Avoid Being Everything To Everyone By Rhonda Catt
1.Big box gyms are everywhere. They made their mark in the fitness industry and paved the way for many successful business model practices.
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Membership freezes Why is this an acceptable practice in fitness services? Car loans, mortgage payments, satellite and phone services are not frozen during a month you feel you won’t use them. Why is the fitness industry any different?
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Big box gym Orientations
Big box membership fees Cheaper doesn’t mean better! What cheaper means is no service!
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Listen to your members
We make changes all the time, but based on member input and demand. This has been one of the biggest reasons our members love us, because we LISTEN!
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Why: Am I doing this – Do you know why you’re in this industry? And please don’t say the money! Although I do know people that say this or my other favorite “because I like to workout”.
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Signup Fees It comes down to nothing but an income stream for the business. What does it show a potential member? That they need to fork out a signup fee that gets them nothing. Use the signup fee FOR something that can benefit the member if you feel the need to use them.
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Money back guarantee This is a NO BRAINER! Offer all new members a 30 day month back guarantee that will expire after the first 30 days. This is another way to allow the buyer to feel comfortable with the sale. They know they won’t be at a loss of money if they decide they don’t like it. Remember, fitness is a hard sell for many people! We need to make it as easy and stress free as possible!
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