April 21:106
19 N u m b e r 04
tax software packages reviewed
Bookkeeping for the home office Best cell phones for business
Small Office Cionre arce Takhg your butint Imaging
Home Entertainment
Personal Computing
To t a l G a m e r
• CHOOSE YOUR • WEAPONS CARIEFULLY/ ASUS Recommends Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional
z2 6 9 0 The b e s t b a n g f o r your buck. The ASUS A6Vc laptop, powered by Intel® Centrino® Mobile Technology, offers affordable high performance. Discrete NVIDIA G e F o r c e graphics supply all the power you need for the latest graphics-intensive games. The A6Vc also comes with a built-in w e b c a m and microphone t o k e e p y o u linked u p with your clan. Lock and load.
ea WM
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Glut TedeolagySelection 6 Service
- . a w e .-aeor.eas, A 'via ramie ASUS • a tecteleadtrelansaradASUSTek Greasy Inc ml the Intel tap meCenteno lop andCenthno ere -Aimee arampolineeradeeeras el MN Coperelott of it eutoires nPm lead SUM at olharI:amines alemidl rd el4done ateneasferedtradentatia d lactosoh Corpoatro
Editorial Sitting i n a cubicle f a r m
identified themselves as self-employed.
breathing recycled office air,
It's a long standing dream for many gainfully employed
it's e a s y t o idealize t h e
people to strike out on their own
independent, self-employed
The l u r e o f n o rigid n i n e -to-five w o r k days, n o
worker, keeping h e r o w n
megalomaniacal bosses to answer to, no pointless 4:30
hours and working to line his
meetings that somehow stretch well past the end of day.
own pockets.
No waiting until "casual Friday" to wear whatever clothes
Keeping a small or home office running and running
are comfortable. No more long commutes into the
efficiently is no mean feat.
downtown core.
Aside from the supplying the actual product or service the
The reality however is that while independent workers
business offers, there are accounting concerns, new
enjoy a freedom that comes from being their own boss,
business to drum up, meetings to attend, Web sites to
they also have to be their own lackey. Nine-to-five can
maintain, correspondence to keep on top of, invoicing,
stretch out to encompass the entire day.
accounting and an entire world o f other issues and
Technology is a boon for the independent business;
responsibilities that crop up.
from multi-function printers that can print, copy, scan
Combine that with the siren song of time-wasting Web
and fax to software suites designed to keep the books
sites o r daytime soap operas or the shrill cries or
in order and to make things a little easier when the tax
stomping of children's feet while you're trying to be
man cometh.
productive and it's a wonder anything gets done at all.
The independent business is about working smarter, not
But get done it does. After all, the indy business is as
necessarily harder. Choosing the right mix of technology
much about so called "sweat equity" as it is start-up equity.
can help make this a reality.
Vo l u m e 1 9 : N u m b e r 0 4 Andrew Moore.Crispin ondreer 7ppublishingco
Editorial Assistant
r i n Bell orin;tipublishing.co
Contributing Editors S e a n Carruthers Lee Rickwood lore Saltzman David Tanaka
Advertising Sales ONTARIO/TORONTO Corporate Account R a l p h Ventriglia Managers r e t h h ' u h t h o u t t l I s h i n g Karim Rizk karimBppublishing ca Dan Wojtkiewicz danw73ppublishing.ca
Ad Sales
Karim Sahnine lorimsgppublishing.co
In recent years, Statistics Canada has recorded a changing employment landscape where more and more
Enjoy the Issue,
people are considered self-employed. In our own annual
Andrew Moore-Crispin
readership survey, almost 1 0 per cent o f readers
WESTERN CANADA V i v i a n Jin viviongppublishing.co Jason Hay j asonTppublishing
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April 2 0 0 6
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Quebec ALPHIM 1874 Be: Ville Sal I-14R 2E' \ 514-33
T i m e t o pay the H a r p e r If your blood pressure is on the rise as you watch the calendar race towards the deadline for your annual tax reckoning, take comfort in the knowledge
What if I use a Mac?
TaxTron (www.taxtron.ca) was the only installed application we looked at that
that you're not alone. Also take comfort in the fact that there are plenty of
supports a Macintosh OS. It further distinguishes itself by raising the income
software solutions designed t o make the process o f calculating and
limitation for free filing to $30,000 as opposed to its competitors' $25,000
submitting your taxes as painless as possible.
ceiling. A license to file a single return with a gross income over $30,000 is just
Complex taxes are still best handled by accountants, but those Canadians who don't own multiple businesses, deal in off-shore accounts, or control
$12.99, while a ten return license costs $24.99. Another solution for Mac users could be a Web-based tax application.
millions of dollars worth of investments have the potential to be well served
Most online tax services can be accessed from both PCs and Macs, and
by the ever-expanding selection of tax software packages on the market.
have the potential to be significantly less expensive than their locally
Here's how a few popular packages stack up against each other.
hosted counterparts. Here area few Web-based options:
°LichTax Standard v v.quicktax.ca
Standard but with pay-per-return pricing starting at $19.95.
OuickTax Web (www.quicktaxweb.com) Provides the depth of OuickTax
This is the big gun. Developed by financial software powerhouse Intuit, OuickTax was one of the first personal tax software packages available in Canada and is currently the top selling application of its kind. Users have access to seven-day email, phone, and Internet support, and a guarantee
UFile.ca (www.ufile.ca) Just as full-featured as its PC-based cousin, but allows an individual return to be processed for $14.95. SnapTax (www.snaptax.ca) Made by the people behind OuickTax, it's an uncomplicated way to process simpler taxes and costs just $9.95 per return.
that Intuit will cover the penalty of any errors caused by its software that end up costing users money.
ten returns with gross incomes greater than $25,000 for only $19.99.
If you've used previous iterations o f OuickTax you'll have no problem
As with OuickTax, UFile leads users through a simple interview that makes
figuring out this year's version. A straightforward interview process leads
information entry fast and easy, ensuring that users spend little or no time
users through their taxes. Your responses to early questions let QuickTax
fussing over T1 line items that shouldn't concern them.
customize the interview to focus on areas in which you might have the potential to save money.
UFile employs a sophisticated tax logic called MaxBack that purportedly analyzes every possible means of lowering individual taxes, similar to
Priced at $39.95, OuickTax facilitates an unlimited number of returns
OuickTax's double checking system. Relatively simple returns based on
for individuals who make less than $25,000, and a maximum o f five
the same financial information generated identical bottom lines i n both applications.
returns for gross incomes greater than $25,000. As was the case with all of the applications evaluated, most returns can be filed electronically using NetFile.
While several tax software packages offer either a slapdash solution or no solution at all for Quebecers, UFile goes out of its way to cater to residents of Canada's predominantly francophone province. As information is entered
during the interview process, UFile automatically fills out both federal and
UFile places a strong second after QuickTax, providing a solution similar to
Quebec provincial forms simultaneously. I t also permits users t o file electronically with both Revenue Quebec and Revenue Canada.
its primary competitor but at a cheaper price — the retail version processes Genu Tax wt•:w.genutax.ca A relative newcomer to the tax software market, GenuTax is a direct response to two common criticisms leveled at other tax preparation applications. The first criticism is that many consumers feel as though they are forced into buying software that hardly changes from year to year, save a few amendments made to accommodate evolving tax regulations. By contrast Taxes made easy. Taxes done light.
GenuTax is a multi-year application, which means users need only buy the software once, then download an annual update for free in following years. The second criticism is that most tax software limits the number of returns users can generate. GenuTax permits an unlimited number of returns to be created, regardless of income size, with restrictions imposed only against persons or organizations calculating taxes for a fee. It sounds almost too good to be true, but there are a couple of wrinkles that GenuTax has yet to iron out. For starters, it isn't available to Quebecers. Secondly, the $34.99 application's interview process isn't as refined or accessible as that of its competitors.
By Chad Sapieha
H U B : Digital Living - A p r i l 2 0 0 6
L A 11-;
King George Hwy • tow
137 St
Super Office S t o r o Depot
P4 630(3.0G)1640(3.20) 5979/1039 $789 Pentium4 511 (2.8G) $429 Celeron D 336(2.8GHz) Celeron D 336(2.8GHz) $619 $459 Celeron D 341(2.9GHz) Celeron D 341(2.9GHz) $649 P4 630(3.0G)/640(3.2G) $8491899 P4 65013.4G)1660(3,60) 511191126 $479/499 Pentium4 2 66r2.8GHz Pentium4 2.66/2.8GHz $6691689 P4 650(3.4G)/660(3.60) $979/1129 PontlumD Dual 805(2.66G) $ 9 7 9 $559/609 P4 630(3.0GjI640(3.2G) P4 630(3.0G)1640(3.2G) $7491789 PentiumD 805 2.66 12.8 $8391919 PontlumD 820 2.8 /3.0 $1059/1119 Foxconn 661FX7MI-S Motherboard Asus P5SD2-X Motherboard Asus P5VD1-X Motherboard Asus P5RD1-VM Motherboard ' (Sr75.800Autz F38.3-ATADDR400) (3776300MHz F33,3-ATAPAID,PCI•E) ($775. S-ATARAID,AGPax, PCI-Express) (5775G-ATA,RAID.DDR2PCI-Espress) 256MB Pc3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM WD 80GB 7200rpm 8M Cache HD. WD 80GB 7200rpm 8M Cache HD. 200GB 7200rpm 16MB S-ATA HD. 250GB 7200rpm 16MB S-ATA HD. Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive SIS Mirage Video Upto 64M 0/B ATI X300 PCI-E video upto128M 0 nVidia GF6500 PCI-E 256WTV/DVI nVidia GF6600GT PCI-E 256M/TV/DVI Open AGP 8x Slot LG GSA-4167B 16xDVDtRW Open PCI-Express 16x Slot LG GSA-4167B 16xDVDtRW Sony CRX230 52x32x52 CD-RW (4-in-1 Drive, Duel Layer DVD Burner) (4-In-1 Drive, Dual Layer DVD Burner) LG-4167B 16xDVDtRW dual layer 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B 5.1 Channel 3D Sound Card 0/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B Logitech premium desktop keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0113 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B Edifier R251 6pc 5.1 Speaker Tsunami 118A Speakers 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofer 0 G -1015e Speakers w/ Subwoofer 17-LG 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1 17- Philips 107T Flat CRT Monitor 17"LG 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1 171G 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1 SOLERIA-2200
SOLERIA-6 2 0 0
Acer AS1642VVLMI Centrino1.73G/512M/80G/15.47FT/56K/LAN/WirelessLAWDVD-RW/XP-Home S9991 - v 44025-Tlie Acer 5672WLMI DUO 1.666,100G8,1.0G DDR2 667.15.4'WXGA,DVD+-RW1.3M Camora,XP-Home...1449 Asus A632 Mypal Pocket PC w/GPS/Bluetooth/North America navigation map/free 256M SD card6 5 9 oOrtonInternet0 Security 200G$ 3 2 . 9 Asus W5AE Centrino-1.8G/512M/100G/12.VWXGA/DVD-CDRW/56K/LAN/WLAN/Bluetooth/XP-H1 8 9 9 (Norton AntlVirus 2006 + FIrowall+Ant1Spam) Fujitsu C1320DA Centrino-1.73G/256M/80G/15.47FT/DVD-CDRW56K/LAN/WLAN-g/XP-H1 0 7 9 WD 80G 7200rpm EM cache Hard Drive...56.9 HP PZ093UAIABA Nw8240 PM760-2.0G/15.4' WSXGA/1.0G/80G/DVD +/- RW/56k/LANNVLAN/XPP 2349 Epson CX3810 3 -In-1 Printer($20 MIR)....74.9 Toshiba PTM30C-KK801E Cenbino-2.0G/512W80G/DVDRW/14.1"TFT/56K/LAN/ WLAN/XP-Pro2 3 5 9 LG-4167B 16XDVDtRW DL. w/softwaro....43.9 LG-LW40-S3MU1 Centrino-1.73G/80G/512M/14.1'WXGAIDVD-RW/56k/LAN/WLAN/2.7kgD(P-H1 2 4 9 LG-LW20-3BDU1 Centrino-1.73G/60G/512M/12.1WXGA/DVD-RW/56k/LAWWLAN/4 lbs/XP-Pro 1899 LG 1951S 19"LCD Monitor 12ms 500:1 297.9 PC2700 200pin DDR 512M/1 OG.$ 6 4 1 1 4 4 Bluetooth adaptor/USB IRDA Bridge 29/29 LG 1751S 17"LCD Monitor 12ms 550:1 239.9 PC4200 DDR2 200pin 512M/1.0G6 9 / 1 2 9 External USB 1.44 Floppy Drive3 9 n V i d l a GF6500 PCI-E 256M/7V-out/DV'7 4 . 9 144Pin SDRAM 128/256/512M3 9 / 5 5 / 1 2 5 Macintosh Desktop 8 Notebook Memory full Ilne..call K i n g s t o n USB2.0 Drive 512M/1.0G....34.9/58.44 Encore wireless LAN 54Mb USI3/PCMCIA...39/392.5- Hard Drive 5400RPM 40/60/80G7 9 . 9 / 1 0 2 / 1 1 9 I M E E = M i l 1 1 1 1 = 1 . 1 1 0 Tvlic3rosoft Works Suite 2006$ 6 9 . 9 18' Case USB2.0 front 350w/450w Dual Fan$ 2 9 / 4 8 AMD S462 Sempron oem 2400/2600/3000..98/1051119 Windows 2000 Professional 1 7 9 AMD AthlonXP OEM 2600/2800/32001 4 9 / 1 6 9 / 1 8 9 Sony 1.44M Floppy Drive .. 1 4 Windows XP Home/Pro/64 Bit1 0 5 / 1 5 5 / 1 6 9 Sempron64Blt 2600/2800/3100/330085/94/119/139 Removeable hard drive rack ATA133 w/fen1 4 . 9 WlndowsXP Media cen1re2005/controller..144/54 AMD Athlon64 64bit 5754 3000/34001 3 9 / 2 0 9 9 MS Office 2003 Student 8 Teacher Edition1 5 9 Hard dove Cooling fan kit.1 Athlon64 S939 3000/3200/3700/3800..162/189/249/334 AMD Ballbeanng CPU Fan1 5 / 1 9 / 2 5 / 3 5 Office 2003 SBE/Professional2 7 9 / 3 6 5 Athlon64 5939 4000/FX57/FX603 9 9 / 9 5 9 / 11 6 9 Power supply AT/ATX/400W2 9 / 2 7 / 3 9 Windows SBS 2003 Server w/5CAL5 4 9 AMD Athlon64X2 dual 3800/4200/4400338/409/529 Dual Fan Power supply 450W4 4 Win2003 Server Standard w/SCAL8 2 9 AMD Athlon64X2 dual core 4600/4800 629/729 9 MS Optical Mouse/Internet Keyboard1 3 / 1 8 Antec SP-450 Ultra quit 450W Power supply8 Tlsonic ATX-460.102DF 460W quit Power Supply 69 Celeron D315(2.26Gy325(2.5Gy335(2.8G)6 9 / 8 8 / 9 7 MS Keyboard Multimedla/Natural2 2 / 3 1 CL- 0336(2.80y341(2.90yD346(3.0G)8 4 / 9 9 / 1 1 8 Tisonic Micro ATX Power supply4 4 MS Internet Keyboard+Optical Mouse2 9 P4 1M Cache 2.4/2.8/3.0/3.2/3.4...139/169/224/265/359 MS Natural Multi Keyboard+Optical Mouse 4 4 Enerrnax Nolsetake EG701AX-VE(W) SFMA 600W..169 P4 S775 1M 64b1t 506(2.660)/511(2.80)1 2 8 / 1 4 2 Enermax Nolsetake EG495P-VE SFMA 485W9 9 MS Wireless Keyboard+Optical Mouse4 9 P4 CyberPower UPS w/software 425/525/650VA.....59/75/89 2M Cache S775 630(3.0G)/640(3.26).... 1 9 9 / 2 4 8 P4 S775 650(3.4Gy660(3.6G)/670(3.86)...309/465/699 AeroCool Products Full Linec a l l Pentium D Dual Core 805(2.660)/820(30)1 6 4 / 2 4 8 USB 2.0 PCI Adapter$ 2 8 CD/DVD-ROM/RIRW Pentium D Dual Core 830(3GY840(3.2G)3 0 5 / 4 0 9 Enhanced PCI Printer Port Adapter 1/2 Port..... 25/29 LG/Samsung 52xCD-ROM1 8 . 9 9 Pentium D dual core 920(2.80)1930(30) 299/385 IEEE 1394 (Firewire) PCI Adaptor 4 ports2 6 LG 16X DVD-ROM2 4 . 9 Pentium D dual core 940(3.20)/950(3.40)5 0 9 / 7 4 9 IEEE 1394 (Firewire) PCI Adaptor w/Cable3 4 Sony CRX230ED 52x32x52 CD-RW w/software2 7 . 9 PC 133 SDRAM 12812561512M3 2 / 4 8 / 8 5 PCI Serial Adaptor 2 port w/16C550 UART2 9 DayteK/Daewoo P80L DVD Player all formats6 9 39/56 Removable Hard Drive Rack IDE/S-ATA.....14.9/24.9Daytek JDP-830 portable DVD player 8' wide screen.229 PC-133 SDRAM 16 chips 128/256M 24.9/41.9/84 2.5' Notebook HD to 3.5' HD IDE Adapter 1 1 . 9 Daytek DVR-P30 DVD Recorder Progressive Scan....159 DDR PC3200 256/512M/1.0G 3 5 / 4 9 / 9 9 USB Data Cable For Digital Camera1 5 LG GSA-4167B dual layer 16xDVDt.RW w/soft ware.43.9 DDR2 PC4200 256/512M/1.OG USB Data Cable For Mp3 Player1 5 UteOn SOHW-1693S Dual Layer 16xDVDIRW4 8 . 9 OCZ DDR PC3200 1.0G(2x512M)Dual Channel 101109 USB 2.0 Gold-Plated Printer Cable retail box1 1 D V R 1 1 0 D dual layer16XDVDtRW soltware 45.9 OCZ DDR2 DDR PC3200 149 OCZ PC42002.OG(2x1.OG)Dual 1.0G(2x512m)dualChannel channel101.229Plext klt.119 USB 2.0 Cable Printer/Extension7 / 7 159 OCZ DDR2 PC4200 2.0G(2x1G)dual channel klt.....239 USB to Parallel Printer Port Cable Adapter2 9 Plextor 716SA S-ATA 12X8DVDtRW w/software 35/48.9/104 Monitor Extension Cable Shield 6710715'... 12/15/19 Sony DW-030A Dual layer 16xDVDtRW software 0.29/1.949.9Kingston PC3200 256/512M/1.0G DVI Cable For Digital Monitor 6110715'1 9 / 2 5 / 2 9 Blank CD Writable/Rewritable K i n g s t9 o n USB2.0 Dive 256/256/512M/1.0G2119/34.19/....5 29/34.9/58.9 MP3 Player 256 / • / a/ : m0 : e 9 Pin Serial Cable F/F Straight/cross1 3 / 1 5 80Min 700MB 50 Pack Retail box. DIGITAL CAMERA USB 2.0 To IDE (3.5' 8 2.5') Adaptor2 9 8aDVD-R 4.70 25Pack Retail Box.1 2 . 9 9 5229/289/359/419 Power Cord for PC or Monitor2 Ritek Ridata 52s CD-R0 8 . ' 3 4 9 C a n o n A430/A530/A610/A620 Canon 580/52iS/SD30/450/550...599/559/379/379/509 S-Video Cable 6FL9 . 9 Ritek Ridata DVD-R 8X/Printable0 . 6 9 / / 5 Casio EX-P505/700/5500/5600469/74491/46299//47299 40/80 Pin IDE Data Cable3 / 5 Ritek Ridata 4XDVD-RW E X 80 Pin Round IDE Data Cable7 Ritek Ridata 8.50 Daul Layer 2.4X 6 9 9 Casio -Z55/Z120/Z750 2 9 . 3 4 Fuyfilm E510/E900/5900Z 289/519/789 Parallel Port Printer Cable7 KEYBOARD/MOUSE Olympus FE110/FE120/5600/5800249/289/339/469 Serial ATA (SATA) Power Cable3 BenQ P010 Keyboard/Aopen Wheel mouse9 6 / 9 Samsung DM-A6/A7/A400/DMV70349/399/209/559 KVM 3-in-1 6' Cable9 . 9 Sony DSCP200/DSCWS/DSCW74 2 9 / 3 4 9 / 4 1 9 KVtA Switch rnaual 2 Port/4 Port w/o cable1 9 / 2 2 PS/2 Chinese Keyboard 9 9 / 9 9 Sony DSCH1/DSCTI/DSCT54 9 9 / 4 7 9 / 4 1 9 Unksys Digital KVM HotKey w/cable 2/4port 59/89 Fujitsu Keyboard 8729/47261 EUSSO UKS8204-DO 4 port USB KVM Switch...129 HP 5302H USB Multimedia Keyboard w/2 USB port.1 9 Compact Flash 256/5125/1.002 9 . 9 / 3 9 . 9 / 6 4 . 9 Logitech Multimedia Keyboard/Black 15/17 Compact Flash 80X 5125/1.00/2.00.0612.0G 48/75/119 EUSSO UKS8104-R0 4 port KVM Stackable1 5 9 Logitech Premium Desktop(keyboard+wireless mouse).29 Memory stick Pro Duo 256/5125/1.004 5 / 6 4 / 8 5 USB Printer connect to Parana! port adapter2 9 Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse1 2 Multimedia 256/5125/1.003 4 / 4 9 / 8 5 ST Lab S-ATA PCI Ada• ter w/RAID su••• rt.3 9 Logitech MX310 Optical Mouse w/6 button 32 RS-Multimedia dual voltage 5125/1.005 9 / 1 0 5 UPGRADE SPECIAL $ 1 4 9 Logitech Cordless LX700 rechargeable Mouse+K.13-.84.9 Secure digital 51211.0G/2.003 2 . 9 / 5 2 . 9 / 9 7 . 9 Free Installation Logitech Cordless MX1000 rechargeable Laser Mouse..79 Secure digital 80x 512/1.0G/2.0G(150X)4 4 / 6 4 / 1 1 9 ECSKM400-M2MBw/ AIM AthlonXP2800s CPU/ Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3100 KB 8 Mouse1 3 9 Secure digital Mini 256W512W1.0G.. 2 9 . 9 / 3 9 / 6 9 101100MbLAN/ATA133/SATAJ3D Audio/ Logitech Cordless MX 5000 Bluetooth KB 8 Mouse1 5 5 Transflash 512M5 9 Upto1841813AGP8X Uhl. (OpenAGP8s slot) Logitech Cordless Internet Pro desktop Mouse-KB4 4 ) 0 -picture Card 256/5125/1.004 9 / 7 5 / 1 0 5
P h o n e : 6 0 4 - 5 9 9 - 8 7 8 5 # 1 1 1 6 - 7 3 1 8 1 3 7 t h St. Fax: 6 0 4 - 5 9 9 - 8 7 5 8 S u r r e y , B C , C a n a d a Tech: 6 0 4 - 5 9 9 - 8 7 4 5 V 3 W 1 A 3
Mon-Fri. 1 0 a m - 6 : 3 0 p m ; Business Hours: Saturday 1 0 a m - 6 : 0 0 p m ; Sunday&Holidays C l o s e d . AMD Sompron 2600/2800+ $629/649 AMD Athlon64 64E111 Socket 939 CPU A M D A t h l o n 6 4 64BIt S o c k e t 939 C P U AMD Sompron 3000/3100+ $669/689 Athlon64 3000+/3200+ $ 8 0 9 / 8 3 9 Athlon64 3000+13200+ $9491979 AMD Athlon64 3000+ $ 6 8 9 Athlon64 3700+/3800+ $91911009 Athlon64 3700+13800+ $104911139 AMD Athlon64 3400+ $ 7 5 9 Athlon64x2 3800/4200+ 1 0 1 9 / 1 0 8 9 Athlon64x2 3800/4200+ $114911219 Asus ABN5X Motherboard Asus K8U-X Motherboard Asus A8S-X Motherboard (800MHz FSB,RAID,SATA.AGP8x) Dual-Channel,PCI-Express,RAID,SATAJ(nForce4,Dual ChannekRAID.SATAPCI-E) 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM WD 80GB 7200rpm 8M Cache HD. 200GB 7200rpm16MB S-ATA HD. 250GB 7200rpm 16MB S-ATA HD. Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive ATI 9200 video Card 128m/TV-out nVIdla GF6500 PCI-E 256M/TV/DVI nVIdla GF6600GT PCI-E 256M/TV/DVI LG GSA-4167B 16xDVD±RW LG GSA-4167B 16xDVDtRW LG GSA-4167B 16xDVD±RW (4-In-1 Drive. Dual Layer DVD Burner) (4-1n-1 Drive, Dual Layer DVD Burner) (4-In-1 Drive, Dual Layer DVD Burner) 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0 / B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B Logitech premium desktop keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse 1 T P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18- P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 18" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B Edifier R251 6pc 5.1 Speaker 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofer 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofer 17"LG 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1 171G 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1 1TLG 1751S LCD Panel 12ms 550:1
Systems c o m e w i t h 3 y e a r s l a b o r, 1 y e a r p a r t w a r r a n t y ; o p t i o n o f 1 m o n t h f r e e I n t e r n e t a c c e s s . All n o w s y s t e m s aro t a s t e d 8. b u r n e d -In f o r 48 h o u r , b e f o r e s h i p p i n g . F i n a n c i n g a n d t e a s i n g are available. P r i c e s reflect a 3% c a s h d i s c o u n t a n d S r. s u b Oct to c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . P r l u s e ff e c t i v e A •0 3 •- A r . 3 0
AND Sempron 2800/2800+ $4391459 AMD Sompron 300013100+ 5479/499 AND Athlon64 3000+ 5 4 9 9 AMD Athlon64 3400+ 5 5 6 9 Asus K8V-MX/B Motherboard (S-ATA,RAID,AGP 8X,1394 Flrewlre) 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM WD 80GB 7200rpm 8M Cache HD. Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive S3UnIChrome Video Upto 64M 0/B Open AGP8x slot & 1394 Firewire Sony CRX230 52x32x52 CD-RW 6 Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouvse 18* P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B Tsunami 118A Speakers 17" Philips 1071 Flat CRT Monitor SOLERIA- 120CI
° L E R iA-7 2 0 0
I : = 2 2 M E I M O IMMDTHER6OARO $14 ASUS (S418( P4P800-SE/P4S800D-X $118/78 Aopen V.92 56K PCl/Hardware voice 5 1 9 / 3 5 Encore 4-Channel PCI Sound Card 85/96/105 U S R PCI 58k Hardware Modem5 9 Creative SBAudigy SE 7.1/Audigi 2 Value 5.13 5 / 5 9 ASUS P5VD1-XJP5SD2-X/P5P800 SE $94/99 U S R 56k V.90 PCI Win ModeernNolce2 2 / 2 5 Creative SB X-FI Xtremmusic Retail box1 4 4 ASUS P5P800-MX/PSRD1-VM Creative SB X-FI Platinum Retail box2 0 8 1 . 1 1 = M M I l l ASUS P5PL2JP5LD2/P5LD2-Deluxe1 2 5 / 1 4 5 / 1 9 2 CNet 10/100Mb Switch 5/8/16 Port 522/32/74 Creative SB X-FI Fatality box2 9 8 ASUS P5LD2NWP5RD1-VM1 3 5 / 9 5 CNetCWP-854 Wireless-G 54Mb PCI Adepto4 5 Creative SB X-FI Elite Pro2 24b117.1 Retail box4 2 9 ASUS P5WD2JP5WD2-Premium1 9 8 / 2 4 4 Impression 10/100Mb Ethernet Card 9 0G-1015 w/subwoofer/Tsunami 118A 13/6 ASUS P5VVD2-E-Premium2 7 5 29/39 .ASUS P5ND2-SLI/P5ND2-SU-Deluxe1 2 5 / 1 9 5 3COM 3C905TX 10/100MB PCI Networking card3 8 Altec Lansing 121/Edifier R251 Encore PCMCIA 56K FAX Modem Card bus3 9 Creative I-TRIGUG 3400 9 9 ASUS P5N32-SLI-Deluxe2 4 4 Encore Wireless LAN 54Mb USB/PCUPCMCIA. 39/39/39 Logitech X530 I I. . . I I 6 5 / 2 9 9 ASUS P5MT/P5GD2-X3 4 9 / 1 2 8 STORAGE/CONTROLLER D-Link 4 port Router DI604/D1704UP printer serve..44/74 ASUS (S754) K8U-X/K8V-MX/136 9 / 7 9 13-Link DWL-G630 54Mb PCMCIA LAN Wireless5 1 PATA (IDE) 7200RPM Hard Drive with 2MB buffer cache: ASUS (S754) K8S-MX/KBN8 5 / 8 5 ASUS (S939)A8V-MXJA8V/A8S-X7 9 / 9 9 / 8 8 D-Unk Wireless DI-524 Router 802.11G 54Mb5 9 . 9 Samsung 80G 7200 rpm Hard drive 3 yr warranty....56.9 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-0510 54Mb5 3 PATA (IDE) 7200RPM Hard Drive with 8MB buffer cache: ASUS S939 ABN-E/A8N-SLUA8N•SLI-DX...122/142/189 4 80/160/200/250/30065 8 . 9 / 8 5 . 9 / 9 6 . 9 / 1 0 5 / 1 4 5 ASUS 5939 A8N5YJA8N-SLI-Premium1 0 9 / 2 0 8 D-Unk WIrelessG DI-624 Router 108Mb7 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-6520 108Mb6 2 ATA EIDE 7200rpm Hard Drive with 16MB buffer cache: ASUS S939 A8N32-SLI-Deluxe2 3 4 D-Llnnk wireless LAN PCMCIA DWL-0650 108Mb5 9 250/300/40061 0 8 / 1 3 7 / 2 4 8 ECS KM400-M2/P800-M25 9 / 5 9 7 SATA 8M 80/160/200/250/300664.9/88/106/112/139 ECS KNI SLI Extreme S939 SATA2 1394 Flrewlre...119Linksys WMP54G wireless PCI network card6 Linksys WUSB54G wireless USB card6 8 SATA 16M 200/250/300/400G1 0 8 / 1 1 5 / 1 3 9 / 2 4 9 eVGA nForce4 SLI EdlUon RAID S-ATA29 9 Linksys WPCS4G wireless PCMCIA card6 4 WD400YR 400G S-ATA 16M R. Edition Syr warranty..269 Foxconn K7S 741GXMG S4626 4 Linksys WRT54G 4 port wireless router6 9 SCSI Hard Drive c a l l Foxconn 861FX7MI-S 5775 800MHz FSB S-ATA.6 9 9 C = E M I N I N D MSI 915P Combo-FR/915P Neo2 Platlum1 2 9 1 1 8 6 SMC7004VBR-CA 4 Port Router wffirewall4 9 Asus EN-7900GT 256M/7900GTX 512M3 7 9 / 6 1 9 198 SMCWPCI-G Wireless-G 54Mb PCI Adaptor4 MSI 945P Neo-PlaUum 1 5 / 6 ATI-Sapphire Radeon 9200 128M w/TV-ouL3 6 . 9 MSI K8N NE04-Platium/NE04-Platlum SLI1 5 9 / 2 1 9 Cable Assembly 3/6/10 4 Gigabyte GA-81945P-GIGA-81915P-DUO1 2 9 / 1 0 5 Cable Assembly 25/50/75/1000 9 / 1 4 / 1 9 / 2 4 ATI Radeon 9250 128M wfTV-out/DVI 4 4 . 9 CAT6e Cable 50/75/100/1000ft 9 / 1 2 / 1 9 / 2 9 ATI 9550 DDR w/TV-out/DVI 128M/256M6 9 / 7 8 Gigabyte GA-81946P-Pro1 5 8 f a i E L M E M E M B A T I - S a p p h i r e 9600XT 256M DDR w/DVI/TV-out 119.9 Gigabyte GA-G1975X2 9 8 Gigabyte GA-KBNP N S C - 9 3 9 1 4 4 / 9 2 Canon IP 1600/2200/4200/5200$ 6 9 / 8 9 / 1 5 9 / 2 0 9 ATI PCI-E 256M TV-out DVI 1300/1600Pro1 0 9 / 1 3 9 Canon IP8210D/IP6600D/i9900/iP90 139/299/569/385 ATI-Sapphire X1600XT PCI-E 256M. TV-out, DVI1 8 9 Acer LCD 17' AL1716B/AL1717BBMD5 2 4 5 / 2 8 9 Epson C66/C88/P1280S/P20006 9 / 9 9 / 4 4 9 / 6 2 9 ATI-Sapphire PCI-E 512M,TV-out,DVI X1900XT5 4 9 Acer 19' LCD AL1916B/1916W3 0 9 / 2 9 9 Epson CDs/DVDs printer R220/340/8001 2 8 / 2 2 9 / 4 5 9 ATI-Sapphire PCI-E 512M,TV-ouLDVI X1900XTX 629 Acer F e r r a r i F20/24' AL2416WD7 0 8 / 1 2 3 5 Epson 3-In-1 after Mall In rebate' CX3810/4200 75199* ATI X800 GTO PCI-E 256M DDR3 TV-out DVI1 8 9 Acer 26' AT2871W/32*AT3201W8 4 5 / 1 2 2 5 Epson All-In-One CX4200/5800F/78001 2 9 / 1 9 9 / 2 1 5 ATI-Sapphire X800 GTO2 256M DDR3 VIVO DVI2 1 9 Acer 3T AT3705-DTV 1920x1080 LCD TV1 8 6 5 HP All-in-one 1410/1510/1610/7410109/135/159/659 ATI TV-out DVI X300se 128M/X700se 256M....65/109.9 Daewoo/Daytek 15 WTN15E2 LCD TV monitor..359 Full Line Ink Cartridge & Refill Klt.C a l l ATI All-in-wonder AGP 2006 Edition PCI-E 256M2 2 9 Daewoo 1TLCD HL7105 8ms/500:12 5 8 Brother MFC 210C/420CN/640CW1 4 8 / 1 8 9 / 2 7 9 ATI All-in-wonder AGP 2006 Edition AGP8x 256M....228 Daytek19'F19DH LCD VGA/DVI 12ms speaker 309 Brother Laser HL-2030 17ppm 2400dp11 2 5 ATI AIW PCI-E 256M X800XL/X1800XL3 4 9 / 4 5 8 Daytek LCD Touch Screen 15/1T5 9 9 / 7 6 9 Brother Laser HL 2070N1 9 9 eVGA GEFORCE 66000T 128M DDR3 AGP1 7 5 Daytek DT-3220 32' LCD-TV PIP 1000:11 1 8 9 Brother laser HL-5250DW7050/7050N3 3 9 / 8 8 9 / 1 0 1 9 eVGA GEFORCE 6600GT 128M DDR3 PCI-E1 6 8 Daytek EPT-4202AN 42' Plasma MonitorTIV :1789 Brother HL-8050N/8050TN/8050DTN1169/1389/1729 eVGA GEFORCE 6800GS 256M AGP/PCI-E2 5 8 / 2 2 9 LG 17" L17513 550:1 TCO2003 12ms2 3 9 . 9 HP Iaserjet1020 15ppm 600dpl Laser Printer1 7 9 eVGA 256M DDR3 PCI-E 7800GT/7800GTX3 3 5 / 5 3 4 LG 1732TX Dual Analog/DIgital 4ms 1400:12 8 8 Okidata Laser E14100/134250B/E14350B1 8 9 / 2 6 9 / 3 4 9 eVGA PCI-E 256M 7900GT/7900GTX 512M3 7 8 / 6 3 8 • LG 17' L17800 500:1 Dual Analog/Digital, 8ms 289 Okidata Color Laser C5150N/C54006 0 9 / 9 4 9 Forsa AGP8X FX5500 TV-out DVI 128M/256k16 8 / 7 5 LO 19' L1950SQ 700:1 8ms3 0 5 Okidata Color Laser C5400N/C7550N1 1 6 9 / 2 2 9 9 Forsa AGP8X GF6200 TV-out DVI 128M/256M7 4 / 7 9 LEI 19" L19518 500:1 1CO2003 12ms2 9 9 Okidata DOT Martrix 1868/186BS/320TP309/369/399 Forsa PCI-E GF6500 TV-out DVI 256M DDR27 4 . 9 LG 1932TX Dual Analog/Digital 4ms 1400:13 6 4 Okidata DOT Martha 390T/395/4204 1 9 / 1 3 1 9 / 4 3 9 Forsa PCI-E GF6600 TV-out DVI 128/256M9 4 / 1 0 9 LG 20.1' L2012P 700:1 18ms7 1 9 Samsung Laser ML1610/2251N/35609 9 / 2 6 8 / 4 9 9 Forsa PCI-E GF66000T TV-out DVI 256M DDR2....154 LG 23' L2300C/32' L3200A.1 7 2 5 / 1 9 9 5 Samsung color laser Pnnter CLP510/5504 3 9 / 739 GV-/NX66T128D 6600GT 128M DDR3/TV-out/DVI...169 LG 42' L4200A1600x1200 1000:1 12ms3 5 9 5 Samsung SCX-4521F Flatbed prInt/scankopy/FAx...329 GV-RX19X512VB X1900XTX 512M/TV-out/DVI6 7 9 7 . 9 Philips 17' CRT Tube Flat 107761 2 5 Samsung Toner Cartridge 171003/2150087 9 / 1 7 9 Leadtek Fx5200 128M TV-out.4 Leadtek GF7800GT PCI-E 256M w/TV-out/DVI3 6 8 Samsung 17' 740N LCD 600:1 8ms2 5 9 Brother, HP, Okidata Toner Cartridgec a l l Leadtek GF7800GTX PCI-E 256M wfTV-outIDVI5 8 9 Samsung 17' LCD TV 710MPII 16ms4 8 9 Epson photo scanner 3490/3590/4490PH134/199/309 Samsung 19' 920N 8ms 700:13 2 5 HP Scanner 4370C/4860C/8200C1 4 7 / 1 9 5 / 6 6 9 Leadtek GF6600GT 128M DDR3 PCI-E/AGP1 6 4 / 1 7 5 Matrox 0550 32M DH/Parhelia 128/256M...134/438/728 Samsung LCD 740B Dual Analog/Digital 2 8 9 MSI RX1900XT VT2D512E 512M DVI VIVO6 2 9 Samsung LCD 9408 HAS hight *stable 8ms 389 McAfee Virusscan 2006 Ver.105 1 9 Samsung LCD 940BF Analog/DVI 2ms 700:14 5 5 McAfee Internet Security Suite 2006 39 MSI 256M VIVO DVIINX7800GT/7800GTX3 6 9 / 5 7 5 TV Tuner w/Remote3 9 Sony LCD S75ABIS95AB3 2 5 / 5 2 8 Norton Antivirus 20062 8 . 9 Asus Myclnema-P7131 TV Tuner wIRemote5 9 Sony LCD $75DBIS95DB3 9 8 / 5 4 8 Norton Internet Security 20063 2 9 ViewSonlc G220F/G225FB5 4 9 / 4 7 9 (Norton Antivirus 2006 + Flrewell•Antl-Spem+Antl-Popup)All TV-Wonder Pro/Elite/HDTV Wonder9 9 / 1 4 5 / 1 4 9 Leadtek TV Tuner TV2000XP Expert w/remote7 9 VIewSonic 17" VA702B/19' VA902B2 4 9 / 3 0 9 Norton Ghost 10.05 9 Leadtek WinFast PVR2000 TV Tuner MCE 20059 9 ViewSonic LCD 17' VG720NP720B3 5 5 / 3 5 5 Symantec PC Anywhere Ver.113 9 _SapphireTheetrix 550 Pro Ty Tuner FWRemote..99/119 2 9 .ViewSoniC LCD. VP2030BNP21.3Q66 8 9 / 8 3 9 Sole! VVerdpefect
Digital Imaging
D V, o r N o t D V Video, for pleasure and for business
restaurants, banquet halls and conference facilities, recreational activities
TV is usually described as an entertainment medium; watching video is
and summer camps, retail sales and the arts - photographers and
normally a leisure activity. Leaving aside matters of content quality and
videographers, naturally, but painters, sculptors and performing artists, too.
delivery platform for just one moment, we know that most viewing is for
(I'm sure there are more unique ideas out there, and I'd love to hear about
pleasure, not for business. But not always. Sole proprietors, SOHO (small office, home office) workers
how you use video in your business; write to me using the email address at the end of this article.)
and enterprise employees alike can use digital media techniques and
But no matter what the business, the goals are the same: Increased sales.
technologies to boost their business and achieve greater success. Digital
Enhanced marketing and promotion. Reduced travel time. Better customer
video, and the many new ways it's acquired, packaged and distributed, can
communications and end-user support. Always-on product availability.
be particularly helpful. Video presents many advantages as a marketing and communications tool.
More effective training and development. Engaging new product launches and announcements.
Defining your company's unique selling points to the marketplace is crucial
Whatever your business, and whatever the objectives you have for it,
to its growth and success, and video can be used to deliver that message
another key benefit of video is its portability. Even when videocassettes
over and over again, with regularity and dependability. Video has great
(remember VHS, much less 3/4-inch?) were the norm, it was relatively easy
emotional impact, and so can be used to build a meaningful relationship with
to carry video programming around - although carrying a TV was not!
the customer. It can also be used to present detailed information and step-
Now, portable media devices, like the iPod and many other products that
by-step instruction, and so is a tremendous tool for product demonstration
combine a liquid crystal display (LCD) and a miniature storage device (be it
and service support. Whether a small home-based operation, a store-front business or a major
hard drive, memory card or optical disk), make carrying a screen just as easy as carrying the content.
multi-national, video can help different businesses in different ways. I've
I've been playing with an iPod remote docking station from Marware, for
met with people working in all kinds of companies that use video in some shape, manner or form: real estate, travel and tourism, construction,
example, that's used to connect an iPod to a TV or home theatre system. The iPod is nice, but photos, videos and music can be presented to greater effect o n larger screens and bigger stereos using Marware's simple cable connections. [Even S-video, for higher quality viewing, i s supported). Such docking devices are small, lightweight and easy to carry around. In the case of the Marware unit, its USB connection means content can be downloaded from a computer to the iPod, and that the iPod can be charged, quickly and easily. The Wolverine MVP 9000, another portable media player now o n t h e market, combines t h e audio/video/ photo playback portability o f the iPod with memory card compatibility, a voice recorder, and USB connectivity t o a 60GB or 9068 internal hard drive. The Wolverine, too, can be connected to TV
Marware iPod cable connection
or stereo systems, but it also comes in a unique traveling case with its own builtin speaker, h a n d y f o r desktop o r boardroom table presentations to small groups of people. Perhaps portable media players are not seen a s a critical component o f business operation, but how about the phone? There are not many companies without telephone capability, and that also m e a n s t h e r e ' s n o t m a n y companies without video capability. Cell phones, as we all know, have been imbued with any number of additional
BC 4
- L E : p g i t e l Livhg - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Sectaon - A p r i l 2 0 0 8
Digital Imaging capabilities and functions beyond simply sharing the spoken word. Photo-
So, phones are morphing into cameras, but they are also becoming
taking and video-making, in particular, turn the phone into a Swiss Army
scanners, in the sense that new functions anticipated to appear in wireless
Knife of the media world.
cell phones include the ability to capture metadata from objects all around us
Now, a new Xcute GSM phone from Texas Instruments may even surpass
That data can be visible, like a barcode or the TR" codes popular in Japan,
the capabilities of many cameras, much less phones. It's described as the
or it could be invisible, such a s "steganographic" information, which
first 8-megapixel GSM phone in the world, and it features built-in audio and
involves hiding or encoding digital information in a photographic image. It is
video codecs to allow playback and recording of MP3, WMA, MPEG-4 and
invisible t o the human eye b u t extractable b y complex algorithms
DivX video files. Video can be recorded in real-time (up to 30 frames per
embedded in the camera phone.
second) at resolutions up to 640 x 480. Digital imagery from the phone can be viewed on computers, TVs, or other compatible handheld devices.
One company, scanR, lets the camera phone be used as a scanner, copier and fax machine. Nextcode offers free downloadable software that reads
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AMD SEMPRON 64 2 6 0 0 + A M D Athlon 64 3 0 0 0 + MSI K6M500-M2 MB A S U S KEV-MX MB 512MB PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM 5 1 2 M B PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM Video/Lan/Sound V i d e o / L a n / S o u n d 80GB 720Orpm HD 8 0 GB 7 2 0 0 r p m H D 1 7 ' ATX Tower W/350w USE 1 7 ' ATX Tower W/350W USB 16X DVD Writer 1 6 X DVD Writer
AMD Athlon 64 3 2 0 0 + A M D 3 8 0 0 + D u a l Core M O N T H L Y S P E C I A L MSI KBN NEO4-F MB A s u s ABN-SLI M B CD STORAGE (510P) $39 512MB PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM 1 0 2 4 M B PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM CREATIVE P580 SPEAKER $79 ATI Radeon X300SE 256MB N V I D I A 7600GT 2 5 6 M B MEMOREX EXT. 16X DVD-RW $89 80GB 7200rpm HD 2 5 0 G B 7200rpm HD ATI 92005E 128MB V/C $39 18" ATX Tower W/350W USB 1 8 ' ATX Tower W/350W USE L O G I T E C H Mx5000 LASER MOUSE 16X DVD Writer 1 6 X DVD Wilier c I S K E Y B O A R D $ 1 4 9
ri.<11 r V iATI d eRadeon o Card 9250 128MB AGP $45 6SE ATI Radeon 9550 256MB AGP $79 ATI Raaeon 9600xt 256MB AGP $135 All listed prices reflected 3% cash discountea. System warranty: 1 year ports & 3years labour j N x 6 2 0 0 I 28MB AGP $89 NX6600GT 1211MB AGP $189 Intel Celeron 2.8GHZ Intel P4 64Blt 3.0GHZ Intel P 4 64Bit 3.4GHZ A T I X3005E 256MB PCI-E Intel P4 LG775 2.8GHZ $79 ASUS P5LD2 ME ECS P4M800-M7 MB ASUS P5LD2 MB MSI PMEM2-V MB ATI M O G I ° 256MB PCI-E $ 2 4 9 1024MB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 512ME PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM 512MB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 All X1300X1 256/512MB PCI-E $129/3159 512MB PC- 3 2 0 0 DDR RAM ATI X1800XL 256MB PC1-E $ 4 2 9 Video/Lan/Sound ATI Radoon X300SE 256MB ATI X800GTO 256MB Video/Lan/Sound NVIDIA 6200 128MB PCI-E $ 8 9 250GB 7200rpm H D 80GB 7200rpm HD 80GB 7200rpm HD 80GB 720Orpm HD 17" ATX Tower W/350w USB 18" ATX Tower W/350W USB 1 6 ' ATX Tower W/350W USB NNIDIA 6600 LE 256MB PCI-E $ 1 3 9 17" ATX Tower W/350W USE NVIDIA 6600GT 128MB PCI-E $ 1 7 9 16X DVD Writer 16X DVD Writer 16X DVD Writer 16X DVD Writer NVIDIA 7600GT 256MB PCI-E $ 2 3 9 NVIDIA 7900GT 256MB PCI-E $ 3 9 9 NVIDIA 7900GTX 256MB PCI-E $ 6 3 9
411. bib?'e stG s t
CD/DVD Drive .G CD-ROM $ 1 5 .G16XDVD-ROM $ 2 5 .5 52X32552 CD-WrItor $ 3 5 .G MICA DVD-RW 16X $ 4 9 ito-on 16X DVD-H-RW $ 4 9 ,Ito-on 52X32X62 CD-Wil $ 3 5 Nome' DVR- 1110 $ 5 2 .7.13-R/DVD-R 50P 5 1 5 / 5 1 9 :D-RW/DVD.RW $ 1 . 5 / 5 2 . 5 DVD CASE $ 0 . 5 v w w v. h u b c a r t e d e . c o m
4111110 (s)
Networking 56K V.92 Modem $20 10/100 NIC $12/515 5/8 Ports Switch $ 2 6 1 5 3 9 USB/Pcmcia NIC $ 2 9 / S 2 9 Mink 01-604 4 Port Router $ 4 5 °Link DI.524 Wireless Router $ 6 9 Linksys Wireless Router $ 6 9 Dunk Dw1-510 PCI Wireless $ 5 5 Dllnk Dw1-630 Pcmcla $ 5 9 MSIUSBWIRLESS 11G $ 3 9
Sound C a r d 6 CH SOUND CARD 5 1 8 Creative Audlgy SE $ 3 5 CroallvoAud10y4 SE $ 5 9 Creative AudIgy2 ZS 5 7 9 Creative P580 Speaker $ 7 9 Creative P7800 Speaker $ 1 0 9 $35 Logitech R-20 Speaker $49 1.09110Ch X-230 Speaker Logitech X-530 5.1 Speaker $79 518 Laotoc Gaming Headset Arid 2 0 0 8 -
C2N. A C C E S S O R I E S USBSERIAL ADAPTER $61/$85 USBPRINTER PORT $119/5159U513 MAGIC KIT $69/$99$119USB BLUETOOTH 5145/5159658 INFRA-RED $ n i s n 9USE14 PORT HUB USB CARD READER USB Flash Dr&t, U S B FLOPPY DRIVE 512MB/1G /2G $451$65ise9PCI-USB 2.0 2.573.5' Enclousei USB $19/$29PCI-SER1Al. 2PORT 3.5' Enlottser USB+1394 $ 6 9 PCI-IDE RAID CARD
$25 $25 $10 $29 $29 $15 &19 $49 $19 $29 $39
Hard Drive 80/160 ATA 250/320 ATA 80/160/250 Sato 300/320 Sato 40/80 Noolbook
H U B : Digital U s i n g - B.C. L o w e r Isilamland S e c t i o n
Digital Imaging certain kinds of barcodes and allows the user to download product information, ringtones and wallpapers. Another company, Mobot, has a tool to scan and recognize photographed advertisements, products and logos, then uses visual recognition technology to provide additional product or related service information. So digital imagery and video content is becoming more and more tightly integrated into business operations and infrastructure. Previously we've spoken about many tools, techniques and technologies used to create and deliver engaging digital video content in this column. New products with new features are always coming onto the market, and a couple of new software packages are worth noting in that they directly support the notion of creating and delivering video anywhere, anytime, in almost any shape, size or flavour required. For Windows users, Wildform has released new software with the ability to capture audio and video from a camera, microphone or VTR; conversion tools for video, PowerPoint and Flash formatted files; timeline-based editing tools for assembling video, together with text, graphics, animation and sound; and a suite of drawing, flowcharting and text tools. Its output choices include motion media for the Internet, SOHO networks or corporate intranets, VTRs,CO-ROMs and mobile devices, as well as PowerPoint,PDF,HTMLand plain old paper. For the Mac world, new Compression Master software from popwire
iPod docking station
Technology supports video conversion to and from almost any format required for video, TV, portable media and or online delivery, including DV, Quicklime, MPEG, H.264, 3GPP, Flash,WMVand RealMedia. Aselection of template presets and user-selectable menu settings give full control over video encoding choices, from HD to cell phone. Frame rates, pixel aspect ratios, audio sampling, color conversions, batch processing and many more functions are supported in the program, making it a very flexible tool for packaging and delivering video-based communications, and for building your business. By Lee Rickwood Lee Rickwood operates Word On A Wire, an independent company providing editorial, media production and consulting services to individuals ano companies across North America. He can be reached at videodaze@goodmedia.com.
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1,11'''.)" f r l i : S9395PCI / 419DR / USB ! Indoor7dBiAntennai I '- I II S o u n d. Card 24,BIT et r) (a(ter 520411R) . , PCI-Express / IEEE1394 --....;, - - / T V -OUTDVI, Video $43.88 $ 5 2 . 8 8 - - d . $ 6 8 . 8 8 $ 1 5 8 . 8 8 $138.88 -r---- Alpha Shield Hardware S.oun.dW.aste - - . . . . . Samsung ML1610 a ECSP4M800-M7 (S775) r . S a p p h i r e X 1 3 0 0 PCI•E . , Firewall -Block the A u digy 2 IS L a s e r Printer .,› with S-ATA, 6 channel ) 6 ,hackers and worms ( a f t e r S30MIR) • ..; j A p e l f •512MB DDRDV1 WOUT \ ‘,-, . ' L4N, USK°, AGP8X $ 6 8 . 8 8 ‘ \` $118.88 ------1 $92.88 $ 9 9 . 8 8 $55.88 ID/so External Creative I-Trigue 3400 ....., L o g i t e c h Premium c,2.1 Speaker System ; " . K e y b o a r d + wireless . . ; . S t o r a g e CI-330U ' Speaker + Subwoofer c _ . . ) Optical Mouse , . . - : ' ( F o r IDE I v o
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- - , Samsung 740N . S a m s u n g 920N E d i f i e r M1300 - . . ) Seagate S-ATA ' 1 7 " LCD Black " 1 9 " LCD 700:1 2 . 1 Seaker System 8 0 0 7200rpm U P - Wii, 4 : 4 1 -.- 6 0 0 : 1 / Bms 1 1 . " ‘ " . 11 8 m s / Black 1 - - ) Speaker + Subwoofer ( 8 6 , 1 Buffer)
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IntelDualCore+SLIGamer D u a l ;Xeon Server Multimedia System IntelPentium0.2.6Ghz(805)-41050 Intel DualXeon2.8G$1269 A I M &Mit3000+1 5 7 2 9 ASUS P5ND2-SLI DDR-II S-ATA PCI-Express A S U S NCCH-DL DUAL 5603 (800FSB) AGP8X A S U S K8U-X S-ATA AGPBX / LAN / Sound 1024118 DDR-II 533 / 16x Dual Layer DVD+/-RV/ O C Z Dual Channel K i t DDR 10241,18 (PC3200) 1 0 2 4 11 8 DDR 400 / 16x Dual Layer DVD+/-RW S-ATA250G 720Orpm (8M) HOD / 12 in 1 Card Redear L G 4167B 1 6 x Dual Layer DVD+/-RV/ / FDD S - A T A 250G 720Orpm (801)HOD / 12 in 1 Card Redear Nvidia GeForce 6600G11 128MB DDR3 PCI-E SLI S - ATA 1600 7200rpm (811) Hard Drive RAID 0, 1 A s u s M y Cinema - P7131 T V 8 F M Card Nvidia GeForce 6600GT 128MB DDR3 PCI-E SLI S . A T A 1606 7200rpm (811) Hard Drive RAID 0, 1 A S U S Nvidia N6800XT 128MB AGPBX TV-OUT Antec S o n a t a -2 4 5 0 W T o w e r C a s e A T I Radeon9250 128118 A G P 8 X T V -OUT B l a c k 400W Tower Case with 2x USB Front Logitech Keyboard + Wireless Mouse Combo A 0 4 6 AT X Tower Case w i t h Front U S B L o g i t e c h Keyboard + Optical Mouse Combo Edifier 611300 2 . 1 Speaker + Subwoofer A T X 520W 24pin + 8 pin Server Power Supply E d i f i e r M1300 2 . 1 Speaker + Subwoofer W i t h s y s t e m o n l y : W i n d o w s 2003 Server W I 5 clients- $ 8 3 9 Keyboard . Wheel Mouse + 240W Speaker-45.95 IR VntIsSITA Lone Media Key baord .t. Optical Wheel Mouse-S11.95 Wndows P X P Home / Pro / 64M-595/$149 / $165Windows 2003 Server 5 license (add)-$185 Loved, yvir,,d Koybo„,.d . wm,,k, Optical mous,505.95 / 7 7 ..............•,•Office 2003Basic/SB/Pro-6189/1268/5355SBE.SERVER2003 Mr WITH 5USERCLIENT- $ 5 4 9 Logitech Internet Keybeard • Optical Mouse-520.95 ` - ‘ - n n u e 0l6te 103 Student & Teacher-$155 WindowsMediaCenter/WithMCConholler---5130 /5189 MS Media Keyboard 1- m s Optical Mause-425.95 $ 4 5 . 9 9
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Sompron 64b11 2800+-4295 AMD 64b1t (939) 3200+-5449 AMD 64bit (939) 3200+-5579 AMD 64b1t (939) 3200+-5719 AMD 64b1t (939) 3200+-5769 Sompron 64b11 3000+4309 AMD 64b1t (939) 3500+4499 AMD 64bit (939) 3500+$629 AMD 64b1t (939) 3500+-$769 AMD 64bit (939) 3500+4819 AMD 64b1t (754) 3000+4349 64bit Dual Core 3800+-4619 64bit Dual Core 38004-5749 64bit Dual Core 38004,-4889 64b1t Dual Core 3800+-.$939 Asia K 8 V - M X 5 . A T A A G M 256 MB DDR400 (PC3200) R A M B M 7 2 0 0 r p m H O D 52.02052 C D R W • S u l l w a r e 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e Upto 4401 Video • AOPBX S l o t Integrated 1 0 / 1 0 0 N I C Integrated 6 -Channel A u d i o 350W To w e r C o . , w / 2 0 U S B
Intel Value
A S U S M W -MX 5 - A T A A O P B X 5 1 2 M B D D R 4 0 0 (PC3200) R A M S - A T A B O G S ( B M ) 720Orpm H O D DVD-RW l a X V - Dual Layer 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e U p t o 6 4 M Video • AGPBX S M t U S B 2 . 0 I Integrated 1 0 / 1 0 0 L A N Integrated 4 -Channel A u d i o 4 0 0 W To w e r C a s e w / a U S B
A s s A B S . X S - A T A P C I - E x p r e e 1319ebyte K B U . 9 3 9 S - A T A A G P B X 1 0 2 4 M B D D R 4 0 0 (PC3200) R A M 1 0 2 4 M B D D R ( P C 3 2 0 0 ) R A M S - A T A 1 6 0 0 0 ( B M ) 72001pm H O D S - ATA 2 5 0 0 0 ( B M ) 7 2 0 0 r p m H O D D V D - R W 1 6 X 0 / - D u a l L a y e r DVD-RW l a X • / D u a l L a y e r 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e 1 . 4 4 11 0 F l o p p y D r i v e B r i d l e 6200TC/64/256 256M0 PCI-Express Roth.l 4600XT m u DDR A G M TV•OUT U S B 2 . 0 I Integrated 1 0 11 0 0 L A N U S B 2 . 0 I I n t e g r a t e d G i g a b i t N I C Integrated 0 -Channel A u d i o ' M i q u e l o n B . C h o n n e l A u d i o 4 0 0 W To w e r C o . , v , / 2 0 U S B 4 5 0 W T o w e r C e s e w / 2 0 U S B
PRO i n i f f E r l i f f n
A s s A B V - E - S E S - A T A PC1.50prem 1024 M B DDR400 (PC3200) R A M S - ATA 2 5 0 G B 7 2 0 0 m m ( B M ) H D D DVD-RW 1 6 X . 1 - D u a l L a y e r 1 . 4 4 LIB F l o p p y O u r . A l l 14500 GTO 251111 1313R3 PCI-Expren US82.0 I Integrated G O S S N I C 1010101.4 6 - C h e n n e l A u d i o 450W To w e r C a s e v o / 2 0 U S B
I n t e l Premium
Intel Celeron D 2.260-4259 Celeron D (336) 2.8G-4349 Intel LGA775 (506) 2.6G-5529 Intel Dual Cor: (305) 2.6G-4729 Intel Dual Core (805) 2.60-$799 Intel Celeron D 2.530-5279 Intel Dual Core (805) 2.664429 Intel Dual Core (805) 16G4575 Intel Dual Core (820)2.8G-4809 Intel Dual Core (820) 2.8G-$879 Intel P4 (478) 2 . 4 0 - 0 3 1 9 P4 LGA775 (630) 3.0G- I 4 5 9 Intel LGA775 (630) 3.064605 Intel Dual Core (830)3.0G-6869 Intel Dual Core (830) 3.00-5939 ECS FM400.7.12, S - A T A A G M A S U S P5V(100-MX. S . / O A , A G M A S U S P S V D 1 - X PCI.Exprose S - ATA M R O C K 75512u41-1560PrO MCI-Express A S U S P S P L 2 P C I - E s p r o s s 5 - A T A 250 M O D D R 4 0 0 (PC3200) R A M 5 1 2 M B 0 D R 4 0 0 ( P C 3 2 0 0 ) R A M 1 0 2 4 M B D D R 4 0 0 (PC3200) R A M 1 0 2 4 M B DEIR-11 P C 4 2 0 0 R A M 1 0 2 4 M B D D R - I I P C 4 2 0 0 R A M 80013 7 2 0 0 r p m H O D S - ATA 8 0 0 0 ( B M ) 7 2 0 0 r p m H O D S-ATA 1 8 0 0 1 3 ( 6 M ) 72001pm 1 4 0 0 S - ATA 2 5 0 G B ( M A ) 7 2 0 0 r p m H D D S-ATA 2 5 0 G B 7 2 0 0 r p m ( 8 M ) H O D 32032052 C D R W • S o f t w a r e D V D - R W 1 6 X • / - D u a l L a y e r D V D - RW 1 6 X . / . D u a l L a y e r D V D - R W 1 4 X 0 / D u o L o , u , D V D - R W r e x 0 , - D u a l L a y e r 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e 1 . 4 4 M B F l o p p y D r i v e 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e 1.44MB F l o p p y D r i v e 1.44MB F l o p p y S t i l t U m 6 4 M V i d e o • A G P B X S l o t U p l o B I M V i d e o • A G M S l o t Nvidia 6200TC/64/256 256MO PCI.Expreell NvIdla 01100XT 12811 DDR AGM% 1V4DUT AT I 5300 GTO 25611 DOR3 PCI-Eepteas Integrated 1 0 1 1 0 0 N I C U S B 2 . 0 I Integrated 1 0 11 0 0 L A N USB2.0 I integrated 1 0 11 0 0 L A N U S B 2 . 0 I I n t e g r a t e d 0 1 2 0 0 11 N I C USB2.0 I l o b / v o t e d 0 1 2 . 0 11 N I C Integrated 6 . C h a n n o l A u d i o i n t e g r a t e d G C n o n n e l A u d i o Integrated O . C h e n n e l A u d i o I n t e g r a t e d 8 -Channel A u d i o 1 0 1 M e n 1 1 • C h e r t s 0 1 A u d i o 350W To w e r C a s e w / 2 0 U S B 4 0 0 W T o w e r C 0 0 0 w r 210 U S B 4 0 0 W T o w e r C a s e w / 2 0 U S B 4 5 0 W T o w e r C o s s v / 2 0 U S B 4 5 0 W T o w e r C a s e • , , / 2 0 U S B All e n t e r n hove a 3 y e a r l a b o r & • y e a r p o d . mmIted w a r r a n ty. P l i C 0 & evollabIllty ere subject to c h a n g e without notice. A l l trochnarlo & I 4 r e o d e M p . O p e e B e e oN o r*m o o n s . f o F l o o n e l n . f r o m 3 to 30 m o n t h . 1 3 t . to 1 0 s ) A l l odvortlood prices reflect 31:, cash o r intoroc di s o u n L Vele n e o n * Use A I M So correct e f f e r e .
i Digital Imaging
Digital c a m e r a s as business tools If you run a small business or work on your own, you know that one of the
Unless you want to make a serious study of lighting, go diffuse. It is more
joys (curses) is that you get to (have to) do everything yourself. If you
forgiving than specular lighting and it's flattering to both people and objects.
already have a decent computer and printer, adding a digital camera to the
You can buy lighting umbrellas, diffusers and reflectors t o make the
mix will expand your possibilities. If your work involves reports, including pictures o f a relevant detail
specular light of an electronic flash more diffuse, or you can bounce the
enhances the impact of what you say â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and digital images can easily be
tent, which is a unit made of translucent white material. These have become
flash off a white ceiling or wall. A relatively new product is the tabletop light
dropped directly into a word processing document. If you sell products,
quite popular for people taking photos of objects for sites like eBay. You
you'll need pictures of them for brochures and catalogues or for online
direct a light source to the outside of the tent and whatever you've placed
selling sites. Here again, digital will make your job simpler. However, bad
inside is bathed in a soft, even light.
pictures can turn viewers off and reflect badly on you and your business. Here are some pointers on how to take photos that have a professional flair.
Context and framing This has to do with how you locate the main subject within the image frame.
Light it right
Zoom in close enough to reveal important details of your subject. It is best
Photographic lighting can be defined along a specular-diffuse continuum
to photograph product items individually or in small groups on a neutral
the sun and camera flash units are specular light sources, while diffuse
background so nothing else competes for the viewer's attention. With a very
lighting occurs on a bright overcast day or from bounced flash lighting. The
small object, you can place something of known size next to it, which gives
main difference between them is the shadows they create.
an important clue about its size. If you are involved in field reports, it is often better to mix close-ups with wider shots that include the surrounding area, because context i s often as important as the subject alone. Bring the camera down closer to the level of the object, so you achieve a more natural perspective.
Pick the right resolution Even a mid-range 4-megapixel digital camera will create images that look good in print or on the Web. However, you will need to make a different version for each medium. For high-quality printing, images should be around 300 pixels per inch but for the Web, 72 pixels per inch is all that's needed. This means an image you want to appear around three inches wide would only have to be 210 pixels across for the Web, but around 900 pixels across for print. Putting the larger version online isn't a good idea, mainly because big images slow down Web page loading â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which tends to drive visitors away. By David Tanaka
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J a c k o f all t r a d e s start of a job at the factory default normal quality setting. Spooling times
And master of some In the home office, space comes at a premium. As such, the technology the home office uses needs to fill many roles
were similar across the various MFPs. Monochrome printing was tested using a standard printed page with no formatting beyond carriage returns, netting an approximately five per cent black coverage page. Colour printing
without wasting valuable real estate. Mu`tifunction printers (MFFs) fit this bill, incorporating many oft-used
was tested using t h e f i r s t p a g e o f t h e Color Printing Te s t a t
office functions into one relatively small device. MFPs mash printer, copier,
nemesis lonesta rorg/s it e/color_t est.ht ml.
scanner and sometimes fax machine into one, requiring much less desk
The manufacturer supplied print speeds for both colour anc mono-
space and acting as an all-in-one document centre. It should be noted, however, that an inkjet MFP is only suitable for light duty
chrome are also listed. Real world print times differ greatly from the
where photocopying is concerned; ink cartridges are cost prohibitive when
All MFPs tested include drivers and software for Windows and Mac OS X.
manufacturer-listed ppm.
used as a primary copier. Don't sell off your Kinko's prepaid card just yet. Recently, some MFPs have opted to leave out the dedicated faxing element of the equation. In this case, users can get a simple electronic faxing service that delivers received faxes to email with all the benefits that go along with.
Canon Pixma M800 SS/S www.canon.ca Listed print speed - Black: 30 ppm L i s t e d print speed - Colour 24 ppm
Faxes can be sent to a landline phone number and are indistinguishable
Document feeder. N
from those sent through conventional means. In addition to looking after the needs of the home office, MFPs often pull
Non-interpolated scanning resolution: 2400 x 4800 dpi
double duty, acting as the family printer on weekends and after work
Accepted media / direct print standard: Memory Stick, CompactFlash,
hours. Some of the printers tested here opt to put focus on the after work duties, doing away with the fax machine element and replacing it with a
SmartMedia, SD Memory Card, MultiMediaCard, Memory Stick PRO, IBM tacrodrive, PictBridge, Canon Bubble Jet Direct
Number of ink cartridges: 6
lighted scanning lid for scanning negatives and transparencies as well as
Canon's Pixma M800 is the fastest of the printers tested with delivering the
dedicated photo printing inks designed to make the MFP into a digital
first five per cent black page in eight seconds with 10 coming through in 59 seconds for an impressive real world ppm of 10.
darkroom of sorts. Personal preference and SOHO needs will dictate the best fit for any given user. We judged the MFPs tested based on the general home office's needs. Print times are measured from the moment paper is pulled into the printer at the
Likewise, one colour page was delivered in 13 seconds with five coming through in 1:36. Colour print quality on standard office paper was the most vibrant of the printers tested and is unmatched in photo reproduction quality, delivering vivid 4 x 6 prints in under 40 seconds. That said, the M800 is also unmatched in price, coming in a full SIPS higher than the next most expensive printer. The printer includes media reader slots for numerous brands of camera storage and is PictBridge enabled. An articulated 3.5-inch colour LCD screen simplifies PC-free photo printing and makes the printer more versatile than those with fixed LCDs as users can position the screen for optimum viewing wherever the printer is placed. Six ink cartridges (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, light cyan and light magenta) can be replaced independent o f each other and while it's not exactly a major selling point, the cartridge well lights a red LED, making the cartridge glow when inserted correctly.
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IFeature Canon opts for a lighted lid for negative and transparency scanning rather than a top-mounted document feeder, which makes scanning multi-page fr'" optical character recognition (OCR) o r digital faxing a
Colour documents were bright and sharp with only slight banding visible in saturated blue and green. Monochrome text displayed what looked like a slight bleed and wasn't as crisp as we would have liked when printing in the factory default setting.
Choosing a higher print quality remedied this somewhat but at significant
Lexmark x8350
cost to the ppm.
$280 wwwlexmark.ca Listed print speed - Black: 25 ppm L i s t e d print speed - Colour 19 ppm
A 2.4-inch colour LCD screen displays helpful setup tips and prompts,
Document feeder: 50 sheets Non-interpolated scanning resolution: 1200 x 2400 dpi
Lexmark x8350
Number of ink cartridges: 2 Accepted media: Memory Stick, CompactRash, SmartMedia, SO Memory
4 4 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 8 8 e .
Card, MultiMedia Card, xD-Picture Card, Memory Stick PRO, PictBridge Lexmarlis X8350 successfully straddles the line between business and home machines. The MFP includes front-mounted slots for a wide array of camera storage media and users can swap out the included black ink cartridge in favour of a photo cartridge. The downside in this case however is that the photo cartridge significantly slows down black and white printing and that the print nozzles must be aligned and cleaned whenever users switch between black and photo ink cartridges at a cost of wasted ink. Our black and white test document emerged from the printer within 16 seconds with 10 pages coming through in 2:38 for a ppm count just under four. Our colour page made it through the MFP in 48 seconds with five pages clearing in 3:38.
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with Charger Stand (White Box) s 7 6 . 9 5
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P r o d u c t n a m e & t r a d o r n a r k a ago p r o p o r t i o s o r I n a l r r o s p u c t I v o o w n e r s . P r o d u c t i m a g e s o r s n o t e x a c t l y . $ s h o w n . I LY N C Is n o t r e s p o n s I b e f o r a n y e r r o r s o r o r m s s I o n s .
9 562 6 s82 :46
Feature minute (55 sec) with five pages taking 7:46. Text-only print jobs came out clear and sharp using normal quality settings
while colour printing was similarly crisp with some banding noticeable in saturated reds and purples. All menu functions are simple and many are accessible from the two line monochrome LCD display mounted on the front of the printer. Its relatively slow printing pace is offset somewhat by 802.11g wireless functionality, its small footprint and b y the fact t h a t i t seamlessly incorporates numerous functions into one neat package.
Brother MFC640CW along with informative menus screens for copying and faxing, displays
Epson Photo RX620
address book information and ink levels. Said LCD is hard to see when at
$400 www.epson.ca
eye-level with the device - as is the case i f seated at a desk - however.
Listed print speed - Black: 17 ppm L i s t e d print speed - Colour 16 ppm Document feeder. N
Standing above the MFP when using it as a copier for example, the display is perfectly positioned.
Non-interpolated scanning resolution: 2400 x 4800 dpi Number of ink cartridges: 6
Brother MFC640CW
Accepted media / direct print standard: Memory Stick, CompactFlash,
$300 www.brother ca Listed print speed - Black: 20 ppm L i s t e d print speed - Colour 15 ppm
SmartMedia, SD Memory Card, MultiMediaCard, 0 -Picture Card, Memory Stick PRO, PictBridge
Document feeder 10 sheets Non-interpolated scanning resolution: 600 x 2400 dpi
designed for more general household use, specifically photo printing.
Number of ink cartridges: 4
Accordingly, it uses six in cartridges (cyan and light cyan, magenta and light
Accepted media: Memory Stick, CompactFlash, SmartMedia, SD Memory Cant MultiMediaCard, xD-Picture Card, Memory Stick PRO
magenta, yellow and black) that can be replaced individually.
Epson's Photo RX620 is an MFP but as the name suggests, it's also
Brother's MFC640CW is all business, as the MFPs tested here go. Its attractive price point and 802.11b/g wireless capability for simple printer sharing across a network are the major selling points while its slow printing speed in both colour and black and white are the major strikes against. The 640CW is a short, squat, space-saving design and more closely resembles a fax machine than a traditional printer. I t is unique in our roundup in that it incorporates a landline telephone handset to potentially eliminate one more device from the desktop. Also, the machine includes a simple digital answering machine capable of storing up to 29 minutes. The relatively low resolution scanning bed allows for picture scanning and a paper feeding mechanism simplifies faxing and copying. The MFC640CW is among the slower printers tested where print speed is concerned. Our monochrome test page took 29 seconds to print with 10 five per cent black pages taking over five minutes to print; the last one being delivered 5:14 after the first page was pulled in to the printer. This works out to a page per minutes (ppm) count of slightly under two.
Epson Photo RX620
For colour printing, the MFC640CW managed one page in just under a
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ftirkw•now•r• d g m e r z I n g on tAle IPOOxE lurt4Wal9 And 11011.11 you MI, VA m o w Pr V A to Inv? quentamee sold. Pnra mnd inaMbaly r e AAvAl to change wancan notice. advartimeal p . m no not Include *11416159 9r93 homing Inn• animation...4o natal. 0 2 0 0 5 NCOLoanvliekrik Computer Inc. All R p m Rnannus Vo• wa not mamma* lo•ny apart/0004W area. PAGA.Agid W U Awl 24, 2004 or whin, Rntnt999. 1007
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NCIXPCTM recommends Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional 'Computer i n t e r n s and cadger:Mons may not bra eanotly ea shown. Monitor not Intruded egos* otherwise noted. Fully essomblod NCIX.PC”. systems P a m with one year dialed parts end labor w a r m l y. Performance e a vary depancIng on the aroma Nana are ono software you Law. We emend the nom to urelt quenelles gold. Price aiA ayuOitOdy pin nubiact to change otrroxt notory A d a r t a i d prices do not Mardis inupou pro run:rang loos w k . ° O w n ! . M . A . AND. Ulu MID ago, conesnalions of AMC and me AND logo as wet as c a . , ohm = A O InchAdv. Out not Stated to, mi b a g m a n . of Advanevd Mic,O D.A,ces. Inc. Ccpright 2006 &banned Micro Demos. Inc.
NI U N , loom. bodernarks and copyright, are proporty of Oar respects* mesas 0 200G NCIX.corrVNethnk Computer inc. All Rights Reserved. We are not responatil for any typographical m o w Prices r a i d w e Apre 24. 2006.
Feature The RX620 can realistically function as a stand-alone document HPOfficeJet 6210 AII-in-One
and picture printing station; users can print directly from memory cards, cameras and negative or positive scans. They can also print an index sheet, fill in the appropriate check boxes to specify quantities and sizes, scan the resulting page and receive prints.
The well positioned 2.4-inch LCD screen displays the contents of supported camera storage media as well as ink levels, menu screens and helpful usability and setup tips.
HP OfficeJet 6210 All-in-One 5300 www.hp.ca Listed print speed - Black: 23 ppm Listed print speed - Colour 18 ppm Non-interpolated scanning resolution 1200 x 2400 dpi Document feeder 20 sheets
designed as a fax replacement though users can scan and send documents as
Number of ink cartridges: 2 Accepted media / direct print standard: PictOridge The 6210 showed the slowest real world ppm count o f all the
faxes using a separate email service (not included).
printers tested. The supporting software that ships with the device is
Also, rather than include a document feeder on top of the machine, the RX620 offers a lighted lid for scanning negatives and transparencies. Likewise, it's not
Our five per cent black page printed in 23 seconds with 10 pages making it
also bloated, requiring 339MB for a minimal install and 771MB for a
through in 4:20 fora real world ppm of over two. Our colour document made its
full install, which while it does allow users to get the most from the
way through in 34 seconds with five pages coming in at 2:52
printer, seems a little excessive. Integration with the PC is excellent however, users can do one.
The printer also handles a wealth o f camera storage media including
button scans t o a variety o f desktop applications including
CompactFlash, x0 and SO and is PictBridge-enabled.
Photoshop, Word (as an optical character recognized and hence
Photos were printed crisp and clean with no noticeable artifacts.
editable document), email, scan to desktop as a file and a host of others. The package also includes photo manipulation, sharing and
management software.
Our five per cent black test document made its way through the
il I I I I T ) its
a * a
C E COMPUTER OUTLET Tel:(604)278-2633 Fax:(604)278-2661 0 email: eecomp@axlonet.com a . 118-4800, No.3 Road, Richmond, B.C. Canada V6X 3A6 r t . ca V I E S T O R E Monday-Friday 11:00aM 7:00pm Saturday 11:00 am -6:00 pm it a H O U R S SundaAi Holida closed INTELPENTIUM 4.(LOS775▶ SYSTEMS INTEL PENTIUM,SY$TEMS t a t P 4 - 3.0 0 (2.0.1 cache! $ 1 2 2 5 CELERON 280 $ 8 4 0 is P4 • 3.2 0 ( a l cacho $ 1 2 7 5 P4 • 3.0 0 (20 cacho) $ 9 7 0 a P4 - 3.4 G (2.20 cacho 5 1 3 4 5 P4 • 3.20 (2M encho) $ 1 0 2 0 • With Intel CPU & Fan • With Intel CPU & Fan •ASUS P4 Motherboard • Pentium 4 Motherboard •512M8DDRRAM (PC3230) I t •6121/B008(DUALCHANNEL)RNA(PC33.17) • 80 GB HDD (7200 rpm) SATA 21 • 160GB HDD (7200 rpm) SATA • 1.44MB (3 1/2') FLOPPY • 1.44MB (31/2') FLOPPY • PCI-E Video Card w/2561.1 • Onboard Video . .17° LCD .7 • 17' LCD • DVD-CORW Combo Drive r... . • 16X DVD Burner • 3D SOUND mn • 3D SOUND •Speakers w/Subwooter 41. •ALTECLANSINGSpeakers w/Subwcoter •ATX Case •ATX Case • Logitech PS2 Keyboard • Logitech PS2 Keyboard 1: • Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse • Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse • 10/100 BASE-T LAN • 10/100 BASE-T LAN
1 1 ) P l e a s e visit our Welisite for Specials
...to z.. re 0
printer in 39 seconds at normal quality with 10 pages coming through in 5:38 for a real world ppm ofjust under two. Colour printing fared reasonably well with one page making its way through in 44 seconds and five pages taking 3:15. Print quality was razor sharp in both colour and black and white applications with laser quality text and colours with no noticeable banding or other printing artifacts. In fact, HP's offering provided the clearest printouts in both colour and monochrome (along with Canon's MOOD) which, combined with
its dog-like printing speed, warranted a re-test t o make sure we
tested) the printouts were still of a high quality and came with a
more respectable ppm of over three (10 pages in 3:35)
a c
4. 13 Z 44
hadn't mistakenly set the printer to 'best" mode. In so called "Fast Normal° printing mode [as opposed t o 'Normal' as previously
The printer doesn't allow individual ink cartridges to be replaced as they run out. Instead, the six colours come in two ink cartridge assemblies; one for cyan, magenta and yellow plus one for light cyan, light magenta and black. HP opted not to include media slots on its 6210 MFP though it does
0 re. q Az o C
i... 2
interface with any PictBrige-enabled camera via a U513 port mounted on the front of the machine. A top-mounted feeder is handy for faxing large documents and for hands-free copying and scanning.
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someone over the phone company's wires, your voice is converted into digital packets and sent out over the Internet. Often, your VoIP service is able to connect seamlessly with telephones on traditional telephone networks (for a fee, of course), or directly to other VoIP subscribers. When VoIP was first introduced, the technology was not always all that to handle all o f the new multimedia applications that were being developed for it. Fast forward a few years to the present, and there's more than enough space on the Internet for podcasts, movie trailers and VoIP conversations. That's not to say that the technology is perfect there's still a noticeable lag when you're talking to people — even if they're in the same city —
C D / D V D E Q U I P M E N T Sc S U P P L I E S - Standalone - Wytron controller - Pioneer 110 burners - 160GB Hard drive
colleagues. If you're not familiar with VoIP, think of it as an Internet version of the telephone: instead of picking up your telephone and dialing
reliable, because the backbone of the Internet didn't have the bandwidth
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to keep in touch with each other; whether with friends, family or
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participants perform a stop/start dance during conversations while trying to figure out when the other person is finished talking. That said, there are still some advantages to using a VoIP connection over a standard land line. One of the key benefits is the ability to ability to take your phone number with you wherever you go, so long as you have the ability to plug your VoIP hardware into a broadband Internet port. In other words, if you're in a hotel across the country, you can plug your VoIP handset into the broadband connection in your room, and you'll
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receive calls just as if you were back home in the office—without the added expense of cell phone roaming charges. Getting set up To get started with VoIP, you'll need to have two components in place: a VoIP service provider, and hardware you can use to make the calls. In some cases, the two are tied together. The service As with phone service (both cellular and landline), there are a number of larger companies in the business of providing VoIP service for a monthly fee. Some of these are companies that have traditionally provided Internet or telephone service, like Bell, Rogers, and Internet. There are also newer companies like Vonage, which have sprung up specifically to provide VoIP service. In a lot of ways, these new VoIP plans are very similar to your old telephone plans. You'll pay a monthly fee for your phone number, and then for the usage you incur; typically, you can pay a flat fee for all usage within a certain calling area (for example, Canada and the United States), or you can get a plan with a certain number of minutes, and a per•minute charge for any calls thereafter. In most cases, you'll be required to use hardware provided by your Vol!' provider in order to access their service. The beauty of the Internet, however, is the ability to break free of utilities—if you're already paying your Internet provider a monthly fee, why should you have to pay someone else on top of that for a service that's theoretically available for free? If you don't want to pay big bucks for the privilege of voice chatting with your friends, there's always Skype, a software application that can run on Windows, Mac and Linux. Set up with a similar interface to popular chat program likeAIM andMSN,Skype allows you to call your friends and colleagues for free, as long as they're using Skype as well. The nice part is that Skype also allows users to sign up for Skypeln and SkypeOut services, allowing connections to the standard telephone network for an additional yearly fee and a per-minute fee. Users can even buy multiple Phone numbers in various areas around the world to make it seem like they have local numbers in many different markets, even though the numbers all go back to the same Skype user. The downside, unfortunately, is that you'll need to use a computer in some fashion in order to use Skype and while Skypeln includes a free voicemail subscription, there are no options for Canadian numbers at present. The hardware In many cases, the VolP provider you choose will dictate the hardware you'll need for your VoIP service. For example, Vonage Canada requires users to use hardware directly from Vonage in order to use the service. The company offers the Vtech IP 8100.2 bundle, which features a wireless transceiver that plugs into your broadband connection, and two wireless extension handsets that you can place elsewhere in your house. The bundle is $150 after rebates. If you're particularly fond of your current telephone (either because it's a fancy schmancy expensive wireless model that you just bought, or because you just like the way your old set feels against your ear), you can often get an adapter, instead: just plug the adapter into your broadband router, and plug your trusty old phone into the adapter. Adapters are available for sale or rent; for example, intennet offers www.hubcanada.com
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VVireless adapter for SS or SS per month (plus activation fee), or an outright purchase
and a wireless handset. The trick is, the wireless handset has two connect
(with no activation feel for $100 or $130, depending on the hardware model
buttons: after you dial the phone number, you choose either the PC connect
you choose. If you're planning to use Skype, there are a few options. I'm personally
The system also accommodates up to three more handsets. The Dualphone
fond of the Logitech Premium USB Headset 350, which costs about $60. It
[with single handset) is available for about $130 US.
button [to dial via Skype) or the regular connect button (to dial via landline).
looks like a regular set o f headphones, but it connects to your Mac or
If you're looking for something cheap and easy, there's the FlashPhone F2K
Windows machine via USB [without need for any special driver installation),
from MPLAT. This little device functions not only as a USB memory key, it
and comes with a boom microphone that folds up against the headset when
comes with a headset for making Skype calls. The FlashPhone comes with
not in use. If you're not quite ready to get rid of your regular telephone line just yet, the
the Skype application already onboard, so you can turn any computer you
RIX Dualphone plugs into both your computer (via USB) and your regular
By Sean Carruthers
use into your VoIP connection. It's about $50.
â&#x20AC;˘telephone line (via the standard phone jack). It comes with a base station
ip e l is Canada's SkypeOut, only bettin
9,.5, 9 5 $ 9 5
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Ca! 0604 6C&11111C00 BBB per min'ute long distance prices that are killing the competition, a r e online a t www.dolphintel.corn
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SmeD13.19179 DDR 256/51100/101 6 / 4 4 / 8 5 C 1 2 3 ( 2 14674CEPtOrS DDR1 9C4200 511M/I0 A S U S P4S1100ACMGEOCIZE(Socket478).......691115 MS/Loillech OptIcel Moo..H i l 4 Power .apply Ai/ATX30 a/ 400W 15/32441/319, ASUSP5V800-hOL/P5S01-X................_..........6539 UCLorhi,,,Cr'107 iL"oof LIN66°.ruKrk""-66979::7", I I ' Pa Case USB hoot 350w/400w RAMOUS NOME: 11.11/13624 " 1 1 4 ASUS 95802.11.11P5VDI.X1 2 5 / 7 5 4crigirda..7150Dh. L,h, Cote P.7 Flub MP.Pr, 2-56/112f1/20-275a69/129 ASUS P51.1)2/PDVDG2.WS(975clopsety1491365 s T h i e F A t h i a i - a d 9 " Wes Soper Loaboy A l . . , . . . Con D o 9/01.....101 SecureMiguel (SD)236511/1.01.00-16/34/52111 AscsAm.,,A6,82.m.D,t w o 5 6 0 Voce? V90 PCl/Ha rSasto I r r i l 9 loran 7000ACIJ/7700CU Duo Qsiet CPU Fas.---49/63 USD 2.0 Flash D n . 1.56/51211/2/40-1156159/115/145 , L „ , ”n_ E 6 l O n 0 , 9 1 C 0 . 9 4 9 . 9 , - - - - " m 9 4 4 Vaal" co.. Light Tolle I UV Ligkt Tobe1 4 / 1 9 DM 0 -Look 5/11port Gigobir m u d s - 5 9 f 7 9 /denary '`"""' "''''XIICIVIrf 612.610 Takk h . 6Pro , . .Duo „ , , ,511/1.01.00.-58G9/135 , , , mom).66,6____,,,,,,,, ASUS A I V•MX/ASS-X6 , m D.u6kDs6406,26.6..th _ ....._39,9,35 Tberm .11.11 4110W Sileor Pore POW.T S•pply....19 c o MS1. Gigabyte, ECS MoilerboudsC a l l D -lank sonless 54MD PCl/P6.16A-- -.49/49 MI"' C " I " l'"U“. F. . . . . n.u.luk, C-666 --- C661 Multimedia, smart media, Eta P o d R . . . ...._,,,,s, 1.404 rbypy DroVIDE to SATA skrytec__.___ - 12/13 S o u n d C a r d s & S p e a k e r s p-i-91a 01.404/5249 4 Video Cards u n , L m u W o o s .G R a n a w k n y ay c Removenble y G s . . 6lord w drive r o c k ATA 1 3 3 re/foo.. 19 ATI Roden 12I1 9250/9550(25041609- A m . : SI to SW C"ImaluW Alta 144111)-;176 1,,k,.. w vas paiscmcu,______6963 I econdory Case Collis' Pao/Slots F. . . . . 12/19 An 6.6.6166 121616 Kw 0162m iss, AG, . m . 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X1300111600tro 2104 ASP1151159AbelagVIIGIDID113.1)131111•661.1)-MDD HP 1022N/4W11320N7/W.............369:4391595/689 PC1ATAI33/SATA Hard DM f Comilla 3 9 / 3 Canon 1600/420015200/51000....69/155/105t249 119413932 1 1391Combo clint. 0. POdaA my' CD/DVD-ROM W r i t e r All Dias 9600XT/711317 M G AM 69./299/349 USB FloppylAdoptor for PCMCIA• -239/7'2'5 ATI AIW 2006/1180017 6011... j a m 51/(034081/16XDVDRIAL---316/27 Canon Rama /015000/780 ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,666 , , , _ a _ r m s s i , LO51332.12CD0W/C-AWA161DVDCamto--17/39s..Elsren„,,InkLet.C8L6,It72m,..013.20..i.,__i;x...__.it,_1199±1,23/2„.1,9,PACnI.LU„S,..132.%Cord/1394Firevirevo/Softsuro &. Cobleisas tAl" l',..7710c' ar7,miroaThisca: mai ra.6_266476,4r6 PicourDVD IDDVESRAR/OvallAyer_47.9 -.1c‘r,11331,1141.....Notetrook batiery.-..6111 " U p g r a d e S p e c i a l All Wax SHOIXTMXIMIST/X1602D511147C1-2-619655/169 Bwkanc,6,604,,,„,6,46 m i n , 1 1 1 n t i i i • t,i3O,[1,4, ATI Flre•GL V3100/310012111 PCI Eureu..._.....229/379 nt6,6 , D v D . , , , , , , , , k 6 , 6 0 0 _ 7 5 9 , 6 „ , -Printer Ink cartridges, wooer ILSI/ASUSTV1MoCvan C a d E n o v d _ l a a r gi.kiNG.R.w4y.__1 5 9 We offer data r covery service! . . I Please c a l l u s f o r t h e r a t e . / 5 1 4 9 WEBCom/Lgiter1 nob on. 1 6 4 9 za,Duk io,NtawAraisue Di* 1 5 / 2 4 . 7 1
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Haedheld PDAs/Cueerssi/APS/OPS Units 0 2 - 2 1 ) P a l m TungstenE2 / T/X MCC WIFI ITT/UteDrhe i t _ S 2 2 5/329/ 461 ASUSRIral A636 W/GPS / HPIPAG 5515 e/6P5_____699/679
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1 8 2 9
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Phone tag Trying to play catch-up with the latest in cell phone technology can be a
runs on the new Windows Mobile 5.0 platform for reliable and powerful
daunting task, especially for mobile executives who seek more efficient
performance and smooth synchronization with your Windows-based PC.
ways to communicate with colleagues and clients while on the road.
Similar to the BlackBerry, this Bluetooth-enabled device houses an intuitive
'Push email' solutions, such as BlackBerrys and other smartphones,
thumbwheel for one-handed control, and also includes stereo-quality
are also sought-after devices,
speakers (and speakerphone feature) and a Mini-SD removable memory
especially those w i t h PDA-like
card slot for music, photos, videos or games.
functionality so you can work on documents a n d presentations anywhere and anytime.
Laptop replacement Due out sometime this spring, the Nokia 9300 is a clamshell GSM/GPRS
The following is a look at a few
smartphone with a full keyboard, large colour screen and 80MB of onboard
recommended handsets designed for the tireless traveler. Thin is in Think of it as a BlackBerry on a diet: the Motorola 0 is the thinnest
CIVAti0,900 4%4 i(iaGO o • *-c=pcpc::)
QWERTY-based push email device in the world [11.5mm), plus it's a cell phone, Web surfer, multimedia player, d i g i t a l c a m e r a a n d productivity tool. Due out about the time you read this [carrier and price to be determined), the ' 0 '
C y b e r
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memory to store documents, presentations, applications and multimedia
Memory Modules
files (and is expandable up to 2GB). This device also ships preloaded with software designed for professionals, including Nokia's mobile email program that allows users to compose, read and delete e-mails, manage local folders and work offline. When opened, users can navigate through all the menu screens via the five-way joystick to access features such hands-free conversations (via speakerphone o r Bluetooth headset),
high-speed Internet browsing (including support for HTMLAHTML),
Flash Products
playing MP3s or using the built-in office applications including a PDF viewer.
SOHOsaviour Consider it Windows for your pocket. The Audiovox PPC-6600 runs on the latest Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system which makes it a breeze to a c c e s s f a m i l i a r
Digital Products
programs such as Word, Excel, P o w e r P o i n t ,
Outlook a n d Internet Pbdal
Ya 2 , 3
Explorer - a n d easily sync it to your Windows XP-based c o m p u t e r .
C FridAy, CK1Obet t 4 2011,1
Plus, t h i s a l l -in-one
Geogye Jiang a l I v a 111.thds, T . m Me•Ong 10 300111 00/...1p:crt nom/
Bluetooth-enabled cell phone ( w i t h speaker-
laritaliw/Sams& W M . 12 00,94-11X71(C/14)
a L a m e s -4111
phone) includes a still and v i d e o c a m e r a , thumb keyboard a n d touch-screen interface options a n d m u l t i p l e
Authorized Distributor of
PDA-like t o o l s t o help keep you productive -
. c oC....=.01109.
even a t 3 0 , 0 0 0 feet. Under the hood o f this device runs a 400MHz
Specom distributes a comprehensive line o f
Intel processor, 64MB of
computer products including CPUs, memory
RAM and i s GPS-ready
modules, digital storage and flash products.
E.\ CC)rA C Y ' - ' 0 0 0 0 0
for optional navigation and emergency tracking
packages. A v a i l a b l e
\C)f7NC)OGGICIC)ca0 .1901C=100L:
through B e l l Mobility, the Audiovox PPC-6600 costs $ 3 4 9 f o r threeyear t e r m ; $ 6 2 4 f o r
AudiovoxPPC-66130 with thumb keyboard
two-year term; $699 for one-year term; or $749 for 30 days.
Razr sharp Take one of the hottest phones in recent memory and add high-speed surfing and downloading and you'll end up with the new Motorola Ram V3c with EVDO ($149.99 with a 36-month Telus Mobility contract). The
pecom TCCI11101.0GICS
Reselrers Wefr©e
Unit 110,13151 Vanier Place Richmond, BC, V6V 2.12 Phone: 604-270-9699 Fax: 604-270-9899
super slim Razr is just l A cm thin, less than 10 cm long and only 5.3 cm wide, but the handset is durable thanks to its metallic finish and keypad created from a single sheet o f nickel-plated copper alloy. Along with network speeds topping at 2.4 Mbps (yes, that's broadband speeds), the phone features a 1.3 Megapixel camera and support for video capture, integrated MP3 player, advanced speech recognition and Bluetooth for
B C 3 0 H U B : Cigital Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section - A p r i l 2 0 0 6
-S 10 - 1830
Motorola Razr V3c
n E
= Sinc„:199.7!
Vi s i t w w w . f l y c o m p u t e r s . c o m f o r updated prices M
- Va n c o u v e r 521 W. 57th Ave. Vancouver, V6P1R8 t 601-321-8795 /: 64321-6516 e : eales011ycomputers.com • tech@flycomputers.com
M . - B u r n a b y 4463 E. Hastings, Burnaby 06(4-298-0299 rah 288-2067 f 298-0265 r. salesbnrnabri/flycomputers.com • techburnaby@flycomputers.com
Economical S steml $279
Pla er S AMD 64b1l $699
MID Sempron 2600+ 64bit CPU A M D Athlon64 939 3200+ • ASUS • ECS /ASROCK all-in-1 MB A 8 N - E hf/B • PC3200 512M DDR • PC3200 256M DDR • 160G SATA 7200rpm HDD • 80G 7200rpm HDD • ATI Radeon X1300 2501 DDR PCI-E • 52x CDROM • Audio/Video/Lan 0/B • 16x DVDRW • Audio/ Lan 0/B • Keyboard / Mouse / Speakers • Logitech KB / Mouse / 2.1 Speakers • 17" 400W ATX Tower Case • 1 7 • " 500W ATX Tower Case Sempron 3000+ $ 2 9 9 M I D A t h l o n 6 4 3500/3700+ $749/769 MID ADA Dual Core64 X2 3800+ $849
Economical S stem2$279 wireless devices. You can also Use it as a wireless modem by connecting it to your laptop with an optional modem kit. Over and o u t Available exclusively through Telus Mobility's Mike network, the Motorola 1870 is the company's latest "push-to-talk" handset (think walkie-talkies), but with many extras such as Bluetooth support, a 1.3-megapixel camera, MP3 player, removable memory cards and multimedia messaging. Plus, along with its Direct Connect push-to-talk service that lets you speak instantly with millions of other users in Canada, the U.S., Mexico and South America, the Motorola 1870 also offers "push-to-view" picture messaging and the ability to push contact information - such as names, phone numbers and email addresses for yourself as a virtual business card or anyone in your stored contacts list. Telus Mobility customers can pick up this handset for $349 with 36-month contract or $499.99 without. By Marc Saltzman
/ : =
Pocket PC 7,, 4 1 7,4
fg, Friday. October 15, 2004
Eva's Birthday Team Meeting 10:100M.11:0001 (Cori room) Lunch wiSam & Griffin 12,00C14.1:05PM (Cafe)
1 Hew
0 In
AMD 64bit S stem $ 4 7 9
Pla er S s Intel64bit $749 Intel LGA775 630 3.0GHz CPU • ASUS P5LD2 hVB • PC4200 512M DDR2 • 160G SATA 7200rpm HDD • ATI Radeon XLI300 256M UDR PCI-E • 16x DVDRW • Audio / Lan 0/B • Logitech KB / Mouse / 2.1 Speakers • 17" 500W ATX Tower Case Intel 32 /3AGHz $799/869
Power Pla er S sl $1199
AMD Athlon64 5939 3200+ CPU M I D Athlon64 X2 3800+ 939 Dual Core • ASUS A8N-MX all-in-1 MB • ASUS A8N-SLI Premium MB • PC3200 512M DDR • PC3200 1GB DDR400 • 80G 7200rpm HDD • 250G SATA7200rpm HDD • 1.44hIFDD • 16x DVDRW • AudioNideo/Lan 0/B • NX68000S 256M DDR3 TV-0 PCI-E • Keyboard / Mouse /Speakers • 16x DVDRW • Audio /Ian 0/B • 17" 400W ATX Tower Case • LG KB/ Mouse • 750W Subwfr Spkrs • 17" 500W ATX Tower Case
Intel P4 64bit S s $439 Power Pla eS r s2$1349 Intel LGA775 511 2.8GHz 64bit CPU I n t e l 930D 3.00 4M Dual Core • ASUS P5RD1-Vhf all-in-I MB • ASUS P5WD2-E Premium MB • PC3200 512M DDR • PC3200 1GB DDR400 • 80G 7200rpm HDD • 250G SATA7200rpm HDD • 1.44M FDD • 16x DVDRW • AudioNideo&an 0/B • NX6800GS 256M DDR3 1V-0 PCI-E • Keyboard / Mouse / Speakers • 16x DVDRW • Audio / Lan 0/B • 17" 400W ATX Tower Case • IL KB/ Mouse • 750W Subwfr Spkrs Intel LGA775 630 3.0GHz $499 • 17" 500W ATX Tower Case On Site Service we provide unbeatableMaintenance,nteren-Die:for officetehrome 0 4 Software & HardwareTroubleshooting. Promotion price I! Call us for detail 4 : _ i • M O N T H L Y S P E C I A L S Hard Drive WD 806 IDE 7200rpm $65 Monitor Acer AL17166 17" LCD S235 Printer Canon IP1600 Inkjet $ 6 9 Ilnksys Linksys WRT54G CD-RWLG 52x32x52$ 2 9 W i r e l e s s -G 4-Port Router . . . . $ 7 4 DVD-RW LG 16x 4165B Int. IDE $ 4 7 DVD-R 4X Spindle 25 pcs — 5 8 . 9 9
Owner: George3lang
Q u a r t e r l y M i n e s , Review
Intel 0336J Celeron 64bit 2.8GHz • ECS / ASROCK P4 all-in-I hVB • PC3200 256M DDR400 • 80G 7200rpm HDD • 52x CDROM • Audio/Video/Lan 0/B • Keyboard/ Mouse /Speakers • 17" 400W ATX Tower Case P4 LGA775 2.8GHz $ 3 4 9
1 ,0 4 & 0 1 2 _ frz ,4Ad"SIMIMMIIIME
s 1 02 Ca a) "P Z
Acer AS3623%9011 $ 7 4 9 • Celeron 1.5GHz • 406 HDD • 512M DDR • 14" WXGA TR- • DVD+/-RW • Man • us82.0 • 56K Modem • XP Home Aeer AS1641W1311 $ 9 5 9 • Centrino I.6G • 80G HDD • 512M DDR • 15.4" WXGATFT • DVDRW Dual Layer • HV100/802.11G • USE12.0 • 56K Modem • Windows XP Home U P G R A D E K I T S AMD Sempron 2600. all-In-one Motherboard $ 1 4 2 Celeron 2.8G 5775 ECS all-In-one Motherboard$ 1 3 9 P4 3.00 800MHz+ ASUS all-In-one Motherboard $ 2 5 9
S O F T W A R E — w i t h system purchased onl Microsoft Windows XP Home / Pro Edition . . . . $ 9 9 / 145 Microsoft Work Suite 2005 $ 6 9 Microsoft Office 2003 Basic $ 1 9 2 April 2 0 0 6 - H U B : Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r N./let-land Section
A c c o u n t i n g f o r t h e Te l e w o r k e r Working alone at home implies many responsibilities and a certain amount
have improved to the point that the accuracy of accounting programs
of self discipline. Its all very well if you simply work for a company and do
is now almost as good as that of experienced accountants, assuming
not have t o worry about invoices, work-associated expenses and sending
the end user understands how to use the software.
to Treasury Board the GST you collect on a quarterly basis. But i f you operate your own business
financial and tax management solutions for small and mid-sized
Money 2006 Premium
(and m o r e a n d m o r e
businesses with a wide array of products aimed at helping individuals,
people do), you either need
small businesses, retailers and financial professionals t o better
a good accountant o r a
manage their financial lives and businesses. Some of these solutions apply more particularly to the teleworker
good software program that will take care of your
and one that stands out for the budging teleworker i s OuickBooks
finances and even prepare
Simple Start Edition, a program targeting new and home-based
your tax return at the end
business specifically. The program installs itself easily and offers a truly simple way to
of each year. Or both. seen the appearance o f a
track money going in and out of your business. Once the product is activated over the 'net, it can be put to use. It all
host of programs written to
begins with seven handy lessons showing you how to get around the
help p e o p l e r u n t h e i r
program, set up a checking account, bill a customer, receive payments
financial affairs as well as
for an invoice, record a deposit, write a check and even find out how
prepare and submit their tax returns with variable
your business is doing. The second feature of the program is 'Managing your business." It
degrees o f a c c u r a c y.
includes a new business check list, a Year-end Guide and a section
Lately, however, t h i n g s
entitled 'Preparing for Tax time' which gives you various choices such
In recent years, we have
Intuit Canada has become the leading Canadian provider of business,
as using an accountant (the program will then prepare the needed reports), using another Intuit software called OuickTax for business or using OuickBooks to prepare your own tax forms. • Finally, OuickBooks Simple Start provides a section for "Growing your
Business' which includes business services, access to upgrades for OuickBooks and resources for finding a qualified accountant.
Intuit apparently believes that in the case o f complex financial operations, the help of an accountant may in fact become imperative. To this end, i t offers a network o f 'ProAdvisors," accountants,
High Power Air Duster W H O L E S A L E
P R I C E !
QuickBooks 0.1.Small Business Financial Soltw.,11;
Simple Start
Edition 2006 The Simplest Way to trace sales and expenses. Duracell Batteries, Laptop Bags and more! O N L I N E TECHNOLOGY
S T O R E :
W W W . I M S T E E H N O L O S Y. C A
0 4 . 3 5 1 1 V I K I N G W AY, R I C H M O N D , B C V 6 V 1 W 1 TE.L.: 6 0 4 . 8 2 1 . 9 8 8 1
EMAIL: I N F O f S , M 3 T E C H M 0 1 . 0 0 , C A
M 9 1 3 1 : 1 w m
: • FRI
5 , 3 0 , 4
B C 3 2 H U B : Digtag Dung - B.C. Lower Manlancl Section - A p r i l 2 0 0 6
bookkeepers a n d f i n a n c i a l 1
Their role is to help you get up
1 2 0 - 3 4 7 1 n o . 3 road, richmond, b e v6x 2b8 t e l : ( 6 0 4 ) 2 7 8 - 8 7 8 2 f a x : ( 6 0 4 ) 2 7 8 - 8 6 9 8 ( right across Canadian Tire I ) e f f l t • h o u r. : none sy • " l u r e . , 10:30 4.4 1 : 3 0 pm. ddddd y ft n o n e , • c l e s • d
to speed on QuickBooks and show you tips and tricks to run
Celeron 326/ Sempron 2600
Intel P4-506 2.66Ghz
your business more efficiently. Access t o ProAdvisors i s through I n t e r n e t a n d t h e i r advice a n d guidance covers various f i e l d s r a n g i n g f r o m income t a x preparation t o financial planning and bookkeeping services. One o f t h e n e w e s t f u n c t ionalitics o f Easy Start i s i t s
s y s t e m ((Computer & Battery)
consultants f a m i l i a r w i t h Canada's financial landscape.
/Ind more on our.wetalte
MSI PIAB/Asrock KI3Upgrade MID MSIPM8M3V Motherboard 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC1200 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 1.44MB Floppy Drive 8000 (7200rpm) Hard Drive 1 3 0 6 1 1 (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52x CD-ROM 5 2 3 3 2 ‘ 5 2 3 CD-Rewriter Sound on board S o u n d on board Video on board V i d e o on board Lan on board L a n on board 17" ATX Tower Case 1 7 " ATX Tower Case PS/2 Keyboard D Wheel Mouse L o g i t e c h KB Et optical Mouse Amplified Speakers A m p l i f i e d Speakers
Intel P4-630 3.0Ghz
Intel P 4 - 6 4 0 3 . 2 (64171t)
Asus P5,113004AX Motherboard 5123113 PC3200 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 1606I3 (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52x32x52x CD-Rewriter Video on board 6 Channel Audio on board Lan on board o r ATX Tower Case Logitech KB@ optical Mouse Amplified Speakers
Asus P5SD2-X Motherboard 512/AD PC4200 DDR2 RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 200GB (7200rpm)SATA Hard/D 16x dual layer DVD-Rewriter Radeon X550 256MB PCI-E Video 6 Channel Audio on board Lan on board 17" ATX Tower Case Logitech KB et Optical Mouse Amplified Speakers
$279/279 $ 3 7 9
capacity to interact with Internet
AMU Athlon64 3000
Intel P4-805 dual core
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Intel P4-830 dual core
banking services, a function
AsusAl3V-MX Motherboard 512MB PC3200 DOR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive DOGB (7200rpm) Hard Drive 52.332X52 CD-Rewriter Sound on board Video on board Lan on board 17" ATX Tower Case Logitech KB @ Optical Mouse Amplified Speakers
Asus P5RD2.VM Motherboard 512MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 10060 (7200rpm) SATA Hard/D 52332x52x CD-Rewriter Sound on board Radeon 0300 Video on board Lan on board 17^ ATX Tower Case Logitech KB Et Optical Mouse Amplified Speakers
Asus ADV-E-SE Motherboard 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 160GB (720Orpm) Hard drive 16X dual layer DVD.Rewriter Radeon X550 256MB PCI-E V/C Channel Audio on board Gigabit Lan on board 17" ATX Tower Case Logitech KBCo Optical Mouse Amplified Speakers
Asus PSPL2 Motherboard 1024MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 25005 (7200rpm) SATA Hard/D 160 dual layer DVD Rewriter Geforce 66001E 256318 PCI-E V/C 6 Channel Audio on board Gigabit Lan on board 17" ATX Tower Case Logitech Optical Mouse Logitech Internet Keyboard 2.1 Speakers w/Sutnvoofer
very useful to teleworkers. While the product can facilitate the work o f a teleworker b y recording and printing all the cheques made out to cover the purchase of various products or payment o f bills, i t can also record a l l p a y m e n t s m a d e through Internet banking. Intuit is not the only provider of accounting software o n t h e Canadian market. Microsoft also offers an accounting solution for teleworkers in Money 2006. Microsoft Money, while not as elaborate as its main competitor, has the advantage o f working with its users bank's Web site which enables you t o see a t once a complete view of your finances automatically. Another interesting characteristic o f Money 2006 i s i t s ability t o create f o r y o u a complete budget t h a t e v e n includes expenses such as dining out. Furthermore, t h e p r o g r a m manages all bills in one place and can even pay them online You c a n b u y EasyStart f o r $79.99 and Microsoft Money 2006 for $39.99. By Andre Selwyn
Mr.Bettery We have batteries for iPod, PDA, PSP,Digital camera & Notebook Battery for iPod $ 4 9 or Less Battery for digital camera start from Battery for cordless phone start from Battery for PDA and Palm start from Battery for video camcorder start from Battery for Notebook start from AC adapter for Notebook start from
$14 S8 S11 $ 19 S99 S49
17' Samsung 793DF CRT i r Samsung 740N LCD 17' LG L17515 LCD 17' Ater AL17169 LCD 19' M a r M191611 LCD 19' Acer AL1916W Wide Screen LCD 19' Samsung 9409 LCD 19' Samsung 9209 LCD
1129 0 249 $ 249 245 $ 109 $ 299 5 389 3 319
Printer / Scanner s 75
tpson C611 Ink)et Color Printer HP 16009 Color Laser Printer Epson C03110 Multifunction loner $20 mail In rebate) Epson C04200 Multifunction lane, $30 mall in rebate HP Laserjet 1020 Punter HP Laserjet 3015 All in one HP PSC 1410 All•in•One HP PSC 1610 All.ln.One Samsung ML-1610 Laser Printer (after 510 mall.m•rebate)
5 459 $ 75 39 $ 175 5 299 $ 99 $ 149 0 69
s 13
160011 120OGa 17200rpm. 50031
Smiting T511552 160 dual layer 090-RW
10003 116008 17200rpm, SATA1
49 / 59
Creative Inspire P5500
/ 99
Creative impire P7100
Creative 580350 2.1 Speakers
$ 11
Lolitecn 0.110 2.1 Speakers 1.091te05 0.530
$ 45
72 / 90
250GB 130008 17200rprn. erne)
107 / 113
10068 / 250GB (770Orpm, SATA)
102 I
w w w. h u b c a n a c i o . c o m
0 67
Logitech 5203 2.1
S 25
Samsung 60GB i5400rprn) Notebook
Samsung 3 K 3 t54cOrprn. 0 M 1 Notebook . $ 119
logitech 2 2300 10510.06 2 5300e
5 113 175
2.5' External Enclosure US32
Logitech 2 5450 Digital 5.1
$ 439
3.5' External tnclosure 115132
$ 25
5.23' External Enclosure U592.0
$ 11
5.25' External Enclosure toot a a UN w . ... S 19
Modem / Network mpen 560 PCI Fax / Data Male,.
5 IS
0.1116 055.5. Port Switch
$ 19
D•Link OWL.G310 Wireless-G PC1
b u n k DI.004 4.Port Router ()Link 01.524 WIreless•G Router
39 S 33
D.link 01624 Wireless•G flouter
5 S9
Linktys Wireless-G US3 WUSBS4G
S 65 $ 65
1106000 WMPS4G PCI Card Linksyt WRTS4GC Router 5
$ 62 ) 1 6 / 10
NoteBook Acer Aspire 3623VIXAl1
S 749
• Intel Celeron 1.5 - 511143, 40GB, DVD•RW drive, • 14.1-WXGA, XP Home, 5.318
Acer Aspire 3003 WUAI
$ 799
Sempron 3000 • 5120.13, BOGB, DVD.RW. • 15.4' WXGA, XP Horne
Acer Travelmate 4202 WUAI
$ 1279
- Intel Coreduo 11.606111, • 1GB DDR2, 100GB, DVD•RW, • 15.4' WXGA, XP Horne
with system purchase: Liteon 160P 140 dual layer DVORW 43 Acer Travelmate 4061WUAI Window XP Home (oern) $100 - Intel CentrIn0 1.0. Pioneer IWR.1100 160 dual layer DVD-RW $ 46 Window XP Professional teem) .... S155 Samsung 52011052 CD-Rewriter $ 74 51203, 3063, DVD.RVI. Lb 51032)(52 CD-Rewriter
S 35
Samsung 40GB (5400rpm) Notebook
$5$449RJ-45 Cable 10 / 10 / 501t
LG 1110A 160 dual layer DVD-RW
40GB / B0G8(7200rpm LAB)S
Window XP Proestional (441/1t)(04111) . . $ 1 7 0
$ 979
• 13.4' 1MGA, XP Professional
April ci_JUb - H U B : Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r Meinlancl Section
BC 33
No compromise on
S M ART H 0 USE wim i m m e c r u W WW. 3 6 0 C C T- V. 0 0 M
Personal Computing
Moving to Mac: Virus S p o t t i n g That sound you heard in mid-February was the sound to override basic security prevention when there's the of millions of Mac users' jaws hitting the floor. After
promise of some reward - a free game, naked pits of
years of gloating about Mac's security superiority over
some famous person, a top secret love letter - even
Windows, Apple users got news of the first 'virus' to hit when common sense says it's probably a trick. It the Mac OS operating system in a while. speaks volumes though that the writer of OSX.LeapA tS0 9001 Ceetfled Products TeleEye DVR System R e m o t e Monitoring with WebServer Built-In Flawless Image with the Lastest JPEG2000 Technology Super Fine Image Quality In Video Recording and Playback
TeleEye CD Writer DVR Remote Video Monitoring
TeleEye W e l / M o n Dome Infra-red CCD Camera
The virus, known as OSX.Leap.A (aka OSX/Leap-A, thought that the lure for Mac users should be a sneak OSX/Leap and other slight variations), is actually a
peak at OSX 10.5 rather than pornography.
worm which infects various files on a Mac OSX system,
There are many Windows users out there who run
and spreads itself via the iChat instant messaging
their computers in a manner that ensures that they'll
program. It disguises itself as an iChat file transfer of a
get infected the next t i m e t h e y g o o u t onto the
file called latestpics.tgz, which promises to be an
Internet, but there are also a ton of users who can use
archive of preview photos of the next version of the
the 'net on an ongoing basis without worrying that their
Mac OS X operating system, OS X 10.5.
system will be compromised, because they use good
Since OSX.Leap.A was released into the wild, it has
security practices while online.
infected very few machines (estimated at less than SO
The same basic security practices must be followed
at press time). That's partly because the worm needs
by Mac users as well. True, Mac OS X is considered
user intervention in order to infect a machine: you have more secure than Windows, both because the user to knowingly open up the archive, and then actually try
is generally prompted f o r a password before any
to open up the resulting file. The other thing keeping
major system changes are made, and the fact that
the infection rate low is that users who aren't logged in
install base is smaller and therefore security threats
as administrators can't fully infect their systems, so it
would find it that much harder to spread. But even Mac
won't propagate; perhaps t h o s e logged i n a s
users can be tricked into doing things that override
administrators are wise enough to not simply open
basic security.
anything that people send them, as well.
On the grand scale, OSX.Leap.A is a failure as a virus,
It's worth noting that one of the key ways that any
but it's a massive success in at least one department:
security threat spreads - whether it's on Windows, Mac it serves as a wake-up call t o those i n the Mac or Linux - is through social engineering, not software community who believe they are immune to viruses engineering: you don't have to write particularly clever and other security threats simply because they are code to bypass security lockouts when someone
using a Mac. OSX.LeapA proves all too well that that's
invites you in through the front door and gives you a
not necessarily the case.
security pass, too. Often times, users are all to happy
By Sean Carruthers
Armour Nile Vision Dome Vail-Focal CCD Camera
Vandal Proof Armour Dome Infra-red CCD Camera
SmartHouse CCTV , Authorized TeleEye Distributor 6 4 0 East Broadway Vancouver, BC V 5 T 1X6 Sales : 6 0 4 - 8 7 6 - 8 8 5 6 2 0 4 - 1 2 0 2 0 Bridgeport Rd (Near No. 5 Road) Richmond BC V 6 V 1J3
Sales : 604-304-0707 B C 3 4 H U B : Digital Livid-1g - B.C. Lowe,- Mainland Srx.uon - A p r i 2 0 0 8
R E r s U L A R - FA R t C E 9 009
HIBA , Toshiba Satellite Pro A100 PSAA3C-ED1OXE Cel-1.7GHz 512MBATGB/DVD-CDRW/Mdm/LAN/XPH/15.4"WXGA
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EzEsuirLaa N t l I C E T- 4 9 9
•INTELO P4 506 2.66GHz S775 •5 1 2 M B P C 3 2 0 0 S a m s u n g D D R •Foxconn 661FX7M1-S 800FSB •W D 8 0 G B 7 2 0 0 R P M 8 M B •S A M S U N G S H - 1 6 2 U 1 6 X D L D V D - R W •LOGITECH INTERNET PRO KB 8 MICE •L O G I T E C H S - 1 0 0 B L A C K S P K W / S U B •1 7 " T D • 2 7 5 0 B L A C K C A S E w / 3 5 0 W P S
Acer TravolMato 4202WLMI-XPH Intel Contrino Duo T2300 1.66GHz/512MB DDR2/80GB/DVDIRW 15.4"WXGAI56K/LanNVLAN
R E G U L - A - 1 4 - P l O
Asus WSFIBLK Dual Coro PM-1.66Ghz/ 5 1 2 M B D D 100GB/ XPH! DVDRW! WLAN/LAN! B.Tooth! 1.3MP Camera/ 12.1"WXGAI4.0 Lbs
A - P O W E R
Norton Intornot Socurity 2 0 0 6 retail $89 Microsoft WIndows XP H o m o O E M $99 Microsoft VVIndows X P P R O O E M $155
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youiP 15mRdnecaa Every business should With your stated goal in mind, have an online presence in plan your site. Anything you add ♦C1111.111 Cenainlionellaroloso just the same way it has a to the site should help you postal address a n d a achieve your goal — i f not, it 7...7, — 1 I 5' • htent. 1 * • phone number. The reason simply shouldn't be there. Design is that many people source your site with a hierarchical information from the Web design with the home page at the in t h e same way they top and five or six pages at the might have used the phone next level. These include an About directory in the past. If your Uspage, a Contact page and three business doesn't have a or four pages dividing the site up Web site, it will be harder into logical sections. If you have to find than it should be. more information than fits i n • Service.bmp However, that said, your these five or six pages it should Domain.bmp This services-based Publisher Web site Domain name services like caDNS.ca business doesn't have to appear at a lower level on the site. and internic.ca let you register Canadacontains all the basics you need—all you do is replace the prompts with your information. spend thousands to have an Asimple Web site can be created specific domain names. appropriate Web presence. in Microsoft FrontPage, Word or What constitutes an appropriate Web presence depends on what you do Publisher. In fact, while purist Web designers scoff at using Publisher for a and your clientele. A business that services a local populatlori such as a site, it really does a very good job of a small web site—It's easy to use (there restaurant or service business can get by with a Web page or two with some are plenty of site designs to choose from), the layout can contain elements basic information about the business and how to make contact. A business you use in your other publications so it can be easily banded to match your that appeals to a wider audience—even an international one—will need a look, and, If your hosting service provides the FrontPage Server Extensions more detailed site, and a business that will be selling online needs an (look for one that does), you can add custom feedback forms very easily. e-commerce solution that support this activity. The added plus is that Publisher, unlike FrontPage, is now an integral part of Before you crank up FrontPage or Publisher or start Investigating shopping the Microsoft Office suite. Of course there are other tools you can also use carts for your business, grab a pen and paper and find a quiet corner to sit Including the very popular Dreamweaver. and plan. Begin by determining the goal that your Web site should achieve When creating your site, design it from your visitors' point of view— ask and then determine what you need to do to meet this goal. If your goal is to yourself what they will come looking for and what they will want to see? sell products online you'll need to display your line, offer information that Make sure your site is all about meeting their needs—not a bandstand from will help a buyer determine if it is what they need and supply a mechanism which you 'strut your stuff: Sites with a strong visitor-centric focus are for ordering and receiving payment. If your goal is to inform your clientele, easy to navigate and provide everything a visitor needs in an easilyyou must provide the Information they'll want to know. accessible format. Another principle to keep in mind is less is more: Your site does not need Designs.bmp Publisher has Web site designs that will coordinate with all your other a Flash movie introduction, it doesn't need to glitter or be technologically Publisher-created materials. very smart—it shouldn't need special plug-ins to.navigate and it shouldn't play sounds! What it should do is work and be easy for a visitor to navigate N ' ••••• r r ^ • • • • • and find what they're looking for, fast! There's simply too much competition on the web for your site to try to be smart at the expense of being informative—Web users will bypass anything that looks too hard to use. 1 1 . 4 1 . • • •
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Register a domain name Buy a domain name for your site so it has an address like wwwxyzcorp.ca or vomv.xyzcorp.com. Once you buy your domain name, provided you keep it registered, it's pretty much yours and you take it with you regardless of where your site is hosted— this lets you move hosting services without losing your site's address. Having your domain name associated with your business name makes it easy for customers to find your site. Even if you're not planning a web site right now, it's possible and sensible to buy your domain name now and park it until you're ready to use it.
By Helen Bradley
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To t a l G a m e r
A piece of the action Videogame fan sites give hobbyists an "in" to the industry
summit for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, we invited
There are hundreds of videogame "fan sites" on the Web, run by ambitious
25 of the top community leaders from around the world for a three-day
and dedicated enthusiasts who devote free time (sometimes as much as
exclusive experience at EALA." Invitees were given a behind the scenes
40 hours per week) t o uploading new screenshots and wallpapers,
look at the creation process and a chance to play demos and interact with
moderating forums, scouring the Internet for fresh content and tweaking
game developers. "We even gave them a chance to create their best 'death
layouts. Their only reward, in many cases, is the knowledge that they're
animation' sound effect, with the best voice being put in the game - that
sharing their passion for a particular videogame or franchise with other fans around the world.
was hilarious!' Kaufman adds. Last year, as Webmaster of Prince of Persia: Legacy, Alvi was invited to
Fan sites straddle a middle ground between traditional news outlets and
Montreal for a tour of Ubisoft's studio and an interview with the producer of
videogame corporations, and game companies are quick to acknowledge
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, Ben Mattes The interview was, of course,
the important contribution o f fan sites and t h e uniquely "biased"
uploaded to the site.
perspective they offer the gaming community. By Erin Bell
'There is something way more convincing about a fan site's reporting of news than a site that is obviously created by corporate interests," says Jay Watamaniuk, community manager at Edmonton-based game studio
0 1
P L R S I A V.11.37
BioWare. `The fan site may be biased because [it's run by] fans, but I'm willing to bet that information is less censored and crafted. That sort of
angle is something we simply cannot produce since we are the company involved ... we are still 'The Man' to some fans." Prince of Persia Legacy (www.poplegacy.planets.gamespy.com) i s a
P s .
typical example of a thriving fan site. Maintained for the past six years by
n n . I 111 t o r. 1
1 1
WINN 7 r e 9 n
Prince a Penh: The Smith or Ihne: Gun...pace _AA I svAin 211,4. ;11 r ' • t a n s ...pa As i Da s a l t .
Zain Alvi, a 20-year-old student from New Jersey, the site is a source of information for Prince of Persia games going back to the early 1990s, providing box images, screenshots, story scripts and interviews. Alvi is able to host his site for free through Gamespy, which provides Web templates, bandwidth, and various editing tools t o Webmasters i n exchange for showing ads on their sites. Natasha Postolovski is able to run her Elder Scrolls fan site, Beyond Oblivion (www.elderscrolls.blogspot.com), at no cost as well because she takes advantage of free images and site hosting services at Blogger.com,
TinyPic.com and Photobucket.com.
°Most of the information I put on the site comes from close reading of
:I ure4
1 , 1 4 1
. 3 T A R .
interviews, previews, and developer quotes; says Postolovski. 'The official forums are also a great place to find information." Ryan Kubasa says being Japanese has been a big advantage in helping him maintain his Dragon Ouest 8 fan site www.DragonOuest8.org, because
Here's a look at some of our favourite videogame fan sites from around the Web.
his aunt is able to send him the official Japanese strategy guides, which he
Beyond Oblivion
then scans and uses on the site months before the same information is available in North America.
www.elderscrolls.blogspot.com The Castlevania Dungeon
actual revenue, there are still perks. Many game companies recognize the
httpd/castlevania.classicgaming.gamespy.com/dungeon.html DragonOuestaorg
role fan sites play in nurturing the sense of community around a particular
Although fan sites are run on a volunteer basis, and generate little or no
game, and afford fan site Webmasters special privileges, like sending them
GUN Headquarters
press releases and exclusive content, or even sponsoring them to attend
events like the Electronic Entertainment Expo [E3). Certain publishers have begun making it even easier for fan sites to get off
Kameo 360 www.kameo360.com
the ground by releasing official "fan site kits" that contain a selection of
Neverwinter Nights Vault
exclusive images, desktop wallpapers, game screenshots, banners,
interviews and Web graphics.
Prince of Persia Legacy
Aaron Kaufman, community manager at Electronic Arts: Los Angeles, says his company holds regular 'community summits" where fan s i t e
http://poplegacy.planets.gamespy.com Resident Evil Fan
Webmasters are invited to the studio for exclusive previews of games and
the opportunity to interact face-to-face with developers.
Super Mario Bros. Head Quarter;
"For example,' Kaufman explains, "when we put on our community 6 l-ttila
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