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Whats On
decorating competition and cow sculptures created by local school students. The CWA State Land Cookery display is an opportunity to see prize winning cakes, biscuits, jams and preserves. The display is open on Tuesday 4th - Wednesday 5th May, 8.30am - 5pm at the Seventhday Adventist Church, 31 Upper Street, Bega. The CWA State Handicraft exhibition includes the best of the best in needlework, knitting and crocheting. The Handicraft exhibition is open Monday 3rd May, 11.30am - 5pm, Tuesday 4th - Wednesday 5th, 9am - 5pm, and Thursday 6th, 9am - 12pm Uniting Church & Hall, 125 Gipps Street, Bega. Everyone is invited to visit these exhibitions - entry is free. More information on page 19. HEADLANDS WRITERS FESTIVAL 14th - 16th May, various locations in Tathra HeadLand Writers Festival is a new literature event featuring conversations, forums, workshops, poetry breakfasts, spoken word and music performances, panel discussions and more. Tathra Hotel and Tathra Hall will be the principal venues for the event. HeadLand features a wealth of local talent who live in, grew up or have strong connections to the area, including author Ailsa Wild (pictured). In the Tathra Hall, we bring you in-depth conversations with Bruce Pascoe, Sofie Laguna and Linda Mottram. A short yet spectacular stroll down the magnificent headland to Tathra Hotel will take aspiring writers to a feast of industry forums including podcasting and how to get published. For the intrepid reader, head down to the historic Tathra Wharf Museum where actors will summon sirens, squalls and shipwrecks with ‘Tales from the Sea’. Read more on pages 22 - 23.
DISNEY’S “THE LITTLE MERMAID JUNIOR”, Spectrum Little Actors Theatre 29 May - 19 June, Bega Commemorative Centre Spectrum Theatre Group Merimbula are proud to announce the upcoming production of Disney’s “The Little Merrmaid Junior” performed by Spectrum Little Actors’ Theatre (SPLAT) at the Bega Commemorative Civic Centre, Zingel Place, Bega, this May and June. Evening performances are on Fridays and Saturdays, and afternoon matinee performances on Sundays. Bring the whole family along to this fun and colourful show and come and be part of our world under the sea. Tickets are available www. spectrumtheatregroup.com.au WOODWORK EXHIBITION Combined Woodworking Clubs of the South Coast 12th - 13th June, Community Halls, Bate St, Central Tilba For 25 years, members of the Narooma Woodies, the Eurobodalla Woodworking Guild (EWG) and the Bega Woodies have had an exhibition in Central Tilba. Demonstrations in 2021 include turning, carving and toy making for children. Pieces on sale include jewellery boxes, toys, furniture, ornaments, vessels, turned pieces, chopping, bread boards and serving platters. The Exhibition is open Saturday 12th June, 9am - 4pm and Sunday 13th June, 9am - 3pm at the Central Tilba Community Halls in Bate Street. Entry to this family-friendly event is $2 (adults). Details on Facebook - search Narooma Woodies. Find more information on page 32.

Monthly Market Guide
Eden Community Market
3rd Saturday of each month. 9am to 1pm. Uniting Church Hall, Chandos St Eden. Contact 02 6496 2501 Stalls celebrate local produce and foods, handmade jewellery and knitted wares, including alpaca wool. There are toys, books, dvds, bric-a-brac, children's activities and a barbecue. Relax with a cuppa and enjoy the live music in the garden. Community Pantry is open 10am - 1pm.
Wyndham All Weather Market
4th Sunday of every month. 8.30am - 1pm, Wyndham Hall. (OPEN IN ALL WEATHER). Find handmade treasures, yummy homemade treats and local produce. Afterwards take the self-guided heritage walk around town.
Pambula Rotary Market
2nd Sunday of month. 8am - 1pm. Pambula Recreation Grounds. Pambula Market is loaded with local produce and has everything from handmade jewellery and clothing to vintage trash’n’treasure. And it's dog friendly!
Merimbula Seaside Market & Fair
3rd Sunday of month, 8.30am - 12.30pm, Ford Oval. Loads of stalls to choose from including local produce, plants, clothing, craft and yummy food too!
Merimbula Producers Market,
Saturday 8th & 22nd May, 5th & 12th June. 10am - 2pm, Beach St. Merimbula. Supporting home grown, home made producers of fruit, vegetables and plants, arts and crafts and unique design and creations to recover from a bruising year. www.rotaryclubofmerimbula.com. au/markets

Candelo Market
1st Sunday of each month, 8.30am - 12.30pm. Candelo Oval & Town Hall. With a strong focus on local and vintage wares, Candelo Market is wonderfully diverse, with everything from food, plants, clothing, livestock and second-hand goods.