate from six countri es.Untilrecently, Amazon.corn operated infive ofthem, and now Canada makes
AMD'Duron BSO/ l200 NIHz $ryjryf $745 AMD Athlon 1.3/ 1.4 GHz $76 9/ $799
Saneuex rueCD RxWriewDrive
of Canada Post, a Crown corporation-
NetWOrk COalrOl Sygf(Bm:
We do!
house,and shipped through an offshoot
Se S
UplFSSI88 fOr SS IZOVe speOIICSIIOns: Upgraderw zseMB RAM/QKin (720ei HD . adw srs/ss9 upped ro. .rex Dvo/Gefowe4420 64M DDRadd. szw sre
ehfriar)231~ p e XR(804123W858~ -:mail: mfixrMvrNork-consol.corn Webwww nerwork-conuol corn rhan se «iwoutrwo v
Nokia releases next-gen Communicator finally been launched in Canada,
Ala)apm orleyl(lec)
America). Wbat makeS thiS PhOne eXCiting, hOWeVer, ig that it'S alSO a handheld E()mPuter: the hinged deViCe OPenS uP t(3 reVeal a
the SCreen Rnd R SerieS (Pf buttOnS alOng the t()P of the keyboard and the Side Of
thescreen thatallow foreasy maneuver-
EayIA hcshr V5
. '
' I
Fram: NOE)a,VVVVW.RO45 I Om Egiimated Pfice; S999
The biggest problem most users will have with this phone is the orientation oE
regular readers will remember is the OS also used in Psion hagtdhelds) and Java.
PlaCeS them ()n OPPOSite SideS, WhiCh
T he brOWSer is WAP i. l Rnd xHTM L COmPliant, ag)d ig CaPable (2E diSPlaying mOSt Wdb PageS the Way they Were intended t(2 be Seen, graPhiCally SPeaking, inStead EII COnverting everything tO a teXt-readable fOrmat OT SquaShing the
need gg) t)se the number Pad y()u haVe C(P IiiP it around each time yd)u want go make R SeleCtian, Or yOu' ll haVe tO learn h(yW (EI uge the n u m ber p ad S ight-
graphics to Gg a square screen. Selecting links is not obvious without reading the
Still a nire little device, thanks largely Eo
I) A(SEA)? I/
Cruedscalwau41hak OacrAsnas Ml Iud tnA Oahg Sar Selar I GoU
same side, the 9290 Communicator means if you' re accessing voicemail aggd
unseen. DeSPite the ggggit'5aWkWardneSS, it' 5 the eXCellent Errden, Whirh allOWS graPhiCal brOWSing right OgtyOur handSet. — Sean Carruthers
IC AN 'Alg(fy)O(gll4 IERIEEQAEE)N()F
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wwwcJI)Jda«omp)dstcom Tt(E coMPU)KRPAPER Bc EDITIoN AUGU5T 2002 OO
< NEW &
N O T A BL E > r
Panasonic unveils new DVD line NEW YORK —Panasonic has long been a proponent of rewriteable DVD technology, and the DVD-RAM format in particular. The flrst day of TechXNY saw the announcement of some new
Panasonic products making use of the DVD-RAM technology, all of which will be available in the fall. The flrst product announced was its third-generation DVD Recorder, known as the DMR-E30, which will be available at retail sometime in luly for a suggested
s erv e
retail price of US$800. The DMR-E30, designed for use in the living room with an entertainment centre, will h andle
either DVD-RAM or write-once DVD-R media, which can hold a maximum of six hours of video per side. (DVD-R discs, at 4.7 GB, are one-sided, while
y e n On* l i n e
double-sided DVD-RAM discs can be flipped for an additional six hours.) The product features Progressive Scan, as well as Time Slip functionality, which allows users to watch the begin-
ning of a show that hasn't finished recording. The DMR-E30 also allows
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you to watch one program while a differentone is being recorded.
The second living room product is the DMR-HS2, which adds a 40 GB hard drive inside the case. This hard drive serves several purposes, including longer recording time than recordable DVD media (up to 52 hours of video in EP made), the ability to edit content for
Multi Drive, which will read and write a number of formats, including DVDRAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD-R, and CD-RW, as well as handling playback of standard formats like DVD-ROM and
DVD Audio. The drive, designed for use inside a PC, is expected to be available for under VS$500 sometime in October. Panasonic also noted that there will be a drop in the price of DVD recordable media, which will make its newly announced products even more attractive.DVD-RAM discs wifi be available in three-packs and DVD-R media in fivepacks, bringing the price as low as US$7.99 per DVD-RAM disc and US$5.99 per DVD-R disc. Cl
ucts is the forthcoming DVD Burner II
mastering back to D V D m e dia, and
something known as "relief recording," which starts recording the video to the hard drive when space on the removable media acddentally runs out. This model also features a FireWire (IEEE 1394) slot for transferring video directly from your DV (digital video) camcorder, and a PC Card slot for transferring still images to the hard drive or DVD media. The DM R-HS2 will have an estimated price of US$1,200 and is scheduled to hit shelves in October. The third and final product introduced was the VDR-M20 DVD camcorder. Though Panasonic was beaten to the punch by Hitachi's announcement last month of its newest DVD Cam, this is a new product for Panasonic. This camcorder will use 8 cm DVD-RAM or DVD-R media for recording, though only the DVD-RAM discs will support on-camera editing. The camera will link to a PC via USB, though it's expected (as with the Hitachi camera) that those with compatible DVD drives on the PC will find it far easier to just take the media out of the camera and drop it into the PC's drive. The VDR-M20 will hit the streets in September, with a price point of US$1,000. Also joining the lineup of new prod-
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CBfccls d T13lllmg I T Caree r Tr e n d s •
P r o d u c t i v i t y Ti p s RI Tr i c k s • Bo o k
Re v i e w s • T u t o r i a l s
Manager gets mice to market
n the time between the production of a product and its purchase by a customer, the product marketing manager has the most influential role. From providing input into how 6 productis developed and packaged, to pricing, promotions, and where it is placed on store shelves. the position requires a variety of skills and carries a lot of responsibility for a product's success or failure. Christ opher Wolfe has been a hardware marketing manager with Microsoft Canadafor nine months, and recently took time out to speak with TCPabout the varying demands of h i s j o b. Following is an edited version of that conversation. TCP: Did you always want ro be ohardware marketing manager?
CWI Actually, my moving into this role was an interesting transition. I have an engineering background as well as a degree in finance, so not necessarily the
background that the usual marketing managerhas.Usually they have a com-
merce background with some marketing experience. I was looking for a financial analyst role when I got hired into Dell computers as a product manager for their desktop and notebook lines. That's how I made the transition to marketing. A lot of the marketing manager and product manager roles require a large degree of analytical skills, because you are responsible for the revenue and margin that your products are bringing in, so you need to have a good understanding of finance and the impact that your products have on the company's [profitj
and [loss[. Tell me about o typical workday for you. I don't know if there is one. but [laughs[... Looking after the hardware product lines — mice, keyboards, and gaming devices —you' re responsible for a whole spectrum of responsibilities. Actually, anything and everything to do with [Microsoft[ hardware in Canada, I'm responsible for, so I get pulled into a lot of diBerent things. My core responsibilities, though, when it comes to the mice and key-
boards and gaming device lines, would be positioning the products in the marketplace: working w it h o u r r etail accounts [and[ our account team to put the best product plans together, so that when you walk into a Future Shop or a Staples you see our product displayed properly with the right pricing, the right promotion, and the ri@t positioning so consumers understand which product is best for them. That's what I do on a day to day basis. Now there's a lot of tactical stuff that goes along with that, all the way fiom just making sure the pmduct gets on the shelf, so working with operations, both here in Canada and in the U.S. where the goods come from; doing analysis on the Canadian marketplace to see where the trends are occurring, are wireless mice biggerorsmaller,are pricesincreasing or decreasing on average; and then ensuring that fits into your plans. Do ymt spend o fot of time in tneetiugsf Not that much. I probably have the typical workday of eight or nine hoursthere are busy and slower seasons with
about three hours of meetings a day. which isn't too bad. It gives me a lot of time to really study my product line and
everybody's role — but I typically have
Continuedon page 105
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Ifs the friendliest OS X book, but 'little' it ain' t he "little" in the title of this Mac 05 X book is a farce— atmore than 800 oversi zed pages, I'd hate to think whata Large Mac 05 X Book would look like. Having said that, author Robin Williams (notto be confused with the comedian) is an acclaimed, award-winning author who has wri tten such classics as The //onDesigneris DesignBook and the original LittleMoc Book. Because of that, this book has some realadvantages over others on the same topic. It is easily the best organized and the most clearly written —I'd even say the
Mac 05 XBook Author, gobi!i Wiiika
Pub!is!KmPeachpit Press, www.pcachpi!presscom ISBN 0-201-74866-5 So!!cover 2002 801 pa Pnce: 544.95
out of the book. It would be wrong to complain about the book based on size alone,buttitlesin Williams' earlier Little Mac Book series were known for their simplicity, concision, and for fitting a lot of truly useful informationinto a compact text. Though this new edition tries to harken
fii endUest— of the beginner's level Mac 05 X books I' ve seen. With a myriadof screenshots and a lucid writing style, it would be hard for a neophyteMac 05 X userto go wrong. That it was written by an experienced user of the operating system comes through in the way she tackiestypicalproblems users might run into. Of allofthe books on 05 X I've read, this is perhaps the best for the rank beginner .It's the book I would getformy Mom. While it claims to go into some more advanced functions, only 05 X newbies and the semi-experienced wiil get much
backto the days ofsimpleroperating systems, something has been lost. I would have been happier with a smaller book thatfocused on getting usersup and running,quickly,with the new 05. It'sa good book— better than average, in fact— but "little" it ain' t, and that's too bad. — KeithScheng!B-Roberts
SolidMac OS X guide goes beyond basics Mac 05 X: The Missing Manual Author DavidPogue Publisher: ?aguePress/ O'Rail!y, wvtw.orelgf.coct ISBN: 0-59fr000824!
So!!cover 2002 583 pa Price:537.95
I •
avid Pogue has proven his worth as a computer book writer, cmating the deservedly successful Missing Manual series as well as a half-dozen of the more notable For Dummies series. Perhaps more importantly for Mac users interested in this book, he is a former AfocWortd columnist and author of Moc 05 9I TheMissing Monuoi. Pogue has a particularly good basis for knowing how 05 X diff ersfrom its predecessors. The book covers all of the fairly basic topicsfound in most ofotherbooks on 05
X:getting to know the new layout; using the pmgrams that come standard with the operatingsystem; dealing with font settings;and more. But this book goes beyond the basics, dealing with things like simple networking, using the Unix shellthatlies atthe heart ofthe new 05, and even a rathertentative chapter dedicatedto "hacking" the 05. There's enough here to get the 05 9 and whollynew Mac 05 users up and running quickl y with 05 X, and enough depth to make it a useful reference. One particular ~
featureI liked was the "Where'd It Go?" dictionary, which lists where and under what name Apple has put all pre-05 X features. While this book arguably has more "meat"to it than most, I was hoping for something that got more into the nittygritty aspects of the 05, providing more than just a cursory look at things like the Unix shelL A good— though not likely to be the best —book on 05 X. —Keith Schengi!i-Roberts ITAL%'AS 4 DSSETN!5! ITGSTE SOSEDWNNME AND E4!TECA CRSG NINETEG Ilzao/IwAY IORA WNIHLTTEsu5TA
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( C A R E E R S & T RA I N I N G e
Managergets micete market Coufi ader?from prigr ?02
well... t h e s t andard c o nt puter I T research companies that also provide a
the marketplace.
lot of insight into what's happening in the industry. And just the newspaper I
ivlml do you like lieslabonl yourj ob? I like thc diversity of the role. Being a p roduct manager, you get to k ind o f
dabble in everything. A big chunk of my responsibility is jinj the consumer marketplace —that's where the bulk of my revenues come from. That being said, there's a large OEM (original equipment manufacturer) business with the system builders, so I do work with them as well. i work with distribution. I also work with the corporate side; the large corporations need mice and keyboards aswelL So I get to touch all aspects and I guess all sizes of organizations, which is good because it allows you to learn more, instead of just being purely corporate focused or purely retail focused. Also, there's a broad range of people I deal with and customers I deal with, land] within the role there's a broad range of skills needed —analytical skills, creative skills, project management skills. You' re not staring at spreadsheets all day, you' re not in meetings all day. It' s a good mix. What do yoa like feast?
That's a very difficult question. I wouldn't say "what do I like least," I'd say,"what isn't the most exciting," but it' s some of ihe routine things, things that
you do day in and day out, and they' re more of just the bookkeeping items. They don't really challenge your thinking, but they' re critical to get the job done: things like paying the bills. The more administrative, tactical things are not the most enjoyable, but every role's got those aspects.
happening because usually they know what's going on before everybody else. In terms of my skill set, beyond industry knowledge, it's just keeping up to speed with the latest marketing trends... through seminars or courses or whatnoL
So if you look at the year, I'm probably in two or three weeks a year just learning new thing~, challenging old concepts. What ivould you consider io be lhe»rosl
irhportanl skills someone would need lo do yerir j ob? I would have to say understanding the product's place in the market as well as the organization. That could be financial, or from a customer point of view, or from your account's point of view, be it a retailer or a corporation. It is a jack-ofall-trades job, so you need to be a well rounded individual to do this role versus a role like, say a financial analyst, which isvery numbers-oriented. (Inj this you do need strong analytical skills, but you also need a strong creative and project background. What are the biggeslchallengesyou wonlii expect Io face in yonr position over flic next of years? The biggest challenges would be to continue pushing the limits of creativity, trying to do new things, and getting new breakthroughs in your product lines. Mice and keyboards have been around for quite a while. There's always new variations and new technologies coming
coup le
out. but it's just pushing the barriers of what customers you can get on board,
how you position the products so cust omers that weren't customers in t he past recognize the benefits of a better
they support us across the board in developing ourselves both personally and career-wise. So just little things like getting subscriptions to all the computer and tech magazines: Tlic Computer
When you'rr nol wo rking, wiial'<your favmirire way lo spend your riaie?
so wecan keep up to speed on the latest products and trends. We have relationships with big research companies as
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What do you do In keep yourself ep lo speed i» your iaduslry k>iowledge,your j ob skills, and your prodacl knowledge? Microsoft's a great company in that
Paper, Toronto Compares!, PC Magazine, PC World. We read them on our breaks,
input device.
Oepends on the season. In the summer I like to get outside, play volleyball or go bike riding, go to the cottage. I'm a computer person,so I do enjoy tinkering around on my computer, be it soAware
or hardware,and setting up wireless networks, that type of thing. Into winter it' s more indoor stuff — reading, watching movies, those types of things.CI
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vvxrcansdscompvies rom THE COMPUTERPAPER ac EDITION AUGUST 2002 tag
< NEW &
N O T A BL E w
What's here is coming everywhere By DavidTanaha TAIPEI, Taiwan —Computex is one of computer technology's biggest events.
The annual show, held this year from June 3-7, is primarily an event for buyers (or traders, as they're referred to by event organizers) who come in droves from all parts of the globe. According to show organizers, the final attendance tally was approximately 24,400, a 4.6 percentincrease over lastyear.The top
Japan, and Korea. fust over 1,000 companies were registered as exhibitors. Most were from Taiwan, although a n i n ternational exhibitor section took up one quadrant of the main hall. The U.S.. Korea, and Hong Kong each had their own pavilion, and a fourth area was devoted to other international exhibitors. International or domestic, there's a good chance that the products exhibited in the more than 2,000 booths spread across three locations will show up on a sales shelf somewhere in the world. The show covers a broad spectrum of IT products, From components to finished goods. Products include both business equipment like bar code scanners as well as computer and consumer electronics. W hile some exhibitors mount t h e
• i
p sn
which makes it easier to skip whole sections that are not of interest. Here's a few
items that caught our eye.
Ko mtdherhtm¹g T aiwanese manufacturers own t h e m otherboard market. A r eport i n DigiTimes magazine states that Taiwan's
top f ou r m o therboard m akersAsustek, ECS, MSI, and Gigabyte —are responsible for more than half the world's supply of motherboards. At Computex, motherboard and addin card makers took over most of Hall 2,
most have standard booths, so the densi-
processor,which is scheduled for an October release.
ovopy oom lyotop booJL Evopyihyl
Wagesauagtechnoloigy: More gian 2,000 booths representing i,ooo-plus exhihhou aowd the showRoor at Taipei's multi-venueComputex in undyJune.
and most of the major companies were displaying boardsfor the new AMD Kg
„ ' „-g aces '
.: ~ aoiot
kindof mamive showcase areascommon to trade shows like Comdex or PC Expo, ty of exhibitors on the Boor is high. The show is organized into zones, though,
~P l
three visitor countries were the U.S.,
David Bennett, spokesman for lviicro-
Star International Co. Ltd. says the MSI K 8 m o therboard u ses t h e V I A VIAK8HTA chipset, and will come with USB 2.0 support and 5 . 1 sound onboard. FireWire (IEEE 1394) connectivity will be an option, as wio a choice of onboard Bluetooth or Wipi wireless LAN connectivity. The board will have three memory slots supporting DDIU33 SD RAM.
gannett also pointed out MSI's N18 Ultra-ABIL Athlon board, which he said is the Erst motherboard to include Bluetooth onboard. Bluetooth? Yes, there was some evi-
the BlueCute.
Marketing director Darryl Chan said BlueCute is intended primarily for resid ential
wi r eless n e t works, w h e re
dence at the show that Bluetooth building a head of steam. In addition to
Bluetooth's 10 m range won't be a limiting factor. He says one advantage of
the usual Bluetooth modules, we came
Bluetooth is i t s relatively low p ower
across a couple of LAN solutions based
requirements, making it an ideal wireless
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on Bluetooth, induding the BlueCute access point from a newly minted company called Albatron. Albatron started life in the mid-'80s as a TV manufacturer and slowly branched into monitor and computer peripheral production. At the beginning of this year, it took on the new name, Albatron, and a new focus: IT-related products including Aat-panel displays, motherboards, and connectivity products like
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< NEW 8 solution for battery-powered devices like handheld computers.
board from Benq (formerly Acer Peripherals). The nearly full size key-
' g
board is built in three sections. The two •
Maadhet ds,acmssortes abound
outer parts of the keyboard slide over
Speaking of handhelds, bring up the subject of PDAs in Canada and only a few brandscome to mind, but more may be on the way, as a number of new deviceswere on display at the show. Acer, already a known brand in North America, hastwo: one based on the Palm OS, and the other on the 2002 version of Windows Pocket PC. The Windows for Pocket PC 2002-based n20 and n20w
the centre part for compact storage.
I. Diplomain InformationTechnolog) Four coaceatratioas
premiered at this show. Both use Intel's
* CIIV WebMaster (CIWWebDesign, ECommerce, Internet Programming)
PXA 250 processor, come with 64 MB of RAM, and use aSony Memory Stick slot for removable storage (the n20 also has
* DeveloperSolution(C¹, C++, VC++, VB, JAVA Programming, .NET)
an accessory slipper with PC Card and
' Network Adtaieistratian (A+stNetwork MCSE,MCSA,MCDBA, CCNA, SznIJaizAdmisisaaios Interestingly, when we returned to
CompactFIash slots).
Canada, a news release from Belkin was
Dimensionally, the n20 comes within a whisker of Toshiba's svelte new Pocket
waiting for us, announcing that it would
PC device. The n20w is thicker and heavier, because it has built-in 802.lib wirelessand a bigger battery. The Palm-based slo was announced
be sening it as the G700 Portable PDA keyboard. It will retail for around $100, and will be available for most Palm models, some Sony Clie models, and the Toshiba e310.
4st fall, and Acer says it is the first
Chinese Palm OS device. Alas, on
Internet appliances
returning to Canada, we learned I'rom
* OracleDatabaseDeveloper (Oracle%DBA,Oracle6i Developer, OracleInternet JAVADeveloper)
II. Diplomain BusinessAdministration Fourconcentrations ' BusinessAdministration * Marketing Management * ComputerizedAccounting
Acer that it has no immediate plans to
' Legal Administrative Assistant
r elease either p l atform i n No r t h
America. Eten Information Systems Co Ltd.
( has incorporated a dual band (900/1,800 MHz) GSM/GPRS phone into its latest InfoTouch P600 model, which uses Windows Pocket PC 2002. The unit is powered by a 206 MHz StrongARM processor, has 64 MB of onboard RAM, and has a 65,000-colour screen. It also has MultiMedia Card and Type II CompactFlash slots for expansion. This brand is relatively unknown in North America, but the company says it has sold about three-quarters of a million InfoTouch handhelds in Taiwan and China since 1997. One company thatseemed to have support from many handheld hardware makers isPenbex Data Systems (www.penbezcom), which has developed its own operating system, Penbex OS.We've seen Penbex on this side of the ocean exhibiting at Comdex. The company says the platform will support GSM wireless telephony as well as consumer-oriented multimedia applications like MP3 playback. A supporting cast of handheld accessories — keyboards,cases,camera attachments, etc.— was also there. A case in point was an innovative folding key-
II I. Summercertificate programs It might be a product category best suited to Asia (where dimensionally small computers generally do better than they do in North America), but there was a special pavilion devoted to IA (Internet appliance) devices, with 15 companies exhibiting there. In addition, other exhibitors throughout the show also
showed IA devices. Many are based o n M i crosoft CE/Pocket PC operating system, and are tablet-style units. A case in point is the eDigiNote Pen Tablet from APlux Communications (wwwaplua.corn). The unit has an 8.4-inch TFT screen that can be viewed in portrait or landscape mode. It comes with Pocket Internet Explorer and wireless connectivity via expansion cards (the unit has Type I I PC Card and Type II CompactF)ash slots). Similarly, EB2000 from Epower.corn Technology (wwwepower-tech.corn) uses Windows CE 3.0 and is architecturally similar, a)though it has a 10.4-inch dis-
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TtsaslncNkig, ~ mtwawgpaeomp TTA
play. Continued onpage 108 wwwcaoattacompotcacom ME COMPUTE RPAPER K ETZTION AUGUST2002 101
Maaagmgetsmice to market Continuedfram page 107
Motherboardsare easy:GigaByte message
The fast aad the frigid
You want fast? Then you need to chill, literally. On display at t h e Asus (www.mus .com) booth was what the company (formafip Asustek Computer Inc.) calls the fastest PC in the world. The system uses an Asus P48533-B motherboard and an overclocked 2.4 GHz Intel Northwood processor. The secret to keeping the CPU from vapourizing when pushed to 3,000 MHz or higher is a little refrigerator posing as acomputer «ase. The case is called the VapoChill, from Asetek Inc. of Norway. Inspecting the normal looking tower case reveals a small finned heat exchanger (similar to what you'd see on a window air conditioner) where the power supply fan usually sits. Inside, sitting on the CPU, is a block, presumably the chiller, and insulated plumbing. The person I talked to at the booth could not fully explain how it worked. or how much extra power it required, but it had afi the makings of a standard air conditioner: heated fluid flows from the chiller to the Bnned heat exchanger, where it is cooled, then cycled back to the chiller.
TAIPEI, Taiwan —Gigabyte wants active and potential PC do-it-yourselfers to know that instaRing a motherboard is not difficult. This was the main message delivered by Bill Hong, vice-president of Gigabyte Technology Inc. 's PCBA Group during a brie fing here at Computex. The luncheon meeting, called Tech Forum 2002,gave the Taiwan-based motherboard manufacturer the opportunity to show what itis doing for the ease-of-use cause.One of the signature design elements of Gigabyte motherboards is Dual BIOS, which improves reliability through redundancy.Hong said that,in addition to viruses , a BIOS can be damaged through
ty, Ezfiex, makes it easier to select the correct multiplier when instaliing an AGP video card into the AGP slot. Likewise, VTuner monitors various hardware settings
and provides overclocking utilities. Gigabyte even indudes a utility called FaceWizard,thatallows a userto create a personalized bootup screen. On the subject of overclocking, Hong said Gigabyte neither encourages overclocking, nor warranties damage that may resultfrom the practice.But,he said,"we cannot li mit what end users can do. Overclocking is not illegal and we get lots of requests on it.We do not encourage it butwe know that' s what users want."
improper fiashing. The implication was thatif users somehow damaged the BIOS during an update gone wrong, the Dual BIOSfeature givesthem a second chance. Gigabyte has also developed some utilitiesto make it easier to adjust motherboard settings. They include EasyTune, whichHong described asa Windows-based plafform tuner that provides control of extensive hardware settings through a friendly graphical interface. Another utiliAsus, the self-proclaimed "king of overciocking," has a number of solutions to keep CPUs cool, including a system calle d Q-pan, which varies the speed of the cooling fan according to what is needed, resulting in a quieter and more energy efficient system. Asus also incorporates overheating protection that cuts power to an overclocked CPU before it is
damaged. According t o D i g i Tirnes, Asustek
Computer is the leading motherboard manufacturer in Taiwan, and shipped 15 migion motherboards in 2001.
Miles of moiheshoards After the briefing, Gigabyte bussed a group of journalists to one of its five factories for a plant tour. In Pingden, about an hour's drive out of Taipei, is the 45,000 sq. m Nan-Ping piant. The eight-storey structure might be mistaken foran ofl' ice tower, but in fact only the top floor is for administration with the remaining floors devotedto aspects of the manufacturing
Commodity digihd camscoming lf what is being shown at Computex points to what might soon be coming to store shelves in Canada, expect a flood of low-cost digital cameras. Several manufa«turers ,some recognized in Canada, had a variety of models on display. in 2000, we looked at A i ptek's ( PenCam I, whirh was about the size of a thick felt-tipped pen — 10x3x2 rm (4.9x1.2x0.8 in.). The company has developed several lines since then, including the fogow-up Pen-
• r
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process.Opened in October 2000, the plantemploys approximately 1,730 people,and can pump out about 800,000 motherboards and 250,000 network and VGA cards a month. The Nan-Ping plant includes 17 automated surface mount lines, along which allof the smallsurface mounted components are inserted by machine. The plant also includes 10 DIP lines. where workers physically add the larger components and PS/2,USB, and other peripheralconnectors.The plant also has nine testing and eight packing lines. At the end of the process we wandered through stacks of cartons stamped with their final destination,among them a couple of recognized names of PC distributors in Vancouver and Toronto. Gigabytewas founded in 1986. It has one additionai plant in Taiwan, and three in mainland China. It currently employs
3,900 people, including about 80 outside ofTaiwan and China.The company saysits revenue last year was approximately US$833 million. —David Fanaka Cam II, a 1.3-megapixel version, and models with a more traditional camera body style. Microtek (www.mictrotekcom), lo ng known in Canada for its scanners, was showing several digital camera prototypes, including one that is smager than a business card and about 1.25 cm (0.5
in.) thick, and comes on a keychain. While the model on display was a nonworking sample, Andy Hu, director of the company's digital camera showed us a working model Microtek is manufacturing for a Japanese com-
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< NEW &
N O T A BL E m
Japaneseteams triumph in RoboCup
hiie many sportswriters lamented the scant attention North Americans paid to World Cup soccer action, few if any allocated a single line to RoboCup, a concurrent soccer eventalso held in Japan and Korea in June. O n t h e off i cial W e b sit e (, RoboCup is billed as "an international research and education initiative" with a goal to, "by the year 2050,develop a team offully autonomous humanoidrobotsthat can win against the human world soccer champion team." Thisyear's competition was the sixth annualevent and was held in Fukuoka, Japan, co-sponsored by Busan, Korea. Parbcipant s comprised 193 teams from 30 countries, and for the first time, the competition included biped humanoid robots. Tournament participants were divided into five leagues: simulation, smail-size robots,medium-sized robots,four-legged robots, and humanoids. In addition there were two other competitions: RoboCup Rescue,a search and rescue competition; and RoboCupJunior, for younger students.
What' s here iscoming everywhere Continuedfrom page )08 puny. When we were in Tokyo a few days later, we saw these cameras in 0 number of retail outlets, selling for the equivalent
of $120.
In a press release announcing its participation in the mid-size RoboCup event, Philips Electronics outlined some of the technologie s needed bythe robotsto play soccer. These include colour recognition so robots could discern the orange ball and propel it toward a yellow or blue goal; kinematic s to enable the robots to turn 360 degreesand move around the fi eld; and wireless Ethernet to allow the four robots on the field to communicate with ea«h other. The Phibps Cyber Footballteam, which was created by a group of 40 Philips employees in their spare time, finished fourth in the mid-size league. First place went to Eigen, a team from Keio University in Japan; followed in second place by WinKIT, from Kanazawa Institute of Technology; and Osaka University's Trackies2002 team in third place. More details and a complete list of winners is available on the Web site, as is informationon pasttournaments and winnersand future tournaments. —Sborlene Myers
ai least the UJL) by Christmas, and will cost approximately US$200. The unit is also 0 digital watch. One company we may hear more of in the future is Skanhex Techno(ogy Inc. (www.skanhex.corn.iw), which had 0 fidl line of digital cameras, including a 4.lmegapixel mo del, on dis play. Spokesman Kenzo Tseng said Skanhex is five years old, bur has only been making digital cameras for t h e past year.
and Kodak. Tseng said t h e c ompany has 300 employees in Taiwan and about 600 in
DXG Tec h olog y Corp . (wwwdxgiech.corn) showed what il claims is the Brsl colour wrist cern. The VGA-res-
Mainland China. Iis 14 production lines in Chinacombined can produce about
olution camera has 2 M B o f b u ilt-in
The high-end 4.l-megapixel unit uses CompactF)ash for storage and includes a 3X optical zoom. Tseng said it would be ready for distribution in September, bur so far,the company has nol formalized plans for North American distribution. 0
may beavailable in North America ( well,
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Previously,it made fi lm cameras on an OEM basis for companies like Minoha
memory, and will download images lo a computer through either 0 USB connecTion or wirelessiy via infrared. Company spokesman Aaron Chen said the product
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< NEW 8
N O T A B L Ew r
Innovation still apparent at smaller show
Ready. Set. Connect.
NEWYORK—PC Expo has long been New York' s biggest annual technology event,
thoughthatmay soon change.Thisyear' s PC Expo, which ran June 25-27, was roiled into a larger event known as TechXNY, which also featured a Web services expo
anda dedicated OV Expo for those working with digital video. Though this years
eventwas smaller than previous shows, there were still a number of interesting things happening, and some innovative
Ethernet Switch
andinteresting products both on and off
the show floor. Following are highlights:
22 Mbps Wireless Access Point
Broadband Router
Cable/DSL Router I I I
Focusoa DV Oigital video has become such a big part ofthe consumer electronicsand computer world that a separate hall was set aside to hold this years OV participants. Hardware
companieslike Sony, Canon, and Sharp
showed off new camems, while Natrox,
AOS,and Adaptecpresented capture cards and peripherals. Software companies,
such as Adobe and Roxio, were also on hand to talk up theirnewest capture and editing packages.
Tablets takeol 11 Mbps Wireless PC Card
11 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter
10/100 Ethernet PCMCIA Card
10/100 Mbps PCI Network Card
22 Mbps Wireless PC I Adapter
22 Mbps Wireless PC Card
Though the tablet PC concept has been
around for a while, it's never taken off withconsumers.Microsoft is betting that that's about to change, with the announcement of the new Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system, which brings Tablet PC-speri fic features to WIndows XP.This combination may be whatittakes to bring usersto the tablet form factor — previous versions had a more scaled back version of the operating system,like Windows CE orPocket PC for Windows,as opposed to a fullversion of Windows.This new operating system not onlyhas allofthe featuresofXP,it adds the ability to write on the PCscreen using a sperial stylus. A number of major hardware vendors have announced support for
the OS, and some—like Acer Peripherals, Fuji tsu, Toshiba, Viewsonic, and VIAwere showing oif Tablet PC prototypes thatwillhitthe marketassoon as the OS
officially ships, sometime near the end of 2002 (possibly in November). Continuedon page I ld 110 AUGUST2002 ME COMPUTERPAPER BC Ebtnou wnwcanadacumputaacum
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Also New a Used Commercial Telephone Systems fum c c m THE coMPUTER PAPER Dc EDITIQN AUGUsT 2002 11 5
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46 36 84 57 116 79 114 58 67 .7 113 115 13 33 75 48 114 31 106 114 49 114 115 Bl 115 104 112 55 88 62 113 41 24 71 114 113 117 38 28 115 93 .2 118 50 30 I '15 114 115
Digital Directory DogarHost ... DomainPeople.corn,, DW Technologies . Easter Technology Distribution EasyHost Eglobal Computers Inc, 53 86 E losoft..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Eprom.. 113 eSeeHosting.corn Ever Lasting BusinessSolution.... 114 E versource Technology Inc..... . . 60 Extranc Technology Inc 101 39 Factory Firefly Books 103 114 First Choice Recording Media I... 63 Fly Computers 27 Frontier Computer 115 G4 Systems 68 Generic Computers... Gigabyte Technology 25,10 Hitech Exchange . 112 ICI Computer,. .. 22 Imada PCInc .. 81
I ntelligent Batteries Inc.... . . . . . 112 Internet Lightspeed .. 54 .. 40 I ntertech 0,/c.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 I Oridge Technology Ltd..... . . . I 8, L Multimedia .. 76 .. 78 LaptopGoseoutcom .. L eadtek Research Inc...... . . . . . .. 37 Legend Computer . . 83 L exmark Canada...... . . . . . . . . LG Electronics .. 11 . 112 L inux Motor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . L ook Residential.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 LynxCommunications ......... . 100 . 98 M anual Labor Services..... . . . . . Map!e College . 107 M DG Canada..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . 26 M DI ... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mecca Internet Solutions Ltd...... . 72 M emory House Inc .... . . . . . . . . . 113 Micro Concept . 16,18 Monitor King . . 15 M SI Microstar..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 "Multimedia Technologies . 43 N etlink... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 N eo Code Software Ltd...... . . . . . . 20 N etwork Control.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 N ew Type Computer ... . . . . . . . . . 98 NextGen Computer . 82 Northwest Digital N otebook Doctor.... . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Nu Age Computer Plus 115 . 89 ObjedSharp Consulting P aciTic Online Services.... . . . . . . . . 104 . 42 PC World Computer Ltd . 73 Pearson Technology Group Phase I Synems. 102 .9 planetvelocitycom Powersonic Computers 32 87 Progress Media . Promar Enterprises Company Ltd.... 115 .4 Rock Computer . .
Innovalion slill apparent at smaller show
Mediafour Corp. (mediaiour.corn/xplay/) has
Conrirrued from pageI 10
come to the rescue with Xplay, software thatallows users with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000,and XP systems to hook an iPod up to theirPC.The software treats the iPod like an external hard drive, and allows usersto tweak theirID3 data tagsusing a dialogue on the PC.
Xemx wins the race Though Xerox's accounting procedures caused quite a stir immediately fogowing PC Expo,there was also a bit of excitementatthe show itself.On a stageset up at the Xerox booth, right in the middle of the show floor, onlookers watched as Gil Hatch (president of Xerox Office Systems Group) demonstrated the newly announced 45 pageper minute (ppm) Document Centre545 printer. Given a seriesof tests set up by an independent third party, the printer outperformed three other printers with higher rated speeds, mostnotably a Ricoh pri nterrated at105 ppm. Xerox also announced the first printer for the North American market to use Emulsion Aggregation toner (developed at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada, in Nississauga, Ont.). Previously, the toner was oniy available in the Asian market through the Fuji-Xerox partnership.
Xplay hooks lhe IPod to your PC Apple's iPod MP3 player turned a lot of headswhen itwasintroduced— only problem was, it would only work with a Mac, leaving Windows users out in the cold.
Sax comsvrw mpvx is ssr rmm seals ror errors or omissions x The xd Indm n printed as a xvurw sr ro vsr readers and advertisers. 116 Aucust2002 THEcoMPUTERPAPER BCEDITI QN wwwcansdacompulescom
same house,for fear of damaging the pricey peripheraL AG Neovo's new line of
monit ors may change yourmind, though: both the M Series and X Series of monitors have a protective glass panel mounted overthe delicate screen that can protect
it even horn fairly sharp blows. Despite having the extra layer in front of the screen, display quality is still excellent, and the viewing angle remains very wide, at 160 degrees (horizontal and vertical). Bothmonitorsfeature N input,and the M Series also incorporates multimedia speakers. The N Series startsat US$589. The 17inch version of the X Series runs around US$999,while the 15-inch version checks in at a lower price point. Cl
Tel: 604-4374771
lOrlnse Tech. Llgl.
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y amaha........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rat-panel monitors are also big news these days, but you probably don't want to put a standard flat-panel onto your desk if you have small children in the
V iewsonic..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worldwide Computers www.inkjetmart.corn
AG Neoyotoulhens up flat paneh
IOridge Tech.LTD
SAIT... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Samsung 14 S BSTech Services..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 S immtec Industries Ltd.... . . . . . . . . 13 SOHO Skyway . 15 15 Sonex Computers.
Standard Computing & WebServic... S tatic Core..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5I TCP - subscriptlon ad . Teldata Cabling Services 5 The One-Olf CD Shop Inc Toptech Computer Inc 7 8 T raining Lisungs ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . U S Robotics.... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 .10 Vanco Computers VancouverCentral college
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