Mar 2010 Latest Word

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For the members, family and friends of the Downey Adventist Church

Resurrection Hope by Pastor Mitch

In 1838 the residents of Rochester New York created a cemetery like no other in the world. It was massive, taking up 197 acres. Formed by glaciers this cemetery has high hills, deep valleys, winding ridges and almost bottomless lakes. The whole place is a forest of trees. There are mausoleums dug deep into the hillsides, stone and bronze sculptures, gothic towers gloriously decorating more than 350,000 graves. Susan B. Anthony is buried there, along with Frederick Douglass and Frank E. Gannett. But what makes this cemetery unique is not its topography, or adornments, nor the famous names on the headstones. What makes it unique is its name: Mount Hope Cemetery.

The ones who chose this unique name are correct. There is hope after death. This life on earth is only the opening day of eternity. When Jesus returns there’s going to be a whole lot of action at Mt Hope Cemetery and indeed throughout this entire planet. The message on March 6, entitled Resurrection Hope is about the most important topics of our study. If we surveyed 10 people on the street and asked what they think happens when they die, we could expect to get 10 different explanations. Even among the Christians there is a great variety of explanations of the after life. I’m so thankful for God’s word, the Bible. For, as we research the Bible, we find continued on page 2

Celebration Sabbath Please join us on March 20 for Celebration Sabbath. We will be celebrating the successful completion of our 8 Weeks of Living with Hope. It’s important to celebrate the good things in our lives. So this is a celebration of how God has been leading in during these eight weeks. Our small groups will be sharing some of their experiences during the worship hour.

After the worship service, make plans to stay for a special luncheon. Each of the small groups will be making some of their favorite dishes and bringing them to share. If you’re not in a small group, you are still welcome to stay for the luncheon. Invite some friends and join us for Celebration Sabbath. =

What is faith? “Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith, neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear nor feel is faith; and everywhere the Bible tells us our salvation is to be by faith. Therefore we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings, if we would honor God by our faith.” —Hannah Whitall Smith


In His Hands is on page 3 Who Is He? My Strength! is on page 4 Ginny’s Kitchen on page 5 What’s happening? see pages 6 & 9 Holy Matri-money on page 7 Kid’s Page on page 8 Our Church Family page 10

THE LATEST WORD Ressurection Hope (cont. from page 1) clear teachings on the topic of death and resurrection. No guess-work is needed but what is necessary is an open heart to receive what God’s plan word.

a mission in life? Do you know why be part of that, to know that you you’re here? Do you have purpose? have a role in that, is to find a great The Bible will be our guide as we meaning and purpose in your life. seek to answer those questions on Hearing one another’s GodMarch 13, in the stories and rejoicing in mission sermon Mission Once we projects that touch hearts are part of Hope. The carefully read of Celebration Sabbath on March to be part of that, to great news of our Bibles and 20. All the small groups are invited know that you have a role Jesus, and of mark them to share what they’ve learned and in that, is to find a great being part of His experienced during our 8 Weeks of accordingly, church, is that we will agree meaning and purpose in through Jesus we Living with Hope. This is a joyous wholeheartcelebration of our Lord and Savior your life can have a great edly with Paul, and what he is doing in our lives. purpose in life. “Therefore A sumptuous luncheon is planned So many people encourage and each small group is invited to struggle to find a purpose and meaneach other with these words” (1 prepare its favorite entrées. Bring ing for their existence. Thessalonians 4:18). Having hope a friend with an appetite for this in the future can bring great joy and No question when you come extravaganza of food and fellowmeaning to our lives right now. to know Jesus, and when you get ship. involved in a church with a mission, The word mission usually As part of the Celebration and that is to spread the Gospel and to describes an operational task, or Sabbath, we’re filling up the baptisbe a healing, loving community—to organizational purpose. Do you have mal pool and inviting anyone who continued on page 5

The Latest Word V 22 N 03



BILL AUMACK el jeffe


LINDA AUMACK proof reading

LETTY DURAN distribution


address mail to: (we like letters!) Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA 90240 office: 562.869.6013 fax: 562.622.1691 distributed monthly issue date: March 2010 copyright 1992-2010

March 2010 God, Webster & You by Linda Bewley ebster says “snatch” means “to take or grasp abruptly or hastily . . . to seize or take suddenly without permission, ceremony, or right” (Merriam Webster Online).


od says, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28 NIV).


I recently found myself in a timeconsuming mess. I called my telephone company to make changes to my phone service and, for some reason, allowed the person on the other end of the line to convince me that I should try out their internet service. I was perfectly happy with my cable service, but I found their offer irresistible. All I had to do was test it for 30 days and cancel if I were unhappy with the service. So I gave it a shot. Despite numerous calls to tech support, the service was anything but satisfactory, and I decided to cancel the

In His Hands service. That is when the time-consuming mess got worse. Each time I called to place the cancellation order, I ended up on the phone with another person who claimed to have the answer to the problem. One person told me very bluntly that they would do anything and everything they could to keep me as a customer. Eventually I was able to cancel the service and asked myself why I tried to fix something that was not broken! But the good part is that this episode of life reminded me of God. What?! How can that be? It reminded me that God is like the phone company so to speak. He does not ever want to let go of us. In fact, if you look through Scripture, you will find ample evidence of that fact. Look

Worship Schedule Mar. 6

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #7 Ressurection Hope

Mar. 13

Mitch Williams

Living with Hope #8 Mission of Hope

Mar. 20

Mitch Williams

Celebration Sabbath

Mar. 27

Mitch Williams

Communion Sabbath

these up and see what you think. • Perhaps it is the reason Jesus prayed for us when He was here on earth (John 17.11) • Perhaps that’s why Jesus relayed the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (Luke 15) • Perhaps it is the reason Jesus is now our great High Priest (Hebrews 8) • Perhaps that’s why Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding for us (Romans 8:34) • Perhaps it is the reason angels are sent as ministering spirits on our behalf (Hebrews 1:14) • Perhaps that is why the Holy Spirit helps us, because the Bible says “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us” and helps us in our weakness (Romans 8). It seems to me that all of heaven is involved in saving us from this world and keeping us in the hand of the Father. What do you think? As for me, that is right where I want to stay! =


THE LATEST WORD Before the Father by Linda Fernandez “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped” Psalm 28:7a It has been an interesting project researching the various names of God. Initially I had planned to go through the list of Hebrew names and their meanings, but as it often happens, the Lord had other plans for my study. When I find something interesting, I want to share it with others, but most of the time, God has already gone ahead of me and put together a lesson I need to learn. So it was with this study.


The next Hebrew name for God I chose is Elohay Mauzi which means God of my strength. The verse which is most referred to is Ps. 43:2 when David calls out to God and refers to Him as his stronghold, but seems to be more of a lament than the sentiment I was looking for. I kept searching. There are many references to God as our strength, but Elohay Mauzi may not always have been the word chosen by the authors. As our personal family and our church family began this new year, we had hopes of a healthier and happier one. Last year was a rough one for us all. We have had to come to terms with God as our strength on many levels. During this study, a pattern began to develop as I went from scripture to scripture. First, we have Head Knowledge as in Ps. 28:7. Yes, we know that God is our source of strength. We

Who is He? My Strength! are convinced of that, at least most of the time. We encourage others with that knowledge and we sing about it in our worship songs. Next Heart Knowledge kicks in. As in Habukkuk 3:19, we now refer to God as our Sovereign Lord, who being our strength makes our feet like the feet of a deer, enabling us to reach even higher heights of faith. We may feel free to clap or even lift our hands in worship. Thirdly, many of us became aware of the Help Knowledge Jonathan showed David as he hid from Saul in fear for his life. In 1 Sam. 23:16, the Bible says, “And Saul’s son, Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.” With all the illness and economic woes and general uncertainty; whether we were on the helping or being helped end of this knowledge, we had firsthand experience of extending the hand of help in God’s strength. We learned that accepting help takes as much of God’s grace as does humbly extending the hand of help. During our worship time, we may take the hand of a pew neighbor or look gratefully at another as a certain song is sung. Finally, we come to know Holiness Knowledge. Walking with Christ, we have come to know God, not only as our source of strength, but our hearts have cried out to him.

We know what it is to help another in the name of our God and so now we come before Him acknowledging his holiness. In Ps. 68: 32 – 35, we are instructed to sing to God, to proclaim the power of God who gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God! It is here that you may see a tear trickling down someone’s face during the song service. When the holiness of God overtakes you, and the knowledge of what was done so that you are able to hear the voice of the One who created you and feel his touch through another, it is hard to hold back the gratitude and wonder. Father: Thank you for your love and patience in taking us through these sometimes very steep steps of coming to know you. =

Daylight Savings begins on March 14. Remember to set your clock FORWARD one hour.

March 2010 With Love From the Kitchen of Ginny Williams Fat-Free Vegan Chocolate Black Bean Brownies These brownies are rich, moist and chewy. They are also vegan and virtually fat-free! They are quite possibly the world’s healthiest, yet still scrumptious brownie! The black beans provide binding and substance (sort of like egg and flour), while providing protein and fiber. Serve these brownies alone with a little sprinkle of powdered sugar or Vanilla Ice Cream and Fresh Strawberries. P.S. If serving with powdered sugar, sprinkle each square just before serving. If sprinkled on ahead of time, the moisture in the brownies will seep into the powdered sugar and make the top of the brownies look gummy. Ingredients 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 1/2 cups agave nectar 2 tablespoons ground flax seeds 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1/2 cup cocoa powder

1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line an 8x8” pan with parchment paper and allow about 1” of the paper to hang out on each side. Spray with a little non-stick cooking spray. This will allow you to lift the brownies out of the pan once they cool. 2. Place black beans and agave nectar in a food processor and puree until very smooth. 3. Add the flax seeds, vanilla, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt and pulse to combine. 4. Add the flour and pulse until just until barely combined, scraping the sides as needed. Do not over mix. 5. Pour into prepared pan.

gles when shaken gently and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean. 7. Allow to cool completely before slicing. Cut into 12 small rectangles. 8. Top with a scoop of Ice Cream and drizzle with Fresh Strawberry Sauce. Garnish with fresh mint; dust rim of plate with powdered sugar and/or cocoa powder (optional) Recipe by Emily Barth Webber, 2009.


6. Bake approximately 30 minutes or until center is no longer jig-

Ressurection Hope (cont. from page 2) wishes to be part of the baptismal service that day. If you have questions or would like to learn more about being baptized please call Pastor Mitch at (562) 869-6013. Communion is a day of renewal and new beginning. On March 27, we’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In your prayers, seek the Lord’s

guidance to the person whose feet you should wash. If your family will be there, talk about how to wash one another’s feet to include all the family members. Sit together during the service and as you serve one another with the Bread and the Cup of the Lord, take time to pray together. This is a day of forgiveness and permanently giving to God those hurtful

thoughts and experiences. See you when the church gathers. =


Downey Adventist Church Sunday











5 5:53 pm sunset

6 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #7

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

12 5:58 pm sunset

13 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Living With Hope #8

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group






6:30 pm Band Practice

19 7:04 pm sunset

10 AM C.S.

20 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship

7 pm Women’s 6:30 pm Band Practice Prayer Group






Mitch Williams Celebration Sabbath 12:30 Fellowship Luncheon

26 7:09 pm sunset

27 9:30 AM S.S. 10:50 AM Worship Mitch Williams Communion

7 pm Women’s Prayer Group




6:30 pm Band Practice

31 Visit C.S. - Community Service S.S. - Sabbath School

March 2010 Stewpot by Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES At the turn of the last century, spiritual writer Oswald Chambers observed, “Money and marriage are the two things that make men and women devils or saints.”1 For the majority of couples early in their marriage, deliberations about money always seems to end up in devilish arguments rather than saintly discussions. So how can married couples keep money uncertainties and worries from ruining and controlling their love life? Here are seven ways to keep your finances from sabotaging your relationship and assist you in avoiding money conflicts.

1. Develop a Budget Most financial counselors have found that a realistic budget is key to managing your money well. However, a spending plan or household budget can mean totally different things to the differing personality styles of most couples, where one is often a saver and the other a spender. The exasperation increases when your beloved wants a spreadsheet with well-defined and organized columns, which immediately gives you a pounding headache. Maybe you can complement each other’s strengths by having one track the financial details while the other gives input about how much is needed in each category.2 In a 2006 survey by Marriage Partnership, it was found that “the degree to which a budget is followed had a more far-reaching impact on financial attitudes and issues than any other factor. Couples who use and adhere to a budget were more trusting and honest, discussed more

Holy Matri-Money3 and argued less about finances, were not as likely to spend impulsively, and could live longer on their savings in an emergency.”3

2. Merge Lists In a poll conducted by Steven Pybrum, author of “Money and Marriage: Making It Work Together,” he found that women felt that money should be spent first on the members of the family, followed by household items such as attire and shoes. Men, on the other hand, felt the sequence should be major physical items first, such as a house or vehicle payment, followed by fun stuff. Since these lists are like night and day, why not merge them? As a result, Pybrum asserts, “You have

4. Be Fair A husband became unglued when his wife, who had stayed home for many years raising their children, went back to work. His anger was not that she was gainfully employed, but rather that she considered what she earned as her new “fun money”. His paycheck supported the family expenses. Her paycheck was a way for her to purchase new clothes, eat out every day, and buy trinkets for their grandchildren. His point was that his income was for the whole family while her income became her money, and that is not fair.1 The Apostle Paul reminds us “Love each other … and have a profound respect for each other” (Romans 12:10, Jerusalem Bible).

“Money is never about money. It’s about love, power, security, control, old age, self-esteem, freedom, independence.” —Olivia Mellan, Newsweek, April 9, 2007 a well-decorated house that’s paid for, cared for family members, cars, clothes, boats and tools.”4

3. Be Open-minded Fights between couples about family finances often tend to degenerate into having arguments rather than making arguments. When you are having an argument, you just want to win, in contrast to making an argument, where you are laying out ideas in a way to persuade your spouse that this financial decision is for the benefit of the marriage unit.5

5. Schedule Money Dates Talking about family finances is very important. Set a specific time each month to rendezvous about family finances or one partner starts feeling out of the financial loop. Avoid springing money concerns or worries on your spouse at inopportune moments, such as at bedtime or as he or she is running out the door for work. A regular meeting will also be an opportunity for you to review your financial goals and the progress you are making towards them, as well as any anxiety you have about current or future payments and bills. continued on page 11




March 2010

this month

March Birthdays Tomas Aispuro – 6 Hatzuko Aispuro – 6 Angela Navarro – 10 Willem McMahan – 10 Erlinda Garcia – 13 Linda Casillas – 16 Linda Bewley – 20 Darrell Stephens – 25 Humberto Michel – 25 Ella Spetnagle – 26 If your birthday is left out in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office so we can put it in.

Upcoming Events 2nd Sunday - 10 a.m. Community Service 3rd Saturday - Adventurer Club Thursdays - 7 p.m. Women’s Prayer Group Fridays - 6:30 p.m. Band Practice March 14 - Time Change, set clocks forward one hour March 15-26 - AUS & SGA Spring Break March 20 - Fellowship Luncheon March 20 - First Day of Spring March 27 - Communion Sabbath

The Latest Word deadline is the 5th of the month.

If you are looking for a new, fun way to read The Latest Word online, be sure to check out the newest format at http:// Same great content in a richer environment. Be sure to check out all the reading modes. As usual, you can still get read it at our website at

Coming Soon April 3 - Easter May 22 - SGA Chorale


THE LATEST WORD The Latest About

Our Church Family We sorrowfully report the passing of Charles Racho. He passed away Feb. 7 at home. Please remember his wife, Minerva, and the entire family during their time of loss. Congratulations to Raul, Veronica & Eduardo Lozano and Marisella Guillen & Brenda Valenzuela. They were recently baptized. Be sure to welcome them to family. There was lots of great food and some fun activities. You don’t want to miss the next Small Group event they know how to plan a party! If you have any Church Family news, please contact the church office so we can get it into the newsletter. =

Thank you to everyone who has been saving Campbell Soup Labels for education and Box Tops for Education. That is greatly appreciated. On the Campbell Soup labels, all that is really needed is the UPC (the bar code). You don’t have to save the entire label, just the UPC bar code. For the Box Tops for Education, please save the Box Tops coupon. Please give your labels to Linda Aumack. Thank you for your support! =

Be sure to check out the pictures of the Valentine’s Party on the church Facebook page. (www.


“None” Are Gaining Ground According to the recent “American Religious Identification Survey,” 15 percent of Americans now identify with no religion. If the trend continues, experts predict that people with no religious affiliation could soon surpass the nation’s largest denominations. “Nones aren’t a fringe group anymore and are now part of middle America,” says demographer and study coauthor Ariela Keysar, quoted in USA Today last year. “They’re present in every socio-demographic group.” Although “Nones” reject organized religion, half still believe in God or a higher power. Interestingly,

Nones are the only major U.S. “faith group” consisting mostly of males. Lead researcher Barry Kosmin said people have many misconceptions about Nones. “They’re not New Age searchers or spiritual or even hardened atheists. They’re a stew of agnostics, deists and rationalists. [They’re] skeptical about organized religion and clerics while still holding to an idea of God.” Hearing about all the “Nones” gives us even more reason to go out and share our faith with someone. =

Amazing Gratitude John Chrysostom was an early church father who lived in Constantinople in the fourth century A.D. He spoke plainly against all kinds of iniquity. Unfortunately, his preaching made immoral people uncomfortable, so he was exiled from the city. When Chrysostom wrote letters to people who had befriended him, he ended every letter with the words, “Praise God for all things!” Faithful souls truly do praise God for all things. After all, it is life’s hurtful, painful blows that compel us to seek his mercy and guidance. God’s love enables us to praise him for everything — no matter what. =

March 2010 Holy Matri-Money (cont. from page 7) Recognize that these money management discussions will most likely be tense at the beginning, but you will both feel more comfortable as it becomes a routine practice.6

Rather than having continuing money conflicts, find ways so your spouse will understand your concern. For example, taking turns paying the monthly bills may show the over spender why their spouse keeps trying to rein him or her in. This also works for teenagers who feel their parents are too constrictive when it comes to money, and it’s a great way for them to learn the value of money early in life.

finances the way their parents did, but money management advice varies from generation to generation. The Great Depression of the 1930’s instilled in many of our parents and grandparents an extremely cautious approach to finances. Today technology has changed the way we pay our bills. For example, your parents may have actually withdrawn cash from their local bank and walked to the utility company to pay the electric bill, as compared to a young couple today whose utility bill is paid automatically from their bank account or via the Internet from their computer. Make your financial decisions on current money principles and facts, not on what your parents would have done.1

7. Stay Current


6. Seek Resolution

Couples quite often operate their

any sports game with two opposing teams, each determined to score —it is learning to tackle your finances with a united goal. = Concepts & References: 1. “Money Conflicts,” Victor Parachin, Vibrant Life, January/February 1999, page 20-22 2. “Five Mistakes couples Make With Money,” Marybeth & Curt Whalen, Money Matters, July 2007, page 8 3. “Holy Matri-money,” Kate Bryant, Marriage Partnership, Spring 2006, page 32 4. “Love by The Numbers,” Raina Kelley, Newsweek, April 9, 2007, page 48 5. “My Husband and I Never Fight About Money,” Lesley Alderman, Family Money, March/April, 2000, pages 92-3 6. “She’s a Saver, He’s a Spender,” Kate Ashford, Money, September 2006 page 39

In the end, marriage is unlike

Updated Adventurer Schedule There have been a few changes in the Adventurer program. Here are the dates and the topics for the remainder of this year. March 20 - Sunbeam Curriculum April 17 - Community Food Drive for P.T.A. Helps May 15 - Sunbeam Curriculum June 19 - Awards Ceremony Also, the Adventurer club will do the circulum as part of Sabbath School. Please be sure to be present during Sabbath School to meet all the requirements so you can get an award.


March 2010

Ponder This... = “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.” —Richard Bach = “You have nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore spend and be spent in this work.” —John Wesley = “Reach up as far as you can, and God will reach down all the rest of the way.” —John Vincent

Downey-Florence Seventh-day Adventist Church 9820 Lakewood Blvd., Downey CA 90240

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