401111ine vidM haring: from (;)J
ket to global marketplace
November 2006
;Volume 19 Number 11
-volution of the blog T u `tate of WiFi CcAour laser p inters NcioPod i _ors
L_ _ J
otog a
II / j
Digital Imaging
Home Entertainment
Personal Computing
To t a l G a m e r
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EGA850EWL A Power A - Te c h A n i t e c B c o m C a n a d a Computers & Computer Computer C o m p u t e r E l e c t r o n i c s C o m p u t e r C o m p u t e r C o m p u t e r P e r i p h e r a l s A v e n u e B o u l e v a r d F a n s PC 604-273.8888..780.424-3838 6 0 4 - 4 3 5 . 2 0 3 8 7 8 0 . 4 7 1 - 8 8 5 5 9 0 5 - 9 4 6 . 9 6 8 8 4 1 6 - 6 6 7 . 1 6 6 8 2 0 4 - 7 8 3 - 8 9 9 9 204.772-1088 9 0 5 - 5 1 3 , 9 1 6 5 MPT G r e y - Te c h L o g i c M e m o r y E x p r e s s Computer I C C T . C A I n f o M e d i a J N e t r o n i c s C o m p u t e r H o u s e M e g a PC Computers 9 0 5 - 4 7 0 - 1 4 2 5 9 0 5 . 5 1 3 - 9 9 3 5 4 1 8 - 7 2 5 - 3 4 6 4 9 0 5 - 9 4 8 - 1 4 2 8 9 0 5 . 4 1 5 - 0 9 0 9 5 1 4 . 3 4 1 - 4 11 9 4 0 3 - 3 9 8 . 4 5 3 3 4 1 6 - 2 9 2 - 0 5 3 3 'ir.-11141. PC C y b e r T o m k e n T o p t e c h t O T A Mysterb_ita N e t l i n k O r d i c e n t r e C o m p u t e r s C o m p u t e r P C Vi l l a g e S o u t h a n i p t o n Te c h b o l o t t l e a t i c o m p u t e r (B.C.) L t d . 9 0 2 - 4 5 3 - 2 9 8 3 6 0 4 - 2 8 8 - 8 0 8 0 4 5 0 - 6 7 1 - 8 5 5 5 4 1 6 - 9 9 2 - 11 7 7 6 1 3 . 2 2 4 - 9 9 9 5 9 0 5 - 8 8 9 - 5 4 8 8 5 0 8 . 3 8 4 1 6 5 .0 0 905182618118911‘804-207-0086 _ . .
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E Info on the loose
Development Research Centre. The session was called
Can you imagine life without
Controlling Internet Content Worldwide: Policing, public
the Internet? This month's
policy or creeping censorship? The invitation read "Not
focus is "living online" and
long ago, the Internet was thought o f as en open,
the Internet is how most of
self-policing commons — one that held special meaning
us fulfill that. The Internet is
for developing countries b y promising to unleash a
shaping us as much as we
knowledge revolution. Today, along with the exploding
shape it, just as radio and TV use of the Internet throughout the world, there is also shaped w a s shaped b y
increasing pressure as governments seek to reinstate
earlier generations.
control over Internet content."
V a l u r n o n 9 : N u m b e r '11
a v i d Tanaka tonaka.daridGgmail.corn
Managing Editor
r i n Bell erin1ppublishinp,ca Sean Carruthers Gard Goble Mike Palermo Lee Rickwood Marc Saltzman Chad Sapieha Gene Wilburn
Contributing Editors
More than a half century ago, a Canadian political economist named Harold Innis
Can anyone or any government control Internet content?
wrote what were to become two of the most influential
loose information that gatekeepers of traditional media
books on the-role of communications media in shaping
may have wanted t o control — and this has huge
culture. In Empire and Communications (1950) and The
implications both good and bad. The unnerving aspect of
Bias of Communication (1951) Innis suggested that the
information on the loose is that it is unpredictable in its
nature of its communications technology influenced the
consequences — it can enrich as well as endanger
outlooks and possibilities of a civilization. The often-used
individuals and societies as a whole. And that describes
Like paper in relation to clay tablets, the Internet sets
Advertising Sales Sales Manager
R a l p h Ventriglia ralph@ppublishingca
national Account Executive M a r i a Favot maria@ppuolishingoa
example i s the rise o f paper-based communication,
the Internet today — inspiration and dread, humanism
Ad Sales
which is very portable compared to something like a clay
and misanthropy, charity and greed walking arm in arm.
tablet and thus can spread information, and ideas more
In the western world, governments have steered clear of
K a r i m Rizk imomBppublishingoa
easily and quickly. Paper and its sidekick, the printing
wholesale censorship o r draconian legislation t o limit
press, permitted the rise o f European empires, in a
what goes online, [at least to our knowledge), but a
manner of speaking.
similar tension h a s l o n g existed online between
Innis influenced another great Canadian media theorist,
individual a n d commercial, especially corporate
Marshall McCluhan. McCluhan was interested in mass
commercial interests. We saw it in music, where Online
communication, particularly popular media and his
music sharing of MP3 files was a serious setback for the
famous aphorism 'the medium i s the message" i s
mainstream m u s i c i n d u s t r y a n d f o r c e d i t t o
shorthand analysis that TV itself changed culture, never
fundamentally alter its business model. Meanwhile, the
mind what was on the tube. In short, instantaneous
indie scene flourished. This issue, Lee Rickwood's article
electronic communications created a global village.
on online video sharing traces a similar tension where
Some analysts have suggested that the daily TV cast of
personal and commercial video s fight for audience. The
the horrific destruction in Vietnam and body bags of US huge popularity o f YouTube and similar hosting sites soldiers arriving home was a big factor in turning public points to a pent-up demand for something beyond the opinion in the US against the war in the 19705. Today,
three formulas used. in network TV programming, yet
oppressive and friendly administrations alike t r y t o
networks were relatively quick to see the numbers and
manage media more effectively, including the Internet.
realize there was an opportunity for them too.
Coincidentally, as I was writing this editorial an invitation popped up in my email. It was to a brown bag lunch
Enjoy the issue,
seminar i n Ottawa, sponsored b y the International
David Tanaka, Editor-in-Chief
cg_)-nc[oc&2,[ritsN ovember Online video sharing 4
Living with Linux 2
Photography Tutorial
Moving to Mac 2
Evolution of the Bing 1 Musicians love MySpace 1
2 16
WiFi: The reality of being connected Windows Vista Watch: 1E7 2
2 6
DV, or Not DV 3
Lenovo Who? 3
,.,and more
a n Hillcoat boan9ppublishingca
V i v i a n Jin vivianelppublishing.ca
Business Group President/Publisher
S c o t t Piccolo scon@ppuolishing.ca
Art Director
Steven Stoner steves@ppuolishing.ca
Production Coordinator C h r i s t i e Swail cnrimiegppublisiong.co Production Assistant
L i z Van Der Wee lizeppublisning.ca
Distribution Manager
M a r k Backer tharkgppublishingrn
Office Administrator M a l e n i e Raiarant maleme@ppublishingo IT Manager
e v e Cuinney steveq2ppublishing.ca
Piccolo Publishing Inc (Head Office) 775.8 The Oucensway, Toronto, ON, M8Z 181 Tel: 4163489666 Toll-free: 866.757.0179 N.416.348.9553 Canadian Publication Mad, Sales Product Agreement 041037513. Fenced in u n d o 558 1710.0143 HUD: Digital loving (B.C. ed.) 555 1710.0151 HUD: Digital Living (Calgary ed.) SSN 1710.0160 HUB: Digital Living (Edmonton ed.) SSN 1710.5178 HUB: Digital Living (Eastern ed.) 558 1710.5186 HUB: Digital Living (Montreal ed.) 5511 1710.0194 HUB: Digital Living (Prairie ed.) SSN 1710.0208 HUB: Digital Living (SW Ont. ed.) 556 17100216 HUB: Digital Living (Toronto ed.) HUB: Signal Living M published monthly by Piccolo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher is stnaly prohibited. Information presented here is compiled from sources belicsoo to be accurate, however. the publisher assumes no responsibility for mom or omissions. The publisher reserves the right to refuse ads. The opinions expressed in the articles and columns and aas are those of the writer/adveniser and not necessarily those of HUB: Digital Living.
Low•cost colour lasers 2
B LA 0 O L; 1 1
N I r"e-
King George Hwy i i 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 N M r-!.`1
Celeron 2.53/3.2GHz 5 5 4 9 1 5 7 9 Pentium-4 2.813.0G 5 7 4 9 / 7 5 9 Celeron 2.5313.2GHz $ 4 8 9 1 5 1 9 Pentium4 2.8/3.0GHz $ 5 9 9 / 6 0 9 Pentium-4 3.2/3.6G 5 7 7 9 / 8 9 9 Pentium4 2.8/3.0GHz $ 5 3 9 1 5 4 9 Pentium4 3.2/3.6GHz 5 6 2 9 / 7 5 9 P4 Dual-core 2.66/2.8G 5779/799 Pentium4 3.2/3.6GHz 5 5 6 9 / 6 9 9 P4 Dual-core 2.6612.80 5629/649 P4 D al-cor 3 . 4 3 6 5 9 1079 P4 Dual-core 2.66/2.8G 5 6 9 / 5 8 9 Foxconn 865G7MF-S Motherboard Foxconn 945P7AA-8KS2 MB. Asus P5RD2-VM Motherboard (S-775. I865G. 800MHz FSB, S-ATA.R.AID) (S775,800MHz FSB,S-ATA.RAID.PCI.E.DDFt2) (1945P, S-ATA ,RAID, DDR2, PCI-E) 256MB PC3200 DDR RAM 512MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 512MB Pc4200 DDR2 RAM 160GB 8M Cache Hard Drive 160GB 8M Cache Hard Drive • 250GB S-ATA2 Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader All-in-1 Memory Card Reader All-in-1 Memory Card Reader Intel Ektreme Graphic2 Video 0/B ATI X300 PCI-E video upto128M 0 GF7300GS PCI-E 256M/TV-out/DV Open AGP 8x Video card Slot Open PCI-E X16 video card Slot LG-1-110N16xDVDtRW dual layer LG-H1ON 16xDVDtRW dual layer LG-H1ON16xDVDtRW dual layer 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0/B 5.1 Channel 3D Sound Card 0/B 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 01B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 17' P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofe Speakers w/Headphone Jack Speakers w/Headphone Jack 19' LG L194WTX Wide Screen LC 17"LG 1718S LCD Panel 8ms 700:1 171G 1718S LCD Panel 8ms 700:1 (5ms, 2000:1. Dual Analo i t a l S oLEmiA-42 3 5 S O L E R IA- 2 2 3 S ' Sc_ERIA-G235
Super Office S t o r e Depot
P4 00-81.-014-2:6612:66 51029/1049 P4 Dual-core 3.4/3.60 5111911329 Core 2 Duo E6300/6400 51129/1179 Core 2 Duo E6600/6700 51289/1519 Asus P5LD2 Motherboard (Inte11945,S-ATA,RAID,DDR2,PCI-E) OCZ 1G PC5400 DDR2 dual-channel 320GB 16MB S-ATA2 Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader GF7600GT PCI-E 256m/TV-out/DV LG-H1ON 16xDVDtRW dual layer 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0/B Logitech premium desktop keyboard Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse 17' P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/10011000Mb Ethernet 0/B Edifier M1500 6pc 5.1 Speaker 191 LG L194WTX Wide Screen LC (5ms, 2000:1, Dual Analog/Digital) SOLER! A - 8 2 3 5
l A c e r TM2480-2022 Celeron-M1A6G/512W60G/14.1'WXGA/56K/LAN/802.11g/DVD-RW/XP-Home$ 6 9 6 ' Acer AS3100-1104 Sempron3400,1512W60G/15.4*WXGA/56K/LAN/802.11g/DVD-CDRW/XP-H6 9 9 Acer AS5102WLMI AMD Dual-1.6G120G1G15.4"WXGA,DVD-RW56k.LAN,WLAN.Camera,XP-MCE 939CZ PC3200 2.00 Dual-channel DDR..$239.9 Acer AS 5601AWLMI Intel Core Duo 1.6G,512M.100G,DVD-RW,56k,LAN,VVireless LAR5-in1,XP-Home 919 (Perfomance Edition w/OCZ XTC Heatspreaders) Asus W5F DU0-1.6G/1.0G/100G/12.VWXGA/DVD-RW/56K/LAWWLAN/Bluetooth/Camera/XP-Home..1689 Brother MFC5440CN 5-In-1 color printer..85.9 Fujitsu N3430E Core Duo-1.6G/512M/100G/15.4"CVWXGAIDVD-CDRW56K/LAN/802.11g/XP-MCE......1189 (Fax+Print+Copy+Scann+PC Fax+Ethemet card) LG F1-2225A9 Core Duo-1.73G/512W800/15.4'CVWXGA/DVD-CDRW56K/LANI802.11g/XP-H9 8 9 1.0 P1-5001A9 Core Duo 1.8G/100G/512M/15.4'WXGA/DVD-RW/56k/LAN/WLAN/1394/5-in-1/XP-H1 3 4 9 Samsung MI1610 Laser Printer($30 MIR)....69 Samsung 400G 16MB SATA2 Hard drive..159 Toshiba PTA83C-KF201E Core Duo-1.66G/512M/80G/DVDRW/15.4-TFT/56KILAN/ WLAN/XP-Pro1 4 4 9 Linksys WRT54GR Double Range Router..69 PC2700 200pin DDR 512M/1.0G$ 7 5 1 1 3 9 Bluetooth adaptor/USB IRDA Bridge2 5 / 1 9 LG H1ON 16xDVD+-RW DL.w/software3 4 . 9 PC4200 DDR2 200pin 512M/1.OG7 9 1 1 3 9 External USB 1.44 Floppy Drive3 9 144Pin SDRAM 128/256/512M3 6 / 5 5 1 1 0 9 Macintosh Desktop & Notebook Memory full linec a l l LG 19" L194WTX Wide Screen LCD2 4 4 . 9 Encore wireless LAN 54Mb USB/PCMCIA...35/35 2..5 Hard Drive 40/60/80/120G6 8 . 9 / 8 5 / 9 5 / 1 3 9 , 1 . 111 E M E E M E D IMIEGE=M111 Microsoft Works Suite 2006..._.........__$ 6 8 . 9 18" Case USB2.0 front 350w/450w Dual Fan5 2 9 / 4 8 Sempron64Bit 3-754 2800/3000/3400+5 5 4 / 6 4 / 8 9 Windows 2000 Professional 1 7 9 4 Sempron AM2 2800/3000/3400/3600,-54/65/89/125 Windows XP Flame/Pro:64 Bit.9 9 / 1 4 9 / 1 6 8 Sony 1.44M Floppy Drive1 Athlon64 AM2 3000/3200/3500/380088/98/114/138 VAndowsXP Media centre2005/controller..135/49Power supply AT/ATX/400w2 9 / 2 7 / 3 9 4 AMD Athlon64X2 AM2 3800/4200/4600199/219/295 MS Office 2003 Student & Teacher Edition1 6 9 Dual Fan Power supply 450W4 Antec SP-450 Ultra quit 450W Power supply8 9 AMD Athlon64X2 AM2 4800/50003 5 9 / 3 9 9 MS Office 2003 Basic Edition1 9 9 Celeron-5775 2.53G/3.2G/3.33G.5 8 / 8 4 / 9 9 Seasonic S12 600W quite Power Supply1 5 9 MS Office 2003 SBE/Professional. 2 8 9 / 3 1 9 Pentium-4 S775 2.8/3.0/3.2/3.66102/109/125/249 Windows SBS 2003 Server w/5CAL . 499 Tisonlc ATX-460-1020F 460W Quiet Power Supply..69 Pentium D Dual Core 805(2.660)/820(2.8G)1181138 Enermax Liberty ELT620AVVT 620W Power Supply 179 Win2003 Server Standard w/SCAL7 8 9 Pentium D dual core 945(3.4G)/960(3.6G)1 9 4 / 4 0 9 Enermax Noisemke EG495P-VE SFMA 485W9 9 MS Optical Mouse/Internet Keyboard 1 3 / 1 8 OCZ 700W OCZ 700GXSSLI Silent Power Supply1 7 9 Core 2 Duo E6300(1.86G)/E6400(2.13G)2 1 4 / 2 5 9 MS Keyboard Multimedia/Natural2 2 / 3 1 Thermaltake W0117 Toughpower 750W P. Supply. 2 1 9 Core 2 Duo E6600(2.40)/E6700(2.660)3 6 4 / 5 9 9 MS Intemet Keyboard+Optical Mouse1 9 PC-133 SDRAM 128/256/512M2 9 . 9 / 4 4 / 6 9 Thermaltake TR2-430W Power supply6 5 MS Wireless Keyboard+Optical Mouse5 4 CyberPower UPS w/software 425/525/650VA.....59/75/89PC-133 SDRAM 16 chips 128/256M3 3 / 4 9 DDR PC3200 256/512W1.0G3 2 . 9 / 6 2 . 9 / 1 1 8 . 9 AeroCool Products Full Linec a l l 1.1=EraXEMI DDR2 PC4200 256/512M/1.OG3 9 . 9 / 5 5 . 9 / 11 5 . 9 USB 2.0 PCI Adapter 5 Ports $ 1 9 . 9 CDIDVD.ROM/Ft/RW OCZ PC3200 512M Premier w/XTC Heatspreader..65.9 Enhanced PCI Printer Port Adapter 1/2 Port__ 25/29 LG/Samsung 52xCD-ROM1 8 . 9 9 OCZ PC5400 512M Value Pro XTC Heatspreader..61.9 IEEE 1394 (Firewire) PCI Adaptor 4 ports. 2 4 . 9 LG 16X DVD-ROM2 3 . 9 IEEE 1394 (Firewire) PCI Adaptor w/Cable. 3 2 . 9 Sony CRX230ED 52432x52 CD-RW w/software2 4 . 9 OCZ DDR PC3200 1G(2x512M)Dual Channel kft..139.9 PCI Serial Adaptor 2 port w/16C550 UART. 2 4 . 9 Daytek DVR-P30 DVD Recorder Progressive Scan 159 (Premier Series xtrem thermal convection heatspreader) OCZ DDR PC3200 20(2x1.0G)Dual-channel kit...239.9 Removable Hard Drive Rack IDES-ATA.....14.9/19.9Dblech Portable(Slim) External 8xDVD-RW1 1 9 2.5 Notebook HD to 3.5 HD IDE Adapter 1 1 . 9 LG GSA-I-HON dual layer 16xDVD±RW w/soft ware 34.9 (Perfomance E.xtrem thermal convection heatspreader) USB Radio Recording support MP3 & WMA.1 4 . 9 LG -H221 18xDVD±RW DL. Lightscribe w/software 48.9 OCZ DDR2-667mhz PC5400 1G dual-channel kit..139.9 USB Fan & Light 2-in-1 4 . 9 9 LiteOn SOHW-160P6S Dual Layer 16xDVD±RW3 7 . 9 OCZ DDR2 PC5400 1G EL Gold dual-channel kiL.149.9 USB 2.0 Gold-Plated Printer Cable retail box.9 . 9 9 Pioneer DVR111D dual layer16XDVD±RW software 40.9 OCZ DDR2 PC5400 2.OG(2x1G)dual channel kit.....269 (Value Pro Series w/Themal Convection Heatspreaders) USB 2.0 Cable Printer/Extension7 / 7 Plextor 760A16xDVD-i-jIW w/sollware 1 2 9 Kingston PC3200 256/512M/1.OG.3 9 . 9 / 6 8 . 9 / 1 3 2 USB to Parrallel Printer Port Cable Adapter. 2 9 Plextor 716A16x0VDtRW w/software 1 4 5 Monitor Extension Cable Shield 6710715... 12/15/19 Plextor 755SA S-ATA 15x8DVD±RW w/software1 4 2 USB2.0 Flash Drive 512W1G/2G/4G 24/29.9/49.9/99 4 . 9 DVI Cable For Digital Monitor 61101151 5 / 2 2 / 2 9 Samsumg S182D 18xDVD±RW DL w/software4 2 . 9 Laser MP3FM01 MP3 Pla er 1.00.4 DIGITAL CAMERA 9 Pin Serial Cable F/F Straight/cross1 3 / 1 3 Sony DW-G120A Dual layer 16xDVD±RW software 42.9 USB 2.0 To IDE (3.5 & 2.5) Adaptor ' 2 5 Blank CD ' I 0 . 3 4 / 1 . 9 Canon A430/540/630/640/71015-5195/279/379/469/419 USB 2.0 To S-ATA+IDE (3.T & 2.5) Adaptor ........35 Ritek Ridata BOMin 700MB 50 Pack Retail box1 4 . 9 9 S3iS/SD-40/600/630/70016/S31S....479/359/399/469/50 S-Video Cable 6Ft7 . 9 Precision 4xDVD-R 4.7G 25Pack Retail Box6 . 9 9 Canon Camcorder DC100/DC20/DC405 4 9 / 7 8 9 / 8 7 9 40/80 Pin IDE Data Cable ............ 3 / 5 Ritek Ridata DVD-R 8X/Printable0 . 5 9 / . 7 5 CasioEX-5600/770/270/Z600/3 1 9 / 4 1 9 / 2 6 9 / 2 9 9 Casio EX-Z700/Z85021000 319/399/359 80 Pin Round IDE Data Cable7 Ritek Ridata 4XDVD-RW2 . 4 9 Olympus FE190/5600/5710/5740229/289/329/379 Parallel Port Printer Cable7 KEYBOARD/MOUSE Olympus E330K/E500K/E500K21 0 1 9 / 7 49/849 3 Serial ATA (SATA) Power Cable Keyboard BenQ P010/1bunami Multimedia 5 6 / 9 . 9 9 Sony DSCW50/DSCW100/DSCH2.,2 9 9 / 3 9 9 / 4 3 9 . 9 KVM 3-in-1 6' Cable 9 PS/2 Chinese Keyboard 9 Sony DSCH5/DSCT10/DSCN25 2 9 / 4 1 9/479 19/22 KVM Switch maual 2 Port/4 Port w/o cable Fujitsu Keyboard 8729/47261 8 / 5 8 Digital KVM Switch HotKey w/cable 2/4port 39/79 HP 530211 USB Multimedia Keyboard w/2 USB port1 6 Compact Flash 256/512W1G/2G....19.9/24.9/32.9/49.9 Compact Flash 80x/120x 612W1G/2G....32.9/44.9/59.9 EUSSO UK58204-DO 4 port USB KVM Switch...129 Multimedia Keyboard/Black1 5 / 1 7 Compact Flash 120x 4.00/Seagate 8.001 6 4 / 1 3 9 EUSSO UKS8104-R0 4 port KVM Sinkable1 3 9 Logitech Logitech Premium DesIctop(keyboard+wireless mouse).29Memory stick Pro Duo 512/W1G/2/4G.....49/54 9/89/159 USB Printer connect to Parana port adapter2 9 Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse9 . 9 9 Micro-Secure Digital 512M/1.0G3 2 . 9 / 5 9 ST Lab S-ATA PCI Ada ter w/RAID su r l . 2 9 Logitech G5 Laser Gaming Mouse5 7 . 9 Secure digital 512/1.0G/2.0/4.0G21.9/29.9/49.9/105 UPGRADE SPECIAL. $ 1 3 9 Logitech G7 Laser Gaming Mouse7 1 . 9 Secure digital 80x 512/1.0G.2 6 . 9 / 3 4 . 9 Free Installation Logitech Cordless MX1000 rechargeable Laser Mouse.79Secure digital 150x 2.0/4.0G5 9 . 9 / 1 0 8 . 9 Foxconn760GX1d3MCMBwIAMDSernpron64 3000. CPU Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3000 KB & Mouse7 5 Secure digital Mini 512M/1.06/2.0G2 5 . 9 / 3 4 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 10/100MbLANIRAID/S•ATAM.Channel 5.1 3D Audio Logitech Cordless MX 5000 Bluetooth KB & Mouse.....124 49/69 Upto128MB AGP 8X Video (OpenAGPVideo card slot) Logitech Cordless Internet Pro desktop Mouse+K.B4 9 Transflash 512W1.0G XD-Picture Card 512M/1.0G/2,OG4 9 / 5 9 / 9 9
• ..
P h o n e : 6 0 4 - 5 9 9 - 8 7 8 5 # 1 1 1 6-731 8 1 3 7th S t Fax: 6 0 4 - 5 9 9-875 8 S u r r e y , B C , C a n a d a Tech: 6 04-5 9 9-8 745 V 3 W 1 A 3
•VARARI. S0 V O CO [MI LJAS C e firti M
Systems c o m a w i t h 3 y e a r s l a b o r, 1 y e a r p a r t w a r r a n t y ; o p t i o n o f 1 m o n t h f r o o i n t e r n a l a c c e s s . All n o w s y s t e m s ore t a s t e d 8, b u r n e d 4 n f o r 48 h o u r s b e f o r e s h i p p i n g . F i n a n c i n g a n d l e a s i n g are available. •/. c a s h d l e c o u n t a n d rife s u b / o c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . P r i c e e ff e c t i v e N o v 05 - N o v 30
AMD AM2 Sempron64 2800+ $ 5 1 9 Sempron64 3000/3400+ 5 5 3 9 1 5 5 9 AM2 Athlon64 3000/3200+ $5591579 AM2 Athlon64 3500/3800+ 5599/619 Foxconn K8M890-M2MA-RS2H MB (20001411e S-A7A,RAID. PCI-E X16,) 512MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 160GB 8M Cache Hard Drive. All-in-1 Memory Card Reader VIA Chrome9 Video Card 0/B Open PCI-E x16 Video card Slot LG-H1ON 16xDVD±RW dual layer 6 Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouvse 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B Speakers w/Headphone Jack 171G 1718S LCD Panel 8ms 700:1 S CILERIA- 1 2 3 5
AMD Am2 Sempron64 2800+ 5 5 5 9 Sempron64 3000/3400+ 5 5 7 9 / 5 9 9 AM2 Athlon64 3000/3200* 5599/619 Athion64X2 3800/4200+ 5 7 1 9 / 7 3 9 Asus M2NBP-VM CSM Mainboard (nVidia Ouadro,S-ATA, Dual-channel) 512MB PC4200 DDR2 RAM 160GB 8M Cache Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader ev)dia GF6 video w/RGB/ DVI 0/B Open PCI-E x16 Video card Slot LG-H10N 16xDVDiRW dual layer 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouse 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B Speakers w/Headphone Jack 17"LG 1718S LCD Panel 8ms 700:1 5 oLERIA-3235
n B u s i n e s s
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Sunday&Holidays C l o s e d . AMD Athlon64-AM2 3200+ S989 AMD Athlon64-AM2 3200+ 5 7 4 9 Allilon64 3500+/3800+ 5101911039 Athlon64 3500+/38004 5 7 7 9 / 7 9 9 Athlon64x2 3800/4200+ 51099/1129 Athlon64x2 3800/4200+ $8491879 Athlon64x2 4600/4800+ 120911279 Athlon64x2 4600/4800+ 969/1029 Asus M2N4-SLI AM2 Mainboard MSI K9N Neo-F AM2 Mainboard (nForce4 SLI,DDFt2.RAID.SATA,PCI-E7 nForce550,Dual-channel DDR2,RAID) OCZ 1G PC5400 DDR2 dual-channel 512MB PC5400 DDR2 RAM 320GB 16MB S-ATA2 Hard Dnve 250GB S-ATA2 Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader All-in-1 Memory Card Reader GF7300GS PCI-E 256M/TV-out/DVI GF7600GT PCI-E 256m/TV-out/DVI LG-H1ON 16xDVD-AW dual layer LG-H10N16x0VDIRW dual layer 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0/13 Logitech premium desktop keyboard BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse Logitech Optical Wheel mouse i r P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B Edifier M1500 6pc 5.1 Speaker 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofer 9" LG L194WTX Wide Screen LCD 19' LG L194WTX Wide Screen LCD (5ms, 2000:1, Dual Analog/Digital) (5ms, 2000:1, Dual Analog/Digital) SoLERIA-7235 SOLERiA-5235
17=122=1111.1 1 1 1 0 1 3 = = = Aopen V.92 56K PCiii-lardware voice . 5 1 9 / 3 5 Encore 4-Channel PCI Sound Card. 5 1 4 USR 56k V.90 PCI Win ModeemNoice2 2 / 2 5 Creative SB Audigy SE 7.1/Audigi 4 SE 7.1 2468-.34/53 Creative SB X-FI Xtremmusic Retail box.1 1 8 I I I M E = E 1 1 9 CNet 10/100Mb Switch 5/8/16 Port.S 2 2 / 3 2 / 6 9 Creative SB X-FI Platinum Retail box.1 6 8 Impression 10/100Mb Ethernet Card9 Creative SB X-Fi Fatality box.. 2 0 8 Encore PCMCIA 56K FAX Modem Card bus. 2 9 Creative SB X-FI Elite Prot 24b8 7.1 Retail box.....-.318 Encore Wireless LAN 54Mb USB/PCMCIA.3 5 / 3 5 0G-1015 w/subwoofer/Speaker 1 3 / 6 Novatech wireless-G 54 Mb PCI Ethernet Card_ 2 9 3 Altec Lansing BX21/Edifier M15002 9 / 3 9 D-Link 4 port Router DI604/D1704UP printer serve 42/59 Creative t-TRIGUG 34009 9 59.9 Logitech X530/X• M . A t D-Link Wireless DI-524 Router 802.11G 54Mb 69.9 D-Link WirelessG DI-624 Router 108Mb STORAGE/CONTROLLER 0-Link DWL-G630 54Mb PCMCIA LAN Wireless 51 PATA (IDE) 7200RPM Hard Drive with 2MB buffer cache: 0-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-G510 54Mb 53 80G 7200 rpm Hard drive w/3 year warranty5 2 . 9 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-G520 108Mb 61 PATA (IDE) 7200RPM Hard Drive with 8MB buffer cache: D-Link wireless LAN PCMCIA DWL-G650 108Mb . .59 80/160250G.5 2 . 9 / 6 9 . 9 / 8 4 . 9 D-link 24 Port DES-1024DG/1024R+ Switch1 5 9 / 1 4 4 ATA EIDE 7200rpm Hard Drive with 16MB buffer cache: D-Link DSS-16+ 16 Port Switch7 8 320/400/500G.1 1 4 9/179 9/259 Linksys WRT54G 4 port wireless router6 9 SATA 8M 80/160/250G..._ . . 5 3 51/72.9/65.9 Llnksys WRT54GR Double Range wireless router 69 SATA 16M 250/320.'400/5000.9 2 . 9 / 11 5 . 9 / 1 5 9 , 2 5 9 Llnksys WRT54GS Speed Boost wireless router 8 6 WD Rapier 10000rpm 5 Yr warranty 74/150G....169/299 Linksys WMP54G wireless PCI network card6 5 SCSI Hard Drive.. . . . _ c a l l Linksys WMP54GS Speed Boost wireless PCI card6 9 VIDEO Linksys WUSB54G wireless USB card6 8 Asus EN-7600GT 256M.7900GTX Linksys WPC54G wireless PCMCIA Asus EN7950GX2/1G GF7950 1024M TV-out/DVI..-699 SMC EZ65167X-CA 16 Port Switch 7 9 ATI-Sapphire Radeon 9200 128M w/TV-ouL.3 6 . 9 Cable Assembly 3/6/10 4 / 5 / 6 All Radeon 9250 12814 w/TV-out13V1 . 4 4 . 9 Cable Assembly 25/50/75/1008 9 / 1 4 / 1 9 / 2 4 ATI Radeon 9550 w/TV-otri/DV1/256M • 6 9 9 CAT5e Cable 50/75/100/10008.9 / 1 2 / 1 5 / 7 5 ATI-Sapphire 9600XT 256/4 DDR w/DVVIV-out___.84.9 All X800070 256M DDR3/TV-ouVDV1/HDTV__ - 9 9 . 9 Canon IP1600(550 MIR when buy a computer)5 8 . 9 All X800GTO Flreblade 256M DDR3MI-out/DVl...109.9 Acer LCD 17' AL1706AB/AL17178BMD5 1 8 5 / 2 1 5 Canon IP2200/3300/43004 8 . 9 / 1 0 9 / 1 5 4 All X850XT 256M DDR3/TV-out/DV111-IDTV___-....199.9 Acer 19' LCD AL1916AB/1916WAB2 3 5 / 2 2 9 Canon IP6600D/3900/11.90 2 4 5 / 3 8 9 / 2 8 9 All X1300 25684 TV-out DVI PCI-FJAGP_.--...891119 Acer 2C AL2416WD/37" AT3720A7 9 9 / 1 2 4 9 Canon Large Format IPF-500/600/700150923194019 All X1600Pro 256M TV-out DVI PCI-E/AGP....1211.91139 Acer 3 r AT3705-DTV 1920x1080 LCD TV1 5 9 9 Canon IPF5000/W6400/1N84002 0 9 9 / 3 6 7 9 6 0 1 9 ATI-Sapphire X1900XT PCI-E 256811,1V-ixADVI ..._.309 Daewoo/Daytek 15* VVTN15E2 LCD TV monitor..299Canon Large format IPF8000/IPF90005 8 4 9 / 1 5 0 1 9 ATI-Sapphire X1900XTX PCI-E 51214,TV-ouLDV1...A69 Daytek19T191311 LCD VGA/DVI 12ms speaker..229Canon MP-160/460/510/600/83099/149/199/289/389 All-Sapphire X1950XTX PCI-E 512M,VIVO,DVI4 9 9 Daytek LCD Touch Screen 15"/17"5 9 9 / 7 6 9 Canon Laser MFC L80/L120/D340. 2 8 9 / 3 8 5 1 4 4 9 ATI TV-cut DVI X300se 126MIX700Pro 256M....59179.9 Daytek DT-3220 37 LCD-TV PIP 1000:11 1 8 9 Canon MFC MF-3240/5730/6530/6550...239/489/749/839 All AD-in-wonder 256M 2006 Edition PCI-E/AGP1 5 9 Daytek EPT-4202AN 47 Plasma Monitor/TV 1789 Canon MF8180C Corior laser PrintScan/Copy/Fax_...929 All AM, PCI-E 256M X1900/X1800XL2 7 9 1 2 1 9 LG 17' L1718S 700:1 8ms1 8 9 . 9 Canon Scanner 4400F/8400F/9950F1 4 9 / 2 2 9 / 5 6 5 eVGA PCI-E 25614 730001776000S 1 0 9 / 1 3 9 LG L1732TX Analog/Digital 4ms 1400:12 0 9 Document scanner DR1210C/2050C/2580C 459/749/899 eVGA GEFORCE 760068 256m 130R3 AGP3 1 9 LG 17" L1752TX 1400:1 300cd/m2 8ms2 0 8 Epson C68/C88/12805/R24008 4 / 9 9 / 4 4 9 / 9 8 9 eVGA PCI-E 7600GT 256M DDR3/1V-out/DVI1 6 9 LG 1932TX Dual Analog/Digital 4ms 1400:12 7 8 Epson CDs printer R220/340/800/1800...119/169/4491639 eVGA PCI-E 256M 7950GT/7900GTX 512M3 6 9 / 4 9 9 LG 1952TX Dual Analog/Digital 8ms 1400:12 4 9 Epson 3-in-1 CX3810/420015800F/7800-105/129/155/219 eVGA 7950G2 1 . 0 G DDR3 PCI-E5 9 9 LG L194VVT widescreen 5ms 2000:1 VGAJDVI 245.Brother 210C/420CNi640CW/5440CN.119/149/169/279/95 Purse AGP8X GF6200 TV-out DVI HDTV256M7 4 LG L204WTX 20' 1680x1050 5ms 2000:1 3 4 9 Brother Laser HL-2030/20401 3 9 / 1 7 9 Fcrsa PCI-E GF6600GT TV-out DVI 256M DDR2..129.9 LG 20.1" L2012P 700:1 16ms5 0 9 Brother HL 2070N/2700CN/5250DN. 2 2 9 / 7 4 9 / 3 3 9 Fuse PCI-E 256M TV DVI 73000S760005....82.9/132 LG 23" L2300C 1725 Okidata Laser 6410084250/84350....._ 179249919 Gigabyte RC197512B X1900XTX 512M/TViDV1.......559 LG 37 L3200A 1995 Okidata Color Laser C3200NiC5500N3 4 9 / 6 2 9 Leadtek GF7600GS PCI-E 256ALIV-out.13V1 .. LG 47 L4200A 1600x1200 1000:1 12ms 3589 Okidata Color Laser C580OLDNIC7550N8 3 9 / 1 5 5 9 Leadtek GF7600GT PCI-E 256M DDR3 TV-outtDVL.189 Samsung 17' 740N LCD 600:1 8ms 195 Okidata DOT Martrix 186/186S/3207D. 2 8 9 / 3 3 3 ' 4 8 9 Leadtek GF7900GTX PCI-E 512M wITV-out/DVI......529 Samsung 19' 920N 8ms 700:1 239 Samsung Laser ML1610/2571N/3051N9 9 / 2 5 9 / 3 4 9 Leadtek PX7950GX2 GF7450GX 1.0G PCI-E.6 5 8 Samsung LCD 9408 HAS Night ajustable 8ms 379 Samsung color laser Printer CLP510/510N3 7 9 / 579 Mato* G550 32M DH.Prutetia 128/25614...126/418/688 Samsung LCD 940BF Analog/DVI 2ms 700:13 0 5 Samsung Toner Cartridge w/Dnun 1610D25 9 MSI RX1950XT VT2D512E 512M DV1VNO. 5 3 9 Samsung LCD 940BW Analog/DVI 6ms 700:1 255 MSI 25681 VIVO DVII NX7950G1770c0rar73 6 9 / 6 2 8 IMME:=1.111 Samsung LCD 20' 205BW 329 McAfee Virusscan 2006 Ver.10 . TV Tuna,' racism* . 6 1 6 Sony LCD S75AB1S95AB 319/519 McAfee Internet Security Suite 2006. 2 4 . 9 AT TV-Wonder VFJEfile:HOTVWorde•5 9 / 1 4 5 / 1 4 9 Sony LCD 575DB/S95DB 389/538 Norton Antivirus 2006 Retail box. Leadtek TV Tuner TV2000XP Expert w/remote.- 79 2 4 . 9 VlowSonic CRT G90F/G225FB 289/539 Norton Internet Security 2006........_....__...__....._29.9 Leadtek1AinFast PVF2000 TV Tuner MCE 2005.......-39 VlewSonlc 17 VA7028/19" VA902B 199/239(Norton Antivirus 2006+ Flier/all +Antl-Spatn+Antl-Popup) External USB TV-Tuner4 9 ViewSonic LCD 17' VG720NG920 289/299 Norton Ghost 10.05 D.ret TV Box mild) TV without wmputer6 8 8 . 9 VlewSonic LCD VP2030BNP2130B 489/699 Cord WordPerfect Office 12 OEM1 Sapphire Theatix 550 Pro TV Tuner FlktRemote..95/109 9 . 9
MOTHERBOARD ASUS P4S800D-X/P5P800-MX5 7 9 / 7 2 ASUS P5SD2-X/P5PE-VM 7 9 / 7 5 ASUS P5L-MX/P5LD2/P5LD2-Deluxe9 9 / 1 3 9 / 1 6 8 ASUS P5RD2-VM/P5B-VB/P5B9 4 / 1 5 9 / 1 7 5 ASUS P5B-Deluxe/P5B-Deluxe-WF-AP. 2 2 5 / 2 4 9 ASUS P5N32-SLIIP5N32-SLI-Premium1 3 9 / 2 5 9 ASUS P5W-DH-Deiuxe/P5WDG2-Pro2 7 4 / 3 7 5 ASUS P5W64-WS-Pro3 5 9 ASUS (S754) K8U-XIKEIV-MX/B(w/1394)6 9 / 6 9 ASUS (AM2) M2N-E/M2N-SLI-DELUXE1 1 8 / 1 7 4 ASUS (AM2) M2NPV-VM1M2N32-WS-Pro1 0 5 / 3 7 2 ASUS (AM2) M2N32-SLI-Deluxe/M2n4-SLI2 4 4 / 1 1 9 ASUSAM2 M2NBP-VM/CSM(corperate edition)9 9 ASUS 5939 ASS-X/A8N-SLI/A8N-SLI-DX84/119/139 ASUS S939 A8N5X/A8N32-SLI-Deluxe9 9 / 2 0 9 Foxconn K7S 741GXMG S4626 4 Foxconn 760GXK8MC-RSIK8M890-M2MA6 9 / 6 9 Foxconn 865G7MF-S S775 800MHz FSB S-ATA 69 Foxconn 945P7AA-8KS21 0 2 PC Partner KM400AMS-A36A6 4 Gigabyte GA-81945P-G/81965P-DS31 1 4 / 1 8 4 Gigabyte GA-81945P-Pro1 5 4 Gigabyte GA-01975X2 8 8 Gigabyte GAM57SLI-S4/GAM55SLI-S41 7 9 / 1 2 9 MSI 975X Platium/945P Neo2-F2 1 9 / 1 2 9 MSI 945P Neo-Platium1 7 9 MSI K9N Neo-F9 9 MSI K9N-Platlum/K9N-SLI-Platium SLI1 2 9 / 1 6 9
Digital Imaging
Online video s h a r i n g From flea market to global marketplace
Monetizing and commercializing online video
Online video sites are like a digital media flea market. Folks come to show,
to look like a global shopping mall.
But now, the big boys are stepping in, and the local flea market is beginning share and swap their wares, unencumbered by over-riding commercial
"Online video is emerging from its infancy and entering the mainstream.
concerns. That can be good or bad, frustrating or satisfying— but it's all part
Many publishers and advertisers are responding to this trend, which means
of an exciting sense of discovery and shared experience.
advertising dollars will continue to migrate online where consumers can be
The online video phenomenon began [much as the Web in general and P2P targeted with efficiency,' says Jack Flanagan, well-known Internet guru and in particular) by promising empowerment to individual content creators or founder of a online audience measurement firm. documentarians, b e t h e y neophyte, amateur, independent o r even
Flickr, the original Canadian photo-sharing site, was snapped up by an
professional.The ability t o share one's own video content [ o r musical
international media conglomerate. MySpace has a deal with Fox TV. MSN has
favourites o r personal photo albums or citizen journalist submissions)
a video deal with Soapbox. User-generated content will still be available, but
online opens up an almost unimaginably wide landscape o f styles,
popular TV shows are featured and sold online more and more.
concepts, interests and audiences. Many viewers say i t s precisely the
Like on YouTube. It signed a deal with giant Warner Music [but it is in legal
marginality of such content that gives video sharing its unique viewability,
limbo with others), and will offer as many established stars and branded
and ever-increasing popularity.
artists as it does user-originated material. As yet unsettled issues with user-generated content are questions o f
Among websites ranked by comScore Media Metrix, for example, YouTube scored 19.1 million unique visitors in August (up 19 per cent over the
ownership, rights and compensation. Legal eagles are still exploring the
previous month). That makes it the 32nd most-visited Web property. Web
ramifications of hosted material that is deemed libelous or defamatory, even
surfers now download 100 million videos a day on YouTube — none more
as they jostle over who controls the material in the first place, and who may
than 10 minutes long. Host sites — like Digg, YouTube, MySpace, OhMyNews, Google, Rocketboom,
benefit from its exhibition or distribution. Video submissions to MSNBC, for example, are covered by an agreement
LeapFrog and others — are technology enablers, providing storage space
that grants t h e company " a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive,
and bandwidth. It's the creators themselves that fuel the fire, creating
unrestricted, worldwide license to: use, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit,
entirely new markets where the major media companies apparently thought
publicly perform or display' any contributions it gets! Interestingly, those
none existed.
rather comprehensive rights are also granted to third party sub licensees.
BC 4
H U B : 0 4 -cal Living - S.C. L o w e r Mainland Section - N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6
V I VA M h u b c r l , c i a , , , •
Digital Imaging A less commercial approach is followed by online video sites such as Digg, which operates under the Creative Commons Public Domain License, stipulating that video submissions are "dedicated" to the public domain. In the case o f YouTube, music giant Warner has licensed its songs to
Online video and personal broadcasting While protection from legal hassles is one significant consideration when sharing video, personal broadcasters are looking to supplement their own income, not that of a million-selling artist.
YouTube, so that anyone who uploads their own version of a popular tune are
One approach is the revenue sharing model unveiled by Google or Blinkz.
allowed to do so — usually. YouTube will use tracking technology t o tag
People who post videos may set their own price points, or series of prices,
people uploading copy-protected songs, and it will pass the information on
depending on content, quality, length and other factors. Some online video
to its corporate decision-makers to see if the video gets "approved." Some
sharing host sites are exploring ways to share advertising revenue with the
might argue that fair use considerations in most copyright laws already
content creators, as well. Hosted video is just one approach, however. Content creators can still share
allow such usage.
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Digital Imaging by using new digital media tools to broadcast video, photo and audio content
The directory lists a range o f content from serious corporate video
directly from their desktop. Software from PiXPO and others, enables the
messages to humorous user-generated content. You can also search for
distribution o f seemingly unlimited amounts o f personal media from a user's own personal broadcast site: their PC. Users face no limits to the size or amount of digital media content they
specific videocasts or topics of interest by content, keyword, tags and so on. Its like a department store 'You Are Here" map, but at your favourite flea market. By Lee Rickwood Lee Rickwood operates WordOnA Wire, an independent company providing editorial,
broadcast, and avoid the entire upload process. Pixpo says it will soon incorporate tools to let users monetize their own content. The idea o f personal broadcasting, as opposed to posting videos on a hosted site, is also behind Stickam, a new Web application that allows
media production and consulting services to individuals and companies across North America. He can be reached at videodaze@goodmedia.com.
anyone to broadcast live streaming video over the Internet, in addition to
EtTu, YouTube
uploading videos, pictures and music an a personal blog or website.
She's not lonely. She's not 15. She is female, but lonely gir115 is not even human in some ways.
Videos can be viewed by virtually anyone (there's no software to install) and will play on Linux, Windows and Mac systems.
Popular MySpace vixen is really a professionally produced viral market,.
Toronto's BubbleShare, with an enhanced photo and voice sharing service, browser or email application. BubbleShare is a no-registration-required,
campaign. Outed recently by Web surfers who thought her persona, her words, and
voice caption-enabled service for sharing stories over the Internet. Users
especially her video clips, looked a little too good to be true, "Bree" is
can upload photos individually or in batches, record 3 0 -second audio
shilling for a creative ad agency, the powerful Creative Artists group in
lets users view content instantly on the desktop without opening their
captions if desired, and then email albums to friends and family by entering
Hollywood. Two established filmmakers are making her vlog posts, and
one or more email addresses. The basic service is free, with a premium
they say they will continue to do so. Whether the site will continue to draw some 2.5 million visitors, now the
service due to launch later in 2006. No word on whether video-sharing capabilities will be included in a future release.
cat has been let out of the bag, remains to be seen. Much of the interest in user-generated content comes from the fact it could be us. It's P2P (people
From its Lethbridge, Alberta offices, comes word of Spymac Leapfrog, a
to people), not B2C (business to consumer).
platform-specific tool for video chat, as well as posting and finding content for the newly enhanced iPods. Interestingly, Leapfrog-enabled sites are
Has the relationship between YouTube and its visitors (or between any
automatically regionalized, depending on location and language, as a way to
video sharing service and its community of interest) been permanently
re-contextualize the content for people around the world. Spy mac Leapfrog will be available later this year.
scarred as a result of blatant manipulation and misrepresentation? So far, "Bree" isn't talking.
Finding all this content, and sorting through all the video clips out there, is Some Suggested Links and Online Resources:
another key aspect o f online video sharing, and new tools and being released to sift through it all.
www.blinkx.com www.bubbleshare.com
ClipBlast has introduced video search technology and what it calls the first the Web - a capability that even search-engine stalwarts like Google and
www.clipblast.com www.funlittlemovies.com
MSN do not provide. ClipBlast says it's been indexing millions o f clips
already, categorizing video files, Web pages and feeds so it can serve up content in real-time, on demand.
online video search toolbar, which allows users to search for video across
ClipBlast also offers back-end capabilities that organize and monetize video
libraries, providing content owners a n d advertisers w i t h revenue opportunities drawn from targeted video-viewing audiences.
www.singingfish.com www.stickam.com www.videocasting-station.com
Videocasting-Station.com i s a new categorized directory that helps individuals or businesses find the latest video feeds from a single location.
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Digital Imaging
L T h o t o g r a p h v iru]c:DHah' Wijrr=srtiaa y o u r p h o t o g r a p h v Digital cameras are pretty tough. Photographers take them on treks to the
the charger at home. No photos for me. The quick lessons from that are: keep
Arctic and the Sahara and return with remarkable footage. So, don't think you
the camera - or at least the battery warm, and carry a spare (and keep it
have to hang up your camera gear or restrict yourself to indoor situations Cold weather shooting does impose a couple of extra challenges that you
warm too). If you solve the battery problem and manage to stay outdoors long enough. to get the camera nicely chilled, the mere act of bringing it inside exposes it
need to think about, however. First, in the cold, battery life sucks. Last winter
to another potential hazard: condensation. Eyeglass wearers whose glasses .
I left my camera bag in the trunk of my car for just a few hours, but that was
fog up every time they come in from the cold know this phenomenon well.
enough to kill the battery. Admittedly it was a very cold February aay, but I
Moisture inside electronics is generally not a good thing and can lead to
was surprised at how quickly the battery was affected. Normally it's good
problems like corrosion. The simple solution, that even some camera
for 250+ shots and since my trip was a short one, I left the extra battery and
manufacturers recommend, is to seal the camera inside a zip lock bag and
because our cold snowy season is approaching.
leave it there until it warms up to room temperature. A bit of moisture landing on the outer surfaces of a camera - for example, from snow or rain - is generally nothing to get concerned about, but there is a limit to how much wetness a camera will withstand. Advanced cameras, or ones specially designed to be weatherproof, are better at this because they have seals to keep moisture out. One kind of Canadian winter moisture that is allround nasty is salt-laden slush. Keep a towel in your bag and dry off your camera if it has a wet encounter. One of the general hazards of winter living is ice on walkways. If you slip and fall with an unprotected camera, the chances are good that the camera will suffer some damage. A padded case will protect it from smaller bumps, as well as from precipitation. A case like the LowePro TopLoad nicely handles an SLR with a zoom lens. One o f the overall considerations for winter shooting is that snowy scenes tend to fool the camera's exposure meter, and the e r e s u l t is shots that are too dark. If you use your camera on an auto or programmed exposure setting, you should be able to adjust the exposure with an exposure compensation setting. This is often called an EV setting, and the adjustments might run from -3 to +3. If your scenes are too dark, you'll want to dial in a + setting, which increases the exposure. Some cameras also have and exposure lock feature. This allows you to zero in on an area that you want properly exposed someone's face for example - and then hold that exposure while. you recompose the scene. By David Tanaka
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Personal Computing
MuciAmtion o f t h e B l o g (
v i d c a s t s are c h a n g i n g blogging
Bkigging has become one of the most popular uses of the Internet today.
we go forward, the hard drive space used and bandwidth needed electronic distribution of this kind of media will inevitably reduce
Having a central location to post your thoughts and opinions for friends,
Eventually offering to host user audio and video content for free codu
family, and the public at large is quite an appealing proposition for the tech-savvy and casual user alike. While text is arguably the quickest and
well be expected from major online outlets. "There i s nothing more powerful t h a n a moving image," exid:
most fundamental way to get a message across, audio and video are often
MacArthur. "Whether it's a first-person account of a coup in Thailand {,,
far better at conveying a message. As podcasts become increasingly easier
16-year-old girl complaining about too much homework."
to produce, we are slowly but surely seeing the Internet evolve into a more
Combining simplicity with inexpensiveness makes any form of cont.-.
aural/visual realm. So much so that it may not be too long before audio and video blogs become the norm.
creation intriguing, particularly those that' build a thriving commt, -
"Podcasts/vidcasts a n d a u d i o / v i d e o b l o g s a r e o f t e n u s e d
than plausible for video and audio blogs to quickly become commonpia,
interchangeably," says Amber MacArthur, City-TV's New Media Specialist
While the phenomenal success of YouTube— whose most viewed clips nd,k
around it (like blogging has). Taking a look around the web, it seems m_re
and co-host of the vidcast commandN. "The major difference that is often
been, ironically, a series of fictitious video blogs — has further proven Ini
highlighted is that a podcast/vidcast takes on the format [of a] radio or
there is an interest for this type o f content, the bottom line is that r. palm, always more relatable and engaging to see or hear someone. By Mike
video show. An audio/video blog tends to be more personal — an individual's view on the world." Podcasts are a major driving force behind multimedia content on the web, and audio and video blogs may follow because they share such a similar production process. Operating systems now include the necessary software applications t o create podcasts (and hence audio and video blots) . Windows Movie Maker and Apple iMovie are not as fully featured as standalone video editing software (like Adobe Premiere orAvid Xpress], but both offer more than enough functionality t o perform some pretty interesting editing effects for user-created vidcasts. Furthermore, whatever can't be done with OS-included software can usually be accomplished . using various freeware applications found around the web. One of the greatest aspects of user-created content, which is especially true for video and audio blogs, is that there isn't a rule that says it must be professionally produced. In fact, it's quite the opposite, partly because the technology is easier to use and more accessible. "As the common platforms [become] easier to use and offer more tools for audio/video incorporation, individuals will want to shoot homemade clips from their cellphones or digital cameras and post them on their own personal blog. Also, as more websites offer up the functionality for people to post from their cellphones, and -the cellphone video technology gets better, I think we'll see an abundance of videos pouring into the blogging space," says MacArthur. Editing your material, although preferred (since professionalism can add credibility), isn't absolutely necessary. Realistically, all you need to make an audio/video blog is a webcam or microphone (or any other device that captures audio o r video) and a decent web connection. Once you've recorded an entry there is nothing stopping you from posting it, as is, on your blog, instantly releasing it to a worldwide audience. "Eventually, I think video will be so commonplace online that people will be regularly hooking up their computers to their TVs or monitors to [watch) • the wealth of content that is available online." Along with being easier to make,'affordable places to host podcasts are becoming exceedingly common a s well. "Inexpensive bandwidth via services such a s Libsyn, are really helping anyone break into the podcasting space. A few years ago, it could cost thousands of dollars to host your own large files online — but now you can do sofor as low as $30 a month." In fact, some sites, such as YouTube and GameSpot, already allow users to upload their own videos and video blogs for free. As with all technology as
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M u s i c i a n s love M y S p a c e :
than just a place to network
Bands who sign up for MySpace pages can use special templates tailored to their unique demands, including an embedded music player where they
More than just blogs, social networking sites like MySpace serve as a kind
can stream their songs for people to listen to, a bulletin board for posting
of online portal where users can share photos o f themselves and
concert dates and new releases, and a bio section that can contain
information about their interests and pastimes, subscribe to groups, and
information about each band member, the band's influences, record label,
create Friends and Friends o f Friends networks for business contacts,
and a link to the official website.
friends and even dating.
The ease with which MySpace allows bands to set up custom pages that
But before you write MySpace off as yet another online refuge for angsty
offer audio files, images, biographies and tour dates is what makes it stand
teenagers, narcissistic nerds and creepy old men wanting to "chat,"
out over other social networking sites, according to Adrienne Lloyd, bassist
consider this: High-profile users include Toronto mayor David Miller
for Toronto band Hunter Valentine (myspace.com/huntervalentine). "We
(myspace.com/mayordavidmiller), Canadian m u s i c icon Neil Young
currently have two tracks posted on our MySpace where people can sample
(myspace.com/neilyoung) a n d ex-Beatle S i r P a u l M c C a r t n e y
our music. It seems to be a great way to promote yourself with people who
(myspace.com/paulmccartney). MySpace has also become a hotbed for indie bands (and even not-so-indie
are actively listening to bands through MySpace sites," she says. "MySpace
—check out myspace.com/greenday, myspace.com/redhotchilipeppers or
be a new way of promoting shows to people in those various towns."
myspace.com/u2) to showcase their music to a wider audience, and forge
also allows you to search by area, so for playing shows on tour, it seems to According to Paul Banwatt, drummer for Clementine (myspace.corni
connections with fans through non-traditional methods.
clementinetheband) and The RAA (myspacecom/theraa), one of the grew
News Corps., who purchased MySpace last year for USSSBO-million, now estimates the website's worth to be around 53-billion.
things about MySpace is the ability to discover new bands just by listenin to songs that friends have on their profiles — in other words, the concept Of
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social networking is taken a step further to include musical networking as well. For music fans, MySpace is a unique opportunity to interact with their favourite bands on a far more grass-roots and personal level than through the passive approach of an official website or fan club. It's not uncommon for band members to interact directly with users by leaving posts and comments, which represents a major shift in how bands and other indie organizations can reach people. "(MySpace) gives the illusion that you can befriends' with your favourite bands... it tends to emotionally attach folks to their bands, which in turn leads to record sales because people really feel the need to support their friends," says Mavis Harris, publicist for Maple Music Recordings. "From a marketing point of view, it's a great research tool. You get a good feel for the people the band attracts, you can see which other musicians are digging t h e t u n e s ( a n d t h a t helps w h e n i t comes t o planning openers/closers for tours], and you can also keep current fans interested by posting things like unreleased tracks. It really is a great touchstone for keeping 'tabs' on fans." Another benefit of MySpace is that it's a free service, both for bands to host their music, and for fans to listen. "Being an indie musician costs at least some money — for instruments, rehearsal space, and transportation — and provides very little income, says Banwatt. "I think if I had to choose between an official website and a MySpace profile, I'd take the MySpace profile'
MySpace for event coordination Bands aren't the only ones taking advantage of the uniquely grassroo, networking approach that MySpace offers. When MoonRox jeweil, . designer Monique Chan was given the task of putting together a web Fx• and press release for the Kit 'n Kaboodle craft sale in Toronto on a t g • budget and deadline, she created a MySpace page t o be used as coordination point for the event : (myspace.com/kitnkaboodleshowandsale). "We wanted something that was easily changeable and at the same 1, easily accessible to as many people as possible. Many of our exhibl• were already MySpace users, so we thought i t would b e a gr networking tool. In the last week before the show we had about 1.people view our page, which was fantastic," she says. "MySpace allowed us to have all the necessary info online and have ai easy way to network. And for someone who has no idea how to design a traditional website, it was fairly easy to put together our page and make changes with the addition of each new vendor." Were there any frustrations? "Not too many," says Chan, "other than the fact that the Kit 'n Kaboodle Show and Sale seems to get a few messages asking the Show out on a date. We need to think of a good way for the Show to turn them down!"
By Erin Bell
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P O W E R N ODE C o m p u t e r Inc.
T h e r e a l i t y of being c o n n e c t e d Publk
F ,
tate of the service
Hydro•One's WiFi mesh blanketing six square kilometres of downtown Toronto is great — if you live or work in that core. Elsewhere, we constantly connected wannabes will still have to plan our stops carefully. On the =true; In most Canadian cities, public WiFi access is pretty good, but on the street, a potential user will still encounter two barriers. First, finding a WiFi hotspot may not be so easy, especially if you're just passing through a city and aren't too familiar with the local landscape. Many friendly local hangouts offer free WiFi access, but you'd know that only if you were a local. Secondly, if you encounter a hotspot and it's a commercial service you may have to start an account, which is pretty inconvenient if you visit that locale just once. A couple of years ago the major cellular phone carriers, realizing this was cleja vu all over again, attacked the problem in the same way they solved spotty cellular phone coverage — with roaming agreements. In 2004, Bell, Telus, Rogers and Fido adopted a common HotSpot logo t o identify participating locations, and set up the login so that you could access the hotspot and pay for usage on your cell phone account. I used the service in Calgary Airport and in several coffee chains across the country and tills solution goes a long way to solving the two problems. First, because the participating locations are most often chains that people readily recognize and business travellers might be inclined to visit, the "where i s it?" question is partially solved. If you know to look out for the logo, finding one of these hotspots becomes a little easier because most businesses will post the logo on their door. Common locations are Mailboxes Etc. (now UPS Stores), some latte shops (I noticed the logo at the local Starbucks attached to Chapters bookstore) and places like that. Secondly, as long as you have a cell phone account from one of the four carriers, you'll be able to use the service and not have to start a separate account or give out credit card information. The telcos vary in how they charge for usage, with some you have to buy a block of time and are billed for that block, regardless of how much time you actually use. Others simply meter the usage and charge by the minute. Elf
u •,•:1
You'd think that public WiFi would be seamless for business travellers, but we're still in the dark ages here with turf battles and fiefdoms being the
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VVirdess norm. Some hotels offer high-speed Internet, either wired or wireless as a
many years, was once again put into service. The mission: to see how WO
free convenience, while others treat it as a profit multiplier, typically
connected we could be beyond the metropolis.
charging 510 for a 24-hour usage period. But at least you don't have to
This was, in short, an abysmal experience, but with a few bright spots. The
divulge credit card information as it typically goes on your room account.
Meadowlark, and another campground west of Thunder Bay, Ont. were the
Unless you have access to executive class lounges, connecting at the
surprises. The logins were arcane and the signal weak unless you were in
airport can also be a crapshoot. I recently travelled through Pearson's new
the office where the router was. But the potential as a tourism booster
Terminal 1 in Toronto, and discovered the WiFi service there provided by
seemed good — imagine logging onto a local community's web site after
Concourse Communications. After giving them permission to lighten my
pulling into a campground and being able to plan the next day's activities
credit card account by the going daily rate, I was online. But a cheery email
around the latest event schedules or discover all the things in the area
confirmation that I'd not have to register again if I wanted to use the service
worth a visit that the tourism brochures fail to mention.
in the future leads me to the uncomfortable suspicion that my credit card
The reason why it was largely abysmal gets back to one of the problems
number is forever in its clutches. My experience at Calgary Airport, paying
already stated — finding WiFi locations in strange places. I had downloaded
for hotspot usage on my cell phone account, was much more agreeable.
a list of WiFi locations from a web site before leaving on the trip, but it was
For the past year, VIA Rail has been implementing an on-train WiFi service
a pain trying to find specific street addresses of often-small storefronts.
throughout the Montreal-Windsor corridor as well as in the 22 stations on
After wandering around an industrial park in Winnipeg looking for a
the line. The service began i n business-oriented VIA1 coaches arrd
Mailboxes Etc. location, we decided that the vacation was beginning to feel
Panorama Lounges, but will include coach class too when fully rolled out.
too much like work and abandoned the project. So finding the WiFi
Cost: 58.95 per day (per minute and per month rates also offered), and yet
campground near Thunder Bay was a lucky coincidence because we were
another account to set up.
no longer seeking them out. Once we got into southern Ontario, WiFi was as common as latte bars — an overabundance o f service, in strong contrast t o the vast reaches o f
Believe it or not, you can get WiFi access at the Meadowlark Campground northern Ontario where even cell phone service is a sometimes thing. in Brandon, Manitoba. At least you could in 2005. That year, my wife and I took a road trip from Alberta, where we now live, to Ontario, where we used
By David Tanaka
to live. Our camper van, which has doubled as a mobile technology lab for
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w w w h u b c o n a d a tom
F i r s t Glance A RED Apple Apple has announced the iPod
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nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition. (RED) was created b y Bobby Shriver and U2 lead singer Bono to engage business in the fight against AIDS in Africa b y getting some of the world's most iconic c o m p a n i e s t o m a k e uniquely branded products. So far, Apple, Motorola, American Express, GAP, Emporio Armani and Converse have produced special red editions o f popular. products, with a portion o f the sales profits going directly to the Global Fund to fund programs for women and children affected by
HIV/AIDS in Africa. The limited edition iPod nano comes i n a r e d a l u m i n u m enclosure. Apple will contribute $10(US) from the sale o f each
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U890 â&#x20AC;˘ H 9 0 0
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dramatically increase resources and to direct those resources to areas o f greatest n e e d b y supporting l o c a l l y driven strategies. To date, the Global Fund h a s committed US$5.2 billion t o m o r e t h a n 3 6 3 programs in 131 countries. Visit www.joinred.com for more info.
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W i n d o w s Vi s t a W a t o i o Unternet ExpAorar 7 It was about three years ago that web browser space started to become interesting again. Having long since relegated Netscape Navigator to virtual obscurity, Microsoft had grown comfortable in the knowledge that Internet Explorer was the unopposed monarch of all web browsers. But then along came an open source browser called Firefox from the non-profit Mozilla Foundation. People quickly warmed t o its innovative concepts, which included tabbed browsing, customizable skins, and a highly flexible architecture that allows for countless add-ons and extensions. I t became the little browser that could, swiftly growing in popularity—recent estimates place Firefox's total share of the browser market at an amazing 12 per cent. Microsoft suddenly had competition again. So, after several years of minor revisions and incremental updates, the software engineers ti
behind the world's most popular web browser went back to the drawing board to reinvent their application and reaffirm its market dominance. The result: Internet Explorer 7 [lE7), a very different browser than the IE people have grown used to over the years. It's an application that borrows and originates in roughly equal measure. The most obvious example of 1E7's borrowed functionality is tabbed browsing. Microsoft's competitors realized some time ago that 1E's method of opening a new browser window for each additional web page viewed is just silly. Tabbed browsing is far more efficient; it requires users to open just one browser window, and within that window a new tab for each additional
'Ileser m . s l o r • • • • • • loan,••••••••• , 1 a w n , NW!
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page. The concept has been competently — if indistinctively — implemented in 1E7. 1E7 also seems to have taken a cue from rival browsers in its redesigned dashboard, which
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Personal Computing offers a simplified interface that includes an imbedded search box (connected to the engine of your choice), and a smattering of puttons for several commonly used functions, including Home, Print, Tools and RSS Feeds. TheRSSFeeds button is particularly handy. Click it and you'll be given the option to add feeds from the current web site to your own personal subscription list, which can be accessed from the Favourites pane. It's fast, easy, and makes subscribing to RSSFeeds attractive to users of all skill levels. But not everything in 1E7 has been pilfered from the competition. Given that IE has always been a far more likely target for malware attacks than its competitors, many features in 1E7 labeled original and innovative have to, do with security. Most of these changes work behind the scenes, but there are a couple of more obvious security upgrades that the average Joe can appreciate. The first is an automated phishing filter. This filter, which is turned on by default but can be switched off by advanced users, warns people when they encounter known phishing websites. In extreme cases the filter may even deny access to a site to protect the integrity of user's PC. The second noticeable security feature blocks access to ActiveX controls (ActiveX is a technology used to embed multimedia files in web pages). In the past, ActiveX controls have acted as a primary means by which hackers have gained control of systems. Blocking access to these controls should keep ActiveX from being exploited by malicious programmers. Security was obviously a primary focus for Microsoft's engineers during development, but they managed to find time to devise a few original usage
enhancements as well, such as the ability to open groups of web pages as high resolution thumbnails on a single page. This feature allows users a clear view of multiple pages at the same time, providing the ability to more quickly identify and select the page they're looking for. Another handy upgrade that shows Microsoft had people working to improve the user experience is a new print function that automatically fixes the width and height issues of non-standard web pages to ensure they fit properly on a piece of paper. (Hopefully this will mean the end of wasted pages printed with just a couple of words or a site graphic.) So while 1E7 may be imitative, it also has a few new features all its own. But the big question on everyone's minds, however, remains security. Microsoft talks a good game, but not untillE7 is in the hands of the public —including hackers—will we know just how safe the new browser really is. In the meantime, the biggest problem faced by IE may well be Microsoft's bloated and lengthy development process. More than five years have passed since Internet Explorer 6 was released, and competitors made serious inroads into Microsoft's browser space in the interim. If we have to wait another five for Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft's nimble challengers may gain even more ground. (Note: A near-final beta is available at www.microsoft.com.IE7 is slated to launch with Windows Vista next year). By Chad Sapieha
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Living With Linux environment t o a highly safe Welcome to Living with Linux, a new series on using Linux as a desktop level for casual users, environment in a digital age. In this series we will explore Linux applications for transferring images from a digital camera, editing digital images for • Linux i s cheap, as i n free, Prints or posting to the Internet, creating and listening to MP3 files, keeping and m o s t L i n u x d e s k t o p in touch with friends via instant messaging, accessing email, burning applications are also free. This archival CDs and DVDs, watching DVD movies, and browsing the web, as can make Linux very attractive well a s m o r e traditional applications s u c h a s w o r d processing, to someone living on a student spreadsheets, simple databases, and Powerpoint-like presentations. budget or, like myself, living on A large number of Linux desktop applications have matured into excellent a retirement income. products that are capable and easy to use by anyone already accustomed to a Windows or Mac environment. I'll highlight several of these and provide • Linux is cool. When you use tips and occasional tutorials on getting the most out of them. Linux, you're participating in To provide a convenient way for new users to ask questions and seek help, one o f the most wholesome, I've created a companion site for this column: a blog called Living with Linux interesting countercultures in located at living-with-linux.blogspotcom. The blog extension to the column the world, where people donate will provide links to Internet resources on Linux and Linux applications as o u a g „ Where well as additional technical material that will supplement the print version their skills and time to making free software available to everyone and in their own i o n . j i v e ' of the column. possible. As an antidote to the highly commercialized society " The Linux distribution I've selected for this series i s Ubuntu Linux Linux has no peer. (www.ubuntu.org). Ubuntu Linux is based on the excellent Debian GNU/Linux distribution but has the advantage of being very easy to install and to use. It's tO 5 ' • i - • e a free Linux that can be downloaded and burned to CO for installation. If you • Linux is "techie." A distribution such as Ubuntu is easy want , , p o on L' in non-technical don't have this capability, Ubuntu will mail you a CD at no cost technical including • • can take you u as far _ fl o a numberside, of user, but Linux as you _L prOg t a ra n "r developing !Programinmgibnugildiamngguwaegbessefrvoricweshi acnhd:ilevtheelo t o o l s The Ubuntu CD is a ;Jive" CO, meaning that you can use it to boot right into Ubuntu Linux to take it for a test drive, without risking damage to your current computer. It runs slowly in this mode, but it gives you a taste of the Ubuntu desktop environment in a way that is completely safe. The actual installation of Ubuntu Linux will not be covered in this column because the word limitation would not permit me to cover it in enough detail. Instead, I have provided installation notes, and links to installation documentation, on the Living with Linux btogsite. If you're a Windows user who has never used Linux before, you might well wonder why anyone would choose to use an operating system that is not
are free. uses. If • Linux is fun. f People who use it enjoy exploring its applications and r it makes y u you're the kind of person who has the right mindset for Linux, computing environment a particularly interesting place to hang out.
even on many people's radar. There's no simple answer to this, but here are some of the reasons that some people use Linux:
Linux is not for everyone, of course, but if you find yourself attracted by the possibility of running Linux as your desktop, even if it's in addition to Windows rather than replacing Windows, welcome aboard. Let's explore it and have some fun! By Gene Wilburn
• Linux is generally safer to use than Windows. There are very few Linux viruses in the world. Ubuntu Linux in particular locks down the Linux
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Moving to Mac: Maintenance As winter approaches, people tend to perform a few
found, you can choose the "Repair Disk Permissions"
basic maintenance tasks to get ready. If you own a
button to fix them up. Verifying and repairing your disk
house, you'll clean the yard and make sure the
permissions should take no more than a few minutes.
windows aren't going to leak. If you have a car, you'll
You can also verify your hard drive's general health by
get a winter tune-up and switch to the snow tires.
clicking on the "Verify Disk".button on the right-hand
While your Mac isn't as susceptible to winter as your
side, but this is probably only necessary i f you're
car and home, it's still worth spending some time
having serious ongoing problems.
performing basic maintenance tasks to make sure it continues to run smoothly, no matter the season. If you're not a huge fan of delving into system utilities and want one program to help you manage your basic Those who have used Mac OS 9 may remember a task
maintenance tasks, your system preferences and
called 'rebuilding the desktop." The good news for
even help you tweak your user interface, you'll want to
those switching to Mac OS X is that OS X uses a
check out Onyx, which is available free from Titanium
different filing system that's based on Unix, and
Software (www.titanium.free.fr/pgs/english.html).
rebuilding the desktop is now a thing of the past. Also,
The program is now available as a Universal Binary, so
the Mac's file system typically does a pretty good job
it will work on both Intel and Power PC-based Macs.
of keeping itself in good shape, so there's no need for
The first thing that happens when you fire up OnyX is
defragging. What you do need to do regularly is to
that it will ask you for your system password; while it's
make s u r e a l l o f your file, directory a n d d i s k
generally bad practice to type your system password
permissions are in order.
in f o r any program that asks, OnyX u s e s y o u r
The process f o r checking a n d repairing y o u r
password so it can have proper access to your system
permissions is fairly quick. Switch to the finder and
in order to perform maintenance. As soon as you enter
open up a new window. Click on the Applications folder,
your password, you have access t o a number o f
scroll down to the Utilities sub-directory, and double- different sub-menus, like Parameters (where you can
— C C T V Video Security-Systems
click on Disk Utility. When the Disk Utility application
change things like how your scroll bars work, what
opens, it will list your hard drives in the left-hand
your default image format is for saving screenshots,
sidebar. Simply click on the hard drive you want to
how your Dock, Dashboard and Finder work, and other
check, and a list of options will appear in the right-
things), Maintenance (including the verify and repair
hand pane.
WWW,360CCTV.COM There will be several tabs available to you, but you'll want to stay in the section listed 'First Aid" as you 604-304-0707
204-12020 Bridgeport Rd (Near No. 5 Road) Richmond BC V6V 1J3
permissions tasks listed above), Cleaning (which helps you empty out the various file and browser caches found on your system), and more.
could inadvertently erase your hard disk using one of
If you're curious, you can even use OnyX to check
the other sections. Under First Aid, choose "Verify Disk
what's in your various system files, but unless you're
Permissions". Disk Utility will run through all of the
a fan of long text-based Unix-style system logs, there
files and folders on your computer and check them to
may not be much to see here.
see if everything is in order. If there are any problems eon i d . I n ni r a m t a m e r s
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P e r s o n a l Coenoutincj Flkk c , If you're forever running out of ' hard disk space but you have no clue where all of the space is going, you'll definitely want to check out Disk Inventory X—it's a program that's saved my bacon o n more than o n e occasion. When you run the program, it asks you which hard drive you'd like to check, and then it scans that hard drive to see what's there. When t h e d i s k inventory process is done, the program displays the resultein an easyto grasp graphic breakdown that shows each file as a coloured block with block size scaled up or down to reflect its size. When you click on any of the blocks:, you'll get inforMation on what the file is, where it's located, and how much space it's taking up. You can even send the files directly to the trash by rightclicking on them. • To hear it, it seems almost too simplistic to be of any real use, but there have been a number of times I've wondered why I'm down to SOMB of hard drive space, and then realized with a quick glance there was a gigantic 4GB render file sitting on my drive eating up valuable space. Searching for those files directory-by-directory isn't anywhere near as efficient. .
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Keeping clean People, tend t o run m a i n tenance o n their computer system only when they're experiencing obvious problems, but by that point, it's often too late. While you'll definitely want to set up a regular schedule for your maintenance tasks, there's no need'to over-do it. As for the other tasks listed above, try to do basic maintenance and pruning about once a month, maybe twice if the system is in constant use. •
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BC 27
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L o w - c o s t Colour L a s e r s Colour lasers are attractive for home or small office use for a number of reasons. With the entry cost now at around $300, they are priced competitively with mid-range inkjet printers. They are faster than inkjets, particularly for making multiple copies of the same document. On cheap office paper the image quality is arguably better from a colour laser than from an inkjet. And colour lasers are cheaper to run, on the order of three to five cents per page for black and 16.20 cents per page for full colour. But they definitely take up more desk space and weigh a lot more. And even though the cost per page sounds agreeable, replacing toner
Buy a UPS from www.upsforless.ca and keep your computer running during electricity interruptions.
cartridges is expensive. Colour lasers use four â&#x20AC;&#x201D; cyan, magenta, yellow and black â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and each toner cartridge will set you back $100.5150. Fortunately they are rated for at least 1,000 pages, with high capacity ones good for up to 5,000 pages. Manufacturers typically qualify the page ratings with something like 'at five per cent coverage," which isn't
CyberPower 650VA 350 Watts
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$46 APC SmartUPS 1400VA 950 Watts
much, so in the real world you won't get that mileage, but even so, they last much longer than inkjet cartridges.
HUB:DL checked out a couple of the least expensive colour lasers on the Canadian market. The Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet 1600 has a
manufacturer's suggested price of 5349 although I've seen it advertised
APC SmartUPS 2200VA 1600 Watts
for 5299 at some stores. The Lexmark CS0On has a suggested retail price of 5399 but sells for as low as 5350.
ft: :a!: qty'
$229 APC Smait1JPS 1000 Rack 7.0
--$2 4
-$422 APC SmartUPS 3000 Rack 3U
Oki, Xerox and Brother have small office colour laser products, but they begin at over 5500. And Samsung was in the midst of a model change, and its new entry level model wasn't available t o us in time. (And I noticed as I was preparing this that Xerox is offering a rebate with its entry level Phaser, which brings the price under 5500.1
- L e g e ^ Guy Rel,a0.10.
UPSforLESS is Canada's largest supplier of refurbished UPS's (aka Power backup units, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Battery backups)
Apples and Orange_ The HP CLJ 1600 and Lexmark C500n are priced within $100 of each other, b u t 'they are quite different machines. They use different underlying technologies. HP is what's called a single pass printer, which means the four toner hues are imaged in a single paper pass. Lexmark C500n is a multi-pass printer, so the toner hues are applied in successive passes. Multi-pass printers are much faster at printing single hue documents; theoretically they should be able t o print a black-only
V All UPS's are installed with brand new batteries. V 1 year warranty on all products. V Replacement batteries for most UPS's available from stock. V We purchase old UPS units.
document in about a quarter the time of a full-colour one. Single pass printers will print black-only or full colour pages at roughly the same speed. These 'performance differences were evident in my speed tests. The Lexmark blazed through a 10-page black text-only word processing document in under 30 seconds, while the HP took about three times as
UPS FOR LESS experts in unonterrupttble power supplies
long to print the same file. However, for colour printing, the two took roughly the same time to print a nine-page POF that was a mix of black and coloured text, spot colour graphics and photographs. And to print a 10-page InDesign test booklet
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of mainly photos, the HP was slightly faster. Even though both use four toner cartridges, their colour characteristics are different, so that in side-by-side comparisons, the reds and blues are slightly different. The HP also prints everything slightly darker than the Lexmark. For spot colours and black-only text, both are amazingly good when you consider the price, but the darker output of the HP is less flattering to photos, making some samples look a bit muddy.
Payment Methods: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Paypal
B C 2 B H U B : tagtal UvIng - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section - N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6
P e r s o n a l C o n iputing
rillPq0GREll Marketing Inc
Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 160!,
11110 - 12811 Clarke Place, Richmond, BC V 6 V 2119 Tel: (604)821-0066 (800) 818-6944 Email: info@progressmarkebng.com
HP CU 1600 Selected Specifications
Hours: M o n -Fri 9 am - 5 pm
CD /
Price MSRP: $349 ($299 street) Print speed:8 ppm (black er colour) Resolution: GOO x 600 dpi (uses PhotoRet) Standard paper Ir 2 5 0 sheets Connectivity: USB 2.0 Dimensions w a d x II 40 x 45 x 3? cm (16.1 x 17.8 x 14.6 in)
4 Eaceitorse
DVD / CDROM Authoring • C D / DVD Duplication / Replication Marketing CD development C D R / DVD-R Printing Video Production O f f s e t / Digital Printing Multimedia / Graphics D e s k . A s s e m b l i n g 8 Packaging Quality Service F u l f i l l m e n t Fast Turnaround T a p e to DVD r e m , , o ,E, I r n , D V 1 V H S )
Weight: 16 kg (35 lb) Toner cost: Black - $86; Cyan, Magenta Yellow - $94 each
ExIgoacee e a v o z a t z ToscW -Manama out CD/DVDs to your dents? , z--.,,_„ , -
High points Easy setup, silent when not operating, attractive styling,
• Stll handwriting on them? - -- Impnnung your company name and logo will greatly enhance your image. _ . . - Inexpensive Low minimum requirements_ • ' ,
very good overall colour
k -
- -
I.ovi points: Printer driver has limited colour adjustments HP's Color Laserjet 1600 has a number of appealing features fora home
, . . I T e . u s , Shan C o t t , BC Hydro. Tr. asen Gas. LIBC:BCIT. U o I AB, K oranton ',..:-.. - , , , C'. Ora, ICE1C. WCB Trans ,r, G'.'P.O. BC V ^ soy u E n e a v Et terms. BC L a t i n C , , , ,,, r. , 1 - . - . ' , C , ' y s P, , _ r . . . ,....,0'...^.., .1 Cara ...- r : . t - J Dr,..:_csroa. Green Prose
office. (For another $73, HP has the LaserJet 2600n with built-in networking, which would be a better choice for a workgroup setting.) The L.11600 is relatively small, dead silent in standby mode and reasonably quiet when operating. This printer is almost a cube in its dimensions, and if you are used to working with desktop inkjets, you'll find it a lot bigger and heavier. The front plane is tapered, however, which disguises the bulk and gives it an attractive streamlined appearance. Open the cartridge door and you see four toner cartridges stacked one on top of each other. The design makes the cartridges very accessible when they need to be replaced. However, the fuser assembly is attached to the front panel, s o it's exposed when you open t h e panel t o change cartridges.
Best quality. G r e a t pricing. R e s p o n s i v e and p e a c e o f m i n d service.
1000 CDs pressed bulk pack $ 5 9 0 1000 CDs pressed retail pack $ 1 , 1 6 5 (4/1. front 4/0 tray + overwrap)
1000 DVD5 pressed bulk pack $ 8 8 0 1000 DVD5 pressed retail pack $ 1 , 4 7 0 5 colour print included. F i l m charge applies.
Prices S e n d something new this year to your 10+ 55.00 each valuable clients, associates and strategic partners 2 5 + 53.50 e a c h
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QUALITY C D / D V D M E D I A Ex A C C E S S O R I E S 0%0 r.e.c.f a I t e d . a Storage. Prnco 4X $43 pk S 1 6 C D . D V D paper sleeve 100 pk S4.00 R Data 85 printab!e 50 pk $ 2 0 D V D case regular 100-pk $ 2 4 Taiyo Seven 8X so plc S 2 3 D V D case scot 200-p1 $ 4 4 Taiye Yuden 8X pnntaVe 100 pk 5 6 8 D V D double case 100-pk S 2 9 Tago Yuden 8.X Everest 100 pk 5 8 5 D V D case for 3 or 4 s.--.. $ 0 . 6 0 DVD case for 5 . - -6 s a s s Other sucees D V D case for 6 c S 1 . 0 0 Stomper label 100 plc $ 1 6 . 5 0 o .0 DVD case for 7 . . -0 $ 1 . 2 0 StomperiMK late! kit $ 2 2 3 / 515 DVD case for 8 , „ , 0 8 $ 1 . 2 5 -------._.___ D V D case for 9 , F a . E. $ 1 . 5 0 D v ° SOX \ D V D case for 10 ' Z . - - $ 1 . 5 0 HOLDS 2 C D case celawrap 100-0 $ 5 . 0 0 (HIGH Q U A L I T Y ) D V D case celcr5rap 100-pk 5 6 . 0 0 1 0 0 PA C K $ 2 2 C D . D V D clarrshel 501k $ 1 6 0 0 (4,..0 r c , n e the rt.:,,rt to O u r go onong as and o v e n reaLred
N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6 - H U B : g r a ! Livng - B.C. L o w e r Man'and
The paper tray. which holds up to 250 sheets is at the bottom of the printer and the output tray is at the top. One aspect of the HP unit that surprised
weight ( 3 0 kg) makes i t something o f a handful for a home office
me was paper selection. With monochrome lasers it's been my experience that they are not too fussy about the kind of paper you feed them. However,
Lexmark Canada has set the price of the CSOOn at an SRP of $399, and I've
the HP unit is more like an inkjet and seems to adjust the print process to
seen it online for $350, making it quite a bargain. The Lexmark unit gives
take into account the kind of paper being used. This is a good thing, but it
you 1200 x 600 dpi output, monochrome print speed of 30 pages per
also means you have to be somewhat careful to set the paper parameters
minute (eight ppm for colour), built-in Ethernet and the option to use
correctly. I had inadvertently left the paper selection to -plain paper when
high-capacity toner cartridges rated at 3,000 pages (or 5,000 pages for
I was using some HP glossy brochure paper, and the output was so bad I
black). The Lexmark has a 300 MHz processor and 64MB of memory. As
initially thought the printer was defective. There were bare spots in the
was noted in the Apples and Oranges section earlier in this article, this
prints where the toner had obviously not been properly fused, and streaks
multi-pass printer has excellent black-only print speeds and full colour
and globs of toner smeared across parts of the paper. When I discovered
speed is comparable to the HP (which one would expect as they are both rated at 8 ppm for full colour).
my mistake and set the paper type correctly, the problems vanished, and the printouts were blemish-free.
The CSOOn has many good points. The photo print quality was closer to the
Overall, the colour quality is very good, and photo printing acceptable. For
reference photo inkjet prints than the HP's performance, and the printer
spot colours — a logo on letterhead or graphics in a report — the output
menu offers more options to tune the colour output. Although it's still not
looks very impressive, but photos print a bit dark — something you could
good enough to compete with a comparably priced photo inkjet for fine art
correct in image editing software.
printmaking, its colour is very pleasing and photos, even on office bond,
Although the print quality is a bit below the Lexmark, especially for photos,
look very good. I ran into some toner adhesion problems with the Lexmark
the HP unit seems t o be an overall friendlier device — easier to set up,
—on samples of generic inkjet (yes, inkjet — silly me) card stock, the
lighter if you need to move it around and with styling that's a refreshing
printouts had bare spots in the printout, and the toner would flake off when
departure from office beige.
rubbed. The lesson to be taken — when you go to the store to buy paper, be mindful of the designation for laser or inkjet. It can make a difference. Like the HP, the four colour toner cartridges are stacked on top of each
Selected Specifications
other, and are easily accessible when the front panel is opened. The fuser array drops into a slot amidships. While the HP and Lexmark unit cover
5399 ($350 street) 31 ppm (black only); 8 ppm (full colour) 1200 x 600 dpi 250 sheets USB 2.0; Ethernet
nearly the same footprint, the Lexmark looks a lot bulkier because of its boxy shape. The C500n is more suitable as a small office workgroup printer than it is as a home printer. It's networkable, and it's a lot heavier than the HP.1600 (30 kg vs. 16 kg for the HP). It also has a constant fan noise even when at rest
48 x 42 x 38.5 cm (19 x 16.5 x 15.2 in)
—until the unit goes into sleep mode. It's not very loud, comparable to the
Black (5000 sheet rating) - $170; Cyan Magenta and Yellow
fan noise from a desktop PC, and would likely just disappear amid the other office equipment noises in a typical workspace. But nonetheless it would
29 kg (66 lb) (3000 sheet rating) $ 1 5 0 ea.
be noticeable in a relatively quiet home office, especially when compared to the HP, which is mostly dead silent in standby mode. When printing, the
Built-in networking, high-yield toner cartridges available, colour settings can be tuned, drivers for Windows and Macintosh, very good colour output, even with photos
CSOOn also sounds like its a bit busier. However, if you are willing to put up with the slight noise, and have the space and a sturdy table, the C500n would be a useful addition to a home office for very fast black document printing and good overall colour quality. - By David Tanaka
2ser There are a few specific situations where inkjet printers make more sense. For very light duty, a sub-$100 inkjet is hard to beat. Cartridge replacement cost, which is the biggest ongoing expense with an inkjet, isn't going to be much of a factor if you don't print much or often. For fine art and photography printmaking where resolution, tonal range, archival permanence and colour fidelity are important, a six- or eightcoi6ur photo inkjet is so superior to a colour laser that there's no contest. As well, if you need printouts that are larger than letter or legal size, you can get into a wide-carriage inkjet for less money than a tabloid laser. But for general colour work for business applications like flyers or for personal publishing projects like reunion scrapbooks etc. where you might want 10 or 20 multi-page documents, a colour laser is worth considering. B C 3 0 H U B : 0 i g t a l Living - B.C. L o v e r Mainland Section - N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6
V a n c o u v e r : (E 23 x E24 AVE)
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Core 2 Duo ( E 6 3 0 0 ) - 5 9 6 9 Dual C o r o 9 2 5 3 . 0 G - 5 6 8 9 Dual Core 820 2 . 6 G - - - 5 5 1 9 Intel Coleron D 3 . O G - 5 3 1 9 Core 2 Duo ( E 6 4 0 0 ) - 5 1 0 1 9 Core 2 Duo ( E 6 3 0 0 ) - 5 7 2 9 Dual Coro 925 3 . O G - 4 5 6 9 Intel P 4 (524) 3 . 0 0 0 - 5 3 4 9 Core 2 Duo ( E 6 6 0 0 ) - 5 1 0 9 9 Core 2 Duo ( E 6 4 0 0 ) - $ 7 7 9 Dual Core 945 3 . 4 0 - 5 5 9 9 Dual Core 945 3 . 4 0 G - $ 4 4 9 ECS P965T-A S-ATA PCI-Erpesss ASUS P51.02 S-ATA PCI-Expts, ECS P4M8901412 ODR-11 PCI-Ex ASROCK 775DUAL-VSTA PCI-Es Asus P 5 1 / 8 0 0 -MX A G M ( 1024 MB DONS (PC4200) RAM 2048 MB DDR4I (PC4200) RAM 1024 MB DDR41 (PC4200) R A M 512 MB 01112400 (PC3260) RAM 512 MB DDR4I (PC/200) R A M 4ATA 25:08 7 2 0 0 a g . , HOD 0.474-u 32005 72259m (1611) HDD 80GB 7200rpm ( 2 M ) H D D S-ATA-11 80GB 7200RPM (BM) 54174.11 16008 (DM) 72009m 6 0 0 DVD-RW 1 6 X D u a l Layer DVD-RW 1 6 X o r - D u a l Layer 05D-RW 1 1 5 D u a l L a y e r Liteon 1 6 X D V D - R O M Litoon 5 2 • 3 2 x 5 2 C D R W Integrated 10/100 NIC I USB2.0 Integrated 101100 NIC / USB2.0 NaIdia 6200TC1612581 258918 P G -5 * M a 723005 25611 DDR2 PG-Express I M A . WOGS 5129I0062 Sa.4IPCI•E” 1 15E120 1 Inteirated 18120 UN .1 Aude US820 / :7.uontel 10 I C O LAN 6 A x e USW-0 / hterrxed 10103 LAN a = Integrated 6 -Channel A u d i o Integrated 6 -Channel A u d i o 350W Tower Case WI 2x USB 400W Tower Case w/ 2x USB 400W Tosser Casa w / 2,1 USB 42001 Tceer Case 2 x 0 5 9 4 2 0 W T a m Case s e 2 x 1.159 Mud-Media Keyboard • Optical Moose Nolf41Kga KoYklml • OPilealAi0v. Keyboard • W h e a l M o u s e K e y b o a r d • W h e e l M o u s e Keyboard • O p t i c a l M o u s e Edifier 2.1 Speakers • Salweeler Edifier 21 Speakers • Subwoolor Mulflmadla S p e a k e r s M u l t I m • d i a S . W e a k o r s Multimedia S p e a k e r . All ey•lem have a 3 veer lobe, a 'I year parts limited werrenty. P a l e s S avallabllity are subject to change without notice. All tradniarim b e s i d e ere peewee& rat .their own., I litanclA3 from 3 te ,10 mon°, (3,31015%) A l l advortleed Fulces reflect 31:C2•11 or bluer= discount We newel ffie_ffght le Milled OfP.PAPOI.d erre, Intel Celeron D 2.53G-5295 Intel Celeron D 3.20G-4319 Intel P4 (524) 3 . 0 0 G - - $ 3 4 5
Digital Imaging
D V, n r N o t D V and while it is well-used for music, jingles and soundtrack work, it is
Sound's Important — Everywhere! Digital Audio Editing, Part 2
very good for spoken word material as well. Likewise, Apple's Final Cut
Its long been the shame of many video producers that audio is the poor cousin in the media world. Often, as little as 10 per cent of a video's
Pro has audio tools, but nowhere near as many or as powerful as in its dedicated audio program, Soundtrack.
production budget is spent on sound, and just as often, that is to the
So, with a simple nod to the those and other powerful audio tools
video's loss. Put another way: how long did silent movies (pictures without good
(Cubase, or Pro-Tools, come on down!), here in Part Two, we'll look at a
sound) last, as opposed to radio (good sound without pictures)?
word or vocal-based audio content.
couple of software programs for the editing and production of spoken
As we saw in last month's DV, or Not DV, PC-based hardware support for
Let's start where things sound good right off the bat: good, easy
audio production is becoming more common, more functional and more economical. In fact, the last issue of HUB: Digital Living, subtitled The Audio
and cheap! Audacity is a handy little audio recording and editing program for all
Issue, was dedicated to sounding good — whether singing, playing an
PCs and their operating systems. It is open source software, freely
instrument or building sound samples.
distributed under the General Public License (my copy of the program
As was explained, there are dedicated software solutions for each:
came with the MicroTrack 24/96 mobile digital recorder). Like all GPL
great music programs for creating your very own CD, looping programs
software, Audacity's source code is open and available to investigation,
for original musical tracks, sampling tools and MIDI programs f o r
enhancements and improvements from the user base.
sequencing and composing, powerful programs for recording, mixing and publishing music.
Audacity works with high quality sound, and can record and edit 16-, 32- and 64-bit audio at up to 96 KHz. Using its own dithering and
And, as digital video editors know, pretty much every video editing
re-sampling algorithms, Audacity works with a wide range o f audio
software program has some sort of audio functionality, from basic two-
formats and sample rates, converting them automatically in real-time.
track sound tools t o sophisticated m u l t i -track audio m i x i n g and
It supports several common audio file formats (again, you can.refer to
manipulation programs. Video editors like Adobe Premiere do have some
the last issue of HUB: DL for more technicalities about music and
audio functionality; Audition is the company's dedicated sound program,
.audio), such as WAV, AIFF, AU, and Ogg Vorbis files. Support for MPEG formats is available, but Audacity does not currently support WMA, MC, or other such proprietary or restricted file formats. Audacity records audio through a microphone or mixer, or you can use
Ell 3J Data Rec e i u -17-g..- 6 0 4 - Z
it to digitize recordings from cassette tapes, vinyl records, or minidiscs. With some sound cards, it can also capture streaming audio, and be
used to create multi-track recordings (its default is two-track).
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A 4 . p _ c i u m VicoSerac LCD Vra730161793011Vnte.33174._49S349461 M o t h e r b o a r d s NotebookeapD/Memory/Acccccccls. ViesSocre i r LCD vAr912WEIVX922VMCC114149309509 Memory HD/Memory/AccccccclesC a l l Vtr.S.acuc Nr51 V.' LCD TV VP21310,,..1000 1)- .1.29 611 PC-I33 SDRAM 1281256(8chips)/512M -528/39/69 ASUSP4S8X-MX/P4PSOBSE(Socket 47/)_165109 l ' C - . 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VoleV9059C1 2a rrl.erre --nii9:39 CaelerMaster 641W SM.; Pee P e t e Supply- A , .1stee, Cooler Mutt,. Force., Thermalake Clot .-. Call 1.00 Micro-SD/XD/RS MultiMedia-54/56/56 6151, Gigabyte, ECS MotherbiardsC a l l Etbemet 10.1D11Cca.12.1-. . S o u n d C a r d s & S p e a k e r s D -Link 5/Sport Gigabit l a ach----1319779 1.44MFloppy Derie.IDE to SATA 1 2 2 5 Mini SD, smut media, Etc C a l l 5.1PCI SoulCROSetaBlailerAtdiry t o i n t l y. _ 1 0 1 : L a k t n 1 6 ; : : r : f ? 3 9 1 9 . 2 949 Removeablehard done rub ATA 133SATA • fat. 19 23 Secondary Core Fal/SletalID Fan.... 11.13115. ATI R adroit 121619230/9600125514InG?4 1 1 1 5 SSLitt W i l l i ZS/blend 5.1 M I 26 9 ( 5 9 D-Link D1-604/524P 4 rPore Router - - M E P M E M CPU Fall/ HUB 4 P o n _ _ 19-3519 ATIbleon911012111411PC1GF620025631ASP__ 6 9 / 6 5 udlgyl SU he/ %SIPLATINUM--1 9 2 1 1 1 9 1 Linksys %Bele. 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'a r ' , so 0/ ATI Radon X1900XT/X1911GT 25651 9CI.E....299/219 1016X/180 DVD+/- RW(Dualloyer)---349.16.9 -.4cer,1831,DelL-.Norebank boner),-..Call U p g r a d e S p e c i a l All RideonX19505-11/011901110111100551251PC11_489/229/139 BlackCD ' ' 12 _CIS IFF,ese17‘11I.tion -Printer Ink cartridges, toner refilL.-Call ATI Fire-GL93100/3400121M PCI E1pars..........209(129 BlankliaDVDa AtiPrintablepl5piemy___73910.99 MST/ABSPd Bon Cut= GadU30 Ethaul---49.49.69 OlegDVD• ILW 4X - We offer data r eovery service! s• 4 , 0 P ,o-1MD ?1) I 9 9 Please c a l l u s f o r t h e r a t e s ! S / 9 WEBCam/Lotirech rob-am1 6 / 2 9 ' 05 1COMIV750\I IS ' 0 1 0 5 6 - - 5'a11
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Digital Imaging . t t l x 0
• • •
P I 11 • 4 4 . 111 : r n r
• 3
1 .
• . a ^ 1 t 6 • A n
program can be used to remove s t a t i c , h i s s , hum or other unwanted
It's not quite as easy as Audacity to get audio in and out quickly, but it does
noise, using a series
allow for a lot more audio processing and manipulation. Built-in effects
of n o t c h filters a n d
include reverb, compression, parametric and graphic ED, echo, pitch shift, chorus, multiband compression, and a spectrum analyzer.
•••• .
multiple channels soundcards, live input processing, CD burning, MP3 encoding and more.
Editing with Audacity
At the higher price points expected for the most powerful and feature
is a breeze. Using a
packed audio software programs comes Antares and the latest version of
familiar Cut, Copy, Paste its Auto-Tune program. (Auto-Tune 4 is out now; an enhanced Auto-Tune 5 was expected at press time — but note that no plans for dual core support
and Delete metaphor, manipulating sound clips is as easy as doing word processing. There's unlimited undo (and redo), so mistakes are easily corrected and processes easily isolated.
were announced.)
. • Auto-Tune is called a professional pitch correction solution for Mac OS X
The program uses what's known as an "Envelope" tool for fading or raising
and Windows XP, and it's used primarily to correct intonation problems in
volume smoothly, and a mouse-driven "Drawing" tool to alter individual
vocal or solo instrumental performance. It does so in real-time, without
sample points. Even though I have access to other audio programs, and powerful video
distortion or artifacts, while keeping all of the expressive nuances of the original performance.
editing tools, I often use Audacity for editing spoken-word podcasts. It's
Over a typical pitch correction range, it is simply not possible to tell that a
ability to help me quickly cut out unwanted sections, clean up undesirable
sound has been processed, except that it is perfectly in tune. It's possible
noises, and package the 'cast with music, effects or other sound sources is
to -save" even the most off-key or vibrato-saturated vocal (or instrumental)
hard to beat — especially at the price. n-Track is an audio and MIDI editing software, newly available in its
performance, and that's why it is well-known and well-liked in the music recording business. Another Antares program, called Throat, is a dedicated "vocal designer" —
Studio 5 version. This Windows-only PC program is available in 32- and 64-bit flavours
a "physical modeller" of spoken sounds, effects and artifacts — even to the
(running natively on x64 versions). Using a 64 bit internal sound path
point, for example, of adding "breathiness" to a recording.
makes for the maximum audio quality available on today's CPUs. It's priced
According to some observers (studio engineers are notoriously closelipped), programs like Antares' are why many hits from artists like Cher,
at less than 51.00. nTrack is optimized for the latest dual-core and hyperthreading CPUs, and its multithreaded design takes advantage of extra CPU's processing power
Green Day, and even Paris Hilton sound so good — or to put it another way, are so pitch perfect!
to support more tracks and effects. Depending on the song structure and
You may not need the power or expense — around 8600 — of programs
buffer size, the gain over a regular CPU can be around 1.7x (dual-core) or
like Antares for your audio editing needs, but know they are out there.
1.1x (hyperthreading), according to the manufacturer.
If needed, they can change audio from the poor cousin to the media
n-Track is compatible with a wide variety of 16- and 24-bit single and
family favourite.
multichannel soundcards that use PCI, USB or FireWire (IEEE 1394) or audio By Lee Rickwood
interfaces with Asio, WDM, MME, DirectSound or other compatible audio drivers (again, refer to the last issue of HUB: DL for details about audio
Lee Rickwood is a freelance writer and independent video producer. He operates
technicalities). Those technicalities aside, n-Track is a powerful digital multitrack recorder
WordClnA Wire, an independent company providing editorial, media production ana
that transforms your PC into a powerful audio recording studio. You can
consulting services to individuals and companies across North America. He can be
record, play back and overdub your audio tracks while applying effects, real- reached at videodaze@goodmedia.com. time input processing, automated AUX channels sends and returns, and more. The program supports 24-bit, 192 KHz recording, 6 4 -bit mixing,
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Digital I m a g i n g
Film f e s t g o e s mobile Movies shot with cell phones shown on large screens
the Polaroid snapshot, cell phone video is very self-referential."
The mobile movie phenomenon — content produced on and created with
Aesthetically, Gass-Donnelly found a mobile video does have a new
mobile phones — is gaining both popularity and respect among filmmakers
identity. Technically, it has some hang-ups too, such as the non-existence of
as it opens new avenues for creative visual output as well as a compelling
time code exists on cell phone video. "It has a shallow depth of field, and a
new genre for storytelling. Media mobility brought together Motorola a n d t h e 2 0 0 6 Toronto
forced perspective to it: he adds. The video shot was 15 frames per second
International Film Festival. Six unique and ground-breaking mobile shorts created by filmmakers from
shooting in three minute chunks, owing to the size of the handset's internal
(as opposed to film's 24, or video's normal 30), but he was still limited to memory card — in this case, 512MB.
the Talent Lab MotoFilm Project were released during the Festival after being
Cell phone image dimensions are usually 126 x 144 pixels, a far cry from the
processed to make them suitable for big-screen viewing. Each was shown in
1920 x 1080 size of high definition video. It was obviously necessary to blow up the video for theatrical release, but the problems of pixelation, image
the theatres, and online as streaming video. Motorola provided the filmmakers with a Moto° videophone, and service from Bell Mobility to experience mobile moviemaking first-hand. Some also
degradation and aspect ratio conversion were not inconsequential. Nevertheless, another participant, filmmaker Andy Marshall found new
used Moto's V635 phone. One o f the participants, Gass-Donnelly, an award-winning film director,
ways to combine his many interests on the small screen.
stage producer and music video maker, used his video-enabled handsets for
couldn't — have video cameras," he says. "Wherever you can take a phone,
an innovative piece created for the band The Fembots, and the song History
you can make a movie. Also, because of its size and its 'normalcy' (pretty
Remade about the history of Toronto, its people and places.
much everyone is comfortable and familiar with cell phones), it gives great
"The cell phone lets you into places where normally you wouldn't — or
By creating a unique camera rig of five handsets mounted along a block
access to subjects and scenery. It's perfect for documentary filmmaking, as
of Styrofoam, Gass-Donnelly was able t o add a panoramic feel to his
a cell phone is a lot less intimidating than a camera, and also for guerrilla
eye-grabbing video. He described cell phone-acquired video as having "a very specific look, use
filmmaking, if there's footage you have to get 'undercover': For other mobile short initiatives, visit www.motorola.ca/motoreel.
and response. It's almost iconic; people instantly know it's 'cell phone.' Like
By Lee Rickwood
M o n - F r i : 11 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 3 0 Sat: 10:30-17:00 Sun: Closed # 4 - 555 N o r t h R o a d , C o q u i t l a t n Te1:604 9 3 1 - 5 8 0 9 17a7:60•=1: 9 3 1 - 5 8 9 / AMD SEMPRON Arn2 2 8 0 0 + MSI K9V0M-V MB 512MB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 RAM Video/Lan/Sound 80GB 7 2 0 0 r p m HD 17" ATX Tower W/350w BOB 16X DVD-ROM
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Video Card IATI Radom 9250 I 28MB AGP $ 4 5 'ATI Radeon 9600Pro 256MB AGP $ 7 9 Intel P4 CORE 2 DUAL 6300 Intel P 4 CORE 2 DUAL 6 6 0 0 ATI X1300256M8 AGP $ 1 1 9 ATI X1600 PRO 256MB AGP $ 1 3 9 INTEL DG965RY MB ASUS P5I3 MB ATI X1300256/512M8 PCI.E $ 9 9 / $ 1 1 9 1024MB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 RAM 2GB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 RAM ATI X1600Pro 512MB PCI-E $ 1 5 9 °INTEL X3000VIDEO CARD ATI X1600PRO 512MB NVIDIA 6200 256 MB PCI-E $ 5 9 80GB 7200rpm HD NVIDIA 7300GT 256MB PCI-E $ 1 0 9 320GB 7 2 0 0 r p m H D 18" ATX Tower W/350W USB 18" ATX Tower W/350W USE NVIDIA 7600G5 256MB PCI-E $ 1 4 9 NVIDIA 7600GT 256MB PCI-E $ 1 6 9 16X DVD Writer 16X DVD Writer NVIDIA 7900GS 256MB PCI-B $ 2 3 9 0 1 NVIDIA 7950 512MB PCI-E $ 3 5 9 $599 0 ) i N V I D I A 7500GX21G8 PCI-E
,Tstea prices reflected 3% cash discounted. System warranty: 1 year parts & 3years lacour Intel Celeron 2.8GHZ MSI PM8PM MB 512MB PC- 4 2 0 0 DDR2 RAM Video/Lan/Sound 80GB 7 2 0 0 r p m HD 17" ATX Tower W/350w USE 16X DVD-ROPI
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Lenovo W h o ? from a height of a few metres. But before the notebook can crash to the What would you do if you were the world's third biggest personal computer maker but scant few in North America had even heard o f you? That's Lenovo's cross to bear. Some recent history: Lenovo i s the China-based personal computer manufacturer that acquired IBM's personal computer division for USS1.25
floor, tiny jetpack thrusters emerge from the sides of the machine causing it to hover momentarily before gently landing on the floor. Len,Murray Wright, President of Lenovo Canada, says the challenge here is
billion in 2005. That acquisition gave Lenovo a couple of valuable brands — similar to Lenovo's problem in the Americas as a whole — combating the the ThinkPad notebook and ThinkCenter desktop lines — and vaulted it to Number-Three globally, behind Dell and Hewlett-Packard.
"Lenovo who?" syndrome. With the 'Think" product line inherited from IBM, Lenovo Canada has held
Taking over those marquees gave Lenovo a considerable and immediate
its own, and Wright says Lenovo Canada has maintained a Number-Two
slice o f the North American market, but that's not enough to ensure
position in commercial PCs this year. To further bolster its position among
long-term success for two reasons. First, the halo effect of Big Blue heritage
business users, in September Lenovo Canada signed a deal with Air Canada
won't linger forever (Lenovo can use the IBM moniker for up to five years).
under which Lenovo will supply almost 100 PCs to Air Canada's 19 Maple
The premium IBM brands are vulnerable to depreciation — either real or in
Leaf Lounge Business Centres, located here and abroad.
the minds of potential purchasers — into parity products from yet another far-east PC builder.
One of the biggest challenges for Lenovo Canada is that it started with zero retail presence. Earlier this year, it introduced the first new PCs for North
Second, today's PC game is as much about consumer retail as biz2biz, and
America under its own brand. Called the Lenovo 3000, it includes desktop
oops — IBM got out of the retail PC market years ago. You just don't see
and notebook models, and will be the products the company uses to tackle
ThinkPad or ThinkCenter PCs in electronics and office supply retail stores
the retail market. So now, if you go to office supply chains in Canada, you
alongside HP, Acer and the like. So even with IBM's portfolio, Lenovo has no
may actually come across Lenovo branded products.
shelf presence where we ordinary citizens shop.
By David Tanaka
What is the company doing about that? To provide some answers, Lenovo Canada recently arranged a media tour to its product development centre in Raleigh, North Carolina and invited HUB: DL along. Raleigh was chosen, I suspect, because it's home to one of IBM's premium R&D centres — and when the new Lenovo facility is complete, one of Lenovo's premium R&D centres as well. The Raleigh venue helped communicate a message about continuity from IBM to Lenovo. Continuity in staff, since many of the key IBMers that shaped IBM PC product development are now part o f the Lenovo crew; as well as continuity of product quality and innovation, as a tour of the new product showcase and briefings indicated. Deepak Advani, a senior VP and chief marketing officer said that Lenovo's main marketing slogan i s "the best engineered PCs." To bolster that claim, Daryl Cromer, who is the executive director of Lenovo's Raleigh
Lenovo a force in Asia-Pacific Lenovo has retailing smarts and a portfolio of products aimed at the consumer market. For example, it is the biggest domestic cell phone brand in China and has about 20 per cent of the PC market there. The trouble is, it has operated almost exclusively in the Asia-Pacific region, mostly in China. You might have seen Legend brand motherboards in Canadian shops in the late 90s. Legend was the anglicized name of Lianxiang Company, which has been around since the mid-1980s and morphed into Lenovo, or 'the new Legend" in 2003.
Advanced Technology Center talked about some of the innovations that flowed out of the centre when it was IBM-run, and continue to flow under Lenovo's direction. ThinkPads have long been popular with business users for a few reasons, not the least of which is the overall physical robustness of the machines. I've seen IBM reps stand on them, pour water onto the keyboard and fling them onto the floor. Dog and pony show theatrics for sure, but they demonstrate some o f the engineering within t h e machines — a n accelerometer that detects sudden movements and parks the hard drive heads to avoid HOD crashes, rigid alloy cases that reduce screen flexing and breakage, and waterproof pans under the keyboard (complete with drainage holes). Under Lenovo, the latest innovation is the roll cage, a magnesium alloy skeleton that further protects the electronics within. To popularize that sort o f engineering prowess, Deepak Advani developed a viral marketing campaign called "the Lenovo Tapes" which purport to be secret tapes showing the latest technologies Lenovo engineers are working on. These are entirely fictional but highly entertaining. One shows a robot arm dropping a Lenovo notebook B C 3B H U B : D o t a l Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section - N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6
First Glance A u d i t i o n 2 . 0 E s s e n t i a l 'Thaining
instructions in the background. The video streams in a browser window,
If you've ever taken part-time audio courses at college, you'll know how
making it possible to have the tutorial open alongside your mixing window
frustrating it can be t o have one instructor managing a classroom o f students all o f varying abilities and technical aptitudes. Nothing beats
to follow along. With a subscription t o the Library
Audition 2,0 is one of many online video training programs offered at
(US$25 per month, USS250 per year or $375 for a premium membership),
Lynda.com (www.lynda.com). The video covers the basics of computer
users receive access t o tutorials
audio, from software, file management, recording, creating multi-track
offered a s streaming video ( n o t
sessions and envelopes to creating a CD, adding effects and mastering.
downloadable). Premium Subscribers
one.on•one instruction, which is where Audition 2.0 comes in.
Classes are structured as real-time tutorials, where the application is open and the instructor is manipulating the program while giving voice-over
can also download exercises to their computer to complete.
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A M D Super+ Systkin▶ D u i ; e r Sygteni 40FAIMEcon System , 1 4 11 0 7 5 111 7 7 4 1 , ---7-ii— Sempron 2800+ CPU AM2 Athlon64 3500+CPU AM2 Athlon64x2 Dual Core 3800+IAt hlon64x2 ua ore 4200+ MSI K9VGM-V 8xUSB2.0 M S I K9NU Neo-V 8xUSB2.0 A S U S M2N-E10xUSB2.0 A S U S M2N-SLI Deluxe 10xUSB2.0 512MB PC4200 DDR2 (Samsung)512MB PC4200 DDR2 (Samsung)1GB PC5400_DDR2 (Samsung) 1 G B PC5400_ DDR2 (Transcend)Life WD 80GB 7200rpm SATA HD W D 250GB 7200rpm SATA II HD W D 250GB 0 O r p m SATA II HD S e a g a t e 320GB-16MB S ATA II HD Integrated S3 UniChrome Pro 1 2 -in-1 Internal Card Reader 1 2 -in-1 Internal Card Reader B l a c k 12-in-1 Internal Card Reader RealtekALC883 8-Channel Soundios) MSI NX62007C-70128 128MB DDR ATI X1600 Pro 512MB DDR2 ' E V G A Geforce GF7900GS 256MB 10/100 Lan, 2XSonal ATA(018) ( S u p p o r t i n g 256MB)16XPCI-E,TV 16XPCI-E, TV Out, DVI Video Card D D R 3 16xPCl-E, 2XDV1 Video Card LG 52X32X52 CD-RW Drive O u t Video Card A D I 1988 8-Channel Audiocs) A D I 1988B 8-Ch High Definition Audio 18'400W E. 2XUSB Front Tower Case L C 8 8 3 8-Channel Sound(otu) G i g a b i t Lan, 6XSerial ATA Ilias) G i g a b i t Lan,6XSATA II,2XIEEE1394)os), PS2 Optical Wheel Mouse 1 0 / 1 0 0 Lan, 4XSerial ATA Ilioia) L G 16X Dual Layer DVD+-RW Drive ' L G (Light Scribe)16X DVD+-RW Drive: PS2 Elements Keyboard * L C 16X DL DVD+-RW Drive 1 8 " Dual Fan 450W & 2XUSB Front Case *Antec Sonata II Black 450W Case I GS-693 Multimedia Speakers 1 8 ' 400W & 2XUSB Front Tower Case Logitech Cordless Desktop Keyboard L o g i t e c h Cordless Desktop m o m Logitech Value Keyboard a n d Optical Wheel Mouse ( L a s e r navigation, expert media control.) Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse E d i f i e r M1300 2.1 Speakers System Edifier M1500 5.1 Speakers System Edifier R10 Multimedia Speakers w / Wo o d e n Subwoofer , . .....r, System $ 4 0 9 , . . ) & w / W o o d e n Subwoofer
$1 179
Sempron 3000+/3400+ 530515329 Athlon64_3000±13500+ 53291630 Athlon64 3800.13800+x2 5529/5589 Athlon64 4200+14600+ x2 $85975929 Athlon64x2 46004./5000+ $1249/54:211 j
--,Ty-_,-\.?. g t , , e ;!...-_!Ein ja—l— ,!<;-Y•,!17-t-T,AY Cif P -zDual Core CPU 1p4 D9453.4GHzDua/ C o r e CPU B re o lC a u 1 G .6 2 5 0 8 D 4
.so ,E4 Super+ System Intel Core 2 Dual E6400CPU,
MSI PM8PM 8xUSB2.0 A S U S P5L-MX i945G 8xUSB2.0 A S U S P5N-SLI 10xUSB2.0 A S U S P5B P965_10xUSB2.0 512MB PC4200 DDR2(sarnsung) 5 1 2 M B PC4200 DDR2 (Samsung) 1GB PC5400 D D R 2 (Samsung) 1 G B PC5400_DDR2 (Transcend)Life WD 160GB 7200rpm SATA II HD WD 250GB 7200rpm SATA II HD I1WD 250GB 7200rpm SATA II HD S e a g a t e 320GB-16MB S ATA II HD Sony 1.44MB Floppy Drive 1 2 -in-1 Internal Card Reader 1 2 -in-1 Internal Card Reader B l a c k 12-in-1 Internal Card Reader S3 Graphics Unichrome Pro I n t e l Graphics Media Accelerator 950 Integrated Graphics core A z a l i a ADI1986A, 6-channel High- 1ATI X1600 Pro 512MB DDR2 E V G A ' G e f o r c e GF7900GS 256118 .16XPCI-E, TV Out, DVI Video Card D D R 3 16xPCI-E, 2XDVI Video Card Realtek ALC655 6-channel Sound Definition Audio CODECie B) .ADI AD1986A 6Channel Soundics) A D I 6 -channel High Definition Audio CODEC(DB 10/100 Lan,4XSerial ATAio.$) G i g a b i t Lan, 4XSerial ATA Dias) G i g a b i t Lan,6XSerial ATA II,o 31 Sony 52X32X52 CD-RW Drive ' L G 16X DL DVD+-RW Drive i Gigabit Lan,4XSerial ATA I4osi 18' P4 400W A.2XUSB Front Tower Case 18' P4 400W & 2XUSB Front Tower Case LG 16X Dual Layer DVD+-RW Drive L• G (Light Scribe)16X DVD+-RW Drive Logitech Value Keyboard L o g i t e c h Value Keyboard , 1 8 P4 Dual Fan 450W 82XUSB Front Case "Antec Sonata II B l a c k 450W Case Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse L o g i t e c h Optical Wheel Mouse L o g i t e c h Cordless Desktop Keyboard • L o g i t e c h Cordless Desktop MX3000 Edifier R10 Multimedia Speakers Edifier R10 Multimedia Speakers and Optical Wheel Mouse ( L a s e r navigation, expert media control.) Edifier M1300 2.1 Speakers System E d i f i e r M1500 5.1 Speakers System System $ 4 9 9 w / W o o d e n Subwoofer $ 8 3 9 w A N o o d e n Subwoofer $ 1 2 0 9 , 0 $ 3 9 9 P 4 D915/D945 Dual Coro 55295569. P4 D820/D915 Dual Core5419/$449'Core 2 Duo E63001E64005589/5639 Core 2 Duo E6300/E6400 $8591$909 C o r e 2 Duo E63001E6600 $1159/51319 All advertised prices reflect 3.0% cash discount. A l l Systems come with 1 year parts and 3 years l a b o u r hardware w a r r a n t y. N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6 - H U B : 0 gual Uvng - B.C. Loss or
cn B C 7 . 3 9
Total Gamer
Revitaliznq L L i a m h I g Microsoft's Games for Windows Initiative With the launch o f two new video game consoles this month, many
announced at the end of 2005 the strategy won't become completely
.s.mics seem to think that PC gaming is, once again, on its last legs.
the box Vista will incorporate tons of the features outlined in the Games
oft. on the hand, doesn't think so. In fact it claims that there are more than 200 million
enhance the PC gaming experience. Furthermore, because the PC
effective until the launch of Microsoft's new OS, Windows Vista. Out of for Windows specifications, as.well as a host of new technologies that
hardcore, moderate,
games and Xbox marketing departments were consolidated during
and casual Windows-
the creation o f Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business,
based PC garners out
Vista's release is being treated much like that of a console launch,.
there - more than all
complete with launch titles and exclusive game-related technology.
current g e n e r a t i o n consoles combined -
This serves t o raise awareness for PC gaming, but also increase ' anticipation for Vista.
making t h e PC by far
The basic idea o f the Games f o r Windows initiative i s t o provide
the m o s t accessible
developers, retailers, and garners access to whatever resources they
gaming p l a t f o r m
require to maximize their experience with the platform.
available. The Games
On the developer-side of things, many refinements have been made to
for Windows initiative
the qualification process used to ascertain if a game is worthy of the
is how Microsoft plans
'Games for Windows' branding. Endorsement falls into two categories,
to take advantage o f
each w i t h t h e i r o w n s e t o f requirements. Essentials, whose
that huge install base,
recommendations are comparatively fundamental (support for the
breathing new life•into
Xbox 3 6 0 Controller and Vista's Windows Game Explorer) and
)'C gaming i n t h e
Showcases, which go a. step further by supporting additional, more
advanced, Windows technology (like DirectX 10 and 64-bit multi-core
While it was originally
processors.) Fulfilling the higher Showcases rating results in more interest from Microsoft, potentially leading to more marketing support. The problem with adhering to the strict guidelines imposed by the
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claims for its XNA Development Suite prove true, developers can incorporate the features with ease while simultaneous cutting down on the time needed to create the rest of the game as well. Furthermore, because XNA development shares the same toolset for both PC and Xbox 360 game creation, porting a game to and from either platform is also easier than ever before (meaning a game could be developed for both platforms with minimal effort and cost).
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Games for Windows label is that they would normally require more development time to implement. Fortunately, at least i f Microsoft's
Probably the most dramatic changes from the consumer's perspective will b e seen i n t h e retail space. While a l o t o f the developer
enhancements will remain behind the scenes, Games for Windows
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To t a l G a m e r branded games will have entirely new packaging (complete with a
Game A d v i s o r ) . T h e m o s t
logo!), as well as easily distinguishable shelving. In an attempt to
intriguing of these new features is
further blur the line between console and PC gaming, there will also be
Live Anywhere. Live Anywhere is
PC kiosks loaded with the latest PC games for customers to demo right
to PCs and Mobile devices what
in the store. All of which culminates into better marketing for the PC as
Xbox Live is to the Xbox console —
a gaining platform, hopefully resulting in an expansion of the market.
it i s essentially a n o n l i n e
Obviously it will be the gamers who reap the benefits of the guidelines
community w h e r e u s e r s c a n
enforced on developers and retailers and the launch of Vista plays a big
connect with each other, receive
role in this plan. Along with having all of the new technological goodies
game demos, and get the latest
(like OX10 ), the new 05 ships with many front-end applications geared
news (think MSN Messenger on
towards gamers as well (like Windows Game Explorer and Windows
steroids.) The Games for Windows initiative is a g r e a t s t a r t f o r building
DirectX 10: Truly Next-Gen Graphics
consumer c o n f i d e n c e i n P C gaming and i f Microsoft i s a s
Direct Xis an Application Programming Interface (API) used for the
committed to the program as they
various multimedia aspects o f a Windows Operating system.
say they are, there is no telling
Although i t has different components — DirectSound for audio,
how successful it could become.
Oirectlnput f o r controllers/ga mepads, • OirectShow f o r video
Regardless of the outcome, it's good to finally see Microsoft take PC gaming
playback— the most anticipated improvements ary those made to
seriously, since no other company has enough influence within the industry
the graphics portion of the API, known as 0irect3D. The following are main improvements of Direct3D 10:
to be able to pull this kind of thing off. While Nintendo and Sony ready themselves for the next generition of video game systems (one in which the Xbox 360 already has a 10 million unit head start), Microsoft's investment in
Faster — OX10 reduces overhead to the point where, if the same
PC gaming will undoubtedly pay the company dividends when the console
application were written for DirectX 9, it is up to 20 percent faster.
war cools off. By Mike Palermo
Geometry Shaders — Like Pixel and Vertex Shaders, Geometry Shaders will add an extra layer of programming possibilities. Most notable effects achieved with the new Shader pipeline include real-
time displacement maps and motion-blur done in the hardware.
All or Nothing — In order for graphics hardware to take advantage
of DX10 features it must satisfy absolutely all of the requirements.
This will make a consistent starting point f o r developers t o create from.
CDR . . . E . . . . . ....,..., %ow. M a t Paxa, f
Can b r . . V [WM-MR
It's important to note that, because DirectX 10 was written from the ground up and integrated within even non-game functions of the OS, it will only be available for Windows Vista. Utilizing it is also a
requirement for receiving the Showcases moniker of the Games for
- - - , t - -
,ioNv DYD:RW
Windows branding. Needless t o say the graphics capabilities o f DirectX 10 are not possible on any of the "next" generation consoles.
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With Producer for PowerPoint a multimedia presentation is simple to create. C, I l i l 1 , • ' • • I t rtk 1 • • • • • ha: ...t1 M . l o c . . , a M r a f t e r i m e e • The Producer for PowerPoint tool is probably the world's best kept secret POMO* .111M11011M. I . . . 1 1 . f \ WW1 01••••••••••MO from PowerPoint users. Instead of simple slide shows, Producer lets you add P . m movies and other multimedia features to a PowerPoint presentation and to display and play these simultaneously. So you can, for example, have a slide • , •W* =o o * * , show displaying in one area of the screen and a movie in another. The movie . • • • • • • • • • ••••••• Min M . " might be a recording of someone narrating or making the presentation, it El I I could be other information of relevance to the presentation. Producer for PowerPoint is a Microsoft add-in product and is available as a lo N 4 , 5 a . .1 free download for PowerPoint 2003 from http://tinyurl.com/3t4oz. However, the program is not compatible with Internet Explorer 7 so unfortunately you • won't be able to use it on a computer with Internet Explorer 7 installed. C Download and install the program and then run it from the Microsoft Office menu. I t t i . I or. If I• V , — ao• Producer for PowerPoint works in a similar way to Windows Movie Maker, so von.V ▪ .-I if you're familiar with that program you'll find Producer easy to work with. • i f a l . . • • • • Like most authoring programs, there is a timeline across the foot of the L . . Use ternplates to control the placement and sizing of objects screen onto which you can drop and arrange slides, still images, movies and on the screen during the presentation. audio onto separate tracks. At the top of the screen are collections of media objects and a preview pane that you can use to preview your objects. To create a show, download, install and launch Producer and click the Slides the Presentation templates option in the tree pane and choose a template to folder in the tree pane at the top left of the screen. Double click Import Slides use. Orag and drop the template onto the templates track on the timeline. to Import a PowerPoint slide show. You can also import video, audio tracks You can add more than one template to different positions on the timeline and still Images the same way. Importing an object just makes it available; it to change the layout during the presentation. For example, when the movie doesn't commit you to actually using it. Until an object appears on the is the most important element to focus on, you can use a template to show it at a large size and then make the slides larger when they are timeline, it isn't actually in use. To compose your presentation, drag clips, audio and slides onto the more important. relevant tracks on the timeline. If two objects are on different tracks but at Like any movie editing software, you can add Effects and Transitions to the dame position on the timeline they will play at the same time. This way your presentation. To add these to your presentation, select either Effects or you can show a movie while playing a series of PowerPoint slides. Transitions and drop an effect onto the clip or a still image on the video track. You will use templates to format the way the screen looks as the Effects alter how the image appears such as aging it or converting it to black presentation plays. To alter the arrangement of elements on the screen, click and white. You use Transitions to control the change from one still image or video to another and you apply these by dragging and dropping a transition between clips or images on the video timeline. Producer includes a Capture tool for capturing the screen as you are performing a task using a piece of software and to narrate your presentation. To use this, click the Capture icon and choose what to capture. Once the capture process is complete and you've saved the files, you can drag and drop them onto the timeline like any other element. Use the Synchronize tool on the toolbar to synchronise audio with the slide presentation. When you run it, your audio and video tracks play alongside a small preview of the slide show. Navigate the slide show from one slide to the next and Producer tracks the timing and arranges the duration for each slide according to the timing you've created. This can be manually altered later on if desired. To test your presentation, click the Preview Presentation pane and click Play. Once you're satisfied you can choose File, Pack and Go to pack the presentation to take it to another computer. To publish the presentation, click Publish and choose a place to publish it to. A Producer presentation is made up of a number of different files including HTML files and Windows Media Video movie files. The entire presentation can be played in a browser such as The capture tool includes a method for capturing the Internet Explorer or Netscape. computer screen and narrating a presentat:z7. ByHelen Bradley
_ 7.7
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C a r audio compress and degrade your audio even further. Just make sure your deck Although regarded as the pinnacle of car audio when they debuted just a
is capable of playing encoded music before you burn the disc. Today's
couple decades ago, retail music CDs are certainly not that today. They
better decks support MP3, WMA and AAC playback, and many offer multiple lines of display too.
simply don't hold enough songs compared to modern, ultra-compressed MP3 standards. They typically incorporate just three or four really good
Still, compressed music CDs aren't today's best option. For that, you need
tunes and a ton of filler, and they have fixed playlists. Thusly, even if you
to escape the realm of CDs and lasers entirely. One of the hottest trends
have a dozen of them rattling around your car ready to fall out of their cases involves the marriage of portable music players and car decks. The most affordable method is an FM transmitter, a smallish device that or be swapped in and out of your deck, you have maybe a couple hours of good music. You could buy yourself a CD changer, but then you'd lose a chunk of trunk space and you'd still have just a fraction of the A-list songs your buddy stores in his comparatively miniscule portable music player. A better answer is to stop allowing those pesky retail CDs in your car in the
plugs into an iPod-type player and essentially acts as a miniature radio station, wirelessly broadcasting your playlist through your deck's FM tuner. Pricier transmitters will also charge your iPod's battery via an additional cigarette lighter cable. RC.J'
first place.
The downsides to the FM transmitter are many, however. Most critically, it sounds like FM radio, complete with all the inherent interference and The easiest and most obvious way to do so is to bum a best-of MP3 CO. low-grade fidelity. Moreover, some transmitters work efficiently only when Considering that a 192Kbps compressed music track sounds virtually they're positioned literally inches from the deck. And none of them will identical to CO-quality audio when you're zipping along at 80 kph yet is just
allow you to control your iPod through your deck.
three to six MB in size, and given that a standard recordable CD will handle
A better idea for those with a dash-mounted cassette deck is a cassette
about 700 MB of data, you can count on fitting perhaps a couple hundred
adapter. Looking just like a standard cassette but with a short cord that
songs per disc. You can double or even triple that i f you're willing to
connects to your portable player's 3.5mm headphone or line-out jack, an
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Wireless adapter delivers better audio than an FM transmitter and, in rare cases,
the smart shopper, caveat emptor. Auxiliary inputs do not charge your
supports limited thru-the.deck iPod control. Yet the setup is convoluted,
player's battery, nor do they allow you to control your player's functions
and the resulting sound is not as clean or as punchy as that of an MP3 CD. from the deck. Truth is that if you're serious about your music, you'll want a hardwired solution. If, for example, you have both an iPod and a factory or aftermarket
11513: Car-1)111g to a car near yo,J
deck that supports a CO changer, you may want to look online or at your
Undoubtedly the best player-to-deck solution is a USB connection. Now
local car dealership or audio center for a proprietary iPod adapter. Plug one
featured in top-end decks by the likes of Kenwood, Alpine and Clarion, USB
end to your iPod, the other to the CD changer jack at the rear of your car
offers uninterruptible two-way communication. Thus, you can listen to your
deck, and find somewhere to mount the adapter box. Not only does this
iPod o r non•iPod player in full high fidelity, charge its batteries, and
setup deliver full fidelity sound and at least some degree of thru-the-deck
conveniently control all its functions and see all its playlist information
control, but it also chargeS your player's battery.
right there on your dashboard.
If your deck has a 3.5mm auxiliary input, you have yet another hardwired
Moreover, USB is the ideal answer for those who would rather store their
option. Auxiliary jacks are nothing new in the world o f car audio, as
music on a comparatively inexpensive flash memory "thumb" drive or even
evidenced b y t h e fact that even slow moving North American c a r
a miniature hard drive. Merely run the USB cable from the back of the deck
manufacturers are now including them with certain factory decks. Yet for
into the glove compartment or some other inconspicuous cubbyhole, connect the drive, and control everything from your deck. Some USB decks, such a s those i n Kenwood's Excelon series, offer -voice indexing," wherein a synthesized voice announces each new artist, genre, or sort function. You don't even need to take your eyes from the road to know what's coming up next. It's important to note, however, that car USB is still in its infancy and the list of supported USB devices is not set in stone. Kenwood, for example, has officially approved just a smattering of the current crop of flash memory drives. Furthermore, USB connections are limited b y the amount o f power they can deliver. Though enough for most players and drives, it isn't for some.
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N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 6 - H U B : n a t a l Living - B.C. L o w e r Mein end Section
IWireless that currently costs between S12 and S15 per month. Additionally, because Alternately, you can scrap the cables altogether and opt instead for a deck such as JVCs KO-SH1000, which features a faceplate-mounted USB port
even the most advanced car decks don't include a satellite receiver, you must buy and install a separate receiving unit.
and a faceplate-mounted SD memory card reader. A dash-mounted USB
A potentially better bet for those among us who'd rather save than spend
port? Great idea, right? Well, yes, except when you accidentally brush your
our money is HD Radio. HO Radio is essentially an analog-to-digital upgrade
hand past the dash and snap the protruding drive in half, or accidentally
of the standard AM and FM signals, wherein the AM band sounds as good as
leave it in your dash when you exit the car and attract every thief in the
traditional FM stereo and the FM band sounds almost as good as*your CD
neighbourhood. Fortunately, the memory card loads inside the unit.
player. HD is not a subscription service, so you won't pay monthly fees. All
With all these options, each of which is theoretically far superior to any CD you need is a deck that supports HD and a separate HD receiver. Indeed, technology, a CD-less car audio future would appear to be at hand. And some decks now feature a completely integrated HO solution. indeed it is. Clarion, for one, will unveil a lineup of no-CD decks at the
The most discussed downside t o HD Radio i s that it's funded b y
Consumer Electronics Show in January, 2007. Featuring USB and SD
commercials —the same commercials you'll hear through standard AM and
memory card slots, an FM tuner, and Bluetooth support, the units will in all
FM. Furthermore, being a terrestrial rather than satellite-based technology,
probability be the first in a new wave of audio hubs that usher the once
the HD signal will degrade as you move further from the nearest tower. But
proud compact disc out the proverbial tailpipe.
the biggest hurdle for Canadian HD Radio fans may be accessibility. Digital radio [once more commonly known as DAB, or"digital audio broadcasting") hasn't exactly taken off in this country, due mostly to red tape, technical
The future also looks bright for motorists who don't want to bother with
issues, and an apparent lack o f consumer interest. Surveys suggest
personalized music collections at all, and prefer instead that old standby,
consumers wanted better content, among other things. Though HD Radio
radio. Apart from standard AM and FM, listeners now have the option of
technology permits "multicasting" (the broadcast of two simultaneous
satellite radio, a subscription service that delivers a wide variety o f
programs — one each in digital and analog format) doing so is nattirally a
commercial-free channels to anyone who owns a satellite receiver. The primary benefits o f satellite radio are its commercial-free format and its clean digital signal that's theoretically equally strong
more expensive proposition for the radio station. It's a Catch-22 situation that may or may not be solved anytime soon. Stay tuned. Whatever route you want t o take, there's no shortage o f 'Net-based resources. We like t w o sites i n particular; www.crutchfield.com, a
anywhere on the continent. Moreover, fans
respected online electronics distributor that publishes how-to guides and
of specific genres of music or talk or sports are likely t o find a channel that caters
unbiased user reviews; and www.caraudio.com, an extremely active car audio enthusiast discussion forum.
strictly to their preferences. However, there
By Gord Goble
are drawbacks. Satellite is a paid service
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