6 minute read
Antiques & Collectables Trail
New in 2020
Merimbula Marina
New in 2020 Montague Island Discovery Tour
Departing Bermagui Wharf aboard 75pax Montague Island Discovery Tour with BBQ Lunch Departing Bermagui Wharf aboard 75pax powered catamaran ‘True Blue’ with BBQ Lunch Bermagui & Montague Island Wildlife Adventure powered catamaran ‘True Blue’ This enjoyable 2.5hr tour will take you out to This enjoyable 2.5hr tour will take you out to Montague Island where we serve a delicious An exciting 2-2.5hr
Montague Island where we serve a delicious BBQ lunch and drink. Sit back and enjoy this whilst watching the playful seals from the two resident seal colonies on the island. We will also search for dolphins, seabirds and other wildlife. BBQ lunch and drink. Sit back and enjoy this whilst watching the playful seals from the two resident seal colonies on the island. We will also search for dolphins, seabirds and other wildlife. Price: adventure for all ages! Come journey with us from Bermagui to Montague Island. Help us search for delightful dolphins and playful seals.
Price: $50 Adult $30 Child under 16 years $150 Family 2 adults and 2 children under 16 years 90min Ocean Adventure Tour $50 Adult $30 Child under 16 years $150 Family 2 adults and 2 children under 16 years Let us introduce you to the seal and penguin colonies and the nesting seabirds that call Montague Island home. Learn the cultural and ecological significance of Montague Island. Hot tea, coffee, milo and home-baked 90min Ocean Adventure Tour Departing Merimbula Jetty aboard our new goodies provided onboard.
Departing Merimbula Jetty aboard our new 50pax high speed RIB ‘Extreme’ Prices: $55 Adult; $50 Senior/Student 50pax high speed RIB ‘Extreme’ The most exciting way to see the coastline, Concession; $30 Child under 16yrs
The most exciting way to see the coastline, local sights and diverse wildlife. $150 Family 2 adults/2 children under 16yrs local sights and diverse wildlife. Fun for all ages. $45 Adults $30 Children under 16 years $140 Family 2 adults and 2 children Fun for all ages. $45 Adults $30 Children under 16 years $140 Family 2 adults and 2 children Take this opportunity to be inspired by nature!

Welcome to the Far South Coast

www.farsouthcoastimag.com.au Contents
Antiques & Collectables Trail Entertainment Coast Map Art Galleries Trail Bushwalking Whats On Markets
Eden Pambula Merimbula Bega Cobargo Tathra Bermagui Tilba Narooma Mogo Batemans Bay 2 17 24 27-30 33 34-35 36-39
6 8 11 18 20 21 26 31 40 44 46
Cover Photo: Merimbula Jazz Festival parade, supplied by Alexandra Peters. Above: PT Hirschfield, supplied by PT Hirschfield

From The Editor
Welcome to the May/June edition of the Far South Coast iMag. What a spectacular autumn we're having...as I write this in midApril, our paddocks are green after more than 250mm of rain. The biggest event this May is the Narooma Oyster Festival, held on April 30th - May 1st; it's billed as "a mouth-watering celebration of South Coast flavours". There's more to it than oysters though - see more about the Festival on pages 42 - 43! New to the festival scene is the HeadLand Writers Festival, held at Tathra from May 14th - 16th. Featuring conversations, forums, workshops, poetry breakfasts, spoken word and music performances, panel discussions and more, it's going to be a thought-provoking weekend. Details are on pages 22 - 23. Three woodworking clubs have been getting together for 25 years to showcase the amazing things they've made with timber. They're celebrating their 25th anniversary this year with a huge exhibition at the Tilba Community Halls - entry is only $2 for adults and everyone will love it, including the kids. See page 32. If you or those you love are into live theatre, Spectrum Little Actors’ Theatre (SPLAT) are performing Disney's 'The Little Mermaid Junior'. You're invited to "bring the whole family along to this fun and colourful show and come and be part of our world under the sea". You'll find more information on page 35. Now that it's getting dark earlier, don't forget to watch out for wildlife on our roads. Keep your iMag handy, download it from our website at www.farsouthcoastimag.com.au or from our Facebook page - Far South Coast iMag, and enjoy!
Material in this publication is copyright and may not be published or reproduced in any form without the express permission of the publishers. Each issue is distributed throughout the Eurobodalla and Sapphire Coast regions. Information supplied by others for this magazine is published in good faith. Whilst every endeavour has been made to ensure absolute accuracy of this information, the Publishers cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from omissions or inadvertent errors contained herein. Printed by Spotpress, 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville, NSW © Dovewood Pty Ltd 2021. Published by Far South Coast iMag Editors: Paul Callaghan & Melinda Downs Phone: 6494 2185, 0404 668 779 PO Box 9002 Wyndham 2550 info@farsouthcoastimag.com.au www.farsouthcoastimag.com.au Some photographs courtesy of NSW Tourism.
PLEASE NOTE Deadline for Changes: 1st Feb, 1st April, 1st June, 1st Aug, 1st Oct & 1st Dec.

Adventure in Eden

& surrounds
Things to See & Do
Go whale & dolphin watching Check out The Pinnacles in Ben Boyd
NP Visit 'Old Tom' at the Eden Killer
Whale Museum Follow the Bundian Way Story Trail Dip a toe in the Aslings Beach Rock
Pool Take the self drive Killer Whale Trail tour
VISITOR INFORMATION Weecoon Street, Snug Cove. Ph: 02 6496 1953
Eden is the gateway to the beautiful Far South Coast from Victoria, and the township has been welcoming lots of visitors after bushfires and Covid 19. Experience Eden's history and see the skeleton of “Old Tom”, Eden’s famous killer whale, at the Eden Killer Whale Museum. 'Old Tom' was a crucial part of the most extraordinary collaboration between humans and killer whales ever witnessed on earth. The Museum has a wonderful collection of artefacts from days gone by - book a tour to get the most from a visit. Eden is one of the few places in the world where Humpback Whales feed on their migratory route, and with many other whale species travelling close to shore, it's the perfect place to go whale-watching. Book a cruise or head to the nearest headland or beach between September to November. Each year, there are more and more whales visiting; last year there were several 'mega-pods' - almost 100 whales were spotted feeding from Tathra to Eden - a truly spectacular sight. Local Aboriginal people (members of the Yuin nation) had a strong connection with killer whales, and this included the harvesting of small whales and fish that killer whales herded into the shallows. Follow the Killer Whale Trail self-drive day tour that visits five historical sites around Twofold Bay and uncover the dramatic history of whaling from 1828 - 1930. Learn about the unique relationship between whalers and the wild killer whales (orcas). The journey can take half a day, or take a picnic and make a day of it. A visit to the iconic Green Cape Lighthouse is a must - it's steeped in seafaring history. Join a tour and climb its stairs for panoramic views of Disaster Bay. Fees apply and bookings are required - Phone NPWS Merimbula on 02 6495 5000.