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References and useful Links
INTRODUCTION DEAR READERS... Welcome to where roots are riotous
Andrea Gibson Poem
Maria Rainer Rilke Quote
Rilke, Rainer Maria. (1934). Translated by M. D. Herter Norton, Revised Edition. Letters To A Young Poet. W. W. Norton & Company: New York.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation
Leading Causes of Life
Gunderson, G. with Pray, L. (2009). Leading Causes of Life. Nashville, TN: Abingdon. Leading Causes of Life Initiative website: https://www.leading-causes.com/
Relationality by Dr. Vanessa Wijngaarden and Others
https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/showingtheory/chapter/relationality/#:~:text=Relationality%20 refers%20to%20connectedness%2C%20a,means%20being%20'in%20relationship'
Wijngaarden, V. (2016). Dynamics behind persistent images of ‘the other’: The interplay between imaginations and interactions in Maasai cultural tourism. Lit Verlag.
CHAPTER ONE GRACE, THE DIVINE KINDNESS. Nurturing the sore landscape of the human heart
Notes adapted from these sites: https://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/how-to-show-grace-to-others/ https://www.dawnklinge.com/abovethewaves/9-ways-to-extend-grace-to-others
Archbishop Tutu’s Compassion Quote
Dalai Lama, Tutu, Desmond, Abrams, Douglas Carlton (2016). The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. Avery, an Imprint of Random House: New York, New York.
Marge Piercy Poem “To Be of Use”
Piercy, Marge. (1982). “To be of use” from Circles on the Water. Copyright © 1982 by Marge Piercy. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
John O’Donohue
O”Donohue, John. (2003). Beauty: The Invisible Embrace. Harper Perennial: USA.
Rainer Maria Rilke Quote
Rilke, Rainer Maria. (1934). Translated by M. D. Herter Norton, Revised Edition. Letters To A Young Poet. W. W. Norton & Company: New York.
Teilhard de Chardin Quote
CHAPTER TWO TRAUMA, HURT AND HEALING: When the bitter tree was planted
John O’Donohue Poem
“For Someone Awakening To The Trauma of His or Her Past”. O'Donohue, John. (2008). To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings. Convergent Books: USA.
Second Day People
Avis, Fe Anam. (2008). A Hopeful Journey Out of Suicidal Thinking. Ambassador Press, LLC, 2nd edition: USA.
Second Day Healing
Coleman, Monica. (2011). “Sacrament.” Guest Blogger on site below. https://feminismandreligion.com/2011/10/27/sacrament-by-monica-a-coleman/
Webber, Robert E. (Editor). (1996). The Complete Library of Christian Worship, 6th Volume. Hendrickson Publisher: USA.
Trauma-informed Approach
Giacomucci, Scott. (2021). Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: Existential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders and Social Workers. Springer: Singapore.
Trauma and Resilience
Families Thrive: https://www.familiesthrive.org/trauma-informed-4-r David Treleaven, author of Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZlTvoEjgpw HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences): https://positiveexperience.org/
CHAPTER THREE WHEN ROOTS ARE SHAKEN. Loss and healing, intricately woven in the depths of the earth
Kairos Document
Kairos (1985). The South Africa Kairos Document 1985: https://kairossouthernafrica.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/ the-south-africa-kairos-document-1985/
Multi-Faith Veteran Initiative Ubuntu Curriculum
Moral Injury
https://projects.huffingtonpost.com/moral-injury/healing https://www.news-medical.net/health/Moral-Injury-in-Healthcare.aspx
Moral Injury Quote
Brock, RN, Lettini, G. (2012). Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury After War. Beacon Press: USA.
President George Bush Quote
Wikiquote: "George W. Bush" (Quotes, 2000s, 2001, A Great People Has Been Moved to Defend a Great Nation (September 2001): Remarks on the September 11 attacks (11 September 2001).) Healing Centered Engagement (See in “Riotous Roots” Above)
Henri J. M. Nouwen Quote
Henri J. M. Nouwen (1986) Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life. Crown Publishing Group
Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping
Adapted from: https://woodlandswellnessmd.com/emotional-freedom-techniques-eft.html/ Craig, Gary. (2008). The EFT Manual (Everyday EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques). Energy Psychology Press: USA.
Stephens Ministry
Stephen Ministries. (2015). Stephen Ministry by the Numbers. Retrieved from Stephen’s Ministries website, at https://www.stephenministries.org/stephenministry/default.cfm/917
Mental Health First Aid
Kitchener, B.A. & Jorm, A.F. (2008). Mental health first aid: An international programme for early intervention. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2:55-61. Peachey, K., Cutts, T., DeMont, M., Lawrence, D., Hatcher, B., Berz, J., & Laurence, L. (2016). Integrating Care to Improve Health Outcomes: Trauma, Resilience and Mental Health. In Cutts, T. & Cochrane, J. R. (Eds.), Stakeholder Health: Insights from New Systems of Health (pp. 97-124). USA: Stakeholder Health.
“What I Want You to Know” Poem
Day, Jackson H., Vermilyea, Elizabeth, Wilkerson, Jennifer, Giller, Esther. (2006). Risking Connection in Faith Communities: A training curriculum for faith leaders supporting trauma survivors. Sidran Institute Press: Baltimore, MD.
There's a program called “Companionship” that teaches basic skills for coming alongside each other and forming mutual relationships of support. We are incorporating this into our faith and mental health work. https://www.pathways2promise.org/companionship-training/
O Healing River Song
Minkoff, Fran. (1964). https://hymnary.org/text/o_healing_river_send_down_your_waters#Author The song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTnqDpmgKYE
Risking Connection
Deep Listening
(Excerpted from the University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing) https://csh.umn.edu/academics/whole-systems-healing/whole-systems-leadership
Eoyang, Glenda H. (2009). Coping with Chaos. Lagumo Corporation: USA.
Addressing Rape Culture on University Campuses. Freedman, Samuel G. (2012).“A Rape Victim Now Ministers Body and Soul.” New York Times, published June 29, 2012. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/us/marciamount-shoop-a-rape-survivor-turns-to-ministering-body-and-soul.html
Herman, Judith L. (1992). Trauma And Recovery: The Aftermath Of Violence- From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror. Basic Books: New York.
The Leading Causes of Life
Gunderson, G. with Pray, L. (2009). Leading Causes of Life. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.
Black Womanist Theology
Delores Williams, (1985).“The Color of Feminism,” Christianity and Crisis 45, No. 7, 165.
Urgency of Intersectionality
Kimberle Crenshaw “The Urgency of Intersectionality” TED Talk. October 2016. https://www.ted.com/talks/kimberle_crenshaw_the_urgency_of_intersectionality
Eight Congregational Strengths
Gunderson, G. R. (1997). Deeply Woven Roots. Fortress Press: Minneapolis. https://faithhealth.org/8-strengths-of-congregations/
Restorative Justice
Restorative Church: https://restorativechurch.org/ Catholic Mobilizing Network: https://catholicsmobilizing.org/restorative-justice
Center for Justice and Peacebuilding: What is Restorative Justice? https://zehr-institute.org/what-is-rj/
General Information: https://emu.edu/cjp/ Nehemiah Trinity Rising: https://www.nehemiahtrinityrising.org/
Love Mentioned in Bible