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f- b r i e Entertainment
Personal Computing
Total (3eamisr
w w w - h u b c a n a d a . c o m
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' C o m p u t e r systems and configurations m a y not be exactly as shown. F u l l y a s s e m b l e d N C I X P C s y s t e m s c o m e w i t h o 1 y e a r l i m i t e d p a r t s a n d l a b o r w a r r a n t y. P e r t o r t r u n c e will vary d e p e n d i n g o n n o Spucific n o r d w a r e a n d s o l l w a r u y o u use. W u the non, to limit q u e n t i t a s sold. P r i c e a n d a v a i l a b i l i t y a r e s u b j e c t t o m a n g o
w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A d v e r l i s o d p n c u s d o n o t i n c l u d e s h i p p i n g a n d n a n c l U n g 11/1.15 u n l e s s othanwse noted. Inter. I n t o l o g o . I n t e l Msicte, I n t e l I n s i d e l o g o . a n d P e n t i u m LW t r a c t o r m u i . o r ! w a s t e r , o t r a d e m a r k s or I n I a l C o r p o r a t r o n o r Its s u o s s b a n o s rn t h e U M , o a S t a t u s a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s
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0 21105.12000 N C I X . c o m / N e l l i n k C o m p M e r I n c . A l l f l i g h t s R e s e r v e d . W M a r e n o t r e s p e c t s n i Ira any typograpnicol yours. P e n e s m i l d until J a n u a r y 24, 2006.
888-NC▶-888 ORVISIT www.NClX.com/hub TO ORD
Editorial <well-intentioned but empty
a discussion of which OS you personally prefer, the
New Years resolution> This
same can't be said for the various flavours of Linux or
year, I vow to not blithely
other operating systems.
accept whatever operating
With that in mind, I'd like to welcome you to our first
system is thrust upon me by
issue of 2006. The theme: Alternate Computing.
some early finagling and
There are options out there and, as we examine in the
foresight turned majority
pages that follow, many of these options allow us to do
rule.</well-intentioned but empty New Years resolution>
the things we need to do. Still, there's something to be
Sure, there's a wealth o f software both free and
The computer is a tool. My thinking on alternate
otherwise that runs on Windows. Granted, if a device is
operating systems remains; I want the most effective
said for the path of least resistance.
HUB Vo l u m e 1 9 : N u m b e r 0 1
Editor-In-Chief A n d r e w Moore-Crispin aridrewOppublishingen
Editorial Assistant
tool to get the job done.
for Windows. And sure, calling tech-support with a
Were it that I pursued another career path and had
Linux-related question is likely to net some puzzled
become a plumber, I wouldn't have attempted to turn
wonderings, culminating in a suggestion t o start
the plumbing world on its ear by using 4.8 decimeter
Googling (or perhaps MSN searching?) or reading
drain pipes, incorporating all manner of new-fangled
through Linux-specific forums for the answer.
pipe fittings to interface with the main city sewers. I
However, commercial operating s y s t e m s a r e
wouldn't spend hours on each new job bending,
generally expensive.
shaping and manufacturing new pipes to work with the
By the time Windows Vista comes out â&#x20AC;&#x201D; firm date as
old plumbing.
yet available at time o f writing â&#x20AC;&#x201D; there's likely an
But then again, I never was the most adventurous of
upgrade in a number of people's future.
pipe fitters.
Still, there's room to experiment, right?
Maybe in the new year...
S t e v e n
Advertising Sales ONTARIO/TORONTO Corporate Account R a l p h Ventriglia Managers r a l p h O p p u b l i s n i n g . c i
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WESTERN CANADA V i v i a n Jin vrviannppublishingsa
Jason Hay
Enjoy the issue,
remain just that, at least for the time being. Reason Andrew Moore-Crispin being, while many o f the interoperability issues
Contributing Editors S e a n Carruthers Ray Richards, Lee Rickwood Marc Saltzman, David Tanaka
I likely won't break away from Windows entirely. Any experimentation with alternate operating systems will
Art Director
operating system (0S) specific, it's generally designed
between Mac and Windows have been dealt with rendering the argument between Mac and Windows to
Business Group President/PublIsher S c o t t Piccolo scougppublishingca V.P. Finance F r a n k Diecidue and Operations f r a n k n p p u b l i s h i n g . c a
Production Coordinator C h r i s t i e Swail christio@ppublishing.ca
Production Assistant L i z Van Der Wee
Best of 2005 The hottest gadgets and gear of the year 4
IT Manager
Untethered: WiFi to the MAX 6
775.B The Oueensway, Toronto, ON, riot I N I Tel: 416.3413-9666 Tall-free: 8G6.757.0179 Fare 416.3413-9553
Distribution Manager S c o t t Robicnaud scattr@ppoolishing. Office Administrator M a l e f i c Rajaram malenie@ppublishingea
Piccolo Publishing Inc [Rego Office]
Work Smarten. Office templates 8 Test Lab: Giving passwords the finger 1 Browser Wars: The saga continues 1
Canadian Pr:notion Mail, Sites Product Agreement 041037518. Pnnted m Canacm. ISSN 1710.0143 HUB. Digital Living (B.C. ed.1 ISSN 1710.0151 HUB: Digital Lining (Calgary ed.) GSM 1710-0168 HUB: Signal Liinng (Edmonton ed.) ISSN 1710.003 HU& Digital Living (Eastern ed.) ISSN 1710.0186 HUB: Digital Living (Montreal ed.l ISSN 1710.0194 1-111/3: Digital Living (Prairie ed.) ISSN 1710.0208 HUB: Digital Living (SW Ont. ed.) ISSN 1710-0016 HUB: Digital Living (Toronto ed.)
0 2
HUB: Digital Living is published monthly by Piccolo Punishing Inc_ All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher's strictly prohibited. Information presented here is compiled from sources believed to be accurate, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions the publisher reserves the right to infuse ads. tire opinions expressed in the ankles and columns and ads are those of the wineriadveniser and not necessarily those or HUD: Digital Living
In s e l e c t e d r e g i o n s a n d online Working from home: Are you ready Porn, pixels and profit The mice that roared Moving to Mac: Finding software
www.hubcanada.com www.hubcanada.com
Januer-s, 2 0 0 6
H U B : Digital Living
G i f t Guide: B e s t of 2 0 0 5
B e s t of 2 0 0 5 : T h e h o t t e s t g a d g e t s a n d g e a r of t h e y e a r If you're reading this issue of HUB: Digital Living, chances are you'll
1.5 ounces), that can store up to 1,000 songs or display up to 25,000
agree that technology is a wonderful thing. But with so many products flooding the marketplace, choosing one over another can
photos on its colour screen. And because it uses Flash memory instead of a hard drive (as with the
be an overwhelmingly difficult task. After all, many of these tech
iPod mini), there are no moving parts so it's ideal for working out with.
toys can cost a pretty penny, plus there's no worse feeling than investing in something that becomes quickly outdated. So, now that 2005 has come to a close, we thought it the perfect time to highlight some of our favourite gadgets and gear of the year.
The nano works seamlessly with the free iTunes software so you can create custom playlists or download podcasts and audio books â&#x20AC;&#x201D; all with a couple of mouse clicks. The nano ships in either ultra-shiny black or white. Keeping it so shiny might prove a little difficult however. Apple.ca; $299 for 4GB version.
Best cell phone It seems each week there's a new cell phone on the market, but the
Best digital camera
one that caught our attention earlier this year, and is now available in a
While digital SLRs [single lens reflex) cameras aren't as popular, or as
sleek black finish, is the Motorola Razr V3. At just 1.39 cm thick, 5.3 cm
affordable, as point-and-shoot digicams, it was the Canon EOS Rebel XT
wide and 9.8 cm long [when flipped open), it's one o f the thinnest
that took our best shots this year.
handsets on the market, yet the GSM world phone is packed with a VGA
This high-performance "prosumer" camera features w h a t t h e
digital camera, Bluetooth connectivity for wireless headsets, and the
company calls its "digital trinity:" an 8-megapixel CMOS sensor,
ability to download and play MPEG-4 video clips on its large screen.
Canon's proprietary DIGIC II image processor and compatibility with
Love text messaging and Web surfing? Users will dig the smooth metallic finish and etched keypad created from a single sheet of nickel-
over 50 EF lenses. While serious shutterbugs may turn their nose up at this camera for its
plated copper alloy.
lightweight plastic body, the proof is in the performance.
Motorola.ca; $250 with 3-year Rogers Wireless plan [or $410 without).
Canon.ca; $1,199.
Best MP3 player
Best game system
Thirty million iPod owners can't be wrong. Our favourite is the 4GB iPod
This is a tough one. The Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) is a killer
nano, a tiny music player [thinner than a no. 2 pencil and weighing just
machine that never fails to impress, but the best gaming hardware of the year must go to the Xbox 360 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;not just for what it can do today but where it'll take console gaming in the near future. This sleek white unit has some serious horsepower under the hood s o i t can deliver high-resolution games (720p) and 5.1 surround sound audio. It also has wireless controllers, a removable and upgradeable hard drive and a WiFi card slot to join an existing network, which will be perfect to take advantage of all the Xbox Live features. Xbox.com/ca; 5399 for core system, $499 for premium bundle.
Best PC monitor PC garners and movie lovers, rejoice! The stunning ViewSonic VX924 Xtreme monitor is a 19-inch flat-panel LCD display with an industryleading 3 -millisecond response time, which means your computer games and DVD flicks won't suffer from the common "ghost" trails caused by fast motion (by comparison, many PC monitors sport between 12 and 16 millisecond response times). The display (with 1280 x 1024 native resolution) also boasts a slew of analog and digital connection options and a sleek "floating" body design. Viewsonic.com; $499.99. By Marc Saltzman
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Personal Computing
U n t e t h e r e d : WiFi to the M A X WiMAX hopes to bring broadband to rural communities and developing markets When humankind expanded from occupying the ground to taking up the airwaves, there was a paradigm shift in the way things were done. Information was as close and accessible as the nearest radio and
the range o f wireless Internet access exponentially, making i t a potential solution for rural communities where broadband access is often not available. Leveraging existing infrastructure, a WiMAX station can be installed on a TV or radio tower or other high point on the landscape.
later, television would share the airspace bringing images to accompany
Here's where things get interesting.
the voices.
With line-of-sight to the structure housing the WiMAX station, houses can
Today, wireless is often perceived as the way to go with wireless
pull in a strong signal from up to 50 km away, proponents say. Without
networks at home and in the office, cordless and cellular phones,
line-of-sight, the range is diminished. However, the true range of WiMAX
Bluetooth and other wireless device-to-device connection methods.
has yet to be practically tested in real-world scenarios.
WiMAX is one standard for wide reaching wireless Internet access that
The Associated Press recently spoke of a remote village school outside
hopes to extend connectivity beyond the limited range of existing WiFi
Buenos Aires where choking dial-up connections were replaced with
(802.11a/b/g) technology.
broadband-speed WiMAX access in a carefully scripted media event,
While direct access to WiMAX signals by endâ&#x20AC;˘users is a way off, the standard is getting attention as a possible solution for rural communities as a "last mile" link to the rest of the world.
driving home the potential benefit to remote communities and schools. The technology allows for a shared bandwidth o f 70 Mbit/sec that, according to WiMAX cheerleaders, is enough to offer traditional broadband speed to over a thousand home users.
A new standard? Fredericton, New Brunswick was the first Canadian city t o offer publicly funded blanket wireless Internet access to area business, residents and visitors.
Up in the air? Whether WiMAX will - or even has the potential to - displace the current duopoly of broadband access (cable and direct subscriber line (DSL)) is
In places like Texas, the debate is ongoing as to whether public WiFi is a
much debated. For now at least, the focus is on the rural area angle where
fair government offering in a market economy [how are private 15Ps to
the only real options are costly satellite access with sometimes-
compete with "free" Internet access, after all) or whether it's reasonable to
unbearable uplink latency or excruciatingly slow dial-up access.
use tax money to fund such a project.
As WiMAX rolls out, the first products will likely be aimed at business and
Fredericton used the existing and common 802.11 WiFi standard, with a
government applications, though consumer applications are expected to
range of only a few hundred feet and a lower effective throughput, this
come on the tail. Wireless metropolitan area networks (WMAN) where users can roam
would require a great many repeaters and nodes to truly blanket even a small city.
around the city with full WiMAX coverage, accessing the Internet and web
Today, we're staring down the barrel of a potential new standard in
services at will might sound like something of a pipe dream but are not
wireless broadband Internet access. It's called WiMAX (Worldwide
entirely far-fetched. Currently, there are a few cities testing WiMAX coverage within their
Interoperability for Microwave Access) and as the acronymic name suggests, it's WiFi to the next level. Wireless standard 80216, in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE, www.ieee.org) book o f codes and standards pushes
borders. Notably, the city council for Brighton in the UK is running a pilot program in collaboration Sussex University and local company Metranet, the eGov Monitor (www.egovmonitorcom) reports. The idea is to give students and schools always-on access to the Net, blanketing 90 per cent of the city in WiMAX coverage while simultaneously laying the infrastructure to communicate cheaply and effectively with city employees in the field. Intel is a major supporter of WiMAX, stating that we'll start to see notebooks incorporating the technology in 2006. WiMAX does not spell the end of WiFi, however. The two standards are in fact complementary. A coffee shop offering wireless Internet access to customers could, for example, install a WiMAX receiver station that would then route to an existing 802.11a/b/g station t o allow customers to connect in the usual way using existing technology. Will we be walking around major cities, blanketed in always-on wireless similar to cell phone coverage? Time will tell, but with the current popularity of VolP and the recent release of wireless VolP handsets, it seems consumers are ready now. By Andrew Moore-Crispin
H U B : Digital Living - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
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W o r k S m a r t e r : Office t e m p l a t e s r"-) There's a lot to do when establishing a home office, and anything that helps get things done more quickly or efficiently is a big plus. Enter Microsoft Office templates. These are documents created in programs like Word and Excel that have layout, settings and text already in place. All you do is type the changeable text and values, save, and print. Templates save you typing the same text repeatedly and they ensure accuracy - if your address is in a template, you don't have to check it every time.
i .1 s i
Making a letterhead
7 :2 • r u e
.1.11111111111, Helen Bialley nAhv sow xe.nn, uN MN (R6
l a n k MA eThe teetotal; rulat est] November I. 200,
To make a letterhead template for personal or business correspondence, start with a new Word document. Choose View > Header and Footer, and place the elements for your
Re (Chet 2.3 1,p< si.jecti
(Cita rudt,pe
letterhead in the header and footer areas. For example, put your logo in the top centre of the page and your address across the bottom, or put everything in either the header or
Year, G,,wall,,
footer. Choose a font that you don't regularly use to type with, and your letterhead will look custom printed. To return to your document, click the Close button on the Header and Footer toolbar. Add anything to the letter that you normally put in all the letters you send. For example, choose Insert > Date and lime, enable the Update Automatically checkbox and choose a date format to add a date that is always current. Include a subject line and your signature, too. I use what I call "Click here" blocks to add more functionality to my
tmoseer=measuamammoil eiTZ, E x c e l templates •
• t • - •r , 1 a;Z"
. M a n y of us track financial •—•.1111111 d a t a in Excel simply because it is relatively easy to use and you can see your data
templates. To make one, click where you plan to type something later on;
it's not hidden deep in your
for example, click where the recipient's address will be. Choose Insert >
accounting software. When
Field, then from the Field names list choose MacroButton and click the
you repeatedly set up the
Field Codes button. You will see something like: MACROBUTTON
same w o r k s h e e t e a c h
AcceptAllChanges in the box. Change this to read:
week or month, save time
MACROBUTTON nomacro (Click and type recipient's address)
by creating a template
Click Ok to end. To make more 'Click here" blocks, repeat the process,
worksheet. Start w i t h a n
changing only the words in the braces (hint: they're not limited to letters
existing version of the worksheet and remove all the data that is unique to
and can be used in any Word document).
that month. Leave in place all the data that is the same every month, and
Save As, and type a name for the document. From the "Save as type' list,
the formulas that make the calculations. To protect the template so you can only edit cells that should be altered,
choose Document Template (*.dot) and click Ok. This places the template
select the cells that you plan to enter data into and choose Format > Cells
When your letterhead template is complete, save it by choosing File >
> Protection tab, and also disable the Locked checkbox Repeat until all the
in your template collection. Close the file. To use the template for a new letter, choose File > New, and from the
desired cells are unlocked. To protect the remaining cells, choose Tools >
Templates list, choose 'On my computer. Select your template and click
Protection > Protect Sheet and click 'Ok'. Avoid password•protecting the
Ok. Type your letter- when you get to one of your 'Click here" blocks, click on it and start typing. When the letter is complete, simply save and print it
sheet unless someone else will be using it. To save your worksheet template, choose File > Save As and type a name
as you would any other Word document.
for the template. From the 'Save as type' list choose Template (*.xtt) and
N ' T i p : . . T h e r e are lots of handy templates online that you can download and open in Excel. Word and other office programs. Find them at
click Save. When you need to start a new sheet to record your data, open your template by choosing File > New from the Templates section, choose On My Computer. Locate yourtemplate, click "Ok" to open it, and start working. Save and print the worksheet as you would any regular Excel worksheet.
http://office.microsoft.com/en-caldefault.aspx. After you download one, save i t a s a template ffollming t h e instructions i n this
By Helen Bradley
1column] so you always have it handy. .
B H U B : Digtal Lnnng - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
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Intel' 975X
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Digital Imaging
D i g i t a l P h o t o g r a p h y Tu t o r i a l 2 1 Showing off your holiday snaps What to do with all those holiday snaps! Prints are a tried and true solution, but the digital variation of the 35mm slide show is a popular alternative. There are many ways to build one. Image organizers and image editors usually include the ability to create a slide show. You can buy software that is dedicated t o t h e task, o r use general-purpose presentation tools like Adobe Acrobat o r Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also use video editing software to create a movie made entirely of stills, or mix stills with video. All of these will do the basic job of organizing a number of images into a sequence. Some now include the ability to pan across a still image, giving the illusion of motion (often called the Ken Bums effect). They will allow you to add text slides for titles, vary the time that images stay onscreen and provide transition effects. Some will let you include an audio sound track - a voice track for narration, a music track for accompaniment, or perhaps both. One principle t o keep i n mind when building a presentation is that less is more. A fewer number of wellchosen images will have more impact (and cause less
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Digital Imaging MainConcept has strong, stable 32-bit video editing programs, available for a number of operating systems, including Windows and
top 6 1 3 7 Closeout 'tom
Linux (the 5.5 Linux version was available before the Windows one). MainActor 5.2.1 is tweaked for a certain flavour of Linux, known as
Mandrake (now Mandriva ) Linux 10.1, and as such, there are certain fees for ongoing support or maintenance in the package.
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Nevertheless, the company's DV codec and MPEG encoder are
really good, and some say are worth the price of admission all by themselves. Otherwise, the editing package itself is pretty good, with most key editing features and functions available in a wellorganized user interface. The H.264 Encoder v2 application is priced at $499 for the Windows
version, and features Baseline, Main and High Profiles for setting
XBM PIII&P4 Laptops
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Dell Latitude C600 Series, > n C:. - 5 4 9 9 Dell Latitude C800 Series, 5699 Dell Latitude C400 Series., '1. t : o , - 5899
compression parameters. The product also includes MC encoding and decoding. That another new open source GPL suite of programs enables a complete home media system is no myth. But it's called MythTV, and with it the developer says you can pause, fast-forward and rewind live TV, using one or more installed video capture cards feeding multiple storage devices. Any combination of analog or digital (MPEG2, MJPEG, DVB or HDTV) capture devices can also be used with Myth. VideoMach is called an audio/video builder, not editor, as many of its features and functions are used to build video sequences from still images. Tools for file conversion, image manipulation and output are included, and are compatible with most common digital media formats. Ogg Vorbis, as you may know, i s a new compression format
altogether. On the audio side, it is comparable to MP3, VOF, MC, and other digital audio formats — except that it is completely free, open,
compAaPil&P4 Laptops Compaq Armada Series. 5 5 9 9 ' Compaq Evos Sides, D e w " , - 5749 Compaq Prosarfo Swiss, 5 9 9 9
and not patented. Ogg Vorbis, and sister organizations like Theora.org and Xiph.com, are working on video compression formats as well, to support video editing and DVD creation. Jahshaka is a high performance open source editing and effects
(4J Pill &P4 Laptops HP Omnlbook Series, F % - - , $799 HP Pavilion ZE Series. E n t - 5699 HP Pavillon Z7 Series, E i r , $999
ItsfothisbsdLiptops Medulla St from Plil 750Mhz to P4 3.4Ghz with DVDR from 12" Mini laptops to 17" wide screens (-ill 14,_•1”,,te
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Chapters Indigo EXTREIMirECW Prim are subject to change without notice. Not valid in conjunction with any other osier,e_xcqn iRewanis.
ÂŽWI LEY Now you know. wde y.ca
Digital Imaging I/O system to the Linux world. It comes with as much as 9.6 terabytes
system, supporting Linux. DS X, Iris and Windows - with Solaris on the way! Jahshaka i s licensed t o the public under the GNU GPL
of local SATA storage (enough for several hours of high-end dual link
agreement, and features a full palette of real-time editorial tools and
video), and happens to be one of the first Direct Disk Recorders capable
network compatibilities. Just to underscore the fact that free software may not be free, here
of supporting 4:4:4 RGB video. It's also priced at 115625,000.
are a couple of phrases that you won't see together that often: 525,000
Edition, whose latest add-on CD of programs includes video editing,
and Linux! SpectSoft's powerful RaveHD system brings high-end video
audio recording, CD ripping and music sequencing and sampling tools.
More affordable for the home user is the Startcom Linux MultiMedia
The download, and the added responsibility, is free, By Lee Rickwood Lee Rickwood is a freelance writer and independent video producer. He operates Word On A Wire, an independent company providing editorial, video production and consulting services t o individuals and companies across North America. H e c a n b e reached a t videodaze@goodmedia.com.
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LG XNOTE Ls50 ' I L G XNote Lu20 L G XNote Lw40 L G XNote Lw60 L G XNote Lm50
INTELDOTHAN1.1G14, I N T E L DOTHAN1,6Gliz, , . . I N T E L SONOMA1.73G/4, M E L DOTHAN m a k . I N T E L DOTHAN 1.604, 1024MB RAM, HD, .BUM MAN 512Y.B DOR2RAM,60GHO 4 . 512103RNA000HD 4 i caora RAM, V13MD I DVDEURN ER600 COMBO, 4 512MB RAM,400 HD, I ' .,,,i DVDR11 BURNER, 9 SUPERMUD ND, D V I I C D T E W COMBO . . . - z f l i 41111... SSK MODEIA,191100LAN, , . . . — 80211 " MILAN ""----..✓--.../ , 1210ATFTSusan, z " M . 602.118A3 VAAN , 4 f t , „ , S U M O WON_'_411_11111.,11P/ S W I M MAN — w i r , ...-. / 5EK, lam LAN — ./ S E X mcces, moo LAN5 Y V A T B iR .4 '3 N A L 0 ,1 E D O M K 6 MOOEIA,1Ci100 LAN - - 1 4 " WXGATFTWIDESCREEN 1 5 A " NAGACRISTAL ITT1 O 1 5 " XGATFT,A715200 VIDEO C N U B V D E ,R n o cre S F T A ")(G 5 WindowsXPHOME $ 1 2 9 8 " WindoersXPPRO. $ 1 3 9 8 " VAN V HOME $ 1 3 9 8 " All )200 641/6XPP $ 1 6 9 8 " XP -PRO,3YIN $ 1 5 9 8 "
FUJITSU E8010A FUJITSU P7010A F U J I T S U T4020 FUJITSU T3010 F U J I T S U N6110A INTELCENTRINO1.6GHz, I N T E L CENTRINO1.2G/4, I N T E L CENTRING1.73G/1z, M E L CENTRNO1,4Gaz, I N T E L SONOMA 1.66G14., 1024MBRAM,400HD, • — -, 2 5 6 M B RAM,40GHD, 5 1 2 M B RAM,60GHD, Q 1 , . , s i v a RAJA.4,-,GHD, l i r 512.119 RAM,83GHD. f l a t . DVD-CDRWCOMBO . i • ', , DVD1CORWCOMBO - -— - 8 0 2 . 1 1 G VILA -- -) ::,602.11Maki f i g • DVD-CDRW COMBO
802.110WLAN . 4 0 , , 802.11GWLAN . . . _...----2-,DVD-CDRY1COMBOI--- - .- '- sc.x Inv:we/1w u16001. 80111AliGMAN rill._-----•• 56KMODEM,101100LAN, . 151(GATFTScreen , 3YVI
5 6 K MODEM,101100LAN, 5 6 K MODEM,101100 LAN, ' 10.6"WXGANOESCREEN 1 2 * X G A TOUCH SCREEN ,
XPPROFESSIONAL$1398" 3.5LB,RIRBATTERY$1798n WINTABLETEDMON$2098" $ 1 6 9 8 " AFTER$125REBATE$1598 FUJITSU N3410B FUJITSU N3511B FUJITSU S6231B FUJITSU C2330 F U J I T S U C2320C INTELDOTHAN1.73GHZ, I N T E L DOTHAN1.86GHZ I N T E L DOTHAN1.TGHz, I N T E L DOTHANUGH; I N T E L DOTHAN13G14., 512MBDDR2RAM, c A 5 1 2 M B DDR2RAM, i p 5 1 2 M B RAM,60GHD, 4 512MB RAY,46G HD, BOGHD,801,110WLAN B O G HD,802.11GMILAN _ . D V D • R W BURNER, D V D - C D RNCONBO, 5 1 2 N DV3D-RW RAM, 64 HD, BURNER, DVD•RWBURNER, i - - - . - - DVD-RWBURNER, 4 1 1 1 - ‘ _>-- 802.11G MAN < : ‹ . . , , , 602.11134 MAN - , , . 8 1 2 . 1 1 2 : G WLAN 56KMODEM,101100LAN, ' ' - - - 5 6 K MODEM,101100LAN, - . 56KMODEM,101100LAN, V A MODEM,1C1100LAN, '` 5 6 K MODEM,16:107 LAN, 15.4"CRYSTALTFT,MEDIACENTER 15.4" CRYSTALXGATFT,XPH 1 3 . 3 " C R Y S TA L XGATFT,4.3LBS ' 15' CRYSTALXGATFT,1.44FLOPPY 15' CRYSTALXGATFL1di FLOPPY
4 7 t .1
INTELCELERONM1.5GHZ, I N T E L DOTHANUGHZ, A M D TURION6413113000+ N T E . DOTHAN 1.7tHZ. 256MBRAM,406HD, A N D TURION6461.1.41 _ a o - 1 WRAM, BURBN 1 0 2 4 5 3 RAILBOGHD, , - \ 512RAM, BOGHD, 802.1 1BIG WLAN 1 0 2 4 M B RAM,10013HD, j I ‘D V i D512MB OE GRHD, DVD•C DRW COMBO, DVD BURNER, DVDBURNER, D V D BURNER, 802.11B1GNILAN '... • 802.11G MAN 802.1101GWLAN L _ 602.11B4 WLA.4 56KMODEM,101100LAN 5 6 K MODEM,101100LAN, .-- --../ 5 6 K M,101100LAN, ``Z....... ` V.K/101100 LANBLUI5001H 5 6 K M,GIGABITLAN, BLUETOOTH 15'XGATFTSCRREN 1 5 . 4 " X G A CRYSTALTFT 1 5 . 4 ' WXGATFTCRYSTALVIEW 1 4 ' X G A TOUCHSCREEN 1 5 . 4 ' W X G A + TFT,AT1X700 125MB
WN I XPHOME $ 6 4 8 " WN I DOWSXP $ 1 4 9 8 " WINDOWSXP $ 8 9 8 " vel*TABLETErnONSi aganVCADOWSXPHOME$1748" _ ACERTM8104WLMI A C E R ASPIRE3003WLCI 1 ACERTM3002WTCI A C E R ASPIRE1692WLMIACERASPIRE 1854WSMI INTELDOTHAN2,0GHZ, A I D SEMPRON3000+ _ _ _ I N T E L SONOMA1.73GRZ, I N T E L SONOMA1.73GHZ, 1024MBRAM,100GHD, ! 5 1 2 M B RAM,806HD, 5 1 2 M B RAM,60GHD, r p m , . 512MBRAM,BCGHD, 1 0 2 4 M B RAM,10:G HD,
802.11BIGWLAN ! 802.11BIG WIAN . . 4 0 F , . > 802.1181G I R A N • I 802.1184 MAN D V D B U R N E R COMBO, 56KMODEM,101100LAN, - - - - - - 5616MODEM,101100LAN, - ' 5 6 K MODEM,101100LAN, , , ZSiKM.ODE.M,101.100LAN, . =5 6 810 20. 11MODEM, 8 4 NAAN 10103LAN, --:-..... ,.. 15.4"WSXGATFTSCREEN 1 5 . 4 " CRYSTALSCREEN 1 2 - X G A TFTSCREEN 1 5 . 4 ' C R Y S T A L TFTSCREEN 1 r W X G A T F T SCREEN., . . . . ATIRADEONX700128. s i g g i r WIN XPHOME $ 74 gn 96N yppSUPERSLIM $ 1 5 9 8 " •1WIN909HOME $ 1 0 4 8 " ATIRADEONMOO , b 7 O N O
HP Nc4000
+ I P
INTEL STOIC i i i INTELCENTRINO1.4GHZ, ' INTELCENTRIN01,7GHZ, I N T E L CENTRINO1.6GHZ, M D ATHLONV4,1 2800+ 256MBRAM,40GHD, -c , 512MBRAM,40G HD, 5 1 2 M B RAM,E0GHD, 5 1 2 M B RAM,60GHD, —f--:" ' 1 = D O TBDR,ITActaT' HAN FREETO512MBRAM, \ 8 0 2 1 1 A1134 WLAN, 8 0 2 . 1 1 A 1 B / G MAN, . DVD BURNER [0z 1120 MAN AnRADEONROO A I M 56KM,GIGABITLAN, - - : \ e _ - > 56K M, GIGABIT LAN, " _, DVD BURNER 6 0 2 . 1 1 0 4 MAN 127GATFT,3LBS 1 2 " X G A TFT, 3LBS 5 6 K M,GIGABITLAN, ` . 7 : : : : . 56)(MODEM,101100LAN, • ; - - - - - - RH MODEM,10.1COLAN, 3YRWARRANTY 4 1 2 9 8 0 ° 3YR, XRR. I S'XGA Tr, SYR 1 5 . 4 1 N X G A TR,XPH I M G A T I T , 3 Y WARRANTY
$1498" ATI0600,XPP $ 1 6 9 8 " ,NADA4TM420 $ 11 9 8 " W145°WXI'PR° $ 1 4 9 8 " ACER32"LCDIV61198 FUJITSU S6240 A S U S M6NE T O S H I B A TECRA S2 TOSHIBA P10 ACER 26"LCD IV $ 7 9 9 INTEL SONOMA1,13GHz, . ' INTELCELERON1.4GH1, I N T ACER 20"LCD IV $512MBRAM,400 4 HD, 5 91 2 M 9B RAM,400 5HD, 5 1 11 1 ($60REBATE) — j i 1 DUD CDRW, • ' DVD-CDRW, _ . I802.11GWLAN ‘ " - - - . ' 802.11G MAN MODEM,101100 LAN,5 1 8 8 0 2 . -- — 13.3"CRYSTALXGATFT,4.3LBS5i6rKxMGAODTFTEM:101100IAN, ' • - - - - " ' FIRELITt600PROTABLEHD $139 AFTER$125REBATE 1 5 " *GEARBOGEXTERNALHD$179 - - . $ 1 4 4 8 ATIRADEON9600 6414_$ I 0 A
E L SONOMA1.73GRZ, A B2 RAM,600HD, T E L Pi 3/GHZ, M I N B RAM, 000 HD, DUD-CORSI COMBO, 802,110 MAN D V D BURNER, 1 1 G WIAN 56K MODEM,101100LAN, 5 6 K MODEM,101103 LAN, TFT,XPPRO,3YR 1 5 . 4 " CRYSTALWXGAM, XPMCE / 7 9 8 AT19703 64513 n X600 IAMB - - - $_1898 _
M O B - H U B : Digital Living - ' b r o n c o So
5Directions & Hours L I g
Our 17th Year 550 Alden Rd., Unit #110 Markham, Ontario L 3 R 6AB Telephone: (905)470-1425
H A R D W A R E as S O F T W A R E
I •
N• u r
hts North of Steele. Avenue B l o c k West of Warden Avenue s : Monday - Friday: gam • 6pm Saturday 6 Sundays: Closed
Rackmount File Servers
Video Editing Package
$1575 • IntelPentium4 3Glu preessor • Not motherboard will onboard eideo•Slarsts DDRmemory • 4059 Seagatehard drive.LG (0.509 drire•Aniec 2U or 40 rack aunt chassIs•Neary duty power supply • DaboardLAN. BB a O. Video controller. Buin.in RAID110 controller for future mansion 2u Server (10058255) . . . . . $ 7 5 0 . 0 3 4u Server le055954) U S = Also avaaaota in a 2 13Gle Celeron version env, 255mb drriernory du (10057633) 1 4 e 8 . 0 0
sae Peden 4 3 OW processed:.1024a0 SI ltea COQ amen • Asas Wale motherboard dth twall.r a Sewn wtfrOGI SenateSATA3herderne •ATI /411.1. kstlowdee600X1256erb Pet c a r d . ViMSOMPC 19.n erns gamingLCD espiay 104902111•Anlec Sonata II mid tower case. Antec 450 watt pew. sepals • Logdech mat -edu keyboard and optical emu • Peer Salley!,CNDburner. Me Les.. ,peelers nth saremoler•Twoyear parts i treed warranty..1sosiewsWM:obi-et feLbon• Nero burn.ns sottee• Video Editing Software Bundle StA-09. PIA meta player. andTV st.nde Packager as leed D10574431. . . S I 6 7 11 0 wled Pecan 4 302o texamsor •WreeLsuktwOrdrune C O m p l e t e PJ ckage„. . 51:J.6533*. M e me-cry • Mer.......rn e MedaCern 2005 w16023SeasseSCA3hawcirm -41111:erentewreenose 9 5 wYenorm32 re LCDmontoTV w Ser ccerpemoor case "ife•a'',...720'.'d 10S0 • C=aconee wag as a Pro S a m m y ML-2251N Laser •Peromdual era ND or-, w e cv raked scene mrde O n ' , . . . P. 3 / 4,1 7.til: St.:5., (,.'t3
GenuineINTEL1U Rackmount wIntel Pentium 4 3.0Ght processorwIniel motherboardw1024mb DOR duel channel memory • IGOgbSeagateSATA lard On...CD-110H dnee•Floppydisk drive • lisult.inRAID 1/0 control• ler for future eapansionwIntel Its rack mount chassis. 250watthoaryduty so., supply 1u Sever 001-SV5057829 . $1215.00
for home networks o 2: rase. nor ',v.:4 nose. o 2.0 *noes VP. en. eavbert loafs. .1 SR o. Paolo!
FUJITSU MediaCenter Non b amn:w1Crystai Wm (Pip:ay. the LeeBook I 0 norebcolc
$279" on. SAMSUNG ML1610 (179-"aceiso 1 4 1 1 1 " ML2551n tta,25sonv12000N6 0 5 " CLP510 iccio.acks m o s p o .372x' HEWLETTP 1020 (14lome.004.1 1 7 9 " 1022n oann5pew12000P1 3 5 1 ° 1320 12200n021:0 del 4 6 1 " 2600n Oars:do...1e px,1500dp) 4 4 4 "
SAMSUNG Matfunction S C X 4 2 1 6 F writ scan Cory. 5 !az1 3 8 9 "
POCKET PC'S art- rts easy M me ntr-r.4..-. traniqa t=a-, m a n d r . L..-Lae" s and M I
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sewa^ e w e • M I N E • r . o n a n Parr sonars
Am0amovet r i t e ! CeInnomowe Tedvabv. detarkvlealryperbmray r * A damp Pmentty Mosses
• kiets
ii5-doos XP Ands Cetet 2005 eaten Cperatrg eye: ern Specifications: 'nte Certnno 1 7Gru 512mb memory. 8089 hat tree. IS 4' wee sown daptay. DVO CD leer. Wreem 502 11G ma:enure. Fax men. eel 9150V v e l e Lithur Ion berry. 4 et 1 reerrey cal Te e Ltcoset Yineers XPACE2C05 edam. FU-NlatalaCE $ 1 4 2 1 . 1 5
R300 Pholo/DVD/CD Printer 1 8 R 3 2 0 Photo/DVD/CLI Printer 2 0 R800 Photo/DVD/CD Printer 4 5 R 1 8 0 0 Pnoto/DVD/C13 Printer 6 3 R 2 4 0 0 PhotorDVD/COPnnter 9 6 0 0 0 Pont Engine 1 6 6 2
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Creative Nano Plus 2581r08 8 " Lear 100s1gb . 132" Lear 120x2gb 2 8 2 " Creative Nino Plus 512mb 1 3 8 " OCIRally 512mb 57" Creative Han Plus 1024mb1 6 9 " OCZ Rally 1gb 9 9 . Creative Nona!Zen Pk. Orange 568203" OCZ Raky 2gb 1 5 8 . 1 Creative OatTOUCtl<me 2 9 3 " • paq4706/TomTom GPS Krt Creative fend ZanAbe 4066 2 8 3 " x..a S k a s e 3,5 maw erne Creative Howl ZenMcro Pm:. sp 2 8 8 ° ' eeM Crake 1 3 magis o r Creative MumNadia Cantor 2038 5 4 3 " Gray-Tereaprenraurn ereanwidesemotarte,esfearas Lee F estrreare Peg 6320 -1•-sPNLeas3kmoNF. 4 5 7 " ealeaCase for PC and MAC use. Tara cor09sa hogn Qua.'! p..mi 6515B ! a -c Pwrekar 7 1 7 " U5820 etinsInurn Owen radessnestouedy and mairestrasa :Ars sotao‘sko TornTorr sass wicor n y e ccoatee cawSakentepseatiOn They ea litaembes r e can be da sy emear1 Keyboard ,W,crdaaemoir . 1 2 7 " Lenges INUOLITForemenpone Wisdom cesas are pose blegerr EPSON ASIA 2480 P1002400s41100 128" mewled AlmOdels Isa9reSa•gae7.203 S e r. b tacka reed*, nes ,A716 :i.7)triar Crsa, aiverv, 483" 3490 Prim 320000400 128" A 7 3 0 :5MLL.51,05e1a5 S a b e l 5 3 6 I " 120GB (meT•wierReo,. 3590 Pholo36004400motorized 1 6 4 " 250GB ,..sivoczfpco)2 1 4 * 89" (M32 7 . 4 n . S • 646" 4990 NM° 4600,9000 568" 36 s r - s a w e . 7 C . 4 " 160GB •47,,..wicepacil 1 7 e r 300GB i•STII..7/,iP!, 2 4 9 " 4990 PlvAol'io4134X).9600 750" 20008 l o r i 400GB (061.4) ' :1, 3 8 9 " PALM COMPUTING Fujitsu Document Storage System 2 2 2 ZO+su Z.es 1 2 3 " Au...meth:ally earl docurner a n d photos and • - r . r . •1, •Able 4 , 4 4 * . • I . - . . i 9 - i Sr rimier MIIVAA nrari /TX -s 206 kraalikkorairorii3 2 7 " • C o r e yourinvotrint records . 5 5 0 " • •A41r4411. plum hay • ow.. onantoono, • A9 y I i A M Winn ear Loll dadrr LakeOrkt 94111am,S211.41047231 aloes Ta r g u s Card Scanner. U011 powered, • Parnon J a w * 'watt • W. sted. i e . K A g r a . vgr, Mweee E . . and w e 5 3 1 " nevi** Presto Software (PA870C) .. 1 6 8 " •11.40 Gm*. weasel • a a • 3 4 . , °Mann WNW .111,101 r 10, viqrs Coij SowWoonor4,101141 y.14, e l . s i t , I•• Ipaq 1 7 1 0 i n * . zrz.t
2 8 1 . ,, r'ni-,:,.:=12.5.-rt 2 1 . tecarlEa 1 -,-
ipaq 2750 Isaa-2...ars news 568" '',Inew755rre 3 0 " Lciar40.4,..,;"
1paq 3 11 5 rszia.:. o ta,,,,,,,, 3 4 7 , , ir.:40,512eab . 5 0 " asietra5'.2.-.. , ✓Ipaq 4700 iraimi-2 192rt aawfltilar. 1 7 7 . Wartles27,:. - ;
12amb Acacer 256reti /-amele 512rees rt.mre 1glb 9 O:..1.1nf22t. 1
28. 34. 52" D " 5 5 '
Se.rtion - J e r u e r y 2 0 0 8
Our 17th Year
550Alden Rd., Unit 0110 Markham,Ontario L311 6A6 Telephone: (905) 470.1425 Fax:(905) 470.9556
C1-2-17F-17-40, IFE C- j C
Directions & Hours
H A R D WA R E • S O F T WA R E o A C C E S S O R I E S
5Lights North of Stoelos Avenue 1Brock Wont of Warden Avenue Mourn:Monday - Friday: gem -13pm Saturday 8. Sundays: Closed
CD-ROMS INTEL PENTIUM 4 LGA Retail Vi e w S o n i c N 3 2 5 0 V I Vi e w S o n i c 2.68G hz(633Mhz.1mb,P44400) 1 4 8 " Llteon 52x 1 9 " 32" Monitur/DIgItal Tele% ision VA902D 3.00Ghz(800Mhz.1mb,P4.530) 2 3 4 " DVD-ROMS 28" 3.00Ghz(844102mb,194.830) 2 3 4 " Llteon DVD 18X •• $50 I n s t a n t 3.20Ghz(80014hz,1mb,P4440) 2B5 CD WRITERS nal l • • 3.20Ghz (84-bit.2mb.P4-840) 2 8 5 " Liteon(S01-11152395-BK)520242 3 0 " Rebate INTEL PENTIUM 4 DualCora Retell COMBINATION DRIVES 2.80Ghz(800Mhz,2mb,P4420) 317°' LG(4522)52xCORW.182(DVDR 4 5 " 1 Get$50off re 5132995 recta, price mited time offer) 3.00Ghz(000Mhz.2mb,P4-830) 334" DVD WRITERS V I E W S O N I C 3.20GhzMOMht.2mb.P4-640) 670" PIon80r(DV11.110)18x./113x.48rOl. 55" 17" VA702Bizme sso.1Analog 285• PlOneer(DVA.110E)ExtemalKa6666139" 17' VA712BElms3601Digital 2 9 8 • AMDATHLON 64 Retail 3200+Socket030(Venice333Mhz) 19100 (Fireedre/U9B2enclosure,Drive, Nero) 17*VE710B6onso0.1 &wog 3 0 8 ' 3500+Socket939(Vanice333Mhz) 249" Plextor(PX-740A)18x4/10448xDI 109" 1 r VX7243ms550:1Dintal 3 6 0 3800+Socket030(Venice333Mhz) 344" Plextor(PX•7108ATA)lex • 8x- 157,7 17" VP 7308 en,.500.i oval 3 9 4 ' 19* VA9028ems550.1mato; 3 6 0 i 32' Wee-SemenLCDtwowas•Hien Wee1s, AMDATHLON 64 Duel Sot Retail LO(418713B)16x./16x•DL5 4 0 freers* [abut: toph oseara Ei321. per* A G sex 3600+ X2(512kb•812kb) 3 8 8 " Llteon(18939)184• 1St•DL5 2 " 19' VA912B(Inmate°1Analog 3 7 5 " • trim138517E8filDt:20,7•7200:C. .4)20101 4200+ X2(512kb•612kb) 4 8 8 " Uteon imam useExternal 1 0 8 9 5 19' VX9243rne550:1Dpaal 4 6 1 " G •-4•-re o r a u v r mods 4400+ X2(1mb•1m1:1) 6 0 1 " Asusi18013P18x • 18x-DL6 1 " 19' VA1912WBernsWideD.gest 499" " P c ' B u r ? 't.""' 19' VP930B +Doe 1,Digital 5 4 5 " i 21 VP2130B arr419001Digital 99510; Price after rebee... $ 1 2 7 9 9 5 20' VP2030Berrs10001Digital . 742"; VIEWSONIC N1750W rr Tv win HD FOR INTEL PROCESSORS Pushabuttonendmakeuptonine copies VP2330WB sm.Wide . . 720d/ICACI Math:MS ref:111,5m 6 0 0 " Asus P5S800-VM 515*Wes 7 6 , 5 ofaDVDorCD.Simpletouse. Self 23" SAMSUNG . 1 ACER AL3201W32-ry w7. HO Olga. GA8S661FXM-7 siswvoie 84" Contained.EasytoreadLCD Display. 17' 740N si m soo 1 A n e k s g 3 3 0 " . i 720010.X11388,268resce1ncn 1 2 2 1 " D e s i g n e d for c o n t i n u o u s operation. Olga. GA8I915PLG915Pt 9 1 " Asus P5P800COPE 1 2 6 " 3 Target unit (110t•M/D058555) 569"1 17' 740B smesoo I Deitai 3 3 5 - VIEWSONIC N3250W 32' TVwin HD 19" 9151kItstre700.t A n a l o g 72Ots1680/13824758reso.sn 1 3 2 9 1 0 Asus P50D1-VM 915G*Woo 128" 5 Target Unit(MOT•DVDO57097) 689 VIEWSONIC N4050W 40* 7. I H o Asus P5001 9I5P 1 3 3 ° ' 7 Target unit toor-ovooseste) 809") 19" 913Vit12o-secolAnalog 19' 940B Bre 700 I pedal 4 3 7 " 7206g0eco2uCa758MVP4 6 5 4 " Asus P5LD2-VM 6450rOfri 1 4 3 " 9 Target unit (110t•DVD058517) 1059"; ACER Asus P51.02945PP . r . 153" 15" AL1511B25tris350 tattoos . 255" Asus P5ODC-D):-1 4 5 " DVD R E C O R D E R S VIDEO CARDS 17"AL1716812ms•SO.1Analog 283" Asus P5ND2-SLI NFacc.,--- 1 4 7 ° ' you own D V D S from m u l t e e j 19" AL1916B 12m500.1Analog . 348"11 i Make Asus P5ND2-SLI-DXsFcre•4 200" ASUS 222'120" Ferrari F20 Limited Edition i 1 sources: VCR's. Camcorders, E t c Asus P5N32-SLI-DXNF42 5 3 " 66000712r", DV!,PCIE ` . 7800GT258.PCIE4 7 4 " arniWide1680,1GSOS00IC vs 7 1 5 ' FORAMD PROCESSORS 7800GTX 250•',PCIE6 2 2 " Asus A8V re1 0 3 " Asus A8N•ENForcel 1 3 3 " X800 128.,DVI.PCIE 2 3 7 " DVD / CD MEDIA Asus A8N-SLI NFort.4 1 6 3 " X800XLExt256..247V1.PCIE 3 3 4 "95 Asus A8N-SLI-DX Won*2 0 6 " X800XT EXt2580524DV1,PCIE 6 3 8 Save on DVD UtoonLVW-5035ce:noDnreu x * Asus A8N32-SLI-DXNForcel 2 4 7 " X1800XL-2258..2xDV1,PCIE 4 4 4 " and CD media f‘ns Ana ien-cis c r. .. 1 6916 X1800XT-5str..2xoyi.PCIE when you ATI N ETWORKING X80OXL258.. DVI,PCIE3 1 9 " purchase in SEAGATE EIDE (PATA) 40GB(ST3A1021114)2mb5years6 3 " X850 Crossfile258..2:13VI,PCIE 4730 qua nity WIRELESS NETWORKING 6610 80GB(ST3150011A)2mbSpurs7 1 " AIW X600 Pro25805DVI,PCIE 224" ProDise DVD Media 1200B(8131200224)2mbSyears 9 2 " AIWX800XL 258.2xDVI.PCIE 348" DVD-R flit 5 0 84" 1200B(9T3120814A)8mb5years 9795X1800XL 258.2xDVI.PCIE 4 5 8 " DVD-R8x serer dike! pnitaCe •=" 180GB(ST31130023A)15mb5years .. 103" X1800XT 2543.2x(39/1.PCIE 6 8 8 " 218" surface5 0 . . . 2 1 . . 200..97E 2003B(973200828A)8r0r659eers.117"SAPPHIRE 54" 16x.. 50..031" 200...11E" 51" 250GB (ST32508234)8mb5years134" X550 128.258., DVI,PCIE 91"l90" DVD.R Ritek DVD ?Podia X1300 258., P C I E 1 2 6 " SEAGATESERIAL (SAT 53" 8x 50,..'20'.200..07280GB(ST3808110AS)ilritBASTA 829, X800XL ULT zse... oyi.PCIE 3 6 4 " DVD-R DVD-R 8x %Ate rayet pnrraNe 72" 120GB(ST3120813AS)entSA3TA 111" GIGABYTE surface5 0 . . . 2 1 . 200..75160GB(ST3100812AS)BrroSA3TA 112" 68000112805• °VI,PCIE 1 9 5 " CDR 54'Media 4 4 8 ' 6 11010 200GB istazocersasient SA2TA 128" 78000T 700mo. 53...142*. 100..121' - s 250GB(St32.50623ASAmoSA2TA 147" 7800GTX 258. DVI,PCIE 6 2 3 " Ritek Dyson 700rno _81..09". 100 s . Y G • 300GB(sr33oos31AS)Brro ' s i n 175" ProDisc TOOrrea w/r-te ,-/get prn:aNe - , s y s 400GB(ST34C0632AS)enisSA2TA 320" PPAUGE • surface . • - • S Y S ••• • ' 7 500GB (513scos4i4s)ieroSA3TA 418" 150mce totWuvows C a d * / Ed .. 84" Professional CD/DVD Labels sc7u-rEpss... ' ' ' ' ' 701WINTVGOEXTERNALTUNERU.S.9 9 3 ' • Regular Wilite Face : _ 500mce toWAION1vacsCvskEA 182" ' G:c.ssvFncla1%.".to Feat 50 7 ' GREY-TECH PLEXTOR 7 z:-.. , . . , r: : GT-5130 (450wetts, Beige) .... 45" PX-TV402U °murk usszmae:.2 215"I Di V:Dk/ JiE:W"E .L 4C 7A S : E" S. - E R S RMC4S4uRechmount1 6 9 " ASUS 12" T V F M C a r d iii.o. REMOTE 3 9 : 3 Jekkel L a s e s . ' 1 A..-.1.-, . . 7 ' • T =E-Sit-nt ld.7.7, ' ' ' ANTEC 31" SONATA II (430we11s. USW 1 3 7 . 0 IT'UL own, 51k, ‘k vow kw, ce-w 99'' PwelCase.-ses:h ' E • , , 7 : : - _-, . . ..•:= ;2 SLK3000B(nopower. USD) 6 3 " J e 43" 8LK1650/B (350watts,U513) 8 7 " p O .W E. R . S -U Pi P Li I EsS s . , ,s, • . P : : P150 QuietCese(HE.431:Owens) 180" J e w e l Case.. : S S &SW.-7:: E..= 7£96 P180 Extreme Case (nopo.or) lesus Generic ATX450wartsCSA 2 4 ° ' , Pact.:4.5.1 ‘1.. ' . ' kox . 88" geeALLourcasesIIVAW/greyto,II0,01 A C E Ad.ln.One350web.CSA3 9 " DVD Case s.k..3.:. o x ...sst•6666. . 4410 Enermax NoIseTaker 420v.atte 80" A K A : N., .11`..:: . . .• 76" Enermex Alt-In-One 535*.... l i r DVD Cases Ne.LE‘ .- . . Shan online on •N..v:t : E s %IN:. 118" A C E All.ln•On• SZOnelts, CSA8 8 1 0 , N O ; ....:FS., .15''.1NI 9 2 9 . SN'.. 294" ANTEC Neo HE savses*ass 9 0 " SPECIAI.DVDOINCOALEv• -... , , .. -- it.oxt \ziocc zr..-szeso www,groytech,com 461" ANTEC TruePower seewets . 114" Peddle° `12"5 too r.ix .. . vs. . e . • t:)..-4, z‘t'c'26.661"...."S ••"''''7'C/11111•16
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T'C 13
7:gital Imaging
F i v e t i p s f o r buying flash m e m o r y •:- • t 3 I camera is a lot like ordering Compatibility : : : e s s until you realize the vast Flash memory cards come in all shapes and sizes. The first thing you need to know is which one your digital camera takes, since all of them tzi r a k e . ash me-•: ,u has dropped in price considerably are incompatible with one another (with the exception of Secure Digital cm's. 77.3i,t— t a relatively affordable investment, and MultiMedia Cards, or MMCs, which fit in the same slot). Examples of most valuable and useful digital popular formats include SecureDigital (SD), the slightly larger and thicker Compact Flash (CF) and Sony's multiple Memory Stick styles. It • s — -z. - l e d to know a few things before you pick one is estimated that 85 per cent of digital cameras today take one of the •-•-z•i•S , 7 o ; . : 1..st of considerations when shopping for a aforementioned three formats. Lesser-known formats Include the tiny xD, used with many Olympus and FuJifilm digital cameras, and
Compuluth N
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DWL-G120/54Mbps 5 3 9 M - G e 2 4 / 1 0 e m b o h u s Tu D W L - 5 2 0 0 2 2 M b p s $ 2 9 DWL-0630/54Mbp0 5 3 5 DWL-120+/22Mbps 5 2 9 DI-804 4 PORT ROUTER $ 2 8 DWL-G510/54Mbps $ 3 5 DWL-0850/108MbpG 0 4 0 All prices are already 4% cask discounted. Other f o r m ? I m m o will be en regular prIcee.Prices end ocelllablIty are clubfeet to change without notice. T O 14
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Digital Imaging
therefore you may only be able to store eight photos on a 32M8 card, or more than 260 shots on a 1G8 card. A higher capacity card is also idea for storing video clips, since many digicams these days allow you to shoot mini movies with sound. Depending on the brand [see below). it should cost less than 10 cents per Megabyte on average, th.erefore a Capacity to price 512MB memory card should cost about S45 or so, while a 1G8 memory The larger the memory capacity on the card, the more photos you can card should be less than 5100. Some memcry card formats are less store on it. For example, a 3-megapixel digital camera may only store 25 expensive than others. photos on the 32MB card it came with. But if you pick up a 1-gigabyte (GB) card, you can now store more than 850 images. A 7-megapixel Speed camera takes higher-quality photos, so the file size will be larger, Flash memory cards can vary in speed. The speed refers to how cast
SmartMedla, which was popular a few years ago. Many professionalgrade digital cameras, such as SLRs (Single Lens Reflex) models, take CFcards as they're more durable, can be rapidly inserted into the camera and are more resistant to the elements.
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TO 15
Digital Imaging information is written to or read from the card - when it is inserted into
maximum frames-per-second for smoother motion.
a PC's card reader, for examle. Therefore, the faster the memory card speed, the better for example, 40x is better than 24x, and 80x is better
than 40x. Generally, the higher-speed cards will cost more, too. If the
Some industry experts believe there is little difference i n quality
card is speed-rated, this information will be written on the card itself as
between aggressively priced memory cards and those produced by the
well as o n the packaging. Memory cards with faster speeds (for
more renowned manufacturers. Others maintain there is a noticeable
example, 80x) are often labeled as a 'pro series' card, as they're sought after by professional photographers who might want to hold down the
distinction when i t comes to speed, performance, reliability, and
shutter button to take multiple shots at once. Faster memory card
warranty before you purchase a memory card. Also research the
speeds are also ideal for shooting video because they will capture the
company's technical support setup - look for a toll-free telephone
longevity. It's always a good idea to take note o f the company's
number and reasonable hours of operation.
Extras Flash memory cards may vary in extras. A SecureDigital card, for example, get its name because you can flick a small switch on its side or back to secure its contents (protecting it from being accidentally erased). Along with password-protection on some of its cards, Lexar has recently developed something called an ActiveMemory System that adds information to a memory card such as preferred camera settings when it's popped into a compatible camera. This technology can also be used to store the owner's name, address and photo preferences (e.g. glossy 5 x7 prints, no doubles) so the card can be dropped off at a photo mat with all of this information included - and now you won't need to fill out one of those pesky forms. By Marc Saltzman
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pause and rewind live TV, record up to 200GB of programming, and browse the upcoming month of television by show title, actor, and director. I use WMC not only for television, but also to organize my aolnn
collection of home videos and digital photographs and to create slide shows and presentations for family and friends. But WMC isn't perfect. We occasionally run into glitches while watching DVDs, iTunes is still our preferred music player, and we
have found little use for WMC's online spotlight functionality, which acts as little more than a way of bookmarking favourite sites viewed e•-•••••
through Internet Explorer.
. ilv2 DNII"
With these issues in mind (and in the spirit of the theme of this month's issue, "Alternative Computing"), I decided to do a bit o f research on Microsoft's competition. The first application I looked into was Apple's Front Row, which comes installed on Apple's new GS desktop computer. If Front Row delivered everything I love about WMC and integrated iTunes to boot, it might merit serious consideration.
- - - - - - - -
As it turns out, Front Row seems to be little more than a slick frontend, providing access t o several existing Apple applications that handle music, movies, and pictures. And while these applications are admittedly powerful and attractive, they don't make up for Front Row's lack of television functionality — my wife will never give up the ability to record and burn to DVD an entire television series at the
You're Wholesale Media Source Media Distributors Canada Inc. 85 Citizen Court, Unit 15 Markham, Ontario L6GIA8 Canada
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J a n u a r y = u u t . - H U B : Digital Living - To r c r i t o
T O 17
Home Entertainment
Surplus Kilater-lc:31s and Job Lots
touch of a few buttons. This gaping hole keeps Front
(around $90). Even taking into consideration the
Row from being true competition for WMC.
cost of a TV tuner card and a remote control, the total
In the end, Front Row's greatest selling point is its
price of transforming your existing PC into. a media
Apple Remote, a predictably chic-looking gadget that
center using Meedio Pro is far less expensive than
has been efficiently scaled back to what Apple calls
buying a brand new WMC. The last WMC alternative I checked out was MythTV,
'the six buttons you really need' (For the curious, those buttons are Play/Pause, Back, Forward, Up, Down, and Menu.)
which is described by its creator on the MythTV Web site as a 'homebrew PVR project'
The next application I looked at was Meedio, a suite
An open source application free t o anyone who
of modules that can turn your existing PC into a
wants to download it, MythTV is a surprisingly full-
multimedia machine.
featured solution that provides complete television
Meedio comes in two chunks: Meedio Essentials
controls (including the ability to pause and rewind
and Meedio TV. When combined, t h e s e t w o
live TV), an impressive programming guide, and TV
applications create a n impressive multimedia
recording capabilities. Add-on modules provide
additional functionality f o r DVD playing, picture
Meedio Essentials provides the ability to view and
viewing, Web browsing, and more.
organize pictures, home videos, and music. It also
It's hard t o criticize something that's free —
comes with a DVD player and a number of bonus
especially when someone has spent years toiling
features, such as RSS news feeds, weather updates, over it without any remuneration. That said, there are and a selection of simple games that can be played with a remote control.
a few things potential MythTV users should know. For starters, it has peculiar system requirements,
Meedio TV delivers personal television features,
including a Linux operating system and MySOL
including the ability t o play, pause, rewind, and
database — a full list of system requirements can be
record live TV. It offers an electronic program guide
found on the MythTV website (www.mythtv.org). The similar to the one I use with my WMC, and it supports • website a l s o c o n t a i n s e x t e n s i v e s u p p o r t multiple tuner cards, which means users can record documentation including installation instructions and watch several channels at the same time. and troubleshooting guides if you run into problems
• Electronics
I was very impressed with Meedio's design and
• Measuring • Instruments
M e t a l
MythTV hasn't gone through the rigorous testing
discernable advantage held by my WMC PC is that
typically associated with off-the-shelf applications).
it came with a TV tuner card and a remote control —
• Plastic and Stock
• Meters
— which, in all likelihood, you will (needless to say,
functionality. I n d e e d , t h e o n l y immediately
Another potential issue i s MythTV's less than
items that Meedio users will have t o buy and
elegant presentation, which features generic looking
install themselves.
visual flourishes and i s saturated with a home-
Meedio Pro, which includes both Meedio TV and
designed aesthetic. Keep in mind, though, that a
Meedio Essentials, is available for download from the
poorly d e c o r a t e d i n t e r f a c e d o e s n ' t a f f e c t
Meedio Web site (www.meedio.com) for USS79.99 functionality. • H a n d To o l s • Computer Parts a n d
• AV A c c e s s o r i e s • A n d
m u c h
T O 18 H U B : Digital L i n g - To r o n t o Section - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
H o m e Entertainment 1111 I h n
Put succinctly, MythTV is for tech-minded users with no interest in the kind of visual sparkle that Apple and Microsoft spend millions of dollars developing, and who aren't afraid to spend a few hours here and there tinkering with their computers to overcome
glitches and compatibility issues. Alas, no one in my household falls within those ranks. I think I'll stick with my Windows Media Center for now. There's something to be said for Microsoft's no-brain solution; it's quick and easy to set up, guaranteed to work right out of the box, and free of the hassles associated with buying and installing additional hardware and software. But Microsoft had best watch out. Solutions like Meedio are
going to make it hard for Bill Gates' software empire to dominate the media PC market the way it has so many others. By Chad Sapieha
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TO 20
H U B :
Digital Living - To r o n t o S e c t i o n - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
w w w. h u b c a n a d a . c O r n
W o r k i n g f r o m home: A r e you r e a d y ? Have you ever wondered how much time is wasted each working day by the thousands of people driving to and from work in Canada? According to Statistics Canada, people working in large metropolitan areas like Toronto and Montreal spend, on average, more than one hour per day commuting. This translates into five hours per week and 260 hours per year, which is equivalent to nearly 11 full days of life or, if you prefer, 6.5 weeks of work. The question is this: Considering the progress made in accessing, securing, using and transferring knowledge with a mere computer and the ability to do all this at home, is going to work in an office building downtown really necessary? Some experts say no. In fact, studies are showing that leleworkers" (people who work at home rather than at the office) are subjected to less interruptions and
Toronto (for a total of 152,285) and 12 per cent in Montreal (for a total
become more productive. This, according to the same studies, leads to
of 93,120). This represents an average yearly growth of less than five
"improvements in employment performance, satisfaction, motivation
per cent in Toronto and just over two per cent in Montreal).
and morale. Teleworkers usually report an increased feeling of control
"It's not a phenomenal increase; notes Diane Gabrielle Tremblay, professor and director o f research a t Montreal's Tele-Universite.
over their lives, which reduces stress' So why aren't more people teleworking?
The reason? 'Even today there are few formal teleworking programs
In 1996, a census conducted by Statistics Canada reported that
in place'
122,314 people were working from home in Toronto and 81,205 in Montreal. Five years later, those numbers only grew by 24 per cent in
And there have been setbacks, she adds. 'In the public service, some teleworking programs have been withdrawn or reduced, apparently because of a lesser collective efficiency; large corporations have also been reluctant t o embark on such programs, mainly because o f
â&#x20AC;˘1, â&#x20AC;˘ ;
security reasons'
For employees: No time wasted commuting, no traveling costs, optimization of working hours, better work/family conciliation, better 1
working conditions, increased motivation, better communication with
Teleworking should appeal to both employees and employers despite
managers ana colleagues, less stress; better health.
a few negative points, says Tremblay.
For employers: Increased productivity, reduced operating costs,
Society in general would also be affected by teleworking, which could
less absenteeism, positive effects of management through results,
lead to less traffic and pollution, fewer road repairs and accidents, and
better corporate image.
significant savings on gas, b u t could also result i n a reduced For employees: A feeling of isolation, a feeling of being penalized in
occupancy rate in downtown office buildings, and less business for
terms of career advancement, vulnerability to management abuse, a
downtown shops, restaurants, and parking lots. The time wasted in commuting is a growing concern, not only for the
feeling of not being part of the decision process. For employers: Supervision is difficult, less team spirit, training
employees who are facing increasing travel expenses, b u t also for employers who remain at the mercy of weather and traffic conditions.
costs, installation costs, privacy control.
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J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6 - H U B : Digital Living - To r o n t o S e c t i o n
Diane Gabrielle Tremblay says that in Europe, large corporations are looking at alternative solutions, such as setting up satellite offices outside metropolitan areas. "I know that in Belgium, for instance, Siemens, HP and IBM are looking at those types of alternatives,' she says. Tremblay says she feels that teleworking is, somehow, the way to the future. "The transportation problem will not be solved and will not go
away," she says. "There is also the little known fact that people who work in offices downtown work an additional six hours a week at home on the average. So they are already teleworking in some way. 'There is also a growing desire for better working conditions and for saving time and money among employees. And there is this commitment to family life, and to family obligations. We notice, for instance, that the percentage of men migrating to teleworking to meet family obligations has increased from two per cent to 6.75 per cent in the past four years. "All this, in my view, cannot but lead to a surge in the number of people who demand to be allowed to work from home," says Tremblay, Another point to keep in mind is the fact that people are getting more and more familiar with computer science every day and with all the advantages it provides. 'You can work with your computer at home in exactly the same way as if you were in the office. You can even talk face to face with your boss and your colleagues while being at your desk at home; she points out. "I am convinced that teleworking will take off in abig way in not too distant a future." By Andre Salwyn Nr t month. Are 900 net t o !Montle a trIewat
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P o r n , pixels a n d p r o f i t E,nd t r I E vve.,0.u nun tilem
'hostesses' and customers, and sells professionally-supported
Prince, www.2much.net s e l l s l i v e adult video c h a t s between
Twelve billion per year. That's what the online adult sex industry is
versions o f its LiveCamNetwork software t o other webmasters.
estimated to be worth. Clearly, there's a lot of money to be made by selling sex online, and all
company's Montreal studio is now the subject of the Showcase -TV
kinds o f webmasters are making it. It's possible (or an individual
series Webdreams.
LiveCamNetworks.com h a s become such a success t h a t t h e
webmaster to make between S20D and $400,000 per year, according
'We make five dollars U.S. a minute on each live video chat, and our
to Jim Deans, who runs www.thehiddenwife.com with his wife Jenn in
payment to our girls per minute is 75 cents Canadian,' says Mark
Ottawa. 'Pt) just depends on luck, skill, and how much you will put into
Prince. 'The remaining money is our net profit, after we've covered $5,000 rent on 6,000 square feet, salaries, equipment, and bandwidth
it in time and money'
costs. If the girls work out of their own homes, they make $1.25 a minute, because we don't have to provide the facilities' Adult webmastering is not a cookie-cutter industry. In fact, online
This is just the tip of the iceberg: There are adult webmasters who
adult sites exist in all shapes and sizes. Some are one-man bands, like
direct potential customers to pay sites for a share of the revenue
www.velvetecstasy.com, where webmaster Victor does everything
(www.mywifebucks.com), run online job boards for aspiring adult
from photographing models to creating and maintaining the Web site,
performers (www.sexyjobs.com), and host adult search engines (www.booble.com).
and handling credit card billing. Others are run by sexually active couples who webcast their own antics for fun and profit (on sites such
The profits
as www.thehiddenwife.com and www.hotpussycat.com). 'We, as a couple, were having some fun one night with our webcam
Adult webmasters make their money in many ways. The most obvious
and someone asked if he could pay me to get naked on the cam, so I
is to charge customers to view the site after enticing them there
did,' says Hotpussycat.com's Cat Dev. Larger companies d o i t all. Founded b y IT programmer Mark
through banner ads, word-of-mouth, or "free samples" posted on TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Post) Web sites. Charging by the minute for live
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January 2 0 0 6 - H U B : Digital Living - Toronto Sectuon
:::ensona! different Web sites share revenue when they direct traffic to each
video chats, where the customer sees the performer via webcam and talks with him or her by real-time text messaging, is just one version of
other's sites. Throw in adult DVDs, toys, and performer souvenirs such
this model. Typically, sites like LiveCamNetwork.com have their
as preworn lingerie, and the sales opportunities appear endless. This said, there is no "killer app" in the adult Web business, says Becky
customers pay for time upfront by credit card, then debit from that payment as the clock ticks down. Another way to make money is through affiliate programs, where
DeForest. A n e i g h t y e a r i n d u s t r y veteran, DeForest r u n s www.stormmedia.com and is an operator of multiple adult Web sites and license holder f o r m o r e t h a n 2,000,000 adult stills and 300,000 adult movies. "Income depends on what you do and what your goals a r e : DeForest tells HUB. 1 know millionaires that have made their money solely from referring memberships t o other sites. I also know millionaires that are pay site owners ... I also read just about every day t h a t someone has made t h e i r business so successful that they quit their nine-to-five gig.'
Content is king... and queen Whatever t h e y are offering, adult webmasters know that content is king. Whether t h e y hire and photograph models themselves, or use content licensed from someone else, they know
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, L CS V' 41.1e,o.m, tor mug ocket 7 5 CPU; or 175 7606644 tot AMD Soclel 754 CPU. .1 Panasonic 3 - 1 441113 HD needy Diu Ooze .11.1aoor 40019 ATA•100 Hard Drlit Doze EU 7200RPM •1256/.17 DDR RAM, PC3200. 184Pin RAM Memory •1 Economy B u r Md.Tower 7 Bay AT% Case .1EnIght boa 300WATX Power Supply '.14. DSO Pots, 1-16550 Sena) Pon 1 P5.2 Mouse Port & I. Bo-brechonal Par Mel Pon .1 On.Board AGP 30 Videowl 64Mb Buffer .101.boord 6.07 91) 019001 Surround Sound Rockwell 504 Int VocerFaUhlodem v 92 )PCI) •101.00ard 10/100 PCI FuIl Duple. Nemont Adapter Filly-TwoSpeet11520)1.1a. EIDE CD•110M Dove .16000.7i 1 7 . 2 7 d p CRT Monitor. Beige Irettronc 104 Ennanxd Soll.Touch Keyboard .1Alec Lansing 120 Amplified Stereo Speakers "r1Mcroso9 Compatible PS/2 Mous. M o o s e Pad .1MS Wndows OP Horne OEM ve/ CD and Manual .1 5 Years Labour 6 1 Yost Pans Walton!),
I.; mus 065.0 SE Motherboard Ma MOD 5754 CPU, Asus P5P600-SE Mithertbardlor Intel & O N 775 6:Panasonc 3 - 144M0 1113 Poppy 0114 Dme SIMarlor 80Gb ATA-100 Hard Dm Ofte a 7200RPM 5121.10 DOR RAM. PC3200. 164P1n RAM Memory MChentroBergeMod.Tcwer AT1C416.7 ewe 61 N5pm.150-500 4509901091w9rSuP942.0.610110 7.70.600 Pons. 1• Pnnter & 1. Sonar Pon MSapprwe Radeon960011 AGP.2561.10 &TV-Out 63SonyDVDCORWCom0oDovel52/32/52/161 14On-board 6-ChannelDiy611Sufrourd SONO MCreatwe 5852 1.350 . 2 Speakers 6 Subwooler 1,111oc00e0 551( Int Voce/F.6.1.10m y 92 (PCI) 910n-Board 10/100 PCI Fun Duper N e t . . . Adapter Id Vic.onic VA7025 Black 1 r LCD Slcnnor 61Keyoonic 104 Enhanced Soft.Tourb Keyboard FJ Logitech Optcal Mouse 01 Wheel wl Mouse Pad In MS Windows OP Homo OEM err CD and Manual 1,15 Years Labour & 1 Year Parts Warranty
ri;14;111;FilliI. )18;ItNii J;111;Ilt1P1111110{1$11/11
AlasptN32.SLI L l i s •othoroutrillortnto•Lo,et 7,5 Asa, A8 N,L Moult remora to AMU S c . . 5 . ' 9 or Aurs ABN-SLIbrensumMatherboaM A 1 4 0 5 9 3 2 Asias PSGPL Motherboard for Intel 5010 01 775 Fl P. a s a u c 15. . 1 44/49 010C1( F tom D . Dore Panason 3 5'. 144U6 HD PUPPY 0048 Om. Fl WO 250GOSATAI1000 HardDoreDrue w1 16M6 53 W[1016050 SATA27300 Hard Disk Dn1...1602 F7106 CIDII RAM PC3200 RAM Memory OA 5121.40) F1 512MbIODR RAM, PC3200. 164 Pin RAM Memo,' 1.1106911 Black 1441.Torier AT% Case or/ 7 Bays F1Enlight Bef9e1.141.16.. AT% Case wl7 Bap Et ENV,' True 350W ATX Power Supply. 120mot Fan 1.3 Entcht True 450W AIX Power Supply .02 Fans fr)Mu1EN69000T0710I0e660007w256L10 POLE 1.16- USB Ports and 1. Printer Pen 52 Sony OW-030401404 160 (NORIA, er Sobs are ASLis Radeon A8700-0 0)1206,u II TV.Clut PCI.E 91 Sony 10X EILNA DVD-ROM Dine .01450 CDROM LO GSA-4161B DVORANDr. err Sobeare MOn.board 8-Chann1DmIalSurround5000d 67 0r 8 • 0 1 . u e 0 0 l P 6 4 4 1 5 u r r o u n d Sound 6 1 0 0 1 8 0 X•530. S Speakers & 546000'er G u a m SOS 5 1-560 * I 5 Speakers & Subwoorer Rototos561(IntemalFas/MOdems 93(001 67ROCkwell 566 Int Vo1os6 at/Modem,/ 92 (PC11 MOn-Bun1Gua0 1E01300m Notwoni A3ager On•Board G.gato) Fu3 Duplex Nerwont Adapter 67I/00900.0 V8924 19' 3071 Diptal LCD Mon tca 63 Viewecnie VA902b Buck IS LCD Monitor LI Keytnonc KTI300 10/ Black Sol.Teud,Keylsowd EINeytrowc 104 Enhanced ScbTouch Keyboard Lcbtech Optcal Mouse Wr Wheel wI Mouse Pad 53 Mcrosort %Muer Mouse O v u l Mouse w. Pad 1] M5 WSndo,3 OP Hooks OEM wr CD and Manua' F] MS1Mndows OP Sloane OEM ver CD and Manual 5 Years Labour 6 1 Y u r Pans Warranty 01 5 Years 1.4600,11 1 Year Pane Warranty
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January 2 0 0 6 - H U B : O.grtal Living - To r o n t o S e c t i o n
TO 27
I'—'E•.--C..'-'1,-,1 and also marketing. Stick with what you like; it's that simple. If you like it, [chances are] others do too." Finding good help One might think that it would be difficult to find adult models. However, it appears that the reverse is the case i n o u r s e x -centric society, according t o www.ynot.com webmaster Connor Young, who says that the industry finds the people it needs through a variety of avenues. "Advertising, word of mouth, and actually going out and finding girls at clubs, bars, events and strip clubs are the most common means' "We often get college girls who are comfortable with the technology, but not with working in strip clubs,' says Mark Prince. 'We end up with smart performers who know computers, either working from our studios or from home' that they must have the most eye-catching and convincing models
°Most cities have online communities o f models - some online
possible. Otherwise, their potential clients - who are generally
communities transcend cities or countries - and word spreads fast
middle-aged white males, according to everyone we spoke too - will
about b a d operators," a d d s A b b y Winters, Webmaster o f
surf elsewhere.
www.abbywinters.com. This is why adult webmasters need t o treat
'You gotta sell something that people want to buy," says Abby Winters. 'Sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised!' In terms of which sexual preferences to cater to - within the law- "the
their models professionally and courteously, and pay them without resorting to sexual harassment,' he says. 'Demanding a [personal sexual favour] before payment is not acceptable.'
best thing for someone to do is stick with what they personally like,'
So why would anyone bare i t all on the Web? Exhibitionism, an
says Cat Dev. "This guarantees dedication to research, content picking
uninhibited attitude to public sex, or a desire for some form of fame are
pratessi, POPIRIROg . 11111 P l i Y 4 0 0 7 4 ) 11 4 111 0 9 1 p f
` " - . !
WWW.IT-PC.CA TEL 905-307-8888 FIRSTMARKHAMPLACEUNIT 225 111f0011T-PC.CAFAX: 905-307-9999 3225 HIGHWAY7EAST,MARKHAM,ON12117PA T O 213 H U B : Digital Living - To r o n t o Section - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
among the reasons. But don't discount money: At 75 cents per minute,
When people do "out" someone running an adult site, things can get
one of 2much.net's video chat girls can make up to $45 per hour, and
nasty - especially if the site features the Webmaster as an online
up to $75 per hour if she works from home.
performer. Jim and Jenn Deans know this from personal experience.
'The best part of my job is finding a girl who's working in retail or
After a neighbour signed up to their site and learned who they were,
waitressing or even at a pizza place,' says Nick Davis, Webmaster of the
their suburban Ottawa cover was blown. The result was lots of press
video chat site iCandys.net . "She makes no money, her apartment is a
coverage - which can arguably be good for business - protests outside
hole in the wall and she doesn't have any way to get out of it. And then
the Deans' home, demands that they move away, and even vandalism
we come along, and we show her what she can do, that is worth more than she thinks she is.'
of their property.
Two points that adult webmasters must remember: The models must
For his part, Jim Deans has taken this storm in stride. 'This self. appointed moral majority will stop at nothing to keep adult material
be 18 years o f age o r older, and all necessary legalities must be
from being produced in Ottawa,' Deans told www.ynot.com; "all the
followed in the Web site's home country. 'We went as far as to discuss
while probably surfing i t themselves' Maybe so, but this incident
what we were planning with the police before we did a single video
proves that the adult Webmastering trade is not for the faint-of-heart.
chat," Mark Prince says. "That's how important it is for us to stay within the law, for the sake of ourselves and our performers."
The bottom line: It's a business Don't let all the lurid pictures and racy hype fool you: The online adult
The perils of adult webmastering
business is just that - a business. As a result, those wishing to succeed
One might think that hackers and non-paying pirates would be the
must roll up their sleeves and work hard, just as if they were selling
adult webmaster's biggest peril. But they aren't. Instead, according to
cars, farming fields, or auditing accounts.
Ottawa's Jim Deans, "The biggest challenge is reliable hosting from an
'It is a retail business; says Deans. 'It is not going to the cottage on
adult-friendly hosting company, [because] any loss of a server for days
the weekend, because you have t o work. It is getting up at 5 a.m.
or even hours can spell disaster.'
because you just had an idea, monitoring bandwidth promoting your
Public disdain is also a constant threat for adult webmasters. This is why when Becky DeForest is asked what she does for a living, she
site, watching for hackers and password traders, and occasionally taking some pits of naked ladies."
replies, "Internet marketing and e-commerce management. Most don't ask beyond that!'
By-James Careless
0 4 e c t i a r t s f r o m H w y 401:
2370 MIDLAND Ave. Unit A10, Scarborough, ON, M I S 5C6
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The result is fantastic responsiveness and precision. You'll probably
Razer's software control panel lets you assign keystrokes or longer
need to lower your sensitivity settings both in games and in the
"macro" key sequences to each button. Settings are stored in the
Windows desktop. But once you get hooked on the ability to pinpoint a
mouse itself, f o r portability. You can instantly switch between
single pixel with a twitch of your fingers, you'll never go back.
five configurations. All t o l d , t h e Copperhead i s absolutely the mouse to beat. It's got t h e s m o o t h e s t r e s p o n s e available today, and will not only improve your game scores, b u t also ease more prosaic chores like graphic or audio editing.
Logitech 65 Laser Mouse ($90) The latest gamer mouse f r o m Logitech is equally a thoroughbred, but in a more well-mannered way. The shape i s typical Logitech: comfortably molded t o the hand (provided you're n o t a lefty!). There's one extra button under your thumb, and two on top that default to changing tracking precision,
Mlcmsott Laser Mouse
indicated by a three-position LED on top of the mouse. All buttons and even the tiltable
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M o v i n g t o M a c : Finding S o f t w a r e One of the most common complaints about the Mac from Windows addition of nifty RSSreading capabilities—sometimes It's nice to have users is that 'there's no software available for the Mac'. While it's true an alternative. Thankfully, Mozilla (www.mozilla.org) continues to that the majority of the software you'll find at your local software store develop versions of Firefox for a variety of different operating systems. is for Windows, the idea that the world of Mac software is a vast including MacOSX.You can also get a Mac-ready version of the Opera browser (wwmopera.com), now with 100 per cent fewer banner ads In wasteland isn't quite true, either. First of all, there's a metric boatload of software pre-installed on every the program itself! new Mac, including multimedia applications like MVO (movie playback), There's a lot to like about the new version of the native Mall program in iPhoto (digital photo import and organization), iMovie (basic video OSX, especially now that you can "bounce" unwanted mall back to the edit,ng and MD creator), iChat (instant messaging program that's sender.Again, Mozilla has an alternative mail reader called Thunderbird compatible with AIM), Safari (Web browser), GarageBand [music that also integratesRSSfeeds in the same window, giving you a single console for both mail and news if you'd rather not flip back and forth recording and creation program), and more. If you're !coking for additional software, there are a few reasons why between two programs. There's also a version of the Eudora mall client there's a smaller selection available for Mac fans, but the number one available for the Mac, at www.eudora.com. If you're a fan of online chat programs, it's worth noting that the reason is simply sheer numbers of users: it's harder to justify developing brand new software for both Windows and Mac when the built-in iChat AV application is 100 per cent compatible with AOL Mac makes up a small percentage of the overall population. In some Instant Messenger during initial sign-up and while adding users it'll cases, Mac versions arrive later, but sometimes they never come at all. default to options with an @maccom address, but you can change the Making matters worse, when software is released for the Mac, it rarely drop-down box from ".Mac account" to "AIM account" in both cases. ships in volumes large enough to justify the types of prices you'll see Once you're done, you can even do video chat between Mac and on the Windows version of the software. Consequently, that new game Windows machines! that your Windows-laving friends are getting for 550 may cost S70 for You do have the option of loading MSN Messenger for the Mac the Mac. Ow. (www.microsoft.com/mac), but you'll quickly realize that it hasn't been The good news is that there area ton of software developers out there as fully fleshed-out on the Mac as it has been on the PC, especially in writing for the Mac, and in many cases they're making the software terms of multimedia capabilities. There are a few clones out there for available for free. the Mac, Including Mercury Messenger, which connects to MSN and includes webcam support. Internet applications Fans of Yahoo chat will be happy to know that Yahoo Messenger is Safari is the Web browser that comes pre-bundled with OSX, and while also available for the Mac, including webcam support, from ft's a perfectly good browser most of the time —especially with the messenger.yahoo.com. _
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Productivity applications The first productivity suite you think of may be Microsoft Office, but It's by no means the only suite out there. In fact, Sun Microsystems has made i t s OpenOffice suite available for free download (www.openoffice.org). The program has an interface very similar to the Microsoft version, which should make it very easy to make the switch if you don't want to blast through all your spending money just to get Word and Excel.
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Anti-virus, anti-spyware, and other security concerns
gn Sahel •• Your Soap on 11.11.4 T,anl Informaion Is V i r j 0110•4 • I s i t a d t w a i l d w • a . . . . I N 140.111.4 M P. WWI /IP IM S i b L y WNW solintird 1 • 6 1 1 1 0 . 4 w . / M Inlaroul. M 0.1 IMO 1.6.9.
The general consensus Is that this Is an area that Mac users don't really need to worry about: there are few— if any — Mac viruses out there, which means that Macintosh-friendly a n t i -virus
„Fir) 6 6 0 , HUB: Digital Living - Toronto Section - January 2008
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Odds and ends Since moving to the Mac, one Web site I've found nearly Indispensable has been VersionTracker (www.vorsiontracker.com). While you can download VersionTracker Pro software and pay a subscription fee to automatically stay on top of new versions of all of your favourite programs, the real value for the new user is the ability to search for programs simply by typing a keyword into the • a .c • 0 • • t, search field, which anyone can do for free. t e A . • e As with other software search sites like Tucows and download.com, VersionTracker shows you a list of matches, breaks them down into freeware and shareware, and allows users to rate the software, so you can tell at a glance what's hot and what sucks. The key difference with %MC VersionTracker Is that i t assumes you're t a w s * * 91 r t . sem se ft i• searching for MacOSX software by default; you It 4141 * * W M eM can also search for Windows and Palm programs y tete• l e a , 10,041 if you change the pulldown bar beside the search M t Neenah window, but you have to work for it. It's nice to see the tables turned, for once. 1011 11 M e n d
applications will simply be removing Windows viruses that arrived in your email box, and protecting Windows users from infected files in your shared folders. How benevolent. The new version of Norton AntiVirusFOr Macintosh will remove those Windows viruses from your system, and there's even a special dashboard widget that keeps you aware of recent threats. 11110.1ame 0 1 . 0 1 8 1 a u a a M a g a
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Intel P4 630 3.0 ( 2 M B 1.1, E M 6 - 4 - 1 1 / 4 - ' ASUS P 5 G D 2 - X M / B ASUS P55/100-V91 91/B (L775) 1GB D u e l C h m i n e l D D R 2 5129113 D D R 4 0 0 AT I X300SE PCIE 256MB S ATA 160GB 720Orpen 8 6 1 8 C i . " ' 1 S ATA 2 0 0 G B 7 2 0 0 r p m 166 D V 1 3 • / - Rewriter f : = " " r . 166 DV13+/- R e w r i t e r A T X USD C A S E 6-Chamml Audio /Gb L A N 6-Chsonel Audio /Gigabit L A N AT X 350W U S B CASE D a w d l e . Reetheramble• C Ordlem R e c h a r g e a b l e • M u l t i a m d l a R I GI O p t i c a l M e u s e Shoekware SC- 3 Speaker: M u l t i m e d i a KB & O p t i c a l M o u s e P4-3.2/3.4/3.6(3.13 5 5 5 9 / 1 6 1 9 / 7 8 9 / 1 0 3 9 oc w a v e S C J S p e s a e n f e l e r o e 3.1/SA 5 4 1 9 / 5 4 4 9 1 4 - 3 . 2 / 3 . 4 / 3 . 6 / 2 , 8 5 7 0 9 / 7 8 9 / 9 2 9 / 1 1 6 9 � 1 1 • l n - b l o c k A d d 5796 _ " > C a l a r a n 2 . 1 1 / 2 . 1 1 / 3 . 0 9 5 5 9 / 5 6 9 / 5 9 1 K
A M D A64 3 2 0 0 * (939) ASUSA8V M/B 51 2 M B D D R 4 0 0 ASUS PSG D I - V M 01/11(1.775) AT I R9250 128MB 1GB D U A L C H A N N E L D D R 4 0 0 S ATA 2 0 0 0 B 7 2 0 0 r p m 1 6 1 0 160GB 7200rpm H D D 160 D V D + / - R e w r i t e r 161DVD*/- Rewriter A T X USB C A S E 6-Chitonel Audio /Gig•bit L A N 6-Chminel Audio /Gigabit L A N A T X 4 0 0 W USB C A S E C o m t i s m I t e a b aaaaaa le • Cordless Reehardeable • M u l t i m e d i a KB It Optical Y o n . M u l t i m e d i a K B I I O p t i m a alowee S l i m : w a v e SC-1 Spe•kers S b o c k W e v e S C - 3 S p e a k e r, Upgrade: j l e i W I p p k , L a p e e , P4-3.2/9.4/3.6/3.8 5 6 5 9 / 5 7 2 9 / 8 7 9 / 11 0 9 5429/5609 / 5 6 9 9 /1751 %.{eleron 2.6/1. 9/3 0 5 3 0 9 / 5 5 2 9 / 5 4 9 COME w i t h I ear •rt earslabour h•rdware warra H A R D D R I V E
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TO 3E3 Hue:1=117ra' Uvung - Toronto Section - January 2008
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A u t h o r i z e d Deniers: Cmmiln A I M ,
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J a n u a r y d O u e l - H U B : D i g i t a l Lniing - T o r o n t o S e c t i o n
P e t e r Jackson-": K i n g 1:cangr.' T h e Official G a m e of t h e M o v i e
Computers Compaq P4 PACKAGE
• s'.,er Developer: Ubisert
a r r POTO114 S A M . MOW IMO _ s O r — I T 110W/1.1111... a C • w Y O w t a t e 11111 0 4 1111 4 M D .
S i a 10
There's also no heads-up display by default; no map,
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effects studio
shard or spear, for example. If Jack is injured to the
; a s h - g r a h s that often
point of death, the screen will turn red and his vision will blur.
M.S. subject
the player to navigate the primeval scariness of the
environment using visual and aural cues alone,
Omitting numbers and other artifices, and requiring •_-:
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results in an experience that is dynamic, realistic
t h a n
g▪ s—e$1--z!s-e ▪ azs-e77--ES
and often extraordinary. Aside from Jack's first-person scenarios, a handful
no life gauges, no ammunition counter, and no
-s; - . I s the bargain bin o f
s.sio:"game unrealistic 'depthless pockets' inventory. s A n c e i Jack's items are limited to one firearm and whatever t7Orr, Jackson other object he can hold in one hand - a stick, bone
s z e c . . a l
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, • =kW S M . , a c s MA.0 N C I & CO N T MG O s . WONSWIll I M P S =SE Mar
instead o f a s momentum-breaking cutscenes.
Platforms: X b o x . X b o x 3 5 0 , Pla9Station 2 , 6arneCube, PC
MINTILIM v."41ola MUM IOW N M I MIMI M I N C 1 e R U M W VMS ve s e a m . umeems nee PM.
that dialogue and actions both occur on the fly
excellence is a very dynamic one thanks to the fact
ESR$. Teen R a t i n g -.4 ; 5
of sequences give the player control of King Kong e
himself. There are a few fun acrobatic swinging and wall-running sequences, where Ubisoft i s clearly invoicing Prince o f Persia, b u t t h e fighting and
rampaging parts of the Kong experience aren't as fun as one might expect - owing to the fact that Kong
4 1
controls, predictably, like a big, lumbering ape.
-,209- '7' 5 4
It's only with the very last scenes in New York, which serve little purpose, that the game seems t o be
merely be going through the motions until the inevitable film climax is reached. Otherwise, King
Kong the game could easily stand on its own as an experience that doesn't need its film counterpart to prop it up. By Erin Bell
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K i n g d o m of P a r a d i s e Kingdom of Paradise
use elementbastA a r / c " rnagisat att.:act. s, ' - a r . be v;sreir,g iariuus temples.
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: Climax Entertainment
Vingdorn o f Paradise
ESRB: Teen R a t i n g : 3 / 5 P l a t f o r m : PlayStation Portable
except for the fact that as ,:.• • • • - , •he e.fir
Beefing up the PSP's scanty rBeefing up the PSP's scanty rosier of
involves hunting down tra* • them in order to 'r Byer 9-a -
role-playing games, Kingdom of Paradise is alternately absorbing and frustrating. The game is set in a feudal, obviously Japanese-inspired
- •
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realm where various clans co-exist relatively peacefully thanks to a carefully maintained balance of power. When an evil force disrupts that
Unfortunateg, the few
balance, a young warrior named Shinbu finds himself caught up in the
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bacittracking e v e r. rnst-e cc a drag
struggle to restore order.
Cie•hard rc'e-c
While Kingdom of Paradise has the usual RPG trappings, including
casual garr,er 's sea towns full of characters to interact with, companions that join and leave the game r- g " a the group, various inventory items, character stats and experierce
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points-based levelling, the most compelling aspect of the gameplay is the real-time combat system. Over the course of the game, Shinbu can master various schools of swordplay by collecting technique scrolls from fallen opponents or INV
finding them in chests. Each scroll contains a specific move in a series, which, when combined together on a master scroll o f a particular school, will unleash a series of attacks. If Shinbu acquires special
*Freestyle" scrolls, he can mix and match techniques from different schools to create his own distinctive style. Additionally, Shinbu can
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P u t t i n g t h e "video" in videogame:
' M o b i l e video o p t i o n s in P S P, D S a n d G B A PSP options Sony's PlayStation Portable displays video wonderfully and comes with a great video player application, however formatting the video files and getting them onto the PSP in the first place is the tricky part. Simply dragging•and•droppIng video files from your PC to the PSP's Memory Stick won't work, but thankfully, there are a number of downloadable software utilities out there that will help you to convert video files Into the proper format and create the necessary subfolders on the PSP's Memory Stick. These include:
"toomtivor - this Is the folder into which you'll need to drag all of your video files. ThePSP's video format is MPEG•4, so you'll need a software program that converts your video files (DivX,AVI,WMVand soon) to that format. Make sure to select widescreen format at a resolution of 480 x 720 pixels or lower. It's also recommended that the total bit rate of the file be no more than 768kbps (meaning, for example, 512kbmp of video and 96kbps of audio to equal 768kbps total). You'll also need t o rename the files using the convention °M4VXXXXX.mp4", where X represents any number. For example.
PSI' Video 9 (free; www.pspvIdeo9.com) PSPWare for Mac (USSIS:temovnullrivercam/Index/products/pspware) PSPMedia Manager(USS19.95; vewevsonymediasoftware.com) llilisoft PSP Video Converter (USS29; www.xilisoft.com/psp•video• converterhtml) PSPMovie Creator (USS34.95;www.padvd.com/psp)
a c e . •••,,?•.. O .
If you want to transfer video onto your PSPmanually, you must follow these steps: First, you'll have to create a directory in the root of the Memory Stick called "MPROOT". Inside that folder, create a second folder called
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rnp4",'1,1401100:tnp4', and so on, video files have been converted to the pigpen format and site and the du ectories ate in place on your Memory Stick, you can begin copying the videos onto the PSP.This can be achieved by ether connecting the PSP to the computer via USD or Inserting the Memory Stick Pro Duo into your PC's card reader and dragging the files into the 'ioommvor folder.
NintendoDSandGBA options
S w i m
0 457 Spadina Ave Toronto T: (416)598-0557 soo Gerrard St E.Toronto T:(416)465-2226 Mon - Sat(11AM - 7PM) S u n (12PM - 6PM) awvisonriam coin Dell P4 - 1.80Hz GEO 2.2M3 DC.; ZIGEINCC Floppy Dr. e Video/AuCc 10100 LA', 30 cay estran,:,
Appall LCD 17 12rns Black
P4-2.4G system
* F u l l y stand alone 1 t o I --______ $ 2 7 9 1 to 3 - - - - $ 5 9 9 1 to 7 - - - - - $799 to 9$ 9 9 9 ,
By Erin Bell
• . 4 - 2 4S ; a l ; 5 1 2 M B RA..' i i i M E I HOD $249.99 Mal layer M D ViOcrofeted/LAN Viessonic 19' hechower Case LCD erns Motte0350 1280.1024 30 days serranty
DVD Duplicators
Video playback is not a built-in feature of any of Nintendo's handhelds, but It is possible to turn the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo OS into video players with the help of card reader peripherals that use the Game Boy Advance cartridge slot. TheGBAMovie Player (www.movieadvance.com) reads video off of Compact Flash cards that have been converted to GBM and GBS files using the included software. We found the player for around USS30 at LikSang (wwwlik•sang.com). Panasonic's Play•Yan reads MPEG-4 video files from S0 cards, and has its own built-in hardware encoder for playback, so video quality is better than if the device's hardware was being used for playback. The Play-Van is unfortunately only available as a Japanese import. To find one, you'll either have to scour your local Asian import stores or order one from an import Web site (we found the Play-Van on www.play-asia.com for USS70). The big downside to this (besides the logistics of actually getting the thing) is that you'll h a v e t o navigate Panasonic's included MediaStage video conversion software in Japanese. Good luck!
Continuous Ink S y s t e m Idea for following Epson Printers R200 R300 ar' R320 ✓ R300M
0/Rx5o3 • fR'6°° ex 110mLInk included -
GameBoyAdvance Video Majesco's Game Boy Advance Video series publishes various movies and televisions shows on traditional Game Boy Advance cartridges that are compatible with the original Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Game Boy Micro and Nintendo DS, The library is decidedly kid-centric, with movies including Shark Tele and Shrek and a TV show collection rife with Saturday morning cartoon staples like Kim Possible, Johnny Bravo and SpongeBob SquarePants. T h e cartridges typically h o l d t w o t o four episodes each, with running times ranging from 4 5 to 90 minutes.
i l W b C f c / . . . 1 1 1 1 L I 1 ( ARE O W L E C T TO CHASICW W M I O U T M O T I M . P R I C E A L R E A D Y CART OrtC01111
TO 44
HUB: Orgrel Uving - Toronto Becton - January 2008
! !
H i t t h e R o a d : Koyiivag i n t o ni__;,/./ P D A o o m b o p h o n e s Nit) era of the standalone personal digital assistant . ire to be drawing to a close, New POAs aro designed riot only to organize your life while you're on the run, but also to be able to connect with the other people in your life even when you're somewhere else. While the combination of cellular phone and PDAseems to be the most common trend, there are still some cell-free models available, though It's getting pretty hard to find models that don't have Win or Bluetooth built In for connectivity. And for those who are constantly checking email on the go, the explosion of phones with built-InOWERTYkeyboards is making it easier than ever to send quick replies. Research In Motion's newest quad-band BlackBerry Is known as the 8700, and it recently became available in Canada on Rogers'GPRSEDGE network. The 8700 takes a big step into multimedia, with the ability to send MMS messages and play MPS ringtones. It also has a light-sensing screen that will automatically adjust for the ambient conditions. Despite the additional multimedia capabilities, the 8700 heads back to a design more familiar to long-term BlackBerry users, with individual OWERTYkeys, some of which double as a numerical keypad for dialing. The memory on the 8700 is bumped up to 64MB, twice that on the recent 7100 model. As with the 7100, this one also has built-in Bluetooth. It's available with a
St •/ t o t o - " a ( S , SSS:
• makes use r o , faster dare Bluetooth cs• ' ' ' ' ' . s Microsoft's vi • ss ' s s mobile operating system from ti s means the built in 128m5 s that are user-access:tie ' - s expansion slots here: Z . ' generation iPaq, this one srn:ts rne WiFi, right onto the phone itself instead of rr - ; ,s- c . : about 5800. If you're waiting for Windows Mobile 5.0, there area coming, but you'll have to wait until the new year. Palm recently sent shookwaves through the POAworld ' r anrs,.;nce: that it was releasing a version of the Treo with Windows 5 . 0 insteao of its trusty Palm OS. How could the company give up on Palm OS? Weis, since the company's hardware and software divisions split apart, the hardware division has made the decision to try cut anotherOSvendor. It w. be interesting to see how well the two companies play together, having been fierce rivals in the PDA/cell combo space. The first phone to hit the market south of the border will be aCOMA-based
cingu are.
fil.mkOotrry ' ay
alu 1 2 : 2 1 PM CIngular
January 2001 - HUB: Digital Living - Toronto Section
TO 45
Wit-ele.ss EV•D0model, which is capable of an average data transfer rate of 400 to 700 kbps. Palm bigwig Ed Colligan doesn't expect that a GPRS/EDGEmodel will be available until at least the second half of 2006; he's also quashed hopes for a Symbian•based model. Full product specifications — including an official name for the new product—still aren't available at the time of writing, but expect it to build on the same specs found in the Treo 650, including flash memory, MP3 player capability, Bluetooth and a built-in camera. My guess: i t will have to have far more onboard memory t o accommodate Windows, Motorola's also gunning for the Windows Mobile 5.0 crowd with its forthcoming Moto 0 combo phone. As with the forthcoming Treo, full specs aren't available yet, but it will feature Bluetooth, MP3 playback, and a built-in 1.3 megapixel camera. The design of the phone is meant to resemble the styling of the company's recent RAZR and SLVRmodels, but this one will be a bit wider to accommodate a OWERTYkeyboard. Another phone scheduled to hit the market in early 2006 is Nokia's E61, which uses Symbian OS 9.1 Instead of Windows. The E61 is designed more as a mobile email device, with a mini•sized OWERTY keyboard and the ability to read popular attachments. The E61 will also feature WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. Those looking for a different twist may want to check out the Nokia E70 instead, which looks like a regular cell phone until you flip up a panel, exposing a OWERTYkeyboard that rests half on one side of the screen and half on the other. Again, the Symbian•based E70 will also feature WiFi and Bluetooth. By Sean Carruthers
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J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6 - H U B : Digital Living
Giving P a s s w o r d s t h e F i n g e r Biometricpassword management Love, sex, secret, god. , • -.•••Hackersand the e, skate_:, h o , - . . e r cum network security c!-• these are the four most
I imirkmmmenumw 1111 N M I
M e i Mild Li - 1111
u t i x e oass,o-cls. Amend tne.n wth a few random digits at the end and even the semi-sovvy may think themselves protected.
ltS been shown, however, that passwords based on dictionary words can be cracked with surprising- and frighten; ng - speed. The t e s t security strategy is a multiple security strategy, says Rob Rice, chief technology officer of Zvetco, a company specializing in biometric solutions at the enterprise and SOHO level. A combination of two or more of the following affords a reliable level of
more convenient as opposed to securing user information. It suggests that users trust it with passwords that aren't terribly sensitive such as a Web-based personal email login or a subscription login for online
secunty, Rice says: Something you know [such as a not easily guessed or
publications. It's more secure than the password fill-in utilities on popular
cracked password), something you have [like a USB security token or
Web browsers, but not as secure as some of the more dedicated security
smartcard} and something you are, or some piece of identifiable biometric
biometric devices.
data like a facial or voice recognition, an iris scan or - inthe case of ourTest Lab - a finger print
by dirt or (in our test case) black permanent marker covering a
The biometnc solutions profiled here range from the consumer-oriented
The Microsoft solution uses an optical sensor that could be stymied registered fingerprint.
convenience to the high-level enterprise and small or home office solution.
The major issue as a consumer solution is that Microsoft seems to have
Microsoft's Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader is an example of the former,
relied too heavily on Web design protocols in the device software. While a
and Zvetco Biometric's Verifi FingerTouch Security Professional fingerprint
good number of login and password fields are recognized, requiring only
pod fills the latter category. APCs Biometric Password Manager falls
that users scan their fingerprint and then input the login / password
somewhere in the middle, being aimed mostly at security-conscious
information in order to just scan a fingerprint for future access, there are a
consumers but with some of the heightened security features required by
fair number of sites that aren't compatible with the device. For example,
enterprise. For example, rather than take a surface "picture* of the portion
the fields in Google's personalized homepage login (www.google.com/ig)
of the finger that comes in contact with the sensor, the Password Manager aren't recognized. scans beneath the first few layers of skin. Another strange issue is that while users can easily enter via the login screen of Windows XP, with support for multiple users, the floating login
Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader and mouse combo It's a marriage of convenience. The Microsoft Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader doesn't offer the high-end security of the dedicated solutions profiled here. Ditto for the stand-alone reader pod (Microsoft Fingerprint
window that appears in certain versions after a certain period of inactivity doesn't recognize the fingerprint scan for login. The fingerprint reader does however work with both Internet Explorer (6.0.2) and Mozilla Firefox (1.5) as tested.
Reader) that uses the same optical fingerprint-reading technology. However, as a consumer convenience - once users go through the initial set up with frequently visited Web sites - it's a reasonable solution. The documentation that users must agree to before installing the DigitalPersona password management software that comes with the hardware states itself that the device is designed to make computing
10 H U B : Olgtal Living - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
APC Biometric Password Manager I had a heck of a time getting APC's Biometric Password Manager to recognize my fingerprints owing to deep ridges across the pads o f my fingers. It doesn't bode particularly well for computer users with dishpan hands
Te e t Lab ... especially if said users didn't have dishpan hands when enrolling their fingers with the device. That said, though, a fingerprint completely blacked out with permanent marker didn't phase the sensor. Once fingers and thumbs are registered (I was able to register two of the former and both of the latter) the APC software called OmniPass does a good job of recognizing site logins and other such personal information portals. A notifier will pop up when the software detects a login / password text field. However, it also seems to have difficulty with
users can make changes. Also, users can lock certa:ri
• ! • . , . . . . d
identifier to run. As biometric solutions go, Zvelco's is tr.,:
For enterprise level use, Zvetco offers a softwa,,,, can brand the product it offers with a company logo ctr, The FingerTouch and Verdi ID software do an exce'er•.;--...-, and accounts secure. In addition to cutting s .
non-standard Web forms; Google's personal portal login and password
possibilities —the sensor won't recognize non-living tissue,
fields weren't recognized. While users can shut off the audio feedback or make the default voiced
with software and hardware integration. Users are further prctef:.- ad from
us —
prompts to be strictly system beeps, the male voice that says "access
the USB connector of the pod and the USB port of the computer. Each
granted" or login verified" gets annoying after a very short while.
packet of data sent from PC to pod and vice-versa is digitally signed and
physical intrusion such as data mining using a device that sits between
enterprise solutions secure, such as below the surface fingerprint
any interference will result in packet rejection. Because it reads beneath the first layer of skin, dirt arid grime aren't an
scanning and a conductive scanning sensor that responds to the
issue for the FingerTouch; a fingerprint completely blacked over With a
electrically conductive properties of living tissue (though to be fair, we
permanent marker was recognized without delay.
The APC solution incorporates some o f the hardware that makes
didn't have a cadaver to properly check this claim, nor were we willing to sever a finger in the testing process) but its software is clearly designed to be a consumer convenience as opposed to a true security solution.
Conclusion: Each of the solutions examined here has its place. The question of which
In much the same way Microsoft's Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader one is best suited to a particular application comes down to two things. First, the cost factor; the APC and Microsoft solutions are relatively
doesn't want t o make itself accountable for the user's sensitive information, the APC Biometric Password Manager shies away from such responsibility.
After installing the APC solution's OmniPass software, a couple of items are added to Windows context menus that allow for easy encryption of files or folders, a nice touch. However, the reader gave too many false negatives in our tests, refusing
inexpensive but aren't well suited t o the ultra security-conscious consumer desktop or enterprise applications. Zvetco's FingerTouch system satisfies the needs of the enterprise and the security conscious with fewer false negatives but would likely make too big a dent in the wallet for consumers. The Zvetco solution is the one you'll find on our desktop from now on.
access to registered fingers several times before finger placement was just right. It became frustrating after a short while.
By Andrew Moore-Crispin
Verifi FingerTouch Security Professional Note: Zvetco Biometrics URL should be read "e-verify" as opposed to "ever-iffy, which would not exactly inspire the confidence the company might hope. Zvetco's FingerTouch is actually the most full-featured of the biometric solutions tested as software goes. In addition to securely storing e-wallet information such as addresses, phone numbers and even credit card information, the Verifi ID software that ships with Zvetco's biometric pod can will recognize non-standard Web login forms as well as application logins with a little user intervention. In addition, users can encrypt folders or a portion of a hard drive from 64KB up to 13GB in size. This space is then reserved for secured files and Personal information. This portion of a drive is then accessed in the same way as any other drive, except that a biometric login is required to before
January t L
H U B : Digital Living
B r o w s e r wars: The saga continues Internet Explorer
OPERA software
Current version: 6 SP2 wvnv.microsoft.com/windowsle
The Story After emerging the victor of the "browser wars' of the 90s and squeezing out competitor Netscape, Internet Explorer has enjoyed near-total dominance as the Web browser of choice (which is hard to avoid when IE comes bundled by default with the Windows operating system.)
outdated Trident rendering engine. Issues include a lack of complete support for Web standards like HTML and CSS, reduced support for PNG and JPEG formats, and failure to provide things like tabbed browsing and
Why use it?
RSS integration.
Because Internet Explorer has been the industry standard for several years, most Web sites have been optimized for viewing in Internet
Because IE is closed-source software and is tied to the Windows OS, it generally only receives major upgrades in conjunction with the release of
Explorer and won't be displayed with all of their bells and whistles in other browsers.
a new operating system, and its capacity for customization and expandability is severely limited.
Internet Explorer is even integrated with other parts of Windows such as
Windows Explorer and the Add/Remove programs application. Therefore, it's a good default browser for novice Windows users (like your Current version: 8.50 grandmother) who might be confused by having to switch to another www.opera.corn browser and back for various applications.
The Story Why lose it? Internet Explorer's security vulnerabilities are notorious. During 2005 alone, more than 50 security vulnerabilities were identified in IE 6 SP 2 by security advisory Web site Security Focus [http://securityfocus.comj. Most of IE's security headaches stem from ActiveX, an application that automatically downloads scripts when you visit a certain Web site. At their
Founded and headquartered in Norway, the Opera Web browser began as a research project for Norwegian telecom company Telenor in 1994, and developed into a viable streamlined alternative to the increasingly bloated browser offerings from Netscape and Microsoft. Opera pioneered tabbed browsing [opening multiple pages within one browser session) and i s the first browser to offer voice-activated
most benign, these scripts can enhance the Web site with animations,
navigation using a headset and microphone (in English, for Windows 2000
music, and so on. But unfortunately ActiveX can also auto-install malicious scripts like unwanted toolbars, adware and spyware.
and XP only). Although older versions o f Opera had banner ads, the latest version of Opera (8.50) is completely ad-free, and Opera has also waved the S40 licensing fee to make it once again viable in comparison to other
Another criticism that has been levelled against IE is that it's lagging behind other browsers in usability due to it being based on the rather
free browsers.
Why use it? Opera claims to be the fastest browser on Earth - a claim that independent testing seems t o support (check o u t www.how.to create.co.uk/browserSpeed.html for a full comparison). It's also small - 3.7MB to download as opposed to 35MB for Netscape, 52MB for Firefox, or 75MB for the full version of Internet Explorer. Despite being streamlined, Opera's list o f features is extensive arid includes embedded RSS news feeds, pop-up blocker, integrated searching using Google, and extensive appearance customization options including more than 200 skins and adjustable toolbars. Security features include no
ActiveX,automatic 128-bit encryption, and automatic deletion of cache and history upon exiting the browser.
WOhpyeJ roasieo t"r ohas u t eof the box" customizations than Firefox, but because m
?O isclosed-source product it lacks the downloadable "extensionsâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; ra e p
that the Firefox community enjoys.
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• • •
Personal Computing
Netscape Current version: wvnv.netscape.com
SYCI Yes, Netscape is still around - and it's even making a comeback of sorts. After being pushed to the brink o f oblivion by Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Netscape was acquired b y AOL who promptly launched an anti-trust lawsuit against Microsoft. When the dust settled in 2003, AOL came away with a US$250 million settlement and a licensing agreement to use Microsoft's Internet Explorer browsing technology royalty-free for seven years.
Why use it? Thanks to the licensing agreement with Microsoft, Netscape 8.0 i s a dual-engine browser that is able to incorporate both Firefox's Gecko engine and Internet Exporer's Triton engine, giving users the option of viewing Web pages in either Firefox or IE. In theory, people can use Firefox to visit the shadier neighbourhoods of the Internet where security might be an issue, and can switch to Internet Explorer for reputable sites that might not display properly in Firefox. Other interesting features are live content" - a list of constantly updated scrolling headlines in a browser toolbar, and the Multibar, a customizable tray that can contain shortcuts to up to 10 different expandable and customizable browser toolbars, such as RSS headlines and local weather.
Why lose it?
Firefox Current version 1.5 www.mozilla.org/products/firefox
The story This open source browser from the Mozilla Corporation caused quite a stir when it stole five per cent of Internet Explorer's market share less than a month after launching in 2004. It continues to chip away at Internet Explorer's virtual browser monopoly by providing strength in IE's two main areas of weakness: security and customization.
Why use it? Firefox's security features are one o f its biggest attractions. I t ' s pop-up blocker is referred to as the best in the industry, and it does not use ActiveX. Other features include a built-in RSS reader, tabbed browsing, integrated search engine, and a download manager that lets you pause and resume downloads at will.
xb irfo F e h T w se ris highly customizable with user-created add-on
programs called "extensions". Common extensions include ad, image and flash blockers.
Why l o s e cat.iiyreducVulnerabi s uoptcertain i m ized for visitesgma ewin onyl nnotenetirynruebnteEecstopernliolereerr stilloaf:hoed: arelitiestill Web it's becoming palthough ddrastically usabilitymrreiriwfiethatFierreeefoxe.remueh.t u Ander while
exist, and these will
Ted, they're
The harmonization of Firefox and IE within the Netscape shell is a neat sFiFirefrexs'ssienccsrleilalysed popularity bnngs it into the rada T o r e numerous a idea, but its execution isn't perfect. Some sites continue to default t o and more malicious coders. of â&#x20AC;&#x201D;ore Internet Explorer even if they pose security risks, whether the user wants Also, with the recent step up to version 1.5, the grass ro nit t h a t helps to make the browser i s IE to be the main browser or not. As well, Netscape is only compatible with development commu y c o r n p e l l i" l e n s i o certain Firefox extensions and not others. up to do. n a has some catching The browser also suffers bloat from numerous AOL add-ons such as AOL mail, integrated AIM and ICO instant messaging services, and AOCs U.S." E3YErin Bell centric weather channel.
HUB: Digiosi Living - J a n u a r y 2 0 0 6
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