City Manager's Annual Report - 2021

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Mayor – Council Goals 2021 13 out of the 14 goals completed

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Complete the comprehensive master plan for Jesse Davis Park. Construction documents for Jesse Davis Park are 90% complete.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Support and partner with the Elevate Douglas team to initiate discussions with the Town Green project proposer and to implement the next steps for moving forward with the redevelopment of the property. A contract for a private development adjacent to the Town Green was approved in April 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Initiate detailed planning with the consultant and legal staff to research and determine the feasibility of long-term financing for the Town Green project and the Jesse Davis Park project.

A general obligation bond for Jessie Davis Park was approved by the voters on November 2, 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Complete the necessary research and public input for street naming opportunities for Highway 92 and all related ancillary streets for submittal to the Georgia Department of Transportation. A resolution was passed to name newly created unnamed streets along the Highway 92 route.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for health benefits broker services. NFP was selected as the Insurance Broker for the City in October 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! Staff will initiate discussions with Habitat for Humanity regarding partnership opportunities for development of a portion of the Old Mill property. An agreement with Habitat for Humanity was approved in 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! The City will proceed with reinstating the recycling program, with a review period of six months to one year to determine if it is financially feasible to continue the program. The analysis will include the review of possible additional fees to support the recycling program if it is continued. An education program about the different types of eligible recycling materials and the costs related to the program must be a key component of the restart of the program.

Recycling recommenced in 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal ongoing! Connect with state agencies serving residents with mental health issues to determine the resources that are available for these citizens. This effort will include the development of a plan to more efficiently connect them with those resources, identification of the gaps between the needs the citizens and the delivery of the services, and researching opportunities to collaborate with existing agencies and resources to support this effort. Community Services Resource Center created on website. Quarterly meetings with DCA have been established to discuss resources. On-going assistance has been provided to citizens.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal Complete! The City will proceed with budgeting funds in the next fiscal year budget to conduct a pay study. A new pay plan was adopted in December 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal complete! Complete a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance to allow for breweries in the Central Business District. A revised ordinance was approved to allow for breweries in certain areas in the Central Business District.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal complete! Continue to operate the City in a fiscally responsible manner. The City received an enhanced bond rating in 2021.

Mayor – Council Goals 2021 Goal complete! Conduct a comparative analysis of alcohol licensing fees of benchmark communities to determine if the City should update the current fee structure, including the process for calculating late fees. An ordinance was adopted in February 2021 to provide clarification for this matter.

Major Accomplishments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Continuing to operate successfully despite labor shortages No break in services due to the pandemic Passage of the General Obligation Bond for Jessie Davis Park Increased bond rating 2016 SPLOST Program 80% Complete Financially able to meet the wage market Executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a Private Development near the Town Green 8. Began construction of the Town Green

Looking Ahead 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Local Option Sales Tax Negotiations Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Negotiations Town Green Redevelopment Jessie Davis Park Construction Master Planning City Hall ARPA Fund Planning Development & Labor Constraints

Graduate Fellow Projects • • • • • • • • • • •

Records Management Update Policy Updates: Travel Policy and Lost or Stolen Equipment Policy Update various Department Standard Operating Procedures Assist Public Services in Pavement Condition Rating Update and APWA Accreditation Assist Assistant City Manager in Dose of Douglasville Citizen Academy Core Values Employee Recognition Program Capital Improvement Plan Update Project Status List Conducted research on various topics such as clothing allowance, customer service research, and uniform disposal Quarterly Plans Update Grants


Downtown Master Plan • Adopted 2017 • Scope: • Assess existing conditions of Downtown and its impact on the plan • Conduct market study that examines demographics, market trends, and real estate trends • Develop overarching vision and goals decided on by the community

Land Use and Development Goals • Promote a mix of uses that creates a live, work, and play environment • E nte r ta i n me nt D i st r i c t e n a c te d i n 2 0 1 9 • Create a town green that can provide a place for passive recreation and host community activities and events • A mp h i t h e ate r- O n go i ng p ro j e c t • Develop new housing that is appropriate for a range of ages and lifestyles to expand the downtown population and increases consumer demand for existing and new business • LC I U p d ate • H o u si n g S t u d y- C o mp l ete d by AC R • Beautify downtown Douglasville with new landscaping • Ke e p D o u gl a svi l l e B e a u t i f u l p l a nte rs • O ’ N e a l P l a za re n ovat i o n

Transportation Goals • Build on downtown Douglasville's walkability by improving the streetscapes in the downtown area • LC I U p d ate • Gateway A rt S i g n a ge a n d Way f i ndi n g P l a n • A rt s D owntown M a ste r P l a n • N o r t h si d e Tra i l Syste m P l a n • N o r t h si d e Re d eve l o p me nt Pl a n • Fa i r b u r n Ro a d I mp rove me nt Pl a n • Work with GDOT to improve the current design of W. Broad Street in order to maintain and enhance walkability and provide adequate on-street parking for businesses fronting the street • On hold • Create a network of connected bicycle facilities to give residents and visitors an alternative option in downtown • D o u gl a svi l l e B i c yc l e a n d Pe d e st ri a n P l a n

Arts & Culture Goals • Create an outdoor amphitheater for concerts and entertainment • Town Green Amphitheater • Enhance and promote more events and festivals to bring more activity into the downtown and support business development • Pop Up Shops, Food Truck Mondays, Downtown Scavenger Hunt, Restaurant Week • Develop strategies to integrate more public art into downtown Douglasville • Arts Master Plan • Art in the Park • Public Arts Commission

Economic Development • Redevelop the former county jail into a recognized downtown anchor with a mix of residential, commercial, and civic uses • A mp h i t h e ate r • Consider financing efforts for the downtown area to attract developer interest and provide financial incentives to support redevelopment • Tax A l l o cat i o n D i st ri c t • Recruit more restaurants (and retail stores) to anchor downtown and generate evening and weekend customer traffic • D DA Fa ça d e Gra nt • D DA S e at i n g Pro j e c t • 1 2 n ew re sta u ra nt s a n d reta i l sto re s

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