FS39 mtng format

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Former Fire Station 39 Community Meeting Format Overview The City of Seattle will be holding two public meetings at Nathan Hale High School to discuss the status and future of the former Fire Station 39. These meetings will take place on Saturday, October 6, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and on Monday, October 15, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The program will be the same at each meeting. For the first 30 minutes City staff from various departments will be on hand to share information and answer questions. During this period, City staff also will be available to discuss the City’s recommendation for the disposition of old Fire Station 39. Representatives from the following departments will be in attendance: • • • • • •

Mayor’s Office City Council Department of Finance & Administrative Services Department of Parks and Recreation Human Services Department Office of Economic Development

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Office of Housing Seattle Police Department Seattle Public Library Seattle Public Utilities Seattle Department of Transportation

After 30 minutes, staff from the department of Finance & Administrative Services and the Office of Housing will present information about the former FS 39 proposal before the community discussion begins. Meeting attendees will be invited to sit at any table of their choosing. Each group will function as its own caucus, using flipcharts to record issues and concerns. While the City will provide a few questions to get the discussions going, people can talk about whatever is on their minds. City staff roaming the room will be available to answer questions. Each table will choose a spokesperson, and groups will then share their most important issues with the room at large during the moderated reporting-out phase of the meeting. Cards will be available also for those who wish to make written comments apart from the group process. The comments recorded on the flip charts and the cards will be transcribed and posted on the City’s website, and included in the report to the City Council. The meeting will also be videotaped and posted afterward on the City’s website for online viewing. This format provides more “air time” for people to speak in their small groups rather than going one at a time in a large gathering, and gives quieter or reluctant speakers a less intimidating way to speak up in their small group.

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