Jan 2013 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Day of Prayer

A New Year poem

by Bill Aumack


e’ll start the year at our church on January 5 as we traditionally do, with a day of prayer. There are many ways to pray. Some kneel, some stand, some prostrate themselves on the floor and others walk or pace. Sometimes we pray aloud and sometimes quietly or even silently. These things are well and good, but I don’t think they really affect how well God hears or answers our prayer. Prayer should not be cen-

tered around us and our will and actions, but it should be centered around God and His will. Obviously, to understand God’s will, we have to know God. One way to get to know God is to understand his character through his names. Last year during the day of prayer, we looked at the name El Shaddai. El Shaddai means the One who pours out sustenance and blessing. Thus in this name God is seen to be the

all-sufficient and the allbountiful One. This year we are going to look at one of God’s compound names that goes a long with Yahweh. Many of the compound names of God arise from some historic incident and portray some aspect of God’s character. Often times these names focus on how God met the needs of his followers. Yahweh, means that God is dynamically prescontinued on page 1

Small Group: The Circle Maker


ur small groups are starting up again. We will begin on February 4 for our new series called The Circle Maker. This 4 week series is based on the book The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. If you are not currently in a small group, please sign up in the foyer at church. This series, with its book, will help us all learn how to pray circles

around our biggest dreams and greatest fears. You won’t want to miss out on this. If you’d like to host a small group, please talk to Bill or Hatzuko and let them know. Thanks. =

Another fresh new year is here … Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! This bright new year is given me To live each day with zest … To daily grow and try to be My highest and my best! I have the opportunity Once more to right some wrongs, To pray for peace, to plant a tree, And sing more joyful songs! —William Arthur Ward

INSIDE Power for the Day page 3 Passing the Torch page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Is Your Diet in Ship Shape? on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Day of Prayer (cont. from page 1)


Most of us know the story of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan helps the Jew who was attacked by robbers after the priest and Levite passed him by. We’ve all heard that story and learned that we should

help the people around us who are in need. That’s a great lesson, but I don’t think it’s the only wisdom to be extracted from that story. What if the actions of the characters in that story reflected their attitudes about their possessions? What if we could learn a powerful lesson in stewardship from the story of the Good Samaritan? Join us January 19th as Bill Aumack brings us the message “Giving: It’s an Attitude.” Our Small Group series is starting in February. We are covering the topic of prayer. We’ll be doing a study based on the book continued on page 5 The Latest Word V 25 N 13 BILL AUMACK


ent in every situation, are that if you made a New that. What if we could actively intervening for Year’s Resolution, you’ve make a resolution for good. God is I AM – the probably broken it by then. the new year that would One who always is – and Many times our resolube good for us, good for the name Yahweh implies tions are things we don’t everyone else around us continuing, unfinand pretty quickly ished action. As we’d actually look wonderful as this Yahweh-Jireh is the forward to doing name for God is, and it? That sounds like God who can not only a deal, doesn’t it? in all that it implies for us, it only gets help us find a pastor, but This is not just a better. As we enter dream, it can already knows our need pipe a new year and begin be a reality. How? and is acting... our search for a pasWhen we learn how tor, Yahweh-Jireh to be a good steward is the God who will and we properly help us find a pastor and really want to do, but we manage our attitudes and He already knows our know we should. So we outlook on life. Being need and is acting on our don’t feel too bad about a good steward is about behalf to provide. Join breaking our resolutions much more than money. us on January 5th as Bill anyway. For example, we It’s about managing everyAumack leads us in a Day don’t really want to eat thing God gives us. God of Prayer. better, we like the junk offers us many things, one food, but we know we of those are the mercy and By the 12th of January need to be healthy. Many grace He graciously pours we will be nearly two full of our resolutions are like out on us. What if we were weeks into 2013. Chances good stewards of that gift and offered it to the people around of us instead of the apathy or even distain that we sometimes offer? What if we made a choice to be merciful, even when the people around us weren’t deserving and we’d rather show a different attitude. Bill Aumack will share the message “The Stewardship of Me” on January 12th.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK copy editor

HATZUKO AISPURO paper distribution

TBD pastor

address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com

distributed monthly issue date: Jan. 2013 copyright 1992-2013

January 2013 The Word & You by Linda Bewley


od’s word says, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea ... The Lord Almighty is here among us, [He] is our fortress” (Psalm 46:1, 2, 7 NLT). Like many people these days, I seem to be attached to my cell phone. I am rarely without it and rely on it for many things. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, it’s just a fact. The only slight problem or annoyance is that some of the apps drain the battery rapidly, and I have found myself in spots where it is inconvenient, even impos-

Power for the Day sible, to recharge it. The funniest place was at a whole-in-the-wall restaurant in Missouri. People in Missouri are nice, though, so thankfully I found a waitress who plugged my phone in for me while dining. Since then I have acquired a charger for my car and on top of that, I also have a backup battery for just such purposes. Boy, from that commentary, one may think I need to lay aside my phone for a while! Recently, though, I was facing a very long day. It started early, and I knew it would end late. I also knew that I would not want my phone to be without power—I could not afford it that day. So before I left home, I made sure that both batteries were completely charged

Worship Schedule January 5 Bill Aumack

January 19 Bill Aumack

Day of Prayer

Giving: It’s an Attitude

January 12 Bill Aumack

January 26 Bill Aumack

The Stewardship of Me

Prayer Circles

and that I would not be stuck without power. I left home feeling assured that I would have sufficient power to get me through the day ahead. You know, some days are like that. They are jam packed with too many things to do. The thought of accomplishing all that needs to be done can be overwhelming. Ever feel like that? As I was charging my phone’s extra battery, I was thinking, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had an extra battery myself?” Not for my phone but for me! I knew that at some point during the day I might find myself running out of steam. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could take a quick break during the day and pop in a new energy source? Not the so-called energy that comes from caffeine-packed drinks, but new, fresh energy, like at the beginning of each day. You know, sometimes we’re facing more than just a busy day. In fact, it could be that the thought of the days, months or seasons ahead of us can be overwhelming. Just

watching what is happening in our world may cause fear and trepidation instead joyous anticipation as we face a new year. But what did Jesus tell us? “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT.) Thank God that our hope is far beyond this world, because we know Jesus is coming again and will put an end to the problems and difficulties of this life. Let’s be reminded of the fact that the One who created and sustains the universe offers to sustain and strengthen us. We can confidently put our hope in God, for this year and the years to come. And we can be assured that we will have sufficient power and strength to get us through, because He promises, “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV). =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

Passing the Torch


May the Lord… appoint someone over this community … who will lead them…. Num. 27:16, 17

There are only a handful of our members who have been through the transition of changing pastors.


ell, we begin a new year without our beloved pastor. We have wonderful memories of the nearly sixteen years he spent as our shepherd, confidant and friend. As I began praying for our new pastor, I realized that because Pastor Mitch was with us so long, many in our congregation did not know another pastor during their time in our midst.

Land, Moses led them out of Egypt, but Joshua would lead them into their new phase of life. So Pastor Mitch and our previous pastors have led us thus far; we will continue our journey with our new pastor. But how can we prepare to wel-

There are only a handful of our members who have been through the transition of changing pastors. As I think back, each of the pastors I have known in the thirty plus years I have been a member at Downey have brought significant strengths and skill sets. Mitch, for example reminded us that miracles still happen today. Many in our church family have firsthand knowledge and experience with this growth process. He also shared with us the value of meeting together in small groups. We came to know the unconditional love Ginny offered to each and every one of us. They also taught us to enjoy life as we grow in our relationships with each other and with Christ. Just as in the days of old before the Israelites were to enter the Promised

come our new pastor? What can we do now to make him/them feel welcome? What will be their role in our walk with our Lord? The days ahead are looking very dark and ominous. Will he be the leader we will look to for guidance as we may be required to make tough decisions as prophecy unfolds? Gerard Kiemeney preached a sermon on December 2nd when he asked, “Can you imag-

ine what the church would be like if it reflects the final and full display of the love of God?!” Pastor Mitch is not able to physically pass the torch of responsibility to our new pastor, but perhaps we can help with that by committing to help our new pastor in any way we can. We can show him openness to try his ideas. We can be the first ones to invite them into our homes instead of waiting until they can get around to each of us. What better way to honor our mentor than by displaying the love of God we received while under his tutelage to the one who will receive the baton of our care? While we wait for our new pastor, let us discover the Secret of Strength: to think, to pray and to wait upon God for renewal.” Let’s pray: Father, I agree with Gerard when he prayed, “What a privilege we have to respond to Christ.” May we always display the evidence of His touch upon our lives. =

January 2013 From Bill’s Kitchen Special K Loaf 5 c. Special K cereal 5 eggs, beaten 1 c. chopped walnuts 1 lg. carton cottage cheese 2 tbsp. of a Vegetarian Stock like McKay’s Seasoning/Broth or Worthington Brand or onion soup mix 1 lg. onion, chopped Chopped celery, if desired Preheat oven to 350 F. Saute onion in 1/4 stick of butter.

Add the ingredients EXCEPT NOT the Special K cereal in large mixing bowl. Mix well. Then add the Special K cereal and mix well. Put in a large, greased baking pan. Do not pack. Try to leave it as loose and fluffy as possible. Cover with foil and bake on the top rack for 45 minutes. Remove foil, turn off the heat to oven and let sit in the oven for at least 20 to 30 minutes. This will make a nice crust on top. Optionally the oven can

be left on in this step, just watch the loaf carefully to make sure it doesn’t overcook. Serve Special K Loaf with a green salad, a vegetable and garlic bread. After freezing, reheat in oven 20 minutes. Leftovers also microwave well. =

If you have a recipe you’d be willing to share please email it us at downeychurch@gmail. com or give it to Bill at church. Some authentic Mexican food would be awesome. Thanks!

Day of Prayer (cont. from page 2) “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson. You may remember Mark Batterson from a study we did a few years ago called A Lion in a Pit on a Snowy Day. This series will be a little shorter than most of our series, 4 weeks instead of six. Our series kickoff is on January 26 and we will begin to understand the power of drawing prayer circles around the items in our life. This series is

based on one simple yet life-changing truth: God honors bold prayers; Bold prayers honor God. On January 26th, Bill Aumack will introduce the series with the sermon “Prayer Circles.” See you when the church gathers. =

Be sure to keep up with the latest news by signing up for the Wednesday email. You can sign up here www.downeychurch.org/Signups.html or send us an email at DowneyChurch at gmail dot com and we’ll add you.


Downey Adventist Church Sunday











4:44 pm sunset Visit www.downeychurch.org S.S. – Sabbath School C.S. – Community Service

9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Bill Aumack Day of Prayer

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






3 pm Pathfinders/ Adventures

7 pm Band Practice


11 4:43 pm sunset

9 am Pathfinders/ Adventures

12 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Bill Aumack

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Band Practice

18 4:44 pm sunset

19 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship Bill Aumack

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Band Practice

3 pm Pathfinders

25 4:47 pm sunset

26 9:30 am S.S. 10:50 am Worship

7 pm Church Board 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

Bill Aumack 7 pm Band Practice

January 2013 Stewpot by Gordon Bottling, DrPH, CHES


rison researchers found that inmates on death row regularly ordered very unhealthy last meals before their execution. Many of these final meals were a banquet of 7,000+ calories, with this final feast including heaps of unhealthy dishes with oodles of gravies and spices, greasy fried foods and sugary desserts with lots of ice cream. Rarely, if ever, were vegetables requested.1 But perhaps we should not condemn them for ordering such an unhealthy meal, since high cholesterol or elevated triglycerides were not going to be the cause of their demise. However, we know that if we were to continue to live on a diet similar to that described above, we would be effectively dying before we need to. To assist us in sustaining a healthy diet, nutritionists have for a long time continued to recommend that we follow the Edenic diet of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and a handful of nuts. More recently, a number of well-known universities that have nutrition departments have looked

Is Your Diet in Ship Shape? at what food items would be the best in the general categories just mentioned — here are the conclusions from the last two years.

Lentils Lentils are one of the earliest food crops domesticated by agrarian farmers and still continue to play an important part in food preparations around our globe. Lentils come in a rainbow of colors to attract our culinary visionary senses with their green, red, brown and yellow varieties. A cup of lentils with the right seasoning can be both an adequate and an economic meal. One cup of cooked lentils has 16 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein and is full of minerals and vitamins — folate, potassium, phosphorus, B6 and thiamine; it is also a great source of iron, providing nearly 7 milligrams. Try it tonight at supper in a soup or a stew.2

Avocados Originally discovered in South and Central America, buried with Incan mummies, avocados

are now found around the globe. Technically avocados are a fruit in the same family as cinnamon and bay laurel. Interestingly they are what scientists call a climactic fruit, which simply means they can reach maturity on the tree but do not ripen until picked. We appreciate them for their sweet flavor and rich smooth texture, but even more for their high content of monounsaturated fat and a bonus of polyunsaturated fat that helps decrease the risk for heart disease. Just half a large avocado contains 7 grams of fiber and a wealth of nutrients such as vitamins K and C and folate. Use avocados in your diet as a replacement for butter or mayonnaise and as an ideal salad topper.3

Blueberries It seems that everything on nutrition that you read in a magazine or see on television these days extols the blueberry as the number one fruit to consume. It truly is a super-rich fruit containing high concentrations of antioxidants. According continued on page 8

Great foods to keep you ship shape: lentils, avocados, blueberries, garlic, walnuts, beans.

Including these super foods in your diet daily will not only help you avoid chronic diseases, but will give you nutritional vitality, renewed energy and a sharper mind.


THE LATEST WORD Is Your Diet in Ship Shape? (cont. from page 7) to Tufts University research teams, when blueberries are added to human and animal diets they both have improved cognitive skills and live longer. Like all other berries, blueberries are a low calorie food with one cup having 14 milligrams of vitamin A and nearly 4 grams of fiber. An additional side benefit is that they may boost your good cholesterol [HDL] and lower your systolic blood pressure.4

Garlic Garlic, or ‘stinking rose’ as the Greeks and Romans named it, offers far more than its distinctive flavor and aroma — it could be a heart saver. Not only is this plant a boon to the cardiovascular system by relaxing the arteries and improving blood flow, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects on the body’s health. Garlic contains vitamins C, B6, selenium and manganese. A few studies have linked this member of the onion family with the potential to lower cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure. If the ancient Egyptians cherished its ability to help combat general illnesses and fed it to the slaves who built the pyramids in order to improve their endurance, maybe it would be a good item to always have in our kitchen.5


Walnuts Only in the last two decades has science focused on the health benefits of nuts. Most are tree nuts such as cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, macadamias and pistachios. Walnuts were among the first tree nuts to be eaten by humans and are the highest in polyunsaturated fats and the only nut containing a significant amount of alphalinolenic acid, the plant type of Omega-3. Walnuts were used in the 17th century for head ailments and to boost intelligence. However, in our century they also offer impressive heart benefits such as the dilation of blood vessels by two-thirds; also, those who eat them regularly are less likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes. Other minerals found in walnuts are phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper.6

Beans The chickpea is often referred to by its Spanish name “garbanzo”, which means “small ram” from the description of its shape. Australian researchers found that adults who supplemented their diet with chickpeas

had lower levels of the bad cholesterol [LDL], as well as a drop in blood sugar and insulin levels over a six week period. Just half a cup of chickpeas supplies more than 20 percent of the daily value for the B vitamins and folate as well as a number of trace minerals. Chickpeas are also high in both soluble and insoluble fibers. Great for soups, stews, hummus and Indian dishes.7 They’re great in salads, too. Including these super foods in your diet daily will not only help you avoid chronic diseases, but will give you nutritional vitality, renewed energy and a sharper mind. You could not ask for more!

Choose whole foods first Select foods that are full of the ‘good’ stuff (vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein) and deplete from your diet all the ‘bad’ stuff (sugar, salt, saturated and trans fats). Determine to have 80 percent of your diet as close to nature itself. Resolve to eat six cups of vegetables, particularly the green leafy varieties such as broccoli, cabbage, lettuce and five cups of fruit per day in a variety of colors such as yellow bananas,

red apples, golden peaches and green pears. This change alone will give you the biggest bang for your nutritional buck.

Read labels The simplest way to distinguish great food from highly processed food is to note whether it has a label. Tomatoes don’t have a label, but a bag of potato chips has at least one dozen different ingredients on its label.

Stay in your kitchen The best way to move towards using more whole foods and potentially saving lots of money and increasing your health is by enjoying cooking in your own kitchen. Restaurants tend to use more packaged and processed cuisine. Share food preparation with the whole family by assigning a job to each member, such as stirring, chopping, setting the table, etc. One of the bonuses of preparing foods at home is that you tend to eat more healthfully and weigh less than those who dine out frequently.

Adjust your taste buds Too many individuals have acquired a diet high in salt and sugar continued on page 10

January 2013 THIS MONTH

Upcoming Events January Birthdays Janeth Cuyuch-Perez – 1 Virginia Hinojosa – 4 Irela Molina – 4 Sergio Garcia – 9 Isabel Molina – 13 Becky Duran – 18 Elissa Luna – 19 Alejandro Zamora – 22 Yesenia Molina – 28 Lourdes Ortega – 30 Sara Rivas – 31 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Band Practice Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.

1 - New Year’s Day 5 - Day of Prayer 5 - Pathfinders / Adventurers @ 3pm 6 - Pathfinders / Adventurers @ 9am 19 - Pathfinders @ 3pm 24 - Church Board @ 7pm 26 - Small Group Series Intro

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

Coming Soon Feb - Small Group Series Mar 2 - Celebration Sabbath Mar 30 - Easter Sabbath


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to Elora Chavez. Her GPA is currently 3.86. Well done. Congratulations to Sebastian Zegarra who is on High Honor Roll (GPA 3.7 to 4.0) at AUS. Sebastian and David Chavez also both have perfect attendance.

Let us know if you have student we should celebrate with. A big thanks to the committee who planned Mitch and Ginny’s retirement party: Irene Garcia, Linda Bewley, Annie Mendez, Erlinda

Garcia, Evelyn Morales, Maggie Zamora, and Bill & Linda Aumack. A big thanks to Evan Aumack who provided his photobooth, Victor Zamora who provided the tunes and PA system and Sergio Garcia for his all around help. Thanks also to the many people who helped provide goodies at the desert table.

completely paid for the party out of your donations. We did not use any of the church funds for the party. Thanks for your support. If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Also a huge thanks to the church family. We

Is Your Diet in Ship Shape? (cont. from page 8) with lots of fat and other additives. Begin slowly to adjust your senses by reducing and limiting these unhealthy and nonnutritious ingredients. An example would be to mix brown rice with white rice, increasing the brown rice portion until you feel comfortable with totally wholesome grains.8 =


Years, 2011: p. 3.

1. “Good Week For,” This Week, September 14, 2012.

5. “Power Up With Hidden ‘Superfoods’,” Environmental Nutrition, February 2012.

2. “11 Healthy Foods to try in 2011,” Tufts University Health & Nutritional Letter, January 2011: pg. 4-5. 3. “EN Advocates More Avocados,” Environmental Nutrition, May 2010: p 8. “11 Healthy Foods to try in 2011,” Tufts University Health & Nutritional Letter, January 2011: pg. 4-5. 4. “10 foods to Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life,” Healthy

6. “Walnuts: Crack Open Daily,” Environmental Nutrition, April 2008: p. 8. “Nuts for You,” Tufts University Health & Nutritional Letter, May 2012. 7. “Chickpeas, Garbanzos,” Environmental Nutrition, April 2007. 8. “Concepts from Clean Up Your Diet,” Prevention, March 2010

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =


January 2013


January 2013

Ponder This... = “Faith never knows where it is being led, or it would not be faith. True faith is content to travel under sealed orders.” —J. Oswald Sanders = “Transitory gods are not able to save or bring happiness to the human heart. Only God is able. It is faith we must rediscover.” —Martin Luther King Jr. = “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” —Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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