Feb 10 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Why Lincoln Stood

The Blessed Hope by Pastor Mitch

Do you remember the last time you had a special guest over for dinner? What happened when they were late? How often did you look out the window to see if they had arrived? Jesus knew that we would be waiting with great anticipation for his arrival. Ever since Jesus went to heaven people have been trying to figure out when he would return. Will He come during our lifetime? Will he come today? Jesus made it clear that his second coming would be a surprise and nobody would know the actual time. Many people are worried about being ready for the second coming of Jesus. Does being ready mean that

our lives are completely spotless and mistake free? The good news is that the Bible tells us that it’s not about being good enough. It’s about God being good enough to offer us grace. When Jesus returns, we don’t have to be worried about being punished. Rather, he is bringing hope to the world by taking us back to heaven! The Bible reminds us that being reunited with Jesus is based on His grace, not our works. “so also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagercontinued on page 2

Valentine’s Small Group Event The Valentine’s Small Group Event is on Saturday, February 13, at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Valentine’s in not just a time for couples and sweethearts. It’s a time to celebrate love. That includes lots of different kinds of love, including the love that we have for each other as

members of God’s kingdom. The small groups will be planning the food and events for the evening. Everyone should plan to attend as we will share Valentine’s messages with one another. This will be a fun event, so plan to invite lots of friends. =

When it came time for the pastoral prayer at the church Abraham Lincoln attended, the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, in Washington, D.C., the president stood up. Because most of the worshipers remained seated, someone asked the president why he stood. The president responded, “When my generals come into the Oval Office, they stand for their commander-in-chief. Isn’t it proper then, that I stand for my commander-inchief?”


Helping by Giving is on page 3 Who Is He? My Provider! is on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Tax Breaks on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

THE LATEST WORD The Blessed Hope (cont. from page 1) The start of a foot race is marked by the sound of a pistol shot and the crossing of the starting line. The start On February 6, invite a friend to of the Christian life is marked by an hear the mesinitiation rite sage on the entitled bapsecond coming tism. Baptism is When we commit of Christ entitled a commitment The Blessed ourselves to Jesus’ to follow Jesus. Hope. shows care we can truly find Baptism you are a part of The message the rest we need God’s family. on February Like a wedding 13 is entitled in him ring, it is a visRacing with ible reminder of Hope. The an inward commitment made in your Bible says, “. . . and let us run with heart.”1 Some are merely “dating” perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). If following Jesus. Why not explore the benefits Jesus can be compared to a race, how of a life-long commitment to him? does one go about starting the race? If you own a cell phone, taking Where do you sign up? How do you time to recharge its battery insures register? the phones power supply to func-


tion properly. Like a cell phone, the human body needs to rest and recharge. There is such a way and the Bible gives it a name—Sabbath. The word Sabbath literally means rest. It has two components: First is getting unplugged, and second is getting recharged. Rechargeable Hope is the title of the message on February 20. The message is much more than taking a day off work or taking a nap once a week. Sabbath rest is about a relationship with the One who loves us best and most. Taking a day off or lying down for a nap means little if you’re worried or anxious. When we commit ourselves to Jesus’ care we can truly find the rest we need in him. Growing with Hope is the title of the message on February 27. There is no doubt that we are part of God’s continued on page 4

The Latest Word V 22 N 02


ly waiting for him” (Hebrews 9:28, NLT).

BILL AUMACK el jeffe


LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com distributed monthly issue date: February 2010 copyright 1992-2010

February 2010 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley ebster says “give” means “to make a present of . . . to grant or bestow by formal action . . . to put into the possession of another for his use . . . .” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 NIV).


The devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti is more than heartbreaking. Thousands of miles away from us, it is nonetheless brought close by the videos and pictures on the news, both television and the Internet. But even though we are able to see the devastation, for most of us, there is not much we can do about it. We can donate money, of course, but that’s about it. I have listened to people on the news who are getting ready to leave the United States to help the Haitian people. As I thought about them this morning, it occurred to me that a lot of us like to help others. Sometimes

Helping by Giving it’s our first reaction to hearing news of illness, sadness or tragedy. What is it about helping others that actually helps us? I can’t really say, but I am of the opinion that we feel good when we are able to help and sad when we cannot. There are plenty of times when I’ve heard of sad news, but there is nothing I can do to help the situation. Nothing. It’s beyond my control. At times like that, I can hear myself say, “All I can do is

pray.” And even though prayer is the first and best option available, it sometimes doesn’t seem enough. As I continued to think about the desire and ability people have to help, it occurred to me that helping is a God-given trait, a characteristic of our Lord. I cannot count the number of times God has helped me, and I think it’s safe to say that His help, more often than not, has been delivered through another person. That is God’s MO. He uses people to help people. Perhaps it is to emphasize one of Jesus’ teachings. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). =

Worship Schedule Feb. 6

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #3 The Blessed Hope

Feb. 13

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #4 Racing with Hope

Feb. 20

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #5 Rechargeable Hope

Feb. 27

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #6 Growing with Hope

Feburary 15


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

Who is He? My Provider!

“My son, God will provide…” Gen. 22:8 During this phase of my spiritual journey, Jesus seems to want to clarify just who HE is to me in my life. The past couple of years have been real testing times in several areas of my life; coinciding with some of the titles Jesus is given.


Jesus is many things to us in our Christian walk. He is our Healer, although he may choose not to heal, for reasons we do not yet understand. He is our Prince of Peace, providing a powerful sense of his presence amid tumultuous times, but may not always keep them from us. He is our Strength, though we are made strong through our weakness. These are promises we can cling to, yet some-

times difficult to comprehend and apply in day to day living. This month I would like to dig a little deeper into is his role as Provider. In the Old Testament in Genesis, the name Jehovah-jireh is given by Abraham to the place where God provided a ram caught in a thicket to be used as the sacrifice in place of Isaac. It means Jehovah will see or provide. Earlier in this passage, Abraham reassures Isaac of this when he asks, “Father.... Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

and over that in order for Jesus to be everything I need in life, I must first experience that need. Much like Abraham’s test, the experience can be quite disconcerting. If only I hold onto his hand and trust fully in him, the answer he provides not only assures me of his care but also prepares me for the next hurdle. Father: Regardless how dark a situation may seem, help me to trust in you to provide all I will need to see me through with hope and peace and joy. =

I have been mulling over the growth process one must go through in walking with Christ. I find over

The Blessed Hope (cont. from page 2) great family. The Bible says: “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! . . .” (1 John 3:1, NIV). Our Lord equips us to interact with one another as brothers and sisters by providing us with spiritual disciplines. A spiritual discipline grows the inner life of the believer in his or her relationship with God and with all of God’s family. Prayer,

worship, meditation, service are examples of spiritual disciplines we’ll explore in the message. See you when the church gathers. =

February 14

February 2010 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Caramelized French Onion Soup 1 T. olive oil 1 T. butter 4 ¼ cup thinly sliced onions 3 T. Bragg’s liquid aminos 1 T. Bob’s Vegetarian Chicken Seasonings or chicken flavoring A dash of salt 1 T. onion powder 1. T. cornstarch 1 teaspoon of Liquid Smoke Approx. 6 cups of water whole wheat bread slices Swiss or Mozzarella cheese Sauté onion in oil and butter over medium heat until clear and well cooked. Add water a little at a time

so as to not to burn but continue cooking onions to caramelize. This will take 12-20 minutes to caramelize and to bring out the great flavor of the onions. Add all the seasonings, liquid aminos, Bob’s Vegetarian Chicken Seasonings or chicken flavoring, salt, onion powder and 6 cups of water. Take a little of the water and dissolve 1 T. cornstarch and then add it to the pot and stir. Add 1 teaspoon of Liquid Smoke. Simmer and stir until clear and piping hot.

over the top and place cheese over that and place under the broiler until brown and cheese has somewhat melted. =

Ladle into oven proof bowls, place a slice of whole wheat bread


Living With Hope Our current small group series is called Living with Hope and we’ll be learning the fine art of Bible marking. If the Bible is an instruction manual to life, shouldn’t you want to read it? Life’s big questions do have answers, and give us a framework to understand the world we are living in. These answers are a rock to stand on during the chaos that swirls around our homes, careers, and relationships. This unique series will give you the tools to understand God’s word, as you learn proven techniques for studying the Bible effectively. In each session you’ll highlight key verses in your own Bible that will be an inspiration for you and your family for years to come. =

It’s Not Too Late To Join A Group! Be sure to join a small group or you will miss half of the lessons! Sign up for a small group at church.

Downey Adventist Church Sunday











5 5:25 pm sunset

6 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #3

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

12 5:32 pm sunset

Youth Superbowl Party

13 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #4

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

19 5:38 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

5 PM Valentine’s Small Group Party

20 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #5

7 pm Women’s 6:30 pm Band Practice Prayer Group






1 PM Adventurers

26 5:44 pm sunset

27 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #6

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

28 Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

6:30 pm Band Practice

February 2010 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES

Tax Breaks

It was Ben Franklin who said, one thousand dollars per month, but here is the kicker — the difference “Nothing is certain but death and as I looked at the two columns on in payments between a 30-year and taxes.” One jokester added, “but that statement which made up the a 15-year loan would have been death doesn’t get worse every year.” twelve thousand dollars I had paid, roughly one third more per month Preparing taxes is right up there with this is what jumped out — prin($1,300), not twice as much, as most going to the dentist as one of the ciple $600, interest $11,400. I said people tend to believe. Even if you activities the average American cannot make dreads. Unfortunately, if you a third more When it comes to your tax return, avoid are looking for an answer to being sloppy. Here are a few common tax in your payyour pressing tax problems, the ment, do what IRS may or may not be able to mistakes: our family did help. Telephone calls to the IRS ⇒ Entering the wrong account number for the direct that very next deposit of your refund. Double check to make help line annually reach into year – pay sure both the routing and bank account numbers the tens of millions, but over 35 an extra $30 percent went unanswered and per month on are correct. nearly 50 percent of the time the principal. ⇒ Failure to sign. After all your hard labor to file individuals were given an incorWe thought correctly, it would be a shame to forget to sign rect answer.1 Over 60 percent it would not your return or leave off your spouse’s signature if of us gave our tax preparation make much of you are filing jointly. to someone else in 2006, howa difference, ⇒ Missing attachments. Attaching all the necessary ever, the IRS estimates that as but our next forms and schedules in the upper right-hand many as 500,000 paid preparers yearend statecorner, particularly your W-2’s and 1099’s, is 2 may have no formal training. ment stated: crucial. principal Despite our feelings and ⇒ Missing mileage. According to H&R Block, vehicle $1,800, interfrustrations about taxes, there logs are one of the most audited items — keep est $10,200. are some things you and I can That $360 detailed odometer readings for the beginning and do to make them seem more increase ending of a road trip, as well as the reason for financially palatable. Listed 4 resulted in that particular journey. below are two areas you may three times want to re-evaluate as you plan the amount for next year’s taxes and your overto myself, I thought I financed my of principal. Remember, rather than all money management. 30-year mortgage with an 8 percent receiving a larger tax write off in interest loan, but this looks like I loan interest, increase your percenthave a 90 percent interest loan. The age of the value of your major asset, Paying Uncle Sam or only consolation was that I could your home. the Local Bank deduct a whole lot of interest on Uncle Sam’s tax form. I calculated Each year you receive from your Pay Now or Later! that over the next five years I would mortgage company or loan instituhave just over $3,000 equity in my tion an annual statement outlining Every year approximately 40 what you paid during the last twelve home. percent of working Americans throw months. I remember that January day away money that legally belongs to What a difference if I had taken nearly 20 years ago when I received them. The majority of employers out a 15-year loan over that same my mortgage loan statement and the now offer their employees matching period. In five years I would have shock I felt when I read the amounts money for their retirement accounts, had approximately one-third equity of principle and interest. At the time, such as their 401(k), 403(b), etc. in my home and would have saved I was regularly making payments of continued on page 11 thousands of dollars in interest. And




February 2010

this month

Feb. Birthdays David Martinez – 2 Julie Seltzer – 4 Nancy Rivera – 7 Mark Jackson – 7 Akeem Meade – 7 Irene Hill – 11 Victoria Zamora – 11 Maggie Zamora – 15 Ellis Perry – 19 Teresa Miranda – 22 Donna Morgan – 24 Linda Fernandez – 26 Armando Cabrera – 26 Albert Casillas – 27 Letty Duran – 29 Susie Duran – 29 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at http:// issuu.com/downeychurch. Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at www.downeychurch.org.

Upcoming Events 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice Feb Feb Feb Feb

7 - Youth Superbowl Party @ the Aumack’s 13 - Valentine’s Small Group Party @ 5 PM 14 - Valentine’s Day 15 - President’s Day

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon March 20 - Celebration Sabbath April 3 - Easter


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Patricia Jackson. She completed her interview for being a US citizen. The only thing left is to be sworn in. Kean and Enoch Aispuro are gathering toys to send to the children in Haiti. If you have any used toys in good condition to donate, please see them. Congratulations to Kevin Torres. He made Honor Roll at AUS. Evan Aumack was on

Honor Roll at SGA. Evan and Alex Aumack had perfect attendance. If you know of any students who are doing well, please let us know. We sorrowfully report the passing of Jasmin Amezaga. She passed away after battling cancer. We look forward to seeing her again with Jesus.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really needed is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =


The Natural Religious Sense Humans are naturally people of wonder. We wonder at this amazing earth, our temporary but glorious home. We wonder at birth — the birth of a baby or bird or animal. We wonder at the mind-dazzling beauty of a rose. We wonder at love — the love of God, the love of a spouse or parent, the love of another who smiles and laughs when we share thoughts and experiences. We wonder at scientific discoveries. We wonder about the gift of life and the puzzle of death. We wonder about our brain and talents. We wonder about our fascinating body, how a Genius put it together, what it can and cannot do.

I am simply full of wonder. Right now, I’m wondering what you’re wondering about. Are you wondering about God and what he has in mind for you today? tomorrow? for eternity? D.H. Lawrence said, “When the wonder has gone out of a man, he is dead.” He also said, “All are related by one permanent element in all life: the sense of wonder. That is our sixth sense. And it is the natural religious sense.” —Charles Ferrell =

A Man of Prayer One of the most familiar pictures of George Washington, our first President, has him kneeling in prayer in the woods of Valley Forge. Those who knew Washington found that he was indeed a man of prayer. In fact, he thought of his service on behalf of his nation as service to God. Henry Cabot Lodge, historian and U.S. Senator, once said of Washington that what raised him to such high glory was his great talent, guided and guarded by religion. It is prayer and our talent offered to God that can enable each of us to fulfill the role God desires for us. =

February 2010 Tax Breaks (cont. from page 7) The amount per pay period may not seem important enough to be concerned about, but taking advantage of this offer over the 40 years most individuals are employed can result in an incredible amount of money.

to your 401(k) and you would have diverted over 17 percent of your pretax income (based on a less than $100,000 annual income) into this deferred tax retirement plan. That total of

FYI: Did you know that beards, beehives and chimneys used to be taxed in Russia?

For example, let’s say your employer matched you $100 to your $100 contribution each monthly payday. In forty years that would be $48,000 of additional monies from your employer. But when you figure an annual six percent compounded interest, it will amount to over $200,000. Another way to look at the benefit of a deferred tax contribution is for you to contribute the maximum amount of $16,000 allowed in 2008

Concepts & References: 1. “A Taxing Experience,” U.S News & World Report, April 16, 2001. 2. Vera Gibbons, “What you need to know about Tax Prep Firms,” Kiplinger’s, April 2007, page 24. 3. James J. Cramer, Stay Mad For Life, Simon & Schuster, 2007, page 90. 4. “A Dozen Common Tax Mistakes,” Debt-Proof Living, April 2006.

$16,000 a year in savings before taxes, with an annual seven percent compounded interest rate over thirty years, would result in over $1.5 million.3 As we approach April 15, let’s remember the words of Jesus, ”Give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is his.” (Luke 20:25 TCW). =

Updated Adventurer Schedule There have been a few changes in the Adventurer program. Here are the dates and the topics for the remainder of this year. February 20 - Lap Blankets for the homeless March 20 - Sunbeam Curriculum April 17 - Community Food Drive for P.T.A. Helps May 15 - Sunbeam Curriculum June 19 - Awards Ceremony Also, the Adventurer club will do the circulum as part of Sabbath School. Please be sure to be present during Sabbath School to meet all the requirements so you can get an award.


February 2010

Ponder This... = “Faith doesn’t get us out of trouble; faith gets us through it.” —Anonymous = “One of the sanest, surest and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.” —Archibald Rutledge

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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