Feb 2011 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Sowing Seeds by Pastor Mitch


y dad enjoyed his garden. Whether trimming, planting or admiring his handiwork while relaxing in the cool shade of his porch he loved his garden. Any time Ginny and I visited, dad always took me around to show me something new or unusual in his garden. On one such garden tour, dad showed me how the roots from an olive tree powerfully lifted the sidewalk in his front yard. Dad explained that the roots

are attracted to water. The roots followed a path under the side walk. Once they reach the far edge of the sidewalk and a permanent water source it simply sat there and grew. The roots’ growth was slow but before long the sidewalk began to rise up out of the soil. There are powerful changes at work right now. I’m not talking about olive tree roots at work lifting a sidewalk. The changes I’m thinking about are occurring in human hearts

all around the world and right here where we live. Those changes represent the growth of the kingdom of heaven. For some, the personal growth is epic—from a life of selfish pursuits to one of thinking of others. In other cases the kingdom grows slow, like tulip bulbs buried in the fall show signs of new life months later. Jesus said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? continued on page 2

Friendship Day


uring the 40 Days of Prayer, we’ve each been praying for a few people that we can share the gospel with. Now is the time to invite those people to worship on February 12. This will be a special service especially to reach our guests. The title of the sermon is “How Can I find Peace?” We all need peace. Some search their whole lives and never find it. How different their lives would be

During the Civil War, a delegation came to confer with him about the conflict. Sometime during the meeting a minister said to President Lincoln, “I hope that the Lord is on our side.” The President amazed the group with his response. “I don’t agree with you,” he said to the pastor. “I am not at all concerned about that, for we know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and the nation should be on the Lord’s side.”

-Carl Sandburg in Abraham Lincoln, The War Years (III)

INSIDE Best Friends page 3

if they knew that Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. After the worship service there will be a Mexican themed luncheon. Please bring some food to share (you can sign up in the foyer) and then stay with your friends and enjoy the food and fellowship. =

A Father’s Love on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Thriving in this Recession is on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Sowing Seeds (cont. from page 1) promises peace in Psalms 29:11: “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people

of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Peace is available for all those seeking the Prince of Peace. Bring those you’ve been praying for during the 40 Days of Prayer to experience this message. Through the angels gathered to announce his birth the Lord extends his peace to all who will accept him saying, “peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

“ While God makes

things grow, our part is to sow the seeds of his kingdom

The Friendship Day message is How can I Find Peace? The Lord

with peace.” The peace of God is closer than you think. In another scripture we read the following: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince

On February 5, the message is A Fulfilling Life. We spend much of our time each day making a living. Now that is a good thing for this world but when the Lord comes and we’re in heaven all those years spent making a living won’t matter. What does matter and has eternal consequences is service to the Lord. Any time you’re serving in Jesus’ name, no matter how small, it matters. The Bible says: “With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort” (1 Corinthians 15:58, The Message). Everything you do for the Lord matters— even “a cup of water” (Mark 9:41).


On February 19th we

will start a 3 part series about youth and church. Bill Aumack, our Youth Leader, will share a message titled Aliens Among Us. Sometimes as parents we don’t know what happened to our sweet little children when they hit the teens. It seems like aliens have taken over their bodies. Come and learn about one thing that all our youth need that is easy to provide. One of our very own youth, Evan Aumack, will speak on February 26. Evan was born and raised at Downey Church and he has some pointers for us about what we can do as church body to help our continued on page 5 The Latest Word V 23 N 02 BILL AUMACK


It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade” (Mark 4:30-32). Our Lord has called us into a partnership of assisting in the kingdom’s expansion. While God makes things grow, our part is to sow the seeds of his kingdom. One way to sow seeds is to invite friends and neighbors to Friendship Day on February 12.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK proof reading


paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com

distributed monthly issue date: Feb. 2011 copyright 1992-2011

February 2011 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley


ebster says “friend” means “one attached to another by affection or esteem . . . one that is not hostile . . . one that is of the same nation, party or group. . . one that favors or promotes something. . . a favored companion (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od’s word says through Jonathan that we may say we “have vowed friendship in God’s name, saying, ‘God will be the bond between me and you, and between my children and your children forever!’” (1 Samuel 20:42 The Message). I’ve always said I have the best friends in the world. Some friends are good for talking and sharing secrets of the heart.

Best Friends Some friends help me to laugh. Others add a dash of adventure to my life and help me to do things I would never dream of by myself. Then there are friends who encourage me and pray for me, friends who help me keep the trials of life in perspective and friends whose lives remind me of the goodness and kindness of God. I have wise, godly friends who dare to speak truth over my life. And, last but not least, there are the friends with whom I can pray. Wow, my friends sure have quite the list of jobs, don’t they?! If I had only one thing to say about friendship, I would tell you this: I learned a great deal about the meaning of the word from my church family at Downey, past and present. That is the absolute truth! And

Worship Schedule February 5 Mitch Williams

February 19 Bill Aumack

A Fulfilling Life

Aliens Among Us

February 12 Mitch Williams

February 26 Evan Aumack

Friendship Day How can I Find Peace?

Now You See Us, Now You Don’t

when I think of the friends I have, I realize that I am rich beyond compare, because friendship is one of God’s greatest blessings and plays a huge role in my life. Each of my friends has a different personality, they have varying traits and characteristics. Some of them are a lot like me and some could not be more different than me if they tried. None of my friends is perfect, nor am I, but when you put all my friends together, it makes me think that each one plays a role in revealing to me a little bit about God. Together they give me a greater picture of what God is like. Perhaps most important, my friends remind me of what a friend I have in Jesus, for what better friend is there in the whole world? No one is as

good. None is more understanding. No one has paid a greater sacrifice to call me His friend. His ability to guide my life with wisdom is beyond compare. Even though I am sometimes shortsighted, He sees it all. And when earthly friends and things of the world are unable to

provide desperately needed comfort, He alone provides a source of comfort either by His presence alone or, sometimes, by sending an earthly friend. No other friend is as valuable, and no other friendship should be cultivated more. So, do I have the best friends in the world? Yes, the absolute best in this world and in heaven above. =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

A Father’s Love

L In the beginning, God... Genesis 1:1

I am learning to trust in that secret more and more each day.


ast month, we started down a new path. A path well known to some of us; a path others had strayed from but have now found the way back to and yet for many of us, this path is the beginning of a new way of life. Where will it lead us, how can we trust it to guide us? Let’s take the first steps down this path together as we discover or rediscover The Bible. This journey will combine two of my favorite things: The Bible and Country Music. This may seem an odd pairing, but let’s see where this road takes us. “In the beginning…” seems a good place to start. “God…” Who is He? What is my relationship to Him? How can I be sure He even exists? If He does exist, what does he care about me? As we travel, let’s watch for the signs he puts up along our way as he leads us to that peaceful place within His heart. George Strait is one of my favorite county artists. His song, A Father’s Love is about the relationship between a father and son and how the father is able

to reassure his own young son of the same unconditional love his father extended to him. The last verse pictures him outside the pearly gates certain he is not worthy to be allowed in when he hears a voice from the other side sharing the chorus of the song that goes, “Let me

tell you a secret, about a father’s love. A secret that my daddy said was just between us. Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then. It’s a love without end, amen; it’s a love without end, amen.” As a child I didn’t know a father’s love without end or judgment, but I have come to know a Father’s love so much

greater. In George’s song, the son comes to his father after doing what little boys will do from time to time, facing his father with shaking knees and bowed head fearing the worst. But to his surprise and relief, his father takes him in his arms and shares this special secret with him. I have heard that same secret from my heavenly Father more than once as I have come to him ashamed and repentant, knowing I deserved much worse. I am learning to trust in that secret more and more each day. As this song came to mind, a friend just happened to give me a copy of a prayer titled, “Father’s Love Letter” comprised of over fifty promises from God that I can claim personally. Exodus 19:5 tells me I am his treasured possession. Jeremiah 31:3 says he loves me with an everlasting love, ah yes, a love without end….amen. Let’s pray: Father: Thank you for speaking to me through your word, reassuring me that your love for me will never end. =

February 2011 From Ginny’s Kitchen Whole Wheat Coconut Brownies ¾ cup whole wheat flour 1/3 cup cocoa power ½ t. baking powder dash of salt ½ cup Agave (purchased at a health food stores, Trader Joe’s or Fresh & Easy stores) ½ cup coconut oil 1 t. vanilla extract 2 eggs or 3 T. ground flaxseeds ½ cup of chopped pecans ¾ cup sweetened flaked coconuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium size bowl, mix whole wheat flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt together. In another bowl, mix Agave, coconut oil, vanilla, eggs or ground flaxseeds together. Combine with flour mixture and blend all together.

Pour into a well greased baking dish, (8” x 8”) and cover top with sweetened flaked coconut. Bake for 30 minutes. Check to see if tooth pick comes out clean. Cool and cut into 12 squares. =

Lastly, stir-in chopped pecans.

Sowing Seeds (from page 2)

Consumed by Stuff


n The Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley writes that the word consumption means something totally different to modern people than it did 150 years ago. Consumption, now known as tuberculosis, is a wasting disease. “Before the advent of antibiotics, tuberculosis could be slowed but rarely cured,” Morley writes. “The longterm effect of the disease was to slowly devour — to

consume — all the victim’s health and vigor.” Today, consumption is viewed as positive for merchants and the economy, Morley notes. But for people mired in debt, “the 19th-century understanding of the term may be more true-to-life.” Our wants are consuming us. To avoid being consumed financially — and spiritually — consider

these words from Jesus: “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:20-21, NRSV). =

youth stay involved in church. Researchers tell us that somewhere between 40 to 50% of youth leave the church. Evan will help us understand some things we can do to reduce those numbers with a message called Now You See Us, Now You Don’t. This is a message we all need to hear so we can help our youth enter a life-long releationship with Jesus. See you when the church gathers. =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday











5:24 pm sunset

5 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Day of Prayer

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group












5:31 pm sunset

9:30 AM S.S.

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice

10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Friendship Day 12:30 Luncheon 3:00 Pathfinders



10 AM C.S. Youth Superbowl Party - noonish

6:30 pm Band Practice

9:00 Pathfinders

5:39 pm sunset

19 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Bill Aumack





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


25 5:44 pm sunset

26 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Evan Aumack

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group


6:30 pm Band Practice

28 Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

3:00 Pathfinders

February 2011 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPh, CHES


hen my children were of elementary school age and when we had been traveling for a number of hours, they would often ask this common kid question, “Are we there yet?” I think many of you may be asking that same question now about the economy. The best guess by most money management experts is that the economy may turn around by the end of this year or early next year, and it may even take two to five years before we are really out of this current recession. While we are in this financial situation, it might behoove us to tighten our belt and be more cautious. The goal of this issue of the Stewpot is to help you through the next six to twelve months by looking at your household finances and reminding you how to “stay the course”!

Be Grateful For the majority of individuals and families in the United States, their homes are not in foreclosure, they have not been placed in receivership or

Thriving in this Recession declared bankrupt by the local court, nor have they found themselves in unemployment lines. Even in the Great Depression of the 1930s, over 75 percent of Americans were still employed, compared to 85 to 90 percent today. If you are currently employed and have a roof over your head, you can bow your head and with a grateful heart thank your Heavenly Father for the blessings of a job, a home, and loved ones. In the past, you may have had a long list of things you wanted, and dream trips and journeys you intended to take, but now you find yourself simply grateful for life, friends, and family. Reflect on the difficulties and problems you may have faced in the past, but with God’s blessing and deliberate and purposeful financial planning, you survived those experiences. In the same way, you will outlast this current crisis and come out the other side a more astute and prudent person in your money management, as well as in other aspects of life.

Be Practical It’s an excellent time to discover or rediscover the benefits of a household budget. If you don’t like the word “household budget,” call it a “spending plan.” Take out a sheet of paper and list every item you would have in a regular household budget. Like a newspaper reporter, you need to ask the “when, where, why, and how” questions. Begin with the largest dollar items and work down the list to the smallest. Here are a few suggestions:

“If our grandparents lived through the troubling 1930s and our parents survived a major war, we can live through this economic hiccup.” Gordon Botting

Mortgage or Rent: • Under the new federal government housing plans, can you reduce the current interest rate on our home? One percentage point might make a difference of $100 to $200 dollars a month. • If you have a spare room, could you rent it to a student or an employed single person? • If you are currently renting, are there apartments listed for much less than you are paying? • In some instances, it may only take a few more dollars to avail yourself or your family of the opportunity to purchase your continued on page 8

“The two top answers to questions on success and quality of life were ‘spending quality time with family’ (88%) which was followed closely by ‘having a good relationship with your spouse or partner.’ (86%).” — Northwestern Mutual Survey


THE LATEST WORD Thriving in this Recession (cont. from page 7) own apartment or home. • Has your house value dropped sufficiently so you would be able to lower your property taxes and no longer have to pay the mortgage insurance to your loan company?


Ask yourself:

• Do we really need two or three vehicles? • Is local transportation available? • Could I carpool with a neighbor or coworker? • As a family, are we combining our trips to the doctor or dentist, local grocery store, school, sports function, etc.? • Have you compared your current insurance rate with at least five reputable insurance companies?

per one hundred dollars purchased. • Acquire items you regularly use in your home on sale, and purchase an adequate amount to last about three months, as most supermarkets or drug stores have a three month sale cycle for merchandise. • Keep in mind that grocery items in a can or package will cost you two to ten times the amount when compared to purchasing in bulk and cooking the food product yourself from “scratch.” • Overall, simply rediscover the merits of being thrifty by using produce that is on sale or seasonally inexpensive, watching for discounted items, and never purchase clothes except when on sale.

Household Supplies: Other suggestions: You can lower expenditures for grocery and other supermarket items by using the following ideas:

• Try retail coupons. It is estimated that only four to ten percent of all coupons are redeemed. If you purchase coupon items when they are on sale, you can often double your savings and occasionally receive items for free. My experience has been that our family has saved approximately $20 to $30


• Instead of eating out, crack open those unused cookbooks and try some new recipes. Make the change today from “housemade” at your favorite restaurant to “homemade” in your own kitchen. • Reduce utility bills by planting shade trees, using different lights, increasing insulation, and switching off the air conditioner when it’s not essential.

Be Frugal Debt is definitely “out” in today’s money management predicament! • Before you buy anything, ask yourself hard questions, such as, “Will anything terrible happen to me if I don’t purchase this item today?” or “Is this really a necessity, or just a want?” • Cut up unnecessary credit or charge cards and pay the rest of your debt, charge, and credit cards in full every month. • Engage in your grandparent’s penny- wise saving principles of placing a few dollars every payday in your Freedom Fund (See April 2009 Stewpot), so you don’t have to rely on a high interest credit card for emergencies. • Begin savings accounts for major items like automobiles, 529 educational savings accounts for college for your children, and for other dreams, such as your own business or early retirement to serve as a missionary, home side or overseas.

Be CommunityMinded One of the best answers for this current financial

meltdown is to recognize that possessing more material things does not make one happy. In my financial seminars, I often point out that though the richest men and women in the world may have a grand mansion and additional homes, drive many luxury automobiles, and enjoy the best culinary cuisine, yet when you boil it down, they can only sleep in one bed at a time, drive one vehicle at a time, and eat only one meal at a time. The real answer to our materialistic lifestyle is enjoying family and friends, spending time with children or grandchildren, and giving back to society through acts of volunteerism. Use whatever dollars or time you can spare to enhance your connection to those you love and care about. Using the above-suggested steps to improved money management will make even this recession a positive experience for you. =

February 2011


February Birthdays David Martinez – 2 Mark Jackson – 7 Akeem Meade – 7 Irene Hill – 11 Victoria Zamora – 11 Maggie Zamora – 15 Ellis Perry – 19 Teresa Miranda – 22 Donna Morgan – 24 Linda Fernandez – 26 Armando Cabrera – 26 Albert Casillas – 27 Kevin Williams - 28 Letty Duran – 29 Susie Duran – 29

Upcoming Events 2nd & 4th Saturdays - 3:00 p.m. Pathfinders 1st Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice Feb 12 - Friendship Day and Luncheon Feb 14 - Valentine’s Day Feb 19 - Pathfinder Convocation - White Memorial Feb 21 - President’s Day

If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Feb 21

Coming Soon March - Small Group Series March 14-25 - Spring Break (AUS and SGA) April 24 - Easter


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Elora and Alex Chavez. They were both on honor roll and they both had perfect attendance for the 2nd quarter at AUS. Keep up the good work! Congratulations to Hatzuko

~ 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentine’s Day are men, while only 27 percent are women. ~ 15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day. ~ About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. That’s the largest seasonal cardsending occasion of the year, next to Christmas. ~ About 3% of pet owners will give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.

church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

If you have any Church Family news, please contact the

Cruel,” beheaded a priest named Valentine for performing marriage ceremonies. Claudius II had outlawed marriages when Roman men began refusing to go to war in order to stay with their wives. ~ Hallmark has over 1330 different cards specifically for Valentine’s Day. ~ In the Middle Ages, young men and women

~ Feb 14, 270 A.D. : Roman Emperor Claudius II, dubbed “Claudius the

drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling. ~ In the United States, 64 percent of men do not make plans in advance for a romantic Valentine’s Day with their sweethearts.

For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

~ Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine’s Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire. ~ Teachers will receive the most Valentine’s Day cards, followed by children, mothers, wives, and then,

Valentine’s Day Trivia

~ California produces 60 percent of American roses, but the vast number sold on Valentine’s Day in the United States are imported, mostly from South America. Approximately 110 million roses, the majority (red), will be sold and delivered within a three-day time period.


Aispuro who recently got a new job working for the school district. Way to go.

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated.

sweethearts. Children ages 6 to 10 exchange more than 650 million Valentine’s cards with teachers, classmates, and family members. ~ The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare’s lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine’s Day. ~ The red rose was the favorite flower of Venus,

the Roman goddess of love. ~ Red stands for strong feelings which is why a red rose is a flower of love. ~ Valentine’s Day is big business. Consumers will spend an average of $77.43 on Valentine’s Day gifts this year. E-commerce retailers expect to rack up about $650 million in sales of food, candy, flowers, and other Valentine’s Day gifts. Of that amount about $350 million will be for gifts and flowers and another $45 million will be spent on food (including chocolate) and wine. ~ Wearing a wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed that the vein of love ran from this finger directly to the heart. ~ Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40 percent of the world’s almonds and 20 percent of the world’s peanuts. =

February 2011


February 2011

Ponder This... = “Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.” —Mahatma Gandhi = “I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.” —Abraham Lincoln = “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour if we will only tune in.” —George Washington Carver

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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