2005 02 HUB

Page 1

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F ebruar y 2 O Q S


Letter from the Editor First Glance

Check out our new sections Digital Imaging Home Entertainment Personal Computing Total Gamer

Wireless Digital Living

D igita l L iv i n g HUB I CES 2005: Best of show Minding our manners


When our technologtj moves faster than our etiquette, polite behaviour can be hard to figure out Az -Mp3 ttsvotuttoo Wfrslsss Aoosss Just Got Essisr

Digital imaging HUB Cl CES2005: Digital Photographtli Digital Photographll Tutorial 13


Learning to see as the camera "sees"


T otal Ga m e r Mario Partll 6 and Resident Evil 4

Is lg



C ont e s t s Letter of the Month

Photo spree .


~;.: j 'Q Hc7/

.Regional sections

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I n sele c t e d

r e g i o n s ... and o n line

Not all stories run in all regions due to space constraints. Check our online archives

for the full index of stories across all regions: www.hubcanada.corn/TheMagazine


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Fabruary BOOB -

H U B : D igital Living


E dit o r i a l


D istilling th e First, Las Vegas doesn't recycle; there are ashtrays capitalistic orgy every few feet along the strip but a recycling receptathat is the annu- cle would be too much of an eyesore it seems. Second, al C o nsumercomfortable shoes really are a requirement, as is talE I ect ro n i cs cum powder(so a show veteran tells me at least] to Show (CES] into prevent uncomfortable chafing. Third, cell phones tend a few hundred not to work when a medium-sized city's worth of peowords is no easy ple all with cell phones are crammed into one location. task. Text messages seem to get through however. Fourth, More than making predictions in print about major industry trade

140,000 people showsyou've neveractually been to is a bad idea,genwalk the 1.5 mil- erally speaking. And fifth, there's a lot of cool stuff in lion sq. ft. floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center set the works where consumer electronics are concerned. aside for the show in which everything from the home I can't wait to get my hands on some of it. PC to the lowly wrist watch, home furnishings and even Enjoy the issue, appliances takes on a consumer electronics bent. One of the predominant themes of this year's CES Andrew Moore-Crispin seemed to be "The Year of the Tiny, Shiny Lifestyle Editor-in-Chief Accoutrement." As our roundup of portable audio devices from the show floor will attest, everybody wants a piece of Apple's iPod action. Not satisfied to simply exclaim that "Product X is superior to iPod in the following, extremely compelling and irrefutable ways" [though there's a fair amount of that going around), manufacturers align their gadgetry — whether digital or video camera, MP3

player, speaker, PC,plasma TV —with a popular hobby. Also, the race to invade the living room continues. Major PC manufacturers and makers of the world's number one adopted operating system [no names) want to hang out with you and the family while you' re watching TV. What's more, the PCs are finally starting to take the hint and are keeping it quiet with "silent" [read: very quiet] fans and non-moving cooling systems. A few irrefutable facts were learned while trudging the show floor and afterward, being ferried from post-show event to post-show event via the moving walkways that seem to be a mainstay on the strip.

Letter of the IVlonth The Letter of the Month comes from Nelson Nuguid who writes: Before the end of the year 2004, I decided to catalog my mini-DV tapes(mostly video shoots of my daughter's moments since she was born almost three years ago]. I have so many that I thought why not convert them to computer files for ease of use and manageability? And why not go a little further, edit the videos (adding captions, music and the like] and turn them to near professional DVDs? The next day I showed the results to my wife. With the memorable dips she saw[which made her cry] and explaining to her that a new video-editing desktop[P42.4,160GB harddrive,1GB DDR RAM, personalcinema video card) which I desperately wanted for this new year is much less expensive that the laptop she wants to buy for my next birthday, I was able to convinced her to get this new PC. The only thing is I have left to do is turn the basement "dungeon" into the safest play area for my daughter and a clean mini-office for my new PC. So wish me


HUB: Digital Living -

F e b r t dary 2OQS

Dune Petrie writes: RE: Photo printers deliver image quality, Jan. 2005 — Call me a luddite but ... While I agree with the quality assessment of inkjet photo printers I can't get beyond the economics. Whether you choose the cheapest printer or the most expensive, it is ultimately the cost of the razor blades [or ink cartridges] that drowns you. By using any of the numerous print services(local or online] I can have a lot of images (around 29 cents each) for the price of the printer ... and I keep on saving by not having to buy additional ink. The prints will likely last a lot longer too. Rweez Syed writes: Not to far away comes a day when I will be wearing my external BDGB hard drive on a chain around my neck [similar to today's USB flash drives] or one the size of a fountain pen in my pocket. Then, I can plug my personal; USB Hard Drive into any computer and boot from my drive giving me access to my personal programs and files. good luck on this ... I don't want to break my New Year' s resolution. Forhis letter, Nelson wins s copy of Microsoft Digital Image Suite 10. This month in addition to feedback on the issue we' re asking you to tell us: What gadget or device are you waiting tor someone to invent?

Send us your thoughts and general rants and raves: lettersippublishing.ca The Letter of the Month will receive a Zling Slot 256MB digital audio player from 2-Cyber. The Zling Slot offers high quality voice and line-in recording, an FM tuner with V presets,and acts as a USB 2.0 flash drive for driverless direct file transfer. (www.z-cyber.net]

LMEEO Volume 1gg t Numbers Es

EDITORIAL Editor-ln.Chief

Andrew Moore Crispin andrswSppubkshing.ca

Erin Bell

Editoiial Assistant


Contributing Editors

Davi d Tanaka Sean Carruthers

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Fax: 4t6-348.9553 Canadian Publication Mail, Sales Product Agreement a4103751B. Pontsd io Canada ISSN lztD4ji43 HUB: Digital Living[B.C. ed.)

ISSN 1710.0151 HUB:Digital Living [Calgary ed.)

ISSN tpt0.016XHUB:Digital Living (Edmonton ed.) ISSN 1710.Dt78 Hulk Digital LivingIrastero ed.] ISSN 1710.0186 HUB:Digital Living IMontreal ed.) ISSN 1710.0t94 HUB, Dtgssl Living[Pvs>need.) ISSN 171D.0208 Hulk Digital Living (SWOnt, ed.l ISSN 1710.021S HUB:Digital Living [Toronto ed.] HUB: Oigaal Living is published monthly by Piccolo Publishing Inc. All rights csssrvsd, Reproduction in

whole or in part without the permission oi the pub. lisher is suictly prohibited. Information presented here is compiled fram sources believed to beaccurate,however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors oc omissions. The publisher reserves the right to refuse ads. Ihe opinions expressed in the anicles snd columnsandads are those ol the writer/advertiser and not necessarily those of HUB: Digital Living.



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F ir s t It's not surprising that Alienware(www.alienware.corn], a company known for its high-performance gaming PCsand laptops, has made PC gaming an important feature of its latest Media Center, the OHS 2.The incorporated OISCover "drop n' play" technology[an Alienware exclusive) allows users to play PC games on the television without having to go through an installation process. In addition, users can listen to music from CDs or radio streamed through either the Internet or an FM tuner, watch imported video clips or DVDs, and even communicate using MSN instant messaging —all from a single box in the living room controlled by keyboard, mouse, and remote control. Other goodies include Oolby Digital 5.1 and analog 7.1 surround sound support, FireWire, two USB 2.0 ports, and multiple TV tuners —meaning more than one channel can be watched or recorded simultaneously. Expect to pay just over $2000 for the DHS 2(from US$1659].

Konica Minolta's Magicolor line of colour laserjet printers (printer.konicaminolta.net) is challenging the notion that laserjet is traditionally used to pnnt highquality text pages as opposed to images. The company has even gone as far as to bill its newest machine, the Magicolor 2430 DL, as "photo friendly." The 2430 DL is the first colour laser printer with PictBridge 1.0 support, meaning pictures can be printed directly from any PictBridge-compatible camera without needing a computer, The printer's base memory is 32MB but can be upgraded to a maximum of 544MB. The 2430 DL is capable ofhandling up to 2400 dpi (dots per inrh) resolution, and wiil cost approximately $600 (from US$499).

The Tao WiFi MP3 player from Giant International automatically scans for WiFi - aa hotspots and allows users A2 -MP3 Revelurion to download MP3s(as well Wireless Access as audio books and magaJust Got Easier zines) directiy onto the 0:04 3.'27 device from online MP3 downloading services with. out having to go through a PC first. The device can also download tunes from a user's PC by way of the household wireless network. The player has a built-in FM radio transmitter, which allows for listening to MP3s through a home or car stereo, as well as recording songs or talk shows directly from the radio. There's an impressive 2068 storage capacity(that translates into between 5,000 and 7DDOsongs ), and two headphone jacks so that two people can listen at the same time. The player will cost approximately $425(from US$349.99). For more details visit www.taolife.corn. •



H U B: D i g ital Living - F e b r u ary 2 0 0 5

G la n c e



Casio's AP-BOR digital piano is the newest addition to the company's Celviano line. With a wood cabinet and 88 weighted keys, the APBDR looks and feels like an acoustic piano but has all the advantages of an electric keyboard including MIDI, microphone and headphone jacks and, for the first time, USBconnectivity. Capable of 32-note polyphony, the piano comes with 258 tones, 120 pre-programmed rhythms and 80 songs — complete with lyrics that scroll across the backlit LCD dispiay. Additional songs and lyric data can be downloaded from www.casiosongs.corn and transferred via USB in conjunction with the integrated Smart Media Slot. The APBOR's keys are touch-sensitive using a "dual element" system, where two different stereo grand piano samples are used for each note — one for the hard-hit sound, and one for the light-touch sound. The digital piano will cost about $3650[from US$2999.95].






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Digital Living

H UB @ C E S 2 0 0 5 : B e s t o f s h o w Sean Carruthers' picks

Andrew Moore-Crispin's picks

Robosapien v2.0

Philips Wireless Music Center — WACSts00 The WACS700 stores up to 40GB worth of digitalmusic files in one central location and plays or transmits them wirelessly to up to five diskless base stations around the house. A neat "follow me" function allows users to press a button(conveniently called "follow me"] to transmit a song midplay to their next stop in the house.

The hottest toy from Christmas grows up, with twice the height, twice the number of joints[including full-action fingers), motion sensors and a gamepad-style remote control for even better motion control.

olllmpus m:robe 500 with Cheap Trick back-catalogue Who needs the U2 iPod when there's the Cheap Trick m:robe? With a 20GB hard drive, touchsensitive screen and 1.3 megapixel digital camera onboard, the m:robe 500 is already cool. Unfortunately, the Cheap Trick version was only available to two lucky winners who saw Cheap Trick play at the Olympus booth ... nuts.

Philips Personal Sound System — PSS110 Another product that caught my eye in the Philips booth; the PS5110 is a boom box-styled lu!P3 playing travel clock. It makes for one bulky player as portables go, but the surprising amount of sound it kicks out from the onboard speakers makes it worth the extra suitcase space.

Spherex RX2 game chair The RX2 is a well balanced 5.1 sound system "strategically installed into the frame of[a] chair." A comfy chair at that. While it may have been symptoms of Halo 2 withdrawal, I spent an inordinate[not to mention unfair] amount of time in the RX2. A host of technologies are crammed into the chair to ensure garners feel every shot fired or explosion avoided, not least of which is the "Buttkicker Tactile Transducer" that physically shakes the chair when offered deep bass. I guess the titleaButtkicker TMIO networked oven This Internet-connected two-compartment oven keeps your meal cool until Bowel Liquefier" while it may be more factual doesn't have quite the same you send it the signal over the Internet or via cell phone when you' re about marketing cache. Alas. to come home, and then it starts cooking your dinner. It' ll be available in LG MW-)1PY10tt1-inch plasma April for US$7,500[about $9,100], but installation and food are extra. At better than $50,000 a go, the odds of me getting one of these gems is Logitech Harmony 880 remote Download all your remote control codes from the Internet and stick 'em in the Harmony BBD, which now features a large colour LCDscreen capable of displaying channel logos, screensavers and more. It has its own recharge station now and the volume and channel controls are conveniently placed at thumb level in a beautiful redesign, U3 The ability to put your applications on a USBkey is already a great idea, allowing you to do your work on any computer you run across. Giving one to each of your kids is an even better idea, so they won't mess up your computer with all of their own custom settings!

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Depot •

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Aaua+SRock P4I45GV MB. Asus P4R800-VM Motherboard Asus P4VSX-X Motherboard (Intel I8456V Chipsst, USB2,0, HT tech (Dual Channel,SQQ FSB,OOR¹QQ,AGPsx) (AGP8x, S-ATA,RAID, DDR400) 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 80GB 7200RPM Herd Drive 80GB 7200RPM Hard Drive 80GB 7200RPM Hard Drive Sony 1A4MB Floppy Drive Sony 1A4MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive ntel Extreme Graphic upto 64MOI ATI 9200 Video upto128M O/B GeforceFX5200 Video 128m/TVwu Open AGI Bx Slot & Dual Monitor Open AGP Sx Slot Sony DW-D22A dual layer DYER Sony CRX230E 52x32x52 CD-RW Sony CRX230E 52x32x52 CD-RW (4-inane 16x DVDi Burner) 5.1 Channel 3D Sound Card 0/B 6-Channel 5,1 Sound Card O/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound CardOIB Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouse PS/2 WheelMouse Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18 P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B 3COM 10/100Mb Ethernet O/B 10/1 00Mb Ethernet 0/B 140w Speakers 600W Speakers 600W Speakers w/ Subwoofer 17" DAYTEK G701PF Flat Monitor 17" DAYTEK G701PF Flat Monitor 17" DAYTEK G701PF Flat Monitor SCILERIA-Z 1 30 SQLERIA 4 1 3 0 SCILERIA-& 1 30 Assr 4002WLMI-XPH Cenbfna1.86/512M/606/15.4'TFT/55K/LAN/Wirstsss LAN/OVD-RW/XP-Hams..$1379 Assr 2301CXI-XPH Csleran-M 1.3G/256MI306/DVD-CORW/14.1'IUW58K/XP-Hams..........,................$869 Assr TMC112TI-SP2 Tablet Csntrlna-1.0G/512M/¹06/10,4"/56K/602.11g Wlrelsss LAN/XP¹Ira.............A699 Asus 291 Centrina1.66(2M)/512M/406/15"TFT/DVD-CDRW/56K/LAN/USB2.0/Flrewire/Card Reader....1148 Asus M6BNE Csntrlna-1.8G(2M)/512M/406/15A"TFT/DVD-RW/56K/LAN/Wirelsss UWFirewirs..........A699 ~ ECS G550 Cslsran-M 2,56/306/256M/DVD-CORW/56K/UW15'TFT/1394/TV~uL................................A059 ECS G553 Csntrlna-1.66/40G/256M/DVD-CDRW/56K/LAN/Wireless LAN/15"TFT/1394/TV<ut..............1289 Fulltsu C2330A Centrlna-1.76/512M/40G/15'TFT/OVD.RW+FDD/56KIUIN/WLAN~P-Hams...............1729 Toshlba PSA?DC40VOOE SATA70 P4426/512M/60G/DVD-RW/1 SA'/56K/LAN/WLAN/ATI 9000 64M..1929 200pln DDR 256/512M......,.....................$62/112 Bluetaath adsptar/USB IRDA Bridge.........,..............35/29 144Pin SDRAM128/258/512M............A6/62/145 External USB 1A4 Floppy Drive....................................49 D-Link DWL-860+ PCMCIA LANWirslsss.......39 2,5" Hard drive 4200rpm 40/60G....................„.....95/136 WirelessUSBtAN X-Micro/EC8............„,.35/39 2 6" Herd Drive5400RPM 40/60/80R.............95/f 39l179


' •

Asus P5P800 Motherboard (sacket 775,S-ATA,Dualchannel,AGPSx) 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 160GB 7200rpm 8MB Hard Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive ATI 9550 video w/256M/TV~ut/DVI Sony DWZI22A dual layer DVDsRW (4-lmns 16x DVOi Burner) 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card O/B Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case

10/100/1000MbEthernet 0/B

Creative SBS560 6pc 5.1 Speaker 18" Sameung855DF Flat Monitor S Ctl ERIA EI 1 30

Daewoo 17" HL710S LCD 18ms 500:1 .....$28 Daytek 17"G701PF perfectly flat monitor..13 LoglteohCordless MX Duo K.B.+Mouse.....7 Brother HL-1435 Laser printer($50MIR)...118' Canon S1 IS 10x Optical Digital Camera...530 Sony DW4322A Dual 18xDVDiRW software.78 80G Hard Drive 7200rpm 3 year warranty...IS Norton Internet Security 2005..•....•..............49 (Norton antlvlrus e Flrewall + Antl4pam)

Microsoft Works Suite 2005,......,....................$69 18" P4 Case USB2,0 front 350w/450w ..............,.,$29/48 AMD SsmpranBax 2300/2400/2500......,......$74/81/98 Windows 2000 Prafessianal ...........................179 18' Aluminumw/apsn side panel/LEDfan............,......,99 AMD Ssmpran Bax 2600/2800/3100„,......,109/139/159 • Windows XP Mome/Pro........................... 114/16824" P4 Tawsr Case w/40Dw pawer supply...................79 AMD K?-XP Retell 2200/2500/280D.......... 109/119/139 Windows XPMedia Centre 2005......,......,......162 Retail 2NO/3000/3200+.............,..174/189/245 OfiasXP Professional ...........................,........299 Sony 1,44M Floppy Drive ........................................... 14 AMDXP Athlans¹ 280Q/3000/320Q/3400..158/188/239/275 Oifics 2003 SBE/Professional..................289/329 Remavsable hard drive reck ATA133 w/fan...............14.9 AMD 8939 3000/3200/3500/3800..192I249/339/?89 Windows 2000 Server w/5CAL....,.................949 Hard dave Caailng fsn kit.....................................,.......19 Athlan64 D320(2.4G)/D330(2.6G)/335(2.86).99/118/142 Wln2003 Server 5CAUWeb edNan....,.....s¹9/549 AMD Ballbearing CPU Fan....,.„„..„.....,......,15/19/25/35 Celsran Fsn/4xLED light ...,..........,.............................. 8/12 Pentlum 4A (1M Cache 533Mhz)2.4/2.86.......169/209 MS Op9cal Wheel Mauss/Wireless..............14/35 Case Retell 1M cache 800Mhz 3.0/3.26....,.......229/279 MS Keyboard Mulsmsdla/Natural.................22/31 Cold cathode light tubewlsaund activated............,.....15 P4E S775 520(2.6G)/530(3,0G)/54D(3.2G)..205/239/284 MS Multimedia Ksybasrd+Dptiasl Mouse ........38 Power supply AT/ATX/400w,...................„....... 29/2?/39 P4 S775 550(3.46)/560(3.8G).„...,............,.......852/619 MS Natural Multi Keyboard+Optical Mouse .... 47 DualFsn Power supply 450/500W...............................44 P4 SDRAM 128/256/512M,...........,.........38I54/1 09 MS Wlrstsss Keyboard+OpticalINauss ......,.49 Enerrnax E6365P-VE 350w/E6485P-VE 450w......59/99 PC-133 Tlsanla Quite power supply ATX310-102DF375w.......49 PC-133 SDRAM 16 chips 128/258M..........,.........49/63 Tlsonlc ATX-350/400/460-102DF,.....,,.............59/89/79 ODR PC3200 258/512M.......................................45/84 USB 2.0PCI Adapter .....,...........,.....,.....,........ $28 Pawsrmax UPS 650VAw/Smart software ...,....„.....,.„N Dual Channel kit OC2, Kingstang, Corsair...„...........call -RAMBUS PC800128/256M ..............,.....,.........67/125 Enhanced PCI Printer Port Adapter 1/2 PaIt..... 29/39 IEEE 1394 (Firswlre) PCI Adapter 4 ports.............. 26 LG 52xCD-RQ .$18.9 USB2.0 RAM Disk 268/512MI1.06..........,.....42/62/105 IEEE 1394 (Flrswlre) PCI Adapter w/Cable,........... 34 LG 16X DVD-RDM. ..31 Apacsr AV220 MP3 Player 256/512MB ................59/89 PCI Serial Adsptar 2 port w/18C550 UART............ 29 52x32x52 CD-RW w/software Ssrnsung/Sony..........29/32 Mp3 Player w/256M/LCD/FM Radio/Recorder............?9 SCSI Internal Adapter LVD80IOCSOMSCASOF ... 19 52x32x52 CD-RW &16x DVDCombo Sony................. 59 Mp3 Player 258NLCD/FM/Rsaarder/Reahsrgsbls....gg 2.5' Notebook HD ta 3.5' HD IDEAdaPtsr ............ 12 LG 41818 Dual layer 16x DVDaRW w/software ...........76 USB Dsla Cable For Digital Camera ..................... 15 LltsOn SOHW-16338/B Dual Layer 16xDVOaRW ........82 Canon A400IA75IASSIA95................$239/289/339/459 USB Data Cable For Mp3 Player .......................... 15 Pioneer DVR108 dual laysrfsXDVDsRWw/salbvare...99 Canon S410/S500/S60/S70............,..A59/469/559/859 USB 2.0/2.0(Gold) Cable ..................................... 6/7 plextar 716A 16xOVOaRW Bax w/software„,...,...„„..A59 Canon SD10S/SD300/65/G8..........,...329/489/739/829 USB Extension Cable/2,0,..................„,.---........ 5/7 Plextar 718SA S-ATA12XSOVOaRWw/software........175 Canon S1 IS 1sxDPtlcai/34 Mega/Novi madL....889 Monitor Extension Cable Shield 6'/10'/15'... 12/18/24 Samsung TSH5525 Duallayer 18xDVDaRWsat(were..?5 Cssla EX-240I250/265/EXP600.........389/429/519/839 DVI Cable For Digital Monitor 8'/10'/15'....... 19/25/29 Sony DWNA Dual layer fsxDVDSRWw/seawars„78 Fu)Slm E600/E550/S3100/85100.....,.319/499/389/489 PC/Monitor Power Card ....,..................................... 2 Blank CO Writabls/Rswritsble ............................. 0.29/1.9 Fujifllm F440/F810/S7000/820pta....,.369/599/?29/859 Power Splitter Cable ,.. ...--"...,.... 3 80Mln?DDMBSOPackRetallbax..................,...,..„,13,99 Olympus C60C?85/C770..................„....,..449/509/599 40/80 Pin IDEOats Cable ........................-.-....... 3/5 Ritsk Ridata Ink-Jst printable CD-R sliver an sliver„...0.39 Olympus C6000/C5080.....................................509/739 80 Pin Round IDE Data Cable ....................------ 7 Rltek Ridats DVD¹C ¹X/8)L „0.99/fag Olympus C8080/C2500UO395...............1019/2039/169 Paralle lPortPdnterCable ......................................7 ¹xDVD-R 4 7G 25paakRetailBax..............................SA9 Samsung A40NOMA5/DMA8....,.......„„.„„239/289/369 Serial ATA(SATA) Power Cable ...........,................, 8 OVD-R¹X/4XDVD+RW.........,.......,.............,...,...„0.39/2.9 Samsung DM430/530/V5N50PP.....„.299/319/399/479 •


KVM Switch maual 2Port/4 Part w/a cable ...... 19Q5 PS-2 Keyboard/Wheel mouse.........................„......... $7/4 Sony OSCF66/717/828...............................539/889/989 ..9 Sony DSCT1N1/W1......,......,.....,....,........„589/729/459 KVM Digital Switch HatKsy w/cable 2/4parL.. 59/119PSI2Chinese Keyboard USB Printer connect ta Paranal patt adapter..........29 HP 5302H USBMultimedia Keyboard w/2 USB port......25 Compact Flash 128/268/512M...........„...,.„......29/35I58 Lagiteah Access Multimedia Keyboard/Black...........18/21 Memory stick Pro Oua256M..............„......................89 Lagltsch Acres Wireless Keyboard ............................28 Memory stick Pra 256/512M/1.06................82/109/169 . Lagl t ech Optical Wheel Mouse/wireless....................14/25 Multimedia 128/258/512M,.....,....„....„„,...„„„..35/49/79 I Lagltech Cardlees MXDua rechargeable Mauss+K.B...?4 Secure digital 128/258/512/1.06...............29/42/58/105 ' Impresslan-M1 wireless multimedia KB+optlaal mouse.38 Smart media card 84/128M..................,...,............39/49 Water resistant foldable ks hoard................................. 19 XD-Picture Card 128/258M...................................A8/75 .


BC 2





HUB : Dlgr'bal Living - B.C. LawwI Meinland Section - F e b r uery RX 6


Phofte: 604-5994755

51 1 16-7318 137th St.

y tu:5$45$$4755 surrey,ac,cauauu' WVIAIVrSIS C O C O I Y I

Teoh: 604-599-8745

V3W 1A3

Syateme come wnh 3 yearsIchor. 1 year patt wetyaaty; apace oi 1 month flee Iotemef acceea AS new ayeiemeamteefes a home44o for 4$ hours befote chippie s. Fleancloa eos Iaaaioe aye avaiiabia. Prices mfieatasyt cashdiscount aad ere aab • ct to chane wahola aoace. Price eflecave Fabt 04lar.aa i



BUSlftess HOUl'O' S U ftdey 1

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1affl 4 p m ;

H olidays •


PUtSI' CQIYI Mott-Sat 10:30afyt4pm;


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Clos e d.



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Asus KSV-SE-Deluxe MainBoard Asus A7V8X-X Motherboard Asus KBV-X Motherboard (VIA KT400,ATA133, AGPsx) (Gigabit LAN, RAID, S-ATA, AGPsx) (Gigabit LAN,RAID,S-ATA,1394, AGPSx) 5'l2MB PC3200 DDR RAM 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 80GB 7200RPM Hard Drive 160GB 7200rpm SMB Hard Drive 80GB 7200RPM Hard drive 80GB 7200RPM Hard drive Sony 1A4MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1A4MB floppy drive BIB 6l1 3D V(deo upto 64M 0/B ATI9200 video w/128m/TV-out/DVI ATI9200 video/128m/DVI/TV-out ATI 9550 video w/256M/TVwut/DVI Open AGP Sx Slot ony DW-D22A dual layer DVDSRW Sony DW-D22A dual layer DVDsR Open AGP Sx Slot (4-Inane 16x DVDS Burner) Sony CRX230E 52x32x52 CD-RW Sony CRX230E 52x32x52 CD-RW (4-Inane 16x PVDSBurner) 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B 5.1 Channel 3D Sound Card O/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card O/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard Enhanced P$/2 Keyboard Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse PS/2 WheelMouse Logltech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse 'l8" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX UBB2,0-Front Case 18" P4+TX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2,0-Front Case 10/100/1000MbEthernet O/B 10/100MbEthernet O/B 10/1 00MbEthernet O/B 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet O/B Creative SB8560 6pc 5,1 Speaker 140W Speakers 600W Speakers w/ Subwoofer 600W Speakers w/ Subwoofer 17" DAYTEK G701PF Flat Monitor 17" DAYTEKG701PF Flat Monitor 17" DAYTEKG701PF Flat Monitor 19" Bamaung 955DF Fiat Monitor S CILERIA 1 1 3 0 S OLERIA 3 1 3 0 S DLERIA 5 1 3 0 SnLERIA 7 1 3 0

Asus-ASRock K7841GX Mainboard (SIS741, 333Mhz FSB, AGP 8X)

' I •


Ablt KVSPRO3E/KVSPRO/AV8,...„....,......8149/139/169 Acpen V92 66K Voice PCI/Hardware„„„„.„„„.....,gtg/39 Encore 4-Channel PCI Sound Card ..........................814 Ablt IC7-G/AGS-3E/AASXHE.......,....,....205/219/239 uSR PCI sgk Hardware Modem...,.....„...„„..„,...„,.„„sg ScundBIaster 24blt Live 5.1/............,............................34 Aspen lssSPE/VI915GM-I...........,......,.............. 125/149 USR 56k V90 PCI Win Mcdeern/Voice.................. 25/28 Scundslastsr 24bit Live 5,1 Audlgi2 7.1 w/1394.......75 Aspen AK66-UAK594IAX......................,...........109/146 Aopsn AK790468MAXdual channel/84TA/1394119 Sttrscom 10/1QQMbSyyltch 5/6/16 25/35/85 ScundBlaster Audlgl 2 ZS Platlum 7 1 box............,....218 ASUS ASROCKK7S41GX/P4I45QV.....,.....,......,...69/69 10/1QQM LAN S„,scorn Ep 320>0lmpresslcn.„...,......g ScundBlaster Audlgi2 2S Platium Prc 7.1 bo x.........268 ASUS PspgQQ/P4SGX-MXIP4V6X-X...„.......,124/79/79 3COM3C9QSTX1Q/1QQMBpCINstwcrklhgcanL 35 Labtec Spln458peaker....................,....„„„..................9 ASUS P4PSO O-SE/P4psOO.Deluxe..............,... 119/148 Wireless USB LANX-Micro g02.118/8Q2.11Q, 35/4g 180w Speakers/850w with subwcofer ..................... 6/13 ASUS P4C600-Deluxe/P4C8OO -E-Deluxe........ 226/229 D.Link 4 patt Router DMQ4/DI7Q4p 46/68 Altsc Lansing 121 ...............,.......„......................„...,., 37 ASUS P4RSOO -VM/P4RBOO.V-Deluxe.............,.107/128 D.Li„k Wireless pl 524 Rputer SQ211Q 54Mb 75 Allec Lansing VS3151/MX5021/FX6021........94/189/269 ASUS P5GD1/P5GDC-V-Deluxe....................... 139I199 p.l I„k WlreiessQ pl.624 Router 16gMb gs Aspen MS4I10 speaker w/Subwcofsr 1QOQ w..,.........AS ASUS PSQD2.Premium/P6GD2....,.......„.......,. 229/179 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWI:G510/G52O 59/89 AspenTltannium GT 360 degree Speakers ................78 ASUS PSAD2-DeluxslP5AD2-E-Premium.........249/289 D-Llnnk wireless LAN pCMCIADWL-G650 108Mb.... 69 Creative speaker GD580 5.1/888560 5.1,...,........199/79 ASUS ATN8X/A7hl8X-E Deluxe .......................,104/114 Llnksya WM RP54G wlrelsss PCI „etwcrk card 88 Creative speaker 888350/3300............................39/109 ASUS ATV6X4IK8S-MX.. ......................................69/99 l.lnksys WUSB54G wir eless USB card.....„....„..... gg CreatheMegwcrks 550THX 5.1..............,........,.......259 ASUS (S754) K8N/KgN-EDeluxe........,.....,......1'l4/159 Llnkays WPC54G wireless PCMCIA card 88 Creative Inspire T5400/T7700...............................98/109 ASUS (S754)Ksv-SE-Deluxe/K8V-X...........,.....149/109 U„kayo WRT54G4pon wireless router 75 Lcgltech X220/X530/X620...........................,..... 49/81/9S ASUS (S939)A8V-Deluxe/A8N.SLI Deluxe......189/229 SMC2804WBR-CA54Mb WlrelessG Router(SSOMIR).59 Glgabyts GA-si915P Puc/GA4AENXP-P...,.....152/259 SMC 2802W 54Mb WlrelessG PCI AdaPter.....,.....,.....65 ATA EIPE 72OORPMHerd Drive with 2MB buffer cache: Gigabyts GA4(8NS.Prc/K8VTSO Opro................129/135 TrendneinTEW <21PC 54Mb PCMCIAAdaptcr„......„„55 40/80G..............................."" ----""---- --"-859/69 Qlgsbyie QA4I915G-Pro/slgfsp-puc-prc,....„,159/169 TrendnetnTEWg23pl 54Mb PCI Adapter......„,....,......ss ATA EIDE 72OORPM Hard Drive with 8MB buffer cache: MSI K8T NEO.FSR/K8TNEO2-F.......................,.96/129 Cable Assembly 3/5/10 ..................,..................,.....4/5/6 80/180/200/25OG.-- ..............................82/114/139/188 MSI 915P Combo-FR/915PNsc2 Platium........,148/168 CaMe Assembly 25/50/75/1QOII ............,.„„....9/14/19/24 ATA EIDE 7200rpm Hard Dive with 16MB buffer cache: Mgl 925X Nsc.piagum-----------------------219 CATse Cable 50/75/100/1OOOIL.....,............... 9/12/15/69 200/3OOG...............,.......,.................................,..155/249 MSI K8NNEO2Plailum ...........................................185 S-ATA 80/120/160/200/25OG...........87/113/123/154/192 Acer LCD 17" AL1714B/tg" AL19138..„--8309/419 Canon l476p/lgtOOn sO..........,.„,........,.„.„..„, 99/449/369 Adaptec 19160 ultra160 SCSI Controller kit..............305 AOC 17" CT700g/FTTOO...------------- 132/139 Epscn Css/C86/1520.....................,................65/129/639 BenQ 19" LCD FP937-D Dual Analog/Digital......539 Epscn CDs/DVDs printer R200/R300..............,...135/219 Geforce FX5200 w -ou „ .. „ ..............,........,...65 Daewoc/Daytek HL71OS16ms ccnhast SM:1...282 Epscn All.ln.pne 4800/6500,.„.„...,...,.....„..........16g/23g Gsforce FXSSOOXTwl TV~ut 128M............................89 DAYTEK17" G701PF Perfectly Flat.25mm........132 Hp 3745/8540 ......,.......,....,85/184 Acus Gsfcrc FX5200 8x AGP/128M TVmut DVI„.......69 Daewoc/Daytek 19" 973DF Perfectly Flat ..........249 Hp All.in~ps 4215/5510/6110/7110„..„,175/255/299/379 Asus V957OLE-TD w/TV~ut/DVI 128M/256M„..139/214 Impression 17' 7Plus ........................"--"-----128 Lexmark P3150 Card reader bult In 3 in1„„...„...„.„,139 Asus GF480OGT 256M TV cut DVI QDDR3.........,...539 LG 17'7008/T71OBH/F7OOP......,........ 134/149/189 Full Line Ink Carhtdge 8 Refill Kit.....,.........................Call Asus 128M PCI-E AXSOOPrc/AX600XT-HTVD...199/259 LG 19" T91OBU/F900B..................„,.....,......279/319 Brother laser HL.1435 (after 859 Mall.ht Rebate).„119 Acus XSOOXT 258M GDDR3AGPSX DVI VIVO........739 LG LCD 17" 171OS 16ms Contrast 560:1........... 335 Brother laser HL 617QD/SQSOD/SQSODN„...,378/839/749 Acus Q1613 TV Tuner w/Capture card/FM radio.........sg NEC 17" FE77188/FE99'ISB.................,.....224/328 Brother HL.SQSON/605QTN/805ODTN,.„,1199/1399/1699 ATI 128M w/TVwut/DVI 9200SE/95508E...............Sg/79 Samsung Flat 17" 793DF .20mm dp....„.............175 Hp laseriett 012 15ppm SQQ dpl Laser plfnter....,......,.269 ATI 9550 256M DDR w/TVwut/DVI.....„„„„„„...,....,.108 Samsung Flat 17" 7QONF Sony Trlnitrcn Tube....189 Lexmark Laser 742OD/E232 . ggg/27g ATI 96QOXT 256M DDRw/DVI/TV~at........................199 Samsung19"865DF 1860x1288 .20mm dp.....239 Samsung I.assr1520/2250/2550...........„... 169/249/755 ATIXBQO Prc 256M DDR TV~ut DVL..........,.......,.....508 Samsung 21" 11QQ DF/22" 1 20QNf------- 659/768 Samsung CLpsQQccicr iaser printer 64MB............... sgg ATI All-in-wonder 128M 9800pro........................„......319 Samsung LCD 17" 71OV/713VBlack/Sliver .......349 Samsung SF-sssp Laser printer/scan/copy/fsx...„,... 369 ATI All-inlwcnder 128M9600/9600XT...........,......219/249 Samsung 17" LCD TV 710MP 16ms ..............549 Samsung SCXg100 Laser printer/scan/copy....,,„.....279 ATI TV-Wonder VE/Prc.........,.....,.„, ...„...,...,.......69/ 99 Samsung LCD 71OTDual Analog/Digital ..........A79 Samsung Toner Cartridge 171QD3/215QD8 ...89/189 Leadtek TV Tuner TV2OOOXP Expert w/remote...........89 Samsung LCD 91QT Dual Analog/Digital ...........589 Original Brother, Hp. Okldata Toner Cartridge......,...,..cail Leadtsk FXSSOQGT256M w/TV<ut/DVI...................529 Samsung 19' LCD 91QV„....................,...............529 Canon Scanner 3OO OEXIL[de35/Lideso..........gs/105/178 Leadtek A34OT GeforceFX5200 128M DDR/TV~ut....tRI Samsung 19" LCD 913V,........................,............S29 Epscn photo scanner 248O/2MO/3170...„......129/189/219 Leadtek A400 Gefcrce8800 128M DDR ....................378 Samsung LCD 213T/243T........................1149/2829 Hp Scanner 367OC/397OC/467OC.........„.....105/145/246 Matrox G550 32M DH/Parhella 126/258M...134/438/728 Sony LCD863/S74/S94....,.........„......,398/508/688 MSI FX5200-TP 128M TV<ut DVI ....,.....„....„...„....,.74 Sony LCDX73/X938...................................648/898 MCAfee Vlrusscan 2004Vers.Q...................... 815 MSI FXSSOO -TD268 TV-cut DVI 258M................„.....138 ViewSonic E7QF+/QTSFiP75F+....,.„.„.179/209/249 N d „A„SVI 2004„ , . .. 44 MSI FX570OLE-Tp DVITV<ut 128/258M...,.......126/159 ,.

VlewSonlc E90f/G90f/Pgsf+.................,268/279/329 Norton nternet i Security 2QQS „„„„„„.„„„..„„..„„„.„48 MSI PCX5750-TP128 128MPCI-E DVITV~ut .........159

Viewgcnlc G220FIP225F...,........................ 529/705 (Norton Antivirus+ Flrewall+Aatl.spam+Anti popup) MS I FX69OOXT-VTD128 128MVIVO DVI TV<ut--" 254 Vlewgcnic 15" LCD VE610/VX510.............. 324/328 Norton SystemWcrks 2004 .......,..sg MSI RXSQO Pro.TD256 258M ODRDVI TV<ut.„......529 Vlewgcnic LCD 11 VQ710/VP171S.......,... 429/449 Carel Wordpefsct Oisce 12............,........,.....,........,....„,49 MSI M84966 NX68QQGTTD256 DVI TVwut.....,......539 VlewScnlc LCD 17" VX2018/VQ9108..........939/639 Cprei Draw 9/1 1 „...,.....,............................9/319/519 MSI MS-8983 NXSSQOGT-TD128E DVITVeuL.........249 .


February uo005 -


. ,



H U B : Digital LiMirg - B.C. Lowtsl Mminlkand Section

SC 3

H arne E n t e r t a i n r n e n t

HUB lS C ES — Hnme E n t e r t a i n m e n t This year, LG's flagship plasma display was a more manageable but still living room dwarfing 71.inches. LG has committed to having the MV/-71PY10 available within the first half of 2006. At 1,920xi,080[full HD) resolution, the only thing hoiding me back from makinga pre-order is the SUSS0,000

Plasma Screens

Apparently, bigger is better in plasma screens. Samsung showed off its huge display at its press conference on the show floor. The 102-inch plasm a screen was by farthe biggestI've everseen,which m akessense given [$61,200) sticker price. that Samsung says it's the biggest in the world. Last year, LG suffered plasma envy when its still-huge screen didn't quite LCD Displays measure uptoSamsung's.Ifnothingelse,alessonwaslearned:before The biggest news surrounding LCDtelevisions is in the falling component publicly comparing units, be sure to havea private "I' ll show you mine if cost that comes with wider adoption and an according drop in cost per you show me yours" meeting. There's nothing worse than showing off your diagonal inch of screen space at retaiL Also, while displays continue to unit only to find it comes up two inches too short, grow, manufacturers continue to improve the overall look by focusing

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Intel Celeron-D 330 2.66GHz 8478 Intel P4 - 3.0E (800FSB„1MB) Intel P4 Lg775 3.0E (800FSB,1MB) ECS PM800-M2 All-In-One USB2,0 MSI 845P NEO-V 8478 USB2.0 board Asus P5P800 LGA775 USB2.0 256MB DDR PC4200 memory 256MB DDR PC-3200 memory 51 2MB Dual Channel DDR PC-3200 40GB Ultra-ATA 7200rpm Panasonic 1.44MB floppy drive Panasonic 1.44MB floppy dri ve Integrated 3D graphics accelerator 80GB Ultra-ATA7200rpm 120GB Ultra-ATA 7200rpm 3D sound on-board Radeon 9250 8XAGP128MB DDR Asus Radeon 9550 TD 128MB DDR 52X CD-ROM drive 3D soundon-board + 10/100Ethernet 3D sound on-board+ 10/100 Ethernet 16DW Stereo PC speaker LG 52x32x52 CIWRWdrive LG 52x32x52 CD-RW drive 17" ATX tower case wl p.s. ~ 160W Stereo PCspeaker Altec Lansing 121 speaker 17" ATXcase wl 380Wp.s. 17" ATX case w/ 380W p.s. Windows keyboard Scroll mouse Qtronix PS2 Multimediakeyboard Qtronix PS2 Muigmedts keyboard 10/100 Ethernet Qtronix optical wheel mouse Qtronix wheel mouse Free 1 month Digital Voice bann Free 1 month Digital Voice bren Free 1 month Digital Voice bgs

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P4 Premium System

Intel P4 LG775 3.2E (80DF88,1MB) Intel P4LG7753.4E (SQOF88,1MS) Asus P5GD1 LGA775 USB2.Q Asus PSGD2 Deluxe LGA775 US82.0 51 2MB Duel Channel DDR PC-3200 1GB Highpsrfcrmancs Dusi Channel Panasonic 1 4¹MB floppy drive Psnsscnic f A¹MS floppydrlvs 160GB SATA 720Drpm Maxtcr20068 SATA 7200rpm Gaforce 6600 128MB DDR TV-Out Gigsbyle 66OQG T 12SMSDORS 3D sound on-board Toshlba 16XDVD/RWdrive LG 16X DVD/RW drh/e 17 ATX casewl p.s. 3 USB Logitech X53Q5.1 speaker Cmsfivs PSSOO5.1speaker 17 ATX case wl 400W p.s. MicmsaRMulSmsdis Ksyboanl Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard MicrosoftopScalmouse MlcrosoR opticalmouse Gigabit LAN Integrated LAN

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AMD Sempron System

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Notebook Specfals

AMD Athlon 6¹ 3500+ 939Pin Acer Travelmate.....„starting at $899 ASUS ASV-OXAGPSX USB2.0 Asus Bsrebane Laptop.....fram $899 512MB Dual Channel DDR PC-3200 Fujitsu Lifebook,......ss low as $1 719 Panasonic 1.44MB floppy drive LG X-Note..............stargng at $1349 16QGB SATA7200rpm Toshiba Sateilite.............from $1 349 3D Sound on-board Radeon 9550GE 125MB DDRTV-Out Tablet PC....,............as low as $1699 52X CD-ROM drive 3D sound on-board + 10/100 Ethernet 3D sound on-board+ 10/1QO Ethernet Schannel 3D sound on-board Cca rcr mcac1 cyccaccacac ccacmacalay 160W Stereo PC speaker LG 52X32X52 CO-RW drive LG 52X32X52 CD-RW drive LG 16X DVD/RW drive 17" ATX casewl 350W p.s. Aitec Lansing 121 speaker 160WStereoPC speaker Altec Lansing 121 speaker Windows keyboard+ Scroll mouse 17 ATXcase wl 350W p.s. 17" ATX case wl 3SOWp.s. 17 ATX case wl 400W p.s. raihha aacmc 220 10/100 Ethernet Qtronix PS2 Multimedia keyboard Qtronix PS2 Multimedia keyboard Microsoft Multimedia keyboard Wldwwccc Free 1 month Digital Voice Qtronix optical wheel nmuse Qtronix wheel mouse Microsoft optical mouse Free 1 month Digital Voice Free 1 month Digital Voice Integrated LAN

w8159 CDRW - DVDRW - Combe Burners..... LG 62x32x62 CORW..........$33 Lgc Da 52X CDRW I 16X DVD....$40 Acus 52232x52 CDRW........$39 LG 52X CDRWI 16X DVD,..........$53 Lga-On 52x32252 CDRW $33 Lkcon SDHW1633S DVD/RW„„$70 Sony 52x32252 CORW........$30 Ache 1604P 16X DVD/RW,... SM Piaxiar 52x32252 CORW.....$06 Pudar PX716SADVD/RW...........5160


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4OGB 7200rpm....................$56 SOGB 7200rpm....................$66 12OGB 7200rpm..................$69 120GB 7209rpm SMB.........SSS 16OGB 7200rpm SMB.......$109 2OOGB72OOrpm eMB.......$136

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ogitech MX1000 ordless Laser mouse


Talk on ihc phaaa through iha ihiamcL Half the puca of your axicghg raaidangai telephone xna wgh as ihc axiraa. Sabccdbcm caakaap ihaircaaahi phone acmtmra I/ar Vancaavar 6 Richmaadi. Dgi'craai packagcc available ia cck yaa. Cams ia for a tcci ddva taaay ii 111 mmah hac wsh cycrcm purchaaa

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~ CF 251412,...... 546% qw CFVka 256I512.55506 a 1 50 2%512,...54665 Pahgum 4 and AMO Aihian64 models avagabia.


su 60131 ...56vm Style parfarmanca snd amdani in a Small Form - capture photos xc 125056...,,.55g/6 Faciar (SFF). As madaic equipped with SsahiX sxk 1tgt56....,.55gm iachaaiagy for au par quiet. super cool systems


LCDSSHDFP557/FP767/FP22147........„.„....,.....313/35w506 17" P4icwcrATXcaccw/31mW...............„.....................3 3 66X Vag Pai fmmcdwa....,....., .........,...............,.............,.....16 LCD LG 1610S/1710S/1010S................................276/366/506 amaccHL-1436/5160D/5170DI4/6050D...166/3S6/406/620 Ac/ca SX62500/ SX104060 Sawer cacc.................106/126 Acean 60XV021chwarc SVV/ PX iccmadam..................2'I/36 Lco Envision 52006/7410I0260........................, ...256/362/633 HP 1012/1300/2420/30201MFC)..,,.....,..,.,230/2161616/606 Aapch H420AS5mDec/Cap Cacc /buck..'..".."..".'."..'.'.".."......70ng USR 56XV 02cagmcc /hcrdwcmmcacm........................23/56 LCD NEC62V 72V 02V ibicck crwhse),.....,.„......303/370/646 Scmccag ML1620I2250/CLP600(Cather).........1 60/330/616 ia WicS500T/S664T/X710 amer ATX case.......76/106I152 LCDSamwc051 ONS/712vs/m3VS..................,..433/516/660

Thcacascka TcccamiVA3000/wahudcwim/cw.......133/143 LCD Vkmmmhvg610/Gyugagma.....................323/400/063 220WAT/350WATX pcwcrauppiy...............................as/35 gccrcmxSG3S5P 350WATX pawcrccppiy,......................03 AmcArvsX-XIAFV660IArusXScrkclA..........,...,....e6I66100 Ccnaa LIDS SS6024200F/6400F.....,......., . 00/173/143I233 / Xm&064/x sadwt 764.......................... 112/143 accccaxgacc5pcaaWATXFcwmccPply.................h 01 Ac ac hare Achep4vsx-x Ipcspalx Ipcpaaas-x 3476............., 60/sa 66 Space/a> cn Ionoo~ cwk ch....................,....... 0/30gmca pmrmckm246ap/a2660FH/3'iyapH...122/162/203 Accc Pc Saga.VM / PSPCCaSyraAGPaX ... ................ Ca/123 04/nk 5307xc network cccptcc........................................ 0 AcheP5OD1/P5ODS IP5AD2-Dx 6775PC66..... ..126/172/246 DLCaDSS.S+IDSS4H 10/iaagammatCWXh.. C..........,..43/63 1.44MS3.0' Floppy Drive..................................................10 SCSxchuaactl2S764/1015A6770 PCI<......,...,....sw116 Cmcauachmcalpok...............................................,.„„ns LG 52X icicmai IDECD. ROMdrive......................., ............23 6CS741GX-M/PMS60422AS/2-Occhccrd w/Laa .........56/50 04caol.rscw/aacmlaaubpc Tdmcacrcclw..................136 SS Lac5.1/Acaigr2uxcalacaigy2OSM....,......36/50/03 O4mk DWL O520PCI Wlrclcca cctwwk cdapic1...................7 0 LGNta-rhvhccc16xDYDROMdriva....................30/22/36 SCS 1666PE ASNFSS, DDR400, SATA.AuolasLAN...., ......63 Dc/acDwL-AG660 achaakcaaprcr.........ss SSAcaigy2ZS Gamer/P/ahacm/Prc...............143/213/250 Lo/Lxc-aa 62x caRw + 16x ovo-Rota combo.........52/49 Oigcby/c 66661FX24412/SPE1000GI6IPE1000PG....60/30/116 D4/hk DWL-7100APpcuciawirciacc Vmciccc Tmacac Accccc Polm...........176 Spcakcm 2aawlraaw/1600Wwlmcmmkc.............a/12/59 Gigchyrcehauisa¹47/Pmsryspcha„„„„„„.„..., 133/153 L/clayc11410pcrlacblc/DSLawicrwlamwalL..,.......50/60/106 Altar Lacuag 121/VS2121/3121/412L..............38I63/16/06 OigabyrcGAXSNS/X6NSPS764,.. ..................................02/123 L/ckcyc SEFvp41 ccracosL vp/4 mctcrc-par cwkch........130 CmasvciccpiraT3000/5600//am........................50/66nas 061SPGNL 6776Pcia Acdc,sccalATA .................139 L/ckcyc 1/VPC11 Pmmhcuam133TX2I ScacLATA15011TX2 Pica ....,. ¹0/76 icici Wccicca HMhpc PC ccalbcc vs.0....„„...„. 5 0 LcgacchX230/X530/25300...................................56/62/193 icrci 675PSZLX 600FSS, DDR400, ScadATA. AGPsx ........206 Aaaptcc2606I20160SCSlaacphc.. ........................15/356 Lmmyc WCF12Wkckcc Ccmpcci Flach aad Syph 2) .....,...66 MSI661F246600FSS/P454A6PV622FSSAaiacac..........16/62 L/ckcyc WRT54G Wkaiccc G 54Mbpc Cuxwamraalcc.....,.la MSI605PSruc2-Vccayge.DDR400.AUDIO&LAN.... .........Ca 54ubpCPC! aaa mac............„60 ATI Rm/acaAIW ~ 126MDDR...............220/206 2461915P/016GCcmbpFRScckci775, PC1-6............142/143 UakayCWMP54GWha/CCCG picacc ucx www.cam ~ .ccm for iaiccr pidcg Ms/615eu FR/015Phcc2P/cancmsyra.PGL6.......1201m3 Lmmyc WPC54GWhciccc G 64mbac PC mm..................../49 AT/ Racccc 0600XT120/256MS(S apache).............163/166 WmacmhcG suabpc mclcc ................n 39 ATI Raacca 0550126/256MSDD R VIVO(H/S)..........ag/110 Ms/ XT6VLSR/xrN2D24SRScckslA.AGPSX.Acec.. ...ss/65 Llckcyc WRT56AG L/nkcyc wup60AG wkalcmA+G 54Mbpc pcl 106 MSI X6TNcc2-F/R Saaa/xau uaciP/csea mi 6764,.....143/1 36 aacplcc„.. .. ATIRaaaccx600pro1261206MBpaid(scppiwai 133/160 pccma..............106 Ari RadcccX600Pm256MS/V/VDISapphimi........616/S43 W/cache PS2 / ucumcea micmci kcybcam.................s/0 Shcaic MN31LIMV43VNAll.laanc hams w/5/01............66/63 L/hkcycwpc65AGW/mkacAcoscubpc Fcihcc 6720/4720 PS/2kcybcccL.... ..........................16/66 ShcxicAN35uuiirc(maker-Ai/AS6/N(3476)..................aa/aa SMC 2004WSRWlmiccc G 64ubpc rccicc.......,...,................63 ATIRaaccaX660XT 206/P/ayccm (Sapphka)FCle assirag SMC2635W W/mlem scubpc Ccraimc adapter...,...,........s 6 Accc Rcacca0060m550OSmsua........,........,,..,.,sggm Lcgaach ihicrhcgaciccc Dcckicp......................,........10/26 SMC 2602WW/miccc54MbpcPCIaaapicr...........,...............73 AcccRcdccaX30066 T126/TD126MSPC55.........103/1 06 laghcch aluam Maaia Dccktcp Cambc....,....,...............266 usuatcml/Maemcalc XeIkoplhaimccmagu........30/26 17 AOC F1700.25¹p sai CRT.............................................132 Sihamcta'/6'/2S/501100'cci. 5 patchmra...............s/6/gn2/16 Aaccnaaaaax600paxxlax7126hia PCIC.......A66/266 cahic 1/or (bciki,...............................,.63 Ache V0520 GFX5200 Mcur/TD 126ua DDR.............asmg M/check Wcclcm Opacai Deck/cp Pm..........................1 39 1 TNEC A670IA6760F/FE770 SVGA .................. 176/1 06/203 sihcmcl calcgwy SE V/cwcaafc Vlcwmam Slmlaacc keyboard (whrm)........33/20 17 Phil/Fc 107T/1076254p............., ........................160/160 Aacc V0570GFX5700120/256ma DDR..................163/206 ITRON Sccrplcc M1Smcaasicauayixmd,.............,.,......23 17 Samcccgrgaaa/702DF..........................,.............176nss Accca/m200GSTO126mepohg... .....................,.........r36 /TRON Gcmicl M1 Wcclam COMBO................................A 3 1P Vawccah 670FIGFSF/G71F.............................166/206/206 Cache iP1500/2000a000/4000.........................70/06/143/160 Accc SN6600TD126/TD256PCIS .........................166/203 10 AOC6XLR.25apaccCRT...,..........,................................216 cmwaiP50006010040000.„„„„„,...., .................22ssgauca AcccgcamacAX700Pm/AX600XTPE256PCI4...316/760 1rr NSCAS600/FS001SScct4:RT..................... ......262/336 acean sctphy osraa campccr phclc prix/ar...................... 229 Gigabyla OF 6600 126MS AGPsc Tvchx .....................260 .,..,...........263/273/3' 16 Speak Sry/ca Cas/066...............................................,....06/1 20 GuabyleGF 00/6600OT126MSPCPS............LA06/230 24aakmWheelMeccaPS2/Dkcch PS2 Dphcai..............6/6 10 Vkmamhscay+SS/GaaF/PC5F+... Trigger Cccilesc laser Pclnlm................................... ...36 10 Samccag 007DFs.................................................... 226 speak siyicc cx4600/66001MFc1..........................,...166/229 Oigabyia Radcca X30065 126MSPCS.............,.........113 Lagxcch opticalwhcalMmmvcmaiaccopccai..........17/23 21' usc A0120 .254p 1600c120076H2..............................576 Space Phaic R200/R200/R400/2200............126/213/443/656 MSI RX0250 T126/RX0550SS TD120........................63166 LagxachMxgca/Mxraatccmhm) cp/aamcccc...,....49fI9 21 Samcccg 1100DF1600X1200,20ap.....,...,.,...................a20 spacestylusPhctaRX 500/600Acaaaac...................266/276 MS/ RX600XTTD126/RXaaa Pm70266..................203/516 Lap'tach V500 cac/kac ua/aback mouse....................„, 73 21 vawmnlco220F25402046x1520 Hanxpcrrmcsal., 539 HP 3740/5740/6540............................................,....63/133/100 raS I FX5200TD126IFX5500 TD256MS................., ....70/132 Miacccxap6caiWhccl Mcccc.....................................19 22'/CSCF62111SS.244p'l9202144075HZ scpwbaghc......rcS HP Scciccm /nkjcr 1200D/1200OTH....................../..... 246/346 M SIFX5700LSTD126um256DDRAGP6X... .........126/156 M/amcgapacc/hyaacck/uclchcakapccai ...........29/20 22 NSC FP2141SS.24¹p 2046x1 536 66HZ Supcrbrfghc ....629 HP euctacca PCIS DDR....................................153 Ickpc2200/akm...„„.„„„„„„„...,.........673/776 1461 PCX6750 TD12S Mhaacn F/cgcqckanccaer......................,.......................aa 22 vlcwcaclc p220Fs25cp 204am 626160H2 pwfcctaaL.703 Lcwcamxsxaa/xa170 (mcu-fcmakmumcacch......dcs/100 MSINX6600 TO26¹EIGT-TD1266 Pm%................2031226 •

AuthorizedReseller ON286820)0~ ~ wc mccwc 36 0

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• •

• •


February BCX36 — HUB: Digital Living — B.C. Lower Mainl65rfd Section

BC 6

H om e E n t e r t a i n m e n t attention behind the scenes ... or at least behind the screens. LCD monitors and smaller televisions are typically lit with four cold cathode fluorescent tubes. This allows for a uniform diffused backlight. As screens grow however, four lights aren't going to cut it. Major manufacturers showed off the guts of their screens, revealing new methods for lighting including a Samsung displag using a diffused LED lighting sgstem that requires less energy and casts a more even light behind the LCDscreen. Meanwhile, Philips unveiled its new AmbiLight technology for LCDdisplags thatgathers light hitting the front of the screen across vertical thirds of the screen and adjusts the lighting individuallg — either gradually or almost instantaneously — to give a more even picture. Philips also showed off a cool (if kitsch] full length mirror with an LCDtelevision screen concealed in the bottom quarter. This mirror is designed primarily for high-end hotel applications but is marketed to high-end consumers too, Philips reps say. DLP

Digital Light Processing(DLP) was another major contingent on the show floor. The Texas instruments technoiogg that crams millions of independent nanometre-sized mirrors that reflect light to a screen was shown off in rear-projection sets and projectors both. Benefits of the technology include a bright, sharp and responsive picture, the potential for huge images and TV sets at a low price point relative to large plasma and LCD screens. All major manufacturers showed off DLP sets and/or projectors from BenD, Samsung, Philips and LG, among others. The onlg holdout is still Sang; the company derides DLP as an inferior technology and sticks with its own LCD projection technology in rear-projection TV sets bearing the Japanese giant's brand. While DLP is not a new technology, some innovations on the show floor

were of definite interest. Perhaps most notable were two literally palmsized DLP projectors shown off at the Texas instruments and InFocus booths. Mitsubishi's ting projector is expected to retail in the region of US$600 ($735) when it hits store shelves hopefully before the end of 2005. While Canadian availabilitg has yet to be revealed, we should expect these projectors about the same time they arrive in the US, reps sag. Using an LED light source to keep power consumption and heat down, the picture from a mini projector is noticeablg dimmer than that of other projectors and is expected to cast about a 27-inch SVGA (BDDx600j picture. With its ting stature and resulting portabilitg however, the trade-offs may prove worthwhile. Did I mention it's batterg poweredp Media Center

Microsoft was, as ever, putting the push on Windows XPMedia Center PC Edition, now in its 2005 incarnation released late last gear. Multi-tuner support is among the most needed of the updates, allowing users to watch one program while recording another. Also, users can now watch over the air HD programming. The rea I news however was the proliferation of Media Center Extender devices on the floor, Microsoft and those manufacturing PCs that utilize the software have their sights set on getting the PC into the living room; Media Center Extenders could prove to be their Trojan horse. Rather than asking users to grace the home theatre setup with a bulky Media Center PC, content is transferred to and from the home PChidden elsewhere (running Windows Media Center]. Similarly, HP among others has slimmed down and cleaned up the boxy PCs of old and created a computer that users won't be ashamed to dedicate entertainment unit shelf space to. Bg AndrewMoore-Crispin

M on-Fr i : 11: 00-18:30 S at: 10 :3 0 - 1 7 : 0 0 S ttn: C l o s e d

2 01-403 N o r t h R o a d , C oquit la m 1 el:604 9 3 1 - 5 80 9 F a x : 6 0 4 9 3 1 - 5 8 9 1 AMO Athlon 642800+ AM D Athlon 64 3200+ M ot h erboard AMD SemPron 2600 AMD Sempron 2400 Asus PSP800 L775 $129 MSI KSTHeo-FSR MS ASU S ABV DX MB ASUS A7VSX-XMS ASrock K75418X MB $145 512MB PC.3200 DDR RAM 1024MB PC.3200 DDR RAM asus P5801 t775 256MS PC 2700 DDR RAM 256MS PC-3200 DDR RAM Asus KBV-x/Dxs754 $119/ $ 159 panasonlc1.44MB FD P an a sonlc 1.44MB Fo Panasonlc 1 44MB FD $175 panosonlc 1.44MB FQ AsusABV-DX S939 8etorce4 Mx4000 64MB ATIRadeon 9550 128MS ATI 9800Pro 'l28MS asus A7vsx-x s462 $75 Video/Lan/Sound 8088 7200rpm HD 20088 7200rpm BMS HQ MSI KBT/KBN NEO-FSRS754 S115/S129 808B 7200rpm HD 4088 7200rpm HD 18" ATX Tower W/40QW USS 18" ATX Tower W/400W g 8 Mst KBNEo2-P s939 $189 17" ATXTower W/3SQw U~ s 1 7" ATXTower W/350w I+IS 16X DVD+/- R W A 7 AsusP4PBOOSE/D S478 X S129/$149 52 2 CD -Writer g 7 5 2 X 52 CD-Writer q87 16XDVD+/-RW Asus P4SBOO-MX S478 $85 11 hll ECSP4VMlvl2S478 $59 IS UQ Hard Drive



II listed prices rettected 3'% cash discounted. System warranty: I yeor parts 8 3years labour



BO/1 60/2OO BMB $83 / $ 115/$145 2.48HZ Intel Celeron Int e l P4 2.48HZ 533FSS InteiP4 3.08HZ BQQFSS Intel P4 3.28H2 BQQFSS 120/160/200SA1A $ 119/$139/$169 ECS P4VMM2 Motherboard ASUS P43800-MX MS MBI865PS HRQ2-VMS A SU S P4P80085 ORMS 256MS PC-2700 DDR RAM 256MS PC-3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC-3200 DOR RAM 1024MB PC-3200 DQR RamuSB'Drive 256/'5l'2'MBrp "$39/$69 Panasonlc 1.44MS FD Pana s onlc 1.44MS FD Panasonlc 1.44MB FD P a n asonlc 1,44MB FD u$82 02 5/3 5 /5 25" $25/$45/$49 Video/Lan/Sound ATI Radeon9550 256MS ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB Hard Dri veCooler $16 Video/Lan/Sound 4088 7200rpm HD 80 88 7200rpm HD 16088 7200rpm BMB HD 20088 7200rprnSMS HD Video Card $69 17 ATXTowerW/350wUSB 18"ATXTowerW/400WUSS 18" ATX Tower W/400W USS 18 ATX Tower W/400W USBATIRadeon 9250128MB ATIRadeon9550128/256MB $79/$119 52X32X52 CD-Writer@+ 52X32X52 CD-Writer 16X DVD+/- RW 16X DVD+/.RW C3s 0} 4 ATI Radeon9600rrt 128/256 $199/$219


CD/DVD Drive


Sound Card


$23 56K V,'92 Modem $20 Creative Live 24blt $3/ 4 po r t PCI-USB2 0 $30 10/100 NIC $10/$15 Creative Audlgy2 Value S59 4 Port PCI-1894 LGT 6XDVD-ROM a 1veI AudI0y2 2 $ $ 8 5 I paI pI C Ipa raIeII L S 52X32X52 CD-Writer $ 3 55/8 Ports Swttch $26/$ 3 9 L G 41618 DVD-RW 16X $ 7 9 USB/Pcmcia NIC S25/ $ 2 9Logltecn S-530 5.1 Speaker $79 2 portPCI4ertal Ute-on 16X DVD-ROM $33 D l lnk Dl-604 4 Port Router $49 Aopen MS-805/815 Sp S29/$49 PCMCIA-USB2.0 Lite-on 52X32X52 CD-Writer $37 Dunk Dl-524 Wireless Router S85 Creative 560 5.1 Speaker S85 USB-Bluetooth Pioneer DVR-109 16X $10 9 DLink Dl-624 Wireless Router $99Alteo Lansing zpcs S19 A TA133 IDE Raid CD-R/DVD-R 50P $18 / $19 Dunk Dwl-520 PCI Wireless $67700W Subwoofer speaker $22 Cooler Master CaseFan CD.RW/DVD+RW $ 1 , 5/$2.9 Dlink Dwl-650 Pcmcia $67 Cooler Mader CPU Fan LG 52X CD-ROM


H UEI :D igital Living — B.C. Lower IVlainland Section - February 2 0 0 5

ATI Radeon 9800Pro 128MB $289 ATI Radeon 9600xt a-I-w 128MB $269 ATI Radeon 9800xpro a-I-w 128 $349

$28MSIGeforce4 Mx400064MB

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- HU B : Digital LMng - B,C. Lower Meiniend Becdon

BC 7'

P er s o n a l C o m p u t i n g

B uilding t h e V l t i m a t e G a m i n g P C : P ar t, Fou r Okay, this is it. In this installment, I finish building the Ultimate Gaming PC, including the one with the mobo mounted on it. What?! Frantically, I scanned through the case instructions. At first glance, I saw plug it in and — gasp! —prepare to turn it on! the apparent source of my problem: I should have installed the standoff posts for the hard drives before I mounted the mobo, it said. But wait: even Step Ten: Installing the Front-Mounted USB 2.0 Ports with the stand-offs premounted, I still couldn't have screwed the hard The Mutant Mods case comes with a front-mounted module consisting of drives and CD-ROM in place. What to do? two USB 2.0 ports. They are useful for plugging in joysticks, digital cameras, or anything else that you want to connect without messing around The Solution with the back of the case. Unfortunately, the mount on the ABIT motherboard had nine pins, whereas A techie came to my rescue by suggesting removing the two vertical each of the USBports had a four wire lead; actually one three-wire and one mounting plates, and then building the "tower" of hard drives and CO-ROM one-wire lead apiece. It wasn't until I received feedback from Ben Bednarz outside the case. Once it was ready, the whole rig was to be gently eased into the case and reattached. at Startech, maker of Mutant Mods(www.startech.corn) that I knew what Functionally, this was the answer. The only downside was that there wasto do: plug in one USB port on pins 1,3,5, and 7; and plug the second into n't enough room on the vertical panels for four hard drives; the case was 2,4,6, and 8. Weird, but it worked. onlydesigned to hold two HDDs,a 3.5-inch Aoppy,and three 5.25-inch CDROMs. As a result, I installed the two Western Digital Raptors and one of Step Eleven: Adding the Video Card the Maxtors. With the USB ports finally dealt with, it was time to add the ABITRXBDDPro (a.k.a ATIRadeon X800 Pro) video card: the monster equipped with Step Thirteen: Plugging ln the Drives and Power 475MHz cl ockspeeds and 256MB GDDR3 onboard memory. With the drives in place, all that remained was to plug in the data cables As it turned out, only one slot on the AABmobo would accommodate this required an IOE ribbon cable; card, namely the PCI Express X16 slot fitted with a nifty white plastic lock- and the power cords. The Samsung CD-ROM the Western Digital and Maxtor hard drives used new serial ATAcables. AII down clamp at one end. To insert the video card, I had to depress the of these came with the AAB mobo, thankfully. As well, I used one of the clamp so that the card's hook-shaped end would fit into the slot. From Mutant Mods lighted Serial ATA cables to dress up the interior. there, I just pressed down gently, and the ABITRXBOOPro was seated. Finally, I added some of the Mutant Mods lighting effects: two Bubble Light tubes (one red and one blue) and two Blue Meteor light tubes, all of which Step Twelve: Adding the Hard Drives (And Old CD-ROM) were mounted upfront inside the clear plastic case. These are controlled It was now time to install the two Western Digital 10,000 rpm 74GB hard using buttons mounted in the PC's back slots; to conserve slots, I was able ddives[for fast file-swapping during game play), and the two Maxtor 7,200 to plug a Bubble tube into each of the Meteor power inverters. This meant rpm 300GB drives [for data storage). I also chose to add an old Samsung that I only needed to use two slots to support four lighting effects. SC-148C CD-ROM that I had on hand. Yeah, I do have the external Plextor PX. 716A to read/write CDs and DVD, but I wanted to have a CD. ROM onboard

for easy software installation.[Since the AABmobo also came with a floppy disk, RadioShack supplied an external Teac FD-05PUW USBfloppy disk. I didn't want to add a 1990s vintage internal floppy to a?1st Century gaming machine!)

The Big Screw-Up! Yikes! It happened: the Big Screw-Up that lies in wait for every PC builder. In this case, I couldn't install the drives or the CO-ROM into the case's two vertical plastic mounting panels without removing both side panels, io OI,

Step Fourteen: The Big Moment! Now that everything was in place, it was time to close up "Mutant"(my wife's name for the Ultimate Gaming PC ), plug in the components, and turn it on. Finally, I would know whether months of planning, PC assembly, and mistake-fixing would pay off! After plugging in the essentials — the Samsung 17-inch LCD monitor, Logitech keyboard and mouse, plus turning on the power bar's power button — I nervously approached the front-mounted Power On button. Would Mutant spring into light-flashing life when I pressed the button? Would the ABIT logo blossom on my monitor screen as expected? Or would there be a Star Trek-style explosion of sparks instead; where did the Federation buy their hardware from anyway? Worse yet ... would nothing happen at all? Would the Ultimate Gaming PC turn out to be the Ultimate Newbie Nothing? With trembling hand and bated breath, I pressed the Power On button ...

Coming Up: All questions Are Answered In the final installment of "Building the Ultimate Gaming PC", we find out what happened after I pushed the Power Onbutton. We' ll also learn if Mutant loaded its Windows XP Professional operating system cheerfully and quickl;yhow the Altec Lansing VS3151 5.1 surround sound speaker system performed; and most importantly, how the Ultimate Gaming PC fared when loaded with The Sims 2 and other games. Stay tuned!

By James Careless EIC 8

H U B: D i g ital Living - B.C. Lower Msinlsnd Section



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— H L /B: Dig)tal Living - B.C. Lower Mainland Beet/on

P er s o n a l C o r n p L Jt in g

i%st: lab — LCD mu nit:ors As prices fall, so do response times, from around 15ms as last year's cutting edge to some Bms displays today. Response time stats, as with a great many stats in consumer electronic and computer products, don't tell the whole story, however. There isn't an industry consensus on how they' re tested either, so while the specs may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, they won't have been arrived at under the same circumstances using the same methodology. While manufacturer-supplied response times are listed in the product info boxes accompanying each monitor review, we also tested using real world applications. Specifically movies as they will test response time, viewing angle, brightness, contrast and a host of other important factors to consider when purchasing an LCDmonitor. The major drawback with a slow pixel response comes in the form of streaking and ghosting when displaying fast motion. This is particularly problematic when watching certain movies or playing games. «l / / //'



nician's" version of Displaymate software[www.displaymate.corn], which is designed specifically for monitor calibration and for such tests. The test area isn't outfitted with a photodiode nor an ossiloscope, and data from these devices is too specialized to be relevant to average consumers. Not to mention way over this writer's head.

StlncMsster FiOT

Manufacturer: Samsung www.samsung.ca Estimated price: ®//90 Horizontal / vertical viewing angle: 140/130 Responsetime: 12ms Brightness: 300 cd/m2 Contrast:600:1 Samsung's SyncMaster /10T comes with the Japanese electronics giant's reputation for generally excellent display technologies attached. With the exception of a few quirks, the 710T doesn't disappoint. A clean and understated thin matte grey-black bezel hides five buttons running along the bottom right of the monitorface.Recessingthesymbols prs a iBaiencedlight/darkdisthat explain what each button does is p l ay, easy physicsl adjustment, generally not a very goodidea, but the 210T does just that. This makes brightness/contrast and other such adjustg g aa: Autoiust Gffputs image panel's overall ability to ments (done in a fairly standard onslight kg ing 55th tight and show degrees of colour screen menu) difficult asthe repredeteied petcsrn and grayscale along with sentative symbols are all but invisible. any distortion issues, light The problem persists until one gets used to the button layout. leak from under the bezel, With a 12ms response time, the display is suitable for casual g arners.That and image fuzzing were said, super fast action found in many current generation first-person arrived at using the "tech-

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CanonMFS17DCColor Laser ....... . . $1446

P761DAZC7-1.1G 256M 4DG16.6" DVDICDRWWL$396IP

HP4215/55IOColor ........, . .. . Sfswf88 Brother 6800/844QLaser....,..., ..$418/548

BenO 17" FP757SB .....(-SSD) $298 R9600XT128MI 256M AGP .....$176/199 HP 301 Sl 3030Laser.......... , ...$248/878 TDIIDINIS CT-1.40 266M 4DG 72.1' W Lt 6$ 46 17" FP76759 .....(-550) $308 Sinces we Dxw Mdf4nResafe 4 NG '$76,'Sfm ) Msl NX6600128MB/256MB.....$175/21 5 Color lnklet Prltkter 17"FPTfG+(Bms)....... $418 MSI NX6600 256MB......... . . . . . .$428 CanonIP2000 I 3000I 4006 ... .SDDIf 367466 70855IBA Notebook

1S"FP931SB ...... ( $%) $468 Wireless Netwerki888 Someung 17"710V/713V . 435$355 LinksysWRT54G 54G Router ... ...578 17"71 ON/ 19' 9'l3V...$38N555 ' Link sysWUSB54G/WPC54G .....$88/68 Vleweonlc17" VG710NPf71$408/448 > LinksysUSBBT100Biuotooth NIC,....$49 19"VG910/ VP191 ...$57N548 ' Wirolsss 116 /54GUSB .........$36/4S 21" VP211 ......... ...$1248 USB Bluoiooth (dass 1) ............$39

CanonIP5000I6000D /8600....$2$8/278/468

i EPSon CSSICSD ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 368/126

EpsonRSD D /2200P ........(460') $1N/868

Laser Printer


Brother 1435 Laser. ...........(-$50) Sfzs HP 161271320 ...... . . . . . . . . . , . $226I4661

O os999io 016 $3 2 t ) 8 4 Centrino 1.66/16/1056 /17" WXGA


Oosmio F10 $26 9 '8

HP 4250/4350N ......... . . . . ..$1025/1868" I 512MI 59G/15.4" WXGA HP 2S50L! 2500 Color Laser....,...8578/778 • Centrino 1.6G

DVD-RW/11G /TV Tuner / XP MCE

• Alfprices resect Z.s 4 coen dleceunt enu are Subject to cnange withoutprior notice • All trademarks are the property of their respective owners •

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c/e. c o r n

February 200 5

- HL I B : Digital Living - ES.C. Lower Mainland Egecciorf

B C 11

Pers o n a l (=om p L/j-.ing i









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$499 S.oiamonli Package $N9

s. Granite Package $349 2. Ruby i'ackage hhf Celaae 2.4QNSON4QRN CPURNll • CS PJVN SQ (VIANLJs due)533RN, W/58WAuSsAagINZS 25NNPCRIN 333MHC DOHRAM Paeneh1ASQ 31g ReppyOme Nmhr Q INSAQ1337205pmQTMS/?IN HadDee ty'IHNR Tawer Casew/Saw PawerSsyply/USB NlnwEm ghMmadhNNS P/SREsybaud SO PGi?Mause ANT SaSnsm Senal LG NNUJNNl NECMOMDrhe HP.MQI SyeHm 2NW hhoahd1WIIMBamNstwahba

Thne Yea(aber,OneYea Pals Hadnae DepotWbmmhr

4. Emerald Package $4496. Mangily Special NNO Babe NvtgNCF803Q CPU(RshdO AMN 0784NAMNh/VhuoA/tSeend~

QQNPQHM 0004QRAIN(Samsee) Psstaonh1.4SQ 3 TS'HappyOrbs Qatar Q.SN ATA TNT?NpmtS.T?Q/JIQ HadOthe 10'016UL Tsser Cmew/SNw Power fkggdy /050 NnnNmMuNmeSs MINNP/SRNelbead 50 Opgcel Naes NSNB ANT Sshne Swed Mbd StdrwadaSyeanr NW 001050 hdeyndad 184ia SmeHeamldsg ta 153 Ot/0RemR16N hh/A Q25, 120aw Thee Year Labor.OneTsa PadsHadwae Depottthnaly

r t ocnl

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DDRlv-OutVideoGud ress DviTt/-Dut VideoCard

0 cr

On csni(RETAIL)

LecdtechWin FmtTY2 Deluxe lv Tuner

Lssdtsk Winfsst Tl/20NXPExpertTV-Tuner Mercue PCi TVTuner Cardwah Rcnmtc 6 FM MSI MS3876Cs tionCard

Creative LabsInspire TedooHamsTheater Speakers 74W Logitech LsbtecArena675PCMultimedia HomoTheater Speckdr

Loaitcch 2 6NSpeakers

Ssmsunp IT LCD 710V5001 (glack) Ssrnsung I TLCD713Y5001 (Silver Black) Vicwsonic I T LCDYGTIOCMonitor ViewSonic IT VG7608SV6AMonitor

E)C 12



Q2.N 3269.50

yaa.se 53SN &W




i NetworkAeudsr GIJiw GDwL4650 wieiscc NetworkAdapterfwotsbookl Lisksfs Wirelem4 NotebookNetworkAdapter n

13.N dg.N 9.66 76.60 20.00 159.N 6.66

D.Unk4PontaretcssDSLRouter N.INK EderfaslCable/DSL4Pert Router(di604) urestc Wirslesc-GBracdband4 port Router

R~ ~

ro tier %04 Mutt&iscuon Printsr

Cansn ip3000 Printer CanonMP360Muhi.Function Ink)et Printer/ Scanner/Copier EPSON Deck)st 066 Color Printer 376.50 HP LscerJet16t2-Pristsr-6/W MuhiFuncbonf315Printer/Scanner/Copier 376.60 HP Oyics jet 4215 Muiaud Coon Color Copying /Printing 555.N HP 346.N Lexmark E232 -Printer - SAW- icccr Printer 576.N L 0+/- RW 16XgX/ tdX6X DoubleLayer 3336.60 LG tdX DVORom2t600 kb/s, 5I2K, 120ms N46.00 PiosocrDt/0-108 16XDualLayerOVD cRW/-0 W Write( oem) •

Ace r IT LCDAL171400 Dispiay 1260xt624 Genq ITLCDFP757 BendIT LCD FP7670K .264 Monitor LG 1T LCD17105 Display 1254x10?4475HZ 550 I MAG IVggdPFSVGAColorMonff or NEC 'iP LCD1760VMultigync Display t?hpxt024 60HC.?umm NEC ITLCD 1760VM MuitiSyncDisplayt?gdxt02475Hz.26mm Samcunp ft 753DFCRTHct Display

nc np . p s ar s e one Jack iahite) CreativeDecoderODTS-100- Diaaaicional processor CreshvsGlgcWorie STOSPChluitimsdh Home Theater Spooler Creative inspireT3000PCMuhimsdia 29Wall


Qua Jm

Q46.N N26.N SQS'.00 ACer?%3ICI Clm-340.1 5GHr/256mb/40ab/Cdrdtcdduf? IF15that 3Q6.0D 10M040VALUEP43.0256MG500015INCDRW/DVO WXPP 3176'.00 ISM T42PM1.754000 255MBI4.1-XGACOJtW/Ot/fhROM XPP Ngg'.00 ISM ThinkpadT412373 Mt.6I5t?MB/40GGICOJtYD/80?.tt/XPP/Id.f 3350'.00 IBM ThnkPalT412373pdmt.6/?56mb/doo ~ . t Id e a/I4. 35'l5.00 TocabaSATA70P4i3.0640GB512M 15DVDCORW WLS XPHOME NN.50 TochibcSsiegits A76Pd/?05t?MG/40GMR1 I/1 5 ITFT/XPHC

feature in that it can rotate 90

degrees to vertical. Height and tilt adjustments are easy thanks to a base that is reverse weighted to hold the panel steady but keeping it very easy to adjust the height.



LG 52x32x52Int IDECDRs.Wnie DmaOEhl w/ Software SONY52x32x52ini. 10ECDnotnrie Drive

Q l IIgg Rdgfekrt/fpt?5 I/IYO TVJXITVideoCard •

IS 5?c3?s62 hL IBECDRsdNh Odm OEMW/SsNwas

% I I R @ tsxDYD CanboDme

,125MSAGPSX DYIYivd ASUSExband EN64(OGT125MBDSR?1256ITPCIWP OvlTvoul ASUSR96406F/ID Rsdssn 5600SEI25MB DDR AGP6XDVITV Out ASUSV5520TD 1?S 0-FX5?00SX12SDDR W/lout/OVI ATI125MB Radwe 9200SESaaahirs/Connect3DDDR3XVGATVO ATI 'i 23MBRsdson 5600AttJSmfonderDORAGP6XVideoCard ATi t?5$0 Radson56NXTScuohirs W/IV YidsoCant All 125MSRadson55WProAht Wonder DDRAGPSX IRON) ATi 124MSRsdeon RX5250 Myl DOR1V/Out I/ides Card A1I?5NB Radaon 6556Scpohrc/ HIS/ ConncctN VideoCard ATi?56MB RsdmnX/QPni PCIExpresst/xtm Cwd Lswgsk?56MS65NGT I/idsoCard MSI 126 a0 FX52NTDIQ DVI TVODDRVideo Card


AOsctanis0 121G1Syeams W/HeaNgumeJab(hhBa) Tb Ysataha,ore YeapahNadwamOraaWameh

CreativeSoundhester Audlav 2?6 RcdnumPro Soundaisser AudiovES5.1™ Sound Card 0?M SoundglsctcrUvsValue24 08SoundCard

256 0 FX57

6. Game Package

55N AgdonQ/34$hhehl TQ(ahS) QPablleGAJNNPG/64('l6HQb) Fann2SO,6PCN fgtan/ 512$0 PC32N4NMHtOO RRNS(ssnmey) Psnaeah?.44IN 3 1/2'Floyyy Ortm WO SMNNA133TNhpmS.gmsSNOHwdOrha MSI 1HNSFXBRN TDIN DWTVOOORWdaoCanl 10' 51NRTrmarCsmw/SNw PesaSu yply/INB WbmSm 0545nadhNNN P/32 Neybaanl LogSssb Op0ml Wlml Nese

LogitechOuickCsm0 Express USBCamera

Orle(for notcbooki Maxtor 120GG SATA150HD 7?NRpm 6.5ms Hard Drive ldaxar 2NGB ATA'I337?Nmm/1 4MSHard Dme Msxior 40,9GG ATA-I 337?Nprm/8.7M$2MO Hard Onvs Maxior N.OGS ATA.I 337200rpm/3.5ms/2MBHard Drive Mist USS htsmorv Drive1GB Sssgatc 12000ATA-133 7200PRM/6MSIDEHard Orivo Sscgstc 120GS SATAt56HD 7260Rpm 6,5ms Hard Dri ve Gccgst20 s000ATA-I33720ORPM 5.5mc aa IDE Had Drive WD 126GB ATAI00 7200emeMB/g.gmcHealDrive m/u.ums/5MBHant Drive C


Condo 6500Uiuitsl Camera CreativeWsbCcmNXBonus Packw/ Mic. D.tink Wcbcamera LoghcchPocketDisitci 130


TlsasYearIaba, OneYea Pals HanhmmDteeWamely

anon e Ca mera CanonA75Diohsi Camera

G rdW


hdcgmha 1WIN SessHehmehy

LG 155 QQc/JW 1MX/1656X Douhlelayer Thus YearIabsr, OnsYsa Pals Hsnlwas DepotWalady

A/l394 Motherboard 0 XI EE

18'SI6ULTener Cmsw/MHwPower Supply/NB UlbaslbnMoM msdh WMIP/82 Netdrsad 50 Spael Meme INh UN ACBTSaBnsa Sound LG5?c3?sQMLQECORehdh Dim OEM w/Solbnse Nhl ~ Sp echagQW OGISN

hdeyaledWIN f BmeNahum?lag


ATI 1?MQReddenRtfh?50Idgi OORIV/Da adenCant

hdsl PeSamdMNSJNSSMFSS1$ CmheISA?75 (Rels5) ASU6PEGO I 8775(SNFN)3PNhAI NA 40OR 1GSPCS?N 4NMIHDONRam WO 12008AIA1001260qmNMS.gne Hant Orim Nl 1$NSRadsanQSSSESapphlrelCnnnecNiNIS OVI VideoCant 18'SNULTowerCasew/SHW/uOI USS/Flnahs/ Aadlo UBrmSmMulNmadh WIN55P/SRXstdead 6D OySc allHaee WShUSB ANT SoSwsm Sound Mini Suhwoofer SpeakerSgtWOGII50

6 ll



Inhl PadhmcZSBHC 04N 53?FN CPURah0 (1M I GNAOYN052664QXJ. 8478(SEPSS) 5PLT/AedhRas/gxASP IFtmW 25NS PC3$$DQHMIINM PaecarhRQNI 37/J Happy Srhe Mmhr40.MN AM-'I33 ~ ? M S/NN Ihnl Orbs 16'815UL Tace Cmsw/?Nw Powerhgety/060 INrdcSm MaQnsdla WIN05l%R Ifstdesa WhaeIMouss SD M$7 BeEsem Samd LG 6?CS ?x5RbANECORa-Wdh Oee DEMw/Sahase Nnl SubwaehrSpic?a 6NWOQQD hhaahd 1IVIMISess~ Tissu Yea tahar,OnsYewPah Hanhare Dspd!WameV

shooter (FPS} games will cause slight but potentially frustrating ghosting. The 710T's true strength is in producing good definition at both the high and low ends of grey and colour scales as opposed to sacrificing one for the other, as often seems to be the case. That said, when Displaymate used tightly woven patterns in several of the testing steps, two distinct fuzzy vertical bands about 3/4-inch thick showed up evenly spaced in the left and right sides of the screen.(n movie playback,gaming, standard computing and other real-life tests, however, this didn't seem to be an issue. The monitor comes ready for wall mounting and has a neat


(IIanufacturort Beno www.benq.ca Estimated price: $490 Horizontal /vortical viewing angle: 140/130 Responsetime: Sms Brlghtnoss: 300 cd/m2 Contrast: 600I1

Ben0's FP/1G+ displays bright and brilliant whites up to the near top of greyscale better than any other monitor in our roundup, but struggles with the lower end. Even at the highest possible brightness level and with contrast adjusted accordingly, the monitor has a hard time differentiating blacks and dark greys, resulting in very dark images fading to black before their time. While the monitor has the LC0 standard "auto adjust" feature


,610.00 I Q9.50 t'f'„,.„ ,N0.40 ,350.40 ,4N,SS ,NL40 1,6N.N

PPNG: Price. nice overall aesLhetic, fast response IJme CSHGL W ashedoutblacks and low grat/s, lack of ()h)jsica( adjustn(ants

Toctvle Satellite A/a P43?GHC /5t?a /5400/IMRW/att2.tf/tu/7

H L)E ) : Qig)UQ( LiVing — B.C. Lower Msirtjartd Beetiort - February 2QOS



XIRM Wtku A II h t t g . / / W PW

~@~ e 54BRli

mni' ~ 8


WD 160GBAwu't00 HDD G tBX DVDZW w/Software '





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1 « S I II

boardAC'07Smmdwl Speaker ard tg/1008aseTLAN TX Tower Casewl300WATXPS, '107KorKerbaerd 8 NOUss



Vials FX aa 120MBDDRSX

nbaanl 5.1Soundw/AOpen MSN5 SPK 10/1008ese TLAN,US82.0 10" ATX TawerCasewl385WPS.

84+5 agogIIII




•. •








DSYsarPartsitThreeYe artabourWarren (5 moniy).AIISstemsaretestedandbumeddnfordSHoursbeforeshi in.teasin Avsiiabie. vs



omoxx v

one&sot ltn Fo~nro • Hoot«twas

SOOW Font«pe 1'S

169 T

g&5hMrrrc SN95G5 wi AMD 64 3500+


512MB 00itam PC32N

G~'N snom~w Bartboftt el51Saund wiM5605Speaker

Socket ANeinSoawliANDDuren/XPi


s P4P8N.VM G 512MBDDR400 PC3200 us 0550 120MB AGPOVI 8 TVOut HeppugeWinTVPVR-250 menCNPS7000A-CuQuiet CPUFen ' nix thVIne6 w/ VFD, P.S. LG GSA416016xDVD44Rw/Sottvrem . SamsungSBDGB HDO7200rpm tg/100 LAN, 6.1Sound,US82.0

249 'l55 I36

AsusP5GDIIntel 915P AOPEN l915GM41ntel 115G

199 )249 167 /UdtAAIFtrdEyeInlet 925X Aba AG6.3rdEyeIntel 915P 215 j Intel Dt IEGEVL Intel 91 5GA1XDDR2 5104 I ntelONSGEVlKinie1915GAIXDDR2[GIAN) j i 9 9 Intel D915PCV intel 915PATXDDR2 'I68 Intel 0915PBLL Intel 915PAIXDDR2 $233

4 •



Digital Entertainment



Sestet T - Intel M LGATTS Nein Beard

5.1 Bool w/MBN5Speaker 10/IN lAN, N82A IEEEI364 UpanKeykawd I WiweiMouse



BarebOne $350

GGBA4160IBxDvgsdtw 50 Vidae Dcmrd

ADpm KeyaeodI Wind Meum

$I 17

AOPEN s66IFXmm661FX Abll1G.72184dl f X Abli 674 865PE Ahll IC743i875 /uus P4CSXFE Deluxe i875P Asvs P4PBN 1Ei065PEBNMR U Aws P4PSN VMiMG BNMNr


naeardIOIIOO LAN, 0502.0, IEEE1394

AOPEN MK77M4XNVIAKM4N $99 Abii Nf.11 nFORCE 2 125 AsvsA7NBX4 Deluxe nFarce2 164 Aws AFNBK-X nforce 2 115 AssnA7ISBX-VMnForce 2 133 Asa A7V4D.MX VIA Chipsei w/Iavnd. VGA,lAN $88

Socket 878. Intel PdmPGANein Board

IEMB DDR48PC32N 16008 BMB 7260rpm

WD INGB81$ 12Nipn


Ann /ify800VIAKT460

~S f tMEWe

SB61G2V3 wl P4 3.2E (Prescott)

Mmoson RemoteConirolfor MCE

Logltech MX 501 Wireless KB8 Mouse

Samsong TIIT4

us KBV.MXVIAChipset 512MB ODR400PC3200 nVIDIAFX5200120MB OVI8 TV Out x Heppuge WinTV PVR-250 • SilvemtoneLCD2Silver SilmOVD/CD.RW ComboDrive





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Samsung 160GB HDD 7200rpm 10/10D LAN.5.1 Sound, US82.0 4 Micosoft RemoteContmlforMCE • I Logltech MX60'I WirelessKB8 Mouse Mlcrosolt Windows XP MEDIA CENTERED. 2005 ED

Becket 786AND • Athlon SdNels Board Ahit KVBPro VIAKBIBN

140 ':.'HALO O1® K~ V i E ~ -'Notebook Asvs VMKBT6001EDeluxeUDMAI33AGPBX3DDR /uus VIA KBV 154 Tag grpmATA/I Oa lg33NOD Acer202SXC /uusKBN4 DIXnforce3250GB 189 Samsung ATA/10080/ldOGB $79.70/130 /uvs KBN nforce3 63/BO GB 128 leagats ATA/100 $79/89 Socket BSS • ANDAthlon 80 Nein Board teagate ATA/IN 120/Ifo/200GB $110/126/150 AsvsABVDIXVIAChkuet M69 Maxior DiamondPlusIOATA/133200GBidMB 5ldd AbBAVB VIAK81N0Pro asilor DiamondPlus10ATA/I 3330OGB16MB $258 j169 M WesternDigilal 80/120/140GBBMB $07 50/I05/124 4002WLMI WesternDigital 200/25OGBBMB $I 56/249 Acer .Pentium M 1.6GHz Water Cooler 1MSSrsm/TXSD rnmSATB/188 NDD samsvngLAIA l60GS $137 mare twifiech waterCaviar atwww.nlcw.corn teaaate 1.ATA 80/120/I60/200GB $84/I29/147/179 M axiarDiamandMax SATA300GBIdMB $ 2 6 5 .DVD+.RW Stfdltech H2Q 8600 Series WesternDigital 1AIA120/INGB 110/135 ASSS04WSMISS{gtosne) Weston Dijitai5ATA2N/2SOGR 149/189 Acer ) SreslemDiy1al 1ATA36/14GBRa pier $1 d9/255 .Pernium 43 2GHz

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$233 $29'0


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99 Scag idx OVO +-RwOE M-white, nockLG I dxDVD40M oem I32 ThermalCom pend LG 52x32x52iCO.RW'Wriie' w/ Nero 5 oem 33 Arctic ttver 3 ihermalCompund $9.99 LG 5532xstxCD-RW'Black' w/ Nero5oem Arciic Silver T 5hermal Compund 3 I I LG 41636 While/BiackldX DVD+.RWOEM $8S ArcBc ttverThermalAdheme Compvnd $20.d0 UieON1433DUD+-RWDEM $83 $7.5f >g ~ Arckc Ceram'qveCampand ' «LP ':VIDEO CARO Arche AluminaPemdvmIhwmai Compvnd $5 PEN Gelorce 6800GI254MBDVI 5515 Arcfi cAluminaThermalAdhedveCompvnd $15.60AG AOPEN Geiorce 57O OLE254RWDvl $135 FAN 8 Nestalnk AOFEN Gelaics 52N 128MBDVI $98 Cooler Master1st 4 / /ei 1 AOPEN MX4XD 64MBw/ Video Ovi $59 twilfeChMCX478VCOppWHe&ink OnlV $65 ASVS '1550 126MBRei OIBOx 108 twillech MCX462V Neahink Onlyfor Socket A $67,85 Asus96IXBE126MBRetail sox 112 SwiftechslCX462+IThermoelectric NsahnkOnly 99 Aws EN5150l26MBPCI-X VODVI 223 swmechSaCX4NO+TThermoeieckic Neatsink Only 99 AwsfltOOS E128MBPCI-XVD 138 Theimaliight tlK94IU 69 AsvsX6NPro I26MBPCI XVODVI 241 IhennaBakeVrscano I I XaserEdition 35 GanWad FX52N Ppwerfack!Pio/do 128MB $93 Thermatlake P4 spark 7 Iar Pa l5 Gahwvxsd FX 51COLE256MBDDR S09 Thermatoke P4 1park 7Rfor P4 $25 Gsmwssd FX5/OOPoweiPackl Uaia/9d0256MB 275 IhermaRake tteni BoostfarAMDKB $39.99 Gainwmd GF 40N 126M8GOLDEN1AMPiE 425 ThwrnaltakeblentTower $65 Gahwsvd46NGT254MBGDDR3DVI-DVI 535 talman CNP4000AICv/CNP6000CuforAMD 525/39 LeadtekWinFostA4N GI SO N4BOOGT256MBDDR 65 lalmanCNPFOOO A-AICV /CuforP4I AMD $55/65 Leaaiek WinFosi PX4NOKI GF66N 256MBDDR 230 ZaimanTM5OA-NPVGAheatpipe 15 Lead tskytinfasii(xddNGITDitGefarcaddooGT . 89 tolmanTMBOA.NPVGANeaipipe 25 N OME N laiman IMBO C.NPVGANsatpipe 39 I T" CKTNonltor EalmanLM80D-NPYGANeaipipe 55 Sanuvna 113OFIP Rai.20mm $199 taimanQPTIfan 15 68" CNT Nenltor Zsdman N832/0 NprthbridgeNeahihk $9,99 laimvna955DF19" Dynaflai 0.20mmin] $ 209 ' ToimanN847/8NadhbddgeNsotsink $1 5ICD Nonltor Vantec tteailhBOm mFan $15 AcerAL'I731 IPLCD4301(Vi d eo i n /DVI) 15 Vontec tieaRh92mm. 120mm Fan $19/24 BanQ FP767IT 16msLCDw/tpaakar 99 VantecAeronowVAOC7040forAMD 529,99 B enQ FP 937 1 9 ' 1 2ms LC D D V I5i l v er/Bl a ck 55 0 vantec AeronowVP4C7040ior Pa $29,99 Samsung71ITB17 LCDDN/VGA 415 Vents» Aeronaw2[forAMD/Pdi 529 tanuung910TR19'LCDON/VGA 600 Vantec tpecirumFanCard Blue $19 Samsung213T21' LCDDNWGA SI190

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weaks S ST-L C 0 1 S ST L C 0 2 S ST~ C 0 3 S STOI C

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0-Vine8 SSSB D-Vine SSCISSBS 0-Vine 7 8885


SST- L C OO massa-Smc




s&T-Lc1 oas & ST L C 1 1


LG Xnote LM504SCZV1



eVIACa/ECOIlena CF 1 d-In nano«md Vide« 6 1Veul

.Pentium M 715 S.SGSiz

e«nh«ard 4 channelAC'• Sound sonhood 0162.0,IEEB131 6 IAN neph«mdSerial 6 Passel arl

LG Xnote LT20-154SS1 .Peneum M715 S.BGHz

el FCI Slot mpsA nn& 808 0 m paA ms&-1 oooo E peA T c & o o o S PsA T C- 1 o oo o

ma«eA cL&ooo

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crstcsdat ?+JRNISAUD

ch«ch vvvvvvnxc«xo«n For H ho«lnsnn«nc«RARA

GS NTSmSItil(grPOr atePSr Btegrdenweitom e, t/itetubjetttodtatge ' tfiPtlgr nOtiC.eAlpftteare(afhDiXtgnied,30%EXtrt fgrgtherpaymegtS,AITprtXlgtnameS , moM S@l m e arkf,Ittdf rEIPeC itttEOW nerS,

egitteredtr ademarkSaretrgPEfii5Oftheif

February au005

— H U EI: DigfOsnt LiVing — B.C. Lower Mmintsnd Sectio n

B C 12

P er s o n a l t=or n p u t i n g common to every monitor in this test, it doesn't allow users to make adjustments beyond brightness and contrast, potentially frustrating more meticulous and exacting users. It's a shame, giventhat the FP71G+'s quick response time is the fastest of the monitors tested. For the less hardcore garners among us, the almost non-existent ghosting won't prove an issue. Unfortunately, this monitor doesn't offer users any way to make physical adjustments beyond tilting the display; no height adjustment is present. With no light leaks at the side of the panel, a relatively thin bezel and aesthetic appeal combined with a wide viewing angle, the FP71G+ is a good flat panel choice for the average user. More exacting users would prefer a little more control over display adjustments and better black reproduction at the low end of the scale.

attached to the actual unit or Prao: Easyphysicaladjuscments, 8 placed independently within the includeti fgj efglosed spehkers proprietary speaker wire's span, optional subwobfet The F1703 stands in the middle Caao: True blackseem s im possible ground, satisfying both the high t oachieve, slow response . and low ends of the colour and grey scale, That said, what sacrifices it makes come on the lower end of said scales. Getting a truly accurate on-screen black was impossible in our tests; even with the brightness set to zero in one stage of the monitor setup using Displaymate, blacks came across as dark grey, resulting in a washed-out feeling with dark images and to a lesser extent, across the board. A relatively poor response time makes this monitor unsuitable for all but the most occasional game players while movie performance was good with generally brighter films but lacked contrast in darker ones. As with gaming, super fast action becomes a problem owing to the monitor's sluggish LCD response time. ideally suited to less taxing general PCuse, the F1703 satisRes its niche. The more hardcore among us will want to step up to a faster response time and more accurate colour /grey reproduction at both the high and low ends of the scale.

pavillion Fisy03

Oirection L7AK5

Manufacturer: HP www.hp.ca Estimated price: $850 Horizontal I vertical viewing angle: 140/120 Response times Not disclosed Brightness: 250 cd/m2 Contrast: 350:1 The biggest selling points for HP's Pavillion F1703 LCD flat panel monitor come in the form of the easy and numerous physical adjustments, two Harmon Kardon speakers that plug directly into the monitor and can be

Manufacturer: Direction Estimated price: $450 Horizontal I vertical viewing angle: 140/130 Response time: 26ms Brightness: 250 cd/m2 Contrast: 400:1 Canadian company Direction is making a run at the big guys with flat panels in about the same price range that the company says include extra features not available in its competitor's lines.


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AsasAPVIX-Xj A78266VN-WA .$99/10$ Albatcon lt yrs Warranty) .........$Ca8 Intel: AsusP4SSQ-NX / -X .....$07/DS AsusP45000/ PIPIII .....$10$/14$

FDD / 25011 Zip Drive ..........$9/12$ Moxtoc7200spm40/80/I 200 $66/70/11$ WDIIG IN /120G IM .....$90/111

C DROM: lG 52X .... . . . . . . . . Q O 090: l g I dX DVD ....... . . . . . Q l

COMDO:lg 16x52 DVDCDRW ...$60 CDRWsLG/liteon(ambo ....QS/dg DVDRWc liteoe Ix / LG 16X ..$10/00 E(5P4VMMZ+ / P45SMGGI.+ ...$00/98 Prister 1 Ssaeaer f(S2000+/2400+/2dgb+$1Za/Idb/I10 ECS 875SAPco.......,............$60 (eneni415D / Q30 ....,...,S'IS/10$ 10-100Hi(/ IggaseTHD I :S/8P $10/2$/30 fpson (dd j 5400 ........... $9$/19$ 10.1 OD RaseTSvnlch: lmkSysSP/87 .$10/90 lexmack 23S/ 6210/ XIISO.$$9/21$/14$ 4P.Reuton UnkSys/Dlmkd04/l04 .$99/dS/00 HP 1012 / 1150 .......,.... $28$/39$ Outwork CableRI45 Ib / 2S' ......$4/1 HP2110/HP2210/HPVIO.S199/420/240 Heswesk (ohio RM550/ 'IOD' ..$12/22 HP 34201 / 3820 ........... $11$/148 5550 /6122 ............$200/200 INOMar31 ffiedete1 fflanitor HP P(133: 128/25d/ S12 ..........$(aS Epson12601 IdigPhoto ...$11$/11$ RIN: 128 / ZSd ............,.... $(cdl ICtetileree ILLDt|leSI DDR218D:128 DDR2700: 256 / 512.SCaD DDR3208:256/512/AgpenPO SbSW S(a8/20 DSR P(I SW -Voice / HW Voice....SIO/9$ AOCFT700/ AD(19 VG/VX $1$0/230/26D Samsung750S/ 793DF ......$100/106 Viemoni670F c 1 fVIP/ PV SF+$220/31 5/ISS

XP2108+»485+8488/MO4 Ho oPGPDDDm78 d,LDMD/8 HECSIV/ 7IV/VIV...$$00/400/900 XP2808+/8885+8543/653 QRM 808 • tgggyMD800 Aces I7* / 19' LCD ..........$300/469 XP8255+ 8$1$ •FHO• 10a DIIDHW Cei D-XAS 18251 8448 • 10' Cane 380liiIP!3 ponos HDD NAG15'5Q / 17'lid L(D.$430/$30 Col 5-2.555 (335) 8458 • FXOR00120M lDPOn Deuatt IS lee 1 Speaher Cai 8-2.85 13851 8498 HOpan500W GnbmaaiarGghv (seativeP(i 58 128/ 50 Live5.1 .$20/30 PO- 2A-588 1118) 8585 • HD, DO Haat Manna, Pad AudigyOEN/Audtgyt /AmligHyei.t $6$/87/28$ P4- 2.'8-588 15127 8548 115.2.8/3.'DD...87N7 /814 Alhatron VideoCard .........,....,$(a3 P4- 8.52/ 3.22 8581/885 775 32/3,45 „.8MMM /MDO AII Red 1880Dual/9780Pm128mDuelSIIS/$40 115-3.56 ....,......811QW ATIAIW Rad968031120m ..........Q IS IHTZ-32M /GFZMX4N 64M/olh ly QD/SS/SV Sefewatre FXS200128N IXj VIVO.......$99/1$0 PIII300giottglsH NtvttHN ttettolotHnoNt WIH 90SE/ 2000Pra. 8130/10$ Gf4 MX440IXdda/8X 128M AGP.$4$/80 WIN XP Home/ Pco .. $120/IOD INW/ IIDW/AD n pe 805 /810 $0/ 1 0/2$/40 Ollice XPBE/Pro ..$24$/430 ..................$40/9$ Ollic e XP 2803 Basic .......$220 A(5 33/ ATP3 OfficeXP2003 SIE/PsoQDS/39$ AV5200 / 300 / 500 ........$26140/40 Call New: 664422-7389 e 0/44N/dbN $4$/70/139 Norton Antivisus ZIDS ......$40 (sealtvelnspir250 ttttyHANlhItllhkeom Dorian Internet 'Iecucitys2005 $89 Illeteffaoh / FlraitHre ...CALL

H LIB : D igital Living - ED.C. Lower Mminlmnd Sectors — Fmbrusnry 2005

te lhas a






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43/ 5 2 4XDVO R

/DV O R W 4 . ~ 20 / 2 2 HARD DI$K

$0320oDDR2 08(si2M — 4 0(0 8 urrrreecesiodem 7200rpm 2M 40 I 80G /120G — 82/72/95 Notebook SDRAM 128/256M — 48/62 QQK Fax Nodsm17 8M 80 / 120 I 160 / 20QG—81/I 04/1 09/143 Notebook DDR 258/512M — 61 / 107 Swith Hub 5 I 8 I 16 ports — 2 2 /33/63SATA 8M 80/120/160G — 8 6 / 'I 06/119 C p NFI 0258/012M/IG — 38/55/98 opm R t SMC/OL( k m/40 Notebook ecoorpm 40/60/80G-93/122/169 SscudtyOigital256M/512M/16-4$58/IQT LinksysWRT546 I WUSB54G 79/65 AUDIO & SPEAKERS 'I'I(07 AudioEx AV512 6.1 /Creative Live5.1-19/35 XDP/W (28/IW M ~ SI73 SMC 2atNWBR/2022W USB2 0 RashDrive 256/512M/1642/QI/103 X-Mi c ro 11b/11g wireless USB 3 7 / 4 9CreativeA 58/115 udigy 2/ZS 7.1 MemoryCard reader I Int. USBBluetooth Class1/ IrDA — 27/24 Logitech X230/ Creative SBS350 — 59/38 NOTHERBOARD(AIRS) VIDEO CARD Logitech Z5300E 5.1 560W 195 A! 040/iASVSL/OXIABVDL — 222/165 P s Gpsusoosomu~ KETBOARDEaIIIOIIEE Asus 64bit KQV SE43X I K8V X — 143/1D7 MSI FX5700-LE / PCX5750 128M-121/149 Logitech I MS Opgcsl Mouse — 1 5/1 5 Asus ATNQX/A7NQX-VM 95NI R d 9 258/9050128M — m/7 2 A4 Notebook mouse Optical/ss0eiess-1S/27 AsusATVQX-X/ASRock K7841GX-63/53 Sapphire X600Pro 256M PCI-E 159 LogitechNX10 00 Laser Nouns — 8 6 NOTHERROARDEnhd) MSI NX6600GT PCI-E 128M 245 USB Mulemedis KB I Mini KB tsahrism17/25 Asus P5GDC-DX (LGA775 915P~18 8 A sus Exseme 300SEI36/TQDProzee-92/319 MS Multimedia / Natural(Retail)KB — 1 9/29 Asus PSGD1 I P5GO1-VM(775) —35/127 1 TV2000XP-Expsr(Tuner & Capture) — 85 Logitech Cordisss KB I Deluxe KB —25/19 Asus P4PQQ D-SE I P4P800E-DX—118/145 SOFTWARE Logitech MXDuo with Charger 77 A p 4mssD/p5p822 — 88 / 119 m d esxpN Ip ( I 110 / 160lttlscellalnos ECS P4VMM2/661FX-M7p75) — 53/72 Office 2003Basic/ she/Pro-225/309/3% AsusStar Ice Blue CPU Cooling Fan — 59 PRIM1'ER4 SCAMMER McAfee AntiVirus 2005 9.0v oem 19 ATX Power350/400/450 — 2 1 / 33/39 0 O52 / / P3820 — 05/132 N e A O/I 2005R I (IB 00 M obil Rack for HDD I Caddy 15/1 0 E son C66/ C86$I R300' — 69/45'/1 85 McAfee Internet Ssrcud 39 KVM Switch 2/4 ris w/cable — 37/89 AllruedluPnsmes6 Sedeme(5 (sem rmsiemes Diiheii iespeccevesoar t pioduoffiiusnemeRsi es

Februery 200 5

.% ~e Av e

t8 (8u ie chimes wtoweece.

- H L I EI: Digital Living — EI.C. Lower Mainksnd Sectio n

B C 15

P e r s o n a l C o m p ut in g

M-5 10 -18:30 Sfnca1997

VIslt WWWnf1yeOmPIaters.eOm for updated prices gf

- V a ffCO88Ver 521 W. 57th Ave.Vancouver,Y6PIR8 t: hffhd -331-8795 f:8N-321-6518 e: saleaeflycnmpnters.curn • techOflycnmputera.curn

Kf - B ffRVfaby 4463 E.Hast}ps, Bnmaby f: bfk/-298.0299 hecb: 388-3087 f:298-8285 e:salcshnrnahyhpflycompntera.corn atechhnrnnhyeflycomputers,curn I h


AliID Sempron 2400+ • ECS/ASROCK all-in-I M/B• PC$200256M DDR a 400 7200rpmHDD aIA4M FDD e 52x CDROMa Audio/Videfh/Lan O/B • Keyboard l Mouse /Speakers • 17" 300W ATX Tower Case

Intel D32Q 2AGHz• ECS/ASROCKP4 aII-hn-I M/B• PC3200256MDDR400 • 40G 7200rpm HDD • 1.44MFDD a 52x CDROMa Audihh/Vldehh/IahhO/B a Keyboard l Mouse /Speakers a 17" 350W ATXTower Case D33p/D335 8 329 l 859 P4 2 4/2 80 8 389 /459 h


AMD Sernprnn 2600+ CPUeASUS ATVQX-XlOB • PC3200256M DDR • 8 0 0 7p2 prpinHD D• I 4 4M P0D '52x32x52 CDRW' Audie/Lan OlB

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Intel P4 3.0GHzCPU •ASUS P4S800 Motherboarda PC3200256M DDR • 80G 7200rpm HDD • IA4M FDD a52x32x52CDRW• Geforce4 FX5200 128M DDRTV-Out a Audio/Iahh 0/6 • Keyboard l Mouse ISpeakers • 17" 350W ATX Tower Case P4 3.2GHz 86 39

AMD AtMon64 3pl}p+ CPU aASUS KQN M/Be PC3200512M DDR • 800 SATA 7200rpm HDD• 1.44MFDD • LG 4163B 16x DVDRW• FX5700LE 128M DDR TV-Out • Audio/ Lan 0/B • KB/Mouse• 750W SubwooferSpkrs • IT' 450W ATX Tower Case AMD XP3200+ 8829 •


IntelLGA775P45303.0GHzOOQMHz CPU •ASUS P5G0IM/8 e PC32005I2M D0R • 800SATA7200rpm HDD• 1.44MFDD eLG41638 16x DVDRW • ATIthdcnn XSQOSEI28M DDR PCI-Express •An dinlLnn III •750W SnbwuuferSpkrs • KE/Mouse e 17"45OWATXTower Case P4 540 32GHz 8899

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hvf Drive Maxler DiamondMax ATA i zz CD-ROFLC52x32x52 CDWriter 688 400 Plusp /80GPlusp7200rpm 666/VO DVD-RW BenQ16x162088 InLIDE6VV Afsacer 96686 3fPS Player ~ Lbdl y sWRT54C Wireless-C4PReuler 8VS Audio Stenu+256MBUSBDisk 669 DVD-R 4K Spindle 25 pcs 62 2 Prhhfer Epsen C66Inkjet Printer 669 Iioaffor BenQ FP757 17" LCD8859 Acer 220$M Ceierun 0 2.60 •400 HDD •256M DDR • 566 • 15.I XGA TFf • CDRW/DVD CombonWireless Inn • USB2.Qe 1394• Modem 6989 ASIS MODIPE Ccntrinu 1.70a 600 HDDa 512MDDR • 15.4" WXGA TIT a 0) RW/DVD Combo• Wireless Lun a USB2.0• IEEEI394• Modeme Radcun 9700 61799 I '

I ' l




AMD Sempren 2400+ECSKM408-M20139 ATI Radenn }f888XT Plat. 256MBux0069 AMD Sempran 28IIQ+ECS611408-M20190 ATI Radeen9680XT 128M00ROEM 0175 Celeron 2.4+ ECS Ap-in-une MB ..0169 ATI Radeen 9200SE128M .......069 ASUS P4 3.OG88QMHz+Ap-in-I M80209 MSI NX6600GT VTDI28 TV dhVIV08885 nVidia FX570PLE 128M 00R ..., ..099 G4 MX44064M 8xAGP TV-Out .....066 ASUSPSGDIIATV8X-X ......0130/00 ASUS P48800 /88V-SE-Delux .OVO/146 ECS KM400 ...,...,.. . , . . . , . ..059 PCI56KMedeinf0-LinkOFE-530TX 018/10 Surecem 10fIPPNIC ........ . . . .012 4P IP/IPP Switch Hub ....... . . . .080 LG52xCDROM/16x DVD ....024/38 p Llnk018044p Rn„ter 849 LG /AOpen52x32x52CDRW...088/88 Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router ..OVS LG 16xDVD-RWCSA41608 ......001 Linksrs WMP540PCICard .......066 I I





MS Multimedia NB+Optical Mouse .036 MS Windows XPHome/ ProEd.0110/179 WindowsPS-2KB/Wheel Mouse ..00/7 Michusult Work Suite 2003......, 076 PS-2 er USB ur Mini Dptical Mouse .015 hlicrusuft Office XPSBE........ 0280 Al Spshamcmbecshhsndssdawl haawwlib I Vewpats Z 3 ysw bhw wwhaaip, I wsahbfree hhwmh ansss.Al pdws re8ehi3tb uub h8hh esah8 sstfsch hahhnzs wihbseh ashke. Nsl hahpmdbhfsr Syss.

BC 16

The L7AKS keeps with tradition Praah Wide viewing angle, speekoffering a narrow gun metal ers included, excellent range, DVI grey bezel with bottom-mount- e„d D SLIS connections ed speakers. gona:Slight, light bleefI in both As the newcomer,the L7AKS models tested,speakers too surprisingly showed some of tinny, lacks fine menu adjustment the best results in our tests; its ability to display true blacks while not losing very dark greys and to simultaneously shine bright, clean whites with little loss of contrast at the high end of the scale went unmatched. However, in trying to attain a true colour spectrum on the higher end, dark greys take on a slight greenish cast. It seems strange that the L7AKS performed admirably on both the high and low ends since its adjustments seem crude in comparison to other LCDs tested. Upon entering the menu systems[using the five side-mounted and clearly visible buttons] and choosing either brightness or contrast, each adjustment up or down is quite noticeable on the screen. Other panels offer fine-tuning of sorts, as differencesbetween 42 and 43 on the brightness scale,forexample, aren't visible with the naked eye. By comparison, each single numerical jump is immediately obvious on the L7AKS. This makes it difficult to get a proper adjustment, as effective brightness and contrast adjustments are all contained within about 10 points on the scale, leaving 90 largely unused.

SDM-HSP4P Manufacturer: Sony www.sony.ca Horizontal I vertical viewing angle: 140/130 Estimated price: 5699.99 Response time: 16ms Brightness: 400 cd/m2 Contrast: 500:1 Sony's flat panel is the only monitor in our roundup that opts for a clear glass face as opposed to light-diffusing matte glass put on the viewing sur- ~ face of the other monitors. While the clear glass reflects room light, requiring that some thought be given to its positioning on the desk so as to avoid or minimize such reflections, it also gives the screen a much brighter and arguably better overall picture. The SDM-HS74P features more user image adjustment options than other monitors tested. Most notable is a backlight control used to select from four settings: high, middle, low and user defined. That said, even adjusting the backlight to the lowest level can't get rid of a slight light bleed on the left and right edges of the screen. While both the high and low ends of the greyscale display very well, both can't be satisfied at the same time; users must choose whether true whites or accurate blacks will take precedence. Keeping the user control buttons on the underside left edge of the panel while putting the corresponding labels on the face of the monitor was a good choice. Likewise, a removable back panel hides the connections keeps things neat and tidy. The panel's sleek lines, Pros:DVI end D-SUBconnect~one, thin bezel and reReclive excellent industrial design, adjustable backlight something most would be geomSlight light bleed on left and Proud to have on their rightedges,users mustchoose bebNeenaccurate blacks and whites

H UB : D i g i tal Living — ELC. Lower Mainland Section — February K 30 5


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SUS ASV Deluxe SxUSB2.0 ASUS ASNWLI Deluxe 10xUSB2.0 256INB PC3200 DDR400 (Inflneon)256MB PC3200 DDR400 (lnflnoon)512MB PC3200 DDR400 (Samsung) 16B(512MBX2) DDR400 (Samsung) Seagate SQGB 7200rpm HD SQGB?200rpm4MB HD Maxtor 160GB?200rpm4MB HD INaxtor 200GB 7200rpm-1 6MB HD Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive VIA 3D Graphic Cardio/6)

Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive TI Radeon 9250 128INB DDR Nvidla FX520Q 128MB DDR ASUS EN62006E 128MB DDR 16XPCIout, SXAGP Video Card TV out, DVI Video Card ealtek ALC850 8-Channel Audioio/6 Reallek ALC850 8-Channel Audio(o/6) LG 52x32x52 CD-RW Drive 10/100 Lan, 2XSerial ATA(o/6) Gigabit Lan, IEEE1394,4XSerlal ATAGigabit Lan,lEEE1394,8XSerlal ATA(o/6 18' 300W &?XUSB Front Tower CaseLG 52X32X52 CD4tW Drive Win Multimedia Internet Keyboard18" 300W B 2XUSB Front Tower Case Seny Dual layer 16XDVD+-RW Driv 'Seny Dual Layer 16X DVD+-RW Drivel Logitech Optical Wheel Mous Icrosoft INultimedia Keyboard 18" 400W &2XUSB Front Tower Case 18"Dual Fan 450W &2XUSB Front Case Cordloss INultimedia Keyboard ?SQW 3D Speakers System w/ Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard INicrosoft Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Microsoft Cordless Optical Wheel Mouse Subwoofer 80W 3D SpeakersSystem w/ Creative SBS-330 Speakers SystemLogitech X630 5 Speakers wl Subwoefer ADI SaundMax6-ChannelSound(o/8 TV out, 8XAGP Video Card VIA VT6103 10/100 Network Cardio/6 ealiek ALC850 channel Sound(o/6

I mt $ 5 7 5

$43 48(en64 3000+l3200+ $605/$659

Sempron 2860+

OCFI70017" Monitor Flat+ 13

OC FT?00 1?" Mon) or Flat + 13 •




3300//%00+SQN $89 9$M9thlon643500+/3SQQ+ S939$1329/$1779 OC FT?00 1?" Monitor Flat +$ 13 cer AL1714GB 17"1 CD + 309

Intel Celeron 0330 2.6GH Intel P4 2.4GHz CPU~ ASUS P4VP-INX 6xUSB2.0

$ 83 B Il


P4 530 3.0GHz CPU STT5

Intel P4 540 3.26Hz CPU STT

SUS P5PSQQ BBUSB2.0 ASUS P5GD1 i915P 8xUSB2.0 256MB PC3200 DDR400 (Ingnoon) 56MB PC3200 DDR400 (Inf)neon) 512MB PC3200 DDR400 (Samsung1GB(512INBX2) DDR400 (Samsung) Seagate 80GB 7200rpm HD D SQGB 7200rpm* 8MB HD Maxtor 180GB 7200rpm4MB HD INaxtor 20QGB 7200rpm-16INB HD Sony 1.44MB Floppy Ddve Sony 1.44MB Floppy Ddve Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive VIA ProSavage6 Graphics io/6) ll Radeon 9250128MB DDR Nvidla FX52QQ 128MB DDR ASUS EN6200GE 128INB DDR 16XPCIRoa)tok ALC666 swhsnne) Sound(O/6) TV out, 8XAGP Video Card TV out, SXAGP Video Card TV out, DVI Video Card 10/1 00 Network Card io/6) DI AD1960 6-channel3D Sound IO/6)Sound Blastor 6-Channel 3D Soundio/6 Realtek ALC861 8-Channel Sound(o/9) LG 52x32x52 CD-RW Drive 10/100 NetworkCsrdiols) Gigabit Lan,Serial ATAio/6) Gigabit Lan„4XSerlal ATA(o/6) 18"300W& 2XUSB Front Tower Case LG 52XSSX52 CD-RW Drive 'Sony Dual Layer 16XDVD+-RW Drlv 'Sony Dual Layer 18XDVD+-RW Driv Win Multhnodis Internet Keyboard18 P4 300W &2XUSB Front Tower Case 18" P4¹99W & 2XU88 Front Tower Case 16" P¹ Dual Fan450W 62XUSB Front Case Logitech Optical Wheel MouseINicrosoft Multimedia Keyboard Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard Cordless Multimedia Keyboard 780W 30 Speakers Systemwl Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Mlcresoft MicroseR Cordless Optical Wheel Mouse



sUs P48800 FsaoooSxUBSXll

780W 3D Speakers systemw/ Subweofer

Creative SBS-330 8 eakers S stemLo itechX5305$ sakers Sstem

l I849


5'Ii 8 9

D330-2.6G/0320-2.4G $43&/$309P4 3.0G/3.2G-1 MB $61 9/$669 3.4G $899/$969 4 53Q 3.0G/550 3.4GII $1139/$1259 P4 2.46/2.6G.1MB $ 4 55/$50 Celoron2 .4G/2.6G $ 499 0 9 P4 5403.2G/550 II OC Fl700 1?" Monitor Flat+ 139 OC FT?00 1?" Monitor Flat + 13 +

Shuttle XPC SKSSGAMD Athlon843000+CPU 512MB PC3200 DDR400 (Samsung) "C '



Maxtor 160GB?200rpm4MB Hard Drive Sony Dual layer 16XDVD+-RW Drive

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VIA 3D Graphic Card w/TV Out & BXAGP(O/8) ALC650 6 Channel $ound, 10/100 Lan(O/B)


¹XUSB2.0,2XFireWlre,2XSerlal ATA Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse Creative 858-330 S eakors $ stem w/ $ubwoofer

a vert)se pnces re ect . o cas wvvw.hubcaneda corn

Shuttle SBB1 62V3 Intel P4 530 3.0GHx CPUFSBSQQ 512INB PC3200 DDR400 (Samsung)

) scount.


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INaxtor 160GB?209rpmWMB Hard Drive Sony Dual Layer 16XDVDo¹tW Drive Sony 1.¹¹MB Floppy Drive Intel Extreme Graphics 2w/TV Out & 8XAGP(olB) 6 Channel Sound, 10/100 Wn(O/8)

4XUSB2.0,2XFlreWlro,2XSerlal ATA sb Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard INIcrosoft Optical Wheel Mouse Creative858430 S eakers stem w/ Subweofer

ystems come w) y ear parts an y ears a our ar ware F u b s y 2 Q O S - H U B : D igital Living - B.C. Lower Mainland Sectio n

B C 1T

P er s o n a l C o m p u t i n g Flatron L17ZWT Manufacturer: LG www.lg.ca Estimatedprice: $785 Horizontal/vertical viewingangle: 176/176 Responsetime: 25ms Brightness: 450 cd/m2 Contrast:6DO:1 The first and most noticeable difference between this and other Rat panels submitted is visible on the face of the monnor in the form of a relatively large widescreen LCO display. Upon turning the monitor curn television around, users find a wide array of audio and video inputs from standard TV coaxial cable to composite, RCA and S-Video ins. The display also has frontmounted speakers that perform more impressively than other part-andparcel speakers but still not well enough to act as a stand-alone. The L172WT displays the lower end of grey and colour scales well but at a sacrifice to the higher end. In attaining a true black, higher end colours

are blown out and whites become blinding and lack definition. As a monitor, users can choose to have their desktop displayed in either 1:1 ratio with the sides of the screen unused for an image that looks about comparable to a 15-inch LCO screen or it can be displayed in full. Full screen mode stretches the desktop across the wide screen, resulting in a skewed look that becomes more noticeable when looking at pictures. As a small LCDteievision, DVD and console gaming screen, its myriad input options, excellent remotecontrol, onboard sPeakers and sea leable presTV tuner on board QV( picture-in-picture make for a comand QSLIB connections pelhngargument.Asa pnmary com widescreen TV Coas:Washed-out whites, p uter monitor however, the diagnosis widescreen computing,some isn't quite as favourable. ghosting with fast motion By AndrewMoore-Cnspin

Alt ahehlw0 luhaf

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Hard Mve

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WD 200GB72Nrpm 8M CacheSATA HD ATI95508xAGP Video,128MB DDR,DVI LG 15x 4- DualLayerOVMetwgar 64hannel Audio/AopenSpeakersw/Sub SChannel Audio/AOpenSpeakersw/Sub 107-keyMuNrxedia KB/ Gigabit LANInterface LogilechWiielessIS & Mouse/Monitor Exlia 1? ATXTowerCasew/35OWPower Supply 1T ATXTowerCasew/350WPower Supply LG16xDualLajer Int. DVD-RWIMoniiar Exlia


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February 2QQS -

HU B : D ig)eel Living - B.C. Lower Mainland Beclzon


HUB Q C E S : C ellphn n e s


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Il iiiliiI D}GlTALVOlcg


Phone 6O4-288AOOO

Fa x 6O4-606-7886

B C 20

It's almost getting to the point now where you can't get a cell phone handset that doesn't have something else added to it ... Bluetooth is becoming more and more popular, and while camera phones continue to spread like wildfire[or a fungus, depending on how you feel about them], videophones are the new hot thing. Fashion is also on the agenda with new phones, including a few prototypes from Nokia scheduled to launch later in the year. The sleek 7280 handset looks like a cross between a lipstick tube and an MP3 player, with an LCDwindow next to a spinning wheeL There's no number pad at all on this model; instead, you use the wheel to dial and to select letters for text messaging ... it takes a little bit longer, but the phone is much more discrete. That aesthetic also influenced the design of the 7270, though the wider 7270 flips open to reveal a number pad. LG introduced new sliding handsets, including the PM-325(its first Bluetooth handset),the A7110 EDGE phone,and the MM-535 1.3 megapixel cameraphone. Most interesting of these new sliding handsets was the F9100, which looks like a regular phone at a glance, but slides open sideways to reveal a DWERTY keyboard for use with the web and messaging applications. All of these handsets were scheduled for launch at the end of January. The company also introduced the new VXB000 handset, which includes both a 1.3 megapixel camera and video capabilities. Audiovox' snew CDM-180 has a difference:the LCD screenappears on the upper half of the clamshell phoneinlandscape mode, which the company feels will make it more compatible with photo and video applications, not to mention text messaging. The phone also features a builtin VGA-quality camera. If Internet access, instant messaging, photo and video aren't enough for you when it comes to your cell phone, how about television, too? ®l@ MobiTV offers 22 channels in real time over the data network to users of Cingular's Nokia I' lI Ir. ~~ e 6620 handset for a U5$10 subscription ' fee (around $12), (; in addition to the phone's regular data costs. 0 Ihi . ~ bc ~/~sr If you can wait ~hr ~6 a bit longer, , Ad l r3

HU B : Q i g itel Living - B.C. Lower M ~

Instruments announced development of lle new 'Hollywood"

S ec cl o n - F e b r u ery 2 0 0 6

0g ™



veri on 0 •

chip, designed to put an actual TV tuner on a single chip inside a cell phone. By the time the product hits the mainstream in late 2006 or early 2002 it will support 24-30 frames per second —an improvement over what's currently available today using the standard cellular data networks. dabra's BT800 wireless Bluetooth headset is a bit bulkier than usual, and that's not just because it has Bluetooth onboard ... it also has a small LCD window on it. The LCD display shows caller ID, so you won't have to haul out the phone itself in order to see who' s calling, but it also gives you access to some of the functions found on the phone, like the ability to change your ringtone, look through your address book, and more. It also uses Digital Signal Processing to cut down on ambient noises. Despite all of this, it still weighs under 30 grams. It will be available for around $180(from lj5$149].




• I> a •

Rival headset maker Plantronics took a bit of a different tack with the L5105, a Bluetooth headset system that not only connects to your cey phone, but can also be used with your residential telephone, too. It does this through the headset's charging base. Right next to the spot where you plug in the power adapter, there's a telephone jack for your home telephone line. Inside the base is a Bluetooth tranceiver that will communicate with your headset while you' re at home, allowing you to answer the home phone with the tap of a button on the headset. There's no call display, unfortunately, so you' ll have to look at another phone in the house for that, but once you answer it, you' ll be able to roam the house freely.

By Sean Carruthers

. •



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Intel Ce(eronD 320 a.mm Intel P4 - 2.4Ghz

Intel P4 - 3.0Ghz

Intel P4-530 3.0 Ghz


Asus P4VP MX Motherboard 25dMS PC3200 DDRRAIA 1.44MB FloppyDrive 80GB (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52x32x52x CD.Rewriter Sound on board Video on board Lan on board 17" ATXTower Case PS/2Keyboard a Wheel Mouse

Asus P45800-MXMotherboard

Ampaf(ed Speakers

Amplified Speakers

Asus P5P800Motherboard SIZMB PC3200 DDRRAM 1.44MB Roppy Drive NGB (7200rprn) Hard Drive 52x32x52x CO-Rewriter ATIRadeon 9550SE IZSMB syhGP 6 ChannelAudio on board Gigabit tan on board 17" ATX Tower Case PS/2 Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse Amplified Speakers





AMD Athlon 64 3000+

Intel P4-540 3.2 Ghz

AsRock K7541 GXMotherboard 256MB PC32N DDR RAM 1.44MB Roppy DAve 4068 (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52X CO-ROM Sound on board

Asus A7VSX-XMotherboard 256MS PC3200 DDRRAM 1.44MB Roppy Drive NGB (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52x32x52x CD.Rewriter

Asus KBNMotherboard 51 2MBPC3200 DDR RAM 1.44MB Roppy Drive 16068 (7200rp, BMB)Hard/0 52x32x52x CD-Rewr(ter ATI RadeOn 95505E 128MBSuhoy 8 Channel Audio an board

Asus PSGD1hhotherboard 512MS PC3200 DDR RAM 1.44MB R ppyDrive 16068 (7200rpm, 5ATA) Hard/D 16x Dual layer DYD Rewriter Radeon X600 Pro 128MSPCI.EX


1.44MB Floppy Drive 4X)8 (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52X CD-ROM

Sound on board Video on board Lan on board 17u ATX Tower Case PS/2Keyboard 6 Wheel Mouse Ampiified Speakers

Video on board Lan on board 17" ATXTower Case PS/2Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse Amplified Speakers

All Radeon9200SE IZSMSSxAGP

6 Channe(Audie en board 'IDI'l00 Network Adapter

512MB PC3200 DDR RAM

1.44MS Roppy Drive BOGS(7200rpm) Hard Drive 52x32x52x CD-Rewriter Video on board 6 Channel Audio onboard Lan on board 17u ATX Tower Case

PS/2Keyboarda Wheel Mouse

Lan on board

8 Channel Audio onboard Lan on board

PS/2Keyboard ftW heelMouse Ampsfied Speakers

17" ATX Tower Case 17" ATX Tower Case M icrosoft OpticalMouse PS/2 Keyboard 8 Wheel Mouse MicrosoftMultimedia Keyboard Amplified Speakers 480WattSpeakers w/Subwoofer



17" Alx Tower Case


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AND Asus A7VSX-X KT400 ................. 5 dS AMD AsusATNSX-E-Deluxe 1394 SATA .. 5 114 AMD Asus KSV-X Athlond4 ............... 5 105 ANID Asus KSV-SE DX Athlondd .......... $144 P4 AsusP4P800$-X 1848 S.ATA ........... 5 85 P4 Asus PSPSOO .......................... $120 Pd Asus P4PS00-X ....................... $109 P4 Asus P4P800-E-Deluxe iBdSPE ....... S 149 P4 Asus PSGD1 ....,......,......,........ $135 P4 Asus P5GDZ ........................... 5 175

SB Livel 24 bit ............................... 5 35 17" Samsung 793DF .Z5dp Rat ......... $1 49 SB Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 Firewlre 1394 (Sox) . 5 115 17" Envision EFT700 ..................... $135 SS Audigy 2 ZS Platlum (Box) ............ 5 219 19" Samsung 997DF Flat ................ 5 279 SB Audigy 2 ZS PlatlumPro lgox) ........ 5 Z69 19" NEC FE991$9 ...................,. . .. 5 339 Creative SBS 5.1 Sdg ..........,........... 5 72 17" SenGFP737 LCP ..................... $329 Creative I-Trlgue 3350 ..................., 5 105 17" LG L1710$ LCD ....................... 5 319 Creative InsPire GD 580 ............,.... 5 179 17" Shmsung 71ON LCD .................. $369 Altec Lansing 2100 .................... " 5 59 19" SenQ931D LCD ...................... 5 489 Logitech X 230 2.1 Speakers ............. $50

o VideoCard o Asus Radeon 9550GE 1ZSMB .............. 5 96 Asus GFX 5700LE 128MS ................. 5 130 Asus GFX 5700 256MS ................... $210 Sapphire Radeon X300SE PCI-Express .. 5 95 Asus Radeun XdOSXT PCI-Express ...... 5 23'9

ATI Radeon X800 Pro 256MS ...,.....„, $530 Sapphire Radeon 9200SE IZSMS ....„.. $55 Sapphire Radeon 9550SE 1ZSMS ........ 5 74 Sapphire Radeon 9600 25dMS .......... 5 130 AsusTV.FM Tuner w/ Remote ........... $60

o CD/DVD-ROM/RW o LG 1dx DVD-ROM ....................,....... 5 29 Aopen 52x32x52 CD.Rewriter ............. 5 27 LG 41d38 Dual-layer16x DVD/RW ......... 5 90 LlteonSohw.1633$ auntLnyurttuavo/aw ..$7 6

BC osos

Logitech2 )e ............,................. 5 72

0 Madam / NetWOrk O

Logitech2 5300e .................." "" 5 179 Anpen SdK PCI Fax I Data Modem ........ 5 15 Logitech 2 2300 ..............."" " " " 5 139 D. unk DWL.GS'ID Wireless-G I'Cl ......... 5 55 SMC I D.Link Dl-6ed 4-Port Router ....... S 45 0 Storage 0 D.UnkDl-704UP Router w ithP-Server ...S 79 40GB I SOGB (7200rPm) .............. 5 56 I 72 0 link Dl 524 Wire(ess 6 Route, 5 70 IZSGS I 16008 (7200'Pm, SMB) .. 5 105 I 115 Ll„k y WI i -G USS WUSS54G ........ 5 d5 120GS I 160GS (7200rPm, SATA) . 5 115 I 12S Li k WM 4 5 S S PCI 75 200GS I 25008 (7200rpm. SMB) .. $ 'l49I 189 LinksysWRT546$ •Speedgooster Router,$9 5

H UB @ C E S RQQ5 P or t a b l e A u d i o Thanks to the insanely popular Apple iPod, which is now a fashionable cultural icon, dozens of companies are trying to cash in on the craze by launching their own digital audio players or accessories. Hundreds of such products made their debut at the

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The following is a brief look at what CES had to offer. Listen up!

Wireless transfer While it's not a familiar name to portable music fans,the SoniqCast Aireo 2 is a secondgeneration product that wirelessly transfers music to and from a PC — without the need to connect it via a cable. As with its predecessor, the Aireo 2 works with an existing wireless network and transfers music at roughly 11 megabits per second (Wi-Fi; B02.11b). But the Aireo is roughly 25 per cent smaller than last year' s version, is now equipped with a 20GB hard drive instead of a paltry 1.5GB, and features a USB 2.0 port, which is roughly 40 times faster than the old USB 1.1 port (in case you don' t have a wireless network]. Other features include a built-in FM receiver (and transmitter, to send the music to a FM radio for wireless listening) and a SecureDigital[SO) memory card slot.

Samsung4068 (5400rpm, SMS) Notebook $ N 3.5" External Enclosure USSZ ............ $40

5.25"External Enclosure USS2 Combo ..5 d5

0 pf If)ter / SCaflnef 0

5 d i k 51ZMB USS R h Drl 5 60 scandiskIGS USB Rash Drive ...........5 103 Canon Canoscan Lipe 35 Scanner ..., ... 5 99 NP Laser)et 1012 SMS ......,..... „,.... 5 Zd'9 0 with system purchase: 0 NP Lhserjet 1320 ..................,..... $499

windows XP Home (oem) ...,... $109 Np PsC 1315 All-in-One ................. 5 129 windows XP Professional (oem) $179 NP PSC1350AII-in-One ...,........,.... 5179 ' a(( system have one year parts NP PSC 2355 All.ln-One ................. 5 289

and labeur limited Warranty

d/tUSS Cable I 15ft Ext ............. 5 5 I 10

HL)B : Digiefsl Living - B.C. Loaner Mairasncj Sectic)rt — February osOQS


Wireless While there are no plans to bring the product to Canada, the SoniqCast Aireo 2 can be purchased for roughly US$299 through SoniqCast's OEMpartners. Read more about it at www.soniqcast.corn.

You talkin' to me? What's a cell phone doing in this round-up, you ask7 Motorola's E815 does a lot more than just make phone calls. When the product debuts later this summer [no carrier commitment as of yet], it will also be able to download and play MP3s and movie clips via a video-on-demand service [weather, sports highlights, music videos, news, etc.]. The E815 is one of Motorola's first to feature the high-speed EV-00 technology for fast and secure transmission to the phone. While the Bluetooth-enabled phone only has 40MB of internal memory [about 10 MP3 tunes), it is expandable (up to 256MB] via a TransFlash card slot. You can also shoot still imagesusing the E815's 1.3megapixel camera, or record up to 15 seconds of video to email or archive on the phone.

Look tv[a, no hands While Apple may be garnering all the love for its iPod products, Creative has quietly been pumping out — inthis journalist's opinion — superior products that soundbetter, do

more and last longer. Now the company has unveiled its wireless headphones solution for its portable Zen Micro player — so you can toss your portable audio player in your knapsack, pocket or purse, then throw on the wireless headphones for cord-free personal listening. A small plastic casing fits snug around the small 2en Micro and plugs into its headphonejack. The 2en Micro is the first prod-

fg Q+gfQ '-~ —




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$$ 5'9 MP2/AM Fki Rsdic

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Albion KT MB wlAudia, LAN

3D Vidoa on board 52x CDROM /1.44MB FDD Keyboard I Mouse IS peak&Is

Sempran 2400 — $200 Sempran 2600 — 4329

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Acor TM¹M2WLMI-XPH $1309

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Boltery Char el PC(RCIA Combo Car LCD SamSere n USB2.0+1394 with Car with DVI $129 g f s9 TFT 479 w« su ffer ® => «49 ~. play Color LCD Wlreleas Metwork WebCam Wireless Color Bluetooth Headset PCMCIA I LISI l PCI Bcaxcsa P CCTV Comero with Charger

A88D XP2200+


256M DDR RAM S 40G 7200rpm Hard Disk

A88D XP2606+Bs/tan 512M DDR RAM

A88D 64blt 2000+ ggy 512M DDR RAM


80G 7200lpm HardDislI 80G 7200lpm Hard Disk ASLISATVBX-X w/Audia. LAN Asus A7N8X Mathsrbasld Acus K8V-X Motherboard GF4 MX4000 64M Video card Rsdscn 9200&s 128M Sx Video Rod&en 92Mss 128M Bx Video 1 sx DVD&CDRW / FDD 16x DVD+CDRW I FDD 16x DVD/1A¹MB FDD Keyboard / Mouse I Speakers Micrasaft KsyB I Optical Mouse hrlcrosa8 KeyB/Opdcal Mous Speakers XP 2600+ (Barton) — $419 2.1 Subwaafter Audio XP 2800+(Barton) —$469 6 channel XP 200 610 XP3000+ (Barton) — $4$9 XP 3000+ 049 Bempran 3100 — $446 XP 3200+ 600

2.1 Subwaafier Speakers 6 chAudio,Fmnf/Back USB

Athia 443OOSo

040 A thton44 3200+ 7 0 Athlon~ 3400&-4746



Intel Celeron 2.0G Pentium4 3.06 sssuI ms~ 256M DDR RAM SCV 256M DDR RAM BOG 72M/pm Hard DI&I$ 406 7200/pm Hard Disk P4 800FSB wNIdsa, Audio. LAN Psniium4 533FSB w/Audio,LAN 52sssssl CD-RW I 1.44MS FDD 3D Vidsa on board Windows PS2 Keyboard 52x CDROM I1.44MB FDD Wheel Mouse PS2 Muidmsdis Speakers Ksybas/dI MouseI Speakers Csieran 2AG — 630S Pentium4 3.26/tM-$518 C eieran 2.06 $35 5 Pentium42.¹A/1M«415 pentlm4 2AG 1M —$375 Pentium4 2AC — $429 MOTÃRRROARO for A8tO CPV WOEO CARO

Pentlum4 3.0Gsssuhs

DDR RAM $I $ 4~~ 512M BOG 7200/pm Herd Disk

Asus P4PBOOSE Dud Ch MB Rod&an 9550 128M sx Video DVD + CD-RW / 1.44MB FDD Microsoft Keya / Opd-Mause 2.1 Subwaaftor Speakers 6 channel Audio Front 8 Back USB Pentfum4 3.2E I 1M-$750

Asus KBV-X I SE Deluxe 64bil — 105/143 GF4 IlX4Q00 64M TV s~

Asus A8VNX 64bii

163 GF4 FX5200128M I 500 256M 05/98

Pentlum¹ LGA 2.SE p mq 512M DDR RAM


80G 7200/pm Hard Disk

Asus PSGDf-VM Malhabaad OVOdtWI 1.44MB FDD

Microsoft Keya I Opti¹tauss 2.1 Subwaafier Speakers 8 channel Audio P4 LGA775 3.0E — $069 P4 LGA775 3.2B~710 P4 LGA775 3.46-$770 CORO89 OVO CORW

16x DVD I CDReWriier 52x32x52 — 29/3

LG 16x DVD8 52x CD-RW Combs — 53

MSI KBN Hs&2PISI/KBT Hs&Z+ 64bii — 183/1 38 MS IFX5200 128 IFX5500 256M — 75/'I28 Aapsn DVD-Wriisr 16x /12x

76/06 AsusATNBX/VM/A7N0XE-DX — 93/97/109 GF4 FX5700LE 128M I 256M — 9 3 /119 DVD-W/itsr 10x Pioneer /LG 92/7 Asus A7vsX-X I ATV400MX 64/64 MS I FX5900XT 128M VIVO 245 CD-R sopcs I CD-RW 15/1. ECS 741GX¹2 Msx.66M wNidsa,A 54 MSI NX6800GT 256M539 DVD-R25pcsl DVD+-RW 9/ 8907WRRROAROrer inter CPtr PCI Rsdsan 700064M I9250 126M-66/84 mini-CDRW acm I Black CD-R Music — 2/0. Asus PSGD1/-VM/PSS600VM — 136/126/95 R sdsan 9200ss / 9550 128M — 58 / 7 9 99min 070MB Blank CD-R 25pk 2 MSI 915P Nsa2 Piafinum 179 Rod&an 9550 250MI V IVO — 1 0 6 / 118 MONITOR Asus P4PSM sIE / E-Dx ffe/143 Rsdsan 9600XT 128M /250M — 182/1 99 LCD 17 I.GL1710S I QL711V — 336/31 Acus P48800 I P4S800MX 79/73 Rsdsan X300ss/X800XT 126MPchs-66/21 9 LCD 19' LG 1910S I L921G 700:1 —519/47 A P 4 VP-IIX N l w A di~ s , Rsdsan xaoopls/x700Plo26su pcys-149/276 CRT 17" AOC I MAGI KDS — 129/147/1 4 ECS P4VMM2/ PM800-M2 Ail-in-1 — 54/58 MSI VOX USB2.0TVBax External 85 CRT 19" AOC IMAG 20 NARD DRIVE TV2000XP-Expo/i(Tuner 8 Capture) — 79 cRT1rs i sw F 8 — w 7200rpm 40/80/120G 56/67/93 Nultfmedie PRIN7ER 4 SCANNER 7200/pm BM 80 I 120/ 200G — 75/99/I 36 C/essvsPCI128 I Livs24bii 22/34 Canon i250I I475D / IP2000 — 6$96/0 S-ATA 8M 80/120/200G — 8 5 / 109/148 Creative SaundBisstsr Audioy 2 56 Epsan DirectCD/DVD R200/R300-125/21 Naisbcak 54M/pm 40/60/80G — 89/129/I 75 MultiMedia Speaker I 2.1 Subwaafsr — 6/17 Epsan CX4600/6400MuifiFuncdan-163/24

cpu 6 «mroay

Lagitsch X230 2.1 I X530 5.'I spk — 55/79 Samsung ML1520 LsssrPrinter 15 Intel Col&lan 2.0/2.4/2.6G — 8 3 /95/109 WsbCsm/1.3M Digi-Csmsrs 2-kPf — 19/39 Bono Scanner 4300U I 5250c — 48/7 P4 1MHz 2.4G/3,0/3.2E 159 / 222/269Lagitsch Msgr I Pra4000 31/79 MISC P4 775 520/530/540/550 — 195/228/269/339 CCTVColor Camera / Wi/sisss 3 9/6 9 WinXP Home/Pro (w/sys only) — 119/19 AMD XP+ 2200/2800/3000 — 89/1 69/1 86 F irswirs1394 I USB 2.0 Card 19/ 1 9 Nm A ww 2swfw6 — w l5 AMD 64bii 2800/3000/3500 — 156/179/329 Blustaath I Infrared USB 29/29 Norton Infsmsi Security 2004/2005 — 49/7 AMD Ssmplsn22/24/26/2800 — 66/77/1 06/1 35 BiusiaaihHeadsetfor Csiiuisrphans — 69 PS2 Win Keybasnf I Wheel Mouse — 6/ PC133 S DRAM 12$ /256 — 39I53 PcucIAUSB2.0/IEEE1394/Combs-36/38/49 Wireless Laoiisch Keyboard 2 PCwODDDR 256/512M~ S& 3 NRFWORK 4 Modem Optical Mouse / Notebook Retractable — 6/ DDR2 PC4200 256/512/1 G — 78/ I 49/289 56KfsxMadsm INetwork Card 1 7/11 KVM Switch 2 / 4 paris w Csbl~ 8 / 6 Naiebaak SDRAM 128 I 256M — 4 9 / 62 U SB / PCMCIA Network Adsptar 2 2 / 3 2HDD Rack/Caddy 15/1 N otebook DDR 256 / 512M 59/1 0 5 Switching Hub 5 I 8 /16 ports 2 5 /33/79 MOO/CDEnc/asurs 25/3.6/5.25 -12/26/2 Secure Digital 268/512M/16 — 39/59/99 SMC 4pa/fs Router (sfisr $20 MIR) — 29 Pawersuppiy 350/400/450W 21/ 3 2/39 CampscIFI &sh256/512M/1 G 36/ 5 6/95Rauier4pans w/Plfnfsrss/vsr -52 USB Is Ssrisi/Psrsiisi/infs/PS2-29/29/29/1 2 Xs.wm C d1&I2PM — 48iw Wireless B02.'HGRouter D-Link/Aapsn — 73 ATX PowerTester /Anti-Sfssc Wrist — 16/7 USB Flash 128/256/512/1 G — 32/39/59/99 Wireless 002.11G PCI/PCMCIA — 45/45 N aisbaak 8 LCD Power Supply — 4 5 Card Reader singisl 12-in-I / Ini.-1 5/28/1 2 Wireless USB Adspiar 11b/110 3 4/4 5 2.5in NotebookHDDAdstpar 10

F ebruary 200 6

- H UB : O igibaf Living - B.C. Lawor Mainland Erection

B C sp 3

'tAJ'ir eless uct to feature the Aura LibertyLink LLBBB chipset, a patented magnetic induction communications technology for stereo audio transmission. These comfortable headphones also enjoy up to 30 hours of continuous playtime from a single AAA battery. The only foreseeable downside is the fact these only work within two feet or so of the Zen Micro. Creative's Zen Micro Photo also won awards at CES 2005, it's a compact portable player that plays music, digital photos or both together in a slideshow presentation. The 1.5-inch LCDscreen boasts an impressive 262,144 colours. The GGB model can store up to 7,500 JPG images or 3,000 songs.

Creative hasn't confirmed a Canadian price or availability of these products as of yet,

XM unplugged Finally, satellite radio fans were ecstatic at the unveiling of XM2go at CES, the world's first handheld XMSatellite Radio product that can receive 130 channels of CD-quality audio and even store up to five hours of commercial-free programming on its internal hard drive. In the U.S., XMSatellite Radio works from coast to coast, but until the debut of XM2go in January, this technology has been limited to in-car decks or home-based receivers. Other features of the XM2go include a rechargeable battery, remote control, headphones and a FM transmitter to wirelessly send the XM programming to any nearby FM radio. An LCD screen will show information such as stock tickers, sports scores and more. Companies that will make XM2go products include Delphi, Pioneer and Tao, Rumours that XM Radio[xmradio.corn) and its competitor, Sirius Satellite Radio (sirius.corn), are coming to Canada in 2005 have not been confirmed by either company at this time, but check with HUB for the latest news. By Mare Saltzman





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P HOT O S P R E E THE CHAlLEHUE" .Ice (uue your imeUinatiun) THE RULES: yoa mastuse • dlggal camera tocaptors the suhjacLWwi can ho • ubmiltal via email feontsateppchlicbing.csLAccompanyingyour photoshould he the maResnlmodalofthocamus you asml,the samosataaysolbmrs ysm aced tamodify Ihe imageand,if pamihlo, Ihoffstay sodshottsr speal ym condts his tbo yhsln.

Submit tsar yhotoyrsybc,chugwith Sminhmsgas fram the hwobelow, hyfahtmry 21st, 2050. gsucsasahmit ny ts three plwtograybc, agaf whhh musthaeccmpcnled bya sahmiscionfarm. Entries masthssohnl nmlcisemaiL nhs shouldheao bigger than 500 EBand na seegarIhst3M IS.Sna yhsta ym cmsli.

Lozasrk y810 AcmePhotoPAter The ag-nnw Lexmnrk P915 Home Photo Printer makes printing photos a snap. Able to generate sixwolour 4" x 5" bordnrlesn photos in as little as 39 seconds-with or without a PC - the P915 uses Lexmnrk's new Evercoloi archival ink and comes

Coatect Aules:prhtm mastbeclahncdhyMarch2'ist,2000.Wmnsrc mastptuuidccalid idanti gcation uponclnimmg prha.Tha prhss swardadare nattransferableood caanat ba radsamedhr cssL Tom ter cnlto ba eligible h min,yam en musths rosidonh of Canals, andnat empfsyocsar hs domiciled with an emplayaoof Piccolo Pohliching, its alfilhta companies,sr adcweohg er prmotionalsachs. Tbswbmsrs wia hocalsst-

ed hy000 ea february2'1st, 2000fromamongoa cliggdo snlrlsn nmshm d onor hafmu contest dossdote. Wmnmuwig he cantsctedIiy tslaphmmar smail. Ia Oo mtmrtIbat linycannotbecanhctolwbhinthe Srotwashlogmningthe contactanotheronhuntwill be cel ectcl.IA entri es become tho praperty efWfa amimayhe cool is sahsetywnt alsorgsemcnto forthecoatsst.Igeotriasmusths submittalhytheirerectamlmostho

vwth on-board camera card readers, a PictBridge port, Imaging Studio software and n large 2.5ench colour LCD display with on-screen print prevtnws and n handy countdown timer.

origiasl worL

HUB's photn Spree contest form. All submissions must contain this information. Senti to contest@ppublishing.ca

Uonfninn: iobrunry 21st,2005 Name:. Afifiross:. E-Mail: • .... ...., . . • .. Phono Iyumher..... . . .. . ........ . . ................................... February 200 6

AUo: Occupation/School: Title nf Entry: Camera Uaefl: ............ S o f tware liood:. - H U B : D igital Living - EI.C. Lower Mainland Sectio n

BC 2 6

P el-s o n a l C o m p u t i n g

HUB S C E S 2 0 0 5 : C o m p u t i n g While the Consumer Electronics Show is technically about consumer electronics (with that name, go figure), there's always something to talk about when it comes to the world of computing, especially with the decline of the Comdex computer trade show. It's not really a surprise, because the two worlds are slowly but steadily crossing over. As PCsstart






to handle more and more of the multimedia functions previously done by home entertainment components(CD audio, DVDmovie playback), home entertainment components are starting to integrate more computer technology (digital camera card slots on televisions, hard drives in personal video recorders). While computer-specific announcements were in the minodlty during this show, there were still a few G (m), things worth noting.

03: It's not a rock band One of the more interesting announcementsduring the show was U3,3 new joint venture betweenSanDisk and M-Systems, both big players in the flash memory area. As the capacity of USB memory keys continues to grow, the two companies had a brainstorm: why not use these high capacity memory keys not only to store your files, but to run your applications as well? Theconceptis sim ple.Each U3branded memory key will feature


uper Sale •I • •



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GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE IN B.C !!! Intel P4 2.4GHE essFss caas

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10/100Mbps Ethernet Ols Keyboard I Sores Mouse I Speakem 17 400W Tower Cess wl USB

eybcanlI Seroa Mouse ISpeaks 17 400W Tower Case wl VSS

120GB SATA Hard Drive 2X32X52 LG CDRW I Floppy Drive Tl Radeon Xeoo PRO 266MS PCI-X (TV-Out) ealtek Hl oh Daonmon achsnnet Audio o/8 10/100(1000 Mbps Ethernet 0/S Keybeard I Optical Mouse I Speakens 17 450W To wer Case wl USB


379 Intel Geleyen 1.0GHB 40opss 128K SROCK P4I46GV MS 68MB PC3200 DDR400 RAM

Intel P4 3.0E GHS 800Fss 1Ms

Intel P4 530 3.0 GHB LGA770 ooeFSS ASSD Atlslon 04tslt 3200+ ooopss




120GS S-ATA 8MB Hard Drive 2X32X52 LG CDRW I Floppy Drive NVIDIA GF FX5200 128MS Video (TV-Out) Dl AD1985 Soundmaa 6 Channel Audio O/8 10/100/I000 Mbps Ethernet O/8

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58MB PC3200 DDR400 RAM

OGB 7200RPM Hans Drive 2X LG CD ROM eal 258 3D Graphic 84MB O/8 .1 Channel AC97 Audio 0/8 to/1OOMbps Ethernet O/8 eybeard I Scroa Mouse I Speakers 17" 400W Tower Casa wl USB

GS 7200RPM Herd Drive 2X LG CD ROM I Floppy Drive IS 258 3D Gtaphlcs 84MB 0/8 .1 Channels AC97 Audio 0/8 10/100Mbps Elhemel 0/S eybosrd I Sercu Mouse I Speakers 17 400uv Tower Cess wl USS




santa yourold camputwto m al new CeiwanmSampmnt New Aweek ~ . int ai ar AMD CPU,256MSNAM Vkba, Awtb, tan, 1T TawarCase /w400WPawar Supply

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As prices ndlsct emh dloctarflt slid Iue 2 o c t

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waheut noose. As • t ern eemas with manulamurar rect w a r r

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an application launcher, and U3-certified applications can be downloaded straight to the key. In theory, that could be anything froma word processor to an MP3 player. Companies who have already partnered with U3 to provide U3-compatible applications are Corel, ICD (ADL), McAfee, MedicAlert and ZoneLabs [Check Point). When you plug your U3 key into any computer, the application launcher will fire up any of the applications onboard your key, and when you pull the key out of the computer's USBport, there should be no trace of your work or your data on the computer.

LightScribe — burn it on both sides! If you' re tired of wasting your inkjet cartridges printing out CD labels, have a look at LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling, a technology developed by Hewlett-Packard, but adopted by other companies like Toshiba. Drives equipped with the technology will be able to burn standard CDs or DVDs, but when you' re doneburning the data, you just flip the disc over and "burn a label[both text and images) onto the other side of the disc. At present, the label side burns in only one colour — basic black — but that's expected to change with future versions of the product. Of course, you' ll need special blank discs that have a LightScribe-compatible label side; the discs will have a price premium over regular blanks, Toshiba introduced a slimline drive for use in notebook computers, and it's expected to ship sometime in the first quarter of 2DDS. Look for the technology to be bundled in other manufacturer's notebooks soon. [Dne can only assume this will include HP too, as the companydeveloped the technology!]

Oh mt' God! Thetj killed QWERTY! The thought behind abKey's new keyboard layout is that OWERTY was originally designed to slow typists down so they wouldn't jam up the individual keys of a typewriter. Now that there's no reason to slow typists down, why not have a keyboard that makes more logical sense? The abKey model groups all of the vowels on one side of the keyboard, and the most common consonants on the other side, allowing fastest performance by dividing the work between both hands. The key, if you' ll excuse the pun, is that the other letters are grouped mostly in alphabetical order, which will make it easier for

H LIB: O i gibal Living - B.C. Lower Mainland Baccfon - F e b r u ary 2 0 0 5

P er s o n a l C o m p u t i n g most users to learn where they are on the keyboard, fairly quickly. The finishing touch on the design is a centre hinge that allows the keyboard to be split up the middle, for more ergonomic positioning if desired.

S)IN lli)l

Get the Vibe

CE COMPUTER OUTLET Tsl:(604)278-2633 Fax:(604)278-2661

email: cecompgpaxicnet.corn

Calgary-based Voodoo PC is well-known for its over-the-top gaming machines, but the company is now offering a Media Center PC known as the Vibe. Like other Voodoo machines, this one comes with a beautifui custom case and top-notch performance for gaming, even though it has Media Center functionality too. Youeven have the optionto buy a customizedXbox to use as a Media Center Extender elsewhere in the house. Like other Voodoo machines, though,the use ofthetop-notch components makes it more pricey than your typicai Media Center PC: it starts at $3,325 and works its way up to $ P,OOO or more if you t op up the hardware configuration. Voodoo also showed off the Rage f:50 model, a completely fanless PC that is essentially one gigantic [but still attractive) heatsink.

118-4800, ND.3 Road, Richmond, 8.C. Canada V6X SAC 6-

MondayFdday11:00am-7:00pm Salurday11:00am -6:00pm Sunda (I Hogdasclosed

INTEL1%NTIUN 4 8.6l 775)BTETHIB NITEL PENTNIN CELENON ETETHH P4 - La 6 (020) 01100 CRLENON EAN 0070 P4 • 3.0 6 (030} 01100 ORLENON 2 06 0700 P4 • 3.0 6 (040) 01200 CELENON 0.06 0730 P4 * 0/4 6 (000) 01330 • Wah Intel CPU 0 Fnn • With Intel CPU&Fnn • ASUS P4Motherboard • Pengum4hluihurbourd • 512MB DDR(DUALCHANNEL)RAM(Pcmo) • 256MBDDRRAM(PC3200) • SOGB HDD(7200rpm) • 50 GB HDD (7200 Ipm) • 1.44MB(3 I/2') FLOPPY • 1.44MB (3 I/2') FLOPPY • RsdmWSrORCCSma w/IaaMBAGPVdso 123 baAGPVideo • TT Nll L/R SVGA 025 dp, Monitor • 11' N/I (/R SVGA 025 dp, Monitor • 16X DVDRW • 52X CDROM • 3D SOUND • 3D SOUND • ALTECLANSINGSpeaker w/Subwoolur • 140W/Spuskuis(Amp) • ATX Case • ATX Case • MS/LogauchPS2keyboard • PS2 Xeybonrd • MS / Lou)techOptical Wheel Mouse • PS2 Mouse • IO/100 BASE.TLAN • 10/100 BASE-7 LAN

By Sean Carruthers



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HUB Q CE S B O O S : N e t v v nr king Whether it's handhelds, gaming consoles, media players or cameras, many of the newest products can connect to your home network, either by cable or using WiFi, and many of the products shown off at this year' s show had networking built in. D-Link is still going strong with its newest home networking products. Aimed at garners, the DGL-4300 GamerLounge Wireless Router has gigabit networking ports onboard, and features traffic prioritization on the router to make sure that a computer elsewhere on your home network doesn' t slow down your network gaming. There's also a wired version of the router. The company also updated its wireless media sharing devices with the MediaLounge OSM-320RO,which adds a DVD player and a 5-in-1 digital cameracard reader.The MediaLounge DSM-5208R playerhasan BDGB hard drive instead, and the ability to play high definition content. The gaming routers are expected in March, and the MediaLounge products won't be available in Canada until at least April. Monitor giant ViewSonic's Media Gateway is a four. port broadband sharing router that comes with two built-in USB ports for sharing printers, and a 12068 hard drive inside to store your media files(audio, photo and video). The Wireless Media Adapter hooks up to any TV or computer monitor. Dnce you have the Gateway in place, you can add multiple adapter units around the house, but you' ll probably only be able run up to three of them at full tilt at any one time before the wireless bandwidth starts to max out. The Wireless Media Kit is a package that has one Wireless Media Adapter and one Media Gateway. The WMLV54GWireless-G Media Link is the new Linksys wireless media streaming product, expected by mid-year. It

uses an 802.11g wireless signal to transmit premium content[Rhapsody, Cinema Nowand more ) to any television in the household, without the need for a Windows Media Centre PC and an Extender. As before, the player also streams audio, video and photos from your PC. Linksys is also part of a new initiative with Hewlett-Packard called Secure Easy Setup, which is designed to take some of the headache out of setting up a wireless network. If you have two SES-enabled devices — say, a notebook and a router —users simply tap the SES button on the router, then go over to the notebook and tap the same button, and it will set up a secured connection between the two automatically, saving the headache of figuring out all of the wireless networking settings. Archos' Pocket Media Assistant PMA430 is the newest in the company's portable media product line, featuring onboard WiFi and digital video recorder functionality when placed in the multimedia base unit. The player uses Linux as its bedrock, allowing you to custom configure it with Linux applications, and the WiFi component allows you to connect directly to the Internet (the Opera web browser is already included, as is an email client.) The player will cost about $1000(from US$800). LG Electronics' LRM-519 is a hard drive and DVD recorder, but it also adds Microsoft's Windows Media Extender capabilities. You simply hook a wireless networking adapter to the hard drive/DVD recorder via the USB 2.0 ports on the back of the unit, allowing you to pull your multimedia content — including MPEGs,WMVfiles, JPGs, M'P3s, and WMA files —from other computers connected to your wireless network. The USB ports on the back will also accommodate external hard drives, memory card readers, direct camera connections, USBmemory keys and more. Those familiar with personal video recorders may be familiar with the term "timeshifting", but Sling Media would like you to get used to another term: "placeshifting". The company has introduced a product called the Slingbox Personal Broadcaster. The product features S.Video, composite video and coax cable TVinputs, as well as RCAaudio input. The unit then connects to your home network via Ethernet, making your media content available anywhere within the house from connected PCsand notebooks. Even better, you can watch your content remotely too, connecting back to your home entertainment over the Internet. In other words, it's a lot like Sony's LocationFreeTV, but since you use the computers or notebooks you already have, it's a more cost-effective solution. The Slingbox will ship mid2005 and will cost $250. Powerline networking has been around for a few years now, but Canada's own Corinex now offers products withspeeds up to 200 Mbps over standard household wiring, more than enough to carry a video signal. The higher speed also suits head-tohead gaming and VolP.The company's new product is the AV Powerline Ethernet Adapter. By Sean Carruthers


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lNCES 200 6 : Living on Video

Video continued to loom large over the proceedings at this year' s Consumer Electronics Show, integrated as it was into most of the cool toys — massive televisions, DVD players and burners, and portable multimedia devices all rely on video, after alt High definition was definitely one of the bigger trends at this year's show: screens are getting bigger, and there's even a high-definition OVO format

Q 0



war brewing between HD.DVD and Blu-ray, Because the two formats won' t be released in North America until the end of 2005Cor the beginning of 2006i, customers who really want to take advantage of the world of high definition television will have to stick to the HD television signals coming over the air. In the meantime, those who want to roll their own high-definition content shouldtake a lookatSony's new HDR-FX1,a consumer-level high-def OV camcorder capable of recording in 1080i resolution. At a cost of US$3,POO, it's still got a pro-sumer price, but it will allow you to get started now instead of waiting for the pricing to drop sometime next year. While high-definition was flying high, there were still plenty of new products that were a bit more down-to-earth. Coming this Spring, Sony will also have the DCR-DVDP, a new DVD Handycam that re-orients the camera body to look more like a digital still camera. While it looks a bit odd at first, Sony feels that consumers will find that the US$PDO camera has a more natural grip. Also available in the spring will be the DCROV0403, a US$1,00D portable DVD camera that records in Dolby Digital 5.1 channel surround sound. Panasonic has also brought a touch of the professional down to the consumer level with the introduction of three new consumer-pri ced 3CCD cameras:the US$599 PV.G565 has 10x optical zoom and 1.2 megapixel still capture, the US$699 PV65150 bumps that resolution up to 2.3 megapixel, and the US$999PV-65250 adds a m anualfocus ring and bumps the

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still capture up to 3.1 megapixel. All three are expected on the market in key feature here is the ability to plug in an external lens module that can March. be strapped onto your head or arm, capturing your suicidal plunge down Panasonic also introduced three new compact camcorders with uitra-opti- the world*s steepest ski hill. Expected in April, the camera will cost $849. cal zoom capabilities. The PV-GS19 features a 24x optical zoom, and will Sanyo had its own take on the solid-state compact camera with the introcost about $430. The PV-GS31 will bumpthat up to 26x optical zoom for duction of the VPC-C4model, which offers up to 4 megapixel still image about $500 (from US$349 and $399). For about $615 capture and full motion MPEGX video capture. (from US$499), the PV-GS35 will feature 3ox optical The handheld model off'ers up to 5.8x optizoom, USB 2.0 capability, and image editing softcal zoom, comes with image stabilizaware bundled with the camera. All three are tion, and uses SecureDigital to save all due in March. csee information. While the card will be For those who don't want to decide extra, a 1GB SD card would hold up to Att esterS(ttettttehot between digital photography and digian hour of video. tal video, Samsung has introduced the Another wearable video camera introthird generation of its DuoCam product, duced at the show was Eyetop's new Cte the SC-D6550. Like the last version of Camtop. The Camtop consists of a theDuoCam, the DV camera has a 10x stowable 2DGBrecording unit, and a optical zoom, and the still camera feapair of glasses. The glasses come with tures 3x optical, but the difference is a camera module embedded in the left that this model comes with 5 megapixtemple and a video monitor in the 8 cere Y el still image capture capability and a far •8 dght temple. The video you' re shooting t tettt c t le • es+~ Q SACK tee morecompact design.This one even sports a appearsin heads-up fashion on the Aeteee more compact price; the camera, scheduled to hit right lens, so you know at all times what the market in April, will cost only $699. That will be you' re actually capturing, while still being followed in July by the SC-D557, aDVDcamcorder featurable to see the world around you. The hard ing 12x optical zoom and 1.33 megapixel still image capture. drive can also store your AVIand MP3 files. The Camtop is due by midEven cooler is Samsung's weather-resistant SC-X105L "Extreme Sports" year, and is expected to cost about $1115(from US$900). camera. The lightweight camera records straight to flash memory; there' s 512MB built in, and a MemoryStick slot will handle up to 168 more. The By Sean Carruthers



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There's a lot happening in Apple land these days. At the annual post-CESMacworld show in San Francisco, Apple CEO Steve Jobs used his keynote speech to unveil the company's latest hardware and software offerings for O1 2005. Thebiggest announcement by far is the Mac mini. Thiscomputer isreminiscent of the PowerMac 64 Cubethat Apple released several years back, however the Mac mini is even smaller and twice as powerful as the Cube. Essentially, this product is a monitor-less eMac. Base versions don't even ship with a mouse or a keyboard. It's a clever idea for Windows users fed up with having to deal with constant popups and virus threats and who want to delve into the intuitive, secure and stable world of Mac OSX. The buzzword on everyone' s tongue these days is HD —High Definition television, and Macworld was no exception. All of Apple's video apps are now ready to handle this format, from the entry level video editing application, iMovie(included in iLife 05), to Final Cut Pro and Express. Appleworks, Apple's answer to Microsoft's Office, has been renamed to iWork and given several enhancements. Will it be enoughtokeep Mac users from paying for Microsoft's Office X suite'? Only time will tell ... Introducing the iPod ShuNe Just when everyone thought Appie's share in the portable music player market couldn*t get any bigger, they unveil yet another new iPod. The iPod Shuffle is a flesh-based MP3 player available in 51ZMB and 1GB sizes. Apple claims the

P ar eO n a l I n r n P u t . i l l - i 512MB model can hold 120 songs, and the 1GBmodel twice that amount if encodedwith Apple'sAAC cedec at12B.Kbps. The iPod Shuffle is about the size of most common USB nash drives. It doesn't have an LED orLCDdisplay, which will make playlist designing yournew hobby!Having no LCD display makes choosingyourtunes on the go more or less a crapshoot. There is however a slider on the back of the unit that will shufne your iTunes play list, giving you random play of whatever songs you have loaded into the unit. The iPod Shuffle is targeted at people who don't need a ton of songs with them at any given time, such as the gym and jogging crowds who only need to load up eneugh songs for each gym visit. Apple is claiming 12 hours of battery life per charge. Personally, I think it wouldhave made more senseto make the unitdependenton consumer


batteries so users could drop and ge while on the move. Also most of the iPod Shuffle's competition sports an FM tuner, which would have beena very useful feature for this model. However, the unit represents a nice starting point for price and features. Who can't justify the Mini, Click Wheel iPod or the iPod photo, iTuneS Online liuoiL Ster

Apple unveiled the Canadian version of the iTunes online music store [www.apple.corn/ca/itunes/} with little fanfare on December 2, 2004, claiming to offer an online selection of more than 700,000 songs for download with plenty of Canadian artists, The best news of all is that the Canadian iTunes store matches the American store's price of 99 cents per song. By Jason Justin



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- H U B : Digibel Living - B.C. Lower Meinlend Seooion

BC 37

T ot;al Garne r

HU B ISC E 8 : Gam ing 2005 was supposed to be the biggest year for the gaming contingent on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) floor. There was even talk of some manufacturers bidding adieu to the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo(E3], the video game industry's premiere trade show,asit's too hard to get noticed among the din and flashing lights that are the expo's trademark. Suffice it to say that if this year is any indication, a systematic abandon. ment of E3 in favour of CES is unlikely. While it may be hard to get noticed on the E3 show floor, the only way to get noticed as a video game compa. ny at CES would likely be to have your game displayed on Samsung's flagship 102-inch plasma screen television. Unlikely. That said there were at least a couple of consumer electronics devices putting their best game face on.

The potential problem with bringing PCgames into the living room comes in the form of ... the form, Namely, in the Phantom's huge overall footprint and now dated "futuristic" [not to mention blindingly white) look. Also, you have to find a place for the smalier than usual but still rather large keyboard and mouse platform. Phantom at a glance www.infiniumlabs.corn AMD Sempron processor 256MB RAM BOGS HDD nvidiaGeForce 5700 Subscription: approx. $24.50/mo.

Gizmondo Is it the latest handheld to try to take a run at Nintendo's monopoly of the space or a device more in-tune with what the general public want? While Gizmondo public relations insists the handheld is a gaming device first, its array of internal gadgetry might suggest otherwise. Running Windows CE.net and using an nVidia mobile graphics processor [see "Gizmondo at a glance," this page) the device is blessedly free of the Phantom menu slowdown that often plagues handheld devices that try to do too Phantom reps showed their wares in the nVidia and — ironicallymuch. Microsoft booths and pre-show press evenings. The Gizmondo crams in GPS [global positioning system) functionality Using Windows XPEmbedded, an invisible iteration of Windows, Infinium along with GPRS (general packet radio service, a cell phone technology) Labs is trying to figure out where to position its game machine, In fact, the company seems hesitant to even call it a "game machine" much less for text and multimedia messaging as well as online play. Alsa, users will a game console. It is referred to instead as the Phantom Gaming Service be able to connect locally via Bluetaoth for potentially true location.based or Phantom GameReceiver. gaming. In the flagship game Colors. g arners might defend their turf The company responsible has had its product referred to as "vapourware." against rival gangs identifiedas local using GPS. As ever, only time will tell. The company for its part has said Phantom will be released in 2005, refusing to get in to specifics. Phantomtakes an on-demand approach togaming and delivers PC games over broadband to the living room. Microsoft apparently doesn't see that as a threat to its Xbox business. For US$19.95 per month($24.50], subscribers geta basic package and essentially rent up to five games at a time. Predictably, new releases aren't included under this basic subscription. Instead it's the games that have been demoted at least one shelf on the perpetual shuffle toward the still far away bargain bin. A spokesperson for Infinium Labs says the company is in talks with major publishers to have games available for download over its networks simulIn addition, the device manages to stick a VGA resolution [640x490) camtaneous to their hard copy appearance in stores, Before that in some cases, as it hopes to open the pipelines at midnight on the day of release. era into its back and promises downloadable rich media content, picture viewing, email and digkal audio play while hinting at targeted multimedia Price is to be determined but is hinted at between US$199.99 and advertisements billing the latest movie blockbusters. US$299.99 [$245 and $365], ln theory, the device takes the place ofawealth of consumer electronic Phantom's core idea is to bring the lean. back, sitting on the couch devices. In practice, how well any of them p will becomeciear once approach to PCgames that are more often played in lean-forward, erform the device launches. hunched over a desk mode, Company reps say the Gizmondo will have 12 games available at launch In short, it subscribes to the overall CES thought of bridging the gap including Colors, ConRict: Vietnam, Richard Burns Rally, The Great Escape between the computer area and the living room. and others. Launch datesaren'tas easyto come by,however— the comGame controls are untouched across the PC and Phantom iterations of games; the only core difference is in the delivery andwheregarners play pany says "early 2005" for the North American roll-out. European prices on the company's Web site list the device at E229 which them. converts to approximately $526. North American pricing remains to be seen but the company gives an approximation of US$499. By Andrew Moare.Crispln Qlzntanda ata glance GoForce 3D 4500 Wireless Media Processor [WMP) 400 MhzSamsung ARM9 processor 2.8-inchTFTLCD colour screen 64MB anboard storage via tiny mDiskOnChip G3 flash memory Launch titles: AngelFish, Chicane City, Colors, Conflict: Desert Storm II, Conflict: Vietnam, Interstella, Flames 2, Richard Burns Rally, Stuntcar Extreme, Super Drop Mania BC SBI

HLJ B : Digital LiVing - B,C. Lcivver Meinlerid Section - F i ebrusry RQO5


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about as likely as me coming up with a good analogy to explain just how unlikely I am to get one of these. Reread that if need be. Still, with 1920x10BD resolution and a screen size just a hair [or more accurately, an inch] below six feet, it can't hurt to dream.

Pgramat PMX Rocker More than just a nifty play on wards, the PMXRocker is Pyramat's first attempt at branching out from the vargingly cool tri-folding, stereo speaker and subwoofer-enclosing gaming loungers / gym mats the company made its name creating. A decadent white calf skin-clad Rocker was on display but the compang says it will be available in a range of more easily justified fabric choices, Beneath the seat of this super comfg rocking love seat reside four four-inch midrange drivers, two tweeters and a spine melting subwoofer. It's easg on the eyes too without the cumbersome wires that have plagued previous loungers thanks to 2.4 GHz digital wireless audio.

Mare Saltzmarl's picks Samsung102-inch plasma TY If one product had the show buzzing the loudest it was the largest plasma television in the world. Prominently displayed smack dab in the middle of the Samsung both was a whopping 102-inch TV. In other words, it was about the size of a freakin' garage door. While not in production just get, Samsung claims it is the largest working plasma television. If and when this TV is available in about a year, it will cost an estimated US$100,000.

Song PlagStation Portable (PSP) Song Computer Entertainment America held a media event a dag before the show ta give some hands-on time with what the company calls the "Walkman of the 21st Century." After playing a few games on the device, I'm inclined to agree. Due out in Canada by late March, the PSP can play 30 games with PlayStation 2-quality

graphics on a 4.3-inch widescreen display, even wirelesslg against other users. It can also play music, movies and A 11ea

photos. Battery life is only about half that of the Nintendo DS.





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- H U B : D igital Living


Digital Living

Minding our m a n n e r e When our technology moves faster than our etiquette, polite behaviour can be hard to figure out We' ve all been there: The middle of a hushed auditorium, the show's about to start and suddenly a tinny, digitized version of Beethoven' s NinthSymphony breaks the silence. Our annoyance grows along with the cell phone's volume, and we silently curse the inconsiderate oaf whose device is causing the dis-

Cellmanners.corn blithely attempts to formalize this process by recommending that a "cell glare" — a carefully aimed look of disgust — be generally instituted as a way of denouncing impolite behaviour. Yet in spite of our annoyance, we shouldn't take it on ourselves to police public rudeness. Emily Post, while disapproving of the cell phone in theatre, advises those offended by the noise to ask the manager to handle the situation

rather than confronting the offender directly. Before the passage of time institutes stronger cell phone taboos, we may need to rely on official regulations to dictate wireless policies. Slowly these are coming into place. In Japan, for example, the Nagoya Municipal turbance. And then there's that ManagementSubway hastaken steps tom ake certain mobile phones odd dreadedtime when we look inoperative on trains and train platforms. In other areas, rules call on pasdown at our purse or pocket and sengers to switch off their mobile phones near the special seats for the blush to discover that the oaf is aged and disabled. More familiar to Canadians are the signs at hospitals none other than us. and other sites for sensitive equipment and the knowledge that there is a With half of all Canadians using serious rationale behind these frequencies can interfere with mobile phones, our adoption of sensitive medical equipment. wireless devices is moving faster In public places like restaurants, perhaps individual establishments will than we can adopt rules to dicslowly start to institute policies that govern the use of technology, A Wall tate their use in polite society. As such, rude wireless behaviour is a daily Street Journal article last year reported on the trend for some restauoccurrence. Cellmanners.corn, a Web site dedicated to handling questions rants, libraries and other businesses to resurrect the phone booth — only of technology etiquette, ran a poll that asked readers to name their without the phone — which allows cell users to talk as loud as they want. biggest pet peeves about cell phones, The top two were "ringers in quiet Indeed, it may be that we need public venues and workplaces to set the places" and "talking too loudly" followed by "showing off", "talking in example by establishing official rules, at least until enough time has restaurants" and "silly conversations." passed for working rules to evolve.

warnings -

Beyond these general categories, other anecdotes describing rude behaviour offered at sites like Cellmanners,corn and Manners International are familiar to most of us — the intrusive ninety degree "cell elbow" for example, a hazard to all those in close proximity. Talking on the phone while talking to a sales clerk, initiating calls at the dinner table, taking calls [or checking a BlackBerry or PDA] during lunch meetings, talking while driving (or walking for that matter) and especially taking calls in quieter spaces like churches or libraries or at formal occasions like weddings or funerals — all of these cringe-worthy behaviours are currently regulated only by our individual sense of decorum, which tends to vary widely. Of course the major reason why there are so many incidents of impoliteness is that beyond common courtesy, there are no hard and fast rules. Well, that's not exactly true. The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications

By Sue Bowness

Wireless Etiquette Sttideiines br the Canadian INireless TechnnlogyAssociation tCWTAl www.cwta.ca Wireless etiquette is simple: It's all about common sense and courtesy. When others scoff, turn it oft In public places such as restaurants or chur ches, remember to turn your mobile device off before you enter to avoid disturbing others by making or receiving calls If you must keep Your cell phone or pager on, use the mute or vibrating mode to avoid disturbing others wherl You receive calls. This is especially important in places where personal noise is a nona, like a movie theatre.

Association f CWTA]publishes a list of guidelines governing cell phone etiquette on its Web site(see sidebar], as do associations such as the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, and even cell phone companies like the American ATB TCingular (who declared the month of July as "wireless awareness month"]. Of course the ultimate guideline is that of classic manners maven Emily Post, The 17th edition of 'Emily Oon't be aclown, turn it down Post's Etiquette; The Definitive Guide to Manners" simplifies the guidelines Llse your common sense to decide if you should go outside, to a to "four cell phone never-evers" that warn users not to: leave the ringer on lobby or to another room where you wan't disturb others by making in quiet places, ignore those you' re with, make repeated calls, or use j or taking calls. offensive language. The book also lists several "take care zones" with , In small or enclosed spaces like a bus or at a meeting, not every- 4' rules to govern cell phone usage in each, including the street or bus[be ' tjne wants ta hear your conversation, or perhaps your discussion quick and don't shout), the store (never] and the restaurant [make calls is confidential. If you must make or take a call, keep it shor t and be in the vestibule, never at the table). as quiet as possible. The problem with a lot of these rules is that while they are based on common sense, they are often easily ignored unless there is a consequence. liateveryone cares,no need to share In the case of the theatre disruption, it is already common that an offendSome places, including hospitals and air planes, have strict rules er will be publicly embarrassed by complaints from those in close proximabout wireless device use. Always respect these rules, for your.,'• .. ity — avoiding this embarrassment provides an incentive to turn it off. safety and for the safety of others. ' fV . 10

H UB : D i g i tal Living — February BQQS


Digital I



Q CE S B O O S : D i g i t al Photngr aphy

With more than 4,500 exhibitors spread out over a million-and-a-half square feet of show floor space, it can beadaunting task to try and see everything at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vega s. But a funny thing happens when you get a bunch of geeky journalists together who love electronics — they all start buzzing about a few "must see" gadgets, Afterall, we review these kinds of high-tech gizmos all year 'round so we should know what's hot and what's not. Not surprisingly, many of these products go on to win "Best of Show" in their respective categories. Digital photography is no exception. Hundreds of new products debuted at CES2005, so here's a look at some of the coolest products.

First WiFi camera Now this is a clever idea. Imagine snapping pictures at your daughter' s birthday party and by the time gou walk over to your computer to print off a few for your guests, the snapshots are already on the screen. Say what? That's the premise behind the first WiFi(802.11b]-enabled camera. The Kodak EasyShare-One lets users send their camera's photos over the airwaves to a nearby PC, or email them to someone directlg from the camera via Kodak's online photo service —providing the user has a wire. less network. This eliminates the often time-consuming process oF connecting the camera to the computer(or popping a memory card into a printer or a PC ), then transferring all the images over to a specific folder before archiving or emailing. The 4-megapixel camera, which houses a large three-inch adjustable LCD screen at the back, can hold up to 1,500 images with its 256MB of internal memory. There's a small catch, however —users need to purchase the WiFi card separatelg for about US$100. The EasgShare-One itself will cost about US$599 when it's available in June. No Canadian price or availability has been announced as of yet. Kodak Canada has confirmed, however, the first WiFi-enabled Printer Dock will be available this June for about $129. The EasyShare Printer Dock Plus is a portable 4x6 photo printing solution that can take an optional WiFi card[802.11b), therefore once a Kodak camera is docked (or another manufacturer's camera is connected via PictBridge], pictures can be wirelesslg sent to a PC within 30 metres or so over a wireless home network. Also, the Printer Dock Plus can act as a wireless printer for other WiFi-enabled devices such as desktop and laptop computers.

Instant Replay Half the fun oF participating in extreme sports — such as cycling, snowboarding, motorbike racing or skateboarding — is reliving those wild moments with friends after the fact. Now you don't just have to relg on your memories— the Samsung SC-X105 Sports Cam made a splash at the show not just because of its extremely compact and rubberized waterresistant body but because it also includes a hands-free camera lens module that can be attached to an armband or headband to capture digital video from gour perspective. Cool. The video cam itself is equally impressive with its 10x optical zoom and a 680K CCD lens. Digital stills can be captured at either 720x480 or 1,280x960 resolutions. Other features include a twoinch LCO screen, 0.9-second power on feature, an image stabilizer and 512MB of built-in memorg to save the footage. Samsung says the product should be available in the Great White North in April 2005 for about $849.

Jack of all trades

While not a brand new product, the SV-AVSO digital multimedia camera was proudly showcased atthe mammoth Panasonicbooth (one of the largest at the Las Vegas Convention Center]. The product won one oF the 2005 Best of Innovations Awards in the annual competition hosted by the Consumer Electronics Association. This ting camera(measuring just 28mmx50mmx87mm) and weighing only 98 grams (without rechargeable battery) can perform a wide array of functionssuch asshootMPEG-4 movies at 320x240 pixels, still images at 640x480 pixels and play MP3 or AACmusic stored on SecureDigital(SD) memory cards. The device also has a built-in voice recorder. The SV-AV10(available now at Panasonic.ca for $599.99], which has a 2-inch swivel LCD screen, won its 2005 award for significant energy savings as the product uses lowgravitg circuit technology which ~akEasFS" yields reduced power consumption. "

By Mare Saltzman vvvvvv.hub canacia.cern

February 2QQS — H U B : Digital Living


Digital Imag ing

Digital Pho t o g r a p h y T u t o r ial 13 Learning tosee as the camera "sees" Part 1 Perspective control One of the biggest challenges in photography is learning to see as the camera "sees." This may sound odd,because we tend to assume thatwhat we see in the real world is locked to a fixed physical reality. But the fact is, our eyes and brains process information

nisms that allow you to tilt the lens up to take in more of a tall building, but still keep the film parallel to the plane of the building front. Some 3Smm camera makers have developed perspective control lenses that achieve a similar end. In the digital age, we have our own way of correcting

within a context of things we know. For example, we know that buildings are rectilinear. Suppose you want to take a picture of some architectural gem. To get the entire structure in, you tilt the cameraup and snap away. I.aterwhen you inspect

perspective, as most image editors have tools to allow you to make converging lines parallel or transform trapezoidal shapes back to the right angled shapes they are in the real world. In Photoshop CS there is a check box for perspective in the crop tool menu bar. If you activate it, you can move the sides and corners of thebounding box independentlyso you can match the lines to an area known to be rectilinear. When you

your images, you are disappointed. They haven't captured what you thought you saw. When we look up at a building, the image formed in our eyes might be distorted in some way. But rather than concluding that the building is a malleable structure that's in constant flux, we know that it is rigid and maintains a constant form, so we ignore part of the information being received by our eyes. What the brain knows overrides what the eye records. Cameras, on the other hand, can only follow the laws of optics. The geometry of a surface will be recorded accurately, so if you tilt the camera at an odd angle the parallel lines and right angles will be distorted. When you snap the shutter, these distortions are captured in full fidelity. For example, the sides of a building will converge, or the front face will be distorted like a trapezoid. Only if the sensor is exactly parallel to a building's front will that surface be recorded without rectilinear distortion, Large format cameras have tilt and shift mecha-


a klI'

Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 has a specific perspective correction tool on the tool bar that works similarly. In Photoshop Elements 3 or earlier versions of Photoshop, perspective control is accessed using the image transform function.(You' ll then need to adjust the height of the building to re-establish a proper perspective.) This tool is very handy for correcting unintended perspective distortions, but often distortion works in your favour, and trying to correct it will only reduce the visual impact of your photo. For example, I have some shots of the office buildings in downtown Toronto, taken with an ultrawide lens. The buildings recede dramatically to an imaginary vanishing point, accentuating the tallness of the structures.

By David Tanaka

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crop the image, it is redrawn to match that geometry.



Salwafion for badly takeo


Ii I

Many photo guides tell you how totake good pictures, ' but what if you' ve taken a bad one and want to salvage the shot? This is where Bad Pics Fixed Quickstarts. Itgoes through a number of common picture-taking errors and tells you how to use PhotoshopElements 3 to correct them. The book piovides fixes for many common exposure and composition pi oblems —making dark photos lighter, and cropping to make the subject more prominent, for example. But it also introduces you to some of the more sophisticated tools in Elements 3, such as masks and layers. It also moves into the somewhat complex area of retouching — where the fixes aren't so m uch to bad photos but, rather to unflattering elements within a good photo. This includes way to whiten teeth and eyes, smooth skin and eliminate blemishes.

Bad ~m Plcs ,,- Fixed H Quick I


HU EI :D igital Living — Febr uary 2 D D 5

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Mario Pa rty 6 PnhDsher. Dlnhmdn Dnvnlnpnr.Dndsnnhnft Platform:Dame&he

The sixth episode in Nintendo's all-ages Mario 'v Party franchise — a series of Nintendothemed boardgames in videogame format — provides players with enhancements similar to those seen in the last four sequels, namely new mini-games, game boards, and play modes. In other words, there is little in the way of innovation. Players familiar with other r g a mes in the series will require no instruction to play Mario Party 6. The game's primary mode, Party, sees up to four players travel across a virtual game board trying to collect the most stars. Each board has its own unique characteristics. The Towering Treetop board features swings, zip lines, slides, and a special space where players can pay off Boo to steal coins and stars from other players. Faire Square incorporates luck by way of a slot machine space and variable star prices. For the first time, all of the boards are subject to shifts of day C

and night that can change a variety of game elements, from star locations to board paths. At the end of each turn(and sometimes in the middle of turns] lp ayers engage in one of about 80 different mini-games. The mini-games in this edition are new, but most feel like rehashes of challenges we' ve seen in previous Mario Party games. Some require players to cooperate, others are every man for himself. Some are strictly games of chance, while others require certain skills, providing an advantage to players who have better memories, experience with platform games, familiarity with the controller, or quick reflexes. Realizing that players were basically getting the same game for the sixth time in a row, Hudson tried to mix things up a bit this time by including a microphone and a few mic mini-games. However, the only mic mode worth playing is a quiz show game in which players take turns in minigames that require simple answers spoken into the microphone. Unfortunately, the voice recognition software seems a bit glitchy, making the microphone games sometimes feel as though they are more trouble than they' re worth. By Chad Sapieha

Resident Evil 4 PnhDnhncCnpcnm Dncetnym:Cnncmn PlnNum:IamcCnhc

Forget all the things that may have annoyed you about past Resident Evil games.With RE4, Capcom has abandoned the awkward remote-control movement, restrictive inventory, scarce ammo, and limited saving. The story centers around Leon Kennedy, who arrives at a rustic European village with the task of saving the President's kidnapped daughter, Ashley. The situation quickly deteriorates as the villagers start attacking him with single-minded, psychotic hostility. These villagers are not the slow, shuffling zombies of past games, however. They' re intelligent. They can run and dodge, throw projectiles, climb ladders and cooperate with each other.


H LJB : O igital Living — February BOGS

For example, early in the game, Leon was in danger of being overwhelmed by a pitchfork and axe-wielding mob in the village square. I decided the best strategy would be to climb up into a tower and pick them off one by one through the windows. The villagers simply started lobbing lit torches through the windows to flush me out. The pacing is brilliant. Full-out adrenaline-pumping shoot-outs are balanced by moments of eerie calm where you' re hanging on every shuffle and thump. RE4 hasevolved beyond "zombie jumping out of a closet" camp into something that subtle and genuinely unsettling, achieving a balance that is near-perfect. Puzzles are challenging but not too obtuse, boss battles are fierce but not unfair, and the challenge is intense but not insurmountable. By Erin Bell


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•~ e Recruit your buddies in Pathway to 6lory The mobile online multiplayer war game. Collaborate with your friends to tal<e on your enemies around the world in l>athway ro Glory As WW[I rages, the struggle for Europe is at a critical point Command a multinational ream of highly trained WWII soldiers to take on your opponents on the N-Gage™ Arena. Mobile online multiplayer warfare on the new pocket sized N-Gage QD and N-Gage mobile game decl< devices



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