2024 Year End Report - Douglasville Police Department

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End of the Year Report


The Office of Professional Standards is tasked with providing the chief of police with an annual report that contains statistical, demographic, and comparison data originating from multiple sources within the agency. The information contained in this report is for the sole purpose of aiding the chief in decision making related to budgeting, tactical changes to workloads or assignments, or facilitate policy review and adjustment.

In 2016, Chief Sparks ordered the report be made public each year to show transparency regarding the inner workings of the police department. It is published on social media, provided to the press, reviewed with the city manager, mayor, and city council as well as being a featured topic at a town hall meeting each year.


The Internal Affairs section of the Office of Professional Standards is tasked with conducting investigations into alleged misconduct on the part of our civilian and sworn personnel. These formal investigations are ordered directly by the chief of police, and any discipline issued as a result comes directly from his office.

For more minor violations of our policy, the employee’s direct supervisor may investigate and dispense discipline. All disciplinary measures are recorded, become part of the employee’s personnel record, and are annually listed in this report.

The Office of Professional Standards also monitors policy compliance and professional practice within the agency. O.P.S., therefore, records and correlates all complaint reporting, fleet accident review, policy and procedure creation/review, pursuit review, and use of force review.

Agency Staffing

Sworn Officer Allotment: 100 (plus 4 part-time court officers)

Average Actual Employment: 97 (plus 4 part-time court officers)

Agency Work Product

Calls/Citizen Contacts for

Population/Demographic Data for Douglasville (Census Bureau)

Living in Poverty:

*US Census Bureau Population Estimate as of July 1, 2024 NIBRS Part I Crime Totals-

(Note: NIBRS stats reflect reports of criminal activity. Further investigation may reveal no crime was committed, or a different crime was committed than was originally reported)

1 Number of rapes reported reflect additional crimes included in the NIBRS definition of rape. Total also reflects multiple reports by a single complainant.

2 Total reflects single incidents at storage facilities with multiple victims.

Uses of Force

Commendations Submitted by Citizens


The Hiring and Background section of the Office of Professional Standards conducts the background investigations, polygraphs (hiring and criminal), interviews, and schedules the psychological and medical evaluations for all persons hired at the police department. This division seeks to hire a diverse, well-qualified, and motivated workforce using a variety of recruiting tools and advertising.

Law Enforcement National Averages- Agencies Serving 25,000-49,000 Residents (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2020)

Background Investigation Data


in Hiring:

Demographics of Sworn Personnel Hired


The Training section of the Office of Professional Standards is responsible for the training for our newly hired officers, as well as in-service training for the veteran officers. Also, this section conducts training and educational programs for the community. The list below is a breakdown of the training provided in this calendar year as well as a comparison to last year:

In-Service Classes Listed by TypeFair and Impartial Policing (non-bias and diversity)


Cultural Awareness

Leadership for New Supervisors

Emergency Vehicle Operations

Crowd Control Response

U.O.F./Handgun Drills/Qualification

U.O.F./Rifle Drills/Shotguns

Community Policing/De-escalation

U.O.F./Taser Cert/O.C./Baton

Crisis Intervention/De-escalation

Critical Tasks (multiple classes for compliance with State Certification standards)

Traffic Stops (felony, commercial vehicles)

Active Threats

Dealing with Mentally Ill Subjects

Sexual Harassment

Off-Duty and Domestic Misconduct

Chemical Munitions

Less Lethal Munitions


Rescue Task Force (RTF)


*Data not available for

Customer Service Follow-Ups

New Technologies Employed

New Body-worn and Fleet Cameras

Enhanced ODBII Scanner for Stolen Vehicle Investigations

Weapon Mounted Optics Technology for Patrol Rifles

New 3D Scanner for Crime Scene Investigations

Community Liaison Program

Under the direction of Chief Sparks, the department developed and implemented the Community Liaison Program. This unit is comprised of non-certified representatives of the department who patrol the city’s parks and apartment complexes to aid citizens needing services that don’t require law enforcement response. Those services include vehicle lockouts, dead battery assistance, and park security.

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