Volume 20 Number 07
Cam ground Wi-Fi Wireless in Europe GPS devices reviewed
reasons you should pack your laptop
ASUS Recommends Microsoft' Windows"' Vista Home Premium
Based on the latest Santa Rosa platform, and powered by Inter' Centrino Duo Processor technology, the ASUS G I S and G2S notebooks carve through today's visually intense games with ease. NVIDIA' GeForce' 8 6 0 0 M GS graphics further prepare you f o r tomorrow's D i r e c t e 1 0 games and applications.
Core"2 Duo inside"
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Onboard OLEO Display 1 . 3 Megapixel Webcam a •
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Canada Computers M i c r o B y t e s P C Cyber z w 1 . 4 1 6 7 3 3 - 4 4 1 3 1 1 - 1 3 7 7 4 11 C R 0 8 Y T E 5 1-613-224-9995 ASUS Direct Flash G a m i n g Hockeys w w w - c a n a d a c o m p u t e r s . c o m www.microbyteecom w w w . p e c y b e r c o m G15-A1 - rimmed by Mier Centre.) Dim Mot* Tecenlogy leakreng Inlet' Care^.2 Duo processor17500.NVIDIAt GeForce860GMGT256MB 2 GB DDR2 667MHz. 15.4' WSXGA• 16800050 gassy radesaem 160GBhard dnve. Dual. LayerDVD±RWCD-H0/'Super-5110Dnvewith Ughtscrim, buit-in 13 MegapaN enotexim.10/100/1000 LAN, Bluelooth V2liPEDFLWireless 802 11ebrigtn, maids. ing gamingbag and num, 2.yore global w ananNand30-day Zero Bright Dot LCD IASFA, CAD 52.029
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Editorial Taking a vacation from
a mini entertainment centre on which you can play
the technosphere
games, listen to music and even watch movies. And with
Most of us take vacation
fast digital networks, texting and limited web browsing
time in the summer, and
are becoming commonplace activities.
whether i t involves an
My first Blackberry was the quintessential business tool.
airline f l i g h t h a l f w a y
Nothing about it was fun or entertaining, apart from the
around the globe or just
sheer novelty o f the device itself. Today, RIM markets
a short jaunt to escape
them to all segments, and besides basic black, you can
the city, we look forward
get models in an assortment of colours. Like other smart
to getting away from the
phones, today's Berries are equipped with music and
daily routine. But can we
video players, games and socializing tools like Google Talk
escape from technology and Yahoo Messenger preloaded. Computing and digital technology isn't just about • and should we even try? The lowly computer has always had two faces: the busi- business any more. The technosphere has become part ness/work/serious face and the fun/hobbyist/creative of our atmosphere, surrounding us, nourishing us, an
D I G I TA L Volterra 2 0 :
Number 07
Editorial David Tanaka t a r Odavidad ginailicorn
Managing Editor J e n n i f e r Kavur jenniferg ppublishing Co Contributing Editors S e a n Carruthers fiord Goble Mike Palermo Lee Rickwood Marc Saltzman Chad Sapieha Gene Wilburn
Advertising Sales
face. Today, it's not just workaholics fearful of missing a
invisible but necessary part of our daily lives. It's more
single crucial corporate email who carry laptops on
familiar and comforting, especially to urbanites, than the
vacation. There's also a growing group of people for whom
great wilderness we often seek to escape to.
the digital lifestyle - and all the devices that entails - is the
But let's get back to that "breaking out o f the daily
Ad Sales
normal order of things. They don't want to turn off the fun
routine" aspect o f vacations t h a t make them s o
and entertainment that the PC puts in their face; rather
refreshing. Just because you can lead a comfortable
K a r i m Rizk katimappublishingica
they want to enhance and enrich holiday time with that
existence online, even on vacation, should you? One of
same information smorgasbord. It's not surprising that
the best times I've had in recent years was to take part in
notebook computers have been selling much more
a modern cattle drive (using quads, not horses). Being
briskly than desktop machines • they fit right into the
out on the open range with hundreds of cattle trudging
compute anywhere digital lifestyle.
out to the horizon line is an experience you could never
That goes for other digital tools that used to be primarily
replicate online. But of course if you forgot that, maybe it
business focussed, like cellular phones and PDAs. There
is time to push away from that cubicle and cut the digital
are still dead zones where your phone stops working if
cord for a while. Trust me, it will all be waiting for you
you venture far enough into cottage country (and thank
when you get back.
primarily for emergencies - in case the car breaks down.
Enjoy the issue, David Tanaka
Moreover, the cell phone isn't just a phone any more, but
o t t Piccolo sconappublahing
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a n Hillcoat trianappublishing
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Production Coordinator L i s a Carbonara lisaappublwhing,ca Production Assistant L i z Van Der Wee heappublishingica Distribution Manager
goodness for that, many would say); but on the other hand, how many people that you know have a cell phone
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July 2 0 0 7
In selected regions and online:
Wireless camping
Photo geotagging
A laptop on vacation?
Battery, uninterrupted
Wi-Fi in Europe
Calling home a foreign concept
Share the journey
More than a GPS
Eye Candy
Online vacation planning
Bland bugs and boring buccaneers
Good-bye travel agent, hello traveller network
...and more
n s e The Oucensway, Taranto. ON. M82 l i t 1 tel T o l l -hem B56.757.0179 Few 416.348.9553 Canadian Publiotion Mail Sales Product kgmerrient 441037516. Printed in Canada. ISSN 1710.0143 HUB: Digital Living (13.C. ed.) ISSN 1710.0151 HUB: Digital Living (Calgary ed.) 691 i n a p t s x HUB: Digital Living (Edmonton ed.) ISSN 1710-0178 HUB: Digital Living (Eastern ed.) ISSN 1210.0186 HUB: Digital Living (Montreal ed.) ISSN 1210.0194 HUB: Digital Living (Frame ed) ISSN 1710432013 HUB: Digital Living (SW One ed.) ISSN 1710.0216 HUB: Digkal Living (Toronto ed.) HUB: Digital Living is published monthly by Piccolo Publishing Inc_ All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the p e r m n of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Informatissiaion presented here is compiled Iron sources believed to be accurate, however. the publisher assumes no responsi. bility for errors or omissions. The puhltsher reserves the right to refuse ads. The opinions expressed in the articles and columns and ads are those of the writereadvenior and not necessarily those of HUB: Digital Living.
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P4 Dual-core 3.213.46 5889/979 Coro 2 Duo E6320/6420 $9591989 Core 2 Duo E660016700 $102911129 Co 4 x 2 . 4 G 1399 Asus P5LD2 Motherboard (Intel i945,SATA,RAID,Dual-channel OCZ 2G PC6400 DDR2 dual-channel 320GB 16MB S-ATA2 Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader nVidia GF8600GT PCI-E 256m/DVI SonY 0170A 18xDVD±RW D.L. 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0/B Logitech Deluxe 250 desktop comb (Keyboard + Optical Wheel Mouse 17' P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B Alin Lansing VS3251 5.1 spk wireless 19" LG L194WTX Wide Screen LCC (5ms, 2000:1, Dual Analog/Digital) SOLERIA-S 2 7 5
l A s u s W7J-3P116C Cora 2 DUO-1.66G1G/120G/13.3"/DVDRW/802.119/74007C/BluetoothNista Prem..1460 F I R M I i i i l l i r g fl l- V 1:=)11F1-E,Pilit.\11Asus Gl-AK024C Core2DUO T7200-2G/2.0G/160G115.4"/DVDRW/GF7700 512M/802.11g/Vista Prem..1799 1 Asus U1F-1P016E Core Co DUO ULV2400-1G 1.5G/80G/11.17802.11g/56kAAN/BluetmouseNista buss...218 OCZ 2G PC6400 DDR2 dual-channel klt..$94. Acer AS3660-2103-VH Celeron M 1.6G 1G/160G/14.1'/DVDRW/56K/LAN/802.11g/5-111-1/Vista Home6 7 OCZ600SXS 600W Silent Power Supply....99.9 Acer AS9300-4272 AMD Turion 22G/512M/120G/17756K/LAN/802.11g/DVD-RW/CameraNista home8 2 9 Sony Q170A 18xDVDt.RW DL Wlsoftwre3 2 . 9 Acer AS5630-6760 Core 2 Duo-1.73G.160G.26,15.4".DVD-RW,56k.LAN,802.11g,GF7300.V.Premium1249 WD 80G Hard Drive IDE 8M Buffer4 4 . 9 Acer AS 5610-4693 Core DUO 1.66 512M,15.4-,120GDVDRW.56k,LAN,802.11g,5-inl ,Vista Premium...73B LG 20" L204WTX Widescreen Flat LCD...244.9 LG F1-2K25k9 Core 2 Duo-1.6G/1G1100G/15.4'/DVD-CDRW/56K/Giga LAN/802.11abgN. Premium1 0 9 9 (1680x1050dp1,5ms,2000:1,Dual Analog & DVI) LG PI-BP01A9 Core Duo 1.6G/120G/1.0G/15.47DVD-RW/56k/Giga LAN/802.11abg/FingerprintN.Pre 1219 LG 22" L226WTX M a u r e e n flat LCD....328.9 PC.2700:3200 DDR 512/A11.0G 5 4 9 . 9 / 1 0 4 . 9 Bluetooth adaptor/USE IRDA Bridge2 5 / 1 9 - P yv 9(1680x1050dp1,5ms,3000:1,Dual Analog & DVI) o F B S lU ra xte E 9 _ /.G M 1 5 in p R D 0 2 4 C 144Pin SDRAM 128/256/512M3 4 / 4 9 . 9 / 9 9 . 9 2.5' Hard Drive 40/80/120/1606.......59.9/69.9/85.9/128.9 LG 24" L245WP VVIdescreen flat LCD6 8 8 . 9 NovaTch wireless LAN 54Mb USB/PCMCIA...32.9 S - A T A Hard Drive 80/120/16067 9 . 9 / 8 9 . 9 / 1 2 8 . 9 (1920x1200dpi, 8ms,1000:1, Dual HDMI & DV!) nVldla GF8600GT PCI-E 256m,TV-out,DVI 149.9 11 . 11 : = 1 : 1111 . 1 Windows XP HomoPro/MCES 1 0 5 / 1 4 9 / 1 3 9 18' Case USB2.0 front 350w/450w Dual Fan5 2 9 / 4 8 Adaptec GameBrIdge TV Tuner w/Remoto.29.9 WindowsVista Home basic/PremIum..104.9/138.9 4 iFor PlayStatlon2,Xbox,GameCube & watch T1/1 WindcwsVista Business/Ultimate149.91219.9 Sony 1.44M Floppy Drive 1 MS Office 2007 Home 8 Student Edition1 3 9 . 9 Power supply AT/ATX/450w 2 9 / 2 7 / 3 9 Dual Fan Power supply 450W4 4 Sempron AM2 3 0 9 1 N E F 1 2 11 . 1 9 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 MS Office 2007 Basic/SBE/Pro...189.9/249/329.9 Antec SP-450 Ultra quit 450W Power supply8 9 Athlon64 AM2 3200/3500/38006 4 . 9 / 7 4 . 9 / 8 5 . 9 MS Office 2003 Professional2 9 8 . 9 Antec SP-500 Ultra quit 500W Power supply9 9 AMD Athlon64x2 AM2 4000/4200/4800 89.9/108.9/139 Windows SBS 2003 Server w/5CAL4 8 9 Antec True 350W Quit Power Supply5 9 AMD Attilon64x2 AM2 5200/5600/6000..169/189.9/219.9 Win2003 Server Standard w/5CAL7 4 9 Tisonic ATX-460-102DF 460W Quiet Power Supply 69Celeron-5775 2.66/2.8/3.4664 8 . 9 / 5 2 . 9 / 6 9 . 9 MS Optical Mouse/Wireless1 3 . 9 9 / 1 8 . 9 9 Enermax Liberty ELT620AVVT 620W Power Supply....179Pentium-4 S775 3.0/3.2/3.4/3.66....84.9194.9/104.9/169 MS Keyboard Internet/Multimedia1 8 / 2 2 Enermax Noisetake EG495P-VE SFMA 485W9 9 P4 Dual-core 3.0/3.2/3.401 0 6 . 9 / 1 1 5 . 9 / 2 0 4 . 9 MS Ergonomic Value Pack Keyboard+Mouse..59 OCZ OCZ600SXS 600w Silent Power Supply1 0 9 Core 2 DUO E2100/E4300/E440099.9/136.9/165.9 MS Internet Keyboard+Optical Mouse2 9 OCZ OCZ 700GXSSLI 700w Silent Power Supply1 5 9 Core 2 Duo E6320(1.86G)E6420(2.13G)188.9/209.9 MS Wireless Comfort KE+Laser M o u s e 4 9 9 Thermaltake W0117 Toughpower 750W P. Supply2 1 9 Core 2 Duo E6600(2.4GyE6700(2.66G)2 5 5 . 9 / 3 4 9 . 9 Thennaltake TR2-430W Power supply5 9 IIMMEM:2233. Core 2 Quad Q6600/0X67005 8 9 . 9 / 1 0 9 9 . 9 9.9 Belkin UPS w/software 425/550/650VA.5 9 / 7 5 / 8 9 PC-133 SDRAM 128/256/512M2 4 . 9 / 3 8 . 9 / 5 6 . 9 USB 2.0 PCI Adapter 5 PortsS i Enhanced PCI Printer Port Adapter 1/2 Port.2 5 / 2 9 CEYDVD-ROMIRIRW PC-133 SDRAM 16 chips 128/256M2 7 . 9 / 3 8 . 9 IEEE 1394 (Firewire) PCI Adaptor 4 ports -24.9 Asus 52X Oct CD-ROM 22.9/32.9/59.9 $14.9 DDR PC3200 256/512M/1.06 iEEE 1394 (Firer/ire) PCI Adaptor w/Cable 32.9 Sony/LG 16X DVD-ROM2 3 . 9 DDR2 PC5400 256M/512M/1.061 8 . 9 / 2 1 , 9 / 3 9 . 9 PCI Serial Adaptor 2 port w/16C550 UART 24.9 Sony CRX230ED 52x32x52 CD-RW w/software2 4 . 9 OCZ DDR PC3200 2G(2x1.0G)Dual-channel kit...159.9 Removable Hard Drive Rack IDE/S-ATA.1 4 . 9 / 1 9.9 Dbtech Portable(Slim) External 8xDVD-RW1 1 9 OCZ DDR2-667mhz PC5400 1G dual-channel kft....54.9 2.5' Notebook HD to 3.5' HD IDE Adapter 1 1 . 9 LG GSA-H54N dual layer 18xDVD±RW w/soft ware3 3 . 9 OCZ DDR2-667Mhz PC5400 2G dual channel klt....89.9 USE Radio Recording support MP3 8 WMA.1 4 . 9 LG H5OL 18xDVD4RW DL. Lightscribe w/software3 7 . 9 OCZ DDR2-800Mhz PC6400 2G dual channel kit....99.9 USE Fan 8 Light 2-in-1 4 . 9 9 LG GSA-H62N SATA 18xDVDtRW DL. w/software3 7 . 9 OCC PC6400 2.00 Gold edition Dual-Channel kit1 3 9 USE 2.0 Gold-Plated Printer Cable retail box.9 . 9 9 Pioneer DVR-112D dual layer 18XDVDtRW software 37.9Kingston PC3200 256/512M/1.06 32.9/47.9/79.9 USB 2.0 Cable Printer/Extension7 1 7 Pioneer DVR-212D SATA 18XDVD±RW D.L.software 42.9 Kingston PC4200 DDR2 512M/1G.3 1 . 9 / 4 8 . 9 USB to Parrallel Printer Port Cable Adapter1 9 Plextor PX-800 18xDVDzRW w/software 8 9 . 9 USB2.0 Flash Drive 1G/26/46/86...18.9/26.9/46.9/89.9 Mccitor Extension Cable Shield 6110715.... 12/15/19 Samsung S182M Utescribe 18xDVD±RW w/software 34.9Apacer MP3 Player 1G w/SD expansion slot. ......... 29.99 Cable For Digital Monitor 6110115'1 5 / 2 2 / 2 9 Sony AW-0170A Dual layer 18xDVD±RW software3 2 . 9 Apacer Au822 1.06 M.3 Pla er w/Video/FM4 9 . 9 9 9 Pin Serial Cable F/F Straight/cross1 3 / 1 3 Blank CD Writable/Rewritable 0 . 2 9 / 1 . 9 Canon A460/560/631 ov.lirciTA.LCAMERA . 309/399/289 USE 2.0 To IDE (3.5' 8 2.5') Adaptor2 5 Ritek Ridata 80Min 700MB 50 Pack Retail box.1 3 . 9 9 USB 2.0 To S-ATA+IDE (3.5' 8 2.5')Adaptor3 5 Precision 4xDVD-R 4.7G 25Pack Retail Box.6 . 9 9 Canon S3iS/SD-40/750/900/67419/369/349/459/639 S-Video Cable 6Ft6 . 9 309/219/279/349 Ritek Ridata DVD-R 8X/Printable0 . 3 9 / . 5 0 Casio EX-S77027521050/V7 40/80 Pin IDE Data Cable3 / 5 Ritek Ridata Dua Layer 8.5G.3 . 9 9 Olympus E 5 0 0 / E 5 0 0 K 2 /K E 5 1 0 2 3 9 549/739/929 /269/369 Sony DSCW35/DSCW550SC720 80 Pin Round IDE Data Cable7 Ritek Ridata 6XDVD-RW2 . 4 9 Parallel Port Printer Cable7 Sony DSCH2/DSCT100/DSCN24 1 9 / 4 5 9/369 KEYBOARD/MOUSE Serial ATA (SATA) Power Cable3 22.9/34.9 Keyboard PS2 BenQ P010/Multimedia5 5 . 9 9 / 8 . 9 9 Compact Flash 10/26 KVM 3-in-1 6' Cable 9 . 9 9 Compact Flash 80x/120x 1G/262 4 . 9 / 3 6 . 9 KVM Switch maual 2 Port/4 Port w/o cable1 9 / 2 2 PS/2 Chinese Keyboard Compact Flash 120x 2.00/4.0G/8.0G.....36.9/59.9/104.9 8 / 5 8 Digital KVM Switch HotKey w/cable 2/4port.3 9 / 7 9 Fujitsu Keyboard 8729/47261 Memory stick Pro Duo 1.0G/2.0G/4.0G.....34.9/4199..99//73 EUSSO UKS8204-DO 4 port USB KVM Switch....129HP 5302H USB Multimedia Keyboard w/2 USB port1 6 Micro-Secure Digital 1.06/2.06 EUSSO UKS8104-R0 4 port KVM Stackable1 3 9 Logitech Multimedia Keyboard/Black.1 5 / 1 7 Kingston 2.0G SD card & Card reader Combo klt..32.99 Logitech Premium desktop(KB.+wIreless mouse)2 9 . 9 9 USB Printer connect to Parana! port adapter2 9 (works w/SD,MMC,MMCpluorninISORS-MMCA1MCmobile Logitech Deluxe 250 Desktop Combo(KB + Mouse)....17.9kingston SOMMC,MIMSD MlcroSD Card Reader....9.99 ST Lab S-ATA PCI Ada•ter w/RAJD su“ 2 9 Logitech Optical Wheel Mouse9 . 9 9 (works w/SD MMC MMCPlus mlniSD RS•MMC ,MMCmobIle) UPGRADE SPECIAL $ 1 0 9 Logitech 05 Laser Gaming Mouse4 4 . 9 Secure digital 1.06/2.0G.1 9 . 9 / 2 6 . 9 Free Installation Logitech G7 Laser Gaming Mouse7 9 9 Secure digital 80x 512/1.061 8 . 9 / 2 2 . 9 Fcauirin881101890142MAMB • Sempron643000-• CPU Logitech Cordless G15 Gaming Keyboard 86.9 Secure digital 150x 2.0/4.062 9 . 9 / 5 4 . 9 10/100MbLAWS-ATA/8Channel 3D Audio Secure digital Mini 1.0G/2.0G2 2 . 9 / 3 9 . 9 VIAChrome9 Video 018 (open PCI•E Video card sled) Logitech Cordless MX 5000 Bluetooth KB 8 Mouse Logitech Cordless Keyboard + Optical Mouse3 8 . 9 XD:Picture.C.ardiA2G/2.0r; . _
Phone: 604-599-8785 # 1 1 1 8 - 7 3 1 8 137th St. Fax: 604-599-8758 S u r r e y , BC, Canada W W W • s i a c o c a m p u t e r . c o r n Tech: 604-599-8745 V 3 W 1A3 1 0 a m 6 : 3 0 p m ; Systems c o m e w i t h 3 y e a r s l a b o r, 1 y e a r p a d w a r r a n t y ; o p t i o n o f 1 m o n t h f r o * I n t e r n e t a c c e a s B u s i n e s s H o u r s : S a t u r d a y All n e w a p t . ) a a r e t e s t e d 6 b u r n e d -In f o r 40 h o u r s b e f o r e s h i p p i n g . F i n a n c i n g a n d l o a n i n g a r e available. P r i c e . r e f l e c t a 3% c a s h d i s c o u n t a n d are s u b a c t t o c y a n a w i t h o u t n o t i c e . P r i c e a ff e c t i v e J u l . 0 1 • Jul 3 1 S u n d a y & H o i l d
AMD Athlon84 320013500 8829/849 Sompron64 3000/3600+ $4891509 Sompron04 3000/3800+ $ 4 2 9 / 4 4 9 AM2 Athlon04 320013500+ $4591479 AM2 Athlon64 3200/3500+ $5091529 Athlon84x2 4000+/4200+ $679/899 Athlone4x2 4000/4200+ $559/579 Athlon64x2 400014200+ $4991519 Athlon64x2 4800/5200+ $7291749 AthlOn64x2 4 8 8 0 / 5 0 0 0 + $ 8 0 9 / 6 2 9 Athlon64x2 480015200+ $549/569 Athl n• x 2 •00/6000+ 7 7 . 1 8 Asus M2NBP-VM CSM Malnboard Asus M2N-X AM2 Mainboard Asus M2V-MX MB (nVIdla Ouadro,S-ATA, Dual-channel) (nForce520,Dual-thannel DDR2,RAID) (2000MT/a S-ATA,RAID. PCI-E X10,) 1.0G PC5400 DDR2 RAM 1.0G PC5400 DDR2 RAM 512MB DDR2 RAM 250GB S-ATA2 Hard Drive 80GB S-ATA2 8M Cache Hard drive 160GB S-ATA2 8M cache hard drlv. All-In-1 Memory Card Reader All-In-1 Memory Card Reader All-in-1 Momory Card Reader GF6150 video w/RGB/ DVI 0/B nVidla GF7300GT PCI-E 256M/DVI VIA Doltacome9 Video Card 0/B Open PCI-E x16 Video card Slot SonY 0170A 18xDVD±RW D.L. Open PCI-E x16 Video card Slot SonY 0170A 18xDVDiRW D.L. 8-Channel 7.1 Sound Card 0/B SonY 0170A 18xDVDiRW D.L. 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard , 8 Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logitech Optical Wheel mouse BenQ P010 PS/2 Keyboard Logltech Optical Wheel mouse 17' P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case Logitech Optical Whool mouse 17' P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 17" P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet 0/B 10/100Mb Ethernet 0/B 0G-1015 Speakers w/ Subwoofer Speakers w/Headphone Jack LG L194WTX Wide Screen LCD Speakers w/Headphono Jack 17* LG L1752TX LCD 1400:1 DVI (5ms, 2000:1, Dual Analog/Digital) 17" LG L1752TX LCD 1400:1 DVI SOLERIA-3 2 7 5 SOLERIA-5275 SOLEFtiA- 1 2 7 5
1 0 a m - 6 : 0 0 p m ; a
C l o s e d .
AMO Athlon64 3200/3500 5819/839 Athlon84x2 3800+/4200+ $859/879 Athlon64x2 4800/5200+ $909/929 Athlon64x2 5600/6000+ 9691999 Asus fA2N4-SLI AM2 Mainboard (rrForce4 SLI,Dual-channel,RAID,SATAi OCZ 2G PC6400 DDR2 dual-channel 320GB 16MB S-ATA2 Hard Drive All-in-1 Memory Card Reader nViclia GF8600GT PCI-E 256m/DVI SonY Q170A 18xDVDtRW D.L 6-Channel 5.1 Sound Card 0/B Logitech Deluxe 250 desktop combo (Keyboard + Optical Wheel Mouse) 17- P4-ATX USB2.0-Front Case 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet OfB "Lilac Lansing VS3251 5.1 spk w:re:ess 19' LG L194WTX Wide Screen LCD (5ms, 2000:1, Dual AnaIogDig.tal)
1.1123:13==.1 Aopen V.92 56K PC I . a x "in v ..emS 1 9 Encore PCI Sound Card/5.1 5 1 4 1 1 9 ASUS P5SD2-X/P5V02-MX-SE/P5B-Deluxe..79/75/198 2 . 9 ASUS P5B-VM-SE/P5B/P5B-E1 1 9 . 9 / 1 3 4 / 1 6 4 USR 56k V.90 P C I a r a a i s e Modem...49 Creative SB Audigy SE 7.13 Creative SB X-FI Xtreme Sound 52.9 ASUS P58-Pius/P5B-Deluxe-WF-AP 158.9/228.9 CNet 10/100Mb Switch 5/8/16 Port.5 2 2 / 3 2 / 6 9 Creative SB X-FI Extreme Garner1 0 2 . 9 244.9/279.9 ASUS P5K-DX-WF/P5K3-DX-WF Creative SB Wm6000 WIre!ess Music Pack.1 9 9 159.9/169/259Impression 10/100Mb Ethernet Card9 ASUS P5K/P5K-V/P5K-WS 2 . 9 Creative SB X-FI Elite Pm2 24bit 7.1 Retail box_......_.289 98.9/104.9Belkin Wireless G 54Mb Router4 ASUS P5L-MX/P5LD2 1 3 1 8 119/239.9Belidn Wireless G 54Mb PCI Ethernet Adapter2 9 . 9 0G-1015 w/subwoofer/Speaker ASUS P5N-SU/P5N32-SLI-Premium NovaTech Wireless-G 54Mb USB/PCMCIA.3 2 . 9 / 3 2 . 9 Altec Lansing VS3251 5.1 Spk. wfWireless remote......55 ASUS P5N32-E-SLI/P5W64-WS-Pro 238.9/258.9 228.9/299.9 Novatech wireless-G 54 Mb PCI Ethernet Card2 9 . 9 Aftec Lansing FX4021/FX5051/FX60211 2 9 2 1 9 2 1 5 ASUS P5W-DH-Deluxe/P5WDG2-Pro 9 328.9 D-Link 4 port Router Dt-604/DI-704UP3 9 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 Edifier 5.1 Spk M1500/R2513 ASUS Striker NF6801 SLI D-Unk Wireless DI-524 Router 802.11G 54Mb5 8 . 9 Logitech X54. . 0 . 88.'49.9 ASUS (S764) K8U-X/K8V-MX6 9 / 6 9 D-Link VVirelessG WBR-2130 Router 108Mb6 9 . 9 S T O R A G E / C O N T R O t I E R ASUS M2A-MVP/M2A-VWM2A-VM-HDMI...108/79/98.9 D-Link DI-655 Wireless-N Router1 3 9 . 9 IDE (PATA) 7200RPM Hard w i t h 8MB buffer cache: Drive ASUS (AM2) M2N-E/M2N-SLI-DELUXE108.9/163.9 D-Link DWL-G630 54Mb PCMCIA LAN Wireless5 3 80/160/250G.4 4 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 1 7 2 . 9 ASUS (AM2) M2N/M2R32-MVP/M2N-X.....95.91139/79.9 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-G510 54Mb5 3 IDE(PATA) 7200rpm Hard Drive with 18MB butter cache: ASUS (AM2) M2NPV-VMIM2N32-WS-Pro1 0 4 / 2 5 9 1 250/320/400/500G. 7 7 . 9 / 8 8 . 9 / 1 1 9 . 9 / 1 3 9 . 9 ASUS M2N32-SLI-Deluxe-VVF/M2n4-SLI1 9 8 / 1 0 5 D-Link wireless LAN PCI DWL-G520 108Mb8 ASUS AM2 M2NBP-VM/CSM(corperate edition)9 8 . 9 0-Link wireless LAN PCMCIA DWL-G650 108Mb5 9 SATA 8M 80/160/250G.4 9 . 9 / 5 9 . 9 / 7 3 . 9 D-link 24 Port DES-1024R+1 3 9 SATA 16M 250/320/400/500G.78.9/88.9/116.91138.9 Asus M2V-MX/M2V7 1 . 9 / 9 4 . 9 ASUS S939 Al3N5X/A8N32-SLI-Deluxe9 9 / 1 7 9 D-Link Switch 8 port DSS-8./16 port DSS-16+4 9 / 7 8 WD Rapter 10000rpm 36/74/150G.....138.9/1713.9.238.9 Llnksys WRT54G 54Mb wireless G router6 9 SCSI Hard Drrve. c a l ECS 945GIT-M/945P-A(3.0)7 8 / 9 9 . 9 VIDEO Foxconn 760GXK8MC-RS/K8M890-M2MA.6 9 / 7 9 Unksys WRT54GS Speed Boost wireless router9 2 Unksys wireless PCI card VVMP54GNVMP54GR....65/84 Anus EN8800GTS 320/640M3 4 8 ' 4 3 9 Foxconn 865G7MF/945P7AA-8KS26 9 / 9 9 . 9 Unksys WMP54GS Speed Boost wireless PCI care7 4 Asus 768M EN8800GTX/8800Ultra 6 3 9 / 7 8 9 PC Partner 915PAS7-A47 1915 chlpset Flreware8 9 Unksys VVUSB54G wireless USB card6 8 ATI Radeon 9550 w/TV-out/256M5 9 . 9 Gigabyte GA985P-DS31 4 9 1 9 9 Unksys WPC54G wireless PCMCIA card6 5 All 9600XT AGPx8 OVI,TV-out 256M8 4 . 9 Gigabyte GA-965P-S31 All X800GT AGPx8 256M/TV-out/DVI .......... Gigabyte GAM57SLI-54/GAM595SLI-S5 1391209 Netgear WNR8348 Wireless-N Router1 2 9 . 9 / 5 / 6 All X1300 TV-out DVI PCI-E 256/512M8 4 . 9 / 1 1 5 MSI 975X Platium V.2/945P fireo3-F 2 0 9 1 1 0 4 Cable Assembly 3/6/10 4 95„59 Cable Assembly 25/50/75/1008 9 / 1 4 / 1 9 / 2 4 ATl X1600Pro AGP TV-put DVI 256/512M....118.9/128.9 MSI K9N Neo-F/K9A-Platium 209/149 CAT5e Cable 50175/ 9 / 1 2 / 1 5 / 7 5 All X1650Pro AGP TV-out DVI 256/512M1 2 9 / 1 3 8 . 9 MSI K9N-Dlamond 9N-SLI -latiu ATI X1950Pro PCI-E DDR3,DVI 256M/512M1 6 9 / 2 0 9 MONITOR Brother 240C/440CN/3360/665CW1 2 9 / 1 8 9 / 1 2 9 / 2 5 4 Acer LCD 17' AL1706AB/AL1717BBM05184/199 Canon IP1300/3300/4300/53005 9 . 9 / 9 9 / 1 5 4 / 1 9 9 All X1950ProAGPx8 512M DDR3,TV-ouLDVI. 2 2 9 ATI X1950XT PCI-E 256M,VIVO,DVI2 1 5 Acer 19' LCD AL1916AB/1916WAB 2151189 Canon 1P6700D/Pro9000/8P902 4 5 / 6 5 9 / 2 8 9 ATI X2900XT 512M4 6 8 Acer 20' AL2017BMD/AL2016W 1351286 Large format IPF5000/W6400/1PF80002099/3689/5859 eVGA AGP 6200 AGP8x 128M TV-out 3 9 . 9 Acer 22' AL2216WBD/24' AL2416WD2 7 4 . 9 / 6 0 9 Large Format IPF500/1PF600/1PF7001519/2319/4029 A m 28' AL2616WD/3T AT3720A8 1 9 / 1 2 4 9 Canon MP-180/460/510/600/830135/154/184/264/389 eVGAAGP 6200 AGP8x 256M TV-out DV16 8 . 9 eVGA 7100GS 128M PCI-E DVITV-out5 8 . 9 Acer LCD TV 42' AT4220A 1388x768 ems DVI.1429 Canon MFC MF-3240/4150/6530/6550....199/289/669/759 Daytek LCD Touch Screen 15717'5 9 9 / 7 6 9 Canon Scanner 4400F/8600F/LIDE251 5 5 / 2 4 9 / 8 9 eVGA PCI-E 256M 73006177600GS8 9 . 9 / 1 0 4 2 Daytek DT-2620/0140406 2 9 / 1 2 6 9 Epson C88/14005/R18009 9 / 4 4 9 / 6 2 9 eVGA PCI-E 7600GT 256M DDR3/TV-out/DVI1 3 4 . 9 eVGA PCI-E GF7950GT 512M KO2 7 4 Daytek DM-42A/DT-46601 6 7 9 / 2 0 5 9 Epson CD printer R260/380/800/2400...119.9/145/455/899 eVGA 8600GT 256M DDR3 DVI TV-out.1 5 3 LB 17' L1752TX 1400:1 8ms Analog/DVI1 6 8 . 9 Epson 3-in-1 CX3810/4800/5000/7000F....68.9/99/105/149 eVGA 8600GTS 256M DDR3 DVI NV-out2 5 4 U3 L1732TX Analog/Digital 4ms 1400:12 1 8 Brother Laser HL-2030/20408 9 / 1 5 9 eVGA PCI-E 8800GTS 640W8800GTX 768M...A18/648 LG i r L1753TX 2000:1 300cd/m2 5ms2 0 9 Brother HL 2070N/2700CN/5250DN1 8 9 / 7 4 9 / 2 9 9 LG 19185 ems/L1900J 4ms 2000:12 1 9 . 9 / 2 6 5 Okidata Color Laser C3200N/C5500N2 8 9 . 9 / 6 2 9 eVGA 8800GTS 320M DDR3 DVI TV-out.3 3 8 8 8 LG 1953T Dual Analog/Digital 5ms 2000:12 4 8 . 9 Okidata DOT Manna 186/186S/3207D3 0 9 / 3 3 9 / 4 8 9 eVga 8800Ultra 768M7 Forsa PCI-E 256M N DVI 7300GS/7600GS7 4 . 9 / 11 9 LG L194WT W.screen 5ms 2000:1 VGA/DVI 208.9 HP LaserJet 1018 laser Printer 1200dp18 9 . 9 LG L204WTX 20' 1680x1050 5ms 2000:12 4 4 . 9 Samsung Laser 2010/3051DN/3561N1 0 9 / 2 8 9 / 6 1 9 Gigabyte 8800GTS/8800GTX.4 8 9 / 6 3 5 LG 226VV1X 22' 1680x1050 5ms 3000:13 2 8 . 9 Brother Toner TN 250/350/460/5601 9 . 9 / 5 4 / 5 4 / 5 9 Leadtek GF7600GT PCI-E 256M DDR3 TV-out/M..159 LG L245WP 24" 1920x1200 8Ms 1000:1 HDMI...689 Canon Toner w/Drum E40/A30/S35/FX-36 9 / 6 9 / 5 4 / 5 4 Leadtek GF7950GT PCI-E 512M w'/TV-out/DVI2 8 9 Leadtek 8800GTS 640M11/8800GTX 768M4 7 9 / 6 7 9 Samsung 17' 701N LCD 600:1 8ms1 8 5 HP Toner w/Drum C7115A/C7115X/02612A.4 9 / 5 4 / 5 9 MSI NX8800GTS 640M/NX8800GTX 768m4 6 5 / 6 5 9 Samsung 19' 920N 8me 700:12 3 9 HP Toner w/Drum C92298A/C3903NC4092A4 9 / 4 9 / 4 9 Zotac PCI-E TV-out DVI GF7200GS 256M5 9 . 9 Samsung LCD 931C 2 9 5 Panasonic Toner FA76/UG3313/UG33501 9 . 9 / 7 5 / 7 5 Zotac PCI-E TV-out DVI 256M GF7300GT8 4 . 9 Samsung LCD 940BW Analog/DV! ems 700:1 229 Samsung Toner w/Drum ML161002/1210/1710035 9 Samsung LCD 20' 205BW w/HAS 6ms 700:12 7 9 Samsung Toner Drum SF4500/SF5100/SCX4216035 9 Zotac PCI-E 256M GF7600GT/7950GT1 4 9 / 2 6 9 Zotac PCI-E TV-out DVI 512M GF7950GT2 7 9 Samsung LCD 22' 225BW 5ms 700:13 3 9 SamsunG T o n e a K M E t h i e 6 9 Adaptec GameBndge N Tuner Remote Cotroller 29.9 ViewSonic i r VA70313/19- VA903B1 8 9 / 2 2 9 N Tuner wfRemote3 9 VlowSonlc 19' VA1903WBNA1912W82 1 5 / 2 2 5 McAfee Virusscan 007 u s 5 1 5 . 9 Avenmedla TV-PVR150+ N tuner9 9 ViewSonlc LCD 19' VP93ONG1930WM3 5 9 / 2 4 9 (McAfee Antivirus2007+ Software Flrewall + Antispyeware) Leadtek TV Tuner TV2000XP Expert w/remote7 9 ViewSonic LCD 19' VX1945WMNX9222 7 9 / 2 5 9 McAfee ee Internet S uSecurity i t e 2 00 7 1 9 9 4 . 9 External USB TV-Tuner3 9 VlewSonlc LCD VG2030WMNP21308.. 2 5 4 / 6 6 5 Norton Antivirus 2007 2 Diret N Box watch TV without computer6 8 VIewSonlc LCD 22' VX2235WM3 4 5 Norton Internet Security 20073 4 2 (NotionAntivirus + Software Firewall +Antl-Spam+Antl-Popup) Hauppauge WinTV-GO-FlusiPVR-150 MCE7 9 / 9 9 ViewSonlc 22' VX2245WM3 7 8 5 8 , 9 Hauppauge WinTV-USB2/HVR950(1176)1 0 9 / 1 2 9 ElecomApmese LCD Cleaning pad glpack....9.99 MOTIIERUOARD
P h o t o geotags:jng trip photographs, but I don't remember where I took - : s : 2'1-o - - e have a general idea, but as "taken last week' drifts into as: t h e accuracy cf location goes from 'Port Stanley' to • E r i e ' to Zone cf the Great Lakes. I think." With all that e 2 . r. . 2 : : 2 came- ;'ready captures - camera settings, date, etc. 2- ▪ . ; it v.:_ a'so capture where you took the picture? Like _ _ m e : o r ice cream met waffle cone, the pairing 22 : : s Z . t : o e and a digital camera makes a
Later, you can see the path you took on the GPS screen, and if it's In an urban area, superimposed on a street map. On some devices, you can also download the log file to your computer. That log file is one of three essential pieces needed for photo geotagging. Another piece isn't a physical object, but a process - you need to synchronize the clocks on your GPS unit and your digital camera. This is necessary to let the third piece do its magic. This third piece is a software program that matches the time signatures of photo and GPS track points registered in the log file. In other words, if you took a picture of something at .73.5 Z ; _ ; : f identifying where you 10:52:12 am, the software matches that time stamp with what the GPS -::: 2 : 2 - : r . - Z e zzat.:-1 information from a GPS coordinates registered at that same moment - or the track point that has the z:. :e. : 2 2 - d i n a t e s manually by jotting them closest time stamp. • - - e - e . e- t a - . e b u t that can quickly become a From here, the software might write the latitude and longitude information • eez a - : :ES zes, there's a s ; . r m p ' e r vray - use the directly into the image file as part of its EXIF header, and thus make it a • s : - e : -es :a e: a Z-Z23 crumb trai'. t':: - a - , GPS devices can permanent part of the image's metadata along with aperture, shutter speed, s.You can a: _s: •2.z.c:7g interval to ISO, etc. There are a number of software utilities available, some shareware ▪_ . 1 2 a s . , : o u t , the GPS and some freeware, for both PC and Mac. If you do a search on 'geotagging ._ z . a n d records It'E- a log file. software; you'll have many hits.
X U n f l i n i t c d Dialcip f o r $ 9 N 5 0 1 1 r a o Up N o w w w w , O r t h a T e l : 6 0 4 - 2 6 8 - 1 0 8 2
BC 4
D o t a i
V Zrn - B.C. L o , . - Mainland Section - July 2007
OListltri vvvo.w.hubconada.corn
You could stop there, comforted by the knowledge that ten years from now,
and camcorders. JOBO (jobotorn) announced a product called the JOBO
by simply calling up the EXIF information, you'd know precisely where on
photoGPS earlier this year. It hasn't hit the market yet, but is a device that
the planet that photo was taken. Or, you could join the growing community
fits onto a camera's flash hot shoe. Every time the shutter is fired, the GPS
of online photo geotaggers and post your trips online. Last year, Flickr
unit logs a track point. JOBO says this method makes synchronization
added support for geotagged photos and many thousands of such photos
much faster, since the track log contains only points corresponding to the
are now posted. You can click on highlighted points of a Yahoo map and see
shutter firing.
photos taken at those co•ordlnates. Flickr now has a special geotagging
Another photo-specific GPS product is Gisteq's (gisteq.corn] PhotoTrackr
group devoted to the subject. Camera suppliers are getting Into the act too. Sony Canada has a 8130 unit
(approx. $140), which includes a small portable GPS unit and mapping software that can be used with Google Maps or Flickr.
called the GPSSCI (sony.ca ), but It works only with Sony digital cameras
By David Tanaka
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July 2 0 0 7 - H U B : Dgreli Lnorg - RC. Lower-l\lariaiii-cl Seclason
D V or N o t D V In the last episode of DV or Not DV, for example, yet another high definition
The Black Hole that is widescreen TV
Some people seem to think the universe is filled with black holes, measuring digital video format was discussed (AVCHO), along with new tools to create content using the highly compressed format. But we know that not all DV 50 inches or greater on the diagonal. How are we gonna fill up all those new widescreen flat panel Ns with great
tech specs and HD formats are compatible, and there are hassles when
digital video content, they ask. It's as if prime time drama, pro sports, late
moving from one format to another. Artifacts, pixilation or blockiness, stair-
night talk shows and movies galore just won't do. New ideas for video
stepping, concatenation and more are among the nasty terms we use to
production and delivery are changing the media landscape, and new tools
describe what can happen to your video.
like high definition consumer camcorders, desktop RD editing tools and
If everyone who uploads a video to YouTube, MySpace, Studio V or Blogtv.ca
streaming video sites means that content can come from any direction. But is digital video ready for prime time? Online video communities continue to gather huge audiences and an
7 7
ever-expanding catalogue of uploaded content. The ease, speed and comfort with which people can shoot and share digital video today means a n e w breed o f -mediacaster• can not only supplement traditional TV broadcasting and video production techniques, they may actually replace them. In general, user-generated video and communitycreated content can now be categorized and searched in real-time, just as — in the old days — people flipped through a N guide. Today, viewers can get their favourite content delivered to them via RSS feeds, a type o f subscription service that can either distribute or find videos by content, topic or interest. In specific, companies like Apple are sure doing their best to change our viewing habits: with products like Apple TV, we can now wirelessly stream free videos directly from YouTube and watch them on our widescreen N s in the comfort of our living rooms. With available 160GB hard drive options, we can save a couple hundred hours of video on our Apple TV based on 640x480 iTunes video content. Of course, it might be cellphone'd video, so it could really be 320x178 o r something. That looks great o n a widescreen HDTV, rated at 1920x1080 — ha ha! Hence t h e question, i s digital video r e a d y f o r prime time?
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uses an HD camcorder, fine - once such sites are ready to host and stream HO content, that is.
At Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, such opportunities are the stuff of serious research and academic discussion. "If you are five feet away from a four foot wide HO screen, is it TV...or is it IMAX?" Assistant Professor of
In the meantime, there's Eno.
Brian Eno: the 70's era Glam rocker, the 90's-period soundtrack composer Interactive Arts Jim Bizzocchi poses what seems at first like a humourous, hypothetical question. But on second thought, his scenario reflects today's
and now, the 21st Century ambient artist behind something called 7?
'background" activity, not a "foreground" one. Some TV you have to watch
reality in many living rooms - and across the industry. Our video consciousness is changing, and we are adopting and embracing
from start to finish; it demands your attention and you sit there obediently - that's foreground video. Background video i s like art on a wall - i t
short-form versus theatrical; customer-generated versus committee-
contributes to the background ambience of a given environment. You can
created; small screen versus widescreen; fixed location versus portable
watch or not as you see fit; you can start and stop whenever you like.
media, the list goes on. There are so many new ways of creating and consuming digital video, it's
Million Paintings. It's part of a new trend that sees television viewing as a
Eno's digital animation and video-based work, which premiered this summer in North America, is a never-ending cycle of hand painted images,
new forms of video: nonlinear versus linear, atmospheric versus narrative;
like getting sucked up in a giant black hole. By Lee Rickwood
randomly selected and transposed b y custom software, displayed on multiple flat panel monitors. 77 Million Paintings was created, he explains, -to bring art to the increasing number of flat panel TV's and monitors that
Lee Rickwood is a freelance writer and Independent video producer. He operates Word
often sit darkened and underutilized."
On A Wire, an independent company providing editorial, media production and
And i f the screen in your living room is one such black hole, you can purchase a OVO of ?? Million Paintings, so as to make better use of your
consulting services to individuals and companies across North America. He can be reached at videodaze@goodmedia.com.
widescreen wasteland. The ambient nature of a media viewing experience does open up whole new realms of what can be called electronic cinema. Video producers and content creators have more cnoices about the nature o f their production, i n part because large high-resolution flat-screen displays are opening up a whole new world o f creative and business opportunity.
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B a t t e r y, u n i n t e r r u p t e d you like. If you're shopping for a new laptop, keep in mind the bigger the It's happened t o many a travellen you're onboard a flight from, say,
laptop screen, the faster the battery drain, in most cases.
Vancouver to Toronto, with plans to finish the stack of work tucked into your laptop case. After all, an airplane is often a great place to be productive,
2 . The battery will drain faster if there's a spinning disc in your CD-
thanks to the absence of nagging colleagues, email and ringing phones -
ROM or DVD-ROM drive such as a game, music CD or OVO movie. Some
providing, o f course, the technology y o u need i s i n working order
games offer you the choice to install it all to the hard drive, so choose
at 30,000 feet. Sometimes, you barely make it over Winnipeg before your computer warns
this option as you'll get more life out of your laptop. Same with music -
you it's about to 'hibernate" as your battery power is at just five percent.
While Hollywood cringes at the idea, there are also many programs that
Now how exactly do you plan to finish that sales report before you land?
can "rip" your movies to the hard drive. Needless-to-say, your laptop
Energy management has been a problem since the earliest days of mobile computing. Thanks to more powerful batteries and processors with better
copy your favourite tunes to the hard drive instead of spinning the CD.
battery will last much longer in programs with little drain on system resources, such as a word processor.
energy management, it's getting better all the time, though there's still no magic-bullet solution. But there are some things you can do aside from lugging a spare battery. The following are a few tips for squeezing more juice out of your laptop:
3 . Make sure you have no devices plugged into the laptop that can be draining its power, such as a Webcam,USB thumb-stick or a wireless PC card. Connected peripherals can be a factor in eating away at battery life, so get used to the touchpad instead of using an external
. Turn down the brightness of your monitor a great deal as it will help
mouse when you're away from an electrical outlet. Ditto for enabling
preserve battery life. This can usually be found on your laptop's secondary
wireless connectivity, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, so be sure these
keyboard commands (such as blue icons that look like little suns) and then
radios are turned off when you don't need them. (They should be
manually reducing the brightness. When you're near an electrical outlet
turned off in an airplane, anyway!)
again - at home, the office or in a hotel - crank the brightness back up, if 4 . Windows users can also click on Power Options in the Control Panel (which may be under Performance and Maintenance) t o manually reduce the power consumption of your laptop. Some may turn off your monitor when not in use for, say, three minutes, but will turn on instantly again when a key is touched. Also, you can set alarms when the battery is about to die (say, at five percent) so you can safely save your information before powering down. If you're in the market for a new laptop, the new dual-core processors from Intel are roughly 40 percent faster than their predecessors, yet about 40 percent more energy efficient, resulting in longer battery life. 5 . While not cheap, you might want to consider a better battery than the one that shipped with your PC. For example, HP laptops typically ship with a regular six-cell battery that can deliver up to four hours of battery life, depending on the application. But you can choose to buy an eight-cell battery that can last up to 10 hours on a single charge or the current top-of-the-line laptop battery - a 12-cell Smart Lithium-lon Ultra-Capacity battery - for just under 16 hours of battery life. A 12-cell HP battery costs between $179 and $199; this price is comparable to other laptop manufacturers. 6 . This last tip may sound like a no-brainer for air travellers, but n o r m Gnaw Tow to AAJC/ Ind west Ye A IllIaft•Temod W r y we milk s r lainine 1 / 11 / 1 4 6 ~ IAWes XIX M O V W ROPY. 111•11Mli I D o f Are W s : 6411.111..
owWe them a s k pewflr peer Mb! A L A N , AAA** rAlog
you'd be surprised how many times it's overlooked. If you want to get a jumpstart on your work before taking off, be sure to find an electrical outlet while you're waiting for your flight at the gate, a restaurant, bar or airline lounge. This way, you can juice up your laptop before soaring the friendly skies. Experts used to say you shouldn't recharge a laptop battery unless it's fully drained, but a quick email to four leading computer manufacturers suggests this is old advice - today's laptop batteries can be recharged at any time without hurting the longevity of the battery. By Marc Saltzman
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C a l l i n g h o m e a `UCCA'SrgL1 o c i ) h l a v t If I can dump my computer on a table in a cafe in almost any country in the
Before you head overseas, check what options your cell phone carrier
wo•-•-• • .• l e t a wireless connection to the Internet, why cant I pick up my
offers in the countries you'll be visiting. Check the cost o f calls back to
pt-2-.: 7 3 1 home? Mobile communication is great until you try to make
Canada, the cost of local calls in that country and the cost of incoming calls
a co y o u r cell phone from a foreign country. It should be simple, but
to your phone. Also, if your carrier requires you to implement international
it isn't. S: • you're travelling overseas this summer and you want to be able
roaming, make arrangements to do this before you leave.
to cart z . you'll need to prepare before you leave town. I'll tell you why
If the costs are too high, there are other options available. One is to buy a
encounter problems. explain what those are and what you
prepaid phone card either here before you leave or overseas. These cards are
can do to resolve them. While most countries use GSM networks, Canadian cellular service
freely available in tourist locations, and often in newsagents and post
providers 7 s n ' . ! between GSM (Rogers and Fido) and COMA (Bell Mobility
calls home and often local calls in the country too. Of course, this doesn't solve the problem of having a number so others can call you.
t o
and Telus . t u ) networks. The two aren't compatible and a CMDA phone
offices. They can be purchased in small denominations and used to make
can't be used overseas. If you use Rogers, you're part way to a solution. Tri•
If you're travelling for more than a couple of weeks, consider unlocking your
band and quad-band phones used on the GSM network can be used
GSM phone or purchase an unlocked phone before you leave or when you get
overseas, however if the phone is locked, you'll be locked [excuse the pun)
to your destination. Then, purchase a local SIM card for the phone - visit
into using the overseas provider that your carrier has a deal with. Most cell
telestial.com to investigate approximate costs. GSM phones operate from a
phones are locked, so they can only be used with the carrier that sold you
small removable card in the phone called a SIM [Subscriber Identity Module).
the phone. Some companies will unlock them for you i f you ask, others w o n t If your phone can be unlocked, you have additional (cheaper) options.
You can buy a SIM for any country and slip it into your phone. It will give you a local number and you can buy prepaid minutes in local currency. People at home can call you and you can call anyone. Cost is the primary benefit here - the cost of phone calls in just about every country in the world is cheaper than here in Canada (with the exception of the US). Other options include renting a local phone in the country you are visiting from a local provider - you will have to do this or buy a phone if you're travelling to Japan or Korea because their phone systems are different
t e m . wil• • - U p . m w jill•
again. Rental companies are located at major airports - simply pick up your
phone after you've picked up your luggage and return it at any airport when
M b MO w e n , Ca:
you leave - all costs will be charged to your credit card. 050 no . . . n u as
$ 1 5 9
Skype and your laptop is another option. Using Skype Out minutes, you can
a r r . . *
make calls anywhere in the world and you can purchase a voicemail box so folks can call you and leave a message - it's not perfect, but it's a lot cheaper a • • • •••••••
: • • • • • rosTern cm:p. ••••ft LOU.
ON . P i l O n t
. . . r . .
CA P . m
f k t
than some other solutions. Remember, regardless of what solution you're using when you're overseas,
• • • • • • • • • • • &one IS•saw.”.• . . / . • • • • • • • • • • • • rs. I N / W I LY M P. * •••••••amorpr o . . • • • • • • • • • 1 . i M I M E N I M I N f i l i n e e r i e r = 11 • 1 • • • • •
to dial home you have to dial the country code (1) followed by the area code and then the number. Inside the country, most phones behave like local phones so skip the country code and just dial the area code and number.
FA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S I M . . • • • • • e . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O w n . maim . . • • . 0 lee r a . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • , . . . . . . . . . '4 • • • • • . • • • • • • 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 . 1 . M . 1 . 1 1 1 , . . . • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••............••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 . 1 1 . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • we . . . . • me••••••••••••••••••an...
With a little planning, you can not only have a To n voyager but you can call home and tell everyone about it. By Helen Bradley
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d i 4GUSBDriver- 5 4 2 Intel2.4G(16600) 5 1 2 1 5 Deafenten !tae LCDDigitalFrame(Photo,movies}585 2 G USB D r i-v e r 5 2 2 DualCore5110(onechip) 51976 Intel2.666(E6700 ) 5 1 3 2 4 AllInk&TonerModelsS D 4.0G150xCard - 5 4 9 DualCore5110(Ewochip) 51434 Wel2.936(X1.9000-..15 5149 6000DualCoreAm2 51119 -Only $5up U n i v e r s a l Travel Laptop ASUS1115.53 Della Stil(A.M2) SUSP5K MB)1ra Vernon) had55FA14SriCephn LXN A2.46 External250G8BMBHD- 586 . . - " ? ' Adaptor......538 LOG10031111DDR2 in 800311uDDR2 tat 2 7.1.50GSATAIlHDRail) Davgririht Wlrelem i ROG SATADHand Dth: 5000SATA•11Bard Dine - ExternalLG1610Y1)+/-DI.Writer$54 6 .s. Camera- 5 5 9 ee • . LPGDDRIECCIlemary Multi-FunctionCardRd-147 Multi-FromCard fifth, • 2 5 0 G B 13MBHD - 5 6 9 d r d i U S B Webcam - 516 1.44SSEcm aVIdla8800GTS32C3ADDR3 PC) oVidUISOOGTS310510V-out LG1SXDaallayer M k CDV. Ma LCIlkDaillayer DVIMILI C....:.4' priLISB2.0Floppy/PCIcard•-529/12 ( V Esc Transmitter wiLCD-S19 16XDVD-11Ol1line 8Chard Hi-Def=tcr. 0 5 0 Lan Adaptor 512 P h o t o Bank B O N 5 5 5 Sara Cu.6Ounnelaudio&Lanoo-boud Csigal-itLASen-toed L a p t o p CoolerAluminum vi/ PSIKrvd&Optical Morose WirelessKr5bou-5& Steue.. LopteebIllrenKB& Mouse -"-- U S B Wireless6Adaptor-524 SATA&IDEtoUSBAdaptor-5113 AmineScram-3Vasa C a s e 18'AztecSouta-3UltraQuid Cue tunde: rar 058SuperShackGamepad- 516 j a i 3 Big fay & 4 USBPorts- $22 Reid5w412SC /11)--5519 Alec/Lar.sIrg5.1Speaker • Tema MailambsIISpates wrisoote 19"Sacn--.4/-NTV- -5209 4200DualCoreAm2 51065 5600DualCoreAm2 51159
Wireless- - 545 s r . & LogItech Z5500 THX - $319 ITSesueg94051V 1 2 0 0 ica C P U s H a r d D r i v e s 1 , 1 4 3 e de la ea ecalc P a r r s 07-Fa:CRT t m e a t ! . I P S9911( ASIDDulCoreAm23303'420152006000....95119192/258 I D E 7200mm(151) 80G... 4 5 144Pla500A51 111/731/511111----35.49/115 1 8 9 / 21 5 Intel160775Dul-Com3.4/32/846--106/115ru5 8 0/1 6012 5 00....... ......49158169 15011/146 211pla DD1333--14.4199 LG L I 7 I S S ' 9 IITTX 5111/5111G/TSIG1 4 / 1 2 9 1 3 2 5 S12/1.11G DDR32 8 ) 4 4 S i m s -Lei 2 0 5 E 1 W 22 Wanes). 2 6 9 4 5 5 laidCare2Dee 611146115708--/207/150/341SATAII 10/160/2504 9 / 5 8 1 6 9 2.5"/ID 411801121DISIG!...-58165/1112111193 LCD7OIN31814'940M1 7 9 2 3 5 ^ . 0 9 IntelCore 2 QsadQ6611 S D SATAII 320/4000/500/75001 4 / 1 2 9 / 1 8 9 SOHO0G711ORT51/ AsuAL1916WARALTLISIDAT4M14._ 1167951 Memory 1 1 D RAPTOR1amaSATA14/7051G-UM691219 81/121/1516 SATA,41/181//11119 PC-I33SDRAM17N/S6(8chipsy512M....526/3659 M o t h e r b o a r d s P O I C l A t o USBLIIFIVirlbser--112159 VienSonicLCD 1620211.LN2652..__._.. 6 0 8 DDR 256/51244/I02 2 / 2 9 / 5 9 Socket478/Socket 462( 6 9 / 5 9 K e y b o a r d s . dee M i c a Vi c e r k a i t LCD VA19031VE111.2235WIL._-_20134 ' P S / 2 KB/Wheel MOM7 1 7 C a s e s , hlhc,Adapters DDR2 512M/I02 4 / 3 9 ASUSP51...51X/P5VD2•MX- 9 5 / 6 4 NISIGInternetke)bsed I SualL___111449 Poser HaplyAVATX310•31/01" 2 5 : 1 4 7 7 800M1-1028/256M.. --...........64/114 ASUS PSWDH-Deluxe/P5B2 2 9 / 1 2 5 uoitd, cort.K"..d & olmcdm..05_33, i v P4 Cele USB freer 350sf400• . . 9 4 1 ; Compact Flash 60/4/80-19/30/55/98 ASUS PS/I/Deluxe 1 5 5 / 2 3 9 SIS/Logitccb Optical Moult1 6 , 1 4 A n a Sem II llireQaetCan481.1aArban CI* ...- litri.39 ZalaaAweP1158P1139110p,1... 1 1 4 9 1511 SewnDigital (SD)1.020/4.00(150x)......116/28/49 ASUS 112140C112A-VM HDMI...._.......64/92 Loved Cedes.'saloon&Novo K&BIteat_125179 a7.290ACC777:CUUlzeDoneCPC Fes_._3949 USB2.0 Flash Drive I/2/4/80 15/22/42/82 ASUS 51214-511-9/112110 4 9 / 9 9 LegitecnG7LuaG5GuerNleuseGISKEL__-744915 Tutu Cm /.tilt Tote C y Lett Tabe.....14 II MemorystickProDuo1.0/2N460.........._29/42.176 ASUS ABV-VSUIGIV.M5-----69/59 M36E. o dVon• ems / N PCIllanisran etworking C l e e M e e t e r 5110 Slim Pete rawer Sapply....19 V90 s e et,„ Micro-SD 1/20 1 6 / 2 8 1151, Gigabyte,ECS Motgaboards__ .Call E . t . a icetoosr....o..... lanai Avec. Coen Rata, ham= Tto--CuleCase ... CO MilBSD, smut media Etc- C a l l S o u n d C a r d s 8c Speakers 13-Look5,/pars Gigabit mitele - 5 9 . 7 9 1 4451nom Droe1DE u SIM .*,..__._______ . 0003 10.129Reareeeble tut okist Mk ATA133SATA a fn. 15 25 V i d e o C a r d s 5 . 1 PCI bail Call Atli', 1410(7.1)...........1131 g.TI in"::::16ur ;1;=.1e-cs1"-----39 49.49 Sec ..... yCase F u : Slate RD Faa.... WIS. IS. ATI lulus 121119250PC1/9100/6 9 / 3 6 / 1 6 5 SI I•ri XTIentl0snet5 1 1 1 1 5 D -Look DI-404.914P 4 Pon Roans --WS" 4.11374 au hall HLD 4 Port - 1 1 1 5 1 9 Wend5.1051111.11Fittlity -511111 1.11.W, wariess 0 RooterWitT54G1L..._.-46 SsieckBox for 1:4 ?Mtn% ATIIlideaaXISSOIX1151Prs511/1AGE-109/119 U S D WirelessCi &Loot' 4 INN Swiirl lot ley 2 port a Calle 139169Sltwo eeken10300450.1551kinas.o........._.-011‘,1153121: 11111110011 N e m o & CableAe4crobly1510 5011....---.5.'11/13 PCI PrimerCardNotebookrover aleout.......---:1155.211 ev lV1 i73700060011655006162T030500625619 .125 ,A6101PPCIarm...ism Printers & Multi-Function ? C I ATA133IOTA91441Dna,Costroner . _..._ 2419 1191419CiettiveP11101.11Gistiorks51510.11111).......151419 HP Wet 1020 P2015/2420135175181 0394130; g nu c‘,..bo gg,,,,,, f. gogik __....yy sPidis110005 32054/6840PC1.11 3 411.113111:1 11)111131(ilabsta)4 5 2 9 USB Floppy,USB Athol, far TCHCIA . 29'11 3 1 / 9 HP 4Color 2600N.305' st/idis1600GT/1100GT/ PCI.1/1 4 1 1 5 9 5 CD/DVD-ROM 8c CD/DVD Writer Celan 1300 MONIP16011P510....4519419105 PCI 1.1112.0 Car.i'l 394Firestee • Cable....._ 12. la
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lietelisik -SoniaIForToshiba,Acer,ASUS,16F ,ulAsh-Ca Handheld PDAs/Cumerat/f4P3/OPS Halts 02-ip PalmTungstenE2 T1 MINIW1FlE1etooM______5299 299 ACERAS5530Cote 2Duo1.73G/2.0G/160G 10/DTD•1111/15,47117/1111Cem/H9nur90e$1239 MI5 /kgA63614W/GPSRPih106950a(GPS_____-519 575 ACERAS9300 hilon2,21/51217/1201 HD/000.115/111IGA/11026/11111•Home1119 (Cod C a n o n 0460(4141550051)1111100...5179:225 349 AcerAS56101.73/1206110/1.06/DVDe/rilW/15.4./8026/Vieb•Comerciusto.pre1 8 5 9 SonyDSC435(7/1)1110(7111110(84)....___1219295 159 Doe l 2DuoASUS081015500/1.06/1206HD/(004/PI /111130eu/1021/00-Coreolorecoloctc.,p___y11$8 PalmGI'SSancho:MS615 • Map - - - - - - - - 2 2 9 139 451S61Cole2Duo1120048/2.06/1106110/7100 51211/OYDRW/15.4'/60-Cire/CirdreileLpilylePte Hois$1115 tsGPSUkt23641uotoothl213ot158‘GPs.........-.....SS9 59 Toshiba51101110ProA100/Celvool.731/11111/10611/15.4./DVD•Rkellolois/11111-11111119 BluetocIt twigadaptor.%AAAWoe 9 5 55 Toshiba5141110P100.11111225016/1206 111)/1111/34/010411/11026/111114-.....-81175 2G503/ereethe Zen Hal,, R 302 602...5581255 299 101111151111111101004100Core20uo2.05/1.06/2006 1111/7600/15.41114/DVD•RW/1026/101114....-.---11579 2G14P4•PeuteBa,Monimerfahot _.___.._...__575 $5555
A l a p t o p on vacatichic? ;Ibring yourPCen your ne‘t
and kids at heart can also make a long flight a more entertaining one. If you're vacationing by car with kids, your laptop and a stock o f your
childrens favourite OVO movies is also ideal to prevent the constant "Are we
there yet?' from the back seat. 2. GPS If you're heading on a family road trip, you don't need to buy a S500 GPS 3 _ • 3 Z.
, : - •
. " : :
Positioning System) system for the car when you have a perfectly .;op, Products such as Microsoft's Streets & Trips 2007 with GPS _:::1:0.1• turns your PC into a navigation system that can not only tell you ".d show you) how to get from point A to point B— in a much bigger screen
getawarj. And so
than a regular stand-alone GPS device — but can also tell you nearby points of interest (such as ATMs, hotels, gas stations and restaurants). Keep in mind. however, you'll likely need to pick up a power adaptor for the car to ensure your laptop lasts as long as you need it.
_ -
: - : '
: 2,3
3 : :
• : * : -
- 3 -
3. Keeping in touch Forget about exuberant roaming fees on your cell phone (and that's
- 3 - :.7_
7 - 3
assuming your cell phone will work in the country you're in) or stiff long s:ance rates provided by your hotel— instead, a laptop with a microphone
_1, 7 : : - : E •
is an inexpensive way to keep in touch with those who matter most with free scftware such a s Skype, Windows Live Messenger o r Yahoo!
; s r . If your laptop doesn't already have one built-in, you can pick up
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a webcam for as low as S20 and also be seen and heard. Anecdotally, on a recent trip to Shanghai, Skype and a webcam on both my home PC and traveling laptop let me see and hear my wife and kids (and vice•versaj, which significantly bridged the distance between us. 4. Music Considering all of your music resides on your computer nowadays, you can enjoy It wherever you can lug your portable PC, such as in a hotel room, airport or summer cabin. Unlike an iPod and most other portable
MP3 players, you don't need to use earphones to hear your favourite tunes while getting ready to go out (or if you like earphones, you can pick up wireless Bluetooth headphones to hear tunes up to 10 metres away ). You can also listen to thousands of free streaming radio stations on an Internet-connected laptop, including your hometown favourites. Read about a new album release or audio book in the local newspaper? Download it from your hotel room to listen to on the flight back home. S. Pictures and video You probably use a digital camera when on vacation to capture those precious memories. But what do you do when space runs out on a memory card? With a laptop computer, you can easily dump the photos from the camera to the laptop, delete them off the card, and then pop it back into the camera t o begin shooting again. I n fact, you can immediately upload photos (or video from a camcorder) to your blog, website or Facebook profile. Have a shot of yourself on the beach you really like — except f o r that greasy guy in the Speedo beside you? No worries — you can crop him out of the photo with editing software before uploading. 6. Info and more
Te m p o 800 1-piece iPod Speaker
Look 313 M e d i a id.sotrnmet Speaker
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Lastly, your laptop computer — when connected to the Web - is all you need to keep up with world events, download your favourite podcasts, peruse local restaurant menus, double-check the currency exchange or research hours o f operation f o r nearby tourist attractions. Need to change your flight home? No problem, log onto your airline's homepage or travel site and click the mouse a few times to get i t done with ease. And if you need to check work email - even though your significant other made you leave the BlackBerry at home - at least you can p u t out some minor fires a t the office while still away with the family. By Marc Saltzman
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t 2 0 0 7 - - 4 J D o t a l usong -EI.0 L a i r Megrierd S e c t s ' ,
W i - F i in E u r o p e Considering the average age of buildings in Europe and the fact that it only
Almost theme... If you're planning a trip to Europe and are thinking of using your Wi-Fi
cost 52,000 to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot (with practically no wiring to speak
enabled laptop to keep i n touch with folks back home or pick up your
of), hotspots are spreading like mushrooms with a deployment rate of 6?
email messages, you shouldn't have many problems except in certain parts
percent since the end of 2004. There are now 122 registered service
of Eastern Europe. The number of hotspots where you can connect to the Internet, at times free of charge, has spread so rapidly across Western Europe in the past few years that today you are guaranteed Internet access in practically all cities and major towns. While Britain remains a world leader in terms o f Wi-Fi adoption, most
providers with 14? operations in 29 European countries. Acr:,:si.'d i d According to the Irish research site free-hotspot.com, Paris has become the top European city for free wireless Internet access (with more than 80 free
Western European countries are now really moving to catch up and face up
hotspots) followed b y London, Dublin, Barcelona, Brighton, Munich, Amsterdam, Vienna, Marseille and Cologne. And if you need to know where
to the phenomenal popularity of this new means of communication.
you can access free hotspots in Europe, go to wififreespot.comieurope. But
40. •
Our 18th Year!! N
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1...) ,''', r . ) i :, [ C O ) I) i j ID tj f f j r , _1,1/'..',1/,‘',11.)-'Fi 1 ,..-,1:11, .11, 1, .J.01-1,,
2.,,e1 Core 2 Duo Starter System AMD64 Mainstream Ey:-.:czi Intel 64bit Core 2 Duo CPU 250G Hard Disk (upgrade to 3206 +S25( Windows VISTA Home Premium 1G DDR-2 667MHz Barn Card Reader, Front USB Parts I S3 Integrated Graphics ACS7 3D Sound, 16Chv Spkrs Logitech Keyboard, Opt Mouse DUD Burner 18x Dual Layer (Monitor 10100mb/s Network Card optional) ASUS P5VD2-143< Board E2160 E4300 E4400 E6420
1.806 1.806 2.00G 2.136
800FSB 5 9 800FSB 6 1 800FSB 6 4 1066FSB 6 8
9 9 9 9
AMD 64bit CPU 250G Hard Disk (upgrade to 320G +S25( Windows VISTA Horne Premium 1G DDR-2 667MHz Ram Card Reader, Front USB Ports ATI X1250 PCbc Dual Display AC97 3D Sound, Stereo Spkrs Logitech Keyboard, Opt Mouse DVD Burner 18x Dual Layer 10/100mb/s Network Card (Monitor ASUS M2A-VM Board optional M D 6 4 x 2 3600 5 6 9 Amon M D 6 4 x 2 4400 6 1 9 M D 6 4 x 2 4800 6 4 9 boa M D 6 4 x 2 5200 6 7 9
.=... Vi s i t o u r website f o r other packages === Upgrade Opticas: • Window:, VISTA Buzinozs Upgrade •.$40 • Windavid VISTA Ultimate Upgrade . $109 • Upgrade to 2G DDR-2 667MHz. • Microzoft Office 2007 Ecaic $180 EC.: 1 9
H U E :
C y t.L
1 1
• 17' Flat Panel LCD Mannar . • (rem $199 • 19' Flat Panel LCD Monitor . . from $100 • 22' Flat Panel LCD Monitor . . /ram $200 • Upgrade 85000T to 860061' $ G D • Upgrade 850061 to 13800GTS 320mg $259
- B C L C , per M s r.:1-1.71 S e c t o n - J , i y 2 0 3 7
• Windows VISTA Home Premium • 320G SATA-2 HDisk 7200rpm (upgrade to 500G +559) • 18x Dual Layer DVD Burner • GeForce 8500GT 256meg PCI Express • 2G DOR-2 667MHz: Dual Channel • Logitech Multimedia Keyboard, Optical Mouse • Black Tower w/450W Dual Fan, Extra Cooling • ASUS P5N-SLi Board for P4-775 CPU • ASUS M2N4-5Li for AMD64-AM2 CPU • Card Reader10/1000mb/s Network Card • Built-in 6 Channel Sound, Spkrs w/Subwfr Monitor optional) Intel Core 2 Buo A M A 6/3x2 Dual Core i I E6420 9 5 9 5 2 0 0 x 2 9 E6600 9 9 9 5 6 0 0 x 2 9 E6700 $ 1 1 1 9 6 0 0 0 x 2 $ 1
x8 9 9 8 4 D 9 0 2 3 6 E 3 9 5 9 029
Custom C o n f i g u r a t i o n A v a i l a b l e • Prkas b N o t o , • Cut, P r . Chaly, G a i l Card L-r-ra + 2;5 • t r a y .781n1.1.: &878. 12-F.5 4.4.E^, • 8,1'14:-...4_8 6 a--..dlaaark: u v p w r r t y cl 7 r _ d a a marr2c.....tdats
w w w. h u b c a n a d a corn
most of the time, if you want to use your own computer to access the Internet, you will have to pay.
declined, MasterCard and Visa do not always register and this can lead to some serious aggravation. To avoid this problem, find out in advance who
France now offers 20,000 public hotspots including 3,000 hotels, 92
provides Internet service at the hotel where you will be staying. Then you
conference centres, 4? railway stations, 30 airports and more than 5,000
can go to the site of the operator and buy a package online. You will get an
business centres and most of those hotspots are not free.
access code that will get you on the Internet the moment the network is
Take hotels, for instance (and this applies to all other European countries
detected b y your laptop. You can also buy time on the Internet b y
as well). Internet access is generally free as long as you use the hotel
purchasing a card at newspaper stands or, at times, at the reception desk in
computer located in the reception area or in a conference room. But if you
the hotel. That card will also provide you with the access code you need.
wish to use your laptop, Wi-Fi connection in the privacy of your hotel room
The second problem is that packages from one service provider aren't
is a different story. Example: only half the rooms at the Hotel Ibis at Paris
honoured by another, so if you only used one hour of your allotted time and
Charles de Gaulle airport (Terminal 3) are Wi-Fi covered. Another factor to
move to another hotel with a different provider, you're just out of luck. You
keep in mind is that Wi-F1 reception varies from room to room and floor to
have to buy another package.
floor. Make sure, when you register, to tell the clerk that you need a room with a good Wi-Fi reception.
But, it may happen that the card you're using does not cover some of the
Wi-Fi enabled laptops purchased in Canada generally work well in Europe.
There are several ways of paying for your Wi-Fi connection. In some hotels,
wireless channels used across the Atlantic. Most hotspots and Wi-F1
the reception will give you an access code to enter when your browser
freespots in Europe are equipped with 802.11b access points, but some
detects the wireless connection and you will be charged for the time you
may offer 802.11a or 802.11g and you may need to purchase an adapter
use your connection : generally 10 euro for one hour, 15 euro for two hours.
card (35.90 euroj.
In many cases, however, access to the Internet is provided by an Internet
By Andre Selwyn
service provider, and there are quite a number of them: The Cloud, Orange, Free, to name a few. They offer you packages ranging from an hour to several hours. You may encounter two problems here. First, the service provider will likely demand a credit card number and, for some odd reason, Canadian credit cards seem t o have a hard time registering correctly, particularly i n Italy. American Express i s often
w w w. i c i c o m p u t e r. c o m
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• C2D-1.530 / 1G / 50G /Vlsta-Bus / ST A6020A (15.4", VHP) $ 9 1 1 8 1 • CD-1.73G 11G / 120G / DVDRW/ BT
A6020 (15.4", VHP) $ 1 1 6 8 ' • C2D-1.60! 2011200! DVDRW/ BT E8410 (15.4", VB) $ 1 2 9 8 • C20-1.80 / 1G / 800 / DVDRVI/ Cam P7230 (HIV, Vista-Bus) $ 1 9 6 8 • Core-1.2G! 1G / 60G I DVDRW / BT S7110A (14", vB) $ 1 5 2 8 • C211-1.66G / 1G / BOG / DVDRW / BT (Ple.. a . otlerIA.11.1n-Robato 5 1 5 • 1 7 0 )
sm k s 1 -year ports HmIttfl depot IIMITSIlly W I M N I M C A l l I CY sys ferns come with 3-year is V160/2217 4 2 O W l1 U r,B /P m o H ta • Office 2007 Basic/ SBE/ Pro 4 1 1 1 VA AV Sto
LCD Panel / LCD TV Acer AL1706 17" LCD $ 1 7 8 Acer AL1916W 19" (wide) LCD $ 1 9 5 Acer AL2016W 20" (wide) $ 2 0 8 Acer AL2017BMD 20" $ 2 3 8 Acer AL2216W 22" (wide) LCD $ 2 7 8 Acer AL2616W 26" (192001200) $ 8 1 8 Vlewsonlc VG203014 20" LCD $ 2 7 8 Vlewsonlc VX2035WM 20" LCD $ 2 9 8 Vlewsonlc VG2230WM 22" LCD $ 3 3 8 Vlewsonlc VX2235WM 22" LCD $ 3 6 8 Wvvw.huhr_Firtacia.COm
USB2.0 Drive 1G / 2G / 4G / 8G $ 1 8 / 2 8 / 5 0 / 9 8 Kinoston Secure Molted 1G/2G/4G $ 1 9 / 2 9 / 6 0 Micro 1G / 2G $ 3 0 / 45 Sandisk Memory Stick (Pro Duo) 1G/2G/4G $ 3 8 / 5 0 / 8 8 External USB HDD 2.5" 130 / 120 / 160G $ 8 8 / 1 18/ 148 3.5" 16W 250/ 320G 6 8 8 / 1 0 8 / 11 8
Asus G1S (15.4", VHP) $ 1 9 6 8 • C20-2.20/2G/160G/GF8600MGT/WL-N Altus W7S (13.3", VB) $ 1 4 7 8 2 • C2D-2.OGJ 10/ 120G/ GR3400W WL-N W5FM (12.1", Vista-Pre) $ 1 5 3 8 • C2D-2.00 /1G /120G / DVDRW / BT Asus W5FE (12"+21",VB) $ 2 2 7 8 • C213-2.00 / 1.50 / 160G / BT / 2x Bell W7J (13.3", Vista-Pre) 8 1 4 4 8 • C213-1.680 / 10 /120G / GF7400 /131 Asus R1F (13.3",Tablet)$1968 • C2D-2.00 / 20 1200 / DVDRW/VB Asus R2H(7", Tablet) $ 9 8 8 • CM-900W 768W 600/ GPS-Map! BT Asus F3E (15.4", VHP) $ 1 2 4 8 • C20-1.80 /161/ 120G / DVDRW / BT
I a c e r . Notebook —
AS3050 (14.1",VHB)$648 • AMD Sem3400+ / 1G / 120G / DVDRW AS5050 (14.1", VHP) $ 7 6 8 • AMDT54-2GH: / 2G / 120G / DVDRV1 AS5610 (15.4", VHP) $ 7 9 8 • CD-1.6G /517.61/ 120G / DVDRW AS5100 (15.4", VHP) $ 9 9 8 • AMDT64-52-1.601 2W 1200/ DVDRW AS5610 (15.4", VHP) $ 9 9 8 • CD-1.6G / 2G / 800 / DVDRW Notebook C200 (15", VHB) $648 • Ce1-1.730 / 512M / BOG / DVDRW
C200 (15", VHB) $ 7 9 8 Asus G2S (17", VHP) $ 2 2 2 8 • CD-1.50 / 1G/ BOG / DVDRVI • C2D-2.2G/2W160G/GF560011GT/ WL-N U1F (11.1",1Kg, ye) $ 2 2 7 8 • CD-U2400 / 1.5G /500 /13T / 2x Batt
C200 (15", VHP) $ 8 9 8 • CD-1.666 /10 /120G / DVDRW
Jt..iy 2 0 0 7 - H U B : Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section
M o r e than a GPS Having escaped from its utilitarian role as a field tool for earth science
handheld. The evolutionary path for that two-part solution leads us to the
types, the Global Positioning System or GPS unit, is popping up everywhere as a consumer gadget. Plus, the single purpose units o f the past few
Traveler GPS 525. When the unit initially boots up, the splash screen reads HTC Innovation.
generations are being joined by multipurpose units that incorporate the functions of other portable devices. HUB:DL had the opportunity to evaluate
manufacturer that makes handhelds, cellular phones, etc. The unit i s
HTC, or the High Tech Computer Corporation, is a 1 0 year-old Taiwanese
powered by a 300 Mhz Samsung SC32442 integrated processor plus two such products. The Pharos Traveler GPS 525 is a Windows Mobile PDA, while the Blackberry memory chip, and runs on Windows Mobile 5.1 operating system. The device 8800 is an EDGE-capable cellular phone and Blackberry messaging device. has 96MB of RAM dedicated to data storage and 48MB set aside for program What distinguishes these particular models is that they also include a GPS use, plus an SD card slot. It also has two wireless radios - for 802.11g and Bluetooth. receiver and mapping software. Because this is, at its heart, a Windows Mobile handheld, you can expect all Pharos Traveler GPS 525 GPS units from Pharos Science and Applications (www.pharosgps.com) are
the functions associated with this platform. You have access to mobile
not as well known as brands like Garmin or Tom Tom, but they've been in the
calendar, contacts, to-do) and Windows Media.
versions of MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet Explorer, Outlook (email,
game for a while. Some Microsoft Streets and Maps products include a GPS
What you won't see on other Windows Mobile devices is the Ostia icon.
add-on that comes from Pharos and can be used with Windows notebooks
(Ostia is the brand name Pharos uses for its navigation software.) When you
and Windows POAs. A few years ago, HUB tested a Pharos unit that plugged
click it, the GPS interface is launched and from this point, you have a GPS
into the CompactFlash slot. We used it with an early generation Windows CE unit in your hands. You can plot and track routes and it will give you turn-by. turn directions to your destination (including a voice directions feature that you can turn o n o r off). A dedicated key on the handeld lets you page through map view, satellite view (shows how many satellites it is detecting and which ones it is using) and compass view. The compass view has a rotary compass dial with a centre readout that gives angle in degrees. A text panel below the compass dial shows latitude, longitude altitude, time, speed and distance. Pharos provided us with maps on a two gigabyte SO card. This was enough capacity to hold all of the maps for Canada and the U.S., as well as a large part of France (with 113MB still free on the card). As an in-car navigation system, the unit works quite well, but isn't as neat and tidy as a built-in unit. Pharos includes a power adapter that plugs i n t o a car's cigarette lighter/accessory socket along with a cradle with a flexible neck and a suction cup on the other end that you can attach to a car window. The power adapter is very handy if you want to use the Pharos device as an in-car navigation system because you'd want the GPS to be always on, and you need the backlighting set to maximum in order to see the screen in bright sunlight both of which are hard on battery life. However, they do add clutter to the cabin. The screen is good, although it tends to wash out in direct sunlight. It is touch sensitive, which makes it easy to zoom in or out on a map just by moving the stylus or even your fingertip up or down across the screen. You can set the map to flat or bird's eye (3D) view, and also set the route directions to occupy just a small portion across the bottom of the screen, half the screen (with the map still visible in the other half) or the entire screen. The route directions appear in a large bold font and are easy to see (but in traffic can be a definite
B C 2_0
HUB: n a t a l Using - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Secdon - J u l y 2 0 0 7
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distraction ...1. You can also access a text direction panel that gives turn-by-
filiirklierrti f a i n
turn directions. Pharos offers an extra cost web-based service called Smart Navigator,
When I first read the announcement for the 8800,1 was ready to trade in my
which includes four services. If you are at a public hotspot, you could use the GPS 525's built-in Wi.Fi radio to access the service, or Bluetooth to pair
never use, while the 8800 has GPS, which I want. While the Pearl is a slim
up with a data-capable cell phone and get online that way. In metro areas
Blackberry - broader than a typical phone and with the signature full
that have a Wiâ&#x20AC;˘Fi mesh blanketing large parts o f the city, you could
OWERTY thumb keyboard.
Pearl. The main reason is because the Pearl has a built-in camera which I phone with a truncated keyboard, the 8800 is in the mold of the traditional
presumably access the service while on the move. I did not try this service,
Just as the Pharos 525's foundation is a Windows Mobile device, the 8800
so the following descriptions are from the help screens on the GPS unit.
is at its heart a Blackberry phone. It works on the GSM network, which in
Maps on Demand allows you to download a map from the Pharos website to
Canada means Rogers Wireless, and is also classified as a quad-band world
the handheld if you didn't have the map CD or forgot to load that particular
phone designed to work on most other GSM networks around the world. For
map before you left on your journey. Point of Interest Finder is what it
data communication, it supports high-speed EDGE networks.
sounds like. If you are in a new city, you can go online to find interesting
Like other Blackberries o f recent vintage, the 8800 has loosened its
places, restaurants, etc., and the mapping software will give you directions
business dress and includes some fun features like an MP3 player, video
on how to get there from your current location. Real-time Traffic ties in with
player and image viewer. It also includes a microSCI memory card slot for
a city's traffic monitoring system and provides information about accidents,
additional storage. I popped a 2-gigabyte Kingston card into the unit, and
delays, road closures, etc. Follow Me is similar to a parcel tracking service
had plenty of room for music, etc. When you plug the Blackberry into a PC or
that some courier companies use, except you use it to track your friends. It's
Mac via the USB connection, the card is recognized a drive, so it's a relatively
an invitation-based service: you invite your GPS-equipped friends to join and
painless process of dragging music from your computer hard drive to the
the service keeps tabs on where they are.
Blackberry's memory card. The 8800 ships with stereo earbuds, which sound quite good. The earbuds also have a microphone and answer button, which allows you to interrupt the music to answer a call. The built-in web browser is very responsive over
t o p s loci,
the EDGE network. I f you have a free email account, you can set up the Blackberry browser to view this account, plus you can set up your POP mail account, or set up a Blackberry push email
account - a lot of options for staying in touch. RIM has a service called Blackerry Maps, similar to Google Maps in that lets you download maps to the Blackberry. You can download a map of your
present location, or a map from any address in your address book - which is quite slick. You can also plot a route between two points, which gives you turn-by-turn directions in a text file - this doesn't rely on the GPS radio and so can be used with non-GPS Blackberries as well. With the onboard GPS, you get another level of functions. Rogers Wireless and Santa Clara, California-based Tele-Nav Inc. announced a partnership in February to bring the TeleNav GPS Navigation System to Rogers customers (it costs $10 a month with Rogers). The TeleNav system is what you need if you want to use the 8800 as an inâ&#x20AC;˘car navigation system. It brings the same kind of functionality to the Blackberry that you would get with a built-in navigation system, including moving map views that are synchronized to your progress and text as well as voice-synthesized next-turn prompts - along with points of interest, etc. TeleNav also has a pedestrian mode for turnby-turn directions while you are walking about. By David Tanaka
BC 22
HUB: Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section - J u l y 2 0 0 7
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Online v a c a t i o n planning beiieve everuthing you read Just as it's dc.r,e for real estate shopping, the Internet has removed much of
more for the very best prices they can unearth. Covering more of the bases, metasearch sites should theoretically dredge up in a single search the same
the mystery from t'avel planning. For savvy bargain hunters, it's also opened discount rates you could find yourself if you had oodles of spare time and the door to saving considerable dollars. The trick is to Find the best avenues the knowledge to know where to turn. We put kayak.com to the test and for your own personal needs. Indeed, depending on your situation, you may not need the Internet at all.
found that it consistently snagged better rates. But if you really want to cut out all the middlemen, and if your dates are
tf, for example, you're headed for a destination with which you're not at all
flexible and you don't mind putting in a little extra research and work, you
familiar, if you just don't have the time or the desire to get involved or if
can piece together a great vacation that's not only fully customized but
you're looking for an all-inclusive, full meal deal package, your friendly
surprisingly economical.
neighbourhood travel agent remains a viable option. But if money is important [and to most of us it is), and if you don't mind a
start by heading directly to the authorized website of each of the hotels
Let's stick with our Vegas theme. To really save the bucks, you'll want to
hands-on approach, there's a strong case to be made for do-it-yourself, Net-
you're considering. The Bellagio, for example, can be found at bellagio.com,
based trip planning. Sure, travel agents can offer discounts for the simple
where you'll also uncover links for otherVegas properties owned by the MGM
reason that they, in effect, buy in bulk. But those discounts are often offset
Mirage conglomerate, including the Mirage and Treasure Island. Here, you
by the even simpler fact that travel agents must make money somewhere.
can check each website manually for current specials and use online
Moreover, they won't always have a deal with the airline and/or hotel you'd
calendars to determine availability.
prefer, and they may not be able to go outside their comfort zone to set up
More importantly, many sites allow you to sign up for email promotions.
precisely what you want. And finally, if you need only the lodging and/orjust
Most Vegas hotels and casinos have similar programs, as do many high-end
the airline ticket, chances are you can source an absolute rock bottom price
lodgings throughout North America. From that point forward, the hotel in
just as easily as they can.
question will automatically email you specific dates if and when promotions become available.
Who do you trust? But where do you turn first? If you need hotel advice, there's plenty of Leave no stone unturned options online, running the gamut from professional to consumer-level. Can These dates often coincide with cancelled conferences and other group any of these reviews be fully trusted? Not always.
bookings. Truth is that rates can drop 50 percent o r more during these
The pro sites generally assign just a single reviewer per establishment
periods. We've seen some Vegas rates plunge from 5225 to $75, overnight.
—someone who might not have the same priorities as you—and that review
And these promotions aren't always limited to room price—many o f them
may already be a few months or years old. 'User' review sites such as
also include food and drink specials, no-charge suite upgrades, cut-rate spa
tripadvisoccom offer more opinions, but the final results can quite easily be
or gym facility deals and even flight deals. Online travel agents and
skewed one way or another. If you're checking out Las Vegas, for example,
metasearch engines don't always pick up on specials such as these because
you may run into people who've had a run of bad luck at the tables or despise
they're often available for just a day or two.
the shrimp cocktails at a particular property, when none of that means
You may even want to use the Internet as a glorified telephone book, and
anything to you. Still, if you take the time to understand the logic behind
call the desired hotel to determine whether they can give you a better rate
each review, you should get a good sense of what's right and what isn't.
than they can offer on the Internet. They often can. And if you do opt for the
So, what's next? If you initiate a simple Internet search of 'Las Vegas
phone, call the hotel directly rather than a central toll-free line—the people
vacation' or -Las Vegas hotels,' you'll get, literally, millions o f hits—
at the desk know about the most recent cancellations and are often
predominantly third-party travel agencies and sites of questionable stature.
authorized to give one-off discounts. And don't forget to mention car club
Most won't save you any money at all, and many exist merely to rebroadcast
affiliations, as many hotels offer CAA discounts.
standard rates, set you up in low-grade accommodations, or stick you with
As for transportation, those who have a few extra days may want to skip the
deals that seem too good to be true...and usually are. Few have any real
airborne route entirely and instead hit the highway. Sure, the price of fuel is
buying power. Though they might save you time, that's their only advantage. through the roof, but don't think you're not paying a little extra for your There are, however, a number of noteworthy exceptions. Some of the most airplane seat for the very same reason. In any case, with resources such as popular, m o s t reputable s i t e s w i t h Canadian operations include
mapquest.com and the Canadian Automobile Association (caa.ca) and its
itrave12000.com, expedia.ca, travelocity.ca, and hotels.ca. All of them are
provincial affiliates to help plan your routes and stopovers, and then a little
easy to use, and all but hotels.ca, which deals only with accommodations,
Internet sleuthing to source more information and dig up even better rates
offer a full array of travel services, including flight, package, and even rental car information.
for the hotels/motels on route, driving has never been easier. For flights, you'll first want to check the metaseach sites and online travel agents listed above. Then you should hit the individual airline sites, where
Super sleuth
you'll avoid the commissions and added fees o f all-purpose sites and
An even better bet is the new breed of metasearch travel websites such as
perhaps even take advantage of bonus frequent flyer points. Ask if they can
kayak.com and sidestep.com. Unlike expedia and travelocity, these sites
match prices, and most certainly join any email promotion/specials program they might have.
aren't mere travel agencies. They instead exist one level above online agents, acting essentially as travel-themed search engines, searching
Happy trails to you.
traditional travel sites, individual hotel websites, airline websites and much BC 24
HUB: OGrtal Lrirog - B.C. Lower- Mairdand section - . k i y e u u /
By Gord Goble w
A Wonderful Memory
'4 IT 7 . No l o t 'rowan's Info T 0 2 1 0 0 In 2 0 0 1
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W i r e E a s e carriap-ing weeks or months at a time in an RV park, while operating a home-based business or conducting other business-related activities from their home So we've all heard about the wireless municipality, but now comes word of the wireless campground. High speed Internet connectivity delivered
on wheels. RV operators are becoming more responsive to the needs of their many
through Wi-Fi i s one o f the fastest growing service add-ons that a
high-tech guests. The best ones are savvy about dial-up versus high speed
campground or recreational vehicle park operator can offer nowadays.
technology; sensitive to issues around privacy and confidentiality; and
A growing number of guests, residents and visitors at campgrounds and RV flexible with online scheduling and billing processes. Costs for high speed access vary from campground to campground. Some
parks across the country want to be able to check personal and business
information online once in a while. For longer term requirements, wireless
owners will offer it as a free perk, designed to lure guests away from other
can be even more important. For example, some travellers can stay for
parks and create loyalty among returning clientele. Some operators charge
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www.hubcamoda corn
the Sackville River in Nova Scotia, KOA wireless campgrounds can be fot People want to stay in touch with friends and family while on the road,
in some of our country's most popular destinations.
using email or Instant Messaging. Even just among the camping party itself,
Even if not part of an established network or chain, individual campgroi.
push•to•talk phones and related wireless services (Bell and Telus are
and RV park operators are connecting to the wireless world. On Pen Island, off the coast of BC, Port Browning's campground and marina has
among those that offer such services) let you broadcast a message to everyone on your network. They're like walkie-talkies, and they can be very
own 802.11g hotspot, included in a tiered hookup price of 522 per night
handy when you want to stay in close communication at the campground •
the other end o f the country, the Celtic Rendezvous campground
but you aren't in each other's line of sight.
Newfoundland adds an unspecified additional charge f o r its hots
To take full advantage of high speed Internet services offered at a wireless hotspot location, you'll need a Wi-Fi enabled laptop or similar device, a Web browser and a wireless service or access plan, or a major credit card.
connectivity (basic camping rate is $25). If you don't own an RV or i f you aren't equipped for a major camp expedition, don't sweat i t — destination marketing and mobile web! operators are offering the high tech get away from it all experience a service or rental offering!
for the access time, reflecting their own investment and expense more
For example, companies like Motor Homes Travel rent fully equipped I
directly. Still other operators are part o f established, bulk-rate network
for t h e day, week o r season. Meanwhile, travel operators such
service providers. Guests pay a fixed rate or monthly fee, and then they can
KootenayRockies.mobi is online with its Wireless Application Platfc (WAP), providing literally hundreds o f pages o f information about
connect at any park in the country that is on that network. For RV'ers and campers alike, Kampgrounds of America (KOA) is a well known and long-established recreational service provider, operating
accommodation options, attractions, events and even restaurant menu! travelers equipped with some sort of wireless handheld device. But no matter where the road takes you, no matter where you find your
thousands of facilities throughout North America. KOA wants to be the first system of family campgrounds t o offer its
connecting to the Internet, security experts warn that public access W
customers wireless Internet right in the comfort of their own campsites. As
hot spots are potentially dangerous places for your computer— unless it
such, the company has already launched KOA Konnect, becoming its
take precautions. Kind of like pitching a tent with zippered flaps, connecting a compute
own Internet Service Provider by installing Wi-Fi wireless, dial-up access
and multiple points-of-presence (POPS) at its campgrounds across the U.S. the Internet wirelessly leaves you open and vulnerable. Not just y wireless communications, but your entire hard drive could be susceptib and Canada. More than 3,000 are now listed online, including one in nearly every
You'll want to ensure your device's internal safety and security measu
province. From the sunny Okanagan Valley in beautiful BC to the banks of
are active and i n place [network firewalls, password-protected f i encrypted transmissions, up-to-date anti-virus software and so c Windows XP users should turn off the ad hoc mode, and any user she
disable their PCs file sharing capabilities. Email encryption should
enabled as part of your digital asset protection.
surroundings, and be careful when and where you pull out your PC.
Of course, you should protect your physical assets, too. Be aware of y Hotspots are the ideal way to stay connected, no matter where you wort
play. Wi-Fi hotspots provide high-speed Internet access where you nee www.koakampgrounds.com
most - a t airports, hotels, convention centres, cafes and restaurar
campgrounds and RV parks.
By Lee Rickwc www.tengointernet.com/tengozones.htm www.wififreespot.com
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July 2 0 0 7 - H U B : Digital UvIng - B.C. L o w e r M a n!and Section
G o o d - b y e t r a v e l a g e n t , hello t r a v e l l e r n e t w o r k Now much faith do you have in your fellow vacationer?
less efficient than the topic categories provided by other sites we visited.
HUB checks out some of the web's most popular traveller networks.
Plus, results were sometimes cluttered with canned travel guide entries and
Sure. travel agents are a congenial lot, but you have to keep in mind they're
advertisements mixed among authentic traveller authored items. And of the
out to make a buck When it comes to planning that vacation you've spent
reviews we did find, many were simply rants about the terrible service
the last year saving for, wouldn't you rather trust the honest opinions of your
encountered at this or that hotel or restaurant rather than balanced and
fellow travellers to tell you about good deals, fun places to go and little
insightful evaluations. As a trip planner, TripAdvisor gets high marks, but it doesn't make the grade
known sights to see? That's the theory behind online traveller networks, websites that base their business on the popularity of tourists telling other tourists where to go and what to do on their trips. And, if the millions of vacationers who frequent
as a traveller network. TravBuddy (www.travbuddy.com) Among the purest o f online traveller
these sites are any indication, there's something to it. We decided to take a
networks, TravBuddy doesn't deal i n
look at a few cf the top traveller networks on the Internet. i t I M M O N 11111111 f t e r - . . . — . . - -
igoligo (wire. soup cam) -
The IgoUgo c o m m u n i t y, w h i c h h a s
amassed 350,000 members since the site .11.1111111•01
= TT_ smar.—• • .Z . ug _
11111 •
u •
flight finding o r hotel hunting, b u t rather centres its attention on traveller. penned reviews and information. More than any other travel site visited,
we found t h e writing o f TravBuddy
launched seven years ago, allows users to
find and connect with other travellers
users t o b e eloquent, genuine and NI i m p a s s i o n e d . Most of the reviews and
based on shared interests, from favourite trip destinations to preferred music. It's a
travel blog entries we read were posted
great starting point for people new to the
by experienced travellers who provided informed opinions o n cultural
traveller network scene, providing access
cuisine, excellent tips on local customs and smart advice for finding good,
to ,...ser-generated information and tips in just a couple of clicks.
cheap accommodations. TravBuddy members simply seem to be enamoured
You can select locations from a world map
of travelling. What's more, they're interested in hooking up with each other on trips.
to coil up recent user reviews in categories
When you sign up for a TravBuddy account, you'll be asked i f you're
expe7rendes. restaurants, r.:gl".ti;fe, things to do and hotels, then
interested in meeting potential travel mates and whether you'd like to show
read a -d rate each post you ..r:e Iv We fc,in.o member writing to be honest
other members around your hometown. Once a member, you can contact
and intelligent.:`words don't do the :rick you can skip over to the photo
people travelling to your destinations, join groups with similar interests and
section and see shots snapped off by fee'', travelers sorted by city, user
comment on other members' reviews and blogs. Travelling with strangers met online might sound a little scary, but
and editor's picks. On the subject of editor choices, each week ;gouge's administrators post the 10 best tra4ei deals they were able to scrounge up via their own online
TravBuddy has been operating for more than a year with no (reported) traveller hook-up mishaps to date. By Chad Sapleha
searches. Tee top deal on the site at press time was round trip airfare from several North American departure points t o a number o f Caribbean destinations faros little as $207. Not bad. TripAdvisor (wwwtripsdosor.corn) ■
The winner of the 2006 Webby award for
— b e s t travel site, TripAdvisor regularly
Three more traveller networks to try VirtualTourist (www.virtualtourist.com), established in 1999, is one of
the oldest travel sites on the Internet. Like TripAdvisor, it provides attracts more than 10 million visitors per access to powerful online vacation planning tools, but does a better job W I E M a g g i m a s i n W week. The site's greatest appeal is a robust •eemimie of maintaining a focus on meaningful, user authored reviews. M I R — trip planner, a tool that allows travellers toIR fexpensiveflights. d n lsa e kh o ity.,b p P M RealTravers (www.realtravelcomj main draw is a free travel blog that iIMMEfigr:M. tglen.0 While flight searches appear to be driven
allows users to post text and photos as well as mark a path of travel on
" . . . : " . . i l r z u a l r g o — largely by advertisers, hotels are ranked
a map to let visitors track trip progress. A comment board provides a
i l l e l k o m i . 1 1 1 k a ' r according to TripAdrisor member reviews.
means of keeping in touch with friends and family. It's a terrific tool for
backpackers and ad-hoc vacationers.
" a l l e r 1111 . -
Speaking o f members, the community portion of TripAdvisor has a database filled
LonelyPlanet (www.lonelyplanet.com) is a travel book publisher, not a
with tens of thousands of user reviews for
traveller network, but its website offers plenty of well Informed personal
popular destinations like Paris, London
opinions and stories via articles, podcasts and the official Lonely Planet
and Rome. Unfortunately, w e f o u n d
Blog, updated daily by hundreds of the company's travel-loving staffers.
wading through all of this data to be a bit of a drag. TripAdvisor requires users ro ef.ger key words to search user generated content, which proves much BC 28
r u e : 0.-jr-Ed Lj,
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H U B : D o t a l U v i l g - B e . L o w e r fs.lairiand S e c C a n
EC 29
S h a r e t h e journey Spare a parting thought for those you leave behind as you head off on your .*
2 • • • _se•••
summer vacation. Those of us left behind to slave away writing monthly columns or keep the home fires burning are interested in what you are doing and where you are. Luckily for us, you can document your travels using one
B o n j o u r Paris!
of a range of online blogging services. These blogging services have sprung up like cheap European airlines, giving you cool tools to share your journey and even find and meet people as you travel. One thing that sets these travel blog sites apart from a regular blog is that they are designed to make it easy for you to contribute to your blog on the road. Even if the only place that you can get access to them is a dialup connection in an Internet cafe — they'll be easy to use and geared to the things you'll be interested in doing. Some even provide handy traveller information, such as the location of Internet cafés and resources you can use as you are travelling. One site that is popular with travellers is MyTripJournal.com. Here you can create a trip journal and provide a day-by-day description of what you're doing as well as an itinerary. The latter can be a handy resource for friends and family who want to know where you are going and where you will be. You can publish the information, give them the link and they can work the rest
Sites like MyTripJoumal.com provide a custom interface for you to
out for themselves. MyTripJournal.com is free for up to 45 days and you can buy additional
create an online journal for your trip.
features, such as additional storage, additional time, no ads and the ability for your site to be private if you desire. The free service gives you up to eight
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journal entries, 20 photographs, one Internet movie clip and a travel home page linking your trip journal. Once you have signed up, customize the message and photo on your
MyTripJournal.com lets you download a permanent archive of your trip when it is over. So, by creating a journal not only are you creating a resource for everyone to enjoy as you're travelling, but you also have an invaluable
journal's home page and add a map that shows where you'll be. Then it's
record of your trip at the end that you can use.
time to enter your itinerary, which you can do on a daily basis, and then create the first entry for your journal — this can include text, photos you've
TravelPod.com is another popular and free travel journal website. Here you can not only journal your trip but you can also use the Find Travelers Near
taken, a short movie clip and even markers on your maps. To share your trip
You link to locate people who are travelling in a similar area to you so that
with friends, invite them to follow your trip with you and later you can send
you can, perhaps, connect with them. This site also has good resources for travelling with technology — it provides you with good detail about how to
them update notices. MyTripJournal offers other handy features, such as the ability for friends and family to exchange messages with you by posting comments on your
travel with technology and how to blog while you are on the move. Another travel journal option is to use a blog service such as Blogger or
site. This way, you can communicate with them and share your experiences WordPad and to create a custom blog for your travel. Using a blog, you have as you go. They c a n
• •
• L.777 -
• ▪ . . . . .
the ability to manage the blog entirely yourself and you can include as much
visit MyTripJournal.com
or as little information as you like on it. Of course, the downside is that you
and s e a r c h f o r y o u
won't have all the features of a site like MyTripJournal, such as the custom
by n a m e u s i n g t h e Find a Friend's Journal
itinerary and mapping options or the ability to handle your photos and video content. The flip side is that you won't be limited in the number of entries or
link. Having a site like
photos and you have the freedom to do what you like — it's your blog.
this relieves you from
Before you leave, find an online journaling site that suits your needs and
the necessity of taking
set up your site so it's configured and ready to go. Remember to take the
email addresses w i t h
site's URL with you and don't forget your login and password as you'll need
you, from having to write
them to log in and update your journal. By Helen Bradley
individual emails and, worst o f all, forgetting to stay i n touch with
someone important.
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July 2 0 0 7 - H U B : Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland fl,..rtion
Bland bugs and boring b u c c a n e e r CHAD SAPIEHA discovers that PC games based on two of the summer's
Worse, Spider-Man 3 just isn't much fun to play. The franchise's bland,
biggest blockbusters are less memorable than the films that inspired them.
button mashing combat was never great, and it hasn't been improved here. Spidey's moves are tricky t o carry out and regretfully unrewarding— especially if you're trying to use a keyboard and mouse rather than a
Spider-Man 3
console-style gamepad. A finicky camera and slogging frame rate makes the
Publisher: Activision Developer: Beenox Studios
experience even less bearable. ESRB: T for Teen Rating: 2/5 My spidey-sense began tingling well before I booted up Spider-man 3. Games In the end, the only part of the game I derived any joy from was swinging based on Stan Lee's red and blue clad bug-man have a less distinguished and leaping through the city, seeing how fast I could Fly and how high I could pedigree than their film counterparts, and early reports of this latest game
climb. But the pleasures of sailing through the Manhattan skyline aren't
made it sound like little more than a clone of its predecessors—which, in
enough to make Spider-Man 3 worth recommending. The sad truth is that
this particular Spider-Man just ain't that amazing. fact, it turned out to be. Much like Activision's previous titles featuring the wall-crawling do-gooder, Spider-Man 3 i s a sandbox-style action adventure game. In other words,
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
players get to swing around New York City, from the top of the Empire State
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios Developer•Ei irocuni Entertaintnr
Building to the window ledge of J. Jonah Jameson's office, doing anything
ESRB: T for Teen Rating: 3/5
they like along the way. Missions scattered around the city are indicated by floating icons and can be tackled in whatever order one chooses. Some are mandatory to progress the game's story, others are simply bonus quests meant to add value for gamers who just can't get enough web-slinging. But I doubt many players will feel the need to explore the extra objectives. Indeed, I wasn't even able to muster up enough interest to finish all of the story missions. The game completely fails to capture the complexity of Peter Parker's character, and the narrative lacks any sort of cohesion. Even if you just stick to the mandatory missions, you'll likely find yourself wondering what some of them have to do with game's plot, much less the movie it's based on.
Unlike Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End for PC isn't a port of a game available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation3, but rather a copy of a completely different—and visually inferior—title developed f o r PlayStation2 and Wii that goes by the same name. It seems odd that the PC should receive the uglier of the two versions, given that Windows machines have the potential to offer the best graphics of any gaming platform. It's also unfortunate, since the next-gen console edition does a great job of capturing the spectacle and atmosphere of the cinematic swashbuckling saga. Perhaps Disney Interactive simply wanted to make sure the game's specs didn't outclass the machines it presumed its target audience might own.
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The plot o f the PC version covers the whole o f the last
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two movies, beginning with
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dungeon and headlong charge through a pack of cannibalistic savages before moving on to events from At World's End. Each mission i s filled w i t h standard h a c k ' n ' s l a s h swordplay mixed with a fair bit of item collection. A few mini-
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a b i t m u c h f o r elementary schoolers, a n d t h e r e a r e
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alcohol u s e . Unfortunately, many a d u l t p l a y e r s ; t h e writing is lazy, and voice cast is filled with so-so stand-ins. But the greatest issue with the PC edition is its controls.
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the game in which a series of
Miss one and you have to start
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comical allusions t o sex and this h u m o u r w o n ' t seduce
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stick f i g u r e s ( g r a b ) —don't
a p t : Roh
immediately make one think of the lettered keys mapped to t h e c o m m a n d s t h e y represent. I rarely managed to get through these sequences on my first try. While P i r a t e s o f
Caribbean: At World's End f o r
Windows i s a passable play
for buccaneer devotees, most players will be better served
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July 2 0 0 7 - H U B : Digital Living - B.C. L o w e r Mainland Section
BC 3 3
Faux S m a r t Dilso=)' Have you looked a t Office 200? and hankered after some o f its new
features? For me, it's the SmartArt objects - they can take a design from ho-
e4 4 4 u m 4 . 4 • r•••••• • • •I • /
hum to Wow! in a single step. SmartArt objects are dimensional boxes that you c a n use t o illustrate step-by-step instructions or to display other eoe = N W • • • • • • •
information. If you're using Office 2003, you aren't entirely left out of the loop. I've
unearthed this cool technique to create dimensional objects to use to
4.4 044 044 ono
illustrate your Word documents and PowerPoint slides. In these steps, I'll use Microsoft Office Word 2003, but the same steps will work in PowerPoint and
e l
Excel 2003 and earlier versions of Office. Open a new document in Word and display the Drawing toolbar by choosing View, Toolbars, Drawing. From the AutoShapes collection, select Basic Shapes, Rounded Rectangle and drag a rounded rectangle making it two
Mal .....
thirds of the width of the page. Right click it and choose Format, AutoShape, Colors and Lines tab and then from the Fill Color dropdown list, choose Fill
e.g.. 4. • .
Effects, Gradient tab. Select the Preset gradient option and, from the preset colors list, choose Ocean. Set the transparency From value to 0 percent and
• p o ti 4 0
• • • E 44.4.4•4 •
dimensional rectangle with a solid line border around it.
the To value to 95 percent, and from the Shading styles select From Center
To create the circle to go on top of the shape, click the Oval tool on the
and then the first variant which has the darker colour at the edges. Click Ok
Drawing toolbar. Hold the Shift key as you draw a circle to fit over the left
to close the Gradient dialog. From the Line Color dropdown list, choose a
edge of the rectangle. You'll need two of these circles, so hold the Control key
coordinating colour that is slightly different to the outside colour — for the
and drag a second copy from the first. Select one circle, right click it, choose
Ocean gradient, the colour Aqua works well. Set the Style value to 4.5 points,
Format, AutoShape, Colors and Lines tab. From the Color dropdown list,
set t h e Dashed value t o a solid line and click Ok. You should see a
choose White, set the Transparency to 0 percent, from the Line Color palette choose Black, set a thin line style and click Ok. Right click the second circle, choose Format, AutoShape, Colors and Lines tab. From t h e Fill Color dropdown list, choose Fill Effects, Gradient tab and configure the same gradient and settings as you used for the rectangle and the same Line color and style. Click Ok when you're done. This shape is partially transparent, so you'll use the white filled shape to mask it so you don't see the rectangle through the circle. To achieve this, position the coloured circle over the top of the white circle. If necessary, right click the white circle and choose Order, Send To Back to place it behind the coloured circle. Click the Select Objects tool, drag over both circles, right click and choose Grouping, Group to make the two circles a single object. Drag the circle over the rectangle, select both objects using the Select Objects tool, right click and select Grouping, Group. To duplicate the shape, hold the Control key and drag a duplicate away from it. You can create multiples o f this coloured shape or use different gradients to make different colours. To create a green shape, use the Moss preset gradient with a Lime colour line around the
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shape and for a brown/orange version, use the Mahogany preset gradient with a Tan line around it. You can also create your own custom gradients for the colours you want to use. Once you've created your objects, save each as an AutoText entry so you can reuse it later on. To do this, select the shape, choose Insert, AutoText, New, type a name for the entry and click Ok. The rectangles can be rotated 90 degrees to appear either horizontal or vertical on the page. To add text over the shapes, create the text in a textbox and position it over the shape. • You can also add a photo over the circle shape by creating a circle using the
Oval tool, right click it and choose Format,AutoShape, Colors and Unes tab and, from the Fill Color dropdown list, choose Fill Effects, Picture tab anti configure a photo to fill the circle with. Drag to position the photo filled circle over the circle in your custom shape. While the effect isn't as simple to create and change as SmartArt in Office 2007, it is still relatively easy to make and the reward is that you can have some neat looking diagrams and information graphics even in Office 2003. ByHelen Bradle
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11:%Aips " s s
You've decided on an LCD over a plasma, measured the viewing distance in significantly reduces your eye strain. Yes, you can strategically place lamps your room to determine your screen size, calculated your HDTV subscription around your room or use a dimmer on your overhead, but nothing beats costs and read a dozen "How-to set up an HDTV" guides. But with over 34 having a set that simply incorporates the right balance, height, and brands competing in the worldwide LCD market (according to Jonathan placement of light for you. There is also something to be said about setting Cassell, iSuppli Corp.), many of them sharing identical parts from overseas the right mood, and complimentary lighting really does the trick. Philips is introducing 15 new LCDHDTVs this year, all equipped with either suppliers, where do you begin when it comes to selecting a brand? According to Patrick Pondaven, general manager of Retail Consumer 720p or 10/30p native resolution; five of these incorporate Ambilight Electronics at Philips Canada, there are three primary areas that technology, with pricing starting at $1299. Pondaven says speakers have differentiate one HDTV from another: the processor, the design, and in improved enough that it no longer makes a difference whether they are Philips' case—the lighting. The famous Ambilight line, launched by Philips in placed on the sides or at the bottom of a set, so Philips merged the two right 2003, makes their mark obvious. These LCD and plasma televisions with and left speakers into one horizontal bar below the screen, giving all models illuminating bars located on the back of the set create a more intense a sleeker appeal. The new models also feature the glossy piano black finish and come equipped all the inputs and outputs you would expect and/or viewing experience and help reduce eye strain. Depending on the model, you can have a light emitting from just the right need, including three HOW inputs for high-def equipment. USB ports are and left sides, the top as well, or from all four sides to create a 'floating' also included for plugging in flash cards and listening to MP3s or watching effect. "Using the colour information provided by Active Control, the lights JPEG slideshows. There is a memory card slot for quick access to Compact can actively match over 10 million on-screen colours or create 10,000 static Flash, Memory Stick, SD, and Smart Media cards. The models are also Digital colours including 6,500 degrees Kelvin; says Yulia Kovalchuk, marketing Cable Ready, and include a slot for a CableCARD. The Pixel Plus 3 HD manager of Consumer Electronics at Philips Canada. (6500 degrees K is the processor enhances each pixel to create a sharper and more vivid picture, colour temperature of natural daylight). There are two operating modes: one and the Clear LCD technology increases motion sharpness. (A quick tip on automatically adjusts the lighting colours to compliment the picture on your testing the sharpness of your screen, says Kovalchuk, is to watch a golf screen, while the other allows you to set one particular colour for a constant game and see whether you can clearly read the logo on the ball.) The new glow. There are also two speed settings: dynamic for those blockbuster models are also more energy-efficient. movie nights, and relaxed for dosing off on the couch to late-night television. Agood example of Philips' new branding strategy —keeping technology While some refer to backlighting as gimmicky, the benefits of this feature simple — is apparent in the settings assistant, which you use to set go beyond simple colour coordination. Philips claims that Ambilight brightness, colour and contrast. One sample image is displayed on your technology emits lighting designed to compliment both your programming screen, which is divided in half. For each setting, all you have to do is look at and your vision. With appropriate lighting, your pupils don't need to the picture and decide whether you like the left or right side better. No lingo, excessively expand and contract as they would in a dark room, and this no bars, no numbers. Just look at it. Complimenting the simplicity of Ambilight design is the Ambisound SoundBar: a single unit, five amplifier speaker that produces multichannel surround sound. The SoundBar measures 37" wide and is designed to sit discreetly below your set. You have the option of resting it on a table or mounting it to the wall, and hardware for both is included. The obvious benefit here is the lack of multiple speakers and their wires running all over and around your room, while keeping the same quality sound as a 5.1 channel system. The SoundBar has a built-in DVDplayer, which plays most formats out there including Video CD/SVCD, DVO+R/+RW and DVD-R/-RW. The player will upscale to 720p, 1080i, or 1080p. Philips is still waiting for Blu-ray technology to improve before adding it to the SoundBar and would prefer to keep the unit at a reasonable cost. (The SoundBar is currently priced at $999; a high-def player would significantly raise this price.) Other features of note include USB Direct, which allows you to plug in your USB flash drive to listen to music files (MP3 and WMA) and view photos, an integrated AM/FM tuner, and an MP3 line-In for connecting your MP3 player. An iPod dock is also included (with adapters for various models) so you can view content directly on your TV. The Smart Sound feature automatically detects audio encoding and adjusts your surround settings accordingly, so you don't have to fuss around every time you go back and forth between listening to stereo music and watching a DVD. By Jennifer Kavur BC 2 9
HUB: 0:g
B.C. Lower Mainland Secbon - July 2007
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