How can I stress the importance of not drinking alcohol to clients who want to lose weight?
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How can I stress the importance of not drinking alcohol to clients who want to lose weight? As fitness professionals, we likely have had to talk with our clients about the subject of alcohol and the metabolic consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol may be a part of our culture, but it doesn’t have to result in weight gain for our clients. These tips below will help guide you and your client on the importance of not drinking alcohol for those who want to lose weight.
Performance – Options – Whereas Alcohol impairs muscle growth and slows down recovery of your muscles. This is critical for anyone trying to pack on lean muscle and lose those unwanted pounds, especially because recovery assists in better execution of your workout.
alcohol can have such a negative affect on your client’s fitness goals, there are some better options if your client is going to consume alcohol. Recommend that your clients choose clear liquors such as Vodka, Gin, and clear Rum, since they are low in calories.
Journal – Having
Priorities –
your clients keep meticulous and consistent records daily of their alcohol consumption can be a crucial tool in selfawareness. Your clients may be unaware of how much alcohol they do drink, so the act of keeping a journal could hopefully lead to a positive change.
Sometimes it all really comes down to what a person really desires more than anything else. In other words, if your client lacks self-discipline and control when they consume alcohol, then gently and tactfully ask them what they really want? Do they want to lose weight or would they rather have that extra alcoholic beverage?