June 2010 The Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Kids in Discipleship

Inspirational Vision

by Pastor Mitch


oesn’t it warm your heart to see youngsters and teenagers involved in the worship service on Sabbath? Some of the kids lead us in prayer while the older ones call for the offering or welcome us at the beginning of the service. If you’re wondering how your kids might gain the confidence to lead some part of the service, I have an idea for you. The Kids in Discipleship ministry equips parents and mentors to model discipleship to their children. Each

participating family learns how to use their gifts for worship, ministry, and mission. Through interactive small groups, families learn to reconnect with each other and build strong personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Each day I drive by two parks with lots of parents and hundreds of kids learning to play sports. Most parents today don’t have a problem spending time with their kids when it comes to sports, homework, and other daily routines.

However, when it comes to connecting spiritually with their kids there seem to be no time left. When it comes to faith and spirituality, many parents don‘t know where to start. Kids in Discipleship is a ministry that both calls parents back to their children and equips them on how they can disciple their children to Jesus Christ and build faith in the home. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 6:6-8: “These commandments that I give continued on page 2


Show off your artistic side in the pavement drawing contest, or play some ping-pong, volleyball or basketball or just hang out by the fire and enjoy the

—The SourceBook of Wit and Wisdom

INSIDE What Kind of Thirst Do You Have? on page 3

Parking Lot Party he party will begin at June 26 at 5pm. Then there will be food, worship and fun in the parking lot.

Charley Boswell, a former University of Alabama football star with hopes of a professional baseball career, lost his eyesight in World War II. But that did not stop him. He went on to become the National Blind Golf Champion 17 times. He was quoted as saying, “I never count what I’ve lost. I only count what I have left.”

food and fellowship. If you are a singer, or maybe just brave, be ready to share your talent with some Karoke. Bring some food to share and some lawn chairs to sit in and enjoy the evening with us. =

Who Is He? My Salvation! part 2 is on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Credit Card Quiz is on page 7 Our Church Family page 10 Kid’s Page on page 11

THE LATEST WORD Kids in Discipleship (cont. from page 1)


Communion is June 26. All of us look forward to this healing service and the new beginnings it provides. This is the service to invite those who haven’t attended for a while and

those who feel unworthy. All of us are unworthy but what keeps us coming is that we have a Savior and He is Worthy. He invites us to come boldly to his throne with our prayers. He is the one who established the Communion service and the One who forgives. See you when the church gathers. =

The Latest Word V 22 N 06 BILL AUMACK


you today are to be upon sage is 3 Helpful Habits. baptizing them in the name your hearts. Impress them Once you’re baptized or of the Father and of the on your children. Talk if you want to renew your Son and of the Holy Spirit, about them when you sit at life in Christ, there are 3 and teaching them to obey home and when you everything I have walk along the road, commanded you. when you lie down And surely I am The Bible does say, and when you get with you always, to up.” ‘with God all thigns are the very end of the possible.’ So what’s wrong age.” You’ll witness the results of the If you would with praying for fruit of the Kids in like to be baptized victory? Discipleship minisor learn more about try as the kids and what it means to be their parents lead the baptized please let Helpful Habits that can entire worship service on me know by calling me help you. Also, we’ll fillJune 5. The message of at the church office (562) up the baptismal pool to the parents and kids will 869-6013. accommodate those comopen a window on the mitting their lives to Jesus We celebrate Father’s living relationships they through baptism. Anytime Day on June 19 with the have with Jesus. Also, we witness a new believer message Don’t Pray for you’ll learn how you and committing his life to Victory. Please read the your kids can be part of Jesus, we’re reminded of title of the message once the Kids in Discipleship Matthew 28:19-20: again—Don’t Pray for ministry. Victory. At first reading, Therefore go and make On June 12, the mesthe title sounds almost disciples of all nations, anti-bible. The Bible does says, “with God all things are possible.” So what’s wrong with praying for victory? There is nothing wrong or anti-bible about praying for victory in one’s life. But, there just might be another approach that is much more positive and is very biblical. What that approach is will be the center piece of the message.

responsible for this

LINDA AUMACK proof reading


paper distribution


address mail to: Downey Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691

downeychurch@gmail.com www.downeychurch.com

distributed monthly issue date: June 2010 copyright 1992-2010

June 2010 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley


ebster says “thirst” means “a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids . . . the bodily condition (as of dehydration) that induces this sensation . . . a desire or need to drink . . . an ardent desire” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).


od says “Everyone who . . . drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:13-14 NIV). It’s summer! To some of us that represents a time we can participate in lots of activities, whether swimming, picnics, cycling or other

What Kind of Thirst do You Have? activity you enjoy. It’s all made easier by long, warm days. Sometimes, though, it’s not just warm, it’s downright hot. And when you’re planning for the activity of your choice, you are likely planning to take along some drinking water. When you’re hot and tired, you are usually thirsty, and there’s nothing better than a nice, cool, refreshing glass of water to quench your thirst.

Kids in Discipleship

June 12 Mitch Williams Helpful Habits

become a “spring welling up to eternal life.” It was her soul, not her body, which was hydrated and refreshed, all because she had an encounter with Jesus.

I find an interesting comparison here. Jesus was physically thirsty, while the woman was spiritually thirsty, whether she knew it or not, I’m not sure. I’m struck by the fact that she came to get drinking water to meet her physical needs but left with something entirely different. She left with what Jesus called living water that would

Assuming for a moment that the woman at the well was more concerned about physical things than spiritual, I have to admit I understand the concept. Sometimes my focus becomes taking care of the physical world. After all, there’s plenty to be done, right? In addition to work each day, there are lots of chores and work to do at home, as well as finding time to exercise, run errands and everything else we need to accomplish. And there are times I don’t realize I am spiritually thirsty until after I’ve sat down and read a portion of Scripture. I may come to the task as a matter of habit but then realize that I have let the stress and cares of life get the best of me. And it’s at those times that I realize all I needed was a fresh encounter with Jesus. =

In part, I think that’s where Jesus found himself the day he was traveling from

Worship Schedule June 5 Mitch Williams

Judea to Galilee as told in the Book of John, Chapter 4. Tired from a long journey, He stopped at Jacob’s well. And there he met someone we know only as “the woman at the well.”

June 19

Mitch Williams

Father’s Day Don’t Pray for Victory

June 26 Mitch Williams Communion


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez

Who is He? My Salvation! part 2

I “He has raised up a horn of salvation for us….” Luke 1:69

“The Lord is....the Horn of my Salvation.” Psalm 18: 2


n my search into the various names of our God, I have found several references to Salvation. I thought perhaps it necessary to linger on this name for an article or two (or three) because of its great importance in our lives. As I continued to study the Hebrew names for Christ, I wondered about the references in the New Testament as well as the Old.

I was reading the various commentaries on the passage in Luke, there were so many that encouraged and blessed me. The People’s New Testament says: “a horn of salvation is an allusion to the Saviour…2 Sam. 22. Wesley notes: A horn- Signifies honor, plenty and

In my Bible reading one morning in Ps. 18 was a reference to God being David’s ‘horn of salvation.’ I decided to check into the New Testament to see if there was a similar reference, I found one in Luke 1:69. I am continually amazed at how God weaves my Bible readings into my day to day life! Our family has been struggling with a situation for which no clear answer seems to be forthcoming. All concerned need to be in constant prayer to keep anger, frustration and resentment at bay. As

strength. A horn of salvation – That is a glorious and mighty Savior. Another defines the horn of salvation here as meaning the Savior Himself. Where else are we to learn of this precious gift other than the Word of God itself?!

Remember to fly your American flag on June 14th.

I particularly liked the definition in Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary. It broke down Zacharias’ entire prophecy down so perfectly that I was able to take hold of it today as I clung to Christ; in need of all the answers He provides. In brief, it says that the gospel brings light with it. It is discovering that we who sit utterly in darkness and the shadow of death are given light. It directs our feet in the way of peace; it ripens us for usefulness, it teaches us to be servants, even as Christ submitted to servant-hood for us. In doing so, He was able and willing to be and provide our Salvation. I have taken these words as my own prayer today: Father: Let me follow peace with all men, as well as seek peace with you and my own conscience. If it be your will that I live unknown, let me still diligently seek to grow strong in the grace of Christ as my Savior and my Salvation. =

June 2010 From Ginny’s Kitchen Irish Soda Bread 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 tablespoon sugar ¼ cup butter, softened 2 cups butter milk 1 egg Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 1) Mix flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and sugar in a large bowl. 2) Add softened butter

and mix with your fingers.

top of each loaf.

3) In another bowl, beat egg and buttermilk together. Pour egg/milk into dry ingredients and mix well until dough forms.

6) Bake at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes. When done, the loaves should sound hollow when thumped.

4) Knead dough on a lightly floured surface only until it is smooth. About a dozen times. 5) Divide dough evenly and form into two round loaves. Place on a greased baking sheets. Use a sharp knife to cut a cross into the

The Intentional Family


hen Harry and Agnes of Snohomish, Washington, got married, they intentionally decided to have a strong family life. So when they had children, they built a summer cabin on a small island. There they played games and spent time together. They prayed and showed Christian love to others. When Harry and Agnes died, the family didn’t stop gathering. As Agnes neared death, she said: “I’ve done everything I wanted to do. I have no regrets.” She had

lived an intentional life, planned out as well as could be expected. At Agnes’ funeral, the pastor said: “Our time on earth is limited, and God calls us to be good stewards by living intentionally. That means using everything we have … in ways that would delight God. So that at the end of our lives, we might have no regrets.” =

Remove loaves from the oven & brush with a bit of melted butter. Cool for a few minutes on a wire rack. Serve bread warm or cool and wrap in foil for another day.

Note from Ginny: I found this bread recipe from a book I read called “Unveiling Mary” by Liz Curtis Higgs. It is very quick & easy recipe. Enjoy! =

Great Father


n Arizona man named Ruff wrote to a newspaper to tell about his father. Ruff said his dad’s first priority was to be a good father. He supported his children in their various activities: football or baseball games, scouting, school activities, etc. Ruff said his dad, a heavy-equipment operator, was physically big but was also big-hearted. Ruff saw him help a dog that was hurt, and go out of his way to help the poor. He saw his father’s eyes moisten when he held his baby granddaughter for the first time. His father had taught him to drive, to use tools

correctly, not to be greedy, and to be respectful of others. The good father had taught his son how to be a good man. Ruff ended his letter to the paper with these words: “I guess … I thought I’d reach a point in my life where I could be self-sufficient and not need him. That was a young man’s thinking. Now that I’m over 40 and he is gone, I think about him every day and miss him. And I need him. “So for all the times I didn’t say it: Dad, I love you.” = —Adapted from a letter in The Arizona Republic


Downey Adventist Church Sunday















7pm AUS Graduation @ Bellflower Church

8:00 pm sunset

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice

5 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Kids in Discipleship


11 8:07 pm sunset

2pm SGA Graduation @ White Memorial Church

12 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship





7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice


18 8:06 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

Mitch Williams Baptism 12:30 PM Luncheon

19 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Father’s Day




7 pm Women’s Prayer Group

6:30 pm Band Practice




8:07 pm sunset

26 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship

First Day of Summer 27


Mitch Williams

7 pm Board Meeting 7 pm Women’s Prayer Group


6:30 pm Band Practice

5 PM Parking Lot Party

30 Visit www.downeychurch.org C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

June 2010 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES


or the first time in a number of years, the American Congress has recently passed new reforms for credit cards under the Credit Card Act of 2009. This month, to see if you completely understand the new rules, as well as what is happening in general concerning plastic cards, I have developed a quiz. See how many you can answer correctly.

Credit Card Quiz a. Fiber b. Metal c. Celluloid d. Plastic

Credit Cards and the New Law 4. How many days notice does the bank need to give cardholders regarding an interest rate increase? a. 0 days b. 30 days

c. 45 days d. 60 days 5. When is your credit card bill due each month?

Credit Card History 1. When did credit cards originate in the United States? a. 1890’s b. 1920’s c. 1930’s d. 1950’s

a. 10 days after you receive your statement b. 20 days after you receive your statement c. 25 days after you receive your statement d. The same calendar day of each month 6. The new credit card law limits the interest rate to:

2. Which inventor issued the first bank credit card?

a. No more than 12 % b. No more than 18% c. No more than 28% d. No limit

a. Frank McNamara b. Charles Smiley c. John Biggins d. Fred Smith

General Credit Card Questions

3. Credit cards have not always been made of plastic. What following materials have never been used to make credit cards?

7. What is the average credit card debt for an American family? a. $2,000 b. $5,000

c. $9,000 d. $12,000 8. How many credit cards does the average household have? a. 4 cards b. 11 cards c. 14 cards d. 17 cards 9. How much more will an average individual spend using a credit card, rather than cash? a. 10% b. 20% c. 30% d. 40%

College Students and Credit Cards 10. What is the average balance a college student carries on their credit card? a. $2,800 b. $3,700 c. $5,300 d. $7,800 11. At approximately what age can a college student apply for a credit card? a. 18 b. 20 c. 21 d. 23 12. How many college students have a credit card? a. 23 percent b. 45 percent continued on page 8

The Federal Reserve Board has recently launched a new interactive website FederalReserve. gov/creditcard to assist consumers in understanding the new credit card protections that became effective February 22, 2010.

Guinness World Records 2010— “Mr. Plastic Fantastic” Walter Cavanagh has 1,497 valid credit cards, all of which amount to a credit line of $1.7 million dollars.


THE LATEST WORD FQs for Kids (cont. from page 7) c. 67 percent d. 78 percent

Here is an Extra Question:

Credit Card Companies

15. What is the monthly minimum you have to pay on your credit card? a. 2 percent b. 2.5 percent c. 3 percent d. 4 percent

13. What percentage of credit card income originates from their numerous penalties? a. 18 percent b. 23 percent c. 27 percent d. 35 percent 14. How much did the credit card companies collect in late fees in 2009? a. $4.8 billion b. $7.4 billion c. $11.7 billion d. $14.8 billion

Answers 1. Answer: The correct answer is b. Individual United States firms, such as oil companies and hotel chains, began issuing their own credit cards to their customers and clients. If you choose a., that references back to credit cards in Europe, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. If you chose c., American companies began to accept each other’s cards around 1938. If you chose d., the first Diners Club card was issued that year. 2. Answer: The correct

Adventurer Schedule There have been a few changes in the Adventurer program. Here are the dates and the topics for the remainder of this year. June 19 - Awards Ceremony Also, the Adventurer club will do the curriculum as part of Sabbath School. Please be sure to be present during Sabbath School to meet all the requirements so you can get an award.


answer is c., John Biggins of the Flatbush National Bank of Brooklyn, New York. If you chose a., he was the founder of the Diners Club card. 3. Answer: All have been used to make credit cards. 4. Answer: The correct answer is c. Be aware, however, that during the last ten months the banks have quietly sent notices, converting most cards to a variable rate, which requires no notice for such a change. The correct answer for most credit card holders is a. 5. Answer: The correct answer is d. 6. Answer: The correct answer is d. Hold on to your hat! Premier Bankcard recently unveiled a card with 79.99% interest. 7. Answer: The correct answer is c. 8. Answer: The correct answer is c.

9. Answer: The correct answer is c. A good example is when a person buys his or her lunch at a restaurant; ordering a drink and an entrée for cash. But if using a credit card, they would purchase an appetizer or a dessert, which would be a third more. 10. Answer: The correct answer is a. However, if you guessed d., you would have been correct for 10 % of college students. 11. Answer: The correct answer is c. However, students before this year could have applied for a credit card their first day of college. Please note that under the new law, students must have a cosigner. 12. Answer: The correct answer is d. 13. Answer: The correct answer is d. 14. Answer: The correct answer is d. 15. Answer: The correct answer is d. =

June 2010

this month

June Birthdays Margarette Toban – 3 Albert Jackson – 8 Ginny Williams – 20 Adam Ramirez – 22 Sarah Luna – 23 Ernesto Rojas – 24 Johnny Macias – 28 Divine Munguia – 30 Judy Beal – 30 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Upcoming Events 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice June June June June June June June

5 - Kids in Discipleship Sabbath 14 - Flag Day 19 - Father’s Day Service 20 - Father’s Day 21 - First Day of Summer 26 - Communion 26 - Parking Lot Party

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at http:// issuu.com/downeychurch. Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at www.downeychurch.org.

Coming Soon July 19-23 - VBS August 1 - Yard Sale August - Summer Party


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family Congratulations to our graduates! We are proud of you and celebrate your success with you! PreSchool Jessica Michel – Tot Time Jr High Ernesto Rojas – Griffiths Middle School Sarah Gurrero– Edwards Middle School

High School Evan Aumack – San Gabriel Academy Christina Haddad – Pioneer High School Johnny Macias – Ruben Salazar High School

Welcome home Erik Concha. Eric has completed his service in Iraq and is back home now. If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really needed is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

College Janeth Cuyuch – Crescent College with a license as a phlebotomist

Christian Parental Guidance • Begin each day with prayer. We all need divine guidance as we take on the challenges each day brings. Let children know you’ll be praying for them while they’re away from home. Then do so, several times throughout the day. • Teach children that each new day is a gift from God. Be grateful for it. Wake children with humor. Caress them lovingly. Tell them God wants the best for them, and encourage them to get ready for whatever surprises the day might hold.


Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreci-ated.

• Make children’s daily homecoming a cheerful occasion. Listen carefully to their experiences. Affirm that you’re proud of them and pleased to be their parent. • Make home life joyful and memorable. Play games, tell funny stories, take walks and eat together. Build pleasant memories that kids will remember for a lifetime. Tell children you love them. =

Father’s Day — more than a day


ather’s Day was first observed in America in 1910. In 1923 the third Sunday of June was set as the official day, and in 1924 President Coolidge recommended its national observance. Today it has a fixed place in the calendar of special days in our country. But devotion to and pride in fathers does not need to wait for official approval. As long as there have been families, love and respect for fathers has existed. =

June 2010


June 2010

Ponder This... = “Untilled ground, however rich, will bring forth thistles and thorns; so also the mind of man.” —St. Teresa of Avila = “A father’s words are like a thermostat that sets the temperature in the house.” —Paul Lewis = “Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure it is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that it is what you feel.” —T.S. Eliot

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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